#the vampire diaries x reader
wholoveseggs · 3 days
Hey can can I ask for something soft with Elijah? Like a lot of praise kink it could even be her first time and he's so gentle and aftercare please
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
It's a warm summer night and Elijah plans a special date for you, hoping to make your dreams come true.
♡♡ Thanks for the request lovely anon! I love writing about soft and sweet Elijah ♡♡
4.7k words - Warnings: smut, oral sex, virgin!reader, first time, so fluffy, so sweet, lots of praise, cuddles & tiramisu ...
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It was a rather warm day in New Orleans, the birds were chirping and the sun was shining bright. You enjoyed the feeling of the sun on your skin, the warm breeze in your hair.
You were on your way to the compound, Elijah had invited you over for a special date night. A smile crept up on your lips at the thought, you felt giddy and breathless. You had never been so in love, it was a magical feeling, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach, a tingly feeling running through your body whenever you saw him.
It was still so hard to believe that this handsome, intelligent man could love you, wanted you, the same way you wanted him. You had spilled all your secrets to him, told him things about yourself that you had never shared with anyone else. Your heart felt so safe in his hands, he made you feel like you could tell him everything and he would still love you, still be there for you.
So you had decided to share something very special with him, something you had never shared with anybody before, something that you could only give once.
The closer you got to the compound the more nervous you got, not in a bad way, it was the good kind of nervousness, the butterflies in your stomach were fluttering harder and faster, your heart beat a bit quicker, your breathing was a little heavier, the giddiness increased.
A few minutes later you entered the compound and the smell of delicious food immediately hit your nose. Elijah had cooked dinner, your favourite meal. He was always so thoughtful, remembering little details about you and making sure to take good care of you.
You practically skipped into the kitchen, expecting to see Elijah, but it was empty, instead you spotted a note on the table, you recognized his beautiful handwriting.
My love, I've gone out to pick up dessert, please go ahead and make yourself comfortable, enjoy a glass of wine in the garden, it's such a lovely evening. -E
Your smile grew as you read the note, he had a tendency to be rather extra, always making you feel special.
You walked towards the wine cabinet and took out one of your favourite red wines and a glass before walking into the living room towards the garden.
"Don't you look absolutely lovely this evening," Klaus' voice sounded from the sofa, his nose buried in a book, he didn't even bother to look up.
"Thank you," you replied with a shaky voice, Klaus always made you feel nervous, but Elijah had assured you that his brother wouldn't hurt you, that he would respect your relationship and he had, but he did enjoy teasing you a bit too much, he knew exactly what buttons to push.
Klaus put his book down, "I see my brother has gone overboard for your date tonight. How long has it been, three months?" He looked at you, smirking.
You gulped, "Yeah," you managed to squeak out, not breaking eye contact.
"Hmm, and yet you haven't stayed the night here, not a fan of sleepovers?" Klaus grinned.
You blushed and quickly looked down, "We're just taking it slow," you replied shyly, knowing that that wasn't the truth, Elijah was waiting for you to be ready.
Klaus chuckled, "I see, well I will let you enjoy your evening then," he stood up and walked past you, stopping right behind you, he whispered in your ear, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
You blushed even harder and quickly turned around, but he was already gone. You sighed and walked out onto the patio, trying to calm down, it didn't take long for your nerves to go away.
Elijah had gone overboard, the whole patio had been decorated, a blanket and pillows laid out in the middle, fresh flowers everywhere, with twinkle lights hung all over the place. It was absolutely stunning.
You let out a quiet squeal of excitement and quickly poured yourself a glass of wine, sitting down in the soft blankets and pillows. You sipped your wine while enjoying the peaceful sounds and smells, the warm breeze brushing against your skin.
Alone with your thoughts, the nervousness started to come back, you shifted against the pillows, squeezing your thighs together. You couldn't help but think of what was going to happen later. The idea of Elijah touching you, filled your stomach with butterflies, a heat forming between your legs.
You heard the door slide open, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Sorry I was gone for so long," Elijah smiled at you, "I couldn't find the right dessert."
He bent down to give you a quick kiss, placing a paper bag next to you.
"No worries," you smiled, "This is absolutely gorgeous," you gestured around you.
"Not as gorgeous as you," Elijah looked at you with admiration in his eyes.
"You're just being sweet," you blushed, looking down.
He softly pressed his lips against yours, his hand moving to cup your cheek. You kissed him back, putting your hand over his.
"Are you ready for tonight? I don't want you to feel any pressure," he asked softly, his eyes full of love and adoration.
"I'm nervous, but in a good way, I'm excited," you assured him.
"Good," he said and leaned in to kiss you again.
The servers came out with the dinner Elijah had prepared. It was delicious and the evening went by fast, you talked about everything and nothing, your conversations with him were always so easy and effortless.
"So," Elijah said as the servers took away the last plates. "Dessert?"
"I'd love that," you nodded, smiling.
He reached into the paper bag and pulled out a container. "Tiramisu," he said, opening the lid.
"My favourite," you said, looking at the desert with wide eyes.
"I know," Elijah winked.
You blushed and leaned forward to take a bite, moaning at the delicious taste, you had never had a better tiramisu, the creamy texture mixed with the bitter coffee and sweet ladyfingers.
Elijah couldn't tear his eyes away from you, hearing you moan was music to his ears. He couldn't wait to hear you make that noise again.
"You have a little cream there," Elijah chuckled, wiping it away from the corner of your mouth.
You blushed and watched as Elijah licked the cream off his finger, it was such a simple gesture, but it made your panties flood, you couldn't help the small gasp that escaped your mouth.
Elijah chuckled, you were so sweet and innocent. He loved seeing you flustered.
The sun had started to set, painting the sky in orange and pink colours, it was beautiful. You sat on the pillows, admiring the sunset and the stars slowly appearing in the dark sky, candles providing some light.
You leaned your head against Elijah's shoulder, letting out a content sigh, you felt so safe and warm, his arms around you.
"Thank you for tonight," you mumbled.
"Of course," Elijah whispered and kissed the top of your head, "I wanted to make it special," he said softly.
A comfortable quietness settled over the two of you, just enjoying each other's company, and the beautiful summer night.
Your mind raced, thinking of what came next, a warmth pooling between your legs, a wetness starting to form. You wanted him so badly, the thought of his touch was exciting and a bit scary, but you trusted him.
"Elijah? Can I ask you a personal question?" You asked nervously.
"Of course," he said softly, stroking your arm.
"What was your first time like?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Hmm, a very long time ago," Elijah chuckled. "She was a sweet girl, I was a young man, very eager," he smirked, thinking back.
"Were you nervous?" You asked, a hint of shyness in your voice.
"Extremely," Elijah said, smiling to himself. "I had no idea what I was doing... sex ed was nonexistent back then."
You giggled, imagining a nervous, young Elijah, all lanky and awkward.
"Fortunately she was a good teacher, she took control, guiding me, we laughed a lot and it was fun, despite not lasting very long," he smirked.
"Sounds like it was a good experience," you replied.
"I actually did something so embarrassing...I'll never forget the look on her face," Elijah shook his head, a laugh escaping his mouth.
"What was it?" You asked, hoping not to repeat his mistakes.
"Well... afterwards... we were cuddling and I... Thanked her," Elijah said, shaking his head, smiling.
"Thanked her?" You asked confused.
"Yeah, I thanked her for allowing me to have sex with her," he laughed.
"Oh my god," you burst out laughing. "How did she react?"
"She stared at me, completely dumbfounded, then she burst out laughing," Elijah shook his head. "Only then did I realise that wasn't the thing to say," he chuckled.
"Yeah, probably not," you giggled, imagining the situation. "But still very sweet of you," you smiled.
Elijah hummed softly, pulling you tighter, kissing the top of your head again.
The candles had died down, the patio was mostly dark now, the stars and the moon were the only things providing light.
You relaxed into his touch and the sweet scent of his cologne, it was so familiar, so comforting.
"Can we go inside?" You asked, looking up at him.
He nodded and helped you to your feet, leading you to his bedroom, which was just as thoughtfully decorated as the garden. He had scattered flowers on the bed, pink and red petals forming a heart on the soft cotton sheets.
Elijah could sense your unease, the tiny ways your body reacted, the quickening rise and fall of your chest, the skipping of a beat. It reminded him of his first time, the excitement and anxiety mixed together. He knew he had to take the lead, make you feel comfortable, make you feel confident and safe.
He walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, kissing your neck softly.
"We can stop at any point, no matter how far we've gone, okay?" Elijah spoke quietly in your ear.
"Okay," you whispered, closing your eyes, his words giving you a sense of security.
You relaxed against him, enjoying the softness of his lips. His hand went to the zipper of your dress, slowly pulling it down, his fingertips grazing your spine as he did.
Elijah's other hand lightly traced along the straps of your dress, pushing them off your shoulders, letting the dress fall around you.
Your hands instinctively went to cover yourself, having never been naked with anyone like this, having anyone's eyes on you.
Elijah noticed your hesitation and kissed the sensitive spot right behind your ear, his stubble tickling your neck, making you giggle.
"You are beautiful," he whispered in your ear.
Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink and you smiled shyly, not used to being complimented like that, and knowing that he really meant it.
"Can I see?" He asked softly, wanting to make sure you were comfortable with every step of the way.
A wave of heat travelled through your body, another blush creeped up, settling on your cheeks. You felt so vulnerable, yet it felt right, safe, with him.
You took a deep breath and slowly moved your hands away from your chest, your arms resting by your sides, allowing him to look at you.
"Perfect," Elijah whispered, his hands slowly caressing your arms, his lips pressing soft kisses on your shoulder.
You loved the sound of his voice, the way his lips felt on your skin, they were so soft, so gentle. His hands were on your hips, his fingers travelling along the edge of your panties, he pulled on them slightly and let them snap back into place, teasing you.
You turned around to face him, your hands sliding up his chest and pushing his suit jacket off his broad shoulders, letting it fall to the floor with your dress.
Elijah cupped your cheek in his hand, rubbing his thumb across your cheekbone, lovingly looking down at you. You were so lovely and sweet, the trust you had in him made his heart flutter.
You locked eyes as you started to unbutton his shirt, your lips parted, your breath heavy, your chest heaving. Each inch of his chest that you revealed, made the fire in the pit of your stomach grow. You ran your fingers along his muscular chest, looking up at him shyly.
He leaned forward, capturing your lips in a tender kiss, his hands roaming down your body, gently kneading your ass, pulling you closer.
You gasped as he pressed your body into his, you could feel his erection against your stomach, it was a bit intimidating, the size and shape, but at the same time you wondered what it would feel like inside you.
Elijah let his shirt join his suit jacket, then his hands travel up your back, slowly unclasping your bra. He moved his fingers along your arms, gently removing it before he tossed it aside, his eyes never leaving yours.
You blushed under his intense gaze, feeling very exposed and vulnerable. You felt his hands gently cupping your breasts, smiling down at your flushed face.
"You are so beautiful," he whispered and softly squeezed them, rolling your hard nipples between his fingers.
A small moan escaped your lips, his touch sending sparks straight to your core.
"Do you like that?" Elijah asked softly.
"Yes," you breathed out, your hands gripping his biceps.
"Tell me what else you like," Elijah hummed, slowly walking you backwards towards the bed, his hands moving up to your shoulders, gently pushing you down onto the sheets.
"I..." You were at a total loss for words, he was leaning over you, his hands on either side of your waist. You felt his knee press against the bed between your legs, spreading them.
Elijah could tell you were enjoying yourself by the way your body reacted to his touch. The way your hips subtly pushed forward, the way your blood pumped faster, the way your breathing got heavier.
He dipped his head and captured a nipple in his mouth, sucking and gently biting. You moaned softly, tangling your fingers in his hair. Elijah chuckled, moving to your other nipple, his tongue swirling around the hard nub.
He released your nipple with a pop, looking up at you, "I asked you a question, sweetheart."
"I'm sorry," you gasped, feeling him move his knee higher between your legs.
"It's okay, just relax," he said soothingly, his lips pressing against yours.
He kissed you slowly, waiting for you to make the next move, wanting to make sure that you were comfortable enough to ask for what you needed.
You could feel him smile against your lips, "There we go," he hummed approvingly as you began to rub yourself on his knee, your hips rolled, slowly building a rhythm.
Your hands explored his arms and shoulders, feeling the soft chest hair underneath your fingertips. Your hands moved lower, feeling his toned stomach and the v muscles along his hips, stopping at the waistband of his pants.
Your fingers toyed with the fabric for a moment, debating what to do next, your heartbeat fast and your brain a bit hazy. Your eyes flickered up to meet his, his gaze was intense, with an obvious lust behind them.
You blushed and quickly looked away, nervousness washing over you.
"It's okay, we can go nice and slow," Elijah whispered into your ear, kissing along your neck as his hands travelled down your body.
You could only let out a small noise of pleasure, trying to swallow past the lump forming in your throat, nerves getting the better of you.
Elijah's fingers caressed your thigh as his lips made their way down your body, paying careful attention to every inch, every piece of skin, every curve, kissing each freckle and scar, until he reached your belly button.
He looked up at you through his lashes, pulling down your panties agonisingly slowly.
You shifted uncomfortably, your legs starting to tremble now that you were completely bare and exposed to him.
Elijah dropped your panties on the floor, his eyes finally able to look at the place he wanted to be for weeks.
You pulled your knees together, shrinking back from his gaze. You felt so embarrassed, so inexperienced, so clueless. You were afraid that you would disappoint him, knowing nothing about pleasuring another person.
He gently nudged your thighs apart, his thumb gently caressed your hip, kissing the other. "So pretty," he hummed as he trailed more kisses down your thigh.
He watched as your chest kept rising and falling rapidly, getting more and more intense the closer he got to the one place he wanted to spend the night worshipping.
Your hands fidgeted nervously, unsure of what to do with them, you squeezed them by your sides, digging your fingernails into the sheets. Your mind was racing with a million insecurities and desires all at once.
The first gentle flick of his tongue felt like heaven, your eyes rolling back as your breath hitched in your throat. 
"Oh," you sighed softly, your hands immediately going to his hair, threading your fingers through his locks and tugging slightly.
Elijah nipped and sucked at your inner thighs, building you up, "You taste so sweet," he said, before lapping at you again.
He felt your body starting to react, your hips pushing against his mouth, searching for more, more friction, more release, more pleasure.
His tongue felt amazing, swirling around your most sensitive spot, teasing you over and over. You had touched yourself before, but nothing like this, nothing you had ever done felt this good.
Your legs trembled, unable to stay still, but Elijah pinned them down, his strong hands tight around your thighs, holding you against the bed.
You couldn't help the noises coming out of you, as you gasped for air, watching Elijah bury his face between your thighs. You sat up a bit on your elbows, watching him please you.
His face was pressed so close to you, his eyelashes fluttered as his tongue flicked your clit. His nose nudging your most sensitive spot with every movement of his head.
"Elijah," you moaned, tugging on his hair, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets.
He couldn't get enough, the way your thighs trembled in his hands, the way your scent invaded his senses, the noises, the taste. You were everything he could dream of and more. His sweet girl.
As the heat between your legs grew, so did the pleasure, the familiar feeling of an orgasm was building within you. There was something utterly magical about having the person you love make you feel this good, how your heart swelled and pulsed along with the throbbing between your legs.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you felt your head spin, falling back onto the pillows. Your back arched and your hips began to move of their own accord, searching for more pressure, more release.
Your breath caught in your throat and then your body was overwhelmed with that wonderful blissful tingling feeling, crashing and crashing, over and over. All your muscles tensed and untensed, your mind going completely blank and fuzzy.
Elijah helped you ride out the waves of pleasure, licking you slowly, letting you come down from your high. Your eyes closed and lips parted, your hips still slowly moving on their own.
When the aftershocks finally faded, you opened your eyes, your chest heaving. Elijah was looking up at you, his hair wild and his cheeks covered in your wetness. Your whole body turned red as you blushed. You covered your face in embarrassment.
Elijah chuckled, wiping his face off on your thigh and then kissing and nipping his way up your body.
"Hey," he whispered, peppering little kisses on your hands.
You peeked at him through your fingers, giving him a coy smile.
He laughed softly and moved his hands along your arms, smiling down at you. He had never seen anything more gorgeous. You blushed like crazy and could barely handle him touching you.
He kicked off his pants and leaned forward pressing his lips to yours as he pulled the sheets over the two of you, cocooning you both under the white cotton.
You giggled, the feeling of his skin in the low light and his soft kisses kept your mind busy, allowing the pleasant butterflies to flourish.
"Still nervous?" Elijah asked playfully.
"A little," you admitted.
"We can stop," he hummed, stroking your hair.
"No way," you said, a smirk pulling at your lips.
Elijah grinned and then kissed you deeply. His hands explored your body, feeling the smooth curves and dips. He pushed you onto your back and pulled you gently under him, the sheets softly rustled with his movement.
The air was stuffy and warm under the covers, but you were both happy to stay enclosed. Cosy and surrounded by just each other, in your own little universe of bliss.
You could feel his erection hard and warm against your skin, the only thing separating you now was his boxers. You bit your lip, he was so big, far more impressive than any toy you had used.
Your fingers hesitantly pushed his underwear down, reaching between your bodies. Your hand was shaking as you felt his skin, soft but so firm, warm and delicate.
You wrapped your hand around him as best you could, feeling the silky skin, slowly stroking him. It was a feeling that was new to you, the first time feeling someone else like this. Your eyes met his and your stomach did a somersault, you felt so close, so intimate.
"Is this okay?" You asked in the softest tone, causing Elijah to lean into you and catch your lips in a passionate kiss.
"It feels wonderful," he murmured against your lips, his hips pushing into your touch, loving the sensation of your sweet touch.
Slowly, your hand moved along his shaft, your fingertips lightly squeezing him every so often. Your mind raced, nerves were creeping in again, it was time, it was actually happening, there was no backing out now.
You opened your legs a little wider, inviting him in, you knew that it might hurt a bit, but you were in the safest place you could possibly be, with the sweetest man you could ask for. 
He put his hand over yours, guiding himself to your entrance, his tip just barely grazing you. He took a deep breath, leaning into you, resting his weight on his forearm.
"I don't want to hurt you," Elijah whispered. "Tell me what feels good and I'll keep doing it."
You nodded and relaxed the tension that you didn't even realise you were holding. He supported his body and then eased into you slowly.
You inhaled sharply, your hands tightened into fists, holding onto his shoulders tightly, it hurt a bit more than you thought.
He paused, kissing you, his lips sweet and slow. You gradually started to feel more comfortable, his warm, firm length slowly filling you, inch by inch.
You broke the kiss and let out a deep shaky breath, the pain fading into pleasure. His lips didn't waste a moment, showering kisses along your neck.
"You're doing so good," he hummed. "I love how you feel," he breathed out heavily, not sure how long he was going to last, after fantasising about this moment for weeks.
You had imagined this moment so many times, how all your senses would react, but in your mind, it never felt like this. He was warm, careful and tender, protective and soft, loving and sweet. You felt so full of him, stretched in the most pleasurable way.
It was so strange and new, to feel this intimacy, to feel the connection. Your hearts beating, his lips on your skin, your hands laced together, your bodies melting into one.
He began to move slowly, with deep, gentle strokes. You tilted your hips slightly, the angle changing, his length brushing along the sensitive spot inside of you. A moan came flying out of your mouth as an incredible jolt of pleasure rocked your body.
Elijah made sure to keep the same angle, rolling his hips perfectly, listening to your small noises of pleasure, memorising every sigh and moan that escaped your perfect lips.
There was no rush, he didn't speed up, content on just making you feel good for as long as you both could last.
You were lost in a haze, your hands intertwined, the heat of the sheets surrounding you, the bed creaking with his even strokes. Everything in the outside world seemed to evaporate, there was nothing outside of the cocoon of your love.
It wasn't long until you were both moaning together, your chest heaved, your hips grinding together. He felt so deep, your fingers digging into his biceps, trying to ground yourself.
"Such a good girl," Elijah whispered. Observing a layer of sweat covering your skin. He could feel you squeezing around him when he praised you, your legs closing around his waist, pulling him close.
"Hmmm, you like that?" he murmured, kissing the side of your neck.
He felt you moan more and arch your back slightly, too lost for words, your mind was flooded with pure pleasure. All he wanted was to indulge in every single fantasy that had crossed your mind, to feel every sweet emotion that flowed through your veins.
"My love," Elijah mumbled, his own heart thrumming. You felt like a dream to him. "You were made for me,"
All your senses were overloading, his hands, his skin, his scent, his sweet voice in your ear, telling you how good you made him feel.
You squeezed his hands, letting out the sweetest moan he had ever heard. One he would etch into his memory forever, memorising the pitch, the way it started and fell, the softness of the sound.
You squeezed him so tightly that you almost pushed him out of you, your second orgasm washed over you, your mind focused solely on the warmth and fullness of his body on top of yours. It felt like nothing you could describe, emotional and overwhelming, absolute heaven.
Elijah could no longer contain himself, the feeling of you and the sounds of your moans of pleasure pushed him over the edge.
You watched him as his eyes squeezed shut, his muscles tense and he let out the sexiest groan, vibrating through his chest and into yours. You felt his warm release fill you as he thrust deep inside of you.
He kissed you deeply as you both rode out your highs together. Wrapped up in sheets and each other, you simply existed for a while, breathing heavily, your chests heaving against one another. Your breathing falling in sync after some time.
When the high had faded, he gently pulled out and collapsed next to you, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you to his chest. You felt sticky and exhausted, but happier than you ever had.
He pulled back the sheets, the cold air making you snuggle closer, his warmth radiating through your bodies. You kissed lazily and then simply laid together, listening to the other's heartbeat and breath.
"Thank you," you teased, looking up at him with a cheeky grin.
Elijah tickled your sides, rolling on top of you, smirking as you giggled and struggled to escape.
"How dare you throw my embarrassing secret back in my face, and so soon after we've made love," he growled, playfully, his lips peppering kisses all over your face.
"Oh, thank you Elijah! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You squealed between laughs.
He smiled, kissing your forehead and then rolling off of you, laying on his side, pulling you to his chest. You rested your cheek against his shoulder, running your fingertips along the soft hair that was scattered across his chest.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist," you giggled, kissing your way up his neck.
"Worth the embarrassment," he said, gently lifting your chin with his finger and bringing your lips to his in a soft lingering kiss. "And you are very welcome,"
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana♡ @cs-please ♡ complicatedandconfusing-25 ♡ @hamiltimes ♡ @akala6670229 ♡ @yeaiamme2 ♡ @itsjulzandmydiamonds ♡ @spideysbabe ♡ @witch-of-letters ♡ @elijahstwink ♡ @rosecentury ♡ @sekaishell ♡ @ziayamikaelson ♡ @amanda08319 ♡ @starshipcookie
86 notes · View notes
Y/N: I don’t even flirt that much.
Damon: Oh really? *Stands up,* Raise your hands if you think you’re dating Y/N.
Kai: *raises hand*
Katherine: *raises hand*
Klaus: *raises hand*
Elena: *raises hand*
Damon, side eyeing violently: Elena Gilbert, what was that?
3K notes · View notes
athenasalvatore1922 · 11 months
Damon: Where are you two going?
Stefan: To get ice cream
Y/n: Or commit a felony
Stefan and Y/n: We'll decide on the way
2K notes · View notes
justlostinautumn · 2 months
Request: Love Sick!
@catmikaelson20 asked: hello, could you make a request for klaus where he is madly in love with the reader and is courting her and everyone makes fun of him because with the others he is an idiot and around him he basically follows her like a puppy and grabs anything to please her🥰🥰
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Klaus normally gets what he wants. Women and men normally fall at his feet craving his attention, but Y/N wasn’t like that and he was happy about that. He had made it his mission to make her his. He was going to court her, he didn’t care the lengths he had to go to win her favour, but what he did know was that he was going to win it.
Klaus had decided that it would be Y/N or no one else. So, he decided that he would begin the courting process. He knew that it would take time, but he has all the time in the world.
Klaus decided to start off simple and thought it would be best to be friends. Getting to know one another and spending time together. Y/N loved spending time with Klaus, he was always so open about talking about everything he had seen and experience. Whereas, Stefan just wanted to bury it away like his nature and Damon would always make some wisecrack joke about his past. Y/N found herself spending more time around Klaus and his family and getting to know them. Spending time with them felt undramatic and simple, it didn’t feel like there was another drama around the corner and she was happy about that.
The more time they spent together to more often Klaus would bring her gifts like her favourite flowers and chocolates. But, sometimes it was the simple things like her favourite coffee or a small sketch of her. Without fail it would make her blush and she couldn’t help the smile that would invade her face.
It wasn’t just Y/N that he won over but also her family, his easy charm and manners won them over. They enjoyed watching him with their daughter and how kind and caring he is about her.
When it came to the ball, Klaus got her a stunning dress and requested that she saved him a dance. Y/N wasn’t planning on attending the Ball but she couldn’t refuse him. She loved it and felt like a princess the whole evening even though she had no clue what her friends had planned for the Mikaelson’s. It was Damon and Stefan who had noticed how his focus had gone solely onto Y/N.
Rebekah and Kol were watching as Klaus filled a basket with treats and gifts.
“Nik what are you doing?” Rebekah asked with a raised brow.
“Y/N is ill and I thought that I would make her a hamper with all the things she likes to make her feel better.” Klaus answered as he was putting the finishing touches on it. 
“Look at you Niklaus all domesticated.” Kol grinned manically at his brother.
“Shut it Kol.” Klaus glared at his little brother.
“I didn’t know you could do something so selfless.” Rebekah looked at her brother in shock.
“Well, I have my moments.” Klaus huffed picking up the basket and left quickly leaving behind two highly amused siblings.
Rebekah found it funny watching her love sick brother who refused to love anyone follow after her like a puppy. All she can say is that she is glad that it wasn’t someone like Caroline Forbes. 
Elijah found it refreshing to see his brother like this he had always said that love is a vampire's greatest weakness and now to see him fawning over someone was amusing.
Finn watched on in shock, but soon found it as amusing as his siblings especially in moments when Y/N wouldn’t give him the time of day.
Kol found it hilarious. Kol’s favourite thing is to flirt aggressively with Y/N and also to take up as much of her time as he can to make Klaus jealous.
Y/N decided that she wanted to go to the Grill for a little while and Klaus found out and decided to join her. Damon, Stefan, Caroline and Elena were also there and they watched as Klaus followed Y/N like a lost puppy.
“Oh look it’s the puppy.” Damon grinned, receiving a fierce glare from Klaus and a low snarl making the group all flinch back at the sound, before Klaus quickly brought his attention back to Y/N and melted under her smile. The group watched in mild awe at how different Klaus was with her compared to others. When Y/N leaves after a call from her parents, Damon makes his way next to him. “I didn’t know the big bad Hybrid was all soft for some girl.” Damon grinned amused.
“Have care how you talk about Y/N.” Klaus glared at what Damon said.
“Ohhh, what hitting a nerve with the puppy?” Damon grinned amused.
“Just because you two seem doomed to always want each others girl doesn’t mean we all have to fall at her feet.” Klaus snaps at the two who where taken aback by his words.
Stefan likes to tease him about when they were werewolf hunting and he was continuously asking about her.
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yovrnewromantic · 4 months
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Pairings: Humanity-less stefan x reader
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“Ugh, would you just leave me alone already.”
It’s bold of you to talk to him like that. Stupid too, especially in the state he’s in.
Your boyfriend was someone you would describe as a saint. Kind, cute, caring. But without his humanity, he was the opposite. He was hostile to everyone, getting on your nerves, especially when he shoved Matt to the floor when he tried to give you your homework back. He caused a scene in the hallway, practically threatening to rip out Matt’s throat if he so much as looked at you again.
Ripper Stefan was violent and territorial. You didn’t know what that meant for you.
Stefan’s hand found your shoulder, pulling you to turn and look at him. He lowered his head, making fiery eye contact to get his point across.
“Let’s get one thing straight, you belong to me.”
Stefan’s words send a chill down your spine, your soft, cuddle boyfriend, who used to sing along to You Belong With Me, is nowhere to be found and you’re left with this possessive shell of him.
Right now, he didn’t love you, he just knew that he wanted you and he was damn sure he was gonna have you.
“Don’t talk to me like that,” you sneer. “I don’t belong to you, Stefan, so do me a favor and fuck off.”
You felt brave turning away from him, as if your words would sink into him, maybe make him feel something and switch a flip inside of him. Your words did flip a switch in him, just not the one you were hoping for.
Stefan’s large hand grasps as your arm. With an easy, singular tug, he pulls you back under him, forcing your back into the lockers behind you. They slam against your back, the sound overpowering your scared gasp.
“No, no. Don’t talk to me like that.” Stefan tsks, caging you between his arms. “You’re not in control here.”
Left defenseless, your eyes shoot around the halls, looking for someone, anyone, but the hall is empty.
Harshly, Stefan grips your chin. “Don’t do that,” he demands, tauntingly. “It’s just me and you, baby.”
The pet name falls off his lip in mockery. It makes you feel pathetic and despite what you tell yourself, you’re afraid. Stefan grins. “I can hear your heart racing.”
“Maybe because I’m fucking terrified,” you snap, voice low, trying to calm yourself. Stefan reaches out for a lock of your hair, twisting it around his finger before he lets it fall back into place.
“Good,” he whispers, an inch from your face. His eyes flicker over your lips for a split second his eyes meet yours and his lips twitch into a smirk as he fits his face into the crook of your neck. He inhales softly, and your foot bounces against the floor anxiously.
Stefan kisses at your neck with fake innocence, moving up to your jaw before focusing on your pulse point. His teeth scrap against your skin gently. Against your will, your eyes gloss over. You whimper. “Please don’t.”
“Do what, sugar?” he asks, “Bite you?” He jumps toward with his last remark, relishing in how you flinch.
You nod, fearfully, looking down at the floor rather than your scary boyfriend.
Stefan’s head cocks to the side ever so lightly, his eyes searching for your own. When they meet, you can see the familiar lustful haze in your boyfriend’s green eyes, but they’re darker than usual. For reasons unbeknownst to you, you refused to look away. Glaring at him through your eyebrows, Stefan cherishes your attention, licking his lips with excitement.
“Mr. Salvatore,” a voice calls from behind Stefan’s mean silhouette. “I think it’s time you get to class.”
You sigh with relief, your head falling back against the locker. “Ric.”
Stefan hardly looks away from you, barely sparing Alaric a glance as he eagerly tries to engage your intense eye contact. “In a minute.”
“No, now.”
“We’ll finish this later,” Stefan whispers in your ear, nipping at it as a threat disguised with playfulness as he pulls away.
If looks could kill, Alaric would be dead the second Stefan turned away from you, bumping his shoulder as he headed to class.
“Thank you,” you gush, hiding your face in your hands, desperate not to cry.
Alaric looks at you with sympathy. “Get to class,” he says. “We’ll deal with him after.”
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in my tvd phase 🫀🫀
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Elijah Mikealson x reader - just one person
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Hi! Do you still write for Elijah mikaelson? If so could you write a fic where the reader is a newly turned vampire who can't control their bloodlust and was friends with Elena but after the reader was turned the Scooby Doo gang all kind of ignored her? So Elijah finds them and learns them how to control their bloodlust? With a fluffy ending please 💜 - Anon💜
Sitting on the floor of your room, you buried your head in your arms, hands clutching at your hair, jaw clenched tightly as you tried to fight the feeling inside of you.
You hated it, and if you left your apartment you knew you would act on the bloodlust, you didn’t want to hurt anybody, at least inside with the door locked, your room locked you could stay inside.
You reached for you phone, dialling the first number you saw you waited for a response but you never got one.
It went to voicemail and you threw the phone across the room, shattering it.
They were supposed to be your friends and help you, they were supposed to be showing you what to do, at least Damon and Stefan were, they understood.
Getting up, you threw your room door open, breaking it, and you stood, running a hand down your face, and made your way to the front door, opening it a bit more carefully.
Making your way down the stairs you had to stop, balling your hands into fists, nails digging into your skin causing you to bleed a little.
You were going to find them, you were beyond angry, and hurt, and you wanted to make them hurt the same way you did.
As you were walking, you got sidetracked and found yourself holding someone against a wall, they were unconscious and you felt the hunger growing.
“Now, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do that.”
You spun around, dropping your victim and you swung your fist only for it to be caught mid air.
Elijah smiled at you, lowering your hand back to your side and he let go.
“This is not the path that you want to be going down (Y/N). I know you’ll beat yourself up over it, and it won’t make it any easier trying to adjust to being a vampire.”
“I can’t help it.. I just… I’m so hungry..”
He offered you a gentle smile.
“I know. I understand quite well what it was like to be a new vampire, that hunger. The fact that you’ve been this way for nearly two weeks and you’ve locked yourself away without feeding is only making it worse.”
“Take it away Elijah.. I just.. kill me if you have to.”
He shook his head.
“No, I can’t do that. Not to you. However, if you allow me, I can help you learn to control this bloodlust that you are feeling, I can show you how we are able to live among humans.”
Elijah reached into his blazer pocket, pulling out a blood bag and he held it out to you which you immediately took to down the contents.
It was a relief to your system to get something inside of it, and you felt some of the bloodlust subside a little bit.
When you were done you looked at him, and he offered you the handkerchief from his pocket so you could wipe your mouth and you put it in your pocket after.
“Come with me, allow me to help you so you won’t hurt somebody.”
You looked at the person who was starting to regain consciousness.
“I’ll handle it, don’t worry. Everything is going to be alright (Y/N).”
You nodded, waiting for Elijah to compel the person into forgetting what had just happened, and he guided you away from the empty street.
He took you back to your apartment and you invited him inside, letting him close the front door as you laid down on the couch.
“I see you have some issues regarding your strength as well.” He chuckled slightly.
“I hate it…”
“It just takes some time to get used to it is all, and a guiding hand to show you along the way.”
Elijah picked up the door, setting it against the wall, inspecting the frame to see if it was still able to hold the door or not.
“Yeah, because people have been doing a great job at that.” You scoffed.
“Your friends have not been helping you?” He asked.
“Apparently they don’t give a shit about what happens with me. I’ve tried calling, texting, even tried sending an email, nothing. They won’t help me get a daylight ring, they won’t do shit.”
You rolled over, facing the back of the couch and you closed your eyes.
“I guess I was stupid to think they’d help… maybe I can find someone to stake me. Least I wouldn’t have to put up with this crap.”
“Absolutely not.”
Elijah turned around to look at you.
“(Y/N), I know what this feels like. How lost you feel, hopeless in fact, as if you have nobody.”
“You got your brother. Your sister.”
“Perhaps, yes. Though I haven’t always had them, believe me I do understand what it is like to be lonely, you can’t live for as long as I have and not understand the feeling of loneliness, the feeling of hopelessness and not being able to have a normal life.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Why did you agree to follow me if you are not going to trust me?”
“I don’t know…”
“(Y/N), I may not be able to hear your heart anymore, but I still know when you are lying to me, you have a tell.”
You rolled over, opening your eyes so you could look at him and you offered him what he could only guess was a shrug.
“You’re the first person to actually speak to me since I turned…”
Elijah walked over, crouching down in front of you and he frowned a little bit.
“If you were going to kill me I guess you probably would’ve by now… I know everybody hates you and all but it’s just nice somebody notices me…”
“You know I’m not all that bad (Y/N), perhaps I have done some bad things yes, I will not deny that. But I will not leave you here to struggle. I can offer you the help you need if you would let me.”
You studied him for a minute.
You knew he was right, it was either let him help you control and learn how to be a vampire or lose control and hurt somebody.
You nodded your head and he smiled.
“Pack a few bags, I will take you away from the town, away from people so you won’t have to worry about hurting anybody.”
So, that’s what you did.
You packed a bag and you left Mystic Falls with him, going somewhere quite so he could teach you how to control your bloodlust and learn to be a vampire.
It was hard, and most of the time Elijah had to start from the beginning but he never once lost his patience.
He had gotten you a daylight ring, and it’s how he was able to find you so easily, because you liked sitting in the sun.
You had missed how warm it was, and the way it felt to just sit there enjoying the peace. 
You were sat on the gravel road, leaning against his car, tossing small pebbles down the drive.
Elijah walked over, sitting next to you.
“You’re doing well.”
“I’m not, I’m doing shit.”
“Considering how hard you’ve found it, you have made a huge improvement, don’t knock yourself down for a small set back.”
“Elijah I threw you through a window, that’s not a small set back, that was pure rage because you wouldn’t let me eat.”
“I’ve been throw through worse believe me, I know you never meant it.”
You didn’t say anything and he rested his head on the car, watching as you threw another small pebble down the drive.
“Will it ever be the same?”
You nodded your head.
Placing your hand on the ground you moved around, laying down, you rested your head on his leg, and looked up at him.
Elijah smiled down at you, placing his hand on your forehead.
“That does not mean you can’t adjust.”
You shrugged a little.
“Maybe some things just aren’t meant to be, you know?”
“Perhaps not, and I am terribly sorry for you having to become like us. Though, I can’t say I am all that disappointed about it because I’m not.”
You furrowed your brows a little bit.
“You were dying, you had been attacked, so you remember?”
“Yeah, by a werewolf I think. I think it may have been Tyler but I’m not sure.”
“Yes, well, Damon and Stefan weren’t willing to turn you, so I did. Because you did not deserve that kind of death. If this makes you angry with me I understand, and I do mean it when I say I am sorry.”
You just stared up at him.
“You turned me?”
He nodded his head.
“It’s why I wanted to help you, because I couldn’t just leave you like this and not take responsibility for what I had done.”
“Why did you do it?”
He smiled softly at you.
“Because it was you, I couldn’t let you go in such a way.”
“That’s so corny Elijah.”
He chuckled a little bit.
“Perhaps, but it’s true. They were willing to just let you die like that, not even attempt to ease your pain.”
“Shit friends.”
He hummed, nodding his head.
You closed your eyes, placing your hand on his arm.
You didn’t need sleep, but you still felt tired all of the time, so sometimes you would take quick naps and Elijah just stayed there with you.
He didn’t move, he let you fall asleep there in the sun.
He took responsibility for you being a vampire, but he wasnt going to leave you alone he was going to keep helping you no matter how long it took.
What Elijah wasn’t telling you is that your friends had tried to get in contact with you since you left, but he never passed along any of the messages.
He didn’t want you to be angry or stressed, it wasn’t what you needed right now.
Right now you needed to be relaxed and calm, and you needed someone by your side the whole way to show you the ropes, and he was that person, he was going to keep guiding you down the right path so you didn’t turn up like some of the others.
You were sweet and kind, he didn’t want you to loose that sense of yourself.
He rested his head back, closing his eyes as well.
“Hey Elijah?” You mumbled.
He opened his eyes, looking down at you.
You smiled a little.
“Thank you…”
“For what?”
You rolled on to your side, grabbing his arm to put over your shoulder, resting your head on his knee.
He smiled at you, patting your shoulder a few times.
He didn’t know if you had fully processed what he had told you, he was the reason you were a vampire, but for now he’d take the small win, and face the rage if it came later
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starshipsofstarlord · 11 months
klaus mikaelson works other tvd works masterlist
Summary -> klaus hates watching you talk with another man, even if it is his brother. and it his duty as the man that owns you to remind you of whom you belong to (1.4k)
Warnings -> 18+ minors dni, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, possessiveness, some toxicity, jealousy, brief mentions of death and turning, crying
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Venom was poised on Klaus’ tongue as he watched his beloved, glaring daggers at her form as she watched Y/N laugh at something dismal that one of his brothers had said. She was supposed to remember that she belonged to him, she was his mere little human that was his own personal slave for affection.
He sat there, nostrils flaring, as he sipped out of the rich flute, placing it upon the side table before he hauled himself to his feet, stalking toward his girl. She was his, and she wasn’t allowed to forget that, he didn’t care if she was just being friendly, any niceties were reserved for him alone. Elijah sensed the homicidal distress radiating from his sibling, and chose it best to remain by Y/N’s side as Niklaus reached them. “Brother.” He greeted him, bowing his head respectively at the younger one of their family.
Despite the politeness, Klaus wished to scorn the smile that Elijah had caused from Y/N’s face; he had grown more possessive since becoming a hybrid and unlocking his werewolf side. “Get away from my woman, now.” He spoke slowly, reaching towards Y/N and dragging her into his arms as she gently shook. “It’s okay love, I’m here now. Cling to me all you want.”
And she did, her hands balling up the fabric of his shirt as her face rested lowly on his chest, remaining silent as Klaus forbade his brother from sharing the presence of them both in his art room. Because she was his little masterpiece that he had trained to mould around himself, he raised her chin so she was forced to look up at him, their eyes strongly meeting. Y/N knew that she would be in trouble if she broke the visual contact, she had to obey him, he was the one that controlled this relationship, and most times than not her too.
“You belong to me, do you understand that Y/N?” His interrogative enquiry made her physically gulp, but respectfully she nodded at the Original, allowing him to cradle her jaw in his powerful hands until they drifted down her neck, posing a little pressure to the area. “That’s my good girl.” He praised her, which made her utter an almost inaudible whimper, that made him smirk to himself. Oh, how he should have made Elijah stay so that he could witness how she folded under his demeanour, and how she knew that she was all his.
“That’s right, I want that to be the only name that every slips out from your pretty mouth.” He responded, leading her backwards until her back hit a wet canvas, the stroke of his artistic touch adorning the back of her clothing. “Can you do that love, can you only say my name for all eternity.” He still had yet to turn her, he was waiting until they were both ready for that level of commitment, but for now he was content looming above her, blocking her shadow from the eyes of anyone else.
“Yes. Of course, it shan’t be a problem.” He allowed her hands to trail up upon his shoulders, he walked his stature farther into her, trapping her against the material of the splattered canvas. “That’s my girl.” He smiled adoringly at her, meeting her lips lightly with his own before his actions escalated, and he grew hungrier for her touch. His tongue swept within her gasping mouth, holding her still so that he could execute his calculated attack.
Without need of any compliance from his little object, he raised her dress over her head, finding her completely nude underneath, just the way that he liked her to be. And perhaps that was a reason of many as to why he was startled by the sight of her and Elijah harmlessly conversing. He knew that whenever he wanted, her body was conveniently always prepared for him to take her as he pleased, and that was exactly what he intended to do.
Klaus tossed off his long sleeved shirt, exploiting his exterior to his girl who could only trail her hand down his toned stomach, but he grasped her wrist, shoving it away as he continued to strip down to his birthday suit. And now they were both undressed and ready for what he wanted, Y/N moaned surprised yet not by how he effortlessly hoisted her into his arms, and swooned her body against the wall beside them, his fingertips slipping down and down until they were teasing at her wet entrance.
They easily glided into Y/N’s walls, probing her insides with his long digits, two precisely, as he rested his nose into the crook of her neck, smelling how her blood boiled with arousal and finding it relaxing at how her pulse harshly raised from the contact he granted her with. “Look at how ready your body always is for me, it’s like you were made for me. My pretty little thing.” His words did something to Y/N, made her insides twist as he supplied her with the most sufficient way that he could show her his love.
A whine tore out from Y/N’s throat as he respectfully removed his fingers, leaving her feel empty and dismal in his predator like grasp. However the emptiness was soon filled as he pushed his cock into her cunt, stretching her until she felt perfectly full. It must have been some sick joke, he thought to himself and hid his deviant chuckle in the rasp of a groan; it was really as though his mother had endured she was born into the world in the time he needed her most. He was all he wanted, and it was his duty to ensure that Y/N felt the same way about him.
If she didn’t then there would be nothing to stop all hell from breaking loose, sincerely by the hybrid of course. But he was convinced he had nothing to worry about considering the present as he fucked her without an inkling of guilt or compassion for the fact that one day he would make her like him. “Klaus, holy fuck.” Her head collided back into the wall, no doubt giving her an ache within her head, but he only found it that much more attractive as she became significantly more dazed from the hit on her noggin and the strength behind his starved thrusts.
“Hardly holy.” Klaus corrected her, he was the deepest sin that she had ever committed, and ever would. She was wrapped around him like a shawl, clinging onto dear life until she allowed him to take the humanity of it away. She passionately kissed his neck, biting it as though she was growing her vampiric appetite before she actually turned. “Though your cunt feels like heaven.” He muttered, smirking as he thought that nobody would every see her in this state. This was his Y/N, the goddess of his greediest desires, and he would never allow her to slip away.
“Can I cum, Klaus, please?” There were tears of diamond stimulation in Y/N’s gorgeous eyes, it was as though she was compelled by his swift and jarring movements, pleading for his permission to let her release the sparking build up that was daring to explode within her body. “Please, please, please. Want to cum all over your perfect cock.” Oh did she now? Well that was no surprise, it never was, and she always held it together until he allowed her to release, as she knew the consequences if she didn’t. It wasn’t her orgasm, it belonged to him, and she wasn’t allowed it unless he granted her the lustful wish that was laced elegantly in her mind.
“Cum for me Y/N, I want to feel you cum all over me love.” Not even an instant passed and he felt her walls contract gratefully around him, washing her everlasting attraction for the man that owned her onto his length. Once she had finished her orgasmic bliss, he only fucked her harder, causing tears to dribble from her eyes, not stopping until he filled her to the hilt and emptied his cum deep within her. And although they had both finished he refused to put Y/N down, he just wanted to hold her, in this haven alone, sweetly stroking her hair as he thought that he was the luckiest man undead. He had her, and she was all his.
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
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pairing: klaus mikaelson x fem!reader
summary: it seems your friends had forgotten to divulge the fact that a big bad hybrid had made his way into town after your return.
warnings: none really, classic klaus flirting
a/n: hehe my first tvd fic - set to the end of s2
it was all the same to you.
nothing had changed, not that you’d expected it to. it’d only been a year. you were currently on your way to the grill unaware of the eyes currently on you.
“and who might you be love?” you were met with a man, a charming one to be exact. “y/n, and you are?” youd turned around to keep walking as you heard him walk behind you, then at your side, “klaus, nice to meet you. where are you off to?” your head seemed to remember that name, but you couldn’t place it. “grill to meet some friends, you?”
he smiled, “i have a feeling we might just be there for the same people.” you shook your head, “no offence mate, but you look a bit old to be hanging out with teens.” klaus feigned shock, a hand on his chest as you giggled, “do i really look that old to you love?” you shoved his shoulder, “yeah, what are you? a thousand.” he laughed at your correct guess. “that’s exactly what i am.”
you stopped in your tracks, “the vampire?” your voice was no louder than a whisper yet of course he heard it, “the one and only.” you began to walk with him again, “yknow you don’t seem all that bad klaus.” he opened the door as the two of you walked in, “i assure you y/n, i am as bad as you can get.”
“klaus.” damon sneered as klaus waved, “ah my least favourite salvatore.” you laughed at the joke but stopped on account of damon’s expression. “now this is where i leave you y/n. i look forward to seeing you again.” damon laughed, “no, you won’t.” you turned back to him, “it was nice to meet you!” you waved before making your way to caroline.
and for some reason your bubbly demeanour stuck with klaus, maybe he’d take you along on his trip with stefan.
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moremaybank · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do a Damon Salvatore x reader fic where reader wakes up to find Damon eating her out under the blanket?
pairing damon salvatore x fem!reader
summary damon wakes up hungry in the middle of the night — hungry for you, that is
warnings 18+, oral (f. receiving), fingering
author's note haven’t written for damon in foreverrrr so i’m so happy to have written this
damon masterlist
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damon let a quiet groan slip from his lips as he slowly drifted out of his sleep. he extended his strong arms, stretching his muscles before peeling his eyes open. his gaze landed on you, sleeping soundly beside him. your back flat on the mattress, bare skin left to the cool air of his bedroom. left cheek smushed into the pillow, full lips slightly parted. eyelashes fluttering in your sleep, with your hair splayed all over the pillow, creating a sort of halo around your head. you looked like an angel, and damon just couldn't resist.
he slid his body further under the covers, maneuvering himself between your legs as he parted them with gentle hands. he licked his lips before he pressed open-mouthed kisses anywhere he pleased on the doughy flesh of your inner thighs, wanting to prepare himself for his favourite meal. he then pulled back to take a look at your pretty cunt; the one he found himself craving every single hour of every single day. if it was viable, he'd spend the rest of his days happily lapping away at your pussy. and for a vampire, that meant a very, very long time.
damon spat onto your core, watching it glide down your folds and to your entrance. his tongue darted out, licking a stripe upward until his lips wrapped around your clit. he swirled his tongue around it gently, savouring the sweet taste of you. you mewled languidly, slowly drifting into consciousness.
"mm, damon?"
"shhh. just relax, baby. let me take care of you," he whispered, massaging your inner thighs as he coaxed you.
you nodded, one hand finding purchase in his raven-coloured locks as damon went back to his task at hand. he sucked your sensitive bundle of nerves into his mouth once again, sucking and tracing circles at it with his tongue, sending shockwaves through your body. your grip on his hair tightened as you held his face closer to your core.
"damon, more. gimme more," you pleaded, words slurred as you basked in the pleasure he was providing you with.
damon obliged, sinking his index finger into your weeping pussy. you gasp at the intrusion, your back arching off the bed as you basked in the satisfaction damon was giving you. your core was sensitive from the actions performed the night before, but all you wanted for was more. more of his kiss, more of his touch, more of him.
"come here. kiss me," you demanded, using your grip on his hair to tug him toward you. he grinned at you before his lips met yours, tongues mingling as he continued to stroke into you with his finger. he plunged another finger into you, the two of them curling upward while his thumb found your clit. he massaged it as your lips collided over and over, and you were rapidly approaching your peak.
you were panting into his mouth, whimpers dying on his lips as he kissed you feverishly. he pulled away before he began to nip at your neck with dull teeth, small love bites already starting to form.
"how do you wanna finish, angel? with my mouth or with my fingers?"
"both, please. want your mouth on me while you make me cum all over your fingers," you begged, gripping onto his broad arms.
once again, damon obeyed your command, bringing his face back to your core so he could lap you up again. you ground yourself against his tongue, and damon was quick to let you use him any way you wished. your cries grew louder and louder until suddenly, your high crashed over you.
damon let you ride out your high before he pulled back to look at you with a smirk, his lips and chin drenched in your release. "you taste way too damn good, sweetheart. want some more?"
"actually, i think it's my turn to taste you," you grinned, your hand circling around his length and giving it a light squeeze.
"hm. i'm good with that."
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rere-the-writer · 1 year
can you write headcannons for Kol Mikaelson being head over heels for you and basically being wrapped around your finger?
Yes and yes
Warnings: Fluff, Soft!Kol, Protective Kol
Kol met you in Mystic Falls
Soft sweet lady with a blood thirsty vampire
A fox with a shy little mouse
Kol is protective of you
Men who flirt with you or makes you uncomfortable are gone
This man is willing to kill for you
Kol will and has dropped anything for you
Will get you anything you want
Klaus is annoyed with how Kol follows you around like a love sick puppy
Elijah and Rebekah find you two adorable
You literally calm Kol by breathing
Midnight cuddles are a must
You wake Kol by peppering him with kisses
Kol barely feeds on anyone that isn't you
Elena and others always bring up Kol's mistakes
His nicknames for you: sunshine, beloved, little mouse
Your nicknames for him: Ko, handsome fox, honey pie, love
Elijah could name many times on one hand that Kol threaten Damon
Kol loves seeing you in sundresses
You have so many gifts that Kol had gotten you when you made off hand comments
Say the word and Kol would do whatever you ask
"I always wanted to go to Paris." Cue Kol booking a first class seat to France
Whatever hobbies you have Kol is getting the supplies for it
"I love you, honey pie." "I love you more sunshine."
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vampzyke · 7 months
୨୧ , stefan salvatore relationship headcanons ( FEM!reader )
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tags fluff, mild jealousy
. . .
stefan loves to either kiss you on the forehead, or on the corner of your mouth if he's meaning to tease you. you can always expect stefan to greet you with a chaste kiss to your cheek!! he loves to pander you with little pecks upon whatever skin you have exposed on the day.
sorry, this man just wants to smooch you to death. you're just that adorable.
pda isn't a big issue to him, he'd love to show off his affection to you for everyone to see. though he does keep it minimal, never straying further than your knees or below your collarbones; that's only for him.
if you're not down with pda, that's perfectly fine with him. there's always other ways to show his love for you. and we all know just how great he is with his words! whether they are spoken or written.
yes, he writes you letters every week. at first he fears he's coming off a bit clingy, but you quickly assure him with a squeeze to his bicep that, that is certainly not the case. his penmanship is unlike any other, and his words written in the richest of inks makes your heart sear with love. all of his letters to you are kept in a locked drawer away from prying eyes.
stefan is not a jealous person, he knows you love him just as much as you so he has no care for how others act around you. but, there is always a rare chance where he does get a bit riled up. in those situations, he's quick to butt in with a secure arm around your waist.
and if the person still pesters you, ignorant to your vampire boyfriend, stefan won't hesitate to kiss you right on the lips, his hand travelling down your back sensually while his heated eyes stare them down all the while.
stefan is all for using his words, but sometimes just his fierce look does the trick.
dates with stefan range from road trips in his 1963 porsche to late nights spent at his place.
and if you ask nicely, a few years into your relationship, he may give in to the urge of drinking your sweet blood.
it'll take a lot of convincing and concealed restraint on his behalf, but with trust he'll eventually give in.
when his lips meet your neck and his fangs come out to puncture your skin, its like heaven.
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wholoveseggs · 2 months
Also I need a major size difference one shot. I’m talking princess treatment, belly bulging, Elijah just being able to pick up the reader like it’s nothing. Maybe standing sex
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You and Elijah have a night of kinky fun.
♡♡ Thanks for the request @elijahmikaelsonsboy !! & anon(s) - this is the wildest thing I've written (except maybe any of my poly works) - this also goes out to the anon who asked for spanking! I see you and I appreciate you! enjoy ♡♡
5.1k words - Warnings: this is pure 100% pulp free smut, dom!elijah, sub!reader, size!kink, daddy!kink, choking, some serious spanking, lots of praise & a little punishment, tinsy bit of bdsm, ice play, oral sex, face fucking, squirting... Elijah being sweetheart even while being dom ♡
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"Eli- I don't know," you whispered as his large hands gripped your waist tightly, keeping you underneath him. He was so big and broad that when he held you, there was no way you could squirm out from under him, even if you wanted to.
"What's wrong?" his warm breath fanned across the nape of your neck, eliciting goosebumps in their wake. He slowly pulled off the delicate bra you had put on that morning, exposing you completely for him. He loved it when you were bare underneath him; all shy and submissive.
You gave him a nervous look, all wide eyed and fidgety. "My-" you cut yourself off and your cheeks blushed in a fiery red blush. He took your hand and gave it a squeeze, encouraging you to speak. He knew how hard it was to sometimes get a sentence out. You were so shy and sweet, new to the whole submission thing. But Elijah, the softie that he was, loved to shower you with so much attention and care. So he kissed along your collarbone and rubbed along your sides, making you giggle shyly.
"It's okay, princess," his voice cooed along your sensitive skin, the pet name doing wonders in giving you an extra bit of encouragement. "I just wanna know what you're worried about."
You pushed down the urge to bury your face in his neck to avoid the topic completely and spoke up a little more confidently. "Your um... you're really..." you sighed in mild frustration at how bad you were at this whole talking thing. The fact that his intense eyes were watching your every move didn't help you either. But, with a soft, warm hand placed at your thigh, he helped ground you again, calming your mind enough to actually talk.
"You're just... so big... a-and I-" his eyes widened at what you were implying. This would definitely be fun. 
"Is my love worried I'll be too much for you?" he questioned as his fingers grazed against your wet panties. "Hmm? My fingers are a lot thicker than yours, baby."
You whined as his fingertips rubbed back and forth so gently along the material. It wasn't nearly enough friction to get you off. "Yeah," your chest rose and fell with uneven breaths. "You're the biggest I've ever had."
He leaned closer, his fingers moving the flimsy material aside. "Are you afraid I'll be too rough? Or hurt you?" His voice was so low and hot against you that the small vibrations of his deep voice were enough to make you arch against him. But Elijah kept your back against the bed, trapping you so you wouldn't wiggle too much.
"Just a little," you confessed. You're never had rough, really kinky sex. So it was a pretty big jump.
"If it gets too much, just say stop." His smile was warm and kind, giving you all of the comfort in the world. It's not like you didn't trust him completely and fully, you were just nervous about having his entire cock in your tiny little pussy.
You gave him a timid little nod, urging him to keep going. Your chest felt light and fluttery, and the dull throb in between your legs was getting stronger.
"I'm going to take my time, just for you," he peppered warm, soft kisses along your tummy, stopping at the waistband of the thin, silky thong you decided to wear just for the occasion. "No rush whatsoever. This is all for you and no one else.” 
He slowly stripped your bottoms off until there was nothing left to take off. Then he pulled back and stood up, you reached out towards him but he only smiled reassuringly.
 "Be right back, keep your legs open," his demand was quiet but very effective as you obediently spread them apart so he could have a full view of what belongs to him and only him.
Once he left his bedroom, you began to relax once more, trusting Elijah to take care of you. He wouldn't dare leave you unsatisfied; and if something got too much, he would know, even when he was giving you commands.
You laid still, wondering what was taking him so long until your head picked up once more at the sound of the door opening and closing. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip when his form reappeared, holding something in his right hand. 
A bowl of ice.
"Yes, angel?"
His endearing nickname made your chest tighten with so much warmth. It also brought another kind of heat to the space right in between your thighs.
Elijah kneeled, one hand caressing your right thigh as the other grabbed a cube and began to slowly roll it along your navel, eliciting shivers to travel across your back at the cold sensation. He simply smiled and continued to let the freezing cube trace along your stomach, enjoying every movement that made you squeak and twitch.
He put it back in the bowl and slowly pulled off his tie, looking as breathtakingly attractive as ever. You knew what this meant and you immediately put your wrists above your head, grinning up at this beautiful man you were so lucky to call yours.
Once he had tied your wrists and made sure they weren't too tight and you weren't uncomfortable at all, his thumb brushed along your lower lip. His touch was warm and careful, the way you liked it the best.
"Look at you," he sounded absolutely entranced by you; eyes gazing all over your form. The bed dipped a bit under his weight as he rested over you once more, his body casting a shadow that almost covered all the light. "So gorgeous... so amazing," his praises filled your head with pure honey, turning everything warm and lovely.
"Keep your eyes closed," he pressed an ice cube along your breasts, leaving a burning trail behind it. You whimpered and shuddered as the cold made goosebumps rise on your body and caused your nipples to pucker into little, sensitive buds. It was quickly warmed by his mouth, but the sensation still shocked you, causing a rush of pleasure to flood between your thighs.
The ice was melting with all of the body heat. Droplets of melted water rolled down along your sides and soaked into the blankets beneath your naked body. More water dripped right down the center of your neck, his lips trailing after it and slowly lapped at your skin. His lips were warm, soothing the sharp sting from the frozen cube.
You struggled in your restraints, the sensations a little overwhelming and just- so damn good. You had never been teased and played with like this before, it made you feel a sort of freedom that you had no idea you were missing. You wanted him so badly that it made your legs tremble. And the fact that your eyes were closed just heightened everything else. You could feel him smiling against your skin, loving how responsive your body was to his touches.
The hand not holding the melting piece of ice traced along your right side, skimming down the curves of your body until it reached your lower stomach. Making you squirm a little at how ticklish your lower stomach was.
The ice cube rested above the apex of your thighs, the water dripping down your pussy lips until it touched along the entrance of your slit.
"Eli," you whispered, trying to keep your eyes closed just like he asked you to. It was so tempting to open them, to see him looming over you while using the freezing ice cube against your burning and needy body. "Please... stop teasing.."
He seemed satisfied at the desperation lacing your sweet voice, chucking the ice back into the bowl so he could move on to the next phase.
"Look at me," the deepness of his voice snapped your eyes open and you could hardly breathe at the raw desire swirling in his dark eyes. They looked absolutely glazed over with want, yet still maintaining their sharp edges.  
"Eyes on me the entire time," he whispered, his middle finger eased into you, not stopping until he was completely buried in your heat. You pulled on your restraints, wanting to wrap your arms around his shoulders but he tied them well, just how he likes them.
He chuckled at your struggle, moving his fingers agonizingly slow in and out of you. "Something tells me that if I untied your wrists right now," he continued to pump them in and out, watching intently at how you couldn't stop your tiny cries from escaping. It was clear that he was driving you crazy, you couldn't hide the trembles or the tugs at his restraints. "You would reach down and start touching yourself... would you like that?"
Your face turned so hot it made you feel dizzy. Your legs bent up, feet planted on the mattress, he didn't like that, forcefully spreading them wider apart, his eyes stern. "Would you?"
"Y- yes-"
"Yes... daddy," the last part was said just above a whisper, your words coming out a bit fast and shyly. It made you so embarrassed how much the name excited you. It didn't help that it fit Elijah so well, he was always taking care of everyone else that it made sense for you to give him the title.
He reached up and untied your restraints, eyes intently watching as you reached right in between your thighs. "Good girl... keep those legs open,"
You rubbed your clit slowly, your eyes locked on his the entire time. Your fingers moved quicker as your hips ground in little circles, desperate for some sort of relief. He hummed in approval, adding a second finger that stretched you wonderfully.
"Such a dirty little princess aren't you?" his palm curled upwards against that spongy spot inside you as he spoke, causing you to shake so hard you almost forgot his question.
His eyebrows arched, mirroring your expressions as your eyes went unfocused. You tried to form coherent words but it was hard when the only thoughts going through your mind was how damn good his fingers felt, so much bigger than your own.
"Answer my question,"
You swallowed past the lump in your throat and shook your head. "I'm only dirty when it comes to you,"
Your heart almost swelled right out of your chest at the blissful smile he gave, he leaned down and kissed all along your cheek and neck, whispering just how proud of you he was. His words pushed you a little bit over the edge, making your walls clench desperately around him, not wanting the pleasure to fade away.
"That's it, cum on my fingers," he growled against the shell of your ear, biting softly.
His voice was so primal that you couldn't do anything but obey, falling completely into his world while the heat in your tummy erupted like a bomb, pleasure tearing through your muscles, and you saw bursts of white across your eyelids.
"That's it," he cooed as you continued to moan, his fingers gently working you down from the high. "There's my sweet girl,"
His lips met yours and you immediately pulled him closer, his body blanketing you comfortably as he kissed you like a starving man. His hands gripped your waist, holding you still while his hips rubbed his hard bulge right against your wet slit. You whined into his mouth, feeling his erection slide back and forth, rubbing against your clit.
He pushed your thighs a little wider, pulling his lips away from yours so he could lean over you. His forehead rested against yours, both of you trying to catch your breaths. He continued to grind against you, his eyes closing and jaw clenching as he groaned, his sounds deep and rough. You could tell he was holding himself back, trying to be as gentle as possible, but you were so turned on, you just wanted him to unleash himself on you.
"Daddy," your small hands tugged on his hair, making his hips stutter a little bit. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, lips brushing his ear. "Fuck me."
He growled at your words, the vibrations from his chest traveling through his body. He wasn't the kind of man that needed to be told twice. His hands hooked underneath your knees, pushing them up and out as far as they could go.
"Keep them open," he commanded, pulling back just a little to unbutton his shirt. He slipped it off his shoulders and undid his belt, his eyes never leaving yours. You bit your lip, subconsciously rubbing your thighs together in anticipation.
He raised his eyebrows, giving you a disapproving shake of his head.
You giggled, but did as he said and opened them, keeping them as wide apart as you could.
His eyes softened just a little, his fingertips trailing up and down your soft skin. His other hand undoing his belt, slowly pulling his pants down along with his briefs, letting his thick cock spring out and brush against the smooth skin of your tummy.
"You've been so good," he praised, lining himself up with your entrance. He slowly rubbed his head in a circle along your slit, gathering your wetness. 
He kept his eyes locked with yours as his hands slid down, holding your hips steady. You were already starting to feel a little nervous, he was definitely the biggest you've ever had. He eased in slowly, his breath hitching as he felt just how tight you were.
Your heels dug into the sheets, your hands scrambling for something to hold on to. Your body instinctively tried to pull away but he held you down, keeping you firmly in place. He pushed deeper, groaning lowly at the feeling of you surrounding him.
"Daddy-" your voice cracked, your legs closing automatically, the sensation almost too much for you to take. But Elijah held you tightly in place, leaning down so he could whisper into your ear.
"Relax," he kissed right underneath the shell of your ear. His soft lips felt good against your heated skin. "Don't fight it."
Your toes curled and your fingers clenched, but you managed to take a few deep breaths. Once he was completely sheathed, you felt so full it was a little hard to breathe.
"So damn tight," he groaned, his grip on your thighs bruising, his eyes locked on the sight of your stomach bulging slightly with the girth of his cock.
"You fit me so perfectly, baby girl," his hand running over the bulge, his words making you blush so deeply. "It's like you were made for me,"
His hips pulled back before snapping forward again, making you cry out and dig your hands into his strong shoulders. His pace was slow and deep, letting you feel every inch of him, the stretch of his cock was addicting.
His hands ran all over your body, caressing your sides, kneading your breasts, tracing along the column of your neck, just touching and exploring every inch of you. You barely registered these touches, so distracted by the pleasure between your legs.
"God- you're so big," you panted out, your voice barely louder than a whisper.
"You like it don't you? Being split open by me?"
His hand wrapped around your throat, not choking, just applying enough pressure to make your head spin.
You swallowed against his hand, finding it hard to even form any sentences at the moment. Your eyes rolled back into your head, your legs spreading as far as they could, wanting to feel him even deeper.
"Say it," his hips snapped harder, making a strangled noise rip from your throat. His grip tightened a bit more, causing everything to feel even sharper.
"I love it Elijah," you whimpered, your eyes rolling back. "Fuck-"
Your body felt like it was floating, his hands the only thing grounding you. He could tell you were close, your little body shaking underneath him and your whimpers getting louder and higher in pitch. You were such a vision. So beautiful. But he didn't want this to end so quickly, not when he had waited so long to have you like this.
"Cumming already?" his hips slowed, making you groan and claw at his forearms. You could tell he was close to, the restraint in his tone was a dead giveaway.
You shook your head, clearly lying, and his expression hardened a little. His hips were torturously slow, his fingers tracing along the side of your neck.
"Liars get punished," his thumb and forefinger pinched your chin, his eyes dark and intense. "Do you understand?"
His hips stilled and he pulled out, his hardness laying heavily against your lower stomach.
"Y- yes," you stuttered, your entire body buzzing with the need for release. Your pussy felt so empty, clenching around nothing.
He stood, pulling his pants back up, making sure to not be too obvious about the large bulge pressing against the front of his pants.
"Up." he held out his hand, waiting patiently for you to gather the strength to move.
The moment you sat up he grabbed your hair, yanking you up until you were standing. You stumbled forward, he pulled your face to his, his breath ghosting across your lips.
"On your knees,"
You didn't even hesitate to sink down, his hand guiding you to where he wanted. The hardwood floor was a little uncomfortable, but the way Elijah was looking at you, it made everything worth it.
You opened your mouth, your tongue lolling out, just waiting for him. He smiled, running his thumb along your lower lip.
"That's a good girl," he murmured, his voice rough and deep, filled with pure lust. His cock was shiny with your slick, a small drop of precum leaking from the tip. You couldn't help but lick it off, tasting yourself on him. He groaned, his grip tightening a bit.
"Open wide,"
You did as he said, looking up at him with innocent eyes, the sight made him growl, his cock twitching right in front of your lips. You smiled and opened your mouth, his hands resting on top of your head as his hips jerked forward, sliding into your mouth.
You loved when he fucked your mouth, feeling him lose control like this, it was so sexy. Your eyes were watering, a tear falling down your cheek as he hit the back of your throat. He wiped it away, still the gentleman even in the most carnal of moments.
You relaxed your jaw and bobbed your head, trying to fit as much of his thick length as possible, but failing a bit, gagging slightly. He groaned loudly and pulled you off of him by your hair, the sting making your head swim with need.
"You can do better than that," his tone was playful and teasing, making you blush deeply. He was so big, his girth was almost intimidating, you could hardly fit him in your mouth. But his tone made you try harder, opening wider and swallowing down, the taste of him making your thighs clench together.
His grip was bruising, holding you in place while his hips rocked back and forth, using your mouth and throat for his own pleasure.
His eyes were hooded and his breathing was uneven, but he was still composed. That's what you admired about him, no matter the situation, he was always calm and in control.
He was Elijah Mikaelson after all, and you were just a little human, yet you held so much power over him. It was thrilling. You wanted to see how far you could push him, to see just how deep his possessive side really ran. Just a tiny bit. You wanted to see what it would take to make him crumble.
"What a perfect princess you are,"
Your eyes snapped back to him and you smiled a little, the corners of your mouth turning upwards around his cock. Your tongue pressed flat against the underside, your head starting to move a little faster, taking him a little deeper each time.
You were being so good, doing everything he asked, and it was turning him on to no end. You could tell from the way his jaw was clenching and the little noises coming from the back of his throat. The way his eyes couldn't look away from your lips, his hand holding you in place.
He was starting to get a little rough, his hips rocking in and out, making your eyes water again. He groaned as his cock slid to the back of your throat, his other hand joining the one already tangled in your hair, both holding you still as he thrust deeper. Your tongue flattened against his shaft and he started to fuck your mouth with earnest.
His grip on your hair turned painful and your nose was pressed into his dark curls. Your eyes began to water as you gagged, the head of his cock buried deep in the back of your throat.
He didn't let you pull off until he felt you really struggling, letting you catch your breath before pushing you down again. He was a little rougher, his hips giving short and hard thrusts.
"You're doing so well," he sounded a bit wrecked, his breathing uneven and his voice deeper. His hips were moving a little faster, chasing his own high.
"Just like that,"
You moaned around him, his hips starting to shake a little, and that's when you decided to act, you wanted to make him cum.
You reached behind him, grabbing his ass to pull him impossibly close, taking him to the back of your throat the final few times. The sudden action startled him a little and his self control slipped. Your name was choked out from deep in his chest. The sound sent a hot spike straight to your core, the primal desperation in his tone made your heart race.
The noise went straight through him, his self control shattering like glass, his grip tightening around your skull. You couldn't breathe, couldn't pull away, so you took him down as deep as you could, feeling his release shoot straight down your throat.
His body was shaking, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his breathing was uneven, but it didn't last long. He looked down at you with a stern expression.
"Did I say you could do that?"
He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him, his thumb brushing against your lips. "No... I didn't."
You couldn't help the smile that crept up, his eyes were practically black with lust. He was surely going to punish you now.
"On the bed." he growled.
You didn't waste any time, hopping onto the plush comforter, kneeling in the middle and waiting for his next command.
He grabbed his belt from the floor, slowly walking towards the bed, his eyes locked on yours.
"Turn around and bend over,"
He watched intently, his belt folded over in his hands.
Your cheeks flushed as you moved to get on all fours, arching your back a little, swaying your hips a bit, showing off your curves.
You glanced over your shoulder, making sure he was watching, and the sight made you whimper. His eyes were hooded and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth, the belt was held tightly in his fist, a little vein protruding from his hand.
"Eyes front." he snapped, the sound of the leather sliding against itself made your heart race.
The anticipation was almost too much. You had never done this before, had no idea how it would feel, but you were aching to find out.
"How many do you think you deserve?" his hand ran along the curve of your spine, his touch light and warm, making you shiver.
"F-four?" you questioned, your voice was soft and hesitant, you could practically hear him smile.
"I'll give you eight, and you're going to count each one."
His hand smoothed over your backside, squeezing and rubbing softly. You could feel his cock resting on the curve of your ass, heavy and thick, already half hard again.
He raised his arm, the belt folded in his hand. The anticipation was killing you. You could barely breathe.
His hand caressed the swell of your ass one last time before raising the belt, a sharp crack rang throughout the room. You cried out, your body jerking forward, the pain seared right across the soft skin.
"Count." He snapped, his tone sharp and impatient.
Another hit.
A third.
By the fourth hit, you were shaking, gripping the sheets to keep yourself grounded, but his next hit almost knocked you over.
"Four!" you squeaked out, your voice cracking as tears stung the corners of your eyes.
"I'm not even using my full strength," he sounded amused, his tone gentle and soft. His full strength would probably send you flying into the next room and you giggled at the thought.
"Don't laugh." he scolded, the belt slapping down on your skin, the sting even sharper.
Another hard hit and you were whimpering, but you still tried to be as good as possible.
You could feel yourself growing wetter, the pain was so sharp, so searing, it almost felt like it was turning into pleasure.
"Seven!" you cried, burying your face in the sheets, the pain was starting to blur.
The belt came down one last time, leaving a dark red line right across the backs of your thighs.
"Eight," you sobbed, your entire body shaking.
"You did so well." He cooed, his fingers running along the welts, soothing the ache. "I knew you would."
You were trembling, his fingers dipping between your legs, gathering the slick that had collected on the inside of your thighs.
"So wet." he sounded amused. "You like being my little slut, don't you?"
You whimpered, unable to answer. His finger was circling your clit, sending hot sparks through your veins.
"Tell me," his hand landed on your ass again, the sting even sharper. "Tell me you like being my little slut."
You gasped, your body writhing. "Y-yes daddy, I love being your little slut,"
He chuckled, his other hand running along the curve of your spine, his fingers tangling in your hair again, pulling you towards him so your back was arched.
"That's what I thought," he let go of your hair and turned you around, scooping you up into his arms.
You gasped and wrapped your arms around his neck, a little surprised by the sudden change. Your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands gripping your ass tightly, his lips pressing against the soft skin of your neck.
You could feel his hardness pressing into you, and your legs clenched around his hips. You could feel every muscle shifting underneath his skin, his strength and power was thrilling. He was one of the most powerful creatures in the world and here he was, holding you so gently.
You kissed him softly, running your fingers through his dark hair, his stubble scratching against your skin. He lowered you down onto his cock, your nails digging into his shoulders, letting him swallow up your gasps and moans.
His pace was slow and deep, savoring the moment, letting you feel every inch. His strong hands supported you, making sure you didn't fall, lifting you up and down his length.
You were a mess. Whimpering and clinging to him, so desperate for release. He was using you just how he wanted, holding you tight and fucking you hard. You were both so close, so on edge, his pace started to falter and his breath was becoming more uneven.
"Eli," you gasped, burying your head in the crook of his neck, your hands in his hair, his arms tight around your waist.
He pressed you back down into the bed, his hands intertwining with yours, pinning them above your head. His hips snapped forward, and his pace became brutal, pounding into you hard and fast, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your legs shook around his hips, you couldn't stop the whimpers and cries from pouring out of you. His forehead was pressed against yours, his eyes closed and his brow furrowed.
Your back arched off the bed, your legs trembling uncontrollably. Your orgasm came crashing down, making you cry out, your pussy gushing and clenching so tightly  that it pushed his cock out. He groaned at the sight, spilling his release all over your pussy and stomach, watching in awe as your walls clenched around nothing, soaking the sheets.
Your body went limp, your eyes fluttering closed, your breathing labored and uneven. You were exhausted, sore and spent.
He leaned down and kissed you, so sweet and gentle, his hands cupping your cheeks.
"Are you okay? Was I too rough?" he looked a bit worried, his thumb brushing along your cheek.
You giggled and nodded. "I'm fine, more than fine." you leaned into his touch, pressing your lips to his palm. "That was perfect."
"Good," he sighed, a smile spreading across his lips. "You did so well,"
"Thank you,"
"Do you need anything? A drink or-"
"I'm fine Elijah," you cut him off, giggling again. He was so sweet, so considerate. "I promise."
He smiled, leaning down to kiss you again, his hand cupping your jaw. "Let me clean you up,"
"Okay," you whispered, a content sigh escaping your lips. He pulled back, his hand smoothing across your forehead, moving the stray hairs from your face.
"Stay here,"
You nodded and relaxed into the bed, your limbs like jelly, your eyelids starting to droop.
By the time he returned you had fallen asleep, curled up in a ball, snoring softly. He smiled and gently cleaned you off, pulling the blankets over you, watching for a few minutes, admiring the way your chest rose and fell with each breath.
 He kissed your forehead softly, "Goodnight princess, you were perfect.”
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana ♡ @cs-please ♡ complicatedandconfusing-25 @hamiltimes ♡ @akala6670229 ♡ @yeaiamme2 ♡ @itsjulzandmydiamonds ♡ @spideysbabe ♡ @witch-of-letters ♡ @elijahmikaelsonsboy ♡ @rosecentury
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Y/n, over text: Turn around.
Y/n: No, the other way.
Y/n: Wrong way again.
Damon: Where are you??
Y/n: At home, but the idea of you turning aimlessly in circles amuses me.
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athenasalvatore1922 · 11 months
Stefan: if a stranger tries to pick you up, saying they're my friend what do you say?
Stefan's daughter: Your a liar my daddy doesn't have friends
Stefan: good girl
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justlostinautumn · 2 months
Abandoned Part 13
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader:
After her friends and boyfriend continuously leave her in danger and abandon every plan she makes for them the Originals slowly mend her breaking heart. The gang’s enemies become her friends with her and they don’t know how to feel about it. The last straw is walking in and seeing her boyfriend cheating on her and she runs to the ones who always care for her. What will the gang do when they lose something irreplaceable?
I know that this has been a long time coming and I can only hope that it lives up to what you expected! I have questions do you want redemption for anyone? Caroline? Bonnie? Stefan? (Those are the main three that I can think of, or do you want them to also be dragged down with Elena and Damon? Do you wnat to see Alaric betray Y/N?)
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Y/N & Klaus:
Y/N woke up with thumping in her head from all the drinking and fun Kat, Kai and she had. She let out a small whine looking around and noting she was in Klaus’ bed but not 100% certain how she got there. Flashes of the night before coming to her mind as she slowly began to wake. She was remembering the talking and joking with everyone and Y/N couldn’t help the fond smile that came to her lips. 
She remembered a light feeling filling her chest as she realized this is what it felt like to have a family. It was a feeling that she hadn’t felt since her brother and it made her feel emotional, burying her head further into the warmth of Klaus’ bed. She felt emotionally exhausted, she had been through so much in so little time she didn’t really know what to do with herself.
Y/N licked her lips feeling the dryness in her throat from the night of laughing, drinking, singing. The ding from her phone notifies her that she just received a message. She let out a loud groan making Klaus chuckle. She blindly looked for her phone and on the screen she saw a notification from Alaric. 
Can we meet? I want to talk about everything. Ric.
She had no idea what this meeting could be about but she was going to be cautious because as much as Ric is a father to her he is also Damon’s best friend. She didn’t want to be guilted back… she didn’t want to sever another tie. She couldn’t help the distrust she felt towards Alaric, he was Elena’s guardian and Damon’s best friend… she knew that no matter what he would always do what’s best for them and as much as she hated herself for thinking it she knew that she would never be able to trust him again.
Y/N didn’t want to have to get up and deal with this. She sighed as she felt Klaus’ finger trailing up and down her back and she sighed in contentment. She knew that the fun and laughter wouldn’t last forever, but she was hoping for more than just one day.
“Come on Love, we both know you can’t hide from this. It’s better to deal with it now than later.” Klaus softly encouraged her and she groaned in response knowing that he was right, but it didn’t mean that she wanted to deal with it. The thought of burying herself under a mountain of blankets or running away seemed to be a lot more appealing than actually having to face it.
“Can’t we just hide away for the day and pretend that everything is fine and I can nurse my hangover.” Y/N grumbled receiving another chuckle from Klaus and she knew he was grinning at her and she pinched his side making him yelp in surprise making her grin up at him. This is where she wanted to be and stay, in his warmth and she knew that it was too soon after Damon and she wasn’t looking to start anything new yet, but she just wanted to stop time and stay here with Klaus.
“You are a dangerous little thing.” Klaus growls and starts to tickle her resulting in her trying to push and kick him away as she shrieks. Klaus' chest filled with warmth at her smiling face and shrieks of laughter, this is where she was always meant to be with him… and sometimes under him!
“I’m sorry.” She pants and Klaus finally gives in, Y/N pouts at him as he grins triumphantly. “Meanie.”
“Come on, up you get!” Klaus rolled out of bed and Y/N reluctantly got up and walked into the bathroom to start her day. For the first time looking in the mirror, she looked at herself and she didn’t look tired… well she looked hungover, but there was a glow about her. It was the glow of happiness, love and hope.
Klaus knew this was the perfect time to get some planning done, he wouldn’t let her go alone knowing that the Scooby Gang might try something. So, he decided to send Hayley, Tyler and Enzo a text letting them know what was happening and also to ask them if they would go just in case.
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Alaric & Y/N:
Y/N slipped into the booth opposite Alaric. Y/N knew Tyler, Enzo and Haley were in the Grill watching and keeping an eye out for anything to happen. Hayley had become more protective of her little sister. It filled Y/N with that warmth that she had been seeking for so long and she didn’t mind one bit. But, she also knew that it was Klaus’ doing as well, he had become more protective too. She knew it was because he had seen her cry more in the last couple of days than she has in the whole time of them knowing each other and she knew that left him on edge… it actually left all of them on edge. Y/N isn’t usually a crier… well she just doesn’t cry in front of people.
“I see you brought company.” Alaric laughed softly, he was nervous about it. He didn’t know what Tyler and Enzo might do since it was clear the side that they had picked. But, he wasn’t all that surprised about it all. Tyler and Y/N had always been close from the moment that he first met them at the school, you could normally find the two together at some sort of mischief, but Enzo was new. Enzo was Damon’s oldest and closest friend, but somehow he got pulled into Y/N’s and Tyler’s mischievous ways and that was all there was. Enzo had taken to both of them as a sort of big brother role, he would always look out for the pair much as they looked out for him.
“They’re protective.” Y/N rolled her eyes but Alaric saw the small smile. It was contentment, he could see that she felt safe with them here. It hurt him knowing that she was nervous about meeting him, but he also couldn’t blame her for it. He knew that she wouldn’t be able to trust him like he once did and it made him sad.
“So, much has changed.” Alaric looks down at his hands and there is a sadness in his voice and it makes Y/N’s heart twinge in pain. He is one of the very few people that had been there for everything, every step of the way and she didn’t want to hurt him, but she was also incredibly scared to be burnt by them all again by trusting the wrong people. She just didn’t know how much she could trust him.
“I’m single, kinda homeless, found out I’m adopted… oh and don’t let me forget I found out that I have the werewolf gene!” Sarcasm rang through her voice and Alaric looked at her with worry. Y/N looked startled at what she had just said. She didn’t mean to say that out loud… she never wanted him to know that about her, what if he told the gang? What would they do about that bit of information?
“I won’t tell anyone and I didn’t know.” Ric said softly, he didn’t want her to think that he would’ve hidden it from her. He didn’t want her to believe that he would spill her secrets to the others and betray her like that.
“I know. This has all been a bit of a shit show hasn’t it?” Y/N laughs softly, she was still stiff and anxious about the little bit of information that she had let slip. Her eyes slipped over to Hayley who was giving her a soft smile, telling her that it would all be okay. Her eyes moved over to both Tyler and Enzo and they gave her a goofy smile, but their eyes said it all. They would protect her no matter what and it made her feel safe and assured that they could face anything!
“Where are you staying now? What’s happening with everything? Do you need anything?” Alaric spoke quickly and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at him. He’d always been quick to her rescue making sure that she had everything she needed and always a shoulder for her to lean on. She missed this, she missed him. He had been so busy with both Jeremy and Elena that they hadn’t had any time to catch up or talk.
“I’m okay. Klaus has ensured that I need and want for nothing.” Y/N smiled, but it slowly dropped and she let out a sigh, “I’m just at a loss. In two days my life has been turned upside down and truthfully I don’t know what to do with everything. It’s funny I always thought it would hurt, that what Damon and Elena did would break me. But, it wasn’t the cheating that hurt the most.” 
“I warned Damon to be good. I told him what would happen if he hurt you. I can’t believe that any of them would be so reckless with you.” Alaric was pissed, “Damon is a complete asshole for not seeing what was in front of him and he thinks you’re just going to walk through the door and take him back like he didn’t pull a load of crap on you.”
“Alaric.” Y/N laughed, finding his protectiveness amusing, but in the back of her mind she knew that he would always forgive them. He always did. She gave him a sad smile and he let out a heavy sigh. “You know you’re going to forgive them.”
“I don’t have to.” Ric argued and Y/N just gave him that sad smile that broke his heart every time. She had that look of understanding in her eyes and he knew he was lying to himself.
“You will because Damon is your best friend and you are Elena and Jeremy’s guardian. You will always forgive them because it’s who you are. Plus, Damon has done way worse things to you and you managed to forgive him for that, you’ll forgive him for this. You love them and that’s okay, because they’re your family but I can’t… not now and not anytime soon.” Y/N let out a heavy sigh and slumped in her seat as she looked around the Grill, but then spots Caroline watching her and Alaric intensely and she stiffens. Alaric frowns when he sees the hurt flashing in Y/N’s eyes. She knew he wouldn’t come alone, but she hoped he would.
“What is it?” Alaric frowns.
“I think it’s time I head back home. I’m tired and there are still things I need to sort out.” Y/N gave him a weak smile and squeeze of his hand before she started to walk away and out of the Grill with Tyler, Enzo and Hayley following behind her. When Alaric looks around his eyes settle on Caroline who has the decency to look down ashamed of being caught even though she wasn’t being subtle about it. Alaric knew then that he had lost Y/N’s trust, even if he didn’t know that Caroline would be there with Matt spying on them. He knew Y/N already had doubts rightfully so, but with them there it just confirmed it for her.
All Alaric wanted was to be neutral to be on either of their sides, but it seemed that Damon and Elena had made his decision for them and he knew that there was no way Y/N would allow him to have another chance and risk herself being used or hurt by them. 
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The Gang:
Matt and Caroline had made the decision that they needed to meet everyone before Alaric could get there, they needed to know everything that they had found out. It would’ve been more if Y/N  wasn’t so observant. The one thing that seemed to stick out to Caroline was how scared Y/N seemed about telling Alaric about the fact that she had the werewolf gene. When they arrived at the Boarding House they all were waiting in the lounge.
“How did she find out that she is a werewolf? How did she not know she was a werewolf?” Elena huffed, she doesn’t understand why they are still trying to get her back, it's not like they need her really. “Well she only just found out she was adopted, so maybe they left her a letter.” Stefan pointed out, he wasn’t completely happy with what was going on. “But, Klaus knew.” Damon pointed out and there was a glint in his eye like an idea had passed through his mind. “Maybe he wants to trigger her gene and then somehow turn her into a hybrid so he can have control over her through that freaky sire bond.” “We have to get her away from them.” Elena said, clinging to Damon. Damon was quick to sooth her and pulled her closer to him and ran his hand up and down her back. Stefan glared at his brother, knowing that he wanted both Elena and Y/N. “We will.” Damon nodded reassuringly, when Elena leaned up to kiss Damon, he flinched and glared down at her in confusion at why she would try and kiss him. “What if he isn’t planning to do that?” Stefan asked, trying to play devil's advocate. “It’s Klaus Stefan!” Elena whined, she was glaring at him. Why wouldn’t he just do what she said after all both Damon and Stefan love her! “Elena’s right Klaus is evil.” Damon nodded.
Caroline didn’t know what to think anymore, there was so many conflicting feelings about everything. She also knows that Bonnie is facing a crisis of faith about everything that has been happening. She had known Y/N all her life, but she cannot remember the point in which everything became about Elena... she knew that Stefan was also confused about everything that has been going on. Caroline knew that her loyalty with Elena, but she has to question how far she was willing to go for her.
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