#the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde
jamiepridejester · 2 days
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doodle page
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ghostingyourass79 · 2 days
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Semi- realistic Mr Hyde anyone? : >
This is sorta my interpretation of Hyde? Not really official because I'll probably redesign him again but Im pretty content with how he is now haha
I tried giving him kinda messy fluffy hair because I saw other designs of him (especially on this app haha) that make him have super puffy hair which I like. Like Yes, give this guy messy ass hair and shitty stuble lol
This fandom is very chill I'm gonna stay for awhile
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miami-lolz · 3 days
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For the original “doomed by the narrative’ couple because you can’t tell me they didn’t have something going on between them
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elysiuminfra · 1 day
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(coughing and sputtering) we are so back
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lukas-broken-bow · 11 hours
okay I've got like a sort-of-mini-theory for tgs that someone has probably said before but I'm going to put it down here bc I haven't seen any yet.
and bc tomorrow is tgs monday, I thought I'd put my thoughts down before they inevitably get disproven.
so to me, as a very big jekyll and hyde fan, the current events are very remniscient of 'the last night' from the og book, in which utterson and poole break down the door to jekyll's study only to find hyde, dead on the floor. it is later revealed that jekyll/hyde had lost control of the transformations, just as they have in tgs at the moment. as things stand right now, I think it's definitely plausible for lanyon & co to break down the door, despite frankenstein's protests, only to discover a dead hyde on the ground. how? because of that elixer frankie had, way back in chapter 11 - le sommeil de la mort, I think it was called.
that elixer is 100% a chekhov's gun, in my opinion, and this would definitely be the perfect time for it to fire. there is a thing that definitely irks me and completely disproves this theory; in that same chapter, jekyll and jasper bring all of frankenstein's things to his house, including, I'm pretty sure, the elixer.
ah well. it's fun to think about how events in tgs might align with the original book tho, and I can't wait to see what actually happens :D
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Utterson: "Do you want me to pretend I can't see you sneaking out the window right now?"
Hyde: "If you could, yeah. That'd make this a lot less embarrassing for both of us."
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gabrielied · 2 days
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The Search for Henry Jekyll Epilogue (Part 18) is now up!
New Update————————————————-First Chapter
Tapas | Webtoons
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Ok just- Just please don't laugh, ok?
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tyrantisterror · 2 days
Would you classify Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as Atomic Horror or Gothic Horror? Narratively, it is structured very much like a Gothic Horror story, but its titular monster is created entirely by new science. And not even science conducted on old, dead bodies, like in Frankenstein.
It's Gothic Horror, but it's specifically Imperial Gothic Horror, a subgenre of the Gothic that's recognized by Academia and defined by the fear of degeneration, which (in this specific context) is defined as the idea that technological progress will lead to a societal and perhaps even physical de-evolution of mankind - another Imperial Gothic story is The War of the Worlds, which has highly technologically advanced Martians whose bodies are missing several organs compared to humans because they've become so dependent on machines to live for them, and who have plundered their own world so thoroughly that they can only exist by doing the same to ours, and have no higher pursuits than "kill other people and take this shit." Mr. Hyde is described as looking both primitive and decayed, albeit in ways that are difficult to articulate in detail, and both of those words are highly associated with degeneration.
The key difference between the Imperial Gothic and Atomic Horror - well, other than that the former is recognized by Academia and the later is basically only recognized by me, the person who coined it - can be simplified to this:
Imperial Gothic - advances in technology and modern society will lead to a moral, spiritual, and even physical devolution/degeneration of humanity
Atomic Horror -advances in technology and modern society will lead to the creation of new horrors that we are completely unprepared to deal with because they were never supposed to exist
One is the fear of going back to a primitive way of life, which is very Gothic, and one is the fear of a new and terrible way of life replacing the old, which is Atomic. I consider the Imperial Gothic to be the bridge between Gothic and Atomic horror, but again, Atomic horror is something I coined and isn't really recognized by anyone who isn't me, so this is all kinda moot.
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linnytheseagull · 14 days
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A gothic literature hyperfixation has possessed me so I made this
(This took way longer to make than it reasonably should have)
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cosmicisbored · 2 months
the pinnacle of men
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months
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!!!!! some mad scientists for the spooky season !!!! go snatch some stickers bb !!
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theriacballad · 3 months
Mad scientist ASMR 🧪 1 hour of pained screams, bones cracking and breaking, and flesh splintering for your transformation needs!
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lansolot · 4 days
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jamiepridejester · 3 months
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ah yes some doodles
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elizareed · 5 months
gay sex might not have saved henry jekyll but it would have solved a lot of his problems
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