#the matrix 1999
m1lf-hunter-69 · 1 year
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grrbrainsorwhatever · 18 days
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These r ass anyways matrix x disco Elysium
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sahinduzgunart · 2 months
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THE MATRIX - 25th Anniversary Tribute by SahinDüzgün
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ohsofightclub · 5 months
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the matrix (1999)
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97keanu · 9 months
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"ⁱ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃⁿʸᵇᵒᵈʸ ᵉˡˢᵉ
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**read the revised edition here!
Neo x Goth!Reader (prematrix AU)
Premise: In chapter three, you are dealing with Neo's inability to admit his feelings toward you, and how he's resorted to cyber stalking you by hacking your webcam. Neo realizes he cannot escape your allure, and the heatwave of '99 comes to a breaking point in Chicago.
Tags/CW: slow burn, smut, p in v referenced, longing, themes of loneliness, themes of depression, themes of anxiety, angst, drama, neo ghosts you, neo tries to keep things professional, loser!neo, pathetic!neo, hacker boyfriend!neo, takes place before the events of the matrix, stalking, watching through webcam, age difference, panty thief strikes again, mutual self pleasure, whiny neo, more slightly subby neo, angel/siren coded reader, neo cannot resist you.
Authors Note: a shorter chapter, mainly smutty fun with a dash of both characters inner feelings. I'm glad to feel inspired to write these two again. Read the first chapter here.
Words: 2.4k
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A hot breeze flows in through your apartment window, and for a moment you wonder if this heatwave will ever break. August is droning on, not ready just yet to give out a final death rattle. Instead, it grips Chicago tightly in a humid warmth that has been suffocating, clouds threatening to rain but never delivering. You lie almost naked amongst your black bedding, a plushie here and there, staring up at the ceiling fan and wishing it brought you any salvation in your time of need. 
It doesn't help that you are also thinking about Neo. More specifically, the last time you really saw each other. You thought maybe something more than an alliance between two hackers could have been budding when he fell asleep on your couch, but in the morning you awoke to only the scattered couch pillows. 
He didn't even contact you for a week. Eventually, you heard that awaited notification noise, but it was disappointing to say the least. Neo had messaged you, but it was simply to ask if you could help with making sure he was good to hack into this or that, you really hardly cared for what the details were. The anger and hurt inside of you from being asked to be his digital guardian angel after how he treated you could rival the August heat outside. 
Still, you complied. You had thought about telling him to go fuck himself, that you no longer wished to interact ever again, but what good would that do? It's not like either of you ever agreed to something more than a work based relationship. And what makes it worse is that deep down, you know how lonely the world has begun to feel. Even now, as you roll over in sweat drenched sheets, looking out to the skyline that stretches ever farther and farther, you know that despite all the inhabitants of this city, you have never felt more alone. 
That fact alone was enough for you to do what Neo had asked, wanting to still be in contact with someone who may understand. Although he had ran from you, hidden away and obviously too frightened to ask to meet up again, you think the reason for all of that may be that Neo is lonely too. You have no evidence for this of course, but you could almost sense it from him. That something that burns low, almost burning out, inside both of you, seemed to speak without words when you met. And now all you can do is try to get your mind off it. 
Tired of the thoughts running through your head, you huff, sitting up quickly and disgruntled with how much you've been laying about lately. You make the great task of getting out of bed and find yourself before your floor length mirror in your bedroom. What you see makes you frown. 
Your hair is a mess, after having not showered, your makeup is still on from last night. The black eye shadow and mascara have moved, now cascading down your cheeks in smudges. You look at your usually well kept nails, now riddled with chipped black nail polish from you don't remember when. You can't let it get to you like this any longer. You head for the shower, hoping to both cool off the summer heat, and the heat that this Neo situation has gotten you into. 
The small fan at Neo's desk moves side to shuttering side, attempting in vain to keep the small room and its only occupant cooled. Neo sits at his desk, head in one hand, eyes fatigued and tired, trying to fix the script for one of his latest codes. 
He's been throwing himself into his work to forget about you. He hates that he got so worked up over you, that he was such a loser to even steal a pair of your panties upon his first time at your apartment. There was no way you deserved someone like him. Not to mention, that you should probably find someone around your own age, not someone like Neo, who at best is a shut-in who can't socialize, and at worst, well, to keep the depression at bay he might as well not say. 
To keep this relationship between the two of you professional, he has spent the last two weeks since you two met attempting only to contact you for jobs. It was what was right, the older, more adult thing to do, instead of pursuing a young 20-something goth girl like you because he has a kink for black lipstick. 
Still, he had a hard time keeping himself from you. He can hardly even admit it to himself, but he's been hacking your webcam. He starts by telling himself that he just needs to check up on you, especially when you leave his messages on read for hours, although he knows he deserves that after how he disappeared. It's innocent really, he will tell himself, that you need to be checked up on, that it's  only to turn on the camera for a second to make sure nothing happened. It is, after all, dangerous work you two do. 
Then, it somehow turns to leaving the camera on, letting your image sit beside him on one of the many computers at his desk. It's nice, having you there, so close to your computer. You're probably working on the codes he sends you, or perhaps messaging friends, he hears a voice somewhere deep inside tell him to check out those messages as well, but he hasn't brought himself to that quite yet. No, you're simply a video on his screen, almost like watching a movie, or having someone in a cafe sitting next to him, quietly working on their own thing. 
He even finds that he likes the music you play, he can't help but be interested to find out more about you in this way. He wishes he could ask you which Siouxie and The Banshee's songs are your favorite off the album, or if you had to choose, would you pick The Smiths or The Cure. It's these little questions about you that plague his mind all day when he watches you. Sure, he could simply ask you these things, but that would be both suspicious as well as violating the self appointed rule of making this a work only relationship. 
Neo sighs out, the heat and these thoughts getting to his head. His fist curls in his short black hair for a moment before he stands from his desk and stalks away quickly. He told himself he wouldn't watch you today, he would lay off that sort of thing, but the need to know is eating at him, and you make it so easy for him, having nothing to block his attempts to hack your webcam. If he were the adult he seems to think himself into being, then he would simply stop, or better yet tell you to up your cyber security. 
But no, deep down, Neo knows. He knows he's weak for you. He knows he's looked through all the photos you've taken of yourself on your computer to post to this or that goth forum. He's looked at them, entranced by how bold you are, wearing only a black lacy bra in some photos, a Vivienne Westwood orb hanging between your breasts. In other's you show off your big platform Demonia's, and Neo wishes he could have you here, stepping on him with those chunky boots and telling him how pathetic he is that he has stooped so low as to cyber stalk you. 
As his mind continues down it's own rabbit hole with you in tow, he finds himself sitting back down at his desk. He's been a good boy today, not watching you at all yet, and it's late. So he deserves a little taste, right? Just a peek to make sure you're okay, to see what you're up to. 
Before any sort of morality can plague him, his long, thin fingers are typing away, pausing only briefly to take a sip of black coffee. He keeps the drink on hand always, his desk littered with a few spare mugs, the insides of which are dry and have brown stains from where coffee used to inhabit. He continues to work around your security, until finally the screen blazes to life, showing the image of your room. 
He doesn't see you in there, and for a moment a twinge of panic sets in. Are you out somewhere? You hardly left the house. Where would you even be? Probably somewhere old losers like him don't frequent. His mind burned at the idea that you could, very possibly, be out with someone else. There was no real reason for Neo assuming this, no. But the worry filled his gut right next to the luke warm coffee, and he felt his hand tighten around the mouse. 
His eyes scanned the screen for what felt  like ages, before finally, your bathroom door opens, and he sees you step out in a  black towel. Your long black hair is wet, leaving droplets on your shoulders. Your face is bare of your usual make up, and that, for some reason, feels more invasive for a moment to Neo than even the possibility of seeing you naked soon. In fact, his face heats up as the thought finally crosses his mind that there is no scenario in which to continue watching right now would be good, or morally right, in any such way. 
There is also no world in which Neo does take his eyes away. He is glued to your pixels on the screen, and he even leans in to see better as you drop your towel on to your bedroom floor. He can see every inch of your body, so much more than what he saw in your private pictures or when he caught a glance of you through the bathroom door. No, this was enough that his cock was now struggling against his pants, which feel much too tight right now. 
He is so immersed in watching your after shower routine that his hand moves on its own, opening his desk drawer and finding his current most prized possession. He finds the panties he had stolen from you when last you met, and can't help but press them against his clean shaven face, inhaling your scent while he watches you. 
Soon enough, you're laying on your bed, air drying from the heat, your naked form exciting Neo through the screen. What he doesn't expect is that your own hand would snake up to your breast, your other beginning to play between your legs. Good God…Neo had never caught you playing with yourself in such a way since he started watching you. If he thought he was addicted before, it has nothing on what this does for him. 
As if feeling commanded by your own touching, Neo quickly undoes his belt with a frantic and needy hand, stumbling as he does from how filled with want he is. He keeps your panties pressed firmly against his face, taking that sweet scent in while he watches you open your legs wider. He lets out a whiny breath as he finally releases his cock, his hand giving no foreplay to what he wants. He hates how much power you have over him, even if it's through a screen and that vast distance of ever flowing information. Somehow, Neo has managed to find himself entranced by your, as if you were some digital siren, beckoning him to keep watching as you dip your fingers into your cunt. 
Neo's breath hitches as he continues to watch you feel yourself, and he can only imagine what it would be like to actually fill you up with his cock. If he was there, would your mouth part, opening to moan out his name? He wonders how warm you would feel around his cock, and the thought of being able to actually fuck you sends him closer to the edge. 
Neo watches as you continue, your moans now loud enough that your computer microphone catches it. Neo can hear your soft, whiny moans in his headphones as you get closer, not knowing at all that he's watching you through your webcam. He has no idea that you're thinking of him as much as he is you. Not yet at least. 
As you get closer, Neo's name falls from your lips in a soft whimper. Neo can hardly believe his ears, did you really just moan out his name? 
It's confirmed once more as your pleading gets more frantic, as if moaning his name in such a way could will him through the computer screen and there to fuck you into your bed. You have no idea that that's what Neo wants more than anything. He stuffs his face with your stolen panties and continues to imagine parting your legs even further, his cock thrusting in and out of you instead of his own hand. 
It's not until your legs shake, moving and tightening together as his name shudders from your desperate voice that Neo let's himself cum. No, he had to see that you in that moment, that ecstasy. That's what he wanted to give to you, what he imagined he had done, to make you such a mess on your own bedsheets. That's what was driving him wild right now as he finally finds his peak of pleasure. 
As Neo finishes, he leans back in his chair, the little fan on his desk not doing much to cool the sweat on his skin. Neo has to find a way to catch his breath, his eyes droopy and unable to focus on much. He can still see your shape, vaguely, as you also seem exhausted in your bed so far away. 
Fuck. He really was fucked, huh? There was no way he was going to be able to keep this relationship professional. Not with him stalking you, and how badly he wants you. 
He can't even think of the implications right now, instead he crawls into bed, shutting off almost all of his computer screens. He leaves yours own, the green light cascading on his face. He watches you curl up on your dark bed sheets, naked and too hot for covers. 
Neo falls asleep tonight to you and the sound of rain beginning to tap against his window. 
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deadpoetesspotion · 14 days
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Keanu Reeves in Matrix(1999)
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thecaptainoutoftime · 2 months
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"I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing… why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Neo. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did." "What is the Matrix?" "The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to."
Happy 25th Anniversary to The Matrix
March 31st 1999-March 31st 2024
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blogale131 · 8 months
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More of this?
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
The Matrix: Neo's Office
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keanu-reeves64 · 10 months
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fuwbuki · 4 days
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I watched The Matrix for the first time (i know im very late lol) and i just love Smiths character. The only AI ill accept. I also wasnt able to find much fanart of him so fine ill do it myself before my schools finals
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mopikeanuriver · 11 months
“Keanu very diligent, he always wants to do things better. we are usually off on sunday, but sometimes keanu requests a practice on sunday, he wants to do all the moves perfectly.”
Yuen Wo-Ping
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grrbrainsorwhatever · 27 days
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Looking at the clock waiting patiently for this fixation to end
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ozynsane · 2 months
So I made an Neo transition edit, hope you guys like it
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I only just realized now why the Oracle kept offering cookies to Neo. Y’all get the joke? Neo needed the Oracle’s assistance and in return, he “accepted cookies”.
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97keanu · 9 months
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Neo x goth!reader?
Premise: You're the girlfriend he always wanted. Life was empty before you, life was nothing before you. Neo is simply a loser hacker who lucked out his perfect goth girlfriend. He has nothing but you to fill the void. He should be happy he's not lonely anymore, he should be happy, he should be...
TW: horror inspired, unreality heavy, you are not what you seem, you digital siren of the deep. The cycle will start again.
A/N: horror drabble for the season. May want to use a binary code translator here. Vagueness as not to give too much away. If you don't enjoy horror/unreality do not read.
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Neo had only known you for a few months, but in that time, you two had become inseparable. He can't believe you, you with your pitch black hair, your gothic make up, and pouty black lips had just walked into his life. He loved you. He loved how you dressed, with your black attire, your stompy boots, hair a whimsical bats nest. He loved your mind, you were so smart, he felt like he finally met his equal. He loved how you looked at him, with all the love he wanted in your eyes. Your voice, always soft, and gentle, a perfect contrast to your harsh dress.
In fact, he loved you so much, and you were so perfect, he could swear he dreamed you. Maybe he did. He couldn't say what his life was before you, you with your gorgeous darkness that had filled his life. 
You were perfect. Everything he needed. You two never fought, nor did he ever need to think of much else. In fact, as he lay next to you in his tiny, clothes strewn bed, his filthy, loser little room enclosed around you two like a nest, and he tries to remember for a second what he had even done for the day. How long has he been facing you, his perfect mate, talking about something he had lost the plot of. His heart lurched for a moment, and he swallowed down an anxiety that tended to fill him if he looked into your eyes too long. He whispered out your name as you stopped speaking mid sentence to furrow your brow at the sudden interrupting. 
"Yes, Neo?" Your voice was soft, kind, gentle as always. 
"What…um…" Neo rubs his sweaty forehead, wondering how he even began to sweat in the first place. He pauses for a while, and you of course, as the good girlfriend you are, don't talk over him, and simply listen as he tries to find his words. It's like trying to find something precious lost in a thick bucket of honey, the sweet sea calling him to ignore what he even lost in the first place. He finally decides on a sentence to begin with. "When did, um, when did you come over today, exactly?" 
"What do you mean my love?" You tilt your head and reach out a hand, moving now damp hair across Neo's forehead. "I came over at the same time I always do…"
Neo stares at your form, laying so closely in bed next to him. You're wearing an old band shirt of his, and when he tries to focus on what that band once was, he can only see shapes of a faded, long gone album cover. He can't remember what he used to listen to, he can't think about that right now. No, he should focus. Focus on you.
He finds your big soft eyes, that look at him with all the love in the world. 
"Yes…but….when was that again?" He has to clear his throat to get the sentence out. The anxiety rises again. His stomach feels empty, and he has no idea when last it was full, or if it ever was, for that matter. 
"Are you feeling sick, hun?" You let your hand press against his head, feeling the heat from his body against the back of your hand. Neo almost flinches from your touch, it's cold. 
"Yes, I am…" He pauses, then shakes his head. "Well, maybe I'm not. I'm not sure. I…What were you talking about before this?"
He tries to remember, then looks to your face, soft and full as the moon, your dark makeup blending into the dark of the room.
"Oh? That…that doesn't much matter. What would you rather talk about?" You smile widely, always happy to listen to your all loving boyfriend first. 
"No, no, I…." Neo sits up, his lungs have tightened too much. He needs to breathe away from you, from your beauty that wraps around his mind like a fog. 
"Neo, you don't seem like yourself tonight…" You say, with worry that is appropriate. 
"Can I just, I need some space right now." He stands up, then when you turn to follow, he goes to speak your name out. The word, that name of yours, catches in his throat like a stone. Neo coughs, trying to get it out, before his mind finalizes on the fact that he's never known your name at all. Who are you….?
"Neo…you're starting to scare me…" He has his back to you, he can't even look at you right now. He can't imagine what you look like. The darkness of the room is closing in. He can feel your hands enclose around his shoulders, always there for him. Never away, never letting him out of your sight. You have a cold heat, the kind that burns like dry ice, Neo can feel it through his shirt. The room has nothing in it. He knows that. It never had anything in it.
Neo can't even look at anything while your mouth breathes chilly crystals over his ears. 
"Why don't you come back to bed, my love…" 
Neo doesn't think his eyes are even open at this point. He isn't standing. He might as well be floating in this darkness. He might as well be nothing, and he already knows what you are. He can't say it. He can't speak, he keeps coughing. It's all caught in his throat now, as it always is when he remembers. He's drowning. He can feel it, the stench of real life seeping in once again. He can feel it devouring him, melting his body to a more useful goo. The screams won't come this time. He needs to stop thinking, he needs to listen to you, his loving girlfriend, his perfect girlfriend his his his his his his
His what?
Who even is he? 
Where is he? 
His hands are going now, and soon enough it will be all of him. He should stop this, he can't think this way. His hands illuminate the darkness, he sees it again, the code
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He nods. He's in bed with you again. He can breathe. He can breathe. He can breathe if you just don't look at him.
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