#thankful thursday
Thankful Thursday - Strong Henry
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Another change I am thankful for from the book to the movie is that Henry did not ever want to get rid of Alex when they first met. He was so overcome by the situation he was forced to be in, and Alex, that he needed to get out of there. I'm so glad this misunderstanding allowed the pacing of their blooming relationship to have that past 'altercation' put to rest. Moving forward, it made a lot of sense for the movie. (still wish we had more emails between them featured in the movie though)
There's a lot I can go on about the moment directly before this, but beginning with this one, seeing how strong Henry is to actually not only apologize for his behavior, to tell Alex that what he says next isn't an excuse... We all know he loved Alex from the start, but just because you love someone, it doesn't mean you know them and know how they will react to an apology (especially when they've been smarting over the thing you're apologizing for, for as long as you've loved them). For all Henry knew, Alex could've just laughed his apology off or acted like it didn't matter. Thankfully he truly is listening to Henry.
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE (2023) dir. Matthew Lopez
And the amazing strength he had to explain himself, to tell Alex something so incredibly personal. This he didn't have to do, but he opened himself up, he trusted Alex with something that had to have been so hard to talk about. Henry Fox, you are one brave man, from the very start, you've always been brave. From asking Shaan to get you out of there, because you needed to take care of your mental health no matter what the palace wanted to parade you around at the climate conference for, to being brave and and vulnerable in the face of a man who you don't think even likes you. Because it was the right thing to do, (the apology) and because you want him to like you (the explanation) and understand your behavior, even if you regret it.
I am thankful for Henry's honesty and the strength we see, and instead of giving in to being trapped and shutting down emotionally, ignoring the man beside him, instead, Henry stays in the moment, is vulnerable, and loves Alex so much, even then.
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the-golden-comet · 10 days
✨Thankful Thursday✨
Hello writers, artists, musicians, and creative minds alike! 💫
I want to take this day to give thanks to all you wonderful people. As artists, storycrafters, composers, and humans…it can be easy to lose sight of your love and passion when your brain is your worst critic.
I’ve been creating art and stories for a while now, but kept everything private because the Imposter Syndrome side of me kept saying: “I’m not good enough.”
I want to let you all know: That side of you is a bully, only existing to hold you back from your highest potential. For every self-critic your mind creates, manifest a self-advocate to shut them down.
“Yes, I AM good enough. I have important stories, art, music, and culture to share with the world, and I’m not gonna let you dampen my spirits.”
Life gets busy. That’s understandable. I had A LOT going on that kept me occupied since 2014. Now that I’m married, settled into a routine, and activities have slowed down a bit, I can focus on my hobbies again. And man, am I so glad I did.
You are all wonderful. I can’t ever thank you all enough for your kindness, your energy, and your imaginative spirits. Keep writing, keep drawing, keep composing, keep creating, keep inspiring.
The world needs more motivated minds. 💫
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walkswithmyfather · 9 months
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Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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mercurygray · 6 months
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@shoshiwrites said:
Happy Thankful Thursday, Merc! I keep making jokes about how long it's been, but my OC Jo has really been a way for me to try and recapture my creativity over an admittedly tough few years. She continues to bring me joy, whether that's writing her in her story or daydreaming different scenarios or picking out cute vintage outfits (very important). I'm so so excited to keep at my draft to be able to share her with the wider world, and I'm thankful to you and to my wonderful group of friends and fellow writers for welcoming her, and me, with open arms.
The biggest of shout-outs to @floydmtalbert and her mega-babe Louise, and to you Merc, @basilone, @junojelli, @tortoisesshells, @loveduringthewar @upontherisers, @noneedtoamputate, and @latibvles. I also very recently took a (published) step into M/M for the fandom, and was met with really wonderful reactions. I appreciate it so much, and really want to write more in the new year <3
I'm super thankful for Jo, too - and for you, kind friend. 💞 Explore more at [when the war came] on Shoshi's blog!
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msexplorer · 2 years
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When you are in gratitude, you are already in abundance. There is no second step. The moment you are grateful for your life, and all that’s in it, good and bad, painful and joyful, tragic and comic, you are already in the Kingdom, overwhelmed by riches. When you are grateful, you are fully present in your life. You are not caught up in past and future, in what could have been, or what might be, in regret or anticipation. You appreciate deeply what you have and what you are. How far you’ve come and how much courage and strength it’s taken to get here. With tears in your eyes, you drink a cup of tea, or spend an hour or two with a friend. You appreciate the rain, the sunshine, the clouds, the darkness and the light. Each meal is a gift. Everything you drink. Your clothes, however tattered. Your body, however imperfect. It doesn’t matter how much time you have left. You appreciate the time you’ve had. You appreciate this day. This day is the portal! Oh, you may lose everything before long. Or you may gain the world. You may rise high or fall low. Who knows. Who the hell knows. But you are here, now. Sitting. Standing. Breathing. Feeling. Thinking. Confused or clear. It is always a good day to begin. Yes, when you are truly grateful, you are a child in the Kingdom. Abundance is here, friend, when you the have the eyes to see it.~ ~Jeff Foster
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nkotbblockparty · 2 years
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Love you too, Joey Mac! ❤️
Photo Credit: @nkotb & @parisvisone
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dogdaz · 2 months
Thankful Thursday: Loving Life
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mrsm-h · 4 months
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babajeza · 4 months
Thankful Thursday – Zum Glück git's Schoggi
Little chocolate bear has been living with me since Christmas. I think I am crazy because I am still reluctant to eat it. It feels like killing. How could I kill a smiling … something …. that almost looks alive … ????? Furthermore, little chocolate bear has given me its heart … Little chocolate bear is supposed to be eaten, right? I made a fist. I took a deep breath. And boom! Oh, I love…
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Thankful Thursday
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There are many things I am thankful for in Red, White, & Royal Blue, and in this scene. Hearing Henry say this was so important to his story. And to Alex's. I'm so glad we got to see it, to hear it. It makes everything Alex says in Kensington even more powerful.
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sarahboyerdigiexpert · 4 months
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As we journey through another beautiful Thursday, let's take a moment to reflect on the blessings surrounding us and express gratitude for all the wonders in our lives!
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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mercurygray · 6 months
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It's almost Thursday, guys!
For the last couple of years, it's been my tradition to open my askbox up to let people give a shout-out about something they're feeling thankful for.
Is there someone in your fandom life you're particularly grateful to this year? Maybe an original character you're excited to finally share? Or a character or story that you're glad someone else wrote?
Write a little something about that, and drop it in my askbox! On November 23rd - that's tomorrow - I'll queue them up to publish them throughout the day, with links to stories or blogs where needed.
I know family holidays can sometimes be tough, and I do this in the hope that someone might get a tiny ray of sunshine in the middle of that.
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msexplorer · 2 years
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