#te updates
zombeebunnie · 4 months
Game development Trembling Essence update:
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Hi guys and welcome new followers! I am here with another update about the game, this one will be fairly short as well! :]
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In good news, both of my play testers were able to replay the game and go through everything I've written up so far. Listening to their advice has really helped me progress the game/story and revisit a couple of things from Day 3 that would fit later on in the game. It goes into spoiler territory so I can't explain too much but it mainly has to do with pacing the story. :]
As for the routes, both play testers gave the green light for them and there were only a few things that needed fixing.
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There were about 2 situations where the conversation between Noah and the player(Y/N) happened out of order that needed fixing. I cleaned up some of the dialog and rearranged some of the talking points to make it easier to understand, once I showed both of them the results they said it was easier to follow! :]
A reoccurring SFX that happens in the game was suggested to be replaced with something else. I was fine with this since it was something in the back of my mind that I wasn't too about adjusting so this really gave me the go ahead to do so. I'm still looking for one that fits but hopefully I find one soon! :]
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They also ran into a a couple grammatical issues I still missed (e.x.: Brake instead of Break) and I'm very grateful these were caught because I'm still surprised some were left around. I also did more dialogue fixing too since some descriptions were too clunky. :,]
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Also, here's a new CG! This was originally going to be used to replace the old living room window but my play testers and I agreed on liking the dated version a lot more. This was going to be scrapped but I found a better place for it! :,]
I'm still brainstorming how this area will look but maybe sometime next week it'll all be figured out!
I don't really have too much else to report on this time around. I've mainly been fixing a lot of the things my play testers have mentioned and doing a few tests here and there.
Thank you guys for all of your kind words and support, especially from the OC x Buckshot roulette drawings I did, I didn't expect the sudden boost with those. All of this is greatly appreciated! :,]
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artist-rat · 5 months
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lollygaggin' 2.0
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orsinium · 2 months
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Tentative family chart for goblin-ken languages 🤔 In this setup Old Orcish is a pidgin->creole created after the Velothi Exodus through contact between the newly transformed orcs and their new goblin cousins. The Riekling dialect is considered part of the western family of Goblin-derived languages, despite their population's location on Solstheim, because it grew out of the Western dialect spoken by Riekrs who originally traveled across Skyrim.
There's no in-game evidence of east/west splits for ogres I just thought it made more sense than everyone across an enormous continent speaking the exact same language despite not having any central education system or even political capital.
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chaddywaddy3 · 6 months
Okay I'm going to rant a bit about the new skyrim update.
I know that Bethesda claims that by buying from their mod shop you support mod creators. But they make a MASSIVE cut. And it's content that they did zero work on.
Show Bethesda and Microsoft that this isn't what we want for our community and support mod creators directly. The creations menu hurts us overall and makes modding less accessible and I think its unfortunate that steam deck support came at the cost of the entire modding community.
Thank you to all the modders who tirelessly work on this game for all of us to enjoy. The work yall do is incredible and the reason I love this community so much. 💗
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automatonknight · 1 year
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some oc references yay
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da3drat · 1 year
New post bc I don’t want one super long one tbh
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Todays work was sculpting and painting :D I didn’t plan on building up weathering/texture with apoxie but I had to cover the engraved title somehow and this was the only way to make it look natural. The cover still needs additional weathering and aging, and obviously the oht still needs to be painted (very excited to do that part), but I’m really liking the look so far!!
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diyakkul · 5 months
hello helloଳ⋆。˚ doing a little list of my finished & ongoing works on AO3 because... why not? all aonunete / loreya & kirotxo implied or as minor relationships.
♡ enemies to lovers trope ⋆。˚
I. Things I Hate About You | + Human AU & Celebrity AU
status: completed! / rating: teen and up audiences ☆ Neteyam and Ao'nung are bitter enemies who end up in a romantic plot twist.
II. He's Good For My Heart (Bad For Business) | + Human/Modern Royalty AU & Bodyguard AU (new!)
status: ongoing! / rating: teen and up audiences ☆ In which Jake has enough of Neteyam's shenanigans and hires Ao'nung as his personal bodyguard. "Your father has hired me to keep you in check, make sure you're not pulling off any more of that shit, and I'm going to do my job." (..) "So either be a good boy, or we'll have trouble," Ao'nung darkly whispered before pulling back. "Have I made myself clear, Your Highness?"
♡ fake dating/friends to lovers trope ⋆。˚
I. Just Once! | + Human AU
status: completed! / rating: teen and up audiences ☆ “Can you, please, fake being my boyfriend?” Neteyam looked deep into his eyes, begging, “Just once.” This was nowhere near what Aonung expected when Neteyam came to him asking for help.
♡ less specific tropes ⋆。˚
I. It's just You and Me (dancing in the Moonlight) | + canon divergence & tooth-rotting fluff
status: completed! / rating: general audiences ☆ The Night of Lovers is a unique occasion where everyone can profess their love and feelings for a special someone. Neteyam has a plan, but things might not unravel as he wishes (or, he might not be the only one with a plan).
II. How You Get The Boy | + Human AU & Hockey AU & College AU
status: ongoing! / rating: teen and up audiences ★ Ao'nung's always been presumptuous, kind of. Charismatic and self-conceived, he knows he has the looks to woo whoever he wants, and being the captain of his hockey team is nothing but a deadly weapon to his flirtatious causes. The way Neteyam Sully plainly ignores him, however, highly infuriates him.
for AO3 users only! Red means I Love You | + Scream Movies AU & Human AU
status: completed! / rating: explicit (for violence & blood) / archive warnings: graphic depictions of violence ☆ After the Sullys have moved to a townlet in Awa'atlu, several mysterious murder cases begin to shock and frighten the whole town. Oddly enough, each victim seems linked to Tsireya, and unfortunately, Ao'nung notices.
! will eventually update if there are changes or new fics to add˚˖𓍢ִִ໋🫧˚˖𓍢ִ✧˚
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shapelytimber · 25 days
Tes tarot update : The cards have arrived !!!
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If you've bought one (or more), please check your emails/kickstarter account ! You should have received a form to fill with your name, address…ect… If everything keeps going smoothly, they should be shipped in June ! Thank you for your patience :)) !!
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throughtrialbyfire · 13 days
"Cycle of the Serpent"
Chapter 22 - Solitude
prev. chapter | index
  Night.    Wyndrelis became acutely aware that it was night.    The flicker of torches passing by the windows of the inn marked long stretches of orange along the stone walls, pawing like a cat along a rug. He could feel the claws digging in, deeper, pinprick needles of the dark surrounding the three in the small room. What were they doing last? What had they done?    He closed his eyes.   He wished he hadn't. 
{ read on ao3 }
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lilarus · 11 months
Art I did of @illumiera's Elentari Bellefeuille!
Blessed Ellie in the soul stone thanks to @ego-osbourne's accidental dooming me with painting a sea in the background.
Read her fic here !!!
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Thank you for all the screenshots of miss ma'am I consumed them all and this was the output.
It took a bit to get here (two attempts that I'll just say are practice) but I'm really happy with how it's turned out!
You can't see it in the flat photo but there's silver in the clouds, waves, Ellie's dress and her hair. Video below of the shinies below.
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zombeebunnie · 2 months
Trembling Essence [Extended Demo]:💙What happens now?💙
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Hello and welcome new followers!
Firstly, I just want to thank everyone that have been playing the updated [Extended Demo] with the Endings Gallery and Day 3 notifier! From this I was able to get a good amount of responses to help me with quality of life ideas going forward. :]
The game page has also been fixed to include the Windows and Mac logo downloads as I had no idea they weren't there until I was told. :,,]
Again, please let me know if you run into any bugs, glitches, misspellings, etc or if the Endings gallery doesn't show up for you correctly.
"So what happens now?"
As far as the [Extended Demo] goes, I do have plans on updating it with certain paths/routes HOWEVER, it will be some time before that happens. There's a lot of stuff that I need to rework and look over before I can add anything. Here's a peek from some of the old game development posts.
[Please remember that this is still a DEMO and anything is subject to change.]
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The sections missing from the [Extended Demo] were from routes/paths I wrote during the late spring-summer of 2023. In the fall my writing style developed significantly which lead me to discover multiple pacing issues in the story that went unnoticed. Out of everything I wrote, the two full routes you get while playing were the only sections that were good enough for me to polish up and didn't contain spoilers. As for when the new routes/paths will be added to the [Extended Demo], I don't have an answer for this.
Right now I've been giving myself a break and mainly focusing on brainstorming things out.
In other news, I'm still in the process of creating Noah's reference sheets! There will be a total of three(?) which will have specific details for each one! It's taking some time to create since I'm still learning how to do angled faces/poses, here's the w.i.p sketch version below:
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Q&A / Ask box is still open:
Thank you to those who have sent in asks! I'll try to get to them when I can. I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings as practice. :]
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
This is all I have to share so far, Thank you to everyone for the continued support and encouraging words while I continue working on the game, I really appreciate it. :,]
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Hey Skyrim peeps! I have a question.
So I want to play Skyrim SE again but I haven’t played the game since around the time of the update News. (The one that breaks mod load orders).
The thing is most of my mods have been deleted by the mod authors and I don’t remember the names of the mods I have.
So if I turn off the internet connection to Xbox could that prevent the update? I use my mods to tell the story I’ve been writing for Skyrim. So if I lose my saves I’d have to reset everything.
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kagedbird · 2 months
Shaking and trembling, I find myself hyperventilating on the floor up against the wall, covering my head with my arms as much as possible, and blubbering endlessly.
Welcome back to your regularly scheduled break down. :)
Arc 2 begins.
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mareenavee · 1 month
The World on Our Shoulders | Chapter 35: I’ll Carry as Much as I Can
Chapter 35: I’ll Carry as Much as I Can
25th of Sun’s Dawn 4E 202
“Do you mean —  Teldryn  Sero?” Nyenna whispered.
“Ah, yeah, that sounds about right. I’d have to rifle through my correspondence in the room below to be sure,” Delphine said, more nonchalant than the woman had any right to be.
Nyenna started looking pale, eyes going distant. Her demeanor was getting more meek by the second. Athis watched as she swayed on her feet, trying to hold it together. He was already pissed off, but his rage swelled like a tidal wave at the mention of that fucking sellsword. As Nyenna said, another ghost. Or he would be in no time at all if he’d anything to say about the situation.
“Absolutely fucking  not,”  Athis growled, marching back over to where Delphine, curse her, and Nyenna stood.
“And what, pray tell, do you think is our other option?” Delphine spat, squaring her shoulders as if to get into a fistfight with him. Wouldn’t that be a treat.
Athis exhaled loudly through his nose. “I will get her there myself. We’ve killed Thalmor before, and we’ll do it again.”
“Absolutely fucking  not,”  Delphine parroted and let out a sarcastic bark of a laugh. “You’re a  liability.  You’ve always  been  a liability — I knew it during that battle with Sahloknir when you turned your back to a  dragon.”  She scowled and prodded him in the sternum. He could have ripped her arm from the socket in that moment, but bit back his temper. Delphine threw her hands up and stalked away from him. “Imagine, trusting you — and then what would we have? A dead Dragonborn, and a world set ablaze.” She huffed and let out a bitter laugh. “As if the world isn’t already on fire.”
“Delphine, Athis is right — I can’t trust Teldryn Sero.”
Nyenna’s voice was firm and as even as she could make it, but heavy with so much sorrow. Athis turned and laced his fingers through hers. She exhaled and let her shoulders drop, tension too much to keep holding on to.
“How do you know that?”
“I hired him when I was in Solstheim. He was the one that saved my life, true — but matters are much more complicated than I’ve been able to properly convey.” She paused and gave Delphine a moment to calm down and circle back to where they were standing, glancing sidelong at her the entire time. “He’s a sellsword and a thief. He had…no interest whatever in my actual safety. He wanted — he wanted more from me than that, and when I refused, he turned on me.” Nyenna hung her head and slid her fingers from Athis’s grasp. “Suffice to say… He can’t be trusted.”
Delphine cursed under her breath. “Brynjolf is part of the Thieves Guild, so yes, you’re right — Sero  would  be a thief. If he’s taken up additional work as a sellsword, that’s his prerogative.” She let out a long, irritated sigh. “You can go with him, and make use of the kind of work he’s really good at, according to my contacts, or you can find all the trouble we’ve been fearing between here and the Thalmor Embassy. I don’t see another option.” She scoffed. “Sorry to say.” -> Read the rest on AO3!
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rollingsim · 10 months
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mentally i'm here-
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caliblorn · 11 months
Sooooo does any of you have info on this project?
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