#tagamarie liking gsl is actually why some deranged jp fans are going with the narrative that
anesidoraa · 17 days
Seeing all these lovely Sulemio drawings done by the staff reminded me how sad it made to find out that one of the main illustrators (t*g*m*r**) doesn’t seem to like Miorine and prefers the het ship. Too bad because their style is really nice and they had great ideas around Suletta's childhood and slice of life moments
i don't know where people got that she hates miorine but she is indeed obsessed with g*esule (i can't remember if she likes el*sule too) and follows a bunch of gsl shippers who probably participate in that whole hate bandwagon on miorine/sulemio which is fucking lame but i expected that staff would have different preferences. one of them is literally homophobic lol (has a bunch of old tweets saying he doesn't like BL and GL), it's unfortunately still dire out there in japan. there are a bunch of other staff who like sulemio though, some of them just aren't on twitter. the artbooks have a bunch of married/romantic sulemio art and a "sulemio is god" message from staff was literally allowed on the OFFICIAL artbook. sooo i wouldn't sweat it.
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