possessedsims · 2 days
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maxispremades · 1 day
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Вскоре после того, как Джесс Сигворт занялась изготовлением вакцины, ею заинтересовались спецслужбы. И... предложили сотрудничество! Вариант «отказаться», конечно же, предусмотрен не был. Теперь Джесс обязана следить за всеми подозрительными персонажами (а в Стрейнджервиле это — буквально каждый первый) и писать ежедневные отчеты о том, что происходит в этом проклятом месте.
(Soon after Jess Sigworth started making the vaccine, the security services became interested in her. And... offered cooperation! The "opt out" option, of course, was not provided. Now Jess has to keep an eye on all suspicious sims (and in Strangerville it's literally every first one) and write daily reports on what's going on in this damn place).
poses by @alpine-lapine (save room)
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kanditvofficial · 15 days
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guys i think somethings wrong with my sim of alex
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lilamausmaus · 2 months
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1 Tesla Court
my ts4 version of the ts2 beaker house (:
Lot Type: Residential
Size: 30x20
Price: 238,873
For Rent, Horse Ranch, Growing Together, High School Years, Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Werewolves, Dream Home Decorator, Strangerville, Parenthood, Vampires, Dine Out, Spa Day, Crystal Creations, Paranormal, Romantic Garden, Cool Kitchen, Perfect Patio, Basement Treasures, Bathroom Clutter, Everyday Clutter
Gallery ID JenXsims or trayfiles (sfs)
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whyeverr · 7 months
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It all commenced with a curious light up yonder in the night sky. I tried tellin' myself it was nothin' more than a semi-truck rollin' on by, but how in tarnation were them lights so god-dern bright, even up in the upstairs bedroom? And why in the devil was the light such a peculiar shade of green?
Well, it weren't too long afore they'd got us good 'n surrounded. We bunkered down, but we warn't gonna give up the ghost without a scrap. We caught 'em flat-footed, and I darn well managed to bring one of them contraptions down with my trusty shotgun and a mite of good fortune, while Muriel kept 'em busy. But I'll be hornswoggled, our luck didn't last long at all when another one of them blasted saucers hoisted her right up into the heavens.
Now it's just me, trapped down here in the ol' root cellar, awaitin' 'til them space critters take me, or my sweet cow finds her way back home.
Lot details:
Lot Type: Residential
Price: §55,887
Location: Old Penelope, StrangerViille
I’ve used from all packs freely here, with Cottage Living and StrangerVille in the starring role
Muriel (the cow currently being beamed up into the UFO) is—understandably—a bit hard to care for in her current predicament. Luckily, you can still track down her teeny tiny animal shed in the air to call her out for the full tractor beam effect!
Created in celebration of Simblreen 2023! @simblreenofficial
Download via the Sims 4 Gallery or tray files via Sim File Share. Please don’t re-upload or share without credit. Thank you!
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bouncytrait · 5 months
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Hello Strangerville
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sadraccoon061 · 5 months
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S̷̘̾̈́͜o̴̝̥̎̔̾̀́̄͝ṋ̷̡̣͔̜̲̭̪̈́͊͌̀̋̾̕ ̷̯͓̠̫͆͛͋͌͂̀̚ͅȍ̸̼͎̟̱̹f̴͚̩̓́̇͛̀̅̇͝ ̶̡̢͍̭̟̘͈̹͌́̚̚ẗ̸̨̩̯̣́ḧ̸̥̱͚̲͖́̎͜͠e̶̖̝̥̳̘̫̖͒̒̔̈́̎͆̋͂͝ ̸̜͍͈̇̓͗̈́̌̆͜͝m̸͚͆͗̆o̶̳̕t̶̢̨̘̮̪̀͂̃͑͌ĥ̸̪̅̀̐͐̋̚͘͝ē̶̛͕̼͍̰͂́̽ŗ̷̘͛
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cowplantrelish · 4 months
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what is strangerville without our local conspiracy theorist? 👽💅
erwin becomes odie's reluctant sidekick after she stops some rogue militia giving him a hard time outside his market stall. initially wary of her due to her ties to the very conspiracies that he spends his days theorizing over, he soon learns to put his concerns to one side in order to save his little sister. after all, odie chicken may be strangerville's only hope.
camera idea came from @puppycheesecake's amazing erwin makeover, check it out here!
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dystopianam · 1 month
EDIT: YES I wrote "bizarre" wrong, I apologize, English is not my language 💀 In italian it's "bizzarro", so I had a bit of confusion...
WARNING: I'm remaking this set from scratch because I discovered new things. This set works but I mistakenly used the fairy statue as the base thinking it was Base Game, when in fact it's from Mansion & Garden, so if you don't have M&G you won't see these cc in your game. It's NOT your fault, it's my fault because I remembered wrong. In the new version I'm working on, in addition to solving the compatibility problem (I'm using a BG base, the plants could be decorations OR lights that you can turn on and off, with the addition of many other swatches! I'm still deciding whether to make one thing or another.
(It depends if I can make cc lights, I'm still a beginner) also...I want to include Sixam plants from Get To Work in a part 2 or 3 👀
SO: You can continue to download and use these sets if you have M&G. I also checked the files and the error in the name is present only in the .rar, in the folder and in the file names, but in game the names are correct (I mistakenly wrote Bizzare instead of Bizarre, but in game the cc is called Bizarre) so if it bothers you just rename the packages! (How you would rename any file and folder)
In the meantime I will work on the updated version!
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I always had the headcanon that Vidcund was one of the scientists who studied the mother plant, and because of that I always wanted to have a bit of Strangerville in my game but I never found the converted plants!
Some have already been converted (like the vines) but I wanted to have a complete set (also because I made my own edits!) I couldn't find the other plants anywhere for YEARS! (I'm very sure that after this post I'll see a post from someone who converted them like yesterday...but never mind!)
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Since I couldn't put the intermittent light effect, I decided to create some glowing versions!
The difference between Glow 1 and Glow 2 is that Glow 1 uses a white light, while Glow 2 uses a purplish light which makes the plant slightly more saturated!
I only made one glowing version of the Unhealthy Bizarre Plant because...well, it's the dead version of the plant! It wouldn't make sense if it lit up! (Since it is absent in Glow 2 and 3, if you decide to use these sets you could use Unhealthy Bizarre Plant from the other two sets)
They all cost 0 Simoleons (Well... I had no idea what price to put!) and you can find them in decorations > indoor plants!
They have no animations! They are static decorations unfortunately!
I hope it's clear because I would hate to disappoint anyone, but as I have already explained, they do not light up intermittently. They aren't lights. The no glow version doesn't turn on, the glow version is permanently on. If I can, in the future, if someone wants I can try to create a version that works as a light that can be turned on and off! Remember that I'm a beginner, I do what I can ^^"
I thought too late that it would have made more sense to categorize them as outdoor plants 💀 If it bothers you, you can change the category on simPe (Open the packages on simPe > Go in Object Data, in this page you can put the plants where you want them!) or wait until I'll fix the category with a future update!
Only use one set! (You can choose plants from each set individually, but don't use different version of the same plant, it has the same guid!)
I changed some textures from 1024 to 512, and compressed everything! Let me know if there are any problems!
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cloudbustingll · 4 months
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possessedsims · 2 days
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maxispremades · 1 day
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Испытываем пробную вакцину на зараженных горожанах! После того, как бесстрашная Джесс первым делом проверила вакцину на себе самой, ее первыми подопытными стали «подружка» Дженни Смит и дворецкий Розвеллов Лев Борзенко. Может быть, кто-то из вас даже помнит этого дедушку из Sims 2, в оригинале его зовут Zack Carr.
Испытание прошло успешно, и теперь Джесс может приступать к приготовлению настоящего антидота!
(We are testing a trial cure on infected townies! After (fearless!) Jess first tested the vaccine on herself, her first test subjects were her "bestie" Jenny Smith and the Roswells' butler who named Zack Carr (maybe some of you even remember this old man from Sims 2).
The test was successful, and now Jess can start preparing a real antidote!)
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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Another Bonus Strangerville Lookbook Ft. Margaret “Maggie” Pries (Again)
Well... I dressed Erwin's big sister up again! Look at her adorable, sad face... I just couldn't help myself! She's my chaotic little queen of poor decision-making, a living embodiment of the tortured artist stereotype, a girl who is a cancer rising, sun, and moon (iykyk). Maggie Pries, you would love the Y2K fashion renaissance here on simblr.
If you like this lookbook and want to know more about Maggie, you can check out her original lookbook HERE. If you’re interested in more details regarding my Strangerville story, check out my Strangerville tag!
[1] Hat, hair, necklace, gloves, shirt, skirt, tights, boots [2] Headphones, hair, cigarette acc., top, acc. top, shorts, shoes [3] Hat, hair, shirt, pants, shoes [4] Hair, outfit, tights, boots [5] Hair, top, pants, thong acc. [6] Hair, earrings (Pendrago), top, skirt, socks, shoes [7] Hat*, hair, scarf, bracelets, top, acc. top, bottoms, shoes [8] Hat, top**, gloves, wristbands, jeans, paint acc. overlay
CAS poses by @helgatisha and @lou-from-moonwood
Anything marked with a * means it’s either from the Sims Resource, Simsdom/Simsfinds, or goes through a “host” such as AdFly. Anything marked ** means it’s early access but will be posted publicly.
Thanks to all the talented cc creators! @sentate, @kamiiri, @clumsyalienn, @caio-cc, @1-800-cuupid, @fukkiemon, @ts4eve, @aharris00britney, @b0t0xbrat, @rimings, @babyetears, @belaloallure3, @simstrouble, @kamiiri, @eunosims, @evellsims, @serenity-cc, @trillyke, @aladdin-the-simmer, @isjao, @laeska, @blahberry-pancake, @jius-sims, @sforzcc, @cubersims, @stamsim
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lilamausmaus · 4 months
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Llama Food Truck
Lot Type: Restaurant
Size: 20x15
Price: 9,540
Growing Together, High School Years, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, City Living, Werewolves, Dream Home Decorator, Strangerville, Parenthood, Dine Out
Gallery ID JenXsims or trayfiles (sfs)
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*you can't click on the floor because of the debug rugs - click on the tables or host/hoststation to request a table and your sim will walk there
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kazroze · 5 months
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memoirsofasim · 5 days
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