#story beginnings
enchantingepics · 3 months
Story Prompt 2
In the quiet embrace of the night, he left again. His departure echoed like a silent question, leaving her to grapple with the shadows that crept into her heart. As he walked away, her thoughts raced, torn between understanding and longing.
But could she blame him? His heart, a transparent window untouched by smudges or cracks, carried a perpetual brightness. He found joy in the smallest moments, laughed freely at his own flaws, and gracefully navigated the currents of life. Yet, he never opened his eyes underwater, remaining blissfully unaware of the depths concealed beneath.
On that particular night, the darkness draped over her like a wool hood, hiding the turmoil within. How could he have known that she needed him? That she yearned for his presence to ward off the shadows for just a few hours? He couldn't know, for he held sunshine and danced through cloudy days, untouched by the abyss she faced.
As he turned away, she mustered the strength to call out, a desperate plea lingering in her voice. "Wait," she said, her gaze locking onto his retreating figure.
He paused, turning back to meet her eyes.
"Can you stay?" Her words trembled with vulnerability. "Tell me everything's all right. Please."
Her unspoken plea echoed in the space between them: I need you. Yet, she held back, unwilling to expose the depths of her dependence. It was a frightening prospect, one she couldn't burden him with. It was better if he remained oblivious.
He blinked, a hint of confusion in his gaze, but she could see the understanding dawning. He may not comprehend the darkness that engulfed her, but he would stay. She was certain of that.
"Of course I can," he whispered, his sincerity cutting through the night.
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divine-x-violence · 1 year
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ Beginnings & Beginnings ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
The second addition to this series, so if you haven't stumbled upon the first, here it is !
Minor warning for suggested violence, though its a start so there's not much. But enjoy none-the-less :)
An expression full of anger, eyes glaring, lips drawn back, sharp teeth exposed and a stance full of threat.
Tension filled the room, heavy and thick as the stench of blood that lingered on their clothes. Knives clutched in tight fists, knuckles turning white, but all was still. They stared at each other, intentions evil.
The room was small, and the struggle had knocked much to the floor. It was a bedroom, and the bed was now stained with blood, sheets torn, mattress ripped, blankets on the floor. The nightstand was tipped on the floor, the small desk lamp throwing light up against the wall, reflecting on the figures with an eerie glow. A mirror on a far wall was shattered, shards all over the ground.
The larger figure, a man, stood on one side of the bed, in nothing but pants he was sleeping in. The woman stood on the other side, wild and wicked, curved dagger in her grip, knuckles white.
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ruegarding · 6 months
that scene in tlo where thalia tells percy he can't start feeling sorry for luke bc luke made his choices. and thalia reveals that the reason they couldn't make it to camp in time for all of them to make it to camp was bc luke kept picking fights. and annabeth never saw this as wrong bc luke was her hero. so thalia had to pick up the pieces. and percy thinking both that luke was put in a cruel position and that luke was putting others in a cruel position. and percy is the only character who understood both sides of luke bc annabeth sees only the best of him and thalia sees only the worst. and that's why percy is the prophecy kid and the one who gives luke the knife. bc annabeth had spent the entire series essentially giving luke the knife when he didn't deserve it. and thalia was never going to give luke the knife. but percy is the only one who can see exactly when luke deserves the knife.
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mightymur · 2 months
[ISBW] Riding the Revision Rollercoaster
S20 Ep.12: In Which Mur Plans to Turn Hurt Feelings into Finished Drafts Transcript   “I read over the notes and I got mad and I got my feelings hurt.” – Mur (being fussy) I’ve received my edit letter about Infinite Archive, so I’m handling all the emotions that carries with it, which call the revision rollercoaster.  ADHD complicated my perception of time, so figuring out how long it will take…
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egophiliac · 3 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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bloominglegumes · 25 days
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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ninyard · 11 days
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exy fans + Twitter (the Kathy Ferdinand show edition)
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nohomie · 27 days
Character intro:
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Extra lore dump below
So yeah, Vampires are special because theyre actually manmade.
Vampires where created centuries ago, long before Human and Mythic agreed to live together peacefully. There were still fights between the two and Humanity was on the losing end. It was due to this that led to some royal family trying to play god and turn themselves into a mythic only for it to cause disaster and destruction.
Fun fact, the term vampire stems from their place of origin, Vamais. While not all vampires come from there, there are few that still exist who once lived in Vamais. You can easily tell if a vampire was once a Vami from their unique facial features (no visible nose and facial hair, not even eyebrows) and striking blue hair.
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aashiyancha · 2 months
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It's been some beautiful spring days that made me think of the summer to come. So, I decided to give this game another whirl
Also peak summer moment. I wanted Jeremy to come back just so I could pour another cup on him.
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inkskinned · 1 year
sometimes we just need someone to pay enough attention.
for the longest time i had been trying to read The Lord of The Rings. everyone had sung the praises for it, over and over. i'd seen clips of the movie and it seemed like it could be fun, but actually reading it was fucking horrible.
my parents had the omnibus - all the books squished into one big tome - and in the 4th grade i started sort of an annual tradition: i would start trying to read TLR and get frustrated after about a month and put it back down. at first i figured i was just too young for it, and that it would eventually make sense.
but every time i came back to it, i would find myself having the exact same experience: it was confusing, weird, and dry as a fucking bone. i couldn't figure it out. how had everyone else on earth read this book and enjoyed it? how had they made movies out of this thing? it was, like, barely coherent. i would see it on "classics" list and on every fantasy/sci-fi list and everyone said i should read it; but i figured that it was like my opinion of great expectations - just because it's a classic doesn't mean i'm going to like experiencing it.
at 20, i began the process of forcing myself through it. if i had to treat the experience like a self-inflicted textbook, i would - but i was going to read it.
my mom came across me taking notes at our kitchen table. i was on the last few pages of the first book in the omnibus, and i was dreading moving on to the next. she smiled down at me. only you would take notes on creative writing. then she sat down and her brow wrinkled. wait. why are you taking notes on this?
i said the thing i always said - it's boring, and i forget what's happening in it because it's so weird, and dense. and strange.
she nodded a little, and started to stand up. and then sat back down and said - wait, will you show me the book?
i was happy to hand it over, annoyed with the fact i'd barely made a dent in the monster of a thing. she pulled it to herself, pushing her glasses up so she could read the tiny writing. for a moment, she was silent, and then she let out a cackle. she wouldn't stop laughing. oh my god. i cannot wait to tell your father.
i was immediately defensive. okay, maybe i'm stupid but i've been trying to read this since the 4th grade and -
she shook her head. raquel, this is the Silmarillion. you've been reading the Silmarillion, not the lord of the rings.
anyway, it turns out that the hobbit and lord of the rings series are all super good and i understand why they're recommended reading. but good lord (of the rings), i wish somebody had just asked - wait. this kind of thing is right up your alley. you love fantasy. it sounds like something might be wrong. why do you think it's so boring?
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purplesound · 7 months
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enchantingepics · 3 months
Story Prompt 73
Chaos descended like an unexpected storm in the world. The air was thick with tension as people rushed about, their faces etched with fear and confusion.
Amidst the turmoil, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence sending shivers down the spines of those nearby. He was cloaked in darkness, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light.
"There's no human suffering if there's no humans to suffer," he declared, his voice carrying a chilling certainty.
The words hung in the air, a grim proclamation of what was to come. Panic spread like wildfire as the realization dawned on the populace. This was no ordinary threat; it was the promise of annihilation.
In the midst of the chaos, a small group of survivors banded together, determined to fight against the impending doom.
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divine-x-violence · 1 year
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✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ Beginnings & Beginnings ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
Welcome, to a series of randomly picked story un-edited beginnings from my 'abandoned' folder.
Once every day or few I will randomly select a beginning to include in my series, in order to get my works out there and perhaps find a renewed passion to complete them :)
As a warning, some will be gore/horror as that is a common style of my writing, for anyone out there that doesn't like those things :)
So, here we go! A short one to start off with.
It was the begging that got him. That disturbed him. The sight of a human reduced to nothing but a weak, bloodied beggar, staring up at him with eyes so clear from crying… Begging with a voice broken from screaming. Some of them begged, some of them fought back, but all of them had that look in their eyes. It wasn’t quite fear, no, it was something else he could never pick…
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uglygirlstatus · 2 years
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the nyt goncharov article comments are so ridiculous I hate that reporter for even bringing it up
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lotus-pear · 4 days
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HIII SORRY FOR NO NEW ART have some concept sketches for the fic i'm working on instead
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itsdefinitely · 16 days
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i had a song stuck in my head
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