#steven merks
puckspoetry · 3 months
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individualkarpal · 22 days
Ok also ich bin in der Verarbeitung der ersten 4,5 Monate dieses JK- Jahres und hab mal gesammelt was da alles bereits passiert ist. (Notiz an mich selbst: Such dir n scheiss Hobby ey! 😄).
Die Liste ist ganz klar lückenhaft/ nicht unbedingt zeitlich linear und auch ganz bestimmt nicht vollständig- Ergänzungen? Haut rein!
Es ist der schlichte Versuch, mich zu sammeln, für weitere „Eskapaden“ (—> Go for it!) zu wappnen und dabei nichts zu vergessen… Die Fülle an Content und Material die die Zwei uns gerade liefern übersteigt meine kognitive Merk- Leistung jedoch um Längen😄. Und meine Fähigkeit zur Rationalität hat sich mit Pauken& Trompeten (oder einer Mariachi- Band) in die ewigen Jagdgründe verabschiedet.
Also viel Vergnügen bei diesem… naja, was auch immer das sein soll…;)!
Also erstmal fange ich an mit Aussagen die EXAKT so gefallen sind:
J: „Wenn wir das nächste Mal ausgehen kannst du die dann auch anziehen?“
J: „Das fühlt sich an wie ein Fiebertraum…. Hier ist mein Freund und Kollege, ich darf in Klausi nennen, hier ist Klaas Heufer- Umlauf!“
J: „Oh Gott ich liebe dich!“
K: „Also sexy kannste ja ne…“ (leider OffCam bei WSMDS nach dem Tanzen zu Makeba-Jain)
J zu Wildcard: „Wen von uns würdest du verheiraten?“
K: „Ich würd mich noch umziehen auch.“
Wildcard zu K.: „Ich hätte dich zu Joko gesteckt….“
K:“ … Es würde in 90% der gängigen Lebenssituationen an unserem Verhältnis nichts ändern.“
J: „Ich bins, your worst Nightmare“
J: „Wie weiche Haut du hier hast!“ (#vielZuLangesNackenstreicheln)
J: „… Du weisst, ich bin so gern in deiner Sendung!“ (legt seine Hände auf Klaas Oberschenkel ab).
K: „Du hast ganz warme Hände…“ (Legt den Arm um Joko und zieht ihn näher zu sich).
„….“ (Bringen ihre Köpfe zueinander, schliessen ihre Augen).
J: „… Du lädst mich viel zu selten ein… lad mich öfter ein….“
K: „Wir haben eine Sache zu verkünden…“
J: „Wir heiraten und ihr seid alle eingeladen“ - „
K: „Genau!“
Steven zu K: „Du machst heute alles so sexy. (Lacht).
J: „Klaas IST sexy!“
J: „Und auf dem letzten (Foto) küssen wir uns.“
K: „… diese Art unsere Sendung zu gucken finde ich sehr gut weil ich nicht genau weiss was als nächstes passiert.“
J: „Bring mich nicht auf Gedanken….“
J: „… ich soll jetzt hier dein perfides Spiel spielen und du willst mich eigentlich einf nur in nem sexy Pyjama sehen? Ist es das was du willst?“
J: „Schatz? Klaas, kannst du bitte kurz mit mir reden?“
J zu Sophie: „Er ist der grösste Schatz von allen- mein grösster Schatz!“
J: „Weisst du was wir machen? Ich steck mir den Stift in Po.“
K: „In Po?“
J: „Ich kriegs nicht hin. Der hält nicht Klaas.“
K: „Wie der hält nicht? Na komm her, das mach ich jetzt mal…“
„K: „Küsst du mich jetzt auch?“
J: „… Wir fahren jetzt in die Flitterwochen, tschau!“
Und dann all diese „Dinge“:
- Gefühlte 220983 Umarmungen bei WSMDS
- Gefühlte 220983 Herzchen- Augen- Momente
- Wie die zwei Arm in Arm reinkommen nach der letzten WSMDS- Folge
- J. bringt K. Herzchen-Kaffee, Spiegeleier und streichelt ihm über den Kopf beim Frühstück #24hJK
- J. wäscht K. Haare
- J. richtet K. Frisur bei JKP7
- DER 3. KUSS!!! (#Ringgate)
- LNB- BestOf mit Joko im Bett durch Berlin?!?
Und die Insta- Posts:
- Klaas im Igel- Shirt
- J: „Neue Folge WSMDS- mit meinem Gatten @damitdasklaasturbo“
- K: „This could be us but you‘re playing“ (Repost J. mit Herz bei Klaas‘ Profilfoto)
—> Ok, das ist jetzt etwas mehr eskaliert als geplant… 🫣…
Und zum Abschluss:
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amplifyme · 9 months
(Disclaimer: this is looooooooooooong and probably riddled with grammar errors; but I've chugged down a few eps. and a book, so I'm not as bothered about those as I probably should be. ;)) )
Okay, so, in a weird way, these episodes were the most straight-forward for me in S2 (probably because of our discussions and Nan's excellent writing as a primer.) Not too many thoughts that are "new", but definitely some worth sharing and chewing over with you.
The Hollow Men: Cameron and Dale, what an introduction-- interesting that Dale, though he has less direct taste for it, seems to be affirming Cameron's quest for happiness by spearheading opportunities for him to kill (usually, dark eyebrow murderers are the "strong" ones in the dynamic while their blond friends are the loose link-- which they both are, but not completely.) The girls, bless their hearts. Joe warning Cathy about her lack of proof. Vincent, traumatized and avenging, trailing the boys like a shadow (he waits for them in the darkness)--and this time leading danger back to Cathy instead of the other way around (although... Cathy, you didn't learn your lesson again. Antagonism and blatant threats will do you no favors, especially when you give away a lot of your cards without anything in your back pocket to protect yourself.) The showdown in the theatre (CATHY), and Vincent taking a shot and powering through it, so different than that time in The Outsiders. The dull and boring and disconnected rich parents; and their shameless flaunting of their connections, power, and privilege.
What Rough Beast: Hated Spirko the moment I saw him. Paracelsus his cigarette reveal, and the lengths he will go is both impressive and a little amusing (and fascinating in its scope.) STEVEN'S BACK-- you baited his return; and seeing him and hearing his own twisted version of events was excellently worked into the episode. CATHY FINALLY WONDERED IF SHE WAS RESPONSIBLE AND FATHER DIDN'T ANSWER. Listening to the music Below is back. And, of course, Elliot's back; both in person and in impersonation. Vincent and Father's conversation about what Vincent is (and Father's uncertainty here is juxtaposed perfectly to "his" unabashed certainty in a certain climactic moment in the next episode) and setting up his "educated the man" for the finale when they discussed how books were all that kept Vincent from falling off the ledge all those years ago. "Father, I cannot control my thoughts. Father, I'm afraid"-- powerful stuff. Cathy believes Elliot is in the wrong the ONE TIME that he's in the clear (and her "we are beyond" statement-- including herself in the "otherness" that is Vincent-- is touching and disjointed, because she has only ever embraced the parts of him that are "human"... which she says as much in the finale to Peter after the blood analysis.) Spirko having the gall to still publish his evidence after Vincent spared him from death and Cathy tried to reason with him (also... JUST SWIPE HIS EVIDENCE AWAY BEFORE HE CAN LEAVE. I understand Vincent was too wiped, but I'm sure he could summon something up or Cathy could put up more resistance.) Cathy choosing to say goodbye rather than fighting for their romance is... huge and frustrating and makes me look even more forward to Diana in S3. (Which reminds me of Nan's AWTN where Diana spent weeks down Below with Vincent in the maze-- and more times before and after-- without batting an eye for him. Makes me ponder, makes me think thoughts.) Paracelsus merked Spirko, whoop whoop! Vincent staring into the abyss in his dark room is FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORESHADOOOOOOOOOOWING, and a great eerie cap to this episode.
Ceremony of Innocence: Full disclosure-- I knew Vincent/Paracelsus/Anna's backstory from Nan's work and even the twist of Paracelsus's death, but this episode was so well-acted I got confused and doubted myself. Excellent. The opening shot of Vincent is so, so eerie (picking up from the prev ep's close, I see.) Cathy's nightmare-- a lot to unpack: "He’s an animal-- what does that make you?” is probably why Cathy resists that aspect of Vincent the most, because their bond is a reflection of each other (Vincent staring at his reflection in the lake while her nightmare plays out, for instance) and more particularly, she fears, a reflection of herself. And horror and ugliness is something she broke down and shied away from in the first episode, the voodoo episode (which was a missed opportunity for Vincent's Otherness to be explored, a shame in retrospect), Trial, and this ep (directly opposite, I might add, to Diana's low self-esteem and "who cares?" attitude to her looks and "ugliness" in general-- I assume.) Nan tackles and "tames" that aspect of Cathy at the end of Beyond Words, Beyond Silence and in AWTN in Kansas... but I have to wonder: I don't think Cathy truly, fully loved Vincent as a whole before the finale (because there was always a part that held her back unless everyone else held back from Vincent too, which summoned her "call to action" or stubborn insistence of his humanity.) Father's "It's been a wonderful... dream" followed by Vincent's "No Father-- this is my tomb" certainly set up for the aborted plans George R. R. Martin had for S3, as did Vincent's wandering the catacombs for answers (twisted in death, as Narcissa calls it.) Cathy's lack of poker face continues, as does Joe and Elliot's endless supply of understanding and patience. Elliot exercising important brain cells by hiring a private detective saved everyone but Vincent in the end. Vincent "moping" around the tunnels while Father digs up old treasures and poems and literature to steer his mind off his troubles sets up perfectly for their conversation in the finale (about his past fugues.) Mouse's "he needs Catherine" practicality opposed to Father's longwinded rationalizations further emphasize how tied everyone's hands are. Paracelsus inviting Father to 666 (you dramatic man you) and challenging Father to fire a gun in the light (oh, the drama) and overpowering him and leaving him for dead while he goes to "release" his son from the imprisonment of civilized humanity was a great crescendo (not to mention the subtle hints of sending Vincent on a paranoid quest for more answers and asking the community for weapons and flawlessly transitioning from acting like "Father" to pressuring like Paracelsus.) Cathy was right-- that it was a lie-- but that's not what he needed reassurance about: what if it did, what would she do? Vincent's cruel birth story, scaring Cathy and sending her away, Cathy leaving but ultimately wanting to make Paracelsus pay and inadvertently saving Father (and leading Father back down), and the two arriving in time to see the aftereffects in Father's study. "You and Father-- you wouldn't admit the truth even if it stood right in front of you" is both right and very wrong: Cathy will deny it in the name of love, but Father does love if not embrace or accept fully that side of his son. Vincent driven to madness (to the Other, really, which at this point is pretty equivalent) and then dulled to near catatonic responses is the heavily necessary outcome. (A touch here that Nan added in BWBS was excellent and wrenching, will chat about it below.)
The Rest Is Silence: Vincent losing command over himself and running his body to the limit and sweating and tearing himself apart trying to contain the Other was fantastic to watch. Waking in the park, getting around Mary (who cannot read subtext for the life of her) to get to Father and his comfort and guidance, and pouring at his desperation and fear was an excellent way to start. Father's fear of Vincent's loosening grip (for his son and secondarily for everyone's safety) and steady reassurance added so much throughout, especially Vincent almost lashed out again: so similar to but completely different from the drugged scene in S1, Father showed no fear (as he had not then nor in the past with Lisa); and just exemplifies how much love and care and faith he has in his son and their relationship. They mentioned restraints again (one other time, I think) and Nan's written about the incident a little more clearly in her flashbacks, but I don't believe? I've heard the characters talk extensively about Vincent's previous incident (when he separated the Other from himself after injuring Pascal's wrist); so, maybe S3? Seeing the world through Vincent's eyes as he worsens was also fantastic; and Cathy did excellently herself this episode, asking him what she can do rather than pressing for impossible details, demanding more thorough answers from Father the right way, and keeping by Vincent's side when he broke into her apartment (kept chuckling because I remembered Nan's Diana laughing how he broke into Cathy's and out of hers.) Cathy's a very elemental and nostalgic person; and I wonder if her "flying" with Vivaldi was a reference (indirectly) to her memory of climbing the trees in the park while her father watched (or it could just be in-character, like her soaking in the sea or wanting to take Vincent to the mountains, or climbing a tree to reconnect with her dead father, etc.) Vincent so strung out that he talked out loud, snapped about Paracelsus, tried to insist the worst was behind them, tore his room apart, and rushed to and "attacked" Cathy's apartment in an irrational haze was excellent; but it kept getting better and better during his fever and "hallucinations" and the Other's hovering (now I know visually what Nan meant when she captured Buster's hovering and insistence) and Cathy's help and his progression to the bed and his waking better to watch the sun go down. Also, Vincent's finally in her apartment and for more than one day (noticed you had me take particular note of that so I've been waiting for that moment to happen.) I almost didn't notice how important Vincent's "love" was until BWBS (so thank you, Nan, for bringing that more thoroughly to my attention); but I did notice how he didn't directly agree to Cathy's request. And, of course, things are not better. Samantha and her book, wounding some members to get out, collapsing into Father's arms and sending him off, saying goodbye to everyone and leaving before he and Cathy return (what a moving scene-- they all love him in their own ways), and fleeing below the catacombs to potentially die in the attempt to master or free himself (a literal descent into darkness) was the cherry on top. Mouse following Vincent anyway made me want to cheer; and Pascal keeping up with him on the pipes made me want to cheer even more. Father staying back while Cathy insists on descending, too, sets up that puzzling little dichotomy: I believe Father loves Vincent more "completely" as he acknowledges all aspects of his son; but I believe Cathy loves Vincent more deeply? sacrificially? because she does not fear Vincent in his Other form, determined to believe he will never harm her. Beauty's love killing and then rescuing the Beast make a full circle here; and I'm glad the writers at least had a closed arc (in a way) before the restrictions for S3 upended the show (though not in a bad or worse way. Excited to dig into it~.)
On a separate note: I'm not in the habit of making everything about The X-Files, but I can see why a fan fresh off BATB would be drawn to this other show. Mulder and Scully had that near-instant connection between them that transcended words, social norms and expectations, and both of their fixed perspectives or parameters. But I think Mulder and Scully succeeded where Vincent and Cathy failed because they disproved, together, Father's assessment which Peter quoted to Cathy: "Maybe Jacob was right: when you go beyond definitions, scientific knowledge can only break down." The breakdown, or the hitch, was in the lack of complete acceptance.
And now,
Beyond Words, Beyond Silence: Nan ties these episodes together brilliantly. She also captures Cathy sooooooooooo well, building more on her self-doubt than the little bits of cursory examination we were given ("In telling her what he believed, he'd also been telling her what she desperately wanted to hear - that their relationship existed on a different plane from anything she'd ever known"-- I CALLED IT. Proud of myself.) Fleshing out Paracelsus's thoughts and linking in Vincent's waxing and waning confidence in himself and his relationship with Cathy (if it should continue or not) ties directly back to AWTN and her other book that I can't for the life of me remember right now; and it makes me giddy to see the throughlines (including the children and swimming, the Other and the cave-- both wanting that undivided, appraising attention.) Vincent's poem tying to back to Cathy and his fervency in tearing apart his room, breaking into her place, and driving himself into a fever until she quoted the poem back was superb. Again, Nan dug deep with Cathy; and these are a few powerful quotes that I couldn't pass up on: building on Cathy's toxic past relationships and tying it to her current pattern of behavior-- "...love that gave, and gave, and asked for nothing in return, she need never fear any physical aggression - from him or anybody else. A strong inducement to be oblivious"-- paired perfectly with "Absurd to imagine Vincent hurting anyone he loved.... Those were only dreams and had nothing to do with her and Vincent" and "Now she wondered if she'd been right to discount the unfitting things. If refusing to acknowledge all the anomalies - the number and scope of them! - she'd been dismissing the forest to see only the one preferred tree.... But they weren't deformities: they were Vincent. Maybe even the most of Vincent." Nan gives Cathy an arc where she marries her loyalty to both aspects of Vincent; but I shall have to wait for confirmation, denial, or nothing at all in S3 (I hope it's touched on a little); and giving Cathy the chance to explore that unfairness she expected or took for granted in her relationship with Vincent was refreshing and gave me another, brief glimpse what a functioning, healthier relationship between these two would have looked like.
As a final note, when Vincent speaks with shame about parts of himself and Cathy assures him those parts aren't him, I wondered how that would sound if he were a normal man with a comparable struggle; and the quickest comparison that I could think of-- though clumsy-- was mental illness. I'm mostly ignorant on this topic, so pardon my thoughts if they're too off target; but I sat wondering how it would feel if he were in the midst of a mental health crisis with everyone treating him like he needs to be "fixed", with restraints or with their love. And the shame and closed-in aloneness of that experience seems comparable in a few degrees, though of course you can't factor in his primal nature. Cathy's grand gestures of sweeping dismissal in the name of "this" not being "him" hits pretty close, as it would be denying an aspect of who Vincent is by pretending it can be weathered and then ignored-- and more tragic, because it would be spoken through well-meaning ignorance.
FINGERS CROSSED I miiiiiiiiiiiiiight? be able to squeeze in S3 Ep 1 (had lots of free time today~); but we'll see. Do you recommend I watch episode 1 separate or immediately follow it up immediately with episode 2?
I'm going to go ahead and chop this discussion up into separate posts just to to help me keep things straight in my own head. I'll dig into The Hollow Men here and then address the trilogy and BW,BS in posts of their own.
Follow me down...
Vincent, traumatized and avenging, trailing the boys like a shadow (he waits for them in the darkness)--and this time leading danger back to Cathy instead of the other way around
That was an interesting little twist, wasn't it? In hindsight it's another sign that all is not well with Vincent, and hasn't been in some time. Because if he'd been thinking clearly, he would have been able to think several steps ahead and glean that his actions might put Cathy in danger. And he would never willingly do that.
I completely understand his feelings of disgust, anger, and helplessness at the actions of these two kids. I have no problem rationalizing his desire to take matters into his own hands, and I thought his lecture to Father about the connection that exists between the two worlds was spot-on and something Father needed to be reminded of. But having said that, there seems to be a disconnect in Vincent here, when it comes to the risk to himself and the risks his actions may pose to others. And that's not at all like him. He's acting rather like Cathy here, jumping straight into the fray without thought of the consequences.
The showdown in the theatre (CATHY), and Vincent taking a shot and powering through it, so different than that time in The Outsiders.
Oh, Cathy; dear, dumb Cathy. Whatever possessed you to take the word of a person you don't know and duck into a dark, deserted theater when you know you have two killers on your tail? Oh, wait, I forgot. You also have very large, very strong, fanged and clawed protector at your literal beck and call.
Vincent is so done with everything by the end of this episode. I feel worse for him than I did at the end of The Outsiders. His "Nothing but madness, nothing but blood. When will it end?" is so heartbreaking because I know what's coming. And I kind of think he does, too.
Okay, gonna start another post for What Rough Beast. Stay tuned.
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tarditardi · 4 months
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Il weekend targato Hotel Costez - Cazzago (Brescia): 26/01 Steven Nicola e Brio e 27/01 Festival 2000
Ecco un altro scatenato weekend all'Hotel Costez - Cazzago (Brescia), meeting point scatenato ad alto tasso di stile e da sempre simbolo di ottima qualità musicale... e di ciò che si può bere al bancone o tra i tavoli. Si parte venerdì 26 gennaio 2024 con un team artistico d'eccezione in console, ovvero Brio alla voce e Steven Nicola al mixer. Davide Briosi, in particolare, come vocalist da tempo dà energia ai club più importanti d'Italia. Speaker ufficiale del Basket Brescia Leonessa e conduttore televisivo presso la più importante tv della città. Da tempo collabora, grazie a professionalità ed umiltà, con molte delle più importanti realtà cittadine tra locali, lifestyle ed hotel. Come vocalist, oltre a mille altri, ha diviso il palco con star come Federico Scavo, Vinai, Merk & Kremont e molti altri ancora.
E che succede sabato 27 gennaio 2024 all’Hotel Costez - Cazzago (Brescia)? Il sound è quello degli anni 2000, sorprendentemente oggi lontani oltre vent'anni. Ovvero si balla a ritmo degli anni 2000 con le hit più belle di quel periodo, quelle del Festivalbar, che all'Hotel Costez diventa semplicemente #Festival2000. Chi non si muove a ritmo vuol dire che ha seri problemi... 
Dalla musica ai cocktail, dal design al servizio passando per l'energia dei vocalist, Paolo e Francesco Battaglia non lasciano niente al caso. E infatti Hotel Costez è un ritrovo di successo assoluto, da molto, molto tempo.  L'atmosfera dell'Hotel Costez resta unica. Non viverla ogni weekend o quasi della stagione '23 - '24 sarebbe un grave errore. Anche per questa nuova stagione il design è stato rinnovato, soprattutto per quel che riguarda l'illuminazione, che oggi è ancora più calda e coinvolgente.
All'Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), immerso nella meravigliosa Franciacorta, si balla con un certo stile e ci si godono ottimi drink: una serata qui è garanzia di divertimento e relax. Il team di giovani e allegri ragazzi che lavorano al locale è altrettanto coinvolgente (lo si vede nella foto) e lavora sempre con il sorriso. 
Riassumendo e venendo alla sostanza, Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), in piena Franciacorta, è perfetto per rilassarsi a ritmo di musica. L'ingresso è libero e la consumazione facoltativa, il che aiuta a divertirsi in modo spensierato.
Hotel Costez
via Pertini 2D Cazzago San Martino (BS) A4: Rovato
Ingresso libero 18+, Consumazione facoltativa
Info 331 1228756
Web App: https://costez.club/
0 notes
djs-party-edm-italia · 4 months
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Il weekend targato Hotel Costez - Cazzago (Brescia): 26/01 Steven Nicola e Brio e 27/01 Festival 2000
Ecco un altro scatenato weekend all'Hotel Costez - Cazzago (Brescia), meeting point scatenato ad alto tasso di stile e da sempre simbolo di ottima qualità musicale... e di ciò che si può bere al bancone o tra i tavoli. Si parte venerdì 26 gennaio 2024 con un team artistico d'eccezione in console, ovvero Brio alla voce e Steven Nicola al mixer. Davide Briosi, in particolare, come vocalist da tempo dà energia ai club più importanti d'Italia. Speaker ufficiale del Basket Brescia Leonessa e conduttore televisivo presso la più importante tv della città. Da tempo collabora, grazie a professionalità ed umiltà, con molte delle più importanti realtà cittadine tra locali, lifestyle ed hotel. Come vocalist, oltre a mille altri, ha diviso il palco con star come Federico Scavo, Vinai, Merk & Kremont e molti altri ancora.
E che succede sabato 27 gennaio 2024 all’Hotel Costez - Cazzago (Brescia)? Il sound è quello degli anni 2000, sorprendentemente oggi lontani oltre vent'anni. Ovvero si balla a ritmo degli anni 2000 con le hit più belle di quel periodo, quelle del Festivalbar, che all'Hotel Costez diventa semplicemente #Festival2000. Chi non si muove a ritmo vuol dire che ha seri problemi... 
Dalla musica ai cocktail, dal design al servizio passando per l'energia dei vocalist, Paolo e Francesco Battaglia non lasciano niente al caso. E infatti Hotel Costez è un ritrovo di successo assoluto, da molto, molto tempo.  L'atmosfera dell'Hotel Costez resta unica. Non viverla ogni weekend o quasi della stagione '23 - '24 sarebbe un grave errore. Anche per questa nuova stagione il design è stato rinnovato, soprattutto per quel che riguarda l'illuminazione, che oggi è ancora più calda e coinvolgente.
All'Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), immerso nella meravigliosa Franciacorta, si balla con un certo stile e ci si godono ottimi drink: una serata qui è garanzia di divertimento e relax. Il team di giovani e allegri ragazzi che lavorano al locale è altrettanto coinvolgente (lo si vede nella foto) e lavora sempre con il sorriso. 
Riassumendo e venendo alla sostanza, Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), in piena Franciacorta, è perfetto per rilassarsi a ritmo di musica. L'ingresso è libero e la consumazione facoltativa, il che aiuta a divertirsi in modo spensierato.
Hotel Costez
via Pertini 2D Cazzago San Martino (BS) A4: Rovato
Ingresso libero 18+, Consumazione facoltativa
Info 331 1228756
Web App: https://costez.club/
0 notes
noxchievous · 1 year
~✨Welcome to my girlblog✨~
this is where I post my EPIC and RADICAL art
I draw a variety of things, but mostly fan art and OCs. My art is Awesome and you will Love It Here
Frequently used tags
Fan art will be tagged but I don’t feel like listing every fandom I’ve drawn for here.
#traditional art and #digital art - whichever I am using, it will be tagged
#doodles - shitty little self-indulgent doodles
#concept art - concept art! It’s the same as the doodles but more purposeful. i do not use it frequently
#animation - for the rare occasions 
#belostrap - belos x springtrap art
#Mob&Miku - all my Mob and Miku crossover friendship art
#misc - miscellaneous pieces with no particular characters or fandoms in mind
#epic answers to awesome asks - tag used for the 2 asks I’ve recieved. Thank u bitty bee ^_^
#not art - everything that isn’t art!
I have a lot of OCs to draw. Here are their tags!
#torma oc - Torma and her story
#The Living Ship - MariLynn, Lemonflower, their living ship, and the rest of their story
#Petal and Thorn - my warrior cat fanclans, and all the ocs in that story
#Marijuana wcats - my 3 weed-smoking warrior cats ocs
#Dandelion :3 and #The Tiger :]c - my fursonas, Dandelion and Tiger respectively 
#Lemmy&Cateye - my steven universe ocs! Encompasses more than just Lemmy and Cateye
#Slimda - sexyman descendant. She has 3 posts
#Merk - my old moomin oc, named Merk
#Star’s Corpse - old story idea, tag contains some concept art and one full illustration 
#The Little Monster - another old story that I made some banger art for
This directory will be better eventually ! But I’m not built for that today
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rennesel-de · 2 years
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Ein neuer Beitrag wurde veröffentlicht auf https://rennesel.de/neue-beitrag-auf-instagram-6/
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Der Plan war es, um spätestens 9Uhr vor Ort zu sein. Das klappte aber semigut, erst hat Paul verpennt und der alte Mann kam auch nicht in die Gänge. So waren wir dann erst um 9.30 vor Ort. Wir sind mit den Fahrrad angereist.Bei bestem Wetter ging es los, jedoch ohne ein Grüppchen, nur wir zwei. War auch irgendwie schön und zugleich auch praktisch, so muss ich maximal ein drittel meiner Handzeichen geben. Ist nur dann blöd, wenn man auf einmal jemand dritten hinten dran hat und davon nichts weiß, denn diese Person hat sich nicht bemerkbar gemacht. Erst viel später, als ich mit Paul gewechselt habe, merk ich auf einmal dass mir etwas am Hinterrad klebt. Kann man ja alles gerne machen, aber habe ich etwas verpasst? Gehört sich dass nicht mehr dass man wenigstens ein kurzes „Moin“ von sich gibt und sich bemerkbar macht? Und gehört sich dass nicht auch, dass man dann sauber mitwechselt?Ne, statt dessen darf man sich anhören, dass man nicht mitwechselt, dass eine RTF kein Rennen sei. Ne ist korrekt, trotzdem fahren wir unser eigenes Tempo wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass wir alleine sind. Und bei einem Rennen wechselt man auch nicht sauber in einer Gruppe. Finde den Fehler. Aber abgesehen von diesen merkwürdigen Erlebnis war es wieder eine rundum tolle und schöne RTF, die von RSC Kattenberg organisiert wurde. Für das leibliche Wohl war ausreichend und mit großer Auswahl gesorgt. Und auch das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis von Wurst und Brötchen im Ziel war auch spitze. Wann kommt die nächste RTF von Kattenberg ?Zuhause angekommen haben wir dann 150km auf der Uhr gehabt und auch entsprechend schlapp gewesen. Es war meine längste Strecke bisher. Und ich bin platt. Umso mehr zeuge ich meinen Sohn meinen Respekt für seine krasse Leistung. Ich bin in dem Alter mit dem Rad vielleicht maximal zum Freund gefahren. Echt krass !#UnitedDistanceRiders #renneselde #radfahren #Hamburg #fahrrad #radsport #rennrad #strava #athletesunfiltered #freunde #fahrradtour #stpauli #mdrza #stevens #cycling #elbe #sport #bicycle #cyclist #hh #alster #eisrunde #NotToProToSayHello #NTPTW #throwback #throwbackthursday #rsckattenberg
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yakuza-0 · 2 years
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suworkbook · 4 years
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She did that. Just casually smashed a barrel over him. Incredible.  
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marksandrec · 2 years
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2387
(She's a good ship, Merk.) (Dialogue from Steven Universe; suggested by @leeshajoy.)
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puckspoetry · 5 months
DPS: Stolen Stares
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Neil and Todd have some very obviously queer undertones and throughout the film are hinted at to be in some form of relationship (Anderperry shipper here!!) so I thought I would explore it.
So, as Todd’s impromptu poem is forced out of him by Keating, the camera stops and stares at Neil who is looking up at Todd with an expression nobody can describe as other than love. This scene is the first time we get a glimpse of Todd’s free and artistic side (even if it is forced out of him by Keating). Todd’s impromptu poem forces a cascade of creativity from him and eventually leads to him becoming more comfortable around the other Poets - especially Neil. Todd stands there open and vulnerable as he has just revealed his artistic nature and Neil stares at him with an obviously love struck expression on his face. We already know from previous scenes that Neil loves Todd for all he is when he tries to read his poem which ends in them chasing each other around. However, Todd stands at the front of the class now completely raw and instead of chastising or humiliating him, Neil stares longingly. Neil’s state demonstrates how much he truly appreciates Todd as he has now had a new side revealed to him. This adds to their relationship, some creative depth and complexity as Todd slowly unravels himself to Neil. Neil is basking in Todd’s vulnerability as it is a time where Todd has shown who he truly was and what he genuinely has a passion for and Neil loves every moment of it.
To compliment this, Todd is utterly awestruck at Neil’s natural talent for acting. Throughout the film, we see droplets of Neil’s passion as he shares it with Todd. Todd watches on as Neil engages with what makes him happy. Neil’s passion for acting is squashed by his father on multiple occasions which inevitably takes its toll on Neil. However, by pushing through Neil takes his place on the stage and performs his little heart out to a loving audience. For a brief moment, we see Todd giving Neil a very similar stare that was previously shown in the impromptu poetry scene. Neil’s undeniable radiance lights up Todd’s world and he has no choice but to be amazed by him. Neil has shown all sides of himself with Todd but he often opts for a happy-go-lucky facade to hide him feelings about his future and his father. But by being someone else entirely on a stage where little people actually know you, Neil gets to live a free life which translates to his uncontrollable smile. Todd can very evidently understand and acknowledge this and he has no other option but to watch on in awe as Neil lives his true passion.
In conclusion, that was my very convoluted way of saying they love seeing each other happy.
I don’t even know if this one makes any sense. Anyway I love them.
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september 2021
1. julia wolf - falling in love 2. kito - steal my clothes (feat. bea miller) 3. spill tab - indecisive (feat. tommy genesis) 4. salem ilese - ben & jerry 5. jasmine sokko - cannibal (feat. hey violet) 6. phem - flowers 7. au/ra - hush 8. billie eilish - happier than ever 9. ezi - maraschino love 10. tessa rae - i dont miss you 11. lorde - secrets from a girl (who's seen it all) 12. tinashe - i can see the future 13. lizzo - rumors (feat. cardi b) 14. chynna - curly 15. atmosphere - strung (feat. musab) 16. sevyn streeter - nasty girl 17. amber mark - foreign things 18. marg - promise me 19. a l l i e - violet nights 20. love level - bad bye 21. emily vaughn - chaos 22. monogem - magia 23. cleo sol - don't let it go to your head 24. miloe - winona (with jamila woods and vagabon) 25. jaden - still in love 26. quickly, quickly - leave it 27. vessence - princess 28. cokiyu - tabibito 29. pinkii - sailor moon 30. sunmi - 1/6 31. red velvet - knock on wood 32. moshimo - 青いサイダー 33. hitsujibungaku - なつのせいです 34. the natsuyasumi band - tattahitosajinohibi 35. yonige - taigan no kanojyo 36. jizue - bask 37. wisue - sunny day 38. んoon - green 39. chai - miniskirt 40. poppy - so mean 41. jeff rosenstock - hang in the heat 42. pet symmetry - portland to portland 43. the world is a beautiful place & i am no longer afraid to die - invading the world of the guilty as a spirit of vengeance 44. a great big pile of leaves - water cycle 45. indigo de souza - real pain 46. laura stevenson - sandstorm 47. orla gartland - zombie! 48. angel olsen - eyes without a face 49. men i trust - sorbitol 50. big thief - little things 51. bad bad hats - walkman 52. kississippi - heaven 53. japanese breakfast - glider - from "sable" original video game soundtrack 54. cherry glazerr - soft drink 55. colleen green - someone else 56. penelope scott - dead girls 57. sufjan stevens - back to oz 58. ashmute - last dance 59. andrea von kampen - water flowing downward 60. sipper - woah 61. hovvdy - junior day league 62. mallory merk - devil laugh 63. david duchovny - holding patterns 64. pomplamoose - comment te dire adieu 65. amélie-les-crayons - petit caillou 66. the beach boys - deirdre 67. the greeting committee - ada 68. adoy - ny 69. porches - lately 70. munya - cocoa beach 71. saro - boy tears 72. litany - sleepover 73. elohim - treat you better 74. kim petras - future starts now 75. griff - one night 76. chvrches - good girls 77. jojo siwa - dance through the day 78. magdalena bay - secrets (your fire) 79. trophie - vampyre 80. snail's house - butterscotch 81. project skylate - ryokucha 82. stessie - with you 83. gaburyu - クジラの夢でもう一度 84. tomggg - license of love https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6vqLZT74HSV4bOPvGOWu3o?si=66b5afe228f0404c
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dweemeister · 3 years
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Best Live Action Short Film Nominees for the 93rd Academy Awards (2021, listed in order of appearance in the shorts package)
NOTE: For viewers in the United States (continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawai’i) who would like to watch the Oscar-nominated short film packages, click here. For virtual cinemas, you can purchase the packages individually or all three at once. You can find info about reopened theaters that are playing the packages in that link. Because moviegoing carries risks at this time, please remember to follow health and safety guidelines as outlined by your local, regional, and national health officials.
This blog, since 2013, has been the site of my write-ups to the Oscar-nominated short film packages. No pandemic was going to stop me this year, as I was able to view the short film packages virtually thanks to a local repertory, the Frida Cinema of Santa Ana, California. Without further ado, here are the nominees for the Best Live Action Short Film at this year’s Oscars. Films predominantly not in the English language are listed with their nation of origin.
The Present (2020, Palestine)
Since the 1990s, the Israeli military has set up hundreds of checkpoints within Palestine’s West Bank. These checkpoints have impeded Palestinian movement within the Israeli-occupied West Bank, supposedly to better protect the extraterritorial Israeli settlements there. Directed by Farah Nabulsi, The Present could have easily fell into an agitprop trap – leaning on political outrage rather than the individual emotions that power this film – but it deftly avoids doing so. On the day of his wedding anniversary with his wife, Yusef (Saleh Bakri) decides to go shopping with daughter Yasmine (Maryam Kanj). Yusef and Yasmine travel to and from Bethlehem (which is in Palestine, but is not easily accessible by Palestinians) to purchase a new refrigerator, groceries, and a few goodies for Yasmine. The process of traveling just a few miles from home proves onerous and humiliating.
Nabulsi’s film never feels like a lecture, instead preferring to juxtapose the cruel ironies that these Israeli checkpoints embody. The viewer intuits how militarized and confusing these checkpoints must be to the Palestinians. Israel’s apartheid mindset extends to the West Bank – the checkpoints have a single lane for Israeli drivers and a gated, narrow entryway specifically for the Palestinians. Past the checkpoint during their time shopping, life seems briefly normal. That Nabulsi can navigate the contrasting emotions between these scenes reflects the tautness of this film and its hints of Italian Neorealism. Bakri, as Yusef, is excellent during his tense conversations with the Israeli soldiers, even if some of these moments feel more stilted due to the actors playing the soldiers and the guerrilla filmmaking this piece employs. For Kanj, as Yasmine, one can see her anguish in seeing her father discriminated against on what should have been a special day. For Palestinian children, injustice is a rite of passage.
My rating: 8/10
Feeling Through (2019)
It is a chilly night in New York City at an hour where few are outside by choice. Teenager Tareek (Steven Prescod) is homeless. After saying good night to his friends, he happens upon Artie, a deafblind man (Robert Tarango, who is deafblind himself) holding up a sign requesting anyone to assist him. Curious and half-willing to help, Tareek taps Artie on the arm. Artie pulls out a tattered notepad and marker, asking for help to get to a bus stop. What follows is an uplifting connection between two cast-off souls, sharing each other’s good company and good humor if only for a brief time. Director Doug Roland based Feeling Through on an encounter he had with a deafblind man named Artemio. Roland’s film was accomplished in collaboration with the Hellen Keller Center.
Cynical viewers might view Feeling Through as syrupy, its swirling score too manipulative, the screenplay predictable, the filmmaking pedestrian. To different extents, each of those criticisms are true, but that does not undermine the raw inspiration responsible for this film’s pulse. It boasts solid performances from Prescod and Tarango – the latter a kitchen worker from Long Island and possibly the first deafblind actor in a lead role in film history. Roland’s screenplay beautifully strips away stereotypes of deafblind people. Tarango, as Artie, is neither overly dependent nor secluded from society. He knows that being deafblind sets him apart from those who can see and hear, and embraces the difference – lending a refreshing directness to how he communicates. Despite its lack of filmmaking or acting pedigree compared to its other nominees in this category, Feeling Through enters this Academy Awards season without a single loss in any of the film festivals that it screened in. No wonder: it is a crowd-pleaser in the best sense, without ever glossing over how difficult it is to be deafblind.
My rating: 9/10
Two Distant Strangers (2020)
Production on Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe’s Two Distant Strangers began in the shadow of George Floyd’s murder at the hands of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Its emotions are raw and there is no doubt behind the importance of the film’s messaging. Carter (rapper Joey Bada$$) has had some first date with Perri (Zaria Simone), and leaves in the morning to get home to his pet dog. Just outside the apartment building door, a police officer named Merk (Andrew Howard) stops Carter, profiles him, and ultimately kills Carter in cold blood. Once Carter dies, the film cuts to Carter and Perri in bed once again. Immediately, the viewer knows this film is a time loop a la Groundhog Day (1993), and, no matter what precautions he takes, Carter just cannot avoid execution from Merk’s hands. Through the film’s structure, Free and Roe capture the sinking, repetitive feeling that black Americans go through when hearing the news of yet another incident of police brutality.
Good intentions and urgency, however, do not necessarily make a worthy film. Some of the editing in Two Distant Strangers’ middle third shows too many images of Carter’s bullet-riddled body. After the first few instances of the time loop, the viewer does not need another glimpse of a lead-shredded corpse, blood splattering across pavement. The filmmaker’s fury towards Carter’s situation – that nothing will change – is already evident in the idea of such killings. Combined with the questionable dialogue in the final time loop and the mediocre acting, this all feels exploitative, an unwitting product of Hollywood’s history of fetishizing black trauma. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), historically, likes to reward films they perceive as demonstratively staged and thematically urgent. Two Distant Strangers meets both these criteria, but this material could have retained its rage without as much sensationalism.
My rating: 6/10
White Eye (2019, Israel)
Like Feeling Through, Tomer Shushan’s White Eye – the winner of the Narrative Short Film award at South by Southwest (SXSW) – was based on an actual encounter in its director’s life. Late at night in the streets of Tel Aviv, Omer (Daniel Gad) has spotted his stolen bicycle locked onto a rack. Omer lost his bike more than a month ago, has not filed a police report, and seeks to reclaim it as soon as possible. The police are of no help, and the people proximate to the intersection where these events take place are unwilling or hesitant to help. The now-owner of the bike is an Eritrean refugee named Yunes (Dawit Tekelaeb), and he insists to his manager (Reut Akkerman) and to Omer that he did not know that the bike was stolen property when he purchased it. And yet Omer’s tenacity and fit of passion spirals the situation beyond his or Yunes’ control.
White Eye is impressively staged, filmed in a single take – no cuts, no edits, all in real-time. To compare this film one last time to Feeling Through, White Eye accomplishes all it needs to say at a short film’s length. Some might claim Saar Mizrahi’s cinematography and 360º smooth-rotating is just another modern filmmaking gimmick; instead, it submerges the viewer into Omer’s mentality as he fights to retrieve his bike. The purposefully subjective framing questions the viewer on what our reactions might be in this situation, how deeply would we allow out outrage – and perhaps our ethnic/racial biases – to guide our actions. Shushan challenges the audience not to adopt Omer’s conclusions and emotions so readily, and he does a masterful job in appealing to and challenging one’s empathy as it becomes clear there will be no storybook ending.
My rating: 8/10
The Letter Room (2020)
By virtue of its central actor, The Letter Room is the most high-profile of this year’s nominees. Elvira Lind’s film is a dark comedy and its approach and tone are difficult to categorize. Richard (a mustached Oscar Isaac, who is Lind’s spouse) is a corrections officer who has requested a departmental transfer. With the transfer, he trades a more hands-on role for an office job. As the prison’s communications director, his responsibilities now entail filing through all of the prisoners’ incoming and outgoing mail – reading through all of the letters, reporting to his superiors for prison rules violations, censoring materials if necessary. At first, this role is as tedious as his previous position. But when Richard begins to read the histories of the prisoners and their loved ones, he becomes emotionally invested in a particular exchange between one death row inmate and his loved one (Alia Shawkat).
The Letter Room, despite a serviceable performance by Isaac as the unusual and stiff lead, has a milquetoast commentary about how the American criminal justice system imprisons more than just the inmates. These themes shambolically merge with Richard’s inherent loneliness, his inability to separate his own feelings from the voyeuristic work that his new position entails. This is a fellow looking for meaningful human connection, finding none, and attempting to understand something he has never found. The Letter Room curiously never questions the tricky ethics of Richard’s decision to intervene with the decisions made by Alia Shawkat’s character, and how the power disparities of his interactions color his life. The film’s conclusion is unearned, placing too neat a bow on a film that cannot balance its incongruous themes.
My rating: 6/10
^ All ratings based on my personal imdb rating. Half-points are always rounded down. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found in the “Ratings system” page on my blog (as of July 1, 2020, tumblr is not permitting certain posts with links to appear on tag pages, so I cannot provide the URL).
For more of my reviews tagged “My Movie Odyssey”, check out the tag of the same name on my blog.
From previous years: 85th Academy Awards (2013), 87th (2015), 88th (2016), 89th (2017), 90th (2018), 91st (2019), and 92nd (2020).
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sounds-right · 7 months
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Hotel Costez Cazzago (Brescia), ecco il sound dei party del 3 e 4 novembre 2023
All'Hotel Costez Cazzago (Brescia) l'atmosfera è sempre decisamente scatenata, come racconta in uno sguardo la foto che vedete qui... 
Venerdì 3 novembre al mixer di Hotel Costez, scatenato music bar in Franciacorta, c'è Steven Nicola, professionista del sound particolare e molto personale. Alla voce c'è invece Mapez, artista dalla grande energia. 
La sera dopo, il 4 novembre '23, all'Hotel Costez, a Cazzago (Brescia) dove la stagione 2023 - 24 prosegue con successo, la coppia in console è diversa... anzi diventa un trio. Ma la qualità resta la stessa: alla voce c'è Brio, anch'egli ben conosciuto dagli ospiti di Circus, Molo, #Costez ed Hotel Costez, mentre in console ci sono Dr. Space e Luca Pedretti, decisamente esperti in ambito sound e dintorni.
Ma chi è Brio? Davide Briosi, alias Brio, è un vocalist nei Club più importanti d'Italia, speaker ufficiale del Basket Brescia Leonessa e conduttore televisivo presso la più importante TV. Direttore Artistico dal 2010 di uno dei Maggiori Club di Brescia Brio, grazie a professionalità ed umiltà, rivoluziona letteralmente il locale, collaborando con artisti di fama internazionale come: Federico Scavo, Vinai, Merk & Kremont e molti altri ancora. Organizzatore e voce ufficiale di numerosi eventi come il 30° Compleanno di Time Records.
Riassumendo e venendo alla sostanza, anche il prossimo weekend all'Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), in piena Franciacorta, è perfetto per rilassarsi a ritmo di musica, con gli amici.. L'ingresso è libero e la consumazione facoltativa, il che aiuta a divertirsi in modo spensierato.
Dalla musica ai cocktail, dal design al servizio passando per l'energia dei vocalist, Paolo e Francesco Battaglia non lasciano niente al caso. E infatti Hotel Costez è un ritrovo di successo assoluto, da molto, molto tempo.  L'atmosfera dell'Hotel Costez resta unica. Non viverla ogni weekend o quasi della stagione '23 - '24 sarebbe un grave errore. Anche per questa nuova stagione il design è stato rinnovato, soprattutto per quel che riguarda l'illuminazione, che oggi è ancora più calda e coinvolgente.
All'Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), immerso nella meravigliosa Franciacorta, si balla con un certo stile e ci si godono ottimi drink: una serata qui è garanzia di divertimento e relax. Il team di giovani e allegri ragazzi che lavorano al locale è altrettanto coinvolgente (lo si vede nella foto) e lavora sempre con il sorriso. 
Ogni weekend, dalle 22:30 alle 3 del mattino, Paolo e Francesco Battaglia, titolari del brand Costez, offrono serate da non perdere tra grandi hit del presente e del passato. E ovviamente, c'è sempre la possibilità di degustare  calici di Franciacorta e drink d'ogni tipo. Un'atmosfera unica e la ricetta vincente del locale rendono vincente la scelta di trascorrere qui le serate autunnali, invernali e primaverili del 2023 e 2024. 
In poche parole: Hotel Costez, Music & Premium Drinks: Made with love in Franciacorta.
Hotel Costez
via Pertini 2D Cazzago San Martino (BS) A4: Rovato
Ingresso libero 18+, Consumazione facoltativa
Info 331 1228756
Web App: https://costez.club/
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djs-party-edm-italia · 7 months
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Hotel Costez Cazzago (Brescia), ecco il sound dei party del 3 e 4 novembre 2023
All'Hotel Costez Cazzago (Brescia) l'atmosfera è sempre decisamente scatenata, come racconta in uno sguardo la foto che vedete qui... 
Venerdì 3 novembre al mixer di Hotel Costez, scatenato music bar in Franciacorta, c'è Steven Nicola, professionista del sound particolare e molto personale. Alla voce c'è invece Mapez, artista dalla grande energia. 
La sera dopo, il 4 novembre '23, all'Hotel Costez, a Cazzago (Brescia) dove la stagione 2023 - 24 prosegue con successo, la coppia in console è diversa... anzi diventa un trio. Ma la qualità resta la stessa: alla voce c'è Brio, anch'egli ben conosciuto dagli ospiti di Circus, Molo, #Costez ed Hotel Costez, mentre in console ci sono Dr. Space e Luca Pedretti, decisamente esperti in ambito sound e dintorni.
Ma chi è Brio? Davide Briosi, alias Brio, è un vocalist nei Club più importanti d'Italia, speaker ufficiale del Basket Brescia Leonessa e conduttore televisivo presso la più importante TV. Direttore Artistico dal 2010 di uno dei Maggiori Club di Brescia Brio, grazie a professionalità ed umiltà, rivoluziona letteralmente il locale, collaborando con artisti di fama internazionale come: Federico Scavo, Vinai, Merk & Kremont e molti altri ancora. Organizzatore e voce ufficiale di numerosi eventi come il 30° Compleanno di Time Records.
Riassumendo e venendo alla sostanza, anche il prossimo weekend all'Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), in piena Franciacorta, è perfetto per rilassarsi a ritmo di musica, con gli amici.. L'ingresso è libero e la consumazione facoltativa, il che aiuta a divertirsi in modo spensierato.
Dalla musica ai cocktail, dal design al servizio passando per l'energia dei vocalist, Paolo e Francesco Battaglia non lasciano niente al caso. E infatti Hotel Costez è un ritrovo di successo assoluto, da molto, molto tempo.  L'atmosfera dell'Hotel Costez resta unica. Non viverla ogni weekend o quasi della stagione '23 - '24 sarebbe un grave errore. Anche per questa nuova stagione il design è stato rinnovato, soprattutto per quel che riguarda l'illuminazione, che oggi è ancora più calda e coinvolgente.
All'Hotel Costez di Cazzago (BS), immerso nella meravigliosa Franciacorta, si balla con un certo stile e ci si godono ottimi drink: una serata qui è garanzia di divertimento e relax. Il team di giovani e allegri ragazzi che lavorano al locale è altrettanto coinvolgente (lo si vede nella foto) e lavora sempre con il sorriso. 
Ogni weekend, dalle 22:30 alle 3 del mattino, Paolo e Francesco Battaglia, titolari del brand Costez, offrono serate da non perdere tra grandi hit del presente e del passato. E ovviamente, c'è sempre la possibilità di degustare  calici di Franciacorta e drink d'ogni tipo. Un'atmosfera unica e la ricetta vincente del locale rendono vincente la scelta di trascorrere qui le serate autunnali, invernali e primaverili del 2023 e 2024. 
In poche parole: Hotel Costez, Music & Premium Drinks: Made with love in Franciacorta.
Hotel Costez
via Pertini 2D Cazzago San Martino (BS) A4: Rovato
Ingresso libero 18+, Consumazione facoltativa
Info 331 1228756
Web App: https://costez.club/
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I bet their asking if you will kill our boi is because there's 2 au's where Steven is merked spudinacup and that bluebird au
Both are really good AUs!
Honestly, this is a continuation AU, so it’s gonna get to the point of the last episode.
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