#sonic and knuckles
ratrrriot · 2 months
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short-boii · 1 year
I’ve got a feeling that Sonic doesn’t like showing his feelings
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whatever they’re watching is up to you
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burnttoawst · 4 months
This was for Knuckles' bday
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
I have a slightly angsty headcannon about Sonic.
I know he's not normally big on touch or physical affection, but based on two scenes, there seems to be an implication that he gets more clingy/keen on touch when he's in pain. 🥲
The first example is in Sonic Frontiers. Tails knows Sonic better than anyone. When Sonic freed Tails from his cyber cage, and Tails saw him on his knees and coughing, what did he IMMEDIATELY try to do?
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Run and hug him. 🥹💔
As if there were previous times when Sonic was suffering with one thing or another, and Tails's hugging him helped him feel a little better. 🥹 Of course, Sonic then tried to brush it off and hide it from Tails, but Tails's initial reaction still says something to me.
The second example is in the last episode of Sonic Prime. The set of scenes between the energy extraction and returning home is probably the most vulnerable I've ever seen Sonic act around his friends, and the most he's had to rely on them (which really says something about how bad he must've been feeling 💔). Besides a couple scenes when he was more or less standing on his own, he spent almost the whole time leaning on one of his friends. He was practically clinging to Knux at the start of it.
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There were low-key moments like this later on with Thorn holding his hand and Shadow carrying him, but this moment stuck out the most to me in context of this headcannon.
It's ... both sad and sweet. I'm just glad Sonic's friends are there for him when he needs them. 💙
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rahksart · 11 months
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Sonic RPG party
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rapidhighway · 8 months
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somethin self indulgent...
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claudel13 · 15 days
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My little boy is the most powerful warrior in the galaxy
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2river4flows2 · 4 months
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akarisandraws · 29 days
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I realised I post my videos but I forget to post the art, I'm sorry y'all XD
Here's the final art for this one:
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mayzi33 · 5 months
I like to think all the main four (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy) are protective over eachother in a way.
They're all protective over Tails of course, the youngest, their little brother. They won't stop him from throwing an explosive at you if you're an asshole but if you do or say something that gets his ears to fold down the slightlest you have exactly 5 seconds to run.
Amy can easily squash her hammer at any creepy guy that comes to her, but why waste her breath when her 3 boys will gladly hunt him down? They all give Amy princess treatment aside from the usual friendly taunting and I will die on this hill.
We all know Sonic has a tendency to run into situations without thinking. Tails, Knuckles and Amy sometimes have to straight up go on babysitter mode in the middle of the battle to make sure their spiky blue friend doesn't run straight into a pit full of spikes or something. Also, add the fact that Sonic has been stated to be "too trusting" sometimes and how his belief that everyone has a little good in them and deserves a second chance can bite him in the butt. Sure, Sonic might have granted you his trust, but that doesn't mean his three less-trusting-more-logical teamates won't look you dead in the eye and warn you and I quote: "break his trust and we'll break your back."
Now as for Knuckles, we know he's the oldest, strongest and most serious of the group, but we all know years of isolation led him to have the naivety of a child. Some folks might think that seeing the red echidna around is the perfect opportunity to use their scamming tricks, but oh, if only there wasn't a speedy hedgehog, an 8yo carrying guns and a girl with a giant hammer hanging around him constantly like some sort of bodyguards. The M.E's guardian going to the surface is a rare occurance, so if you dare to even THINK about ruining this with your con artist stuff, you WILL end up with a broken bone.
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myymi · 2 months
happy autism awareness month to the most autistic trio ever
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ratrrriot · 1 year
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Sun & Moon ☀️🌙🌌
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cephalosaur · 2 months
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"I'm gonna RAGE HUG someone real soon!"
Please look at the concept art for Kiff
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burnttoawst · 9 months
returning to aggie
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 8 months
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Okay, I really wanted to analyze this brief moment.
When I first saw him falling and saw his friends running towards him, I was thinking "Catch him, catch him!"
They did not catch him. (To be fair though, after a few more rewatches I realized that he actually crashed WAY further away from them; he just skidded a long way. They probably wouldn't have been able to reach him in time, anyway.)
And then they're just standing there looking at him. He's quite literally unconscious on the ground. Again, when I first watched it, I thought, "Why aren't they checking on him? Why aren't they helping him up?"
Then it hit me.
These are Sonic's closest friends. They know him, better than anyone else. They know he doesn't like to be fussed over, or touched (especially when he's more vulnerable than normal) even if he did literally just almost die.
And with this knowledge in mind, I could suddenly see how very concerned they really were. Look at the tiny bits of body language they express in just this moment.
Amy covers her mouth and reaches towards him with both hands, but doesn't touch him.
Knuckles just stares at him, half-lidded eyes, and when Sonic starts stirring, he moves a hand towards him ever so slightly like he really wants to help him get up, but he doesn't.
Tails has less to analyze, since the impact literally knocked him backwards off his feet and he's just getting back up, but his concern earlier and the fact that he was the first one to start running says enough.
They love him. They know him. And they respect him.
They know he'll get up. They respect his boundaries, even when those boundaries are vastly different from the average person's boundaries.
And that knowledge that he'll be okay works out, just like they knew it would. Watch the change in their expressions and body language as he stand back up and smiles at them.
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Knuckles straightens up and smiles, regaining a more normal expression for him. Amy lights up and holds up her hands excitedly. Tails gets just as excited.
And THEN Amy jumps to hug him, and high fives and fist bumps ensue.
I dunno. I just really liked the volumes spoken by this silent, wordless progression of events. The animation team really went all out.
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space-gutz · 11 months
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every time i see this panel i lose my shit. hes sitting on him like a hormse....
(from sonic the comic issue 51)
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