#so it's probably more correct to say it's one of my favorite interactive scenes
ghastlyaffairs · 2 months
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Strife! Strife! Shoot the freaking imp!!!!!
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Father Figure (S.R.)
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Summary: Spencer discusses daddy issues. His boss, who is also his girlfriend’s father, has a question. Request: Reader is hotch's daughter and after hotch learns that they are dating their interactions are kind of weird in a funny way Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Fluff Content Warning: Mild awkwardness Word Count: 900
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The jet ride to a crime scene is rarely a pleasant experience. Each team member holds their folders filled with horrors, and they display an abject apathy. After all, they are quite familiar with the worst side of humanity. Some days, though, when the worst crimes are still hypothetical and the victims are alive, the team can maintain some semblance of their usual personality.
Spencer is usually the first one to share something interesting about the theoretical or identified unsub. This is because he has a broad knowledge on, well, most things, and he also manages to read through the stack of papers much quicker and with a greater detail than the others.
This day, however, Spencer is silent. And everyone knows why.
Because just one measly week ago, Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner found out that Spencer Reid was dating his daughter.
Beyond the initial, incredibly uncomfortable conversation, Hotch had barely spoken a word about it. A fool might think that meant he has no qualms with it, but Spencer knows him better than that.
No, it is infinitely more likely that Hotch is stewing in his rage about his daughter’s Freudian taste in men. Hotch is just too smart to strike without the possibility of maximal damage.
So, Spencer knows to keep his guard up.
But he never could keep a thought to himself, could he?
Derek lets out a deep breath with a soft whistle before he tosses his folder onto the desk beside him. As the others peek up at him, he shakes his head with an enthused but horrified expression.
“Talk about ‘daddy issues,’” Derek mutters.
The others smirk in response, but they say nothing else.
Until, inevitably, Spencer does.
“The correct term would be ‘father complex,’” he says with an attempt to sound disinterested in one of his favorite philosophers, “It was a shared theory between Freud and Jung, and it’s actually very interesting.”
No one says a word. Spencer does not notice the warnings flashing in their eyes because he is too afraid to accidentally look at Hotch.
They all know what’s coming.
He continues, anyway.
“While Freud was more interested in how men might become distrusting or intimidated by older male authorities, Jung extended his analysis to women with emotionally or physically absent fathers.”
Despite the roaring engines and the full cabin, the jet is silent. If Spencer had looked up then, he would have seen how everyone immediately glances over at Hotch.
Hotch, however, maintains his stoic stare. He is looking directly at Spencer, who is still staring at the document in the folder he has already read several times over.
“There’s a more contemporary term for the phenomenon that would probably be more fitting,” Spencer announces.
“Really?” Emily asks. The rhetorical question is dripping with sarcasm in a final attempt to stop him. 
Spencer is so lost in thought at this point that he does not even notice. Instead, he marches on to his downfall.
“It’s called ‘Father hunger,’” he explains coolly, “and it explains the over-trust in authority figures and the search for an older man that reminds them of the father they never had.”
“Are you talking about yourself or my daughter?”
Every muscle in Spencer’s body seizes at the question. Quickly, he raises his head to find himself trapped in the paralyzing, disapproving stare of Aaron Hotchner.
“What?” he squeaks.
The man does not answer.
“N-No! No, I was just explaining the origins of the term,” he insists.
He tries—but fails—not to think about you. Just one remark, one casual reminder of your existence makes his skin ripple with goosebumps. Overcome with guilt—but never regret—his mind tugs forward every memory shared between the two of you.
The smell of your perfume, the softness of your lips, the comfort he finds in your arms.
His life is flashing before his eyes and every part of it looks like you.
He raises his hands in surrender before he sputters, “I would never—!”
“Reid,” your father commands.
Your boyfriend flinches.
“It’s a joke,” Hotch says just before he smiles.
Immediately, Spencer is surrounded by familiar smiles. He feels the visceral pain of a joke made at his expense while at the same time, he is cloaked with relief.
“Funny joke,” he says under his breath.
Hotch detects the sarcasm but decides to let it go.
He had won the exchange, after all.
Spencer also tries to let it go. Because if this was the height of Hotch’s rage over the ultimate violation of his home life, he’d basically gotten away with murder.
Still, he can’t shake the burning red blush. That and the trembling from the adrenaline felt almost permanent.
Just as the thought occurs to him, Derek takes a seat beside him.
He leans closer even as Spencer leans away.
Then, in the quietest whisper, he asks, “Which one of you does she call daddy?”
Yes, Spencer realizes. The blush is going to be permanent.
“Stop talking,” he orders with a startlingly amount of finality.
From across the table, Emily provides Derek with the audience he wanted. Her giggles alone assuage his desire to make Spencer’s day just a little bit more chaotic.
The two relent. Spencer is alone with his thoughts again, and he wonders whether he will ever feel at home in his new position.
But then he thinks of you, and he knows that he is exactly where he is meant to be.
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(Tell me what you thought about this fic here!)
If you're looking for more to read, check out my full-length smut story "My Boss's Daughter," where Reader is Hotch's daughter that is in love with Spencer!
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Thanks for reading!
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Can I just say I love the shipping scene in HLVRAI? Like, I've never been in a fandom where it's been this CHILL before. Each ship has appeal and could actually work (unless you're intentionally being weird about it, but I haven't really encountered those people, this is personal experience here), and it's just so-!
Frenrey is wonderful because they're both silly, if those two met under different circumstances you KNOW they'd be friends, and it can be about forgiveness and healing. I love that.
Freelatta is great because Tommy and Gordon always have each others' backs, and those two will see each other through thick and thin.
Sodashipping is delightful because Darnold and Tommy just click SO WELL, they have a lot of common interests outside of soda, and you guys who give Darnold a dog as well as so correct about that omg.
Darzen is really fun because these two have never once interacted in canon but so easily could have. Like Forzen probably had to go through that area to progress as well, what hijinx would they get into?
I don't see Gordon and Forzen being shipped just the two of them often (shoutout to hlvrv, that was unexpected but really fun), but that's another instance I could also see. They're polycule a lot of the time, which hell yeah.
Tomrey is awesome because of the pre-established friendship between Benrey and Tommy, how even down to the final wire Benrey didn't really want to hurt Tommy. Outside of shipping their relationship is just wonderful.
Darnrey is also fun in that regard. Gamer partners.
Benzon as well. This one really depends on your interpretation of canon but it's always fun when it pops up again. The history between those two has so much potential. I don't personally ship this one but it's always fun to explore.
Another I don't have the name for but Darnold and Gordon. Orang. And just the unconditional support from Darnold- wonderful.
Frenreylatta is just delightful. Like you take all the best parts of frenrey, tomrey, and freelatta and put them in a blender and you get pure wholesomeness. I fucking love this one. Absolute winner. And I also really love how usually depictions of this one don't hide the part parts, either, but it's still a generally more supportive relationship overall. Five stars.
Frenreylattarnold is also just *chef's kiss*. Darnold just brings a vibe to the group they don't otherwise have. It simultaneously makes it more chill and more chaotic.
Again I don't know the name, but add Forzen into the mix and you have a really fun, complex dynamic of people who just love each other. I'm so fucking here for it.
I know I'm missing some but AOUGH
I can't not talk about my favorite ship here, though. Boomer sweep. Boomer wins. Every time boomer pops up on my feed I get so fucking happy. Chaos grandpas who fucking love and support each other SO unconditionally. They work through their trauma together while committing crimes. The stark contrasts between them also aid wonderfully to their dynamic, like how Coomer doesn't like video games while Bubby is a speedrunner. They each have their own lives but they want to spend them together. NO I'M NORMAL DID YOU KNOW THAT I SWEAR I'M NORMAL-
Gubby's a fun one, too, and from my understanding that one's a rarepair. But yeah, putting Bubby's firey personality next to Gman's calm and collected one creates a lot of fun opportunities, and helps explore the differences between Half Life and HLVRAI Gman in more in-depth ways. It's always fun when it pops up again, I love it. (Shoutout to catloki for this one.)
I don't member the ship name but adding Coomer in there is also really fun. Chaos grandpas take over the world together <3
I haven't seen Coomer and Gman being shipped individually before but I could also see that one. Coomer would be able to simultaneously meet Gman where he's at while also encouraging him to step outside his comfort zone, and also probably being a terrible influence on him gGFDHSJAKGF.
All this to say I'm not really a shipper. These guys could be just friends and I'd be okay with that, which I guess lends itself to the RTVS crew and how well they all stepped into character. Everyone just has dynamics with each other, that come out naturally, and makes it easy for us to really see where each relationship could go.
I just fucking love this fandom.
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David & Hush for the character ask game ^^
Thank you for the ask, Aether, darling~ Let's start with David first, as one of the first Redacted bois!
My first impression: Ohmygod, calm dooooown. Ask for a hug. Relaaax.
My impression now: I bet you my tits this man cries during the wedding, that big softy.
Favorite thing about that character: Hmm, the alpha, dad of the friend group vibes. I'm very attracted to that constantly the designated driver, expressing his love through a warm meal vibe.
Least favorite thing: If anything, the way he dealt with the texting, Michael situation early on. Like, I didn't not get it, but I hated it, ya feel?
Favorite line/scene: Probably that scene before the Solstice trip where he touches base with Milo at the restaurant. I just love a good boy friendship, you know- they're so important.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: Off the top of the dome, David calling Sam and making him mentally shit his pants is at the top of the list.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Christian, because I miss my fuckin BOY.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Derek Hale, one of my first true fandom loves. I love werewolf alphas with five letter names that start with D apparently.
A headcanon about that character: This man is autistic as hell, and I love it.
A song that reminds of that character: Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from The Phantom of the Opera, because I'm an asshole but also I'm correct.
An unpopular opinion about that character: Mmm, is it unpopular to say that I hated that whole power play, vengeance, we're going to let people beat Quinn while he's tied to a chair moment?
Favorite picture: @heartsofhounds David has me, like, so feral in ways that I cannot express with our mortal language. He's just built different.
Now, HUSH. My new favorite, the man-thing who dethroned Milo and Regulus both.
My first impression: Oh, this man is so autistic.
My impression now: Oh, this man is so autistic, and I want to ruin him
Favorite thing about that character: Can I say that he's so autistic, or would that be weird? /lh He's just so funny! He has that droll humor where you can't tell whether he's doing it on purpose or not, and half the time he's not, and I love that.
Least favorite thing: Mmm, I guess that he's so enigmatic and mysterious, though that's also fun. I just want to know what heckin species this guy is.
Favorite line/scene: I think it might be the beginning of the second video where he's like "I didn't break in, I broke nothing." Like, no, that first video wasn't a fluke; I'm just in love with him.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: Other than everything he's ever said to Doc, I like how ruthless and protective he was against Reticuli. Like, that was hot, damn.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Regulus. They're both off in a similar way, and I'd love Hush to be like "something went wrong with you wtf"
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Castiel from Supernatural. Fun fact, my initial headcanon for Hush was that he was an Angel, stemming a little bit from his similarities to Cas.
A headcanon about that character: AGAIN, this man is autistic as hell, and I love it.
A song that reminds of that character: Oh, It Will Come Back by Hozier, without a doubt. He's so lovingly unhinged that way.
An unpopular opinion about that character: Huh... I don't think I have one? I feel like me and the Hush girlies (gn) might be sympatico about this one.
Favorite picture: @belovedbow as always got me wildin and got me cheesin, because I've been enamored with this boy since I've seen him. He's so smiley, so weird <3
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darkstarofchaos · 4 months
Wow, your response to the Starscream questions was Above and Beyond, and so delightful to read! (I have now read it several times, and am still cackling over 'Discount Megatron,' lmao). Reading your answers has gotten me thinking about how I would answer those same questions - which might not happen right away because Busy Life is Busy, but if you have time, I would love to hear: What are some of your favorite Starscream Moments?
Busy Life is Busy indeed! We'll just pretend it didn't take me a very long time to answer this, lol.
So I've spent a while thinking about this, because it's cheating to say "all of them", and I also don't like all of them. But as long as he's not being abused, handed the stupid ball for plot reasons, or made a major villain, I'm pretty happy whenever he's onscreen/on page. In no particular order (save the first one), here are some of my favorite Starscream moments and episodes:
There is one portrayal in which I like him as a major villain, and that's TFP S1. Usually when a Starscream is the main antagonist, he's made into an even worse person than Megatron, which is... probably the easiest way to make me hate a portrayal of Starscream. But this is about favorite things, so: TFP Starscream. Has his priorities straight, one of the only Decepticons who actually gets anything done. Best Starscream as a long-term antagonist. Pity they had to bring Megatron back.
G1 Starscream was never a long-term main villain, which is why I don't count his one-off episodes in the above category, but I love when he does get to be the villain for an episode. He gets so excited when things are going well (and I don't mind his repeated attempts to destroy Earth in G1, because he's not worse than Megatron when Megatron does the same thing. Also, they were Saturday morning cartoon villains, it was basically required that a planet or two be endangered on a regular basis).
I was going to list my favorite G1 Starscream episodes, but you know what, I think that's pretty much every episode he's a main character in. The only one I can think of right off that I don't like so much is Triple Takeover (he's gone for half the episode anyway). If I had to choose a single favorite episode, I am contractually obligated as a SkyStar fan to say Fire in the Sky. But Enter the Nightbird and Auto Berserk are close behind.
Going more into individual moments:
I don't remember the context, but there's a scene in one of the IDW comics when Optimus wants Starscream to do something, and Starscream has to take a moment to bask in the satisfaction of Optimus needing him (he does, in fact, just take a panel to be smug, as I recall).
Every moment in Armada when Starscream interacts with the Minicons.
I haven't seen much TFA, but in episode 3 he steals a bus full of humans, takes it up to a tall building, and then spends a while circling it like a vulture. I remember none of his rationale for doing this, beyond baiting the Autobots, but I enjoyed that.
G1 Starscream being so happy to be back in his own time in Decepticon Raider that he jumped on Megatron.
Similarly, G1 Starscream jumping on and bowling over Optimus in Roll For It. He's two for two on tackling the leaders (but only one leader got punched in the face after).
Going off and doing his own thing when he doesn't trust the Sub-Atlantians in Atlantis Arise! And being correct.
Similarly, figuring out the "Stunticons" were actually Autobots in about two seconds in Masquerade.
Making his own combiner out of beach scrap.
"I'd shoot the thing, but you ordered me not to."
"I circled half the globe searching for him."
I shall leave it there, lol. Lest I really do just list every episode I like that he appears in.
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yannig · 2 months
So. I've finished binge-watching Pit Babe.
and I have opinions. (yes I am aware it came out like a year ago. who cares) so, with very little order :
Tony died!! Yeah!! ngl, at one point I hoped Babe's father would come in to kill him, but Kenta doing it is even more satisfying so i'm happy with it. also those knife sounds were great. 10/10 no notes.
Babe's father was very obvious as Babe's father the second we met him. it's not necessarily a problem, i just found it funny that they were trying to create a mystery around him.
i didn't know it was an omegaverse when i began watching the show, but it was a pretty sanitized omegaverse, all things considered. no mentions of heat/rut, knotting, mate, pack, mating bite, bond, nesting. the mpreg was only implied. the word omega was uttered exactly once. beyond Tony wanting only alpha kids (with no explanation of what an alpha is), the plot to get a child from Babe, and Babe's fixation on his partner's smell (and most likely, Babe and Charlie's fixation on each other's neck), i often forgot it was an omegaverse. i understand not wanting to scare newbies, omegaverse can be wild, but i was surprised with how little we got of the common tropes. its not a flaw, i was just surprised.
Sonic needs to tell North he loves him. the guy is clearly ready to die for you. just because he's too stupid to realize he's in love with you doesn't mean he isn't.
also this two idiots were still in the building!! i thought they got the USB and then got out to publish the videos! but no! these two idiots were still in the building! thank fuck Kim was close by!!! (he was probably there on purpose, yes, but still. they should have gotten out!)
Way stays a walking red flag until his very last breath and I hate that for him. don't get me wrong, I saw his death coming. he was unredeemable, and we don't want the audience to hate him, so of course he was gonna die. i really don't like this trope, I'd rather he left Babe and X-Hunter behind and got a new chance with Pete, who was clearly ready to give him one and also who he hadn't betrayed and hurt in the worst way possible. but no, that's not how the trope works. he dies. because we don't know how to redeem characters without killing them. and to make the matter worst, he dies having one of his most fucked up interactions with Babe yet, and that's saying something considering his track record, confessing his love for the nth time which was understandable but already awkward on its own, and then asking if Babe ever loved him back when he has made very clear several times that he saw Way as his closest friend and nothing else, begging for forgiveness for trying to rape Babe, i swear to god!! the correct thing to say at this point was "i'm sorry i ever hurt you, i hope you get to be happy with Charlie, don't blame yourself for my death". instead, he gave him enough therapy material for the next decade! with one conversation! how the fuck is Babe supposed to grieve Way, or make peace with anything he has done to him, after that kind of last breath!
(seriously, i probably have enough to say about Way to write an entire essay. the man was fucked up)
Kim has now been officially adopted in the family, he's even invited to the funerals! (i am aware he was still Tony's prisoner during Charlie's funeral, i just found it funny.) we did not see enough of Kim after Tony imprisoned him btw. he is one of my favorite characters in this show and he deserved more screen time!
Did Charlie stole a power that just- teleport him to Babe when he's in danger? this is a least the second time he just appeared out of nowhere to save Babe with no explanation, and with a perfect timing at that.
Babe deserved to scream at Charlie for faking his death. Or a least have a breakdown the like of the one he had with his father. The reunion scene was great and emotional and shit, and it was adequate for the context, but i needed them to have a real conversation about it later. will look for fanfics on the matter.
my man Babe is gonna have so many trust issues it's not even funny anymore. like mate. both his fathers betrayed him (and sold him, though for different reasons), his best friend of 10 years betrayed him in one of the worst way possible, one of his other teammates betrayed him, and his boyfriend has been lying to him the entire time the have known each other, to the point of faking his death without telling him he was alive. listen, i was berating him every time he pushed Charlie away at the slightest sign of dishonesty because I don't like that trope, but I think in this case he was justified. it's going to be fun to get him to trust anyone ever again!
also that man can cry! and make me cry with him at that! like, i knew Charlie's death was a fake out, and i knew it was coming, but episode 10 still got me in tears because Babe's grief was fucking real. giving him his senses back just for him to hear his lover flat-line on the operation table was incredibly cruel. also "He's still warm. Maybe he's not dead yet". are you trying to kill me? also also : did he say "i love you" for the first time at Charlie's grave? because i think he did.
overall, pretty good execution of the fake death trope, they gave us time to feel the grief before revealing he was alive, it worked. (did the plot around said fake death make sense? not... quite? but the feels were there and that's what matters)
Jeff is my baby and i love him. he got a lover and a support system and that's great, though they could do with better communication and still have shit to learn about respecting boundaries. which is saying something because Jeff tends to be pretty fucking clear about his boundaries. i'm watching you Alan. also i've decided he's autistic. for obvious reasons.
the whole "papa and mama" thing Babe and Charlie have going on is not my thing, but it is particularly weird in a context where the last two men Babe called "Papa" betrayed him and hurt him terribly. i get that what they have going on is different, like it's not a daddy kink (which would have been even weirder), but it still left a weird taste in my mouth. i just - i don't know what to make of it. i don't think they got the implication of it when making the show?
Babe and Charlie both need therapy to a desperate level, and i do not trust any of them to try to get it on their own. let's hope the rest of the family team manages to get them there. i'm mostly counting on Jeff to start the movement on this one. and then the others can nicely bully them into getting professional help.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hi again. You know, I often read different HB-critical blogs stating "Stolas and Blitz aren't in love, their relationship only have lust", and I just wanted to give a little bit of my perspective as an Aromantic.
I personally wouldn't mind if Blitz and Stolas had a queer-platonic or friends-with-benefits type of relationship (although I highly doubt that Viv could pull that off). But the thing is: you can't say their relationship build on "lust" or sexual attraction, when there's only one partner that feels this way. Yep. Not even once when I watched Blitz interacting with Stolas I thought "wow he surely is attracted to that owl dude" (at least until 2 episode of 2 season, but more on that later).
In the first season every time Blitz was forced to interact with Stolas I always read his expressions as "I'm really uncomfortable around this guy" or "ugh I guess I HAVE TO please him" (mostly referring to that one kiss that felt incredibly forced). An exception was maybe episode 7, where at the end of it Blitz was just straight up (rightfully so) pissed at him.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I honestly just can't recall writers giving us any clues that Blitz at least finds Stolas hot. Stolas is often blushes or comments how sexy Blitz is, but I just don't remember any passing remarks when Blitz says he likes Stolas. Hell, Blitz genuinely had more tension with Striker in that one scene, we've never seen anything like this between him and Stolas.
We see them in bed together in episode 5, but it gives us "I'm not repulsed being in bed with you" at best. Sure, Blitz is having sex with Stolas, but that was a part of their deal. It literally looks like he sleeps with him only to get the book, full stop, there's no attraction on Blitz's part.
And then there's the second season. In the first episode writers (probably trying to justify Stolas's previous creepy behavior) show us that Blitz initiated the whole thing first. However, when Stolas caught Blitz he immediately jumped into conclusion, that he's here to "ravish" him. Now, Blitz was trying to get the book and was already caught, so I see his logic as if why he would try to initiate sex with Stolas, if that's what Stolas's presumably wanted. Again, you can very well read this scene as Blitz taking advantage of Stolas with no other reason but to get the book. It's not helping the situation when he presumably also had sex with Stolas out of pity(?).
And now we're only left with our favorite retcon-aboslutely-everything episode. Where we finally see Blitz being turned on by Stolas. Which was... kinda OOC at this point? I don't remember Blitz ever reciprocating any of Stolas feelings, but now he does, apparently? Guess it's another case of "caught feelings off screen", huh? Anyway, that's surprisingly not a lot for a main ship. I simply wanted to illustrate my point, I just think that Stoliz not only has zero romantic chemistry between the characters, but I personally don't even see a mutual sexual attraction here either.
I agree with you! Everything you said is right, however the reason why I always say their relationship is stemmed from sex, is that at FIRST it was one sided yes, with Stolas lusting over him and Blitz just not wanting any part of it. Had the show mainly been like that, I wouldn’t have said so, however that was until episode 6 came along.
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Due to the episode’s lazy storytelling, through Moxxie’s dialogue the show flat out tells us that despite Blitz pushing Stolas away, he craves intimacy, he craves what him and Stolas have. The chains in this scene (in my personal interpretation) tells us that he feels trapped in this deal that HE created, because he doesn’t like it, yet wants it at the same time. When we look at Stolas and Blitz’s relationship throughout the beginning of the show, despite Blitz being the one who has to screw Stolas every now and then to keep the book for his end of the bargain, Stolas is clearly the bottom in the relationship, the one who submerges to Blitz while Blitz takes control, and I think that’s something he craves, power. Like you said, the kiss was definitely forced, especially since episode 7 opened with Blitz once again wanting nothing to do with Stolas, but that only proved to me further on how he only enjoys himself for the needless sex. Even if it doesn’t make any sense on a writing standpoint as we’ve discussed, it still seems to be that way, especially with the recent episode showing Blitz fawning over Stolas and ENJOYING it. Regardless of the terrible writing, that’s why I personally think their relationship is stemmed from sex, because Stolas only sees Blitz as someone who can fulfill his needs and satisfy him in the way he likes it, and Blitz only sees Stolas as someone who praises him, gives him that power he wants and makes him feel good about himself. Just like you said, there’s nothing else there really, nothing in between, no chemistry, no buildup. Your points were very well made and I do agree with them, this is just my personal opinion on why I think they’re BOTH only stemmed to each other for sex.
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aventurins · 18 days
author's portrait.
— basics.
name. wen age. 27 pronouns. she/her + any years of writing. um. i started rping on [redacted] in the khr fandom and eventually caved into joining the tumblr rpc in 2012. so.. 12 years now i guess. that's wild
— reflection.
why did you pick up writing? at first i really enjoyed the community aspect of rping! it was fun just playing a character and getting to meet new people and developing relationships, both ic and ooc, that way. do you have any writing routines? yes step one is my writing partner tells me they want to see [x] or they miss [x] or they're thinking about [x]. and then usually i sit down and write it. i do have a playlist that occasionally helps facilitate writing but it's not a requirement for it per se, and also the playlist rotates every few seasons and/or when my current favorite genre of music shifts. for the real answer: when i'm actually writing i try to picture the scene/setting first, and from there i tend to hear what my muse is saying in the dialogue before writing the rest of the scene around it what's your favorite part about writing? getting to read my partners' replies. hope that helps<3
— three things you like about your writing.
i do want to preface this by saying that i don't mean this in a self deprecating way at all. i'm generally pretty satisfied with my writing, especially with regards to achieving what i want to convey. but. i will always derive most pleasure from how my partners respond to what i've written. so. three things i like about my writing is 1. i (try to) write in a way that reflects my partner's writing, especially when it comes to setting the tone, so that the thread feels more cohesive as a whole, 2. (i hope) i'm good at setting up each reply so that my partners find it easy to pick out something to bounce off of in their response, 3. my partners enjoy writing with me. so i must be doing something right because i love and trust them unequivocally
— question(s) from @slaygue.
who was the first character you ever picked up and why? if we include off tumblr, it was probably half the khr cast but most prominently bel. at the age of 15 i just thought he was so cool. on tumblr it was (to my chagrin) mukuro. was it because you related to them or the opposite? i think when i was choosing who to write back then it was more "who do i think the community would want to interact with" and less "who do i want to write the most". sure, there was a certain intersection between that and the flavor of characters i liked, but it was. yeah. mostly that. and then mukuro grew on me. i don't relate to him at all btw . loser. bonus answer: my muse type varies wildly on the spectrum of relatability. i'll write any character at all if i think they're fun or fascinating or if anyone asks me to do you still write them today? if you want me to<3 (barring that, rarely)
— new question(s).
what do you enjoy writing the most? (whether in terms of genre, plot device, character; however you'd like to interpret this question is correct.) when you write, do you focus more on introspection, narrative, dialogue or a secret fourth thing? what do you enjoy seeing in a partner's writing?
tagged by: @slaygue ♥
tagging: i follow two people on this blog so @soterion hi. also starr i'm not letting you cop out on three things you like about your writing. can you do this again and say three things you like about MY wri- (this is a joke). also @aicidos and @piliyi hi haha i won't subject you guys to hsr (this blog) but you can do this if you want<3
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retlasute · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
THANK YOOOOUU @penny-lane-123 FOR TAGGING ME ❤️ and I'm sorry I'm late, I've had smoke coming out of my ears for three days
And I don't interact with many people here but I'll tag you @imalovelymoth because I'm curious and I'm just entrosando🫶
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1. How many works do you have on Ao3? Currently 3, but I have another 2 works ready 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? Nearly 300.000 words  
3. What fandoms do you write for? Only for hot jojo cowboys
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Turbinio with 340 kudos, itrmw with 70 and Change Partners with 20 if I'm not mistaken 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? YES I DO! I love interacting with readers and I always take the time to read their comments, it really motivates me to keep writing 
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? None have been finalized and I don't want to give spoilers, but itrmw probably won't have as ''good'' an ending as Turbinio 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, I'm not the type to make truly happy endings, but the most optimistic will be Turbinio 
8. Do you get hate on fics? Surprisingly I've never gotten any hate on my fics ?? I've always been a person who gets in trouble easily and always seeing wonderful comments on my fics is something that disarms me and makes me😳😳😭😭❤️❤️ 
9. Do you write smut? WELL I TRY 😭😭 I'm the last romantic and what was supposed to be a 1500-word erotic scene becomes a complete book and I'm sure that must annoy some people who read looking for cock and get 14 paragraphs of pure internal conflict 
10. Do you write crossovers? No, writing for something silly like steel ball run already takes half my gray matter, a crossover would kill me 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? YES, but it was at a time when I was still writing stories in portuguese. A son of a bitch stole all my poems and my first jotaro fic 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Noo 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yesss and it was in 2020 in a ficwriter community (I fought with everyone and was banned from there) 
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I would say gyjo but I'm too jealous so my favorite ship is Joseph x Caesar 
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I don't think I have something that I'll never finish because I work with random peaks of energy, last year Turbinio was nothing more than a 2000-word one-shot and now it's 65 chapters long 
16. What are your writing strengths? I honestly don't know, I can only answer what I like to do best, which in this case is to describe the appearance of the characters. I like to imagine a more realistic picture of how the characters would look after 116 days crossing deserts and frozen forests, whether they would be vain enough to shave, wash their hair or simply sleep properly. I think details like dark circles under the eyes, pallor, unshaven beards and patched clothes are things that I miss when I read the manga and see that they always look so flawless 
I also love describing specific pains like the tight knots of a suture cutting into the skin, how the salt from tears stings an abraded face and things like that 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? irregularity and laziness. It takes me two weeks to write a paragraph, and then on a random day I make a caipirinha shake and write 5000 words and publish it the same day because I'm too lazy to read and correct it 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I usually keep only slang and sayings. As the protagonist of Turbinio is practically polyglot, I like to add details to her speech such as a certain slowness or brief pauses, as if she's trying to remember how the word is in english (I confess that this happens to me all the time, so I make her say the word in spanish out of laziness to look up the translation) 
In some of the first chapters I also used to make the answers she gave Diego simpler or vaguer because at the beginning she really struggled to understand that british accent 
19. First fandom you wrote for? Diabolik Lovers 💀💀 
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? IN THE RICH MAN'S WORLDDDD i love this fic because it's a project i started in 2019 and it was SO DETAILED and full of nuances  
now I'm writing a much simpler version but still full of details that I'm really enjoying writing, even though Turbinio has a special place in my heart and I particularly prefer a good old latina protagonist 
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riverrunscold · 2 years
Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp Tag (super late edition)
I was tagged by both @drylan and @wlwmages a month ago, sorry for the wait!
The original tag was created by @lowonmelatonin
Favourite counsellor and least favourite counsellor. Why?:
My favorite would have to be Dylan. I just love his awkward joking and backtracking when he realizes he maybe went a tad too far because it's just really fucking relatable. Also I want both his voice and gender.
My least favorite, even though I don't really dislike any of them, would probably be Jacob or Nick. Jacob because he's a kinda typical dude-bro early on and I just don't vibe with those characters often. Also he did get them all stuck there though he obviously didn't know there would be werewolves, still a dick move.
And Nick just because we don't get a lot of him and the bits we do get are mostly just angry werewolf.
Favourite chapter and least favourite chapter. Why?:
My favorite chapter would probably be 2 or 3 because the not only the gay kiss but also drama ensues. Plus I love just seeing all the counselors having fun and being the dorks they are.
Least favorite would probably be The Laura Chapter. I say this as a Laura lover, as well as a lauramax enjoyer, that chapter draaags. The first time through it's interesting and fun but the second you really start to feel the pacing slow and it stays that way for a while. And of course after that Laura takes over a majority of the game, which I don't hate, but I wish we could've had Ryan choose to go with Laura or not so maybe we could see more of Ryan and Dylan. Also Ryan and Kaitlyn because they barely had any scenes together. At this point I'm really hoping for The Quarry: Director's Cut.
Favourite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?:
Probably not at all a surprise but I love Dylan and Ryan (rylan or radioheads, whichever you prefer). The dynamic is delicious. Just two neurodivergent nerds, one more extroverted and one more introverted. It's a tale as old as time. Also they just find each other both so fascinating They are each other's blorbos. They both want to study each other in a lab. The best dynamic honestly.
Another one would be Blygbank because they have big cheerleader/nerd energy, which I love. Again one more introverted, another more extroverted. The sunshine (both of them) and the sunshine protector (both of them again). Their interactions in game are also really cute and wholesome and also of course I have to mention the first thing we see Abi do is draw Emma.
Honorable mention to Lauramax. Unhinged woman and babygirl malewife my beloved.
Biggest counsellor crush:
Dylan and Kaitlyn. Also Ryan and Laura. If you're making me pick though, I'd have to say Kaitlyn. Not only am I attracted to her badass energy, I've also had a crush on Brenda Song my whole life.
How would you survive The Quarry?:
Absolutely not. I am a fat queer person, the rules of the horror genre say I must die. But mostly because I'm bad at thinking on my feet at least 60% of the time so it'd really be a toss up on whether I'd survive at all. Maybe I'd just turn into a werewolf, who knows?
Favourite The Quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
I of course have to tag @sh5 because his art is so soft and beautiful and he has only the most correct thoughts on these characters. Some more tags would have to go to @drylan and @queenofbaws, who are both so good at writing! Check them out!
Shoutout some friends you have made being involved in the fandom!
Definitely have to shout-out @wlwmages because they rule! As well as the people I have mentioned above!
I am tagging @indigothenonbinaryunus and @queenofbaws if you would like to join in! As well as the other people I've tagged
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kalinara · 2 years
So I saw an article whose title pissed me off so much that I felt like I had to write about it.
I haven’t even read the article.  The title alone fills me with such rage that I know trying to read it would probably cause an aneurysm,  So I’m basically going to react to said title, making this all your problem.  
So the title, paraphrased, was that Luke Skywalker’s actions in  Boba Fett means that he has failed three of his students.
I suppose it’s possible that the title is misleading and the article says something completely different.  But I’ve seen this sort of sentiment before and it pisses me off, so here we are.
Personally, I think Luke has failed exactly NONE of his students, especially the three that we’ve seen on screen.  And I’m going to elaborate on that.
1) Luke never failed Ben Solo.
I actually liked Luke’s plot in the Last Jedi.  I liked that he was dealing with his own shit.  I liked that he wasn’t infallible.  I liked that he goes through his own arc, and comes out stronger by the end.
I even, mostly, liked the reveal of his “failure”: specifically, that moment where, full of fear and forboding, he stands over his sleeping nephew with a lightsaber.  It’s a moment of terrible temptation, which Luke does not actually give into.  
Okay, look, was that experience traumatizing for Kylo?  Probably.  Did he have the right to be mad?  Yeah.  Would I have blamed him if he ran home to Han and Leia and told them his uncle just tried to (or at least contemplated trying to) kill him?  Probably not.
He doesn’t do that though.  He runs off and joins an organization of child-enslaving space fascists, assists them in multiple genocides, murders multiple unarmed old men, orders the massacre of villages, tortures people, and so on and so forth.
Basically he proves Luke’s fear and forboding were 100% correct, and Luke’s only real failure here was to the galaxy when he didn’t skewer the ADULT, TWENTY-THREE year old asshole in his sleep.
Kylo’s not a child.  His fall was his own fault.  Luke made a mistake (though again, was it really?) but Kylo didn’t have to dive into the dark side head first and with bells on.
2) Luke never failed Rey.
I love Rey.  She’s my favorite character in the Sequel Trilogy for a reason.  And when she came to Luke for training and he turned her down, that was heart-wrenching.
But it was absolutely within his rights to do.  Luke at that time was retired, in hiding, full of recrimination and self blame.  Rey isn’t entitled to his training just because she’s super powerful in the force.  That said, he does train her. 
And I would argue that he trains her in a very similar way that Yoda trained him.  (especially when we take the deleted scenes into account).  He’s not a comfortable or comforting teacher, by any means.  He pokes and provokes, he mocks her and tries her temper, he avoids easy answers.
I’d argue though that he’s exactly the kind of teacher Rey needed at this moment. 
Rey is new, green, and incredibly powerful.  Things come very easy to her.  She needs to be challenged before her arrogance puts her in serious danger.  (Unfortunately, the forced mind-link with Kylo pushes Rey into that situation before anyone is ready.  She is arrogant enough to think she can reproduce Luke’s greatest triumph without understanding why, and it slaps her in the face.)
When they meet again, after Rey’s had more than one horrible and humbling experience, Luke is a lot gentler and more supportive.  He’s a force ghost now, but as we’ve seen from Yoda, being a force ghost doesn’t make you less of an asshole troll.  Luke changed his approach because Rey needs something else now, and he gives it to her.
Rey survives to be the first new Jedi.  She survives to be a Skywalker.  That’s because of both Luke and Leia.
3) Luke ESPECIALLY did not fail Grogu.
This is the big one, of course.  But Luke never fucking failed Grogu and I will stand by that.
Look, I’ve said before that I thought there were enough odd aspects of Luke and Grogu’s interaction that I think something else is going on.  I don’t think Grogu’s choice was as straightforward as it was presented, and Luke (asshole troll of a mentor that we know he can be) might well have something else in mind.
But let’s say he doesn’t  Let’s say he means exactly what he says and Grogu really does have to choose between a life with his father and a life as a Jedi.
That’s still not an example of Luke failing Grogu.
If anything, it’s an example of Luke avoiding the mistakes of the old Jedi Order.  Because Grogu, at this stage of life, is a LOT like Anakin Skywalker.
He’s very young, for his species.  He’s very powerful.  He’s very traumatized.  He’s got a parent that he’s very attached to, one who might not be his birth parent but has still provided him with the first sense of safety and support that he’s had in decades.  
I don’t blame the Jedi for Anakin’s fall, at all, that was Anakin’s decision.  But let’s be honest here.  They were RIGHT when they told him no, initially.  Anakin is powerful, he’s brilliant, he’s incredibly talented, but he has never been emotionally suited for membership in the Jedi Order, and a life under their restrictions. 
Qui Gon Jinn was wrong.  He was deluded by the false lures of “prophecy” and “midichlorian levels.”  He was drawn in by Anakin’s power and destiny and decided that this was best accomplished by bringing this very attached, very traumatized child into the Jedi Order against everyone else’s better judgment.
Qui Gon Jinn was a good man, but his failing was pride.  And even granted that he was right, Anakin DID eventually “bring balance to the galaxy”, it was only after he helped make the imbalance like a million times worse.  The galaxy became a worse place for quite some time because of Anakin Skywalker, and they’re still feeling the effects.
Now, is Grogu quite so bad off?  It’s hard to say.  He’s younger than Anakin, maturity speaking.  We don’t know about his species’ biology, so it’s possible that the romantic/marriage restrictions wouldn’t be an issue.  (If indeed Luke wants to keep those in place.)
We do know that there were a couple of times when Grogu was alarmed enough to flirt with the dark side.  When he choked Cara for example.  Or when he thought that the robot was going to kill him in the Prisoner.  Obviously Din saved him first, but look at that gesture and the look on the baby’s face and tell me that he wasn’t TRYING for force lightning in that moment.
So, maybe it really isn’t a great idea to separate a traumatized child from a devoted, loving and protective parent.  At least not until you’re sure said child’s had a chance to recover from his horrible experience.
And the thing is, for the entirety of the Mandalorian, no one actually asks Grogu what he wants.  Din is tasked with returning Grogu with his people.  He sincerely believes that’s what’s best for the baby, and until meeting Ahsoka, he really doesn’t have a way to communicate clearly with the baby at all.  But I remember that Grogu seemed a little hesitant to send out the signal when he has the chance.  And while he does go off with Luke willingly at the end of the season, it is completely understandable that he might have changed his mind.
So Luke finally sits the poor kid down and asks him what he wants: does he want to stay here?  Or does he want to go home to his parent?  And Grogu finally gets to make his own choice.
How is that an example of Luke “failing” Grogu?
(I mean, okay, the dude COULD have brought Grogu to Tatooine himself instead of sending him with chaos robot 1.0, but I feel like that is probably not the gist of the article’s complaint.)
So anyway, Luke did not fail any of his students.  He made mistakes, sure.  But their choices are theirs.
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😅🥺🤡 for the emoji ask
a story or scene I've created that I'm a smidge embarrassed exists? Uh... I want to say I have the choice to be embarrassed by all of it or none of it, because making stories can be really vulnerable! You only have your self to make a world from, so some personal things will always sneak in. Like, the last part of Flowers, when Laudna said "if I was given a chance to do everything different, to go back and correct whatever I wished, I'd be too scared to. I'd never want to miss any step that leads me to you," that was a much more articulate version of a thing I have said to my husband. And I was embarrassed to put something that personal into a fanfic, but when I was reading to edit later, I'm glad that I did. It felt like the right way to end a story filled with Horrors that ended up being about love.
All that that being said, I would be mortified if my mother read my porn, but I feel like that's everyone's answer. 😅
A type of interaction that never fails to put me in my feels: Any time someone is afraid they'll be seen for the monster they are, and they are seen, but the person seeing them does not cease to love them. I chase that feeling in other fanfic, in books, it really should be in more movies... yeah that comes up a lot in my fic because i love those moments. 🥺
I had to go through my stuff to remember things that made me laugh. i put in lots of jokes just for me, but I think this bit from probably this bit from Twenty Five Words is one of my favorites:
Laudna set her tea on the desk and stood with iron in her spine, her boney hands clawed upward to command an army. The shadows in the room bent to her will, deepening around her. “Relvin Temult!” Her voice boomed in the little space and rattled with windowpanes, all her usual cheer and playfulness replaced with a deadly growl. “Speak aloud the date of your wife’s birth or suffer unimaginable consequences!”
Imogen nearly spat out her tea laughing at the display. “I don’t want to go scarin’ him!”
“The consequences are unimaginable because they don’t actually exist,” she said with a sly wink that dispelled the effect of terror she was going for. “I’d never hurt anyone you cared about.”
The story has a lot of Laudna being a large spooky ham to cheer up Imogen and it was very fun to write. 🤡
Thanks, Facts! <3
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mister13eyond · 1 year
20, 35, 54, 74!
20.) Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION!!!! it's kind of hard to be able to Observe my own patterns from inside the house, but if i had to warrant a guess....
I really like things that are... small in scale, I guess is the best way to describe it? Small moments, low-key quiet emotions or interactions, subtle things. I think looking at psalm 32:3, two hands and april 6th in conjunction is the best way to describe the vague thing I'm trying to describe- they're all kind of. Slow, subtle, very focused on quiet discussions? I would also say one thing I do in my writing and try to actively focus on/cultivate is like. Physicality, and "acting" via a character's body language, physical actions. I try to focus on what they're doing with their hands, how they're interacting with the space around them, what their idle gestures or absentminded tics are? Those things are really REALLY good for describing a character and usually really create a scene that feels solid and real to me, so it's something I actively practice when I'm writing. So i would say that probably shows up consistently too!
35.) What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
SEE IT'S FUNNY... I think there are very few of my fics that have a villain, in the narrative sense, but I almost exclusively write about the villains of the series. I think the closest I have to a villain is Diavolo & Doppio's father in double and, depending on how you look at it, giorno in april 6th (but of course he is also the deuteragonist and love interest, so he wears Many hats.)
But i guess looking at that, and the fact that i write about diavolo & doppio so much, I think the thing that makes a villain most compelling to me is Utter Conviction That They're Doing The Right Thing. Not necessarily from you, the author- but I think if you can't KIND OF understand why your villain thinks they're the hero, you can't really get the same level of depth and interest in the character.
I love villains who, from their perspective, are the protagonist- villains who have a solid, consistent internal logic about their actions and whose actions feel like- even if they're horrible- they are the Correct course based on that logic? It always makes me want to dig my fingers into them, really pick them apart and see what's happening in their funky little brain.
54.) What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
I guess the actual, physical act of writing it? Or like.... the part where I cohesively imagine something and then translate that to text. I spend a lot of time daydreaming and thinking up ideas, tossing concepts back and forth with my partners, but that feels different to me than the actual process of sitting down and putting words together.
I'm a pretty visual person, so most of the time my writing comes in the form of visualizing first, translating into words second. Writing for me is usually sitting down and essentially imagining a movie in my head- pausing, studying a scene, rewinding it to look at it from a different angle- and then describing it. I think I tend to write and think like a comic reader/creator (despite not having the patience to draw comics) so I don't really go into something with language or phrasing in mind at the onset, just images, stills, places, actions. Then I get to play with words to try and do them justice!
So actually sitting down and focusing and writing is fun, because it's like I get to really block out everything else and vividly daydream and focus on the picture in my mind more completely. I really have to get In The Zone to do it, but when I do it can be really really... immersive? - getting to lose myself to imagination like that!
74.)You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
from experience? they wouldn't 😎
djghslks but that's because when I have posted things anonymously, they're usually Far Outside of my typical wheelhouse- stuff that's WAY less structured or carefully considered, especially nsfw work that tends more towards "stream of consciousness and vague gesturing at the concept of why this is erotic" than Narrative With A Beginning, Middle, And End. That's usually WHY they're anonymous- not because I necessarily want to Hide any of my unhinged NSFW work, but because I try to curate my ao3 to show more of the kind of thing that I feel proud of and feel like I've really put a lot of skill and thought into. (At the same time, it's really freeing to have works floating around that I simply Don't have to approach with so much care or consideration; sometimes I like just slapping a bunch of words down that are 'wouldnt it be hot if' and then 1k of unhinged rambling)
I think if I were to write something more like my typical fare and post it anonymously... HMMM! I guess I'd look for a lot of mention of what characters are doing with their hands. Small laughs under their breath, wry statements, conversations that seem to have hidden meanings just under the surface of what they're saying but which never fully come out and say it.
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wasp-coffee · 2 years
(from your pinned post)
1. Who’s your favorite character & why are they your fave?2. Who’s your least favorite character? 3. Who’s an underrated character? 4. What’s your favorite ship? 5. What’s an underrated ship?6. What’s a ship you don’t understand? 7. What’s a ship you dislike?8. What would your callsign be?9. What’s your favorite scene in either movie? 10. Favorite part of the soundtrack from either movie?
thank you for the ask anon :)
1. kdmskdnbzjsjsnxkzjdnsndhxjddh I adore Maverick he's such a little fucking angry cat at times its so endearing. (short people rights!) He's such a jackass (i love him your honour) and he's such a lovable main character.
Huge Iceman fan, love the non regulation dyed hair and chewing gum habit; he is the moment. He's trying his best, being an absolute legend, and looking swaggilicious doing it.
2. In the original? no one. They're everything. In TGM? Penny (see below)
3. probably Goose, obviously everyone loves him but he sometimes sits in the back of my cerebellum on his piano in his Hawai'ian shirts. Fashion icon, the best friend, a great husband/dad and an all around amazing dude. He's such a presence when hes on screen that his death really takes the air from your lungs and leaves you just devastated.
4. Icemav. There's nothing else that really comes close except for the ICONS which are Goose and Carole.
Its really the combination of the acting, the script, and the fact that TGM basically confirmed that they've been married for the last fourty? years. So much so that (imo) tgm only had Penny to distract from them being literally so blindingly queer. Its like 70% of the usual romantic beats and no payoff (unless you're operating on the correct brainwave frequency).
5. probably Wolfman/Hollywood tbh those guys are just coasting happily, no drama, just vibin'
6.+ 7. Rooster/Phoenix, Goose/Maverick, Bob/Hangman, Iceman/Slider - none of them make sense to me and it just seems unnecessary to take two perfectly good friends and try and make 'em romantic. I dont have anything against people who do ship them but for me personally its just not it.
8. I have absolutely no idea. Callsigns are usually decided by other people and they're never something good so most likely "Grumpy"
9. the volleyball–
(rant/essay begins here)
From Top Gun 1986, probably the scene in the 'O' club where Mav and Goose serenade Charlie (the whole piece says so much about their characters and how they interact with everyone including Ice and Slider) Its a hilarious introduction to really most of the cast and it clearly defines the characters who we don't know much about. It also makes the next scene HILARIOUS.
ALSO THE GUY WHO'S CHARLIE'S DATE IS THE REAL VIPER! Pete 'Viper' Pettigrew (real name) who was the technical advisor on the film and a Top Gun Instructor.
+ the final tower buzz with Iceman and Maverick, it gives the film a beautifully circular structure from the beginning and you just know Stinger screamed the house down afterwards. It shows the unity between Iceman and Maverick which as we know continues until Ice's passing fortyish years later. It also shows a real development for both of them from Mr Ice-cold-no-mistakes and Maverick who we can see has more of himself back (like at the beginning of the movie) after Goose's death.
(Imma stop here before i write an essay)
10. 1986 has such an iconic soundtrack - I wasn't a big fan of TGM's admittedly it was far too orchestral for a sequel to rock and roll in the skies.
They should have used modern rock/pop music because it doesn't make sense otherwise the mainly orchestral score doesn't conjure the same ridiculous excitement that the original does. It sounds like any other Marvel movie at times and it really got under my skin in places.
Top Gun 1986 uses Danger Zone three times. THREE.
The score was largely orientated around Penny and Maverick (WHICH IS WRONG) which took away a lot of the emotional weight of Iceman and Mav's relationship friendship.
"but Wasp take my breath away was used in the same-"
Firstly, ik ik. Secondly take my breath away is a fucking banger (thanks Harold) and it fit in snugly with the rest of the soundtrack.
Most of TGM is about Iceman and Maverick, between the guardian angel motifs EVERYWHERE and Iceman's critical role throughout the movie. If anyone should've had a theme it should have been them.
Fight me in the notes.
Penny was thrown in to add stakes if (theoretically) Mav didn't make it back alive she was used to "WELL ACTUALLY-" Rooster's earlier statement about Mav having nothing to loose (and to attempt to make the film considerably straighter) She was three lines from 1986 made into an easy love interest.
(I could probably come up with a considerably better soundtrack on the spot and I don't even want paid!)
(rant over)
Memories by Harold Faltermeyer - the little bit of instrumental that plays when Goose dies and when Maverick is thinking about his dad - Its so striking and sort of whimsical even though its used to convey sadness and grief.
GREAT BALLS OF FIRE (self-explanatory) It was a masterpiece in 1986 and its painfully nostalgic in 2022 (oww my heart, Rooster)
Playing With The Boys - Kenny Loggins strikes again. Banger of a song played over one of the most memorable scenes in movie history, its a brilliant breath of fresh air and so FUN you forget for a few moments that it's a war movie. Great song, great scene and once its embedded in your skull you're going to need an industrial drill to get it out.
thank you for the ask anon :)
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gemwire · 2 years
GTA San Andreas PC Highly Compressed (580 MB) Free Download
GTA San Andreas PC Highly Compressed (580 MB) Free Download: Today I am going to show you how to download GTA San Andreas Highly Compressed. Previously, Rockstar games introduced the game in 2004 for PlayStation 2, and it made people go crazy, as this game was different from all the other games that were being played. The VFX and SFX were superb and left nothing out; the crime theme is what made this game unique and entertaining for many reasons.
In GTA, one can enjoy guns, cars and different characters. The gameplay is filled with action, chases and explosions. These games are a complete package that cannot be missed. One of the best editions of the series is San Andreas which had deep themes, amazing SFX and VFX. When it comes to PC games, it is necessary to mention GTA San Andreas.
The Grand Theft Auto game series is popular, including in countries where past versions weren’t available. This game series is legendary and one of the most iconic that has been made. Anyone who has played this game is a true gamer. The VFX, SFX and storyline are brilliant, as well as the characters and cheat codes to make the experience easy if you want to.
  If you’re a GTA fan, then you can use this cheat code to play the game: “Download GTA compressed 2MB version”. The only problem with this game is its size but we’ve found a really cool trick that will allow you to download it in a small size.
Most people who read this paragraph probably got very happy that the game didn’t change, but some people will also be concerned about the graphics. Does the size of the game affect graphics? Well that’s a really good question and I would like to tell you more about it but in this article I wanted to share some screenshots.
System Requirements For GTA San Andreas PC Highly Compressed
Name GTA San Andreas Size 580 MB CPU 1.4 GHz Pentium 4 RAM   256 MB Storage 4.7 GB OS Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Price Free
Steps to install GTA San Andreas Highly Compressed
In order to install the KGB achiever, first download and extract this game: Click here to download.
Then, you must install the KGB achiever. After installing, follow these steps: Open up KGB achiever, and then extract the GTASA.kgb file. Wait for the completion of the whole process.
Once you decompress the file, just open GTA San Andreas and enjoy Gaming. This post was about how to download GTA San Andreas Highly Compressed. I hope you enjoyed it and are free to comment in the comment box.
Why Do I Think San Andreas Is Better Than Any Other GTA Game?
Some people argue that GTA San Andreas is the best game in the series. I would say that no other game can pull off the same outrageous scenes and stories as it. Vice City also deserves an honorable mention with its ground breaking themes, while my favorite GTA games are those which are kind of silly to play like GTA interactive.
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Ending the Article
To conclude, I want to encourage people across the world to try out Game Compactor. The hack is completely working and it is extremely simple to apply. You are sure that you will not encounter any problems while using the hack on your computer system.
I will also say that it’s good to verify the system requirements for Hack for GTA San Andreas before use and if it is not correct, the hack likely won’t work. Otherwise, there is no effect as far as game quality based on compression level, so I don’t see any reason to worry about that.
The post GTA San Andreas PC Highly Compressed (580 MB) Free Download appeared first on Gemwire. source https://gemwire.gg/en/gta-san-andreas-pc-highly-compressed-580-mb-free-download/
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I wish people would stop being so negative and depressing about how characters in st are going to end up like people theorizing character’s deaths. Like I know the Duffers were saying that the characters run into problems and stuff like that but also there is not enough context to be theorizing who dies or not. The last two episodes of this season are movie length long and we got like maybe two minutes of a trailer. Do we also get some behind the scenes stuff? Yes!! Do we know the context of these things? No!! People can feel anxious about these things. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be feeling how they feel towards their favorite characters. It’s just really annoying seeing how many people have continued saying that ‘oh I think this character will die.’ I haven’t been in this fandom as long as other people since I started watching during the pandemic so I wasn’t present for the height of every season except 4. But from what I’ve seen in the past (which is not 100% correct) so many people have been theorizing the main character’s deaths for years now. Especially Steve (had to drag my fav into this too) considering he is a fan favorite. It’s also annoying going especially into his and other character’s tags and seeing how some of it is just saying the same thing over and over again of how they don’t want him to die. While I think there is a right to feel that way majority of the time it’s also just saying what’s been going on for years now. I acknowledge that there are new people getting into the fandom and show so there is a more nuanced way to viewing/interacting with the fandom. Now I have no idea if I’m in denial but I honestly haven’t been thinking if any one dies. Especially considering (this is huge denial probably) from a writing view point it seems like their survival of everything actually plays a major role in the plot. I just think we do not have enough evidence/context to know if anyone dies this season. I also acknowledge the fact that people have been watching longer than I have so they may feel way more attached to all of the characters then I do. So this is not a message to stop feeling that way. It’s more of a personal opinion for me!!
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