notfeelingverywell · 1 year
near-drowning is such a good whump trope, not just on its own but also for what comes after
convulsive coughing or vomiting water after being pulled out
violent shivering and/or hypothermia (or concern about potential hypothermia)
bruised or cracked ribs from CPR
rapid breathing and heart-rate for hours afterwards, even if their body is tired and achy
Exhaustion and chest pain - they're limp, lethargic, but still needy for touch and comfort
Chest infections settling in their lungs from the cold and the dirty water they inhaled
Lingering trauma about the event- nightmares of sinking, panic attacks in darkness, nervousness around water, claustrophobia
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Character B comes home from an errand/trip and finds A asleep in a totally weird or random place. B sets down their things and comes over, stroking A’s cheek to gently wake them up ((don’t want them to be awake all night))
Come to find A is burning up. They blink open fever glazed eyes, confusedly focusing on the figure in front of them.
“Hey buddy. You fell asleep. How long have you had that fever?”
“… what fever?”
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whumpyouverymuch · 30 days
Choose your fighter:
Sickie who knows they would feel better if they could just throw up and get it out of their system but can’t seem to bring anything up, so instead everything churns or sits like a rock in their belly
Sickie who expected to feel better after throwing up, but instead feels so much worse: they’re shaky, exhausted, they feel hollow, and in spite of everything their stomach is still so so sick
These options won’t fit the character limit for polls, so we’re doing this the old-fashioned way.
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max-attack-whumps · 11 months
I don’t see a lot of whumpees who know they’re sick. Whumpees who can tell when they’re going to be sick because they get that kind of stomachache that only means one thing. Whumpees who can feel their warm face, and find it strange until their body starts to ache. Whumpees who wake up with a sore throat, assuming it’s just the morning but it doesn’t go away.
Just that oh shit feeling. Better yet: they’re perfectly aware of their ailment but don’t know how to tell anyone, or think they have to take care of themselves. Obviously caretaker shows up to disprove their beliefs. And to properly take care of them.
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sick-girlz · 1 year
so, an idea to toy with.
it is common knowledge that a lack of sleep causes your immunity to go downhill.
so imagine your whumpee, on little proper sleep, trying to make it through the day/week when one day they feel off. they're more tired than usual, a headache is making itself known, or maybe they have a tickle in their throat. they shrug it off and call it a day.
cue them waking up the next day feeling awful. they're more tired than they were last night, a fever has crept up and their nose is stuffed. the question now weighs on their mind:
should they go to work and sacrifice potential rest, or do they go back to sleeping away the fever?
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want2bth1nner · 1 year
So my ass is getting beat over here with a cold that includes a fever, headache, fatigue and sore throat🤧🤒.. I guess what I’m asking is does anyone else find it easier to not eat when they are sick as opposed to when they are fine? It’s like this is a perfect timing for losing weight just hurts like a bitch…😭
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ficrecliterally · 9 months
Me: sick af with a 104° F fever, with sever body pain and chills and rigor
But LOL literally, as soon as I was feeling a little better I started reading my fanfictions again. I swear in the name of all the Gods I know, I think I have issues. I am currently sick but I am reading this amazing ff and am excited to post about it next!!!!
Bye bye
Take care and drink lots of water
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petrichordal · 10 months
Hello Tumblr!
Tumblr media
I’m bad at intros but wanted to make one! I’m chronically ill and wanted to make a self indulgent blog because it comforts me to write about my favs hurting and being cared for… I don't consider this a kink for me but understand it is for many people, so I'm tagging accordingly! This blog is 18+ and kink friendly!
Please don't reblog my posts to non whump/illness/kink blogs, thank you!
What you can expect here from me:
Chronic Illness Headcanons
Lots of Gender Fuckery TM
Body Horror
Monster Romance
Some OCs...
(Maybe sometimes darker themes if it fits a specific prompt, but mostly I’m here for the Hurt/Eventual Comfort because I am chronically ill…)
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rookthebird · 8 months
oh, you're chronically ill? what's your otc painkiller tier list
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feverflushed · 2 years
I've had some really uncomfortable interactions on here lately.
It's crazy that I have to say this, but if somebody says "I don't want to rp", just RESPECT THEIR BOUNDARIES. Especially you're looking to rp heavy, disturbing stuff like character d3ath/near d3ath scenarios.
I suffer from severe ptsd, and I've been asked INSISTENTLY to rp something that really triggers me and it fucked up my brain for the rest of the day.
I ended up putting the "no rp" in my bio so hopefully people won't ask me to do it anymore.
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notfeelingverywell · 1 year
You know what’s such a good trope
When, in hurt comfort fics, the injured/sick one looks so vulnerable that the other characters have a realization about how small/young/fragile they are and get a renewed surge of protectiveness
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softsnzstuff · 10 months
First thought of the night is that fevers are so damning for those who are trying to hide their illness or fake being well.
Like if they’re in a scenario where they need to have their temp taken and it just blatantly proves them wrong??
While they’re getting vitals taken. “I don’t even know why I’m here I’m not even sick.” — “that fever says otherwise…”
Or the classic:
“Im fine, it’s just [allergies or something].” — “If you’re not sick then you won’t protest me taking your temperature? Just to humor me of course.”
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weirdshitandthings · 3 years
Emetos, I’m insanely curious- what is appealing to you about vomiting? I’ve seen so much crossover with snz content so it’s got me thinking. I find sexual pyschology really interesting and I can usually see the hypotetical appeal of fetishes, but not this one. Is it the care taking? A latent response from illness as a child? With sneezing the comparision is usually to an orgasm, but I don’t see that with emeto.
I’m not kinkshaming by any means! I’m just very curious. I might not respond to answers since this is my side blog but answers are very much appreciated so thanks in advance!!! : )
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character A and character B are newly roommates. they have been living together for about five to six months now, and have become friends.
over the past few months, B has noticed that A gets sick a lot, and more often than not, it's something they can't get through without seeing a doctor and being prescribed antibiotics, or even a nebulizer treatment, sometimes. for B, this is concerning – seeing A so sick, so frequently – but... A doesn't seem fazed by this. like, at all. they get miserably sick, and they rarely even complain.
A started coming down with something a few days ago, and it's really brutal. you can just hear how full of gunk their lungs are, and no amount of coughing is moving it. after running a high fever for the past two days, both them and B don't want to let this get any worse, and B drives them to the doctor.
a few hours after getting back home and taking their newly prescribed medication, A's fever finally breaks. B makes them some tea, and they sit together.
B looks at A, who still looks sick and exhausted, but also slightly better than earlier that day, and suddenly, the question rolls out of their mouth without them giving it permission:
"Was it always like this?"
at first, A is confused. "What?"
"You... getting sick like this. Was it always this bad for you?"
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sick-girlz · 1 year
good morning everyone, i come to you with an irl sickfic scenario:
it is a very important event for our sickie: a graduation, a promotion, or even a presentation for their superiors. however, two days ago, they woke up feeling like shit. their nose is runny, their throat hurts and they are tired.
but the important thing is in a few days.
sickie loads up on medicine, napkins and whatever other miscellanea they may need.
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pmak2002 · 3 years
Ringo hates sickness or injuries or anything that can or will put him in the hospital because he hates hospitals and doctors.
So when he does get sick he’s extremely careful to be able to avoid the doctor and hospital all together.
This time though he’s not so lucky
He’s had a high fever for a few days and he’s got terrible stomach aches, vomiting and just feeling awful all around.
He hasn’t been this sick in a long long time. It freaked him out and he kept begging Barb to not take him in. She was so worried about him as he kept feeling worse. While was terrified of the thought of going into a hospital. Eventually he was getting so bad. Barb decided to just take him in.
While waiting in the ER
Just being in the ER was enough to make Ringo panic. He had horrible chills that wracked his whole body and he was becoming increasingly anxious with each minute. Even the nurse calling his name caused him to jump.
A few minutes later
Ringo is terribly anxious and upset throughout the whole exam and after he’s been admitted into the hospital.
He’s panicky and Barbara spends the next hour trying to calm him. Eventually he does but he’s clearly still on edge. Ringo reached out his hand towards hers. Barb grabbed his hand and he squeezed it tight.
Later the nurses come and check vitals and try to get him to eat but he refuses as just the thought of food makes him nauseous. The nurses plead with him but he refuses and the smell of the food they brought in makes him vomit.
The nurses rush to get the food out and clean up the puke. It just makes Ringo feel even more anxious. He’s still on edge and just feeling awful. Soon as the nurses leave and the bed is cleaned. Once Barb cuddles with him. He calms down and falls asleep.
Later that night
Ringo is checked up on throughout the night by nurses every few hours. He’s on edge even when he’s asleep because he knows he’ll need to be checked again.
Barb gets up when the nurses come in for each time to help wake him up and get him calm so he’s not anxious during each check.
Over the next few days Ringo is on IV fluids and medicine for the fever and other symptoms.
He slowly improves day by day and eventually once he’s feeling 100% better he gets released and gets to go home. Where he’s happy and able to thank Barbara for her support while he was there.
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