#short story idea
stealingyourbones · 16 days
Short writing prompt:
You’re a cameraman who works for a major film studio. You got hired to work on a horror movie. You’ve noticed some odd things going around on set but you just wave it away as usual backstage crew shenanigans.
Little do you know those things you saw flit out of the corner of your eye and the creatures you thought were pieces from the special effects and prop departments are real.
The moment you realize that what you’ve seen is the actual monster from the horror film you’re contracted to work on, you run. Armed with your camera and your knowledge of the script, you go on a journey to escape this beast.
Why do you keep your camera instead of a weapon? That’s simple: the cameraman never dies.
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knifwp · 7 months
Prompt #35
A young teen (only like fourteen or so) is sent to a high-security prison. The kid is practically adopted by the most dangerous person in their block. The life of a juvenile space prison inmate and their hulking beast of a parental figure. The young teen has a really sweet and go-lucky attitude. It is a surprise how the child ended up in the most secure of space prisons in the first place. An adventure of the child and their parental figure trying to make it through the blocks of the prison to escape. When one gets through all of the blocks they gain their freedom (or do they—not really it is a ploy to get inmates to die in the prison. Anyone who makes it “out” gets killed by the security system).
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wellthebardsdead · 9 months
I found another short story I’d written in high school called ‘Dairy of an Angel keeper, the Swans of Versailles’
The premise is angels are essentially extra terrestrial beings that humanity merely formed a religion around centuries ago, but when several begin turning up on the planet to observe humanity, mass panic breaks out believing they’re here to begin the rapture, and when the angels are met with violence from the world governments. That’s exactly what happens. Until that is, they realise the angels are extremely easy to manipulate. How so? They noticed they would stop attacking if a human pleaded for mercy or forgiveness, and with that knowledge, they simply pacified them with their own nature.
However containing them became the next issue. They couldn’t simply allow them to roam freely knowing the level of destruction they were capable of, but a large public outcry from those of the Christian faith against locking them away they came up with ‘the heavenly bodies initiative’ in which the angels would be ‘housed’ on public display. Essentially, placing them in zoos, because capitalism.
The ones in Rome were housed in the Vatican. I’m England they were housed in one of the many palaces etc.
And in France, the Angel of our story was housed in Versailles. Gabriel.
Despite all the angels living in different locations they all had the same set routine as a means to keep them calm and passive. They’d be awoken each morning, given the same breakfast even if they didn’t require food to survive, they’d be dressed and taken on their daily tour of the facility they’d come to call home. They’d greet guests with a wave, then go to the study, the gardens, then be given their lunch, after which they’d be entertained further before a nap followed by dinner, desert, and their nightly routine before bed.
Just living comfortably on display for the general public to see at a distance, and higher paying visitors to witness up close but never interact with.
And who keeps them set to their routines? Their keepers.
Young men and women all selected specifically based on their looks for one reason and one reason only, angels have no concept of death. They understand it happens. They know it happens to mortal beings, but they don’t understand how it works, why it happens, or why human beings simply wither until they simply expire.
It wasn’t an issue at first, the angels were content with their keepers, until one of them abruptly passed away and was replaced with a keeper that looked different to their previous one. The Angel grew distressed with the unfamiliar humans presence and when they enquired as to what happened to their original keeper, they fell into a deep despair and lashed out at anyone who would come near them, until that is, they found another human who looked like the original keeper. The Angel of course having no full understanding of death, swiftly returned to a state of peace upon seeing them and behaved as if they had merely forgotten the grief that just plagued them.
And so it became routine for keepers to be chosen by a strict set of rules based on appearance and appearance alone and rotated out every 5 years without the angels knowledge. Keepers would be selected, and assigned a name, the same name of the original, which is where our protagonist comes in.
Michel was placed on a waiting list as a potential keeper due to his resemblance to the current keeper of the Angel of Versailles, and when it came time to select a new keeper, he was called in to join the lineup for selection, of which, he was picked.
And after a month of being trained up to behave like a completely different person, he was finally introduced to his Angel, Gabriel, and he had to act as though he’d known him most of his life. And respond to his new name at all times, Joan.
The story is written from Michel/Joan’s perspective via his diary entries, documenting his life with the Angel and keeping note of the angels behaviour, health, mood etc all the while slowly coming to the realisation he’s falling in love with him, because Gabriel is very much in love with Joan.
It becomes pretty obvious early on that Gabriel is in love with Joan, as are all angels with their keepers, it’s why they become so unhinged when they lose them too, and yet none of them can recognise them enough to tell that they’re completely different people. None of them know they’re in love with one person who is actually several people over the course of decades.
And so the keepers have a set of strict rules they must follow at all times.
1. Never mention your life outside the facility, your life must revolve entirely around your assigned angel.
2. Only respond to your assigned name.
3. If your Angel asks you a question you think your assigned identity wouldn’t know the answer to, do not answer it, simply reply with ‘im not sure’.
4. Do not stray from their set routine beyond assigned enrichment to avoid over excitement.
5. Do not cause your Angel distress, failure to keep the Angel passive and content will result in termination.
6. Never, tell your Angel you are leaving. They cannot know you are leaving.
And of course what happens? Gabriel overhears that Michel/Joan is leaving him and loses it.
The day Joan is supposed to leave to be replaced Gabriel locks him in his chambers with him and essentially kills him, turning him into an Angel as well so he can stay with him.
The story ends with a diary entry from michel reading:
“-the butler woke Gabriel and I this morning, at least I think he did, I couldn’t see anything past his wings, he loves holding me in them.
- The maids dressed us after breakfast, they won’t tell me what day it is, time is starting to fade from me. I can’t remember my families faces anymore since Gabriel changed me.
- our morning study and walk in the garden has been cancelled. They won’t tell us why, Gabriel’s unhappy, I’m unhappy. My feathers are falling out, is this normal?
- lunch was so exciting, we got to meet our keepers. They look… the same.”
My handwriting is pretty messy so I can’t make out much beyond this but I thought I’d share it. I can’t find much on Joan’s description but he’s a well built healthy man with curly brown hair and long eyelashes. His personality as Michel is aloof, rude and overall he behaves like a bit of an asshole. But as Joan he’s gentle, patient, and attentive, he has to be, the threat of execution will make you do that.
And gabriel like all the angels stands about 8ft tall. They all vary in appearances but Gabriel is described as swan like, pale marble like skin, wheat blond hair and eyelashes, pink lips and sleepy blue eyes. He’s thin and physically androgynous and he has one set of large swan like wings. Personality wise he’s gentle, playful, innocent and quite bubbly, when he’s happy at least. When distressed he’s volatile, vicious, and cruel. He kills Joan in a particularly painful way while begging him to not leave him before turning him into an Angel as well to keep him at his side forever.
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cheeseychainsaws · 6 months
I have a good idea for a short story but I'm not sure if it would be good. I might even draw it out. I think it would be good to draw out.
So I had this idea of a mom and her daughter.
They don't really get a long very well and their relationship is very strained. The daughter is a teenager who struggles with mental health but the mom doesn't really pay much attention to her. The daughter one day, crushed by her depression commits suicide. The mom is devastated of course. Months go by and she hasn't gone into her daughter's room at all since. She finally does though and finds unfinished art she never got to finish. She finds a book with a bookmark in it, a book she never got to finish. Her save file for some type of Video game she never got to finish. So the mom feels upset about this. These things her daughter loved so much but never got to finish them. So the mom finishes her picture for her, she reads the rest of the book she never got to read. She beats the video game her daughter never got to see the ending to. Maybe the daughter was excited to see a band when they came to her area and the mom sees the show for her. There's a movie she was excited to see once it came out and she watches the movie for her.
A kinda bittersweet story.
So basically she's doing everything the daughter wanted to do/never ended up being able to finish.
I wouldn't be shocked though if something like this has been done before already though. That's the thing.
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trixter-god · 3 months
When a mortal no matter how many time they get reincarnated continues to off themselves Death decides to go against Life’s orders and makes them immortal.
This only drives the Immortal to seek out death even more eventually meeting the myth themselves.
(Then they fall in love and it’s kinda sad or something)
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env0 · 9 days
He wasn't bad looking, however he wasn't pretty handsome.. He wasn't particularly tall, but to call him short felt wrong. He wasn't smart, but dumb didn't suit him. His hair wasn't quite blond, however you wouldn't quote call it brown. He wasn't exceptionally exceptional, but he wasn't boring. The world reminded him of this plain fact in every way. Every day. A simple thing. For a simple man. Who couldn't quote be bothered to be any more or less than just what he was. But to say what he was was harder than to say what he wasn't. All this to say, he isn't a hero.
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mitigatedchaos · 8 months
Genie, but the wishes are granted in a similar sense that if you type a prompt into an AI art generator, it generates an image that matches the prompt. This is not intentional malevolence on the part of the genie.
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downy-roses · 6 months
Horror short story idea: Group of teens with powers related to the medium of film. Monsters from film attack their town and they have to fight them off. But their town also kinda exists within the medium of film. Idk, idea still forming. All powers are accompanied by electronic static when used.
- Rewind: Can rewind time or temporarily pause time in the “scene” like a VHS tape, but everyone is aware during pause/rewind and retains memories .
- Stunt Double: Can take temporary control of a willing person in a “scene”, any harm sustained transfers to their own body after control is ended.
- Trailer: Sporatic audio visual premonitions of dramatic content that is usually real but sometimes not.
- Theme Song: Can instill emotions/buffs and debuffs based on music.
Might do it if I have the time.
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thelazuliwitch · 4 months
Okay, reading the Jpeg of Dorian Gray and it's amazing, 20/10 book. But like I had a story idea where and an immortal is in prison with multiple life sentences and just doesn't escape because of unresolved guilt and just craves companionship.
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ectobabble · 6 hours
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Proxy is actually VERY self-conscious about how she looks. Odette plays dress up with her.
I like picturing their dynamic before i start writing. I just feel bad for how grubby she always is, and it's not her fault.
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rexmatical · 12 days
two kids who are besties in kindergarten but lose contact as they age but then they're both trans and they meet again as adults and don't recognise each other at all but end up as besties again is this anything
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flamekinz · 9 months
A New Museum Exhibit
So not to try and endorse negative tropes, but how would Clark and Lois deal with jealousy? I know they're pretty much head over heels for each other in MAWS, but this is still the beginning to the relationship and things could be bumpy. (Like Lois has kind of pointed out she's nowhere near as fast or strong as Clark is.) So one day an alien mysteries exhibit comes to the Metropolis Museum, and knowing what a threat random Kryptoninan tech is and with what kind of influence Flamebird Social may have on the Daily Planet, Clark and Lois volunteer to cover the exhibit and try to snoop out anything out of place. But it seems like just a normal collection of stone tools and ancient paintings, so the pair are rather disappointed. And Clark being the bit of a clutz he is in this series, turns too fast and inadvertantly topples over a secured pedestal with an intricately crafted urn. Yet before even Superman can react, another woman catches the urn, the pedestal, and Clark (who she thought was also falling but was in fact trying to catch the urn himself.) This 6'10" woman is Diana Prince, the curator of the collection and asks if Clark is all right. Not one for usually being on this side of the hold, is completely flubbed on what to say, and the lighting isn't helping with highlighting just how Majestic Diana is. Lois, of course, is a bit steamed by the scene and is quickly grabbing Clark out of Diana's hands and tersely thanks her for saving /her/ boyfriend. Clark is apologizing profusely as Diana ponders on how a supposedly sturdy pedestal could topple over from a mere bump. IDK where to go from here but I think it would be a 'Superman is weak to magic' reveal episode and have something to do with mystical emotional manipulations. Diana Prince is never Wonder Woman in the episode, she acts as the info bot about the magical artifacts in question, maybe dip into a fact about trying to pick up magical artifacts to 'take care of'.
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dat2ndaccount97 · 9 months
Random idea for a comic or short story that suddenly sprung to mind while I work:
A boy hanging out in the woods comes across an ancient mythological creature like a dragon, and the dragon starts talking to him and asking him questions about the human world. The dragon the asks what's in the boy's backpack, and the boy takes out it's contents, which includes a can of Ice Tea, a half eaten sandwich, some bandaids, a few comics, and a couple barbie dolls. The dragon starts asking the boy about the "tiny humans" he pulled from his bag, and the boy starts explaining to the dragon what Barbie dolls are.
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skitteringjunbug · 1 year
Writing snip bits
Killer leaned heavily forward by the chains that bound around his neck and wrists. A chill running down his spin as the cold wind blew through his small dark cell. Dream had caught him when he made one mistake....now...every night he listened for those light steps.
One might think Ink would dirty his hands but no. He was always doing something to not be bored when Dream got like this and ran off. No...his nightly beatings came from the god of positivity himself. Ironic.
"You ready to talk yet?" Dreams voice came low and then louder with the echos of his footsteps to the door.
"well hello....golden prick..." "Killer." The bound skeleton lifted his sockets to -look- at the Skeleton on pure yellow robe lose around his bones. "Once again. Where is my brother?"
Killer wanted to laugh, though his 'throat' was rubbed raw from the chains. With a shift and a smirk he tried to speak again, "oh...ya kn-"
Dreams had back handed killer once again for his idiocy. How did his brother deal with....this? "You think you can survive another night?" His voice going lower as he reached and grabbed at killers chin. "Where. Is. He?"
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flowerbarrel-art · 1 year
This got a lot longer than I meant it to.
This is about what would happen if the Stick (I’m calling her Taupe) Chosen saved had managed to catch up with the mercenaries and tried to protect Chosen.
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Taupe wouldn’t have been able to do much, but Chosen grabs her and keeps going to Alan’s computer, dropping her off on the desktop before trying to get Orange to use his powers. Taupe freaks out a bit. Then Chosen nabs Orange and leaves.
Taupe wonders if she should help but the CG tell her to stay on the desktop and that Alan will take care of her. They go after Orange and Chosen.
Taupe is left alone on the desktop and manages to help Alan put out the fires Chosen started. Then Alan and Taupe look awkwardly at each other. Taupe’s freaking out a bit since she’s never seen a User before.
Alan asks where Taupe came from but Taupe doesn’t know how to talk to him. Taupe still had her briefcase so Alan figures out she came from Stick City (he knows about the place).
Eventually they manage to communicate and Taupe explains everything that happened and tells Alan about Rocket Org and the mercenaries chasing Chosen, and how he saved her. Alan starts planning about how to help Orange and Chosen.
Taupe calls in sick to work and asks a friend to take care of her cat for a bit. Alan is grateful Taupe helped put out the fire and gives her some food and lets her rest on the desktop.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I have another prompt! Video for reference.
Prompt idea!!!!
First responder AU.
You have to go to school to be a first responder and every type does the same thing. They have volunteers sign up to act like victims for training for the new job. So you know what happens they meet and fall in love while one is playing the victim.
Please, someone make it happen!!!!
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