#same sex
lesbiansgoal · 1 year
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kmixon · 4 months
Luz x Hunter
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I'll sorry, I love luz x hunter are great other. If have season 4, we see Luz explore her being bi, to bad disney cut off of show😤😤😤
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They cute together ❤️ Luz x hunter, be secret be together in season 4.
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hugo660 · 8 months
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
Same-sex pairs in many species (especially birds) raise young together. Not only are they competent parents, homosexual pairs sometimes actually exceed heterosexual ones in the number of eggs they lay, the size of their nests, or the skill and extent of their parenting.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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A lesbian archive inside a Brooklyn brownstone has documented decades of Sapphic history
Deborah Edel, one of the founders of the Lesbian Herstory Archives, the home of a lesbian history trove in Brooklyn, New York, said that sometimes when she gives tours of the archives, people will get very quiet. 
“I think, ‘Oh, am I boring them? Should I throw in a joke and try to be funny?’ she said. “Then I realize, I’m very familiar with the collection, but this for them is the first time, and they are overwhelmed by the material, by being in such an environment, by being surrounded by so much lesbian material and lesbian history, and they’re taking it all in quietly.”
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thartist72 · 1 year
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true-bean · 8 months
Reblog please because I genuinely want to know, as someone who’s in a queer relationship I’ve been thinking about this a bit recently
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lesbiansgoal · 2 years
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newsrepertoire · 1 year
Newsflash: The Right Still Hates Cis Gays, Too
Groups such as Gays for Trump and Gays Against Groomers represent how some LGBTQ (though mostly cis and very rarely the T) people who are otherwise privileged turn their backs on their community for comfort and status. With trans people being all the rage right now, it's easy for these people to think they're safe. Findings from Media Matters researcher Matt Gertz proves that's just not the case.
And it really isn't hard to spot in the wild, either.
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kmixon · 4 months
Disney's Channel got great with Twist
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Disney's movies 🎬 take some notes, TV shows beat you 😏 they used take some Chance of their show😏 ONE downside more Disability.
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enola504ever · 2 years
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srndpt2024 · 2 years
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bottleofmalibu · 1 year
“I have no doubt that in the future, the laws that criminalize human love and commitment will look the way the apartheid laws do to us now, so obviously wrong.” — Desmond Tutu
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
On every continent, animals of the same sex seek each other out and have probably been doing so for millions of years.³
3. Homosexuality among primates, for example, has been traced back to at least the Oligocene epoch, 24-37 million years ago (based on its distribution among contemporary primates; Vasey 1995:195). Some scientists place its original appearance even earlier in the evolutionary line leading to mammals, at around 200 million years ago (Baker and Bellis 1995:5), and it has probably existed for much longer among other animal groups.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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hjellacott · 2 years
It’s not about being an organisation, nor about who finances it
I keep reading news about “oh wait until you see what fuckers finance the LGB Alliance organisation!” as if that’s supposed to make us all criminals. But that isn’t actually THAT important.
I don’t need to officially belong to any organisation and have what, a LGB ID card? to agree with and support the message. I don’t care if straight men or straight women agree with us and want to support LGB Alliance. In fact, the more support we get, the better. There’s nothing wrong with it.
We’re not united by an official organisation or a membership. We’re united by a collective feeling that we’re being forced by a significant portion of the transgender community (not all, as my friends like me to remember) to consider ourselves transphobes if we’re not attracted to them (even if we’re not attracted simply because we find the individual in question ugly, lol). We’re united by a collective feeling that us, LGB, need to be gender critical in order to be LGB, simply because sex is important to us (the sex of a person, not the act) and we know ourselves well enough to know exactly how we like our partners (i.e. sexually male or female).
We’re not saying anything negative towards the transgender community. We’re not telling them they shouldn’t have rights and we aren’t supporting their oppression. We’re simply saying, we’ve got nothing in common from the second you try to force us to be sexually attracted to you. We’ve got nothing in common if you are oppressing us. And we don’t want to lose our rights. We don’t want to be oppressed. And we can’t belong in the same collective and fight with the same people who are actively oppressing US. So we join forces to protect each other and become the LGB Alliance (or however we wanna call ourselves), not as a force that’s going to fight AGAINST the transgender people... but as a force that’s going to fight FOR OUR human rights, not discussing anyone else’s.
And an organisation that is just trying to fight to have human rights, to not be oppressed, to have freedom to marry or date whoever we want, to live full lives like everyone else, shouldn’t be considered terrorist. The fact that some people try to put us in the same group as fucking Al-Qaeda is MADNESS. But it reflects how intolerant the world has become.
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dravencrow127 · 2 years
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