lifeinpoetry · 6 months
is mine an evil heart?
— Joey de Jesus, from "Ancha (Redux)," published in Roadmap
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codemerything · 9 months
A structured way to learn JavaScript.
I came across a post on Twitter that I thought would be helpful to share with those who are struggling to find a structured way to learn Javascript on their own. Personally, I wish I had access to this information when I first started learning in January. However, I am grateful for my learning journey so far, as I have covered most topics, albeit in a less structured manner.
N/B: Not everyone learns in the same way; it's important to find what works for you. This is a guide, not a rulebook.
What is JavaScript and its role in web development?
Brief history and evolution of JavaScript.
Basic syntax and structure of JavaScript code.
Understanding variables, constants, and their declaration.
Data types: numbers, strings, boolean, and null/undefined.
Arithmetic, assignment, comparison, and logical operators.
Combining operators to create expressions.
Conditional statements (if, else if, else) for decision making.
Loops (for, while) for repetitive tasks. - Switch statements for multiple conditional cases.
Defining functions, including parameters and return values.
Function scope, closures, and their practical applications.
Creating and manipulating arrays.
Working with objects, properties, and methods.
Iterating through arrays and objects.Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM).
Selecting and modifying HTML elements with JavaScript.Handling events (click, submit, etc.) with event listeners.
Using try-catch blocks to handle exceptions.
Common error types and debugging techniques.
Callback functions and their limitations.
Dealing with asynchronous operations, such as AJAX requests.
Promises for handling asynchronous operations.
Async/await for cleaner asynchronous code.
Arrow functions for concise function syntax.
Template literals for flexible string interpolation.
Destructuring for unpacking values from arrays and objects.
Spread/rest operators.
Design Patterns.
Writing unit tests with testing frameworks.
Code optimization techniques.
That's it I guess!
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In light of new developments, I'd like to introduce you to
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This infographic (which I've been publishing for Twitter followers since 2022) is for new viewers to find themselves in this great big circle of what I call "fandub whimsy". A guide to the works of the Pirate Theydy or the ClownHouse.
Titles that are closer to each-other imply association. The further a title is from the top, the more indirect the association is.
If you need to find this more easily, this is also available on my blog menu under "ROADMAP" along with older versions of the document!
Share this with folks who you're getting into Real-Time Fandub or any of the projects listed here!
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cacodaemonia · 2 months
Heeeeeey artists who post work on AO3! I know this is an absolute shot in the dark, but since the OTW says they're purchasing new servers and doing server upgrades, maybe we could all leave supportive and respectful requests for image hosting on the post I linked to above?
I know that image hosting is much more expensive than hosting text, and I'm sure the servers they've allocated funds for will be put to good use regardless. But with more and more image hosting sites purging/banning anything remotely nsfw, we have fewer and fewer places to host our work (and no, Discord links will not work long-term, as they can change over time and that will break the links).
Back in 2013, AO3 updated their roadmap to include (emphasis mine):
[for version 0.9] The refactoring of the work model is an essential part of one of our major priorities: moving towards true support for visual art as well as fannish audio and video on the Archive. Hosting different media types (e.g. enabling image or audio file uploads to our servers) is still some way in the future, but version 0.9 will include a number of enhancements aimed at making the site more suitable for diverse types of fanworks, including better search and posting tools for non text-based media.
Our goal for Release 1.0 is to have a stable package with all core features working well, and a full testing suite. This will provide a good foundation for the move to hosting fanwork files on our own servers, which will be a core goal for our post 1.0 development.
AO3 (which is currently in version 0.9.366.2 afaik) is intended to eventually be a fan works archive, not just a fan fiction archive. As long as fan artists have to rely on outside, for-profit companies to maintain the integrity of our image links, then none of our images are truly archived, and huge swathes of fandom history can be wiped out any time—as they have been before.
I know AO3 and OTW volunteers always have a lot on their hands, and image hosting is already part of their long-term plans, but maybe some friendly reminders from those of us who post our images on the archive could help nudge things along.
@transformativeworks <3
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femmefatalevibe · 9 months
There are a ton of things I want to get into.. Martial arts, drawing, learning a foreign language, sewing, programming. Math. Scrapbooking. Unfortunately just the sheer amount of ideas and goals I have overwhelm me and I have no idea where to start, because I do not think I have time to practice all of those things, and they all sound so attractive and I can‘t decide where to begin. This undecisiveness leads to procrastrination in my case. Do you have any advice?
Hi love! I would say to create a hobby "roadmap" for yourself.
Consider the main goals you want to achieve in each area. Create a SMART goal (or two) for each hobby (e.g.: I want to get a yellow belt within 6 months; I want to create XYZ types/number of portraits of XYZ subjects before the end of this year).
Break down the larger goal into individual milestones/tasks for each hobby/area of interest(Enroll in a semester of weekly martial arts classes; Take a drawing class to create a work of XYZ subject or to learn XYZ drawing technique this month, next month, etc.)
Create a timeline for each hobby/interest and put all of these timelines together on one shared document to see your overall "roadmap"
Plan your non-school/work hours around this timeline and track your task completion/progress over the next few months
Reevaluate your goals, plan, and tasks/timelines as needed
Hope this helps xx
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makeyoumine69 · 27 days
May/June Roadmap✍
Memory Reboot — there will be three more chapters, for a total of five, and I hope to release them by the end of May (top priority story for now).
Cat!Boy!Patrick NSFW rambling — since Catrick won the poll, I'm going to make a collection of short, smutty drabbles (probably between posting the main stories).
Sweet Like a Cupcake — I'm working on prequels that will give some background to the main story. They're not going to be smutty yet, but I'll do my best to make them interesting to read (they'll be out around June).
Call me Babydoll — I hope to finish two new chapters, sorry for the long wait (they will probably be done in June).
My Lovely Detective — I think there will be 2 or 3 chapters that will be finished during this period of time.
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miss-reagent · 3 months
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New prime asset... 🥰 so excited!
Also for anyone who didn't watch their Q&A, they said that Coyle and Gooseberry know each other (they share a living space outside of trials) and there "may" be something coming soon involving both of them! Exciting news!! 💖
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//Unavailable today, will continue story tomorrow. In the meantime, have these lil crumbs I've been planning to drop for a bit.
SUBJECT 5 - A retelling of the hidden story behind one of the Future Foundation's darkest hidden conspiracies that went undiscovered for over a decade. The story of a young boy named Jakob Clement, and his unique and terrible illness.
RESURGENCE OF CHAOS - A few years after the fall of the terrible and tyrannical Organization Zetsubou, the world fell quiet. However, the Organization fell into the darkness and remained there, slumbering. Now under the guidance of the Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima, Tsumugi Shirogane rallies the remnants of what was once the Zetsubou group, to rise from the ashes and wring chaos unto the world once more.
ENEMY UNKNOWN - When Shirogane's group unleash a new Ultimate Weapon that they've been developing in secret, the Future Foundation take it upon themselves to prepare for its arrival. However, at the pivotal moment, an unseen and unheard adversary leaps into the fray, and start kidnapping members of both sides. With too much on the line, and with the conspiracy loosely linked to her past as a terrorist, Mukuro Ikusaba is forced to team up with a rowdy Shirogane-aligned scumbag to bring this mysterious assailant down
THE RETURN OF HAJIME HINATA - After spending several years stuck in the recesses of his own mind, giving way for Izuru Kamukura, hope finally arises for Hajime Hinata when the members of the Whitecloak group approach him with a proposal. Their conspirator, Lazarus, the original creator of the Future Foundation's Resurrection Devices, claims he's developed a method that could rescue Hajime and bring his personality back to the forefront. Mahiru Koizumi, Chiaki Nanami, and a few friends, both old and new, join him to Lazarus' hidden lab with the hopes of bringing their beloved one back to life...But the trip is not as easy as they'd hoped.
MONACA TOWA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRL - When things start winding down after the previous incidents, Komaru Naegi and Toko Fukawa take the time to sort out some personal baggage. However, while they take a break and sort out their affairs, the Warrior's of Hope discover a cultist conspiracy aligned with the goals of their enemies hidden away in Towa City. With the heroes indisposed, it's up to Monaca Towa to crack down on the case, chase the loose ends, and prove to the world that she's no longer the psychotic monster she appears to be.
THE SAIHARA DETECTIVE AGENCY - Shuichi Saihara opens his own Detective Agency in tandem with the Future Foundation after coming to terms with what kind of detective he wants to be. He takes on some new talent, and is certain that his business will be a success...But his team's first case turns out to be a lot more than he bargained for.
KISARAGI CRASHED - After an unfortunate incident where a Kisaragi Helicarrier is attacked by the Despair group, and the passengers are forced to flee, Tsurugi Kinjo and his close compatriots find themselves stranded in a rural area of Eastern Africa. After discovering that Zetsubou are looking to set up shop, with a Guerilla war raging on against the villains, the Kisaragi Foundation lend their aid to the locals, whether they want it or not.
SONGS OF A BROKEN CITY - When the Novoselic Kingdom becomes subjected to a Despair-ridden plot that threatens to tear the land apart from the inside, four unlikely heroes; Sora Kabuya, Yoruko Kabuya, Yuki Maeda and Syobai Hashimoto; are put on the line to protect the kingdom and its subjects.
A PERFORMANCE, A PAST, A PREPOSTEROUS HORROR - With the battle against the Zetsubou group brought into balance, and with Japan slowly being evacuated, Sayaka Maizono bands together with some old and new friends to put on a public performance and lift the spirits of the oppressed Japanese public in the trying times. Meanwhile, both the Future Foundation and Despair group investigate the elusive history of the Enoshima Virus, and discover what happened to Subject 5 after the facts.
//I will answer any questions within reason, provided they don't spoil the later events.
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thesimcommunity · 5 months
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slasheru · 6 months
Slasher U Update Roadmap: End of 2023!
Holy crap, it's been a hell of year, hasn't it?! Slasher U Act 1 came out at the end of April 2023 and there's been SO MUCH that's changed!
Things that were added in post-launch Slasher U Act 1 updates:
Sawyer's entire romance arc, storyline, and hookup/makeout games
The ability to talk to Dark Tate post-coitally
Butterflies and crows (fighting crows used to crash your game)
The entire good UI
Characters including Cliff, Stitcherella, Jennykind, Paisleigh, Tanya, and I'm pretty sure Kennedy was a very early addition, too
And that's not counting the tweaks, fixes, and content! In the interest of continuing to Ship of Theseus this game into the best dating sim ever (no biggie, right?), I have the following updates planned before the end of 2023 for Act 1!
Accessibility settings: A way to opt out of minigames with a random roll based on your personality stats (different stat per minigame as appropriate!)
Refining the places you can get personality points in Act 1
Customization: Cane accessories! These will run on a different band than outfits so you can mix and match them/equip them alongside outfits!
Finance: I made everything in the game on the pricey/"realistic" side and the money you get from gigs relatively low because A) college and B) i kind of thought it would both be funny/reflective of shitty college jobs AND a nice incentive to grind some minigames but. I think the economy needs a bit of a fix, right? ;) (in the meantime, try typing InfiniteMoneyVent with the caps correct in the Cheat Codes menu when you're in-game! Your wallet will be a little fuller!)
There are 27 major bugs left in the list for me to tackle as of now, most of them are routine but there are 3 or 4 harder ones to tackle (naming save files is being a beeeetch specifically because afaik Wolf wipes any additional system string variables even if you specify a larger variable count list? My engine just is like "naw actually I'm not saving that"?)
Prior Planned Quality of Life Stuff: Either a way to name your save files OR a way to make your character name appear under your save file (this used to happen but there was a bug where all names would default to your last used character name)
WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL I'm still trying to fix the text box bug! This actually isn't borked in the vanilla version of the WRPG engine but I can't fucking figure out how to fix it with the way I've set up the UI (I think? I THINK?!). This is realistically the last bug to get fixed due to my own ineptitude, so I'm hoping to A) make autosaves automatically turned on and B) making Data 1's save slot unusable so it's reserved for autosaves!
There's ALSO a couple content updates for Act 1 still (nothing major, except for, uh, ONE MAJOR THING, haha):
The Truth or Dare minigame/scenario is now going to be included in the Act 1 game, but take place after the Act 2 bumper (post-murder-attempt)
This is already in there but the preamble for Dark Tate's continuing storyline, and Laila's Act 2, activates after the murder attempt
I'll be adding Hex, Juno, and Sawyer's Act 2 lead-ins, plus regular Tate's lead-in, as I work on Act 2
Resolving the storylines (or, if you're being a Chaotic Evil type of player, ruining everyone's life) with story choices/quests for non-dateables: Act 2 will include more Sawyer/Horsemike story, and personal quests for Melyssa, Professor Plutonium, and partially Veronika/Archibald (theirs will continue into Act 3)
Maybe I'll let you fight crows again. MAYBE.
I'm ALSO working on Act 2, which has a lot of new features (notably permanent cosmetic upgrades like a piercing system and tattoos) as well as new content (obvi lmao), but I really want to find a way to offer early access passes to folks who didn't make it to the Crowdfundr (maybe via Patreon)?
Here are some Act 2 features that I'm excited to include/are already being worked on (you'll recognize a lot of these from fanvotes!)
Piercing/Tattoo Parlor
Headless Horsemike one-off hookup minigame
Tate's movie date (yes it's scripted and implemented, it'll be in the next Act 2 update lol. I KNOW I KNOW :D )
Being able to run the speakeasy/sex dungeon as a little moneymaking game in and of itself (well. More for the speakeasy. The sex dungeon is mostly for sex. You're welcome, Sawyer Enjoyers)
Being able to gift outfits to dateables
I'm personally super hype for Tate's storyline (which also involves some other students?? ooo????) and how that's going to mechanically shake out, PLUS, tattoos. Oh my god. TATTOOS GUYS. Plus, the piercing system works like IRL-style - you have to get pierced, then buy jewelry for your piercing if you want to replace your starter/healer gear! I'm a big fan of body mods IRL and having a more realistic piercing/tattoo system was important to me!
Can't wait for next year AND to bring y'all more Slasher U!!!!!!!!! Making video games is literally my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world and I can't imagine doing anything else with my life :')))) (one day I'll be able to do this FULL-full time instead of on top of reviewing medical documents and drawing IP comics for Big Corpo)
xoxooxoxoxoxox, Professor Plutonium
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random-xpressions · 1 month
Some insight into the future is inevitable. The discerning eyes that tear into what possibly may happen. That's how our intelligence must work. Do not confuse this with a weak mind which is only anxiety driven of what may happen tomorrow or what may go wrong tomorrow. That's precisely where success and failure of an individual is determined. One has a very unorganized manner of thinking, the head being like a little zig zag ride of repetitive thought patterns leading to no good but exhaustion. The other one is extremely disciplined, following a very determined course of thought process, logically arriving at decisions after weighing the pros and cons, addressing the emergency matters, measuring the consequences, analyzing the possibilities. Such a practice clearly leads to the sharpening of insight and at certain times, it would be almost as if you're looking right at your future straight into its eyes - nothing else will be the outcome, no surprises, no unexpected happenings, matters will be just as you foresaw it, just as you plotted and preplanned - that's the point when you literally carve your destiny!
Random Xpressions
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jen-parker · 7 months
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Who I write for:
Matthew Lillard
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Stu Macher SCREAM (1996)
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Dean Boland GOOD GIRLS
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Stevo Levy SLC PUNK
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more to come…
What I write:
Fluff ❥
Angst ☹︎
x fem!reader
x gn!reader
+18 years old
no rape or whatsoever
no incest in any form
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konczakowski · 1 year
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sandrockers · 1 year
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Every Logan Fan we won 🙌
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There’s the main man 💖
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elizabethminkel · 3 months
For Roadmap (a fantastic publication on tech, culture, and work edited by the great @mollitudo) I got to review Kara Swisher's Burn Book, which was a very interesting read that left me struggling with the state of big tech right now, and the complicated idea of a "critical industry insider":
Swisher’s harshest critics—and she’s certainly heard from plenty of them since Burn Book hit shelves—are well within their rights to suggest that she hasn’t merely been an observer of Silicon Valley’s shift, but directly complicit in it. After all, the tech industry we know today didn’t suddenly emerge overnight. But to suggest Swisher hasn’t been a relatively critical insider—with all the limitations that implies—is also ahistorical. And if the memoir finds itself caught within these paradoxes, maybe it’s nothing so much as a perfect encapsulation of Swisher’s career. Because what is left for a self-styled truth-teller if no one in Silicon Valley particularly cares about the truth?
I'm so happy to be back in Roadmap—I got to write about the work of Ellen Ullman for their launch. And I'm working on a piece right now about depictions of tech (and specifically tech ~failure~) on TV!
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dragonballnewstar · 8 months
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