dunmeshistash · 3 days
for that one anon who asked for recs: drifting dragons/kuutei dragons is a high fantasy manga about eating fantasy stuff (dragons). there's not much of a story it's rly just about exploring the world of dragons (they look like sea slugs). it's about a bunch of dragon hunters who hunt dragons to sell the meat and oil and they fly around on a huge steampunk airship and they uhm. they eat the dragons. there is an anime but it's 3d which is not everyone's cuppa tea, but the manga is great
Oooh that's super cool looking I never heard of it.
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The 3d also isn't that bad from what I'm seeing on google
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charmac · 2 days
What episodes would you recommend showing people if I'm trying to get my friends into Sunny?
Honestly I think it really, highly depends on the person you are trying to get into the show! If you really know someone and want them to fall in love fast, I think there’s something worth showing them the episode you think “fits them” best (i.e. I showed my sister Frank’s Little Beauties because she loveddd watching Toddlers and Tiaras growing up).
But if it's a group of people or you're more-so wondering what episodes best explain/get across the overall idea and appeal of Sunny, these are my top 5 recommendations (with basic reasoning, not really in a particular order):
The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis - Capitalising off a current *situation* to "get rich quick" - very, very clearly exhibits how they're all stupid and terrible in their own unique ways, fucked up family relationships, and inadvertently destroying the lives of a stranger with little remorse
The Gang Gets Trapped — I think this one is just really good at face-value (in that you have no idea what the fuck is going on) and the payoff jokes are gold. You get a good look at the dynamics, impulsivity, and tempers of the Gang
The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis - see Gas Crisis reasons but make it a little more flamboyant
Charlie Has Cancer — Originally the intended Pilot episode. I genuinely see a lot of value in starting someone in Season 1, because that’s where it all began after all
Mac & Charlie Die — My personal favourite to show people off the bat, really because it's my favourite episode(s) but it's also a great first episode as a high (as in stoned) comedy. It's insane and weird and is the real idea of what "Sunny humour" is
I personally wouldn’t start someone past Season 7 because I feel like the early years are an essential foundation to all that comes to follow, and IMO it's really important to understand what the show is at face-value when you're first going in. They'll have plenty of time to dig much much deeper when they see the rest...
LMK if you use one of these or if you picked another! I always love hearing what episode(s) made people want to keep watching and which made them fall in love with the show :)
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ystrike1 · 5 months
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maleyanderecafe · 10 days
List Recommendations
List Recommendations
Active s/o’s in Male Yandere stories
Horror Male Yandere list
Mobile Otome Yandere list
Novel Recommendations
Yanderes around 20-30 years old
Yandere moments in IDWTKOH
Completed Yandere Webcomics
Male Yandere Games List
Submissive Yandere List
More Submissive Yanderes List
English Otome Games & Drama CDs x
Favorite Male Yandere List
More Otome Yandere List
Male Yandere Light Novels
More Horror Male Yandere List
Starter Male Yandere List
Yandere Wins List
TV Shows with Yanderes
Similar to Cherry Boy, that Girl List
Male Yandere Confinement List
Happy Ending Yanderes List
Yandere Games I’m Excited for List
More Yandere Games
MLM Yandere Games
More of Favorite Yanderes List
Pink Haired Yandere List
More Starter Male Yandere List
Recommendation Yandere Blogs List
18+ Yandere Recommendations List
Purity Yandere List
Pixel Based Yandere Game List
More Book Recommendations List
Itch.io Games List
He/They Pronoun Games List
Childhood Friend/ Sunshine Yandere List
Screamed Yandere Webcomic List
Captivity Yandere List
Goes Mad After Losing Beloved List
Yandere x Yandere List
Future Yandere Game Recs List
IOS Mobile Game List
Dark Skinned Yandere List
MC with a Character Design List
More 18+ Smut Yandere List
Non-Smut Yanderes List
Mimic Yandere List
BTD Like Games List
BL Yandere List
Movie/Musical/TV Show List
Favorite Yandere VNs List
DOL Like Games List
Older Yanderes
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
The Analog/Digital Horror Recommendation Post
A lovely follower of mine asked for recommendations on Analog Horror series to watch since I mentioned I'm a big fan of the genre. I figured it would be best to just make a big post about it all!
This post will be split up into three sections: 1) Direct links to Analog/Digital Horror series with series that I have actually engaged in being in red bold 2) Links to analog horror commentary Youtube channels that do a great job of breaking down and explaining series because they can get kinda confusing 3) Some particular series breakdown videos I highly recommend.
Direct Links to Analog/Digital Horror Series
Angel Hare
ChezzKids Archive
Gemini Home Entertainment
Gilbert Garfield
Harmony & Horror
Hypnogogic Archive
Lacey's Games (I couldn't link to the playlist because the creator hasn't updated it with the latest video; just look for the Lacey videos on their channel, as of October 2023 there are 3)
Local 58
Mandela Catalogue
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park (MY FUCKING BELOVED, also not a video series but rather a blog of in-universe promotional materials, documents, photos, etc. I will be linking to an explanation video)
Vita Carnis
The Walten Files
Welcome Home (artist is here on Tumblr)
Winter of '83
This list will be updated as I watch more Analog/Digital Horror series! In the meantime, you can refer to the Analog Horror page on TV Tropes if you want even more recommendations.
Youtubers Who Dissect Analog Horror
Pagan Valley
Wendigoon (some videos haven't been added to this playlist so I recommend checking out his general channel)
Night Mind
ARG/Unfiction Analysis Playlist (400+ videos)
ARG/Analog Horror Explained Playlist (80+ videos)
My Fave Explanation/Analysis Videos
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park
A Digital Horror Tragedy - Lacey's Games Explained
The Most UNDERRATED Analog Horror Series: Winter of 83
The Hypnagogic Archive: An Anthology ARG
The Lost Footage of the Hypnagogic Archive
Vita Carnis - A Terrifying Analog Horror
ChezzKids Archive - A Terrifying Digital Horror
What are The Walten Files?
Gemini and the End of the World
Welcome Home: A Perfectly Innocent Lost Puppet Show!
What is Local58?/LOCAL58: The Broadcast Station that Manipulates You
The TRUE Horror of Local 58
Okay y'all, that should keep you busy for a long time, lol. As I said this will be periodically updated as I find new series and videos! Please feel free to add in your own recommendations in the replies, reblogs, whatever if you have them!
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finelythreadedsky · 1 year
my personal list of greek myth retellings that are actually good and do something interesting with the myth:
The King Must Die and The Bull from the Sea, Mary Renault
Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays, Christa Wolf
The Penelopiad, Margaret Atwood
The Lost Books of the Odyssey, Zachary Mason
Here the World Entire, Anwen Kya Hayward
Weight: The Myth of Atlas and Heracles, Jeanette Winterson
Achilles, Elizabeth Cook
Memorial: An Excavation of the Iliad, Alice Oswald
Averno, Louise Glück
Autobiography of Red, Anne Carson
Antigonick, Anne Carson
Oresteia, Robert Icke
Antigone, Jean Anouilh
Eurydice, Sarah Ruhl
Girl on an Altar, Marina Carr
Los Reyes, Julio Cortázar
Hadestown, Anaïs Mitchell
O Brother Where Art Thou, Coen Brothers
honorable mention to Ursula K. Le Guin's Lavinia which doesn't count on a technicality
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dunmeshistash · 3 days
For manga recs, I'd like to suggest Yokohama Shopping Log! It's about an android running a cafe during the decline of humanity following some disasters that are never touched upon.
It's got slow pacing, a focus on daily life, admiring the small things, and some fun mystery elements. There's great goofy moments and heart wrenching scenes as well! There is a 2 ep OVA you can find on YouTube. It feels cozy in the same way Dungeon Meshi feels cozy to me.
Yokohama is also on my list! (is anything not on my list)
I've seen some bits of the ovas on my dash and it looks so nice
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ghost-recs · 2 months
Oikawa SMAU Rec
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nonsense by @idlerin
synopsis: university student, chaotic friend group, and up and coming actor/model oikawa tooru as your secret ex, what could go wrong?
the perfect combination of angst, cuteness, and humor that left me a puddle for oikawa tooru (i highly recommend the playlist too, pls pls).
syrup by @eggyrocks
synopsis: oikawa, to put it bluntly, is love sick. unfortunately, there is a bit of an obstacle in the way of his happy ever after with you...
lots of crack and chaos. humor that has me going. [ongoing...]
pose for me by @authentictiramis
synopsis: vlogging au where two groups decide to collab, simping ensues.
short and sweet, full of fluff and some humor. cute!
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zoe-oneesama · 6 months
Do you ever check out other Miraculous AU's? What are your faves? Do you like people giving you recommendations?
Well I'm currently simping for @bigfatbreak's Dad Villain/Viceroy AU, and you should also check out her "Birds of a Feather" Feralnette AU if you like a good Lila-driven divergence from canon. She has an amazing artistic take on a webcomic format which creates stunning and thought provoking visuals, and I love her command of the canon characters and the interesting direction she takes them.
There's also @buggachat's "Bakery 'Enemies' AU". I love the characterization of these Post-Hawkmoth, semi-older characters and her clever balance of angst and humor. Plus Buggachat is just reigning Queen of excellent facial expressions, a true inspiration if you ask me. (Please do not bother her about continuing, she'll post if and when she feels like it and it's no one's business to pressure her)
I also wouldn't call this an AU per se, but I thoroughly enjoyed her ML Paris Special comics and her increasingly unhinged versions of Shadybug and Claw Noir.
You might've noticed all these AUs are comics. I've been pretty out of the fanfic game for a while and I'm not really interested in any long-form stories. As for recommendations, I don't mind them being dropped but I might not follow up lol.
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ystrike1 · 21 days
My Plushie Suddenly Turned Human - By usunooshiri (8.5/10)
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Is it scary? Yes! Is it realistic? No! Imagine dating your favorite character. One that loves you so, so, so much. You carried his plushie everywhere lovingly, so of course he came to life for you!
How cute!!!
Yuna is trapped in an abusive relationship. Her greatest comfort is her favorite character. A sexy, caring older brother type named Shaw.
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Her boyfriend doesn't go on fun dates with her. He just uses her for money, so she goes with the plushie instead! Good for her but oh my goodness it's sad. This is way better than those "wah, I'm an orphan" setups. Burying yourself in a cute hobby is an actual, realistic reaction to being abused. It is deeply chilling to see on paper in a cute style.
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Yuna finds enough courage to mention his "second girlfriend", because obviously he's also cheating on her. He uses his fists, and her reaction implies this is not the first time he has threatened her. Threats and fear are the only two elements keeping their awful relationship together.
Yuna just wants to be free.
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Before she falls to the ground a huge man pushes her shit boyfriend out of the way. He looks exactly like Shaw! Down to the hair color and the way he acts.
Her brand new ex-boyfriend leaves with his tail between his legs. He's got another girlfriend to abuse anyway. He doesn't need Yuna('s money) anymore.
He gets to live and that sucks but whatever he's gone.
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It's an unbelievable scenario but Shaw has all the evidence. He remembers his life as a plushie. Yuna took him to the hot springs. He knows all of her favorite meals, and he claims her sweet love gave him a reason to come to life.
How cute!!!!
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Shaw is a plushie so it's not like he has a job. He becomes her stay-at-home boyfriend and Yuna loves it. Shaw isn't even super overbearing, or clingy. He likes to see HER have fun, and that's all she needs. She doesn't care if he has money, or nothing to his name at all.
She loves his gentle love.
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Yuna begins to fret about reality.
They start dating officially after two months. Shaw is innocently happy, but Yuna isn't sure if she can make a future with a plushie. Obviously he's her ideal type, but he doesn't have a family. He's not really human. What if he can never get a job? Or being a plushie makes being human extremely stressful? What if he can't blend in?
It interrupts their perfect and fluffy relationship.
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Also, Shaw doesn't like it when she hangs out with other men.
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She finds her plushie.
The man who saved her isn't her beloved plushie at all. That was just a fantasy she wanted to believe in after experiencing so much abuse and stress.
Shaw says she's gullible, and he admits his name isn't Shaw.
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He introduces himself, and the ending goes the way he wants to go.
Yuna knows he's a stalker, but she still says yes.
Shou was so nice to her, and she really needs some kindness in her daily life.
Yes, her stalker waited until she was broken to save her.
But he came.
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axinite25 · 2 months
Can everyone go watch Renegade Nell pls it's funny, with magic, cunty wigs, amazing action and even wlw I don't want it to be cancelled
(Also reviving my love for season 3 Morgana is a plus)
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maleyanderecafe · 5 months
R18 Visual Novels/Games + Mobile Games Masterlist
R18 Indie Visual Novels
My Dear Hatchet Man
14 Days With You
Particles of Reality
Dachabo! Digi-Pet-Sim!
The Gaydere
Restart Heart
See Thru: Need A Friend?
You and Him
Don't Trust Him
Boyfriend EXE
Don't Look
Glass Mind
Colored Gaze
Forcefully Yours
Ai-yo Kogane san!
Hopeless Romantic
Broken Colors
Cannibal Sweetheart
Honey Hotline
A Cry for Help
The Snake's Taken a Spouse
Worthy Lover
Mad Room No. 3
Bad End Cinderella
First Time
Close to Obsession
Rotten Dinner
The Kid in the Back
Get to Know: Coffee Date
A Double Sided Mirror
Symptoms of Deceit
Mobile Games
Dangerous Fellows
My Psycho Boyfriends
Yandere Boyfriend Leo
Yandere Classmate Aiden
Yandere Richman June
Yandere Stepbrother Dean
Killing Kiss
In Search of Haru
My Puppy Fiance
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touchoffleece · 15 days
A collection of hashtags from the Sulemio vs Destiel event that tickled my funny bone (pt 1)
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As I said I would @runningheadless part 1 of the post I refered to. I plan to share part 2 (which will be less laughing at posts and feelgood posts I found while scrolling the g witch and sulemio tag) as a wrap up since the poll happens to end on Suletta/Sulemio Sunday(s) tomorrow.
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crankyarchives · 18 days
jujutsu kaisen
ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ, ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ, ᴀʟʟ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀꜱ ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ
❀= 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 ♡ = 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 ⭑= 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 𖦹= au
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·
satoru gojo
♡ unconcealable - @chuluoyi ♡ 2 + 1 - @yueebby ♡ 12:03 pm - @yueebby ♡ cool touch - @forest-hashira ♡ serein - @omitea ♡ it was fast, the way you fell for him - @cheriepits ♡ wife - @chuluoyi ♡❀ arranged marriage - @gojorgeous ❀ did you know that you're in my fantasies? - @arminsumi ❀ gojo wanted a baby - @leashaoki ❀ whatever she wants - @anathemaspeaks ❀𖦹 creature of myth - @gojorgeous 𖦹❀♡⭑ sixeyed - @notmazikeen
suguru geto
𖦹❀ "do your other fucktoys even make you cum?" - @wh1msic4alwasab1
kento nanami
(coming soon)
choso kamo
(coming soon)
ryomen sukuna
⭑♡ a millenium of unsaid i love you's - @lxvebun 𖦹 mess it up - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 - @hqbaby
❀ i wanna feel you. taste you. touch you - @tojiseviltwin ❀ impatience - @kamitv ❀ guys who just come completely undone - @glitterycvm ♡ i want something more... - @gojom0jo ♡ turning tables - @bunny584 ♡ men who do pushups, you lying beneath them - @white-poppie
satosugu x reader
♡ deserve better - @meo-on-prairie ♡ life with poly!geto and gojo - 1 / 2 - @lunarpeonie ♡ paracosm of the gods - @satoruxx ♡ lovers rock - @driaswrld ♡ early mornings and stolen cups - @risuola ♡ challenge accepted! - @lxvebun ♡ i want to kiss you - @arminsumi ♡ sick day - @queenendless ♡⭑ raspberry leaves - @sunmoonjune ⭑ first time that i called you mine (that wasted summer) / 2 - @haeryna ❀ a girl with no name - @bunny584 ❀ getting high with satosugu - @graytalents ❀ clouded - @dsiiress ❀ pervy!satosugu - @nisuna ❀ audience of one - @fartfather ❀ one, two, three (it's not only you and me) - @justrustandstardust ❀ what's mine is yours - @saetoru 𖦹♡ in their loving hands - @sunmoonjune
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velichorus-k · 3 months
I'm more of a sci-fi lover than a fantasy lover (in case you couldn't tell) but Damsel (2024) was cool, I kept pointing at the screen and saying 'this is structured like a horror movie!'
It's got an innocent 'maiden' (read: teenage girl) as the primary victim, an unseen monster (they take care not to reveal the whole dragon until a while into the movie!), gore, chase sequences, false hope, building tension/dread into the reveal of the monster, and even jumpscares! And that whole sequence taking place in a CAVE with TIGHT SPACES??? UGH! Cave exploration/diving is freakin' terrifying to me, it was so fun to see it utilized this way. Maybe I haven't seen enough fantasy, but this made me realize I want more horror fantasy. So cool.
Funny that the moment the dragon's appearance is revealed in full (in the cavern scene against Elodie's dad), it moooostly goes back to feeling like a typical fantasy movie. Like I def saw that resolution coming from a mile away, but still overall really good stuff.
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