#queer bracket
bestt4tshipbracket · 22 days
Best T4T Ship Group 2 Round 1
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They are all canonically trans!
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thatone-churro · 5 months
hang on. there’s no way we’re revitalizing “are [cishet] aro people queer” discourse. it is almost 20-fucking-24. no. say sike right now. you’re all fucking ridiculous. how are we not only not over this, but bringing it up for active discourse again. and acting like the things being said are common discussion and not. blatant aphobia. which is homophobia. it’s queerphobia. did we never fucking learn from the many “they want us to fight amongst ourselves because if we’re divided it’s easier to ruin us” type talks that everyone was making a while ago. or was that a phase too. what happened to “anything not heteronormative is what queer is. anything with romance/sex/gender that’s othered from what society deems the “norm” is what we are. we are a community of outcasts because the greater community doesn’t want us either way.” what the shit.
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cargo pants propaganda
- they're baggy so you can wear layers underneath it if it's cold and they still look swaggy
- boxy silhouette +3 masc points
- can come in multiple colours (i have a neon blue one a beige one and a soft green one)
but most importantly
someone should totally do one of those tumblr tournament things with Transmasc Euphoria Clothing/Items™️
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prideflagcontest · 1 year
I didn’t make any form of announcement when this to tournament finished but here is it:
The aroace flag was elected president of flags!
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flagwars · 1 year
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Flag Wars: Semifinals
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
personally I would love a poll for hot vintage actors/celebrities who played with gender and androgyny or were outright trans/nonbinary, but I'm not sure how many there are or how much time you have to dedicate to the polls so I'll throw it out there for any followers who want to start their own poll
I thought about doing this, but it would be an impossible poll to run fairly for a couple of reasons. (I'm going to be using the word "queer" here as a catch-all term for trans/nb/gender-nonconforming presentation, in the hope that we all understand I'm using it in the reclaimed sense.)
For one thing, being queer was so heavily silenced, punished, and/or criminalized we can't say with any certainty which hotties were trans/nb/questioning. It's possible many of these hot vintage performers would have come out if it had been safe to do so, but we can't tell from this distance. I would hate to exclude anyone just because they don't read as queer "enough" to my eyes, when for them they were just busy surviving.
The other thing is that even as recently as the vintage era of these polls, queerness sat a little differently than it does today. Just as modern historians can't project current systems of gender on figures from the past, I would feel uncomfortable assuming that someone might be trans/nonbinary/gender nonconforming just because they would be read that way today. There's been a lot of cultural shift over the last 100 years where certain things that used to be considered very radical and genderqueer are now utterly normal (ie, women wearing pants) and other things that now read as queer would not have raised an eyebrow then (ie, the oft-quoted article from 1918 that posits that pink is a boys' color, or the entirety of the classic Wings).
In a way, this is freeing—watching vintage movies shows many different ways of framing gender and sexuality, and while some of it is the kind of dated binary we expect, some of it is like light pouring through a window. There are many different ways of framing a gender! The whole concept of gender is moveable and transient! Queerness is as much a part of human nature as love, and teeth, and bones, and touch! But because it was a different era, and because the secrecy prevalent at the time doesn't fully let us know who was or wasn't part of the community, we can't really say for sure (without a lot of extra research, and lots of very careful framing) who was doing things with gender we would today translate as trans, nonbinary, or queer.
Hope this makes sense!
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queerliblib · 4 months
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we’re doing things a little differently for our 2nd annual MARCH MADNESS: QUEER BOOKS EDITION bracket this year — we’re letting YOU have a say in the nominations! last year’s underdog pick HUNGER PANGS: TRUE LOVE BITES by @thebibliosphere wrecked the competition in every. single. round. will it be another year of the underdog, or will a tried and true queer classic run away with the title?
choose your fave gay books from our Libby collection and leave the title in a comment on our instagram! nominations run until the end of february. and in march … THE MADNESS BEGINS.
p.s. nominations & voting on instagram, if you just make a nomination here we can’t guarantee it will make it in
p.p.s. book eligibility = it’s in our collection! however, titles from last year’s bracket are not eligible for this year
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bi4bihankking · 4 months
Thinking of doing a bracket that is a death match between tumblr's favorite queer books (I might not make a new blog for this one though), so come nominate your faves. I will probably shut down the form in 1 week (February 3rd) so get them in fast!!
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Official Queer Villains of Tumblr!!
I've decided to hop on this trend because what's better than gay little bad guys?
((idea from @nonbiney-swag-competition @autismswagsummit @transgenderswagcompetition @bisexual-monarch-tournament))
Submit your villains HERE !!
Requirements for our little guys ((and others obv))
Must be an antagonist ((sorry but we gotta keep our villains villains)) in whatever theyre from
Can be from anything really - Book/Movie/Show/Game/Podcast/other
Can't be a real person - must be a fictional character!!
Does not have to be canonically queer!!
Can fall under any LGBTQIA+ Categories!! ((or multiple :) ))
Jessie & James are already in (as 1 unit) so don't submit them again!!
If its a duo or trio, submit as one!! They will be in one slot, and broken up if they make it to the finals!!
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
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(op is queer)
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bestt4tshipbracket · 23 days
Best T4T Ship Group 1 Round 1
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Siffrin and Isabeau are canonically trans!
Marry Ellen and Bob are not canonically trans
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lizardonatoadstool · 3 months
Oakie the Acorn is the Best Mascot Ever
I don’t even go to this school I just love them. Here’s an interview they did for SUNY Mascot Madness.
Oakie - SUNY ESF
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Who are you, where are you originally from, and where do you do your mascot thing? I'm Oakie Acorn (they/them), proud representative of ESF and its Mighty Oaks athletic teams! I was “born” when I fell out of ESF's Robin Hood Oak which means my roots go back to the Major Oak in England's Sherwood Forest. Maybe that's why I'm so merry! While most of my mascot duties have me in Syracuse, I also pop in at our Ranger School in Wanakena and our satellite campuses in the Adirondacks and Thousand Islands.
What's a unique new thing (building, club, activity, employee, etc.) on your campus that you treasure? The newly renovated Marshall Hall is wonderful! Open since 1933, Marshall underwent a major two-year reno re-opening in 2023. We kept the classic features, such as the spiral staircase and auditorium, while updating the building to a state-of-the-art learning center with spaces tailored to the needs of today's students. The building is home to our Landscape Architecture, Environmental Studies, and mathematics programs. Along with great classroom and studio space, there are plenty of study nooks for students to tuck in and do work between classes or meet with friends.
If you could start your own club or major on campus, what would it be? Wow! Difficult question because ESF has so many unique clubs, activities, and majors already! That said, I'd love to start an a capella group – Oak-apella! I don't speak, but I have a song in my heart and would love to hear ESF students sing. Maybe I could do some interpretive dance while they sing.
What's your hidden talent that you haven't told anyone about yet? Anyone on campus at night might have seen me skateboarding. The other day I landed a kickflip over the gap and was pretty stoked. Sadly, no one was around to see it. Flicks or it didn't happen, right? We do have some talented campus artists who have drawn me and my board though.
What campus cheer gets you pumped up and why? (with great enthusiasm)  O-A-K-I-E!  They're our acorn can't you see?  Sprouting strong through day and night  We've got bark and we've got bite!    ESF Orientation Leaders chant this while they lead our newest acorns to convocation. I love hearing it echo off the campus buildings!
What sport would you play if you were a student-athlete? I would join the Bass Fishing team in a heartbeat! I know when you think “acorn,” you think “land-based,” but I'd love to get out on the water and drop a line or two. There's so much more to me than most people know.    I would look awesome in one of the Bass Fishing team jerseys – provided they could get me an XXXXXL.
Read any good books lately? The Climate Optimists Handbook by environmental activist Anne Therese Gennari is a great read. Her book is about empowering people to get excited about changing the narrative on climate change so we act from courage and excitement to co-create a better world. She totally gets the ESF vibe! She was our commencement speaker last May and inspired our graduates and their guests to Improve Our World!    And of course, Braiding Sweetgrass by our own Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer is always close at hand to read again and again!
Favorite pizza topping? Mushrooms. I love to top my pie with things I've foraged in the woods. Remember, you have to be very careful with mushrooms. I always take along a friend who has taken Dr. Alex Weir's mycology course to ensure I don't eat anything that could make me sick or worse!
If you were SUNY Chancellor for a day, what would you do? I would declare every day Earth Day in SUNY and plant pollinator gardens on every campus. I would also help other campuses set and reach their own Zero-Waste goals. Sustainability is a key component to helping the environment. I would then ask to be Chancellor for a couple more days to visit as many campuses as possible and see all the great things SUNY students are doing.  I don't know how Chancellor King does it all! Does he ever sleep?
How would you celebrate being named SUNY Mascot Madness Champion in 2024? The same way I celebrated in 2017 when I won the title – surrounded by the best students, faculty, and staff ever! We had a party that the whole campus attended. My friend, Victor E. Knight from SUNY Geneseo, was gracious enough to come and present me with the trophy and join the festivities. I think it would be great to host Wolfie on campus this year. 
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transnovelsbracket · 9 months
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This is the randomly-generated bracket for adult (i.e. non-YA) novels by trans authors! The books are as follows (in order of when I thought of them). Please boost this post! The first round will begin tomorrow, or as soon as I get at least a couple of reblogs on this.
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars, Kai Cheng Thom
Little Fish, Casey Plett
Small Beauty, jia qing wilson-yang
She Who Became The Sun, Shelley Parker-Chan
An Unkindness of Ghosts, Rivers Solomon
Future Feeling, Joss Lake
Confessions of the Fox, Jordy Rosenberg
Light From Uncommon Stars, Ryka Aoki
In The Watchful City, S. Qiouyi Lu
Detransition, Baby, Torrey Peters
Nevada, Imogen Binnie
Freshwater, Akwaeke Emezi
Summer Fun, Jeanne Thornton
Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl, Andrea Lawlor
Yemaya's Daughters, Dane Figueroa Edidi
Manhunt, Gretchen Felker-Martin
The Thirty Names of Night, Zeyn Joukhadar
Machineries of Empire series, Yoon Ha Lee
The Tensorate series, Neon Yang
Sea Witch, Never Angeline Nørth
The Subtweet, Vivek Shraya
The Story of Silence, Alex Myers
Wrath Goddess Sing, Maya Deane
Everyone on the Moon is Essential Personnel, Julian K. Jarboe
Upright Women Wanted, Sarah Gailey
Darryl, Jackie Ess
The Four Profound Weaves RB Lemberg
Little Blue Encyclopedia, Hazel Jane Plante
Otros Valles, Jamie Berrout
the earthquake room, Davey Davis
The City in the Middle of the Night, Charlie Jane Anders
Running Down, Al Hess
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This bracket is for any characters that are morally gray, evil, or villains and are also queer!
This blog is ran by @cowsuponcows , he/it pronouns
The rules:
• No submissions from Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss for the mod's own comfort, sorry! Also no submissions from proship media like the coffin of andy and leyley. All submissions from these sources will be deleted!
• Your character should ideally be canonically a villian/morally gray and queer, but headcanons for queerness count too! Submissions that don't fit both of these will only be considered if they're extremely funny.
• You CAN submit characters in pairs, like Jesse and James from Team Rocket!
• Submissions will close as soon as I have 32 definitive contestants, and polls will be posted after that!
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