#pro sakura
dose-of-sasusaku · 1 year
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Good morning SasuSaku Shippers❤️💍
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wisebeth · 1 year
“Sakura is toxic because she made fun of Naruto for being an orphan–”
She regretted it the second after Sasuke rightfully called her out and even opened a therapy center for war orphans.
Ino fatshamed Choji, Shikamaru was a misogynist, Neji misplaced his anger at Hinata, but no one ever calls them out. They were all kids, they all made mistakes.
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“Sakura is abusive because she constantly punches Naruto–”
She only hit him in the manga when he did something perverted or disrespectful, it was heavily exaggerated in the anime.
It's called slap stick comedy. If you think it's aBuSiVe, I hope you have the same energy for Jiraiya who peeked at the women's bathroom without consent and gets brushed off as ‘comedic purpose’, double standards much?
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“She has Stockholm Syndrome because she loved Sasuke after he tried to kill her–”
They're shinobis. Unlike our real world, it's the norm there to fight each other to death and then make up. Don't get it mixed up.
Naruto forgave every single villain in the series, including Pain who killed his master and destroyed his village. Obito, who killed his parents, started a war, was the reason for the deaths of countless people such as Neji, and Shikamaru & Ino's fathers, formed a terrorist organisation (which was responsible for multiple war crimes) yet no one bats an eye. Lee forgave Gaara who attempted to kill him, Hinata forgave Neji who tried to kill her for something which wasn't her fault. It's the norm there, deal with it.
Sasuke also tried to kill Naruto, Kakashi & Karin and they all forgave him but for some reason only Sakura gets shit for it? Double standards again.
“Sakura is a bitch who loves Sasuke and ignores Naruto who loves her–”
Sakura cares for Naruto, as a friend and her teammate. She's not obligated to return her feelings if she doesn't want to. Naruto doesn't ‘love’ her. He had a childhood crush on her, and it used to be mentioned less frequently than in the anime. SP exaggerated his feelings.
Kakashi didn't return Rin's feelings. Sasuke didn't return Ino, Karin and Sakura's feelings (until ch. 699 in Sakura's case). Naruto didn't return Hinata's feelings until The Last. Tsunade didn't like Jiraiya back. Then why is Sakura hated for something so ridiculous? She's allowed to make her own choices.
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“She is shallow, she only liked Sasuke for his looks–”
If her feelings for Sasuke truly were shallow, she'd have moved on after he left the village, she'd have moved on after he became a criminal, like Ino did. She saw Sasuke at his worst and still chose him with all his flaws.
A ‘shallow crush’ wouldn't last for so many years. If her feelings weren't strong or deep, Sasuke wouldn't choose her in the end. If her feelings were superficial she wouldn't risk her life to save him against Gaara. If she didn't love him, she'd not be able to stop his curse mark. If they were superficial, she'd have moved on to date some other handsome man instead of crying over Sasuke.
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“Sakura is useless as a main character–”
That's not her fault. That's a criticism for the author. None of the female characters in the series have as much complexity, fight scenes or power as the male characters. It's a shonen centric more to the male characters.
Sakura IS a main character because she contributes more in the manga than other female characters but she's not going to contribute as much as Sasuke or Naruto because the series revolved around men more than women.
Take Attack on Titan for example, it's a shonen where the contribution of male and female characters were distributed equally. In Naruto, it simply wasn't distributed equally.
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“Sakura is selfish because she tried to lead on Naruto–”
I can agree here that she was entirely in the wrong and made a very stupid decision. But that's exactly what makes Sakura a realistic character. She's flawed. She makes mistakes. She can be irrational. And that makes her human. She didn't lie to him because she thought it would be fun, she did it to protect. She had good intentions even if she took the wrong approach.
Sasuke, as another of the main characters, did more harm to Naruto than Sakura's confession did but everyone understands and forgives him. Obito started a war and killed people and was forgiven. Itachi killed his entire clan and traumatised Sasuke but the fandom forgives because of his reasoning. Nagato killed people, and was still forgiven.
Then why can't you all be more understanding of Sakura? She did not even half of the terrible things which other characters did but gets more hate for it.
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“Sakura is a bad friend to Ino–”
Sakura was SEVEN when she announced Ino as her rival. I'm sorry y'all are morally uptight who's never made a single stupid decision as a kid that you feel the need to accuse a child of being a villain for acting like a child. And it has been implied very clearly Sakura wanted to get out of Ino's shadow and only used Sasuke as an excuse to do so.
And if Sakura was this horrible bitchy friend you guys think she was then I don't think Ino would immediately jump to protect her during chunin exams. Sasuke did more terrible things to his best friend than Sakura did but once only Sakura gets shit for it.
And they never stopped being friends, only their dynamic changed, it included friendly bickering and rivalry. Ino never was mad or bitter with Sakura and even proudly told her she bloomed into a beautiful flower, this doesn't sound like a person who's been unfairly betrayed by a best friend over a crush?
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In short, Sakura Haruno is fucking amazing and maybe if y'all didn't hold female characters to such a ridiculous high standard and bothered to understand the manga instead of watching filler episodes, you'd know.
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sakuraharuno156 · 30 days
Hinata obviously loved Naruto from the beginning, but Naruto never loved Sakura, right?
We all know Hinata loved Naruto FROM THE BEGINNING. How do we know it? Well...
She was blushing when she saw him!
She always thought he was the best and the coolest!
She was smiling at Naruto hugging Sakura, after Pain fight because she just wants him to be happy! That's how REAL love works!
She tried to protect him AT ALL COST!
Everyone had known she loves Naruto!
1) He clearly NEVER blushed around her
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Not even once.
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And even IF (but we all know he didn't) it wouldn't be in Shippuuden, then he was 100% over that "CRUSH"
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2) He NEVER thought she was cool
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Or even cute
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3) Obviously Naruto has NEVER smiled at Sakura hugging Sasuke because NaruSaku was a crush AT BEST, so he never wanted her to be happy with someone else, that's would be LOVE and Naruto never loved her
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4) And we obviously know he NEVER cared to protect her by jumping at a 100% stronger opponent... like never happened
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5) Noone, not even once, thought Naruto loved Sakura, especially not because Naruto said it
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6) And at last, he never said it, because if he did we wouldn't talk about it, right?
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LIKE COME ON, ITS OBVIOUS. One is love and the other one is "just a crush"...
Clearly 🥰
Fun fact, NaruSaku is not even my OTP, but saying Naruto never loved Sakura is a CRIME 🤷‍♀️.
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everydaysasusaku · 6 months
✩✩Sasuke almost crying as he apologizes to Sakura✩✩
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
"It's not a real romance unless they've tried to kill eachother at least once!"You guys couldn't even handle Sasuke and Sakura
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channnaro · 2 years
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got a phD at 14. medical practitioner. put some respect on her name
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leporvox · 10 months
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Katsuyu the symbiotic . The slug divided to the size of a cells and merges with its host , becoming their cells. Granting their the abilities and durability of Katsuya and biological immortality.
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My boy, when someone tries to ship him with anyone but Sakura -
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"I already have a wife and daughter of my own"
bye. 🙂
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happypanda101 · 2 months
Day 1000 and something of me fully believing that Sakura Haruno doesn’t deserve the hate she gets and deserved an arc just as much as her male teammates, don’t mind me.
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randombook4idk · 8 months
"We need female characters who have flaws!!"
You guys can't even handle Sakura
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dose-of-sasusaku · 1 year
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Sasuke using medical ninjutsu to heal Sakura❤️ I’d like to imagine she taught him this 😂
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wisebeth · 1 year
“Sakura is a horrible person for making fun of Naruto for being an orphan”
Let's see what other characters did when they were the same age as Sakura
Naruto :
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Disguised himself into Sasuke to kiss Sakura without her consent
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Mocked Sasuke's dead clan
Ino :
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Fat-shamed Choji even though he's made it clear multiple times he hates being called fat
Neji :
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Humiliated Hinata, who already had low self esteem, in front of everyone
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Attempted to kill her to punish her for something which wasn't her fault
Shikamaru :
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Unapologetically misogynist and generalised all women
Sasuke :
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Tried to kill his best friend in the name of power
Funny how all these characters were of Sakura's age did something as equally bad as her or worse yet only Sakura gets shit for it. Hypocrisy?
They were kids, who were naive and didn't have the maturity to act the wisest (in Sakura, Naruto, Ino and Shikamaru's case) or traumatised with no one to properly help them (in Sasuke's and Neji's case) and all of them eventually grew up and became better.
It's ridiculous to still hold Sakura for saying something insensitive in her childhood.
Bonus :
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She immediately regrets after Sasuke calls her out but y'all probably don't remember it.
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sakuraharuno156 · 11 months
Why Sakura Haruno is literally the best written character in Naruto - a rant.
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She is the epitome of Narutos meaning.
So, main question is, what is Naruto about? On most surfaces level - about fox-boy having adventures, but that's not why most of us fell in love with the story. Below fox-boy, was fighting against your odds, learning, failing, getting back up, trying and becoming stronger, and most importantly about this quote:
"You dont have to be born a genius, you can become one".
This is what Naruto was about.
Arc with Haku and Zabuza? Find someone worth fighting for and become stronger for that person.
Chunnin exams? Naruto gives his all against Neji, to prove him, that you don't have to be born special, you can become special.
3rd Hokage vs Orochimaru - will of fire, that pushes you to protect your family, will keep the village alive.
Naruto vs Gaara - you can be hated and ignored all your life for your weakness, but if you keep trying people will notice you.
And so on and do forth.
But then we learned that Naruto was born to hokage and an Uzumaki. He got shit ton of chakra and a LITERAL beast in him to protect him. He was born great and to be great.
He failed his own narrative.
Menwhile Sakura was born a civilian, a noone, no magic eyes, no beast to help, no clan to learn from, nothing. She was an annoying girl with no aspiration. Thats it. Everything else she has is just her hard work and dedication. She become stronger than most of people "born great", just by trying to help people she cares about.
She is everything Naruto was set-up to be.
Is she a perfect person? No. And this is exactly what makes her a perfect character.
She's is flawed, she's sometimes emotional, she's not always confident and not always THE BEST BECAUSE PLOT.
And its annoying af when people dont understand her character, because that shows they didn't understand the story AT ALL.
She did her best and made mistakes but grown because of them.
Oh i was weak and couldn't protect my friends when they needed me? I'll do my best now, and try to be better next time.
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She didn't give up and decided "well I'm weak so I'll stay that way". She trained under the strongest kunoichi of her time, who was beating her till she was unconscious and had many of her bones broken, because "Tsunade can heal her later".
Sakura from beginning would just give up, because 1) why bother when she can be pretty and 2) it hurts and takes time so it's easier to give up.
But she has grown.
AND THE WORST OF ALL IS that she gets shit for everything Naruto is praised for.
Naruto is understanding Sasuke and wants him to be back - great friend.
Sakura does the same (she understands him even more in first part- she is the only one who know that Sasuke is about to leave the village)- delusional SIMP (even when it was stated in manga that she didn't want him to herself, she wanted to safe him).
Naruto throws himself into fight he has no chance in to be a distraction - WOW SO SMART. HE IS GREAT.
Sakura does the same - weak. Delusional.
Naruto is always getting help during fights - he wins by himself.
Sakura gets bit of help from Chiyo (even when Chiyo stated herself that Sakura didn't need her) - WELL SHE DID NOTHING, IT WAS CHIYOS FIGHT.
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Naruto is rude to everyone, BUT GROWS FROM IT- he was just a kid, that doesn't matter. He is a different person now.
Sakura was rude to someone, qpologies and grows from it - ITS UNFORGETTABLE. SHES A B*TCH.
What you all expected her to do?
- She is weak! - she became strong. BUT NOT AS STRONG AS THE STRONGEST, so its shit.
- She's rude to Naruto and made fun of a orphan - she was one of first people who cared about Naruto and opened a clinic for children's mental health - BUT WHEN SHE WAS 12 SHE SAID BAD THING SO STILL A B*TCH.
- She couldn't help Naruto and Sasuke in forests of death - she became a healer - BUT SHE DIDN'T HEAL EVERYONE EVERYTIME.
- She is useless - she isn't, she saved many people (including Naruto), and was especially useful during pain invasion - BUT WHEN NOONE COULD DO A THING AGAINST PAIN SHE COULDN'T ALSO SO SHES TRASH.
She gets trashed for things other people do and noone even bats an eye.
- But she punched Naruto! - so did Guy to Lee but you love them both and their relationship.
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I've never seen someone call guy "abusive".
- But she was mean to Naruto! - so was everyone else, but I've never seen them risk their life to safe Naruto or his dream.
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- But she only cares about Sasuke - no, no she doesn't, she cares for MANY PEOPLE like Naruto, Shikamaru ect. She even takes Naruto's side against Sasuke.
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She also did many shitty things, don't get me wrong (like fight against Ino, I think she needed this to bloom, but it was indeed shit behavior), but so did everyone else.
Example - Naruto:
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About people like Sasuke, Gaara, Hinata, Neji, 3rd Hokage ect. I'm not going to talk because it will be material for whole different posts and it's already getting too long.
In summary:
You all are just Nejis from chunnin exams.
"Either you are born perfect or die a failure."
You all are just villagers form beginning of the series.
You all didn't understand Naruto as a story at all.
She is a perfect character form Naruto's definition - a noone who became important.
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kcuf-ad · 5 months
Despite my many... interesting thoughts about Naruto and the show, I will say this tho.
Sakura is not useless. She is far from useless. She is the most important kunoichi in the war and has saved Naruto and Sasuke's asses more times than anyone has in the entire show.
She is not useless.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Literally Hinata and Sakura though
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sakukaguxxi · 1 year
The best student and teacher duo😘
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