#pro hinata
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
2000s ship wars were a whole nother level of headassery because the fandom would prattle on about how their rival ships love interest was totes abusive and a shitty character and then they were the realest niggas in the whole franchise
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vangails · 1 year
Times when Naruto tried/wanted to impress Hinata:
So remember when Hinata offered Naruto her answers bc she doesn't want him to fail or as she worded it “she doesn't want him to disappear”:
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...and Naruto refused bc he's honorable like that and bc he cares about Hinata and his teammates he doesn't want to drag them if ever he got caught :
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...BUT ALSO because he’s trying to be HONORABLE AND A BIG SHOT towards HINATA :
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Also that time when he does blood oath using Hinata’s blood and vowed to defeat Neji :
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…and when Naruto was down and depressed about his upcoming fight with Neji, like Naruto walking towards the sun, Hinata appeared and made the remarkable Proud Failure Speech (not to mention it was also Naruto’s cheering that boosted Hinata during her fight with Neji ; talk about a great support system) that completely lifts Naruto’s spirit like magic :
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And for me Naruto definitely gives off the “Babe, go watch my game” vibe here lol :
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…and when Naruto & Neji’s fight was over when for the first time Naruto was acknowledged and praised by the Village NARUTO SPECIFICALLY LOOKS FOR HINATA THE GIRL WHO ALWAYS BELIEVES IN HIM. IT SEEMS TO ME THAT NARUTO WAS LOOKING FOR THAT PERSON HE WANTED TO SHOW HIS VICTORY WITH. I thank Kishi for small but deep details like these. Hinata was so deserving to see this moment but too bad Hinata was out cold, would love to see how proud Hinata would look for Naruto and preferably happy and thankful bc Naruto managed to knock some sense into her cousin Neji :
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When Naruto saves Hinata from white Zetsu with his new KCM form. He’s such a show-off in this scene but ofc in a good and fitting way! I also love the fact that he humbles himself and took a moment and acknowledged the times Hina saves him :
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Kiba 🤝 Kishimoto 🤝 NH FANS :
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The most beautiful part is Naruto didn't really need to go overboard and empress Hinata with superficial things because she already acknowledge and admire him for who he is, for his determination, kindness, and will to never give up long ago but that doesn't stop Naruto from still doing so because little did he know...
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lunaneko14 · 11 months
Never forget that if Hinata, the alleged "side character" (in the eyes of certain stans), wasn't there to cheer up Naruto before his fight against Neji, he would've continued to have low self-confidence and be in an uncharacteristically low mood, and he would've lost the match. Naruto would never have been publicly acknowledged by Konoha for the very first time in his life. [Chapters 98-105]
Never forget that if Hinata, the alleged "side character", wasn't there to try and fight against Pain, Naruto would never have met Minato and learned more about his backstory, Pain would've killed everyone in Konoha, and then Pain would've extracted Kurama and killed Naruto. Naruto would never have been publicly acknowledged by everyone in the world for the very first time in his life. [Chapters 437-450]
Never forget that if Hinata, the alleged "side character", wasn't there to slap some sense into Naruto after her own cousin just died trying to save them, or if Hinata herself was the one who died instead of Neji, Naruto would've lost the will to live, and he would've given up and joined Obito and Madara. Naruto would never have reconciled with Sasuke for good, won the war and saved the world, and be publicly acknowledged by everyone in the world as a hero for the rest of his life. [Chapters 614-616, 699]
Naruto would be either dead or he would've turned evil if Hinata, the alleged "side character", wasn't there for him. If Hinata was either never a part of Naruto's life, or if she died during any of those aforementioned pivotal moments, Naruto would never have become the person he is today. If Hinata was never there to save him with either her words or her actions, Naruto would never have achieved his lifelong dream of being publicly acknowledged by everyone.
Hell, we even saw what happened the one time Hinata did stop being in Naruto's life (temporarily): he lost the will to live, he gave up on his high-rank mission, and he wanted to let the world crash and burn and die along with it.
Interesting how Naruto realized that he could not live without Hinata, the alleged "side character." Interesting how Hinata, the alleged "side character", was irreplaceable and essential to Naruto. Interesting how Hinata, the alleged "side character", ended up being the most important and most precious person to Naruto. 🧐
I swear, Luna, it's almost like Hinata, the alleged "side character", is actually the real heroine, the true heroine, of the story. 🤔
Oh wait, that's right, Kishimoto himself said in 2010 that Hinata is more of a heroine instead of a certain someone else. And then in 2017, Kishimoto himself said that a certain someone else was used solely as a shipping tool thrown in the middle of Naruto/Hinata and was always planned to lose in that love triangle, a certain someone else was actually a side character like Kiba and Shikamaru, and a certain someone else was actually not a special female character after all.
What are the odds? 🙃
Excuse me while I sip this tea full of salty tears. 💁🏻‍♀️
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i-28-29 · 2 months
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Hey for anybody who posts about Hinata and gets reblogs like this literally just report for spam and block them :) this person is nothing but a rage baiter and doesnt deserve the time of day. Really rude of them to just harass people who like Hinata
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wisebeth · 1 year
Analysing Kushina's “find someone like me”
I have seen this discourse for years and how people take her words out of context or misinterpret it so I'll give an explanation here.
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Many fans claim Hinata wasn't fit to be with him because she was nothing like Kushina and I personally believe Kushina didn't mean similarities in personality but their feelings and love for Naruto.
1. Hinata believed in Naruto before anyone else did
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Usually parents are the first people to have faith in you. Kushina had that too, and Hinata saw his potential just by watching him from afar. She believed in him from the start, just like Kushina.
2. She loved him even when he was at his lowest point
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Parents who selflessly love their kids love them with all their flaws and mistakes. Kushina's love for Naruto was similar to that. Hinata admired Naruto when she was the heiress of the most prestigious clan of Konoha, while he was literally seen as a ‘loser’ or worse ‘monster’. She saw him at his worst and still found him the best. She loved him with all his flaws, just like Kushina.
3. She loved him more than her own life.
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If there's one thing they completely had in common was they loved him more so than themselves and never expected anything in return. She loved him selflessly, just like Kushina.
4. She was willing to give up her life to protect him
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I don't think I need to further explain this one. She was prepared to die if it meant he'll live, just like Kushina.
5. She helped Naruto when he needed it the most
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Kushina met Naruto to help him with suppressing Kyuubi's chakra, which we all know, how important it was for Naruto to do so. Hinata knocked sense into him when he was losing hope in the middle of the war. She helped him in a crucial point in his life, just like Kushina.
In conclusion, I'd like to say that I always believed Kushina meant to find a woman who will love, help and be there for Naruto like she did, rather than something superficial as same personality. Hinata loved Naruto exactly like Kushina did, the only difference being one is motherly, the other is romantic. So in my opinion Naruto did find someone like her
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And if any of you try to bring up Sakura, I want to point out that yes Sakura cared about him and saved his life and more similar to Kushina's personality (which I already debunked is irrelevant) but here's the thing– Sakura is already out of the equation because she loves Naruto platonically and Kushina was talking about romantic love.
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ricanvvas · 5 months
I believe dragging down other characters being your only source of making your favorite character look “good” is the worst way to “prove” anything. You aren’t proving anything you’re basically telling me that your character isn’t good enough to be spoken about that you have to drag other characters into it.
Take Hinata for example. I’m shocked there’s people who dislike her in the first place, but the amounts of Sakura-bots absolutely shaming her and dragging her through dirt is ridiculous, just to prove that their pink haired girl is better (she’s not). Same goes for Temari, Ino, and Tenten. They feel threatened by Tenten, bffr.
And trashing on Hinata and Naruto’s relationship is definitely crazy. I made an entire blog about Hinata and she isn’t even my favorite at all. I’ve admitted the focus was very sudden and there were flaws but that’s mainly because of Kishimoto’s obsession with the Uchiha/Sasuke Uchiha. Other than that, their relationship and love story were pretty solid.
…Sasuke and Sakura shippers will immediately jump to Naruto and Hinata when their own ship is spoken about and are we surprised really? What’s so enjoyable about a toxic relationship filled with immense and voluntary neglect?
These shippers are so insecure they’ll somehow manage to drag Sai and Ino too, and let me fucking tell you. They have to be the second best healthiest couple after Kushina and Minato.
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weepingnightmarenaruto · 10 months
It’s so funny how so many naruto blogs on here are like:
Post 1: kishimoto is such a misogynist in his writing of naruto women
Post 2: «sakura was such an obsessive stalker bitch. Also she was so useless. I cant believe sasuke married her.»
Post 3: «hinata was such a dumb and irrelevant bitch. Why do people even like her.»
Like wheres the self awareness!?
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sunny-pandas · 2 months
Reminder if you hate any of the NH Family and start to bash them then you are not allowed on my posts 🙂 🤚
Let this be a warning cause you'll be Blocked 🚫 ⚠️ 🛑
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naruhinalife555 · 5 months
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*NaruSaku is bullshit if or with movie and the manga provided this Kishimoto never planning for NaruSaku Hinata inveted before Sakura
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*NaruHina also she is don't should a movie to NaruHina not has a fake feeling she have the basis of manga
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NaruSaku yes need to get drugged up in hallucinations to figure out their feelings for each other because Sakura never loved Naruto And Naruto never loved Sakura NaruSaku will be fake.
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Especially that Naruto gives hands to other girl when he knows that Sakura loves only Sasuke and to him not care
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NaruSaku yes should this shit because they are not loves each other and not has each other back throughout the series and to them not have throughout the manga! NaruSaku is crup even the other characters think like me
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Sakura want only Sasuke she is not of care from Naruto
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When in the war Naruto thinking about Hinata.
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He is not showing romantic feelings for Sakura in manga the bitch NaruSaku* can't top that at all..
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silalcarin · 11 months
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And people are out and about claiming that Hinata isn't popular. Props to our best girl for proving the antis wrong again and again! 😏💁🏻‍♀️☕️
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Literally Hinata and Sakura though
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mickey10213 · 1 year
I really dislike this narrative that antiHinata peeps are trying to push after the latest episode. Like come on! Are their comprehensive skills so low and misguided by their hatred for this character to the point where they're going to blatantly ignore that she was worried about HER SONS when asking to join Naruto???
Like y'all, really wanna sit here and call her a bad mom because Naruto told her to worry about Himawari, and that as a mother it should be her duty to worry about her children, yet are missing the entire point of that scene being her worrying for the safety of HER OTHER TWO CHILDREN!
Naruto and Hinata are the only family to have multiple children - two biological and one adoptive. Everyone else has one kid to worry about. So while it would be understandable for people to get upset and make such biased claims if this were say Sakura, Ino, Temari, or Karui, seeing as they all have ONE CHILD to worry about, Hinata has three and she knows two of them are in danger. She's not asking to tag along to dick ride Naruto, she's asking to assist in protecting her actively endangered children! Neither she or Naruto are wrong in that situation. Both are concerned parents, but Hinata's just been on the sidelines for everything up until now.
The manga clearly shows her concern and grief for her entire family, but of course people would like to ignore it and focus on the poor iteration of Naruto calling her ridiculous, instead of him just telling her to think of Himawari and let him handle Boruto and Kawaki. Like damn, Hinata's damned either way with you people 🤦🏻‍♀️
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Someone:I hate Hinata and/or Sasuke
My autistic ass:🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
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wisebeth · 1 year
Naruto fandom is so funny.
They can forgive Obito for murder, causing a war, forming a terrorist organisation, being responsible for multiple deaths including Naruto's parents.
They can forgive Gaara for killing innocent people, attempting to kill Lee, Sasuke and Naruto.
They can forgive Nagato for destroying Konoha and killing people.
They can forgive Sasuke for betraying Konoha, joining a terrorist organisation, trying to kill Naruto, Sakura, Karin and Kakashi (who all just wanted to help him, mind you).
BUT they cross the line at Sakura being ‘annoying’ and Hinata for falling in love with Naruto. It's ridiculous how these two girls are hated for completely stupid reasons but the male characters who did worse than them always get away with bullshit.
Naruto and Sasuke fighting each other to death and losing their arms is ‘Epitome Of True Friendship’. But Sakura hitting Naruto for slapstick comedy (which doesn't even give him actual wounds) is ABUSE?!?!?!?
Hinata willing to die to protect Naruto and bravely fighting an enemy 10x stronger her than her is ‘selfish’ and ‘useless’ but other characters (Iruka, Sasuke, Minato, Kushina, Tsunade) doing the exact same thing is bravery, love and selflessness.
Sakura forgiving and loving Sasuke after he pushed her away and tried to kill her (2/3 times she attacked him first mind you) is ‘stupid’ and ‘fangirl’ but Naruto chasing after Sasuke more than Sakura and Sasuke hurting him and pushing him away more than what he did to Sakura is ‘best friends’.
Hinata watching Naruto train few times because he inspires her to be better and stronger is ‘creepy’ and ‘stalkerish’ but Jiraiya peeking at women's bathroom without consent and drooling over Naruto's sexy jutsu form (who's an underaged girl by the way) and involving Naruto (a minor who was not even 13) in his peeking is ‘peak comedy’ and ‘haha so funny’.
Hinata and Sakura having unrequited feelings for Naruto and Sasuke is ‘obsessive’ but Obito choosing the path of destruction because his unrequited crush died is ‘true love’. Atleast the girls never killed people over their crush and yet they're hated but Obito is praised huh?
Stop holding female characters to such high standards if you can't keep the same energy for the male characters.
Also to clarify, this is NOT a criticism of the other characters and their actions.
Naruto's shinobi world is entirely different from our world, a lot of fucked up things which aren't acceptable here are the norm there, that's why forgiving all the bad stuff which I mentioned above is normal by their standards.
However I'm criticising the fandom who understands the working of the shinobi world when it comes to the male characters but suddenly becoming a moral police and expects Sakura and Hinata to be perfect and not make a single mistake at each and every step, while characters who did worse are fine to them.
I'm criticising the fandom who holds the women to such a high standards.
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annameowbooks18782 · 2 years
A brief explanation.
I'm not a Sakura simp. I'm not blind to her flaws. I don't think she is invincible and I certainly don't think she is the best character in the show (That's Minato and Kakashi).
I love her for her hard work. She supported Naruto's dream of becoming Hokage. She filled Sasuke's void, even if he thought her to be annoying at first. Without her, Team 7 would have fallen apart years ago.
I also love Hinata. Crazy, right? A Sakura fan who loves Hinata?
She is brave. Shy, yes, but brave. She loves Naruto, enough to defend him with her life as she proved against Pein. She is an amazing cousin and admires Neji, she acknowledges that he is more suitable for war than her, and she isn't jealous of him. In Boruto, she understand what her childrenare going through and supports them.
Yes, I am pro Sakura.
Yes, I am pro Hinata.
Deal with it.
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weepingnightmarenaruto · 10 months
I don’t understand people who hate on Hinata for caring more about Naruto, than her clan and village. Like the Hyuga sucks, Konoha sucks, Naruto does not suck. She clearly has her priorities straight.
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