#plus i feel like watching ballister slowly become more accepting almost gives her a little bit of hope that maybe
uselessnocturnal · 11 months
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i cannot get over nimona’s face in this scene - the absolutely heartbroken expression she has because she knows what it’s like for someone you love to point their sword at you
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phoneboxfairy · 4 years
A Dance of Stars Ch 2 (Undercover Dancer sequel fic)
(Read from the beginning on ao3 here - https://archiveofourown.org/works/22918666/chapters/55226749 Thanks again to @random-rave)  Lucy’s illustrious stint at Club B began the following Thursday night. She arrived at the club well before her set started, with Natsu even accompanying her to her dressing room. He figured she was nervous about her big debut and wanted to keep her company. She had no objections. Of course, since it was her first night, she only had one set, but she still felt the jitters coming on. Having Natsu there helped a lot. So she changed into a schoolgirl outfit: button shirt, pleated skirt, and thigh high stockings hiding a pink string bikini along with club standard high heels. She finished putting her hair up into ponytails and was working on makeup when she felt a familiar warmth. Natsu had wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, comforting her racing mind with a dragon hug. “Natsu?” “I wanna kiss you...” “Hold on.” She smiled and finished applying her eyeshadow. Then she turned her head and smiled. “Go ahead, love.” His hands wandered before his mouth ever met hers. Warm hands squeezed soft boobs, made her gasp then giggle. “Naughty boy. That’s not a kiss.” “Duh, but I ain’t finished yet.” At long last he kissed her, delighting in the way she leaned into it and the soft sigh. For a few moments he was tempted to take it further, to slip a hand under her skirt for a little pre-set treat… but for once he refrained. He didn’t want to throw off her concentration on such a big night. After all, they were most certainly going to play once they got home. No need to rush. For now he was content kissing her. ...at least until a knock on the door claimed their attention. “Yo, Andromeda! Your set starts in five minutes. And Natsu!” “Whaaat!?” “Get your ass out here!” She clearly wasn’t giving him a choice. He treated Lucy to a kiss for luck, then reluctantly went to see what the hell Cana wanted. “Being engaged to a dancer gives you special perks, especially if you’re both friends with the owner’s girlfriend.” “Okay? And?” “And shut up and follow me if you want the best seat in the house for your woman’s show, that’s what.” “Oh!” Instant comprehension made his eyes light up. No way would he ever turn that down, not when he loved watching her dance. Needless to say that by the time Cana led him to a certain spot right in front of the stage Natsu’s eyes were sparkling in anticipation. The lights were low. The crowd murmured, something about not knowing what to expect with this new girl. Natsu couldn’t help smiling at that. He knew they were in for quite a treat. For that matter so was he… The music started, something smooth and jazzy with techno beats thrown in. “Give it up for our new celestial princess. Here’s Andromeda!” Cana’s voice boomed over the loudspeaker. A spotlight illuminated the stage. Lucy ascended and the crowd roared as she took a spin on the pole. “That’s my girl,” Natsu murmured, swelling with pride, love...and more than a little lust. He couldn’t, wouldn’t, keep his eyes off her. Not that anyone present could blame him. Her hips swayed with the music as she ran her hands over her top. She unbuttoned slowly, the look on her face cute, naughty, sexy as hell. When the top slipped off her shoulders she crossed her arms, squeezed, stroked over her little pink bikini. Whistles, wolf calls, and cheers were accompanied by bills being tossed to the stage. They’re eating it up. Good… Lucy smiled. She turned to face away from her captivated audience and grabbed the pole. She stuck her butt out a little bit. What started as more hip swaying soon became all-out twerking. When she reached back to lift her skirt with her free hand the audience went wild. “Hell yeah! Take it off, babygirl!” A certain familiar voice brought a bit of blush to her cheeks...although it was by no means an isolated request. Her fans wanted more. And Andromeda would do anything to make her fans happy. So she twerked her way out of the skirt, delighted by the positive feedback. Lots of cheering, lots of tips. Plus, she was having a lot of fun with this new role. Another pole spin, complete with spread eagle splits. Then she kicked her heels off and moved to the floor. She flirted and teased the crowd, and even accepted some pretty generous tips… although she did have to swat away a few over-friendly hands. See, Lucy had a mission. There was a reason she had wanted Natsu to be front and center for this, and she was going to enjoy using him as a living prop. She had the feeling he wouldn’t mind at all. She slithered to the edge of the stage, moved her leg, rubbed her foot against his thigh. Somehow he froze and blushed at the same time. Lucy couldn’t help giggling. “Want a dance?” His eyes widened and he nodded, not exactly trusting his voice. “Good...” Here she reached behind her neck and untied her bikini top. She tossed it right at her awestruck man then climbed into his lap. “Having fun?” Another nod. One hand dared to slip up to her waist, stroking her bare skin lovingly. “Very good...” Her dance continued. She rubbed against him in time with the music, pleased and flattered when she felt him stiffen against her leg. Her hands splayed over his chest as she nibbled his jawline and licked his neck. “Now, put me back on the stage.” No hesitation. He did what he was told. Then he did something that she hadn’t anticipated. He took a few bills from his pocket and slipped them into her garter, then flashed a fanged grin that sent a jolt of warm arousal right between her legs. From that point she focused her gaze on him. She got back to her feet and s l o w l y loosened her bottoms, letting the pink material hit the floor. The celestial princess was bare save for a tiny pair of panties straight from the spirit realm, panties that were transparent but covered her most intimate area with shimmering glitter. One last move, the same upside down splits maneuver from her audition piece. The crowd went ballistic, showering her with money and cheers. ~~~ Lucy was pretty shocked. Never would she have imagined, not in a million years, having the courage to strip for such a huge crowd. She certainly never expected such success on the first night. Natsu thought she was being ridiculous. “What’d you expect? We both know exactly how sexy you are.” They were home now, cuddling in the blissful haze of afterglow. “I just meant, you know, the cheering and all the tips...and speaking of tips, why’d you tip me?” “Wasn’t I supposed to?” “Huh? What do you mean?” “You’re supposed to tip if you enjoy the dance, yeah?” “Y..yeah that’s usually how it works.” “Then I don’t see the problem.” Cute grin as he kissed her nose. “You get to dance, I get to watch, and I can add to our wedding fund the only way I can right now.” “About that...I want to start training you. I’m sure Bacchus would let us borrow the stage Sunday before we open, if you want...” “Sounds good.” He kissed her nose again, then grinned when she let out a huge yawn. “For now, I think my star dancer needs some rest. Busy weekend ahead of us.” “Mm-hm, the first of many...” She snuggled into his arms. “Night-night, love...” “Sweet dreams, princess.” With that he rocked her to sleep. As his own eyes drifted close he couldn’t help realizing how lucky he was to call Lucy his girl, his woman, his future wife… ~~~ If Lucy’s initial success shocked her, the crowd’s reception the next two nights blew her mind. Each night saw a bigger crowd. It was almost like word was spreading and everyone wanted to see the hot new dancer at Club B. By Saturday night she had nearly a full house for each set, with men and women clamoring to see her moves. Natsu was in his usual spot in the front row, happy to serve as moral support as well as a living prop when the situation called for it. That’s not to say things were perfect. In fact, Lucy’s escalating popularity in such a short time caught the attention of a certain full-time dancer. Her name was Jenny, and she had been working at Club B long enough to become known as one of its star performers. Jenny was far from pleased that some newbie was stealing her thunder. Lucy had no idea. She was, after all, just there for a side gig. Saturday night. Lucy had finished her last set of the night, a naughty bunny girl number that drove the audience absolutely wild. She stepped backstage, slipped on a silky robe, took a long drink of water. Stripping was fun, but holy crap it was exhausting. She leaned against the wall, giving herself a few moments to relax. She was just about to turn and go to her dressing room when an unfamiliar voice caught her attention. "You're the new girl, right? Lucy, stage name Andromeda?" The voice was attached to a woman with ample curves, a petite waist, long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. "Yeah, that's me. You must be Jenny." "Yes. My incredible reputation precedes me." Smug smile. "I happened to catch your routine. You've got some pretty good moves...for a rookie." “Thanks I...think?” Lucy knew damn well that this was a backhanded compliment. She also knew that Jenny was trouble. “You’re welcome to watch if you want. Maybe you’ll even learn something…” Nasty chuckle. Jenny whipped her hair back and swayed her way to the stage without giving Lucy another glance. Yeah, she’s trouble alright… So Lucy watched Club B’s star talent from a distance, and understood the other woman’s so-called incredible reputation. She was every bit as perfect as the girls she had studied, with an added dose of raunchiness that the crowds went nuts for. She flirted. She teased, straddling one customer then mimicking receiving oral from another. Jenny wasn’t the type of dancer content with leaving her panties on. She peeled her thong off, flung it into the thirsty crowd, and finished her performance stroking herself with her legs in the air. Lucy didn’t know whether to be impressed or revolted. Mostly she was shocked. The look Jenny flashed her as she left the stage wasn’t just smug. It was borderline mean. “You’ll never be one of us. Maybe you should just leave stripping to the real dancers, little girl.” Speechless, she could only stare back in shock as Jenny sauntered off to her dressing room. “Lucy! There you are! I was lookin’ all over for you.” Big smile as Natsu offered Lucy his hand. She took it, grateful for his presence, even more grateful when he pulled her into a warm hug. “Sorry about that, Natsu. I got a little distracted, that’s all.” “It’s alright, babygirl. Let’s get goin’.” Eventually she would tell him what had just happened...but not now. Now she wanted some quiet time with the love of her life. Some quiet among the chaos… ~~ “Ready to give it a try?” Lucy’s voice rang across the empty club. Natsu, who had been watching videos on a communications lacrima, looked up and grinned. “You bet. Let’s do this.” He joined her on the stage. “Follow my lead. Don’t walk. Strut. It’s all about confidence.” She demonstrated, he followed. “Good. Very good. Now start adding tricks. Crowds like flashy dances. Remember, you’re Draco, the celestial dragon. Worthy of the starry queen Andromeda. Now show me you’re worthy of that name...and your queen.” He nodded. She stood at the edge of the stage and watched. At first his brow was furrowed in concentration but his expression quickly became a dark sexy smile. Backflips. Handstands. Jump kicks. He even added bursts of flame magic as his confidence increased. Confidence that, this time around, was well placed. Oh, he was worthy, alright. “So...how was that?” “Amazing.” She walked over to him and hugged him. “Good job, Natsu.” “Thanks, Luce.” He kissed her, rested his forehead on hers. She sighed. “Say, are you feelin’ alright?” “Me? Y..yeah. I’m fine.” Here she bit her lip, glanced down at the ground. He definitely noticed. “You’re not fine. Something’s been botherin’ you since we left last night.” “How could you tell?” “I know you. You never just want to cuddle after dancing, not unless something’s wrong. Not that I mind cuddling.” Natsu put a hand on Lucy’s cheek. “Then I heard you crying in your sleep. That’s not like you at all. So what’s going on?” Lucy burst into tears, burying her head in Natsu’s shoulder. “Hold on. Let’s go somewhere private.” He scooped her up into his arms, carried her to her dressing room, and sat down on her couch.  She kept crying, although the flow of tears lessened a bit as Natsu stroked a hand through her hair. He didn’t say anything. He knew she would talk when she was ready. “...I met one of the other dancers last night. Jenny. She...said I was good for a rookie…” “That’s good, right?” “I thought so at first. Then I watched her set and she totally blew me out of the water. And then, when she finished dancing…” Sniffle. Natsu squeezed her shoulder. “She said...I could never be a real dancer. And maybe...maybe she’s right…? Maybe we’ll never earn enough for our goal...” “No, Luce. She’s wrong.” As he talked she felt the comforting warmth of his hands kneading her back and shoulders. So she snuggled closer. “Every time you’re on stage I can’t take my eyes off you. You’re always confident and sexy as hell, and everyone in that crowd knows it. You are a real dancer, no matter what some jealous brat thinks.” “You really think so…” “I know so.” Deep kiss. “Listen. Next time you feel like you’re not hot enough, remember I’m watching, and I’ll always think you’re sexy. Dance for me like you did on the undercover mission.” “Kinda like this?” There was a naughty sparkle in Lucy’s eyes as she peeled her top off. She licked her lips slowly and rocked against him, never breaking eye contact. “Mnh. Exactly like that, baby.” She giggled. Then she shimmied out of her yoga pants and tugged his shirt off. “Whoa. What are you up to?” Not that he was complaining, merely taken by surprise. “My first set is in three hours. I think we have plenty of time for some fun and a shower before I have to get ready. What do you think, Natsu?” “I think I love the way you think, Lucy…” Natsu took initiative. He shifted their positions so Lucy was on her back, then rested his forehead on hers. “Comfy?” “M-hm.” She kissed him, wrapping her legs around his waist mid-smooch. Kiss, caress. Lucy’s hands roamed then tugged his pants down. He growled. “Love it when you’re frisky.” Her only response was a giggle and another kiss, eager to enjoy being with him. They were just about to get properly hot and heavy when someone knocked on the door. “Hey Lucy, are you alright?” “Y-yeah, Cana. I’m fi-iiiiine.” A squeal as Natsu squeezed her nipple. She could have smacked him if it hadn’t felt so good. The doorknob rattled and panic briefly flared. “No no no don’t come in! We’re um…we just wanna be alone, that’s all.” “Ohhhh, I get it. Well, you two have fun alone.” “That’s the plan.” Natsu growled, grinning one of his devilish grins. He let his hands roam down to her waist. Adept fingers untied her panties, flung the garment across the room, then stroked over her sensitive pink skin. She mewled. "Natsu...please..." "Want more, babygirl?" He stroked a thumb over her clit. Shudder. She nodded. "Talk to me." His voice was a growl. "I need you inside me, Natsu. Fuck me. Now. Please." "Anything you want." He could never say no, not when her need was so evident in her voice, not when he could smell her arousal. And definitely not when she begged. He sank down into her. Gods, she was so soft, so warm, so wet. She arched her hips to meet his thrusts. Exhaled sharply. "Holy shit...ahh!" "Feels good." He didn't have words, too focused on fucking his woman. He set a pace, making sure to adjust his speed when she begged for more. She begged often. He had her pinned down, felt her nails dig into his back, felt her muscles clenching around his cock, milking him. Holy shit she was so close. For that matter so was he. He growled, grabbed her ass, started slamming into her. For a moment he wondered if he was going too hard, but that worry dissipated when he heard her moan. Sweet, sexy motivation. At long last, climax. It wasn't mutual but that didn't really matter. All that mattered, all they cared about, was enjoying laying together as the waves of passion crashed over them. Tender kisses and nose nuzzles accompanied sweet whispers of affection. "I love ya, Luce." "After all we've been through I should hope so." She ruffled his hair, rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you too, Natsu." For a while they just cuddled together. Then Natsu broke the silence. "Still want to shower?" "Yeah. I probably shouldn't be all sweaty for a performance." "I wouldn't mind." He nibbled her bottom lip, making her giggle. Without missing a beat he got up and scooped her into his arms. "Alright. Let's go." With that he carried her to the shower. Once the water was nice and warm they bathed together, washing away the evidence of their amorousness then taking a few moments to relax in one another’s arms. Soon enough it would be time for Lucy to get ready for her first set of the night. Soon enough she would have the crowd going wild for every move she made. But for right now she simply wanted to chill, to relax with her Natsu. Even if it was just for an hour or so, his presence alone made her happy…
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