#plato repulsed
roses-are-repulsed · 2 days
Repulsion looks different for everyone because everyone has a different idea of what certain actions are coded as.
Some people may be repulsed by PDA because to them that's romantic. Some people may be repulsed by make-outs because to them it's too sexual. Some people might be repulsed to cuddling because it's seen as romantic or some people are even repulsed by platonic cuddling.
People can be repulsed by some actions and not repulsed by others because how people view certain actions can differ from person to person. Not everyone finds kissing repulsive because not everyone finds kissing to be romantic or sexual so the act of kissing doesn't trigger their repulsion.
You're not less repulsed for finding some actions repulsive and other actions not. It's a complex identity that is different for every persons experience.
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aspec-is-amazing · 2 months
made a meme for all yall nonfriending folks, eat up
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amorous-apothipl · 30 days
here's a special shoutout to my fellow apothiplatonics and otherwise plato-repulsed people. we don't gotta put up with shit, especially not today. we are demonstrations of the lack of need for platonic relationships. go be you, without the ball and chain of friendship holding you back.
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
This pride month remember that aplatonicism can be a beautiful thing. Aplatonics are not 'missing out' on friendship if they are plato averse or repulsed, or nonfriending, or indifferent. Aplatonics are not being 'insincere' or 'fake' if they are plato favorable and/or want friends. Aplatonics who only experience platonic attraction conditionally or infrequently or in a non-traditional manner are an important part of this community!
Aplatonicism is not inherently miserable or lonely. One's value does not depend on whether they have or want friends. Aplatonicism which is romance favorable and/or alloromantic is not 'amatonormative'. Ask yourself why you have double standards about friendship and romance and why you can't comprehend that amatonormativity is a societal mindset ( not something that people can be just by being into romance but not friendship lol) if you think it is.
Another person's preferences with regards to friendship or socialising (or lack thereof) is also not something you need to comment on or pathologise. It is not necessary to hold everyone up to alloplatonic standards. That is platonormative and yes platonormativity does harm people. And so does aplphobia/aplmisia.
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The lack of consent on friendships has always disturbed me.
Platonic/amical relationships are the only type of relationship that you can be entered into without even been asked.
Friendships "just happen". You aren't supposed to be asked or ask people to be your friend, that's a silly thing kids do because they don't understand. People can just call you their friend and you have to accept it.
And if you don't want to reciprocate the title you were given without even been asked, if you don't want to enter that relationship with that person, YOU are the bad person; because we aren't supposed to reject friendships.
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Broke: Solving bullying means getting kids friends! Because, you know, bullies like to pick on kids that are alone. We need to support initiatives like “Say Hello Day”! Encourage kids to join clubs and make friends! Wait, there are some kids who don’t want friends? Huh? I didn’t know they existed. Well, at some point it becomes their fault they’re getting picked on, right?
Woke: EVERY kid deserves a safe and supportive environment free of bullying, regardless of whether they do or don’t want friends, and we need to radically change the culture of our schools and society if we’re going to stop bullying. “Getting kids friends” won’t solve the problem.
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macncheeta · 11 months
So tired of hearing people say “But aplatonic people can still have friends!!!” as a way to justify our existence. Like, what if I don’t want friends? Has anyone stopped to consider that? Has anyone ever considered that you can have a happy and fulfilling life without friends??
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Shoutout to demiromantics who don't want friends!!
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Plato repulsed aro culture is thinking about how rapidly society would advance if the arospec community would start saying "nonromantic" instead of "platonic"
yeah, and if other people also started doing this. (bc I see ppl outside the aro community do this a lot too)
see also : if people would start saying 'nonsexual' instead of 'platonic' if thats what they actually mean
Its okay to say platonic to mean friendship, but it can be really annoying when ppl keep saying 'platonic' as if its merely an absence of romance and/or sex, and as if romance and/or sex can't occur alongside friendship for some people.
Also when aros and other ppl don't want me to assume theyre expressing romantic attraction or something, they can just say they mean it nonromantically instead of platonically bc it would cause me to feel repulsion if they expressed platonic feelings/attraction for me.
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aro-culture-is · 6 months
Demiromantic Aroflexible, Plato-Repulsed Aplatonic culture is
Person: So you want this? (Romantic relationship)
Me: Mhm.
Person: But you don't want this? (Platonic relationships)
Me: Correct.
Person: Ok so in order to have this (romance) you need to do this (make friends).
Me: >:'(((
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lovelessrage · 4 months
Being a plato neutral-to-repulsed aplatonic aro checking the tags on Valentine's Day is just this:
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[Image ID: The "here it comes!" tornado meme. In the foreground is a red-faced man screaming dramatically, while, in the background, a CGI dust devil approaches him. "HERE IT COMES!" is written in yellow text at the bottom. /End ID]
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Wishing every repulsed person a very happy pride.
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aspec-is-amazing · 2 months
apothiplatonics are fucking cool!!!! you get forgotten about/overlooked too much you deserve the best
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amorous-apothipl · 16 days
shoutout to my fellow attention whore aplatonics. and just the whore aplatonics. y'all're cool.
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entropy-sea-system · 8 months
BEGGING people to stop treating friendship as mandatory just because you want to talk about amatonormativity. Quit throwing apls under the bus for not perfoeming friendship enough. Romance is not mandatory and neither is friendship or literally any other damn relationship. You shouldn't have to engage in relationships to recieve support and structuring society this way is not the progressive take you think it is.
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ijustwannamakeemojis · 3 months
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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being Lovelustic Aro, Plato Repusled, Attentionpunk, Apothiplatonic, Alt Plato Repulsed, and Sexuromantic. End ID]
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