#paranormal detective
iiclarkrau · 2 years
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shenanigans in the detective agency
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kyodelika · 10 months
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i think he lied about that one
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grrrasya · 15 days
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👻🔎 more paranormal detective stamps for @dulcifiedjaws !!!
if y'all want any specific stamps send me your request in the comments or pm! although I won't be able to do emote stamp for many other chacters 'cause I don't have them((
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echoheart0324 · 10 months
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Wanted to take a shot at making a pin design for Paranormal after the anniversary pins.
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ollie-draws-things · 4 days
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Portrait redraw for @dulcifiedjaws !
Original under the cut :3
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20 notes · View notes
apollotronica · 2 months
19 notes · View notes
sirenjose · 8 months
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Truth & Inference Analysis (up to The Shrouded Bélóstáin)
I wrote this analysis right after the Shrouded Belostain event. For analysis regarding Gatto and Castle Zinaida's Unfinished Chapter, you can look at:
Truth & Inference - Ulliel Laboratory (+ Belostain & Zinaida) Summary and Thoughts
(Yes, this is long. I'm a completionist, so I like to cover everything when I get started on something. I've also rewritten this thing several times, and so would like to call this my final version. I put a lot of effort into this. Anyways, just giving a warning. If you'd rather not read everything, I do have this split into sections if you'd rather only look at a specific event. Enjoy!)
Official Backstories
Mr. Inference
He believes in justice and hates bullying the weak. In the army he was adored and loved by comrades. However, he was suddenly removed due to an unknown incident. After the army he changed a lot. Clipped words, no nonsense, cold. After solving a certain case, he became famous.
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Losing his parents as a child, he was raised in an orphanage. He later joined the army and was promoted quite quickly, but was discharged due to an accident. To find out the truth and the one behind it, he chose to become an ordinary private detective.
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Lady Truth
Raised in an orphanage, she was shunned by the other children for routinely dissecting their emotions before their eyes. Only the "Doll" who shared a similar experience to her, was willing to become her friend. She became a gardener after leaving the orphanage and met "Inference" as she was investigating the disappearance of "Doll". In order to find "Doll" and catch the culprit behind her disappearance, she joined the Orpheus Detective Agency.
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A local nobleman of high academic attainments. Besides being a member of Parliament, he is also an art professor, prestigious among both the upper and lower classes. He seems to be a gentle and witty man but is actually quite nasty. He is also sought after for his looks.
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Lone Moon Girls’ School (before and/or during Golden Rose Theater)
Golden Rose Theater/Atropos’ Ropes
Stormy Night Surprise
The Phantom of the Crystal Palace (during/after Stormy Night Surprise)
The Shrouded Bélóstáin
Beneath the Truth
Beneath the Truth
Short Summary
A novelist down on his luck is invited by Count DM to his manor (Mélodis Manor) on Guy Fawkes’ Day. 1 of the paintings being displayed in DM’s exhibition hall is a painting of The Muse (The Goddess), which gets stolen that day. The novelist is accused of being the culprit, so he hires Inference and Truth to prove him innocent (as his invitation from DM had come with a card with Inference’s Agency on it). It doesn’t take long for Inference to determine that Ruth, 1 of DM’s maids, was the real thief, while Richard, an auctioneer, was her accomplice. During their investigation, Daisy, another maid, had also wanted to steal the painting, but Ruth had gotten to it first. She attempted to take it from Ruth while she slept by giving Ruth sleeping pills, but accidentally used the poison Ruth had prepared for the novelist (as Ruth had accidentally take the sleeping pills instead). It’s also revealed that the painting they’d stolen was a fake prepared by DM, while the real Muse painting had been safe all along.
Long Summary
A novelist down on his luck is invited by Count DM to his manor (Mélodis Manor) on Guy Fawkes’ Day. 1 of the paintings being displayed in DM’s exhibition hall is a painting of The Muse (The Goddess), which gets stolen that day.
The novelist receives a letter stating that there’s trouble at home (a fire supposedly) and leaves to deal with it. However, there never actually was a fire, and when he returns, he finds that the Muse painting was stolen and he’s accused of being the thief. In the invitation the novelist received from DM, he also had a card for Inference’s Detective Agency and decides to hire Inference and Truth to prove him innocent.
Inference is able to easily solve the case: Ruth, 1 of DM’s maids, was the real culprit. Richard, an auctioneer, was her accomplice.  Daisy, another maid, had also attempted to steal the painting but found someone else got to it first. She also accidentally poisoned Ruth using the poison Ruth had prepared for the novelist, though Daisy had only meant to use sleeping pills on Ruth.
Ruth was the one who sent the fake letter to the novelist. While attempting to hide her identity, she tells the postman to deliver the fake letter to the manor when the fireworks start.
Before the novelist received the letter, he had been resting on a sofa by a potted plant, which unknown to the novelist at the time was where DM and Rogers (DM’s butler) kept a spare key to the exhibition hall. A small fire starts in the entrance way of the manor, which was caused by Ruth but to maintain her innocence she helps put the fire out with Daisy. The novelist gets off the sofa and runs to it to ensure his manuscripts aren’t burnt. Richard uses the commotion to lower himself from the window of his room, which is right above the hall, to the hall to steal the key, as there was not enough time caused by the fire to steal the painting.
Richard passes the key to Ruth. Ruth uses the key to get into the hall then removes the Muse painting from its frame. She then hides the Muse painting with DM’s “2nd favorite piece”, which is a painting of a rose made by a famous artist who was also a poet, and hides the painting’s frame under her long skirt (until she can burn it to ashes). She gets a part of her skirt caught on a corner of a table and leaves behind a bit of evidence (a cotton thread).
Ruth later hands the key back to Richard, and he returns the key to the potted plant in the room from outside the window to create the notion it was a locked room mystery.
Daisy uses the spare key to try to steal the painting herself because she wanted to help Jonathan, but finds the painting already stolen. She had been using a candle for light (to avoid turning on the actual lights and warning people of what she was doing) but leaves some candle marks on the carpet in her surprise/fright before quickly leaving.
Ruth and Richard pretend to have an argument and a falling out to ensure no one would think they were working together.
Ruth hides the painting’s frame under a long skirt to keep the police from finding it. She injures her leg to have an excuse for why she’d walk slowly and awkwardly as she kept the frame between her legs, with Daisy helping her get around.
Ruth hides some of the evidence (what she used to write the fake letter for the novelist as well as the clothing she wore when she went to the postman that day) in a small, secret area under 1 of the floorboards of her temporary room. Ruth and Daisy normally have rooms on the top floor, but DM arranged for the 2 to have rooms by the guest quarters to accommodate for Ruth’s injury, which happened to be a room with the secret storage area under the floorboards (DM likely gave her this specific room knowingly, on purpose).
Ruth accidentally mixes up the poison she wanted to use on the novelist with sleeping pills. She had hoped to kill him to divert everyone’s attention, further frame things on him, and give her and Richard more time to hide evidence and move the painting.
Daisy saw the frame hidden under the bed and suspected Ruth was the one to steal the painting. She also wanted the painting and hoped to steal it while Ruth was asleep, so she intended to use the sleeping pills, but got Ruth’s poison instead due to the mix up.
Ruth is poisoned and sent to the hospital, where the doctors manage to save her. Daisy handed herself in, thinking she had killed Ruth by accident.
Before being poisoned, Ruth had been attempting to burn the painting’s frame and the coat she wore to the post office to ashes to hide the evidence. She was unable to finish due to being poisoned and falling unconscious as a result, thus Inference is able to find the scraps of her coat and the remains of the painting’s frame.
Before she fell unconscious, she left a message for Richard regarding where she hid the painting, which she’d actually hidden in the exhibition hall. She had to leave a message because Daisy was always with her and she didn’t have a chance to meet Richard alone without Daisy noticing. When everyone found Ruth, one hand was holding a rose-embroidered handkerchief, while the other was pointing toward a bookshelf. At the same time, her powder medicine had the word “both” written on it. This was all to hint towards how she hid the Muse painting with the painting of the rose.
DM sets a trap for Ruth’s accomplice. He pretends to let the novelist have his rose painting (the novelist and most others didn’t know the Muse painting was hidden with it, but Ruth’s accomplice Richard did). When the novelist leaves for home, Richard attacks the novelist and forces him to give him the painting. Unfortunately, the Muse painting is already gone (by DM and Inference). Inference and DM then catch him in the act and stop him from killing the novelist. Richard is then arrested. Ruth had already admitted her crime and went with the police, while Daisy had handed herself in already.
At the end, DM reveals the Muse painting that had been stolen was only a forgery and burns it to ashes, while the real Muse painting had been safe all along.
Invited to DM’s manor, as DM is willing to provide him financial assistance.
Accused of being the thief who stole DM’s Muse painting
Hires Inference to prove him innocent
DM’s butler
Acts like DM’s confidant and is aware of his schemes (knew the painting was fake)
Has served DM longer than most and none of the other servants know much about him
Stole the (fake) Muse painting with Richard, her accomplice
Likes Jonathan
Poisoned Ruth (by accident)
Playwright funded by DM
Likes Ruth and dislikes Richard
Produced many excellent scripts but has been in ruins since his family sold their Muse painting.
Auctioneer (he helped the Jonathan’s family auction off their Muse painting)
Dislikes Jonathan
Worked with Ruth to steal the (fake) Muse painting
Important notes:
Jonathan, a playwright funded by DM, and his family used to own another Muse painting called “The Seven-Stringed Lyre”. They were forced to sell it when his father’s gambling put them in debt, after which their family “fell into a decline”. The police (Sheriff Jose wasn’t mentioned in this story, so regular police) were unable to identify who the buyer was, but they do know that all the auction’s guests were “high profile elites” and the painting was sold for a “staggering” amount.
DM was likely the one to buy Jonathan’s painting.
Inference and Truth have an “estranged friend” that knows a lot about art, including the Muse paintings. DM knows about this friend too. Truth and Inference “tense” at the mention but decide to send Truth to talk to them: There are 9 paintings of The Muses. No one knows where they came from, but The Muses within the painting were known as goddesses able to grant inspirations to create. Truth gives Inference 9 photos that are “mostly replicas” of the paintings but can be used as references. There’s another rumor: “One painting is nothing of value, but when you gather all 9, it was said you could get an extraordinary treasure that no one could put a price tag on”. 
At the end, Truth reads another letter from their friend: “those who own the painting of The Muse do not simply show it to anyone. Furthermore, considering his crafty personality… Sigh, my point is, please just be careful not to fall for that man’s tricks”. Truth comments that’s all from the “young master’s” letter.
DM set everything up to allow Ruth and Richard to steal the fake painting (gave them the room with the secret storage area, extra keys, 1 key easy to steal, sleeping pills + poison, etc…).
DM has lots of Lily of the Valley in his garden (both flower and stem have poison in them)
References to Inference’s and DM’s pasts:
- Golden Rose Theater was Inference’s 1st case and the one to make him famous - Inference has a “grudge” against DM and gets irritated whenever DM is around - Truth asks if he’s close with DM. He says “No, not exactly”. She comments that “Even for Mr. Detective, who is close with DM, this is actually the first time he legally came to the Mélodis Manor.” DM appears and laughs, asking “What do you mean by ‘legally’? Are you saying that… you snuck into the Manor in the past?” - Inference (after DM asks if he wants to use DM’s method to uncover the accomplice, as it’s faster + more interesting) comments to DM: “Interesting? Does a person who wears a mask as thick as yours actually find another person’s performance interesting?” DM comments to Inference: “Do you find a person who can see through everything, yet could live with a secret for years like you… interesting?” - Inference comments to DM: “It’s rare to see that there’s no ‘red’ around you this time, but at least it’s not as boring as I imagined it would” and adds “It’s not like I am saying that you are the Grim Reaper or something, but why do you think that people die no matter where you go?” DM thinks to himself (doesn’t say out loud): *It would be an entirely different case if there were someone who wished to end their own life. But if that was ever the case, then the fault is not on me, right…?*
White (Eli) is mentioned in this story:
(Inference): “In a certain country in the East, there is an idiom called ‘A Fisherman’s Benefits’. It came from a story where a sandpiper and a Hamaguri clam fought and got knocked out, while the third party, the fisherman, took advantage of it.” Truth laughs and says, “you must have heard it from Mr. White again, haven’t you?”
Golden Rose Theater
Story Analysis
Golden Rose Theater Analysis (Version 3)
Theater’s lead actor
Described as having a “silver tongue”
Father was the mechanic in charge at Golden Rose Theater 10 years ago. During the last performance of “The Coin of Lachesis”, Lachesis fell to her death during the performance. Ronald’s father was blamed due to police initially believing her fall was caused by “improper maintenance of the protective fence of the lift”. He was sent to prison and died of a “severe cold illness in the 1st year of imprisonment”.
Smarty Pants later proves him innocent by conducting a safety analysis to show there’d been no error on the stage controller’s part.
Ronald was studying in France at the time and came back to arrange his father’s funeral, but he disappeared afterwards (“no one heard from him since”).
France is the same place Lachesis, Bella, and DM are from. There’s also how his name, “Nice”, is a city in France.
Gets Scrooge arrested by revealing his crimes regarding faking Bella’s cause of death (Scrooge likely did the same with Lachesis and her fall) and committing insurance fraud with their insurance policies. Likely worked alongside DM and Rusty Penpoint.
Ronald’s father was arrested and died shortly after 10 years ago, so Ronald may have been missing for 10 years, especially as Inference said he hadn’t seen him in a long while
Founded Golden Rose Theater
Wrote the scripts for “The Coin of Lachesis” and “Atropos’ Ropes”. (As the script for “Kroto’s Chain” is “yellowed”, it’s possible he write it before being arrested)
Used the insurance money from Lachesis’ death to keep the theater from bankrupting
Unable to write the script for Episode 2 for a long time due to lack of inspiration. Rusty says “money and twisted love had corrupted his talent”, which also led to him hiring Bella as lead actress over Kroto due to Bella sharing more similarities with Lachesis
Arrested for faking Bella’s cause of death to attempt to commit insurance fraud (again)
1 of the theater’s main actors (B cast)
The supporting actress in “The Coin of Lachesis” (Clotho)
Started to make a name for herself by performing in various plays. Stayed at Golden Rose Theater due to rumors the 3rd episode (of the series, with “The Coin of Lachesis” as the 1st episode) would be all about Clotho. She hoped to become famous like Lachesis
Bella was picked instead of her.
Thinks Bella’s waiting room is cursed and doesn’t want to use it
Depressed after Bella’s death despite finally becoming lead actress
Pretended to be Bella so she could send letters to DM, but Inference’s visit exposed Kroto’s lie to DM, so she asks for Bella’s help in exchange for giving Bella the Quivering Flower DM had sent to Kroto (while pretending to be Bella), which leads to Bella’s death by overdosing.
Imitated both Lachesis and Bella. Helped Scrooge fake Bella’s cause of death
Leaves Golden Rose Theater to join a different theater group
Theater’s lead actress
Hired for the lead actress role instead of Kroto, despite Kroto being at the theater longer and despite Bella’s difficult personality.
Description: “French, gorgeous, and extremely talented. But she is also very arrogant and has many odd habits. For instance, her daily life must be served by her trusted maid. She likes to know powerful people but her temper is changeable.”
Phonograph (Demi) was her personal maid.
Received Quivering Flower from DM. Tried to stop but received more from Kroto.
Dies due to Quivering Flower overdose (due to pressure from Scrooge and people comparing her to Lachesis and her desire to perform well)
Rusty Penpoint
Screenwriter that’s actually only an assistant playwright to Scrooge, the director
Had joined the theater to learn from Scrooge, who used to be a talented writer, “but money and twisted love had corrupted his talent
Silver tongue and a gossip
(If not Scrooge, it’s possible Rusty wrote “Kroto’s Chain” instead)
Smarty Pants
Theater’s stage control
Friends with Sparrow
1 of the only 2 “good” people “left in town” according to Ronald
Proved Ronald’s father innocent, though it wasn’t until after his death
Golden Scissors
Theater’s stylist
Gave Kroto a scarf that Bella didn’t want
Was reading the newspaper when the incident happened.
Theater’s logistics manager
Knows everything about the theater, including about Lachesis
Jingle Bells
Bellboy/Doorman for the Theater
Seemed “really affected” by Bella’s death
Knew DM had reserved the entire second floor for himself
Accepted delivery of Quivering Flower for Bella from DM “a few times”
Bella’s personal maid
Sent away by Bella (to pick something up in town) before Bella’s death
Angry at Scrooge for asking her to move Bella’s stuff out of her room for Kroto
Knew Bella used to take Quivering Flower, saying “she stopped using it a long time ago, ever since that thing was outlawed”
Theater’s stand-in
Did fortune readings in the lobby before each opening performance
Thinks Lachesis’ ghost is haunting the theater
DM and Ronald are Inference’s former “comrade-in-arms”
DM likes to chase women (“prey”)
DM gave Ronald the money to become the new owner of Golden Rose Theater and was the one to recommend who its new lead actress should be
Ronald likely had DM’s help to reveal Scrooge’s crimes and get him arrested
Sheriff Jose had to use “peculiar tactics” to get DM’s cooperation
This was Inference’s 1st case. Before this, Inference was likely focused on investigating the situation that got him kicked out of the military
Upon seeing DM’s invitation, Inference comments DM has “returned to his aristocratic life” + “Is our playboy returning to the stage?”
“The DM I know is interested in everything beautiful – drama, music, gorgeous clothes, beauties, as well as full on chasing games. We don’t usually join him in his entertainment, but given his identity, I may need his help in the future if I were to investigate that matter.”
At the start of Golden Rose Theater, Inference says: “Now that my ongoing investigation is getting nowhere, I'll treat this as a break and take it on.” After the case at Golden Rose Theater is over, Inference “prepared to continue with my investigation into the other matter…”
Likely the same “matter” Inference says he’ll need DM’s help with
Also likely tied to how Inference was very busy at the time of the Golden Rose Theater incident when he received DM’s commission, as it says Inference didn’t have time to dispose of the letter
Possibly trying to investigate the incident that got him discharged from the military
DM and Ronald (+ Rusty) worked together
- Ronald became the new owner of Golden Rose Theater after he received enough money from somewhere to purchase the deed. The person that comes to apply for the leading actress’ role in place of Kroto says she was “introduced by DM”. The money to purchase the theater likely came from DM - Rusty starts to gossip a lot after Inference tells him he’s a friend of DM, who’s his client, but clams up when Inference asks for more details. Ronald and Rusty are likely working together as both are described as silver tongues, how Ronald left Inference with Rusty at the start of the event, and Ronald was the one to provide Rusty’s alibi. - Ronald somehow knew Inference was coming to Golden Rose Theater at the very beginning and greeted him before rehearsal. - Ronald was studying in France (where Joseph is from) and Ronald disappeared for a long time (possibly 10 years) after his father was falsely arrested and died, reappearing a long time later at the Golden Rose Theater and becoming its lead actor. - Considering both Ronald and DM used to be in the military together with Inference, Ronald and DM should be familiar with each other, so it’s possible Ronald sought help from DM or vice versa, with DM helping Ronald get Scrooge arrested
DM bought the Quivering Flower for the females he liked from the black market (mentioned in the Crystal Palace event)
Sheriff Jose may have been forced to agree to help DM in exchange for getting DM’s cooperation during the Golden Rose Theater case.
The Oath of the “Traitors” (Lone Moon Girls’ School)
Short Summary
Anna, a friend of Truth’s from the orphanage who was adopted by art merchants, has been attending the Lone Moon Girls’ School with Hebe, her sister-in-law. Hebe has sent Truth a request for help as Anna is to be sent to an asylum and has been locked in the tower due to having “gone mad" shortly after Clio found her with the Art Assistant. Truth disguises herself as Hebe’s personal maid to gain access to the school, which is surrounded by a lake and inaccessible most of the time.
The school was built on the site of a castle currently owned by the Mélodis family. The castle’s history includes a cruel king being overthrown by his people and 8 of his knights who betray the king by opening the docks to the rebels. The 9th knight (later learned to be female) fell in love with the prince (initially thought to be a princess) and remains loyal to him. She helps him to escape and live his life as a commoner after hiding his identity, while she pretends to be his body double and commits suicide to hide the truth. The 8 knights are never able to find the knight’s violin or the gem that used to belong to the prince, and state that whoever finds them can keep them.
While at the school, Anna disappears from the tower. Narcissus, a teacher at the school, disappears the next night. Noyce, who left when Anna disappeared and promised to contact the police, fails to return, so the Professor of Literature departs to contact them himself. When he returns, they inform everyone that Noyce had never reported to them and actually has a criminal record. Truth figures out that Noyce helped Anna escape, while the Professor of Literature helped Narcissus escape (as the docks were opened to let Noyce and the Professor of Literature leave the island to contact the police). Truth by then has learned the secret of the tower and explains to the police that Anna and Narcissus disappeared via a hidden window in the tower. They also find the knight’s empty violin case, meaning Anna or Narcissus likely took the violin. The Professor of Literature, who knew the secret of the tower, reveals he’s part of the Chausson family and stops the police from pursuing Anna and Narcissus by reminding them that the knights stated whoever found the items could keep them. With the mystery solved, Truth leaves to continue searching for Anna.
Long Summary
Anna, likely the one known as “Doll” from Truth’s backstory, is a friend of Truth’s from the orphanage. They stayed in touch even after they left the orphanage. Anna was adopted by a pair of art merchants who funded her education at a private boarding school for girls: the Lone Moon Girls’ School. Hebe, whose parents were the ones to adopt Anna +  is Anna’s roommate (who refers to Anna as “Encore”), says that Anna went mad. Some say it was driven by love, while others say she was cursed. It was decided she would be sent to an asylum but is locked in “the tower” for now. Hebe asks Truth to save her and offers to let her enter the school by having Truth pretend to be Hebe’s personal maid.
A royal knight serving king fell in love with the princess of a former dynasty. People wouldn’t accept their love, so he decided he would abandon everything to secretly marry her. The princess found out about his sacrifices the night before the wedding, and decided to kill herself to stop him. The knight is sorrowful, plans a funeral, and locks himself in the tower so he could visit and reminisce alone. People notice the knight not coming down for a long time, eventually hearing him playing princess’ favorite song on his violin. The next day they found his corpse in the lake. Rumor has it that his music could be heard on a full moon and he’d search for his lost love. No one could find the knight’s violin or the princess’ family heirloom, which was said to be a large, blue gem every generation of the Chausson family has the right to wear. The 8 friends of the knight said those who find either item could keep them.
Professor of Literature tells the legend to Truth, saying Encore was the only other person to be so interested in the story. The knight’s will said “When the strings sound out, the destined will uncover the door of moonbeams. From the castle's highest, they will arrive treading on the moon.”
Lone Moon Girls’ School was built 10 years ago on the site of Lone Moon Castle, which was previously the property of the Chaussons, but they had no heir so it passed to the Mélodis family, who turned it into a girl’s school.
Anna was found in the tower with the Art Assistant by Clio. He volunteers to give up his position while Professor of Literature and Hebe vouch for Anna so she can stay. After that, her behavior becomes abnormal, she develops an obsession with the Lone Moon’s Tale, and visited the tower at night. Schoolmistress finds Anna in the tower again, staring at the moon. Anna screams when they try to take her out, forcing them to lock her in the tower. Some say it was emotional scarring, others say it’s the Lone Moon Castle’s Curse
Hebe is replicating the painting of the Princess’ portrait, while Narcissus was replicating a landscape painting. The originals were 2 paintings people found in the tower following the knight’s death, but the Mélodis family doesn’t let anyone touch anything (to preserve the tower’s original state). The landscape painting was painted by the princess, and if you shine a light on it the moon will be different. Hebe likes the princess’ portrait but won’t say why.
Clio appears and says she saw Anna “walk into a painting”. Noyce leaves to report Anna’s disappearance to the police.
Legend that the “Lone Moon’s vengeful spirit would take away the souls (and minds) of others” because every owner of the castle has experienced someone going missing or mad, thus why it’s called a “curse”
While Truth investigates the tower, Narcissus comes in, so she hides herself. He looks at the window before moving the painting of the landscape to the window. A beam of light is projected through the moon in the painting and hits the wall with the portrait hanging on it, comments “I see…” before putting everything back and leaving the tower.
History book: there used to be a small, wealthy kingdom here led by the Chausson family. There were 9 families of knights loyal to them. The final heir to the Chausson family was a cruel king, which led to a revolution. On the last night, 8 of the 9 knights conspired to help overthrow the king (due to disappointment in him). The king only had a daughter, who was spared when the leader of the rebellion became king, though they executed the old king. The new king promised her hand in marriage to a knight, but she killed herself before the wedding, and the knight also met a dreary end. The princess had gathered together rebel troops, but they instead waited for news of her death, and then disbanded out of fear.
At night, Truth sees Narcissus enter the tower, but never come back.
The day after, Noyce never returns like he should have, and Narcissus had also disappeared. The Schoolmistress searches their rooms and finds their “items of importance” taken away, meaning this was an escape carefully planned in advance. The Professor of Literature promises to contact the police and return at the end of the day.
Truth and Hebe investigate the tower. Truth sees a lighthouse out the window. Hebe says on the day the rebellion was successful against the cruel king, the lighthouse would light up for 3 days straight. This was referred to as the “moonbeam of hope”. This year, the 1st day of the moonbeam of hope was the day Anna disappeared. The 2nd day was when Narcissus disappeared. The 3rd day will be that night. All ships leaving the island have assigned departure dates, and the docks are closed on other days. Truth comments the docks were open “on the 2nd day of Anna’s and Narcissus’ disappearance”. This was because the docks opened to let Noyce and Professor of Literature leave to contact the police. Noyce helped Anna leave, while Professor of Literature helped Narcissus leave.
Professor of Literature returns with the police, who say Noyce never reported the situation to the police and he has a criminal record. They suspect Clio worked with him to kill Anna.
Truth (to prove Clio innocent) talks about how Narcissus (not just Anna) disappeared from the tower. Clio says the day Anna disappeared, she had come to talk to Anna (they did talk, Anna discusses her childhood) but Clio fell asleep until she heard the sound of a violin. Clio woke up and saw the painting glowing. Anna then walked into the light. This was likely the light from the lighthouse (coming through the hidden window). The legend happens just as it says: “When the strings sound out, the destined will uncover the door of moonbeams. From the castle's highest, they will arrive treading on the moon”
Truth says that the layout of the castle (based on the castle in the painting) differs from how it used to be. The tower faced a different direction before, and there was another window that is hidden for some reason, and assumes finding it would give the answer to everything. Professor of Literature asks “Do you know the answer” in a way implying he already knew the answer (“his expression did not seem curious at all, more like the expression of a teacher who had thrown a question out to his students”). Truth moves the painting over the window, and this time the pillar of light from the moon shines “right at the position of the mask’s eye the princess in the portrait held”. Inspecting that spot finds a loose tile. Pressing it causes a wall to sink and reveal a space large enough for a person. Beneath the windowsill were the docks. On the windowsill was a vintage violin case, but the case is empty. It’s unknown if Anna or Narcissus took the violin.
Truth says the thief doesn’t matter. The Professor says the knights didn’t want the treasure, just wanted to know how the story ended, and “as for these 2 items, they’ve already returned to their rightful owners”. To make the police believe him, he shows them the brooch on his jacket, the same Narcissus design as the one on the violin case. He belongs to the Chausson family. He says “This is my family’s agreement, right? Lady Schoolmistress, representing the Mélodis family.” Truth realizes it is proof of the former owner of the castle, its guardians, and of the traitors.
The police put out a wanted poster for Noyce and a missing person’s notice for Anna. Truth leaves to continue searching for Anna.
Hebe says “They all say the princess was an artistic prodigy, but in terms of skill level, I think this portrait painted by an unknown artist demonstrates more artistic skill. She looks brighter and more naïve than any princess I've read about from the history books. Or, perhaps, others will always understand us better than we understand ourselves. What do you think, ‘Truth’?”
The Knight on the Wrong Path ("Unfortunate Comedy") letter is from the Lone Moon Knight to 1 of the 8 other knights (the ones that chose to overthrow the cruel king). The Lone Moon knight, who we learn is female, mentions the other 8 knights not agreeing with "Mélodis".
Based on the history of Lone Moon Castle mentioning the princess gathered a force to fight the rebellion and restore the Chausson family, as well as based on the other letter which mentions the prince (not a princess) was given a choice to either go to Lord Mélodis’ house and carry out his father's plan (to fight the rebellion) or hide his identity and live as a commoner. Mélodis should be 1 of the people who supported the Chausson family and was willing to provide a force to fight against the rebellion. In which case, that could make sense why the Chausson family closer to present day was willing to give the castle to the Melodis family and let them make a school on the site.
At the end of this letter, she says she chooses loyalty due to "drowning in the river of lies for too long" and that "he" (the prince") "has long since become my other half". Her final words are for them to keep the "oath" and "let everything about 'me' sink to the bottom of the lake".
This may imply that the "oath of the traitors" involves keeping the secret about the truth of the Lone Moon Knight's identity (and thus maybe also keeping the identity of the prince a secret too)?
The Last Knight letter (“Happy Tragedy”) is from the Lone Moon Knight (who was actually female) to the prince (the king actually had a son, not a daughter). The female knight acted as his body double and gave the prince a choice. She had been growing a secret force to fight the rebellion if the prince wanted that, or if he was tired of everything, the prince could go to her cousin’s house and live as a commoner.
She tells the prince: “Now, it’s your turn to make a choice. You can give the gem to the Captain of the Guard and take off your mask, and he will confirm your identity, accompany you to see Lord Mélodis, and help you carry out your father’s plan. Alternatively, you could keep your silence, and he will take you to my cousin’s home. As collaterals of our family, they have stayed away from strife, and have lived to teach and educate people for generations; I have only seen him once when I was young, but we’ve kept correspondence with each other, especially frequently in the past 5 years. In his eyes, ‘I’ am a young master trapped by my family’s mission, a young man with a passion for drawing, who’s full of imagination and a little prideful, but kind at heart”. The female knight says he should know she’s not actually good at drawing ('this may be my greatest incompetence as a “shadow”), but “at least I was able to paint a believable enough depiction of you”. She says he can use this identity to begin a life that belongs to you. She says she hopes he can treat others with forgiveness. “As early as five years ago, when your father first decreed those laws, we have all understood a fact. The lone moon can no longer light up the long night. Everyone should have the right to choose whether to remain in the darkness or to go forward towards the next light, including yourself. Lastly, I hope that everything goes well in your future life.”
Due to the fact the prince chose to keep his identity hidden and live as a commoner, that’s why the gem was missing: the prince never gave it to the Captain of the Guard as he chose not to fight the rebellion, meaning he still had it with him.
Anna (Encore/Echo)
Enrolled in Lone Moon Girls’ School with Hebe
Loved by all the teachers before the incident
A lot of artistic talent
Interested in the legend of the Loon Moon knight
Disappeared from the tower
Anna’s roommate and sister-in-law (the biological daughter of the art merchants that adopted Anna)
Requested Truth’s help to save Anna
Has Truth disguised as her Personal Maid
Art Assistant
Met with Anna in the tower, but their meeting was discovered by Clio. He gave up his position to ensure Anna could stay at the school.
Another student
Assisted Hebe (before Truth came) after the incident with Anna
Art teacher at the school
Resembles the princess in the portrait in the tower
Disappeared (escaped) from the tower
On good terms with Anna
Only she is allowed to go to the tower and visit Anna once a week
Uses braille, yet was the one to “see” Anna “walk into a painting”
Member of the staff tasked with looking after Anna and the 1st to find Clio
Went to town to contact the police and the Mélodis family, but never returned
Helped Anna escape the school
Has a criminal record
Professor of Literature
Author of the “Knight of the Moon”
Familiar with the history of the Lone Moon castle and the legend of the Lone Moon knight.
Part of the Chausson family
Administrator of the school
Assigned her position at the Lone Moon Girls’ School by the Mélodis family, the current owners of the school
Mourning the death of her husband
Truth and Anna are from the same orphanage as Inference.
Anna is still missing by the end of the event.
The Mélodis family founded the Lone Moon Girls’ School and were the ones to decide everyone can only refer to each other by aliases.
Schoolmistress was assigned the position by the Mélodis family. The husband she is mourning may have been part of the Mélodis family.
Hebe = Succubus
If all the Jack skins are the same, that means Art Assistant = Tuberose = Succubus’ Servant and so likely working for DM while at the school and thus may have been sent to talk to Anna by DM.
Narcissus may be the heir of the prince: female knight comments to the prince he should know she’s not the best at drawing (just enough to draw a “depiction” of him) + Hebe says the “unknown artist” (likely the prince) is more skilled than the “princess” (female knight) and Narcissus is really good at art, Narcissus is wearing a mask and the female knight tells the prince 1 of his options is to take off the “mask” (“princess” in the portrait also has a mask) and basically choose rebellion against the rebels but we know he choose not to aka he decided to keep silent and thus not remove his mask, the “narcissus” designs symbolized the Chausson family which is the same one the Professor of Literature has, the emphasis on “freedom” in his design notes and the prince choosing to be freed, etc…
Professor of Literature and Narcissus both tied to the Chausson family, as the Professor’s design notes say he is tied to Narcissus and “the family that has disappeared into the dust of history” aka the Chausson family that was overthrown by the rebels, not to mention Professor’s showroom includes him being connected to Crescent Knight and a mask (just like the princess saying to the prince he could either take off the mask or keep silent and thus keep it on) + his design notes saying about his showroom that he came to his senses at the sound of an object falling into the water (like the prince’s corpse in the water), plus he’s also investigating the moonlight in his showroom, just like the moonlight and moonbeam cast from the painting to reveal the hidden window in the tower and hidden escape route. Plus his design notes emphasize his “old and mysterious past”
Schoolmistress’ design notes say she is the principal of the school appointed by her patron (aka sponsor) the Mélodis family to maintain the school and regulate the girls’ behavior. Always in the shadows to monitor everyone as the Mélodis family controls everything, “whether it is the present or the past”. Specifies she is a widow, which is why she’s wearing all black clothes, as she’s mourning the loss of her husband. In her showroom, she’s hiding a mask (rather than put it on like the Professor of Literature), and her design notes say it’s as if she’s “trying to hide a secret for someone else”.
It’s possible the husband she’s mourning is the older man connected to DM from the Dark Wanderer Noir trailer, as he’s present in the past but missing in the future + his portrait has a slash through it in the future.
We know DM from the Golden Rose Theater event is interested in (chasing) females, like he did with Bella. This may be connected to why the Mélodis family chose to build a girls’ school.
Stormy Night Surprise
Short Summary:
After Golden Rose Theater, DM thanks Inference by inviting him to a masquerade ball at his estate, where he’s gathered the city’s art dealers to make trades. The power goes out during the party, so Succubus suggests they tell stories using items from the “Surprise Box” DM prepared. Sometime after telling all their stories, 1 of the guests (The Prince or Rainmaker) are found dead. After spending some time investigating, the other is found dead. Both of them had brought art to trade with in their suitcases, but both cases are found empty when Inference investigates their rooms.
Inference is able to determine that Succubus and her servant were the culprits and has Sheriff Jose arrest Succubus. It’s at this point Inference discovers Monstrous Bird (DM’s “assistant”) has been missing since the 1st murder. He knows Succubus was the 1 responsible, and so goes to talk to her at the mental asylum she’s been taken to. With the hints she left behind for him, he is able to rescue Monstrous Bird from the room she was locked up in. Succubus refuses to explain what “favor” Inference did for her, only having Sheriff Jose inform him she wants to see Monstrous Bird. When Inference asks about Monstrous Bird’s relationship to Succubus, Monstrous Bird says the answer is in the story Succubus told: “I am the doll”.
Long Summary:
After Golden Rose Theater, DM thanks Inference by inviting him to a masquerade ball at his estate, where he’s currently gathered “all the city’s art dealers” to make trades. During the party, the power goes out during a storm. Succubus suggests they pass the time by telling stories using an item they pick from the “Surprise Box” prepared by DM. Sometime after telling their stories and returning to their rooms, 1 of the guests (Rainmaker or The Prince) is found dead. After spending some time investigating, the other is found dead.
Inference investigates.
Both brought suitcases, but both were empty. The 2 had brought artwork in their suitcases they intended to use in their trades.
He finds red wine in The Prince’s and Rainmaker’s rooms. Later when he investigates Succubus’ room, he finds milk. DM was the one to have a servant send those up to their respective rooms (the 1st glass of wine was for the one that died first, and another was sent after the 1st murder to the 2nd person). Red wine meant the acceptance of a deal, while milk meant rejection. They all wanted to buy a collection from DM, but DM chose to only make deals with The Prince and Rainmaker, as DM comments Succubus was too “greedy”. DM says (regarding whoever died 1st) they’d already agreed on the terms and transaction, and would’ve finished that night, before adding “luckily she/he wasn’t the only one interested in it”.
DM says the servants didn’t understand the meaning of the wine.
Inference calls the police and states that no one can leave.
Succubus’ servant prevents Inference from meeting Succubus until after the 2nd murder. She says before 9:30 she had a private meeting with DM in the collection room regarding some business between their 2 families, then was in her room afterwards. DM tells them Inference is the detective who solved the Golden Rose Theater case. At this, Succubus and her servant look surprised, with the servant also looking a bit awkward while Succubus gives a chilling smile.
DM later tells Inference that, even though he rejected Succubus’ deal, that doesn’t mean she came here for nothing. He says she had her own arrangements with The Prince and Rainmaker. When Inference asks what happens to the transaction when the accepting party dies, DM says it’s regarded as a waiver and deferred to the next party.
Inference is able to determine Succubus and her servant were the ones to kill The Prince and Rainmaker. Sheriff Jose arrives, and after Inference explains everything, Succubus admits her and her servant’s actions, at which point she’s taken away.
Inference figures out from a nursery rhyme Succubus had been singing that Monstrous Bird is Succubus’ final target.
The nursery rhyme Succubus had sung should be the same song from the trailer for this event. In the trailer, Succubus first sings about The Prince, then Rainmaker, and finally Monstrous Bird, who we see going into a lower room, with a doll (with stuff taken from The Prince and Rainmaker) sitting on a chair before you see the door of the room close on Monstrous Bird, after which we see Succubus singing. Meaning this should be the abandoned room Succubus trapped Monstrous Bird in.
From Monstrous Bird’s tale, Inference’s figures out that Succubus is the “monstrous bird” from the tale that kills the girl, and so goes to talk to Succubus. Rather than a prison cell, Succubus is in a mental hospital for the wealthy. When talking to her and saying he wants to find Monstrous Bird alive, Succubus says Inference wishes she’s alive “more than he thinks” and because “as you have done me a favor, I decided to give you a chance”. At this, she says she left a clue to Monstrous Bird’s whereabouts in her wardrobe.
Inference doesn’t understand what “favor” he did for Succubus.
The clues were written in French, so DM has to translate for Inference. Eventually Inference is able to save Monstrous Bird and finds the paintings The Prince and Rainmaker had brought with them to trade: an “oriental beauty” and a “landscape painting of a forest bathed in blue light”.
Inference wants to ask Succubus about what the “favor” he did for Succubus was, but she refuses to meet him. Instead, Sheriff Jose says she asks to meet Monstrous Bird in her “recovered state”.
Inference wants to understand the relationship between Succubus and Monstrous Bird. Monstrous Bird says Succubus already explained via the tale she told. Monstrous Bird is the doll.
Succubus’ family had many famous artists, except this talent skipped her father’s generation (meaning Hebe’s father and Hebe herself), so he became a famous art dealer. Later, they adopt a girl. Succubus and the girl were to leave home to study, and Succubus wanted to bring a doll her father had found on the estate of a sculptor who committed suicide with her. Instead, her father gives it to the girl because she exhibited a lot of artistic talent. Later, the girl eloped with her lover and left the doll behind. Succubus could finally have the doll. Later, on a rainy night, her father learns the adopted girl had died as “her creativity seemed to have fallen through her fingers, and her income could not support her extravagant lifestyle of a great artist. Deep in debt, she died in poverty”. Succubus cried with the doll in her arms, and finds the ragged doll was now good as new, as if given new life.
Monstrous Bird
Is actually Lady Truth
DM’s assistant (at the moment, but Inference knows she’s more than that)
Has an “extraordinary understanding” of Succubus
Locked in a room by Succubus and nearly dies
From Florence, which is where she came from before coming to this party
Gave The Prince an Italian red specifically from Florence
The only guest located on the 1st floor. DM put her there due to her disability
Says she doesn’t like The Prince for his lack of an open mind and that she is afraid of dogs
Killed The Prince and Rainmaker to try to buy DM’s collection
Familiar with Monstrous Bird (Truth)
The Prince
Adopted son of collectors
Is an art trader that enjoys collecting mechanical puppets
Didn’t have an easy life. Many people wanted him dead
Succubus calls him a “very guarded sort of eccentric”
Killed by Succubus and her servant
Famous dancer and art trader
Collects antiques and art from the East
Doesn’t like red wine
Killed by Succubus and her servant
Succubus’ Servant
Assigned to Succubus by DM
Stops Inference from meeting Succubus until after the 2nd murder.
Assigned by DM to serve The Prince + the 1st to discover he’d died
Assigned by DM to serve Rainmaker
Head chef
DM (before any of the murders) previously ordered a servant to deliver a red wine to the guest that died 1st. He sent another glass to the 2nd guest that died (likely after the 1st had died but before the 2nd was killed). To Succubus though (likely after both murders) he sent milk. Red wine means he’s accepted their deal, while milk means rejection. The transaction (between him and the 1st person at least) was supposed to have finished that night but is interrupted due to the murder. As a result, the transaction is regarded as a waiver and deferred to the next party, as the other guests apparently wanted to buy the same collection from him. When the offer went to Succubus, DM rejected her offer because she was too “greedy”.
DM used red wine from France. The fake wine she gave The Prince was an Italian red from Florence, where Succubus is from.  If they’re giving wine from where they were born, that should imply DM should be from France.
All the art dealers wanted to buy DM’s collection
Succubus’ story parallels what we learned about Truth and Anna from the Lone Moon Girl’s School event. Anna was the sister that Succubus’ parents adopted that had a lot of talent and ended up “eloping”. Her “eloping” refers to how people thought Anna was in a relationship with the Art Assistant, while her leaving the doll behind refers to how Anna escaped the school using the tower’s hidden window while Truth was at the school for Anna. Truth is Monstrous Bird and the “doll” that Succubus wanted but was instead given to her sister (Anna) Truth being given to Anna refers to how Truth and Anna were friends while they were both in the orphanage. The sculptor who committed suicide that had the doll previously parallels Leo trying to kill himself to give Emma money, likely implying Truth’s father also committed suicide. In this story, Succubus gets the doll after Anna leaves Truth behind after she escapes the school without her. The doll is in tatters but gets new life after Anna dies due to her income being unable to support her “extravagant lifestyle”. Truth being in “tatters” could parallel to her having left the school to look for Anna but maybe finding out she was dead or to the state the girl at the beginning of Monstrous Bird’s story was in before she arrived at the manor and helped by the owner, which obviously parallels how Truth arrived at DM’s manor and the way that girl makes it up to the owner by helping feed his birds parallels how she became DM’s assistant. The doll getting new life can parallel how Monstrous Bird was on the verge of death after Succubus locks her in that room but manages to recover after Inference rescues her. especially as the doll getting new life can connect to how Succubus asks to see Truth in her “recovered state”.
All of DM’s invitations included a map of the Estate
Rooms in this manor were designed a certain way (helped Succubus commit her crime).
DM says he was going to move Rainmaker to a different room in the eastern wing upstairs from Monstrous Bird tomorrow (until she died). According to The Prince (his thoughts) everyone was staying in the west wing, and the room next to him was empty. When asked why, Repairman says it’s because of the design of the main building, “except for the room Miss Succubus is staying in, the rooms downstairs from the second-floor guest rooms are all servant chambers”
Maybe the “collection” the art dealers wanted to buy from DM was his Muse collection? That could be why Succubus was willing to commit murder just at the chance to buy his collection and why she would be “greedy”.
Succubus may have purposefully left the clues for Inference to find Truth, possibly leaving them right after DM told her that Inference was the detective to solve the Golden Rose Theater case. She wanted Inference to find Truth. She likely didn't actually want Truth to die.
Succubus may have wanted to give the doll aka Truth “new life” to get Truth to move on from Anna. Either because Anna really was dead or as a way to make the doll “her’s”. Maybe she wanted to give Truth a new purpose or to have herself (Hebe/Succubus) be a more important friend for Truth?
If she did this knowing/wanting Inference to find Truth, she must have purposefully written her clues in French. Maybe to hint at something about DM, as he can read French? Considering the Lone Moon Girl’s School is run by the Mélodis family, and all of the Jack skins are the same person (according to NE during 1 of the Q&As), including Tuberose who we know works for DM and Succubus’ servant who during the event we learn he was assigned to Succubus by DM, that may mean Art Assistant was also working for DM at the time, meaning DM may have purposefully wanted Anna to know about the hidden window to escape the school. In which case, if DM is tied to Anna’s disappearance, maybe Hebe aka Succubus was aware of what DM did and that's why she wanted Truth to 1) become a detective, and 2) why she left the hints to find Monstrous Bird in French (which was something Inference was wondering what the reason for was). Maybe it could also relate to Hebe’s suspicious final message to Truth at the end of the Lone Moon Girls’ School event (about other people understanding you better than yourself)?
What if the “art friend” Truth and Inference “tense” at the name of that Truth goes to meet is Succubus? Especially as Truth is the one who understands her best + Succubus is someone DM knows and thus be able to recommend them to Inference and Truth, and Succubus knows art based on Lone Moon story + her parents are art traders. She knows art history as she also knew the Lone Moon story legend. And she’s someone Inference would know (unlike Narcissus who he never met). That and Succubus may be more the sort of person people would “tense” at than Narcissus.
Inference did Succubus a favor + it could explain why she would react (with surprise and chilling smile) when DM told her that Inference was a detective because maybe that was what she wanted for Truth or gave her an idea on how to give Truth “life”?
Jose only arrests Succubus. Doesn’t mention Succubus' servant. Did say during the event that the servant was assigned to her by DM. Meaning he's DM's servant (aka Tuberose likely) and thus DM likely was to be the one to deal with his "punishment". That or Jose was unable to take authority over DM regarding Succubus' servant. That and DM likely planned all this and never intended to have Succubus’ servant punished.
Succubus comments Inference wants Truth to be alive more than he thinks. Maybe because Succubus knew Truth was from the same orphanage as Inference? Maybe she could’ve learned this from Anna?
“Doubt” may be Sheriff Jose (in disguise). Possibly may tie to the “peculiar tactics” he had to resort to in order to get DM’s cooperation during Atropos’ Ropes.
If Narcissus is connected to the Prince, meaning he may somehow have the gem, it’s possible Anna has the violin. She was the 1st to disappear, so would’ve found the violin before Narcissus, and Hebe’s family’s skill was said to include music, with Anna said to have a lot of artistic skill according to Hebe’s family.
The Phantom of the Crystal Palace
Short Summary
Paranormal Investigator is sent to investigate rumors of a “phantom” appearing at the Crystal Palace, as Inference is busy with “other duties”. Lockheart, who says she was hired as a security inspector by the Duchess, accompanies him during his investigation. Paranormal Investigator discovers that Duke White Raven, who was assigned acting supervisor of Crystal Palace by the royal family, has let the quality of the Crystal Palace decline from its peak when it held the 1st World Fair. Duke White Raven planned to commit insurance fraud by burning the Crystal Palace down in what he’d pass off as an accident caused by Fireworks Guy, the owner of the fireworks shop Fire Guy. He also attempted to steal the Koh-I-Noor from the Duchess, who had worked with an accomplice to take it from the royal family at Windsor Castle so she could present the princess diamond at her jewelry exhibit at the Crystal Palace. The “phantom”, which was actually a robot disguised as 1 of the Museum Curator’s wax figures at the exhibit, takes the diamond to prevent him from stealing it. The fuses and gunpowder Duke White Raven had planned to use to cause the fire were reworked to instead set off a fireworks performance at the Crystal Palace. Duke White Raven is forced to flee.
Duke Raven soon appears, claiming to be Duke White Raven’s replacement. At this time, Paranormal Investigator discovers 1 of the Duchess’ paintings has gone missing, as well as learns the Duchess is related to Bella, the actress who’d died at the Golden Rose Theater. He also learns Lockheart was the one controlling the “phantom” and had even helped the Duchess take the Koh-I-Noor from Windsor Castle. Lockheart disappears to avoid Paranormal Investigator reporting her, though she knows he doesn’t want to. As a result of her actions during the entire event, especially as she made his dream come true by including a drawing of the Perpetual Motion Machine with the Koh-I-Noor when it was returned to the royal family, he learns he doesn’t need anyone’s approval for his inventions. In the end, he leaves the Ghost Club to join Inference, a friend of his from the orphanage, at his Detective Agency.
Long Summary
Paranormal Investigator goes to the Crystal Palace to investigate rumors of a “phantom”, as Inference is busy with “other duties”.
Luca asks Warden if he heard rumors of a Perpetual Motion Machine at Crystal Palace. He has but isn’t sure where the rumors started. The only exhibit is a jewelry exhibit later on.
Duke White Raven appears and mentions the “Phantom” has appeared twice now, and that the Warden shot at it once.
The phantom appears and goes into the wax exhibit. Paranormal Detective meets Lockheart for the 1st time as she’s trying to get out of the exhibit. She claims to not know anything about a phantom and to be a security inspector commissioned by the Duchess. Warden reappears, but was unable to locate the phantom, but they did find a manuscript. Luca recognizes it as his. It has designs for a perpetual motion machine on 1 side, and a “prophecy” on the back: “The Crystal Palace will fill with rainbows and fireworks and all will witness the birth of the perpetual motion machine”.  Luca comments this was from his “correspondences with my old pen-pal”, but these should’ve been lost long ago.
When Luca was young, he wrote to a pen pal to discuss the “mechanical marvels at the Crystal Palace and World Fair”. They both talked about recreating the “glory of its prime”, as well as about fireworks and rainbows and perpetual motion machines.
1st investigation report (1 version of the investigation)
Luca begins investigating. During that time, he discovers that the Phantom is actually made of metal and that it “flew” by using the catapult and glider wings belonging to Novelties. Later after talking to the Orphans of the Hollow and finding a mirror + a triangular prism in the fountain, he determines the phantom managed to appear in 3 places at once (according to what Warden saw) due to the mirrors around the area.
They hear news later that the Koh-I-Noor, which is a priceless diamond owned by the royal family that was kept at Windsor Castle, was stolen. It happened on the 2nd night of a gala to showcase it when a foreign ambassador came to visit Windsor Castle. It was discovered it had been replaced by a fake. At the same time, they saw someone suspicious jump from 1 of the castle’s towers.
When Luca asks to see what the Koh-I-Noor looked like, Museum Curator mentions a painting in the Duchess’ store that includes it. It’s a portrait of “Her Majesty, Queen Victoria” wearing the Koh-I-Noor. It was by the German painter Franz Xaver Winterhalter, known for his portraits of the upperclass and royals, though this 1 is only a replica of the original.
Amethyst Duchess says, days before coming here, she was at the very gala where the Koh-I-Noor was stolen from. Duke White Raven adds that she fainted during it, causing the diamond’s display to be withdrawn early and placed in a special compartment. An hour after the gala ended, when the diamond and other valuables were taken back to storage for inspection, they discovered the diamond was actually a fake.
Duke White Raven knows there’s a hidden chamber in Princess’ Choice (Duchess’ store), as he knows the designs of all the shops well. Luca finds the room behind the replica painting, as a light shines from the Koh-I-Noor in the portrait, but he needs a key and passcode to unlock the door.
Duke White Raven explains the Duchess can’t just ask to display the diamond due to it being a national treasure. It can even influence the British Empire’s ties with other countries and has even been the source of endless strife between nations in the past. If people found out the diamond disappeared, it’d tarnish the royal family’s honor and reputation. Similar, he says, to how if people found out the situation with the phantom, his reputation will be tarnished.
During the Duchess’ exhibit, the mirrors + light on the diamond creates rainbows, just like the “prophecy”. Duke White Raven doesn’t believe a fake Koh-I-Noor could do that and asks to buy it. When Duchess refuses, he threatens her, and says it’s his. Soon after, the “Phantom” (Tracy’s doll) appears and takes the diamond from Duke White Raven and runs off, with Duke White Raven pursuing.
Luca determines that must be the real Koh-I-Noor, while the phantom must be the same person who stole the diamond from Windsor Castle. Duchess is fine with being held responsible, as she has “no regrets”. She also denies hiring a “security inspector”.
When Luca tells the Duchess he found the secret room, she gives him the key, while Luca figures out the code. Luca wants to protect the Duchess’ secret from Duke. Upon opening the hidden door, he finds a display case with an open, empty box inside. The label says “completed a month ago” and “delivered to Duke White Raven” while Duchess was the one who signed for its “payment and delivery”. Luca also finds a newspaper article that talks about the mystery of Bella’s death determined to be due to an overdose of belladonna”. Luca comments Bella looks similar to Amethyst Duchess.
2nd investigation report (alternate version of the investigation process)
Luca investigates. Philip shows Luca a bullet he found in his wax exhibit, while the Orphans of the Hollow find a firework near the hole in the dome. Luca determines the Warden’s shot actually hit the firework, creating the explosion of light he said he saw.
Fireworks Guy states that Duke White Raven banned fireworks and took the gunpowder as he sees fireworks as a hazard.
After getting the key from Warden and figuring out the passcode to Fireworks Guy’s storeroom, where Duke White Raven locked his fireworks away (in part to mock him). Luca finds they still have gunpowder, but everything else inside (like fuses) were removed. Luca determines these would work more like sticks of dynamite.
The jewelry exhibit eventually begins, during which time the diamond begins to rise and rainbows are created again with the light and mirrors. During this, the doll (dressed as a wax figure) takes the diamond. Duke White Raven is angered by this, and chases after it. The power ends up going out. During this, Luca and Fireworks Guy discover Fireworks Guy’s storeroom was opened, while Novelties finds her catapult gone (the doll was using it). The doll goes to the gardens, causing Duke White Raven to discover the Orphans of the Hollow. He wants them shot, but the Warden refuses.
Fuses go off, and soon they all see a firework show. Duke White Raven is shocked. He asks about the gardens and sees a faint light. He screams about a fire starting, though he’s unhappy over not happy the Koh-I-Noor, before fleeing. Rather than a fire, it was just a kerosene lamp held by the Orphans of the Hollow.
Luca determines that Fireworks Guy was the one behind the fireworks show after modifying the defects in the fireworks and making them safe for indoors, which is how his leg was damaged earlier. He says he had help from a “mysterious friend”.
Luca finds a fuse leading to the gardens, meaning if a fire had started here, the whole of the Crystal Palace would’ve burned down.
Things back to normal after Duke White Raven left, with new vitality.
Philip says he’d been suffering bouts of depression. During one of them, he found the puppet. It had a note asking to be part of the exhibit, a wish Philip says he shares, as he made a promise with his friend, whose greatest wish was “our work will live on for ages in the Crystal Palace where it will be displayed in marvelous fashion for all”. He adds that the puppet was his “unfinished legacy”. Philip was the one to give it basic repairs and a disguise to look like a wax figure.
Philip’s friend had a “clever” daughter, though she didn’t come to the Crystal Palace often. His friend also said puppets could be more than crafts and could become tools for humans to utilize eventually.
Philip decides to stay at the Crystal Palace and put on a new wax exhibit.
Warden explains Duke White Raven was an albino, which is the reason for the outfit he wore. “In his mind, the royal family banished him to the Crystal palace because of his appearance”. Now, a new noble has appeared to replace Duke White Raven as acting supervisor.
Warden says Duke White Raven ordered a display case just like the display cases used by the royal family. Warden helped Duke move it after he signed for its delivery 2 months ago. When Luca mentions the case Duchess has, which was only 1 month ago, he says he has no knowledge of that one.
The Orphans of the Hollow mention seeing Lockheart go to the Duke’s office during the fireworks yesterday. They also mention they don’t have to hide anymore and are allowed to come out of the garden. When Luca asks about the gunpowder in the soil, they mention seeing the Duke and the doll.
Luca asks Fireworks Guy who else he meant when he said “our dream” came true. He says it was a promise from long ago. “I once promised a young actress in a traveling troupe that I would show her a magnificent fireworks show in the Crystal Palace. It’s the reason I opened up my shop here in the 1st place.”
Luca goes to meet Duke White Raven’s replacement, Duke (Black) Raven, who asks Luca to report his findings so he can make a good decision for the royal family. Currently, Duke Raven is going through the items Duke White Raven left behind. He mentions some letters are missing. Also mentions Duke White Raven won’t return because he left Crystal Palace and thus his duties, which is the same as if he’d abandoned his dignity as a noble. Duke Raven also intends to bring the Duchess back for further investigation and have Fireworks Guy be held responsible for using fireworks as they’re still banned.
The doll appears and gives Luca the letters missing from Duke White Raven’s office.
1 is requests to be transferred from Crystal Palace. He doesn’t like his position at Crystal Palace as it’s a position with no future for the Duke White Raven. After being repeatedly denied, he came to resent the royal family and the Crystal Palace, which once symbolized British Honor
1 is correspondence between him and DM, who’s fond of treasure and beautiful woman + used to buy expensive treasure from the black market and give it to his love (aka capture the heart of his prey). Duke White Raven contacted DM once he found out.
1 is about his insurance policy. Duke White Raven took a huge insurance policy on Crystal Palace as its supervisor. If Crystal Palace was damaged in an accident or disaster, he’d receive a lot of money for its reconstruction (though he’d likely not actually use it for repairs).
Duchess considers the exhibit a success despite “unforeseen developments”. Her heart is now at peace. Luca comments the portrait of Queen Victoria is gone. Apparently it went missing during last night’s events. Despite being a copy of the original, the artist used a technique to replicate it almost perfectly. She says she came across the painting while at an all-girls school (Lone Moon likely). It resounded within her heart, so she purchased it from an artist called Narcissus.
Duchess states the Koh-I-Noor is in reliable hands and she won’t divulge their identity (Lockheart), though she only communicated via letters, as they helped them realize her dream. She doesn’t care about the royal family as they only want to put the diamond back in a box.
Luca asks about the article on Bella, and Duchess states Bella was her younger sister. They were born and raised together, but because their father had no sons, Duchess was forced to take over the family business as the elder child, while her sister was free to do as she pleased (with Duchess’ full encouragement). Duchess worked to be successful with the business while Bella worked to realize her dream of becoming a star. Bella ran away from home 1 day to join a traveling troupe, and Duchess only found out later Bella had become a budding star. Duchess didn’t expect to receive news of her death when she (Duchess) returned from her time abroad. Bella had overdosed, “a dose she claimed could keep her performing at her absolute best”.
Luca asks about the display case. Duchess says she found out the Duke ordered this display case to be built, and she found the shop he placed his order, and used his name and specifications to request another display case to be built exactly the same way. When the order arrived, she paid for it and signed for it under his name. Luca asks why it’s special, and she says it’s a replica of the same one used to house the Koh-I-Noor during the Windsor Castle gala.
Luca figures out Lockheart was the one controlling the puppet and stole the Koh-I-Noor from Windsor Castle. Tracy locks him in the wax exhibit. She calls him incredible and knows it’s his duty to report the truth to the authorities and the royal family may put out a warrant for her arrest. She knows he doesn’t want to and doesn’t want to cause more trouble, so thinks it’s better if they don’t see each other again. He has no proof she was responsible. Says it’s better this way. Tells him when he finds the diamond to return it to the royal family to lessen the Duchess’ punishment. She also confirms the puppet is the “unfinished work” her father left behind. At the time, he couldn’t find a way to properly control it, and could only make it do a few simple pre-determined movements. He gave the puppet to Museum Curator before dying due to his illness. Since his death, she’s learned all she could about radio technology and, after finding the puppet, modified it with remote-control capabilities. She wanted to present her father’s work before the entire Crystal Palace. He used his workshop here to display his puppet, his proudest work, but Duke White Raven refused to let him.
Luca eventually gets out and finds the gem in the display case in the hidden room, and it was eventually returned to the royal family. News of the diamond’s appearance forces the royal family to say it was the perfect collaboration between them and Princess’ choice, an exhibit to prelude a diplomatic visit of a foreign ambassador
Fire Guy became very popular. As a result, it was decreed a firework show be held every week
Novelties finally receives the attention she and her toys deserve
After investigating Duchess, they decided due to her trying to foil the Duke White Raven’s plot, they had no reason to implicate her on the diamond’s theft, probably to prevent their reputation from being tarnished
Warden raised funds and succeeded in buying the right to manage the Crystal Palace from the royal family, with the store owners now in charge of all Crystal Palace affairs.
Museum Curator created a new wax exhibit using dolls as frameworks, with the exhibit a reenactment of the Crystal Palace case
The Orphans of the Hollow live in the forest outside Crystal Palace with the Wardens’ boar, taking their 1st steps to see the world
Fireworks Guy is still working to design safe indoor fireworks. Golden Rose Theater agreed to use his latest fireworks in their performances.
Duchess found a drawing of the perpetual motion engine like from his manuscript with the diamond. Both are now locked in a crystal chest where it can be seen and protected by the royal family, nobility, and all of England’s citizens. Luca determines this was done by Lockheart to fulfill Luca’s “silly wish”
The royal family likely made no mention of Duke White Raven’s attempts to steal the Koh-I-Noor due to efforts by DM.
To commemorate her sister, Duchess launches a series of jewelry pieces with Bella as the theme, which pushed DM, who wanted to put things to rest, “to the forefront of the conversation once again”
Luca’s role in the Crystal Palace case brought him fame in the Ghost Club. Despite this, he decided to leave the club and join Inference’s detective agency, as the case helped him realize he doesn’t need an organization’s approval for his inventions or deductions.
After returning from the manor (likely referring to the one from Stormy Night Surprise), Inference brings news of a “new goal to work on together: The replica of the Queen’s Portrait that vanished mysteriously from Crystal Palace’s jewelry story, it’s just like those 2 paintings that vanished in the mysterious estate case. And this time, the prime suspect is Duke Raven, the
“After returning from the manor, Inference brought him some fresh news”: “We have a new mysterious man who unexpectedly appeared in the Crystal Palace just as quickly as he left”
Paranormal Investigator
Duke White Raven refers to him as an investigator from Scotland Yard
Member of the Ghost Club, which is dedicated to investigating supernatural phenomena
Says he is a man of science with scientific tools (corrects Lockheart when she asks if he’s a sorcerer)
Invented metal-detecting rods and light-filtering glasses
Seahorse on his shoulder he calls Mr. Dickens is both a loudspeaker and a recorder
Amethyst Duchess calls him a “nameless pawn” after inspecting him
The original owner of the manuscript (with the Perpetual Motion Machine on it)
Gets excited over fireworks
Can get lost in his thoughts and not hear anyone while thinking
Grew up in an orphanage for most of his childhood then worked as a child laborer in a factory. His time there is what gave him his interests in machines and how he learned about the Crystal Palace. After, he took up apprenticeships wherever he could and even designed some inventions. Says he was still young and naïve and even applied to the Royal Academy of Science, but he was rejected because they said his ideas were “pure fantasy”. That was around when he joined the Ghost Club, as 1 of its seniors gave him a lot of guidance in the past.
Friends with Inference, as both Luca and him are from the same orphanage
Doesn’t seem to be familiar with DM (based on Luca saying “a noble named D.M.”)
Locksmith. Has lots of keys including a skeleton key to unlock doors
Capable of pick locking
Luca calls her an “idealist”
Says she learned everything (including about Crystal Palace) from her father
Dislikes Duke White Raven due to what he’s done to Crystal Palace since he took over
Wants to restore the Crystal Palace and keep it from falling to ruin
Lockheart’s father was good friends with Museum Curator and worked at the Crystal Palace. He was a skilled craftsman (and stubborn, as he worked on projects for days without stopping). Her father’s “unfinished work” was the puppet, which Tracy upgraded with remote-control capabilities. Her father’s dream was to display the puppet to the Crystal Palace, but Duke White Raven stopped him. Her father passed away a while ago due to an illness. Her dream was to finish her father’s work and restore the Crystal Palace (keep it from falling into ruin) and fulfill the dreams of others (including Paranormal Investigator’s, as she had a drawing of his perpetual motion machine locked away with the Koh-I-Noor diamond when it was returned to the royal family).
Warden of Crystal Palace
Previously served as a cook in the British Royal Navy “during the war”
Dreamt of becoming a cavalryman since he was a boy
Called “Warden the Strange” due to all the strange things that happen around him
The only person with a gun. Comments he’s “very familiar with what happens to a bullet after hitting different objects, like armor… or flesh”
Works with the other residents of Crystal Palace to buy the rights to Crystal Palace from the royal family
Duke White Raven
Acting supervisor of Crystal Palace
Assigned this position by the royal family, who own the Crystal Palace, in part because nobles discriminated against him for his albinism
His albinism is the reason for his outfit (everything covered)
Dislikes people commenting about his appearance
A noble
Dislikes people questioning him or his authority
Increased rent for merchants, didn’t repair all of Crystal Palace, lowered the budget, and kept customers away by raising ticket prices
Relationship with Duchess goes back years, one of “mutual benefit”. Calls her behavior insufferable
Only cares about his money
Enjoys humiliating people he dislikes
Fireworks Guy
Owner of the fireworks shop “Fire Guy”. Hasn’t had customers in a while.
Fire Guy is a reference to Guy Fawkes, who conspired to blow up Parliament with gunpowder.
Good friends with Novelties + calls her “extremely interesting”
Mask on his hip of Guy Fawkes
Lost his leg while trying to create fireworks safe to be used indoors
His prosthetic leg is prone to falling apart
His dream of fireworks over the Crystal Palace was made with Kroto, who he met and has a crush on.
His fireworks are being used by Golden Rose Theater in their performances
Owner of the toy shop “Fun in a Box”. Hasn’t had customers in a while.
Good friends with Fireworks Guy + she is able to modify/fix his prosthetic leg
People think her toys are “too dangerous”
Plans to move her shop elsewhere
Sees toys as a source of imagination or a lifetime companion for people
By the end, she says she found a new direction for her work and still plans to leave. She’s also happy to hear her toys were used by the phantom to steal the diamond.
Orphans of the Hollow
Live in the botanical gardens of Crystal Palace
Friends with Warden, who told them to hide from people, because if Duke White Raven found out, he’d want to kick them out
Parents took them to the Crystal Palace to play while they were young. Their parents also abandoned them.
Amethyst Duchess
Owner of the jewelry shop Princess’ Choice since a half a year ago + is the one in charge of the jewelry exhibit happening that afternoon.
Jewelry merchant that returned from abroad
Only cares about her exhibit, not the Phantom
Has a sense of “pride and nobility” about her + an air of authority
Room is very luxurious
Dislikes how the Koh-I-Noor was cut and had its mass reduced, so it’s now only half its glory. Thinks it is shameful.
Relationship with Duke White Raven goes back years, one of “mutual benefit”
Princess’ Choice is an exact replica of the room the diamond was kept in at Windsor Castle
Museum Curator
Owner of the wax exhibit
Friends with Lockheart’s father, who used to work at the Crystal Palace. They were the 1 to make the lock for the door of his wax exhibit. They apparently had “many more creations he didn’t get to show the world”. He was a good friend but passed away years ago due to illness. They were very enthusiastic about the World Expo
Amazed by the doll, complimenting various aspects of it, and wondering how it works
Duke Black Raven
Duke White Raven’s replacement (to be Crystal Palace’s new acting supervisor)
Mysteriously disappears as suddenly as he appeared. Likely stole Duchess’ painting
Events of Crystal Palace happen at the same time as Stormy Night Surprise
Inference is busy at the time which is why the Crystal Palace case had to be given to Luca instead + at the end he says he returned from the “manor” and the mention of 2 paintings going missing fits the Stormy Night Surprise event
Paranormal Investigator is from the same orphanage as Inference.
He worked as a child laborer at a factory, which is where his interests in machines and the Crystal Palace came from. Had a pen pal (Lockheart) and talked about the Crystal Palace, machines, perpetual motion machines, fireworks, and rainbows. Paranormal Investigator had joined the Ghost Club after failing to be accepted by the Royal Academy of Science, who called his ideas “pure fantasy”.
After Crystal Palace, he decides he doesn’t need others' approval of his inventions. So, he leaves the Ghost Club to join Inference’s detective agency.
Inference says the next goal they can work on together is the disappearance of (the replica of) Queen Victoria’s portrait, which went missing from Duchess’ store. Apparently, this disappearance is similar to 2 paintings disappearing during the Stormy Night Surprise event (Rainmaker’s and The Prince’s paintings likely). Duke Raven is suspected, who appeared and disappeared suddenly. All these paintings may be Muse paintings, and likely stolen by/for DM?
Fireworks Guy has a crush on Kroto and made a promise with her to show her a fireworks show in the Crystal Palace.
Golden Rose Theater agreed to use Fireworks Guy’s latest fireworks in their performances
Amethyst Duchess is the elder sister of Bella.
Duchess had to take over and run the family business as their father had no sons, while Bella had freedom to do what she wanted. Bella’s dream was to become a star. But she overdosed, saying the dose had been to put on the best performance she could. Also, there was an article that said she died due to an overdose of belladonna rather than from a fall.
Duke White Raven, due to his hatred of being sent to Crystal Palace due to his albinism and gaining a hatred of the royal family, wanted to burn down the Crystal Palace to acquire a lot of money from the insurance, but his plan was stopped. He also planned to steal the Koh-I-Noor as revenge against the royal family for what they did to him and then sell it to DM
The royal family made no mention of Duke White Raven’s attempts to steal the Koh-I-Noor due to efforts by DM.
Duchess launching a series of jewelry pieces with Bella as the theme “pushed DM to the forefront of the conversation” again “despite his desire to put things to rest”.
DM, who’s fond of treasure and beautiful women, used to buy expensive treasure from the black market and give it to his love (aka capture the heart of his prey). Possibly bought his Quivering Flower presents from there for the woman he chased?
Original Crystal Palace was at Hyde Park and held the 1st World Fair. The year after, it was relocated and its glory eventually faded. It still has a wax exhibit and a few merchants. They layout is the same as it was during the 1st World Fair
When Lockheart mentions leaving encouraging words for Novelties, Luca calls her an idealist. Says if people don’t like her products, she won’t make progress and adds dejectedly: “blindly following your dreams without considering reality only makes for further frustration down the road.” Obviously, he’s talking about something he experienced. Tracy refuses to believe this and compares it to Joseph Paxton fulfilling his dream of building the Crystal Palace, at which Luca thinks to himself how Paxton also inspired him (Luca) to become an innovator
Luca calls the words in the manuscript “immature” and “naïve delusions of grandeur written by mere children”
The Shrouded Bélóstáin
Short Summary
Inference receives a commission and ferry ticket from an anonymous sender asking him to investigate a “murder” on the island of Bélóstáin. Before departing, Truth arrives and asks to learn how to be an investigator from him. After being welcomed to the island by Rosemary (the Oracle) and Tuberose (her chaperone), they investigate the home of Datura (the heir of the island until the Oracle took over) where they encounter Sway, who is also investigating the “murder”. The attempt to talk to several of the islanders and hear if they want to learn more about the incident, they’ll need a keepsake from Rosemary. Tuberose has 1, which he surprisingly is willing to give to them. As well as learning more from the locals, they visit Rosemary’s home and Datura’s cell for more information. On the day of Datura’s trial, who’s currently the prime suspect of the murder, Inference determines no one had actually been murdered. Sway, the actual victim, had come to the island last year to help Datura reclaim the island by learning the secret of how Rosemary creates her special plant specimens, which she’s used to control the island. Datura didn’t trust Sway and suspected her real motives, and so works with Tuberose to kill Sway so she couldn’t leave the island to bring reinforcements (which Sway said she’d bring to help Datura). Tuberose agrees to help in exchange for Sway’s diary, which contained Rosemary’s secret. Tuberose steps in and admits his guilt to prevent Rosemary from being accused of wanting to kill Sway. Despite being arrested by the islanders, Tuberose manages to escape. He’d actually come to the island on DM’s orders to learn the secret of how Rosemary prepares her plant specimens and had been working the entire time to earn her full trust. He succeeds as Rosemary told Tuberose her secret when she comes to visit him in his cell, after which she disappears.
Long Summary
Inference receives a commission and ferry ticket from an anonymous sender to investigate a murder on the island of Bélóstáin, a popular place for young nobles.
An oracle lives on the island who invites young nobles each year in July when the tides are at their lowest and sends them back before the tides return. The islanders worship nature and take names from the plants on the island. Visitors must also choose a plant and use its name during their stay.
Commission says the body was found in Datura’s home, who is currently the prime suspect. A judge will arrive in a few days to pass judgement on her. The commissioner thinks Datura was framed.
Inference and Truth are welcomed to the island by Rosemary and Tuberose.
They go to visit Datura in her cell, but Tuberose stops them, so they instead go to investigate Datura’s house.
Find 2 sets of footprints, 2 sets of silverware, no blood (death not by physical trauma), a music box with the inside like a beehive and mud on its outside, handprint and vomit, cosmetic power (the kind women use) likely from the victim’s face when they collapsed, and purple flower pets under the table with yellowish fluid on them which may tie to the hive in the music box.
They talk to Zuzu next, who goes to warn the Oracle when he realizes they’re gathering info. As a result, they go back to investigate Datura’s house, where they meet Sway, who says she was also commissioned to investigate.
Sway’s fingertips are purple, Datura kept a hidden diary that started last July with a fake cover that is all about the island and its plants, painting on the wall is the Death of Alcestis” (Fates condemn a king from his crimes, but Apollo intercedes, so the Fates agree to exchange his life with another’s, but the only volunteer is the king’s wife Alcestis. Hercules fights Thanos to rescue Alcestis, but even after she’s rescued, she never spoke again), painting has purple substance on it + an unfamiliar aroma (not the same smell as the purple flowers on the floor)
4 days later, they go to talk to Campsis, who refuses to talk because the Oracle forbade anyone from talking about the murder
Next, they talk to Vervain, who states they’ll need a keepsake from the Oracle to learn more and be able to talk to the other visitors. Tuberose has one, which lets him order people around.
Vervain states the island used to be a lifeless fishing community. Residents barely communicated with each other. Since the oracle came, it all changed. Emotions of the islanders grew more “pronounced”. Eventually, they became prone to “bursting into fits of crying or laughing for no apparent reason”. The oracle also gathered visitors to the island in the flower bed behind her home each year and held a “plant-worshipping ceremony that lasted all night”. Vervain calls the visitors “high-spirited” and “boundless amounts of energy”
They go to talk to the Oracle to get a keepsake but are stopped by Mauve Dahlia. Tuberose appears and berates Dahlia for being hostile to the Oracle’s visitors. Dahlia leaves when Tuberose shows him his keepsake. Tuberose confirms to Inference and Truth that the Oracle doesn’t see guests outside of necessary formalities and is currently doing botanical research
Trial only 6 days away
Tuberose determines they want his keepsake to interview the locals and knows they’re investigating. Surprisingly to Inference and Truth, Tuberose gives them his keepsake, believing the Oracle will be found innocent
They go back to Campsis, who answers their questions after seeing the keepsake
Light rain the day of the murder. Him and others broke into Datura’s house when their knocks received no response. Found 2 people passed out: Datura and her visitor, who Campsis says had a mustache.
The muddy footprints belong to Campsis due to the rain creating mud, which is why the islanders wear thick boots.
Mauve Dahlia ensures no one disturbs Rosemary, while Zuzu keeps Datura under constant watch
They’re forced to leave when Campsis gets very hostile after Truth mentions Datura.
Inference notes Sway’s familiarity with the island’s customs, meaning she’s likely been to the island before. Also notes Tuberose calls the Oracle by her name, meaning he’s more than just another follower.
Inference plans to sneak into the Oracle’s home, while Truth gathers info from Datura. Says Jose will assist them, who he calls their “mutual friend”.
At Rosemary’s home, Inference finds a mound with crushed purple flower petals
Truth encounters Sway and Tuberose at Datura’s cell when she goes to question Datura.
Purple substance not put there by Datura, Datura knows the victim, victim secretly lived at Datura’s house and hoped to help Datura who wants to become successor of the island, visitor had been gathering info on Rosemary
Truth determines the victim was a visitor who stayed behind that wanted to help Datura reclaim Bélóstáin by collecting incriminating evidence on Rosemary, who took control of the island using her plants
Diary belonged to victim and has the secret of Rosemary’s special plant specimens in it, the victim’s death is tied to the diary, only Rosemary and the victim know the secret but another person is aware of the diary’s existence and wants to obtain it for the secret inside
Tuberose stops Truth from asking if the murderer killed the victim to get the diary and from asking if the Oracle killed the victim to protect her secret
The trial starts. Sway initially is Inference’s assistant as Truth won’t arrive until later
Islanders didn’t properly check if the victim was dead
Victim had red-purple splotches from bee stings as the bees had been attracted by the flower aroma that incited their aggression
Inference knows Sway was the victim and the one to send the commission letter
Proven by the purple fingertips, as she’d dug out of the ground after being buried alive, with the purple color from the purple flowers that had mixed with the soil, while her hat hid the bee stings on her face. She’d pretended to be a man, thus why the victim was seen with a mustache
Sway came to the island last year, knowing the island originally belonged to Datura. Saw her home was under constant watch. Was able to sneak in when the guard left for mealtime.
Datura tries to explain she’d never harm Sway. Says she was under house arrest on Oracle’s orders. Ferry only comes to the island twice a year. The night of the murder, Sway planned to use the ferry to leave Bélóstáin. Promised to bring reinforcements to retake the island from the Oracle. Does admit she put the flower in Sway’s hair, the one that attracted the bees.
Secret in the diary relates to how Rosemary created the island’s unique plant specimens. Sway planned to bring the authorities to expose Rosemary. Oracle wanted to keep her secret from being exposed, as the secret is what allows her to control the island all these years
Tuberose steps in and states he was the one who sought to harm Sway (supposedly to keep Rosemary from being accused of being the killer). Says the day of the incident, he went into datura’s home and laid various traps. Once both Sway and Datura were unconscious, he opened the box with the bees.
Tuberose used a different kind of paint to alter the painting. The paint was made from plants on the island still in its experimental phase). It can cause drowsiness + mild hallucinations, which is the reason why people’s memory of the incident is blurry and why Sway has partial memory loss. Calls this a field test and continues by saying the properties of the paint had countered the bees’ toxicity.
Inference determines the clean footprints belonged to Tuberose
Tuberose further confirms his guilt by revealing red marks on his chest like those on Sway as proof he experimented with the bees
Kamchatka pronounces him guilty and sentences him to life in prison
Tuberose is arrested. Rosemary pays him 1 visit before going missing. Sway tries to retrieve the diary, but can’t as it was submitted as evidence to the court and doesn’t want her home address to be revealed. Datura returned home, no longer watched, but the islanders voted to determine she’s no longer the island’s successor. Due to the trail, the guests are forced to leave the island early.
Jose, who’d kept his involvement a secret to avoid complications, finally reveals himself. He’s investigating Rosemary’s history + movements.
16 days later, Jose states Rosemary used the lighthouse behind her home as communication and allowed outsiders to reach the island via a hidden dock. Locals were unaware of their presence. He’s arrested some of these outsiders to question them, as he comments they look familiar. Jose also states Rosemary has long since escaped
Tuberose was the 3rd person who knew about the diary, with his motives being Oracle’s plant specimens. Datura knew Tuberose would never talk about the diary’s existence to Rosemary (who was unaware of the diary)
(Before leaving the island) They go to talk to Datura.
(If you choose the Tuberose option)
Datura made a deal with Tuberose to ensure Sway couldn’t leave the island and so she could “reclaim” the island. Tuberose gave her the music box and she gave the flower to Sway.
Datura doesn’t trust Sway stayed behind just to help her
Sway came to say goodbye to Datura before leaving. Tells her she hopes Datura will find a way to obtain what she seeks. Datura still doesn’t trust her, and asks if she’s come to mock the loser, as well as “don’t you think the reason for all of this confusion lies with your deceit”
As they leave, Truth is mad at Datura betraying Sway and wants her to “spend the rest of her days on Bélóstáin, to see her heart' desire every day and never be able to obtain it”
(If you choose the Sway option)
Datura doubted Sway stayed just to help her. No one has seen her real face or knows who she really is. Thinks Sway was taking advantage of her plight so she could live rent free in her home while she investigated Bélóstáin.
Says Rosemary’s and Tuberose’s relationship is like Datura’s (her) and Sway’s: relationship built on mutual exploitation
Doesn’t believe trusting Sway would’ve been better than choosing to trust Tuberose
Jose comes in as they’re questioning her. Inference explains what’s happened, so Jose decides to take Datura back for further questioning
After talking to Datura, they head for the ferry to leave the island, where they encounter Sway, though she’s not as friendly anymore and doesn’t talk to them much.
Truth and Inference wonder if Tuberose had purposefully left behind evidence so he could confess to being the attacker.
They’re informed by an islander as they’re leaving that Tuberose has escaped. Half a year later, they receive a letter from Tuberose, who mentions he’s in “more tropical climes, where the sun shines and the waves lap at my feet”. He had gained Rosemary’s full trust, and she gave him her secret the day she visited him in his cell.
They’re also informed by Jose that the outsiders he’d arrested on Bélóstáin who’d snuck onto the island via the hidden dock behind Rosemary’s home were all hired by DM (background checked them), meaning everyone who could’ve helped her had long since been replaced by DM’s subordinates.
Island’s oracle
Communicates with sign language
Calls the island a paradise
Likes the rain
Created special plant specimens, which she shares the secret of with Tubeorse
Chaperones Rosemary and interprets for her
Not an islander
Hides his face with a mask
Sent by DM to Bélóstáin to obtain her secret for preparing her plant specimens.
Heir to the island
Accused of murder
Initially stays silent
Interested in botany and entomology
Islanders remove her as the heir to the island
Judge of the trial for Datura
Not an islander
Used to present the Oracle’s specimens to visitors
Made to watch Datura’s house (started before the murder)
Dislikes Mauve Dahlia for replacing him, so enjoys the fact Mauve Dahlia was replaced by Tuberose
Respects/Supports the Oracle and dislikes Datura
Visitor to the island
Investigating the incident with Datura
Covers the right half of her face with her hat and hides her hands with gloves
Real identity: Margaretha Hari, a 21-year-old teacher who hadn’t left her town of residence in over a year
Strongly supports the Oracle
Aggressive + dislikes people questioning what he says
Enjoyed when people were distant/didn’t talk before the Oracle came
An embalmer
Believes Datura was framed
Mauve Dahlia
Thinks outsiders are nosy
Dislikes Tuberose for replacing him and says it’s still his (Dahlia’s) duty to protect the Oracle and her home
Previously her most trusted follower before Tuberose came
Tuberose works for DM
Special plant specimens affect people’s emotions (and potentially make them hallucinate?)
The Shrouded Bélóstáin case is the 1st time Truth and Inference worked together since Stormy Night Surprise. Also when she starts working for Inference, she states her goal is to become an investigator (likely because she wants to find Anna)
The day he was to depart, Truth appears before Inference. Inference comments it’s been a while (since they’d last met). She says her goal is to learn from him how to become an investigator. Inference doesn’t want an apprentice, but Truth says “your Sponsor, Officer Jose, has already agreed to let me tag along”.
Inference is embarrassed about his flower (won’t use its name) and doesn’t want anyone to mess up the crime scene
Truth says Inference has a “stern demeanor” due to habits from when he was in the military
Inference is impressed by Truth’s detailed notes
Zuzu says the Oracle’s prized specimens made him feel younger
Campsis says the smell of the flowers she nourishes makes him feel “free”
DM may have wanted to use Rosemary’s plant specimens on White, considering White’s file mentions “his body seems to have been affected by some kind of drug” as well as his medical file mentions him suffering hallucinations (as well as his memory loss). Especially since his medical file mentions his “physical dysfunction and memory loss were probably caused by poisoning”. And we know DM took White (originally Noir or “Siegfried Mélodis” when DM took him from the orphanage) before he became known as “White”
Jose called the outsiders that came via the hidden dock “familiar”. Later learn they worked for DM. “Familiar” = he met them before or knew them from somewhere else? Maybe means he worked with DM in the past (or currently)?
Noir trailer
(Image of Noir with a knife attacking people, with a house on fire in the background and people running away)
(Picture of young Siegfried/Eli over possibly his murdered parents? With others looking on) “An everlasting night with no end in sight”
(Picture with young Siegfried in the orphanage next to the older man that’s connected to DM while watching Inference play with Truth and Luca, with Hebe on the bed) “Hurry”, “Even the dazzling light failed to pierce the darkest dream”
(Young Noir with a bandage over his left eye, while eating at a table with a Young DM and the older man connected to DM + Rogers the butler holding a stick (for beating?) in the background behind a dark bird (Noir's). Portrait of the older man connected to DM behind the table)
(Older DM in front of a cheering crowd, with the portrait of the older man connected to DM now with a bloody X over it, with Noir behind DM's back facing away + Noir’s bird, and a butler + maid behind them)
Words on screen: "And now, just a single line resonates in my ears"
(Picture of older DM talking in Noir's ear, as Noir puts the lens thing over his left eye) “Noir, the Mélodis family has no need for useless people”
(Back to the image of Noir attacking someone with the burning building in the background, he looks up and his left eye glows blueish white)
(Picture of Noir in the middle, with DM and older man connected to DM standing behind him on opposite sides, with Tuberose in the background behind DM and a female figure in the background behind the older man, with possibly Mélodis manor behind all of them)
Thoughts + Theories
Summary: Siegfried’s parents likely killed -> Siegfried sent to the orphanage with Inference -> Siegfried adopted by the older man related to DM -> needs to be “useful” if he wants to stay, becomes Noir -> helps DM using his foresight ability + by attacking/killing people for DM -> ? -> fire -> ? -> amnesia -> new identity as “White” after being found and taken in by Truth and Inference, doesn’t want to remember (had symptoms including hallucinations while at hospital)
Theory: Could the scene where we see the building on fire in the background behind Noir in some shots relate to the “fire” that’s somehow tied to Noir losing his memory and becoming White?
The older man related to DM dies at some point (likely killed) based on the red slash/”x” over the painting when DM and Noir are older
- Theory: DM comments to Noir that the Mélodis family has no need of “useless” people. Could that be why the older man related to DM dies? Did he become “useless” to DM? Was DM tied to why he died? - Theory: Since we see Noir attacking/killing people in the trailer, is it possible he was the one who killed the older man related to DM?
Re-confirms Tuberose works for DM
We also see the black outline of a female in the background (like Tuberose). She’s on the left side behind the older man tied to DM, while Tuberose is on the right side behind DM.
Theory: DM and the older man related to him seem to be facing each other, like opposite sides. I wonder if the female was generally with the family, or if she may be specifically sided with the older man and not DM?
Side Notes
DM paintings: 5 (owns 1 in Beneath the Truth, possibly bought the 1 the Jonathan family sold, may have stolen the 2 from Stormy Night Surprise from Succubus and/or Rainmaker and The Prince, and maybe 1 from Crystal place from the Duchess)
Working with/for DM: Tuberose, Schoolmistress (assigned her position at Lone Moon Girls’ School by the Mélodis family), Duke White Raven (wanted to sell the Koh-I-Noor to him), Duke Raven (may have stolen the replica painting of Queen Victoria for him?), Ronald (worked with him during their time in the military, received the money to become director of Golden Rose Theater from him + likely was helped by him to get Scrooge arrested for revenge for his father), Sheriff Jose (had to resort to “peculiar tactics” to get DM’s cooperation to allow them to get an autopsy for Bella’s body + Night Patrol has the same hairstyle as DM)
DM’s goal/motivation, Who the invitation/commission came from, How DM is involved
Lone Moon Girls’ School
Request for Help/Invitation Source: Hebe to Truth regarding Anna
DM involvement:
Mélodis family owns the school
Schoolmistress assigned the position by the Mélodis family
Schoolmistress may be the wife of the older man in the Noir Dark Wanderer trailer, and may be currently mourning his death
Anna got involved with the tower and legend after speaking to Art Assistant (who she spoke to in the tower, so maybe he showed/told her what to do to escape or at least gave her enough info to figure it out herself) à Art Assistant = Jack (all Jack skins are the same person) = Tuberose and Succubus’ Servant = serve DM
Important Parts of the Story that may relate to DM’s goal (for the event):
*Anna disappears
Girl school (females)
Art/paintings (Muse?)
Hebe meets Truth
Result of Action:
Anna disappears à Truth continues looking for Anna à Lead to DM and his manor + become his “assistant” à Stormy Night Surprise case due to DM invited Succubus aka Hebe (likely on purpose) + Meeting Inference à Leads to Truth working for Inference
Missing People:
Art Assistant (Voluntarily gave up his position so Anna could stay at the school -> he leaves the school -> returns to DM likely)
Missing Items:
Gem (Prince kept it because chose not to reveal his identity and not rebel)
Where is Anna?
Why hasn’t she contacted Truth since she escaped Lone Moon?
Did Anna or Narcissus take the violin?
Anna = Fiona
Anna escaping the school + her parents parallels Fiona running away from home
Anna talking to Art Assistant (Jack) who serves DM to give her the idea to escape parallels Fiona talking to her father and the mysterious ferry tickets before she runs from home
The Galatea girl in the orphanage may have just been Hebe who visited the orphanage (to relate to her family adopting Anna from the orphanage).
Hebe visiting the orphanage and Truth can relate to how Hebe in Succubus’ story she mentions going somewhere and finding the doll her father had found
Hebe visiting the orphanage may have been because of Hebe’s interest in Truth à relation to the girl in Succubus’ story wanting the “doll” but the doll instead goes to Anna (relate to Truth talking with Anna instead of Succubus)
2. Anna is likely alive
No body, no death
Orphanage kids seem important to this story and Anna is a big part of Truth’s motivations
If DM really is tied to causing Anna’s disappearance, he likely has more use from keeping her alive than wanting to kill her
Art Assistant couldn’t kill her because he likely left the school after giving up his position to keep Anna at the school
Noyce helped Anna escape the school, not kill her. That and Noyce = Joker who let Margaretha escape the Hullabaloo tragedy/massacre
3. Anna had to escape via the hidden window. If she left the school normally, she’d be returned home (to Hebe’s parents) à implies she didn’t want to return home to them. May have wanted to be on her own or go where she wanted?
Golden Rose Theater
Request for Help/Invitation Source: The Client/DM to Inference regarding Bella
DM involvement:
DM chasing females (prey) and sends them Quivering Flower (likely from the black market, despite the ban on it). DM talking to “Bella” (actually Kroto) after she responds to one of his letters, but soon stops replying to him. DM sends Inference to find out why. Inference learns it was actually Kroto. To appease DM, Kroto asks Bella for help + offers her the Quivering Flower DM sent Kroto (while pretending to be Bella) à Bella dies due to overdose
DM reserved the whole 2nd floor (Jingle Bells calls him “skittish”, “almost didn’t make it for the performance”, didn’t come down before the accident)
Prevented police from getting an autopsy of Bella’s body until Sheriff Jose has to resort to “peculiar tactics” to DM’s cooperation
Important Parts of the Story that may relate to DM’s goal (for the event):
*Inference solves his 1st case
Females (prey)
Quivering Flower (drugs)
Bella dies
Helps Ronald (both were in the military together with Inference)
Sheriff Jose resorts to “peculiar tactics” to get DM’s cooperation
Kroto pretending to be Bella revealed + leaves Golden Rose Theater
Result of Action:
Inference solves his 1st case -> becomes famous à DM invites Inference to his manor to thank him -> Truth, White, and Paranormal Investigator join later
Helps Ronald -> Scrooge arrested + gives Ronald the money to become owner of the Golden Rose Theater -> DM introduces a female to become the next lead actress
Sheriff Jose resorts to “peculiar tactics” to get DM’s cooperation -> owes DM and/or has to help him later?
- DM can blackmail police? Has Jose not arrest people tied to DM or let’s them escape, leave info out of reports, etc… - Jose is someone close to Inference, and so a way for DM to affect Inference? Maybe had Jose disguise himself as “Doubt” and help during the Stormy Night Surprise event?
Bella death + Kroto leaves -> DM able to introduce a specific new female lead?
Missing People:
Ronald after his father’s death before the start of Atropos’ Ropes
(No one in present time “missing”)
(Kroto = new theater troupe)
(Ronald = Golden Rose Theater)
(Scrooge = jail)
Missing Items:
Where did Ronald disappear to (for 10 years) and what did he do after his father’s death before he reappeared?
Did he go to France? Did he do something with DM?
What “peculiar tactics” did Sheriff Jose have to resort to?
Did Jose have to agree to help DM?
Why is DM into chasing females (and why give them quivering flower)?
Does it involve the Muses somehow?
Maybe the new female lead DM introduced to the Golden Rose Theater at the end of the event was the lady from the Noir Dark Wanderer trailer (on the opposite side from Tuberose in the image where they were on either side of DM and the older man connected to him with Noir in the middle)
Could DM have been trying to distract Inference from trying to solve the mystery of how he (Inference) was kicked out of the military?
As Inference at the start and end of the event mentions trying to investigate something else, and as we know Golden Rose Theater was his 1st case, the only other thing he would be distracted with is the event mentioned in his character file, where he was removed from the military after some incident
Stormy Night Surprise
Request for Help/Invitation Source: DM to Inference as thanks for solving the Golden Rose Theater case
DM involvement:
Takes place at DM’s manor, with DM’s servants
DM was the one to invite all of the specific guests
DM is making trades with art dealers who want to buy a collection of his
DM was the one to prepare the “Surprise Box” with the items people picked from it to tell their stories based on
DM assigned everyone, including Succubus, the specific servants. Succubus’ servant helped Succubus kill The Prince and Rainmaker.
DM assigned everyone their specific rooms, including Succubus who he assigned to the 1st floor due to her disability
Provided Inference information to help solve the case + walked with him when Inference went to find Monstrous Bird. He was also the one to translate the hints Succubus left for Inference to find Monstrous Bird, as the hints were written in French
Important Parts of the Story that may relate to DM’s goal (for the event):
*Art trades/art dealers’ paintings
Succubus aka Hebe meets Truth again (+ Inference for the 1st time)
*Truth and Inference meet
Inference solves another case
Result of Action:
Art Dealers’ paintings: if they were Muse paintings, it would mean DM is closer to collecting all 9
Truth and Inference meet à Truth joins Inference
Succubus/Hebe à Possibly becomes Truth and Inference’s “estranged friend” who knows about art (from Beneath the Truth) + Truth and Inference can learn from her about the Muse paintings?
Inference solves another case (DM knew this would happen and knew Inference would be able to solve it) à Inference’s fame grows
Missing People: N/A
Anna (still missing)
(Monstrous Bird briefly, but she’s soon found)
(Succubus = Mental Asylum)
(Succubus’ Servant = not arrested, so still with DM)
Missing Items:
The Prince (landscape) + Rainmaker’s (oriental beauty) paintings?
(During the Stormy Night Surprise event, they seem to have been found with Monstrous Bird, but at the end of Crystal Palace, Inference seems to imply 2 paintings are still missing)
What “favor” did Inference do for Succubus?
Has something to do with Truth. Possibly to give her new “life” or ensure she’s no longer in “tatters”? Get/Help Truth to figure out where Anna went?
2. Why did Succubus leave her hints in French?
Something to do with DM (who knows French/likely from France)? Possibly to hint at DM being involved with Anna’s disappearance?
3. *Where is Anna?
In Succubus’ story, she “eloped” yet Anna never had a “lover” (she was never actually in love with Art Assistant, not based on the letters she sent to Truth). In Succubus’ story, she dies in poverty, yet there’s no real proof she’s dead yet, so she’s likely still alive
4. Were the 2 paintings Muse paintings?
Why else would paintings go missing?
Succubus saying Anna “eloped” may hint at something else. It’s possible she left of her own accord, but then why hasn’t she sent Truth any letters? Did someone capture her for some reason? Maybe it could relate to how the gameplay/showroom trailer for Noir has Fiona with Aesop while fleeing DM. Maybe Aesop is the one who has Anna/Fiona. It could relate to how the 1 poster has a picture of Aesop with the words “DANGER”.
Is it possible “Doubt” could also be Sheriff Jose? Jose had to resort to “peculiar tactics” to get DM’s cooperation during the Atropos Ropes’ case, which we know was right before this event. Maybe he had to agree to help DM + “Doubt” (and all the servants) are mentioned to be wearing make-up, with “Doubt” looking “doubtful” (maybe it was him doubting the situation and/or what DM’s purpose/goal is or what he’s actually doing)
DM invited Inference knowing he had also invited Succubus aka Hebe and also knew he currently had Monstrous Bird aka Truth there as his “assistant”.
Why would DM want Truth and Inference together? Why would he want to reunite Succubus aka Hebe with Truth (and introduce her to Inference)?
DM likely knowingly offered his collection for trade and knew it would serve as motivation for Succubus to murder the other 2 art dealers so she could have a chance at the collection.
Hebe was likely jealous of the attention Anna got due to her artistic skill (which Hebe didn’t have). Hebe wanting the “doll” = Hebe may have wanted Truth to be her friend, to be “her’s”, not Anna’s. She may have wanted Truth’s attention on her instead of Anna
The Phantom of the Crystal Palace
Request for Help/Invitation Source: Paranormal Investigator was hired to investigate rumors of a “phantom” because Inference was busy
DM involvement:
Duke White Raven discovered DM was involved with the black market + tried to contact/communicate with him. He may have wanted to try to sell the Koh-I-Noor to DM (as Duke White Raven really likes money, which DM has)
Duchess was creating jewelry with Bella as the theme, which “pushed DM to the forefront of the conversation” again “despite his desire to put things to rest”
Duke Raven may have taken the Queen Victoria painting for DM?
Golden Rose Theater connections?
Important Parts of the Story that may relate to DM’s goal (for the event):
Queen Victoria wearing Koh-I-Noor replica Painting (Muse?)
Result of Action:
Closer to collecting all 9 Muse paintings
Missing People:
Duke White Raven
Duke (Black) Raven
Missing Items:
(replica) portrait of Queen Victoria wearing the Koh-I-Noor (artist: Narcissus)
Koh-I-Noor (returned to the royal family)
Where is Duke (Black) Raven? Why did he take the painting?
Did he take the painting for DM? Or himself?
The Shrouded Bélóstáin
Request for Help/Invitation Source:  Sway to Inference (+ Truth) to solve the “murder”
DM involvement:
Tuberose works for DM. Ordered to acquire Rosemary’s secret for how she created her special plant specimens
Important Parts of the Story that may relate to DM’s goal (for the event):
Tuberose aka DM learns the secret for how Rosemary created her special plant specimens
Result of Action:
DM now able to use those plants for his own ends?
Missing People:
Sway (returned to her home)
Missing Items:
What does DM need Rosemary’s secret/special plant specimens for?
Maybe DM wanted to use Rosemary’s special plant specimens on Noir?
Puzzle Solver
Comes from the Missing Player - ID: 157716441 game, which is a puzzle solving/mystery game
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There’s also how the Missing Player game has an invitation letter that came with the physical package of the game that included a seal for the “Orpheus Private Detective Firm”. This is the same name as (and seal for) Inference’s detective agency
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Puzzle Solver may be connected to Patchwork, as he has a magnifying glass on the same spot on his hat as Puzzle Solver, except Patchwork’s magnifying glass has been pierced by a horn. This can connect to Inference as Inference’s accessory, Carnival Party, is an invitation from Pickman aka Netherwalker from COA 3, which is where Patchwork is from.
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Inference was introduced during Golden Rose Theater, which is also where Ronald first appeared, so it’s possibly Puzzle Solver/Patchwork could connect to Ronald somehow.
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kittyboymilky · 1 year
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polycule anyone?
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jagopolis · 4 months
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On forgetting.
So, paragatto huh.
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operationtimeguard · 3 months
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some lucatracy art i made for a secret santa in 2022
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tomochisblog · 1 year
I don't think aesop heard the conversation ..
socially unstable Aesop won't just focus when a flashy man give him a kabedon ...
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Does it happen to you ?! being angry explaining a topic for hours and screaming but then people be like "you're cute when you're angry" or just talk about any trivial thing ....
it drives me nuts
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riddle-me-stim · 1 year
💎 Paranormal Detective IDV / Stimboard 💎
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💎 || ✨ || 💎
✨ || 🪩 || ✨
💎 || ✨ || 💎
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vampiristics · 2 years
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my great twitter migration is commencing. gonna start slowly reposting old art :3 starting off with edlucas bc i care them
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deadhearts02 · 1 year
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been sitting on this for awhile. the boyfriens
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echoheart0324 · 5 months
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Finally finished up these stickers I started a few months ago as a joke.
(Feel free to use these since they're also transparent, but please don't repost them elsewhere.)
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underwatersugery · 3 months
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