#once upon a foolish wish
sol-em-gemeos · 9 months
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AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: King Aegon ii Targaryen x Targaryen! Little Sister! Reader prompt: When the small council plans to marry off once again, you turn to your older brother for help. word count: 1, 000+ words
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You were the youngest and third daughter of Alicent and Viserys. A few months younger than Helaena and Aegon's little shadow in your childhood. Your older brother at first hated it, the way you cling onto him and gawk at him with an innocent awe.
It was your ninth name day, your Father had not paid much attention to it, but your Mother had ordered a celebration for it. You had trailed after him, babbling about nonsense as he tried to lose you. It was at dinner that night that everything had boiled over. Instead of receiving gifts, you had taken to giving everyone a gift.
He had not expected anything. He hadn't been the most kind to you. But was surprised when you had gifted him an embroidered cloth with Sunfyre on it. It was not the best and some threads were loose, but you proudly had told him you learned embroidery for him. Seeing those big doe eyes of yours his opinion changed. He adored you. You were the only one in the family that did not care about his worsening reputation. You just...adored your big brother, flaws and all.
It was why it killed him on your eleventh name day you were shipped off to the Reach, married off to a Lord as old as your Grandsire. He was haunted by your wails, of the way you clung onto Helaena and Aemond, the two of them wailing as Ser Cole carried you off to the carriage.
His young sister, the only one in the family who truly cared, was sold off like a piece of cattle. Not even your cold Grandsire was able to protest the marriage as politically it was a good match and good enough reasoning for the small council to approve it. 
As years ticked by, you gave birth to two children, a stillborn daughter and a healthy son. Your husband kept you away in the Reach, so no one in your family had seen you since you were twelve and given birth to your only surviving son.
He remembered the look in your eyes, so void and almost dead. Of how you tried to stay positive. Saying, "Tis' not so bad. He mostly ignores me, except when he wishes to bed me. But even then tis' not so bad, he finishes quickly."
When he became King, he swiftly ordered you to return home, regardless of your husband's wishes. No one would take his baby sister away from him. Not whilst he was still alive and had the crown placed upon his head.
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Watching you bounce your son on your lap, he attempts to pay some attention to the small council, but his eyes keep straying back to you. It was odd to think that you were now a Mother and all grown up. Snapping out of his little daze, he glances back at the small council, each member arguing intently. Furrowing his brows in confusion, Ser Criston slides a piece of parchment in front of him, an uncomfortable look on his face. Raising a brow at what he had just returned to, he glances at the parchment, reading the words quickly. 
Your cunt of a husband was dead, finally croaked in his sleep. There was no reason for you to go back to the Reach. You could stay here in King’s Landing once more. Softly smiling at the good news, he goes to speak up when Lord Lannister stands up from his chair, slamming his hands down on the table. His face red from anger, his eyes wild like an untamable beast, and voice booming loud enough that it would make a dragon’s roar put to shame.
“To speak of the Princess in such a manner is dishonorable, I will see to it personally that your tongue is removed, Lord Wydle.” 
“The girl is of age, she has proven she can bear heirs, healthy heirs. To not give her hand to another Lord would be foolish.” 
“We need allies, the common folk are starving and soon the coin will run out. Surely as Master of Coin you can see reason, Lord Lannister.”
“Your grace, please, listen to reason we should⎯”
It takes a moment to realize what they had been discussing so intently. Then it clicks, they were speaking of having you remarry. 
"What?" He whispers, his voice shaky and full of disbelief.
"No, Aegon, please don't make me do this again. Please." You whisper, tears building up in your eyes.
"It would be best to have your sister marry someone⎯"
"Think of the war, your grace⎯"
Seeing the tears building up in your eyes, it reminded him of all those years ago when you were whisked away to the Reach. Struggling to speak up and dismiss their suggestions, you kneel in front of his chair, gripping onto breeches as you beg and plead for clemency to their plans. Your son starts to wail on the other side of his chair, making motions with his hands to be picked up. 
Feeling his heart break a little at the sight, he shifts his gaze from you then your wailing son then back to the small council. Everything is hectic and he doesn’t know who or what to focus his attention on. Does he console you? Does he tend to your wailing son? Does he handle the small council? Struggling to find his voice, he just stays frozen in his chair. 
“Please, please, do not make me do this again, Aegon.” You beg, “I did what was asked of me before. Please do not ask this of me again.”
“We need allies, your grace. The Princess is still desired by many men, men who will look past her past marriage and son. Think of the kingdom⎯”
“Send treaties, then!”
“Please, Aegon. I ask your sister, not a member of the Court. Please do not make me do this again.” You beg, your voice cracking. 
Watching as the tears begin to fall from your eyes, he clenches his jaw tightly, anger boiling up at the sight of you. His precious little sister, the one person in all of the Realm that he truly cared for, was crying by his small council's hand. Slamming his hands down hard on the table, the room goes deadly silent, minus the soft sniffles of you and your son. 
“There will be no marrying off my sister! If you wish for such alliances as much as you claim, do offer your daughters instead, for I will not be doing the same to my sister nor my daughter.” 
“Your grace, if you would just⎯”
“I am King, no?” He snaps back, “There will be no questioning of my decision. The matter is settled.”
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delfiore · 2 months
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pairing: alexia putellas x reader
synopsis: aside from endless hatred and devastating love, you don’t know anything else when it comes to alexia.
word count: 2k
tw: aNGST, spicy stuff, enemies to lovers to ……….?
a/n: wow has it really been a month since i last posted that's insane (i'm not being sarcastic i'm actually so shook at how fast time passes).
now playing:
Her eyebrows narrowed. Her jaw clenched. Her eyes lasered in like a hawk.
Even from across the club, several of your teammates knew to get the hell out of her way when she made a beeline towards you.
Alexia was scary when she was angry. There was an untouchable force to her that made one cower under her steely gaze. You used to feel the effect of it, once upon a time, but recently it was almost a weekly occurrence that she would direct her hardened gaze at you.
And now, as she fixed that deathly glare onto you, you felt your arm being yanked just as you were about to kiss the beautiful stranger you met mere minutes ago.
“What the fuck, Alexia!” Admittedly, you were buzzed, and any obstruction to your enjoyment would irritate you.
“Come with me,” she gritted her teeth.
“No! Let me go!”
She tugged on your arm and dragged you away despite your protests. The bathroom at the back of this club was filthy, and the door barely did anything to block out the thumping music outside, but Alexia pushed you into one of the stalls anyway, caging you in between her arms on either side of your head.
You had half a heart to slap her across the face when she shoved you against the divider and kissed you like a barbarian, lips and teeth clashing against one another in a heated mess. She had no right to do this, but her entitlement made it so you were trapped in her grasp again.
The worst part was that you enjoyed it, very much, especially when she went on her knees to do what she always did best.
It happened not too dissimilar to how it started. Your frustration mixed with her only ensured you both collided in the most spectacular way. You remembered arguing with her after a horrible game, both of you throwing blame at each other. It happened so quickly, that before you knew it, your hatred had turned to lust. Hatefucking, as one might call it. Suddenly, all you could think about each day was how much you hated Alexia and couldn't wait to fall into bed with her.
“You can’t just do that and pretend like nothing happened.”
Your words came out rushed as you were still trying to catch your breath. Alexia exited the stall and went to wash her hands, doing so with a frustrating nonchalance.
She met your gaze in the mirror. “Can’t I?”
You scoffed. “Why do I bother? La Reina never gets off her high horse, does she? You’ve never respected me, ever.”
“That’s not true.” Her eyes flickered, and you thought you could see unspoken words behind them.
“Then what was that earlier?” You asked, irritated.
“I should ask you the same question,” she said firmly. “I thought we were fine. And now I see you grinding on some girl at the club? I mean—what is this, Y/N?”
It was always like that with Alexia, and if she didn’t say what she wanted to say, then you couldn’t help her.
“It’s not like you care,” you gritted your teeth. “I hope you had fun with Olga, by the way.”
Now it was her turn to scoff. “She’s my friend.”
“She was also your ex.”
“Can’t I be friends with my ex? And who are you to tell me who I should and shouldn’t hang out with?”
She was right. You had no place in her life to be telling her that. It was purely your desire, or a lack thereof, to hold a special place in her heart, but maybe you were foolish to wish for it when there has been so much history between you.
You chewed on your bottom lip, a habit you had since you were young. You suddenly felt the bathroom walls closing in on you—you needed to get out of there quickly.
Wordlessly, you shoved past her and returned to the club, the music once again deafening and pumping in your chest. You expelled a breath; the cute stranger was nowhere to be seen, and neither were Patri and Pina, with whom you came. That’s fine, there was an entire nightclub’s worth of people. You would find at least one person who would make you forget how much you despised Alexia and—maybe for the night—how much you loved her.
The story could have gone so differently. You two were similar in age, grew within the ranks of the Spanish youth teams together, then played at Barcelona together. You both played in midfield and younger players looked to you for guidance and leadership. Yet, it was known among your teammates that the two of you couldn’t stand to be in the same room. Ever since you were young, your similar play styles and clashing personalities ensured that you always butt heads on the field, and eventually, off it too. You grew up with this hatred of Alexia, as she did of you, but you could barely remember why. You were brazen and Alexia was cold, and that never worked for either of you.
It seemed she had had enough of your attitude one day, and shoved you so hard in training you thought you might have sprained an ankle. Some of the other girls noticed her distaste for you and started to distance themselves to gain favor with her. Then, Alexia became the best player in Spain, and you were always in her shadow. The media called you her ‘healthy rivalry’, even when you played for the same club. If you didn’t hate her as much as you did, they all ensured that you would never be able to get along ever again.
There was a memory that you buried deep inside, but it would easily surface again on nights like this. It made you question everything you’ve felt for Alexia, this thorn in your side that has never let you know peace
It was the summer of 2012 at a Spain U-19 camp. You had barely gotten any sleep the night before you came because it was your first call-up to represent your country. Alexia, of course, had become a familiar face in the team by the time you arrived. She wasn’t seen at breakfast one morning, and a coach said that she was dealing with personal matters. What you didn’t anticipate was finding her sitting alone by the steps of an entrance bawling her eyes out. You had tried to retreat, but Alexia had looked up before you could go.
“S-Sorry, I’ll just—”
“Mi papá . . .” Her voice was quiet like she didn’t want you to hear. Then, she burst into tears again. You had never seen Alexia like this, so distraught and vulnerable. The friends she liked to keep around were nowhere to be seen either. She never liked to appear weak in front of others.
Against your better judgment, you approached and sat next to her. “What happened?”
Exhaling shakily, she answered. “He was very sick. I just got the call from my mom.”
Your mouth hung open, unable to form words. As Alexia smeared her tears away with the back of her sleeve, she suddenly appeared younger and unlike the captain that you’ve come to know her. She was just a girl, who’d had something terrible happen to her, and you would be the biggest jerk not to push whatever you had between you aside.
“I’m sorry,” you only managed to say.
She said nothing and rested her face on the inside of her elbows.
“I’m sure he was very proud of you.”
“Please don’t say anything,” she breathed out, making you wince.
Alexia sniffled. “I just don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Okay,” you nodded slightly. You didn’t like talking about your feelings either. It was the first thing you found Alexia and you had in common.
You started to feel sick. Your head spun like you had just stepped out of a washing machine, but still, you reached for the passing bartender who looked at you with patronizing eyes.
“Y/N, that’s enough.”
You pushed her hand away, mentally cursing at her interruption.
“Fuck off.”
“I’m gonna have to explain to Jona why you’re still shitfaced at training tomorrow.”
“Fuck. Off. I don’t fucking care.”
Then, you heard her say something she had never said to you before. “Please. Let’s go home.”
The truth was, you never wanted to protest her. Maybe the years have softened you, but you didn’t want to admit how much you craved her affection. There were times when you despised her and thought her the lowest form of a human being.
“Please don’t do this,” you pleaded. You felt your heart hammering in your chest, as you watched her frantically spring out of bed.
“I—uh, have to go. I’m meeting someone for lunch.” She replied, reaching for her pants strewn across the floor.
“Ale, I’m sorry . . .” You managed a pathetic whimper, tears threatening to fall. “Can we just pretend I never said anything?”
How is it that she had made you feel so euphoric merely moments later, and now you felt like you had hit rock bottom? Only because those stupid words slipped out of your mouth.
. . . But was it such a crime to tell her that you loved her, when it was your truth?
You learned the hard way that Alexia didn’t want what you wanted. Maybe it was just her, or maybe it was you, and she didn’t want anything to do with you. If that were true, you were foolish to think for even a second that she would. You never gave her much to like anyway.
But still, you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have any feelings for her. But aside from endless hatred and devastating love, you don’t know anything else when it comes to Alexia.
She had brought you back to your apartment, supporting you by holding you close and guiding you inside gradually.
The moment you hit the mattress, you groaned at the snugness of your own bed. Your eyes were barely open, but you saw the way she pulled your shoes off your feet and coaxed you to sit up so she could shed your outer coat.
But that was it. She was afraid to help you further, as it would resurface emotions Alexia thought should be buried, emotions that reminded her of sleepless nights and passion.
“Why are you so quick to get away from me?” You mumbled into your pillow.
You heard her sigh. “I brought you home, didn’t I?”
“Am I really that detestable that you wouldn’t even look at me?”
Her eyes met yours, but unlike earlier in the night, they now held a softness. “You know I don’t hate you. I never did.”
“Then stay.” You whispered, your head still spinning, but all you could focus on was her. “Stay with me. Please, we won’t do anything. I just don’t want to be alone.”
You didn’t care that you were begging her. You were tired of being pulled from end to end, and it was so much easier to love than to hate her.
You thought she would laugh in your face, pack her things and leave. Yet, when you opened your eyes again, she was lying in bed next to you, under the cover and all. She had changed into your clothes, so much more time had passed than you had thought.
“Go to sleep. We have training tomorrow,” Alexia whispered, her lips brushing your forehead softly.
You obliged, nuzzling your head into her chest as you let the comfort of her embrace lull you to sleep. You were too tired to fight it, to tell her no, that you would talk to her seriously about the two of you, even if you were drunk. It wasn’t the first time you had fallen for Alexia’s lies; all the other times, she left you in the dirt after giving you her everything for you to pick up the pieces yourself.
You hated her because you loved her. But maybe this is enough, you thought before sleep took over, just for tonight.
Maybe tomorrow will be different.
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cuubism · 9 months
The thing is.
Hob understands that Dream cannot be hurt easily. He is an ancient, powerful, nonhuman being. Hob has, in fact, heard a story from Matthew about when some foolish human wannabe-magician had attempted to stab him when Dream had gone to retrieve a spell book that had slipped from the Dreaming library. According to Matthew, the knife had simply gone through his chest like he was made of smoke and left no mark at all.
(Hob still wishes he had been there. He’d have snapped the guy’s arm. Or worse.)
Barring luck and a magical binding, like what happened with Roderick Burgess, Dream can’t be hurt by mortal means. Hob understands this. Hell, he can hardly be hurt by supernatural means either. Only a few very powerful beings would be able to manage it, or else the very laws that govern his existence, coming down upon his head.
The thing also is.
Dream bruises so easily.
Like now, when Dream is actually limping across the floor of the Inn. Long coat, which usually does not come with him to the waking world, wrapped tight around him. A dark bruise blooms along his cheekbone. Hob doesn’t understand how it’s possible. It shouldn’t be, not when Dream can take a knife to the heart like it’s a gust of wind, but the fact of the matter is that it is possible, apparently. And so Hob’s got to do something about it.
He meets Dream halfway across the room, braces him by the arms. “Jesus, Dream. Are you hurt?” Well, evidently he is. “How badly?”
“I told him he should stay home and rest,” grumbles Matthew from where he’s hopping along the floor at Dream’s side. Hob hadn’t even seen him there, he’d been so focused on Dream. The fact that Matthew’s not even riding on Dream’s shoulder is not a good sign.
“I did not want to miss our meeting,” Dream says. Which is a hell of a thing.
“Come upstairs, then,” Hob says, and doesn’t quite realize he’s grabbed Dream’s arm and is right pulling him along until he’s already done it. But Dream just follows him. Matthew follows, too, which, again, is not making Hob feel confident about Dream not being too badly injured.
“What happened?” Hob asks, as he sits Dream down on the couch, perching carefully at his side.
“A minor altercation,” says Dream.
“He was thrown into a wall,” says Matthew. “The wall cracked, by the way.”
Hob winces in sympathy. “Thrown by who? Or… what?”
Dream says, “It’s of no consequence.”
Matthew says, “I don’t know, but it had a lot of limbs.”
Hob’s kind of glad Matthew’s here as bullshit translator right now.
“How badly were you hurt?” he asks again. Not badly enough to keep him from traveling, evidently, but badly enough that he is limping. As a measly little human, Hob might find himself limping for a while just by twisting his ankle going down the stairs— but he does not like that intersection of facts when it’s someone like Dream.
“I am fine,” says Dream, and then winces as he shifts his weight on the couch.
“Bullshit,” say Hob and Matthew simultaneously, after which Matthew adds, “Uh, I mean, bullshit, your lordship.”
Dream slants a reproving glance over at him, then back to Hob. “Can I see?” Hob asks, more gently. “I’d like to help. If I can.”
Gingerly, Dream shrugs his long robe off his shoulders. Underneath, he’s wearing his usual black t-shirt, and at Hob’s urging he pulls that off over his head, too, though evidently with some pain. His chest and stomach seem uninjured, the unnaturally pale and smooth skin is still just that, unnaturally pale and smooth— so Hob tugs on his shoulder. “Can I see your back?”
Dream turns, and Hob tries not to think too hard about Dream doing his bidding like that—it’s tender and troubling and arousing all at once, and he’s definitely not going to think about that last bit—and sucks in a breath.
His back is a map of bruises, nebulae arcing over his shoulders and the nape of his neck, curling down over his spine like a coiled dragon. Dream bruises prettily, even like this, periwinkle and dusk blue, the purple of sunset clouds. Another reminder of how Night, too, lives within him.
“I told you,” Matthew says, hopping up onto the back of the couch by Hob’s shoulder.
Dream makes a grumbling sound, but doesn’t deny him this time.
Hob traces a light hand along his shoulder blade and the deep, spilled-watercolor of the bruise there. Thrown into a wall, Matthew had said. Ouch.
Dream shivers at the touch, and Hob says, tentative, “Do you usually bruise like that, love?”
He’s seen it before, though not this bad. Lines of strain on Dream’s hands. A red, banded mark on his arm on one of the few occasions he’d taken his coat off in Hob’s presence. He wants to hear it from Dream, though.
Dream says, tentative now, hunched on the couch like a wounded physical thing rather than what he is, “I… suppose.”
Sitting only in his tight jeans and boots, hair a mess, the mark on his cheek makes him look hunted. Hob touches that too, with light fingertips. Dream leans into his hand with a little sigh, and… oh. That’s something.
“Hey, he got the shit kicked out of him like a few days ago and just walked away like it was nothing,” Matthew complains, as if Dream’s I suppose answer is ridiculous. “And then obliterated the other guy, too.”
“Sorry, when was this?” Hob is still holding Dream’s cheek, but Dream doesn’t turn further to meet his eyes. “Why are you getting beaten up all the time, exactly?”
He’s not Dream’s minder. He’s not. He’s not. Hob forces himself to remember that fact.
“In my absence many have forgotten the might and sanctity of the Dreaming,” says Dream, and if Hob’s not mistaken there’s a little whining petulance in his tone which is… endearing, almost. “Other realms have become… impudent. Entitled. I am simply. Reminding them to show respect. Sometimes physical conflict is necessary.”
Hob sighs. “Well, Your Majesty, maybe it’s time to take a break from the ritual dueling, yeah?”
“…Perhaps,” Dream says, which is as much of an agreement as Hob ever gets.
He supposes he’ll take perhaps. Though the more he thinks about it, the more distressing it is to imagine Dream going around getting hurt. Even if he thinks he’s doing it for some important cause.
“Well, there’s not much I can do for these right now,” Hob says, and can’t keep the concern out of his voice. “Other than letting them heal on their own.”
“I see,” says Dream, and if Hob’s not mistaken his voice is small. And he reaches for his shirt, and—
“Hey.” Hob grabs his wrist. Dream freezes. “That doesn’t mean you have to leave?” He hates that it comes out as a question.
Dream wavers. Then he says, “Matthew.”
It’s loaded with more than just Matthew’s name. An order. Matthew squawks indignantly. “Boss! Come on. You’re really gonna send me back like that? When you’re like this?”
Dream just looks at him.
Matthew sighs, fluttering his wings. “Fine. Have your special private time, then.”
Special private time, Hob mouths to himself.
Matthew lifts his wings for takeoff. “You better not send him back with more bruises, Hobert.”
“Excuse me?”
Then he’s gone, winging out a window that Hob hadn’t realized was open. Maybe it wasn’t a moment ago. Who knows.
Dream looks after him, and sighs with real fatigue. “His insolence only grows.”
“Special private time?” Hob says, and Dream glances at him, and then away.
“He is under the impression that you are my…” he says, and trails off.
Oh. Well.
They’re not like that. But.
Dream looks despondent now, staring off into the corner of the flat, back still turned to Hob’s chest. Hob’s become certain that he wants something, he came here for something, not just to make their usual meeting time… but he still doesn’t know what.
Probably he should ask. Not that that ever works with Dream. Probably he should anyway.
Instead he presses his lips to the curve of Dream’s shoulder, where the bruise is deepest blue.
Dream shudders, and then goes slack in his grip, his shoulders caving. “Hob…”
“Is that what you wanted?” Hob says against his skin. He can’t believe he’s doing this. He can’t believe Dream is letting him. “Does it hurt very badly? Is that helping?”
“It…” Dream muses, and sighs. “Is. Helping.”
Hob takes Dream’s chin between his fingers and turns his face enough that he can kiss his cheek, over the horrible sprawled mark of the bruise. Dream’s eyes flutter shut. He braces a hand on Hob’s thigh as he twists back to lean into Hob’s touch. Hob could use his grip to turn his head further and kiss him properly, he thinks, with a trip in his chest. Dream’s lips are right there, soft and open.
Instead, he leans his head on the back of Dream’s neck. Lets his hands fall to Dream’s bare waist, lips brushing his skin as he says, “You don’t… really bruise, do you?”
Dream still has his head tipped back; Hob’s hair brushes his cheek. “It affects you to see it,” he says quietly.
“Of course it does,” Hob says, equally hushed now. “I hate seeing you hurt.”
“Even,” says Dream, almost tentative, “if I am not truly hurt?”
“You are hurt,” Hob says, and finally draws the strength to lift his head from Dream’s neck. Dream is still looking at him, over his shoulder. His eyes are very dark in the dim light, rimmed red, he looks soft and fragile as a flower petal and Hob would do anything for him. “You were thrown into a wall by ‘something with a lot of limbs’, after all.”
Dream huffs. “Matthew exaggerates.”
“It’s okay if you want it to matter,” Hob tells him. That’s what it is, isn’t it? “To… be seen.” He slides his hand over Dream’s where it still rests on his thigh, twines their fingers together. A flicker of stillness runs through Dream’s body, the way a human’s breath might catch. Hob thinks he might pull away.
Instead he yields, and Hob exhales hard, a breath that had coiled far too tight in his lungs unwinding. Dream caves into him, and Hob wraps his arms around him, pulls him close, kisses the curve of his shoulder and watches a bruise disappear in the echo of that touch.
“Just wanted a hug after a rough day, in the end?” Hob says, and Dream huffs again as if such a desire is offending even to imply. He doesn’t move away though.
“Is it that easy for you?” Dream’s face is close enough that his hair brushes Hob’s temple as he speaks.
“And what if it is?” What if Hob had wanted to hug him when he first spoke of his imprisonment, and held back, and still regrets it? And what if it’s so easy to fall into it now? To slip into a world, this world where he can pull Dream into his arms, like he’s wading into the ocean for the first time, into foreign currents powerful beyond imagining but primordially known. Resonant as a familiar dream.
In some sense it would be accurate to say that Hob has known Dream all his life—he is, after all, dreams. But Hob doesn’t think of his friend as dreams. Maybe it’s a limitation of his human mind not to see the endless scale of the picture. But when he thinks of Dream, he doesn’t think of all of life or anything like that.
Instead, he goes back to their meeting in 1689. When Dream had thought he might no longer want to live, and Hob swore he saw a tear nearly break that usually stern countenance. Hob had always been fascinated by him, but he thinks that was the first moment he really saw him, beyond the cloak of distance and fantasy Dream liked to wrap around himself.
He’d like to think that Dream saw him then, too.
That’s the Dream he thinks of. The Dream he’d like to say he knows. The person, not the incomprehensible entity that Dream sees himself as. An incomprehensible entity can take a knife through the chest and dissipate around it like smoke, but not a person.
“If it is,” says Dream, pulling back to properly look at him, “then perhaps I might… impose.”
He looks so… cautiously hopeful. How can he not know already? “You think it’s possible for you to impose?”
“Imposition is easy,” says Dream, quietly. Hob lifts a hand to cup his cheek, and at the same time, as if of the same mind, Dream leans in and fits his face to Hob’s palm, eyes falling shut again.
He looks so gaunt now, with his bruised cheek and shadowed eyes, sharp collarbones and the swooping curves of his ribs. Hob had thought it had gotten better since his imprisonment, but now he’s not so sure. Maybe it’s just that without the shielding of his shirt, and his robe, he looks smaller than Hob’s used to thinking of him, and angular and fragile. He’s still so impossibly beautiful, delicate like a tree glazed in post-storm ice.
It makes Hob feel unexpectedly bold. His heart trips over, but he leans in and kisses the corner of Dream’s mouth.
Dream makes a quiet, surprised sound. Turns his head, blind, seeking, and then their lips connect properly.
When Hob had let himself imagine the possibility of kissing Dream, he had seen a force of nature. His friend would kiss with the chill of the rain that night he’d left Hob standing behind the White Horse. With the encompassing darkness of the night sky. The full experience of him would be overpowering and that was okay, because even a taste of him had already turned the course of Hob’s life.
But this Dream caves. Tips his head back in Hob’s hand, opens his mouth under Hob’s. Stiffness bleeds from him, regality flees him, and what Hob has left in his hands is a soft, horribly bruised thing leaning in for a deeper kiss.
So he kisses Dream deeper. Swipes his tongue into Dream’s mouth. He tastes slightly metallic, like he might have bitten his tongue and bled, were he human, and he makes a soft sound as Hob breaks the kiss for an unfortunate but necessary breath.
He keeps Dream close, hand to his cheek. Dream, eyes still closed, says, “A kiss just to comfort me, Hob?”
It hurts, just a little, that he thinks so. “How about a kiss just because I wanted to kiss you? You really think I’m more selfless than I am.”
Dream chuckles. “I see.”
Finally, he opens his eyes to look at Hob again properly. He looks tentatively happy now, it’s there in the slight crease at the corners of his eyes, the little spark that’s returned to them. Hob’s heart swells to see it, to think that he could do that.
“What then,” says Dream, tongue darting out to wet his lower lip, “would you do… selfishly?”
“Same thing,” says Hob, and kisses him again. Dream hums into it this time, pleased. “And tell you to bring me with you next time you’re asserting your dominance around the galaxy or whatever.”
“There’s some guys I want to throw into walls,” Hob says.
Dream huffs, but Hob thinks he looks secretly pleased. “I am not certain ‘guys’ is an accurate description.”
“You think just because the fifteen-armed thing is a lady that I won’t—”
And Dream actually laughs, a startled choking laugh. “Your definition of chivalry is—” he gathers himself— “appalling.”
“Take it or leave it, Your Majesty,” Hob says, grinning. Nothing feels better than getting a rare laugh out of Dream.
Mirth sparkles in Dream’s eyes. “I will take it,” he says, turning his head to kiss Hob’s palm, “of course. When you offer me haven and defense both, how can I not?”
Hob presses his kissed palm back to Dream’s cheek, over the dark bruise there, watching it start to fade. “Bring me your bruises, darling,” he says, “and I’ll protect you.”
Dream leans back in, and rests his forehead against Hob’s. He doesn’t need to ask for another hug. Hob just wraps his arms around him, and lets Dream’s contented sigh be its own question, and answer, at once.
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nmakii · 2 months
Hi! I'm not the one that requested no one is better than I am.... BUT I loved it so much! I was wondering if you could make a part two say maybe the person we ran away with turns out to be abuse or something like that and we're kinda like 'I fucked up' and realize maybe running wasn't such a good idea.... Anyway you can add your own little twist and you can ignore this if you wish <3
- rose anon 🌹
— this relationship wasn’t meant to last long. all is forgiven though. alastor will forgive you.
— tangled reimagined 😮‍💨 didnt even realize it until i finished writing HAHAHAHAHA
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a month later, the honeymoon period had died out. to be fair, you hadn’t exactly made a plan…crashing at a motel on the edge of mississippi, not exactly what you had in mind.
living off the scraps of what you took, pawning off your belongings. oh, this was not ideal at all. and, how your lover got when he was angry; he’d bruise your arm from gripping way too tightly whenever you didn’t get enough money. how you started to miss alastor, it’s true what they say— you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
if you were able to run once, perhaps you could just one more time? he is not as smart as alastor, you should be able to get away easily in the night.
yes, you should. after trading away many of your items, all you have left is but a satchel worth of dresses. new orleans is not particularly far with a car either.
and so, a familiar memory of running away at the dead of night. only now, it is you returning to alastor, just like he knew you would.
when you returned home, it was 2 AM. the house was just as it was when you left, albeit quite dusty now without your care.
you dropped your satchel on the dining table, just as you left it. it’s almost as if your home was abandoned when you left.
in the bedroom, your husband, sleeping peacefully— an arm clinging to your side of the bed, as if holding onto what little scent of you there was left.
when you opened the bathroom door, a silk nightgown was hung, simply waiting to be worn.
after you had changed, you sat back on your bed, the familiar smell of home coming back to you. as you laid in bed, you found yourself facing alastor.
your hands moved to bring him closer, the warm touch waking him scarily quick. “my love, you’ve returned.” he smiled, bringing you close.
your muscles tensed at the pet name, frightening reminders of the last month coming back. “hey, calm down, dear. i’m not mad.” he reassured you, awfully calmly at that. “running away; it was a mistake, wasn’t it?”
you nodded as you relaxed under his touch. “he was awful… im sorry, alastor…” you frowned. “oh, darling, i told you, didn’t i? no matter, all is forgiven.” he cooed, brushing your hair gently with his nimble fingers. “i’ll protect you from all that is bad in this world. no evil will meet you as long as i live. all i ask… is that you stay here, with me, forever— take care of our house, cook dinner, and perhaps even care for our little ones in the future?” he rambled on, a wide smile upon his face as he thinks of your future together. “ah, i’m rambling, we can discuss that in the future. in the meantime, could you do that, dear?” he asked, offering it to you as if you had a choice.
you nodded, not even looking at alastor. “good. i love you very much, don’t you know that, my dear? all i want is for you to be safe.” he told you. “…i” you started, thinking carefully of your words. “i love you too, alastor…” you said.
did you truly love him? of course you did. he took you back after you betrayed his trust, he’s a wonderful husband.
the moment the words fell from your sweet lips, a wide smile found its way onto alastor’s face. a kiss pressed upon your forehead.
his little doe finally returned his affections. it’s only a shame of his that he had to hurt your delicate heart first.
why would a single man be in a luxury store? oh, words cannot describe how thankful alastor is for your foolish naivety.
word on the street, that eugene was quite the heartbreaker. not to mention, that criminal record of his.
convincing him to go through with it wasn’t hard either. seeing a new toy that knows nothing of his record, he was more than eager to play with you. all it took was a bit of cash for him to keep up the sweetheart act.
and now that his doe was home, there’s no use for trash like that man in this world. the bruises on your arm, they were not what was intended.
all he asked was a simple grab, but it seems he got carried away, that piece of garbage.
as alastor forcefully swallowed his anger, he held you close, massaging the bruises on your wrist. “rest well, darling. you’ve been through a lot this past month.” he cooed, slowly lulling you to sleep.
oh, how excited he is that his little doe is home. to celebrate, we need a special meal, don’t we? say, there is a rare meat that alastor has been dying to try.
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m1d-45 · 2 months
summary: many things have changed in aether's life since he met you...
word count: 2.7k
-> warnings: n/a
-> gn reader (you/yours) + aether as traveller!
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @ryuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept || @wanderersqt || @rozz-eokkk
< masterlist >
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aether isn’t quite human. at least not entirely, not anymore.
it could be argued that even prior to coming to teyvat, he and his sister weren’t entirely human. they were nearly always stronger than the native life wherever they traveled, never lingering long enough for an accurate portrait to be drawn. between their glittering wings and the razor sharp swords at their hips, it could be easily argued that from the perspective of the people they visited they could be called angels.
a few wrote legends about them. the gilded warriors with shimmering swords that blinded as they slashed, so in step with each other that it was as if they were one being. the saviors, the adventurers, the peaceful giants, twin faces atop four wings apiece. lumine always managed to sneak away a copy of these legends, and they privately laughed over the artwork at their camp that night.
“we don’t look that intimidating, do we?”
“i’m fairly certain-… hang on, is that a tail?”
“that’s supposed to my hair, i think.”
“no no, look. it connects lower, here.”
“…by the stars-”
they didn’t see themselves that way, though. they were simply twins, defined by the other in every sense. never apart for long, always stood side by side, trading swords before a dangerous fight as a promise to return them.
‘draw me with courage.’
‘wield me with valor.’
lumine and aether and aether and lumine. they never fussed about the order, so long as they were together. call them whatever you’d like, insults or praise or a simple, tired request to leave, as long as it was both of them. they were all they had left. the other half of their life. to try and pry apart the seam would only result in bleeding hearts, limbs tangling together to at least die by the other’s side. even ‘twin’ was too simple a word to fit the entirety of their lives into. ‘twin’ implied a degree of separation, an impossible gap between them where wind would blow and the world would dig into, pushing them away like waves in a boat’s wake. ‘twin’ was too shallow a word, to bitter, too small to encompass everything they felt.
such fervent devotion could never be considered ‘human,’ for no human would ever live long enough to know the fear that came with knowing everything that swelled would eventually fall. no human would clutch so desperately to the twin pillars in their life—would ever consider basing their world upon two things. they’d call it foolish, even, for what would you do if one collapsed?
aether never liked that question. he didn’t like it when he and lumine first heard it, he didn’t like it when he and lumine heard it a second time, he didn’t like it anytime he and lumine heard it after that. he didn’t like it now, her sword slipping from his hands as he reached, his fingers barely brushing hers.
the unknown god laughed, and he barely had time to feel rage before the world closed in on him and his memory faded away.
aether and lumine. lumine and aether. she was always insistent upon his safety, but just this once he wished she wasn’t. living in whatever stasis she was in within that cube would certainly hurt less than this, bile rising in his throat at his failure.
somewhere in his mind, he knew that it logically wasn’t his fault. he remembered the layer of warmth that had surrounded him mid-battle, saw the reflection of understanding in lumine’s eyes. it wasn’t technically his fault, he didn’t ask to be saved, ignoring that it was his own actions that led to his god’s blessing. perhaps if he wasn’t so strict about the time of his prayer he wouldn’t have to be alone on this beach, though there was no way to find out. the sand stretched on either side, and though it wasn’t infinite, he had not left the immediate area around where he’d first woken up. to move was to move on, to leave, to accept that his world had shattered into a thousand little fragments and to give up on picking them off the floor. he couldn’t leave. to leave was to surrender to this new fate. to leave was to forget about his sister, to forget about his self, to forget about the half of his life he never imagined he could lose.
family and faith. to lose his gods favor was a threat he could live with, as there would only be himself to blame. but his sister?
if he hadn’t fished up paimon, he’s not certain he would have eaten the fish that came up instead.
she was bright, bubbly, at least after coughing up an impossible amount of seawater. she thanked him profusely while wringing out her hair, insisting on helping him in return because “it’s only fair!” as if he wasn’t three times her weight (save her magic) and and ten times as strong.
and he let her. he’s not sure why, but he did. he watched her fumble to catch crabs, ending up covered in sand, and managed a weak smile. it was for her, he told himself, spearing three with a sword that wasn’t his, helping her arrange driftwood into a measly campfire. he hardly felt hungry despite being on the beach for what had to be a few months in local time, but she was so insistent that he have some.. it was for her benefit. he just had to get her somewhere safe, then… then…
“so, where are you from?”
aether looked up from his barely-touched meal, meeting her eyes. they were so wide and earnest, too trusting for someone that just met him.
not that he had any ill intentions. no, lumine would always joke that the day he was willingly rude to another would be the day the sky turned red—something that had been the case on one of the planets they’d visited, much to her delight.
aether turned back to the fire, pushing aside the memory. “another planet.” his voice was hoarse and his throat scratched with salt from attempting to drink the seawater earlier, which was not as potable as he’d hoped. “i flew here with my sister.”
“you have a sister?” paimon looked around, though they both knew she wouldn’t find anything. “where is she?”
aether swallowed salt and bile, taking another bite of his crab just to stall. “how about we talk in the morning?”
she let the topic drop.
he didn’t sleep that night, lending her his scarf as a pillow and keeping watch. she didn’t wake when the moon erased the shadows in the sand, or when the sun first crested the sea, or when the sky fully lightened to a pale blue, birdsong filling the air. one of the remnants from the fire found its way into his hand, reaching out to gently shake her awake. her eyes were heavy and she covered her mouth as she yawned, aether looking away before his own could water.
he drew nothing in the sand as she asked her questions—who are you, where’d you come from, who are you missing, what happened to her, why didn’t you do anything?—sketching out mountains and seas he wiped away as soon as they took form. he spoke for much longer than he meant to, his words pulled out as if they were tied to some invisible string.
when was the last time he was alone for this long?
paimon listened intently, brows drawn and frowning deeply, watching as he carved twin—twin, separated by time and space—stars into the sand. “so… what you’re trying to say is that you fell here… from another world? but when you wanted to leave, to go on to the next world, your path was blocked by some unknown god?”
wow, he wanted to snark, i didn’t know there was an echo out here! but the chance never came. magic gripped him by the throat and his eyes went wide in panic, his mouth shaping words he didn’t choose to say by force. he didn’t want to say what someone else told him to. he didn’t know what was going on. he was being pulled at some ghost’s whims, walking stiffly across the sand. it did not skid from beneath his feet, nor pull his balance one way or another. it was solid as stone, leading him up the beach without warning, without knowledge of why or when it would stop.
when was the last time he was this helpless?
he stumbled across the shore on uncoordinated limbs, fighting fruitlessly. ahead, slime bubbled up from where the sand met the sea, but the ghost did not stop. mist coagulated into a pale blue blob with hazy spots for eyes, and only then was he allowed to stop. paimon yelped and ducked behind him, a familiar weight sinking into his hand. the slime had barely the chance to turn and see him, jerking up as if surprised, when his arm slashed forward.
a sword. not his sword, not lumine’s sword, but a sword, pulled from nowhere, the dull blade hacking at the blob of its own will until the sludge dispersed and sunk back into the sand. a soft mist lingered above the sand, but he was pulled forward without care or remorse. he didn’t even know if it would have hurt him.
weight hit him between the shoulders, cold spreading over his skin and absorbing into his skin. energy buzzed beside his ear, his earring humming with neither outlet nor conduit. were he anyone else, he would have been afraid, but he recognized the buzz. all at once, he understood. all at once, the weak puppetry was vindicated, his muscles relaxing and letting it happen. your energy sank into him, and he let himself stop worrying.
if you were here, he’d be okay. if you were here, you could fix this.
if you were here, he could find his sister, and everything would be okay again.
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aether was not human. not entirely, not anymore, and he knew the people of mondstat could tell. you had stayed to guide his body for a week, alternating between helping the knights with dvalin and exploring the plains of mondstat. he was weak and your grip was frail, his attacks uncoordinated and clumsy, but you were there. you understood. the cavalry captain gave him a long stare as they exited his domain, a mix of curiosity and disbelief swirling in his one eye.
when you finally left, you did so in the middle of mondstat square. a physical weight lifted from his shoulders, the anemo he’d absorbed turning from calm and controlled to pushing at the edges of his form, trying to make him give. the anemo archon approached, soothing the wind with a wave of his hand, pulling him along for a drink and a chat. his knees did not want to bend without your command, his mind fraying a bit from continued exposure.
“how interesting, that you’re still standing after a week without rest,” the bartender remarked, the glass in his hands obviously an excuse to keep them above the bar. “what’s your name, outlander?”
he did not think of his own name. no, when he went to answer, he thought of the name you had given him, the one you whispered as you sheltered him from the unknown god’s wrath. it was not his, but it was yours, and wasn’t that what he was asking for?
it took too long for him to answer. red eyes narrowed but eventually chalked it up to exhaustion, giving him directions he couldn’t hear. the captain led him to a room in the back, but he didn’t sleep that night, sitting at the window and searching for the thin sliver of stars.
he didn’t need to eat anymore. he could, certainly, and it tasted fine enough, but he didn’t exactly need to. he’d thought it odd, at first, that barbatos was healed strictly by the wind, but he understood now. he spent his free time sitting under vanessa’s tree, half-asleep as he waited for your return.
you were his source of energy, of will. you knew answers to problems he’d have given up on, and if you didn’t then you tried and tried and tried again until you got it right. you were the power that purified dvalin’s tears, you swept the wind to fix the holy lyre, you cleared the seals around decarabian’s tower. he was a medium, and he was happy with that. your presence waxed and waned, the lapses without you seeming to pass by in a blink.
a few of the knights worried for him, but he knew your vessels understood. none held as much of your power as him, none were as reliant on you, but they understood. they excused his oddities with a kind smile, paimon always at his side to make sure he didn’t waste away the day simply sitting in one spot. prior to coming to teyvat, the concept of elemental sight was something he was only vaguely familiar with. a few planets had some talented witches that could feel the flow of energy through the ground and grass, who could watch the mist in the air and predict the weather. he’d never experienced it himself before. now, the world lit up as his eyes took on a teal sheen, your power mixing with the anemo within him to grant him insight. the world was so vibrant, even the most mundane sights capturing his attention. how could he not stare? if he had it his way he’d always view your creations like this.. but whenever paimon snapped him out of it he’d come out of it with a headache, not to mention his staring tended to be off-putting to those around.
a lot of his new behaviors were. when within your control, he moved stiffly, with repetitive motions forecast well in advance. you chose what he said, when and how he moved, you controlled the very flow of elements through his body. it was harder and harder to think for himself without you there and though paimon handled most of the conversation, there was only so much she could say.
“who are you looking for?” lumine. his sister. himself. the knowledge was there but his throat was closed, unwilling to move without your order.
“thank you for your help.” you’re welcome. don’t worry about it. it was nothing. all he could manage was a stiff nod, eyes flicking to the sky, counting the days until your return. he’d gotten a good grasp of your routine by now.
“who are you?” yours. a traveller. lumine’s. he could not blame those they ran across for their suspicion, even though he wanted to. could they not feel the remains of your presence lingering around him?
they had to go to the rite of decension soon. liyue was holding off, though, waiting for your arrival. they’d never dare to make you miss it, so aether felt no hurry to leave. he laid in the middle of windrise, staring up at the stars. he used to sit atop the knights’ headquarters, but it took too long for the lights of the city to turn out and he liked picking out the various constellations.
his was up there, somewhere. he didn’t have a vision like your other vessels, but he could feel it. it was written right beside your decision to save him and not lumine, alongside your actions in mondstat and everything you’d do in liyue. fate, you’d called it, well-acquainted and intertwined.
aether fell asleep on wet grass among cold wind. he did not get sick, nor was he attacked or otherwise hurt. why would he have been, anyway? your blood was in his veins; he had nothing at all to fear.
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mydearlybeloathed · 17 days
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Long ago, you were cursed to one day sleep for an eternity—unless you’re presented with true love. You thought destiny couldn’t find you on the high seas, but when you're sorely mistaken, it's up to a certain swordsman to get his act together and rescue you from eternal sleep.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: zoro x princess!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 8.4k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: tw blood, sleeping beauty au, meddling faeries here and there, stubborn swordsmen and lovelorn princesses, no use of Y/N, light angst, major fluff
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: falling - timothy cole
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𝔒𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔞 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢,
a very many years ago, twelve Wise Women from the Isle of Perminion—faeries was a more precise term, but they felt the label struck too much fear into their mortal fellows, and in this economy, faeries need willing clientele—were invited to the presentation of a young princess from an old kingdom. Each bestowed upon her gifts coveted by all. Beauty, grace, love, and the like. 
It was the thirteenth Wise Woman who took it all back.
“You dare not invite me to this celebration of life? Fine. Forget me. But not before I give the princess my own gift. She’ll grow beautiful, wise, and loved, as my fellow Wise Women decreed—but one day she’ll lose all that to the prick of a spinning wheel and fall dead to my power!”
Your life had just begun, and had already gone to shit (forgive such undignified language, unfit for a princess, but really, you felt you deserved some leeway).
The whole of the kingdom knew the witch’s speech by heart, saying a prayer each night in the hope that their princess would be fortunate enough to never cross a spinning wheel in all her life. And from the rail of her tower’s terrace, the princess dreamed of someday joining them. Not in their prayers, but in celebration that even the worst curses are no match for the blessed princess of their kingdom. Blessed, as she once was, before the outrage of Carabose found her.
But that was only the dream of a foolish child.
Foolish dreams. You were cursed not only in the very literal sense but also by the paranoia of your parents, the king and queen of your revered nation. Not a soul outside the castle walls had seen their princess since the day of her introduction—the day you were cursed to one day cross the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die.
Well, not die. Your godmother, Rosalie—the twelfth Wise Woman and the only one that mattered in your opinion—had gifted you a chance at survival. 
“The princess will not die upon pricking the spinning wheel. She shall only sleep till… till she receives a display of true, compassionate, unbridled love.”
It was the first thing Rosalie could think of that would lessen the blow of the witch’s spell. 
And yet despite this security, your parents locked you away, terrified of what would happen to their little princess should she cross that fated hunk of wood. Honestly, it was beyond embarrassing being destined to be bested by a hunk of wood, but that’s just your luck, you supposed.
It was also just your luck that one day when you’d just barely given up all hope of living a fulfilling life, a certain crew of pirates found your kingdom, caused the uproar of the century, and managed to help you escape all in just two days. 
With the wind in your face some months later, it seemed all your dreams of grandeur were coming true; far away from your castle, you sailed the seas with real friends at your side. You never worried about your curse, for why would you ever find a spinning wheel at sea? It was silly to fear the fate set before you. 
Rosalie always told you that destiny cannot be fought, but look at you now, proving her wrong. 
(It’s like you were asking for things to go wrong).
The day was windy and bright, with sparse clouds high above and cool grass underfoot. The Going Merry rest at the docks of the little coastal city, Usopp making repairs in record time. You couldn’t help but wish to go out and explore, taking full advantage of your freedom.
You took Zoro with you, of course. You’d never leave the ship without your loyal guard at your side. 
Zoro. What to say about Zoro? In your opinion, he was probably the love of your life, if he ever got over himself and admitted he loved you too. Either way, you would never picture life without him by your side, even if he brushed off all your teasing advances with a roll of his eyes.
“Here,” you motioned him to your side, feeling warm inside with the familiar bump of his shoulder against yours. You picked up one of the ornate golden rings displayed at the market stall before you, grinning like a devil as you lifted your hand to measure it up against your skin. “What do you think? I prefer silver, but gold would match your earrings.”
Zoro, lovely and clueless Zoro, only tilted his head, aforementioned earrings chiming against one another. “I think it's nice, but why d’ya wanna match?”
By the time you slipped the ring on your fourth finger, he saw where this was going. “Hmm, no reason.” You handed the ring back to the seller and smiled up at Zoro’s perturbed, blushing face. 
“Sorry, you’re just so easy to tease.” He grunted in reply, drawing another smile out of you. Your eyes got all misty, like they always did when you looked at Zoro, and the words escaped your lips before you could stop them. “Go out with me.”
Zoro kept his gaze firmly on the sky, his shoulders far too stiff to be comfortable. “We’re… too busy for stuff like that.”
It all felt like a mildly disappointing routine at this point; you asked, he dodged around giving you an explicit no. Perhaps if he actually got the nerve to deny you, you’d have given up, but Zoro always left you with that small hope that one day his answer might change.
Still, something in you held the strong consideration to give up. Lovelorn and yet hopelessly deep, it was a tempting option. Surely, pursuing someone so adamantly disinterested was a lost cause. But what if, you dared to call back, silencing your doubts.
“C’mon,” you relented. “I need some new fabrics.”
You scooped up his hand and he let you drag him down the street to a little boutique on the corner. The door rang when you entered, and Zoro tried to ignore how your hand still clung to his even as the door clicked shut behind you.
“I wanted to make Nami a new dress,” you said as you beelined for the shelf of various fabrics. “You know, to make up for the one I ripped.”
He didn’t try to pull back, only standing at your side as you skimmed your free hand over a set of pinks. “Still don’t get how you ruined it that badly. It was practically in two pieces.”
“You were there. I was in a tree.”
“But why?”
Your silly smile rose to meet his gentle grin. “Because I wanted to? You could have joined me, but no, you stayed all alone on the ground like a loser.”
“If I was in the tree, who would catch ya’ when you fell like an idiot?”
With a scoff, you let go of his hand and picked up some pink and blue fabric, failing to see him watch you longingly. “Touche.”
Zoro was never sure what to make of you—you were like nothing he’d ever faced before. The day you waltzed into his life and started up your little flirtation game was the day Zoro found his most formidable opponent in the love you shared so willingly.
There was your habit of getting into trouble too—trouble he often dragged you out of—which didn’t help much either.
Zoro thought princesses were meant to be graceful and poised, as Vivi was, but you toppled those expectations at the very foundation. At this point, it wasn’t really a question of if he returned your feelings, but if he was able to voice it. As far as Zoro was concerned, the answer would always be a firm no.
As you started to stack the pink and blue on your arm Zoro reached to take them from you, draping the fabric over his shoulder. He returned your appreciative smile with a slight nod, heart warm at how you doted on him with your eyes alone.
Yeah, it was better this way—you waiting for something that would never happen, and him standing stoic at your side, nothing but a loyal companion.
“Miss.” Your voice, calling to the cashier, broke him from his less-than-happy thoughts. “Have you got any purple?” You swiftly turned back to Zoro with a brief, “Robin said she likes purple.”
The cashier looked up from her book, pushing her glasses up her nose. “I just finished some this morning,” she said with a grin, getting up to lift the gate in the counter and motioning for you to follow her into the back of the shop. “I’ll show you.”
Zoro’s skin prickled as you glided after the cashier, shooting him a smile as you disappeared through the door. He was left standing with the odd sense that something was wrong. 
Maybe it was the way a sudden draft hit his back despite there being no ventilation, or maybe it was the fact that you walked under a ladder earlier just to piss him off. Or, perhaps, it was the flash of green in the cashier’s eyes as she passed by a mirror.
Whatever it was, he stayed put, trusting he would be there to help you the moment you needed him. Zoro was always there when you needed him. Neither he nor you had reason to doubt this fact.
You felt completely at ease as you entered a small, dim room full of messy shelves, half-knit sweaters, and heaps of yarn. “Here,” the cashier pointed to a table at the center of the room. “Is this the shade you had in mind?”
A grin split your face as you felt the fabric, marveling at its softness. It was high-quality stuff, definitely not cheap. But you thought of Robin, who had done so much for you, and felt it was worth the possible loan from Nami.
“It’s perfect,” you replied. “How much?”
“Oh, it’s on the house.”
You startled instantly, eyes darting up to find the cashier absent from your side despite her voice being right in your ear. “Come again?”
“You can have it.” Turning slowly, you found the woman sorting through a surplus fo purple fabrics. “I have plenty.”
A gentle laugh escaped you. “Thank you so much. My friend will love it.”
The cashier swiveled on her heel and leaned against the table, head cocked to the side. Had her eyes always been so vibrant an emerald? They almost seemed to glow. “No, thank you, Your Highness.”
Chills ran up your spine at the formal address, all air expelled from your body as you choked out, “Pardon me?”
Caught up in the green of the woman’s eyes, you didn’t notice a misty tendril swirling up your body till it clouded your vision, directing your captured attention to the corner of the room. There in the shadows was a contraption you’d never seen before, yet you knew its purpose instantly. 
The purple string being woven gave it away. How had you not noticed the spinning wheel before? 
The fabric slipped from your fingers and fell to the floor in a lump. You darted for the door, yet your feet never moved an inch, cemented in place. Was that a tear on your cheek? No, it couldn’t be. You never cried. And yet, a salty streak ran from your eye to your jaw now, as if your body knew what your mind denied: your fate had caught you.
“Stop.” You weren’t sure who you spoke to. Your feet that started to creep toward the spindle? The husk of a woman, possessed by some evil spirit of a bitter sorceress? Destiny herself? Whoever you ordered refused to listen as you closed in on the wheel and raised a steady hand.
A half-lived life flashed before your eyes. A princess sat alone in a room, loneliness her only companion. A girl stood on a ship, tasting freedom for the very first time. A woman stared at a man, knowing this was what love felt like. 
A light pinch shocked your whole body, and you finally broke from the spell to find your index finger pierced into the sharpest of spindles. A cackle echoed from every corner of the room as the cashier collapsed on the spot. 
One thought broke through your slowly fading mind. Traitorous, wobbly feet took you to the door, flinging it open and leaning you against the doorframe. Your heavy eyes ached, Zoro’s voice so far away. You didn’t feel his hands on your arms as you sank to the floor.
Your labored, panicked breathing matched your flickering, terrified eyes. “Spindle.”
And you lay fast asleep in Zoro’s arms a moment later, peace written in your features. Your chest rose and fell gently. Zoro gazed down at the sleeping beauty, uttering your name over and over, practically paralyzed… Until he noticed the tiny bit of blood dripping from your fingertip, and he looked into the ajar room. A spinning wheel stood right in his line of sight, the wheel creaking as it spun slowly.
✧ ˚  ·    .
You had never told any of your friends about the curse, too embarrassed to do so. Was that a lapse in judgment? Perhaps, but you were too asleep to know.
Now Chopper stood at your side, holding his stethoscope over your heart. He set the scope around his neck a moment later, putting his hooves together nervously. Chopper felt the whole crew staring at his back like a brand. “I think—Well, I think she’s sleeping.”
Luffy had been deathly silent through the whole ordeal, not taking his eyes off you since Zoro carried you back to the ship in a hurry. “Then let’s wake her up.”
Sanji slapped a hand over his mouth before Luffy could start yelling, shoving out a sigh. “We tried that, didn’t we? Marimo shook her for five minutes before we could pry him off her.”
Everyone waited for when the swordsman would quip back his own insult, but the usual pattern was thrown off by a strange silence. Even Sanji looked around, confused to find Zoro nowhere in sight. 
Sanji blinked a few times before he placed his hands on his hips. “Now where the fuck is he?”
From the corner, seated in a chair, one leg crossed over the other, Robin spoke up for the first time all evening. Her thoughtful eyes stared into the space ahead of her. “I saw him leave a moment ago. Said he had to get something.”
Not even a second later did Zoro barge down into the galley. In one hand he held a spinning wheel of all things. In the other, he held a woman’s arm in a vice. 
Nami jumped to her feet, aghast. “Zoro, what—?”
He nearly threw the woman before them all, his brows drawn into an expression of ruthlessness. “Well? What did you do to her?!”
With her eyes wide and breaths short, the woman violently shook her head. “I don’t know what you mean!”
Sanji stepped forth intending to sock Zoro in the face for scaring the woman, when Zoro turned on him and spat, “This woman’s the reason she’s—she’s sick!”
That was all it took for Sanji, somehow still poised, to face the terrified woman now encircled by a crowd of frowning pirates. Sanji grabbed the woman’s arm, not as harshly as Zoro had, but just as firmly. “What did you do to her?”
“Nothing,” she sputtered, gazing over at where you laid limply on the table. “I… I remember her. She wanted purple fabric.”
Zoro nearly had the mind to throttle the woman. “You led her into the back room and minutes later she stumbles out and—and sleeps!” He slammed the spinning wheel on the ground, startling everyone around. “She said spindle. What’s this? Some sort of… torture device?”
The woman did nothing but blink at him. “It’s a spinning wheel.”
“What’s it do?”
“It spins.” Suddenly the woman had the nerve of a warrior, righting herself to face Zoro’s glare. “I don’t know what you think I did, but I didn’t. All I know is I led her to the fabric and…” 
All her words fell short as she stuttered to find them, her brows screwing together. “And I don’t remember. I—I don’t remember what happened.”
Sanji seized her shoulders and leveled her with a look. “I need you to remember, madam. It means that girl’s life or death.”
The woman stood frozen, stunned as she stared into Sanji’s eyes, her cheeks turning a concerning shade of pink. Nami rolled her eyes and promptly shoved him out of the way, snapping in the woman’s face. 
“What do you mean you don’t remember?” Nami asked sharply.
“I mean I don’t remember.” Their captive grew increasingly frustrated, and maybe a bit nervous as well. “I walk that bitch into the back, I black out, and I wake up to this guy dragging me out of my home!”
Just as Zoro gasped (“Bitch, huh?”), Robin stood and slowly made her way toward the spinning wheel, running her hand over the wood and grazing a finger over the sharp needle. Inspecting the spindle close, she found a bit of dried blood there. She hummed, keeping everyone on edge, and went toward your sleeping form, grabbing your hands and turning them over. “Ah-ha…”
Zoro stepped forward, anxious. “What?”
“I think she poked herself on the spindle.” Robin made it sound so simple.
Nami tapped her finger to her nose as she pondered. “But why would that make her… sick?”
“Poison?” Chopper offered at the same time Robin answered, “Magic.”
“We don’t have time for speculation,” Sanji gritted as he fished around his pockets for his lighter, cigarette between his teeth. “Can we test for what poison it could be?”
As Chopper started to ramble about some tests he could run, Zoro stared daggers at the spinning wheel. Now, he wasn’t superstitious, but perhaps he was a little stitious, because the longer he stared at the wheel the more he remembered about what transpired in that shop.
“Why would it be magic?” Zoro asked suddenly, silencing the room. 
All eyes found Robin, who was now sitting on your bedside holding your hand. “She’s a princess, right? The princesses in the stories I’ve read dealt with a lot of bad magic.”
Nami shook her head. “This isn’t a story, Robin.”
The debate went on like that, really going nowhere at all, the cashier woman tentatively slinking away during the rabble and inevitably going forgotten. Luffy ignored them all, approaching you and lifting your hand to inspect as if he’d find some kind of sign in your pierced fingertip. 
And just maybe, he did find something. “Hey, Nami?”
She ran a hand over her face as Sanji and Zoro took jab after jab at one another, the stress of your condition getting to the both of them. “Yeah, Luffy?”
He followed a very excited thought bunny here and there, after princesses and stories until it hopped to a stop in front of a certain royal friend of theirs. You appeared next, smiling like he wished you would now. “Vivi? Yeah, I know her. We go way back.”
“Call Vivi,” he ordered, closing the discussion as he too sat at your side and started to poke at your sides, as if tickling you would be enough to break this spell.
✧ ˚  ·    .
Often, your dreams gave way to the most horrible nightmares, and always, you would find refuge in the realm of day. Until now. No matter where you ran a firm sheet of black blocked you in. Air as frigid as the Arctic enveloped you. No friend in sight, no solace from the cold. 
Finally falling still, you blinked, and you stood in the middle of your tower, back in your kingdom. The high-reaching walls created that familiar dome painted with the long-forgotten stories of your people. The marble floors chilled your bare feet. Your bed leered at you from the far wall, whispers inviting you back into its clutches that would send you spiraling further into this forever sleep.
Panic surged up your chest till you gasped for air, losing your grip quicker than you could keep up with. Laughter taunted you from every corner till you started to scream and shout and call out for anyone to help you. But the door held fast against your pulling and thick briar thorns wrapped all around the balcony. 
Still, you clawed at the spiraling thorns, prying to see through, blistering your palms on their heated stalks. Your whimpers were followed by a loud, echoed roar, a harsh gust of wind cast down from the wings of a soaring lizard you’d only ever dreamed of. 
You whirled around to catch a better view of the creature’s mass, clutching at your heart as those gargantuan claws settled down on the tower of your bedroom. Two nostrils blew smoke that encroached the balcony and the depths of your room. The dragon’s eyes held no mercy as she gazed down with malice. 
This curse played a cruel joke, trapping you within the bars of your own mind, turning your fantasies against you. Your every turn showed you more wonders turned horrors the longer you searched for them; the clouds formed words you wouldn’t dare to repeat, the grass down below burned in confusing patterns, and the voices of those you held dear echoed from somewhere nearby.
Your fretful mother. Your paranoid father. The gossiping handmaidens. The superstitious priest. All lamented your fate, screaming how they knew it was a matter of time before the curse finally found you, tearing into you for ever even dreaming of leaving. You really should have stayed. This wouldn’t have happened if you’d piped down and stayed.
Then it was Luffy, Nami, and Usopp. “Why did you ever ask her to join us?” “Not sure. I thought she was something she wasn’t.” “She’s just a liar.” “A dead weight.” “A curse.”
Robin’s voice pierced her eardrums as your knees hit the ground. Why had she ever given you the time of day? Some sheltered little princess without enough common sense to know a spinning wheel when she saw one. And Chopper, his sweet voice turned sour. How pathetic. Beaten by a piece of wood.
The worst of it all was when his voice broke through all the rest despite how she tried to ignore that rumbling tone she once learned to crave. Zoro’s words were direct and clear. She’s finally gone. God, I was this close to just silencing her stupid mouth myself.
To think he would ever actually love her? How foolish of you.
The walls of your dreams closed in swiftly, caging you in and suffocating your hopes till you were left a husk, floating amidst the torment. 
✧ ˚  ·    .
Vivi had been silent for so long Luffy wondered if she’s gotten distracted and walked off. Nami shuffled closer to the snail transponder. “Vivi?”
“Sorry,” her voice reappeared, a slight crack to it. “I just… you said she pricked a spindle?” Nami hummed in agreement, and Vivi expelled a long sigh. “She’s been asleep since? You can’t wake her?”
“That’s what we said,” Zoro snapped, shutting up at Nami’s sharp glare.
“It’s just… I mean, I’ve only heard stories. She only talked about it once, in a letter she wrote to me. That’s the only way we could talk since her parents locked her away—”
“Stories about what, Vivi?” Nami guided the tense princess back as Zoro started to pace back and forth, his hands raking at his hair.
She was silent for two whole seconds, and then, “The curse.”
The whole room fell still.
“They say a dark Wise Woman cursed her when she was baby, so that one day, she would prick her finger on a spinning wheel’s spindle… and die.” She rushed to amend herself, “But then another Wise Woman fixed it. She won’t die, but fall asleep… until someone shows her an act of true, unconditional love.”
For a long while the whole room is held captive by silence, eyes flickering to where you snoozed nearby. Zoro couldn’t look away. The way you looked so peaceful pained him in a way, knowing you were trapped in a place he couldn’t save you from. At least the tiny grin on your face gave him confidence your everlasting dreams were nice.
“How do we do that?” he heard himself asking.
“I—I don’t know. I thought it was a story to justify her isolation—”
“Well, obviously not.”
“Zoro,” Nami’s words cut sharply. “Take a walk.”
He stood with as much noise as he could, knocking his chair back and stomping out of the room. Zoro stopped just at the door to cast a look at you, highly aware of the eyes of everyone on him. His hand closed around the doorframe, his heart tightening, and he left without another word. 
Letting the others see how much he cared for you would just make everything infinitely worse. Zoro couldn’t handle that level of teasing on top of your sickness.
Zoro stepped out onto the deck, now basked in moonlight, and rushed to lean against the railing. His skin felt feverish in contrast to the cold dread coursing through his veins. Why hadn’t you said anything? Sure, he probably wouldn’t have believed you, but maybe… maybe he wouldn’t have let you leave his side so quickly.
And now this? This formidable task would supposedly save you. An act of true love? What could that even mean?
With his eyes on the sky, Zoro let out a shaken sigh. He would tear every one of those stars down if it meant you would be okay. Would that be enough for this curse? Or would he have to take down the moon as well and lay it at your feet?
No… no, certainly nothing he could do would ever be strong enough to save you. For so long he’d put off your advances, too stubborn to face the emotions building up in his heart… Zoro doubted he held the strength to perform such an act, and that notion threatened to crush him. 
He too had read the stories Robin spoke of; stories of princes who swooped in and saved the princess with a kiss. You needed one of them—those princes—and Zoro was far from royalty.
If anything, he was the knight in rusted armor who failed.
But, an idea crept out of the depths of his mind, crawling to the surface till his heart pumped at the possibility. He was no prince, no knight, and no cursebreaker—but Zoro was a hunter.
He burst back into the galley with a crazed look in his eyes. “Vivi?”
Her voice crackled out from the startled snail. “Yes?”
“Where do we find this Wise Woman?”
Not even a day later, the crew set out on the sea once more, a new destination in mind: the secluded island of the so-called wise and elusive faeries. 
Zoro stood at your bedside, too afraid to reach out and take your hand, making a solemn oath.
“I will find a way to save you if it is the last thing I do.”
If only the swordsman would have known—the strongest of magic lies in promises. If only Zoro had the eye to see the tendrils of magic curling around your sleeping body, tightening around you as the curse shivered away from his declaration. Spirits hissed from the corners fo the room and shied away from the mere passion behind his eyes. Somewhere distant a sorceress coiled her fists around nothing as her hold on the slumbering princess slipped through, little by little. Could he have fathomed it, he would have known he held more honor than the mightiest of princes. 
But he couldn’t fathom it, so he failed to notice the magic encircling his heart, seeking out any cracks in his steel-strong pride. There were none to find. The magic had nowhere to go, and until the hunter’s pride wore down, nothing would change. 
✧ ˚  ·    .
Your godmother turned out to be a real bitch, by Zoro’s standards. First off, she was waiting for them on the shore, like a creep. In her witchy get-up, Zoro could have mistaken her for the one he meant to run through with his sword. 
“What’re you supposed to be,” he sneered as she made her way up the gangway, practically making herself on home on the deck. 
She met his glare equally. “I’m your only hope, dear. Now wipe that look off your face. You’ll get stuck like that.”
Rosalie took control of the situation in her stride, heading down to the galley and acting as if she owned the place. Only Nami seemed to be put off by this, standing at Zoro’s side with her arms folded as the rest of the crew gathered around the Wise Woman.
“She was always too stubborn for her own good,” said Rosalie fondly, a tiny grin on her lips. “Luckily for you, Carabose never strays far from the island. It’s the source of our power, and the poor, scaly, greedy thing would just die if she lost her magic.”
The radiant faerie pulled her dark curls forth, scrunching up her angular nose as she thought of the witch to blame for her dear princess’s condition. She sucked in a breath and released it harshly, suddenly appearing much older than before. “I must thank you. My princess deserves so much more, and you managed to give it to her, if only for a little while.”
“You talk as if she’s dead,” Nami grumbled. The look Rosalie gave her then was far less than comforting.
“Well, unless you have a source for true love nearby, she’s as good as it.” Zoro’s hand closed around the hilt of his sword, his eyes slamming shut as that grief washed over him again. Rosalie’s eyes flickered to him, an unnoticeable shine in her eye and a tilt in her lips. 
(Wise Women see much more than the normal eye, and just now Rosalie spotted the remarkable fuchsia tendrils of a very special kind of magic, so rare many thought it mere myth… yet it was swirling around the swordsman’s heart).
She turned to face the crew in their entirety, her expression grave. “Only the caster may raise a curse unless it is broken according to certain parameters. I may be able to deal with Carabose through negotiation. We… have a history.” Rosalie ruffled slightly. “She might have mercy and relinquish the curse herself.”
Zoro scoffed, drawing the faerie’s attention. “And if she doesn’t?”
Rosalie’s eyes flashed. “Then I’ll cut her down and hope that is enough.”
Sanji shook his head, blinking like he was forcing himself to deny Rosalie’s beauty. “And what will we do?”
“You’ll be with me. If Carabose dies and she does not wake… one of you will have to make a sacrifice.” Rosalie assessed them all with cool eyes, reveling in their discomfort, till she cracked a smile and tossed her head back. “I jest, I jest! However, we will need to come up with a display of true love after the deed is done and our princess has not woken.”
Zoro continued to bristle at the faerie’s coolness, grinding his teeth as she floated about the room, mumbling to herself. He dropped his swords on the table with a clang, startling Rosalie. “I can kill the witch myself. Give me ten minutes, and it’ll be done.”
“I know you are desperate to save your friend, Swordsman,” Rosalie simpered. “But you’ll be staying here.”
His blood was boiling at this point. The plan at hand was hardly what he’d had in mind. Zoro shook his head firmly and grasped his composure tightly. “I need to do something.”
“And you will! You’ll be guarding our princess.” Rosalie dared to set a hand on Zoro’s shoulder, making him go all stiff till he caught her steely gaze. “Carabose controls many of the spirits of the island. I wouldn’t put it past her to send one of them to whisk the princess away. You perhaps have the most important job of all.”
Yeah, right. Zoro locked eyes with Nami over the faerie’s shoulder, sharing a silent agreement as he shrugged the woman off. “Nami can stay behind—”
“No.” Rosalie’s grip tightened around his shoulder as the temperature dropped instantly. “You will stay, and Nami will come along.” Her smile felt sinister. “I am Rosalie of the Wise Women, and you are just a man with a sword. I have conquered kingdoms in the name of her parents. What have you done?” 
“I’ll kill the witch,” he said weakly. “And I’ll save her.”
“Kill the witch,” she mocked him. “You mean to tell me that’s an act of true love, swordsman?” Rosalie leaned in close, her voice as soft as wind. “How can you say you love her when you let her go, Roronoa Zoro. Now stay put and don’t make the same mistakes twice.”
She swept away as swiftly as she’d closed in, leaving Zoro breathless and unsteady. Rosalie clapped her hands together and faced Luffy with a grin. “Now, Captain. You understand the plan?”
Luffy looked all around, making eye contact with each of his crewmates, till he found Zoro, who leaned against the wall having some sort of crisis. Words rose up to his tongue, ready to lash out and tear the faerie to bits when he saw it. The tendrils were growing brighter. Slowly, he turned to Rosalie, who met his gaze unblinkingly. “Yeah, I got it.”
Usopp shifted uncomfortably. “Uh, Luffy, I don’t think—”
“I trust her,” he declared, and that was that. Usopp nodded, followed by the reluctant rest. Zoro’s eyes flashed up to meet his captains, unsure about how confident Luffy was, but not willing to ever doubt his friend. 
“Splendid,” Rosalie simpered. “I’ve no doubt Carabose is waiting for us, so we’d do best to keep up our guards.”
As she rounded everyone up and led them out of the galley and off the ship, Nami brought Zoro aside, her brows furrowed. “I don’t like this,” she murmured. “But I trust Luffy.” Zoro grunted as if to agree, his eyes unfocused. Nami gave his shoulder a pat as she passed him. “Just stay with her. Who knows, maybe she’ll know you’re there.”
And Zoro found himself all alone, the ship a deathly quiet he had never witnessed before. He could hear his every breath and feel the rock of the ship. A creak came from somewhere nearby, pinching at a sensitive part of his mind. Zoro took a few weightless, shallow steps down the hall, his hand running against the wall, until he came face to face with the door of your bedroom. 
Too long he stared at the door before he shoved at it, swinging it open wide. Zoro surged inside with so much gusto his muscle memory urged him to reach for his swords, but he’d left them in the galley. Instead, his hand grasped at air whilst he vacantly stared about the room. 
You lay soundlessly atop your bed, hands crossed over your chest like a corpse. Zoro instantly moved to adjust your arms, laying them instead at your sides. There, that was better.
His brows screwed together; where a smile had earlier been gracing your lips, a firm frown now replaced it. Your face contorted, your mind plagued by an enemy Zoro couldn’t fight. Ensuring he didn’t make a sound, Zoro took a knee and drew close to your face, folding his arms on the edge of your bed and resting his head there.
Sweat beaded along your forehead, distress clear on your face. Without thinking Zoro reached to wipe it away with the back of his hand, initiating a kind of intimate contact only you had ever thrust upon him. He shocked himself, frozen with his hand on your cheek before he cleared his throat and returned to his original position.
Hours he stayed like that, eyes dutifully watching over your face, pulse spiking at every sign of distress caught in your features. Your brows pinched together, lips parting as a strangled sigh left you.
Perhaps… Zoro threw caution to the wind and reached for your hand. You didn’t budge, but—and maybe he was seeing things—it looked like your face softened up a little bit. So he stayed just like that, rubbing circles into the back of your hand.
He lifted his gaze to the window, where the sun was beginning to set once again. “Wonder if the others found that witch yet…” They could be fighting for their lives, if Rosalie’s dumb plan fell through. He should be out there. Zoro’s eyes flickered all around the blue sky, worry eating at him, till he finally rose to his feet and dropped your hand. 
“I’ll be back—” Your instant whine had Zoro practically jumping out of his skin and descending back to your side all at once. “I mean, they can probably handle it. I’m still here.”
Your face returned to a state of calm as if you’d never moved at all. He scoffed out a laugh, murmuring fondly, “You little shit.” Again, little shifts in your expression hinted at a nightmare. “What’s goin’ on in there, huh?”
(Your dreams had taken a drastic turn. Dragon fire shot past your head, close enough to singe your eyelashes. The broom you’d taken up as a weapon splintered against the scaly back of your guard. The serpent burned away at the roof of your room, circling like a vulture, taunting echoes slipping off her forked tongue. As your eyes continued to flutter, sleep beckoning like a long-lost friend, you didn’t dare to succumb to the call. Should you sleep, you felt certain you would never, ever wake up. 
Yet, you were so tired. It couldn’t hurt… if you rested your eyes… if only to escape the taunting of his voice. He’s glad you’re good as dead. He never had to deal with your pining ever again. 
Every echo of doubt had you believing that just maybe, it might be true, sending you deeper into this eternal insanity).
The swordsman didn’t breathe. He couldn’t. “I’m here.” If his words had any effect on the state of you, it didn’t show. You only rustled sharply, eyes flickering all around behind your eyelids… until you fell deadly still. “Hey now. Don’t slip away just yet.”
Again, he took up your hand, willing you to keep giving him signs that you weren’t too deep into slumber. “An act of true love. Sanji could probably pull one of those out of his ass.” That thought sent him on a tangent, pictures of your effervescent smile flashing across his mind. 
Days ago, he’d been so secure on never revealing his feelings to you. The pair of you would have lived all your lives revolving around one another until you inevitably gave up, and it would be for the best. Right then and there, though, Zoro felt certain if he never looked into your eyes again he would never forgive himself for every time he turned you away. 
“I’ve always wondered,” he whispered. “Why you don’t just go after the lovecook. It’d be a hell of a lot easier than dealing with me.” 
Zoro made himself comfortable, leaning his head on the bed. “If… when you wake up, let’s go do something, like you wanted. You like painting, right? We’ll go painting. I’ll probably offend the very act of art, but maybe you’ll laugh at me, and it’ll be okay. I’ll throw paint in your hair and you’ll punch me, and it’ll be a real good time.”
Nothing. Your chest rose and fell at a concerningly slow pace. “When we get you back… I’ll apologize. For being an idiot.” Had your lips always been so dry? “But you have to wake up to hear it.”
Your condition remained unchanged… save for the stark silence coming from your nose, and the eerie stillness of your chest. Zoro’s gut churned. You were only meant to sleep, so why weren’t you breathing?
(The sleeping beauty dared to lie down, the tower burning all around her, at ease among the encroaching flames).
His hand felt at you heart, his own stuttering at how faint yours was beating. You looked so blank. Not a flaw in your void expression. Zoro, on the verge of pleading to gods he didn’t believe in, again reached for a sword that wasn’t there as a bone-chilling chuckle echoed from every corner. 
“You can’t save her~” sang a ghostly voice, right into his ear. 
Zoro slammed his ear down on his shoulder to rid himself of the shiver running down his spine. Whipping around, he ground his jaw enough to hear the chip in his teeth. “Watch me, witch.”
Her laughter mocked him. “How? You’re no prince. No knight. What’re you going to do, warrior? Kiss her and hope your honor is enough?” Carabose appeared in a misty shadow behind him, surging through his body like a specter, sending him keeling to the floor. “The princess’ soul has long belonged to me. True love doesn’t exist. Rosalie should’ve known that.”
“You’re wrong!” Zoro bellowed, something deep in his heart constricting, building up a fire in his bones. 
“Oh,” the witch hummed darkly. “I’m sure. This isn’t a fairytale, boy. Kisses don’t wake princesses… and simple swordsmen don’t save them.”
The witch’s cackle faded even as he slashed at the air with his arm, wild eyes searching till they landed back on you, unnervingly calm. If Carabose’s intention was to have her spirits discourage Zoro, she fairly succeeded; but she also succeeded in something else—giving him something to prove.  
His shoulders sunk as he just stared, taking in the hopeless sight before him. It was much too late to confess to his sleeping beauty. Even if they did find a way to wake her, who was to say she would still want him? What if some hero swoops in and takes her away?
He would be deserving of that fate, Zoro thinks, his foolishness crashing down on him even as he falls to his knees at your side once more. 
Make a note that Roronoa Zoro doesn’t believe in magic. It’s all make-believe to help children see the good in the world. He knew that full and well, deep in his heart. But something he knew with far greater certainty is that he would do anything to have the chance to love you as you loved him. 
Magic wasn’t real. But what if? Zoro felt silly for daring to think it, but even then his hand reached to cup your cheek. Wasn’t there truth to every story? Kissing princesses didn’t make the world all right. Fairytales don’t come true. 
But the sun was setting on another day with you held down by this curse, and Zoro felt pathetic and weak and he had no other plan at hand. 
“I’m an idiot,” he confessed the obvious. “I never choose what’s easy except when it comes to you. Which made it difficult, which defeated the purpose and—Never mind.” Peaceful despite the circumstances, you never stirred an inch. “Please wake up. Please… Or I’ll look really, really stupid.”
One hand on your cheek, the other bracing himself against the bed, Zoro pressed the most delicate of kisses atop your cold lips, a horrifying shiver shooting through him at how it felt like kissing a corpse. Lingering, he drew back, breath staggered at how nothing happened. You didn’t shoot awake. Not a muscle in your body twitched. Your eyes didn’t move.
“Please,” he mumbled over your lips, his forehead colliding with yours in a desperate plea. “Wake up. Wake up so I can tell you I love you.”
Unseen magic exploded around the room, wrapping around the swordsman and the princess as pride and honor were laid down at the feet of a curse that died with the far-off scream of a thwarted witch.
(The sleeping princess blinked awake, squinting from the blinding light filtering in through the open ceiling. The dragon faded to mist and the fires blew out with a hush. Words the princess had only ever dreamed of hearing echoed down to her ears, and everything went white).
You awoke from the most horrible sleep, your bones and body aching as something like a cold fever washed over you. A shallow breath fizzled out of you right before your lungs brought in as much air as they could take. Eyes flinging open, your surroundings came into focus in an instant, and you found a figure looming over you with the funniest expression.
Zoro’s face was white as a sheet, eyes wide and brows vaulted, his lips parted. He looked as if he’d seen a ghost, and a laugh left you before you could stop it. You smiled with no abandon as Zoro’s hand traced your jaw. “What’s this about?”
And it all came rushing back like a punch to your gut as Zoro’s eyes bore into you. Your lips fell into a shocked gape. “You kissed me?”
“I… uhm…” 
You slowly sat upright, hands in your lap, head tilted as you admired the man before you in a light like never before. “You love me?”
His eyes pinched shut, and you feared he regretted his confession. Perhaps it was a heat-of-the-moment thing. Maybe he didn’t mean it and you’re stupid for ever thinking he might—
“I do.” He looked as breathless as you felt. “I do love you.”
An eternity could have passed and you wouldn’t have known nor cared, all too caught up in etching his face into your memory. Hesitant, you rose to your knees, bed covers shoved aside, and your hands went to cup his face tenderly. “Tell me again.”
Warmth flooded his cheeks as your thumbs ran over his cheekbones, drawing his eyes back to yours every time they dared to flicker away. He melted into you, one hand falling to your waist and the other cupping behind your thigh. “I love you.”
Another smile burst across your face. “I love you too.” You leaned in close, nudging your nose at his cheek. “I’m gonna kiss you.”
Zoro cracked a grin, his eyes fluttering. “Okay.”
“And kiss you.” 
“Fine by me.”
“I’ll never sleep again. I’m only going to kiss you until they pry me off you, my handsome, lovely, cursebreaker swordsman—Mmph!”
His lips cut you off, surging forth to catch you unguarded. Zoro’s arms pulled you in quickly as you pushed in just as firmly, hands raking through his hair. Years you waited and years you longed. Countless nights you laid awake intending to give up come morning, only to fall back into his eyes. 
All for this. The day your soul knew would come even when your heart was doubting. 
“I love you,” you broke away to say, simply because you could.
And no witch, no curse, no destiny would ever keep you from telling him. 
Giggling at nothing at all, you leaned into him and wrapped him up in your arms, head falling to his shoulder. Your eyes drifted behind him, your whole body freezing at the sight in the corner. “What the fuck is that doing here?”
Zoro nearly broke his neck whipping it around only to choke on a laugh. The spinning wheel sat humbly to the side, purple string still running through it. “Probably was a bad idea to keep it in here.”
“You think!” You lightly flicked his nose and got a little grunt out of him. “Let’s burn it.”
A bonfire awaited the crew as they returned, their egos bruised and spirits low despite their defeat of the Wise Woman Carabose. Every last one of them nearly screamed when they saw you stoking the pillar of fire with the brightest smile on your face, Zoro’s arm round your shoulder.
You teetered this way and that, tossed around as they hugged the life out of you. Laughter came easy and the night drew long, stories of their victory recounted and certain questions about your recovery proposed.
“You needed an act of true love,” Chopper wondered, never straying far from your side as he clung to your arm. “So what happened?”
You weren’t at all subtle in your direct look at Zoro, who coughed and averted his eyes to the suddenly very interesting ground. “Someone got off their high horse and—”
“All right!” Zoro laughed awkwardly. “Cook, where’d you put the extra sake?”
Nami silently awed as she dragged you and Robin aside, begging to know exactly what happened. Somewhere through the night, Usopp looked around, lowering his glass from his lips. “What happened to Rosalie?”
You tripped over nothing at that name. “What? My godmother?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “She helped us find Cara-bitch, or whatever… When did she disappear?”
Everyone took a moment to think, blinking quickly as a single answer was formed: they didn’t know.
“That sounds like her. I just wish I could’ve said hello,” you said. 
Zoro hovered at your side, his hand ghosting over yours. “She was weird anyway.”
The fire fizzled out somewhere close to dawn, though the celebration seemed far from over. Your eyes felt heavy and your body too, but every time you fell too much into drowsiness, cold terror tore through you. You weren’t joking when you declared you’d never sleep again; the prospect petrified you.
“C’mon,” Zoro muttered when your head fell to his shoulder and shot back up for the sixth time. “You need to rest.”
“I’ve slept enough—”
“That’s not what I said.” Zoro stood and offered you a hand, a gentle smile warming you from the inside out. You shoved your hand into his and started the trek below deck, departure unnoticed.
As you passed your bedroom, you stopped and stared at your bed just three seconds before you bee-lined to Zoro’s door, leading him along behind you. Dazedly, you waltzed around each other, preparing for sleep even as your heart pounded in your head. 
“What if I don’t wake up?” you wondered aloud as Zoro sunk into bed.
His eyes found yours and you swore you fell even deeper. “You will.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I love you.”
That fact was one of the only real things either of you knew, and for now, it was enough. 
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @100520s
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Wish Upon A Star
Yandere Hanayama Kaoru x Sweet Afab Reader
This piece is a little darker and very unsettling. It’s over 7k words, making it one of my longest Baki pieces. I had a dream about this so I HAD to write it immediately. Hanayama cat >>>
TW: Yandere behavior, dubcon, mentions of past abuse, angst, fantasy elements, and other dark subjects. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to these topics. You have been warned
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Red Salvias mean “Forever Mine”
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“I don’t need your input on my personal life.” Kaoru said in a crossly tone, he glowered at his fiancée (your name). Despite this being an arranged relationship, she treated it as if they were truly in one. And it annoyed Kaoru to no end. “This is just an arrangement. Nothing more. I’d greatly prefer if you left me alone until the marriage.”
(Your name) shrunk under his gaze. The young woman did her best to make herself as small as possible, despite her already being dainty. She hadn’t meant to upset him, she merely wanted to spend time with him… she wanted to know him better so they wouldn’t be miserable together. Plus, he spent more time with other women rather than her. It wasn’t fair.
“I just wanted to-“ Kaoru held up his hand to cut her off, the yakuza boss pointed to his office door.
“See yourself out and take the bento with you. I don’t need your affections.” (Your name) bowed her head and took the bento with her while she held in a sniffle. She truly hadn’t meant to upset him…
“I won’t bother you again then. Have a good one.” (Your name) bowed her head to him for the final time before she turned on her heel and left. She wouldn’t make an attempt to get close to him again.
Kaoru grumbled and got back to his paperwork. His eyes glanced at her retreating figure. Hopefully she would keep her word.
(Your name) kicked off her shoes once she made it back to her small apartment. The young woman reached up to undo her bun as she locked her door behind her.
She sighed heavily before she plopped herself in her reading nook. Her body sunk into the plush pillows, the calming scent of lavender soothed her heavy heart.
“Rejected yet again.” (Your name) bitterly chuckled to herself. She hugged a pillow close to herself at an attempt at comfort. How foolish was she to think she could find the love she so desperately wanted all her life.
To cope with her loneliness, she’d read fairytales. The ones of romance and happy endings to dull the senses. Her only escape was in her head.
(Your name) sniffled, the dam that held back her tears started to crack. And soon a loud sob followed. Was there something wrong with her? Was she not pretty enough? Not curvaceous enough? Was she too loud?
(Your name) didn’t know but she knew none of the physical things mattered on Kaoru’s interest in her. She was her father’s daughter and their families had been at odds for generations. Their marriage was simply a truce to stop the blood shed between them.
(Your name) glanced at the night sky, her eyes filled with wonder at the shooting star that danced across the sky. A childish delight filled her pitiful form yet the bitterness from her rejection still burned in her heart.
“I wish...” (Your name) sniffled, her fingers wiped away a few of her tears. “I wish for him to fall in love with someone who has no interest in him.”
Kaoru strolled through an alleyway with one hand in his pocket and the other smoking a cigar. Every time he saw (your name), it left an awful taste in his mouth.
She always tried to come to him with her soft smiles, hopeful eyes, and warm meals. She reminded him of a bunny with those innocent eyes and shy glances. (Your name) was weak, she wouldn’t last in the yakuza world.
Kaoru took in a deep inhale of his cigar, the smoke burned his lungs a bit but it soothed his frustration. She was the daughter of his enemy. The chess piece meant to be a peace offering.
Kaoru would never be able to give her what she wanted. Not when her family has been at war with his for so many generations. Kaoru hated her for where she came from. She’d never have his heart nor a place in his bed. He only agreed to marry her to end the blood bath between their families.
Kaoru exhaled the smoke and stomped his cigar out under his shoes. Even the thought of her disgusted him.
Kaoru glanced up at the sky, a bright light caught his eye. Was that a shooting star?
Kaoru chuckled to himself, a bitter wish spilt from his lips.
“I wish for that woman to no longer be interested in me.”
And that’s when a bright light consumed him. His eyes wide in shock as his body began to shrink and sprout white fur that matched the suit he wore. What the hell was going on?!
And before Kaoru could get a word out, he was now a cat. A very fluffy one at that.
How on earth was going to explain this one to Kizaki?
For three days Kaoru roamed the Tokyo streets as a cat. So far, he’s been chased off by his own men and had rocks thrown at him from ornery children. Kaoru had no choice but to hide from the elements and the people. They weren’t friendly to cats that looked like him.
Kaoru had seen his reflection in a puddle. Sure he was a Persian but his face was riddled in ugly scars. What may have made him intimidating as a man, only made him ugly as a cat. No one wanted to touch or take care of a cat that looked like it fought.
Kaoru was miserable and at this rate, he may die of starvation. He didn’t know anything about being a cat. He has never been so humiliated in his life.
And that was when he heard a familiar, soft voice. His body froze from under the dumpset. (Your name)…
Kaoru peaked out from the dumpster, his now copper eyes took in her familiar form as she bought groceries at a local market. Why was she in a place like this? She was the daughter of a yakuza boss. She should be at an estate.
“Are you sure you’re alright dear? You look so tired.” The elderly cashier expressed concern for (your name).
“I’m alright. Thank you for your concern, Hana.” (Your name) gave the cashier a smile. Her arms scooped up the paper grocery bag. “Thank you for the fresh fish.”
“Of course! You need some more sleep. Maybe you’ll attract a husband then?” (Your name) had a disgruntled expression on her face, but it was gone in a flash.
“Maybe. Thank you again.” (Your name) bowed a bit in respect. And then she was off.
Kaoru immediately pursued her, his fluffy tail stood straight up. His small paws tottered after her.
Come on… look at me. Turn this way.
(Your name) sadly was not a mind reader so Kaoru had no choice but to swallow his pride and…
“Meow.” (Your name) froze in her tracks, her head turned around to see the fluffy Persian that sat behind her expectantly. Its white tail flicked back and forth like a clock.
(Your name) studied the scarred cat in curiosity. What on earth was a Persian doing on the street? That breed was such a high maintenance one and it could get sick… was it abused?
(Your name) bent down and held her hand out for the cat to sniff. She didn’t have a clue that this cat was her fiancé.
Kaoru reluctantly rubbed his head against her hand. His copper eyes stared up at her pretty face. Even he had to admit that she was attractive despite their circumstances.
“Are you lost?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, her expression soft. “Poor thing…”
(Your name) frowned at the mats in the cat’s white fur and the dirt on it. It was most likely abandoned… just like her.
(Your name) slowly wrapped her hand around the cat and hoisted it up in her arm next to her groceries.
“You’re a heavy thing.” (Your name) whispered while she continued on her way to her apartment. A small smile on her lips when she felt the cat’s stomach growl. “And you’re hungry… well I have some extra fish. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Kaoru sighed. Of course she’s take in an ugly cat like him. If he would have known, he would have come to her first.
Hopefully this situation was temporary. He had no intention of staying with her once he became human again… or so he thought.
(Your name) gently bathed the cat in her tub. Her fingers gently worked through the mats with dish soap. So far, the cat has been silent since she’s brought it home.
Perhaps the cat’s trauma made it mute? The cat didn’t even purr when she pet it. It hurt her heart to know this poor animal has never felt love before.
“I wonder if you’re a boy or a girl?” (Your name) muttered, her hands turn the cat around to check. The cat hissed loudly and swatted at her. “Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you.”
(Your name) apologized to the cat like it would understand her (Kaoru did). But she caught a glimpse of male genitals so now she knew her furry companion was a boy.
(Your name) scratched the cat behind the ears while she pulled the plug to the tub. She then gently picked the cat up and dried it with some towels. She found that the cat’s entire body was covered in so many scars. Most likely from years of abuse.
(Your name) studied the cat’s face in thought. Now that she had a better look at the cat… “You’re a little ugly.”
Kaoru furrowed his brow, which made (your name) giggle at how grumpy the cat looked. “But you’re also kind of cute.”
Kaoru flicked his tail back and forth while she continued to dry him off. He was perplexed. Even when he was a cat, she was still sweet to him.
Kaoru couldn’t understand her. What did she gain from this? How could someone be so kind to a fault?
Kaoru felt something stir in him as his copper eyes studied her face. A thought running through his head for only but a single moment…Had she always been this beautiful?
Kaoru was fed pretty nice meals for a cat. (Your name) would share some of her vegetables and fish with him. Food he knew he’d never find on the streets.
Yet he’d catch her nearly prepare a lunchbox once and awhile. The young woman would mumble curses at herself and hurriedly feed him whatever she was about to prepare.
“Oops. A bad habit. How could I be so stupid?” (Your name) quietly scolded herself once more before she fed Kaoru the chicken she had cut up. “Here you go. At least it will go to someone who will eat it.”
It took Kaoru a week to realize that her bad habit was preparing a lunch box for him. Human him at least. She had truly stuck to her promise of not bothering him again but Kaoru could see the hurt in her eyes whenever she caught herself. Why did she look so sad? They barely knew each other?
Kaoru’s copper eyes observed her clean up the kitchen in haste. She was such an anxious thing. She was like a scared bunny. Always jumping at the slightest noise and apologizing. Kaoru found it kind of endearing.
Kaoru perked up when she sat at the little nook in the center of the apartment. Her dainty body sunk into the cushions while the city lights reflected off her eyes. She looked so beautiful… like an angel.
Kaoru found himself trotting over to her before he realized it. His feline body now seated beside her.
“Oh? Do you want to see?” (Your name) softly asked him before she picked him up and placed him on her lap. The view was beautiful from the window. Kaoru could see most of the city from here. “I bought this room just for the view…”
Kaoru turned his head up to look at her face, only to be taken aback by the sadness in her eyes. Why did she always look so sad?
“I hope to enjoy it furfor as long as I can… I wonder if I’ll have a nice view once I have to get married?” (Your name) thought aloud, which made Kaoru freeze. “I hope… I’ll just sit there all day and read. I’ll be quiet. I’ll be good.”
And that’s when Kaoru slowly began to realize the signs. She was always so quiet, her voice was barely above a whisper at all times. She’s never been treated well.
Kaoru felt so awful when he felt a few tears drop on his head. He had assumed she was an awful person because of her family and yet she was just as much a victim. She was genuine and she had hoped to cultivate a relationship with him because she’s never had one.
Kaoru rubbed his head against her hands which shocked her. His copper eyes took in the small smile on her face. He burned it into his memory.
“Are you comforting me?” (Your name) gently held the cat close to her chest. Her fingers pet the cat’s head fondly. “Thank you… Yuki.”
And for the first time in the week and a half she’s had him, Kaoru purred.
Kaoru found himself rubbing against (your name)’s legs whenever she was in the kitchen after two months with her. His custom made collar jingled while he purred. Kaoru was content with her. He was happy to be by her side.
She’d talk to him sometimes and she’d read to him her favorite stories. (Your name) let him sleep beside her in her soft bed. His feline life was peaceful with her. Kaoru wanted to stay with her. He wanted to make her smile. He wanted to make her laugh.
She told him her secrets. Of how abusive her family was. How she was scared of thunder storms. How she would hide in her closet whenever she was scared. And what her father did to her first pet. How she wished she could move far away and start over. It made his blood boil to know what she’s been through.
Kaoru didn’t want her to ever be sad or scared again. He only wanted her to smile and to live a peaceful life. Kaoru would give her an amazing life if he ever became a man again.
Kaoru would make sure she could eat her favorite meal more often. He would sit with her as she read aloud. He would hold her close if a thunderstorm passed through and whisper sweet things into her ear. He would make love to her every night. He’d spoil her like a princess. He’d give her the world.
But with her interest in him as her cat, as her companion Yuki, he failed to realize that she had completely lost interest in him as a man.
A harsh reality he’d soon come to realize…
“I’ll be out for groceries.” (Your name) smiled warmly at her cat. Kaoru purred as he sat by the door. “I won’t be long.”
Kaoru sat by the door, even when it clicked shut. His paws touched the wood as his heart raced. Six months with her… he’s been by her side for six months. And it made him realize how much he loved her. How he adored her. Kaoru wanted to tell her… he needed to tell her.
“I love you.” Kaoru was shocked when he spoke rather than meow. His body soon began to change back into that of a man. The small purple collar snapped but Kaoru was able to quickly tuck it into his suit pocket.
Was this whole situation some crap version of beauty and the beast? Was love what broke the strange magic off of him?
Kaoru admired his hands and stretched them. It was nice to be a man again… but (your name) wouldn’t understand why he was there… maybe he should make it look like the cat was taken?
He’d have to make a scene in this apartment and then he’d have to find a way to explain his absence to Kizaki.
And what better excuse to use than to say (your name)’s family had harmed him? Kaoru was going to have to make sure to rough himself up before he went home.
Kaoru used his strength to break the door knob off and threw it against the wall on the apartment. Her then threw her cheap coffee table across the room and broke a few glasses. There. Now it was a breaking and entering.
Kaoru quickly fled the scene before he was seen. He didn’t want to be caught in her home and he didn’t want anyone to see him.
Kaoru’s heart hurt. He knew she’d be so crushed that her cat was gone but he’d swoop in to save her.
He’d be her prince just like the ones in those fairytale books she loved so much.
(Your name) held her groceries close to her chest. Her heart fluttered at the thought of Yuki being excited to see her.
She made sure to buy his favorite, salmon. Maybe he’d like to sit at the table with her?
That cat had no idea how he saved her from her pit of despair. How he made her want to live again.
(Your name) began to climb up the steps to her apartment but she stopped halfway. Her eyes wide in horror when she saw police outside her door.
“Ma’am is this your apartment?”
“Y-yes.” It was so hard for her to breathe. Yuki… was Yuki okay?
“I’m afraid there’s been a burglary-“ the cop froze when she dashed up the steps and frantically checked her house. “Ma’am. This is a crime scene.”
“I just need to make sure Yuki is okay…” (your name) felt her body tremble when her beloved cat didn’t come to her. Has her father taken yet another thing she loved from her?
“Ma’am-“ the cop froze when he saw the young woman sob. The cop awkwardly put an an around her.
“I’m sorry ma’am. Is there a place you can stay until the investigation is over?” The cop softly asked. “And you called out for a Yuki. Is that a child?”
“No… he’s my cat.” Her life. He was her life and he was gone.. gone.
(Your name) sat in her old room at her family’s compound over the last few days. She never wanted to come back here but her father didn’t want her to become ‘damaged goods.’
(Your name) curled up in the dark room and hugged her knees. A small light from the ceiling her only light.
Perhaps this was her fate? To live in a dark room for the rest of her life without any light. All for being a (last name).
“Yuki…” (your name) softly whispered, her hands held her body tighter. She should have just fled with her cat when she had the chance. She no longer craved love from anyone.
All she needed was her animal companion and she would have been content. Animals were better than people. They didn’t hurt her unless they were scared. Not like people… not like her father.
(Your name) jumped when gunshots and screams echoed throughout the estate. What was going on?
(Your name) began to panic, her head whipped over to her closet. The young woman crawled into it and made herself as small as possible. She just needed to make herself small… tiny and invisible. She wasn’t here. She was far away.
(Your name) was far away and with Yuki. She was safe. There weren’t footsteps in her room- there were loud footsteps in her room.
(Your name) put her hands over her mouth and held her breath. Her body as still as water.
The figure now stood in front of her door. She could see their large silhouette. She was going to die. (Your name) hoped someone took care of Yuki, if he was still alive. That they’d feed him bits of salmon and let him lay with them.
When the door opened, she was surprised to be pulled into a hug. A large body held her tightly to his, his body shook in powerful tremors.
“It’s okay… you’re okay.” (Your name) froze at the voice. Kaoru? Why was… why was he here? “Your husband has you.”
(Your name) was still frozen in fear, which made it easier for Kaoru to scoop her up in his arms. The yakuza boss pushed her face into his neck.
“Don’t look, okay? You don’t need to see them anymore.”
(Your name) trembled and clutched onto his shirt. She didn’t have to look to know what he had done. She knew he massacred her family.
The question was… why didn’t he kill her too?
“Boss, if you want I can take care of her-“ (your name) flinched when she heard a loud slap. Her body still held tightly against Kaoru’s.
“Don’t even think about touching her.” Kaoru pressed his lips against the top of her head. “She is mine. Do you understand?”
Kaoru safely escorted (your name) into his limousine. His arms held her tightly and refused to let her go. It confused (your name) to no end.
Why was he so sweet with her now? What made her special?
Or… was he just prolonging her inevitable death?
Kaoru was frustrated. Despite (your name) being with him for a month now, she refused to come out of her room. She trembled whenever he touched her and it upset him.
“Boss, what’s gotten into you?” Kaoru froze when Kizaki furrowed his brow. “You’ve been so… obsessed with Miss (last name)-“
“Missus Hanayama.” Kaoru corrected Kizaki. The man swirled his whiskey in his glass in thought. “Why is she so scared of me-“
“You killed her family. I think that’s a normal human reaction.” Kizaki pointed out which only made Kaoru huff.
“She hated them. They were awful to her-“
“How do you know so much about her anyways?” Kizaki asked with his brow furrowed. “Where were you actually for the last eight months? Were you truly being held captive?”
Kaoru sighed and gave Kizaki a look. “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. But (your name) saved me.” Kaoru muttered, his expression soft. “I love her.”
Kizaki sighed. He could tell Kaoru was telling the truth and he knew Kaoru meant every word he said.
“Okay… just start off small with her?” Kizaki advised Kaoru. “Maybe you could eat with her or something?”
Kaoru’s face lit up when an idea hit him. Why hadn’t he thought of it before?
“Kizaki. Let’s move her to a room with a big window and add a reading nook in front of it.” Kaoru smiled at Kizaki. “She’ll love it.”
(Your name) was led by Kaoru’s servants to a new room. The young woman clutched her hands close to her chest in nervousness. He’s been hovering around her for the last month like a surveillance drone. Had he been plotting all this time? Was she finally being brought to her execution?
(Your name) was shocked when the doors opened to reveal a cozy room with a reading nook that was eerily similar to her one at the apartment. Except it was much bigger than her old one. How did he know she loved a reading nook and how did he pick the same colors?
(Your name)’s fingers traced over the large nook in wonder. It looked so cozy…
“Do you like it?” (Your name) nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Kaoru’s deep voice. Her head whipped around to see him standing in her rooms, the servants had already skittered away like mice. “I thought it would make you more comfortable.”
(Your name) glanced towards the floor. She was still scared of Kaoru… and she felt as if his kindness had a hidden motive. She was terrified of him.
“It’s lovely. Thank you.” (Your name) jumped a bit when Kaoru grabbed a strand of her hair. The oyabun pressed a tender kiss to the silky strands.
“I just want to make my wife happy.” (Your name) was shocked when Kaoru suddenly pulled her into a hug. His lips pressed to the top of her head.
“Oh… but we don’t have to keep the arrangement now.” (Your name) replied in a mousy tone. If she had rabbit ears, they’d be folded back. “You’re free from the promise between our families-“
(Your name) squealed when Kaoru grabbed her face, his obsidian eyes filled with an emotion she’d never seen on his face.
“Has someone told you to leave me?” Kaoru asked, his eyes filled with an angry fire. “Have any of the servants been mean to you? You can tell me.”
“N-no.” (Your name) began to cry which made Kaoru move his hand down to hold her. “I… you said you didn’t want my affections…”
Kaoru froze in horror. He had forgotten he had told her that almost a year ago… that he always pushed this beautiful, sweet girl away.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” Kaoru bent down and pressed kisses all over her cheeks. “I will make it up to you. You’ll live a good life with me.”
(Your name) gasped when he picked her up and laid with her in the large nook that perfectly fit the two of them. Kaoru’s large hand moved to hold her head again his chest. His heart drummed in his chest and his cheeks felt warm since he was close to her.
This was the way it was supposed to be… this was perfect. His princess was safe and sound in his arms.
(Your name) sniffled but relaxed in his hold. There was something oddly comforting about Kaoru but she couldn’t put her finger on it. He knew so much about her… it was scary. She’s never told anyone anything about herself.
Except her cat, Yuki. She hoped he was okay. She hoped he wasn’t on the streets starving or cold. She felt like an awful pet parent.
“What’s on your mind?” Kaoru asked in a gentle tone. His cheek pressed against the top of her head.
“…I miss my cat.” (Your name) admitted in a whisper which made Kaoru frown. He was her cat… but that would be such a strange thing to admit.
“You can tell me about you cat.” Kaoru replied. “Maybe I could help you find him?”
“Really? You’d do that for me?” Kaoru’s breath hitched at the beautiful smile on her face. There it was… there was her smile.
“Of course I would.” Kaoru smiled down at her. “I’d do anything for you.”
(Your name) smiled and cuddled into his chest. Yes… she’d find her cat.
And then she’d make a run for it.
Kaoru made a lot of effort to help her find her beloved cat. He had a sketch artist draw her description and he even walked around the city with her whenever he wasn’t busy. Kaoru was wonderful to her.
She began to trust him and accept his subtle touches as the weeks turned to months.
Kaoru would have his chefs prepare all of her favorite meals and he’d sit with her on her nook to read.
Kaoru would make sure to cover her windows if there was going to be a thunder storm. He would even lay with her in her bed and hold her when it was storming. He didn’t care when she shook and cried, he’d shush her with sweet words.
(Your name) just couldn’t figure out how he knew so much about her without her telling him anything. He was a completely different man now.
It was almost like he was a prince… but that pain of the rejection from long ago was still there. She wasn’t sure if she could be with him romantically.
Today would be the first time she would seek him out. (Your name) felt bad that he always doted on her.
(Your name) opened his office door and peered in. He must have been out.
She was about to leave but something purple caught her eye. Was that… Yuki’s collar?
(Your name)’s hand shook as she lifted up the collar to her eyes to examine it. The engraved heart name tag broke her heart. It was Yuki’s…
(Your name) felt her knees buckle from under her but strong arms caught her. Kaoru had snuck up on her and flipped her over into an embrace. His face buried in the crook of her neck.
“I can explain-“
“Is he…” (your name) felt a sob rack through her body when Kaoru only held her tighter. He knows she’d never believe him if he told her the truth.
“I was so afraid to tell you. I didn’t want you to fall apart thinking you’re alone.” Kaoru whispered, his lips pressed against her shoulder blades. “I’m here.”
(Your name) melted into his hold. Kaoru was right. He was here and he was warm. He looked just like Yuki in his white suit. He even had the same facial scars…
(Your name) froze while her mind began to race. How did Kaoru know she was scared of thunderstorms? How did he know she loved to sit by a window in a nook and the color scheme she liked? How did he know about her abuse? Her favorite food?
Kaoru suddenly was affectionate with her when he had only ever ignored her and pushed her to the side.
“Kaoru…” (your name) felt like something was stuck in her throat when Kaoru nuzzled his head on her shoulder the same way Yuki did.
“This is going to sound crazy but… are you Yuki?” (Your name) felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up when Kaoru went completely silent. “That was stupid to say wasn’t it. I’m sorry-“
Kaoru silenced her with his lips. His hands grabbed at her flesh like she was his lifeline.
(Your name) gasped when he shoved his tongue into her mouth and eagerly danced with hers. His body trembled and his embrace tightened like a snake’s coils.
(Your name)’s eyes were still wide while Kaoru sensually moved his lips and tongue against her still ones. What… what was he doing?
Kaoru slowly pulled away, his body shivered. His cheeks were a bit rosy and he felt so warm. He finally kissed the woman he loved.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered, his eyes filled with so much adoration in them that (your name) thought she would drown. “I love you so much.”
The wish… she had wished for him to fall in love with someone who was not interested in him… why did it have to be her?
Kaoru frowned when she didn’t reply. Her eyes stared straight ahead.
“Say something… please.” Kaoru furrowed his brow. His heart hammered in his chest in anticipation of her answer. “Do you love me too?”
(Your name) shook her head, her hands tightly gripped his white suit.
“There was a shooting star almost a year ago… what did you wish for?” (Your name) muttered under her breath. Her body shook like a leaf.
Kaoru went still. The star… the star turned him into a cat. Was that (your name)‘s wish? Had she… no. She wouldn’t wish him harm. She was too kind.
“I wished… for you to no longer be interested in me.” Kaoru whispered, he gave her body a squeeze from in his inescapable hold. “But I love you now so we can be together-“
“I wished for you to fall in love with someone who wasn’t interested in you.” (Your name) whispered so softly that Kaoru almost didn’t hear it. The tears started to fall down her face. Their wishes corresponded with each other’s… is that why it was granted. “But it wasn’t supposed to be me. You’re not supposed to love me-“
Kaoru pressed another kiss to her lips. His whole body shook. She couldn’t be uninterested in him. He was the perfect man for her. He knew everything about her. They shared so much with each other. She completed him.
“Perhaps this was meant to be then?” Kaoru replied, his hands tugged his tie loose. “It doesn’t matter because I’ll make you love me.”
(Your name) could only cry when his lips descended against hers.
She should have never wished upon a star.
(Your name) found herself in Kaoru’s bed as he hurriedly undressed himself. The twenty five year old cursed a bit in his frustration.
Kaoru had lit candles around the room for a dim, romantic lighting. Yet he was restless.
“I wanted this to be perfect… I don’t want you to experience anything less than perfect.” Kaoru sighed while he ran a hand through his hair. The black tresses now a bit messy. “But it’s all fallen apart now.”
“Kaoru?” (Your name) gulped when he glanced towards her. His eyes heavy with a mixture of lust and obsession.
“Yes, my wife?” (Your name) shivered when he sat himself on the bed beside her shivering form. “What’s wrong, dear?”
“I… I don’t want this-“
“You will.” Kaoru smiled at her, his lips pressed against her forehead. “I’ll show you just how much a man can love a woman. I’ll show you love and pleasure you’ve never experienced before.”
Kaoru’s lips descended to softly kiss her stomach. His eyes glanced up expectantly into hers.
“You’re so beautiful. My beautiful wife.” Kaoru whispered. His lips trailed up her stomach while his hands pushed her shirt up. “I want to see all of you… I want to love all of you.”
(Your name) tried to push him away but Kaoru grabbed her hands and kissed them. His expression soft.
“It’s like it’s the first time again for me… except I’m going to make love to the love of my life.”
“K-Kaoru. Please-“ Kaoru pressed his lips against hers and pulled her hips into his. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt something big press against her. There was no way… there was no way he was going to fit.
Kaoru could feel her nervousness so he helped her out of her shirt. His hands and lips covered every bit of bare skin he could reach.
“It’s okay. If you get scared, you can hold onto me.” Kaoru smiled at her, his hands tugged her pants down.
(Your name) inhaled a deep breath when Kaoru tenderly pressed his lips against hers. His plump lips nearly devoured hers from how much bigger he was than her. She felt as if she was a lamb about to be slaughtered rather than a lover.
Kaoru moved his lips from her to kiss her cheeks and down her neck. He made sure to greedily suck on each sensitive spot to leave his mark on her.
Kaoru snapped her bra apart with two of his fingers with ease. His breath hitched at the sight of her bare chest.
“So beautiful… my beautiful wife.” Kaoru sung her praises while he continued to kiss and nip at her flesh.
Kaoru then gently placed one of her pert buds in his mouth and gave it a suckle. His pointer finger and thumb softly pinched the neglected nipple while he paid utmost attention to her pert chest. A smile on his lips when (your name) began to moan and gasp under him. There it was. She was starting to fall under his spell.
Kaoru continued to suckle her chest, the man switched between each nipple to give them both equal attention. His tongue and teeth circled each bud in a salacious manner. Small waves of pleasure began to stir within (your name) as her eyes stayed locked with his. She couldn’t look away no matter how badly she wanted to cover her face in her hands. And that only encouraged Kaoru to take more steps.
(Your name) gasped when his fingers ran up and down her clothed slit. Her lacy panties her last line of defense from his starving eyes. Kaoru’s expression lit up at the dampness.
“I knew I could make you feel good… I’ll be slow, okay?” Kaoru quickly ripped the panties off her and threw them across the room. The man pulling back a bit to admire her completely bare form. “Beautiful. You’re so beautiful.”
“Kaoru, please-“ (your name) gasped when Kaoru began to kiss down her stomach until he stopped right on her pelvis. Kaoru gave her one last look before he dragged his tongue down her damp slip, which was only the beginning.
Kaoru gave her one last look before he dove into her folds. His tongue swirling and thrusting into her entrance. Sinful noises echoed throughout the room, his hands held her hips in place so there was no escape from him.
The young woman elicited sharp gasps at the sensation, her hips bucked forward and her toes curled. Her fingers tangled in his dark lock to try to ground herself from his assault. Her body betrayed her mind as he began to bring her to the brink of ecstasy.
And Kaoru knew that from the way her body began to go taut and the cute bit of drool that dripped down her lips. She didn’t need to fight it, he wouldn’t waste anything she’d give him.
(Your name) cried when her orgasm tore through her. Her body convulsed and shook to try to get away from Kaoru but he kept going. The man greedily riding her orgasm with her until she felt so over stimulated and spent.
(Your name) felt her body go slack with bliss. The poor girl has never experienced anything like this in her entire life. Not nearly to that magnitude.
(Your name) gasped when Kaoru sunk a finger into her, the man hummed at how greedily her pussy sucked the digit in. Her face scrunched up at the uncomfortable stretch. His finger was so thick…
“So greedy. Do you want some more?” Kaoru softly asked her with a smile. A bit of her essence glistened on his lips, his pink muscle quickly darted out to lick it off. “I’ll have to prepare you a bit more. I’m more than likely bigger than any man you may have had before.”
“I… I haven’t been with a man.” (Your name) nearly screamed when Kaoru began to thrust his finger in and out of her. His eyes filled with stars and his mouth agape.
“Then… then that makes you all mine.” Kaoru whispered in a hushed tone. (Your name) could only gasp when he began to insert a second digit. “My wife… my beautiful wife.”
(Your name) began to cry from how over stimulated she was. Her poor body trembled as his fingers expertly curled in and out of her. Her hands grabbed his forearms to try to brace herself.
“You’re ready.” Kaoru pulled his fingers from her, his fingers covered in her fluids. Kaoru pulled apart his fundoshi to reveal himself to her. (Your name)’s eyes widened in terror. There was no way… no way that was going to fit inside of her.
(Your name) attempted to scoot back but Kaoru was faster. His hands grabbed her ankles and yanked him back towards him. The man smiled down at her as he aligned himself.
“I’ll be gentle… just hold onto my back.” Kaoru pressed kisses to her knuckles, his hands placed her on his back. “I love you.”
And he pushed in, his bulbous tip pushed past her tight muscles to enter her warmth. His eyes rolled back in his head from the sensation.
“So tight… you’re so tight.” Kaoru hissed, his body shook as he slowly eased himself into her. His eyes softened at her tears. “It’s okay. It will only hurt for a bit. I promise.”
Kaoru kissed away the tears in her cheeks until he was all the way in. His hands affectionately rubbed the bulge on her stomach. His eyes held so much love, (your name) swore she was drowning in it.
Kaoru gave an experimental thrust, his eyes studied her expression in awe. Her cute little gasp only egged him on.
(Your name) clutched onto Kaoru as he began to thrust. Her body slowly was being pounded into the mattress by this massive man.
“You’re too big.” (Your name) cried, her body shifted from under him. She could feel him all the way in her guts. She could feel his tip forcefully kissing her cervix in a way she didn’t think possible. He was all she could feel. All she could smell. And now she was all his.
“You’ll get used to me as time goes on. You’re taking me so well.” Kaoru grunts from above her. He made sure not to be too rough with his thrusts despite the temptation to pound her into oblivion. “You feel so good… like a dream. You were made for me.”
Kaoru smirked when she let out a loud moan at a particular spot he thrusted. He found her special spot. He quickly angled her hips up and began to hit that spot repeatedly.
(Your name) whined when she felt that coil start to build up. Kaoru’s palm pressed down on her stomach to help her reach her high.
“It’s too much! Too much!” (Your name) felt her body be brought to the edge of yet another orgasm. Her toes curled and her body stiffened.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered into her ear, his body trembled from above her. “I’m so close… I’m so fucking close. Please say you love me…”
“I…” She knew she wouldn’t mean it but she was currently lost in pleasure. She only wanted this to be over so she didn’t care about the consequences. “I love you too.”
“Cum for me.” Kaoru smiled down at her, his body trembled from above hers, his thumb rubbed lazy circles on her neglected clit. The sensation of her scratching his back and tightening around him was too much. “We’ll cum together.”
(Your name) came with a cry, her body convulsed and her fingernails dug deeply into Kaoru’s skin. And she felt something hot fill her. Without a doubt she knew he had came inside of her but she was so tired… she didn’t want to think about the consequences of this tryst.
Kaoru’s breathing was heavy, his cheeks a bit rosy from the ordeal. He never felt so fulfilled… so loved.
Poor (your name) was so exhausted. Her body sunk into the plush mattress. Kaoru pulled out, their fluids spilling out of her in a small stream of white. Kaoru marveled at his work for a second, his fingers pushed some of his cum back into her to prevent too much of a mess.
Kaoru plopped his body beside hers, his arms caged her in to stay with him. He placed tender kisses all over the top of her head.
“You did so good. You took me so well.” Kaoru grabbed the sheets and pulled them over her. He cuddled his large from into her smaller one. “I love you so much.”
(Your name) felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. And she had no desire to fight off her body’s desire to sleep.
Kaoru smiled down at her sleeping form, his fingers plays with a few of her silky strands of hair.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered in her ear. “I’m so happy you love me too.”
Kaoru ran his fingers through her scalp while she slept. How could someone be so beautiful? So perfect? He was so happy he was able to please her. To show her pleasure and his love for her.
Tomorrow he would scoop her up and take a bath with her if she wanted. And then he’d get them breakfast in bed before he had to leave for work. He wondered if she wanted to get married soon since they’ve taken this big step together.
Hanayama Kaoru would do everything in his powers to make her dreams come true. Kaoru would keep her safe from the world outside until his final breath. He would do his best to be her Prince Charming like the ones in those fairy tale books she loved so much.
Sadly he failed to realize that he was no Prince. He was the dragon that kept the princess locked in a tower.
“We’re going to be together forever.”
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laweyd · 1 year
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Webcomic update next week !
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rpstartersinc · 13 days
feel free to change pronouns / wording! potential spoilers!
" we have been apart for far too long. "
" seems as though your business is thriving. "
" there's no need to shout. "
" you've gotten rather good. "
" do you not wish to greet me? "
" i was nowhere and everywhere. "
" the lack of interest here today shall usher me to an early grave at any moment. "
" i simply could use some peace. "
" the truth has a way of rearing its ugly head. "
" i take it you are finally done with daydreaming? "
" do you find yourself back in town for any particular reason? in search of something or... someone? "
" i do not wish to see a citrus colour, ever again. "
" you have never been one for silly romances. "
" a man cannot tell his secrets. "
" i have kept your secret exactly because i do not wish to keep revisiting the past. "
" i must make a good impression. "
" i wonder what whistledown will write about next issue. "
" what a striking gown you have on. "
" i should like a moment alone. "
" once one finds oneself on the wall, it is difficult to come off it. "
" you do not much like attracting notice, do you? "
" it is a pity you did not choose something sturdier. "
" if you are going to make me say it out loud, i miss you. "
" what you did was cruel, and unnecessary. "
" i'm sorry for intruding. "
" it pains me to see you upset. "
" if a husband is what you seek, then... let me help you. "
" what i have learned is that charm can be taught. "
" i do love a game, especially when i am so often the victor. "
" i do not fear change, i embrace it. "
" i do not care what lady whistledown writes about me. "
" i should like to see your skills as they are, first. "
" i suggest you make good use of it. "
" you agree, i am unteachable. "
" you already know how to do this. "
" it is impossible to be in society and not care what others think. "
" do you think me a magician? "
" we needed a place to be alone. "
" you don't have to be embarrassed, you know me. "
" that's exactly why i will feel even more embarrassed, because i know you. "
" somehow my character gets lost between my heart and my mouth, and i find myself saying the wrong thing or more likely nothing at all. "
" your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue. yet, somehow, they shine even brighter when you are kind. "
" your writing... it is very good. "
" they've taken to hunting in packs. "
" you know, whenever i have a disagreement with an acquaintance, i find the best course of action is simply to pretend they are dead. "
" talents? no. unless you consider a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time a talent. "
" now i can stuff my mouth with chocolates without fear of appearing impolite. "
" i do not much care for idle gossip. "
" i think i am somehow afraid i will do something wrong. "
" despite the cover of night, there are still eyes upon us all at all times. "
" what is foolish is being unreasonable about what you can achieve. "
" men can often cause much more trouble than they are worth. "
" i bribed her to give us a minute alone. "
" a small taste of the light can lead to that most dangerous of emotions: hope. "
" once hope is lost, a lady may become reckless. "
" would you kiss me? "
" i do not wish to die without ever having been kissed. "
" i apologise for the late hour, but i had to see you, immediately. "
" you occupy my every thought. "
" you slept late. "
" i slept peacefully. "
" a week sequestered in your room, and you come down and you say this to me? "
" i noticed you have not been seen in society for some time. "
" i would certainly rather be predator than prey. "
" i think i see a corner in which to hide myself. "
" you must simply follow your heart. "
" it is the mark of a good man, to help a friend in need. "
" unfortunately, i require all pity for myself. "
" i find your frankness immensely refreshing. "
" is there some reason you are trying to escape civilisation? "
" we can do whatever we want. "
" i have heard a great deal about you. "
" that was a thrilling distraction, was it not? "
" it was a good thing no one was injured. "
" a man can be pensive, can he not? "
" i am in awe of your heroism. "
" some cannot help being heroes. "
" in need of some quiet? i have been in search of it all night. "
" perhaps we can enjoy the silence together. "
" well, then you have misjudged me. "
" i am not afraid of you. "
" courage is within us all. "
" as long as we are honest with ourselves and about our feelings, it is possible to do anything. "
" the person i was earlier today... i was pretending to be someone i am not. "
" how many yous are there, exactly? and where do you hide them all? "
" i have come to call on you. "
" i do not wish to be called on. "
" step another pace backwards, you read me too well. "
" i do not wish to interfere. "
" i cannot have you growing distracted. "
" i do not mind a stirring tale or a book of fact but, in truth i find myself drawn back time and time again to stories of... love. "
" i do not believe i have ever had a friend call to the house before. "
" a gentleman must keep some things to himself. "
" do not tell me you are holding out for love. "
" love is make-believe. "
" do you know what is romantic? security. "
" i am grateful to you, for keeping me company. "
" past lives are dangerous places to revisit. "
" if you need to keep your distance from me a while, i understand. "
" you are unlike many people. "
" i do not feel much like talking. "
" i am not a man of many words. "
" my work has such a large portion of my heart it may be difficult to make more space. "
" i cannot stand by and watch you make a mistake. "
" the only mistake was me ever asking for your help in the first place. "
" it is said that the heart is forever making the head its fool. "
" will you please let us ride home in silence and leave me alone. "
" what if i did have feelings for you? "
" i have spent so long trying to feel less. "
" these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings, feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. "
" do not say things you do not mean. "
" do you think anyone saw us? "
" are you going to marry me or not? "
168 notes · View notes
abyssruler · 8 months
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to you, who loved me most
scaramouche x gn!reader
four snippets, four drabbles, four realistic takes on popular tropes with the person scaramouche was before he became the wanderer. or — soulmate au, time travel, reincarnation, and isekai with the sixth harbinger.
character death (reader), scaramouche being a horrible person, implied dark themes
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SOULMATE AU - soulmates share each others’ pain
For as long as you could remember, your heart has always felt hollow. Empty. Your mother once told you that your soulmate must have a heart disease of some kind—but no, this isn’t pain. You know what pain is.
Pain is the electricity crackling through your veins, sharp pinpricks like a thousand needles trying to protrude from your skin. It is staying up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep because of the ache in your joints as if someone is pulling you apart only to glue you back together, like one of those porcelain dolls you always see being sold at the market.
You know what pain is, and it is not the apathy you feel when you discover who your soulmate is. It is not the stark-white heat that overcomes you as your soulmate’s hand pierces your empty, hollow chest.
Pain is the ache you finally feel in your nonexistent heart, a moment before you close your eyes.
And you’ve never known comfort—you’ve never known a lot of things—but you think comfort is the arms that hold you as you choke on your own blood. Comfort is the cold chest against your cheek as you breathe your last, dying breath.
Comfort the voice in your ear, a whispered plea, an apology, one last wish for you to stay.
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It’s pointless and foolish and he’s a monster, and you know you should stop coming back, stop greeting him with that same smile you always give whenever you first stumble upon him, dazed and confused and so, so kind and innocent after awakening from his slumber.
You should run from those deceptively angelic looking eyes, but you can’t. No matter how many times you’ve died and come back—the amount of times you’ve died by his hands—you can’t stop coming back and hoping that this time, maybe it’ll all turn out different. That this time, he’ll turn out different.
And perhaps this time, he’ll finally love you back the way he did during your first loop.
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It was your fault. You shouldn’t have been so kind to him. So warm and bright and innocent, giving him all you have without expecting anything in return. All he knows is to take and take and take until not even you had anything left to give. And still, he continues to take what he perceives to be rightfully his until you’re carved hollow from the inside out.
But you shouldn’t blame him, it was your fault in the first place. You should have known better than to treat strangers like him so kindly.
He has bound your soul to his. Til death do us part, but Scaramouche will not let even death take you away from him. So even if you decide to take your own life, you can never truly escape his grasp.
In your next life and the ones after that, he will always find you, and you will always love him back until you see the monster hidden beneath the veneer of a pleasant smile.
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You’re here. You’re really, truly here in Teyvat.
The most logical thing to do would be to seek out the Traveler, a fellow outlander who would keep you safe until they reach the end of their journey, but you’ve always been reckless and stupid. So you seek out the most disliked Harbinger and join the Fatui under his ranks.
You thought it would be like the fanfictions you secretly read, where he’d notice you and fall in love with you and you’d live happily ever after. But reality is often different from what you expect.
He is harsh, but not the fun, amusing kind of harsh you once watched and read. He is living and breathing and right in front of you, spitting the most horrid words anyone has ever said to you. You once fantasized the scenario of him being mean to you, back when he was fictional and dreamy and not an inch away from taking your useless, pathetic life.
And as you stood in place, blinking back tears that would send him over the edge should he see it, you wonder why you ever thought you’d enjoy it.
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cowyolks · 1 year
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Pairing: Vampire!Keegan Russ x Female!Reader
Prompt: After an unfortunate capture, Keegan is held hostage by the Federation. Unable to break his tough resolve, Rorke injects him with a new type of drug, something that makes him inhuman. Now a blood sucking monster, Keegan is turned loose with the objective to hunt his fellow teammates, including you.
Words: 5.2 k
Warnings: Keegan is a horny vampire, Biting, Blood Kink, Oral (f receiving), Fingering, Blood sucking, P in V sex, creampie, obsession with pulse points, typical COD violence, a lil bit of cock warming to balance it all out. And I feel as if whiny Keegan needs it’s own warning.
A/n: this took too long. Bite me! Get it?
“You’re a tough son of a bitch to find.” The familiar growl of a former teammate met his ringing ears rather roughly.
If he was able to lift his head, he may have considered spitting on Rorke’s face in angry retaliation. But Keegan felt numb, he could no longer feel his fingertips against the cold restraints of his prison cell. His bare torso was more black and blue than his actual skin tone, and blood dripped from his torso down to his pants.
He was dying, that much he knew.
Yet, the Ghost would rather take a stabbing blade one hundred times to the heart than let the federation capture you.
He’d do anything. Fight anyone. Bear any wound or torture just to know you were safe. And maybe that made him foolish, and for that he’d willingly be called a fool.
It was supposed to be a simple scout mission, to access the liveliness of a border camp that the Federation had set up just on the outskirts of San Francisco. It was you and him, the quiet ones of the Ghosts.
You were a lethal one, always quick and steady on your feet. It had gotten you in trouble before ODIN, often times you’d be reprimanded by your Drill Sergeants before you eventually fell under the command of Elias Walker. You were forever in his debt, because now, you found a family you’d never known.
You’d been trying to crack Keegan’s shell ever since Operation Sand Viper. You were both so young back then, fresh out of High School and foolishly trying to prove yourselves. You’d fought tooth and nail with him the first few years, always attempting to one up each other.
Now, you worked as a well oiled machine. You covered his back, he shielded yours.
He smiled through the pain as he recalled how he’d been captured. You’d been so excited to go with him on the mission, the two of you hadn’t had any alone time in months. Simply resolving in hidden affections of stolen kisses and longing caresses he’d wished were more.
He’d finished scouting the camp, taking notes and envisioning tactics to take on the tangos once Ajax, Merrick, and Kick joined in. You were next to him, crouched down and putting your binoculars away.
“I gotcha something.” You hummed as you silently continued to shuffle through your pack.
His eyes fell away from the camp in finality, stepping back into the cover of everglade and leaves. His gaze softened slightly as he took you in, a faint crinkle catching upon the corner of his eyes.
You held out the faded package to him with a giddy look, and although your nose and lips were covered by your mask, he could still see just how happy you were to gauge his reaction. He felt his own lips pull against the worn fabric of his mask, a twinkle in his eyes as he studied the package now in his palm.
A honeybun.
He chuckled silently at the offering. You’d been quick to catch onto Keegan’s undeniable sweet tooth. He was always one to raid safehouses and cars for any sweet he could get his hands on. Often times you’d find him sucking on peppermints to break his awful cigarette addiction, something you found slightly amusing.
You didn’t mind tasting mint on his lips.
“Where’d you find the time to snatch this?” His voice was rough from not speaking, but the soft edge was still heard. You simply shrugged, watching him tear open the package. “I have my ways.”
He split the stale cake into two pieces, offering one out to you, which you took graciously. It had been a long time since either of you had anything sweet, regardless of it being stale and expired.
You chewed upon the artificial pastry, grimacing at the taste that reminded you of sugary sawdust, yet Keegan seemed to be enjoying the treat regardless. He licked the crumbs from his fingers, his jaw ticking slightly from chewing, it had been a while since he shaved. Still the shadow growing on his cheeks definitely suited him.
“What’re you staring at, doll?”
You scoffed at his teasing tone, lightly giving him a shove. Just as you were about to retaliate a gunshot rang through the night air. On instinct, the two of you ducked, yet it was far easier for you to drop to the ground.
Keegan shouldered his rifle, eyes glinting as he clicked the safety off and turned into the direction he thought the shot came from.
“It came from East of us, about four o’clock.” His voice dropped into his usual ordering tone. But a slow sniffle made him drop his gaze to you. Your hand was clutched over your shoulder, red already leaking through your fingers and soaking your clothes.
“Fuck! Hang in there, beautiful,” he felt his heart drop, even though you were doing everything right—Putting pressure on the wound. His own hand covered yours, pushing down even harder. You whined in protest which had him cursing.
“I know, doll. I know it hurts, but keep that pressure.”
He pushed a hand to his comm, frantically shaking fingers nearly missing the open line. Your blood smeared across his face accidentally. He’d never been so sick by the thought.
“Merrick! Requesting immediate EVAC.” His voice was commanding, though it rang loosely like you were underwater. The bullet wound hurt like a toothache, a constant throb, that had your eyelids betraying you like an anchor to sea.
“Hey!” Keegan spoke above you, lightly patting upon your clothed cheek to keep you awake. “I told Merrick our exact coordinates. Stay put, I’ll draw them away.”
You hummed, before he grasped your chin between his fingers. “Tell me you understand.” He ordered, just as you weakly held up a thumbs up.
“I understand.”
With a nod, Keegan left the cover of the brush, and that was the last you saw before your eyes closed.
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His head whipped to the side, a forceful smack hit the flesh so hard it had him spitting blood. His knuckles clenched bone white at his sides.
“I’ll give you one last chance, Soldier. Where are you Ghosts holed up?” Rorke’s voice sounded more distant than it was.
“Fuck… you.” Keegan grunted, a deranged smile painted against his lips as blood slicked upon his teeth. Rorke chuckled, shaking his head slightly.
“Damn you Ghosts! Always so hard to break. But trust me, everyone has a breaking point. Even that little bird you have sleeping in your nest.” Rorke alluded to you, and it was enough for Keegan’s eyes to flare in anger.
“I think I’ll kill her last, she was always so weak.”
Keegan’s jaw clenched tightly, despite his numb body, he found courage to jolt forward, slamming his forehead into Rorke. The sound cracked across the cement walls, and while it sealed his fate, at least he got to hit the bastard one more time.
“Shouldn’t have done that, Russ.” Rorke growled, body swaying slightly before moving to the table designed for Keegan’s torture.
The Ghost’s eyes dropped to his lap, finally letting numbness take over as his eyes fluttered shut. Rorke’s footsteps approached, just as his large palm gripped upon Keegan’s neck, his pulse thumping dully. He tilted his head upwards, just as Keegan caught sight of the metallic syringe held in his opposite hand.
The fluid incased was a vibrant red, almost as if it was glowing. Yet, he didn’t seem to care as he slumped again, barely feeling the prick against his carotid artery. He’d hoped whatever he was being injected with would kill him. At least then he’d know you’d be safe and he wouldn’t have to keep up such a tough resolve.
“I’m sorry it had to be this way, but if you won’t tell me where the Ghosts are, you’ll kill them for me.” His words had Keegan’s brow furrowing, but before he could even let his mind run, a blade entered between his ribs, plunging into his heart and killing him instantly.
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It had been two days since you woke up in the med bay. Two days since Keegan was officially marked as M.I.A.
You exhaled, as you settled your mask over your nose, looking forward and nodding towards Merrick, who appeared grim on the other side of the chopper. It was obvious he didn’t like the idea of you out in the field with a freshly healed bullet wound, but Ghosts looked after each other and you’d be damned if you left any quadrant unturned. You’d find Keegan, if it was the last thing you did.
Your shoulder ached against the weight of your pack, but it didn’t stop you from heaving extra med packs. Merrick chewed upon his lip again, eyeing you warily. You couldn’t help but narrow your eyes. Remembering his conversation earlier of how you weren’t on your game, stating this rescue was too personal. You’d argued that this was Keegan.
A gentle palm landed on your uninjured shoulder, causing you to glance up again to see the former Seal staring down at you with uncharacteristically soft eyes.
“We’ll find him, I promise you that.”
You found yourself nodding, determination flaring in your very soul as you listened to Merrick give the rundown.
“We don’t have leeway to fly out until tomorrow, so conserve ammo and don’t get caught. We’ll split into quadrants. I’ll take West, Ajax cover North, Kick go South.”
That left you to East. Where Keegan was last seen. This was the quadrant you needed to be at, it would be the one with the most tracks.
“Speak limitedly. Remember we are in hostile territory.” Merrick sounded just as your feet hit the mossy ground with a plunk.
You nodded, before falling back into the dark wasteland of the forest. Crickets chirped against the overgrown roots and owls hooted from the shared branches. If it wasn’t for your situation, you’d definitely enjoy sitting upon a stump and listening to the sounds nature gave.
Light from the moon floated against the swaying leaves, although it definitely wasn’t enough to illuminate the way. With a click and a beep, you pulled your night vision gear down over your eyes.
It was eerily quiet, especially for a camp being only a couple hundred yards from your location. With a clenched jaw you pushed onwards, head on a swivel as you suppressed the queasy feeling from your gut.
You crouched under some brush when your eyes leveled with the small hunting cabin that the Federation soldiers were camped out at. Tents fluttered in the balmy breeze. It was disturbing, to see a camp with life and light now had none.
No lanterns, no fire, no electricity. Nothing.
That was definitely not what it was like two days ago. If anything, the federation soldiers were too easy to find. Loud and obnoxious as they drank alcohol and burnt their fires too high so smoke flew over the trees lines.
Now you heard nothing. Only the hoot of the owls and chirping crickets. It had the hairs on the back of your neck standing up straight.
With a little exhale, you crept onwards. Slowly inching to the corners of camp, where you maneuvered around several empty tents, the entrance flaps open and flowing in the breeze.
Your eyes followed a patch of trampled moss, something that indicated struggle. Your heart leapt at the clue, at least now you had a lead. You crouched, leveling with the path. It lead to the old cabin. Maybe, just maybe Keegan was there and licking his wounds.
A loud crack sounded in front of you, just beyond the wooden cabin and out into the forest. You already had your assault rifle pointed towards the noise, just as you began to advance.
It sounded of a broken twig, as if someone was discreetly spying upon your stalking form. Your back finally hit the wall of the cabin, before you hesitantly peaked around the corner. Your jaw clenched at the sight of four bodies all face down upon the moss.
Your heart dropped when you saw the familiar mask of a certain ghost, the material lay against the ground, torn.
You dropped the rifle to the side of the wall without a second thought, rushing to the bodies, relieved when you saw the tuffs of blonde hair and unfamiliar clothes upon the three bodies. Blood dried in puddles, almost like a cushion. The color was a dark brown, they’ve been dead for a while. Your heart pounded as you approached the last body, dark hair cropped so much like Keegan’s— dark tactical gear as well.
The body was a few yards away from the others, moss upturned like someone had grappled with him before they fell. With shaky fingers you flipped the body over. You let out a watered gasp, relief wrapping you like a blanket when the glassy eyes staring back at you weren’t Keegans.
You studied the Soldier, noticing the dirt under his fingernails, the claw marks in the soil next to him made it seem like he was trying to crawl away. Then you noticed how little injuries this guy had. The other three had visible gunshot wounds, and as you looked closer you saw the smoky black shells of Keegan’s signature bullets.
This body, had no wounds. No bullet to the lungs or heart. You crouched lower, turning his face to the side.
You clenched your jaw when you caught the laceration upon his neck.
Teeth marks.
You stood quickly, turning to the side to where your rifle was resting against the side of the cabin.
It wasn’t there.
Instead a loud click echoed through the night, your mag falling to the dirt as you looked to the man who held upon your rifle. A man that should have been Keegan, if it wasn’t for the bright red eyes and crusted blood over his chin.
“Keegan?” You couldn’t help but whisper, nearly cringing when your words got caught in your throat. The man in front of you nodded, setting your rifle back in its original spot.
“How’s your wound?” He asked. You took a step backwards, upon seeing him advance slowly towards you. His eyes never leaving your wounded shoulder, where bandages still rested upon the flesh.
“What? Why haven’t you tried to radio us? I’ve been eating myself alive.” You wailed, attempting to ignore just how much your brain was telling you to run. Maybe the red in his eyes was simply an illusion, perhaps he popped a blood vessel.
The creature, Keegan held up a radio he fished from his pocket. You faintly made out the broken material from a couple yards away.
“Have you been here this whole time? You must be hungry?”
Keegan’s eyes dropped to the body near your feet, just as his gaze trailed up your own until they landed on your shoulder again. You swore his eyes grew darker as he bit on his lip.
“Yes I’m hungry.” He murmured.
Cautiously you took a step forward, observing the way his body stiffened and how he seemed to be holding his breath. His head tilted to the moss below, refusing to look you in your eyes.
As you grew closer your heart plunged deeper. His eyes were red, this wasn’t some illusion.
“What happened to you?”
Keegan peered down at you, his eyelashes sticking to his cheeks.
“I-I don’t know. I was captured. Tortured.” He huffed, taking a step back as he inhaled too strongly. He brought his hand up to his temples, rubbing furiously.
You gaped at him, how he escaped was beyond you, how he was standing with no visible injuries— it concerned you more than if he would have came back bloodied and bruised.
“I need to sit down, you’re too loud,” he growled. Faster than a blink, a literal blink Keegan disappeared from your view, only a shadow inside the cabin indicating he was crouched over a worn out sofa.
It was inhuman to move that fast. Still, you needed answers. You figured this wasn’t the most horrific thing you’ve faced as a soldier.
You were silent when you approached next, the only indication you were near was when a floorboard creaked from under your boots and the door clicked shut behind you. “Let me check for wounds.” You whispered, now more aware.
“I already did. All of them healed, as if I wasn’t tortured at all.”
Your hand flew to his shoulder at his defeated whine, so uncharacteristically like Keegan it scared you. His nose bumped against your wrist. He let out a deep inhale.
“I blacked out, woke up to a soldier guarding me in this house. He tried to run, but I killed him.” He wheezed.
“How’d you kill them?” You whispered into the dark room, knowing the answer, but wanting him to confirm it. Maybe he’d deny it, and you’d wake up from this horrifying nightmare.
Monsters didn’t exist. Vampires weren’t real. Still…..
“I-I bit his neck, I could hear his pulse, smell the blood. I…. Drank it.”
Your breathing picked up, something that Keegan picked up on immediately. He was up from the couch in a flash, cool palms laying upon your cheeks as he pleaded.
“I couldn’t help it! Something happened to me, Rorke he injected me with this drug, made me like this. He said I would kill you. All of the Ghosts.”
Your hands wrapped upon his wrists, eyes wide as you listened to his begging. This thing, it sounded like your Keegan, maybe with proper help he could be saved. Maybe.
“Do you… want to kill me?” You asked, glancing upwards as you saw his throat bob. Immediately he shook his head, red eyes boring into you as his fingertips pushed against your pulse.
“No. I love you too much to consider.” He vowed, hands reaching ever so gently down your sides in an unconscious practice, something he did so frequently in the confines of your quarters.
“But God, you smell so good.” He whined again, nose falling ever so gently to your thrumming pulse point. You were ashamed at how quickly heat rushed to your core. He was some type of monster now, yet, still you felt the sudden need to be with him.
A monster in a cabin, how ironically cliche.
As if to make matters worse, you felt his intake of breath, just as his fingertips dug hard into your hips, like he was anchoring himself to you.
It was wrong, definitely not morally correct to lean closer towards him. To smell his scent of hickory smoke and twang of blood. Still, you couldn’t help but lose yourself in the feel of him. He was still your Keegan, and maybe you could make adjustments of his situation as you went.
A low hiss alerted you to just how uncomfortable he must be. Whatever he was, a lust for blood made him dangerous. And here you were baiting him like a worm on a hook, ready to be swallowed whole.
“I need you…” he growled against the nape of your neck again, heat swelled to your stomach. You weren’t sure if he needed your blood or you, maybe he wanted both.
Without so much as a second, you let your mouth speak before your brain could keep up. “Then take me.”
It happened in a whirl, so fast that you didn’t even register that your head was perched against the soft plush of the old sofa. His hands were on you, one attached to your hip while the other cradled the back of your neck.
You gasped at your new position, yet Keegan seemed to care less as he maneuvered your head to his, lips hungrily falling to your own in desperation. He was never one to act so brash, always taking time to kiss you and prep you. Now, he seemed to let those morals fly out the window.
His mouth was warm against your own, his lips slotting hard enough to leave your own swelling and full. Once out of your dazed position, you reached upwards, going to wrap your arms around his torso to pull him ever so tight.
Then you heard the rip.
A slow whimper left your mouth as Keegan hesitated to pull away. Your hand reached for your shoulder, your thumb brushed against the damp liquid of your own blood.
Instantly you grew rigid at the red color, your guilty gaze finding that Keegan was already glancing at the blood pooled on your thumb. His eyes screwed shut, even though his hands were working at the harness and buckles of your pants. Likely, he was trying to keep himself busy, away from the surely pungent tang of your blood.
“Breaking my heart, doll.” Keegan muttered through hesitant inhales, as if he was getting used to the scent. “I’m sorry, I pulled on the stitches.” You muttered, slightly unconscious of your opposite hand trailing upon his pleasantly cool chest.
His head shook, knowing it wasn’t your fault that you had obtained the gunshot wound. It was his, he was supposed to protect you, as he was right now. As he always would, regardless of the sweet and irresistible scent of your blood.
“It’s not your fault. But my senses are stronger. I see things I never saw, feel things more intricately, smell things more intoxicating.”
He brought your thumb to his lips, the heat of his tongue sucking upon the drop of blood on the fingertip, “taste things that’s never been so sweet.”
He dropped your hand with delicate care, strange for his new form that reeked of destruction. You peered up at him through your eyelashes, biting down upon your lip as he sniffed the air again.
“I can smell your arousal, ya know?” He teased, a toothy grin revealing slightly sharper teeth— fangs. Your face grew red with embarrassment, as you typically did with Keegan’s bold behavior in the bedroom.
“So are you just going to smell it, or are you going to help me?” You whined, your arousal only soaring as Keegan tugged upon the waistband of your pants and pulled them off your legs in one fluid motion.
“Oh, doll. I can’t wait to taste you.” His hunger radiated around him in waves, even with the balmy night air in the barely lit cabin, you found yourself shivering. Shivering as he lowered himself down further upon the couch, placing teasingly slow kisses upon each of your hip bones. His hands trailed down your bare legs, the callouses of his palms scraping pleasantly down to your knees.
Your thighs were lifted, now prettily perched upon his broad shoulders. He’d had the audacity to look at you through red hooded eyes, burning a hole into your very soul as his fingertips traced patterns on your warm flesh.
Your breath hitched when he tilted his chin down, his nose brushing teasingly against the swelling bud of your clit. Then, a curse flew from your mouth as he licked a stripe against your cunt.
He was purring, a happy hum leaving his throat as he kissed gently upon your opening. Your head flew back against the velvet cushion of the couch, hands gripping for anything that would anchor you back to the earth.
The floating feeling only increased as his lips suctioned around your clit, a lewd slurping noise filling the air.
A hand went to his hair, the soft midnight tuffs more outgrown than he usually liked. His palm pushed you down further against his lips, the feeling he brought you was much alike electricity— Alive, breathless, euphoric.
His other hand drifted down your thigh, the rough pads of his fingertips providing a beautiful contract that always drove you over the edge. So much blood on his hands, on his ledger, and yet he loved you so well.
The gentle push of his finger against your entrance had you moaning, the breach being enough to have the knot in your stomach pull taut. You wouldnt last long at the pace he was going, and judging by the smile printed against your inner thigh, Keegan knew it as well.
“You taste better than I remember, God.” He whined as if you were pleasuring him instead, his finger still worked in tangent, slick echoing against the skin in a dirty symphony. He added another, curling the digits against your walls just as he dove back in, flicking his tongue upon your overstimulated clit.
You clutched onto his head as you released against him, a slight growl falling from his lips as you echoed his name into the night. His fingers slipped from you with a pop, and just when you thought he would resurface, his lips parted again, falling to your opening. His tongue pushed into you, swirling heavenly as he lapped up all of your previous orgasm.
The sensation made you see stars, but he became ever so aware of what you wanted now. Your fingers clutched onto the collar of his ripped long sleeve, the material accenting his rippling biceps and chest nicely, yet you wanted nothing but to take it off. Keegan granted the silent command, pulling away from your weeping cunt and shimmying out of his pants and pulling his shirt over his head. You found yourself taking off your vest and shirt as well.
He leant over you like a sinner, praying to his God. His knees dropped to the far end of the sofa, just so his weight hovered over the top of you like a longing shadow, desperate to touch the object it always followed. His eyes were round and lusting as they took you in. You did the same.
He was beautiful. The moon overcasting his back and showcasing the upturnt scars and hardships in a milky glow. He was effortlessly strong, effortlessly comforting, and effortlessly eternal all in one. Your hand trailed down the soft curves of his chest, to his stomach. Goosebumps following after your fingers, as your nails scratched against the fine muscle of his abdomen.
Your hand flowed down his body like a gentle wave, when finally you reached his cock. He was painfully erect, the head of him leaking a fair amount of pre-cum. You chuckled silently into the night— as if you needed more slick, You’d swallow him whole, as you always did.
Your thumb brushed against his slit, massaging the cum down his shaft in a painfully slow motion that had him yelping desperately. His stubbled cheek once again found the slot between your shoulder, the tough hairs scratching pleasantly against your neck.
You pumped him, the sheer size of the ghost was always a surprise to you. His cock was lengthy and thick, no matter how much he attempted to warm you up, he still burrowed and stretched your walls to the maximum. Oh, how you loved it.
He held his breath as you lined him up to your entrance, not before brushing his head to gather the most of your slick.
“Ready?” He asked through a barely contained growl.
“Fuck me…” you murmured through a lustful stupor, finding yourself entrapped in his crimson stare as he angled his upper body above you. His arms caged by your head, meeting with your eyes he plunged into you, a slow hiss fell from his lips as he breached ever so slowly. Your own eyes fluttered at the sudden fullness he provided you with.
His head flew back as he whined, likely his unwavering control slipping inch by inch. Steadily you pulled his chin to your face and attached your lips again, providing a heavenly distraction as you tasted yourself upon his tongue.
He sheathed himself into you, biting upon your lip gently as he felt your walls flutter around him.
“So warm, doll.” He pulled away slightly to praise. Your stomach fluttered at his words, you sucked your bottom lip into your mouth, nearly whimpering when he pulled halfway out of your cunt.
He was ruthless as he slammed back down, making the breath fall out of your lungs in a violent symphony. He set the pace roughly, making you release a series of moans and pleads of his name.
His hands were everywhere all at once. His palms hiked upward on your thighs, pushing you into him while you subconsciously wrapped them around his hips in a constricted and possessive grip. The other flew to your breasts, kneading the flesh in a harsh hold. His fingertips pinched upon the hardening bud of your nipple, making you release a satisfied gasp.
“Keegan…. Please.” You didn’t know why you were begging, he was giving you everything you needed. He rutted particularly deep at your plead, digging himself deeper into the warmth he so desperately craved. He wanted to be a part of you, to feel you so closely and to pleasure your every cell.
“Fuckin’ hell sweetheart.” He cursed, looking down upon your flustered cheeks and panting lips. You fluttered around him again, making him lose all since of control he had before.
“I don’t know how much more I can take of you, I need it.” His panicked whine was enough for you to fall over the edge, his hips slapping into you at such a frantic pace it had you seeing stars.
He wasn’t going to stop. And you didn’t want him to. You knew what he needed, and you’d give it to him. Willingly and with open arms.
“Then take it.” You whimpered into the night air, watching his pupils blow and his thrusts to go even deeper. His little whine of protest was put to an end as his lips kissed gently upon your pulse point. His looming body caging you from squirming.
He didn’t stop his sloppy thrusting, even when he placed torturous open-mouthed kisses all down the soft flesh of your neck, until his tongue lapped gently against the thrumming pulse of your artery.
It pinched when his sharp fang-like teeth bit into your skin, yet the cooling nature of his tongue and lips pulled you to ecstasy. You clenched around him, having no time to warn him of your rapid orgasm until your legs wrapped around him tighter, your walls clenching his cock so tight his body was soon to follow you.
He was definitely in a nirvana-like state, his lips still suckling gently upon the sweet taste of your blood, his throat bobbing gently as he drank upon your life. His eyes were clenched shut as he rutted impossibly deep, hitting the very cup of your womb as he stilled.
He pulled away from your neck with a tough resolve, wanting more but knowing he couldn’t have it. Instead he focused on his earth-shattering orgasm, how his cock twitched inside you and released ropes of hot seed. He’d never felt so euphoric.
You laid limp under him, eyes flooded in darkness as you lazily looked to the blood slowly trailing down his chin. Your own blood.
Keegan collapsed, not even daring to pull his softening cock out of you quite yet. His weight was comforting, and as your fingers trailed to his chin, you collected the blood there, pushing it gently against his lips until he sucked the nectar off your fingertip with a satisfied hum.
Laying on this old couch in an abandoned cabin wasn’t ideal. And neither was the monster above you.
But you’d love him until your last breath. Even if Keegan happened to cause it.
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starshipsofstarlord · 1 month
pretty eyes (3)
summary. picking up where you left off isn’t always the easiest thing to proceed with, especially when you and daryl are still bickering. but there are ways to make amends
warnings. smut, fingering, a lottt of making out, swearing, slapping, brief angst
a/n. again there will be another part, i apologise for this having taken so long 🖤
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
He was rough yet tender as he cupped your face, his thumbs tracing the structure of your jawline as his mouth devoured your own, the broad and crisp sunlight bringing heat to your skin. Your noses traced back and forth together, your heavy breaths became one notion of inhaling and exhaling. There wasn’t a thought surpassing your mind as you physically reconciled after your stubborn disdain at one another, moulding together as though you could melt after the other’s touch.
Alas you were forced to part from the oxygen that your lungs required, and you breathed heavily, your chest rising in a rapid motion as the two of you wordlessly stared at one another. His pupils were transformed into an enlarged size, there wasn’t anything that could surpass the silence that brooded scornfully between you, as neither of you both were sure on how to proceed. You could feel the swollen lining around your lips, and you bit nervously at it, attempting to scratch an itch to make the quiet around you less tense.
“Shoul’n’t a done tha’.” Daryl stated, however he seemed less appalled by the contact that you had made than he had shown previously. His cerulean orbs raked across your face as his feet jaggedly trudged backwards, committing some distance from you. He felt almost drunk from your kiss, and that made him feel absurdly foolish. It wasn’t in his nature to be so astounded by a simple touch, but it was definitely affecting him.
His pulse raced in the depths of his flesh, and his bloodstream pounded heavily in his ears as he awaited for your response, hoping that you would agree with him. It was a mistake, one that certainly shouldn’t happen again. Those damning eyes of yours were distracting him from his shield of resentment, and he tried to shun them from his sight, however you were staring straight ahead at him, which made it defiantly impossible.
“Daryl,” the sound of his name escaping your plush lips had him desperate to hear it fall from your lips over and over… No. He wasn’t some idiot that was willing to fall head over heels, he was simply attracted to your physical form, that was all that it could be. It was all that he would allow it to be. He never wanted anyone close, he’d be a pussy as Merle would call him if he had any feeling for you and his brother were here.
“Don’ got time for this.” He remarked as he swiftly turned around with the purpose of getting as far away from you as possible, however he hadn’t anticipated for you to follow him like a lost lamb, with a frown written upon your face. “Why the hell ya followin’ me? Huh, ain’t no one else yer wanna fuck ‘round here?” In truth, he’d inwardly resent it if you shacked up with one of the other men in your group, but he’d silence the qualms he’d have with your sexual relations.
“Honestly, no.” You crossed your arms once again, and he battled with looking in your eyes to your raised breasts, sucking in a much needed breath. “But again that’s not why I’m here Dixon, we have to sort this tension between us out; and I didn’t come on my own accord, Shane sent me here for the sake of the rest of the group. It’s not about me and you screwing, it’s about being civil. I think we can do just about that, right?”
Daryl scoffed, shaking his head. “Ya listening to Shane now.” He laughed mockingly and you rolled your eyes at his behaviour, already wishing you hadn’t bothered. You were prepared to stalk away, and so to relent from this dispersive attitude you were being given, you headed to the woods, touching your side in a double checking fashion for your blade. Yes, you had it. You were all good to go, and escape this hellish debacle. The trees surrounded you, hiding you in their shrubbery and shading of leaves as you tried to clear your head. “Ya tryna get yourself killed or somethin’ woman?”
Of course he had followed you, but you raggedly shook out your hair, ignoring him. He had wanted you gone, to leave him be in his solidarity, and the next moment he had trailed after you, in a marching stride as he recalled you to return back to the campsite that you had set up on the farm. “No.” You blankly stated, you weren’t stupid and knew damn well how to defend yourself. “No I’m not Daryl. You wanted me to leave you alone so that’s what I’m doing. So go back to being by yourself, you don’t owe me anything.”
“Wait. Just hold up a second.” He sighed, stalking alongside you to make your steps pause. “I- uh, I jus’, fuck you woman.” He closed his eyes, as your palm collided with the side of his face and the sting blossomed upon his cheek. The man was a little taken aback, but he shouldn’t have expected any different for his last words. Daryl was full of copious frustration, and he was done with it. “Fuck it.” With his body weight he grasped you by the shoulders, leading you backwards until you were trapped between him and a tall shot of bark.
You were furious, but all discretions were smothered into dismal whining as Daryl pressed against you, his mouth hungrily colliding with your own. Your eyes were closed as you could do nothing but reciprocate his motions, licking into his mouth with vigour as his hands strewed in your hair. He became lost in your kiss, as he allowed one of his hands to grapple down and pledge your ass in his grip. His administration caused a gasp to shatter from your lips as you allowed him to do as he pleased, his hands worked desperately at the fly of your faded and worn jeans as he began to pull the denim down.
“This is definitely a way we might be able to get along.” Inherently you mumbled as you felt lips and teeth tug at the flesh of your neck, and you hadn’t even thought of him leaving bruising marks along your throat. A pleased moan fell deliriously from your lips as you felt his rough hand slide into your cotton panties, feeling your cunt over as he stroked his ring finger against entrance. He ensured you were wet enough before he plunged it inside of you, and when he did your eyes flew open.
As he licked his lips in concentration, he became adherent to anything other than your eyes, even with his wrist continuing to move to prompt you pleasure. “Such pretty eyes.” He muttered to himself, allowing a soft smile to capture his mouth for a moment as he brought you to the brink of pleasure, slipping another finger inside of you. Your eyes were blow wide like those of a deer, and you grabbed at his arm, lips gaping open as you released silent moans, restraining all noise if there were any walkers nearby.
“Daryl.” His name burned like an ember on your lips, and he was compelled to capture them again, as your hands caressed wantonly down his body, grabbing at the prominent bulge he wore beneath his clothing. This was a sure way to reconcile your arrogance towards one another, and you were futilely desperate for more.
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Secret Love, My Escape
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
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If nothing else, Lucifer was beyond faithful to his lover. He would do anything for the person he's devoted himself to. He would even risk death, all for the one he loves.
And in turn, his love would do the same...
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You knew this was a foolish idea, terrible even. Sneaking out of Heaven to meet with the demons of hell. If you were ever caught, who knows what punishment you would be given? But you didn't care. You weren't just meeting with any demon, but Lucifer himself.
The love of your life.
He knew it wasn't the best idea, it would end so horribly if Heaven ever finds out. But he couldn't help himself. His love for you was far stronger than his worries.
It wasn't bad to worry, far from it in this situation. But, he couldn't let someone as wonderful as you go. He may live on forever, but he could not go an eternity without you.
He would do anything to see you, even if just for a little while.
Even if it happened like this.
This wasn't the first time you two had done this either. You've went down to Hell quite a few times, it was practically routine at this point. And you were excited every time you got to.
You loved Lucifer more than anything. You cherished him, you never wanted to go a moment without him by your side. The time spent apart, was heartbreaking.
You two are from two separate worlds, after all. Heaven frowns upon the demons and sinners in Hell, but for an angel and the king of Hell to be together like this?
You both knew what Heaven's reaction would be. And it wasn't good for either of you...
But you didn't want to think about that. Right now, you just wanted to enjoy Lucifer's company, in the little time you were granted to visit him.
This time, the two of you were having a bit of a lazy day. Normally, Lucifer would try to keep you entertained, while in the privacy of his palace walls, of course. But today, the two of you just lay together in each other's arms.
You both would talk about nothing in particular, though, you always liked hearing about his daughter Charlie and the hotel, as well as her friends, as weird and wild as they could be.
And of course, there was never a day you visited, that Lucifer didn't talk about his latest duck related creations. You didn't mind at all. You loved seeing his face light up with joy and excitement whenever he talked about them.
"So, I was thinking about making a new rubber duck. One that shoots fireworks from like, a little hat on it's head." Lucifer explains. "There have been some previous attempts, each resulting in a few tiny fires, but! I think I'm getting pretty close to perfecting it!"
You giggle. "Well, I'd love to see it once it's finished." Lucifer smiled, though it quickly vanished as he noticed the time. He sighed, you knew what that meant.
"Already?" You mutter. Lucifer nods, frowning. You sit up and breath a sigh of your own. "It seems our visits just go by faster and faster."
"Yeah..." Lucifer sits up as well. You put your hand on his. "I wish there was a way I could just stay here." As much as Lucifer would have liked to have you with him. He could not bare the thought of you having to be in this terrible place. You were better off in Heaven where you belong...
"Come on, let's get you home before the others notice." Lucifer says. You begrudgingly agreed, your chest already aching, and you haven't even left yet.
If only there were some other way...
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Heaven was nice. No one could deny that. But to you, it never felt more empty without Lucifer. But that's not all. Heaven was nice. On the surface that is. You knew about what the higher ups were hiding though.
Lucifer had told you about the extermination, and the angels that Adam lead down to Hell, in attempts to destroy his daughter's hotel and kill those who called it home.
Speaking of Adam. He was dead, killed in that attack he lead. And of course, Heaven covered that up as well. So long as the citizens of Heaven were happy and unaware, there would be no chaos. No panic.
No questioning...
You knew better than to try and reveal Heaven's lies. You were only one person, after all. Though, the people of Heaven deserved to know just what kind of "paradise" they were living in.
That would only result in you being placed on trial, and eventually being forced out of Heaven.
However, speaking up would not be what caused for such a thing to happen.
No, unfortunately, you would be placed on trial, for something you'd hope you'd never be accused of.
"Y/n, for your sake, you'd better speak only the truth in this courtroom."
The head seraphim's eyes were cold and unforgiving as she looks down at you. You could only look back at her with panic, and a terrible twisting feeling in your chest.
"Have you been sneaking off down to Hell?" She asks. You open your mouth to speak, but your voice would not find you. Instead, you nod. The seraphim's eyes narrow. "And how exactly have you managed this?"
Still unable to speak, you cast your gaze downward. The seraphim's voice caused you to flinch, as she spoke your name with such venom in her voice.
You look back up at her, defeated. "Sera. I think you know how..." You say weakly. Sera sighed. "This is entirely unheard of. Lucifer isn't just some ordinary demon. He is the king of of all evil. Risking your place in Heaven for him, is beyond foolish."
Your brows furrow. She speaks of Lucifer like he is some sort of monster. And you will not have it.
"You don't know anything about him." You start. "Not truly. Lucifer may be the king of Hell, but he is nothing like a demon. Deep down, he's still an angel. And you all refuse to see it, all because you do not understand him!"
You were going to be punished anyway. Might as well speak your mind.
"I love him! And I'd rather fall than go an eternity without him, and be stuck here knowing that Heaven is a scam!"
Sera looked at you silently for a moment before turning away. "Then so be it."
Your arms were suddenly being restrained by two exorcist, a third walking up behind you, sword in hand. Then you felt it...
The feeling of your wings being torn from you. You cried in agony, the sound of them falling to the ground with a thud nearly made you sick. Your arms were released, and you began to fall back.
Only you did not hit the floor, instead, you continued to fall and fall for what felt like forever.
Until finally, you collied with solid, hard ground...
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When you opened your eyes, pain was the first thing you felt. Your back throbbed and your body ached. But you managed to pick yourself up, just barely keeping yourself standing.
You take a look around, and then up at the blood red sky. Yep, this was definitely Hell. You look back ahead, far in the distance, you could make out a building. Not just any building, a hotel.
You felt a twinge of hope as you start off in that direction. If this was indeed that hotel, you might have a better chance of finding Lucifer than you think.
Lucifer had started spending more time at his daughter's hotel than his own home as of recently. Only being at the palace for when you visited. If you were going to find him anywhere, it'd be there.
You walked for a long while before you finally reached the hotel. Just before the entrance is where you fell to your knees, exhausted. Your body was crying for rest, but your mind was racing. You couldn't give up now. You were so close.
Just as exhaustion started to fully set in, the doors to the hotel opened. And you make out a figure in the door way. Their voice was muffled, but you recognized just who the voice belonged to immediately.
"I'll be back shortly, Charlie! Just have to grab a few more things from home."
You forced yourself to stand, ignoring the new wave of pain and drowsiness that washed over you. Your voice cracked as you called out.
It was indeed Lucifer. He turned his head in your direction, his eyes wide as he noticed it was you. He stood there for a moment, unable to think or speak clearly.
Was his mind playing tricks on him? How were you here? Why were you here?
You smile slightly and take a step forward. "Lucifer...Lucifer!" You cried running towards him with open arms. You stumbled slightly, but Lucifer caught you.
"Y/n...What are you doing here?"
You held onto him tightly, tears forming in your eyes. "I...I just couldn't stay away." You say before pulling away to look up at him. Lucifer stared back at you with concern, but mostly confusion. Just as he went to speak again, you leaned in and met your lips with his.
Lucifer became less tense as he melted into the kiss. He didn't know how this was happening. He was still trying to process you standing in front of him right now.
You pull back, smiling as you look him in the eyes. You move your hand up to his cheek. "I love you."
Lucifer opened his mouth to speak, but stopped as he felt something warm on his palm. He moved his hand off of your back, and his heart dropped at the sight of gold staining his hand.
"Y/n...Don't tell me they..."
You leaned in and rest your head on his chest. "I'm so tired Lucifer...Just, don't let me sleep for too long. Ok?"
"Y/n!?" Lucifer's panic grew as you went limp in his arms. How could he not have noticed right then?
Your wings were missing.
There was no time to ponder it now, he scooped you up into his arms and teleported back to the palace. No one else needed to gaze upon your blood, it would only raise questions and attract unwanted attention.
As soon as you two were behind closed doors, Lucifer stripped away the top of your outfit, grimacing slightly at the sight of the two long tears on your back.
He placed his hands on your back gently and inhaled. A warm glow emanated from his palms that spread throughout your back.
"Come on...Stay with me Y/n." He whispered desperately.
After a few seconds, the glow faded. He moved his hands away, the wound was fully healed. But you were still motionless.
"Y/n, please. Please come back to me." Lucifer holds you close to him, cradling your head with one hand, the other at your waist. "Please...Please don't leave me..."
Lucifer held you for hours after that, refusing to let you go or leave your side for even a second. The only hope he held onto, was the faint breathing that came from you.
He blamed himself for this. He should have just left you alone. He should have never snuck you down here like he did, for as long as he did. He should have just pushed you away.
At least then, you'd be safe.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n." Lucifer said softly. "You were hurt because of me. You fell because of me. And now, you're stuck here. And it's all my fault..."
"I'm such an idiot." Lucifer closed his eyes, tears stinging at his eyes.
"Luci...don't talk so badly about yourself."
Lucifer shot up, looking down at you with wide eyes. "Y/n?" You smile and slowly open your eyes. "Hi."
Lucifer felt the tears rolling down his cheeks. Though, he couldn't stop smiling. He sniffled a few times. "H-Hi!" He chuckles. His laughter was quickly cut short.
"Y/n. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I never meant for you to be damned to his awful place. You should be up in Heaven, in paradise. Not down here with all the evil and scum that Hell has to offer."
"Lucifer." You start. "It's not paradise. Especially not without you. I never would have been happy alone up there. It killed me anytime I had to leave you."
"But now you're stuck here forever." Lucifer says weakly. You kiss his cheek. "We're here together."
Lucifer brought you in a closer embrace. You speak again. "Thank you for healing me, Luci. I'm sorry if I scared you." Lucifer shook his head. "I'm just glad you're alive. But..." Lucifer draws back to look at you. "Are you ok with this?"
"Of course I am. You're here, and now, I'm here. I love you way too much for it to be any other way."
Lucifer smiled and kissed you softy. "I love you too."
The two of you enjoyed each other's embrace that night. Only this time, moments like this would be forever.
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kurogxrix · 1 year
When The Time Comes ( 1. )
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⇀ ( II. ) ( III. )
Sully family x Sully!reader, oc x Sully!reader
IN WHICH the future Tsahik of the Omaticaya and oldest daughter of Jake and Neytiri, Y/N has always carried the heavy weight of future duties. Her trouble making antics can only aggravate her relationship her family...and somehow drive her to meet a certain grumpy Omaticayan.
Warnings: use of Y/N ONCE, literally.
The OC [Mo’rata] faceclaim <-
WC: 6k
A/N: YALL IK THAT THE PIC IS A FEMALE NAVI but it's just a face claim so who cares. plus we love ourselves an androgynous queen. ANYWAYS ENJOY😋
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Ever since Neytiri had given birth to you, your parents had known that you would be a mighty child. Jake could already picture the future little warrior that you would become. Though it wasn’t something that he wished upon you, because he and Neytiri knew of the dangers of war more than anybody else.
Although when your first instinct was to grab onto one of his locks with a force that he ignored a newborn could even possess, he knew that he had nothing to worry about. The Sully genes ran thick in your blood.
Neytiri’s yellow eyes glistened as she observed you, so innocent yet not frail. You were a strong baby, blessed by Eywa herself with a strong soul. Mo’at said that she could feel it, as well as your connection with Eywa herself.
Soon after, your little family welcomed their first born son into their arms. With open arms and an open heart, Neteyam had become your brother. He was worshipped and presented under the many eyes of the Omatikaya as they chanted his name in joy, just like they had done with you.
Jake watched as his babies went from the pure chubby bundles of joy that they were into the fine warriors that they were today. Soon enough, he watched as his family grew. From his firstborn to his second child, to his now big family of 7. He did often happen to miss when you all were just toddlers, innocent children shielded from the wrath of war and duties. Innocent children who would attempt to run away from his inescapable grip as he tickled them relentlessly.
“What did I say before leaving? You are spotters, all of you!” your father began to scold you and both your brothers, Neteyam and Lo’ak, as soon as your Ikrans had reached the platforms.
“And you,” he pointed towards your frame and your ears downturned at his judgement. “I told you to keep an eye on your brothers and all you did was disobey again. What you did today was foolish and dangerous!” he seethed and Neytiri side-eyed him when he raised his voice a little too high. His eyebrows furrowed from anger as he glared at your unwavering form.
“Did you hear me?” he hollered, which momentarily broke your composure as you looked away from his blazing glare.
“Yes, sir.” Neytiri sighed at the subtle mocking tone in your answer. He was about to counter before Neytiri thankfully came at your rescue.
“Ma Jake, Your son is actually bleeding…”
Jake sighed as he ran a hand across his face, features pinched in stress. He did not wish to face his unruly daughter now, but he knew that he had to.
“Go get your brothers treated now won’t you, you might as well do that right.” He sneered as Neytiri smacked him across the back of his head. Lo’ak look down in guilt as he was now victim of your sharp glare. You everted your eyes back to your father to speak but he beat you to it. “And take that shit off your face.” he jabbed at your warrior's face paint.
“I’m sure they can treat themselves their own, since they’re independent enough now.” You raised your eyebrows towards your younger brothers, which they only shrunk under your gaze.
They knew not to take it to heart and that you did not particularly mean what you were implying. Well maybe just a little, and siblings fought all of the time anyways. It was not new to them.
Though this time it was truly your brother’s fault. He was the one that had decided to run off to grab a gun and he was the one that had gotten you all injured in the first place. Neteyam had tried to argue with him at first but nonetheless joined him in the hunt for a weapon after following him to the ground.
You mounted your Ikran once more before setting off, escaping your duties once more as your family was left to wonder where you had escaped to this time.
Your Ikran had left to rest nearby about a few minutes prior. Meanwhile, you were busy exploring the bioluminescent vegetation around you. Oftentimes brushing your hands across the large variation of non-toxic plants that littered the forest.
You were in search of a certain type of berry, one that was only found in deeper regions of the forest. Despite its rare shares, the fruit is one of the most desired desserts in the forests of Pandora, known for its sweet and unique taste. You were aware that your siblings all adore the delicacy, and you were searching for a way to pardon yourself for your previous absences. Soooo…..
After 20 minutes of searching, you had found no sign of the berry nearby, though you had found a litter of Viperwolf cubs. At first you did not wish to have anything to do with the cubs, no matter how adorable you found them. Solely because of the fact that their mother was standing right besides them, and you did not want to unnecessarily kill one of Eywa’s creation if she decides to attack you. Though when the cubs found their own way around your legs while nearly tripping you, their mother had not dared to move - deeming you a trustable Na’vi.
You still knew better than to try and pet her though.
Before you could even kneel down to pet the cubs, a new presence had rushed past you by force, knocking you over. The cubs all whined as they ran back to their mother, who she recognized the scent of a hunter amongst thousands of others. So she ran, taking her pups away and leaving you to deal with this stranger.
Upon first glance you had not recognized the man, though it had nothing to do with the fact that all you were greeted with was the simple sight of his bare back. You growled at the audacity of this rude stranger, ears pointing up in displeasure.
“Look at what you have done, you successfully ruined today's hunt. Marvellous job!” The stranger sneered. He had a rough voice that matched his sharp personality really well.
“We do not even consume Viperwolves..” you stated, although it came out sounding more like a question.
“We eat whatever we can catch, it does not matter if ‘we do not consume’ them or not.” he mocked you with his snarky comment. Your face twisted to one of disgust at the idea of this man eating something such as a thanator, those things just look exteriorly expired.
The stranger kneeled down on one knee besides the previous viperwolf nest. He slid a finger on the paw print engraved in the dirt, bringing it close to his eyes to inspect. You watched with curious eyes at the huntsman’s antics, just as he huffed in annoyance.
“You didn’t just ruin today’s hunt, but a delicious meal too at that.” he paused for a moment before turning around to you. Your eyes widened at him, seemingly he was nothing of what you had expected.
He was about a head taller than you as he stood up high on both of his feet, his stance was intimidating but you did not falter. He held a muscular and well defined build, props to all of the training that he must’ve endured. He tilted his head to the side with a scornful grin as you checked him out, but you were not affected by his teasing.
His broad shoulders and toned stomach could make any Omatikayan woman lose their footing. Unfortunately for him, his facial features only seemed to repulse or frighten them away. Your round yellow eyes traced his sharp jawline, which was a common trait in most Na’vi. Although for some reason, none of them had ever entranced you as much as his had.
He scoffed as you continued to check him out, turning around after he had gotten enough of your staring. The unexpected sound of your laughter however, got him to turn around once more. His eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement.
“Is the almighty stranger afraid of a woman's gaze?” you poked at his ego but truly, yes he was. His pride was too big for him to agree with you, so he simply rolled his yellow iris at your taunting.
At his lack of response, you decided that you were not quite done with your teasing. You approached him while maintaining secure eye contact, getting all up in his personal space as you stood right ahead of him. His breath hitched at the closeness, but his deep scowl would not give him away.
He watched impatiently as your eyes scanned his features once more. From his notched ear to the many size-ranging scars that cluttered his face, a proof that he was a full time huntsman. He had what seemed like charcoal powder around his eyes, adding to his already intimidating look.
“Quit staring, you demon. I've got to catch up to that prey that you drove away.” He grumbled as he shoved you away, curtly using one hand to push at your shoulder while the other one gripped harshly at his bow.
You were left speechless at his comment, how dared he? Him, a simple labourer, insulting you (and subtly your family too).
“Aye skxawng, do you even know who you’re talking to?” you tilted your head towards him, nose scrunched up at his rudeness.
“Everybody knows who you are, your family is filled with demon hybrids. I’m sure that your family name is well spoken of in other clans as well.” he bashed and backtracked to leave once more but your airplane ears and furrowed eyebrows should have told him that something was coming for him.
You ran up to him before shoving his shoulders back with force, bearing your canines at him in a venomous hiss. Another thing that you had acquired from your mother was her assertiveness.
“You will not disrespect my family, you got it? or else I'll deal with you myself, scum!” you spat, and as much as he liked getting a rise out of you, he knew better than to add fire to the flame. He knew of your achievements as a fighter, because honestly, who didn’t? He could despite your family of demons all he wanted but he had to come to terms with the fact that those same exact demons were ruling his clan.
The man raised his hands in mocking surrender as a wicked grin overtook his expression. You refrain yourself from personally going over to punch that look out of his face as he leaves. You too had decided that you had stayed out too late, and that your family was probably starting to get worried.
But just there, from the corner of your eyes had you spotted it. recognizable from it’s beautiful red color, a Sarisa berry bush.
Later that night at dinner, your seat had remained vacant once more. There was a loud-silence that filled the room and the tension was thick enough to be sliced through with a dagger. Tuk volunteered in an attempt to soothe everyone’s nerves by giving them a free ‘concert’, which she ended up getting all of her siblings present to join in. Soon enough, the Sully’s tent was filled with laughter and loud chanting.
Your father however was left to sulk in his corner, fingers working precisely on threading his damaged arm band. He just couldn’t pinpoint when things had begun to fail with you. He knew as much as the countless times that he had scolded you during your youth. For things like you sneaking away during eclipse to go play with nearby Viperwolf cubs. Or in moments where you had stupid fights with neighbouring Na’vi children.
Though when you grew to understand the duties that were to be thrown upon you once you were to grow up, you began running off more often. Disobeying the strict orders that the other Sullys were deemed to adhere to. It was harsh for the younger you, you liked being free and careless. Not overwhelmed with responsibilities.
Neytiri had tried to reason with you, telling you that everyone had responsibilities and that it was inevitable. You understood that, really, but the responsibilities of the Tsahik and of a normal Na’vi were far different. She tried telling you that your father meant the best for you, that his scolding was because he cared for you, but after you continued with your antics - she found herself siding with her mate more.
You did not find any interest in a healer’s job, and you knew that as Tsahik, that would be a part of your everyday life. You were a fighter, like your mother and father, like your brothers.
She was keen and observing, because she was a mother and leader after all. She had noticed how you begin distancing yourself more after the birth of your latest sister, Tuktirey. She deemed that it was perhaps a bit of jealousy and that it would falter soon after you had met your sister.
It wasn’t that you hated your sister, never that. You loved Tuk with your whole existence and there’s never a day that passess by where you don’t tell yourself that you would sacrifice everything for her, much like your mother had promised herself for you.
You were just overwhelmed with everything, and sometimes you did truly envy your sisters for their lack of chores. Sometimes you wished that Kiri was bound to become Tsahik, because you knew that her connection with Eywa was pure and incredibly strong. You had seen it with your own eyes when she had asked you to come to the forest with her. Everyone saw it.
When you made your appearance in your family’s tent, a toothy smile consumed your face as you watched with joy as your family was bonding. You approached them with little to no stealth, in a failed attempt to scare them.
At the sight of you, Neytiri’s ears raised in happiness. She was happy to see her girl back home, all safe and by the sight of the warm smile on your face, recognizably happy. Lo’ak spotted you first, but remained quiet as he saw you sneaking behind the little Tuk. Who she, was busy hitting all the high notes.
She was cut off by a squeal as you pinched her sides, using little force to pull her lightweight figure into you. Her loud giggles filled the room as you turned her around in your arms, holding her up on your hips with one hand while the other wrapped around her smaller back.
“You are back.” Kiri beamed at you, before standing up from her spot to join you in yours.
Jake watched as Tuk’s feet accidentally brushed against the burlap sack that was attached to your hip. A singular Sarisa berry falling from it. You younger siblings eyes widening at the sight, all rushing towards you as Tuk struggled to wiggle out of your grip.
Your laughter filled every inch of the tent as you threw your head back in laughter from your sibling’s reactions. Neteyam looked down with flushed cheeks as he was embarrassed by his childish behaviour.
“Here, you can all have a few,” you revealed as you opened your sachet filled with the berries. Their eyes practically glowed as you allowed them to take their fair share. Neteyam gave your head a loving pat, despite being younger than you, he always acted like he was the oldest.
Neteyam was responsible and wise, truly the golden child of the family. Sometimes you resent yourself for taking the Olo’eyktan chance from him because you had been born first. He was always quick to reassure you that he didn’t care and that in his eyes, you’ll always be the best warrior. The love you held for your brother was beyond the length of the lands of pandora. For the rest of your family as well.
Kiri thanked you sweetly before going back to her spot, and Lo’ak being Lo’ak, just grabbed more than he should’ve and took off running before you could scold him for it.
You looked back down at Tuk that had already passed out of your chest, sticky residue left around her mouth as she had been stealthily stealing more fruits while you were talking to your siblings. You scavenged around the tent for a spare piece of cloth as you found one near a bucket of water, exactly what you needed. You swiftly dipped the cloth in the bucket, squeezing the excess water as best as you could with one hand before bringing it back up to clean your little sister's fruity mess.
You silently thanked Eywa as Kiri had volunteered in taking Tuk into her care until they all went to sleep. You slipped the bag off your waist before moving to where your parents sat, legs crossed on the floor.
You shoved the bag next to them as you offered them their share. There wasn’t much left because of your devious siblings, but it was just dessert after all. After waiting too long for them to react you grabbed your fathers hand as he watched you, his ears flicking back in surprise. You shoved some fruits into his before doing the same with your mother.
Neytiri’s eyes flickered down between her hand and Jake’s, before looking at your now empty bag.
“Are you not having any, ‘ite” (daughter)
“I am not hungry, sa’nok” (mother)
In reality, you had been craving the fruit for Eywa knows how long before. Though your offering of the fruit was for the demand of forgiveness, and you were not about to take what you had shared to your family for your own pleasure.
“Lies! I have lived on this earth for many years surrounded by liars,” she casted a quick glance to her mate as she made a snarky reference to the time where he had betrayed the Na’vi, Though they had moved away from this long ago. Jake had known that she was just joking around. .
“I know when you lie, I am your mother after all. So you will eat and you will not speak!” Neytiri finished before she grabbed one berry from her own pile, shoving it in your move before you could refuse. You chewed bregudgly on the berry before bursting out laughing alongside your mother, your cheeks were bloated from the berry that you were still chewing.
You laughed carelessly with her, her hand moving to cup your cheek as her thumb ran loving circles onto your skin. For a moment, you had looked towards your father and to your surprise, you saw him chuckling at you both.
It filled your heart to the brim, and you felt like it would explode from the love that you received in this tent. Your father gave you a warm smile that you reciprocated, before Neytiri forced you to consume more fruits. Claiming that you haven’t been eating enough recently. Then, the laughter had been revived and the night had slowly died out as you had all made your ways into your mats for a good night's sleep.
The arguments had been forsaken for the night as for once in a long time, Jake had been your father, and not Jake Sully or Toruk Makto.
It had been a little over three months ever since your first interaction with the Na’vi, three months since your father had last scolded you and three months since your mother had begun to notice the subtle changes within your behaviour.
You would often sneak off during eclipse and come back at some completely random time. While she was used to this since you were younger, she noticed how you sometimes returned with random trinkets or with the widest grin that she had ever seen on your face.
You had thought that you were slick with your little escapades, but to be honest, your whole family was probably aware of it by now. At some point in time, you had arrived back home past sleeping hours to all of your siblings awaiting you ahead of the tent. Minus Tuk, that was peacefully snoring away.
Kiri was the first one to notice at first, besides your mother. She had noticed that you had been chirpier, having more will to do your everyday tasks. She was happy for you, so happy that she had set a quest among herself and her brothers to find out who your mystery lover was.
Lover. You were far from that. yet.
Not long after your first argument with the man, you had learnt that the stranger was named Mo’rata. You had attempted to inform yourself from your group of friends and surprisingly, they knew of him. Though, they knew of him in a way that did 0 justice to the man’s already poor reputation.
By what Miraha, your closest friend - had told you; he was far from the type of boy that you wanted yourself affiliated with. He was rude and totally outspoken. You had rolled your eyes at the news because that had been made clear every since your first meeting. You had heard a couple of stories about the man. About how he had once tried to court a Na’vi woman’s couple of years ago, and how he had gotten totally rejected because of his appearance.
That had made you feel uncharacteristically dejected, though he had not deserved to be treated in such a way. You had felt so bad because it was him.
Soon enough your meetings with the man began to double, triple and soon enough, you had been meeting him every single night during eclipse.
Whether your nights had been spent on an Ikran, racing and feeling the wind all brushing through your hair or full pledged roasting matches - you couldn’t help but feel things you wished not to feel for the man.
Your father had been completely against the idea of you being with the man at first, and still was. When he had first discovered that your little outings were spent with Mo’rata, it had been during a feasting celebration at the village. When you had both been returning to the village after another Ikran race, you had completely missed the way that the village was completely lighten up. Stupid had you both been, because who on Pandora could have missed the blazing lights of fire during eclipse?
You were both racing back towards the village as you were ahead of him, to which he was completely in disagreement with. He rushed past you, nearly knocking the light out of you as he pushed past.
Childish was what your mother had thought of you guys when you had entered the village, all sweaty and out of breath from your previous challenge.
You had nearly crashed into his toned chest as he had turned to meet your eyes, his own as wide as saucers as he noticed the presence of the other Omatikaya. As you made inevitable contact with him, you let out a scruffy ‘oof’ before he caught you in his arms. Both hands holding you by the waist as your hands rested on his forearms. You would’ve usually loved the intimacy if it hadn’t been for the recognizable inappropriate tune of your brother’s whistle, a tune to mock your intimacy with the man. Something that he had definitely learnt from the human that always followed him like a lost puppy, who he was currently laughing alongside Lo’ak.
You both quickly separated and stood straight before the Ole’eyktan and his family. Your family. Mo’rata knew that he should have felt scared, or more the less intimidated, but he didn’t. Because one gaze at your frame was enough to soothe his nerves. You were trying your hardest not to burst out laughing at your fathers seething form, before completely shattering under pressure. He too, soon broke under the spell of your unruly laughter, falling under the harsh glare of the Ole’eyktan.
Neteyam and Kiri shared a look between them before joining in the fit as well, although much more subtle because your father was very much still seething and very much still beside them. Neteyam placed a comforting hand upon his fathers shoulder and so did Neytiri, silently asking him to spare you just for this night. To save everyone’s festive night from his selfish judgement.
He sighed before shoo-ing his beloved ones hands away and telling the people to resume on with their feasts. You turned to look at Mo’rata once more, but to your surprise he was already staring at you.
He was mesmerised by the way you had been looking so angelic under the golden glaze of the torches. You chuckled before grabbing his hand, swiftly pulling him away to probably go and get lost in some random part of the forest for the 6th time this week.
He could only do anything but complain, because he would get lost every single day of his life if it meant getting lost with you.
After that night your little siblings had all tried to convince you that you had a little crush on the Na’vi, but you’d always lie and deny their accusations. Plus little was an understatement…
“You’re staring,” Neteyam teased as he gently elbowed you.
“Ooooooh sister be careful, you’re drooling!” Lo’ak joined in the teasing, rolling in laughter alongside spider, to whom you’d just glare and roll your eyes at.
Truthfully so you had been staring for a little long at the Na’vi, but you’d claim that it was because he was strange. Ironically so, almost a little hypocritically too because you were deemed strange as well. given your five fingers and fully developed eyebrows that no normal Na’vi had. Mo’rata had made it clear to you that he deemed you and your family as demons anyways, so you had all your rights to claim him as weird.
Though as of recently, he had begun to see you in a new light. To see your five fingers and the odd hairs above your eyes as something that he would wish to see everyday.
You had learnt along the way that Mo’rata was more or less a loner, due to his incredibly hostile attitude. When you’d heard the news you had rolled your eyes and claimed that it was no surprise. You had heard no records of his family and assumed that they were no more and that this could maybe explain his behaviour, but never excuse it.
You found yourself more at peace in the presence of Tuk, because she was the only one whose innocence shielded her from noticing the longing stares that you’d send the man. She would not once question or even acknowledge her other siblings teasing you about Mo’rata, she had her priorities set. As of now, her priorities were to re-braid your hair, and you were sure that she was set on making this the most painful braiding session that you had ever endured.
Tears gathered involuntarily in your big round eyes as your sister kept pulling with no avail, curse her for inheriting that sully blood. Soon enough your whole family had gathered into the marui as eclipse was soon to arrive.
It was not yet time for dinner, but you had already prepared yourself to leave the tent a little earlier tonight. You grabbed your bow, one that you rarely even used because you were more fond of your dagger and spear. You had thought that you were sleek with you sneaking, but your father had caught onto your tail before you could vanish into thin air.
You swiftly turned around as your tail fell in between your legs, cheeks turning a pale shade of indigo as you felt embarrassed to have been caught sneaking out. Clearly you were not the sneakiest na’vi on this land.
Jake looked at you with a raised brow, arms crossed as Neytiri grinned at him from her sitting spot.
“You are not running off with that skxawng, he is a bad influence!” He ranted as he turned away from you to look at his other children that were fighting over some game that was definitely made for children of Tuk’s age.
“But da-“
“No buts, you’re staying here tonight and it has already been decided!” he cuts you off, running a hand down his creased forehead. Having kids was definitely a harder chore than being a leader and the poor man prayed for Eywa to give him some inner peace.
You suddenly gasped loudly, bringing a hand to your mouth as you looked at your father. He was stunned by your sudden cry, his ears flushed tight against his head as he looked at you, mouth opened and all.
“What? what is it?” he asked with a scared undertone, which you had to use every single cell in your body to resist the urge to giggle at. He was too oblivious for his own good.
“Lo’ak is holding Tuk up by the tail!” you cried in pretend shock and pointed at the space behind him. Your father quickly turned to look around, ready to yell at his youngest son, for the 5th time today.
Though when he turned around, he was met with the sight of his children cheerfully playing with their little sister, all in peace. No one was pulling another by their tails. He turned back to glare at you and scold you for lying, but when he turned around he was met with the sight of an empty tent entrance.
At first he simply stood there, in pure disbelief that he had really gotten totally finessed by his own daughter. Though the disappointment slowly began to seep in, not only for you but for himself to have fallen for such a dirty trick. Neytiri snickered at him as she looked fondly at her tired mate, patting the spot beside her that he happily complied.
He pulled a hand to his temples as he rubbed the sore spot.
“Have children, they said. It’ll be the best experience of your life, they said.” he grumbled and his mate simply knocked the back of his head gently, not wanting to worsen his headache even more.
Failure, again and again and all over again. You huffed as you kicked the grass beneath your feet, watching as your prey took off running away. It looked at you once more before leaving definitively, as though it was mocking you. ‘Oh great Sully cannot even hit her target’
You wanted to bring back dinner for tonight and make your father proud, but how could you when you were all the more shit at aiming. Short ranged fighting was what defined you, as much as it wasn’t convenient for the Omatikaya. In your clan, they hunted and fought from far, on Ikrans or perched up in trees.
You lowered your head in shame despite believing you were alone. How could Neytiri’s own daughter be bad at archery when she was the best in the clan, followed by your younger brother; Neteyam.
The bushes behind you rustled as your impressive hearing caught it, ears flicked back as you quickly stood straight on your feet. Much to your relief, it was no thanator coming to feast on your flesh, but simply Mo’rata. He held his hands above his head in a mocking surrender, much like he did during your first time meeting.
You lowered your bow before turning around with a scoff. You raised your bow again, this time at another little animal that happened to be scavenging for food, just like you were. The rodent stood about a few metres away from the both of you and as much as it probably wouldn’t be enough to feed your whole family of 7, it would be enough for practice. Mo’rata observed you through his stern gaze, before his silent footsteps took him to you. A true hunter’s trait.
“You cannot even hold a bow correctly, how is it that you are a warrior if you cannot do the minimum?” His words may have sounded discourteous, but his tone held no venom to it.
Your tail rested in between your legs in hostility and his nonexistent eyebrows raised in amusement.
“I prefer short ranged fighting, and that requires more strength and less….aiming?” Mo’rata looked at you in bewilderment, were you really being for real right now? He snickered and his deep laughter made you feel unnecessarily warm.
“When you live in the forest, you cannot allow yourself the shame of being unknowing. So grab your bow and try again.” He urged you to aim again and you rolled your eyes at his sudden eagerness.
“Living in the trees without knowing how to reach your prey from far is dangerous, you’ll get yourself killed.” you had to agree that he was correct, maybe you shouldn’t have been skipping archery training with your father and Neteyam.
Mo’rata looked at your posture once more and it was truly starting to ick him at how badly you were holding your bow, or even standing. He decided to take matters into his own hands and help your desperate self.
You tensed at first contact, the feeling of his warm palms taking you completely by surprise. Your round eyes widened as your pupils dilated slightly, a trait you had acquired from your mother. He was holding firmly unto the hand that was holding your bow while the other one grasped upon your other one, pulling it towards him.
“Hunting is not only a duty Y/N, it is a talent gifted from Eywa to be able to be a hunter.”
The bowstring flexes from tension and Mo’rata lifted your arm slightly alongside his. His back wasn’t much further away from yours and you could momentarily feel his chest pressing alongside your back before the feeling completely vanished. When you look back at him, he was now standing beside you.
“When you hunt, you must get used to your surroundings, wherever you are, however loud or quiet the area is.”
Mo’rata nudged for you to hurry up and shoot, and so you did. In a split second, the arrow left your bow and landed straight into the poor rodent, taking it out instantly. Your eyes widened at your successful attempt, even though the other Na’vi had done everything for you.
He looked at you before laughing, a real laughter that had erupted from his throat. If your eyes weren’t already open wide, then they definitely were now.
“Said ‘warrior’ is so happy to have successfully aimed a bow for the first time.” He mocked, his dreads caging his face as he lowered his face to laugh. His mockery held no venom once again, just a hidden tinge of fondness.
You looked up at him to join into his fit of laughter, although in a split second, the sky had darkened and a heavy rain began pouring on the both of you. You looked back at him in confusion, before watching how his ears suddenly flickered and pinned down against his skull.
He immediately urged forwards to grab onto you, bringing you to the comfort of a tree trunk just in time as a swarm of animals of all sizes came rushing for every side of the forest. They ran, presumably away as both herbivores and carnivors put aside their indifferences to run away from whatever was coming.
He held a hand across your stomach in a protective embrace, your back pressed to him. Dust and whatever nasty particles that those animals were carrying around got blown all over and unto you both. Though you could care less about that right now.
Once the rush had calmed down, the both of you had left the hiding spot to investigate the damage done. That was when you had seen it, the couple of unfamiliar lights that advanced through the darkening sky.
You looked back at Mo’rata with a foreign fear in your eyes and he attempted to comfort you by holding onto your hand. Something was telling you that you must return home as quickly as possible, because you had just been warned by Eywa that bad things were coming your way…
sorry to those who have read this before, a part was missing and i have just fixed it!
tags: @iloveavatar @ssc7514 @neteyamforlife
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dark-and-kawaii · 4 months
A Cruel Game
Raphael x f!Tav/Reader x Mephistopheles
⋆˙⟡♡ 18+ Dark Content
⋆˙⟡♡ Summary: Raphael remained bound by the chains in Cania, his flesh etched with the marks of a whip's assault, his visage swollen with the beatings dealt by a Cornugon that took pleasure in toying with him. The chastisement Mephistopheles imposed upon his offspring was far from concluded; indeed, an archdevil's methods of torment extended well beyond the scope of mere floggings and physical abuse.
⋆˙⟡♡ NSFW | Dubcon | Noncon | Heavy Angst | Double Penetration
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Raphael hung from the chains in Cania, his body marred with lashes from a whip, his face bruised from a Cornugon that enjoyed playing with him. Mephistopheles’ punishment for his son was not over quite yet, no an arch devil was far crueler than mere lashings and beatings.
He could hear the sound of an instant teleportation, and despite the pain, Raphael lifted his head to see whom it was that came to visit… He had figured it would either be Haarlep once more or his dear father, and he was partially right. His father was indeed here to pay him a visit, but what he didn’t expect was finding you trailing behind Mephistopheles, in the nude.
Raphael’s eyes roamed your body, as he did he felt his heartbeat begin to race. There, around your neck was a metal collar, attached to it a long chain that led straight to his fathers hand… Raphael could feel his teeth clench, what was his father doing with you!? His precious little mouse.
Mephistopheles stopped in front of his son, his hand tugging on the collar for you to pick up the pace. He was grinning from ear to ear, his white teeth on full displace, “I can see why you kept this soul all to yourself, son. She makes quite the beautiful pet.”
You came into view, your body just as divine as Raphael remembers it. Your face was flushed, your thighs pressed together, and your nipples were fully erect… Raphael could see something was off about you, your eyes were glazed over, the corner of your mouth had the smallest of sheen from drool. It all made him uneasy.
The Archdevil circled around you, "I've never met a more submissive bitch." His hands trailed over your shoulders, his touch causing you to shiver and emit a soft whine.
Raphael's face contorted in anger. His blood boiled at his father's words and actions. But what infuriated him the most was the fact that you seemed to enjoy his father's touch. The thought of you submitting to someone other than him made his stomach churn. His father must have done something to you.
"She is mine," Raphael growled, pulling at the chains, his muscles straining against his skin.
"Not anymore," Mephistopheles grinned, his fingers gripping your hips. "Ah, but because I'm such a considerate father, I was going to allow you some fun with your little mouse, as you called her."
The archdevil leaned into your back, his hands sliding down the sides of your hips. A low whimper escaped your lips, your body trembling from the stimulation. "Do you miss my son's cock?" Mephistopheles taunted.
"Yes," you nodded eagerly, your thighs rubbing together, your fingers curling, and your bottom lip bitten.
Raphael's body burned, and not in the usual hellish way. Your eyes never left his, but they appeared unfocused, clouded, with dilated pupils.
His father waved his hand, and in an instant, Raphael was chained to the cold prison ground.
"Do you wish to remind my son of what he left behind due to his foolish ambition?" Mephistopheles continued.
In a hushed tone, Raphael seethed, “You disdainful creature! She would would never stoop so lo-“
"Y-Yes," you breathlessly interrupted.
Mephistopheles released a soft chuckle. "She is very honest with her body, isn't she, my son?" His fingers creeped down to your bare sex, the tip of a finger playing with your sensitive bud.
You jerked, a loud moan escaping you while your body convulsed. Raphael's eyes hardened more, his arms straining against the chains along with his legs. His father's fingers were not even inside you and already your legs shook. Your body was aflame with lust, and he could only stare as the scene unfolded.
Mephistopheles grabbed the metal collar and pulled you back to him, his fingers still circling your bud. "Look at my son's expression," he breathed. "He's envious, isn't he?” The archdevil kissed your head, “go make him feel at home, pet.”
Releasing his hold on you, you fell onto the ground in front of Raphael, your knees skidding from the hard floor. You crawled forward, the sway of your hips beckoning the archdevil's gaze, "Y-yes!! I'll do anything you want- Mephy…“
Raphael winced at the nickname you gave his own father, but he could see tears brimming at the corners of your eyes…
Without wasting a single moment, you eagerly crawled on top of your former lover, your eyes dazed- almost vacant from what they once truly were. Your tongue flicked out, teasingly licking his chin, savoring the taste you had missed. Your hands roamed up his bare chest, relishing the feel of his chest hair and skin against you. "Raphael," you whined, your fingers curling into fists as you rubbed yourself against his abdomen, feeling his erection pressing against the curve of your ass.
Raphael growled, his cock throbbing. It had been weeks since he last touched you, and the need to bury himself deep inside your warmth consumed him. His hands clenched into tight fists, his desire almost unbearable as he thrusted his hips.
Mephistopheles watched with delight as his son struggled against the chains that bound him. "Ah, it's good to see that you're still a devil at heart," he taunted. "Willingly wanting to rut into this mortal in front of your dear father."
You whimpered, grinding against Raphael, the friction causing your juices to slide down the front of his length. You adjusted your position, aligning yourself with his girth, and slowly impaling yourself, feeling his length stretch your walls deliciously. Your back arched, head thrown back, as a loud, pleasurable cry echoed through the room.
With fervor, you bounced on his cock, your head thrown back and your voice filled with unrestrained pleasure. "Nn’! Feels s’good!"
Mephistopheles watched as you fucked his son, he knew this would eat at Raphael, knew this would be what bruised his pride. It's what the brat gets for being deliberately worthless.
Raphael fought against the chains, his eyes fixated on your bouncing breasts and the expression of pure pleasure on your face. "Y-You'll pay for this, Mephistopheles," he growled.
The arch devil knew what would be the crumbling point. Stripping his clothes the true devil positioned himself behind you, “be a good little mouse and vocalize just how much you want this.”
You stopped bouncing, your hands sprawled over Raphael’s chest while his cock plugged your tight little cunt, “M- Mephy” Taking your hands your chest falls to Raphael’s so you can spread your ass cheeks apart, your eyes pleading for Mephistopheles to ruin you.
“Such a good little lamb you are,” he patted your head just before lining himself up with your tight hole.
Raphael never liked to share what he considered his own, especially when it came to you. Haarlep was the only one allowed to bed you, and even then, Raphael had to be there to indulge in your arousal. He furrowed his brow and scrunched his nose, a clear sign of his displeasure, “Do not dare-“
Mephistopheles laughed at his son's reaction. "Are you asking me, your own father, to deny such a pretty and desperate plea? It seems like the human side of you is getting the better of you after all. Let me remind you of our devilish nature, my cambion."
With a forceful thrust, Mephistopheles buried his length deep into your tight ass. The sensation was overwhelming, causing you to scream out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Tears cascaded down the corners of your eyes as they slid down your cheeks, while a trail of saliva dripped from the corner of your lips. The arch devil fucked you relentlessly, as if trying to fuck right through you.
Raphael's teeth clenched, his hands shaking violently with rage as his body writhed beneath you, desperately trying to break free from the chains that bound him.
Mephistopheles thrusts inside you, each snap of his hips becoming harder and more brutal, not giving you a moment to adjust.
Haarlep, you thought… Raphael… Your eyes squinted at a memory… Your heart skipping at the vision of Raphael smiling down at you, praising you…
A guttural moan escaped your lips as you found yourself visualizing being sandwiched between both Haarlep and Raphael… Their thick lengths penetrating your body, driving you to the edge of pleasure.
It was all coming back to you…
Your nails raked across Raphael's chest, leaving deep, bloody scratches in their wake. Despite the facade of pleasure moments ago, you were in agony. The pain in your ass overshadowed any pleasure you could derive from the situation. Tears streamed down your face, mingling with the fresh blood drawn from your true lover's chest.
You leaned up, your consciousness flickered like a faint candle in the wind, surfacing from the depths of your ensnared mind. Your vision cleared just enough to take in the horror of what was truly happening, your body a marionette to another's will. As your gaze, heavy with the weight of an unspeakable grief, found Raphael’s, “R-Raphael- I-I’m Sorry…-“ the sight of his face, twisted not in anger, but a haunting visage of sorrow, eyes glistening with the sheen of unshed tears.
Raphael, knowing you better than anyone, could see through this trickery. He recognized that you were under some sort of spell, and the real you was desperately fighting against it, trying to come to.
Raphael observed the expression of pure ecstasy returning to your face, your tongue hanging out to the side of your mouth. He couldn't bear to witness you being used and abused between them, your once vibrant spirit reduced to a mere plaything for his father's sadistic pleasure. It tore at his heart.
A sob escaped your throat as the arch devil continued to slam his cock into your ass while you bounced on Raphael's cock. Each forceful thrust caused your body to shake, your hips meeting his thighs with a loud, rhythmic slap.
It didn't take long for the two devils to reach their climax. Mephistopheles was the first to succumb, his cock spasming as he released himself deep inside your ass. His cum oozed out, coating the walls of your tight passage, dribbling onto Raphael's balls.
Raphael followed suit, his body trembling with a mix of pleasure and despair. He watched as Mephistopheles asserted his dominance over you, his cruel actions tearing at the remnants of Raphael's shattered pride. Still, his cock pulsated and twitched, shooting rope after rope of cum. His seed spilling out of you, pooling at the base of his cock.
The familiar sensation of Raphael's release snapped your mind back into reality. It wasn't Mephistopheles' name you called out, but rather, "Raphael!" You moaned his name, a pure sound escaping you as you came down from your high.
Your body shook and collapsed onto Raphael's, seeking solace in his embrace. "R-Raphael... Raphael... i- I’m- s-so sor-f-forgive- me... R-Raphael," you sobbed into his chest, your former self regaining consciousness as the spell Mephistopheles had placed on you came to an end.
Raphael fell silent, his heart sinking to the depths of his stomach. He blamed himself entirely for once. If only he hadn't been so careless, you wouldn't have ended up in his father's clutches.
The arch devil chuckled, running his fingers down the side of your cheek in a seemingly gentle manner. "There, there. You did such a good job, little soul," he said, his tone deceivingly tender.
Instead of leaning into Mephistopheles' touch, you sought comfort in Raphael, burying your head into his chest. Your sobs continued, the sound of your pain filling the room.
Mephistopheles took notice of the way his son looked down at you, cradled on his chest, “It appears that your mother's blood runs through your veins more deeply than my own," Mephistopheles sneered, "How precious."
The arch devil withdrew from your presence, creating a portal with a swift motion of his wrist. As the portal materialized, "Enjoy the remainder of your time together," he taunted, his voice dripping with dark satisfaction. And with that final proclamation, the arch devil vanished into the portal, leaving you and Raphael alone to face the aftermath of his cruel game.
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