pandoraslxna ยท 22 hours
Quid Pro Quo
Oloโ€™eyktan Neteyam x female human scientist reader
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Words: 6.9k
Summary: You owe Neteyam a favor. Luckily, the oloโ€™eyktan has just the idea how you could repay him.
Warnings: explicit smut, oral, fingering, sexual tension, size difference, praise kink, cum eating, scenting, I actually hate this my writing is so bad here but I tried ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
Notes: Neteyam art on the left by @cinetrix, art on the right by @sleeptight____ on Twitter ๐Ÿฉต
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There is nothing you hate as much as the way the smell of the lab seems to seep into your clothes and stick to your skin after youโ€™ve been working there all day.
When you get back to your tiny living quarters at hells gate after twelve or fourteen hours, you usually smell like dank, half-rotted crates and dust and damp concrete and dirt. It doesn't matter that you recently cleared out all the crates and sealed all the leaks and dusted until you were streaming-eyed and dripping-nosed, that the labs are as clean and sterile as you could make it. It still smells like what it is: an old, moldering wreck of a science shack.
Back at hells gate, you strip down less than two feet in the door, and then just stand there in your skin for a minute, stretching your arms, rubbing your temples, your eyes.
Youโ€™re tired and your back and neck ache from hunching over books and datapads all day, and it's another damned day with nothing to show for your work. Another day that feels like a waste of time.
Toeing the pile of clothes out of the way you sigh as you head for the bathroom. A nice long shower would be just the thing, relax some of the ache of your muscles and erase the stink of the labs from your nose.
Unfortunately, you can't have that.
The hot water heater serves the entire floor, and there's never more than a minute or two of hot water.
Once youโ€˜ve made yourself get up at four a.m. to shower, because who the hell would be using hot water at four in the morning? Someone, apparently. Youโ€˜ve got three and a half heavenly minutes that time, but to your mind the extra minute and a half just wasnโ€™t worth the effort of getting up so damn early.
Stepping under the water, youโ€™re already fumbling for the bar of soap. It's harsh and smells blindingly antiseptic, but it's the only option the RDA ships to Pandora, which means the only thing the human-naโ€˜vi resistance could raid. So it'll have to do.
The two minutes are up before you get the soap out of your hair and you end up rinsing it in water that's cool and headed rapidly toward freezing before you hurry out of the shower with a full on body shiver.
โ€” โ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ˜พโ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ€”
The next day was just a repeat of the same events. Day after day, it was all the same.
Numbers and words were swimming before your eyes by now, and you could feel your head doing that awkward nod, lift, nod thing that told you that you were too tired to still be in the labs. But when the decision was between this, or coming home to an ice cold shower, nasty soap and an uncomfortable bed, work was a clearly the winner.
It's not like this research would be due anytime soon, or anytime at all, but you'd only just recently gained access to these files and data collected by Dr. Grace Augustine herself (thank you very much, Norm) and they gave you much more than anything those old dusty books could.
But in hindsight, they couldโ€™ve been at least a bit more entertaining. Not that it was essential boring to listen to Dr. Augustineโ€™s fifteen minute long lecture about the importance ofโ€”
Your head shoots up so quick, you nearly give yourself whiplash as you jolt awake at the sound of a voice laced with heavy naโ€™vi accent entering the labs.
"No!" It bursts out of you like youโ€™re a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar and for a moment you suffer in embarrassing silence as you wait for a response.
The contrast between his smooth, pale blue curved stripes and his much darker blue colored skin enters your vision as he takes place to stand at your desk to look at the holo you were studying.
With a sigh of relief to find that the intruder was of no danger, you rest your drooping head on one hand.
Itโ€˜s the oloโ€™eyktan, Neteyam.
Youโ€™re a little surprised to see him here, since he rarely occupied himself at the labs, let alone show himself in interaction with the scientists working there. His siblings, his second of command and the clans tsahik, were the ones who paid a visit to everything that was lived and operated by sky people more frequently compared to him.
If he did let himself be seen at the labs, it was solely for the purpose of talking to you and letting his curiosity be known to everything you were working on at the moment.
It had always flattered you to know that the clans chief had grown so fond of you, but it was none the less unnerving to have such a giant of a man wandering around and prodding at your equipment, boring you with questions just to disappear again when it bored him. Youโ€™ve always wondered what he would even gain out of this, but shrugged it off as the oloโ€™eyktans attempt to maintain the alliance between sky people and omatikaya, see what the tiny humans were up to while using the Clans resources and basically working under their roof.
"No, no Iโ€™m not sleeping, itโ€™s justโ€ฆ"
He was so close now that you had to look up to see his face; could feel the heat emanating from his body and smell the fresh, earthy scent of his skin as he smiled down at you, board arms lazily crossed over his chest, resting just above his impressively woven cummerbund that showed off his warrior expertise. The armband around his biceps was stretched taut, and you couldnโ€™t help but swallow down the salvia that pooled at this sight.
Clearing your throat, you quickly start again where you had left off, "Iโ€˜m trying to study this plant, we call it rain thistle. But itโ€™s hard if you can only look at it through holograms and screens and super old recordings, you know?" With a sigh of frustration, you close the tab on your datapad and with it, the hologram that was projected onto your desk.
"Oh. Just get one to study up close." Neteyam says with a genuine smile, like itโ€™s so obvious and youโ€™re just a silly little human that wouldnโ€™t have thought of that before, the most simplest answer. As if he was so oblivious to the struggle it would bring to even get close to one.
"Ha-ha, very funny," you canโ€™t help but roll your eyes, a reaction that causes Neteyams hairless brows to raise in amusement. You know he didnโ€™t mean to make fun of you, but still. "It only grows all the way up in the hallelujah mountains, near the banshee nests," you explain calmly, but you could feel your patience wearing thinner the more his grin widened. "Thereโ€™s no way I could get one and come back alive."
Neteyam looks at you for a long moment, golden orbs entirely focused on you as he silently ponders, and then speaks up, "Ikran donโ€™t eat humans."
You blink, considering.
Neteyams expression hasn't changed, nothing but mild curiosity, but you can sense his teasing through that grin on his lips.
There are about a million reasons as to why "just getting one" would surely end in your death and youโ€˜re sure Neteyam knows. Still, you canโ€™t help the sarcastic comments that only make him snicker at your frustration.
"Really? Great, that means Iโ€™ll live long enough to get the plant and then fall to my death on my way down."
Chuckling, he walks over to smooth a hand over your hair and leans in close to peak into the open books laying all over your desk. "Mawey [calm], Iโ€˜m just teasing," he purrs, causing all the fine hair at the nape of your neck to raise.
"A fkxakewll", he then says as if he has only just realized what you were even talking about, pointing at the printed image of this familiar plant in one of the books in front of you.
"Thatโ€™s what I just said. A rain thistle. During rainstorms it opens up to reveal this โ€œbollโ€ thingy, a seedpod thatโ€™s surrounded by absorbent fibers. When the plant opens it promotes pollination in ideally wet conditions and allows the plant to absorb and store water in those fibers. This water storage mechanism helps the plant thrive without moist soil. I believe if we could somehowโ€ฆ I donโ€™t know, figure out just how she does that, it could help us store more drinkable rain water at hells gate. And then we could start to figure out how to repair our water heater. It would make a lot of things easier for us, you know?"
The omatikaya man nods attentively.
"I see these almost daily when I feed oare [moon / name of his ikran]. They grow on a cliff, by a waterfall." He explains casually as he walks over to a microscope on the table.
It wasnโ€™t his usual nature, but Neteyam could be strangely fascinated by the way the human technology at the labs worked once you coaxed him into it. His fingers twitched and he ran a hand over the equipment in front of him. It didn't respond to him as though he had the gene, but he still grinned with delight when you showed him how it worked and let him push the button to bring it to life and look at the little piece of fibre that laid underneath the microscope.
"I would do anything to get this stupid little plantโ€ฆ" You mumbled absently, letting out a groan before turning to your work again. With your back facing him now, you didnโ€™t catch the way his ears perked up at what you had just exclaimed and his tail began to swish back and forth eagerly.
Raising back to his full weight and stepping away from the table, Neteyam then glanced around the room to find your back facing him, nose once again buried deep in your datapad. He couldnโ€™t help but notice the way your hair was looking even messier than it usually did, how your desk was littered in empty coffee cups. A liquid that was well known to him due to his fathers heritage and strange habits that continued to stick to him even long after leaving his life as a human behind. Coffee is for when youโ€™re tired. It keep you awake when youโ€™re tired, he remembers.
"Hm. How about you get some sleep first?" He suggests with a low chuckle. "You can still take care of your little plant problem in the morning."
There comes another noise from you, a sound so quiet that his ears twitch to pick up the noise. "Iโ€˜m not exactly excited to get home so thereโ€™s no rush," you shrug, pressing your lips to a thin line.
"How come?" He quirks a brow.
Sighing, you explain, "The water at hells gate has been running cold for months now, everything smells weird and my bed feels like a slab of concrete. At least here I have a warm cup of coffee and a somewhat cushioned chair." You chuckle, albeit halfheartedly.
Neteyam nods understandingly, a hint of sympathy in his eyes as he furrows his brows.
"Why didnโ€™t your people come to me sooner?" He cocks his head to the side, eyes scanning your face as if he was looking for an answer there. You didnโ€™t know why, but it made you feel guilty for sounding like you were complaining about this to him.
You stare blankly back at him, cheeks tainting a faint pink. Truth be told, you didnโ€™t know why. You just kind of expected him not to care, to not have time for such unimportant matters. Yes, he was the oloโ€™eyktan, but that was exactly why you thought this issue wouldnโ€™t concern him!
"Iโ€ฆ We didnโ€™t thinkโ€” I mean, Iโ€˜m sure you have other businesses to attend to, more important things."
"But I am oloโ€™eyktan, and youโ€™re as much part of my people as the naโ€˜vi are. I should hear about your problems at hells gate."
"We- Listen, weโ€˜re already on it to fix this, please donโ€™t worry about it. Iโ€™m serious. Itโ€™s just cold water, weโ€˜ll live."
You donโ€™t miss the way his deep frown did not disappear, not even as he excused himself for the night, a finger pressed to his throat comm as he listened attentively to whatever his second of command had to say, before he had to return to attend his duties at the clan.
โ€” โ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ˜พโ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ€”
Itโ€™s not on the same day, because surely that would be weird, but when you get home a few days later, there's a small container in the little nook set into the shower wall where there wasn't anything like this when you had left this morning. Youโ€™re pretty sure you would remember if that was the case.
You almost donโ€™t want to- canโ€™t believe this couldโ€™ve been Neteyams work, but it smells like greenery, like heather and herbs, so much like him. Your eyes widen at the realization that itโ€™s some kind of soap. And it's probably ridiculous to take this much sheer pleasure from shampooing hair, but you donโ€™t give a shit. Fuck, youโ€˜ve missed soap. It might not be the type of soap that you knew, but in a way it was actually really good smelling.
Itโ€™s so good, you canโ€™t bring yourself to care, to ask yourself why and how. Youโ€™re just so incredibly grateful for this small gesture.
Youโ€™re ten minutes into your shower when it occurs to you to wonder when the hot water is going to run out. You frown, mentally calculating the degree to which you had adjusted the temperature, and yeah, youโ€˜re sure of it.
You donโ€™t even have to spin the knob all the way to the left to get heat. You lean forward and nudge the knob to the left, and the water, already comfortably warm, is almost instantly downright hot. You squeak and jump and nudge it back, and then straighten up and just stand there.
The water pressure is good, and the hot water shows no signs of abating. Did they fix the hot water heater? Install a new one? What the hell? When did that happen and why did nobody inform you of it?
For a moment, you debate getting out, thinking it might not be a good idea to press your luck, but then you can't quite make yourself do it. It's been fucking ages since you had a real hot shower, something that consisted of more than just jumping in, soaping up, rinsing off, and jumping out before you were frozen solid. And who the hell knows, it might never happen again!
So instead of getting out, you nudge the water warmer just a tiny bit, and give in to the urge to shampoo your hair a second time, which leads sort of naturally to deciding to use the paste on the rest of yourself as well, since it smells way better than the bar of soap and literally anything else you were able to call yours since you arrived on this exomoon. And finally, that weird scent of the lab is entirely gone, replaced by something natural and pleasing.
โ€” โ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ˜พโ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ€”
Working day and night at a lab with fellow scientists did had its advantages. Aside from the smell of working together for hours in such a cramped space, with no windows to open and ventilate the room, it also meant working with someone who understood irregular sleeping patterns, who didn't expect you to talk before you'd had at least two cups of coffee, who spent enough time in a lab not to care about healthy tans or perfectly coiffed hair.
Norm is a good colleague and an even better friend. You value him and his work, but god do you hate that little bastard for arriving here over a whole damn decade before you did and earning himself one of those super expensive and super rare avatars.
And while heโ€™s busy on his field research project, somewhere out there with the other avatars, youโ€™re once again stuck in the labs, nose deep in a book you stole off his shelve thatโ€™s older than Norm himself -cryo sleep included.
It was a testament to the sheer focus on your work that you didn't hear Neteyam enter the laboratory until he already stood -well, crouched- under the doorway.
"Good morning, sevin tawtute [pretty human]," he greeted you in a gentle tone, smiling with his eyes closed before stepping closer. The beads of his songcord clicked against each other as he walked over to you. Itโ€˜s the first time youโ€™ve seen him this week and youโ€™re startled to realize heโ€™s not wearing any of his usual oloโ€™eyktan attire. No fancy feather garments or an extravagant loincloth, but that doesnโ€™t mean he looks any less beautiful. Youโ€˜re more than certain that Neteyam fulfills all naโ€˜vi beauty ideals there are. Blame it on the human-avatar dna, but that man is build like a god.
Under normal circumstances, youโ€™d crumble under his gaze like a crouton if heโ€™d looked at you like this, a hint of mischief glinting in his golden eyes, but something tells you itโ€™s nothing to worry about. One of his hands is bend behind his back and he grins, causing one of your brows to raise in suspicion.
"What?" You laugh, but still canโ€™t help the slightest feeling of unease.
Neteyams grin only widens when he steps closer to reveal what is hiding behind is back, nearly towering over you once heโ€™s right in front of you.
"No fucking way," you clasp a hand over your mouth when he holds the content of his hand out for you, "Sorry! But- oh my god!"
"A pretty flower for my pretty flower," he chuckles, carefully placing a handful of rain thistles into your hands.
The smile on your lips stretches so far up your cheek that it almost hurts as you squeak, "oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Neteyam laughs at your outburst of happiness, before you abruptly jump up to your feet, startling him with the suddenness of movement.
"Wait, donโ€™t move! I have something for you." Off you go into a different room then, the sounds of you rustling through your bag fill his ears and he curiously bends to the side to peak over and see what you are doing. You return shortly, holding something in your palm that you offer him.
"Here," you say sheepishly.
"Itโ€™s, uhm, a bracelet. Kind of. Well, I tried okay?" You giggle nervously, holding the woven piece up for him to see. You had made it for him after yet another wonderful hot shower that reminded you that you still hadnโ€™t thanked him for what he had done. "I know itโ€™s nothing compared to the incredible artworks your people weave, but my teacher was Norm so, yeah. That should explain it."
Neteyam blinks, looks at the bracelet and then back at you.
"I made it for you. I really appreciate what you did for me- for us, this week. I donโ€™t know how you did it, but I know it was you. The hot water and the soap, and now the plant too? Jesus, thatโ€™s incredible Neteyam. Seriously, thank you."
The naโ€˜vi smiles as he picks it up from your hands. A sigh of relief leaves you when he starts to admire it. That must mean he thinks it looks at least decent.
"That is not necessary," Neteyam shakes his head then.
"No, please. You donโ€™t have to wear it or anything, but please take it. I want you to have it. I donโ€™t have anything else that would be of worth for you to pay you back so please take this as my sign of gratitude."
"Pay me back? With a bracelet?" His words send your stomach spinning, but the way he smiles so fondly at you sets you at ease. "Paskalin [Honey], thatโ€™s almost as sweet as you are."
There was an awkward moment during which you just stood there like an idiot, blushing over his words, stammering to form some sort of reaction. Neteyam only smiled at youโ€” a confident smileย’. So confident, you had to take a moment to gather yourself, take a breathe and wet your lips because suddenly your mouth had gone all dry.
"You donโ€™t have to pay me back." He then said, reaching forward to take the flowers and place them on your desk. With your hands now free, Neteyam used the opportunity to intervene your fingers, thumb stroking over the back of your hand. "Unless youโ€ฆ really want to give me something in return."
His tone was quieter. Something inside you latched on to that. You felt the conversation shift, the way an interrogation shifts when the truth's about to be revealed. Not that this was an interrogation, no. Not with the way he lifted your hand and pressed his soft lips against your knuckles.
Neteyam could probably feel the heat rising up through your body, coloring your face.
"I- Yes, if thereโ€™s anything I could give Iโ€™dโ€“"
"I guess I could think of something."
Neteyam was studiously casual. Still testing the waters, yet again the fine hairs on the back of your neck stood on end as if the air was electrified.
With your back pressed against the edge of the table and Neteyam moving continuously closer, you were soon caged in by his giant frame. Both of his hands came down on the table top then to balance his weight as he leaned in impossibly closer.
Unconsciously, you held your breath and leaned forward slightly, waiting. Hoping like hell you knew what he was planning to do.
And then releasing the breath in a delighted whoosh when Neteyam grinned, eyes staring at your lips, murmuring, "Iโ€™ve been wanting to do this for so long," and closed the gap between you by pressing his lips over yours.
Kissing Neteyam takes your breath away, but not in a metaphorical way. His kiss is ravenous, the force of it tilting your body to bend backwards and his lips coax yours open with little effort as you're hardly putting up any resistance. You canโ€™t stop the little moan from escaping once his tongue curls around yours. Neteyam explores your mouth determinedly, taking what he believes to be his. His thumb runs up and down your jaw, occasionally applying pressure to adjust the tilt of your head as he changes the angle of the kiss, feels your hair tickle his forehead. Noses bump and brush, he inhales your scent, groans when itโ€™s just as sweet as you taste.
His kiss is powerful. It commands. Look at me. Touch me. Feel me. Only me. It leads you, your movements, the pace. He presses himself harder against you, towers over you like a mountain. Your hands are small, and they claw at his arms, his biceps, his neck. They pull and pull, yet he doesnโ€™t budge, doesnโ€™t move unless he wants to. You make a whiny sort of noise in protest and he grins against your lips.
Neteyams hand closes around your wrist then, guides it to feel and press against his loincloth and you gasp into the kiss. "Feel what you do to me, tawtute?" He nearly whispers, gliding your palm up and down the length of him. "Feel how hard I am for you?"
Fuck, heโ€™s big.
It was plain to anyone with eyes that Neteyam was taller than literally any human on high camp. A good two and a half feet taller. Even taller than some of the Naโ€˜vi. When you stood next to the olo'eyktan, you were dwarfed by his size. But feeling his cock through his loincloth like this made you realize just how big he actually was.
"Itโ€™s all because of you." He leans in close, lips brushing over your ear. "Always you." You hear him inhale, nosing your throat, groaning. "Youโ€™re driving me crazy, woman."
"I didnโ€™t even doโ€ฆ," your voice comes out as a breathless whisper, "anything."
"Hmh, exactly." Your breath hitched in your throat then when you felt his tongue glide over your pulse point, sharp canine teasing your skin. "You smell so much like me," he whispers, "like mine." You nearly whimper once he starts to untie his loincloth, one of his hands guiding your smaller one to wrap around his length, feel his girth, the warmth of his skin, while his other hand glides up your neck and the back of your head. With the way his fingers brush through your hair and cradle the back of your head, your eyes flutter closed for just a moment before he murmurs into your ear, "I know now what you could do to pay me back, paskalin."
You look up at him, eyes wide and cheeks flushed in a pretty hue of pink. Ever the gentleman, Neteyam carefully but determinedly pushes you down to your knees. His three fingered hand gently holds and caresses your jaw while you get in position to crouch on your haunches. Heโ€˜s so tall, itโ€™s a struggle to get on eye level with the price, but once youโ€™ve straightened your back itโ€™s manageable.
Neteyams cock is probably the most visually pleasing part of any man youโ€™ve ever laid your eyes on. Heโ€˜s your first naโ€˜vi, and youโ€™re surprised to find him having little glowing dots all over the length of him. His tip has a slightly different shade of blue than the rest of him, but it looks so smooth and shines in bioluminescence pre-cum, you canโ€™t help but lick your lips in anticipation.
Glancing up at him with eyes full lust, Neteyamโ€˜s are a perfect mirror to yours. With a hand around himself, he nudges his tip against your pretty soft lips and you canโ€™t help but kiss it back.
"Suck," he tells you, a little short of words, but heโ€™s quickly forgiven. He just looks so good from this angle, abs flexing and chest heaving. So impatient to finally feel you like this, as if he was waiting for this moment for so long. With the way he groans once your tongue glides along the underside of shaft he might as well actually had been waiting. Too long, if youโ€™d ask him.
Neteyam stroked himself a few more times before he let you take over, skin radiating heat from every point of contact, washing over you in waves once your fingers wrapped around him. He was far too girthy for your hand to close entirely around it -not that this was a problem.
It became a problem however when you tried to take him in your mouth too quickly after that.
"Easy, paskalin," Neteyam chuckled at your first pathetic attempt that ended embarrassingly fast in a gag. "So eager, huh? You have to take it slow."
You bite your lip at that, caught between the embarrassment and the unbearable need to have him inside you. Clenching your thighs together, you nod sheepishly.
"Stick your tongue out," the oloโ€™eyktan orders and you obey without hesitation. Neteyam slowly pushes his hips forward then, gliding along your outstretched tongue. You donโ€™t need to be told twice when he tells you to close your lips around him and start again.
You focus on his tip this time, slowly working over it, swirling your tongue around it, teasing the slit. You place wet kisses along the crown, before you continue where you had left off.
It all leads to a nice relaxed pace, and you spend quite a while licking and getting his cock thoroughly wet before you open your mouth wide enough to sink down.
"Hmh, just like that, now you got it," Neteyam groans, watching with half lidded eyes as your lips move further down his shaft. Inch by inch you bopped your head up and down his cock.
The slurping sounds you made in the process went straight to your core, sending a shuddering throb to your cunt that nearly made you loose your balance. A muffled whine caught his attention as you pressed your thighs together once more, and Neteyam grins down at you, stroking a hand through your hair. "Itโ€™s okay, touch yourself. I know you need it." You felt his cock twitch at the thought of seeing it become reality.
The strands of hair hanging into your face are obscuring your eyes and Neteyam finds himself annoyed at that. You look so beautiful on your knees, soft mouth wrapped around his cock. Nothing should get in the way of that view.
Reaching down, he tenderly tucks the soft hair behind your ear. The gesture makes you look up, meeting his gaze and he can't quite stifle the sharp inhale of a breath at the hungry look in your eyes, eyebrows pinched together as if youโ€™re silently pleading to him.
"Come on, sevin," he purrs, "I want to watch you pleasure yourself before it is my turn."
Your right hand slips down your own body, skimming over your chest and down past the waistband of your leggings. The soft moan that escapes you, as your dainty fingers move over your clit, vibrate through his body.
The sight of you on your knees, sucking on his cock and loving it so much to the point you had to find relief in your own hands was almost enough to finish him right then and there. Heat creeps up your cheeks when Neteyam lets out a breathy groan.
"Eywa, you look so good when you blush," he says then, cupping your jaw and brushing a thumb across your cheek, feeling the tip of his cock through your skin once you hollow them. "You look even better like this, far better than Iโ€™ve always imagined."
His word encourage you to slide two digits down to your weeping entrance, circling your slit before you slowly push them in. Your eyelids flutter at the stretch.
"Look at you," Neteyam sighs, his hips slowly starting to work as he pumps his cock in and out of your mouth. "If I stopped right now, you'd beg yourself hoarse for more, wouldn't you, sevin [pretty]?"
You canโ€™t answer in words, but instead drive your mouth down harder on his cock, moaning out what you hope sounded like a strong affirmative answer when you get the breath for it.
Neteyams eyes don't just stay open, they widen. His lips part, and he licks them, breath going shallow as he feels his pulse against your fingers working the length of him whilst you suckle on his tip. His cock's throbbing in time with his heartbeat, and it feels incredible.
Humming softly, you rub your tongue up against all these sensitive spots on his cock, finding a rhythm to the thrusts of your own fingers and the way your thumb was simultaneously circling your clit.
Neteyam just tastes so good, you would smile in delight if your lips could stretch that far. You suck harder, lips curling over your teeth and then the man above you moans.
"Oh fuck," he groans, fingers tightening just a little in your hair. "You've got such a good mouth on you..."
Shifting his hips he thrusts just a little more into your mouth, unable to hold himself back. Teasing is all well and good, but Neteyamโ€˜s more than ready to come now.
You take the hint and drive your head down until youโ€˜re nearly choking on his cock, all but mouth-fucking yourself on it. This time, the sound of your little gags doesnโ€™t stop him though. With one hand holding your jaw and one holding a fistful of your hair, his hips buck and thrust into the welcoming warmth of your mouth. You struggle briefly, but then he coos softly, "Breath through it. Yeah, thatโ€™s it."
You concentrate hard on keeping your teeth out of the way as much as you can and just enjoy the feel of being used by the oloโ€™eyktan like this.
Neteyam might still get an incidental scrape of teeth or two with you going this hard, but it's nothing deliberate; youโ€™re just going fast enough and hard enough that it's more about giving him as much as you can than being easy and careful.
The squelching sound of your fingers prodding at your g-spot fills both of your ears and you can feel the tremors going through Neteyams thighs as that.
"I want you to tell me when you're getting close," he groans. "I want to come with you, paskalin."
This time, you pull back far enough to look up at him and nod, and then you curl your tongue around Neteyams cock on the way back down, moving back to gentle, slow, lazy licks and strokes.
Neteyam exhales a shaky sigh that morphs into a low chuckle, "yeah, good girl, take your time. I can hold it, sevin, just do as you like."
Another moan slips as you fondle with your puffy clit, rubbing tight circles into it with your slickened fingertips. Your hips squirm around from the white-hot pleasure tightening your core. No, you think, donโ€™t hold it. You want him to come. You need it. It felt as if your own pleasure depended on him, as if you couldnโ€™t let go unless he did.
The spell that the oloโ€™eyktan had on you should be studied, you thought for a moment. You wanted to serve, to obey, to please him to bring yourself to that pleasure high.
Sliding your mouth tight over the pretty head of his cock, it was if you were trying to suck in a strawberry whole. The action sends a violent pulse through Neteyam that beats against your lips and makes you hum again.
The taste of Neteyam has engulfed all of your senses now, salty and hot and thick. You hear the breaths above and they throb like the pre-cum coating your tongue. You move your head forward again and swirl your tongue just behind his cock-head before dragging your lips firmly over it and off. Looking up, your eyes meet as Neteyam tilts his face and his chest tightens in time with his balls.
Slowly, you close your eyes and then open them again on a heavy pant, hand stroking the half of his length you couldnโ€™t take in your mouth with desperate restraint, driving his arousal harder.
As you do so, youโ€™re working the fingers of your other hand deeper into your core, thrusting and curling them just right, until the fabric of your pants was soaked in your slick. Too focused, you absentmindedly pull back up and mouth breathily around his cock, barely touching it but enjoying it bob and twitch as your breath and the edge of your tongue hits the sensitive skin. Sneaking your tongue roughly down to the base you then drag it back up the underside slowly and Neteyam moans.
Please, you think, as you stroke him faster. Please ... please come. You want it so fucking much and you can't help wondering if you actually wanted Neteyam to come more than he wanted it himself. You doubt it however, because the following groan from above lets you know just how close he was, how much he was fighting to keep everything at bay, to hold back and wait for you because he wanted you to come just as much.
Heโ€˜s thrusting into your mouth again and youโ€™re driven on beyond your own desire to suck and savour by those hands in your hair, pulling your head in and away again, repeating this simple two beat rhythm on and on.
God, please. Your thoughts are becoming audible now in the form of little whines and whimpers that change in tone and volume with every movement of your head. Heโ€˜s so thick at his base, stretching your lips impossible wide.
More pre-cum dribs down your throat. Encouraged by that, you grab a couple of deep breaths and then relax your throat as best as you could, before moving your mouth further down. You could feel the tip of his cock nudging at the back of your throat, not even halfway in, and you have to draw back just to be able to still breathe. When you lower your head again, you manage to take in more, and the third time you nearly get it all.
"Fuck, tanhรฌ [little star]," Neteyam hisses through clenched teeth, "so good, you feel so fucking good like this. My perfect little tawtute, sucking my cock like sheโ€™s made for it."
You can smell Neteyam even more the closer you get to his pubic bone, all sweat and sex and pure natural scents, and you instinctively try to breathe it in, choking hard on his cock as you do.
Sorry ... so sorry, you think swallowing down a gag and looking up quickly as you get your breathing back under control. You catch the way Neteyam wets his lips, mouth agape and staring down at you with so much primal need in his eyes, the sight hits you like a jolt of electricity.
You let out a high pitched whine as your fingers rub frantically over your clit. Shit, youโ€™re so close, so so close.
Starving for the taste of his cum in your mouth, you swallows around his length each time it hits the back of your throat. Your saliva-slicked fingers go tighter, stroking faster, and you can hear yourself making that pleading noise again. Please ... please ... let me make you come ... God please.
As the first drop of cum hits your tastebuds, Neteyam lets out a throaty groan, "Come for me. Come on these pretty little fingers."
Itโ€™s all the confirmation you need to finally let go.
You feel the way you tighten in on your own digits, more slick running down your wrist as you prod your fingertips against your special spots. Thighs shaking, you barely manage to thrust them in and out of yourself as your orgasm washes over you like a tsunami. The feeling of sheer ecstasy was nearly enough to make you ignore the burning of your throat as Neteyam suddenly nestled himself as deep as he could reach with an uncoordinated thrust of his hips.
Your climax marks the end of his control, and he lets himself go. You moan in unison as rope after rope of his cum flows down your throat. The taste of it takes you by surprise. Itโ€™s awfully sweet and thick, and your mouth feels sticky with it. Neteyam comes a lot, and itโ€™s almost getting too much before he pulls back to let his length rest on your tongue and allows you to gasp for air.
By the time you feel yourself floating back down to pandora, you had lost all sense of time, of place and person and anything but Neteyam.
You finally pull back when the tension in his thighs releases, and you swallow for the last time, wiping your fingers around the outline of your swollen lips to catch any stray wetness. Looking up, youโ€™re met with his dazed expression, pupils blown wide, with sweat beading at his forehead, and entirely spent from this earth shattering orgasm.
"Great mother," Neteyam shuddered, laughing breathlessly.
"Guess weโ€˜re even then, huh?" You smile up at him, voice hoarse, as you gladly take the hand heโ€™s reaching out to help you stand on wobbly legs.
All that comes as a response is a chuckle, before Neteyam pulls you flush against him. "Oh paskalin," he purrs, hands greedily feeling up the backside of your thighs before hoisting you up to sit on your desk, "that was just for the flower."
You send him a sheepish little smile, cocking your head to the side and raise a brow, intrigued. His tail grazes your skin, gently swaying and curling around your ankle. Neteyam holds your gaze for a long moment, his grin spreading impossibly wide, until his fangs come into view, sharp tongue licking over pearly whites before he chuckles, "What about the hot water that I fixed, hm? And I got you soap too. You didnโ€™t already forget that, did you?"
His teasing makes you grin.
"Right. Then how can I pay you back?" You ask, looking up at the man with those big doe eyes of yours. You know itโ€™s unfair to play those little tricks on him, but youโ€™re feeling bolder now that youโ€™ve had his cock in your mouth and seed fill your tummy, so you bat your pretty long lashes at him as if you were begging for a treat. Neteyams presses himself closer, standing right between your thighs now before he lowers his face to your throat.
"You know exactly how", he says lowly and you feel his thumbs hooking under the waistband of your leggings. Heโ€˜s not exactly subtle with the way he presses his rapidly hardening cock against your thigh, so you let him pull your pants down with a smug little grin.
"I think I could get used to these little favors of yours," you whisper, watching with half lidded eyes as he hooks your legs up over his muscular shoulders.
"If thatโ€˜s the way you will repay me," his tip prods at your entrance, thick and hot and slicked with your spit, before he slowly pushes himself inside you, "I will do you as many favors as youโ€™d like, paskalin."
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303 notes ยท View notes
supine-ly ยท 1 day
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Avatar doodles
is it obvious who my favorite is
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beautyofattolia ยท 2 days
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130 notes ยท View notes
delusionalwh6re ยท 20 hours
teach me
aged up!neteyam x fem omaticaya!reader
summary: as your friend group becomes more sexually advanced you decide to turn to one of your closest friends for help
warnings: ๐Ÿ”ž smut with a plot, p in v, dom but sweet teyam, oral (f receiving), virginity loss, fingering, sexual fantasies and conversation, and dirty talk
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โ€œthe two of you did WHAT?โ€ liโ€™ona gasped as her eyes widened in shock
reyโ€™eng giggled as she playfully slapped liโ€™ona on the shoulder โ€œyou heard meโ€
the girls started to whisper and start discussing their own hookups. you were sat with your group of friends like you usually did. all of you would meet up every other moon to catch up, discuss duties, gossip, and as you got older talks of.. sex
out of all of your friends you seemed to be the least experienced. your friends knew this about you and never judged you for it. they always gave you advice for when your special day would happen whenever it did. you were grateful but couldnโ€™t help but feel left out
โ€œhey!โ€ kiri jumped up out of nowhere scaring the other girls as she made her appearance known
you giggled at their reactions โ€œhi kiriโ€
โ€œy/n!!โ€ she cheered before taking a seat next to you โ€œwhat a bunch of scaredy cats..โ€
you let out a laugh as she laughed along with you
โ€œso what are you guys talking about?โ€ kiri asked as your laughter died down
the girls started to get silent as conversations defused and your eyes widened a bit at the information reyโ€™eng just shared
kiri side eyed everyone before rolling her eyes โ€œokay i know you guys just heard what i saidโ€
she turned to you and all of sudden you couldnโ€™t help but look into the sky and admire all of the beautiful ikrans.. have they always been that gorgeous?
you kept looking up until kiri eventually stopped burning a hole into the side of your face
โ€œwell..โ€ liโ€™ona started before looking at the girls faces who seemed to be a bit scared
reyโ€™eng finally blurted out โ€œi hooked up with someone in the clanโ€
kiri widened her eyes with a gasp โ€œwith who?โ€
liโ€™ona sucked in a deep breath before looking at reyโ€™eng who gave her a fake encouraging smile
โ€œwell it starts with lo and ends with โ€˜akโ€ she sighed
โ€œyou fucked my BROTHER?โ€ kiri raised her voice as she immediately put the pieces together
well that was funny to witness. later on, you and kiri decided to do your own thing. apparently there was this party that she heard was happening so she being the curious girl that she was wanted to check it out
โ€œyou donโ€™t wanna go huh?โ€ she looked up and down at your tired like state
โ€œdonโ€™t take it personalโ€ you smiled at her with sympathy
โ€œdonโ€™t worry girl, i know you did all those chores earlier and had a long day. maybe next time?โ€ she rubbed your shoulder
you smiled at her cheekily โ€œi love youโ€
โ€œeveryone doesโ€ she sassed
you stuck your tongue out at her before you guys pulled each other into a hug and said goodnight
as you guys went your separate ways you felt a bit more at peace. the walk to your marui wasnโ€™t too far so you enjoyed the quietness before entering your home. once you entered you immediately went into your sacred space which was your room to finally have some time for yourself
you took off all of your garments and jewelry before making your way to your makeshift bed. you grabbed a book that norm gifted to you and a candle before finally relaxing
however it didnโ€™t last long because all of a sudden you heard a noise outside. your ears perked up and you waited in silence to see if the noise would happen again
โ€œhello? y/n! i know youโ€™re still awakeโ€ a voice whispered
you smiled as you recognized that voice and immediately got up. you walked over to the little space where you had a โ€˜windowโ€™ to look outside
โ€œhi neteyamโ€ you smiled looking down at him, you find it only a little amusing how small he looked all the way down on the ground and couldnโ€™t help but laugh to yourself
he smiled up at you โ€œhey pretty girlโ€
you playfully rolled your eyes at the nickname. he had been calling you that for years now. you and neteyam had been friends for the longest, even considered yourselves best friends. there were many nights when the two of you would meet up to hang out. you felt so safe around him, he genuinely brought you peace
you guys continued smiling at each other as he made his way up to your room. his tail hitting a few of your things causing it to knock down
โ€œoh, im sorryโ€ he rambled as he picked up your stuff while more things fell down with every movement of his tail
in his defense the area was quite small for such a big man like him so you found this very funny
โ€œgeez tey, did you lose control over your tail or what?โ€ you knelt down helping him pick up the things he knocked over
he laughed at you which led to the two of you laughing like children at his foolishness. the laughter started to die down as the both of you reached for your bracelet that had fallen. both your hands touched causing you to slightly gasp and look up at him
โ€œsorry about thatโ€ he whispered, his tone raspy as he was now only a few inches from your face
you and neteyam had been close before but this time felt so different. much more intimate.. you didnโ€™t know what it was but you were starting to have a feeling
โ€œitโ€™s okayโ€ you whispered
the two of you held eye contact which felt like forever before he awkwardly broke it โ€œman, everyone is at that fucking partyโ€
โ€œreally? i mean i kinda assumed since itโ€™s never THIS quiet. kiri told me about that and i guess everyone took this advantage and ran with itโ€ you shrugged making your way back over to your bed
he chuckled โ€œguess so, i was just over there and itโ€™s actually kinda funโ€
you tilted your head โ€œso whyโ€™d you leave?โ€
โ€œbecause my favorite girl wasnโ€™t thereโ€ he shot you the most cheesiest smile making his way over to you
โ€œyouโ€™re so CORNYโ€ you laughed flicking his arm
โ€œwhatever, you love me thoughโ€ he leaned down trapping your thighs between his arms as he leaned over you
โ€œbelieve whatever you want mighty warriorโ€ you bit your lip with a smirk
he hummed slightly shaking his head while eyeing you up and down. a smirk slowly approaching his face before opening his mouth to say something until he stopped
โ€œwhatโ€™s that?โ€ he noticed a purple sparkly book on your shelf above your bed
you turned your head to look back at what he saw. your eyes widened at the very obvious diary you had sticking out. you hurriedly scrambled to try to hide it before it was snatched right out of your sight
you felt your stomach starting to burn up at the thought of him holding your most sacred secrets and desires..
โ€œneteyam! give it back!โ€ you jumped up trying to reach for it
he got up moving away from you โ€œwhy are you acting so weird? we never keep shit from each otherโ€
you huffed โ€œokay well this is different! thatโ€™s personalโ€
he squinted his eyes at you before a smirk grew on his face โ€œwhat are you hiding?โ€
you felt your body heat up because you knew exactly what was in there. you had these.. feelings for neteyam ever since you guys became friends. but as the older you guys got they only grew stronger. some of these feelings even making you feel things around your bodyโ€ฆ you didnโ€™t know what they meant but all you knew was every time he was in your vicinity you got tingles
โ€œteyam! itโ€™s really nothing seriouslyโ€ you started to throw a tantrum like a child
he wasnโ€™t buying it at all โ€œmhm, whatever, hereโ€ his face went blank as he handed you back your diary
you felt a pinge of pain in your heart as he did so. what neteyam had said was true, the two of you never kept secrets from each other. so to him it looks like youโ€™re hiding something or your friendship was starting to grow apart
โ€œnete im sorry itโ€™s just-โ€ you were cut off by a piece of paper all of a sudden dropping out of the book
you felt your soul drop into the core of your asshole as neteyam of course decided to pick it up. once he did he handed it straight to you without looking at it, but curiosity got the best of him and at the last second he caught a glimpse of it..
he snatched the paper from you and got closer to get a better look. you watched in pure horror as his tail shot up in an act of alert and his eyes widened
โ€œi can explainโ€ you started to ramble โ€œitโ€™s not what it looks like i swear. im not a freak i promiseโ€
he laughed to himself quietly โ€œoh yes you areโ€
his eyes finally met yours and his smile dropped. there was a silence, and to you it was very awkwardโ€ฆ
โ€œsay somethingโ€ you shut your eyes tightly to avoid his cold gaze
you body shivered as you heard nothing but his breathing and body movements getting closer. once his chest was practically onto yours he stopped. there was nothing but quiet now until he decided to speak up
the side of his face went past yours as he began to whisper in your ear โ€œwhy are you drawing pictures of me naked y/n?โ€
your eyes opened to be met with his golden yellow ones looking straight into yours. your breath immediately hitched at the closeness between you two. your heart was thumping against your chest and you couldnโ€™t help but think about all the times you guys had a โ€˜momentโ€™
his hands sneakily snuck to the back of your slim waist to give it a light squeeze โ€œi asked you somethingโ€
โ€œneteyam please..โ€ you started melting under his touch
โ€œplease what syulang?โ€ his hand moved the free braid out of your face to get a good look at you
your hand reached up to grip his โ€œi need your helpโ€
โ€œmy help?โ€ his face scrunched up. he didnโ€™t have much time before you had dragged him onto the softness of your bed
โ€œwhat do you need my help with?โ€ he asked again as his eyes scanned your body. he felt like you were being really strange and he just wanted you to fess up to him
โ€œcan you teach me how to.. touch? wait just hear me out! itโ€™s really random but i feel comfortable with you. i love you and you make me feel safe. i just want to learnโ€ your eyes finally met his as you went on your rant
his body stiffened and he tried his hardest not to laugh at you because he knew you would get upset. the last thing he wanted was to make you back down from any of your desires because you felt he didnโ€™t believe in you. that wasnโ€™t the case in your friendship
he bit his tongue before opening his mouth to speak โ€œwhere is all of this coming from?โ€
you sighed and sat next to him โ€œall of my friends! theyโ€™re always talking about fucking and sucking. i feel left out i really do. i havenโ€™t done anything besides kissing.. and i know you arenโ€™t a virgin. itโ€™s just like everyone around me is growing up and im stuck in time you know?โ€
he was obviously taken back by what you had said because he didnโ€™t even think about it like that. he was your best friend so he had never looked at you any different. in his eyes you just werenโ€™t ready and he didnโ€™t see a problem with that
โ€œy/n, i love you, i really do but im not taking your virginityโ€ he shook his head and looked down at his lap
you frowned a bit and thankfully he didnโ€™t see it โ€œwhy not?โ€ your body turned to face him completely to get his full reaction
โ€œbecause, thatโ€™s supposed to be special. why would i take that away from you? you mean a lot to me and the last thing i wanna do is make you feel anything lessโ€ he shrugged all of a sudden finding your blanket very interesting as he traced his finger on it
you squinted your eyes at him โ€œwas your first time special?โ€ you had only known about this because your friends are a bunch of mouth runners and one day mentioned this girl who had relations to neteyam
he actually never told you about this so you assumed he had a secret girlfriend on the low. your assumptions seemed to be somewhat correct as your friends โ€˜updatedโ€™ you. they told you about the multiple times they saw them together and how they could be fuckinโ€™ around
as your question sunk in his brain he thought about it, he really did. then the realization hit him. his first time wasnโ€™t really special either. he made it special for the girl of course but on his end it came.. naturally?
he didnโ€™t feel the need to take things slow. mainly because it was after a party and the two of them were tipsy. so things happened and the next day neteyam didnโ€™t really feel anything, he didnโ€™t know how to explain it which is why he never even told you
โ€œy/n, please just think firstโ€ his hand grabbed yours
โ€œanswer my questionโ€ your voice came off as stern
he scoffed and stood up โ€œokay fix your tone, this isnโ€™t some game. this is serious. i donโ€™t want you to regret thisโ€
you copied his actions and stood up โ€œregret this? neteyam youโ€™re the only man iโ€™ve ever wanted! why do you think i havenโ€™t done anything?โ€
his body stiffened up โ€œreally?โ€ he walked closer to you and you smiled
โ€œof course, ever since that day i almost drowned in the river and you jumped in to save meโ€ you laughed as you stopped to think about the memory
โ€œthen my dumbass started drowning too because neither of us could swimโ€ he laughed along with you
you covered your mouth as you started to snort โ€œand your dad had to come save both of us. i always find it cute you did that though. you really tried your bestโ€
he smiled โ€œyeah i never let you go. i thought if this girl goes out im going out with her. even if it was at the ripe age of 12โ€
you giggled placing your arms around his neck bringing him closer โ€œyeah, itโ€™s always been us huh?โ€
โ€œalwaysโ€ he licked his lips wrapping his arms around your waist looking deep into your eyes
there was a comfortable silence between the two of you. not like before when it was awkward at the beginning of this conversation. not like any times before this either, it was a look of love and lust
โ€œare you sure?โ€ he whispered his features softening as he looked at your face
โ€œwith every bone in my bodyโ€ you leaned closer ghosting your lips against his
his eyes made their way down to look at your lips before looking back up at your eyes โ€œlay downโ€
your stomach turned hearing his words and tone of voice. your feet slowly made its way back to your bed. moving backwards you still held eye contact with him as your head filled with dirty thoughts
you could tell he was thinking about similar things too just by the way he was looking at you with low eyes and while biting his bottom lip with anticipation. the back of your knee hit the frame of your bed so you laid down letting out a breath you didnโ€™t know you were holding
in a mere couple of seconds, he was hovering over you. his arms trapped your head as he admired you from above โ€œwhat do you want me to do?โ€
you threw your head back โ€œdonโ€™t make me say itโ€
โ€œnah, you wanted to learn right?โ€ he teased
โ€œteach me everythingโ€ you breathed out
he hummed slowly looking down at your bodies on one another. becoming satisfied as he noticed your hips moving upward impatiently silently telling him where you want him
โ€œdown there? you wanna be touched down there?โ€ he looked back up at you
โ€œpleaseโ€ you whimpered
โ€œperfect startโ€ he kissed the crease of your neck causing you to gasp. slowly he made his way down the rest of your body starting with your chest and ending with your navel
his veiny hands made its way down to the side of your thighs. he made sure to kiss every single inch of your lower half making you feel praised. unlike the times he had sex, he was gonna make this time special with you. for the both of you
โ€œcan i take this off?โ€ he kissed the top of your pussy through your loincloth
โ€œyes, yes you canโ€ your back arched slightly at the contact
he hummed in satisfaction before untying the strings. once he did, his hands lifted you up by your ass to slide it down your thighs and legs. his ears perked up as your scent became stronger. he looked between your thighs to see them covered in your own slick
you were extremely embarrassed by how reactive you were being but you couldnโ€™t help itโ€ฆ
you felt neteyam staring at you and refused to look down. you knew you would be met with a cocky smirk on that gorgeous face of his. so you closed your eyes waiting for him to do whatever he planned
he laughed quietly before dragging his fingers along your inner thighs. each second moving closer and closer to your core, your breathing got less steady. he started by letting a finger swiftly glide up your slit. this caused you to shut your eyes tighter as a gasp left your mouth. he slowly played with your flesh trying to get you used to the feeling before going in for more
โ€œmhmโ€ you hummed as he added another finger gradually moving faster
โ€œyou like that?โ€ his breath hitting your core
you breathed out arching your back slightly โ€œyesโ€
his other hand worked its way to the side of your thigh to caress slowly โ€œtell me what you want baby, you gotta talk to meโ€
your breathing stopped to gather your thoughts. your mind felt fuzzy and his fingers werenโ€™t helping. every movement he made had you feeling mushy and he didnโ€™t even hit any spots yet
โ€œi want your mouth on me, please teyโ€ you whined
โ€œyeah? thatโ€™s what youโ€™ve been thinkinโ€™ about huh?โ€ he slowly pushed a finger in your hole causing you to moan
โ€œyes!โ€ your thighs tried to close around his hand at the sudden pleasure
โ€œnuh uh, keep โ€˜em openโ€ he demanded moving his free hand to pry your thighs open
โ€œokay, okayโ€ you reached down to grab the back of your thigh fighting the urge to clamp them shut
โ€œgood girlโ€ he placed a sloppy kiss directly on your clit causing a wave of euphoria all throughout your body
โ€œneteyam!โ€ you moaned loudly throwing your head back
he kept placing kisses while curling his finger inside of you. your slick easily letting him slip it right through you with no issue. moving his digit faster and faster. as time passed he found it reasonable to add his second finger. your hips thrusting against nothing as the feeling of his fingers curled against your gummy walls
โ€œoh shitโ€ you finally opened your eyes to look down at him
his tongue swirled all around your bud in circular motions. his eyes caught onto yours as he increased the pace of his movements. he made sure to make it sloppy, backing up slightly to spit onto your clit before diving right back in. before you knew it, he was completely devouring you
clamping his entire mouth onto your bud just to suck on it like a pacifier. now having all three of his fingers inside of you stretching you out perfectly. you were in complete bliss
โ€œouu!! tey, oh my gosh, FUCKโ€ you squealed reaching down to grab onto anything. his hair being the first option. you grabbed onto his braids tightly. he seemed to like it too because a moan was muffled right against your pussy
you let out a moan at the vibrations. your moaning getting louder and louder as his mouth went to work on you. you started to feel an odd feeling in your stomach and tried pulling him away
โ€œteyam, babe, i feel weirdโ€ you squirmed around trying to push him away
he only moved back slightly โ€œyouโ€™re about to cumโ€ his lips were swollen but he didnโ€™t seem to care because right after he said that he went right back to eating you like you were his last meal
โ€œshitโ€ your thighs slightly shook as the knot in your stomach grew tighter and tighter. you squeezed your thighs around his head. grinding your pussy against his face with the little strength you had left. his free hand held onto the side of your thigh as a sign of comfort
he caressed the skin before making one harsh flick with his tongue and you were gone. the tightness in your lower stomach has finally been released. you felt hot as a sticky liquid spilled right out of you
neteyam pulled his fingers out of you at the perfect time to watch your cum spill onto the blanket below you, he laughed to himself
โ€œwhatโ€™s so funny?โ€ you asked after gaining your consciousness back
โ€œoh nothing. just thinking about how many times youโ€™ll be doing that tonightโ€ he looked straight into your eyes sucking on his fingers
you gulped thinking about all the other things you guys could do. you cheeks burned up causing them to be a darkish purple which neteyam took note of
he chuckled at your flushed state backing himself away from your thighs. now crawling above your body to settle himself right in between them
โ€œhiโ€ you whispered smiling up at him shyly
โ€œhey mamaโ€ he smiled back at you caressing your cheek
he leaned down placing a soft kiss on your lips. you hummed satisfactorily as your hands gently went around his throat to pull him in closer. he kissed you so tenderly like you were going to evaporate at any second
you couldnโ€™t help but love him so much in this moment. sure you guys were being sexual but thatโ€™s not all what it felt like, it felt like a secret love coming up to the surface in an act of compassion
he pulled away to lay his forehead against yours โ€œare you sure you want this y/n? we canโ€™t go back after thisโ€ his breath fanned over your face slowly just like his breathing. โ€œyes i want itโ€
you nodded reassuring him as your hand slid down his chest slowly. his breathing increased at the contact before waiting for you to continue whatever you were trying to do. your hand slowing as you made your way to his loincloth
โ€œtake it off please. i want you. i want you inside of me, make me feel good teyamโ€ you begged
he groaned before lifting off of you. you looked up at him through your long lashes. his gaze becoming colder as he untied the strings on his loincloth. you continued making eye contact with him as the clothing on both of your bodies started to disappear. his hand reached down to your chest to pull the loose leaves off of you now making you completely nude in front of him
your bodies were chest to chest. you felt his heart racing just like he felt yours. you knew that this was going to change everything but a part of you did not care. you waited for this for so long and you finally got it, everything felt right
โ€œitโ€™s gonna hurt, let me know if you want me to stopโ€ he leaned against the arm that was placed to the side of your head as his free hand went down his dick
โ€œokayโ€ you nodded suddenly feeling nervous. your friends told you the first time always hurts at first but there was no going back now. you hid your face in the crook of his neck as he slowly pushed himself inside of you
there was definitely pain, although he stretched you out it was nothing compared to this. he was big, no, huge
you hissed and threw your head back fighting off the tears that flooded in your eyes. he placed a comforting hand on both of your cheeks
โ€œshh, i got you, youโ€™re okay. im sorry i know this hurtsโ€ he kissed all over your face in attempt to ease your pain
you let out a long breath โ€œitโ€™s okay, can you move? iโ€™m good i promiseโ€ you nodded at him placing your dainty hands on his broad shoulders to motivate him
his hands gripped onto the sides of your waist as he began thrusting into you slowly. checking on you every now and then. your jaw dropped as you looked down to see a bulge in your lower stomach. he lifted your leg up slightly for more leverage before looking at you. you bit your lip and decided to be bold by wrapping both your legs around his waist completely
he grunted as you brought him against you closer with a proud smirk on your face โ€œoh yeah youโ€™re in for it nowโ€
you giggled at his words before yanking him closer to place a passionate kiss on his lips. he suddenly sent a hard thrust into you causing you to pull back with a moan โ€œyouโ€™re so fucking bigโ€
โ€œi knowโ€ a cocky smirk made its way on his face
his hands were placed at the side of your head. he groaned as he sped up his thrusts hitting your sweet spot causing you to see stars
โ€œOH RIGHT THERE!โ€ you screamed as you gripped onto the blanket below
he held onto your thighs bringing them closer up against him โ€œthat shit feels good right?โ€
โ€œyesss, oh youโ€™re fucking me so goodโ€ your jaw dropped as he moved his hips in a circular motion while thrusting faster inside of you
your hands found their way onto his back. you wanted to bring him closer and closer. you practically needed to be inside of him because it just wasnโ€™t enough
โ€œthis is what you wanted right?โ€ he watched your face ball up in pleasure as he suddenly threw both your legs over his shoulders in attempt to get you to stay still
โ€œtoo much! itโ€™s too much i canโ€™tโ€ you cried
he laughed shaking his head before lowering himself down chest to chest with you. you screamed as you felt him reach inside your stomach. โ€œyouโ€™re gonna take itโ€
and with that he trapped you between his arms and began wildly thrusting inside of you. all that could be heard was your moans, his grunts and the sound of skin slapping. you were so grateful that EVERYONE decided to go to that party or the whole damn village would know youโ€™re getting folded right now
โ€œfuck! this pussy is perfection babyโ€ he moaned kissing the side of your cheek that had a tear falling down in pleasure
you couldnโ€™t speak anymore, this man was impaling your insides and you never felt so good. โ€œiโ€™m close, neteyam im gonna cumโ€ you whined feeling your legs go numb
โ€œcum for me my loveโ€ he mumbled against your ear causing you to immediately let go
you screamed as your second orgasm spilled out of you. you tried catching your breath as you held onto him to gain your composure
โ€œbabe?โ€ you whined almost inaudibly โ€œhold on baby, iโ€™m almost thereโ€ he reached up grabbing your neck as he chased his approaching orgasm
your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he slid in and out of your gummy walls. he panted as his thrusting started to get sloppy
โ€œim about to cum. youโ€™re gonna make me cum all inside this pretty pussy. can i? is that what you want?โ€ he whimpered
is this man tryinโ€™ to kill you?
you wrapped your arms around his neck and decided to help him by bucking your hips up into his โ€œyes! i want it. cum inside of me. itโ€™s all yours, this pussy is yours neteyamโ€
he moaned loudly at your words before shooting his load deep inside of you. the both of you letting out whimpers and gasps as your juices were now flowing together. your lower halves were completely covered in them
he looked up at you to already meet your admiring gaze. he couldnโ€™t help but smile at you. you tilted your head as you started blushing like a school girl with a crush
you were so sensitive you hissed once he started to pull out of you. he helped soothe you by placing gentle kisses on your lips and praised you to take your mind off of it
โ€œyou did so good for me, im proud of you my gorgeous girlโ€ he kissed all around your neck while caressing your neck
you melted into his touch and even placed some kisses on him too since you knew he didnโ€™t receive much affection from anyone. he blushed at your actions and before you caught him he flipped you guys over to where you were now able to lay on his chest
exhaustion quickly took over you as both of your bodies started to calm down
โ€œim so tiredโ€ you mumbled tracing hearts on neteyamโ€™s chest
โ€œoh i bet you are, being a freak can get very tiringโ€ he teased
you laughed and playfully slapped his chest causing him to laugh with you. your arm draped over his chest as the two of you were now cuddling
โ€œyou good?โ€ he asked genuinely massaging your hair as he looked down at you
โ€œnever betterโ€ you smiled up at him with love
he returned the smile โ€œgood, now you have something to share with your little friendsโ€
you bit your lip with a smirk as he landed a gentle slap on your ass โ€œmhm, they donโ€™t need to knowโ€
โ€œoh?โ€ he sounded shocked โ€œso you wanted this for your own fantasies huh?โ€
you giggled leaning up to grab his face โ€œbingo!โ€
โ€œsilly girlโ€ he shook his head โ€œand you love meโ€ you leaned closer to his face with a small smile
โ€œyes, i do love youโ€ he grabbed your face gently before planting his lips on yours
authore speaks!!
YALLโ€ฆ oh em gee ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ
IDK ABT OTHER WRITERS BUT ARE YALL ABLE TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY WHEN WRITING SMUT? bc i most certainly canโ€™t ๐Ÿ˜ญ i can read smut with the most blankest stare but when i write it i giggle and get so flustered
and do u guys like the long smuts with a plot or should i make โ€˜em shorter and get into it faster?
love, liana
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nin3kyuu ยท 17 hours
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A mountain x Cave na'vi mix, from @villainsimpqueen 's cave na'vi the Ivonyok
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divinemanicstate ยท 22 hours
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spider invites his dads to hang out at the beach
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mermorguee ยท 3 days
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thewarmblanket ยท 13 hours
Okay, I want to understand one thing
What do you think about Alma? And especially why do you hate her.
No judgment, just explain it to me like I'm a dumbo because I really want to get it.
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knarme-art ยท 3 days
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Little gouache and ink drawing of a Viperwolf!
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marymary-diva17 ยท 1 day
The life we once had with you (2)
rooms x reader + spider
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The past had come back into your the life you had made here, after sixteen years they are finally back in your lives. They were no longer the same people you remember, as they had dramatically changed over the times of being apart.
Spider โ€œ come one slow pokes I know you can move faster then that, or has been being dead for sixteen years made you all weakโ€
y/n โ€œ spider donโ€™t do anything stupidโ€
spider โ€œ yes momโ€
Quaritch โ€œ wow our kid is something special is he always like thisโ€
y/n โ€œ yes he had spent sixteen years here, of course he will be like thisโ€
Lyle โ€œ I canโ€™t believe we are getting a show up by our kidโ€
Z dog โ€œ I have to agree this kid is showing us upโ€
y/n โ€œ no he is showing you all up now come on letโ€™s see, if you are still the mighty soldiersโ€ you soon took off climbing a tree and following after spider.
y/n " come on soliders are you coming or are you going to stand there like skxwangs" you had let out a laugh which had been followed by laughter from spider.
quairtch " well come on lets get going" the recoms soon nodded their heads and soon climbed the trees trying to caught up with you and the kid, but they soon realized you and spider had become natural to this whole thing.
spider " come on slow pokes I know you all can do better"
prager " that is definitely your son colonel"
quairtch " yes I know junior is doing well"
spider " hey old man no junior here the name is spider love it"
y/n " spider" spider soon laugh before he had taken off once again into the forest.
lopez " I swear what do you feed him why does he have so much energy in him"
y/n " well first of all he a teen and second of he a navi teen they are always like his, and heck this is his personality"
Z-dog " so he was born navi after you transferred in your avatar body"
y/n " yes I found out I was pregnant with him days after the battle, and no expected him to come out as navi and blue but we are here now"
mansk " you have done well to raise him well and fine young man"
y/n " thank you"
????? " mom"
recoms " ahhh" spider was soon seen handing down off a tree branch as he looked at the group of adults.
Z dog " kid how the heck did you get back here you were gone"
spider " got you all man you all should of seen the looks on your faces"
y/n " down"
spider " yes ma'am"
quairtch " well it good to know you have some request for the adults, we will need to work on that"
spider " we will see about that"
y/n " no fighting come on you all need to get you bodies ready, for your new lives here and then we can see if you all can fly"
recoms " fly"
lyle " like those creatures we had seen"
y/n " yes now come" you had soon started walking away as the recoms and spider look at each other, there was no lying spider is your son he acted like you. He did also look like quairtch as well but it was easy to say the boy had taken after you.
y/n " hey are you all coming or no"
spider "coming mom"
hours later
quaritch " so why have you and the kids have made us climb all the way here"
spider ' easy to see if you all can fly we can't keep to the ground forever"
Z dog " wait so we are getting Ikran"
y/n " yes and meeting some friends of ours as well" you had made a call way you are looking up at the sky, and soon enough spider had made the call as well. Soon two ikran had came landing onto the ground near the group.
y/n " this is my ikran I have named her freyaโ€
mansk โ€œ wow she beautifulโ€
y/n โ€œ thank youโ€
Lyle โ€œ what about yours kidsโ€
spider โ€œ his name is sora I think cool name and, he seemed to like it right buddyโ€ sora had nodded his head.
y/n โ€œ you all will bond with one of this wild ikran and soon take flight, but you all most know the ikran will have to choice you not the other way aroundโ€
Lopez โ€œ oh great that sounds like funโ€
y/n โ€œ are you all up for the challenge or noโ€
Quaritch โ€œ we never back down from a challenge loveโ€ the recoms had nodded their heads in agreement as you laugh.
spider " well see you in the skies" spider soon jumped off the cliff making everyone rush towards the edge, as his ikran soon took off and caught him.
y/n " I swear that boy plan in giving me heart attacks all the time, he does something dangers"
quaritch " like his mother I can see"
y/n " he more love you now go on your first to of colonel" quairtch soon nodded his head, as he soon went first to tame his ikran spider was watching for afar.
y/n " quaritch" you had soon him going down as panic sent in as you are worried about him and the others, he soon came back up flying on the ikran. Soon everyone starts cheering for him as he flew around them.
y/n " oh eywa give me strength" The rest of the recoms soon went to get thier ikrans, it had gone well for them all. The group had soon went flying for a bit, to get the team use to flying their ikrans and making a bond as well. They had soon made camp that night and everything was going well.
lyle " this has been a good day"
y/n " yes it has it seems like you all become use to looking like navi"
quaritch " we are still soldiers love we still have a duty to the rda"
y/n " for once forget the rda and live your own lives they are using you all, once again and will toss you aside once they get what they need"
Z dog " your right she right guys we all know that"
quaritch " what are we going to do now the rda has been our whole life here"
spider " they were your past lives now you have new lives here so live them. not everyone is given other chance in life"
y/n " my son speaking the truth it all up for your to decide live the new life or be the puppets for the rda once again, but know this I will not like any harm come to my son or my nieces and nephews ... along with many others ..... so I will use some words that you all told me many years ago pick your side us or them" they night everything had become silent, as everyone was thinking about the words you told them. There was much time of reflection and inner healing for everyone.
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pandoraslxna ยท 1 day
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cyren-myadd ยท 2 days
Update on Avatar comic: Common Enemy
Hey, Avatar fans! As I've already said, I am working on a part 2 to my speculative Avatar 3 comic, Common Enemy. Liked here.
My original outline for part 2 was going to be 11 pages long, so only slightly longer than part 1, which was 9 pages. However, the original draft felt rushed and I decided to add some things to it, and now my outline for part 2 is 15 pages long.
Right now, I'm torn. Part of me wants to stick with my original draft so that I can complete this comic within a reasonable amount of time (probably sometime in June), but another part of me wants to go with the longer version even though I probably won't finish it until sometime in July. The main difference between the two drafts is that the short version only shows Jake and Quaritch's perspective, but in the long version we get to Lo'ak's perspective of what happened to the kids before Jake and Quaritch arrived. It also includes Spider explicitly confessing that he saved Quaritch and the Sullies reacting to that while the short version just brushes over the fact that Jake still doesn't know why Quaritch is alive.
I've also thought about splitting it into 2 parts, but be warned that if I do that there is no natural place to break the story so there will be a very abrupt cliffhanger.
Since I'm having trouble deciding, I'll let you guys give your input. Which would you prefer for Common Enemy, part 2?
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beautyofattolia ยท 2 days
Avatar: the Way of Water
Loโ€™ak: Ha! I finished first!ย 
Neteyam: This isnโ€™t a competition.
Loโ€™ak: That sounds like something a loser would say.
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luvv4j4ybe11 ยท 5 months
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โ”€โ”€โ˜†*:ใƒป๏พŸโ”€โ”€โ˜†*:ใƒป๏พŸ โ”€โ”€โ˜†*:ใƒป๏พŸโœง๐‘บ๐’๐’Ž๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’†๐’๐’†๐’“๐’‚๐’ ๐’‰๐’„โ€™๐’”
- theyโ€™re all extremelyy protective over you. And always so ready to defend you.
- very touchy, weather itโ€™s a little hand hold or a full on thigh grab he needs to have his hands on you at all times.
- theyโ€™re all very fertile, and so are you. (So yk what that means๐Ÿ˜˜)
- their aftercare is AMAZING ๐Ÿซฆ
Putting his hand on your back to lead you somewhere
Saying โ€œnoโ€ in a stern but caring tone
Opening things for you/ Making way for you
Giving you reasonable instructions
Telling you โ€œcome hereโ€ and/or pointing to the ground to where they want you
Fixing your appearance (like fixing your hair or loincloth)
Lifting your chin up
โ€œlook at meโ€
Fixing your posture
And so many more๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- always so quick to do anything for you. Want food? He already out the door. Cold? Blanket is already covering you. Need a hug? Immediately wrapping his arms around you and kissing you gently. This man is in loveee with you๐Ÿ˜ญ
- they got the besttt hand placement ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
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- loves taking you out on late night beach walks, the bioluminescence of the pandora making you look even more gorgeous.
- whenever you two go on walks in the forest he always hold your hand whenever the path gets too uneven. And whenever he has to climb or jump over something heโ€™ll always pick you up so you donโ€™t get hurt.
โ€œTeyam! Iโ€™m fine! Iโ€™m not a child you know.โ€
โ€œMhm. Yeah sure, yawntutsyรฌp. Now come on.โ€
- hates when he sees other guys looking at you, almost like he can hear their thoughts. So heโ€™ll just wrap his arm around you and trail kisses and a few bites all over your soft skin, making sure everyone know youโ€™re his.
- whenever he gets mad his jaw does that thing, and ik yall know what im talking about ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- keeps track of your period/heat cycle, so he knows the exact day youโ€™re going to get it.
- he babyโ€™s you a lottt during these days, making sure his girl is ok.
โ€œHere tahnรฌ, kiri made this for you. Itโ€™s supposed to take some of the pain away.โ€
โ€œThank you, baby. Youโ€™re the best-โ€œ and there it was again. That sharp pain shooting up through your core. It felt like someone was trying to tear you apart from the inside out.
You yelp in pain, neteyam automatically leaping next to your side and pressing his big hand into where the pain was coming from.
โ€œShshsh, yawntu. Itโ€™s ok..I know it hurts but Iโ€™m here baby. I got you.โ€ He coos, the warmth and pressure from his hand soothing you immediately. The rest of your body weight pressing into his chest.
โ€œThatโ€™s my girl.โ€
- always is looking at you even when youโ€™re not looking at him. You always manage to catch his eyes tho, itโ€™s hard not to when heโ€™s staring right into your soul.
- but when you finally do meet his eyes theyโ€™re always filled with love and affection, it makes you smile all giddy every time
- his tail always betrays his words, like whenever you feel like heโ€™s getting jealous, youโ€™ll ask him upfront. And ofc heโ€™ll say no, but two seconds later you feel his tail coiling around your thigh possessively. Or when you guys get into a fight and are still mad at each other afterwards, his tail will still wrap around your calve as a comfort. But he doesnโ€™t even realize heโ€™s doing it.
- does the lil โ€œcome hereโ€ waist grab combo before he kisses you๐Ÿคค
- loves seeing how flustered you get by him just doing the smallest things, like when he flexes his arms or lowers his voice a little just to see your thighs clench and face get all red/purple
โ€œY/n..you listening to me, yawntusip?โ€ He questions with a smirk that tells you he already knew the answer to his own question.
โ€œYes, yes Iโ€™m sorry, baby. Continue.โ€ You responded, mind still focused on how the way he was looking at you and his deep voice made your panties unbearably slick.
โ€œMhm.. no. I rather do something else instead.โ€
- has such a huge breeding kink. Like heโ€™s downright obsessed with how pretty you look all cockdrunk with his cum just leaking out of you. Makes him feralll.
- also has a courruption kink, size kink, slight spit kink, biting kink, Dacryphilla, and yeah this mf js freaky asf (but he keep it on the DL)
- speaking of him being freaky asf, heโ€™d definitely fuck you in public. Like this man is balls deep inside of you, hitting your sweet spot every time he thrust back in, and heโ€™s over here telling you shit like โ€œshshsh, yawne.. donโ€™t want them to hear you now do you? Mhm~fuck.. you must want them to with the way youโ€™re clenching around me huh?โ€ Like MHM๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- heโ€™s a eater. Heโ€™s such an eater. (js like his brother and daddy) your pussy is basically stress relief to him๐Ÿ˜ญ
- puts his hair in a bun before he eat it๐Ÿซฆ
- doesnโ€™t mind when you ask to return the favor, bc he loves seeing you on your knees in front of him, pretty lips wrapped around his thick tip and hands desperately gripping at his thighs as you try to push the rest of him into your mouth. The sight makes him js ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
-so whipped for you ๐Ÿ˜ญlike this mf will do ANYTHINGGG for you, just say the word.
- loves watching you try to hold in your moans and whimpers, the way your face gets all puffy and hands start shaking and squeezing him desperately makes something primal awaken in him. And watching the tears finally spill over your face when he makes you cum? Fucking perfect to him.
- has a โ€˜sirโ€™ kink too, you found out about it accidentally tbh๐Ÿ˜ญ
โ€œMake sure you clean that cut, oeyรค yawntu. Donโ€™t want it getting infected.โ€ He ordered softly, making you smile at his gentle yet stern demeanor.
โ€œYes, sir.โ€ You quipped sarcastically, looking down at the bandage infront of you.
His whole body froze at the name, ears perking up and tail standing up in a ridged way โ€œWhat?โ€ He said lowly, his switch in energy making your body mimic his.
โ€œI-uhm sorry I-โ€œ
โ€œNo. Donโ€™t apologize, yawntu.โ€ He walks over to you quickly before kneeling infront of you, kissing you hungrily. โ€œSay it again.โ€ Your tail sways around excitedly at his tone, body getting hotter by the second.
โ€œYes, sir.โ€
- a titty man definitely, he loves watching them bounce whenever he fucks you in missionary
- whenever he punishes you, orgasm denial/control and spanking are his go tos. He just loves how needy and whiney you get from him not giving you what you want.
โ€œT-teyam, please! Iโ€™m sorry!โ€
โ€œYeah? You pissing me off says otherwise.โ€ Another harsh slap.
You writhe and squirm under him, but itโ€™s no use. Tears of frustration stream down you face once you feel two more slaps to your sensitive flesh.
โ€œP-please, teyam. No..more.โ€ You whine, chest heaving and mouth dry from your screams of protest. His expression softens at your small voice, hand coming down to rub the irritated skin back and forth gently.
โ€œAlright, yawntu. No more.โ€ He coos, leaning down to leave soft kisses on the back of your neck, โ€œbut donโ€™t think Iโ€™m gonna let you cum at all tonight.โ€
- loves kissing you when your sitting on something, weather it be a counter or your bed, he just loves kissing you like that.
- grabs your waist to grind you down onto him/guide your movements
- โ€œIโ€™ll make it fit, Yawntu.โ€
- when he starts getting close heโ€™ll whisper the DIRTIESTT shit in Navi to you ๐Ÿซฆ
โ€œMhm~..Teyam, please..โ€ you whine, the feeling of him using you and stretching your small, leaking pussy proving way too much for you.
โ€œI know, maโ€™yawntu. Need you to be good for me ok?โ€ He coos, holding the side of your face gently.
You lazily respond with a head nod, slowly losing yourself because of the feeling of your 4th orgasm building up in your core.
He shudders when your pussy clenches around him repeatedly, making him lean down to cadge you in with one of his arms, while the other holds your leg. Leaving slow, sloppy marks and kisses all over your soft skin.
โ€œHah~fuck..Niftxan โ€˜ekxin, oeyรค tรฌyawn..Tsun ke ne tรฌng nga a prrnen~โ€œ
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- likes having you on his lap while he does small chores that donโ€™t require him to be standing
- and he does that thing where he pats his lap so you know where youโ€™re supposed to be๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- whenever your stressed heโ€™ll always trace the same pattern on your back, and it soothes you almost immediately
- veryy affectionate with you,heโ€™s a man after all. He loves to show his woman how much he loves her.
- he always lifts up your chin/ grabs your waist before kissing you
- when you guys argue (which is rarely) heโ€™s definitely a โ€œcome hereโ€ typa mf, bc he hates making his girl feel bad
- likes to bring you to his meetings just to have you sit there and look pretty
โ€œBaby, what does that mean?โ€ You ask while looking up at him innocently, the sight making him smile softly.
โ€œIt means knowing our location, babygirl (knowing our 20)โ€ he responds, placing his hand on your head as you let out a soft โ€œoh..โ€ and continue to listen to him talk to the other warriors.
- likes to form tsaheylu before you guys fall asleep
- hugs from behind ๐Ÿซฆ
- loves you guys height difference so much
- another one that babies tf outta you, no matter what. Especially if youโ€™re close to your period/heat cycle
โ€œHey babygirl, how you feelin?โ€ He says with a soft smile on his face as he walks over to you with a basket of your favorite fruits and cold water.
โ€œOo! You got yovo for me? You really didnโ€™t have to do that, oeyรค tรฌyawn. Iโ€™m just feeling a little lightheaded is all.โ€ You explain, sitting up on your hands so he can sit down in front of you. And thatโ€™s when the pain hits. A sharp pain going straight up your spine into your head that makes you cry out. The ringing in your ears getting excruciatingly loud.
Jake is quick to get to your side, placing you on your side so your spine is stretched out. Reliving the pain almost immediately. โ€œI know babygirl, I know. Iโ€™m right here.โ€ He coos, pressing firm circles into the base of your neck, massaging out the excess tension. โ€œJust breathe, okay, hon? I gotchu.โ€
- the emotional security this man provides is AMAZING LIKE๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿฉท
- you always crave him, not even just sexually but physically too. Just his smell,his vibe, his company. Just him. And itโ€™s the same for him too.
- he never stops trying to impress you, just because he has you it doesnโ€™t give him a reason to stop
- he does that thing where heโ€™ll say your name and then point with his head/eyes to where he wants you to be๐Ÿ˜ฉ
โ€œAnd I just donโ€™t know how I could-โ€œ you ramble, stressed out because of the celebration later tonight.
โ€œY/n.โ€ Jake says sternly, but softly. His baritone silencing you immediately.
He looks at you before looking at the bed and tilting his head softly, making you obey his order silently.
Once you sit on the bed, he stands between your legs, cupping your face with his big hands gently. โ€œBaby..โ€ he pauses to kiss your forehead gently. Making you melt into his touch. โ€œRelax. Weโ€™re gonna figure it out,ok?โ€ You nod softly at this, letting your nerves leave you.
โ€œPlus I canโ€™t wait to see how sexy your gonna look to-โ€œ โ€œOK, Alright!โ€
- lovesss having you in mating press and missionary, something about seeing all of your expressions makes him drill into even harder, just to see how you react.
- when you start whining and whimpering from the overstimulation, heโ€™ll just cup your face and place soft kisses on your skin while saying, โ€œI know, baby, I know.โ€ Not even bothering to slow his pace on your poor cunt.
- โ€œyou look so pretty like this, babyโ€ and โ€œthatโ€™s my good girlโ€ are his favorites
- finds it so hot whenever your tail wraps around him when heโ€™s fucking you in doggy, itโ€™s such an ego boost for him.
- pushes your legs back whenever heโ€™s eatin it๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- he loves cockwarming after a long day lemme tell you ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
- he absolutely loves praising you, but also degrading you a little too๐Ÿ™ˆ
โ€œAwh hon, this wet just from a little kissing? Such a needy little slut for me.โ€
- his biggest kinks are breeding and size kink
- likes using toys on you, and definitely slips one inside you before you leave in the morning, just to watch your knees buckle whenever he presses that little button
- definitely an ass man, he loves squeezing it and watching it bounce whenever he has you in doggy
- โ€œsirโ€ kink 100%, especially when heโ€™s punishing you.
- speaking of this tho, his brat taming? Phew lawd๐Ÿ˜ฉ he gives you exactly what you want and also you nothing at the same time.
โ€œJa-Sir!, please! Im-sorry!โ€ You yelp, voice bouncing from his harsh thrust and tears streaming down your face from the overstimulation.
โ€œNuh-uh. Too late for that shit now, babygirl. Wanted to act like a little whore, so Iโ€™m gonna fuck you like one.โ€ He growled, leaving yet another hard slap on your ass, making you whine in pain.
The pace he set was fast and deep, avoiding your sweet spot every time he thrusted back in. And pulling out whenever you got too close. It was absolute torture. Yet you craved it nonetheless.
โ€œSir..please. I canโ€™t..โ€ you say softly, making him finally hit your sweetspot with his thick tip, turing you into a moaning mess. โ€œAlright, babygirl. But this is the only time youโ€™re cumming tonight.โ€
- forehead kisses after sex๐Ÿฅน
- speaking of kissing, heโ€™s such a good kisser (obvi bc he has experience but still๐Ÿ™„) he always goes at the pace you want, he knows where to put his hands, and he always puts so much feeling into them like ugh๐Ÿคค
- cockwarming with you while you sit in his lap>>
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- such a cuddle bug, like my baby loves being touched and touching you
- when youโ€™re standing and heโ€™s sitting, heโ€™ll wrap his arms around you and pull you close to him. (Even tho heโ€™s eye level with you because heโ€™s so tall๐Ÿ˜ญ)
- hates seeing you sad, angry, etc and he does everything in his power to get you out of it.
โ€œHey mama, I got you some chocolate norm had stashed in the fridge.โ€ He announces while walking into your room, shutting the door behind him with his foot.
โ€œThank you, sweet boy. Iโ€™m not that hungry though..โ€ you say softly, tone quiet and deadpan. His ears perk up and flick at the tone of your voice, brows knitting together at your mood.
โ€œMama, whatโ€™s the matter?โ€ He says softly as he climbs into your large bed, fit for the both of you. You say nothing, instead just rolling over and wrapping your arms around his much larger frame.
Chuckling softly at this, he kisses your head lovingly. โ€œItโ€™s ok, mama. I gotchuโ€
- likes teaching you the lingo his dad uses on the throat com, he just loves how genuinely intrigued you are when he tells you about it
- gets jealous very easily, heโ€™ll be so quick to pick a fight with someone itโ€™s not even funny
- hates when people touch his hair but loves when you do it
- whenever you guys talk, he always does the triangle method without realizing it. And it gets you flustered every single time๐Ÿ˜ญ
- โ€œmy girl can wear whatever tf she want but if you touch her ima break your jaw, itโ€™s that simpleโ€ typa bf
- loves playing with your hair/ braiding it
- always stares at you, always. Whenever you walk by him and flash him a quick smile his whole train of thought just stops, kiri and neteyam always make fun of him for it๐Ÿ˜ญ
- especially if you guys are talking in a group of people, just a lil hand hold or eye contact with you will have this man melting
- heโ€™s definitely an eater just like his dad and teyam, but before he eats it he always kisses your thighs before he does
- the second he puts his hair into that ponytail..phew yk you done for๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- loves doing the finger + tounge combo js to hear you scream and cry out his name
- speaking of that he loves hearing you say his name, deadass makes his eyes roll back just because of the sound of your voice and the way your pussy squeezes him so hard
- does the knee thing whenever you guys make out (and always has his hands on ya tittes๐Ÿคญ)
- the make outs you guys have?..phew๐Ÿ˜ฉ sloppy and slow and bodies all pressed tg๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- you put on a mini skirt one time as a joke and phew lawd..the way he bent you over so quickly and fucked your brains out๐Ÿซฆ
- steals his dads camera to take pictures of you so whenever you guys are apart he has something of you to keep him company ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ
- absolutely adores your body, he loves how soft and squishy it is, especially your thighs and ass
- such an ass man, (like Jake๐Ÿ˜ญ)
- loves having you in doggy and missionary
- also I see him liking 69ing too, but he didnโ€™t realized he loved it so much until you introduced it to him
- a switch, loves being in control and making you a cockdrunk mess for him but also loves when you fuck him
- he has such a huge oral fixation, like if you stick your fingers in his mouth while youโ€™re riding him, he turns subby so quick ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ or whenever you start randomly kissing and sucking on his hands his brain turns into putty, poor baby gets so overwhelmed by how good your mouth feels he almost cums untouched ๐Ÿ™ breathing all heavy and face a mess.. ugh๐Ÿ˜
- doesnโ€™t really like quickies, but if you both are desperate heโ€™ll do it. He just rather take his time with you, he loves watching you fall apart for him.
- he has a thing for whenever you touch his hands, like when you massage them gently and tell him how pretty they are or how nice they look he turns into a blushing mess, tail wagging and thumping against the floor wildly
- likes touching you in public to see how long you can keep quiet
- โ€œAwh, what was that mama? I couldnโ€™t hear you.โ€ While having the most shit eating grin on his face
- loves teasing you about how much your tail sways and wags when youโ€™re around him. And how much itโ€™ll instinctively wrap around him.
- one of the ways he likes to punish you is making you sit in his lap while he tells you how to touch, cooing and teasing you when he sees your delicate, slow strokes turn more aggressive and needy. So he holds your hand to guide you at the pace he wants.
โ€œLoโ€™ak!~ please..wanna cum so bad..โ€ you whine frustratedly, moaning softly as he curls your fingers into your sweet spot. But it isnโ€™t enough. You need him.
โ€œAwe thatโ€™s too bad, baby. Shouldnโ€™t have been such a needy slut before you got into this. Now you just gotta take it.โ€ He says sternly, removing his hand from yours and placing them on your inner thighs.
โ€œLoโ€™ak I-โ€œ
โ€œI donโ€™t care. Now keep touching, mama. And if I see you speeding up youโ€™re not cumming at all tonight.โ€
- and yet anotha man thatโ€™s whipped asf for u, when you guys were officially mated, he swore he fell even more in love with you. Mf was already making plans for kids๐Ÿ˜ญ
- so so vocal๐Ÿ˜ฉ especially when you force him to be submissive(he acts like he hates it but yall both know damn well๐Ÿ˜ญ)
- another one who grabs your waist to grind you down onto him๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- another โ€œIโ€™ll make it fitโ€ mf, but heโ€™ll taunt and tease you for how much your legs are shaking and the tears endlessly flowing from your eyes.
โ€œFuck!~ lo-loโ€™, wait..itโ€™s not gonna fit..โ€ you writhe and yelp, pathetically trying to push him away from you with your shakey legs.
He growls angrily at this, grabbing both of your legs with his hands and pushing them down next to your ears, folding you like a pretzel under his strong frame.
โ€œDonโ€™t, fuckinโ€™ push me away, mama. Ever.โ€ He seethes, your faces inches apart from each other. โ€œPlus, your pretty little pussy seems to be doing just fine. Poor girl keeps getting greedier and greedier the more I push into you.โ€ He places a slow, sweet kiss on your lips before pushing the rest of his cock inside of you, rubbing your clit to open you up even more.
The stretch makes you cry out and squirm, tears spilling down your face at the stimulation. โ€œAwe, look at you sweet girl. Is my cock too much for you? You can handle it, baby. You said it yourself.โ€ He teases, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face when you try respond to him, but all the comes out are little moans and whimpers.
He thrust into you softly, testing out the waters. You moan loudly at his slow movements, pussy clenching around him repeatedly as you reach for him aimlessly, mind already turned into mush. He chuckles at this, giving you his hand before carefully speeding up his pace. โ€œMy pretty girl, already cockdrunk? Mhm~ Fuck..canโ€™t wait to turn you into my personal little cock sleeve~, want that, mama? Want me to fuck you so much that you only crave me?โ€ His words make your pussy clench and squeeze around him repeatedly, letting him know everything he needed to before his pace turned ruthless.
๐‘จ/๐‘ต~ bc why did this take sm more longer than an actual fic? Im done ๐Ÿ˜ญ I tried to make them all as even as I could, but some of them have more than the other (letโ€™s take a huge guess on who Iโ€™m talking ab๐Ÿ˜ญ). Might make another one for the girls tbh๐Ÿคญ but I hope yall like this, and if you want me to write more lmk๐Ÿฉท I had fun with this one๐Ÿฅฐ
๐‘ป๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’”: @xylianasblog @strongheartneteyam @professional-yapper @itchaboi-itchyboy @blue-slxt @hotdsworld @plooto @quicktosimp
๐‘ซ๐’Š๐’—๐’Š๐’…๐’†๐’“๐’” ๐’ƒ๐’š @eloquentreverie
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