#okay i think that's enough tags
officiallydoubtful · 17 days
Y’know those evil personas that Youtubers had back in like 2017 or so? I love the idea of those. I think we should bring back using opposite names as like our 'evil persona'. I'll go first, hello everyone, my name is InformallyCertain! Awful to meet you, now I'm off to kick a puppy, or whatever it is evil people do!!
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howdoyouwhiskit · 2 months
Reblog to give your favorite character a boop
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charliescalamity · 3 months
Back at it with more Gillion. I've been drawing the fish man as procrastination so I don't have to clean my closet out (The only thing you'll find in it are skeletons and maybe another set of pronouns).
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Filled the page with undersea doodles because it was too empty.
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exogenesis-lights · 5 months
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Jason Grace has entered the chat.
As a St. Louisian (and the kind of person that always has to point and say “there’s the arch !!” whenever I see it) I’d always wondered how they were going to adapt that sequence in the tv show. The water tornado was a valiant solution to rick obviously not thinking about how much ground percy was gonna have to cover, but I still think it’s pretty similar to flying lol.
I also intended to finish this comic before that episode aired, but ya boy got eye surgery. Whoops.
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tboytoby · 1 year
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bouta watch stream 5 wish me luck
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aurora-van-vana · 1 month
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“You kiss you mother with that mouth?”
“No, I kiss yours.”
Character designers for these two are:
@sillycowboy-stuff & @drunkonglitterglue
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a-gaime · 2 months
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Not my usual anything but monster high X soul eater au concept sketches (PLEASE CLICK FOR BETTER QUALITY IM BEGGING)
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does anyone have any hannibal fic recs where hannibal speaks lithuanian 🙏🙏
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lamuradex · 4 months
Alright, what should I post next? I'm throwing this question to the ether.
I'm honestly just a little bored and wanted to post something, so here we go. And I'm setting this to a week, but I might just post something before then.
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Clint’s Birthday (Clint Barton x Reader)
Y’all, this literally took so long for me to figure out, and then with me being back to school and everything, I didn’t even have time to try. But, today, after I had two different math tests, I mustered enough brain cells not to ask for another fic by wonderful writers, but to finish the one I started immediately after posting Tony’s Birthday.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, reader is Clint’s wife, canon until after AoU bc there was no need for CA:CW, reader has long enough hair that she puts it up while fighting (could just be a clip or a short pony tail depending on the length of your hair), mentions of a miscarriage being a potential outcome to the pregnancy, Clint asks if they’re going to keep the baby, Vision not having a filter, and probably more but I don’t think anything should need a trigger warning or something to that effect. 
I’m gonna say it again though, reader is Clint’s wife, and she is pregnant, there are mentions of possibly losing the baby with as early as they are in the pregnancy, and Clint does ask if they’re going to keep the baby. If any of these topics are triggering to you, do not read this.
Word Count: 3266
Summary: While dealing with the major threat that Thanos has become, what will you do when you find out that you’re pregnant? What will happen when the Avengers find out?
Married to Clint Barton, archer extraordinaire for the last 7 years brought a lot of dumb shit your way. As an agent of SHIELD yourself, you met Clint when Fury paired you up for your first mission together. Take down an assassin in Budapest. Obviously, you took a different route and brought Natasha to Fury, having her join SHIELD with the both of you. That mission you met your best friend, and your soon to be boyfriend. 
You had met Thor when he came to Earth, as well as Tony Stark when Natasha was working for him, but you had your own mission, helping Captain America adjust to the world. This had made Clint extremely, yet understandably, jealous since you were teaching the Captain America about everything he had missed while being frozen for 70 years. And while you could admit that Steve was an attractive man, you loved Clint so much that you didn’t know how to breathe without him some days. Steve was more like an older brother to you anyways, and he was always willing to protect you, including the first time he had met Clint. That was one hell of a shitshow, but at least it had a happy ending.
Clint came up behind you, covering your eyes with his hands while you were signing off on something for one of the lower level agents. “Guess who?” He asked lowly.
“Get your hands off Y/N, Agent.” Steve boomed, walking over to the both of you. 
“Off my girlfriend, I think not, Captain Rogers.” Clint retorted, sliding his hands down to your shoulders.
Steve looked at you, “Is he lying to me, Y/N?”
“No, Stevie. This is my boyfriend, Agent Clint Barton. I would’ve introduced you earlier but he’s been on a mission in New Mexico. He’s only back now because Loki’s.. Loki.” You said, pulling Clint’s hands down to your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. 
“Sorry, Agent Barton.” Steve apologized sheepishly. “I shouldn’t have assumed so quickly. Y/N’s just had a lot of male attention recently.”
“You’ve what?” Clint asked, tightening his grip on you slightly.
You wiggled, turning in his arms. “It’s really not that big of a deal, some of the newer agents have been hitting on me as either I walk by or they do. I’m handling it, and everything is under control, honey.”
“Marry me.” He said, kissing your nose.
“Marry me, and we’ll put a ring on your finger and you’ll never have to worry about it again. Nat has the ring, and I was gonna take you on a date and ask you, but please N/N?”
You smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “Of course I’ll marry you, Robin Hood.”
The two of you were married just hours after Thor took Loki back to Asgard. You were also an Avenger, as Fury knew you and Clint worked quite well together in the field, especially after that first mission. Additionally, your banter through the comms was quite amusing and everyone on duty always got quite the kick out of it. Including the fact that you almost always had a dry comment to respond to Tony with.
After Ultron, you and Clint had essentially adopted Wanda and helped her properly grieve the loss of Pietro. That included getting her a therapist and working on her powers with her. While her emotions did still affect her powers, she wasn’t controlled by them anymore. And since Tony turned JARVIS into that Vision.. dude.. FRIDAY was the new AI around the compound and Wanda had fallen madly in love with Vision. An AI. Yeah, it’s weird, but you and Clint did the best you could with her.
Since you had managed to talk Tony out of the Sokovia Accords, the Avengers splitting never happened and Steve had even gotten Bucky back, on the basis that he also went to therapy due to the amount of trauma he had gotten working for HYDRA for 70 some odd years while being brainwashed. You were catching Bucky up with the times and pop culture the same way you had done Steve. Honestly, you held movie nights with the both of them and sent them songs you thought they would like, starting back with the 30’s and 40’s music they were used to and slowly working them up to the music of today. 
And while you knew Thor and Loki were still going through some things, as was Bruce, since none of you had seen him since the battle with Ultron, you knew something big was happening, you could feel it coming. You had always had a sort of sixth sense about these things, even knowing when one of your coworkers was pregnant before they had said anything, and unfortunately knowing when someone close to you was gonna die. Fortunately, the last time you had seen Thor, you introduced him to phones, and now could call and text both him and Loki whenever you wished. Ah, technology. 
“Loki?” You asked, having picked up your phone. “What’s going on?”
“Thanos is coming.” He said. “We’re bringing our people to Earth to keep them safe. Surtur has destroyed Asgard, but we had to do it to keep it out of Hela’s hands. And get as many of the Infinity Stones as you can and destroy them.”
“Woah, Loki. You gotta slow down.” You told him, downing your coffee like a shot. “What’s going on? Who’s Thanos? Who’s Surtur? How has Asgard been destroyed? Where the fuck are we housing all these Asgardian people? Who the fuck is Hela? Also, what the fuck is an Infinity Stone? And how would we destroy them?”
He took a deep breath. “I’ll explain everything when we get here, but Y/N, please know that Earth is in grave danger.” And then Loki hung up on you.
“Oh great. More people. I gotta make some calls.” You said, sighing and dialing the number for Maria Rambeau. “Maria, where the fuck is Carol at? I need the Guardians of the Galaxy. I have questions.”
In the middle of all of this, since the Guardians were on their way to where they knew one was hiding, hoping to get there before Thanos, you realized that the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach hadn’t gone away. But now you felt nauseous on top of it. So, you decided maybe you’d go see Doctor Cho, maybe she’d have an answer for you.
“Oh there’s an answer, all right.” Doctor Cho said, chuckling at the results.
“What? Am I dying? I can’t leave Clint! He’d kill Tony!”
“You’re not dying, Mrs. Barton. You’re 5 weeks pregnant.”
You were completely shocked. “I’m pregnant?” You asked, not believing the words coming out of your mouth.
“Yup.” Helen told you, handing you the results. “Which explains the nausea and your sixth sense, although not the impending sense of doom. But you are an Avenger, so that’s understandable.”
“How am I gonna tell Clint? How do I save the world? Should I even tell him? What if I lose the baby?” You were thoroughly freaking out.
“Y/N, you’re going to be fine. Everything will work out.” Helen told you, resting a hand on your knee to help ground you through your spiraling.
Unfortunately, you had believed her, because the next thing you knew, there were 3 infinity stones in the Compound, 2 on the way, with one having been destroyed in the explosion of Asgard. The space stone was in the Tesseract, and Loki had the foresight not to grab it when he was putting Surtur’s crown into the Eternal Flame. Dr. Strange had the time stone in the eye necklace thingy that he kept around his neck, the mind stone was in Vision’s head after Tony had removed it from Loki’s scepter and Ultron had started to make Vision. On the way to Earth, the Asgardians had stopped to grab the reality stone from Knowhere, and the Guardians were on their way with the power stone they had kept from destroying Ronan the Accuser, and the soul stone they were picking up from the place that not even Thanos knows about. Surely, he knows the planet exists, but he doesn’t know what’s hiding there.
“Okay, we’re here!” Peter Quill said, running in with the others. “Sorry we’re late. ‘You must give up a soul to receive a soul’ and nobody could decide.”
You looked around at all the Guardians, “But nobody’s missing?”
“I am Groot.” Groot said sadly.
Rocket patted him on the head softly. “I know, buddy. Groot threw his video game system over the edge of the cliff to sacrifice for the stone, and now he can’t ever play one again.”
“It may work a little differently this time, being that these were the first 6 pieces of the universe, but I believe there may be a way to overcome this, once we beat Thanos, of course.” Wanda said, making a small red orb appear in the palm of her hand.
It wasn’t until hitting it with Bucky’s left arm made a crack in one of the stones that you all realized you needed vibranium to break them. “Strongest metal on Earth.” Tony said, calling King T’Challa.
Two hours later, you were all flying into Wakanda for Shuri’s help, knowing that if she could fix Bucky’s HYDRA-scrambled brain, she could fix anything. “Where is the mind stone?” She asked, scurrying around her lab, trying to figure out how to properly destroy the building blocks of the universe.
Vision stepped forward. “In my head.”
“Oh good God.” Shuri said, lining the stones up. “I’ll need to extract it to destroy it. But I will find a way to keep him alive. Anyone with eyes can see how in love the two of you are.” She told Wanda, already muttering something you didn’t understand about microchips and him being part Ultron as well as Tony and Bruce.
As Shuri began extracting the mind stone from Vision’s head, just a few minutes later, aliens beamed down from the sky, presumably Thanos’ minions. They all started clawing at the barrier, humanoid or not, which the vast majority were not.
“Um, Your Majesty? Steve?” You asked, staring out the window in shock. “We might have a problem.”
Clint came up behind you and wrapped you in a hug. “We’ve got this, hun. Let’s go kick some alien ass. Again. For the millionth time in the last 10 years.”
“Second time in 6 years, my love. But I see your point.” You said, slipping into a side room to change into your suit and pull your hair out of your face. “Okay, Y/N,” you muttered to yourself softly, looking in the mirror, “No injuries this time. And once this is all said and done, we’ll tell Clint.”
Walking out of the room, Steve pulled you aside. “What aren’t you telling Clint until after the fight?”
“That’s not for you to know yet, Steve. You’ll find out when the time is right.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “I can hear the second heartbeat.” You went to open your mouth to make a smart-ass retort, but you bolted into the nearest bathroom and emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet.
“Don’t tell anyone. And don’t let Bucky say anything either. And I mean nobody, Steven.” Were the three sentences you said before wiping your mouth, flushing, chewing a mint, and getting ready to join the fight.
“Are you sure-”
“Yes. You’re not stopping me, Steve. I know my limits.”
~~~~~~~~~(Time skip because I cannot properly write a fight scene)~~~~~~~~
After the battle was all said and done, nobody died. Except Thanos and all of his minions. Nebula was safe and free from his abuse, Thanos never laid a hand on any of the Infinity Stones, even though he had the gauntlet, and Vision had a computer sourcing his power now instead of the mind stone. He’d have to charge up about once every other day, but Tony was already installing a charger into his side of the bed, so he could charge every time he laid down, and would magically never overcharge.
Clint had almost died, and you gave him hell for it, although he had given you hell right back for taking a knife through one arm and being slashed across the other. You were both going to be scarred pretty badly over this fight, like most of the other Avengers and fights, both mentally and physically. Plus, by the time the fight was over and you were all cleared to go back home, it was Clint’s birthday.
“Happy birthday, honey.” You said, curling further into his chest and drawing circles on it with your finger.
“Thank you, sweetheart. But you know what would make it even better?” He asked, and you didn’t even have to be looking at his face to know that he had just wiggled his eyebrows at you.
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “We almost died today and you want sex?”
“What can I say, sweetheart? You make me insatiable.”
“Not now, I don’t think. I’m not feeling so great.”
He rolled you off him and propped himself up above you. “Is it your arm? The meds? Is something wrong?”
All you could do was stare at your husband with the biggest heart eyes in the world as you shook your head. “No, well, maybe. Don’t be mad.”
“Did you lie about your symptoms again?”
“That was you.”
“Was it?”
“Yeah. Because you don’t like how loopy you get on sedatives.”
“Oh, right.” He said, rubbing his hand soothingly up and down your thigh. “Well, honey, whatever it is you need to tell me, you know I’ll always be by your side.”
You took a deep breath, looking anywhere but Clint’s eyes. You focused on one of the freckles on his bicep, actually. “How do you feel about being a dad?”
“We’ve talked about this before, honey. Y/N, you know I’ve always wanted to start a family with you.” You looked up at him and saw the same heart eyes looking at you that you had directed at him moments before. You raised your eyebrows a little and gave Clint a little half-smile.
“Clint,” You started, bumping your nose against his softly. “I’m pregnant.”
“I’m actually gonna be a dad?” He asked, a smile growing wider on his face in realization.
You nodded, a smile starting on your face too. “Yeah. You’re gonna be a dad, sweetheart.”
“How far along are you? When did you find out? Have you been doing okay?”
“I found out 2 days ago, and Helen said I’m 5 weeks along. I’ve only puked a few times, but I’ve been nauseous a lot.”
“You found out before we went and fought aliens?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You nodded again. “Yes. And you said you wouldn’t be mad no matter what I told you.”
He smiled down at you again before flopping back down onto the bed next to you. “Does anyone else know other than Helen?”
You curled back into his chest. “Steve and Bucky can hear the baby’s heartbeat. Steve asked me if I was sure I should fight when he confronted me. But I know my limits.”
“I know you do, baby, but it’s not just you anymore.” Clint said, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer into him. “We are keeping it, right?”
“I was going to, and I had assumed that you wanted to. You do? Right?” You asked, mindlessly drawing shapes on his chest with your finger again.
“Oh baby girl, of course I want it. This baby is going to be very loved, by both of us and all the Avengers.” He said, kissing the top of your head. “Are we gonna tell people?”
“You’re not really supposed to before 12 weeks, since that’s the most likely time to have a miscarriage. The pregnancy is more stable after that and the chance of losing the baby is less.” 
“Okay. We can do that. We’re assassins, we can keep a secret for 7 weeks.” 
You paused your movements. “Clint, I can’t drink coffee.”
The two of you kept it a secret for another 7 hours. Even after swearing FRIDAY to secrecy. To be fair though, it was Vision’s fault.
You had just walked into the kitchen, tired and ready for a cup of coffee when you remembered that you couldn’t have any. So you steered yourself towards the compound fridge, internally groaning, and poured yourself a nice tall glass of cranberry juice to have with your breakfast, not noticing everybody but Steve and Bucky staring at you with their mouths agape.
“Uh, Y/N?” Tony asked. “Wouldn’t you rather coffee? Like every other morning you’ve ever lived here?”
You shrugged. “I’ve loved cranberry juice since I was a kid, nothing wrong with having it for breakfast.”
“Plus, Mrs. Barton, caffeine is highly unrecommended for when you’re pregnant since it can do significant harm to the fetus.” Vision said, sipping at his tea after doing a quick scan of you.
“I- what did you say?” You asked, gripping Clint’s hand under the counter for support.
He turned to look at you. “Did you not know? I had assumed that since you were not drinking your usual coffee, you were already aware of the unborn child growing in your uterus.”
“I- I- Clint?”
“Next thing we program him to do is keep a goddamn secret.” He said, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head. “Yes, we know. Yes, Y/N’s pregnant. Close your fucking mouths before you catch flies.”
You smiled softly as the realization of what Clint said set into everyone’s head. “And Vision, you’ll also find that people aren’t supposed to know until after the 12 week mark when the pregnancy is more stable.”
“You are right, Mrs. Barton. I’m very sorry, both of you, I should’ve let you announce the news when you were ready. I will keep that in mind for the next addition to our family.”
As the news finally flipped a switch, Natasha and Wanda ran over to you squealing and asking questions; Tony, Bruce, Vision, and FRIDAY were figuring out how to add a baby’s room into yours and Clint’s apartment in the Compound; and Steve and Bucky were looking at you and Clint like proud uncles. This was when Sam walked in, not knowing what had just happened, or why there was so much squealing from two very serious, very powerful women.
“What in the goddamn universe is going on in here?!” He asked, looking around for answers.
“Clint and I are having a baby.” You said, trying to keep the smile off your face as Sam’s jaw dropped.
“You fought aliens while pregnant?!?!” He exclaimed, coming over to you to double check that he had heard this right.
You nodded, “I did, yes. And both Baby Barton and I are fine, thanks for asking.”
Since nothing had actually been accomplished that day except for Tony already planning the addition of the baby’s room, you and Clint had lots of time to look around at your friends family and realize that this kid was going to be the most loved, spoiled kid (thanks, Tony) on the face of the planet.
“This kid might actually turn out okay.” You told Clint softly, watching the Avengers argue over decide what order they were going to hold Baby Barton in once they arrived.
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missfortunegirl · 2 months
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“Do you want to protect me from evil or the world from the evil in me?”
when you're watching Lucifer and start wondering "what if I mixed Lucifer Morningstar from the TV series and Lucifer Magne from Hazbin Hotel?". well, the result isn't much but it can be done😨
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If I had to choose between the two, however, I wouldn't know which of the two to choose. They're both really cool🥲
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rosie-kairi · 6 months
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local teenage champion diagnosed with a terminal case of "being fourteen years old"
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vyrion · 3 months
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in this moment, you were loved: on siffrin and looping
espeonkin // ishhbowl, how do you survive the apocalypse? // navysealt4t, "names" // puremode // james hall & richard siken, "the poetry of hostile witness: an interview with richard siken" // in stars and time // lovecrumbs, all mentions of love and death in romeo & juliet // amal el-mohtar, "this is how you lose the time war" // natalie wee, "yes & no" // mavigator, "anglerfish" // in stars and time // evelyn berry, grief slut // ovid, orpheus and eurydice // moodylilac
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fr tho how ya gonna give the #1 (and i think #2) of the show the saddest, most opened ending out of every character? like why?
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oh noooo his hand slipped
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loveydive · 1 year
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The Tragedy of Hayakawa Aki - chainsaw man, tatsuki fujimoto
grief lessons: four plays by euripides, anne carson // chainsaw man, tatsuki fujimoto // deathless, catherynne m. valente // “untitled,” 2016, ink on paper, kara walker // james, clementine von radics // slide tackle, japanese breakfast // how to cure a ghost, fariha róisín // red glove, holly black // the letter, richard paul evans // interview with james hall, richard siken // ptolemaea, ethel cain // iq84, haruki murakami // the godfather, mario puzo // god's silence, franz wright // crush, richard siken // tumblr user ojibwe // when i was done dying, dan deacon
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