officiallydoubtful · 55 minutes
Looking at you @echo-stimmingrose <33
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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officiallydoubtful · 8 days
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Here is a WIP of a screen study from the PJO TV show.
(I originally planned on posting the finished piece however the shield is making me want to cry so here's the almost finished piece instead lol)
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officiallydoubtful · 14 days
I wish there was a word for things that we just, intrinsically know. Like, yeah sure, I know who I am, but I also Know who I am, yknow? I don't have to think about it, I just Know.
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officiallydoubtful · 17 days
Need everyone to know I almost left this post in drafts. So glad I didn't, these reblogs are beautiful
Here are some of my favorites, how dare these gems be hidden in tags
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That's all I have at this point in time, I HIGHLY encourage anyone who wants a good chuckle to look at the reblogs!
Y’know those evil personas that Youtubers had back in like 2017 or so? I love the idea of those. I think we should bring back using opposite names as like our 'evil persona'. I'll go first, hello everyone, my name is InformallyCertain! Awful to meet you, now I'm off to kick a puppy, or whatever it is evil people do!!
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officiallydoubtful · 17 days
You never once have had a wrong take.
I personally think that reading those fanfics would be fucking hilarious, and if we ever get famous to any degree or have a fandom, you bet we're reading all- and I mean all- of the fan content that is created. Our poor pretend fans will live in fear!
If me and my best friend were fictional characters I'm a wildly popular fandom, we would be shipped together beyond belief, ninety six percent of the fandom would die on the hill that we're together. The fanfictions of us would be insane, essays would be written, a tag with a poor combination of our names would have hundreds of thousands of posts.
And the other four percent would be the ones screaming in posts with only seven notes about how we're actually closer to a qpr. They'd be the only ones correct but alas no one would listen.
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officiallydoubtful · 17 days
Y’know those evil personas that Youtubers had back in like 2017 or so? I love the idea of those. I think we should bring back using opposite names as like our 'evil persona'. I'll go first, hello everyone, my name is InformallyCertain! Awful to meet you, now I'm off to kick a puppy, or whatever it is evil people do!!
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officiallydoubtful · 17 days
Okay, now I have to do this, brb-
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Honestly, better than I expected to get! Kinda true tbh :DD
Sry have nobody to tag, feel free to reblog if you want!!!! <33
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officiallydoubtful · 23 days
now THIS is the aroace rep I've been looking for!!!
haven't had pjo thoughts in a while but I think it would be really funny if aroace people just can't see Aphrodite. like what if Reyna just stands there like "where is she" while everyone else discusses some quest with a disembodied female voice
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officiallydoubtful · 27 days
I know I don't have very many followers, but asks are always appreciated!! I like talking to people :D
Reblog if you want one of these in your ask box:
•A compliment
•A story
•Why you follow me
•A cute message
•One thing you want to tell me
•One thing you want to know about me
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officiallydoubtful · 27 days
I am standing outside,
In the snow,
In a tank top and shorts,
Staring at the sky.
I need not explain myself further.
That is poetry enough.
There is no other
Way to explain it.
I am standing
In the snow
In a tank top and shorts
At the sky.
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officiallydoubtful · 28 days
An Ode to Icarus
Reach for the sun, Icarus,
And do not stop reaching.
Do not listen to those who wish you to fall.
Allow your wax-tipped wings to brush the sky,
And greet the Sun with a smile!
Fly, dear Icarus!
You should not have to fall
To be free.
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officiallydoubtful · 1 month
I forgive you, I know you'd never do such a thing❤️
Imagine for me, a can of bees. You shake the can. The bees become angry. Why would you do that? That's awful!
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officiallydoubtful · 1 month
Imagine for me, a can of bees. You shake the can. The bees become angry. Why would you do that? That's awful!
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officiallydoubtful · 1 month
We are, we are!!!
What is that you say, friendships that close must be romantic?? Honey, all I can say to that is: nuh uh!! My proof? Look at me and my bestie <333
actually no, we're not "dating". we're bound together for infinity. like the stars. so, fuck you, actually.
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officiallydoubtful · 1 month
There are three dandelions standing alone in my back yard. My parents mowed just two days ago. And yet, there three dandelions stand.
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officiallydoubtful · 1 month
Anybody else ever look at their stretch marks and think, aww, they're so soft and cute, how could anyone ever hate them? They're a sign of growing after all, and growth is rarely a clean, simple process. Growth is messy and confusing, sure, but it's rewarding! And here's a visual reminder of that growth! I don't know how anyone could ever hate that
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officiallydoubtful · 3 months
You never know who someone could be. They could be an angel. They could be the devil. No matter, I will treat them just the same.
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