#no wonder dani didnt appear in the book
thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
Ngl the episode with Dani's return in Danny Phantom really makes me more annoyed that A Glitch In Time really went and tried to redeem Vlad.
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asherlockstudy · 5 years
I get that interview was HBO forced but it sounds insane when last season, he was saying Jaime needed to get away from her for good. I mean no nice post about Gwen after the last ep. I dont believe it was about not wanting to stir the hornet's nest if him and B didnt get together as he posted a huge loving one about Lena and that was a very controversial part of the plot. If hed know posted a gwen one saying"sorry JB didnt get a happy ending but here's me and Gwen in happier times" i dont get it
I think it’s very weird too…Imma analyze it. Not that I’m gonna reach any solid conclusion but I will just lay out all my thoughts.
Whatever the reason Nik doesn’t post or reply publicly to Gwen is, it has nothing to do with his personal preference for Braime or Jaime x Cersei. Even if we make the insane assumption that Nik appreciated that Jaime dumped Brienne to return to murderous Cersei and die with her without serving any purpose in the main plot (what lead actor of 8+ years would ever like being unimportant in the ending plot) and saw “pOeTRy” in it, it still doesn’t explain why he should prefer posting about Lena over Gwen. We would be naive to think he made a post about Lena and not Gwen because he prefers Cersei to Brienne. So, we still have no clear evidence of what Nik’s private thoughts and feelings are for his character after the ending. 
Here’s what we have: 
We have two interviews: one with HBO rofl and one with that journalist who collaborates with HBO and was an insider (I’m not gonna search his name) in which he stans Jaime’s choices, his love for Cersei and the tragic poetry in it all. Then we have him promoting the episodes and the documentary in his instagram and twitter, however he is entirely emotionally detached from his character and his fate. I would say he lowkey looks entertained in his weird af episode promo videos and secretly amused while filming the “thank you” video after the last episode where he says “Come on, it was great” and suggests a petition for an Arya (huh?) sequel.
We have two videos uploaded on yt with him: one is a video of a stalker in which Nik looks uncomfortable and passes the question to the random guy next to him who apparently happens to be a GOT fan, have an elaborate opinion on the last season, hate D&D and think they threw away Jaime’s beautiful character arc. What are the odds…The second is a skit in Jimmy Kimmel in which Nik drags his own character by making him stupid and clumsy, a sad little being because of his maiming and, most importantly, an unrepentant sister fucker. All of Jaime’s worst qualities displayed for laughs, plus that he’s actually a likeable but very stupid person. The skit ends with a dragon randomly burning him and his family alive and those credits
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So, we have straightforward criticism towards D&D by Kimmel and NCW actually participates in it. This is what this skit means - that this level of writing, this kind of lame character and that ludicrous death is something that only Benioff and Weiss would like to produce. And, well, the Olsen sisters (although I think they’re cleverer than that). 
So, we have two videos where NCW’s intentions are dubious AT BEST. 
Then we have all the promos. When left to speak on his own, Nikolaj would say how the ending was beautiful and made sense and he once mentioned he sent a letter to thank them for this genius plot…Right. But then when asked or caught off guard (1:04): 
Nobody tries to sugarcoat it, look at the title of the video: … NCW is ‘happy’.  Then of course we have our Lady and Saviour Gwen who tries not to laugh as Nik struggles to find what to say and not just stand up and flee.
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Also, this one. The best one: 
I could make a thousand gifs for this but just watch again the entire video:
0:07 - Gwen’s face when Nik says he thought the script was fantastic
1:13 - “N-no..NO!!!” when asked if he would change something in the ending and Gwen’s reaction to that. Then, our leader Gwen proceeds to mock him: “So, it’s an immaculate- It’s immaculate?” to which Nik impulsively replies: “NO!” and goes on “do you ever read a book and think you want to rewrite this?” which implies, that yes he would want to rewrite it but knows he can’t. 
(3:03 - 3:06) - VERY IMPORTANT ONE. When Gwen wondered who was closer to predicting the actual ending, Nik says “I was, yeah” and OMG look at Gwen’s face. It’s very subtle but she’s trying to communicate with her eyes a “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT” to him without being seen by the interviewer. It’s kind of a wife done with her husband’s shit look tbh, that level of subtlety. And Nik answers back with his eyes in equal subtlety and it’s like he says a “What? I truly was right lol….”. To me, this seems to mean that Nik always knew or feared that D&D would eventually destroy all his work and was eventually proven right. Unless this all is about Dany being killed by Jon but I doubt at this point Nik and Gwen cared enough to go all cryptic and eye communicating for this. No, it was about them. 
3:09 - Nik is surprised and then clearly amused at the information by the interviewer that Kit was the one who came closer with his prediction. He can’t hide his smile and says an ironic “good for him” while looking knowingly at Gwen who then says this must be a lie. This shows that it is known amongst the actors that most of them are disappointed and Kit was one of them. Both Nik and Gwen apparently knew Kit hated his ending too and would never expect this to be how the show would wrap up. BTW that writing and that backlash really got to Kit, I hope he recovers soon. But think about this, Kit went into rehab for stress and alcohol, Emilia was devastated and gave a somewhat concerning interview and Nik’s public behaviour regarding GOT is inconsistent and unpredictable. I am thus assuming the writing of the final season and the backlash fucked them up way more than they let on. 
This interview is a gem but here’s the most important part, perhaps the core of what baffles us: 
1:32 - After all the miserable no-nos poor Nik mumbles, Gwen tells Nik what we all think: “I think it’s just a question, you know? Maybe you want to answer it?”
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Of course he’s in a total loss for words. Literally, he doesn’t make any sense. Some incoherent sounds come out of his mouth and that’s it. This can mean two things: either he truly thinks the ending is perfect or the ending made him such a mess that he can’t even process it verbally two years later. 
Either Gwen is much braver and Nik is extemely paranoid or Nik actually has many more restrictions in what he is allowed to say. I believe Gwen wanted Nikolaj to be as open as her about it and she still tries to make him open up but he doesn’t. In all the promos without exception, Gwen looks as if she knows Nik is full of shit and secretly agrees with her. If Gwen knows that for a fact, then we can’t argue and it’s actually what makes sense anyway. Nikolaj agrees with Gwen but is not eager to discuss it openly yet, or ever. This could be because he is very professional or because he doesn’t want to get a bad name as a “backstabber” of his projects or it might be a situation of a more sensitive nature. 
If those rumours that the S8 script was changed are true, then Nik and Lena might have had a serious breakdown with D&D and a negotiation might have taken place. For instance, Nik and Lena were really unnecessary in E6, Nik’s scene in E1 could have been eliminated as well and Lena does not appear in E3. Yes, they are big actors but paying them 1,2 million for every episode seems a tad excessive when Emilia and Kit are now famous too and have like 300% times more screentime. All this is wild speculation but maybe they stretched their appearance in the episodes as much as possible and gave them a good amount of money to agree on the butchering of their characters and their importance as former lead actors. I mean, especially Lena was downgraded to a secondary character in this season. Lena had to really fight to see her salary rise in the previous seasons. And now it’s a million for every episode? Wow. How many minutes was she staring out of the window in S8? Maybe they were silenced and payed a shitload of money to stop complaining and promote the show and praise the writing as what it was supposed to be. Maybe they payed them in order to promote Peter, Kit and Emilia for the Emmys instead, who knows. When so much money is involved, things can get frustrating in ways we don’t even fathom. This is wild and rough speculation but all I’m saying is there may be reasons Nik avoids talking freely about his character that we can’t know. 
Besides, it’s not just a Gwen problem. It is not a Gwen problem. Gwen revealed she sent a “Jaime is a fuckboi” meme to Nik privately and he answered playfully as ever (but again as if he’s in denial). They posted a story together a couple of weeks ago. Nik did not just ignore Gwen’s instagram post. Daniel Portman posted the photo and tagged Nikolaj too. Nik ignored him as well. Bryan Cogman, who Nik and Gwen owe a lot to, commented under the photo in a very sweet and emotional way. Guess what, Nik ignored him too! It’s ridiculous to think Nikolaj has stopped communicating and caring about Gwen AND Daniel AND Bryan just because his character returned to Cersei. Furthermore, the fact that they all keep tagging him shows they don’t think their relationships with him have become tense. 
That’s not it. It’s not about Gwen. The only way that Gwen is involved in all this is that she wants Nikolaj to open up so that he would give a little acknowledgement to her character and the relationship with Jaime because she feels very much for Brienne. I’m sad to say, however, that it seems to me that Nik did not take that blow more lightly than Gwen. In fact, his behaviour is more inconsistent and troubling whereas Gwen’s openness about it made her confront that sore subject more healthily after all. I start believing Nik was actually way more devastated than Gwen. At least Brienne remained a decent character, ever faithful to her ideals, ever innerly strong. Jaime was entirely trashed, let alone that he was supposed to be a main character. If Nik can’t even handle a photo that reminds him of his destroyed character arc, I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe Gwen wants Nik to open up so much for his benefit as well - he keeps it bottled up and she might know first hand how that affects him.
Long story short, the reasons Nik doesn’t post anything about his feelings for Jaime’s character arc, his relationship with Brienne and his collaboration with Gwen probably are both professional, after begrudging deals and agreements and restrictions from HBO, and very personal, inner and private, as he’s still trying to cope with a disappointment that crushed down on him from what used to be his dream job and a role he hoped would be a (or the) peak of his career. I bet all these years Nik was hopeful Jaime would be extremely important and fully redeemed in the end but also extremely scared and anxious that the writers won’t give him what he hoped for and what made sense. Would I exaggerate if I said this should be the biggest professional disappointment he ever experienced, provided that he didn’t like the character’s ending? 
From everything Gwen has said about him, I have surmised that Nik is very emotional and anxious but with a very blasé and superficially amiable attitude. He avoids expessing emotion in real life which is why he might be dissociating a lot lately. He tries to distance himself from that part of Jaime’s character that involved Bryan and Gwen because this is the part that he loved and lost. Honestly, I can’t think of any other logical reason he ignored Gwen, Dan and Bryan one after the other and never made a post about his own character specifically or his good times with Gwen. It’s obviously not that he suddenly hates all of them to the point of not even replying. Even if HBO restricts him on what he can say in interviews for a while, there is no other explanation for this other than that D&D’s genius writing fucked him up emotionally as much as Emilia and Kit and he does not want to deal with it even though Gwen probably thinks it would be for the best if he did. 
Now after I wrote all this, imagine if Nikolaj actually doesn’t give a shit and is just happy going on with his life while I am here wasting time. But… I don’t think so. I will never not believe Nik didn’t love Jaime to pieces. He had big dreams for this role, I am sure of it. 
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
I know this is forever ago now but one way got disappointed me was in dany/sansa interactions. I had really hoped they could have an interesting allies dynamic because they have a lot of reasons to relate to each other, and it would have been cool to see them in scheming mode but also actually like each other. Like idk I know it’s too much to ask that d&d write a compelling female friendship but, I just hated how much they hated each other
lmao i could write a book on how much i hated the woman to woman dynamics.
i think if they were going to have sansa and dany as opponents, there were about 100 other ways to do it better. like i could NOT at sansa implying jon was some kind of political mastermind in their 8x2 (or maybe it was 8x1? idr) conversation. and while i get that sansa was upset at winterfell bending the knee it wasnt like 1) something surprising since that was some s7 shit, and jon’s been v clear that he doesnt gaf about the bigger political scope because Night King Comes First 2) acknowledged by the narrative as antagonistic for the right reasons? it straight up came off as JON IS MAKING TERRIBLE DECISIONS BASED ON YOUR WILES which lol im dying inside. but mainly if sansa is supposed to have this political acumen, she should recognize the quid per quo sitch going on. she should’ve jumped in on it -- the north needed dany’s armies.and her dragons. this was uncontested. cooperation was an opportunity for her to get on dany’s good side (or at least fake it?) for a more generous alliance like we saw with yara--who got!! an independent kingdom promise!! because she came with something to barter with, which the north doesnt have! but it could, if say, the armies went to defeat cersei for queen dany afterward when her forces took a hit (if we want to be brutal about it, her armies appeared to have the most casualties, putting her in a position where she needs the North more than they need her, now that the NK is defeated). like man yall wait 2 episodes, then revisit negotiations as someone who appreciated dany’s alliance/contributed to her securing the throne? jon screwed this up a bit by making his motivations so transparent to her in s7, but that’s on brand for him because that Ned Stark Honesty. but sansa should’ve put some work into brokering a better deal--if in-character as the show’s developed her, she would have.
it didnt make sense for sansa to be that transparent in her dislike the way she was--not only did it show the cards (stupidly) early, it also immediately set off an antagonistic relationship for someone they needed. now maybe you can spin it as sansa didn’t believe in the threat of the wights/NK, but that should have been demonstrated more clearly by the narrative. sansa’s supposed to be tactical--arya calls her the smartest person she knows. at the time, being on dany’s side is a huge tactical advantage. that’s not demonstrated by the narrative and i chalk that up 100% to a dude-bro writing room because they just don’t get the nuances to any of the female characters in GOT--that sansa could hate the situation/want northern independence, but still play the game in a way that didnt lmaoooo result in blatant treason? like geez, wonder who betrayed daenerys maybe the person talking shit the entire time she’s known her
lol so long-winded way of saying idk if they would be friends, but they definitely would’ve (should’ve) made for allies
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
19 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Sunset Reflection On Water Painting | sunset reflection on water painting
TAMPA BAY, FL — We asked Tampa Bay Patch readers to accelerate us photos of what they’ve been accomplishing during the coronavirus calm orders.
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TOM BROWN FINE ART: SUNSET, CLOUDS, WATER, REFLECTIONS .. | sunset reflection on water painting
Displaying animal beings’ absurd adeptness to acclimate in the affliction of circumstances, readers responded by announcement breath-taking glimpses of nature, amazing signs of bounce and affecting moments with family, kids and pets.
Mandy Saharic and Amanda Kammarada, both of Land O’ Lakes, spent some time creating book art on their driveways while John Thompson apparent a amusing mural in New Tampa.
Kammarada and New Port Richey citizen Shannon Laporte additionally came aloft some springtime babyish bunnies. Andrea Turnel of Land O’ Lakes fabricated the best abnormal springtime babyish analysis yet in her Bexley adjacency — a backup of babyish alligators.
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Seascape Oil Painting Step by Step – I have painted the .. | sunset reflection on water painting
Sue Vogel of Land O’ Lakes, Robin Belber Valvert of Tarpon Springs, Kelly Khorsandian of Land O’ Lakes, Crytal Huners of Palm Harbor, Darlene M. Dormer Schueler of Palm Harbor, Dennnise Christie of Tarpon Springs and Heather McFadden Russell of Tarpon Springs captured blooms of spring.
Alicia Stevenson, Dana Krapfl and Lisa Forsythe, all of Land O’ Lakes, recorded some abutting encounters with nature.
Kelly Matthew of Land O’ Lakes joked that she was amusing break from her neighbors — cows.
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Nostalgic Water Reflections At Sunset Painting by Roberto .. | sunset reflection on water painting
Trina Davis and Niki Stamos Klimis, Heather McFadden Russell, all of Tarpon Springs, and Debbie Stephens Manning of New Port Richey stepped out for some beginning air, capturing breath-taking photos of sunsets over the ocean while Susan Sandbury of Tarpon Springs got aback to attributes at James E. Grey Preserve, Sandra Pitman Evans of Palm Harbor captured the annex over the baptize at Anderson Park, Nikki Mandas Christu of Tarpon Springs bent a quiet moment in the black on the Bayou Walk and Erin Griffith photographed a pink-hued dusk over the 10th aperture at the Plantation Palms golf course.
LouAnn Manetta Cyrana of Palm Harbor advised reflections on a pond as Kasey Wernke of New Tampa ventured out for some quiet reflections of her own in a canoe.
Story continues
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Painting – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
Land O’ Lakes grandmother Dolca Gonzalez-Rios bent a adored moment as grandsons laid in identical positions on the lawn, attractive up at the sky. And Dani Adams of Land O’ Lakes captured her son’s cool antics. And Gail Casey of Safety Harbor reminded us of the best important affair in activity — family.
Thank you for administration your photos.
This commodity originally appeared on the Land O’ Lakes Patch
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