#no kids
classycookiexo · 3 months
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Literally 😂
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I almost always see headcanons that anyone in the 141 is going to have kids when they retire/before they retire so I am proud to say that there will be none of that in any of my stories
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reashot · 1 month
J. I. N. K.
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Jaune: You know Ren I've been thinking for a while.
Ren: That's usually how most of your problems starts but do tell me anyway.
Jaune: *sigh* here goes... I don't want to have kids.
*the sounds of glass breaking*
Ren: W-what?
Jaune: I said I don't want to have kids... Geez Ren you sure are a bad listener.
Ren: No-no I heard what you said. What I don't understand is why?
Jaune: Not wanting to have kids? I mean that's easy. There's the economy. Also with all the Grimm's attack lately. I don't want to have to see my possible children being eaten by one.
Ren: Yeah... You can't raise kids today on a huntsman's salary. But still Jaune don't your family really wants to see you having kids. Even your mom's been telling every girls you met that she would love to see her grandchildren.
Even me that one time. That I would rather not discuss... But still Jaune why?
Jaune: I don't know I just don't want kids, okay. I mean I like kids and all. I just don't want them. Maybe it's because of the economy or the Grimms or that I have a hidden fear that I will never be good enough to be a father... Point is I don't want them.
Ren: Well Jaune as long as you're happy....
*rumbling in the distance*
Wait. Why do I hear boss music?
??? : Jaune Arc!!! Get Your Beautiful Behind Outside. Right Now!
If this gets enough traction I may continue. And I might add my Jaune's children OC.
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gunsounds · 1 year
My growth this past year has been so amazing to see. I think about myself 2 years ago, and this is all she ever wanted. I'm so proud of myself that everything came into fruition.
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agender-wolfie · 7 months
I’m childfree not childless. The “less” makes it seem like I wanted them but couldn’t have them. The “free” means that I would rather hold an unpinned grenade than ruin my life with children.
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viraldragonrider · 2 months
Why the hell has the algorithm decided that I need adverts on how to become pregnant...like why!?
I'm a completely unattached asexual person who has had no interest in ever having kids and have never had a conversation about having them for my phone to pick up on so why?!
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I vote for more aged-up fic with Wilmon in their 30s !
But it's funny to see that they all incluses kids (theirs or of a previous partner). Getting older doesn't have to mean kids !
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ashnavigatorofdreams · 9 months
The amount of pressure my mom is putting on me to give her a grand child is really starting to make me uncomfortable. She is gonna be devastated when I move out and finally come out as a man and tell her that pregnancy would make me wanna kill myself and because of money I would never be able to actually raise a child. I would be thrust into POVERTY if I had a child. POVERTY. and yet she would still pressure me to have a kid because SHE wants a grand child. She may call me selfish when I tell her I don’t want a child but the true selfishness is all on her shoulders. We have got to stop expecting grand kids at this point. It is NOT a right. Privileged people have kids and privileged people get grandkids.
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They would understand each other
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classycookiexo · 4 days
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Seeing posts like this cracks me up, I’ll never understand why some people who have kids get upset with people who are childless and are happy about it 💀💀💀💀
If you’re happy and secure with your decision of becoming a parent, you shouldn’t be salty towards the ones who are happy with their decision of not becoming one lol
If anyone wants to flex that then they should be able to lol
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Sunny Day Jack eats Dinosaur Shaped Chicken Nuggets. (He loves them.) ❤️ 🦕 🦖
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mandsleanan · 24 days
“The past few decades have shown that societal norms don’t look the same as they used to, and millennial women played a major role in that shift,” said Courtney Alev, consumer financial advocate at Intuit Credit Karma. 
“As a result, women today aren’t tethered to the timelines set by those before them, as many choose to prioritize their careers above being young mothers. In some cases, that means prolonging family planning until they become more established in their careers, while others don’t see children in their future at all. Regardless, both camps are highly influenced by money and the high costs associated with conceiving and raising children.”
(Text under cut.)
America’s vision of success is changing. Once upon a time, U.S. adults may have aspired to have a nuclear family, their name on a property, and maybe even a white picket fence.
Not anymore—at least, not for a growing number of millennial and Gen Z women who are prioritizing their careers and finances over having children.
New research from personal-finance experts Intuit Credit Karma found 45% of millennial women are not following the “traditional” societal timelines of getting married, buying a home, and having kids.
A further 41% of Gen Z women—those born from 1997 onwards—say they won’t follow this path, with 32% noting their goal is to have no children at all.
Instead, they want to be “DINKs”—having dual income with a partner but no children.
It’s part of a growing trend in the U.S. In 2022 there were 38.1 million married, childless households—an increase of 140% compared with 1960.
DINK couples Fortune spoke to previously said their choice was prompted by a range of reasons: pursuing passions, financial freedom, or a focus on their careers.
These factors were all the more pronounced in Credit Karma’s report. It found a quarter of American women are delaying having children in order to focus on their careers, a figure that correlates to the number of women who earn more than their partners.
While jobs and careers form one major reason why women aren’t having children right now, another is financial situation and savings.
For the 35% of millennial women who told Credit Karma they didn’t want children, money was often a significant factor: 40% of that group said they couldn’t afford children, compared with 35% of Gen Zers planning to be DINKs.
On top of that, getting a plan in place to potentially have children in the future comes with a hefty price tag. Nearly one-third of the millennial women surveyed said that the eye-watering sums which come with fertility treatment, egg freezing, adoption, and surrogacy are what has kept them from family planning.
“The past few decades have shown that societal norms don’t look the same as they used to, and millennial women played a major role in that shift,” said Courtney Alev, consumer financial advocate at Intuit Credit Karma. 
“As a result, women today aren’t tethered to the timelines set by those before them, as many choose to prioritize their careers above being young mothers. In some cases, that means prolonging family planning until they become more established in their careers, while others don’t see children in their future at all. Regardless, both camps are highly influenced by money and the high costs associated with conceiving and raising children.”
Economic power players
The importance of millennial women in the economy is only going to get more pronounced in the coming years, according to Ned Davis Research (NDR).
Last month, a study titled The Rising Influence of Millennial Women found prime-age female job participation rate hit record highs in a handful of developed economies in 2023.
Among the nations where women are now having an outsize impact on the economy are the U.S., Australia, Japan, Italy, South Korea, and Germany.
This increased participation comes with higher levels of education, NDR chief economist Alejandra Grindal and senior analyst Patrick Ayers found, with women therefore more likely to be employed in productive roles.
Grindal explained the correlation between education, employment, and productivity, writing: “The unemployment rate tends to be lower among people with higher education, which helps explain the greater take-up of women in the workforce. People with greater education are also more likely to have full-time jobs and to be employed productively.”
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chaoticneutraltor · 2 months
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risingpersephone · 4 months
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