#nightmare hospital
yahoo201027 · 9 months
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Day in Fandom History: September 10…
When Rose’s sword gets confiscated by Connie’s mom Priyanka, both Steven and Connie travel to the hospital to get it back and soon encounter a scary sight involving one of Connie’s mom’s patients. “Nightmare Hospital” premiered on this day, 8 Years Ago.
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redrrrre · 2 years
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nightmare hspital
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greenkirbkid456u · 1 year
Aww what's the matter vasillis? Scared of yourself!
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Meet puppet! They're a vasillis clone i will tell you more about what the hell is a clone and what is this au later
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narcissistcookbook · 8 days
doctor who is the best TV show because one single episode can be four genres - genuinely frightening folk horror, science fiction, political conspiracy thriller, welsh tourist board advert
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horygory · 2 months
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The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
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bucksboobs · 5 days
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Same shirt on the date, walking in to see Helena and Ramon, and at the hospital… this is gonna be such a rollercoaster of a night for Buck.
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redstainedsocks · 11 months
I gotta tell you... Being hooked up to a bunch of machinery and being gently strapped to a table (for safety) is low-key unsettling even when the people doing it are nice and explaining exactly what's going to happen, when, and why.
Without being spoken to? While being forced? With no information? In a strange place? Surrounded by enemies or hostile people?
That shit would be frightening as fuck. The lack of control. The lack of answers. Feeling less important, less human, than everyone else in the room.
So do that to your characters. If you're into medical/lab whump you're hitting all the right notes with this trope. So go HAM. Do it MORE. It's perfect.
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viridian-e · 1 year
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Nobody understands Six Little Nightmares the way I do.
Everyone says she’s a villain and a horrible person but she’s actually just a kid who has severe trust issues and is trying to survive. Some of her choices are questionable but that’s because of these very reasons.
Like people will say that she used Mono but that literally isn’t true. They were friends. There are multiple times when she goes back for him or gets worried whenever he dies. From her perspective, he betrayed her, thus losing her trust, and given the world they live in why would she take any chances. Essentially, what she did was wrong but I understand why she did it. Six isn’t a villain she’s just completely morally neutral, making her seem evil. Also her carnivorous tendencies are obviously something beyond her control.
I am the #1 Six defender. If six has 100 fans I am all of them and if she has zero then I am deceased.
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wormthing · 2 years
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that's it you're going to gregory house
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Was there a time Steve sleepwalked and someone did call Eddie? Was there another time it came in handy when Steve lost Eddie (or Eddie lost Steve) or something other?? Please I need more that is so cute
Just a warning, I made this sad for no reason.
Once when Steve went on tour with Eddie, he wandered off in a post-ictal fog and ended up lost in the city. It took them a few hours to find each other because Steve didn’t know where he was nor did he have any money on him. After that, he would write the phone number of Eddie’s manager on his arm since he was the only guy on tour with a cell phone.
Pat, Eddie’s manager, wasn’t thrilled with this arrangement because he didn’t particularly like Steve, but after Steve channeled the coldest version of his mother and reminded Pat that only one of them was replaceable – “And managers are a dime of dozen” – he begrudgingly agreed.
He was never called.
Steve actually got the idea for the bracelet from one of his second graders.
After a pretty bad allergic reaction, one of his students came back to school with a little silver bracelet on her wrist. It had her mother’s phone number on it and the words ‘Peanut Allergy.’ She smiled up at Steve when she showed him and said, “My mama says this will keep me safe!”
He smiles too, “I bet it will.”
The bracelet is a surprise that Steve never gets to tell Eddie about. The day it comes in the mail, Eddie is over at Gareth’s for a D&D campaign so Steve never even gets the chance to tell him. He goes to bed before Eddie gets home and wakes up in the Emergency Room.
He’s cold and his feet hurt, and there are cuts on his hands and medical tape on his face, and for a second, he thinks he’s in the backseat of a blue Camaro with the world’s most reckless driver. He tries to sit up and it sets up an alarm and then there’s a hand in his, squeezing it.
It takes Steve a second to recognize the rings, to follow the rings up an arm, up to big eyes and messy curls, and Steve breaths out the only thing he can think, “Wow.”
“Wowza, big boy,” Eddie grins back at him, and Steve loves him. “How are you feeling?”
“Did something happen?”
“Yeah, uh. Sleepwalking again,” Eddie hums and then he smiles again. He taps a ring on his free hand against the metal bracelet on Steve’s wrist, “This is fucking brilliant, by the way. Did you think of it?”
Steve’s jaw kinda hurts like he’s been clenching it, but he smiles anyways, “Yeah.”
“You’re a genius, babe. They called me immediately,” He says, kissing his knuckles. Steve frowns, seeing a bruise there. Eddie notices and his grin takes on a chaotic edge, “You punched a security guard.”
“For real, babe,” Eddie laughs at the panicked look on his face. “I don’t know what they did to trigger you, but you fuckin’ decked one of ‘em.”
“Oh my god, I’m going to jail.”
“Nah, it’s all good. I took care of it,” Eddie says and then to the skeptical look on Steve’s face, he rolls his eyes. “Okay, fine. The guy is a fan and I gave him tickets not to press charges. Also, he feels pretty bad about spooking you since you clearly weren’t in your right mind.”
“Was in my left mind then?” Steve half-jokes, half-yawns. “Who brought me in?”
“You did.” Eddie’s smile dims in a way that’s a little sad but full of love. “You came here on your own actually – without shoes. We’re gonna have to teach your left mind about shoes – and, uh. Based on what I’ve heard, you were looking for a patient.”
“A patient? What patient?”
“They, uh. They said you were looking for Max.”
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yahoo201027 · 2 years
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Day in Fandom History: September 10…
When Rose’s sword gets confiscated by Connie’s mom Priyanka, both Steven and Connie travel to the hospital to get it back and soon encounter a scary sight involving one of Connie’s mom’s patients. “Nightmare Hospital” premiered on this day, 7 Years Ago.
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sp00pypumpkins · 3 months
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Got busy this weekend and couldnt draw much so today I did this silly thing :3
Something sweet about the Prototype qwq I find it endearing those two would get so happy when the prototype is near while other toys would feel intimidated by them XD I will make more silly doodles about why Zero thinks so high of the Prototype in the future :D
Au by @asamary You should check their stuff :D!
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Also Zero chirps when they are very happy (The only one who got to hear them is 1006 till now, Zero is a bit embarrased because he cannot control it but with 1006 he lowers his guard but also acts childish around him too HAHA)
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greenkirbkid456u · 1 year
Don't worry vasillis she just wants to be your friend :)
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Meet smiles she just wants some friends (but really tho she is harmless
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Hi, could you write something about a Villain taking care of a Hero with pneumonia?
Hi Anon! Sure I can! Thanks for your patience while I got around to this, and for requesting it! Here you go!
“Come on, you need to take your medicine,” Villain coaxed.
Hero’s breaths came in short little gasps, a sheen of sweat coated their forehead, and their eyes were glassy and unfocused.
“You probably can’t even tell I’m here,” Villain sighed.
Without warning, Villain sat Hero up against the pillows, eliciting a heart-breaking whine from the incapacitated crime-fighter. Villain poured some medicine onto a spoon and pushed it past Hero’s lips.
“Mmmf?” Hero mumbled with a grimace.
“Swallow for me,” Villain said, “you can do it.”
Hero held the medicine in their mouth for a few moments, then eventually acquiesced and swallowed the bitter liquid. Villain let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m gonna take your temperature now,” Villain said, “hopefully the fever’s gone down some.”
Villain pulled out a thermometer and gently shoved it in Hero’s mouth. After a few moments, a loud beeping broke the silence. Villain pulled the thermometer out and their face fell as they read the number.
“Not much better,” they muttered, “I might need to take you to a hospital.”
Just the one word was enough to bring Hero back to some semblance of lucidity.
“N-no!” they said weakly, “no hospital!”
“Hero, I know you have a thing about hospitals,” Villain reasoned, “but this is serious. If your fever gets much higher, you’re not coming back from this.”
“You s-said you’d take care of me,” Hero pleaded, “please, Villain, no hospital.”
Villain looked at Hero’s pitiful expression. They groaned loudly.
“Alright,” Villain conceded, “but I swear, if your temperature goes up by so much as a decimal of a degree, I’m taking you to the hospital. No arguments. Deal?”
Hero sniffled and nodded. They suddenly lurched forward as they let out a string of wet coughs. Villain rubbed their back soothingly. Hero fell back against the pillows, blinking slowly as though their eyelids were made of lead. Villain adjusted Hero’s covers and left the room so they could rest.
Villain entered Hero’s room with a tray in hand. On the tray was a bowl of soup and a tall glass of water with a straw. The sound of whimpering made Villain practically run to Hero’s bedside. They set the tray down and caught sight of Hero tossing and turning in their sleep.
“N-no,” they mumbled.
Their fever-addled mind had conjured up some sort of nightmare, Villain guessed. Villain shook Hero a few times to wake them.
“Stop it!” Hero cried in their sleep.
“Hero, it’s me,” Villain said, “you’re alright. It’s just a dream.”
Hero’s eyes flew open, and they screamed, bolting upright in bed. Their wide eyes darted around the room until they fell on Villain. They hugged Villain as tight as their weakened state would allow.
“Shhh, you’re alright, you’re alright,” Villain soothed, carding a hand through Hero’s sweat-dampened hair.
“I-I- it was so real,” Hero muttered.
“I know,” Villain said softly, “it’s over now, okay? It’s all over.”
Villain adjusted the pillows and sat Hero up against them. They set the tray of food in Hero’s lap.
“I need you to eat,” Villain said, “you need fluids.”
Hero nodded. They tried to lift the spoon, but their hand was shaking, and their grip was so weak that it fell back down on the tray with a clatter.
“It’s okay,” Villain said quickly, seeing the tears form in Hero’s eyes, “let me.”
Villain quietly fed Hero small spoonfuls of the soup. Once or twice Hero reached for the water, so Villain held it steady for them to drink. Once the bowl was empty, Villain set the tray back on the nightstand.
“Thank you, Villain,” Hero said quietly.
The corner of Villain’s mouth curled up into a small smile.
“Of course, Hero,” they said.
It would be another week before Hero fully recovered, and Villain was there every step of the way.
tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm
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simply-whump · 1 year
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Island Part 2 : Episode 6
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