#never have i ever
maxie-fallon · 10 days
Merlin and the knights playing never have I ever
At first, it's innocent stuff and Gwaine complains that it's all dull trivia and they need to start getting into the more interesting questions. Leon looks him dead in the eyes and says "Fine. Never have I ever been arrested" Literally everyone but Leon drinks.
From that point it becomes a challenge to see who's done the most outrageously criminal shit "Never have I ever been in a bar fight" "Never have I ever committed identity fraud" "Never have I ever broken someone out of the dungeons" "Never have I ever stolen from the royal vaults" "Never have I ever committed treason with the King still in the room" And Merlin. Just. Keeps. Drinking. Now it's about trying to find something Merlin hasn't done but one of the others has. The answer turns out to be "Never have I ever been banished from a kingdom"
Merlin passes out before he runs out of criminal things he's done. Magic is the only reason he's still alive the next morning after how high his blood alcohol level was.
After Merlin passes out the knight just look at each other wondering how Merlin hasn't been executed yet with all the shit he's done. Gwaine chuckles and shakes his head "Perks of being the king's mistress"
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taishaunas · 1 year
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And after four rocky years of high school, Devi finally had both the boy and the college of her dreams.
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ooctlt · 1 month
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palamedes doesnt want it to count
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part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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1.02 // 4.10
Never Have I Ever (2020-2023)
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southasiansource · 3 months
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NEVER HAVE I EVER ✗ 1.10 — I know you think that it was your father who was the only one who cared about you, but that's not true. I love you.
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blues-valentine · 1 year
Devi Vishwakumar is one of the best main female characters and I will deeply miss her.
I love how unapologetically messy and chaotic she was. It was a wild ride seeing her make some questionable decisions. It was great to see a woman of color allowed to be messy and entangled in romantic affairs. It was amazing to see Tamil representation and how it focuses on family relationships and how difficult it is to handle cultural and generational differences. Ultimately, NHIE is about a teenager navigating grief and such a traumatic event. Devi and Nalini’s relationship was extremely complicated but perfectly illustrates how difficult it is to raise your kid when you have been raised differently so seeing their relationship grow and evolve to such tender and supportive bond was such a beautiful journey to have witnessed.
Devi was messy, cringey, confused, frustrating but also funny, driven, smart, kind and deeply human. She was allowed to make mistakes and try again until she figures it out. Her growth this season was so brilliant to see and she’s going to make many more mistakes in the future but already has such great support system in her life. Has learned to value herself and her worth. I love she got to have her romantic ending, her dream school and loved for all of her messiness.
I will miss Devi and every character in NHIE, as a show is definitely one I will rewatch multiple times and I cannot wait to see what Maitreyi does with her future because she’s brilliant.
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tay-swifts · 1 year
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Darren Barnet as Paxton Hall-Yoshida in NEVER HAVE I EVER (2023)
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stevenrogered · 1 year
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What are you doing here?
NEVER HAVE I EVER “...said goodbye” 4x10
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femininemenon · 1 year
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mauraeyk · 1 year
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DEVI VISHWAKUMAR & BEN GROSS Never Have I Ever | 4.10 “...said goodbye“
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mndvx · 1 year
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montygreen · 1 year
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Fantasy vs. Reality
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kehlani · 1 year
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And I'm sorry about your vase. That's all right. That one was a little ugly anyways.
Never Have I Ever (2023)
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ooctlt · 1 month
Cam, did you check on if Gideon didn't drink too much, yet?
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the next comic will feature their responses to questions sent in as "never have i ever __"s. only 3-5 asks will be picked for brevity.
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
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sylvies-casey · 1 year
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
being the good girl dating Ethan Morales
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Since the beggining of high school, well even before that, you were known as the girl who never got in trouble, got good grades and never went to parties, you were always invited, but never attended due to being occupied with school
You use to hang out with Devi, Eleanor and Fabiola because they were nice and study hang outs were always fun
Because of your personality and calmed aura, everyone expected you to date someone similar to you
So, when at the beggining of senior year you and Ethan Morales entered the school holding hands, everyone lost their minds, even the teachers
Theories started to fload almost inmediatly, some said that he lost a bet, others that it was a joke, some that you entered your rebel phase
But in reality, everything was real
Things started during summer when the both of you encounter at a night at a 7/11 where you went to get some snacks for the week, Ethan was there but getting some beers with his fake id
Unfortunately that night, you somehow forgot to take your wallet with you, and in a weird turn of events Ethan who was behind you in the line, pay for your snacks
"So, what's the princess doing this late out of her castle?", Ethan asked before you could leave, "What happened to the guardian dragons?"
"They are out of town", you responded knowing that he was refering to your parents, "And don't call my parents that"
"That doesn't respond my first question"
"I run out of my secret snacks and didn't want to wait until tomorrow"
"In that case, let me see what I just pay"
Without asking for permition, Ethan just started to dig into the bag until he pulled out a package of Sour Patch Kids
"Those are my favourites", you shrugged
"Mines too", Ethan smiled
In response, you also smiled feeling comfortable with him
That was the beggining of a friendship that evolute to a relationship
Even if the school found the relationship weird, you and Ethan were happy with each other
Thanks to you, he started to get better notes at school
And your spanish got better thanks to him
Heaven by Julia Michaels was your official relationship song
If someone ever think of messing with you, the next day or even sooner, the person will have something damaged
While you liked to wear some of his clothes like sweatshirts, frannels or shirts, he liked to wear your scrunchies and hair ties, your accesories like necklaces, bracelets and even some of your earings
Surprisingly, your parents loved him
At first they weren't so sure about the whole thing because of his bad boy look, but after seeing how happy both of you were, they started to accept it
Even if your parents kinda like him, both of you liked when they weren't in town because that meant Ethan spent all of that time in your house
Sex with him was amazing, and got better every single time
When your birthday arrived, he gifted you a Sour Patch plushie that somehow found online
You found that so sweet because it represented the first interaction between you two
He was the kind of guy that would do anything for you, even if it includes let you do a skin care routine on him or watch your favorite show or movie, doesn't matter how corny it is
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