#nct requests
loserlvrss · 1 month
꒰ 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑 ꒱ 박지성
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summary : baking cookies with your boyfriend, who doesn’t actually know how to bake, leads to him getting playful
genre : fluff, jisung x afab!reader tws : kissing, language (i said hell once oh no) author notes : what can i say~~ word count : 0.7k
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“jisung! oh my god, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
the man looked down at you, eyebrows furrowed, “it’s just a spoon…”
“yes — well, let me do it. can’t have my little baby getting hurt.” you pushed him away from the countertop, taking the wood spoon from his hand without protest. jisung was slightly shocked at your seriousness, however he let you carry out whatever was justified inside your head, giggling quietly.
he replied matter-of-factly, “you’re younger than me, y/n, and much shorter.” but you didn’t care about his truthful words. you liked to tease jisung, as he was easy to make blush.
“yeah, yeah, you’re welcome, i love you too. now, can you read the next instruction please?”
you looked to your big bowl of blended sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla, then to the smaller one of flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
“it says to start mixing in the flour gradually.” he summarized while looking awfully focused, lips pouted. "then we can cut out shapes."
“okay!” you turned to him, “can you pour a little in while i mix it together? i’ll tell you when to add more.”
he took the bowl within his large hands, watching as you began to mix the two contents little by little. you thought it was adorable how concentrated he was for you, knowing that he wasn’t the best cook or baker out there — he tried his best to do as the recipe said so they’d turn out decent and make you happy... and honestly, he just wanted to prompt a decorating competition once they had cooled.
"add the rest, ji."
your boyfriend did as you said, turning the bowl over so that the rest of the contents spilled out. you huffed a quiet laugh when some of it scattered on the counter, jisung trying to right the wrong by scooping it up with his hand.
he looked at you apologetically, "don't worry about it, baby." you began, pushing your finger into the contents and then swiping it across his nose. he was shocked at first, but then he smiled, just as you intended. "we need some flour on the counter anyways to roll them out."
he mimicked your actions, swiping his finger through the excess, grabbing you by your cheeks and then pressing it against your nose gently. he smiled so sweetly at you, you found it hard to not do the same.
you gave him a look as he stated, "now we're even." letting you go back to stirring the mixture.
"you're not even competitive, ji." you mumbled the last bit, "besides, i'd let you win." but he heard you loud and clear. and it sparked that non-competitiveness; that was really just playfulness disguised.
the next couple of seconds went by too quick for you to even comprehend, but as if your eyes were closed jisung had gotten a pinch of flour out of jar and tossed it in your direction. it scattered across your face, falling to your chest. maybe he couldn’t believe it either as his eyes grew, your features straight and scrunched up.
his hand remained in the air when your eyes did finally open; caught red handed like he wasn’t the only other person in your kitchen — and the bowl sure as hell didn’t do that to you.
you let the spoon fall against the edge of the glass, fully turning to face the man at your side. “jisung…”
he became flustered, apologizing while using his flour-filled fingers to wipe your cheeks. your boyfriend paused when your feigned anger broke, a giggle escaping your lips.
you grabbed some flour, a smile on your face as you backed the man against the counter, trapping him. he looked curiously, seemingly accepting his fate.
you brushed your hands together, pushing them against his black shirt and leaving handprints over his chest that caused you both to laugh. then, you grabbed his cheeks, pulling him down to your level; but just before you met, you stopped, lips centimeters apart.
you admired his closed eyes, features tinted pink like he had blush on, and slightly parted lips. you both knew that you could pull him apart by his seams, and that he’d gladly accept it.
jisung moved first, closing the gap easily. he gripped your waist, pressing your lower back to get you as close as he could. you knew there’d probably be a couple flour-fingerprints against your leggings, but you honestly found it funny, cracking a smile against his lips.
he broke away, slightly winded, and still holding you close. “can we finish? i want to cut out a meummwonbom shape.”
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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woozten-x · 1 year
mark x female reader first kiss fluff?
Kiss of Warmth | Mark Lee
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[ m.list including other neos! ]
─ Synopsis: On a snowy day, Mark Lee is there to keep you warm regardless of the cold.
─ Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff literally!!, One-Shot, REQUESTED
─ Concepts: snowball fight, first kiss au, just reader and mark falling for each other (literally and figuratively), idk why but love with mark reminds me of winter, blonde mark because ive been in my markf era since then
─ Count of Words: 1.8k
─ Inspiration of the Work: Ultimate Bliss by OnlyOneOf
❒ a/n: tysm for requesting my lovely anon! this is my FIRST ever request and i am so happy to have someone interested <3<3 i was so excited to write something for you, so ive already had a scenario planned out the night before HAHA i hope this is to your liking, anon! :)
Winter snowfall drops from above, the contact of some of the particles landing on your bare face causes you to shudder from the freezing cold. Instinctively, your limbs press closer against your body, hands hidden away in the pockets of your puffy jacket; the hotpack in your grasp slightly warming you from the cold battle of winter.
Despite the difficulty of the weather, you continue to wait patiently on the bench waiting for the one who promised to meet you. Looking down, your woven hat keeps your head warm and you let your feet kick at the snow underneath your feet. The sheet of snow flies into the air from the motion, the make-shift snowfall you created catching your attention for a brief moment; you continue to kick your feet, a childish yet attentive gaze captured at the repetition.
“Did I keep you waiting?” The familiar voice distracts you from your playful antics, turning your head to see your boyfriend - Mark Lee. Blonde strands of hair are captured by a red beanie, the layers of winter clothing dressing him up; a tint of red dusting the tip of his nose and cheeks from the cold. His pink lips uplifts into a captivating smile, one you are too familiar with and so in love with.
“Nope!” You get up from the bench, the yearning for his body warmth and to showcase your affection through physical touch for Mark, overtakes you. He approaches you, footprints imprinted in the white ice; he instantly opens his arms once he grows closer to you, a grin expressing from your beautiful face held a glow that Mark wishes to protect and love until the very end.
Stumbling towards him like deer on ice, you hear Mark’s laughter once he captures you into his arms. Your own laughter intertwining with his own, you rest your head against his chest to completely melt into his touch; his body heat welcoming you into a familiar serenity, the one place continuously thriving and bringing such joy for you.
Although the two of you only started dating recently, you felt like Mark has been in your life for years already. Time slows down each time in his presence, your own heart pleasantly beating against your chest as a reminder of how much you learned to love him; was this a normal feeling or was it the honeymoon phase of your relationship?
“Is something on your mind?” Mark asks, warm breath caressing the helix of your ear and you instantly shake your head at his inquiry. You look up at him with the same bright grin, “I am just so happy to see you. You know that, right?”
Mark’s round eyes become aflame, a kindling campfire within and one that holds an endearing amount of warmth. He tightly holds onto your waist, “Now I know. I’m glad, I would do anything to make my girl happy.” The cliche nickname and overwhelmingly cheesy words leaves his lips without any thought whatsoever. Instantly, his nose scrunches up to reveal his cringe.
Laughing at his reaction, Mark joins along with a few chuckles escaping him. To your dismay, his phone rings and he furrows his brows - “Damn. Who is bothering me right now?” He mutters out, seeming to be disappointed at the interruption of his time with you. “Go check! Maybe Jisung is burning down the dorm or something just as important.” You lightheartedly spoke, not sharing any negativity towards the unexpected; Mark is with you, it is the least you can ask for. Pulling away, you notice the pout replacing the smile Mark held.
As an attempt to comfort him, you pat him lightly on the chest and Mark gives you an apologetic smile before taking out his phone to answer. Watching your boyfriend place the phone on his ear and speaking into the phone, you could hear his friends on the other line; oh, they are always bothering your poor boyfriend, you can’t help but pity him.
Though, it is quite amusing to see the easygoing Mark become a little tense and strict with them however. Losing interest in eavesdropping into the conversation once realizing it wasn’t serious as the two of you expected, you glanced at the snow underneath your feet; an idea sprouting above your head, a mischievous smirk growing on your face at your plan.
Carefully walking away from Mark to not act too suspicious, you lean down and begin to collect snow to mold into a ball. Your palms and fingers become numb once you pick up ice, but it was worth it - well, you hope it is. Sometimes, these types of moments are bound to have sacrifices, especially for the cost of Mark’s reactions.
Hearing Mark end the conversation, he looks at you from behind. “What are you doing over there? Did you find something in the snow?” He curiously questions, similar to a child wondering about possible treasure buried in the snow. Smirking and turning around to face him, he is slowly approaching you with curiosity evident on his handsome face.
You made extra sure you don’t throw the snowball at his face. Lifting up your arm and swinging, the white ball hits his chest and he stops in his tracks in surprise - “Woah! Did you just throw a snowball at me?” Mark’s eyes are wide, lips parted in surprise but there is a hint of amusement regardless of his astonishment. You laugh, “No~ I think it was something else!”
“Oh yeah?” Mark scoffs, you took notice of the smile on his face when he begins to lean down to build a snowball in his hands also. Before you could waddle off to take cover behind the bench, Mark had hastily created one and thrown it directly at you. The impact hits you on the back and you scream mixed with laughter, beginning to create more snowballs to continue the challenge against your boyfriend.
Throwing another at Mark, “This is war, Mark Lee!” You proclaim and you see him creating more snowballs also. Your snowball hits his shoulder and you see the visible shudder running along his spine, some snow touching at his neck; he looks up at you, “Y/N, you are going to regret this!”
You aren’t sure how long you hid behind the bench, throwing snowballs at the blonde male as he stood in the wide open and doing his best in dodging each one. You can’t help but roll your eyes, finding Mark to be a show-off; but, the joy glowing around him is one you can’t openly complain about. He is far too adorable for your own heart with his boyish smile and purposeful attempts in getting hit to protect the smile on your face.
Of course, the unexpected occurs due to Mark’s luck. As you throw another snowball towards his legs, you did not expect Mark to miraculously trip and fall. Shocked, you are standing up from behind the bench - “Mark!” You call out the dramatic sequence of events looking like some stupid scene of a movie. Maybe to an onlooker, it would be a tragic love story.
Seeing his dark colored jacket collapse into the white snow, you scurry over with worry expressing from your features. “Are you okay?!” You hurriedly say, ready to pick him up from the cold floor; however, such plan had completely fallen apart when you somehow slipped and lost balance. Toppling on top of him, you hear Mark groan underneath you once you collide with him and you panic.
“I am sorry!” You begin to scramble, lifting yourself up but feel a grip on your waist. Slowly you look down to meet Mark’s eyes, snow contrasting the blonde locks of hair overcoming his forehead; unbelievably so, Mark held a very serious expression. Locked in a very intimate position, you have forgotten about the cold surrounding the two of you.
His eyes observe your face, longingly staring at your lips before flickering up to your eyes - “Are you alright?” He asks the question solely meant for him considering his situation, but he seems more worried about your state than his own. Nodding slowly, you realize the proximity between your faces; warm breath reaching you, his laundry detergent feeling more overwhelming than a simple hug.
Reality struck your boyfriend, his eyes slightly widening and he slowly sits up with you moving and taking a seat in his lap. “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to make things uncomfortable,” He says quickly and his hands are disappearing from your waist. Flustered, he folds his hands behind his back and tries his best to lean away from you to avoid any discomfort for your sake.
You slowly shook your head, “No, no…You are okay…Right?” You try to change the topic. Seeing Mark avoiding your eyes, he quietly nods; you aren’t sure whether he is blushing or it was the cold snow cursing his pale skin from falling. Maybe it is both. Without thinking to get up, you stuff a hand in the pocket of your jacket to take hold of the hotpack.
Thankfully, it remains warm and you are moving it towards Mark’s lips. Instinctively, he turns to you from the warm touch, relief evident in his eyes. You smile at him, “You aren’t hurt right?”
Mark didn’t say a word. Eyes observing the beauty he dreams of every night and looking forward to during the day, he is somehow growing a desire to have your warmth instead. Lifting up a hand and wrapping his fingers from your wrist in a gentle grasp, he moves the hotpack away from his face and slowly leans forward; as he begins to move, you are feeling your breath stop.
Softly, his lips place against your own for a short moment. His warm breath caressing your face and you remained frozen until he pulled away, his eyes fluttering open to meet sight of your gaping face; regret overtakes his expression, Mark shyly looking down - “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to kiss you…I should have asked…Sorry–”
Tenderly, you place your hands on his face, the lingering warmth of your lips growing a sudden desire you’ve never felt before. You slowly turn him to face you, “I want to kiss you more.” You admit and his lips twitch up into a smile. Before he could reply, you are capturing his lips with your own to prevent any words leaving his lips.
Head tilting to deepen the kiss, you melt into the very warmth of your boyfriend. You feel his hands placed on your waist once again, squeezing you lightly as the two of you kiss amongst the white snow surrounding the two of you.
All ice cursing is melted away, the warmth of Mark Lee’s is enough to have you at bliss.
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yutafrita · 11 months
Can I request a Doyoung x Male Reader (established relationship but NOT revealed to the public) where the reader is an NCT 127 member and they are known for being kind of awkward (not in a bad way) and kind of confused most of the time (Hey! It’s me lol)
So basically NCT 127 is being interviewed and the interviewer asks the reader who their favorite member is and the reader gets kind of awkward and gets really red
Thank you :)
Ohhh interesting okay! Thank you for the req- I hope you like it :)
WC: Less than 500
“Hey,” Taeyong snapped his fingers in front of your eyes, “did you get that?”
You blinked quickly, reflecting over the previous few seconds. You were all getting last minute makeup touch-ups before an interview and Taeyong was explaining to you where you’d be sitting.
“Next to Doyoung, yeah.”
“No, next to Haechan and Johnny,” he sighed in response. Taeyong was happy that you and Doyoung were happy together, but trying to help keep your secret from the public was really stressing the poor leader out. “You’ll be fine, we’ll be fine,” Taeyong walked off, repeating this mantra to himself.
You felt embarrassed, your cheeks and ears heating up. No matter how many interviews, YouTube content, reality shows or variety shows you took part of, you felt nervous that you would stumble over your words. Now, that you and Doyoung had been together for a few months, you were nervous about accidentally letting that slip out somehow. You were thankful for once, that your reputation online was being awkward and dazed as it helped conceal anything.
Sitting between Johnny and Haechan, Doyoung entered the set and sent a small wink your way before he sat in front of you.
"You guys are annoying," Johnny whispered, nudging your arm so you knew he was joking.
Shortly after everyone was mic'd up, the interview started. It went relatively well- you and all the members get along which usually showed itself in these interactions. You had zoned out after a bit, impulsively nodding and laughing along.
"... member?"
Haechan nudged you and your eyes widened as you realized everyone was staring at your for a response.
"S-Sorry, come again?" your response let out a strong laugh from the group, and Johnny shook your shoulders as the laughter slowly died down.
"A fan on twitter wants to know who your favorite member is to hang out with?" the interviewer repeated, a smile on their face.
"Ahh..." you stared off, ignoring all of the members turning their fake pouty faces towards you. You looked forward, chuckling as you finally answered with, "Doyoung of course!"
"Wow, I'm hurt!" Johnny feigned, and you gave him a side hug as everyone laughed.
"We just... love getting coffee together," you added, and the interviewed seemed please.
"It's true, they always bring back coffee," Jaehyun decided to continue it.
"Yeah, y/n is my favorite member to hang out with too," Doyoung affirmed, and you couldn't help the smile you wore. Thankfully, the interview continued, but the blush stayed on the rest of the time.
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eviebyme · 1 year
Could you please do that venus thing for nct 127 please?
Nct 127 Venus Signs
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Venus in Gemini
Very mature and emotionally sensitive. TY is definitely an empath and is so warm and understanding that he is many people's "comfort person". He exudes a very relaxing aura. No topic is too obscure for him too - he will wholeheartedly listen to your rants or weird dreams, and actually give relevant responses. He’ll even follow up with you later once you’ve already forgotten. Also, TY is so intuitive you may be convince he has a 6th sense. He is very good at reading people because he takes his time to get to know them and to carefully examine their every move. Dating TY is really special. Everything he does for his partner is carefully thought out and meaningful. Also, I can see him as a really great family man. He doesn't shy away from domestic activities and chores and he’s very good with children. TY know how to be responsible and will be an incredible provider.
His intuition may be a double edged sword, as it is not correct 100% of the time. He'll try to predict your moves, which may become annoying, and will be in denial if he’s wrong. Oftentimes, he tries to decipher the motives behind your actions, without asking you, and will come to his own conclusions. Also, he can be very closed off. Since he feels his emotions so deeply, he keeps them to himself. Negative emotions will eventually evolve into resentment, but he can't bring himself to share with his partner. To that point, his partner may consider him hard to read.. When they ask him "how are you" they will always receive a "fine" as an answer - even if he is falling apart on the inside.
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Venus in Cancer
Although he can be a bit reserved, Taeil loves to learn and experience new things. He has an adventurous spirit with a rational head on his shoulders- which is a great combination. Taeil is the type to follow through with his plans and brings things to fruition, rather than letting things fall through the cracks. Also, Taeil strikes me as an old fashioned-traditional type when it comes to romance. He will romance you in a way you thought only existed in the movies. He is not afraid to put himself out there and will let you know exactly how he feels about you from the very beginning. Taeil is especially respectful towards women, and will always hold doors open and guide you across the street (such a gentlemen). Also, he will be your travel buddy. You can pick the place and he’ll accompany you.
Taeil needs a lot of affirmation from his partner. His mind can wander and he will analyze every movement from his partner. If his partner doesn't acknowledge him (ex. introduce him as their partner or become facebook official) he will take it PERSONALLY. However, Taeil doesn’t shy away from hard conversations and will straight up ask you why you didn’t acknowledge him. Even though he is able to talk it out he still will harbor negative feelings from being hurt. He is one to forgive but not forget and will keep a running list of all the times you hurt him.
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Venus in Capricorn
Johnny can't be tamed guys. He is a wild stallion running free unable to be tied down. Well unless someone special comes along. At the moment he is career focused and is as hard working as they come. As a true independent spirit, he tends to do things for himself and hates being limited by the expectation of others. Whatever he wants to do - he does. Wherever he wants to go - he goes. He knows that one day he wants to settle down and have a family, so for now he's getting all of his wild impulses out of his system. As a partner, you will constantly be smiling. He loves to make you laugh and see you happy - and he loves knowing he’s the reason you're happy. Also, he will support and promote all of your passion projects because he want to see you succeed.
Although he is highly independent, he does prefer to be in a relationship or dating. He likes the companionship and, of course, intimacy. However, he is the type to only have it when he wants it. If the other person catches feelings and wants to see him when he is in one of his "i need to do my own thing" moods, he will flake on them. But he will call them out of the blue once he decides he needs some intimacy and has the audacity to be annoyed if he gets any complaints from them. Also, at least right now, work comes first. If a big opportunity were to come his way which would jeopardize his relationship… he’ll probably look for a way out.
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Venus in Scorpio
Deviously charming and captivating, Yuta's love and affection is not for the faint of heart. His outpouring confidence and intensity is what sets him apart from the crowd. Not one to be a follower, Yuta marches to the beat of his own drum and aims to be the most authentic version of himself. Although he may hold himself back when first meeting him, he will be open and honest with you. He will tell you how it is when no one else does. Also, he is willing to explore any topic or experience with you. Nothing is too dark or obscure for him. In fact, the more controversial the better. As a lover he is sensual and attentive. You are literally his whole world and he will be constantly trying to impress you.
Yuta takes brutally honest to a whole new level. He can be tactless when giving his honest opinion. Someone who doesn’t pull any punches can be a good thing, but he’s always ready to give advice - even when you didn’t ask. Also, his interest in the obscure can make him indifferent towards everyday, mundane topics. He claims that more “mainstream” interests are “vanilla” and loses interest quickly. It’s not hard to catch his attention , but it is hard to keep it. Despite this, he is very loyal. Even if he does find you more on the “boring” side, he will stick by you.
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Venus in Pisces
DY has a strong moral compass and a compassionate spirit. Most of his actions are dictated by his inherit ability to decipher right from wrong. He is very polite and chivalrous and prefers to upkeep a stellar reputation. But the best part about DY is that there’s no ulterior motive behind his actions. He really is that nice. Doyoung has empathy for others and is sensitive to the experiences of others. Elders, children, and even pets naturally gravitate to him and anyone can feel comfortable in his presence. Also, he is very affectionate as a partner. DY is not afraid to show how much he cares for you and will be very tender in his affection.
Seeing the world in black and white makes Doyoung a bit uptight. Not one to push the boundaries, he tends to stay in his comfort zone and can become uncomfortable in new situations. Nevertheless, he is good at adapting and once he become more comfortable around the people he’s with, he can loosen up. But the period between him entering an unknown situation and him being comfortable varies. Also, DY is very sensitive. This isn’t necessarily a bad trait, but he tends to hold it in. He is easily hurt by others but still tries to maintain relationships with those who hurt him. DY has difficulty cutting people off, even when he needs to.
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Venus in Aquarius
If there was one word I would use to describe Jaehyun it would be - LAYERED. Our boy has so many layers you’ll never know if you’re actually close or if you’re acquaintances. Upon first meeting him you’ll notice how laid back he is, in fact he may even seem quiet or reserved. But Jaehyun is very whimsical and quirky once you get to know him. You’ll discover he likes bands you would have never guessed someone like him would like or you’ll discover his antique babydoll collection (ok not exactly that but I def think he is a collector). One thing about all of Jaehyuns layers though, is his open mindedness and warmth. He doesn’t discriminate when meeting people, and usually treats everyone the same at first. Additionally, Jaehyun is a hard worker. All these aspects will definitely be apparent in his romantic relationship as he will be dedicated to making his partner feel as secure as possible.
He can be unpredictable. Whether he randomly tries a new perfume or impulsively flies to a beach for the day - he lives life according to his rules. Most of the time you will be the one reaching out to him only to learn that he’s half way across the world for a few weeks. It’s not that he’s keeping things secret - he literally just forgot to tell you. He doesn’t like clinginess but he also fails to understand that letting people close to you, especially your partner, know where you are is important.
*Winwin’s Venus Sign is With Wayv
*Mark and Haechan’s Venus Signs is With Nct Dream
Requests open
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babbymochiiii · 3 months
Hello! Can I also request a Doyoung scenario based on this song:
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Synopsis: you had a really exhausting day at work and your boyfriend Doyoung knew exactly what you needed to help you feel better.
Link: Calm by Ravi & Xydo
Warnings: mental exhaustion, mention of people complaining and yelling, crying
Word count: 717 words
Requested by @sadfragilegirl
author’s note: thank you so much for requesting! I honestly rlly liked writing this considering how real it felt :) but I hope you enjoy reading it!
divider credit @gigittamic 🩵
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Work was absolutely exhausting.
Mind draining. Everyone was complaining about the smallest of things to you and today just wasn’t the day to deal with it.
You had some customers yell in your face due to a small mistake made by one of your coworkers, and honestly it’s just draining you by completely. It makes you wanna break down in tears due to how exhausted you are.
The drive home was no help. If anything it made it worse due to the traffic to get to your shared apartment with your boyfriend. You just wanted to see him and feel comforted by his touch and words.
The moment you got home, opened the door you felt the tears starting to prick at your eyes causing the stinging sensation to build up.
Doyoung, hearing you come home, gets off of the couch and makes his way towards you. Happy to see that you’re home from work. He stops midway on his way towards you. Seeing the exhausted look on your face told him everything he needed to know.
Quickly making his way towards you, he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly. Assuring you that he is here right now. Just for you.
His scent and the feeling of his arms around you caused you to break down in tears in his arms, as you held him just as tightly.
Doyoung lets you release everything that was building up inside of you as he runs his arms up and down your back.
Once you felt yourself come down, you whipped the stray tears away with the back of your hand, and let out a sadden chuckle. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m being like this.” You said with a smile that didn’t reach your eyes while more tears fall down your eyes. “How was your day Doi?”
Doyoung shakes his head towards you as he placed his hands gently on your face and rubbed at your wet cheeks. “This isn’t about me right now. It’s about you.” He said as he gave you a heart warming smile, that you swore was about to make you cry again. “We’re going to forget everything that happened today and let this moment be a calm, and better moment.” He said as he softly took hold of your hand and guided you towards your shared bathroom.
“I’m going to run you a bath.” He says but frowns his eyebrows slightly at the look on your face. “I’m not taking no for an answer y/n. You deserve this moment after the day you just had. Okay?” He said as he gently took hold of your face once again.
“Okay…” you said below a whisper as the lump in your throat wouldn’t let you speak any higher without wanting to cry in relief.
“Good. This is your moment to stay still and just be you baby.” Doyoung said as he turned around and started to run warm water for you. “I love you, okay? I want the absolute best for you and this relationship. Especially when you’re feeling like this.” He says as he placed a tender kiss on the top of your head.
“Thank you so much Doi, and I love you too.” You said with a small smile on your face.
A wide, gummy smile takes hold of Doyoung’s face as he stands by the door. Giving you, your much needed space for right now.
“While you’re taking your bath, I’m going to order your favorite takeout. Then when you’re out we’ll eat and find something to watch. Does that sound good?” Doyoung said.
“Sounds perfect. Thank you.” You said with a delighted sigh when your hand touched the warm, awaiting water.
“Great! I’ll see you soon baby. Take your time.” Doyoung says as he closes the bathroom door slightly to give you your privacy.
You couldn’t more than grateful for having someone like Doyoung in your life. Nothing could change the fact that he knows you better than anyone else could ever.
You thank your lucky stars for Doyoung, as you leaned your back against the tub’s wall and just let everything that happened sink into the warm water and wash away. This is your calm and still moment, and nothing was going to take away from it.
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raibebe · 9 months
Jasper & Rai's Anniversary Event
Since the beautiful @starlitmark and I have been officially dating for a year as of September 3rd (or 4th in my time zone but... details...), we wanted to do something special for it so we're doing a request event!
Send a request to one of us and we'll both write a drabble for it and hopefully get different results! Simply choose one type of love, one flower and a NCT member. Keep in mind that there will not be smut for Jisung!
Requests are open until September 10th at 12PM EST / 6PM CEST!
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Requested Arrangements
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shadowkoo · 3 months
mini requests
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OPEN | closed
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Hi! I'm opening my requests for the first time in nearly three years! I'm hoping by doing this sort of drabble game / mini fic requests that I can ease my way back into writing after my long hiatus. If you are interested in sending in a request, please continue reading for all the details. Thank you!
Rules + Requirements :
Follow me (if you are not already)
Reblog this post (boosts are appreciated)
Must be 18+ (minors please dni)
To Request:
Choose a group & member (1 only please)
Pick a genre (max of 3)
Select a prompt (max of 2)
Visit my askbox and use a similar format like this: "Can I request Taehyung (BTS) fluff, smut, and coworkers au with prompt #4"
*please make sure that you include the group in parenthesis after stating which member you're requesting
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Groups + Members:
BTS - Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook
EXO - Kai, Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol, Chen, Suho, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Lay
NCT - Taeyong, Taeil, Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Ten, Winwin, Kun, Jungwoo, Mark, Xiaojun, Hendery, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Yangyang, Jisung
SVT - Vernon, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Minghao, Woozi, Joshua, Hoshi, Junhui, Seokmin, Seungcheol
GOT7 - Jinyoung, Jackson, Bam, Yugyeom, Mark, Jaebeom, Youngjae
ATEEZ - Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho
MONSTA X - Shownu, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Changkyun
STRAY KIDS - Bang Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
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Genres + AUs:
Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
Friends with benefits
Meet Cute
Meet Ugly
Athlete (you may specify in your request)
*idol au means that they will be depicted as their real identities (as actual kpop idols & famous celebrities)
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"Don't look at me like that. You know what that does to me."
"I wish I never met you."
"It's your lucky day."
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Open your mouth."
"Why do you even care?"
"You're more important than you think."
"What do you need me to do?"
"Please leave."
"That's my final answer."
"Did you see that?" "See what?"
"What do you want from me?"
"God, you look so fucking good."
"You're unbelievable."
"Isn't that your mom?"
"I swear I've seen your face somewhere before."
"You're such a tease."
"Don't you dare lie to me."
"Who are the flowers for?"
"Don't forget that we're in public, baby."
"Are you scared? You should be."
"Please say something. Anything."
"Do you forgive me?"
"You forgot."
"You're crazy and I like it."
"Where are you taking me?"
"I think I'm in love with you."
"I need you. Now."
"What did you say?"
"Did you miss me?"
"I dare you."
"I bought you something."
"Is it supposed to taste like that?"
"Ew. Why does it look like that?"
"Baby are you close?" "No but the Uber is."
"How many doughnuts can I stack on it?"
"This is why no one likes you."
"Put your dick away, this is a Lowe's."
"Stop yelling at me!" "You’re panicking, you’ll crash the car." "It’s not everyday a demon crawls out of your trunk!"
"Who the fuck did I marry?"
This is the fifth letter you will write to them, and it will not be the last.
Six days after they left, the ticking behind the wall began.
A mob boss with a black eye and a jagged scar over his wrist sits alone in a dingy motel room. The kitten stares at him affectionately, oblivious to the danger they both are in. Oblivious to the mess it caused.
It happened concurrently, and so quickly. The moon started getting closer and brighter in the sky, and you started hearing them in the radio static.
With a palpable fury, the demon turns to you, ignoring the rubble of your kitchen, and sneers. "How did you summon me? You've pulled me out of chains centuries old." Frantically, you skim through your cookbook. "I don't know! I was trying to make soup!"
They held out a hand, an echo of the melody playing from their fingertips. "The world seems to dance to your tune," they spoke, their voice a captivating blend of amusement and intrigue. The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken questions.
Sometimes you question how everything could have turned out if that day had gone differently.
Chills creep down your spine as you peek through the cracked doorway. You're not supposed to be witnessing this. They'll kill you if they find out.
Free Space - send in your own prompt! Please keep it relatively short!
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Not every request may be fulfilled, it is up to my discretion.
Word count may vary between requests (300 to 3k, etc.).
Unless requested otherwise, all fics will be written as female reader insert.
Please refer to the top of the original post to know whether requests are open or closed (reblogs may show something different).
Things I will NOT write: suicide, self-harm, animal abuse, underage sex, pedophilia, incest, vore, rape, non-consensual, or dubious sex.
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weirdkpopgirl · 2 years
Irresistible | Haechan Fic #1
Title: Irresistible
Genre: High School Romance; Enemies to Lovers
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 2481k
Author’s Note: This is an imagine that was requested by another anon. This one is kinda long, so I’m sorry. I really don’t think this was that great, so I apologize for that too. Thanks for reading anyway 😅
Lee Donghyuck had a nice life. He was handsome, he was smart, and he could charm any teacher. Everyone liked him, except for one person. 
To label Lee Donghyuck and Choi (Y/n) as enemies wasn’t quite right. But they certainly didn’t like each other very much. 
Most likely because he and (Y/n) were polar opposites. In their homeroom, (Y/n) was the quiet girl in the back of their class who got the best scores on exams. She wasn’t in any particular group, but she did have one or two friends who hung around her during breaks. Unlike Donghyuck, being a social butterfly, was nearly always surrounded by people (mostly girls).
In his mind, it was so easy to get a girl to swoon for him. He had broken plenty of hearts but they still loved him. However, the only girl he wasn’t able to crack was (Y/n) and it annoyed him to no end. That was how the endless teasing from him started. He’d purposely bump into her in the lunch line, make jokes about her “plain”appearance, and bug her for answers to the homework.
No matter how much the boy agitated her, (Y/n) tried her best not to give in. The more he pestered her, the more her dislike for him grew. All she saw was an egotistical playboy who clearly couldn’t understand the word “stop.”
“Donghyuck, please leave me alone!” She said to the boy sitting at the desk in front of you. 
He smirked, “You don’t have to pretend (Y/n)-ah. I know deep down you can’t resist me.”
“In your dreams,” (Y/n) rolled your eyes. Luckily, the teacher Ms. Kwon, came in before Donghyuck could bother you anymore.
“Alright students,” Ms. Kwon called everyone’s attention. “I’m going to announce your research project.”
The class groaned when they heard this. No one liked school projects. They took up so much time, and they took a big portion of their grades.
Ms. Kwon sighed, “Stop complaining and listen! You’ll be able to do this in the groups I have already assigned to you.”
This additional news did little to lift the kid’s spirits. Meanwhile, (Y/n) sat in her seat nervous to hear what the assigned groups were. She already hated the idea of having to talk to people and meet them outside of school. They’d probably make her do all the work anyway.
“You will research and analyze a musician that you as a group choose,” Ms. Kwon explained as she brought a paper out. 
(Y/n) waited nervously as she waited for the teacher to call her name. 
“Group 3 will be Lee Jeno, Ko Suyoung, Na Jaemin, Choi (Y/n), and Lee Donghyuck.”
She nearly stood up from her desk because of this outrage. She was familiar with most of those classmates listed, but Lee Donghyuck? Why did it have to be him of all people?
She wanted to hit her head against her desk, especially when the boy turned around with a teasing smile. This was seriously going to be the worst.
~ ~ ~
At least (Y/n) had one friend in the group to keep her sane, Suyoung. After school, Jaemin suggested going to the library nearby to discuss things for the project. Once they found an empty table, they started to work.
(Y/n) told herself that no matter how much she was against Donghyuck, she wouldn’t let him ruin her grade. But a few minutes in, he was already being annoying. He was barely staying on task. He kept making jokes and changing the conversation.
“Can you please focus?” She said through gritted teeth.
Haechan leaned back in his chair haughtily. “Come on (Y/n)-ah, don’t be such a killjoy. Part of being in a group means we need to bond, don’t we?”
“By bonding, you mean bragging about the latest version of some stupid video game you just bought?” She scowled at him. “We haven’t even picked the person we’re going to research yet, because of you!”
The boy clucked his tongue, ready with another comeback. But he was stopped by Suyoung slamming her book on the table, calling both of your attention.
“Stop it guys,” She spoke firmly, looking at them both. “We’re not going to get anything done if you keep arguing.”
(Y/n) looked around the table with frowns, realizing how easily distracted she had gotten. For the sake of the project, she had to pull herself together.
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” She lowered her head in embarrassment, refusing to make eye contact with Donghyuck again.
Jeno gave you an understanding smile, “It’s okay, (Y/n)-ah. Donghyuck can get on all of our nerves sometimes.”
“I can hear you, ya know.” Donghyuck sent him a look.
(Y/n) chose to ignore Donghyuck to the best of her ability for the rest of the meeting. Thankfully, everyone was able to pick a person and divide up roles on who would be in charge of what. 
Throughout the rest of the week, the group met up at the same place to work. As a group, they were able to agree on mostly everything and were pretty productive. Surprisingly, Donghyuck didn’t bother (Y/n) too much after the first time.
It was already the middle of the week, and everything seemed to be flowing smoothly. It had been raining earlier, and it didn’t seem to stop by the time they were done. Tugging on her bookbag, (Y/n) glanced out the glass doors warily. Almost everyone had left already, she had stayed back to get some extra work done.
(Y/n) pushed through the doors and stepped out where she was still safe under the external roof of the library. She hesitated slightly, putting her hand out to feel the droplets land in the palm of her hand. Just as she braced herself to get wet, the presence of another stopped her from taking another step forward. 
“Pabo-yah, you’re going to catch a cold,”  Donghyuck scolded, “Did you forget to check the weather today?”
She stared at him bewildered, as he placed a gray umbrella in her hands.
“I can’t take this. Then you’ll be the one who catches a cold,” (Y/n) frowned.
The boy shrugged, “I’ll be fine, my house isn’t too far away from here.”
“Are you sure—” 
“See you at school tomorrow!” He cut her off and ran out, leaving (Y/n) in utter confusion.
Did Lee Donghuck just do something nice for her?
~ ~ ~
(Y/n) still didn’t believe what Donghyuck had done the other day. His expression seemed so calm, compared to the mischievous smile he always wore around her. The next morning in class, Donghyuck came looking unwell. She shook her head in disapproval when he sat at his desk with his head down.
“And he scolded me about not getting sick,” She muttered to herself.
Honestly, (Y/n) couldn’t ignore the guilt in her throughout the rest of the school day. Donghyuck barely talked to anyone and kept dozing off during class. 
“Dude, you look awful,” Jaemin said when they were back at the library in the afternoon. They weren’t there because of the project, but to study for their upcoming math test.
The boy shot his friend a glare. “Thanks, Jaemin-ah, I had no idea.”
“Hey, isn’t that (Y/n)?” Jeno who sat across from them pointed out. “I didn’t know she was coming today.”
Donghyuck lifted his head to see it was indeed (Y/n) who was wearing a determined look. She came to sit in the empty chair beside him and reached for something in her bag.
“Take this, so you don’t get any worse,” She ordered, handing him a box of cold medicine.
He took a look at the medicine in slight suspicion. “When did you get this?” 
“I stopped by the convenience store after school,” (Y/n) replied quickly, and brought out her folder. The guys watched in bafflement as she took out a few pieces of notebook paper and also gave them to Donghyuck.
She tried to avoid his gaze. “I figured you weren’t able to pay attention today. So I made a copy of my notes for you.”
“Wow, that’s so considerate of you (Y/n)-ah,” Jaemin smiled at her. “I wish a girl would do that for me.”
“Only since he let me borrow his umbrella the other day,” (Y/n) said quietly. “You wouldn’t have gotten sick if it weren’t for me.”
Donghyuck was honestly shocked that she actually took the time to do all this for him. Surely, he didn’t ask her to buy medicine and give him her notes. He wasn’t used to (Y/n) treating him so…nicely. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat.
Since that day, Donghyuck and (Y/n) strangely started to get along. They were able to work well together and talk without fighting. Their group could barely believe the change.
Once (Y/n) got to know the boy, she realized that he wasn’t actually that bad. He could be sweet and kind at times. For a moment, (Y/n) forgot about her previous dislike for him and his reputation. Suddenly, she found herself having these feelings she’s never had for Donghyuck. Though she was able to hide it well around their friends, on the inside she was going insane.
Time flew by, and their group finished the project with an A+. (Y/n) couldn’t help but be a little sad that it was over. Now there was no excuse to see each other outside of class.
“You know, I think Lee Donghyuck likes you,” Suyoung said to (Y/n) one day at lunch. “Did you just see the way he looked your way when we passed by each other in the line?”
(Y/n) tried not to blush, as she stared down at the food in her metal tray.
“Doesn’t he look at all girls?”
Suyoung shrugged, “Yeah. But he used to hate you and now he’s changed his tune all of a sudden. Don’t you think it’s weird?”
“It’s probably nothing,” (Y/n) brushed her off. Although she secretly hoped her friend’s suspicions were correct.
Later that day when (Y/n) was walking out of school, Donghyuck caught up to talk to her.
“Hey (Y/n)-ah.” She looked at the boy with slight suspicion. 
“What is it, Donghyuck?”
(Y/n) was pretty sure this was the first time she’s seen him hesitate.
“Well, I was wondering if you were busy this Saturday,” He started to say, acting nonchalant. “There’s this movie that I’ve been wanting to see, but the guys said no. I heard it’s really cool so…do you want to go watch it with me?”
She looked at Donghyuck with a blank expression, unsure what to make of this suggestion. Was it just her or did he just ask her out?
“Um…yeah I think I should be free,” (Y/n) said slowly, adjusting the straps on her bag. 
This situation felt so unfamiliar to her. Before she had never imagined herself liking Donghyuck, much less going on a date with him. But he made her heart feel so giddy, and he was kind of cute. 
Donghyuck flashed her a bright smile, “Great! I’ll text you more details later. You won’t regret this, (Y/n)-ah.”
The next day, (Y/n) was crossing through the school library to go find Suyoung to tell her what happened. As she passed through, she spotted Donghyuck with Jaemin. Happy to see him and his friends, she made her way over to say hi. But she stopped when she heard them talking.
“Me? Like Choi (Y/n)?” Donghyuck scoffed. 
Jaemin cocked a brow. “Huh, I thought you did.”
“Why would I? She’s lame and boring,” He deadpanned. “I like girls that are more bold.”
(Y/n) took a step back, accidentally bumping into a chair in the process. The boys quickly turned their heads at the noise, surprised to see her standing there.
Donghyuck cursed, “(Y/n)-ah, how much did you hear?”
Her furious glare would have burned a hole through him. (Y/n) didn’t respond to his question and stormed away. Donghyuck called after her and brought her in between the bookshelves.
“(Y/n)-ah, I can explain,” Donghyuck said. 
But she yanked her hand out of his grip. She didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
“I should’ve known you wouldn’t change. You’re still just a stupid jerk who was playing with my heart.”
“If you just listen to me—”
“I was such a fool to think for even a second, that you might actually like me.” She blinked her tears away. She felt so stupid.
His expression fell as if he had nothing to say. Confirming her thoughts, (Y/n) started to walk away.
Then just before she could get away again before she felt him grab her by the arm. Prepared to yell at him to let her go, Donghyuck spun her around and crashed his lips onto hers.
Her eyes grew larger, in surprise at the boy’s sudden actions. (Y/n) wanted to fight back, knowing this was wrong. He moved his lips against hers, and she could feel so much passion. So she closed her eyes and let the remaining resistance leave her. 
His hand rested firmly on the back of her head. The other one snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her fingers gripped tightly onto his uniform jacket. When they pulled away, (Y/n) was nearly out of breath.
“I’m sorry.” He spoke first before she could say anything. “Jaemin was teasing me about liking you earlier, and I was embarrassed. So I said those things to get him off my case.”
(Y/n) shook her head as she processed this information. “What?”
“I didn’t mean any of it,” Donghyuck breathed. “You’re pretty, you’re smart, and you’re caring. Choi (Y/n), I’m crazy about you.”
She stared at him in disbelief that he was confessing all this to her. He took her hand in his and looked her in the eyes. (Y/n) could see how serious he was.
“You’re right, I am a jerk,” He said, “But I don’t want to be anymore. I want to be with you, and only you.”
Donghyuck anxiously waited to hear your response. She hated him for causing her to go on this roller coaster of emotions. But he had kissed her so sincerely…he had to be telling the truth, right?
“I’ll forgive you, just this once,” She muttered. “And…I like you too.”
It didn’t take long for the boy to smile. “I knew you couldn’t resist me.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, and grabbed him by the collar for another kiss. She could feel Donghyuck’s smile. Yeah, he surely wasn’t going to be able to get enough of her.
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shwazzberryswriting · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Princess!
Pairing: Johnny x F Reader x Jaehyun (M/F, M/M, M/F/M)
Genre: One Shot, AU - Non-Idol, PWP - Complete Smut (tho if you read between the lines there are hints to more heh)
Summary: Johnny treats his Princess on her birthday
Word count: 6.2k
Rating/Warnings: Mature/Not Beta Read, Explicit Sexual Content: Dom/Sub elements, Daddy/Princess & Daddy/Pet Role Play, Switch!Jaehyun, Collaring, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Rimming, Anal Play, Anal and Vaginal Fingering, Impact Play, Overstimulation, Squirting, Double Penetration in 2 Holes, Multiple Orgasms, Cum Play, Rough Sex, Cum Shot
Minors DNI! 18+ ONLY
Author’s Note:
First: Part 1 of my Neohub Kinktober Event!!! I'm excited for this to be my first fic for this event! My own personal Kinktober List** will have a couple fics that won't be a part of the Neohub event, so check out my list if you're curious for what's to come in October!
Second: This was requested!!! Nonny OP Please forgive me for taking so long to fulfill this request!! 😭 🙏 Thank you for your patience. I hope this fulfills your fantasies! Johnny and Jaehyun have a great dynamic that makes their smut so hot!
Apologies in advance for any mistakes! 💚
Happy Halloween! Enjoy this awesome holiday! 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡
Please let me know of any technical errors or if you have feedback/questions
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    “OK, Princess, open your eyes!”
    Blinking, her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight in the living room. Golden streaks of the setting sun lit up the glass surface of the coffee table. Before her was a bubble gum pink box.
    Johnny sat to her left. One hand resting on his knee, stroking his silk pants. Steady eyes with his beautiful face staring affectionately at her.
    “Happy birthday!” he exclaimed, perfect set of teeth shining with his handsome smile. “Come on, Princess. Open your present! I had it custom made.”
    “Oh, Daddy, thank you!” she said, grabbing the silk covered box.
    Johnny always provided her with the most luxurious gifts in the world. Nothing but the best for his Princess. The rectangular box seemed big enough for a necklace.
    Or maybe a pair of handcuffs?
    Untying the silk ribbon, she let it fall to the floor as she pulled off the lid. A soft gasp parted her lips.
    “It’s so pretty.”
    Inside was a thick pink leather collar. On one end was a metal loop; attached to it was a metal chain leash, matching pink leather handle at the end. Diamonds encrusted along the choker strap spelled out, “Princess” in neat cursive font.
    “Do you want to put it on?” He held his hand out to her, palm up.
    “Yes, thank you Daddy.” Scooping the ends of her pigtails into a loose bun at the crown of her head, she turned her back to him. “I’ve been wanting a collar for months now, Daddy. Am I going to be your Kitty tonight?”
    “No, Princess, this collar is for me. To make sure you don’t go wandering off too much tonight.”
    “Are you taking me out for dinner?” She’d worn a remote controlled vibrator to dinner the last time he bought her a gift. “I loved that Peruvian bistro we visited last month.”
    “I’ll take you back another day. I have an extra present for you, Princess. Today marks our 2 Year Anniversary, too.”
    The doorbell rang. Johnny grinned, hand patting her knee before getting up. Her eyes followed his long legs in his well fitted silk pants.
    She wanted him naked as her eyes focused on the lines of his pecs and abs peeking through the unbuttoned silk blazer. Teasing her with a glimpse at his perfect body.
    “Hey, did you have a hard time finding the place?”
    “Not at all.” The guest was a man, his voice smooth and clear. “Where’s your birthday girl?”
    “Princess,” Johnny called, turning his head around, “come say hi to my special friend.”
    Placing the empty gift box onto the coffee table, she joined them, chain to her collar in her left hand. Johnny was shutting the door as she stood face to face with a very handsome man, almost as tall as her Daddy.
    His milky skin glowed, making his peachy pink lips pop out, contrasting his dark brown eyes. His chiseled jaw and high cheekbones just made his perfectly symmetrical face all the more difficult to look away from. She wanted to reach out and caress every smooth inch of his handsome face.
    “Princess, this is my friend - a brother of mine - Jaehyun,” Johnny said, standing behind her, taking the metal chain leash from her hand. He placed his free hand on her hip. “He’s your birthday treat, baby. Do you like your second Daddy for the night? Jae, want to wish our Princess a happy birthday?”
    Fire injected into her veins, eyes locked with the new man. Jaehyun bit his bottom lip, smile appearing with flushed cheeks.
    “What a cutie you are.” Jaehyun’s fingers reached out to touch the hem of her dress at the front of her thighs. “Happy birthday, Princess. Johnny and I wanted to give you a super special birthday party tonight. You’ve got soft thighs, Princess. Daddy Jae likes that.”
    “What do you say, Princess?” Johnny said behind her, forcing her neck and head to jolt backwards as he tugged on the chain. She took a step backwards, away from Jaehyun.
    “Thank you, Daddy,” she said, eyes remaining locked with Jaehyun. Her chest ached in a way that made her stomach flutter too. She would have remembered someone as handsome as Jaehyun…his dark eyes consuming her was familiar because of Johnny. A glance was enough to let her know that he wanted her, always. “I’ve been asking Daddy Johnny for a second Daddy for weeks.” She turned to Johnny and threw her arms around his waist. Eyes shut, deep inhale of his soothing musk. Her shoulders relaxed, heartbeat slowing. “Thank you, Daddy. You spoil me so much.”
    “Thank me by showing Daddy Jae a good time, Princess.” His free hand reached behind her, unzipping her dress. “Let him unwrap you. You’re his special little present tonight.”
    Taking Jaehyun’s hand, she led him up the stairs, Johnny behind them, connected to her still with the chain to her collar. Johnny and Jaehyun sang “Happy Birthday” on their walk to their bedroom, delighting her with the focused attention. Up past Johnny’s newest Monet painting; a gift to himself for spoiling her.
    The laughs and clapping slowly dissipated as they entered the master bed. Hands on her hips, Jaehyun positioned her front to face the foot of the bed as he stood behind her. Goosebumps scattered up her spine when she felt his fingertips push her lacy dress off her shoulders, heat gliding right up against her bare skin.
    “What’s this, Princess?”
    Heat surged up her ass, licking over towards her clitoris. A twinge at her abdomen created goosebumps up to her chest.
    Jaehyun's thumb pressed against the giant diamond encrusted buttplug seated at her asshole. Her walls shook, muscles squeezing the stretcher Johnny inserted earlier.
    “That was this morning’s present.” She moaned as Jaehyun palmed her tits over her lacy bra, her ass slamming against his front. A sharp pressure twisted into her guts. “Daddy spoils me so much.”
    “Nothing but the best for my Princess.”
    Johnny stood beside them, right hand touching her chin. He bent down and kissed her as Jaehyun’s hand wrapped around her throat, fingers stroking her skin.
    She whined onto Johnny’s tongue as Jaehyun’s hold tightened, wrist jerking her head up to shove her face harder against Johnny. Hand massaging his jaw, Johnny broke the kiss as his eyes darted up to Jaehyun before focusing back on her.
    “Get on the bed, Princess,” Jaehyun said, releasing her. “Lie down. I want to explore your beautiful body. Treat every inch of that perfect body with my kisses.”
    “Not yet.” Johnny tugged on the chain, making her turn to look at him. He released the chain before unhooking her bra and pulling it off her shoulders. Swiftly, his thumbs tugged her cotton pink thong down her legs. “Don’t act up too much, Princess. I have to share you, and you know how I feel about sharing. You’re precious, baby.”
    The heat in her chest boiled angrily, her nipples ached. She sat down on the bed, nodding, eyes focused on Jaehyun.
    His left eyebrow ticked upwards for a second as he pulled his jeans and boxers off. Her chest ached, a giggle and smile appearing. A feeling she almost recognized overcame her for a moment, tears welling her eyes.
    Deep inhale of breath, hand cupping her breast, she focused on the heat growng in her cunt. Jaehyun’s body was chiseled, curves perfectly shaping his abs and pecs. Slim waist with barely a blemish on his milky smooth body.
    She laid down on her back, letting Jaehyun stand between her legs. Heat pricked her cheeks with his focus fixated on her. Her body shook with her heart ramming furiously against her chest.
    His dark eyes slowly drifted down her body, flicking back and forth as they landed on the heat between her legs. Tongue licking his pillowy lips, a grin appeared, dimple in his left cheek deepening.
    “Such a beautiful body.” Cool, smooth voice sending chills down her spine. His giant palms gliding up her thighs to her sides, moving up to cup her breasts. “Daddy Jaehyun wants to kiss you from head to toe, Princess. Celebrate the most lovely, gorgeous girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. For your Special Day.”
    “Daddy?” She tilted her head up, eyes searching for Johnny. He was seated beside her, right leg crossed over his left, patiently watching Jaehyun massage her body. His angular cheeks sharp as his face remained passive. “Is it OK for D-daddy Jae to kiss me?”
    “It’s your Special Day, Princess.” Fingers from his free hand tucked her loose tendrils behind her ear. “I’ll let you decide if Daddy Jae can kiss you from your head to your toes. Do you want that, Princess?”     “Yes Daddy!” Her chest heaved as she breathed out her excited response.
    Eyes shut, she felt Jaehyun’s body over hers. Skin silky soft. Body heavy and firm. Lips floral, burning hers up.
    She whimpered as his tongue pushed against her lips. The pressure of her stretcher intensified as Jaehyun’s hips rocked back and forth over her. Her whole body singed like the flames of a lighter licking over an old, fuzzy dryer sheet.
    Instant. Fast. A flash of thrilling violence all over.
    Wet kisses landed on her neck. Peppered across her chest. Warmed the valley of her chest.
    Her skin tingled as his fingers slid down her arms. Caressed her breasts as his tongue licked the sweat off her belly.
    “You’re so sweet, Princess.” Jaehyun’s tongue flicked across the patch of pubes over her slit. “Daddy’s going to eat this slick, wet pussy-” two fingers slid down over her folds before he grasped the end of the buttplug, stretcher feeling loose with her slick dripping down the curve of her ass “-and feel how tight this little hole is.”
    Red stars burst against her eyelids as she shut them tight, feeling the buttplug pull out of her. The discomforting pressure tickling her asshole and nerves all day was gone, sending goosebumps up her body. Her nipples ached.
    A wet, fleshy pressure was gliding over her clit. She cried out, fingers grasping onto the duvet. Jaehyun sucked on her hot bud.
    “D-daddy Jae!” The pointed tip of his tongue licked down her slit, tickling the sensitive perineum between her pussy and asshole before it torturously flicked her puckered hole. His tongue circled around her wet rim before he sucked hard, raspy hum reverberating into her. She squeaked out a weak pant. “Daddy!”
    “You like your asshole being eaten like that, Princess?” Johnny traced a delicate touch over her left nipple, pad of his index finger barely brushing her skin. “I know what my Princess likes.”
    With such sugary sweetness in his tone, her ears ached like a rotting tooth coming into contact with honey as he cooed out, "My precious Princess."
    She looked up at him, his eyes drifting from the hardened brown nub he was twisting between his thumb and index finger and then down to watch Jaehyun devour her ass and pussy.
    “Can you speak?” A delicate grin as his eyes drank in the sight before him.
    “Yes, Daddy.”
    They locked eyes. He wet his lips. Jaehyun’s thumbs pulled her folds apart, tongue pressing right up against her sensitive clit, lapping up and down as his moan started out low. She bit her bottom lip, trying not to howl at every good sensation Jaehyun gave to her body. 
    He was whimpering. Groaning high, sweet notes into her. Her cunt and stomach shook with the vibrations of his sweet mewls. Her slick was pooling out, mixing with his spit.
    The tip of one finger pushed against her rim. Her asshole quivered, nerves thrashing deep inside her walls.
    Johnny’s fingers twisted both of her nipples, making her shut her eyes. Fire surged down her chest and up her stomach, colliding at the coil deep within her cunt. It was tightening at lightning speed, snapping her mind blank.
    Jaehyun laid his palm flat over her stomach, attempting to still her shaking body. His finger curled up against her asshole as his tongue lapped up her clit and labia, head bobbing furiously.
    The blend of pain and pleasure everywhere was too much. Her mind’s single focus was the tight coil’s pressure shooting straight to her clit.
    The release exploded out of her cunt, hips thrashing wildly against Jaehyun's hold. She managed to whimper out a whine as she was incapable of holding in the fluids gushing out of her.
    Wetness was everywhere. Her butt was soaked, feeling the damp duvet under her. Slit and thighs moist with droplets of her slick. Sweat was trickling out of every pore on her body.
    Johnny’s lips a calming touch as he kissed her lips. Instantly, he kissed and licked the sweat off her temples and neck. His gentle hum reverberated down her sinuses.
    “What do you say to Daddy Jae for making you squirt?”
    “T-t-thank you f-for the b-birthday present D-daddy!”
    Jaehyun’s middle finger was inside of her pussy. She mewled, eyes shut tight. He pushed in and pulled out. Thumb circled her clit as his finger continued to pump in and out of her.
    He kissed the inside of her thighs. As much as she wanted to open her eyes and watch Jaehyun finger fuck her, her body refused. Eyes muscles constricted as he played with her cunt.
    Continually, he burned her up, just like the flame of a lighter against the used up dryer sheet. Over and and over with his tongue and fingers. Quick flashes of thrilling violence.
    “Daddy-daddy, daddy-y-yes-d-daddy-yes.”
    “That’s enough.” Johnny’s hand clamped over her mouth. A sharp pain dug at the nape of her neck. Johnny let go of the chain, much to her neck's relief. The collar was hot, slipping against her sweat drenched neck. “Didn’t I tell you not to act up too much?”
    A cold shiver hit her chest. Her body numbed. Tears welled at the corners of her eyes. Seeing his eyebrows stitched together, lips pressed tight as his hand remained over her mouth had her body ice up in shame.
    “I’m sorry Daddy.” She sat up the moment Johnny released her. She disentangled from Jaehyun’s arms curled around her legs to stand on her knees. Wrapping her arms around Johnny’s neck she kissed his cheek. “Daddy, I’m so sorry. Let me love you. Let me give you a titty fuck. Can I suck on your balls, Daddy? Cum on my face to remind me I’m yours?”
    His arm was around her waist, pulling her body against his. A loud smack hit her ears before she felt the sting of Johnny’s palm on her ass. Eyebrows scrunched up, she moaned as she refused to break eye contact
    “You didn’t need to let Daddy Jae know just how much you enjoyed his kisses. Who’s your Daddy?” Her ass burned like she’d slid down a metal slide as he smacked her again. And again. Third slap so forceful her hips jerked painfully against him. The skin of her ass was hot and aching. “Hm? Who’s your Daddy, Princess?”
    “You are, Daddy.” She kissed him, whimpering against his lips as his fingers kneaded her stinging ass. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, mouth pressed against his collarbone as she felt his thumb circle around the entrance to her asshole. “Daddy.”
    “So wet and loose, Princess.” He pushed in, one knuckle sinking in with ease. She shook, trying not to move as the uncomfortably pleasant pressure tickling her all day returned. “Your ass is mine tonight, understand?”
    He pushed in deeper, mouth hanging open with hers as she inhaled deeply. The reassuring smile with his head nod, letting her know Daddy Johnny was proud of his Princess. The pressure was riding up deep inside of her, the coil at her core tightening.
    “For now, Princess, what do you want Daddy Jae to do?”
    “D-daddy Jae,” - she stopped to whimper as Johnny pulled his thumb out of her ass, the titillating pressure gone - “will you please keep kissing me here?”
    Her fingers brushed over her curly pubes.
    “Lie down on the bed, Princess.” Johnny left her side as she laid down flat on her back. Jaehyun was on his knees between her legs, fingers massaging the inside of her pliable thighs. “Such a tasty pussy, Princess.” He moaned as he licked up her slit. His tongue flicked against her asshole and taint, causing her hips to shake. “Even your tight asshole is a little sweet.”
    Their moans joined the lewd squelches of Jaehyun assaulting her cunt. Tongue sliding all over her labia as his thumb glided over the rim of her asshole. Blinking away the tears forming at the corners of her eyes, she focused on Johnny taking his clothes off, eyes staring at Jaehyun’s naked body with hers.
    She licked her lips as Johnny kicked his boxers away, large hand stroking his hardened rod. Her eyes focused on the heavenly thick cock, precum spilling out as his thumb rubbed his slit. His free hand reached out and massaged Jaehyun’s ass. The coil deep within twisted painfully as she watched Johnny’s hand dip between Jaehyun’s legs, out of her line of sight. Jaehyun whimpered into her.
    “Daddy,” her voice trembled, mind frenzied with the motions of Jaehyun’s tongue on her, “are you playing with Daddy Jae?”
    “Do you want to see it, Princess?” Johnny’s gaze met hers, his mouth curving up into a smile. The sounds of his wet strokes quickened, making Jaehyun shake the bed with his bucking hips. Hands on her thighs Jaehyun stilled as he moaned sweetly onto her clit. “Yeah, Jae, you like this? Let’s see if your flat ass tastes as sweet.”
    Johnny’s face disappeared behind Jaehyun’s ass, though she saw his forehead bob up and down. The high pitched whimpers Jaehyun pushed into her shook her insides.
    His tongue wiggled inside of her cunt, making her grab his wet tresses. Her moans joined the lewd noises Johnny was making as he ate Jaehyun’s ass.
    Jaehyun’s uneven breathing affected the suction of his lips on her clit. She whined as the heat’s intensity lessened. Jaehyun’s fingers stilled. He threw his head up and moaned.
    “Johnny! Daddy-fuck!”
    She moaned with Jaehyun, fingers grasping his. Their fingers intertwined over her thighs. Jaehyun gave out a weak moan.
    “There’s my little pet.” Johnny chuckled sweetly, head raising over Jaehyun's pale body. One hand stroked up over Jaehyun’s ass. Jaehyun gave a weak whimper, hips bucking. Face turning over his shoulder to look at Johnny. “Like how Daddy’s playing with your tight little hole? Miss how good I treat you?”
    “Yes,” Jaehyun breathed out softly. She wanted to sit up and kiss Jaehyun, consume the moan Johnny had gotten out of him. “Daddy, I like your finger right there.”
    She bit her bottom lip, chest feeling heavy as she watched Johnny’s eyes fixed on whatever he was doing to Jaehyun’s ass. He smirked whenever Jaehyun moaned or shook against her body.
    Wasn’t this supposed to be about her?
    “Daddy,” she called out, voice whining, “I can’t see anything. Can I-”
    “Do you want a better view of your Daddies playing with each other, Princess?” Johnny looked up, making eye contact with her. “Come, here Jae. Show time for our Princess.”
    “Princess,” Jaehyun was getting up, hand grabbing her wrist, “play with yourself to let us know how much you like our show.”
    She whimpered as she pressed two fingers over her clit and rubbed it in a circular motion, following the direction from Jaehyun’s hold.
    “Look at that fine ass body.” Johnny grabbed Jaehyun’s wrist, tugging it away from her. “Princess, keep playing with your precious little pussy. Are you ready for the show?”
    They stood at the foot of the bed, facing each other. Johnny released Jaehyun’s wrist, fingers drifting to glide down the pubes of Jaehyun’s happy trail. Gasping, Jaehyun shut his eyes, thrusting his hips forward with his hands on his hips. Johnny’s large hand was encircled around Jaehyun’s reddening shaft.
    Jaehyun touched Johnny’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss. They were quiet as Jaehyun caressed a hand over Johnny’s thick eight pack abs, tongues pushing into each other’s mouths. Jaehyun breathed loudly through his mouth as Johnny kissed his thick, smooth neck. 
    “Yes, Daddy.” She exhaled out a whiny moan as she slid her middle finger against her clit, trying to match Johnny’s jerks on Jaehyun’s cock. “So fucking sexy, Daddy.”
    “Do you hear that, hm?” Johnny’s hand grasped onto Jaehyun’s hip and pushed him to face the bed, his back against Johnny’s front. Hand pumping down Jaehyun’s veiny length, Johnny kissed his shoulder as he made eye contact with her. “Our Princess likes this, Jae. Do you like it?” Jaehyun’s high pitched moan rang against the walls as he thrust forward, eyes shut tight. His pants became shorter, erratic. “Sounds like a yes. What do you think, Princess?”
    “Yes, Daddy.” She pushed her middle finger into her cunt, knees pressed together, right arm clamped between her plump thighs. Moaning, her free hand shot to grab her left breast. Fingers rubbing the engorged brown bud her two Daddies had played with to hypersensitivity. Nerves in her clit danced wildly. “Daddy Jae likes it.”
    “I do,” Jaehyun rasped out. His hands grabbed Johnny’s arms. “I-I’m going to-”
    “Don’t you fucking dare!” Johnny let go of Jaehyun’s cock, getting a small sprinkling of precum to dribble out at the tip. “You need to cum inside our Princess. It’s her birthday, and it’s what she wants.”
    “Yes, Daddy.”
    One hand at his throat, Johnny pulled Jaehyun up against his chest.
    “I think Daddy Jae needs to suck my dick for not returning the fucking favor.” He let go of Jaehyun’s leaking cock, slapped it - getting a grunt from Jaehyun - and pushed Jaehyun to his knees. “Suck Daddy’s cock, selfish slut. Utter amateur shit to cum from a fucking handjob like that.”
    Wordlessly, on his knees, profile facing the Birthday Girl, Jaehyun looked up at Johnny and fisted his thick, lengthy rod. One hand holding Jaehyun’s shoulder, Johnny shut his eyes and hissed. Teeth bared, eyebrows furrowed.
    She opened her legs and circled her middle finger over her clit with the slick she’d captured from her cunt. The sight of the two handsome men connected - pleasured moans colliding into a sweet melody in her ears - she moaned as her body’s rising heat distracted her focus. Chest and face burning up, head fuzzy from heat.
    Jaehyun hummed, low and slow, thin lips blending in with Johnny’s reddened length. Pulling back, he slurped up against the smooth mushroom domed tip. Before he could go back down, Johnny pushed him away.
    She yelped as she slid across the bed, left ankle in Johnny’s hold. Heat shot up from her pussy to her chest. Her sinuses singed as Johnny’s palm landed on her wet slit
    “Didn’t I teach you how to play with your pussy, brat?”
    Biting onto the knuckle of her middle finger, she muffled the moans that Johnny was forcing out with his fingers. Middle and ring finger thrusting hard into her cunt, he was relentless as he went in deeper. Fingers curling in, thumb rubbing her clit. Her cunt squelched with his rough pumps, unleashing thick spurts of her slick between her thighs.
    “Daddy didn’t teach you to be lazy, Princess. Put in” -his index finger joined the next push- “some” -her fluids flowed out over his fingers- “fucking effort” -she mewled- “lazy brat.”
    Thoughts shredded to dust, her whole body was ablaze as Johnny rutted furiously. Thumb flicking her clit with his pumps, he laughed as her bladder shook from the hard squeeze. Fluids flooded out of her, flying into the air before splattering and soaking into the bedsheets. She mewled, hips bucking, toes curled.
    “Fuck, Princess, you look like you’ve just gone to the waterpark.” Johnny’s fingers were gone. Holding them up in the air, Johnny tilted the tips of his coated fingers down toward her body. Her face flared as her slick dribbled down onto her stomach and over her left thigh. “Aren’t you a lucky Birthday Girl? You’ve cummed twice. Come thank Daddy.”
    Hands hooked under her armpits, Johnny pulled her to his side as he sat against the headboard. She whined lazily as her head rested on his stomach, ear pressed against his sweaty abs.
    Nipples tingling, she dragged her hand over his damp leg. Her fingertips dipped into the valleys of his muscles. Pussy walls throbbing as she admired his mountainous thighs.
    She hummed softly with closed lips as her fingers grazed over the shaft of his gorgeous cock. Pink and smooth. So thick that she struggled to keep a steady grip as she stroked him. His hand touched the top of her head as she opened her mouth and pushed the tip in.
    His silence encouraged her to push in more with every head bob in and hand stroke down. Suck in harder. Moan more. And louder. Twist her wrist so her fingers were massaging his balls. He rewarded her with a soft approving hum.
    Encouraged - his short “Mmm” rang like angels singing up above in heaven - she lifted his cock to hold against his stomach. Swirling her tongue over his wet, salty nut, she shut her eyes to savor a short sigh from Johnny.
    Hand pressing his cock against his belly, the pointed tip of her tongue glided up the smooth, fleshy center parting of his balls.
    Soft hiss against his teeth.
    She sucked in his right nut. Licked it before sucking it again.
    “What are you doing, Jae? Stop touching yourself and prepare our Princess for the main event.”
    Johnny had both hands on her head, thumbs stroking the top tenderly. Mouth shut he gave a hum. Strokes at her head stilled.
    His fingers pushed down and he thrust up into her, tip shoved against her tonsils, balls slapping her chin. She stopped moving, gagging on his cock as he thrust against her, hands keeping her in place.
    “You’re so beautiful when you look like a filthy, sinful slut, Princess. Daddy’s so proud of you-” he fisted her hair, thrusting halted “-for thanking me like this.”
    She tried not to retch as he freed her throat. Fist at his base, he swirled his wet tip over her lips before letting her go.
    Johnny had her lay down flat on her back as Jaehyun’s lilty guffaw sent a calming shiver down her back. His fingertips on her knees drew a soft coo out of her. She looked up at Johnny, seated on his knees beside her.
    “I love you, Princess,” Johnny breathed out as she grabbed his pulsating cock. Tongue swirling his earth heavy musk, she took hold of his shaft. “Just the tip for now, baby.”
    Her eyes shut, nose filled with Johnny’s scent. Thighs and ass cheeks soothed by Jaehyun’s massages. Jaehyun’s tongue shoved into her cunt, thumb flicking her clit. He grunted into her. Sweat pooled down her body, chest shaking.
    Her body spun and she lost sense of gravity as she felt him push one knuckle into her ass. She grabbed Jaehyun’s hair as he sucked on her clit. She mewled onto Johnny’s cock before he pulled out, face passive as he stared at her slimy spit coating his cock.
    Jaehyun’s knuckle in her asshole pushed in deeper. Both her ass and pussy walls shook. Her core’s coil instantly twirled tight, forcing air out of her lungs. Her chest ached.
    “Do you want us all to be happy, Princess?” Jaehyun was gone from between her legs. “Are you ready for your Daddies to give you the ride of your life?”
    “Ride? Are you taking me somewhere?”
    Both men laughed, Johnny bent down and kissed her at the top of her head. Jaehyun laid down to her left, chuckles catching at his throat as his dimples pushed deep into his skin. Her face flared with heat as she felt Jaehyun’s lips on her cheek.
    “Daddy Johnny said your ass is his, so that means this pretty cunt-” he inhaled softly, middle finger sinking into her folds “-is mine. Princess, is this your first time being double dicked?”
    “Yes, Daddy Jae.” She giggled. Sharp, hot tingles singed up her chest. “I want my Daddys inside me.”
    Her slick coated his fingers, gliding over her folds. Her walls shook as he pumped two fingers inside. She whimpered, head rested against his chest as she felt his fingers glide from her cunt to her ass.
    Her slick coating the rim of her asshole had her stomach and ass clench. She mewled as her walls squeezed down on his fingers, hands grabbing his neck.
    “Fuck, Princess, Daddy Jae’s making your ass look so fucking sexy.” She inhaled through her mouth as she felt Johnny spooning her from behind, hand on her calf lifting it to hook over his leg. “Daddy’s waited all fucking day to fuck your ass. All fucking day. Happy birthday, Princess.”
    She mewled, hand shooting to grab his wrist at her hip. His hot, sticky tip pushed up against her wet rim. Jaehyun’s lips were on her neck, sucking and nipping at her delicate skin. A finger flicked her nipple as he guffawed against her throat.
    “Come on, Princess,” Jaehyun cooed, two fingers gliding over her clit before rubbing down, “relax your muscles, OK?” He pressed a kiss to her cheek as she felt Johnny’s hot lips on the back of her shoulder. “Let’s-” he slid the burning head of his cock against her clit “-take our time.”
    The tips of both his and Johnny’s cocks sunk into her. The pressure from either end created a force that prickled her cervix. Hands on his neck, she pressed her lips to Jaehyun’s. She cried against his lips as she felt Johnny’s cock stretch her asshole.
    “Fuck, Princess, you’re so fucking tight.”
    Her eyes were closed. All she tasted was Jaehyun’s salty, dewy lips. Johnny’s grip at her hip was bruising her. Heavy push pressing the bed springs against her from below.
    With shaking hips, she thrust back, crying against Jaehyun’s lips as Johnny’s length sunk in deeper, tip hitting a hot spot that made her ass walls shake. Johnny moaned, palm slapping her ass. The impact reverberated pleasure deep into her core.
    Jaehyun’s tongue pushed into her mouth, hand groping her hip, directly over Johnny’s hold. She felt split open from between her legs up to her belly. Coil deep in her cunt twisting evermore painfully sweet.
    “Fuck.” Jaehyun hissed long and soft as his hot cock pushed into her cunt. Her eyes were shut, mind focused on the pressure at her guts. “So-fucking-tight-so-fuck-so-fucking…tight."
    “Jaehyun!” Her fingernails dragged down his arm as he thrust sharply into her. He rocked his hips back and forth, creating a shallow friction. Blood flooded her brain like a tsunami, making her lose sense of anything. “Daddy!”
    Johnny was grunting into the back of her neck. Thrusting up into her ass when Jaehyun pulled back. Their slow, careful thrusts created a new bloody tsunami in her brain. She blabbered incoherently as spit flew out of her lips, tears streaming down her cheeks. Face burning like she was falling headfirst into the fiery gates of hell.
    “Such a tight ass.” Johnny’s voice was muffled as he spoke through gritted teeth. “That stretcher only did so much, Princess.”
    “Daddy.” Her voice was hoarse, barely more than a gasp. “Big-so big. Full. I’m-full.”
    Johnny’s laughs reverberated up her spine. The coil at her core spun tighter as his cock pushed her walls apart. It felt so full and thick, she lost vision when his tip hit against her G-spot.
    “Squeezing my cock so tight, Princess.” Johnny kissed her shoulder. “Barely halfway in and this is all you can take.”
    “Sorry, Daddy.”
    “Shh!” Hand pulling her face toward him, he kissed her. “You’ll still make me cum. Daddy loves how tight and small your asshole is. Still so pure, Princess.” Her coil was so tight her hips shook. “Your hole won’t be able to hold all this cum, Princess. You won’t mind Daddy marking you.”
    Johnny stilled when she felt a burst of wetness against her ass. The hot cum was inside of her, making her insides moist. Curves of her ass were covered in his thick seed. Groaning, Johnny slid his softening shaft against her ass, smearing the cum.
    Jaehyun’s grip on her hip tightened. He breathed erratically through his mouth as the snaps of his hips strengthened. Her nipples ached as he gave a high pitched mewl.
    “Princess, you’re mine! So fucking tight!”
    She cried, fingernails continually scratching his sweaty, smooth skin. His cock was moving with longer strokes in and out of her, his tip hitting her cervix with such force she gasped for air with his every move. She lost sense of everything, the only thing her mind could hold onto was Jaehyun's stuttering groan as fire consumed her whole body.
    Red. Blistering heat. She’d fallen into hell, the Devil consuming her.
* * *
    She heard the splash of water before feeling her whole body relaxed and warm. She’d been placed inside a hot bubble bath.
    Slowly opening her eyes, she was in the familiar clawfoot bathtub of Johnny’s master bath.
    The window curtains were closed, but she could tell it was dark outside. On the sink countertop sat two lit cucumber scented candles.
    Seated on the toilet -  lid down - sat Johnny, facing her. He was fully clothed in crisp black trousers and a pristine white button up top. Beautiful locks of hair slicked up in a perfect quiff.
    “Princess, how do you feel?” He immediately bent down beside her. His hand dove under the bubbles to scoop up the chamomile infused water and poured it over her left shoulder.
    “I’m here, Princess. You’re safe.”
    “What happened?” She reached up, hand touching his cheek. “You and Daddy Jae were fucking me so good-I’m sorry Da-���
    He kissed her lips, thumb stroking gently against her cheek.
    “No apologies needed, Princess. Daddy Jae and I had a great time. How do you feel? It’s your birthday, what matters is how you feel.”
    She sat up slightly, looking down at the pearly, fluffy bubbles. Floating over her, clinging to her damp skin. The warmth of the bath water radiated through her entire body.
    Her fingers glided up her thighs, delicately brushing over her slit. Her insides felt heavy, and ached. But her skin felt the familiar sweet dull throb. Her swollen lips radiated with a pain like a sunburn. Neck, throbbing near her shoulders - as if she had a carpet burn.
    “I feel amazing, Daddy. Thank you for the best birthday present a Princess could ask for.”
    “I want you to be happy, Princess.” His hand slipped under the water as they kissed. She gasped onto his tongue as his thumb circled around her clit. Palming the inside of her thigh, he chuckled. Pressing his forehead to hers when they broke the kiss, his hand left the water. “I have some business to take care of. I won’t be gone long, promise. When I return, we’ll eat cake.”
    “OK, Daddy. I love you.”
    “I love you, too, Princess. Happy birthday.”
    He kissed her one more time before getting up. Drying his arms and hands on the towel beside the sink, he winked at her. Blew her a kiss before leaving.
    She grabbed the green bar of soap, humming to herself. Lathering up her neck and shoulders with the jasmine scented soap. Fingers massaging her aching muscles.
    The sounds of whistling joined her humming. A moment later Jaehyun entered from where Johnny exited just minutes ago.
    “Hi Princess.”
    He walked over, bending down beside her. Just like Johnny did.
    Something about the gentle half grin itched her mind, as if she’d forgotten to lock the front door. Eyes fixed on his beautiful face, she wanted to let go of the sensation.
    The collar to his unbuttoned shirt flapped against his Adam’s apple. She was fixated, swallowing air as he spoke.
    “Daddy Johnny wants to make sure you’re safe while he’s out.” Index finger gliding over the foamy peaks of the bubbles in the tub, Jaehyun retrieved his hand when his finger was a millimeter away from her shoulder
    “Oh, I’ve been home alone when Daddy has to go do business before.”
    “That’s great, but you don’t mind if I help take care of you, do you?”
    “Not at all.” She set the soap down and reached for her washcloth. Jaehyun took it from her and dipped it into the bath water before bringing it up to wash her shoulder. “Thank you.”
    He nodded, gentle smile appearing as his dimple appeared. She giggled, feeling heat hit her cheeks. His hair flopped over his forehead.
    The door locking sensation made her stomach flip.
    Did she forget to do something?
    The gentle touch of the washcloth moving down her arm unleashed a warmth into her chest. Mind clouded with fire, she tilted her head toward his, pressing her lips against his.
    “Thank you for cleaning me, Daddy.”
    Jaehyun’s hand dipped under the water, fingers pinching her nipple. Her cheeks burned as fiery blood rushed up faster to her head. A smirk crossed his lips as his eyes locked with hers.
    “I want you all to myself, Princess.”
    She shut her eyes as he kissed her again, this time harder, tongue licking her lips.
    She was his, all his.
The End?
Thank you for reading! Please enjoy Halloween!!
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yuta-nakamots · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone who sent in a request! This is a collection of all the drabbles I have written for this event. Once requests are closed on June 20th, I will reblog this post with a poll for you all to vote for the drabble you liked best and want to see as a full fic. 
Request #1 ; Yuta when he has a crush on you - Pairing(s): University Student!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 1k
Request #2 ; How Yuta is as a boyfriend - Pairing(s): Rockstar!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Established Relationship!AU - Warning(s): it gets moderately suggestive at one point, but that’s it  - Word Count: 1k
Request #3 ; Yuta office!AU - Pairing(s): Yuta x Female Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Office!AU, friends to lovers - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 1k
Request #4 ; Regular era Yuta + holding hands during sex + "my lip gloss is all over you" - Pairing(s): Yuta x Female Reader - Genre(s): Smut - Warning(s): sexual content, please refer to the warnings on the post itself - Word Count: 1k
Request #5 ; Chain era Yuta + kiss after a hike - Pairing(s): Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Established Relationship!AU - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 0.8k
Request #6 ; Boatta Yuta + "you didn't do the dishes so I'm not doing you"   - Pairing(s): Idol!Yuta x Producer!GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Established Relationship!AU, friends to lovers - Warning(s): Mention of a blowjob though nothing sexual occurs - Word Count: 1k
Request #7 ; "someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve"  - Pairing(s): Boyfriend!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, established relationship!AU - Warning(s): None - Word Count: 0.9k
Request #8 ; Highway to Heaven era Yuta + "A newly married couple are on their honeymoon in a sleepy, beachside town. They begin to have the same nightmares every night."   - Pairing(s): Husband!Yuta x GN Reader - Genre(s): Fluff, Horror, Suspense, Slight Angst, established relationship!AU, marriage!AU - Warning(s): character death, description of choking - Word Count: 1k
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ready-for-take-off · 2 months
Hey! You might know me as readyfortakeoff on ao3, but I decided to make an account here because I noticed the kpop sickfic community was fairly active here (and there are several authors on here that I admire that I would like to support).
A little about me and what I write—
I mostly stan NCT and that's reflected in my fics, haha. My ults are Kun and Jaemin, but I'll pretty much write anything for any member of any unit & any relationship since I know them all so well (excluding Wish for now).
I'm also very familiar with the members of BTS, TXT, and Stray Kids. I'm pretty into SKZ right now too, but not much with BTS or TXT.
There's a few groups that I'm only familiar with a few members of, like ZB1, Seventeen, and RIIZE. I mostly have an idea of most members' personalities but not much about their relationships.
As for scenarios I write about—
My fics are almost always sickfics with some sort of underlying moral to be learned (you'll understand if you look at them).
I've only written about stomach-related illness so far, but would definitely like to try out other scenarios.
So now that all of that is down, here's info if you want to request something!
I am mostly doing this just for fun so there's a chance I turn down your idea for seemingly no reason (but it's actually just because I'm not confident that I can write it lol). Your idea might be better suited to another author if so.
Please be specific in your prompt and what you want/don't want.
A few things that I won't write—snz, scat, urination, smut, x reader... and basically anything else that's inherently fetish-related or explicit.
What I'm most confident in writing—stomach aches, emeto, fevers, mental health struggles—even a few hurt/comfort tropes, like fluff, cuddling etc. General hurt/comfort requests would actually be greatly welcomed along with sickfics!
I'd be most likely to answer requests about NCT and SKZ. You can also inquire about members of the other groups I mentioned, but I might need a quick description of their dynamic with the caretaker.
A quick note about emeto—I only enjoy emeto up until it reaches a loss of control extent (e.g. I can't bring myself to write it when it gets to the sickie throwing up anywhere but a receptacle). Just be aware that I might change your request a little if it goes into that territory!
Here's my new masterlist with both ao3 originals and Tumblr fics.
Thanks for reading and leave an ask with any prompts you have! Any shares would be greatly appreciated as well :)
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loserlvrss · 1 month
꒰ 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 ꒱ 김정우
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summary : you're bummed that it was raining, but your boyfriend always knows how to cheer you up
genre : little angst, fluff, jungwoo x afab!reader, drabble tws : angst (tiny bit in the beginning), language, kiss author notes : sorry my stories are going to be short and sporadic until i finish school next month word count : 0.7k
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you looked out your balcony doors with a pout on your face. you had taken a shower almost two hours ago now, putting on makeup, and doing your hair. you smoothed over the floral sundress you bought last winter when you were so excited for it to finally be spring. and now that it was, you planned a picnic for you and your boyfriend, however it hadn’t stopped raining for three days. and the during the short moments it did, the sky was overcast.
of course, your boyfriend didn’t mind having a movie night with takeout (maybe he’d even convince you to netflix and chill) but you weren’t in the mood for something you and him did all the time — you wanted to warm your skin in the sun, taking, giggling, and eating.
not be condemned to your apartment because of the stupid rain.
you felt discouraged, and honestly a little depressed. this entire morning you had willed the clouds to clear up, knowing this was the only day between your boyfriends busy schedule that you two could do something other than after midnight; it seemed that recently you only got to see him if he was sleeping next to you, and it was getting a little underwhelming.
you loved him; seeing him enjoying himself on stage and during variety shows was the highlight of your day. you just wished that once in a while you could pretend that you two were the only people on planet earth, and that nothing could ever go wrong if he was by your side. that he was only yours and you didn’t have to share him with literally millions of people.
“hey baby, it’s okay…” his arms wrapped around your mid-section, locking together in the front. you pouted further, feeling him nozzle into your neck and press light kisses. “we can do other things today, it’s not like our time together is limited.”
“but, that’s just it, isn’t it?” everything added up had taken its toll and now the tears swelled with your heart, “you’re always busy — i-i’m always alone. i miss you, you know? i just wanted a sweet little date with you, but it seems like the universe hates me too!”
he paused any and all movements, “too?” suddenly, your back was no longer pressed against his chest; your eyes, full of tears, meeting his. “do you think i hate you, my love?”
you sniffled, “n-no! that’s not what i meant. i’m just — i miss you all the time — it’s we only ever see each other at night. i love watching you live out your dream, but i want a place in that too, even if just a little.”
“i know you wanted this to be perfect,” his lips pressed to your forehead, causing your eyes to close and a couple of the stray tears (you’d been holding back) to fall. “but, i already think it is. i think you are, and everything you do and put up with. i love you, don’t forget it, okay? you’re my dream, everything else can come second.”
you nodded, looking up at your puppy-like boyfriend, a wide smile now plastered across his face.
“besides, we already have everything,” he broke from you, walking over to the couch and taking the remote from the cushion. you watched curiously as he turned the tv on and searched ‘swaying grass’ on youtube. “and now we’re outside; sunny, breezy! see, y/n. it’s not all bad.”
he took your hand within his, motioning you into his chest for a hug, voice close to your ear, “besides, as much as i love that dress, not everyone needs to.”
you swatted his chest as he laughed in your your direction, “shut up.” you cracked a smile, and he looked at you adoringly.
as cringey as you found it, if all the stars went dark, you knew he’d be the only thing that’d light your way. the love you held for him was indescribable, and you never dared try in fear of not doing it justice. jungwoo knew you inside and out, every fiber on your body had been carved to his memory — he cherished the ground you walked on, loved what you found imperfect.
you really had found the perfect person for you to live out your fairytale with.
he smirked, cocking his head to the side, “there’s my girl,” he stated at your upturned lips, you about melting into the carpet at his words, “now, let’s go on that picnic date, okay?”
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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sierrawr · 3 months
🦋: There are plenty of random fic in my drafts that I keep since 2 years ago, and I just released one of them, which is NCT Mark's fic. I freestyle/spontaneously write it for almost 1/2 hours, I think. Maybe if the feedback is good, I might consider to continue it. In the meantime, I still mainly write for TXT & Enhypen (and BTS soon, maybe) so do drop your request on my askbox if you want to, and I'll post it within a few days. Additionally, I can consider taking any fic request from another group as I'm planning to create another blog to keep my masterlist and feed much better and conventional for the readers/followers to read.
P/s: Stay tuned for the new version of Jay's fic, "Siren" 🩷
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yutafrita · 1 year
can u do a oneshot or drabble ?? about midnight rain or any taylor swift song w jaemin/mark
Omg thank you for this! I've been hoping to get a song related request lol. I typically don't write for Mark and I am working on a Jaemin fic, so I took this as a challenge. It's not long, but I hope you like it! Thank you so so much :,)
I decided to go with Dress if that's okay- would definitely love to do this again!
Word Count: <900
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You had been best friends with Mark since you were in diapers. Your family homes were right across the street from each other, and you went from playing in sandboxes together to going to high school and university together.
“How’s work been?” You asked your best friend one day after popping into his apartment. As adults, you lived right across the hall from each other and had a key to each others apartment.
“It’s been great! Our firm was actually invited to an Attorney’s Gala,” Mark chirped. “Do you wanna come with?”
“Of course. Who else did you drag with you to all those Barrister’s Balls?” You laughed.
You had also been in love with Mark since diapers. He was always handsome, sweet, and a little oblivious- well, a lot oblivious actually.
You had asked him to be your date for the elementary school Valentine’s Day dance. He was missing his two front teeth at the time, and he smiled in reply with, “of course silly! We’re best friends!”
You had asked him to be your date for your freshman year homecoming dance, and with his teeth returned he responded with, “of course silly! We’re best friends!”
The next three homecomings you and Mark started to date people, but for your senior prom you both were single. You had asked him again, to be your date, and he sung in reply, “of course silly! We’re best friends!”
You were at your job a few days before the attorney's gala, groaning about your love life to your friend in their office.
"Have you ever told him... directly... about your feelings?" Giselle asked as she handed you some forms of hers to sign.
"I thought I was clear... like... when we went to prom I wore the perfect outfit to show off my... assets... and all but threw myself at him."
"Well, maybe you should wear a dress that still shows off your stuff, but maybe directly tell him?"
You knew she was right, you weren't dumb. You knew you were avoiding being direct because of your outright fear of rejection, but, if he had never made a move before, maybe you should just take that as a sign of itself?
You were glaring at yourself in your living room mirror. You had thrifted a beautiful dress that you had given a bit of extra love and care to- a sage, bell sleeved floor length dress with a deep V neck cut and shimmering tulle that split into a flattering slit. You felt beautiful, and it fit you exactly how you wanted it to. Yet, you didn't feel your best.
Mark was going to the gala directly after work, so you met him in front of the hotel that evening.
His eyes were wide and whistled when he saw you, "wow, don't ditch me for some guy now!"
You forced a smile, entering the gala and meeting a few of his coworkers, all the while introducing yourself as his best friend. You had downed about three glasses of wine when Mark asked you to dance, and with a raised eyebrow you agreed.
"You really look great," he complimented, having to nearly shout the compliment into your ear over the blaring orchestral band.
"You look pretty great too," you complimented in return. The suit he wore was a deep green, and felt so soft against your skin as you clumsily twirled on the dance floor. Mark was always handsome, but this night in particular had his eyes set in a soft brown hue under the chandelier lighting that made him look godly.
You loved him. It hurt.
"Not as good as you."
The three glasses of wine made you bold, and his repetition in awe of you emboldened you even more. You were tired of the pining and the ache in your chest. So, leaned closer to his ears, and whispered so only he could hear, "you should see how I look without it."
You disinflated when you pulled back, Mark's expression completely blank except for his eyes being the widest you've ever seen him. Your mouth hung open, and you prepared to immediately take it back, make a joke and hope he can forget about it.
"Word?" he asked, giggling like a high schooler. You froze, stopping in your dance to burst out laughing, the two of you earning confused looks from Mark's peers until you scooted off the dance floor, still clutching your stomachs.
"So, is that offer still up?" he asked once you calmed down, the full weight of your words finally sitting your shoulders.
"Hmmm, I'm not sure that's something to do with your best friend," you taunted, taking a sip from a glass of champagne you swiped. Quickly, and without warning, Mark's hands caught both of your cheeks squeezing your face lovingly.
"Silly- there's no one else I'd rather do... anything with."
Permatag! @nini0620
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markleesthighs · 2 years
would you be so willing to write a sequel to 11:51? 🥺 i’m really curious as to what happened after jaehyun found out about y/n confession
-I’d love too, this concept has always been one of my favorites!
Jaehyun didn’t know how to feel, did he make a mistake? Is that why you painted that selfie? Jaehyun felt crushed. He didn’t know whether to chase after you while Rochelle is waiting for him in her car. He kept looking at you running away, and back at Rochelle.
“I’m sorry Rochelle.”
Jaehyun dashed after you, calling out your name, begging you to stop running before you slip and fall. Since it had just rained the rocks and grass were slippery, you didn’t watch where you were going and you tripped on a rock falling down on your knees. You heard Jaehyun screaming your name after seeing you fall.
Jaehyun caught up with you and your eyes had already been filled with tears, hopefully he just thought it was because you fell. Jaehyun suggested you go to the nurse, hoping that they are still here, you were telling him it was fine, but he kept nagging you to go. You agreed and Jaehyun picked you up, carrying you to the nurse’s office.
“You really need to be careful next time sweetie, especially when it just rained outside, the grass gets really muddy and slippery. So just be careful next time ok?” The nurse explained.
The nurse then left you and Jaehyun alone, while she went to go take a call.
“You didn’t need to take me, I could’ve gone by myself.”
“I just wanted to make sure you’re ok, what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothings wrong with that, besides don’t you have to do something with Rochelle later?”
“I don’t know about that, I just want to make sure you’re ok and you get home safe,”
“I don’t understand why you’re being so persistent about it.”
“I just saw someone I care about a lot almost fall face first on the ground.”
The room fell silent.
“What do you mean? Of course I care about you.”
“You don’t care about me the way I care about you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what, never mind.”
You got up starting to walk out of the nurses office to go home when Jaehyun stopped you by pulling your arm.
“Do you want me to walk you home?”
“Do you need someone to walk you home?”
“Are you going to walk with someone home?”
“Great, then I’ll walk home with you.”
“Wh- oh, you suck.”
Jaehyun laughed as you looked defeated but still mad. You had a cute little pout when you were angry and Jaehyun adored that about you. How your eyebrows would get all furrowed and your ears would turn red, it was the cutest thing to him.
The whole walk back home you gave Jaehyun one word or even no answers when he tried talking to you. All you could think about was Rochelle, and how they’re going to be dating, doing cute couple things you didn’t want to imagine. When he got to your house he was about to speak but you bolted for the door before he blocked you from opening it.
“Wait! Did you really mean what you said in the nurses office?”
“What did you mean by saying that I didn’t care about you?”
“I told you Jaehyun it was nothing, I was just frustrated I got hurt now move.”
“I’m not going to move until you tell me the real reason.”
You debated whether I’d be worth it to tell Jaehyun, I mean he already has a Valentine, you should rip off the bandaid to help yourself get over it. You took one big breath and stared into his brown doe eyes,
“I like you Jaehyun, like an I love you type of like.”
Jaehyun smirked, you were puzzled.
You were beyond confused at this point, what did he mean by finally? Then it connected in your brain,
“You jerk! You knew the whole time?!” You started to hit his shoulders and kick his legs.
“How did you know?”
Jaehyun pulled out the letter you were supposed to give him for Valentine’s day. Your face dropped.
“I thought- I- give it back!”
You started to reach for it but Jaehyun held it above your head and you began jumping and climbing Jaehyun for it.
“I’m sorry you had to read that, just forget it!”
“Forget it? But I haven’t even given my answer yet.”
You froze while holding onto Jaehyun, slowly climbing down and walking to face him.
“I like you too, in a I love you type of like, stupid.”
Your eyes widened, you didn’t know what to say.
“But what about Rochelle?”
“When looking back at it Rochelle was kind of like puppy love, I didn’t really know her I just had a crush on her. But after the time I’ve spent with you, I realized that this is the kind of love I want. That a crazy, silly, clumsy, girl that would climb me for a letter is what I really love.”
You were stunned, you didn’t know what to say, so you just hugged Jaehyun, he kissed the top of your head.
“I love you.”
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peanutpinet · 2 years
You really need to make the taeyingn and medic girl mafia story into a series! It is my fave!
Hi hi!! OmO thank you anon for saying this T^T That Taeyong fic was my earliest NCT fic that I've written. I'm not sure about the series part but I'm very much open to anyone requesting a drabble or blurb about Taeyong and the medic girl. Maybe going on a mission together or anything :] It means so much that people like my writing and I really hope I can write more soon TT
For those who haven't read it, here you go :D
Part 1 - here
Part 2- here
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