#mark lee x y/n
p0ckykiss · 3 days
madly in love - mark lee
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summary -> mark had always been the hopeless romantic type
a/n -> from my old account again trying to clear out drafts
“I think I’m genuinely, wholeheartedly obsessed with you.”
one beat. two. the words hung dry in the air for several seconds, fervently waiting for you to unhook and catch them, but you remained still.
mark did too. he seemed transfixed on the traffic below, his eyes cast on the hundreds of tiny blue and red lights that rhythmically flowed through your city like blood pumping through veins.
as the silence grew louder, your skin became warmer. you wished you could read his thoughts.
plucking out a strand of grass that stood between your crossed legs and above the rest, you spoke, “sounds clinical.”
“It is.” he was quick, as if he had been waiting with baited breath. you could hear his smile so vividly.
a breeze blew.
“Is it deadly?” there was humor in your voice, but that gasping laugh of his you were accustomed to did not follow.
mark’s shoulders only twitched. “maybe.”
another breeze.
when the quiet settled once more, you stretched your legs out before the steep hill you sat on and laid on the turf behind. It was only then that mark finally turned to look at you, as if he was seeking permission to do so, waiting for the standstill between the two of you to end.
you did not expect to see the sincerity that resided in his eyes.
with an inhale, your eyelids slowly closed shut, ears perked to every whistle of the wind and every honk of a distant car. “I’ll find a cure then.”
the sound of rustling could be heard until a familiar warmth nestled itself beside you. he teasingly tapped the tip of his shoe to yours, but to you it seemed more like a plea.
“no.” the slight tremor to his voice made it hard to breath. “I happen to really like having this particular obsession.” he was whispering, cool breath brushing tenderly over the curve of your ear, like sweet caresses.
cautiously, you swallowed. “even if it kills you?” It was hardly even a murmur.
mark was nodding. “even if it kills me.”
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starryjaem · 2 days
destiny book one
— parties were never your thing, until a mysterious guy at the party made your evening more enjoyable. you didn’t get his name, so when will you see him again? turns out, he’s a popular skateboarder.
↳ skateboarder! mark x fem reader
— she falls first, he falls harder. mentions of drinking.
featuring nct dream.
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chapter one
“Are you having fun?”
Your best friend shouted at you, as music was blasting in the speakers. The room was filled with an overwhelming amount of people, which caused you to stay on the couch for most of the evening so far.
You hated parties. All you wanted to do was stay home. You only attended this party because today was your bestfriend’s birthday.
“Honestly, no.” You shook your head, showing your boredom for the party. She knew you didn’t like parties, so she didn’t mind that you were sitting on the couch while everyone else was having fun.
“Come drink with us!” A group of people, which your best friend knew, but you didn’t, called her to come over towards the kitchen.
“Will you be okay alone? I won’t take long.” She asks you, as she showed you a worried look on her face.
You took her hand in yours, gently squeezing her hand to reassure her. “I’ll be fine. Go have fun.” You smiled, as she smiled at you back.
As she walked away from the couch, you decided to stay on your phone. The party will be over soon, is all you thought.
You felt like you were on your phone, forever. Your best friend wasn’t back yet, so you decided to look for her yourself. To your surprise, she wasn’t in the kitchen anymore. Shit.
Sending her a text, you hope that she responds to your text soon. You groaned, sitting on the chair that was placed in front of the table as you placed your head in your hands.
“What’s up?”
You looked up, not paying attention to who was around you at first. Looking up, you make eye contact with a guy wearing glasses.
“Oh, hey.” You awkwardly spoke, waving at the guy in front of you. The people that were at this party were close friends of your best friend, you recognized a lot of people, but didn’t talk to them much. So.. who was he?
“Mind if I sit here?”
“Sure.” You responding, not caring much at all. He tried making conversation, but you were making such a terrible first impression as you were clearly annoyed.
“You seem.. bored.” He says, intensely looking at your facial features. Your eyes remained on his, but you quickly looked away to not make it obvious that you were staring at him.
He’s hot.
“I’m not, just tired.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, I don’t blame you. I’m ready to go home.”
For some reason, his response caught your attention. You were no longer staring at the table, but instead, your eyes met his again.
“So, why don’t you go home?”
He smiled, taking a sip of his drink. “Because I rather talk to you.”
Your heart immediately skipped a beat. He was joking, right? Perhaps, he’s another playboy, just like the rest of them are.
“Don’t waste your time, I’m not that interesting.”
He laughed, “You are, more than you know.”
Before you can continue the conversation, someone walks behind him, attempting to scare him. However, it didn’t work.
“Don’t tell me you’re tired already. The party just started.” The other guy said to the mysterious guy in front of you. Looking up at you, he realized he interrupted the conversation.
“Sorry, did I interrupt something?”
“Not at all, I was about to get another drink.”
The other guy must’ve noticed your awkward attempt at being interested in your phone, which you weren’t.
“Hi, I’m Jeno. His roommate.”
You showed him a warm smile after telling him your name, “Nice to meet you.”
“Well, I’m leaving now, it was nice talking with you. See you later.” The guy in the glasses smiled at you, as he stood up from his seat and left with Jeno.
You waved goodbye, returning the smile to him. Suddenly, you realized that you forgot to ask for his name. You face palmed yourself, regretting not asking for his name.
A sudden buzzing came from your purse. You opened your purse, taking out your phone as you were receiving a phone call from your friend.
You answered, covering your other ear so you can try to hear her better since the music was still blasting.
“Hey, are you still sitting on the couch?”
“No, I’m in the kitchen. Where are you?”
“In the bathroom, but I’ll be in the kitchen soon. I have so much to tell you!”
You chuckled, hearing your best friend’s excitement through her voice.
— ♡ —
You woke up in your best friend’s bed, as you rolled over to grab your phone from the nightstand. Checking the time, it was almost 11AM.
Your best friend woke up, as you were slightly already making too much noise from moving around in bed.
“Good morning, I’m so exhausted.” Your best friend told you, stretching out your arms.
“I’m sure you are. You slept extremely late.”
Rolling over to your side, you faced your best friend. “So, there’s something you needed to tell me?”
“Oh yeah, sorry for falling asleep on you yesterday.”
Your best friend ended up falling asleep during the party. You told everyone to leave and you were glad that everyone listened.
“It’s okay, now tell me.”
She smiled, looking at the ceiling as she told you. “Someone asked for my phone number yesterday.”
You sat up, not expecting to hear that at all. That’s why she was taking so long, you thought. You shook her arm slightly, wanting to know more about what happened.
“Who was it?”
“I just met him yesterday. He told me his name is Jeno.”
Jeno. He’s the one you met in the kitchen yesterday.
“I was in the kitchen and he approached me while his friend was with him. We started talking and he asked for my number. He said he wants to talk to me more.”
You could see the blush on your best friend’s face.
“That’s so cute.“
“What about you? I saw how his friend was looking at you from across the room.”
You froze, suddenly remembering your interaction with him. You wanted to see him again.
“We talked.. but I forgot to ask for his name. I couldn’t stop staring at him. He’s hot.”
Your best friend laughed, “No way!”
You sighed, “I know.”
“You know, I can always ask Jeno for his name.”
Right, that was a good idea. You smiled, knowing that there’s a possible chance that you will be able to talk to him again.
Your best friend checked her phone, seeing that Jeno sent her a text an hour ago. Jeno invited her to the skatepark. He’ll be there at one.
“Jeno invited me to the skatepark, but you’re coming with me.”
“No thanks, I would rather not third wheel.”
“You won’t! Someone will be there, maybe. Hopefully, you can talk with him! And get his name this time.”
Realization came to you again, the butterflies returned to you.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
“Great! We’re leaving in an hour. Get dressed. Wear something cute for him.” Your best friend winked.
You took that into consideration. But, why were you so nervous? You haven’t known him for that long.
— ♡ —
You and your best friend arrived at the skatepark. In such an unfamiliar setting, you both didn’t know where to go.
Eventually, you both spotted the familiar face, which was Jeno, and approached him.
“Hey Jeno, this is my best friend, she’ll be with us today.”
Jeno smiled at you, “Hi.”
You greeted him back, waving at him. “So, where’s your friend?” Your best friend asked, as you were looking around the skatepark.
“Showing off, as usual. He’s skateboarding now.” Jeno laughed, but he was proud of his best friend for his skateboarding skills.
You looked over, seeing him do tricks on his skateboard. Amazing. His movement on the skateboard with smooth and fast, completely surprising you.
However, you both made eye contact again. Which caused him to stop his skateboard. He was walking towards you all, your heart started pounding once more.
You tried to play it off like you weren’t nervous, but you were. He has a hold on you.. and you didn’t know why.
“Nice to see you again, sweetheart.”
— ♡ —
💌 author’s note — i’m so excited for this series !! to be in the taglist, comment or send me an inbox. 18+ only!
©️ starryjaem
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jigeuminunbich · 3 days
it’s the thought that counts | mark lee
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synopsis in which your lovely boyfriend, mark, decides to make you breakfast, at least that was his intention.
genre fem!reader, nonidol!au, established relationship, slice of life, and fluff
warnings domestic, pet names (baby), and honestly just mark (making an attempt at) cooking lol
word count 1k
a/n in honor of the new dream x dream episode aka marksung bumbling in the kitchen for our entertainment :D
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Sundays were the designated days for you and Mark to relax. Sleep in, laze around, ignore any other human contact, you name it— Sundays were for those exact reasons. With every week after the other coming with some version of turmoil for the both of you, it was owed that you just had a day squared off where you could just be.
Though, you found in your time on this Earth that life had its skilled ways of disrupting your peace. And sometimes it liked to use your ever so lovely boyfriend, Mark, as a pawn in its schemes.
The familiar, unwelcome smell of what you could simply put as burnt wafted into your nostrils, leaving your serene sleep to be quickly interrupted as the stench violently awoke all your senses.
As if you had been in this exact predicament before, your comforter was flipped off of your once warm and comfortable body. You quickly became acquainted with the unpleasant change in warmth, your drive to figure out why it smelled like a bonfire was taking place in your apartment outweighing your want to be cozy in your covers again.
“Heyyy…” Mark greeted you with an uneasy smile, pausing in his ministrations of fanning away the smoke that emitted from your stove.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Still practically half-asleep, your voice comes off more brash than you intend. The squinting of your eyes from the sharp change in light did nothing to help your case— you must’ve looked and sounded like a dead girl walking.
On reflex, Mark scratches the back of his nape as he gazes down at the problem he’s caused. “I thought I’d wake up a lil’ earlier and cook us some breakfast but—uh— as you can see…”
“Not going too well?” Your eyebrow quirks.
The paper plate Mark was using to disperse the smoke met the counter ahead of him with a pathetic smack, his hands coming to join it as he braced himself against the granite. “Yeah. Sorry to wake you like this… I just wanted to do something different—”
Your features softened at Mark’s clear frustration. It never took much to have Mark back in your good graces. He was just too genuine and honest that you couldn’t help but have your hostility dissipate. “It’s okay, babe. I appreciate the effort— oh wow—!”
The reality of the situation fully settled with you as you gravitated closer to Mark. Charred bacon that nearly melded to the pan of the same color and strewn sunny-side up eggs being the culprits of the unusual start to your day.
“Mark, how can you possibly mess up eggs this badly?” Instinctively, your hand moves forward to push around the sloppy eggs with the spatula that sat with them.
“I don’t know!” His whine comes out muffled from the act of Mark rubbing his hands over his face discontentedly.
“Here,” you bumped your hip into his own, signaling for him to step out of the way and to allow you to stand where he once did.
Your immediate instinct was to rid Mark’s rendition of breakfast into the garbage before stopping by your fridge to gather the ingredients for round two. Now, fully awake, you stood opposite of your stove rhythmically cracking eggs and frying bacon that you were sure to keep a close eye on.
Mark, after watching you gracefully glide around the kitchen, comes to wrap his arms around your waist with his head landing in its rightful spot on your shoulder. You shudder, with his nose and lips brushing against the junction of your neck.
“How did I get so lucky?” Your actions falter for a moment when a brief kiss is pressed to your soft skin and you force yourself to bite back a smile. Refusing to let this situation get too far away from him just yet, you speak through the fluster your boyfriend has brought upon you.
“The universe knew you needed a decent cook to balance out the fact you should never step foot in a kitchen, ever.”
Light laughter shudders through your body as you can basically picture Mark’s offended expression towards you, you try your best to keep your focus on the stove opposite of you as he leans away from your body in disbelief.
“C’mon, I didn’t do that bad!” Mark insists, a whiny twinge in his voice.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Were you intending on serving me bacon or charcoal?” You deliver a blow, momentarily drawing your attention away from the food to gage his reaction. A snort ripples through your chest at his unenthusiastic response to you, his eyes cutting into thin lines.
“Ha ha, very funny,” he sneers, constricting you closer to him as your punishment. “I was intending on make my beautiful girlfriend some breakfast. Isn’t that enough?”
You hum, becoming nearly pudding in your boyfriend’s hold. “I love you, baby. But, unfortunately, it is not.”
Mark sighs, pulling his best pout as his grip loosened on your waist. “Fine, fine. I’ll leave you be, then…”
“Good. I don’t want your lack of talent in the kitchen rubbing off on me.” Assuming you’ve had the final word, you turn your attention back to the food again— giggling to yourself as you can feel Mark’s eyes burning into you once again.
Mark takes advantage of the fact you’re distracted and tickles right under your arms. Leaving you to jolt and burst into immediate laughter that pulls straight from your stomach.
“Mark!” You whirl around and smack against his chest.
He laughs along with you, holding your flailing wrists back from further thwacking him. “You were saying?”
“That you’re a wonderful cook?”
“That’s what I thought.” Mark graces you with a peck on the cheek before finally giving you the space to pick up where he abruptly left off, backing up to the refrigerator to rifle through it.
“Did you want coffee or tea? Oh shoot, I forgot we got orange juice too…”
You ponder for a moment, skillfully flipping slices of bacon. “Coffee is fine.”
“Alright, one cup of coffee coming right up,” Mark announces before humming to a random song as he enthusiastically began making your order.
As you inevitably smile and giggle at your boyfriend, you suddenly feel grateful for the uninvited start to your morning and grateful for the universe’s (& Mark’s) unprecedented ways.
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anotha a/n:
this is 100% what this was inspired by (i only have the barbie and ken vers lmao) BUT YEAH
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© jigueminunbich 2024
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taexoxosgf · 3 months
s, smut | f, fluff | a, angst | suggestive is noted
give all these authors so much love please!!!! i had to include as much as possible!! supa long fic rec list ;) recommendation masterlist here
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this is (not) easy *personal fav [ friends with benefits!mark x fem! reader ] s,f,a
sweet cream, cold brew [ nerd barista!mark x fem!reader ] s,f
raw. [ established relationship ] s
delphinium , part two [ virgin religious!mark x pagan reader ] s,f
the marriage and baby project [ fake dating au, roommate au ] s,f,a
sunday kind of love [ frat!mark x inexperienced/soft fem!reader ] s,f
flipside [ street racing au, strangers to lovers au ]
cherry flavored thoughts [ perv nerd!mark x popular fem!reader ] s
gorgeous [ college/football au ] s,f
follow through. [ bestfriends to lovers ft. haechan ] s
eyes on you. [ roommate's brother!mark x fem!reader ] s
watch me [ barista!mark x fem!reader, voyeurism ] s
pretty boy [ shy!mark x openminded/playful fem!reader ] s
surviving no nut november [ mark x fem! reader ft. haechan ] s
safety zone [ university au, best friends to lovers, roommates au ] f,a, suggestive
spider boy; 이민형 [ spiderman!mark x fem!reader, established relationship ] f, suggestive
closed doors. [brother's friend!mark x fem!reader, roommate au ] s
jealousy [ almost step-siblings au ] s,a
deal with it [ established relationship, argument au ] s
real talk [ line chef!mark x fuckgirl!reader ] s,f
on edge [ boyfriend's brother!mark x fem!reader, infedelity au ] s
play with me [ bestfriend!mark x fem! reader, car sex ] s,f
give me the greenlight [ street racing au, childhood friends to lovers ] s,f,a
nervously in love [ established relationship ] s,f
across the room *self promo hehe [ idol!mark x idol fem!reader ] s
roomie high [ stoner roommate!mark x fem!reader ] s
suck my kiss [mark x bandmate fem!reader ] s,f
may i be blunt? [stoner!mark x fem!reader ] s
the best man. [ stranger!mark x fem!reader, wedding au ] s
elevator pitch [ frat boy!mark x fem!reader ] f,a
craving you like the devil craves heaven [ priest!mark x succubus!reader ] s
kiss u right now [ best friend!mark x fem!reader ] s,f
this is new [ loss of virginity au ] s,f
rule breaker [ rockstar au, band au ] s
limit. [ gryffindor!mark x fem!reader ] s
mixtape moans. [ shy!mark x cheerleader!reader ] s
make me sin [ churchboy!mark x fem!reader, childhood friends au ] s,f,a
mark me in your heart [ drug dealer!mark x bartender!reader ] s,a
monetary value. [ rich kid!mark x rich kid!reader ] s,f,a
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daydreamingyuta · 2 months
[10:12 PM] | Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, drabble, mark loves it when you wear his clothes. wc: 200
“Mind if I borrow your shirt?” You ask, already putting it on because you know Mark never minds sharing anything with you. You get your head through the neck hole fast enough to see Mark nod his head as he makes his way off the bed and towards you. “Cute.” He says quietly, as if only talking to himself.
The ends of your hair were still stuffed into the shirt and he takes it upon himself to gently pull it all out, tucking a few strands behind your ear. He tugs a little at your collar, “Did you take your necklace off?” 
You didn’t remember taking it off but you scan the room looking for it when Mark sees the gold chain peeking out underneath his shirt. “Found it.” He says, pulling out the ‘M’ necklace that he bought you for your first anniversary together. He toys with the pendent for a second before his eyes meet yours again. You’ve been with him for so long but his stare still manages to make your cheeks hot. He smiles and his eyes make their way down to your lips, pulling you in close so he can show you just how much he loves seeing his girl in his clothes with his initial on her necklace. "My girl..." He whispers in between his sweet kisses.
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uofcosmos · 2 months
mark bf hcs
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- type to say "babe this one's for you" and miss
- says dude but romantically
- thinks you're his best friend, his gf, his bbg, his everything
- makes you pinky promise him and takes that shit to heart
- thinks you're the funniest person alive
- is always touching you in some form, especially in front of other people
- the type to embarrass you in public and think it's really funny
- sends you every tiktok he sees that he thinks you would even vaguely like
- main form of physical affection: his arm around your shoulder with his arm hanging off of your shoulder and he expects you to hold his hand
- extremely clingy when he's drunk (canonically a lightweight) and if he's out without you he's texting you the entire night
- if you leave the room to get something rq, he just stares at the door until you come back
- biggest yes-man in the world
- if you asked for his opinion on choosing between outfits he would be so stressed cause "babe you look too good in both of them :/"
- if you showed him your eyelash curler and fake lashes he would physically flinch and be so so concerned
- asks you to use them on him so he can experience "the same pain"
- matching social media pfps
- you would catch him thanking god that you're his girl
- likes writing music with you in his lap (says he needs his muse with him all the time)
- starts fantasizing about a future with you on the second date
- go to cuddling: he's on his back and you're on your side using his arm as a pillow
- but he moves around too much in his sleep so you never wake up like that
- HES the rapper gf 
- spontaneously starts beatboxing and rapping about how hot you are and sometimes goes “dude wait… this one’s kinda good i need to write this one down”
- backhugs all the time and cages his arms around you esp when you’re talking to someone else so that he can get your attention 
- paints your nails for you with the utmost concentration (his tongues sticking out and everything) but it’s still messy asf 
- gets flustered when you make sex jokes
nsfw under the cut !! mdni
- also backhugs and starts kissing your neck when he’s horny (it’s his signature move)
- has a sex playlist that consists of solely the weeknd and chase atlantic and plays it religiously when you're fucking
- pleasure dom - gets off on how well you're getting off
- esp the first few times he'd be super stressed about how good he is at giving you head
- when you try to give head the first time he panics and keeps saying you don't have to and asking if you're sure
- finishes in 25 seconds cause he says you just feel too good
- tries to dirty talk once but he starts mumbling it and gives up (never does it again)
- he has such a tiny waist, he's super into it when you grab his waist or back when he's on top of you
- loves it when you put his arms around his neck
- he's really into putting you in odd positions, loves it when your legs are around his waist/shoulders
- mating press
- whiner over groaner
- really into riding, especially when he doesn't have to do too much of the work (he's a busy guy)
- if you came out of the shower and dropped your towel in front of him to walk to the bedroom he's tripping over himself to follow you
- very obvious afterglow, everyone can tell when he's just fucked
- makes really distinct faces when he's fucking
- would try to convince you to let him record your moans to use in the back of his songs (he's half-joking)
- trails kisses down you and is super into eye contact when he does it too
- always needs to see your face when you're fucking
- starts begging way too early when you even think about edging him
- loves when there’s visible scratches on his back so that it’s just a little secret between the two of you 
- every time he tries to edge you and you start whining or getting a little upset he gives in super easily cause he just loves you too much 
- carries you to the shower to clean the both of you off but he never tries anything in there, it's only about you
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prettyrenjunn · 2 months
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mark lee x f!reader
themes- smau, mutual(sort of) friends to lovers, hot rockstar gf, fluff, crack, angst (maybe) ‼️mature themes, inappropriate jokes
summary- the first time mark took notice of you was in a music room, you had a guitar in your hands and you strummed away to a tune he couldn’t recognise. mark hadn’t known you were in a band, not until he heard that same tune was trending but wait YOU PLAY THE DRUMS???
playlist- out of my league, still into you, melting, my kind of woman, see you again & in a good way
character profiles : luvsick | just some silly boys
taglist (closed)
1. don’t panic
2. a famous uni band?
3. luvdick
4. Q&A
5. i refuse
6. gig day
7. hi
8. making moves
9. keep calm
10. role play
11. kink shaming
12. spidey senses
13. she thinks i’m cute
14. rory gilmore
15. boyfriend or mark
16. body guard
17. you are in like
18. vlog
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nonranghaes · 8 days
heads up: reader had a nightmare.
mark turns over in his sleep, hand running over the smooth sheets... only for him to raise his head up. he squints at the empty mattress space, blankets left askew, and just stares while his brain is still catching up to him. you're... where? he sits up, rubbing his eyes. he waits first: if you're in the bathroom, you'll be back soon enough...
and then you don't come back. so he stifles a yawn, squints at the red numbers reading out three in the morning, and decides to go find you. all it takes is a few steps to see you sitting on the couch, a blanket draped tightly over your shoulders, as you watch something silly and stupid on tv. mark makes his way over to you and flops down next to you, cheek pressed against your arm as he leans into you.
you look at him, a tired look on your face. "you okay?"
he nods. "you?"
you frown, and then chew the inside of your cheek for a moment before shaking your head. "had a bad nightmare," you lean against him, and he readjusts so you can rest your head atop his own. "couldn't get back to sleep."
he reaches up, hugging one of your arms in his own. "you could have woken me up, baby. it's okay."
"it's fine," you say. "just... figured i'd get some water and take my mind off of it."
mark sits up, and checks the timestamp of this video. there's another ten minutes left, so he turns to you, arms open. "c'mere."
you fold yourself into his arms immediately, snuggling in and shutting your eyes for a moment as you enjoy his embrace. you snuggle in, and open your eyes again to keep watching your video. if you listen close enough, you can hear mark's heart beating.
"i've got you," he says. "you wanna talk about it?" when you shake your head, he gets it. he doesn't always talk about his bad dreams, either. "alright. it's alright," he kisses the side of your head. "nothing's gonna get you. i've got you, alright?" he chuckles, "i'm your spider-man, remember?"
it earns a small snort of laughter from you, and mark just smiles to himself. "yeah," you murmur. "thanks, spidey."
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ohmygs-blog · 20 days
i loveddd the dirty joke texts with mark and would totally love another partttt 🙈🙈
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bf mark vii.
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marksmelodies · 5 months
hey 💘 can you please do mark suggestive bf texts ! thank you
YES OFC!! thank your for requesting!! kinda idol mark x model reader
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blue-jisungs · 5 months
late night comfort
author's note. how is he even real :(
summary. your boyfriend reassures you that you’re perfect in his eyes, no matter what
warnings. reader is just having a bad day :( ,, not really a warning but female pronouns + mark calls reader pretty, my girl etc + not proofread, sorry!!
word count. +- 800
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mark opened the door and almost right away took off his shoes and threw his bag into a corner. the hour wasn’t late, they managed to finished their work as scheduled so there he is, 8:30pm sharp, back home.
the tv in the living room is off, there’s no rattling of cutlery or music playing on the speakers. but your shoes are right next to his. the sight makes his heart flutter just when he hears–
he smiled at the nickname, locking the door.
“yeah, it’s me! are you in bed already?” your boyfriend asks and right away goes to the bathroom. good thing he took a shower right after practice and switched into new clothes, so now he just needed to clean his face and…
“myeah” you answered, something off in your voice.
mark worked quickly on his face care routine, skipping two steps only to finish it earlier. then, he almost jumped into the bedroom and grabbed his pjs.
“is something wrong?” mark asked, frowning. you’re on your side of the bed, facing the window. not turning or even peeking at him. buried under the duvet, you sighed.
“nope, just tired” you murmured.
your boyfriend almost tripped over his own legs because he rushed too early to take a step while his pants were halfway on. only because he feels like there’s some hidden meaning to your words.
“wanna talk about it, dude?” mark asked and the mattress dipped under his weight settling down.
“not really. good night, markie” your voice is muffled by the duvet.
“hey, no. at least give me a kiss, huh? i missed you like crazy, pretty, and all i see is your… well, technically the back of your head” mark joked and stretched his head, still sitting straight.
there’s silence.
“did i do something wrong? come on, i’ll die without a kiss from my girl” he whined, half-jokingly and half-seriously.
“i don’t… i don’t feel pretty today” your voice is quiet but still clearly bouncing off the walls due to the comforting silence in the room.
“what?” mark couldn’t believe his ears. you, the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on, doesn’t feel pretty today? that’s ridiculous. and heartbreaking.
“so no kiss, sorry. i’ll kiss you as much as you want tomorrow, i don’t want you to look at me now” you said, voice bitter.
“what are you talking about? no, please… you looked so angelic this morning and i bet nothing changed. did anyone tell you something?” be grunted, brows furrowing “i’ll beat them up”
“with respect, you’d lose. no, it’s just… one of the days when i look in the mirror and instantly tear my gaze away” as you spoke, mark hated the fact that your back is facing him. that he can’t see you and your adorable face.
“i know” he finally said, voice small “i had those days too. but i promise, you’re so so so beautiful, du– baby”
there’s a small movement and mark laid his hand atop your shoulder.
“can i see you? just for a split second? i missed your pretty face, seriously” mark whined.
your chest moved while letting out a deep sigh and you slowly, shyly even, turn around to peek at him through your arm. mark’s face instantly lit up, ebony irises scanning your features and a toothy smile showing his pearly whites in a boyish manner.
“ha, i thought so. you’re as stunning as ever. as if jit even more beautiful! wanna know why?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. you nod slowly, curious “because you’re laying in my bed, next to me, in our shared home”
“if i give you your goodnight kiss will you lay down and shut up?” you joked, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. and mark saw that a relief washed over you. he nodded dramatically and you sat up, covers falling off your shoulders. pulling him by his shirt to close the distance, his lips almost instinctively landed on yours. the kiss is short but sweet, a form of saying ‘thank you, i love you. i needed to hear that’.
and mark felt it, knew it.
wrapping his arms around you and suddenly pulling you back to the laying position, with your head perfectly laying in the crook of his face.
“to me, you could be even covered in ketchup and mustard and you’d be still the prettiest dude ever–” mark started, only to be interrupted by the laughter erupting from your chest.
“okay, okay. i got the memo, silly boy” you poke his chest and feel him smiling from above you “same applies to you though…”
masterlist <3
taglist. @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @w3bqrl
955 notes · View notes
hyuckiefluff · 10 months
drunk in you pt.2 | mark lee
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pairing: mark lee x fem!reader genre: friends to lovers word count: 3.1k a/n: i meant to post this sooner but a whole week ended up going by without me realizing lol thank u for liking part 1 thoo content: semi-public sex (they’re in the living room of a shared apartment so), dry humping, usage of pet names like doll and baby, mark also calls reader a slut (this was self-indulgent hehe), oral (fem receiving), creampie, a fair amount of ass grabbing/slapping cuz mark is an ass guy in my head :))!! edit: it’s not even in my head anymore go watch his mommae challenge and tell me im not right
part 1
Life is funny in sick ways, because just a few minutes ago you were thinking about how badly you wanted to ride your best friend’s thighs but now that you were actually in a position to do so you couldn’t move. You were just straddling him, not even sure where to put your arms and shifting minimally scared that any movement against him could reveal how pathetically wet you were right now. I mean he had barely spoken a few words to you and you were putty in his hands, ready to give him anything that he asked for. So, why isn't he asking? Why isn't he doing something? He's the one who-...
Your train of thought came to an abrupt halt when his hands slid under your dress, grabbing a handful of your ass. A surprised yelp escaped your lips, almost sounding like a moan, and he seemed to like your reaction as he pressed his lips together to suppress a grin. Then he experimentally thrusted upwards, his hands keeping a firm grip on your ass, leaving no space between your clothed cores.
He took in your fucked out expression after every thrust as an invitation to keep doing it "M-mark…" you moaned, your nails practically carving into his shoulders.
Your head hung low, your hair acting like a curtain, blocking Mark's view from your flushed face. And he was not having it. He wanted to see you, he wanted to remember every little detail of you like this. So he grabbed a handful of your hair and gave it a gentle pull, making you lift your head. That put your neck in his line of sight, like a blank canvas he was ready to mark with his lips, leaving purples and reds behind.
He immediately latched his mouth on the space between your neck and clavicle, each kiss, bite and suck coaxing delicious moans from your throat, “F-fuck, keep…keep doing that” you managed to breathe out, your hands finding their way to his head. You attempted to grip his hair, but his haircut left you with little to grab onto. But that didn't stop you from trying, and he seemed to like it because as soon as you tugged, he groaned against your neck and sucked harder on a particular spot that sent tremors through your legs.
You were so focused on how good his mouth felt all over your skin that you completely missed the way his hand slid inside your panties. The sudden feeling of his fingers touching your folds making your brain short-circuit. So much so that you almost missed the words he whispered into your ear, “You’re already this wet just from a little teasing,” he tutted. 
His finger emerged from your panties, glistening with your arousal. That was a sight that would have embarrassed you under different circumstances but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about that, not when he brought his finger to his lips and licked every drop of your essence off it all while making eye contact. A whimper got caught in your throat as you watched, captivated by the way he tasted you.
"How will it feel when I fuck you for real then, hm?" 
Your thighs instinctively tightened against his after those words left his mouth. A reaction that wasn't lost on him. His flushed face sported an even cockier smirk now, "You'd like that huh?" he quipped, extending the finger he'd just licked toward your mouth. Without hesitation, you took it in, not caring about the mingling of his saliva with yours.
"But here's the thing," he continued, "You've gotta ask for it."
You were having a hard time paying attention to what he was saying. Your brain being more focused on his finger abusing your mouth and the subtle but persistent thrust of his hips against yours. His words seemed like distant echoes, drowned out by the sensations wrapping around you. That is, until a sudden slap against your bare ass jolted you back to reality. His voice was low and commanding, "Ask me to fuck you, doll."
His gaze bore into you, intense and almost predatory, "Please… fuck me, Mark," the plea slipped from your lips easily and before you could fully process your own words, he was lifting you up.  You expected him to take you to his room upstairs, but instead, he started walking right up to the big couch in front. 
Certainly he wasn’t planning to fuck you in the middle of the living room, where any of the boys could just walk in on the scene, right? Your hazy brain couldn't even remember if Jaemin had gone back to his room. The last you knew, he had been somewhere near the kitchen, possibly passed out. But if he were to walk in here and…
Your thoughts were once again interrupted by Mark lowering you onto the couch and immediately discarding your soaked panties. He spread your legs a little bit more and made eye contact with you right before his head was disappearing between your legs. Things were moving so fast but you couldn't bring yourself to think about the consequences of doing this right now when it felt so damn good.
The heat pulling in your lower stomach intensified as he used his nose to nudge against your entrance and with one swift move of his tongue against your core he had you losing your mind.
“Oh.. god-.. Mark… fuck…that feels so-” you tried to voice the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you but your words broke into fragmented moans and gasps.
Your fingers clenched in a tight grip on his short hair, urging him further against your core. You were so desperate and it was embarrassingly obvious. But you felt his chuckles resonate against your core, so he clearly found it amusing. His tongue danced and explored every sweet spot slowly, making you see sounds and hear colors. But, it wasn't enough. The ache inside you demanded more.
Your need for him to fuck you into tomorrow was almost unbearable.
"Mark…" you called out to him, but it seemed he was too focused on eating you out to hear you. His own desperation was also palpable, clear by the way his hips rutted against the couch. His fingers joined his tongue sliding inside you one by one. The simultaneous ministrations threatened to push you over the edge. If he kept up this pace, you would definitely cum all over his face.
His gaze locked onto yours immediately as he pulled away from your core. The sight of his swollen lips glistening with your arousal, and his hair sticking to his forehead leaving you with an image that would replay in your head for many nights to come.
"Are you close, doll?" his focus on your reactions intensified as he coaxed you, "Aw, look at your pretty fucked out face, cum for me, okay baby?"
His words and the relentless pumping of his fingers were enough to bring you over the edge of an explosive orgasm “Oh my go-," you moaned, your voice a chorus of curses mingled with his name.
This was the first time in your life you’d actually orgasmed after being asked to. His tongue wasn’t just good at eating your pussy, he was also good with words. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, your chest heaving as you gasped for air. But before you could fully recover, Mark grabbed your legs and quickly flipped you onto your stomach. Your dress was hiked up, baring your ass to him. Another firm slap echoed through the room, the sting sending a jolt of pleasure straight to your core. A quick glance over your shoulder revealed the hunger in his eyes as he looked over your curves, a satisfied smile tugged at your lips as you confirmed that Mark was very much an ass guy– Haechan owes you $10.
“Can’t believe my best friend is about to blow my back out," you muttered with an amused grin, the words directed more to yourself. However, Mark's snort indicated that he heard you loud and clear. "This is quite the bonding experience, don’t you think?," he said playfully and the boyish smile on his face didn’t quite match his actions. He pulled his dick out in one swift move and you felt almost embarrassed at how your mouth watered upon seeing his length and girth. You’re so glad he prepped you with his fingers before, otherwise you don’t think you could take all of him.
“What’s wrong? Never seen one this big?” you rolled your eyes. This was a side of Mark you hadn't seen before – this level of cockiness – but given what he was packing, you guess he had every right to flaunt it.
“How about you shut up and fuck me?” 
“Don’t gotta tell me twice,” he seized your hips and gave them a teasing squeeze as he positioned himself at your entrance.
"Wait, shit"  he cursed under his breath, and you turned on time to see him run a hand frustratedly across his face "I don't have a condom,"
You grabbed his arm and pulled him back toward you. "I'll take the morning-after pill, just please, fuck me already.” the man didn’t need much convincing because before you knew it, he was gradually pushing himself inside you. 
The room echoed with his grunts and muffled moans as he pushed deeper inside. You struggled to stifle your own cries, but his generous stretch brought tears to your eyes, and your lip was surely going to bruise from the excessive biting.
"Shit... doll... you're... you're squeezing me so hard," he grunted, his fingers digging into your waist with a grip that promised to leave marks. Once he bottomed out, his hold on you relaxed. After the initial discomfort passed, you found yourself moaning at the intoxicating sensation of being filled completely. He gave you a brief moment to adapt to his size, peppering your backside with kisses before seeking your consent to move. And only after a strained "Please" escaped your lips, he started moving.
Though he started slow, his thrusts were anything but soft. The explicit sounds of your sticky bodies colliding filled the air, almost scandalously loud, and you couldn't help but wonder if the other guys could hear it from their rooms. It was almost as if Mark could read your mind, because he took hold of your jaw and drew you flush against his body. The change in position momentarily stifled your moans. “If you keep being this loud, the guys will surely hear how good I’m fucking you right now…” he bit your lower lip, drawing a weak whimper from you.
“But maybe that's what you want, huh? You like the idea of them hearing?… hmm.. Look how nicely you're clenching around me after I put that thought in your pretty, twisted mind.” He thrusted hard against you, this new position putting extra pressure on your muscles and you felt like you might collapse any second, but Mark was so in tune with your body language that he noticed this and swiftly flipped you over again. 
Now face to face, you had an unobstructed view of Mark Lee thrusting into you. A faint furrow adorned his forehead, and his flushed complexion extended from his neck to his cheeks. It also struck you that he had taken off his shirt somewhere along the way, exposing the expanse of his soft skin. Seizing the opportunity, your hands roamed freely across his torso, fingers tracing the contours you'd always secretly admired. You wanted to kiss it and bite it, and what was stopping you? You pulled Mark closer to you by his necklace and this sudden closeness seemed to have caught him off guard because his pace faltered a bit, you took this chance to start leaving a trail of kisses on his chest and collarbones. The soft moans he emitted as your lips grazed his skin were almost enough to send you over the edge once more. Your erratic pace was matching his unhurried thrusts as your hips met in the middle. In response, he snatched one of your legs, hoisting it onto his shoulder to penetrate even deeper.
“Shi–... you feel so, so fucking good, doll.” Mark groaned against your ear. Your eyes met as you tried to pull him impossibly closer by the hips, and at that moment you wished that eyes could talk because he was looking at you in a way he never had before. Good sex did funny things to people, you were probably his favorite person right now, if the way he was smiling like an idiot was any indication. 
“Wha..what?” you asked, trying to match his smile but the way he kept hitting that specific spot had your expressions morphing in pleasure. “Be honest… how-..fuck... how long have you wanted me to fuck you?” he said, his eyes shifting from yours to the point where your bodies joined, the sight of his dick pumping in and out of you enough to make him want to go crazy.
"T-this isn’t the time for that," you managed to say, your head lolling back until it met the plush surface of the couch behind you.
“You know…you could’ve just told me earlier… cause now I regret not fucking you before,” he confessed, his words punctuated by the exertion in his voice. Without waiting for your response, he bunched up your dress, exposing your chest. His eyes lit up as they fell upon your naked breasts, and a satisfied "Knew it" slipped from his lips. 
"Wearing that flimsy dress and no bra… did you really think I wouldn't notice?" he tutted while cupping your breast. The cool touch against your warm skin made you release an involuntary moan "You think the boys didn’t notice?" he chuckled bitterly and took one of your nipples between his forefingers, his gaze unflinching as he watched your mouth fall open in response. 
"But this was for me, wasn't it? All that innocent act in front of them, while secretly wanting me to fuck you so bad.” you whimpered in response, unable to respond or deny what he was saying because it was in part true.
“You were practically drooling at the thought of me touching you like this," he grunted and suddenly took that same nipple into his mouth, alternating between nibbling and sucking. “M-Mark, oh my go–...” The words were cut short when he began to thrust into you harder, his hips meeting yours more desperately now.
He pulled away from your breast slightly to whisper a stream of dirty nothings against your skin. You only caught the words little slut and the surprise of such a term rolling off his tongue only served to turn you on even more. Your walls instinctively tightened around him, a reaction that had him sucking your nipple even harder. 
“Shit… If you-…if you keep squeezing me so hard… I’m gonna-“ he could barely speak, his words being lost between every thrust and the feeling of your pussy taking him so well.
Mark was pretty damn sure he'd never been this pussy drunk before. He was even fighting to hold off his own orgasm just so he could bask a bit longer on how your walls were deliciously clenching around him. And oh, the view. You sprawled beneath him, disheveled yet so beautiful. Your flushed cheeks and lips, slightly swollen from your own nibbling. Bangs pushed back from your face revealing those pretty eyes that struggled to stay fixed on his. They rolled with pleasure every time he found that sweet spot. And he couldn't ignore how your tongue darted out every now and then to moisten your lips, tempting him to bridge the gap between your mouths.
“Mark.. I—I’m c…I’m cumming,” you said, grabbing onto his neck for support.
 "Me too, ah... wh-where do you want it?" he managed to ask between ragged breaths, his wide eyes strangely innocent amid the frenetic rhythm of his thrusts.
“Inside,” you said, and a glint of something flashed through his eyes. 
All of a sudden he closed the gap between your faces, his lips claiming yours in a kiss that matched the intensity of his thrusts. It stole your breath quicker than you'd care to admit. His tongue asserted itself without hesitation, as if it already knew the contours of your mouth intimately. You nipped at his lower lip juts like he did to you earlier, catching him off guard. To this, he let out a guttural whimper that would definitely linger in your mind for days to come. Mark's moans had a mix of whininess and a deep resonance that struck you at your core and you wanted to hear more of it so you kept kissing him hard. His moans became your own as your kiss deepened.
Your orgasm came first, your cries muffled by Mark's mouth. He followed suit not long after, his thrusts growing sloppier. Then, he stopped completely and you felt him filling you to a brim. You both looked down at the same time to see the messy evidence of both of your releases mixing. You immediately regretted doing this on the couch when he pulled out from you and the sticky mess spilled out of you. 
But you decided that would be a problem for your sober self to deal with later.
Sober you wasn't exactly managing the situation well.
Waking up after having drunk sex with your best friend in the living room of the dorm he shared with your 6 other best friends didn’t turn out to be the chill moment you thought it would be. 
And the way his hand was casually resting on your ass, coupled with the feeling that you'd been run over by a truck about twenty seven times, certainly didn't contribute to improving your state.
You reach over to his side and grab the cushions under his head. Then, you give his body a careful nudge, turning him around slightly which oddly enough doesn’t even make him stir a little. You climb on top of him, pressing the cushion down on his face just enough to jolt him awake, without actually cutting off his air supply. His arms flail in confusion for a solid five seconds before you lift the cushion, revealing a bewildered yet still half-asleep Mark.
"What the…" was his initial reaction, though it took him a moment more to fully register the scene– you sitting on top of him, only a cushion covering your nakedness. “…fuck”
"Yeah, exactly, what the fuck," you gesture between the two of you, highlighting the rather interesting scenario.
A few seconds of just silently staring at each other went by while you could see in his eyes that he was trying to come up with what to say now.
"Uh… wanna go again?" he joked, and you respond with a playful pillow thwack, prompting a chuckle from him.
"Just kidding!"
a/n: after editing this i realized how many times i wrote the word ass and i feel ashamed lol... also the ending is kinda bleh cuz i genuinely dunno how to end my fics but i hope yall liked this! let me know in the comments how it was! xx
part 1
© hyuckiefluff
1K notes · View notes
jaemnns · 6 months
random / whiny mark lee bf texts 🌙
warning : suggestive / nsfw (mdni)
screenshot count : 8
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801 notes · View notes
taexoxosgf · 6 months
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PAIRING race car driver!lee mark x fem!reader
WORDS 3.5k
SYNOPSIS mark just looks too good to resist after his race.
WARNINGS explicit sexual content (too lazy to add deets), car sex, fluff, friends with benefits, they’re in denial lol
NOTES my first fic on tumblr <3 my bb
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You spot Mark across the airport track.
Sitting in his newly acquired Nissan Skyline GT-R 34, one arm hangs out of the window. He lifts the same arm to bring a cigarette to his lips, the cloud of smoke seemingly following in slow motion. His hair damp due to the forgotten rain from the hour before. The same cherry red hair, now longer and styled, no longer covering his forehead. A piece dangling in front of his eyes.
Individuals began dispersing now that the race had ended. Of course, Mark was the first to cross the finish line. He always was.
You often attended his races but not solely for him. The people were always friendly, and any kind of race was exhilarating to watch. The cars maneuver between each other, attempting to avoid collision. If anyone of the racers tried to pull a trick and it went wrong, it would turn into something much scarier than a race.
You loved watching him race, even more, the activities afterward. You two weren’t by any means exclusive, but the both of you hadn’t been with anyone else since meeting each other. People could call it a situationship. Some label it as friends with benefits. Whatever it was, Mark’s texts were what you looked forward to late into the night. But today, he texts you earlier than usual.
ML: Enjoying the view?
ML: I know I am
You scoff, looking back up and immediately locking eyes with him. A smirk adorning his smug face.
ML: Come here.
You: I’m not gonna run to you like a dog. You come here.
ML: Baby don’t be like that
You: Stopped by to watch ur race. It’s over now, so I’m leaving
You: Bye
Not sparing him another glance, you make your way off the track. Feeling his eyes on you, your hips sway with every step. The denim mini-skirt you chose to wear rides up, and the backless top reveals the perfect amount of skin as Mark's eyes are glued to your figure.
People are standing outside their cars, talking, eating, the usual at car meets. It’s almost like a tailgate before a football game. The atmosphere was always welcoming and it was easy to make acquaintances that could turn into close friends.
There’s one every week, and having gone to them for the past 2 months, there are many familiar faces. You’ve even made close friends with Ningning, another racer, who you bonded with due to her beating Mark in a race when they were still rookies.
There’s Jaemin too, who you met through Ningning. He always greets you with a smile, his eyes staying on yours a little too long after every response.
Your conversations with Jaemin never last longer than five minutes with Mark always making up an excuse for you to leave. And when you finish protesting to Mark, you look back, and Jaemin is already 20 feet away, grabbing another plate of food with Ningning.
You’d like to think Mark gets jealous. Maybe he does, but then, you remind yourself of the mutual agreement of ‘no strings’ and remember he couldn’t be. So you push any second thoughts in the back of your mind.
Unlocking your car, your fingers are wrapped around the handle when another hand grabs ahold of your wrist, spinning you around to your back.
The cold exterior of the car hitting your bare back causes goosebumps to appear all over your body.
You’re met face-to-face with Mark. He is so close you can feel the warmth of his breath fanning your face while his lower body is completely pressed up against you. He’s got you trapped in between his arms; his hands placed flat onto the hood of the vehicle.
“Leaving so soon?”
You smirk at his inquiry, knowing he always gives in.
“Just came by to watch the race. The race is over, isn’t it?” Your nonchalant response comes out softer than intended, but he doesn’t see through you.
Mark doesn’t utter a word while you continue with the act. His dark orbs stare into yours and scan down, stopping at the stained lips in front of him. Before disrupting the silence, he uses his thumb to smear the lipstick at the corner of your lips outward. “I prefer your lipstick messy,” he says softly.
All you do is continue to look into his eyes with the corner of your lips curving upwards. His small meaningless comments have been igniting a fuzzy feeling in your chest lately. Even if it was playful.
You know what this means.
I don’t even want to think about it.
There was a mutual agreement, and you swore never to break it. But can one control it? If this unspoken feeling was true, you couldn’t bring yourself to end it, but your chest feels heavier every second you’re by his side. The walls you put up to protect yourself seem to crack a little more each time, worsening as you realize he doesn’t seem to have the same internal battles.
You think to yourself how it fucking sucks but suppress it because you’ll live.
Mark notices you’re thinking about something as your eyes dance around his face. He wants to ask you what it is that has you daydreaming, but he seizes the opportunity to admire you. You’re so beautiful. He wants to tell you, but you both know it crosses boundaries. The word was mutually agreed as too intimate, but it’s at the tip of his tongue. The urge to compliment you, to text you in the day rather than the middle of the night, to spend more time with you, he yearns for more. But you always play along with his games and seem content with what you both have now, so he doesn’t do anything to catch you off guard. It’s a fuzzy feeling in his chest when he sees you smile. This feeling is foreign to him, but Mark welcomes it.
“Wow, you have a way with words Mark Lee,” sarcasm oozing from your retort.
‘Fuck, say my full name again,” he exclaims as he throws his head back.
You fully laugh, your arm giving him a playful push to his shoulder. You’re both smiling ear-to-ear, the flirty mood turning into something different. It had been happening much more recently.
His body was still pressed onto yours, his arms caging you between himself and the car. Going onto your toes, you bring your lips to his. It’s a soft, sweet kiss.
As you lean back onto the car, Mark doesn’t utter another word. He simply kisses you again, a little rougher this time, and your arms immediately move around his neck. One of his arms snakes from the hood of the car to your ribcage, his fingertips slowly inching downwards and finally pressing harder at the curve of your waist.
The kiss was what you could say, electric. It was as if the spark began at your lips and the electricity followed down to Mark’s erect length, currently already straining against his jeans. What you didn’t know was Mark had been thinking about you all day. When he would see your face, when he would speak to you, and what you would say as he was in between your legs. All the unrequited feelings and lust you both felt pouring into this kiss and every kiss before and after.
Your lips fit each other perfectly, moving in sync. Mark swallows your moan when you feel your tongue caressing against his. He was so enamored with you, having difficulty coming out from the daze that is you.
You finally pull back to catch your breath; Lips swollen and the nude lipstick smudged. You’re panting heavily against his mouth and your fingertips feel as if they’re leaving crescent marks around his neck. The lust between Mark and yourself was something you never experienced before. Being turned on just from a short makeout was nonexistent until Mark. If you were to check your panties right now, you’re sure they would be soaked; feeling as if you’re losing sanity every second that passes.
“You know, if you were good and just walked over to my car earlier, I would have made you come twice by now.” He’s gazing at you with those hooded eyes, his Adam's apple bobbing while he swallows. You’re playfully trailing your nails against his neck and notice the purple marks that once covered it are now faded. I’ll have to fix that.
You then notice the goosebumps that appear on his skin as your nails graze his skin.
“Since when do you like good girls?”
Mark’s inked hand plays with the strands of hair that hover over your cheekbones and continue to trace your jawline until they reach your chin. He holds your chin with his thumb and forefinger, lifting it to bring your face closer to his.
He’s still looking at you with naked lust. His head tilted to the side while his lips are practically touching yours.
“I did until I met you.”
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“Shit,” you rasp against Mark’s mouth.
One minute you were standing outside and now you are in the backseat of his fucking brand new car making out like you both had not seen each other in months. It was always like this, aggressive and full of want. But you loved it. Mark knew you did, so he never hesitated on being rougher in bed.
You're straddling his thighs and it feels as if he’s everywhere at once. The feel of his warm hands palms your ass, guiding you as you grind on his clothed cock that becomes harder by the second. It feels too good, chasing euphoria every time you’re with him. “Oh my god,” you pant against his mouth. It isn’t long before you feel the grip of his fingers as he pries your mouth open, not hesitating to slip his tongue into it again.
Your fingers are running through his hair, pulling on his black locks as the makeout becomes more intense, and Mark grunts at the feeling.
His sounds turn you on even more. The kiss is still messy and hot as he slightly bucks his hips upwards, creating more friction. Your bodies mold together, fitting each other perfectly like a puzzle.
You break away from his lips to trail kisses from his jawline down his neck, sucking and nipping to leave fresh marks against his collarbone. His head leans further back against the headrest, closing his eyes to enjoy your touch. He’s panting harder now, the sounds erupting from his throat being music to your ears. It only encourages you further, but you don’t notice his hand skimming your inner thigh.
His fingers, which are painted in ink, shift higher in an attempt to move your panties underneath your skirt to the side, but they come directly in contact with your slick.
“Fucking shit, you’re not wearing any underwear?” he asks you, and you hum in response, still working at his neck.
“Slut. Slut who always just wants to fuck. Nothing else.”
“Your slut. Who always just wants to get fucked by you,” you whisper; Swollen lips grazing his ear as the words leave them.
He says nothing more with words, responding by slipping two fingers into you.
You gasped at the sudden force. It feels too good, but he doesn’t move. He just looks at you with a look you can't comprehend.
Your fingers inch up to move a curl out of his eyes. “Move, please Mark.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
You were surprised by the sudden expression. One moment he was acting like he always does, then he offered you small compliments. Though it was weird timing to be sentimental, you couldn’t help but feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks. It catches you off guard and the fuzzy feeling you never experienced before meeting him comes back. The same fuzzy feeling in your lower stomach came and went with certain words like these, not just his actions. It starts to scare you because every time, it seems you both stray further from the initial agreement.
“What’s gotten you so cheesy all of a sudden?” your eyes avoid him while you play with the same long curl.
“Nothing. Just wanted to let you know,” he offers a small smile. You swear you see a hint of something loving in his eyes. But it couldn’t be, you think. He’s just saying things in the heat of the moment.
You brush off what could be Mark’s slight falter from his strong persona; no longer avoiding his eyes, you connect your lips to his once again.
He gives in, both of you melting into the kiss. It's too intoxicating yet again. Both of your hands are on each other as if the other would somehow disappear.
His fingers begin to move, and you gasp against his mouth because you had forgotten Mark’s fingers were still inside of you due to his statement. Your surprise only allows him immediately to go for your neck; kissing your sensitive spots. Nipping and licking over it to slightly ease the burn.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet.”
He speeds up the pace, curling his fingers to reach your sweet spot. The relief only increases as you get closer to your orgasm. Jaw slacked open as you pant against his ear.
“ Mark, right there,” you mewl.
His fingers are so deep inside you, and he finally adds a third finger. You already feel full, and think about how good his cock would feel after the satisfying burn. Of course, that wasn’t enough for Mark, so his thumb begins circling your clit, adding more stimulation. The sensation is too good to describe, and you roll your hips, grinding onto his fingers in hopes of increasing the amount of pleasure.
You’re a mess. Already feeling fucked out before taking his cock and your pussy continues to swallow Mark’s inked fingers as the arousal continues to drip down, the sound letting you know of the mess you’re making. But you don’t pay any mind to it, too focused on the feeling in your lower stomach increasing.
“Please Mark. Faster. Don’t stop,” you pant out as you chase the awaited high.
“Love it when you beg,” he whispers. His hot breath against your lobe.
Your eyes squeeze shut as the wave of your orgasm arrives before you can utter a warning. Mark continues to pump his fingers inside of you, the pleasure becoming more intense. You whimper against his neck as you ride out your orgasm.
Mark pulls his fingers out of you, bringing them to his mouth. He makes sure you’re watching as his tongue licks a long stripe from his knuckles, finally wrapping his lips around his fingers.
“You taste so fucking sweet,” he praises.
As the corner of your lips lifts, your hand is already unbuttoning his jeans. Slipping your hands in, you begin to palm his cock through his boxers, Mark attempting to suppress a low groan from your actions. The sound alone has you trying to squeeze your thighs together; even after the intense orgasm you just experienced. Only Mark could make you feel this way. He was the only one who could turn you on as much as he did.
“Don’t tease, slut.”
“Just having some fun,” you counter against his mouth.
As you help Mark slip his pants and boxers off, his cock is fully hard, the pink tip leaking precum. Mark’s dick was on the larger side, making you feel full every time you both would have sex. It had surprised you the first time, expecting it to be average, but it definitely was not. This motherfucker knew it too, assuring you that ‘you could take it’ as he roughly thrusted in and out of you.
“Spit on it,” he demands.
From the straddle position on his thighs, you lower your head, letting saliva slowly drip down onto his cock.
Mark gives praise with a ‘good girl’ as you stroke him. You finally reposition onto your knees beside his thighs, feeling his rough hands on your waist before helping you lower yourself onto him. As you’re slowly sinking onto his cock, you both gasp.
Mark roughly smashes his lips by pulling onto your neck as you adjust to his size.
The feeling was literal heaven.
Oh, how you could never get used to this.
His long fingers are wrapped around your neck, squeezing as you start to slowly grind against his cock. He swallows your moans and your fingers that were initially gripping his hair move to his shoulders and you finally pull back to begin bouncing on his cock.
Your pussy envelops his cock, squeezing at the intense amount of pleasure that runs through your veins.
Mark finds himself marveling at your breasts bouncing in front of him, immediately wrapping his lips around your nipples. His fingers dig into your skin as the pleasure increases for the both of you.
A breathy whimper emits from your throat and it takes everything to not close your eyes. Mark hated when you closed your eyes, always wanting to look at you as arousal bled through your orbs.
“How are you always this tight baby? Fuck,” he rasps. Looking at him, you can say he’s almost as fucked out as you. You knew Mark well enough to know when he was feeling more than he let on.
You whimpered as a response. The small moans and wet sounds of skin slapping filled the empty air of the vehicle. Mark continues to squeeze your throat, the pressure only heightening the feeling in your lower torso. At the inkling of your orgasm, Mark feels you clench around him and groans against your tits.
As you’re bouncing on his cock, Mark matches your rhythm and bucks his hips into you, hitting your g-spot. It’s rough and fast, the brutal pace causing your moans to heighten in pitch. You couldn’t take it anymore. The imaginary band in your stomach is on the verge of snapping again. You were so sensitive from the first orgasm that the second one was not far from reach.
“Ma-arkk, so close,” you yelp, emitting words that were almost incoherent.
“Come for me baby, milk my cock.”
Putting all your remaining energy into riding him, you feel Mark’s fingers leave your waist and trail down to your clit, pressing circles. “Fuck! Mark!”
This was all you needed to come undone, your eyes squeezing shut and your body freezing momentarily as the overwhelming high washes over you. Your pussy tightens around his cock, spasming but not stopping Mark from continuing to drive his length into you with renewed vigor.
“Fuck baby, you’ll make me-”
Your mouth is open in an ‘o.’ A moan threatening to leave your throat but nothing is heard.
“Shit, you’re so tight right now,” Mark utters, throwing his head back against the headrest. He lets go of your throat, placing both of his hands at your waist to now reach his high. As he continues to abuse your cunt, all is heard are your sobbed curses into his shoulder, the intense feeling still lingering.
Your body was loose, facial features neutralizing as you come down from your euphoria. You were tired, having difficulty helping Mark but tried your best to move. The burning feeling in your thighs came and grew stronger but you could tell he was close due to his features scrunching slightly, focus becoming blurred.
The tension building in his body was on the verge of snapping. He was so close, wanting it so badly for the reason that the high of the orgasm seeped through his veins like a drug.
“Inside of me. Want you to fill me up Lee,” your voice enough to be the last straw for Mark.
His body began to heat up, nothing but one last shout of your name as he came into you.
You were spent every time, your limp body falling forward onto him. Your cheek rested on his shoulder, nothing but silence and warmth pervading the air.
Mark’s slender fingers dance on your thighs, both of you savoring the comfortable tranquility before he reaches up to your chin to bring your face to his.
“Lemme take you out on a date. For real. A real date.”
You chuckle at his confession, mistaking it for a funny gag. “Ha-ha very funny.”
“I’m being serious. You don’t think I like you?” he replies slightly taken aback.
“I just thought you didn’t want anything serious. What changed?”
His orbs stare into yours for a few seconds before he responds. “You. I wanna take you out on a date because I really like you.”
“I like you too, Mark.” It was a relief to finally be able to say it out loud.
“But you just came in me, so maybe date talk later?” you chuckle.
“Okay, bet. I can work with that,” he says before smashing his lips onto yours once again, never getting sick of the enigma that is you.
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daydreamingyuta · 8 months
Don't Wanna Say Goodnight | Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, drabble, you don’t want bf!Mark to say goodnight wc: 369 a/n: writing this actually made me more delusional 😵‍💫
"Baby, please don't leave." You say, grabbing Mark's arm so he can't get off the couch. He looks back at you with tenderness in his eyes. For two whole blissful days, Mark was completely free of any schedules, but tomorrow he has to work on some new music.
“C’mon baby, don’t do this to me. You know I have schedules early in the morning.” He says, but he doesn’t move a single inch away from you, a soft smile on his face. 
You knew he had to leave, but you just really didn’t want him to. You usually weren’t this clingy, but you knew Mark secretly loved it when you were like this. “If you really loved me you wouldn’t leave.” You say, challenging him.
He tilts his head back and smiles up at the ceiling, he knows that you’re just trying to prolong the goodbye so he can stay as long as possible. He looks back down at you and tilts his head. “If only you knew how much I loved you.” He moves close to you, his face centimeters from yours. “If you only knew how obsessed I am with you baby and how hard it is to leave when you beg me to stay like this.”
You smile up at him, satisfied, knowing that if he could stay, he absolutely would. “Finee text me when you get home ok?”
“Of course, baby.” He says, pressing a sweet kiss onto your lips. You follow him off the couch and get to his jacket before he does so you can help him put it on. Once it's on, you fix the collar for him, taking a moment to just stay close to him. He grabs both of your arms and wraps them around his waist while he wraps his arms around your neck. “Goodnight babyy.” He says against your hair, kissing your temple. 
“Make sure to get enough sleep ok?” You say, still not letting go of the hug. He hums, telling you that he’ll try his best to sleep well. Once you both untangle yourselves from the hug, he cups your face into his hands and scrunches his face at you. “I hate saying goodnight to you.”
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onyourhyuck · 11 months
Dirty, Little, Traitor. | L.MK
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— Prologue: “Since you won’t help me finish up, I don’t think I’ll let you finish.”
— Summary: Wherein you asked your roommate Mark to help you out with rearranging your room but ends up rearranging you instead.
— Genre: Roommate smut. Minors dni. Mention of porn and masturbation. Slight bicker back and forth. Pettiness. Edging and leaving them at the orgasm. Mark becoming frustrated and so he takes his frustration on Y/n by rearranging her stomach…. We love that. Handjob(I guess?) fingering female receiving. Nickname ‘Princess’ used. Unprotected sex. Pls use protection irl.
— Notes: This was fun to write.
Credit for Plot: @markleelately <3
You know what really sucks? Rearranging your room. Do you know what sucks the freaking most? When you’re the only one rearranging your room. You asked your roommate multiple times to help you out but in fact they were so busy on their games or whatever they are doing. You don’t even care you asked them to stop and come into your room to help you with your furniture but instead they ignored you. They must’ve ignored you.
There’s no way they would ignore your shouting voice. You sigh one last time as you put down the mattress you’re struggling with and you shove out of your bedroom with a deadpanning expression on your face that can only scream death. You might murder your roommate today.
Knocking was now heard on the door which you hear shuffling footsteps on the carpet approaching the door. When it opens it reveals a blonde young man. He was very handsome, he had those round black eyes staring into yours and they always gave you a slight hitching moment with your stomach turning into mush.
However you cannot get distracted by how hot your roommate is. Not now anyways.
You scowl. “Mark help me out with rearranging my room. I called you like fifty times.” You swear you probably called him over more than fifty times but for dramatic effect you just tell him you counted. Mark rolls his eyes. He really didn’t want to help you out when he’s very much busy with his own things now. You tend to always interrupt him at the wrong times.
Mark looks back at you. “No.” He said and then walks back inside as the door slams in your face. You drop your jaw to the floor. “No?” You repeated with a now incoming soft laugh. You brush your hand through your hair as you laugh some more repeating his response. No? He said no to you? How dare he. You bite your bottom lip and point to his bedroom room with your finger tutting it around.
You’re going to make him regret that.
What could he be so busy with exactly? You don’t want to be rude about this. He has his own life that’s quite obvious however, you hate to think that he was very busy to the point he couldn’t help you out to do just one thing for you. One thing.
Mark doesn’t really do much around the place anyways. You tend to be the more organised one and lord forbid if Mark ever did any chores. It’s like he’s very much allergic to anything that involved cleaning the house or doing chores around the place.
You stand there taking in your roommates rejection. You should’ve told him he has no choice. He has to help you and that’s the end of the story. You sigh. But then your mind was completely taken off by the thought of him being busy — you start to hear overlapping videos through the door. You hate to admit it but you heard moans. Female moans seemingly like it’s from a technology advice. Mark was watching porn on his laptop and he’s now going to wank off?
You can’t believe it. You interrupted his relief time now. You can’t help but think you had a plan to get him on board to helping your rearrange the furniture now.
“Oh just you wait Mark Lee…” You scowl as you approach the wifi box. It would be a shame if the wifi stops working right? And every electricity in the house stops working Hm? Yeah that would’ve terrible wouldn’t it…
What a shame. You think. Mark should’ve helped you out when he had the chance and offer up because you’re definitely not someone to hit or miss with a rejection. He should’ve just said yes and helped you out with this one little thing and then he could’ve went back to doing his business. As your hands brush over to the plug connecting the wifi to the box you smirk and pull it out when you could hear Mark’s distant voice moaning.
Mark was gaining close and closer to his orgasm. To his own high that he’s been chasing for a while now and you’ve been telling him to do the furniture rearrangement he’s been trying to jerk off his own hard cock for the past thirty minutes or so . Now that he’s pretty close, he was anticipating the orgasm to wash over him. Instead he heard the video stop and his eyes widen.
Did the video just stop? Mark with his free hand checks the wifi connection and it said nothing. Then his computer started to shut down and he cursed slapping the laptop down.
He knew exactly what and who did this. Mark was extremely pissed off now. If anything he’s never been this frustrated in his entire life. He puts back on his shorts and boxers on groaning. He really hates walking around with a solid hard-erected fucking cock around the place. It’s not pleasant.
“That Dirty, Little, Traitor…” Mark frowns as he opens his bedroom door muttering his words under the breath. He was fuming anger at this point.
When he saw you standing by the wifi box he could feel his own anger boiling like he was becoming cooked alive. You really did turn it off at the wrong time when he was about to release. It wasn’t fair Mark thinks. He didn’t deserve this but you feel like you don’t deserve disrespect. Especially when you’re probably the most pettiest person to ever insult and offend.
Mark starts to speak now but you could hear the literal anger building in his tone. You don’t like the way he’s speaking to you right now, so you put your hands between your hips. “Y/n what the fuck is wrong with you exactly?” He wished he could get a proper diagnosis on why you’re being so annoying to him right now.
You smirk at him. “Since you won’t help me finish up, I don’t think I’ll let you finish.” You can tell sexual frustration when you see one and Mark is hella fidgety and now very much all riled up because you interrupted a very important session of his time. His only free time. You like that you got him so worked up. Now you’re going to make him earn it or else he won’t like what’s coming.
For once in your life you saw a man standing there with dark widen eyes gazing into yours. He seems pretty upset but now that he knows you will not put the wifi on unless he helps you with your rearranging furniture he turns around and starts going inside your room with a cold expression. He really doesn’t like this. He didn’t wanna do this but he was desperate here. He wants the wifi back on. You smirk watching him turn around and go to your room as you planned.
You follow him now and you start to grab the free edge of the mattress. Mark ends up using most of his strength to help you move the mattress into a different position. It looks like you got bored of the way your bedroom layout it was.
He’s not been inside your room before. He took a glimpse like once or twice however Mark stays out of your zone and you stay out of his zone.
Your roommate then helps you move the cupboard and the drawers in your room around until you like a position.
Mark feels like he is your slave a little. He puts the drawer to the far right and you shake your head. “A little to the left…” Mark sighs as he hears you say this. He starts to move the drawer a little left now. You tilt your head thinking if you like this position.
It feels like you’re definitely punishing him right now. Mark can’t shake it off but he’s pretty frustrated down below and what’s worse? You’re standing in front of him pretending like this was nothing and not a big deal.
You smirk. “Actually go back to the right one again…” Mark looks at you now with a proper deep gaze that pierced your soul. “Y/n I am not your freaking slave. I helped you out with the heavy stuff now let me go and put the wifi back on.” Your roommate finally snapped at you and you raise an eyebrow crossing your arms across your chest.
“Hmm… no.” You trail. Mark scoffs back at you and he approached you. If you won’t let the wifi back on then he guesses you can help him out now by shutting up. You feel him approach you and your heart skips a beat suddenly. You never seen him make his way to you so intimidatingly and when you’re pressed against your cold bedroom wall now by Mark you feel his hot breath tickle your cheek. You grew red when he looks at you like you’re a meal to be devoured because one, you never ever been this close to Mark before.
And two, you can feel Mark’s hard erected cock pressed on your leg when he has you pressed against the wall in your bedroom. “This isn’t funny Y/n. Stop torturing me.” Mark trails now gazing at you. “If you won’t put the wifi on, you’ll have to help me out now with my own big problem.” He now said darkly to you and you swore you felt your life flash between your eyes when he leans down to kiss you now. You feel your heart racing. Why was your heart racing exactly? The kiss felt too good however. You start to lose yourself in it and Mark seems pretty decent at kissing.
Actually that’s a lie he was freaking amazing. You really need to stop humbling Mark because you never thought he would be so good at this. The way his hands took every second to roam on your beautiful body. He loves every curve. He tugs on your hips pressing you even deeper against the leg he has between your thighs now and you feel the rock solid cock through the fabric of his shorts press now against your lower belly. You feel so caught off guard why was he so hard? You never realised it but you’ve been edging him without even thinking it’s this bad. Mark had a pretty needy problem down below.
He certainly had a big problem. He wasn’t lying when he said it was a big one. The kissing he did so passionately against your mouth irks goosebumps on your skin. You feel like you’re exhilarating at some point the more he kissed your lips like this, so deeply and so roughly you feel like you would explode any second. Your stomach was fluttering like an opening lotus. You feel the way your breathes we’re both so heavy now you can hear it in the silence of your rooms and you can hear Mark’s mouth exploring you so calmly.
He was so calm when he’s kissing you but he’s also so desperate at the same time. It’s like he was a lot more calmer and less frustrated but also a lot more desperate and needy just for you.
You never thought you would love kissing your roommate like this. Never in your life have you thought about making out with your roommate because he was horny. And now you’re equally horny. It’s the little things he does to you too. The way his fingers run down your lower back now and position you against the bed you positioned together. He actually did most of the work with the heavy furniture.
Mark never thought he would be here doing your furniture for you and now he’s going to do you on those furnitures all day long until he’s satisfied. And you’re going to have to deal with it all.
“On the bed, trousers off now.” Mark rasps out when pulling only an inch away from your mouth with his eyes closed. He slowly opens them and you let out a low wispy breath. You did exactly as he said, removing your trousers and he reconnects your mouths together for another kiss. He did the pleasure for you by wrapping his fingers at the bottom hem of your shirt and pulls it off letting your arms freely slip out.
He watches how you’re now eagerly kissing him back as much as possible. He can’t help it. He likes it when you’re becoming as equally into this as he was now. Mark finds it extremely attractive when you kiss him back some more and let your tongue slip in boldly which soon leaves you breathless because that was a bad move. Mark easy took you out with his own tongue wrapped around your own. He controlled you from the simplest possible angles and actions he made. You didn’t last long between the dominant war your tongues held together. Mark won it with ease but that’s okay because the pleasure your tongue received was rewarding almost.
You hate losing the most but when it came to this, maybe you don’t hate losing so much.
Carrying more your own body starts to become worshipped with kisses. Mark travels down his tongue on your neck and collarbone. You purr out your shivers and fast gasping moans when he did this. The fact that it leaves you full of goosebumps really makes you wonder if Mark figured out how your body works or if he’s just so good at pleasing the person he’s with.
Mark smirks hearing against his tongue gasp like this. Your moans were much better than the ones on the laptop video anyways. He definitely found something better to use now than his own hand. He grabs you forward and makes you lay down flat on the bed as he kissed your neck with his lips motioning forward.
He puckers at the softness of your skin and that leaves you begging for more instantly. Mark can tell you’re into this a lot more now.
It’s about to get better for you the more this continues.
When he motions down his hands at your exposed sex you found yourself admitting to the new reality that Mark has now slipped in one finger inside your walls and you feel the pressure building up so much you wail up your head and coo out your moans so softly. Mark thought you were in a different dimension for a minute with the way you react so different now.
He never thought you would look so irresistible with his single digit inside you. It’s already getting you some good extreme reactions he wonders what happens if he puts in his second finger? Mark admires how spread out on the bed you look and your loose arms weakly grab on his forearms and elbow area everytime he pumps the finger in and out of your hole.
You frown out. “Oh god Mark…please don’t stop.” You couldn’t help but lean your head back more against the bedsheets and pillows that is supporting your head. You feel them wrinkle with each movement you move your head around as you take the pleasure. Mark was now on his second digit inside you and it had you squirming to the left and to the right constantly. He enjoys watching you struggle a little.
Perhaps this will teach you a lesson not to interrupt his own private time.
He smirks and suddenly he flicks forward his wrist curling the fingers against a dense but sensitive area inside you and you hitch your moans all the way down your throat. You wanted to say something but you couldn’t. That is how good it felt with Mark’s hands so deep inside you.
“You like that huh?” Mark said watching your expression that’s frowning at the pleasure. You were drowning in the feelings he gave you and your body. You nod frantically at him, so pathetically he thought but he enjoys that side to you.
He smirks. “Should I stop?” And you shake your head as you deeply gasp. “No…! No… don’t stop.” You shake your head now frantically, again, you didn’t want him to stop.
Mark trails now as he felt like you’re gaining up on your orgasm. He won’t be that nice to have your first orgasm with his own fingers. You pause as you feel Mark’s fingers leave your hole and you complain out already at the emptiness missing inside you.
He smirks and looks down at your confused expression. “Sorry princess but you’re going to have to cum on my cock instead.” He vows as he straddles his hands against your ankles just sliding you a little closer to him. He spread you pretty well and you whine. “Oh please… I was really close.” You couldn’t help it. You really wanted your orgasm right there and then.
“I don’t think you deserve to have such a quick orgasm, Y/n, not after you turned off the wifi.” He smirks cockily and you couldn’t help but think how much he has you wrapped around his fingers right now. You lean your head back some more. “I really needed your help with the rearranging though…” you tell him hoping he would understand your solution.
He found your words amusing. “Oh yeah? Well now your insides are about to be rearranged darling.” Mark laughs a little now as he positions out his harden tip against your entrance and pushed it in only a little and then takes it out again. He was teasing you with this knowing you want him inside you now.
You groan at the words. You love how they sounded. It seems like your furniture weren’t the only thing needed to be moved around. When Mark finally enters you it feels like a whole different sensation. The fingers that were deeply inside you felt a lot more different from how his harden shaft was making you feel. It felt so much thicker, better and also had you pulsing around his length so much. Mark never thought he would be addicted to the way his roommate’s walls feel like clenching around his own harden cock with every stepping thrust he does inside you. Mark moves up against your thighs rocking you forward and backwards like you’re a moving seat.
You croak out your moans into your hand which soon didn’t help because the more Mark moves his lingering shaft inside you the more your voice overlaps outside louder and louder with each syllable. Mark cannot help but feel so amazing when you feel your stomach go tighter. “Shit, shit, shit…” Mark paused when he feels himself growing even more intense by how you feel so tight now around him. You’re purposely clenching and pulling him even deeper. Now that your legs wrap round Mark’s waist. Your bodies were inseparable. “You’re making me go deeper… ah my lord…” he seethes now as he watched your outline expression.
You look complexed out by everything he’s doing to you and your body. It feels like your brain was fried and that you’re ascending into another world. Another level of pleasure. You feel so good though and it’s definitely no denying it but you’re fucked out until you’re going dumb with your roommate right now. It feels almost humiliating but at the same time you’re going dumb over Mark’s cock and it makes him feel proud that he can provide you this opportunity and moment to you.
It’s safe to say he won’t let this live down between the both of you. He will never let this moment die out.
When you tightly clench Mark only pistons himself like a motion with jabs stroking himself to go even more faster and now you feel yourself slipping out of your own body, like your soul has left now completely and abandoned your body and mind.
“Oh my…! Mark…! I-I’m so close… you’re being too quick.” You weren’t expecting your orgasm to inflict so quickly inside you right now and when he only started to move so much faster in such inhuman strokes. You feel yourself trembling and finding your eyes widen as day.
Mark didn’t stop at all even though you told him he was being too quick for you to handle your overdue orgasm. He was fucking inside you even more like the rent was due.
He only whispers to you as he kissed your jawline loving how you’re screaming his name like this. “Cum right now, this is the only time you can cum.” He told you as if it was a warning. A threat even. You can’t help but whimpering out your own voice. He had such authority over you that you started to orgasm on his own command terms.
When they orgasm infects you so badly you rest there with your eyes rolling back and Mark continues to thrust in when your orgasm was happening on top of you. It felt like you’re becoming double penetrated; by your orgasm and by his thrusts never loosing the pace. He continues to become very fast now that he was chasing his own orgasm.
Within that moment you feel your second high coming now and you feel yourself become warm again and you moan again now. Mark feels himself grunting.
“You’re about to come again aren’t you?” Mark’s voice was so deep and breathy but also very keen when he spoke to you. Mark was definitely amused by how much he’s done to you. He’s making you orgasm again, and again.
You cannot help but feel almost embarrassed but at the same time you like the fact that you were having such a good release when it was with your roommate.
You choke out an incoming sobbing moan. “Y-Yeah… oh god… I cant…! I need to come… Mark, I need to come.” You wail out your words that don’t even make sense to him anymore because Mark’s mind was a cloud now. He was getting cloudy and he didn’t pay attention on anything when he felt his cock twitch deeply inside you with that final deep thrust he has jabbed forward against your hips.
At this point Mark responds a little late to your words but he flung his head back groaning. “Oh princess I’m about to fill you up…”
The way his hands grab on your own hips too and pull them down which makes your orgasm feeling even more powerful. You came together this time and your second orgasm felt even more better than the first one you had. Now that you have milked every last bit of him inside you. You stir up every drop not leaving anything slip out except Mark flooding himself inside your own womb.
You take a minute to blink out of the pleasure at the front of your window. The bedroom only held your pants and your silence before Mark and you regain your concentration again. You try to conceal your redden skin on your cheeks because you feel quite warm, not just warm but overwhelmingly warm from your double orgasm and getting filled up with Mark’s warm liquid makes you feel even more inflated and full.
You somehow like that feeling however. Of being full of your roommates splutter.
Mark smirks a little down at you as he can see your red cheeks and he leans closer towards your body and whispers. “So… do you need anymore help rearranging your furniture?”
Maybe he can help you out some more with your furniture after all…
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu. Please reblog this fic and follow me for more it helps a girl out <3.
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