where-is-ezra · 8 months
Honestly I want you to know that the first thing I thought of when he showed up is you, a random tumblr blog that kept the faith. Finally you can rest friend. (And he looks GOOD!)
shout out to YOU and all the people who thought of me last night lmaooo. y'all helped me keep this up. it has made this occasion all the more joyous <3
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guestiguess · 1 year
This ask swap with @myevilmouse brought a beautiful and sweet Luke/Ashoka fanfic to my attention. So I did this:
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I also realised that in myevilmouse's post is a similar picture of Luke and Ashoka🫣..but what can I say.... The two of them together, happy and cuddling in bed...what more could you want.🤭
Also the fic in question🤌
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arizonapoppy · 6 months
9, 10, 17 for the bookworm asks!
Hi, EvilMouse! Thank you for the ask!
9. Favorite Detective Novels:
Agatha Christie. I especially like her short stories. My absolute favorite one is Cat Among the Pigeons, because the person who solves the mystery is a teenage girl, and I first read it when I was a little younger than the heroine.
10. Favorite classical literature.
Yay I get to pick again! I'm going to say Sophocles's Antigone. The story brings up a lot of philosophical questions. I wept buckets over it when I read it and the Jean Anouilh version in high school. I didn't know what fanfic was at the time, but my brain demanded a happy ending fixit for Antigone and Haemon.
17. Favorite finished book series.
Going to have to go with The Lord of the Rings. I first read it in junior high because the kid sitting next to me was reading it and I found the cover entrancing. I remember these multicolored jewels on the book jacket. I didn't know about heroic archetypes or tropes or the monomyth back then, but it spoke to something deep in my soul. Each time I re-read it, it comes at me in different ways as I've aged.
Anyone else want to send me an ask? Here is the list of prompts
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jadelotusflower · 1 year
For the character song gimme your Luke jam!
Ahh I have so many! Often in conjunction with other characters, but these are a general vibe for Luke.
On Your Own by Distant Cousins
Life is Beautiful by Vega4
Let Your Heart Hold Fast by Ford Atlantic
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nymphl · 1 year
2, 13, 20 for the deep writer asks!
Hello there!
Once again I was OMFG EVILMOUSE SENT ME AN ASK!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???? Sent my friend a message and we’re fangirling together 😂 😂 😂 sorry, not sorry 🙃
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Well, done with fangirling (not actually), onto the questions!!!
2. what’s a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place?
I write for many many fandoms. So I think more than one fic drove me to dark/hard places. I’ll mention 2 here. But it’s for very different reasons. One of them is called Lord of Ice, a Lokane (leave me and my crackships alone 😂) story that I’ve only written one chapter, but I liked this chapter SO MUCH that everything I wrote after that seemed lacking. It drove me to a desperate point in which I couldn’t write for ANY fandom at all. And everything I wrote seemed so bad that I got a severe writer’s block that took me almost one year to recover from. That’s when I got started with this account here and the Star Wars stories ♥️
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And the other fic is for the Bleach fandom, called Illusion of You. I got this one started on 2020 for the Wattys. Of course I couldn’t finish, and so far I’ve 70k written and I got 1/3 of the story done 🙃. But this story drives me to places sometimes it’s difficult to keep writing. While I use a cheerful character as my protagonist (even though she’s one of the most violent backgrounds in Bleach) the themes are sad and quite dark. Each chapter I write makes me hate capitalism even sometimes myself for making the characters suffer so much. My friend says that each chapter of IOY is like a “painful punch in the pit of the stomach”. But at the same time I’m quite proud of this story because I think if a cyberpunk/sci-fi story doesn’t make you nauseous/angry something is wrong.
So both stories drove me to dark/hard places. One that made it too difficult for me to keep writing for a while, because I thought I wasn’t good enough and the other because of its themes.
13. Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?
Yeah. You could say, yeah… I usually don’t say that I write to everyone but that’s because as a Elementary teacher I think that would be embarrassing, yes, to have my kid’s parents or my coworkers reading my kinktober stories. But that’s not because I’m ashamed of writing them or I’m embarrassed of my writing… it’s just to avoid awkward situations.
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Can’t have a meeting with one parent that while I say his kids misbehaved they’ll be thinking I wrote a chapter with DP kink with Thrawn and Arihnda (ESPECIALLY when some of them like Star Wars).
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20. What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
Friends. Definitely. I made friends that are with me for more than 10 years. Friends I love very much. I think engaging in fandom can give us many unforgettable moments and people.
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Besides that, it made my English improve A LOT. When I decided to write in English because almost no one in Brazil wrote for the ships I liked, my English was horrible. Now it’s so much better. I owe it all to fanfic and fandom.
Thanks for the ask, darling! I had a blast answering it and reliving some moments here 😂
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blackmonitor · 2 years
17, 19, and 25 for the artist asks!
Oh, hi there! 17 Let me see... Ur inspiration...
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There is a super-talented author who ALWAYS made my mind blow up. Her stories are engaging and entertaining and can turn my worst day into my best in a few hours. I can read from her fluff and smut, whichever I need atm. And the feels what I get when I read those fanfics... Sometimes I didn't even finish a chapter, I needed to stop and search for my iPad to start drawing right away! In mid-sentence! And I can't concentrate on anything till it's finished... 
There is another super-talented author who I adore, and I love every fanfic from her. She usually makes me drop everything else too, and I just need to do a fanart of her fics because they are so fun, moving, and hot 🥰 Looking at you @foreverforty2 👀💙😇 
Other sources of inspirations are the same old boring places, the comics, the books, and of course endless hours of DAYDREAMING 😇🫠
19. Rec. Art Supply I hope I understand the question 😂 Uhm... Currently, I use a 2016 iPad pro with a 1. gen apple pencil for sketches and line art, and sometimes for coloring. But the number of layers are limited there. So, I don't recommend doing anything serious. But my lovely and sweet husband lend me over his 2021 iPad pro with the 2. gen apple pencil. That's the stuff! It's fast and has plenty of power to maintain as many layers as I wish. For anything serious, I would recommend that. 
25 Piece U can't finish... uh no!
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I shamefully present you this:
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I would be so happy If I would finish this! But sadly, I'm unable to continue it. I tried countless times, but every time I tried to touch it, it became worse...
It's frustrating and sad at the same time, but I hope one day I'll be able to finish it!
Ty for asking! 🥰💙😈🐁
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certibbs · 1 year
17 and 19 for the artist asks!
17: what inspires me? hmm, I enjoy creating based on whatever I feel the need to express at the time. Sometimes its a hyperfixation on a show or certain character. I'm really inspired by pop culture themes like fantasy and sci-fi, character and storytelling as a whole. I think I'd like for my art to have more meaningful themes and inspirations, at the moment I think I'm just drawing for the sake of comfort.
I answered 19 in a previous ask, but I'll say that my favourite characters to draw are interesting and morally grey/villains! 😚🖤 (they're also often times blue 🤔💙)
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lex-the-flex · 5 months
A thought for this post: bobf luke meditation, plopping you in his lap (or you sit in his, whichever you prefer) and having a lil handsy makeout session 👀
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Just Us
A/N: It's about time I answered this request. I hope you enjoy!
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“I don’t see anything unusual. Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask, shifting closer.
"Yes, I'm fine, Y/N. But are you sure?" Luke asks.
"Yes, I'm sure. All the poison has left your system by now. The doctors checked you three times before we could come back here." You explain.
Nodding, Luke silently wishes this constant state of anxiety would just go away. He hadn't even been back for two weeks and he survived being injected with a powerful poison that nearly corroded him from the inside.
"It's like you said: both 3PO and R2 are doing their best to find the source of the toxin. Regardless if it lingered on your glove, you were still exposed, Luke." You continue.
"I know. I'm just glad I didn't make you come with me." He replies, glancing your way.
Sitting down next to him, the stone bench feels warm despite the breeze. Looking at Luke, an enormous wave of exhaustion fills his face, and you can tell he wants nothing more than sleep.
"Come on, why don't you try to take a nap? I'll go to the kitchen and made you some hot cocoa. Hopefully they still have Lando's recipe." You announce, ready to stand up from the bench.
Motioning to stand, Luke grabs your wrist, forcing you to stop. Turning to him, he quickly pulls you in his lap, arms tight around your physique. A tiny gasp overtakes your lips once you and Luke lock eyes. His bright blue orbs glow like a fresh layer of ice on top of a lake, but the bags of his eyes have the faintest hue or purple to them.
"Oh, Luke. You really should sleep." You whisper.
"I will ...as long as you're there. Please, Y/N. I just want your arms around me, that's all." Luke says, feeling his eyelids growing heavy.
Silently tracing the scar above his upper lip, your hands move to the back of his neck, reminding Luke of your gentle nature.
"Of course I will. If that's what you want." You answer, leaning closer.
"It's all I want." Luke declares.
Capturing your chin with his thumb, Luke crashes his lips on yours, refusing to let go. Slowly kissing you, you fingers run through his dirty blonde hair, pushing his bangs away from his face. Running his hands down your shoulders to your hips, the fabric of your dark robes feels as soft as the Palace's silk bedding, like home in a way.
Strands of your hair tickled Luke's face and jaw, reminding him that he should shave soon. Carefully moving his grip to your waist, the sound of your kisses fills Luke's ears with a satisfying hum rising in his chest, letting him know that he was grateful to you taking care of him.
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lillytalons · 7 months
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Saw this outfit called pumpkin spice pilot by @tatooineknights and I had to draw it 🍂☕️
edit: apparently pumpkin spice pilot was from @myevilmouse 💛
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Anything For You
Requested by @fridathedahlia
Luke Skywalker is the definition of loyalty. He's loyal to the Rebellion, he's loyal to the Light, he's loyal to his friends, and he's certainly loyal to you.
And he'll do anything for you.
When you asked him to take care of you when you came down with an unfortunate case of food poisoning, well... a promise is a promise.
"Commander Skywalker reporting for duty!" Luke says as he enters your shared quarters with the supplies he nabbed from the medbay.
"I swear, I'm never going to eat food on Nal Hutta again," you groan. The sheets of your bed are crumpled around you haphazardly, half of them already kicked off onto the floor. Your bed's a mess, you're a mess, but you're way too tired and sick to do anything about it.
"I doubt mynock stew can even be considered food, but I applaud your bravery," he laughs. You pretend to glare at him, but you can't help the smirk that forms on your lips. His goofy charm always makes you feel better.
Luke really is on another level--if the Rebellion were to hold a contest for who was the best romantic partner, he would definitely win. For the entire day, he's been glued to your side, even going as far as holding your hair out of your face and gently rubbing your back as you're vomiting your guts out. He hasn't complained once, nor has he mentioned anything about you owing him a favor in return. Not many people are like that.
Sitting down next to you, he unpacks his satchel and pulls out a tiny bottle of light blue liquid.
"Got me a drink? Thanks, Luke," you joke.
He playfully rolls his eyes at you. "No, Y/N, I got you medicine. Hopefully it will help your stomach calm down." He dumps out the remaining contents, and out tumbles multiple high-protein nutrient bars, all different flavors. "And, I got you some rations to eat afterward."
"Thank the maker, because I'm starving."
He screws off the bottle cap and pours the med nog into it, and you wrinkle your nose at the cloying smell. It reminds you of the sickly sweet aroma of bacta combined with the burning stench of jet fuel. However, you look over at the rations--specifically the meiloorun-flavored one--and you feel your stomach growling, so you know it's a necessary evil you have to endure.
"Give it to me. I'm ready."
"Good luck, soldier."
Luke hands you the medicine and you down it in one gulp. He laughs as your expression quickly morphs into one of disgust, your face scrunching up as you stick your tongue out and gag.
"Whatever happened to the sweet, loving boyfriend who held my hair back when I was throwing up?"
"You're not throwing up now, therefore I can laugh at you."
"Meanie." You shake your head, then you grab his hand and smile. "Thank you, Luke, for going out of your way to help me. It really means the galaxy to me."
He squeezes your hand lightly. "You mean the galaxy to me, Y/N."
Tagging: (comment if you want to be tagged or you want me to stop tagging you)
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guestiguess · 1 year
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So normally I would say death and ruin!!! But...BUT! today: Thrawn found out his favorite picture is a forgery...Thank you for the improved context @myevilmouse 😆
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arizonapoppy · 9 months
10 Song Shuffle
My partner in tag-game-crime @myevilmouse challenged me to shuffle my Spotify On Repeat playlist and list the first ten songs.
These should come as a surprise to absolutely no-one.
“Tricky House” by xikers
“Bouncy” by Ateez
“I Am” by Ive
“If You Lie Down with Me” by Lana Del Rey
“Take Two” by BTS
“Firework” by &Team
“S-Class” by Stray Kids
“Sparks Fly (Taylor’s Version)”
“Outlaw” by Ateez
“This World” by Ateez
Tagging anyone who wants to play- tag, you're it!
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takadasaiko · 11 months
Luke/Mara fic recs
for the lovely @andrastesgrace
Repair by BananasAreForParties
Mara Jade came to Aran to trade. She acquires nutcakes, Imperials, and one Luke Skywalker, condition: damaged. Hurt/Comfort fic.
Baatir by @jedimordsith
Mara has never had anyone to worry about her when she was ill. Now she has a boss, adopted big brothers, and a Jedi. It’s a lot… but maybe not *completely* terrible.
TwoforOnetober: 31 days of drabbles by @myevilmouse
For October 2021's prompt challenges, enjoy two prompts crammed into one Star Wars 100-word drabble.
5 Time Mara Took a Vacation and the 1 Time She Didn't by @jedimordsith
Mara Jade hates vacation. New Republic law requires she take them every year anyway. It goes... badly.
Welcome to the Family, Bean by UseTheForcePonyboy
The Solo kids visit the Skywalker residence to inspect their new baby cousin.
I have a few too, if you're interested:
A Flicker of Light
A canon divergent AU in which Luke Skywalker is raised within the Empire to be either his father's heir as a Sith Lord… or his replacement.
Near Death Experiences
Every time Luke and Mara run across each other it seems like a new near death experience.
Drawn to Her
Luke visits Mara in the medical wing on Coruscant after the failed Katana fleet mission. Set between Dark Force Rising and The Last Command.
Fix What Was Broken
Mara Jade never wanted to be on Coruscant on the tenth anniversary after the fall of the Empire, but in searching for a quiet place to wait out the festivities she finds she's not alone.
Happy reading!
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vibratingskull · 7 months
"Only if you are bored/have time...
How about a thrawn x reader where he's been captured (or is it all part of his plan?) by a small Rebel cell and she's interrogating him and his authority kink is in overdrive at this sexy, smart, badass woman who is totally unimpressed with him? He is getting hornier and hornier....like uh-oh she's hot kinda way...what was my mission again? how to strategize in this situation?!? hahah bonus points for Thrawn POV!" -@myevilmouse
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Bonus point for one Thrawn pov? Here bitch! Take the whole fic!
Thrawn x f!reader
Thrawn has masochist tendencies and maybe a degradation kink, you can't convince me otherwise.
Thrawn wakes up with a pulsating head… He blinks a bit before being able to assess the situation.
That’s right!
He left the Chimaera under a false identity and a disguise to spy on a rebel cell, he followed a promising woman with two goons and received a treacherous hit behind his skull and blacked out. He cracks his neck, they hitted hard, but in a critical point, whoever knocked him out was maybe a coward but by all evidence knows how to spare and how to hide their presence. And now he’s tied up to a chair in a dark room that looks like a cell. Great… 
-You’re finally awake, a feminine voice calls him on the other side of the room.
-Indeed I am, he grunts, his head still pulsing. 
If he woke up in this cell it meant that the officers accompanying him in this mission were defeated too. It is not everyday that he ends up in a dire situation, but it is nothing he can't get out of. Depending on how long he was knocked out cold Faro would have noticed he did not send the planned message at the planned hours and already sent a rescue mission, the only thing he needed was a radio signal to send his position. And if he has to break one or two necks in the process… Well, this is what war is, even if he would rather not do it.
-Traitor… She calls
-I do not know who you are but you simply can’t call an innocent civilian a traitor, I’ve done nothing wrong! He pretends, maybe the jailer doesn’t know enough and will fall for the comedy.
- “Innocent civilian”... She laughs, a high pitched sound, crystalline and cold, we both know you are none of the sort, “Grand Admiral '', she mocks.
So they know this much, interesting to note. He finally distinguishes a silhouette in the distance but too far away, even for him, to see her traits. She’s sitting on a chair, cross-legged and slouching against a table. It means she can’t see behind his back, perfect! He discreetly rolls his wrists in the handcuffs, trying to access the little lazer file hidden in the lining of his sleeve.
- I repeat, I don’t know what you’re talking about, you must mistake me for someone else… He plead as pathetically as he can to gain some time.
She tuts.
-I don’t think so Grand Admiral Thrawn, you are… rather unique in this part of the galaxy.
Useless to play the comedy anymore, now to know the extent of their intel.
-You’re searching for this? She calmly asks, throwing something on the ground with a jingling.
The file.
-We also found your two comlinks, your ship command and your two hidden weapons… She enumerates almost uninterested, and your colleagues are taking care of in other rooms.
His gaze lazily passes from the file to her, hidden in the shadows, a single eyebrow raised. Freeing himself is just becoming more difficult suddenly. He can still brute force his way through it and break his cuffs with sheer force, but it will be even less discreet. Might as well make her talk while she’s here.
-Can I see the visage of my captor? He straightens his back as a Grand Admiral should be, recovering his haughtiness.
She remains silent for a moment and sighs. She stands up and walks up to him, her heels clacking on the ground, and she slowly reveals herself to him. The woman he was following. She towers over him from all her height and looks at him with… pity? Contempt? Judgement? Whatever it is, her gaze pierces him and stabs him. She forces him to look up at her, the light behind her illuminating her with a white halo only accentuating the sharpness of her shiny eyes. She only exults confidence and disdain but also a tad of prudence. As she eyeballs him he doesn’t deprive himself from observing her from head to stilettos, taking as much info as he can. Tall and muscular, her eyes shine with intelligence and an unbridled rage, her tensed muscles jaw and throat indicate that she’s containing herself. He can use that to his advantage. He notes the folded whip at her hips, a blade and a taser that he would rather not touch. Navigating this situation will be perilous, but a warrior never backs down. His stare goes back on her face and he ponders for a second, why does she seem familiar? He never forgets a face but he never saw her before. Maybe something in her attitude or how she conducts herself… But apparently she knows him very well because she accepted to take care of him while not being the warrior type, with the tight fitted dress and the heels.
-Satisfied? She snarls
-I am, thank you, he nods. Now can you please tell me why you are referring to me as a “traitor”? He asks politely.
For sole answer he receives a fantastic punch in the face. It almost makes the chair flip over. He sees stars and his skin tingles where the sharp bite of her knuckles meet his jaw. He blinks and shakes his head before his chin is grasped and she puts her face a mere centimeters from his.
-Now listen, you are not on your ISD. You are on my territory, under my roof, away from your little friends, because I wanted it that way, not the other way around. Starting now I am the one asking the questions, she placidly announces.
He was sure she would unleash her rage, indulging in her anger but instead and be malleable but instead he met with someone perfectly calm, under control. He searches her eyes but only see resolution and a dark void, like her blood was replaced by icy cold water. He starts wondering if he didn’t end up in the claws of a psychopath, a type he rarely engages with and tends to avoid. He never appreciated those psychic profiles even though they are surprisingly easy to understand for him, their lack of empathy and disregard for life always stirred him the wrong way. For a split second he wonders if he’s not a bit scared.
And maybe a bit excited.
Those rebels are numerous and capable but never pose a real challenge, he comes, he sees and he vanquishes. His important job became stale and boring to him, nothing to break up the routine, nothing intellectually or physically stimulating. Everything is too easy for him. Victory no longer tastes sweet and gratifying, losing all its meaning.
But here…
Here his life might be threatened in ways out of his control. He may really lose it all…
The adrenaline spike he feels wakes up his survival instincts, sleeping for a long time.
And it is terribly exciting.
Finally some action.
But it is not a reason to throw away his dignity and give her what she wants. The imperturbable mask is back on as quick as it slipped off.
-Understood? She flashes her pearly white teeth.
He slowly blinks to indicate that he understood. She releases her grip and moves away.
- Now why are you here?
-Because you wanted me here, Thrawn dryly respounds  
She grins, taking her blade and grazing it on his blue skin just under his eye.
-What else, doc?
-Formal mission of counterespionage, gang regulation and arms trafficking.
Which is not a lie.
She simply straddles his laps, and cuts his skin across his cheek. He winces at the sharp bite of the blade and the warm sensation of his blood flowing freely. She grabs a fist of his hair, yanking his head back and exposing his throat.
-Now, now. You’re pretty cute. I would hate to have to bruise this pretty face. So you either get to the juicy parts or you’re coming back eyeless, she lets a blade wander around his throat.
He breathes through his nose and gulps under the cold metal sensation around his artery. Despite his best efforts his mind starts to wander other places, it is surprisingly difficult to think straight when you’re between the tights of a woman. He mentally shakes himself.
-I am here because your group is suspected of robbing the Empire of riffle’s cannon,  grenade’s module and non-assembled hyperdrives on behalf of the resistance.
-Who sold us?
The rebel who accepted to cooperate has been granted the status of protected witness in exchange of the intel, he cannot reveal their name. He deducted the place and the proportion of the group himself.
-Nobody, I found out myself.
-You lie well, but I’m not an idiot. The method we used was perfect, unless one of us decided to deceive us. And I wanna know who! She presses the sharp tip of the blade on his vein.
- I do not know their real name, they used the nickname “Udor” during our interrogations.
She squints at him. It is half a lie, he doesn’t know their name but her organization is too vast for her to know each and every nicknames of her agents, it will buy him some time. She looks a bit disappointed.
-And no method is truly perfect. You are only as efficient as the least competent of your agent, he adds.
She bares her teeth, cutting deeper into the flesh. Doing so she also presses herself more against his groin, and it’s getting really difficult to concentrate with a fiery woman rubbing herself against his crotch.
-And you’re as mortal as each of us. Do not patronize me, imperial traitor, she hisses.
 He raises an eyebrow.
-Here we are again. Why the traitor? He asks calmly.
- Because this is what you are. An imperial trash and a traitor.
- I never betrayed anyone I pledged my loyalty to, I wonder where you got this idea.
Her eyes widens and for a split second he’s convinced she’s gonna stab him. But she deeply breathes and when she opens back her eyes the black void and resolution are back. Icy cold water instead of blood.
-Because you killed my brother, she lets out between her teeth.
He refrain a snarl, does she know how little it narrows it down?
- Your brother? I claimed the life of many, rarely by choice, frequently by necessity. You will need to be more precise.
- Oh no. Put this encephalon you’re so proud of to use.
He observes her face intently, his mind racing at full speed. Who…? 
Then it flashes. The methods…
-You are Cygni’s sister.
-He always striked me as the type of person protecting something, but I did not know a little sister was part of it, Thrawn says, fully interested.
Nightswan, his great opponent… Back when his work was interesting and stimulating. 
Could her sister live up to his standard? Offers him great battles and interesting fresh new tactics?
It would be undreamt for…
-Oh he did it for me. To ensure I would not have to live under the empire's rule any more. He talked to me about this great strategist that he came to respect and admire despite their differences.
He feels a pinch of guilt. He respected and admired Nightswan too, and this conversation is taking a turn a bit too personal to his liking, he’s more and more sympathetic to her situation and empathy towards someone threatening you with a blade is rarely a sane and healthy move.
- He wondered how it would have been if you were both on the same side, working for the greater good, but you shot him in the back. Literally.
She grasps his throat and presses it. He’s quickly getting light headed by the lack of blood, accounting that the rest is flowing to his groin where she deliciously rubs herself against, even though unwillingly.
This is a really curious situation he got himself into.
- I deeply respected your brother. He was a man of honor and principles, the galaxy would be greater for it having more people like him.
- It still didn’t prevent you from killing him.
- I have duties and responsibilities that he was going against, we both knew what it meant.
-Is it what you’re telling yourself to wash yourself from guilt and sleep at night without nightmares? So the voices of your victims don’t haunt you?
- I knew full well what I was engaging myself into when I accepted to work for the Empire.
-Excuses! It won’t give me my brother back!
-Neither will killing me, he says lazily, a thin smile appearing on his lips, but here we are.
Hypoxia, when the brain lacks oxygen an euphoric sentiment spreads and right now he feels very, very light and happy. And her sexual stimulation isn’t spoiling anything, quite the opposite. A flash of lucidity strikes him when he asks himself if he should really indulge into those sensations in such dire situation, but they are so… powerful. All his muscles slowly relax and the pain of the cuffs subsides as his head gets lighter and lighter.
He’s feeling very good right now. He almost wants to laugh as she rides him so pleasantly like that. She’s beautiful and feisty, all he likes in a woman. That would make for an interesting story he could tell Ar’alani if they ever cross paths again. The more he thinks about the sillier it gets.
The woman seems to hesitate at his words, loosening her grip.
- It doesn’t matter anymore, she shakes her head, I have you where I wanted. It is only a matter of time now…
-What? He giggles.
He’s seeing stars again, little fireworks behind his eyes. Damn, if she continues squeezing her thighs like that he will have an erection, and it will go straight to the top of the most humiliating interrogation he had to face. But strangely it doesn’t displease him. He thinks he might like that… Maybe she would degrade him more and use him to her advantage. He always liked women who initiate action.
-Your demise, she spits, tightening her grip.
He moans in a breath. If only she would squeeze harder. If only she would cut him deeper. If only she would ride him properly…
-You seem to enjoy yourself, traitor, she snarls.
-Am I? He grins.
-Simply abject… Are all the imperials deviant like you?
Good question! He theorized they all have their fantasies, it is just a coincidence that one of his is unfolding right now.
Before he could respond, her comlink rings. She releases him and stands up from his lap.
-I have to go, she heads towards the door, but I’m not done with you, she points at him with her blade.
He breathes through his nose as she exit the room. Faro and the Chimaera would be here before the end of the night, but he catches himself praying for them to be a bit late…
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss@pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton
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oenothera5 · 7 months
✨ people I wanna know better! ✨
Thank you for the tag, @raksh-writes !
Last Song? My memory is pretty jumbled today but I do remember hearing a Dwight Yoakam cover of the Grateful Dead's Truckin' this morning for the first time and absolutely loved it.
Favourite colour? Cool colors (green, blue, purple)
Currently watching? "Loki" Season 2 on Disney+ and "Imitation" on Viki Rakuten. Loki Season 2 is so well-written. I can tell that they plotted it all out ahead of time and seeded important things along the way. If users figure out the foreshadowing ahead of time, it's not a bad thing- it means you constructed it well.
Last movie? I was supposed to go see the Taylor Swift concert movie a few weeks ago but something came up and we had to cancel last minute. I am bummed out.
Sweet/spicy/savoury? Definitely spicy. I like all sorts of spicy things, but complex spicy things like a really good fresh salsa or a Thai curry or Korean fried chicken. I am not into things that are sheer pain though- you'll never find me trying a ghost pepper or anything.
Relationship status? Married
Current obsessions? The World Series just ended. My Diamondbacks lost, but I provided great entertainment to my coworkers this week as I begged every restaurant/venue we visited to put the game on. There's always next year!
Last thing you googled? "Seventeen Seventeenth Heaven Autograph Template." My BFF and I are trying to decode the signed albums she bought. We've identified two but some others are eluding us. Strangely, if you Google search that, you get calendars with the Virgin Mary on them
Selfie: I'm a very shy person but here is a funny sign I saw at the Starbucks this week. They are very much Swifties at my Starbucks.
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Friends I wanna get to know better:
I will tag with no pressure, as always: @myevilmouse @minisugakoobies @seokjinger-ale @ele-millennial-weirdo @theyellowotter
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lex-the-flex · 3 months
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In His Arms
Luke Skywalker x reader
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The distant echoes of ships, cargo speeders, and passenger pods littler the night sky above the hotel. The various multicolored lights of Coruscant’s vast multi populated city bounce on the ceiling of your room. Dancing along the dimly lit room, you carefully watch the colorful orbs in the safety of the comfortable bedding.
Pulling you into its hypnotic gaze, your body felt exhausted, but your mind still felt like it was on overdrive. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t sleep. Shifting beneath the comforter, you just couldn’t stop tossing and turning, the room’s calming salt and the faint scent of fresh linen. But then, between the quiet sounds of your breathing were then taking over for a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Rising from the large bed, you wandered towards the door, and unlatched the chain. Opening the door, you were greeted with the sight of your treasured friend, Luke Skywalker. Standing before you, the man adorned a set of tattered and slightly smudged robes.
“Luke?” You ask, as your brows furrow.
Glancing your way, his icy blue eyes fill your soul with sorrow, just as you gain a sense of what happened.
“May I come in?” Luke asks, rubbing his hands together.
Motioning for him to enter the empty room, Luke unties his sash from around his waist, and sets it down on the desk. Returning from the bathroom with a set of clean clothes, Luke eagerly takes them.
“I’ll be right back.” He informs you before retreating to change.
A few minutes later, Luke emerges on a clean pair of night clothes and joins you in the small kitchenette. Handing him a glass of water, he downs it in seconds.
“Want to tell me what happened?” You ask, offering Luke a reassuring touch.
“I do. But not here.” He nods.
Joining you on the plush comforter, Luke wraps his arms around you, just wanting to hold you close. Gently laying his head in your chest, you carefully push his bangs away from his face. Breathing into you, Luke melts at your soft touch, trying not to cry.
“The mission failed. I nearly lost the entire team, Y/N. We were able to find the Holocron, but…” Luke tries to explain, but can’t.
Running your fingers along his scalp, hoping to relive the mountainous heap of stress on his shoulders. Gently rubbing circles along his spine, Luke’s breathing relaxes, and his nerves finally start to settle.
“It’s alright, Luke. We’re part of the Rebellion, it’s what we do. It may not be the best life, but this is the life we have. Even the Jedi know their own trials and tribulations. But it’s our life.” You explain, tracing along Luke’s features.
Raising your head to face him, a large smile overtakes your lips to discover that Luke is fast asleep in your arms. This is where he belonged.
Luke taglist ~
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