mingyusbinch · 1 year
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biaswreckmepls · 1 year
A moment of silence.
This isn’t usually what I post, especially since I’m not an Aroha, but I’m moved to tears to do this. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of Moonbin’s family and friends right now. My heart is truly breaking. Sua, Sanha, Jinjin, MJ, Rocky, Eunwoo, Seungkwan, SinB, Chanwoo, his family, we’re all thinking of you. I hope everyone respects their privacy and their need to grieve, and I also hope we are all able to celebrate his beautiful life and all that he was, and all that he gave to it. Kind, gentle, incredibly talented, I can’t imagine what could’ve happened that got him to get to this point. My foundation feels shaken to its core.
Moonbin-ah, I hope you know how much you were loved, and how sorely you shall be missed. You have left a beautiful legacy behind you, and yet it was nothing compared to all you could’ve done. You remain in our hearts and our memories. You were wonderful.
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Rest In Peace.
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ambivartence · 1 year
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이젠 내게 기대 편히 쉬어도 돼 // Now you can lean on me and rest in peace 소중한 널 내 품속에 꼭 안을게 // I will hold you dear in my arms
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
Be kinder to everyone. You never know what’s going on behind doors. Love your family a little more everyday and spend the most time with your friends because you never know. When there is love there is no darkness. May these angels rest in peace.
Please remember that kpop idols are humans and they go through tribulations. They’re not just machines, every mean word you say about them they hear it one way or another. Treat them with kindness.
Edited: Also, we also don't know what health tribulations they are going through (not just mental health). Just treat everyone with kindness and try to help people who are affected by this. Big or small, just try to help them out the best you can. Moonbin no matter what showed off kindness and held Arohas close to his heart. He loved Astro so much and always showed off his love to his members and to the fans. I'm still processing this whole thing and I sound like I'm rambling but I just need to get my feelings out because I'm having a hard time with this. I can't imagine what Moonbin's family and friends are going through. I kept watching Moon Sua with Moonbin and just how much she looked up to him and the love they shared between each other. The reason she became an idol was because of her older brother. I'm sending prayers and healing in this time to everyone affected and especially to his family and friends. Please just send love to each other
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techtechonmymind · 1 year
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Kibum comments on Moonbin’s last Instagram post.
Translation credit: x
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bisexualhobi · 1 year
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waitupgirlholdon · 1 year
Words from a Shawol to Arohas,
I know how you’re feeling. You don’t feel like it’s real, it can’t be true, you’re reading articles and watching videos about any possible updates. But it’s true and you feel like the ground opened up to swallow you. The unthinkable has happened, and unfortunately it happened to your beloved Moonbin.
I am not too familiar with Astro or Moonbin, but my heart is with you, and I know your pain. I thought I would give you some advice on how to get through this difficult situation.
This is all meant with love.
1, try not to watch videos with clickbait titles about him. There will be, and already is a lot out there trying to capitalize on this news, only take information from reputable sources.
2, the clickbait videos never really end. They use your dear idol to get views by saying rude things or making infuriating thumbnails. Try your best to ignore it and report the video and the account.
3, don’t feel bad if you can’t bring yourself to watch any funeral footage if there is any. It will be painful to witness, and you don’t have to put yourself through that.
4, it’s okay not to want to listen to his music for a while. Take your time and be kind with yourself.
5, find a way to remember him, if you feel it’s appropriate. For me, Jonghyun’s music saved me in a hard time in my life and I plan to get a tattoo in his honor, but I have also named my cat after his last album, Poet|Artist (we call him Poe), and every new years day I listen to a special song of his to welcome the new year.
6, find fellow Arohas to talk to. They need you as much as you need them.
7, when you feel like you can handle it, find joy in the moments Moonbin left for you. Like dance practice bloopers, photos of him smiling.. remember him on the anniversary if his last day, but celebrate him on his birthday.
8, finally, reach out for help if you feel you need it. It may seem silly to mourn someone you never met, but it’s still a very real loss with very real pain.
I hope this advice can help you find a little peace. I am so sorry for your loss.
-A Shawol
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lesbiancarat · 4 months
[!!!] "What Kind of Future" by Woozi has been released on various streaming platforms
Woozi first performed this song during Seventeen's Ideal Cut concert in 2018. He said he only planned to perform this song once, and that he would never release it, because it was personal and meant a lot to him. Woozi released it today, on Moonbin's birthday, as it was a song Moonbin loved and always asked Woozi when it would be released.
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uwunnie · 1 year
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You told us that we’re the light to you and you can’t shine without us, but I hope you found that your words have always applied to you. You’re our moon who finally met the star, and I sincerely hope you found the peace and happiness you were searching for. Thank you for the time you gave us, and please continue being the glow that ignites our paths as we walk down this dreary road.
You will always be the brightest light, Moon Bin.
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to all aroha's and anyone affected by the moonbin news: please be aware that the next couple of days will probably be very intense. take care of yourself, and check on your friends.
and please know that even though you didn't know him personally, it's okay to be upset, it's okay to be grieving. take your time. and despite what people will tell you, it's okay to be worrying about the idols who were friends with him.
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kpop---scenarios · 1 year
Rest In Peace, Moonbin 😭💕
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
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Absolutely heartbroken to read that Moonbin has passed away at age 25.
I would like to offer my deepest condolences to his family, friends, loved ones and fans.
Mental health issues need to be taken seriously.
Don't be afraid to reach out to people you think are struggling, please, and take care of yourselves.
May he rest in peace.
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wkisses · 8 months
⏜⃞♡ 🥯 ◦ 𔓕ㅤnayeon ˚ ִ ˚ ִ 𔓕 ˚ ִ
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⏜⃞♡ ⠀࿙⃛͜࿚⃛࿙͝࿚ * 𓇼 * ࿙͝࿚࿙⃛͜࿚⃛
[like the photo and comment]
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aajjks · 1 year
we truly have no idea about someone’s struggle or their mental health, please always remember to be kind.
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lqastro · 4 months
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ast_jinjin: HBD Bro🎂
I love you and miss you💜
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miss-noo-na · 1 year
For some reason I am seeing a lot of “we failed to protect another idol” in response to Moonbin’s passing.
This is not helpful. I understand the pain of losing someone we admired and were entertained by. And it hurts when someone who gave us so much joy couldn’t keep some of that for themselves, but someone else’s mental health struggles are never, ever, ever your responsibility.  
We also don’t know all the details, we don’t know what was going on in his life (or any other idol’s life) behind closed doors. Regardless of reasoning, you cannot burden yourself with feeling as though there is something you could have done. 
Take care of yourself. Grieve and cry and talk to your friends. Even if it feels silly or pointless, your emotions are valid. Artists who share their gifts with the world become apart of the fabric of our lives and we recognize their absence even if we never truly knew them.  
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