#monk gyatso
fairmerthefarmer · 2 months
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Aang and gyatso still melting my heart but this time in colour!
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I think I maybe lost Some of aangs expression from the sketch but it’s still cute I think
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mistbix · 8 days
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not enough aang and gyatso out there...
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the-bluespirit · 3 months
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nathsketch · 3 months
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A little baby Aang and Gyatso to start the week 👶🏻🥹
Happy Monday! 🩵
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acarillustrated · 5 months
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some sketches inspired by this post by @sulkybender that turned into a sort of comic? i just have a very clear vision of how this would go down 😭
handwriting translation under cut
from right to left
image 1:
aang: i guess there IS such a thing as too much meditation
iroh: you are looking Very Handsome, sparkle sparkle, today young avatar
aang: i was about to say the same for you, uncle
katara: NO.
aang: but Katara...
katara: No Ozai Beard.
image 2:
aang: this is it. This is my new look.
katara: oh wow. it looks. um. greeaaaaaat aang.
katara: aang...are you super duper sure that this is the one you want? like, absolutely, no doubt, completely positive?
aang: actually, ive been wanting this style for a while now, to remember Gyatso. he was there for me when no one else was and taught me to be who i am. i know it's silly but, i was to give to the world was Gyatso gave to me, so that I never forget him
image 3:
katara: i wish i could have met him
aang: i wish you could have, too.
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lilith-91 · 1 month
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How much longer does Aang have to suffer i hate this comic 😭
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mugentakeda · 4 months
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I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless
And in this moment I am happy, happy
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splosh-crime · 7 months
ATLA AU - Zuko Can See Ghosts
Dead people in ATLA either reincarnate or stay as ghosts until they’re ready to do so. There is no afterlife just as there are no gods. The closest thing to gods ATLA has is spirits but if the Spirit World was the afterlife, I think there would be a lot more humans around when Avatars visit. Iroh’s only there because he went in before he died.
Zuko knows why his mother left because Grandfather Azulon is still there as a ghost to tell him Ursa poisoned him to save Zuko’s life. He was going to haunt Ursa until he realized Zuko could see him and haunted him instead. Surprise, surprise, the guy who ordered the death of his grandson is a dick.
There are many servants dead by Ozai’s wrath in the palace. Their ghosts teach Zuko to stay quiet and fade into the background where it’s safe.
When Lu Ten dies, he regrets that he wasn’t able to save his young cousins from Ozai. Lu Ten stays a ghost and mentors Zuko in combat, bending, and strategy.
When the 41st Division die despite Zuko’s protests, and Zuko himself is burned and banished, the 41st Division find out Zuko defended them and stay ghosts to teach him all they can.
Zuko’s able to escape before the pirates hired by Zhao blow up his ship because the ghosts haunting the pirates warn him. This doesn’t change the plot, but it does save Zuko some pain.
Aang is followed/haunted by Monk Gyatso while Sokka & Katara are followed/haunted by Kya.
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brimsly · 1 year
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Southern Air Temple – for a fanzine thinkpiece
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ambitious-az-a-outlaw · 3 months
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pears-palette · 5 months
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Posting another emotional gut punch WIP dump since y’all seemed to like the last one!
[id in alt text]
It’s heartbreaking to see so many bonds irreparably broken through trauma. Aang ran and his father figure, Monk Gyatso, has been dead for 100 years. Katara and Sokka lost their mother in such a violent manner. While they are both still alive, whatever sibling relationship Zuko and Azula could have had when they were little has become too twisted by years of Ozai pitting them against each other. It’s mentioned in the comic that the two used to act out Love Amongst the Dragons together, and wanted the contrast between their life or death Agni Kai vs when their fights were only pretend.
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dukeofdelirium · 1 month
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????? creepy…? Aang didn’t view Katara as a mother or mother figure within his life, lol. Like, ever. Show me when and where Aang ever thought of her in this way?
Y’all are invalidating the love Aang had for his father Gyatso who actually raised him from the time he was a baby. Aang viewed Gyatso as his parent. He loved Gyatso as his parent. He proudly states to Katara and Sokka that Gyatso “taught me everything I know.” Stop erasing Aang’s bond with his actual parental figure in canon. Aang’s love for Gyatso and grief over losing him is what everything else in the story revolves around. The disrespect you idiots show to this relationship is ridiculous. We need to start gatekeeping this show I’m so serious
The first thing Aang did when he met Katara was to ask her to go play with him as the children they are. He then reminded her that she was still a child, too. Aang always viewed Katara as his peer and equal, his best friend—NEVER his parent.
If Aang viewed Katara as his parent, that means he would view her as having authority over him. Which he doesn’t. That also means he would expect her to care for him, which he very much doesn’t.
In fact, the exact opposite is depicted. Aang actually canonically struggles with and rejects Katara’s affections toward him, multiple times. It is portrayed as difficult for him to allow her to show him love, something he has to get over as the show continues. Aang never asks Katara for anything, and he doesn’t expect her to do things for him. She does all of these things of her own free will. Katara also hates that Toph views her as motherly. The only time Katara even speaks on this is when she is arguing with Sokka and Toph. Guess who isn’t a part of this in regards to viewing Katara as motherly? Aang. He doesn’t speak on any of this and the episode doesn’t focus on his and Katara’s relationship because they don’t treat one another the way Katara treats Toph and Sokka. The only time Katara ever acts “motherly” toward Aang is in that very episode, and it’s played for laughs… because she isn’t his mom lol
Also, the EIP episode wasn’t “insane” 😂 and it definitely wasn’t proof that Katara didn’t love Aang. If anything, she’s verbally affirming she does love him romantically. She just set a boundary, because she was afraid he might die and she would be unable to revive him like she had in the book 2 finale. It’s really not that difficult to understand…
Also.. if Aang getting broken out of the ice is a metaphor for …. Childbirth…. Then did Katara birth Appa too ? 😭😂 help it’s sending me
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fairmerthefarmer · 3 months
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When I first saw this photo it made me cry a little.
EDIT: I coloured it
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Air Nomad Monks, after Aang drops cakes on them: We assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this temple
Aang & Gyatso: is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
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mydairpercabeth · 3 months
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kateeorg · 3 months
Avatar Live Action Spoilers
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The fact that Gyatso was explicitly killed by Sozin in this adaptation, both of whom we know were close to Roku... my god, the parallels!
Like, Roku probably told Gyatso about Sozin when they were young. Did Gyatso know who it was that was killing him? The same Sozin Roku told him about, now trying to kill Roku's reincarnation?
And I doubt Sozin knew about Gyatso.... but what if he did? Saw in Gyatso the "betrayal" of Roku, part of the reason Roku stood against his glorious plan to rule everyone?
And Gyatso tells Aang he will always be his friend! That resonates so much harder knowing what we know about him and Roku! Gaaaah.
Swear to god, they better lean into the feels hard if we ever get a "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" retelling, because that's gonna hurt even more when our first intro to Sozin is him killing Gyatso.
EDIT: ALSO, Sozin really had an axe to grind against Roku in this version, huh? He not only let Roku die (i'm assuming, if they keep that element of the backstory. Heck, maybe Sozin flat-out killed him this time around), but personally went to the air temple to kill the reincarnation of his friend (as a child), while Gyatso loved and protected the reincarnation of his friend until the end (since he still believed Aang was in the temple).
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