fantasyfantasygames · 19 days
Replicant Memories
Replicant Memories, Orusha Grangette, 2021
Cyberpunk games typically focus on violence, power, corporate greed, and cynicism. Cyberpunk literature, on the other hand, deals with themes of alienation, virtual vs. analogue reality, the effects of technology on society, and the meaning and worth (or lack thereof) of humanity as a concept. Replicant Memories isn't so much a cyberpunk game as a cyberpunk literature game.
Your character in Replicant Memories (RM, or a monospaced lowercase rm as the game always writes it) is defined by their actual memories. It's a Fate Core variant, using the memories as Aspects or as justification for Stunts and Skill ratings. Since characters in Fate Core have 10 Skills each and a few more Stunts, that's a fair number of memories to write, but so far this is relatively normal stuff.
However, this being cyberpunk, those memories might be implanted. During game play you will discover your "real" memories, which themselves might just be a cover over deeper truths. Any effectiveness of a previous high-ranked Skill was just luck; a Stunt was just a moment of adrenaline or a flash of insight. You can switch one memory out for another every time you take Stress (for memories connected to level 1-2 skills) or Consequences (1-4 and stunts). You need a brief (brief) flashback each time.
The usual Fate mechanics take up about half the book; the other half is setting. Specifically, it's organizations, each with a two-page spread, each with descriptions of how your characters can hook into them and what you might have done for them. Sometimes it's a tight-knit neighborhood described in loving detail; sometimes it's a franchised nation done in broad strokes. The goal is pick-and-choose, but they're arranged alphabetically rather than by type, so the game's not doing itself any favors there.
Were it not for the timing of the book's release I would accuse the art of being AI, but all the work was done just before that really became feasible. It's eerie. It's creepy and disconcerting. It has all the flash and grit you normally expect in near-future city scenes, but it's off, and not in the way that The Actual was off. I have trouble believing that it's intentional, and also trouble believing it's unintentional.
There's a single supplement, entitled "rm -rf", which provides a trio of scenarios for the GM to use. One is high-class, one is low-class, and one is "runner"-level, with the potential for any of them to switch between levels as your group discovers more about their "real" selves. They're all intended to be 1-3 session games, and the plot flies by fairly quickly. Given the game's lack of character advancement and the potential for everyone to switch their skills to the same thing at the same time, that's probably for the best.
Orusha Grangette (not real name) maintains Replicant Memories as a wiki. They keep changing providers, so I have no idea where it is now, and Google searches mostly get you older sites. At least you can toss them into the Wayback Machine.
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shloen · 2 months
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Johnny Mnemonic / 1995 ‧ Action/Sci-fi 
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knifeeater · 2 months
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Interview with the Vampire In Throes of Increasing Wonder | Revolutionary Girl Utena And Someday, Together, We'll Shine | Achille Mbembe The Power of the Archive and its Limits | Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Trailer | Revolutionary Girl Utena End of the World | New Order Singularity | Sophocles & Anne Carson Antigonick
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germanvedmakov · 2 years
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Johnny Mnemonic - Keanu Reeves
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Johnny, a data courier with an overloaded brain implant designed to securely store confidential information. The film was said to be set in 2021.
What a wide ride.
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daily-spanish-word · 6 months
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to hate odiar
Remember: Garfield hates Odie.
“How I hate the body odor on a chock-full metro in the summer.”
I hate Mondays. Odio los lunes.
Picture by JD Hancock on Flickr
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theyuniversity · 16 days
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👏 Kudos to whoever came up with this clever way to easily remember the difference between “their,” “there,” and “they’re.” 💡🧠
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dkl9 · 7 months
∧ = mountain = difficult = strict condition = logical AND
∨ = valley = easy = weak condition = logical OR
(from AN #1261)
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gillianthecat · 9 months
Note to self, because I can never remember which is which:
Cats are destructive, so catabolism is breaking down molecules
This person I know named Ann is creative, so anabolism is building molecules
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3dprintcess · 6 months
Rhyme for Learning Muscles of the Thigh
For reasons, for a fic, I decided I needed to write a mnemonic for learning all the muscles of the thigh.
Turns out, it didn't fit in the fic in the end, but maybe it'll help someone out there? Little clunky, but still!
Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Hamstrings with the biceps femoris is all a set
Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius, of the quadriceps
Then there’s rectus femoris The fourth among that group Leaving pectineus and the long sartorius
Obturator externus And graceful gracilis Join adductors brevis, longus, magnus all are thus
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bethiniancorpuscle · 11 months
Common ototoxic medications
Furosemide (and other loop diuretics) Aminoglycosides Vancomycin Quinine Aspirin
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ceravisiae · 1 year
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knifeeater · 1 year
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Interview with the Vampire ... After the Phantoms of Your Former Self | Francisco Goya Saturn Devouring His Son | Johann U. Krauss Pélops ressuscité | Homer The Odyssey transl. Emily Wilson | Anne Rice Interview with the Vampire | Tantalus | Interview with the Vampire ...The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child's Demanding | Euripides An Oresteia transl. Anne Carson | Interview with the Vampire A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart | Interview with the Vampire Like Angels Put in Hell by God | Christa Wolf Medea transl. John Cullen | Ruth Comfort Mitchell The Sin Eater
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301-302 · 1 year
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Die Papierne Brücke (The Paper Bridge | Ruth Beckermann | 1987)
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Hello. have a good time. I like your blog and read your posts. I understand that you are a person who is interested in science and research. It's valuable to me that you try to talk about things with knowledge and information. You put time and research into the post you prepare. Thank you for being here and thank you for your interesting posts.
I like reading and studying very much. But when I want to study, my mind goes somewhere else and I get tired quickly. I have a scattered and disorganized mind. I think about trivial things and I can't put them in order. I looked for a solution on YouTube and the Internet and even asked for help from people around me, but I didn't get any results. I have a very important exam coming up that can change my life (I failed this exam last year). You are an educated person. How should a person study to get the best results (especially with my situation)?
Hello Anon thank you for this ask, it means a lot you feel that this is something I can give a good answer on. And it means a lot also you appreciate my being here, I airboat you too Anon 🥰 As someone who is neurodivergent as well (was technically diagnosed with ASD when I was 6 years old), doing things the "typical" way was never going to work. When I was in college is when I started to care a lot more about school than I did in grade school. I don't know how much of my blog you've read but I stated in a couple posts previously that according to the mbti my personality type is ENTP. A big part of this does include I tend to see the big picture side of things and I like to go "backwards" from big picture to details, not vice versa which seems to be typical in classrooms. I always found the building up to the "big picture" method used in school to be quite irritating. With this being said, I'm also a big time visual learner, cause this is a very common dominant learning style with ASD people, and perhaps ADD/ADHD as well as some other neurodivergent conditions.
What ended up helping me on exams was actually taking the diagrams from say PowerPoint slides and putting the notes together onto there via Paint after doing "PRNT SCRN" then paste/holding down CTRL + V at the same time and of course crop/cut out the excess. I believe in consolidation when it comes to notes and everything else. I ain't got the time or patience to go reading through 7 pages of notes with very little visuals involved. Why do that, which is in my opinion highly inefficient, when a few diagrams with the notes attached surrounding the diagram could be way easier to do (and not to mention can cut down the number of pages for notes from 7 to say 3)? You know, help people actually visualize how all this information comes together but then again, what do I know ha ha.
Teachers and professors alike in my opinion teach too much in such a piecemeal, boring fashion and tend to have too linear of an approach to teaching. One of my Anatomy & Physiology professors said something I won't forget when it comes to learning because it is incredibly true. The more senses that are involved in your learning experience, the more your brain retains. That's why I say to consolidate notes with diagrams. Color coding things too, heck even if these diagrams with notes can somehow be accommodated with say an audio track somehow if you do wish to do so... THIS is the ticket in my opinion regardless of whether you're neurodivergent or neurotypical.
You can also check out this Forbes article here talking about learning styles. I also LOVE mnemonic devices, 'cause my short-term memory can be pretty crappy and it seems to favor remembering things when mnemonic devices are involved (ex. Acronyms, acrostics, rhymes and alliterations, chunking, visual images, etc.). For example, when I was in Anatomy & Physiology, to remember the difference between antibodies and antigens, "But Y 1? Because it's 1 antiBodY against 1 antigen") image derived from here. As you can see below, the antibody here is shaped like a Y and the Antigen attaches to the antigen-binding fragment below and how the antigens can be a variety of shapes for say a variety of diseases or some other biological substance.
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Also, don't feel bad about taking breaks. Listen to music, play games in between, stupidly scroll online for a short bit, whatever makes you happy. If you're not happy studying, you're not going to do as well in that class overall than if you're enjoying yourself. I'm not sure what you mean by your situation personally but if you mean by a neurodivergent point of view, try what I suggested above.
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daily-spanish-word · 8 days
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strawberry la fresa
Think of very tasty, very fresh strawberries.
I would like a strawberry milkshake. Yo quisiera un batido de fresa.
Picture by kahvikisu on Flickr
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