#michael and david
enthusiasteditor · 2 days
BBC: How have you found it collaborating with David and Michael?
Jack Whitehall (Newton Pulsifer): They’re both incredible. They’re such good actors, you could see them in either role. But this is perfect casting. Even at the read through, they were both already singing. The heart of what will make this work is their dynamic. That is the core of this piece.
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I totally agree. GO is the result of incredible teamwork: exceptional cast, incredible crew, tailors, designers, make-up artists, graphic designers, producers, authors, musicians, directors, technicians... the list would be endless. Everyone contributed to making it a masterpiece.
BUT without Michael and David and their chemistry, Good Omens wouldn't have been perfect
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Michael’s reaction to a suggestive drawing of David
During the the press tour for S1 Graham Norton shared a drawing one of David’s daughters made of her daddy: (Apologies for the crap pics of my TV.)
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Michael’s response:
You look..you look very happy about it.
WOW, Look At That!
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At 14.11
@nightgoodomens @ingravinoveritas
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nikki-rook · 9 months
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smitten | adjective | smit·​ten deeply affected with or struck by strong feelings of attraction, affection, or infatuation
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phoen1xr0se · 15 days
Int: Where will you watch it [Good Omens]?
Michael: David and I will be in character, dressed as our characters, sitting next to each other in bed à la Morecambe and Wise, er, and watching all the episodes as the characters Aziraphale and Crowley, I think.
Int: There's an image that is gonna live with me after this interview is gone.
Michael: Good.
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procrastiel · 1 month
Saw this on twitter and had to redo it
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livhowlett · 2 months
I just found out that Good Omens was possibly going to be a film back in 1992, and because I think I was INEFFABLE for Michael and David to play Aziraphale and Crowley.
Imagine them in there early 20s and it being their breakout roles.
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In the end. I'm very grateful we got our Angel and Demon with their beautiful forehead wrinkles, crow's feet and laugh lines. I love these men and their aged faces.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
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David: Good Omens 2 will be once more unto the breach...
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Michael: The kind of world that Neil and Terry Pratchett created here. It's... it seems to be expanding out into the world in all kinds of unexpected and and truly joyful ways.
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Douglas Mackinnon (the directior): If Season one was a comedy about the End of the World, Season Two is a comedy about the beginning of everything else.
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Miranda Richardson (demon Shax): The Bromance is continuing.
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Doon Mackichan (Archangel Michael): What a cast, is all I can say, incredible, incredible cast.
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Liz Carr (angel Saraqael): But of course a script of Good Omens is a whole different thing because anything can happen.
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Shelley Con (Prince of Hell Beelzebub): There's always a smirk somewhere around the corner in a Good Omens script.
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Quelin Sepulveda (angel Muriel): I had no idea what to expect, where this character was gonna go...
Liz: I feel quite honored that when they were thinking of the realms of sarcasm they thought of me.
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Gloria Obianyo (angel Uriel): Seven-year-old me is like, 'Oh my God! This is the stuff of dreams!'
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Maggie Service (human Maggie): A whole Fantastical Universe of joy that we just get to playing and you'll get to watch.
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Tim Downie (Mr Brown): I am immeasurably, immeasurably excited.
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Jon Hamm (Archangel Gabriel / Jim): You know I was very pleased when when I was brought back to be a part of that story.
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Neil Gaiman: Ppeople are excited and I'm working so hard to tell them absolutely nothing. I'm very lucky because Michael Sheen and David Tennant love Crowley and Aziraphale. I think the first moment that I saw David and Michael acting together... all of a sudden there was Crowley and there was Aziraphale, it was like seeing two friends who I hadn't seen for years.
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David: There's something about the way Neil sees the mundane that is extraordinary and there's something about the way things filter through his imagination and of course in this world it also sprinkled with the imagination of Terry Pratchett and those two together created this cocktail that is it's unlike anything you've seen anywhere else and yet it feels utterly familiar.
Michael: And they both have a sense of the absurdity of what it is to be a human.
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Rob Wilkins: When you've got David and Michael in front of the camera David and Michael evaporate and you have Crowley in Aziraphale and that relationship it needed it needed interrogating more and of course we all know that Terry and Neil had conversations about what the sequel would be and Neil has taken that and he's blown it up in a way that the viewers are just going to love so what would Terry think? Terry would pat Neil on the back and he would push Good Omens forward, he would break a bottle of champagne over its bows and be absolutely delighted and I know that, I'm the one person on Earth who's been entrusted to know that for certain and I promise you Terry would be absolutely delighted.
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David: We've got some cast members coming back, returning but playing different parts which is a lovely little addition to things isn't it, so Miranda Richardson is back not playing the same role as Season One, she's now Shax, my replacement - Crowley's replacement on Earth.
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Neil: Shelley Conn came in as Beelzebub and it feels in a weird way kind of like a Doctor Who Regeneration. We have a new demon called Furfur played by Rheece Shearsmith who was our Shakespeare in Season One.
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David: Nina and Maggie were two of the Sisters in Season One, The nunnery of Doom, and now they are two characters imaginatively called Nina and Maggie.
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Maggie: In season one really it was just me and the nuns, it was the nun gang, so to actually get to meet Aziraphale and Crowley... I hadn't been prepared for how delightful Aziraphale is.
Neil: Season Two begins about threem four years after the events of Season One.
Michael: Aziraphale and Crowley now are, you know, out on their own, they're.. they're a team to themselves.
Neil: Everything changes when Aziraphale gets an unexpected visitor.
Michael: A familiar face comes along with a mystery that needs solving and as Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to solve that mystery they realize that there are much more terrifying things ahead than they've had to deal with in the past. That involves having to go back through history as well to get clues as to what might be going on.
David: When we go back into these stories set within Aziraphale and Crowley's personal history there are moments within those stories where where their relationships sort of pivots or develops in some way. Himself and Aziraphale I think rely on each other even more in season two than they did in Season One because they are by necessity and by circumstance they're a they're a double act that nobody else can join.
Michael: It's extraordinary to see how important these characters and this story have become to a lot of people and how much people enjoy expressing themselves through art, through fan fiction.
David: I went to a Comic-Con and the amount of Crowleys and Aziraphales that I saw everywhere, the cosplaying just took off, and always in twos, which was joyous because of course the characters in my mind only exist in relation to each other. They are the Ying and the Yang.
Michael: It's such a... I think it's such a compliment and I think Neil feels the same way as well.
Maggie: Always clever Neil Gaiman, isn't he?
Nina: Yeah yeah, you'd have to sort of admit that at some point, yeah-
Maggie: He's quite good at his job.
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aceiraphale · 8 months
How can David Tennant play Crowley with a straight face and not be like "💖💞💕AWW THIS IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE 💕💞💖" every time he sees Michael like this:
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Honestly, HOW??
If I was him, I'd be
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all the time!!
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krummholz-go · 3 months
One of the funniest bits of the Bark Ruffalo BAFTA sketch to me was how David Tennant kept asking people in the audience if they were good with dogs and they all reached to take the dog and David had to actively pull away from them because c'mon - when David Tennant offers you a puppy YOU SAY YES.
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clairedelune-13 · 2 months
I love the last ep of Staged 2 where David and Michael don’t wanna get off the call, so Michael keeps bringing up random shit to talk about. 🤣
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enthusiasteditor · 15 days
The secret to acting is don't act. Be you, with add-ons
- Michael Sheen
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shoemakerobstetrician · 4 months
A Few Different Views of David Tennant:
Georgia’s posts: He’s just a sweet, gormless dork -
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Red carpet photographers: He’s the #1 DILF -
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Michael: He’s…he’s….he’s uh…what was the question?
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nikki-rook · 9 months
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That was very kind of you Crowley.
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phoen1xr0se · 4 months
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I don't even have words for how much I adore these four humans, and will never stop being grateful for Good Omens bringing peanut butter and chocolate (and the beautiful bits of bread either side) together.
Taken from Georgia's Instagram.
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aaronontherun · 9 days
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livhowlett · 2 months
Live action Hercules people, LISTEN!
Pain and Panic....
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Played by
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Micheal: Angry, Grumpy, Crazy. Pain
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David: High Pitched, Fast Talking, Fidgeting. Panic
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Probably be the only reason to see the film at that point.
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