#mha fatgum
deathc-re · 24 days
oh, how he just wants to make a pretty little house wife of you. leave you with absolute freedom and autonomy over your time.
you want to go shopping? here's his card.
you want to join a yoga/ pilates/ kickboxing class? let's register you together!
you want to renovate the kitchen? my buddy knows a guy.
he wants to come home and smell the amazing cooking you have for him. or on lazy days, plop on the couch with you and eat take out.
he wants to smile at his phone while at work because you sent him a selfie of you eating breakfast at noon, or taking the dog for a walk, or with shopping backs in the trunk or with the people you're volunteering with or whatever it is your heart desires.
he wants to see you on the porch, barefoot and pregnant, rubbing your belly and waving to him as he pulls up in the driveway.
he wants to hear you ramble on about the new book you read and hated/loved. or help you brainstorm ideas for your passion project.
he wants to brag about you to all his work buddies and bring you to all the corporate dinners and stroke his own ego while you bashfully tell his coworkers that you "don't have a job, my husband takes care of everything."
NANAMIN, BAKUGO, KIRISHIMA, FATGUM, IZUKU, aizawa, yuuta, armin, iida, iwazumi, sugawara + whoever else you want!
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luxthestrange · 2 months
BNHA Incorrect quotes#16 DAMMIT DAVE-
When Fatgum was on patrol he saw a food stand ...as he looked up to see the owner he saw you again...cooking with a smile
Villain!Y/n*Serving him a big plate of food with an excited grin*FATGUM-...i-um...HAVE DINNER WITH ME?! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!?~
Fatgum*Smilling abit flustered by your eagerness and takes the plate*Um...maybe one night?-
Villain!Y/n*Tears up and lower lip trembles, whining...taking a deep breath* C-COME ON MAN EVERY NIGHT!!!-OW*Was bonked in the head by your lackeys who...looked apologetic at Fatgum as they...dragged you away to your vehicle*
Henchman*Coughs into first bowing at fatgum*A-apologies for the inconvenience sir...if they bother you again-Uh here is my card...again sorry-
The henchmen give Fatgum his card "Dave Head-Henchman of Y/n Group xxx-xxx-xxxx"...Fatgum watches as they live with you whining and as he eats your plate...his eyes shined
Fatgum*Chewing your dish and continue to eat*...Delicious
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part 2 of:
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billiethepumpkin · 3 months
Carry Me: Fatgum x Reader
Warnings: Rated R. This content is intended for readers 18 years or older. If you are a minor, do not interact.
Contains: GN!reader. Just a sweet gesture from Fatgum.
Author's Note: All characters are portrayed to be adults because I am an old fuck :)
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"What a day," Fatgum had thought, holding your hand and guiding you through the city.
It hadn't been a particularly bad day. It had just been incredibly long, with Taishiro dragging you through several different sites on your visit to a new city. New restaurants, lots of cute little stores and boutiques, everything that Fatgum could think of when he was planning your weekend getaway. You'd gone on a swim that morning at the beach, followed by lunch and a long walk through town, trying on all the little sundresses you saw in the window. And Taishiro had been incredibly sweet, buying pretty much anything you wanted. You just wished he hadn't dragged you on sung a drawn out adventure today. Well, you couldn't even really say he dragged you, either. You had very clearly stated that you wanted to go with him. You were just exhausted and grumpy after your long day.
And he could tell. Taishiro watched as you stumbled along next to him, ready to settle down and take an afternoon cat nap. Fatgum, with his large frame and intense demeanor, softened at the sight as he tried to slow down for you. He felt at least a little guilty. He could have paced himself a little better so that you'd have time to rest between activities. He was just so excited! He loved going on these adventures, especially with you. You loved the beach. He knew you did. He picked this town specifically for its beautiful beach. But then after lunch, you just kept getting distracted by all the cute little sundresses in the shop windows. And how could he say no to you when you wanted something so simple?
But now, his excitement came back to bite him as your overly tired body trudged along next to him. He could hear the pavement sliding under your feet at you stumbled along.
Your body was so tired. Your legs and feet hurt from walking in sandals all day. Your arms and abs were sore from swimming in the ocean. Ideally, you wanted to just curl up in front of the TV and take a nap, but you would have settled for just sitting down for a minute to rest. You almost said something. You almost whined. But then you thought, what good would it do? Fatgum was so excited on this trip, you didn't think there would be any stopping him.
And just as you thought that, you felt his strong hands wrap around your waist and lift you up, as if you were made of feathers. "What--" you stammered as you were lifted into the air. Taishiro settled you on top of his shoulders and held onto you by your legs. You felt instant relief as you settled your weight onto him. You smiled instinctively. "That's better, huh?" he teased. "I thought you could use a rest."
You smiled at him again, unsure of what to say. Were you tired enough that your brain wasn't working? Nope. It was just him. You realized then that he had been paying attention. You should have just spoken up a long time ago. "Thank you," you finally decided to respond.
He carried you like that the rest of the walk to your hotel.
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koishiro · 1 month
Dating Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) <3
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myheromedia · 5 months
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Horikoshi Christmas sketch!
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zenphiaaa · 8 months
Fun (Taishiro Toyomitsu)
Shy!Fatgum x Gen!LoveSick!Reader
<> When you first confessed to the big man, he didn't believe you
<> How could someone as pretty and bright as you like him?
<> It took a few tries and many heartfelt conversations for him to even believe you
<> But your still not together for some reason
<> It's not that he doesn't like you back! He's just completely unsure about the whole thing
<> People never liked him or him you know? If someone ever approached him it was due to his hero status
<> Not that he never expected it, but it does something to your self-esteem after so many tries of finding love and to only be left with bitter disappointment
<> So he was cautious about handing his heart over to you
<> It was fine with you however! You knew the man had reservations about being in a romantic relationship much less accepting feeling of another person
<> So while he tried to accept the fact that your feelings were real, you decided that you were going to woo the heck out of the man
<> With a never wavering confidence you pulled out all the tricks and tips that those romance movies have shown you
<> You didn't watch the notebook for nothing you know
<> So you bring lunch, sometimes homemade sometimes it was from that stall down the street. Though Taishiro always looked the happiest when he ate something made from your hands
<> Bringing in protein shakes for him and his sidekicks after a hard day of extra training
<> The first time you brought him flowers he had nearly cried in gradutite
<> Even if he never returns your feelings, you knew the man deserved someone who would treat him good. So you decided to continue on your ways until Taishiro finds someone, even if it's not you
<> As time went on, your confidence slowly started to diminish, while the man didn't show signs of distaste towards your feelings or actions he never voiced his support either
<> You tried to steel yourself in your feelings but at the end of the day, you were only human with a bleeding heart
A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. You knew that Taishiro was shy around others, especially those of the opposite sex. So how was he able to talk to her like that? Like it was normal? You tried to shove the ugly jealous monster down but it kept peeking its head out the longer the interaction lasted.
While the conversations the two of you had shared were full of childhood stories, and wishes for the future. He never once smiled like that for you. It was almost like the shine in his eyes were brighter and the smile on his eyes streached so wide you could see it in his eyes.
With a small huff you gently placed the bxed lunch down on the counter before turning the other direction and taking your leave. You knew it was petty to leave without saying goodbye but in the moment all you could foucs on was the hurt you felt.
You were almost sure that Taishiro did share your fellings 100% but then again, you weren't together. So who's to say that someone who would be a better fit would come around for the male? As you exited through the final doors of the building, a weight seemed to settle down on your chest. You were already feeling guilty about leaving without saying anything.
At the same time you won't cry in front of a guy again, your heart wouldn't be able to handle that. You did promise yourself that you would be happy for your friend if he did find someone that wasn't you. Unfortunately it seemed like he did, and all you could do was lick your wounds and makeup a stomache flu excuse for your behavior today.
You hoped your heart wouldn't break to much.
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My Girl (Fatgum x Fem! Reader) SMUT
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This fic was purely self indulgent because I've been going through a lot recently and Fatgum's one of my comfort characters, so, be nice, please.
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, SMUT, AFAB reader, Fem! Reader, use of she/her pronouns, mentions of body dysmorphia and lack of self esteem, mentions of weight, p in v sex, pussy eating, Dom! Taishiro, being restrained by partner, praise kink, size kink, unprotected sex, other than that just pure fluff (lmk if I missed anything.) Enjoy!
You paused the work you were doing on your laptop when your phone began buzzing on your nightstand. You looked at the caller ID curiously, it was your boss. He never called you on your day off. You answered the call in a panic, surely something had to be wrong. Fatgum was always trying to ensure you were resting properly. 'You work too hard as it is, sweets. I don't want you to worry about work at home too.' "Hey! You busy today?" Your body instantly relaxed at the sound of his usual jovial tone on the other end of the line.
"Not in the slightest." You set your laptop on your bed next to you, wanting to give him your undivided attention. "Do you need me to come in today?"
"Do you really think I'd ask you to come in on your day off?" You stifled a giggle at his mockingly offended tone. "I was going to do some shopping and stuff around the city today… I would like you to come with me if you can. Maybe I could take you out to dinner while we're out?"
"Are you asking me out on a date?" You could hear his nervous stuttering on the other end of the line.
"I… Um, yeah, I guess I am." He chuckles. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" The words came out slowly, the briefest of pauses between each one as if he was carefully thinking about every syllable that left his lips
"I would love to, Tai." You couldn't keep the beaming smile off your face.
"Great!" His voice flooded with relief. "I'll pick you up in an hour." The two of you exchanged your goodbye's before you hung up to get ready. You had been working with Tai for years now, he was someone you very quickly learned to call a friend. However, throughout your years of working in such close proximity with him you had developed a little crush on the BMI hero. It was nice to see that your feelings weren't one sided, but, you would be lying if you said you weren't still a little nervous. You must have tried on everything in your wardrobe before deciding on an outfit, groaning as nothing fit you exactly how you wanted it to. You knew you shouldn't be putting so much thought into this. You had come such a long way with Taishiro's help, but as you looked at yourself in the mirror you couldn't help but have doubts. Part of the reason you wanted to work under Taishiro in the first place was because of what he stood for. Fatgum made being big something to be proud of. Your squishy tummy and muscular thighs were something to be celebrated, not ridiculed. You put on an outfit you felt confident in, and it helped you feel a bit better. It was funny really, whenever you started to feel negatively about how you looked you would always think back to Tai. Numerous press events, formal dinners, company trips, he was there to build you up whenever your confidence wavered. Now should be no different. Before you realized it an hour had passed, you perked up at the sound of someone gently knocking at your door. There in front of you stood Taishiro in his civilian form, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. You were a bit shocked when you saw him, you were so used to Fatgum that you had forgotten what he looked like in his civilian form. Loose white Tshirt hanging off his frame, messy blond hair falling perfectly against his forehead, the only thing resembling the hero you knew so well was his unmistakable smile.
"You brought me flowers?" You were in awe that he remembered what your favorites were, something you had only told him once in passing a while ago.
"Pretty flowers for the prettiest girl I know." You inhaled their sweet aroma as you took the bouquet from him, inviting him inside while you looked for a vase to put it in. "Thank you for letting me take you on a date." You gently grabbed his arm, squeezing his bicep with a small smile.
"There isn't anyone I'd rather go on a date with." You notice him blush slightly at your compliment. "I almost didn't recognize you when I opened the door, it's been a long time since I've seen you in civilian form." He looks down at the floor, kicking his toe against the hardwood.
"I figured you'd rather go on a date with Taishiro… not Fatgum." You couldn't help but notice his dejected tone. You take a step closer to him, reaching out and taking his hand in yours.
"Tai, I like you for you, not how fat of skinny you are." Golden eyes finally find yours, smile already returning to his lips. "You make me laugh, you and I could talk about anything for hours and I would never get bored, you give amazing hugs." You giggle and he laughs, thumb languidly running over your knuckles. "Those are the things that made me fall for you, not some silly number. Besides, fat form or not, I think you're incredibly handsome." You let out a flustered giggle at such a direct complement. He pulled you to him, arms wrapping tightly around you as his chin rested in the top of your head.
"Have I ever told you how amazing you are." He squeezes you, earning yet another laugh from your much smaller form. "Let's go have some fun, yeah?" You nod, fingers lacing with his as you leave your apartment building. The two of you made your way to what many considered the shopping district of the city, your eyes wide as you peruzed the window displays of each store. You paused in front of one shop in particular, a sexy little cocktail dress catching your attention. "You'd look great in that darlin'." You jumped slightly at Taishiro's voice right next to your ear. He saw the hesitance in your expression, knowing exactly the thought process you were going through. His hands fell on your waist, a blush immediately erupting on your cheeks. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he remained just far enough away so as to not have his whole torso pressed against your back. "Why don't you go try it on? I'd like to see it on you." You swallowed thickly, nodding and placing your hands on top of his. He kept an arm securely around you as you headed into the store, Taishiro doing all of the talking so you wouldn't feel pressured. The sales associate inside was more than happy to help. She walked with you to the dressing rooms in the back, Taishiro making himself comfortable on one of the chairs just outside with an excited smile on his face.
"You and your boyfriend are absolutely adorable." She squeals quietly. You thanked her, the self doubt that was still flooding your mind making it hard to focus. She brought you the dress you had your eye on, helping you get zipped up before you returned to the main floor. At the first sight of you Taishiro's jaw dropped. He fumbled with his wallet, pulling out his credit card and passing it off to the sales associate.
"Tai, you really don't have to do that," you hurried over to him. "I'm not even sure if I like it." He stood, taking your hand and bringing you over to the full length mirror by the dressing rooms. He turned you so you could look at yourself, your arms immediately coming up to cross over your torso. You felt so exposed. He ran his hands up and down your sides, over every curve you felt insecure about.
"You look beautiful, sweets." He stooped down to rest his chin on your shoulder. "Is there anything I can do? I want my girl to feel as pretty as I think she looks."
"Your girl, huh?" You saw Taishiro's face flush in the reflection. You looked at yourself in the mirror again, letting your arms fall to the side. Tai's compliment didn't take away your insecurity but it definitely helped dull the sting it left in your chest. "You promise I look okay?"
"You look more than okay darlin'." He hugs you from behind. "You look perfect." The sales associate returns with a bag for your clothes that still remained in the dressing room, Taishiro convincing you to wear the dress out of the store. You tried to argue that it wouldn't go with your sneakers, but he couldn't be swayed. As you walked you reached out for his hand once more, he laced his fingers with yours eagerly. You couldn't remember the last time you had this much fun. The two of you made your way from shop to shop, giddy and laughing the entire way. Taishiro never left your side; whether the two of you were holding hands, he had an arm wrapped around your shoulders, or he was pulling you into a hug, your thoughts didn't have a chance to deviate away from the butterflies he gave you. You sat across from him at a small table in an outdoor noodle shop you had stumbled across as your day wound down. Chin resting in your hands as you watched him carry on a jovial conversation with the shop owner. You had already known, but today really cemented things for you. You were in love with him. "And she'll have the same." He turns to look at you once more with that breathtaking smile. "I hope you don't mind that I ordered for you."
"I trust your judgment on the food here." You giggle. He reaches across the table and takes your hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
"I really wish today didn't have to end, I've had a really good time with you." His gaze lingered on your lips for just a moment, but it was enough to get you flustered. You thought about kissing this man more often than you would like to admit. Now, with him sitting here in the soft orange lantern light, the warmth of his hand mingling with your own, the thought was beginning to creep its way to the front of your mind yet again. The two of you gradually began to lean closer to each other over the table as you quietly conversed, the background buzz of the other patrons lost to you. You were startled apart by your food arriving at the table. After a delicious meal and fantastic company Taishiro walked you home, cutting through the park to spend just a little more time with him. Your intertwined hands swung between you as your conversation carried on. You both fell silent as you came across a street performer who was playing a soft melody on his guitar. Taishiro paused and looked down at you. "Would you like to dance, darlin'?"
"I would love to." You say quietly. Taishiro wraps an arm around your waist, gazing longingly into your eyes as you swayed with him in the warm night air. Crickets and frogs accompanying the instrumentals as your heart pounded in your chest. "I… really like you Tai." He smiles softly down at you, the hand on your waist giving you a gentle squeeze.
"I really like you too." His voice barely above a whisper as golden eyes remained locked with yours. You noticed him swallow thickly, tongue peeking out to wet his lips before he slowly began to inch his face closer to yours. Your eyes slid shut as his grip on your waist tightened, pulling you flush against him. It was perfect, he was perfect, his lips were hovering over yours when suddenly you were interrupted.
"Hey is that Fatgum?" You both sighed, opening your eyes you were met with the sight of an apologetic smile on his lips as his fans rushed over to him. Being a well known hero like him had its drawbacks sometimes, you had been working with him long enough that privacy could be a luxury. After some casual conversation and photos were taken the two of you continued on your way, eventually arriving at your apartment.
"Sorry bout that." He chuckles bashfully.
"It's really okay, I wouldn't want you to sacrifice your reputation with your fans just for me." You step closer to him, resting your hands on his chest. "Besides… I'm really hoping this isn't the only date we get to go on."
"Oh, don't you worry, sweets, I plan on spoiling my girl every chance I get." Your heart fluttered at him calling you his girl. He pulls you into a tight hug, neither one of you wanting to let go. As you pulled back you placed a soft kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight." He stood in front of you with a bashful expression, rocking slightly on his heels.
"Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." You both wave as you close your door. You let out a sigh as you kicked off your shoes, about to head out of your entry way when there was a knock at your door. You opened it to see Taishiro still standing there.
"I'm sorry… I just-" He lets out a frustrated groan as he stutters before pulling you to him. His lips crashed against yours with such passionate ferocity or caused you to stumble back, one of his arms circling around your waist, the other gripping firmly onto the doorframe to keep you both upright. Kissing Taishiro made you feel like you were floating. His lips soft and warm against yours as the entirety of him flooded your senses. The sweet, musky scent of his cologne. His hand gripping your waist as he held you as close to him as he could. His hair soft against your fingers as they tangled into it. It was probably the best kiss you had ever experienced. Your lips trailed after his as he reluctantly pulled back. A warm hand found its way to your face from the doorframe, your head still spinning from the kiss.
You stood there, wide eyed and breathless as you gazed up at him, your body hot with want. "Tai, would you like to come inside?" He responded simply by scooping you up in strong arms, pushing through the half open door and ducking his head under the doorframe as he entered your apartment. The door was closed and your back was pressed against it, Taishiro's size and strength allowing him to move your body around with ease. Your legs wrapped around his torso as he settled himself between your thighs, lips finding yours again with ease as he hungrily captured your lips with his own. A massive hand cups your jaw with an almost shocking delicacy, Taishiro's presence already beginning to overwhelm you in such a short amount of time. His thumb swipes over your cheek as he gazes down at you, his expression a mixture of lust and nerves.
"Are you sure this is okay, sweetheart?" You felt your chest swell at the care he was putting into making sure you were comfortable. You pushed your fingers through his messy blond hair.
"I'm sure." Your voice soft and small as it left you. Despite the fact that Taishiro wanted you more than anything else in the world at the moment, yet still held you so delicately, allowed you to feel safe. You knew the man before you better than anyone, and you were eager to see what kind of mind numbing pleasure he would help you experience. Your hands rest on his chest, he still scanned your features for any sign of apprehension. "I want to experience all of you Taishiro." That was all it took to send him tumbling over the edge. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he attacked your neck, lips leaving a trail of fire across your skin. You couldn't help but gasp at the feeling of his rough, calloused fingers sliding underneath the hem of your dress, successfully hiking the fabric up to your waist with ease.
"Such a pretty little thing you are darlin'." He massaged your thighs, the room filled with the chorus of small gasps and moans that fell effortlessly from your lips as he nipped and sucked dark marks onto your cleavage. "I want everyone to know you're mine after tonight sweets." You let out a surprised yelp as Taishiro dropped to his knees, throwing your legs over his shoulders and bringing him face to face with your already soaked cunt. "You like to be tossed around a little. Don't you, princess?" You bit your lip, your head connecting with the wood behind you with a full thud. Your cheeks burned, embarrassed that he managed to get you turned on so easily. Taishiro chuckles at your expression before placing soft kisses along your thigh. You squirmed in his grasp, his hot breath fanning over your exposed skin. "Be a good girl and sit still for me darlin'." You would have laughed if you weren't in such an exposing predicament. It's not like you had a choice whether or not you would sit still, Tai had his arms snaked around your thighs in a vice grip, you couldn't have escaped even if you wanted to. You whined, fingers tangling in his hair, the pet name turning you on even more. You wanted to be good for him, to have him push you over the edge of your climax over and over again until you went limp. But, even in just your day to day life, Taishiro was a tease; Rolling up his sleeves to show up his muscular forearms and hands as he perched himself just a little too close to you at your desk to read something, he was very good at getting you flustered with the simplest actions. Now was no different. Panties ripped from your body and discarded as he kissed the lower half of your body everywhere besides where you needed him to most.
"Tai," you whine his name, giving his hair a gentle tug, "please." He rested his head against your thigh, looking up at you with a smirk as he noticed just how needy you were for him. He hadn't even touched you yet and you were already coming undone before his eyes. His eyes kept you locked in place, keeping eye contact with you as he finally gave you some relief. You cried out for him, giving his hair another firm tug. You felt him smirk against you at your outburst, satisfied with your reaction. He ate you out like you were his last meal, every movement from his skilled tongue threatening to send your climax crashing over you. Your body moved on its own as you ground your soaked pussy against his face. He hums against you, glad to see you enjoying yourself. You gasped as he slipped a finger inside you, wanting to get you as prepared as possible for later. "Fuck, you're so good at this." You couldn't help but giggle, your head swimming in pure pleasure.
His thumb replaced his tongue against your clit, rubbing circles at a firm, even pace over the already sensitive nub. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." He chuckles. "Think you can keep up? You're already looking pretty fucked out sweets." You could hear the shit eating grin in his voice, your response cut off with a moan as he slipped another finger inside of you. Your cunt was already stretched around his fingers alone, you couldn't even begin to imagine what his cock would feel like inside of you. You pushed down on his fingers, strangled gasps and moans leaving your shaking frame as he inched you closer to your orgasm. "Are you going to finish for me darlin'?" You nod, biting down on your lip to try and quiet your sounds. "Eyes on me sweets, I want you to look at me while you cum." Your face burned as you locked eyes with him, your head empty aside from any command he gave you. His mouth returns to your sex, assaulting your clit with his tongue before sucking it roughly into his mouth. You screamed his name as you climaxed, your legs shaking, crushing Taishiro's head between them in the process. He places one last kiss on your clit once he finishes with you, causing you to jolt. He helps you down off of his shoulders, arms never ceasing to support you as your feet hit the cold wooden floor. "Where's the bedroom?" You attempted to start walking in its direction, your legs felt like jelly as they struggled to keep you upright. You giggled as he scooped you up in his arms again.
"It's the last door on the left." He carries you through the door, setting you gently on the bed before leaning down to kiss you, the taste of you still on his lips. He tugged at the bottom of your dress, asking your permission to fully remove it. You gave him a nervous nod in response, allowing him to peel the fabric off your body. He took in the full sight of you with a smile, you couldn't help but notice the massive bulge in his pants as he stood in front of you.
"You are so beautiful sweets." He pulled his shirt over his head. Even in his civilian form he still had the soft tummy you loved so much, the softly defined muscles of his arms and chest, he really was flawless. As he stepped out of his pants you realized you were in trouble. Taishiro's impressive length looked like it was enough to rip your small frame in two. He chuckles at the slight fear he saw in your eyes. "Don't worry darlin', I'm gonna take my time getting you ready." He was back on you in an instant, lips finding yours with ease as he carefully laid you back. His massive paw cupped your sex, slowly palming you to help you relax. You whimpered softly, grinding against him to try and get more friction. He chuckles, "not enough sweetheart?" His thumb runs languid circles against the bundle of nerves, still sensitive from your last climax you moan softly into the crook of his neck. Two fingers teased at your entrance before they pushed inside you. The intensity of being so suddenly stretched open caused you to tense, Taishiro stopped the instant he felt it. Soft kisses were placed along your neck and shoulder, "just relax princess, I got you. You doin' alright?" You nod against him, arms holding onto him as tightly as you could manage. Your muscles loosened, allowing him to fully slide his fingers inside you. You feel him start to move slowly inside of you, fingers rapidly being able to slip in and out of you with ease as they become slick with your juices. Your feverish panting and Taishiro's gentle praise broke up the silence. "Such a good girl, you take my fingers so well, sweets, you're doing such a good job." A veil of sweat now covered your skin, every small touch sent a jolt of electricity across your exposed body. Your nails dug into his back as Taishiro added a third finger. You hissed at the slight sting but urged him to keep going, it felt incredible and you didn't want him to stop. The slow thrusting of his fingers began to pick up again, everytime brushing a certain spot inside of you that numbed your mind completely. Your vision went white as your second orgasm hit you, this one even more intense than the first one. You whimpered and squirmed in his grasp. Taishiro looked down at your quivering form with bright eyes as his thumb picked up its pace on your clit.
"Taishiro, fuck!" Your fingers raked down his back, you were sure you had left marks behind but he didn't seem phased in the slightest. A second orgasm crashed into you right after the other one. You bit down on his shoulder to muffle the scream that ripped through you. He gradually slowed his pace, allowing you to come down from your high. You looked down to see his free hand pumping his massive erection. You placed a hand on his chest, letting your head fall back against the mattress as you tried to regain control of your breathing. "Lube… bottom drawer… just give me a second." You giggled through your panting. Taishiro retrieved the bottle, before he had the chance to prepare himself, you decided to help him. You placed a hand on his waist, nudging him in the direction of the bed. He says down without complaint, smirking as he watches you squirt copious amounts of lube into your palm. You gently pushed the head of his cock against your hand, he let out a low groan, his head tilting back slightly as he kept himself propped up on his elbows to watch you.
"Fuck, sweetheart. Your hands feel really good." He smiles, his flushed cheeks and blown out pupils leaving nothing to the imagination about how good you were making him feel. You pumped him slowly, a soft moan escaping his lips whenever your palm dragged over his tip. Now sufficiently lubed up, Taishiro grabbed you by your waist and tossed you onto the mattress, eliciting an excited squeal from you. "You ready darlin'?" You nodded, attempting to let your body relax as much as possible. He ran the tip of his cock along your entrance, the lube making you even more wet than you already were. He slowly eased into you, stopping at any sign of discomfort and allowing you to adjust. You leaned into his touch as he rested a hand on your cheek, groaning as he got as deep inside of you as he possibly could. You whimpered as your walls stretched around his thick length, hiding your face against him as he sat there motionless, allowing you to adjust. "I'm gonna try and move princess, stop me if it's too much." He eases himself out of you and carefully pushes back in. Placing gentle kisses against the side of your face, telling you repeatedly how good you're doing, how incredible you felt around him. Slowly the discomfort dissipated and you were filled with nothing but pure pleasure.
"Faster." You stammer out. Taishiro wasted no time on your request, gradually picking up speed until your screams of pleasure were the only sound that filled the room. He kissed you hard, the ruthless thrusting paired with his lips on yours taking your breath away. You tugged him back by his hair slightly, "I'm gunna-fuck." The words you were trying to get out were cut off by your high pitched whine, your toes curling and head spinning from how good he was making you feel.
"Me too sweetheart." His thrusts were starting to get sloppy, his intensity dropping as he neared his own climax. He quickly pulled out of you, pumping his cock as hot ropes of cum shot all over your stomach and chest. He gave you one more soft kiss l, looking lovingly into your eyes as he gently cupped your face. "How are you feeling, princess?"
You nodded, voice coming out in a horse croak as you spoke, "wonderful." Taishiro chuckles, giving you a quick peck before he stood up.
"I'll be right back, I think I saw your bathroom across the hall right?" You nodded, watching him as he disappeared only to come back a few moments later with a cloth to clean you up with. "Alright sweets, let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" He carefully ran the warm washcloth over your body, being as gentle as he possibly could as he cleaned you up. You hissed as he ran the cloth over your sex, knowing you would be incredibly sore come morning. "Sorry 'bout that sweetheart."
"It's okay, I didn't expect to walk away unscathed." The two of you shared a laugh as he discarded the cloth and crawled into bed next to you, helping you under the covers. He pulled you into his arms, you nuzzled against his chest.
"Do you, um… do you want to make things official?" He asked you nervously. You rest your chin on his chest, gazing up at him with an expression nothing short of pure adoration.
"Tai," he turned his gaze down to look at you as you said his name. "I've had feelings for you for a long time. Today was… perfect. I would go up to the roof and scream that you're my boyfriend right now if my legs would carry me there." He chuckles, running his fingers through your hair.
"Your boyfriend, huh? And you're my girlfriend." He beams down at you, you nod with a giggle. "I'd really like that." You push yourself upwards to kiss him before snuggling into his side. You drifted off in his arms that night, completely content now that he was at your side. You woke up the next morning to the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. You got yourself dressed, stretching as you wandered your way into the kitchen. Taishiro stood there in nothing but his boxers, the sight alone was enough to bring a smile to your face. You hugged him from behind, placing a kiss between his shoulder blades before laying your head against his back. "Mornin' darlin'."
"Morning." You sigh sleepily. You were about to ask him how long he'd been up when there was a frantic knock at the door. Peering out into the hallway you saw Taishiro's two sidekicks standing there with a nervous expression. "Kirishima, Amajiki, what are you two doing here?"
"Fatgum's missing, we've been trying to call him all morning, he never made it to the office-" Kirishima was cut off by their mentor appearing behind you in the doorway. "Oh-"
"I forgot to charge my phone. Smart plan coming to (Y/N)'s though, good job boys." He wraps an arm around your shoulders, the two of them absolutely dumbfounded by what they were seeing. "Come on in, I'm making breakfast."
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kaminarigf · 15 days
Blondes UGH
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holograham-crackers · 11 months
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I just found this on my procreate and it's almost a year old <3
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Ive noticed fatgum always has this fuckin face on his face, so I wanted to compile every single shot of "the face" that i had.
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And theyre all similar to this one ⤴️⤴️
More of him face will be down here ⤵️⤵️
These images will be from the anime, manga, Vigilanties and some are from a little mobile game!!
Pls enjoy, him face :)c :Dc
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deathc-re · 2 months
your older!bf who has really opened your eyes to the world of mature men. who truly listens when have a complaint and works to fix it. who shows you that he adores you, even in his own strange way. who goes out of his way to spoil you and pamper you; who always makes sure you have the best of the best.
older!bf who literally is the best sexual experience you've had in your whole life. who does things you didn't even think were possible. who makes you feel levels of pleasure you'd only read about until this point. who pays such close attention to ever twitch and flinch and gasp and abuses ever spot that brings you pleasure. who reaches places so deep inside that you're surprised feels good instead of painful. who goes above and beyond with aftercare, making you feel so safe and secure. who makes sure you're well feed and clean, your favorite show or song playing as he cuddles you close.
older!bf who wastes no time to show you off and shower you in praise. who compliments every aspect of you, some you didn't even notice about yourself. who respects and knows you as a person. who is secure enough in himself and the relationship to know that even tho you're together, you're your own separate people and is fine with it.
older!bf who is protective of you and takes the extra measures to make sure you're safe in every situation he can, no matter what.
older!bf who loves you :(
LAW, corazon, sir crocodile, bakugo, aizawa, FAT GUM, sung-jin woo, andy, GETO, and my man <3
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luxthestrange · 2 months
BNHA Incorrect quotes#20 Ollo-
So You were in a meet-up for a partnership with some tiny thug...they plan to get rid of many of the heroes...you didn't care and found this idiot droning on and on boring TILL...he mentioned Fatgum is one of his targets...that's when mood shifted and your henchmen took the cue to step back, taking out their trenchcoats for the bloodbath about to happen-
Villain!Y/n: I think if you touch a single hair on his head, I'm gonna be wearing your guts like my mom's pashmina~
Overhaul: …Excuse me?
Villain!Y/n*Slowly your pupils started to grow red as you started to grow in size in an Eldrich horror deity voices come out of you as the lights started to explode around you and the furniture started to shake* I'm sorry~, Did I frickin' stutter? I said if you hurt him, you will experience pain and torment beyond anything you could possibly imagine, Your body will be torn apart, piece by piece, as you beg for mercy that will never come, I will add your screams to my goshdarn Spotify, and I will see your head mounted on a fudging pike!!!
Dave*Has face plastic mask when he gets a call on your phone and sees...surprisingly Fatgum number that he found out while investigating him* Um Boss It's Mister Fatgum's calling-
Villain!Y/n*Mid shifts and zoomies to nervously hold the phone in hands with a raging blush*O-oh my!?-He actually is calling me-SHIT SHIT HOW DO HUMANS SPEAK-*anwers call and coughs*Ollo!~
Henchment(Steve)*Smilling at you*Is "Hello"
Dave*Facepalms*...we practiced boss-
Villain!Y/n*Gasps and thanks steve*Hello!~
You look at your lackeys and they give you thumbs up happily, While Dave PROMPTLY...kicks the Yakuza out
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part 3 of:
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
Ohhh that Fatgum request 😳 I hope you don't mind a follow-up idea, I'm just thinking about Fatgum being real dominant and drunk on his own power..maybe absorbing some energy from his sub with his quirk (I figure he's more powerful since it's a #1 hero AU) 💦 big and dominant in every way
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❱ http:˚♡All To You by Sabrina Claudio ˚ˑؘ 🍄 ·˚
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GENDER: Female Reader
WARNINGS: Number One Hero AU, Inappropriate Language, 18+, Masturbation (Female), Overstimulation, Metions of Dumbification, Squirting, Rough Sex, Slight! Breeding, and Dominate behavior
CHARACTER: Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
A/N- I'm loving all the thirsty fatgum requests, but anyways thank you for requesting and enjoy ;3
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      You laid awake, eyes boring into the high ceilings as you twisted the ring on your finger, before you flipped and faced Taishiro—watching his chest rise and fall with wordless mumbles. 
     You were aware he was exhausted from his hero duties, considering that the villains have been more persistent as of late but you missed him. He barely had time for you when he arrived in the late hours, leaving the house lacking his presence throughout the day. It didn't help that you were feeling amorous, needy for Taishiro's rough yet gentle hands and needy for him to release his stress on you. Your eyes shut, tremblingly, as the flaming heat between your feverish thighs became intolerable. A whiny breath utters from your lips as your thighs knead one another desperately for a bit of relief, finding it as your thigh chafed against your puffy clit. You huffed, tears beading in your eyes with frustration, and you entangled your fingers into your hair. Even if your body cried out for Taishiro, you weren’t going to disturb his rest when you could tackle your fat and deprived cunt yourself—but you didn’t intend on waking him. 
     A hand slithers past your ‘jama shorts, shuddering as your finger stroked over your clad slit before shedding from your shorts and dampened panties. You inhale sharply as the drafty air kisses your aroused cunny, stifling a moan. Your fingers rubbed circles on your folds, slipping in a digit and teasing your sensitive bud. You were losing yourself, becoming more and more difficult to withhold those needful noises and jerks of your hip as your fingers crept down to your greedy hole and stretched you prettily. 
     “Taishiro~” You breathe, bucking into your hand. 
     Taishiro’s eyes flicked open, discerning your muffled whimpers and the wet smack of your thrusting fingers, his brows furrowed before raising with realization. He tossed around, catching you as your skin prickled and your back arching when you came around your fingers. His hand tickles over your clammy skin, your arousal seeping into his body, as he felt his cock harden achingly.
     Taishiro’s lips draws into a taunting smirk, “my baby is so restless tonight, isn’t she?”
     Your glossy eyes widen, before bobbing your head sluggishly.
     “Now you know I loathe it when you exclude me, definitely when I could’ve gotten a taste of that pussy.”  
     “M’sorry, Taishy. Didn’t wanna bother you when I know yer tired.” You murmured, your words drawn out. 
     He smiled before he mounted you, “that’s sweet of you baby, but you know I gotta punish ya.”
     You mewled, his hips rutting against yours, flinging your head back. Taishiro maneuvers himself from his gray joggers, you ogled at his swollen and redden cock. He takes your chin between his fingers and tilts it for you to stare him in the eye. “Look at me…be a good girl and spread wide for me.” 
     You parted your legs, your glistening lips in sight. Taishiro breathes through his nostrils and envelops his dick with his hand, swirling and smushing the head between your folds before he sheathes himself in your warmth with a groan. Your eyes deters from him, squirming beneath him. He growls and smacks your cunt, manhandling your jaw once again. 
     “‘I’m not going to ask you again,” He chided, “look at me.” 
     A hand palms at your stiffen teat while the other grasps your hip, setting a rhythmic tempo. Taishiro’s head slouches with a low hum, absorbing your lustful energy with every pump of his dick—now he was losing himself. 
     You choked on a sob as Taishiro swells into his chunky form, his girth stuffing you utmost. Your nails clawed at his wrist, his pace increasing. “Taishy, gentle.” 
     He scoffs before he snatches your legs and forcing them to your chest, fucking you further at an angle that had you squealing. 
     “I can't help it, baby cakes. I just want you so bad.” Taishiro moaned, his tongue lolled and drooled past his lip as he became drunk off of sex. 
     You gripped at the sheets, his name coming from your lips, as you came undone. “Taishiro!” 
     “T’such a good girl.” Taishiro sputtered, eyes rolling back as he spilled himself into your womb.  
      His hold lessen as he smothers himself into your breast, thrusting languidly, and resting for a few before he lifts himself on to his elbows as his dick jackhammered into your quivering pussy. 
      “No!” You wailed, attempting to pull from him. 
      “Give me one more,” He grunted.  
     You felt your gut tightened once more, your bottom lip wobbling. This was what you wanted, you missed his touch and now you got it with a consequence. Your wall spasmed around his cock, squirting with strained scream. You stared up at him tiredly, watching as his jaw jutted and his back curved when he reached his release. Taishiro collapses beside you, his chest heaving as he brings you into him. 
     You snuggled into him, lips coming to a smile. “Thank you.” 
     “Anytime, baby girl.”
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succubus-nini · 1 year
I want Fatgum to rail me into immobilization and then take care of me then proceed to praise me on how well I did and how beautiful I am.
I want Dabi to fuck me so hard against the wall the wall has imprints of how hard my body collided with the wall and degrade me the whole way through, then kiss my cheek and say I was a good slut for him then leave.
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honeesucker · 1 year
Heart-Shaped Castella
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Pairing: Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) x Fem!Reader | NSFW 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 5,466
Content Warnings: a single-use of a food word in lieu of a curse word, absolute cavity-inducing softness, size difference / size kink, reader has a molecular quirk that allows her to stretch doughs... and other things, Fatgum is a little obsessive but in a sweet new crush kind of way, descriptions of villain attack, brief mention of blood (dried) and injuries (minor), p in v sex, pussy eating, aftercare softness.
*For @frostthecupcake​ ‘s RomCom collab! 💐
Click here for the rest of the collab! ♡
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The gentle breeze that drifted in through the open transom windows of your bakery helped to alleviate the humid warmth from your ovens and sent a delicious waft of your freshly baked pastries out onto the street. You had your headphones in, not worried about customers walking in this late as it was past your operating hours, and you were just catching up on baking for the next day so you could sleep in a little more. You were dancing, the gentle sway of your hips gliding you around the kitchen as you put on oven mitts and took some fresh, sweet seasonal-flavored breads from the oven before sliding them onto a cooling rack before turning back to a new icing recipe you were monitoring. Outside on the street, Fatgum was making his way back to the agency to wrap up some reports from an earlier incident, having already sent his sidekicks home to rest. The sweetest scent hit him like a bullet train and brought him to a dead stop in the center of the sidewalk as hie eyes scanned around him. He had walked this road many times before, in fact this was his most used route back to the agency, and back to his home because of how many restaurants and shops line the streets... and he can’t remember ever smelling something like this.  
Fatgum’s eyes scanned around the familiar line of street vendors, open shops, restaurants and other assortment of buzzing businesses until his eyes caught sight of something he had never had the chance to catch open. A bakery, Flake & Crumble, had always been closed when he was walking to the agency in the morning hours, and closed when he was trudging home or back to the agency into the late night... this was like a golden opportunity shining brightly in his face, and wafting into his nose. He made his way to the tall glass doors before pushing one open with a melodic ding! before noticing no one was around, no one at the counter to greet customers, and no... customers? Fatgum felt a little out of place, wondering if the shop was truly open like it seemed before the sound of gentle hums and someone singing pieces of a song from the back.
Curiosity piqued, Fatgum followed the sound of the humming. His steps cautious as he navigated through the neatly organized bakery, careful in his current form not to carelessly knock anything over in the tight spaces. As he rounded the corner into the back, the sweet aroma enveloped him, intensifying with each passing moment. He couldn't help but let out a contented sigh, feeling his mouth water with the scent of the delectable treats wafting from the back.
As he neared the source of the humming, his eyes widened in surprise as he caught sight of you, dancing and swaying to the music playing in your headphones. The sight was both unexpected and delightful, your movements exuding a joy and passion for your craft that was infectious, as you took trays from the oven to a cooling rack, from a rack to a counter where you were putting them on display trays... Fatgum found himself captivated, unable to tear his gaze away from you lost in your own little world, you continued to dance, your graceful motions mirroring the rhythm of the music.  
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Fatgum cleared his throat, his voice breaking the mostly silent atmosphere. "Um, excuse me?" he called out, a hint of hesitancy in his voice as he tried not to startle you. Unfortunately, you were easily startled... screaming out as you turned and glanced up at Fatgum.
“Oh, for crusts sake!” Your heartbeat was hammering in your chest as your eyes widened as you took in the sight of the unexpected visitor. A smile graced your lips as you removed your headphones, the soft beats of the music now louder through your headphones. "Fatgum! Wow... ah, I'm sorry, we're closed for the day," you explained, a touch of regret in your voice. "But if you'd like, I can save you some goodies for tomorrow."
Fatgum chuckled, his soft laughter filling the air. "Actually, I was hoping to try something right now. The aroma drew me in from the street and I’m never by here when you’re open," he confessed, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.
A mischievous glint appeared in your eyes as you surveyed the array of freshly baked treats. "Well, since you've stumbled upon my secret late-night baking session, how about I make an exception and offer you a taste of something special? You are my favorite hero, and I did leave the door unlocked..."
The anticipation on Fatgum's face was palpable as he nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement, accompanied by a soft blush on his cheeks at you calling him your favorite hero. You swiftly moved to the counter, retrieving a tray as you filled it with an assortment of pastries. Each treat looked like a work of art, their colors and textures enticing him without even taking a bite. Placing the tray between you, you explained each delicacy, sharing their unique flavors and ingredients. As Fatgum took his first bite, a look of pure bliss washed over his face. The combination of flavors exploded in his mouth, a symphony of sweetness and indulgence unlike anything he had ever experienced before, he felt his energy explode in a way it never had with other foods he consumed.
For a moment, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of you in this cozy bakery. Fatgum savored each bite, relishing in the care and expertise that went into creating each mouthwatering creation, and with every bite, a sense of warmth and connection grew between you... and as the last crumbs were devoured Fatgum let out a satisfied sigh, his hunger satisfied. He couldn't help but smile at you, gratitude radiating from his kind gaze.
"Thank you," he said sincerely. "This was more than I could have imagined. You truly have a gift."
You returned his smile, a twinkle of pride in your eyes. "It's my pleasure. Sharing my passion with others is the best part of what I do... and even more unexpectedly when I get to share it with you – I never imagined I’d have the chance."  
The two of you shared a moment of quiet appreciation, the sound of soft music still playing in the background. It was a serendipitous encounter, a bright spark of a connection formed over pastries and something more.  
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Days turned into weeks in the blink of an eye since that fateful nighttime encounter at your bakery. Fatgum found himself drawn back to the warmth and comfort of Flake & Crumble, not just for the mouthwatering pastries, but also for the inexplicable comfort he had found in you. With each visit, conversations grew longer and more intimate. Fatgum discovered your passion for baking went beyond the delicious treats you created; you often donated a lot of product to nearby shelters, you had charity days where all the money your bakery made would go to a chosen charity of the week... you heart was as big as your industrial-sized mixer, and it endeared him to you... and in return, you found solace in his presence, his jovial nature bringing a sense of ease and laughter to your days you never knew you were needing. It was a surreal experience, having your number one hero visiting you nearly daily but as time passed you grew more and more comfortable around him, he was just so easy to open up to, and be around.
On a particularly busy day, as you rushed around the bakery attending to customers and ensuring every order was prepared to perfection, Fatgum watched you with admiration. The way you effortlessly multitasked, your dedication evident in every meticulous detail, made him appreciate your talents even more... you were the one solely making the baked goods, and working the shop... you didn’t employ anyone – having stated one night that it was your labor of love and you had a hard time letting go of control when it came to the shop.
Finally, when the stream of customers began to dwindle, Fatgum took a deep breath, gathering his courage. Today was the day he would take the leap and ask you on a date, hoping that the connection he felt was reciprocated. With a warm smile, he approached the counter where you stood, a gentle flush gracing his cheeks. "Hey, (Name)," he greeted, his voice filled with a mix of nerves and excitement.
You turned to face him, a genuine smile spreading across your face. "Hey Fatgum, what’s up... need another round of sweet breads?"
He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Actually, I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out with me sometime. You know, like a date?"
Your eyes widened, momentarily caught off guard by his request. However, the surprise quickly transformed into a soft, genuine smile. "I'd love to," you replied, your voice filled with warmth and sincerity as you averted your gaze from him, a red-hot blush creeping upon your face.  
"Really? That's great! How about we go out for dinner tomorrow? My treat." His excitement was palpable as relief washed over him; a weight lifted from his shoulders.
You nodded, a playful glimmer in your eyes. "Sounds wonderful. I'll be looking forward to it."
As the evening settled in, the two of you exchanged contact information, eagerly making plans for the following day. The anticipation and excitement filled the air, as Fatgum left your bakery with the melodic chime of your door, waving back at you with his signature grin from beyond the painted glass.
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The next evening, Fatgum arrived at your doorstep, a bouquet of flowers in hand. Dressed in a clean, crisp outfit, not totally dissimilar to his hero costume, but more muted in shades of black and grey... an attempt to be casual despite his stature. He beamed with joy as you opened the door, a radiant smile adorning your face as you happily accepted the bouquet, inviting him in for a drink as you put the flowers in a beautiful clear vase before heading out together.
The date was filled with laughter, heartfelt conversations, and shared moments of connection over a delicious meal. You discovered more about each other's hopes, dreams, and passions. Time seemed to melt away as the evening unfolded, leaving the two of you lost in each other's company, and as the night ended, Fatgum walked you back to your apartment, a soft breeze rustling through the trees. The moonlight cast a gentle glow, enveloping you both in a quiet intimacy.
He took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on you. "I had an amazing time tonight," he confessed, his voice filled with nervous sincerity. "And I hope we can do it again soon."
A blush spread across your cheeks as you looked up at him, your heart pounding with a mix of excitement and affection. "I had a wonderful time too, Fatgum," you replied softly. "I would love to see you again." You paused, considering your words. “For another date, outside of the bakery.”
“Taishiro,” Fatgum said softly, looking down at you with a soft expression.
“Hm?” You glanced up again, Fatgum backlit by the moonlight making him even more handsome in your eyes as the night enveloped you both.  
“Taishiro,” Fatgum repeated, smiling gently. “You can call me by my name, if you’d like to... Taishiro.”
With a shy smile you reached out, gently taking his large hand in yours... the warmth of his touch sent a pleasant shiver down your spine, your imagination running wild with the thoughts of where else his hands could go on your body... but instead you swallowed hard despite your mouth drying out, nervous, as you glanced up at him through your lashes. “Goodnight, Taishiro,” you murmured softly, and Fatgum couldn’t stop the blush on his cheeks, and if anyone asked it would be from the three glasses of wine he had at dinner. “Thank you for a most wonderful first date,” you leaned up, kissing the corner of his mouth as you turned and walked inside your apartment building... leaving a stunned Fatgum on the sidewalk, reaching up to touch where your lips had been with a dreamy sigh.
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A week after your first date an unexpected thing happened, although within regular society Pro Heroes existed for one reason: to fight evil, to ward off villains... so not all that surprising when a group of villains attacked causing immeasurable damage to the city, and particularly the street your bakery was on. 
Villains, you thought as you lay beneath a piece of large steel rafter, what a bunch of assholes.
Fatgum's heart pounded with worry as he hurriedly made his way to your bakery. His mind raced with fear and concern, dreading what he might find upon his arrival. He had heard of the attack, had been dispatched in helping aide the other Pro Heroes on scene to wrap up the fight and evacuate citizens... Fatgum immediately recognizing the epicenter of the attack was in the district your bakery sat in the dead center of. The usual pleasant anticipation of seeing you had been replaced with a sense of dread, fueled by the realization that something terrible had happened, and the uncertainty of what he was to face when he found you... if he found you.
Rescue and recovery efforts had just begun, still in the planning and dispatching stages and as he turned the corner, his worst fears were confirmed. The once welcoming facade of Flake & Crumble now bore the scars of a violent encounter. Broken glass and scattered debris littered the entrance, and the interior was in disarray. Panic seized his chest as he called out your name, desperately hoping for a response as he bulldozed his way through the wreckage to the back of the bakery, ensuring no other civilians were injured in the building as well.
His heart sank when he heard a faint groan coming from the back. Without a second thought, Fatgum rushed forward, his instincts as a hero kicking into overdrive as he rushed over, his eyes widened with concern as he found you pinned beneath a steel beam, a stream of dried blood tracking down your face as you cradled your arm, your features etched with pain.
Fatgum's heart pounded with worry as he hurriedly made his way to your bakery. His mind raced with fear and concern, dreading what he might find upon his arrival. The usual pleasant anticipation of seeing you had been replaced with a sense of dread, fueled by the realization that something terrible had happened.
As he turned the corner, his worst fears were confirmed. The once welcoming facade of Flake & Crumble now bore the scars of a violent encounter. Broken glass and scattered debris littered the entrance, and the interior was in disarray. Panic seized his chest as he called out your name, desperately hoping for a response.
His heart sank when he heard a faint groan coming from behind the counter. Without a second thought, Fatgum rushed forward, his instincts as a hero kicking into overdrive. His eyes widened with concern as he found you cradling your arm, your face etched with pain.
"(Name)! Are you alright?" Fatgum exclaimed, kneeling beside you and lifting the metal beam off of your body.
You winced, but managed a weak smile. "I'm... I'm okay, Fatgum. Just a few minor injuries... my quirk keeps me flexible enough to manage this kind of thing, to be honest."
His heart swelled with relief at your words, though the sight of your pain tore at him. "We need to get you to a hospital," he insisted, gently supporting you as you attempted to stand.
You shook your head, stubborn determination flashing in your eyes. "No, Fatgum. The bakery... It needs to be taken care of first. We can worry about me later."
“Like Hell we can!” Fatgum shouted, his worry and the ball of anxiety that formed in him on his way over coming to a head as he exploded, tears welling up in, and falling from his eyes. “At least get checked out by the medics at the triage tent.” Seeing his grief at your current state, you didn’t want to be stubborn and argue, simply nodding and allowing him to carefully lead you over to the triage tent, where a medic with a healing quirk looked you over and assessed minimal damage, performing a quick heal that took care of the more major scrapes and bruises, and the laceration to your head. Despite your anxiety surrounding your bakery, Fatgum did his best to offer support and comfort in the form of physical touch, and encouraging words. They worked for the most part, but he noticed the deep, sad frown on your face as you looked at the decimated store front of Flake & Crumble.
Weeks passed as the restoration efforts continued, and through it all, Fatgum remained a constant presence in your life. He supported you emotionally, ensuring that you felt safe and cared for during the process of rebuilding. After a lot of hard work from you, and surprising, heartwarming efforts by the surrounding community, the bakery stood stronger than ever, a symbol of resilience.  
As the last piece of expertly painted glass was installed Fatgum gently took your hand in his, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and affection. "We made it through, (Name)," he said softly. "And I promise, I'll always be here to protect you." Tears welled up in your eyes, but this time they were tears of gratitude and love as you leaned up on the stool you were standing on, gently cradling his large face in your hands as you placed a sweet, passionate kiss to his lips. Fatgum didn’t react at first, being taken by complete surprise until his brain stopped misfiring long enough to wrap his arms around your body, pulling you in closer as he deepened the kiss, minutes passing until the desperate need for air forced you two apart, your foreheads pressing against each other as your eyes remained closed, basking in the intimacy of the afterglow. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Fatgum looked at you with a mix of nervousness and affection. His eyes held a silent question, a desire to take the next step in your relationship after the shared moment with you.
"(Name), there's something I've been wanting to ask you," Fatgum began, his voice filled with tenderness. "Would you... would you like to come over to my place? I'd love to spend more time with you, just the two of us... if it’s not too forward."
A soft smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you took his hand in yours. "I'd love to, Taishiro,” you murmured, pressing another soft, reassuring kiss to his lips. His face lit up with joy, and he helped you wrap up the final touches on the bakery, locking up for the night; finally leading you to his apartment, a cozy space that reflected his big, warm personality. As you entered, you couldn't help but notice the comfortable and inviting atmosphere, adorned with plush furniture and soft lighting, and the heavenly smell of various snacks, and foods you hadn’t ever seen before... did he have foreign snacks imported? You couldn’t help the smile as you slipped out of your shoes, allowing Fatgum to lead you into his space as he picked you up and sat you down on the countertop in his kitchen as he made a quick phone call, ordering enough food to feed a small army as he grinned at you, walking in close to cage you between his body and the countertop. His large hands coming up to rest on the plushness of your hips as you felt his fingers squeeze and knead at the soft skin, a small gasp leaving your mouth as your lips parted at the sensations, Fatgum taking that moment to seal a kiss against your lips, his tongue exploring your mouth and filling you up in an unexpected way... but for such a large man, this size different wasn’t a surprise. He finally pulled away, both of you left panting as a needy look adored your sweet face, shooting a jolt of desire straight to Fatgum’s cock as he looked down at you, admiring the beauty of the moment.
His gaze met yours, seeking permission and reassurance. In that silent exchange, you both recognized the deepening connection that had blossomed between you... but before he could act on any further desire, as the warmth of your intimate moment lingered, a gentle rumble broke the tranquility of the room. Both you and Fatgum couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected interruption, your stomachs growling in unison.
A playful smile tugging at your lips. "I guess it's time to take a break from the romance and satisfy a different hunger." Reluctantly disentangling yourselves, you both moved from the kitchen and made your way to the living room, you sitting on the plush couch just as the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the food. Fatgum rushed to open it, returning with bags filled with a delicious-smelling array of food. The two of you set the food out on the coffee table, creating a makeshift feast that showcased an array of mouthwatering dishes as Fatgum smiled at you.  
“Dig in!” He said happily. In between mouthfuls, you and Fatgum continued your conversation, enjoying each other's company in a different, yet equally fulfilling way. The initial passion might have been momentarily set aside, but the connection between you remained strong, fostering a deep sense of closeness. As the last morsel was devoured and satisfied sighs escaped your lips, Fatgum leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on you. "You know, (Name), even takeaway can't compare to the sweetness of being with you," he said, his voice filled with genuine affection, a playful smile on his face at the cheesy thing he said.
A blush crept onto your cheeks as you met his gaze, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude. "And being with you feels like home," you replied softly, your heart swelling with new love as Fatgum stared wide-eyed at you, for a moment it didn’t even seem like he was breathing as he pulled you into his arms, squeezing gently as he placed a soft kiss on your lips. With a renewed sense of appreciation for each other you both cleared the table before returning to the couch. Fatgum pulling you onto his lap as your legs straddled him as best as you could, his sheer size dwarfing you and causing you to blush with the sight of him... he was so gentle, so tender and loving for someone so intimidating in his size. Fatgum’s hands settled back on your hips, one hand reaching up to pull you back into a hungry kiss. Your lips parted for him with a sigh as his tongue explored your mouth once more, one hand anchored to the plush of your hip as the other began a slow ascent beneath your shirt, coming to rest a large hand over your chest as he pulled away to look at you, his eyes asking a silent question as you nodded... reaching back behind you to further the night as you unclasped your bra and let the material drop to the floor as you then pulled your sweater above your head, your top half now bared to Fatgum’s hungry eyes.  
“Wow,” he breathed, both hands now reaching up to knead and massage your chest, enjoying the needy little breathy sounds he pulled from you as he pinched your nipples with moderate strength. He lifted you up a little in his arms, leaning forward to take each breast in his mouth, sucking on the soft skin and nipping gently at each of your nipples as he assaulted you with hungry licks, gentle bites and new sensations you didn’t think chest stimulation would give you... but he was giving them to you. After a moment Fatgum helped you strip from your bottoms, too, before lifting you up as you gave a small, surprised scream before he threw your legs over his shoulders, bringing your exposed pussy to him as he leaned forward, his large hands gripping your hips as he gave an experimental lick, your body jolting with the sensation as his warm tongue completely covered you. Fatgum was a man who could ear, clearly, by his stature and the functionality of his quirk – there was no question... and with the masterful way he speared you on his tongue, the large appendage acting almost as a cock, warm, thick and wet as it wriggled and licked each hidden crevice inside of you, there was truly no question of his skills. Your mind went black as the pleasure overtook your body, the unexpected way he managed to use his size to utilize his tongue in a way no other man could had your body jolting up, grabbing onto him as you shook and convulsed on him, his tongue still fully seated inside of you as he pulled back slowly, drinking the sweet cum that you gave him... his retreat sending shudders through your body as your mind buzzed with the white noise of post mind-blowing orgasm.
He carefully lowered your body from his shoulders, opting to carry you bridal style as he walked you both into his bedroom. Fatgum set your nude body atop the plush comforter on his mega-sized bed, sinking into the softness as you licked your lips, watching as Fatgum slowly undid his jacket, revealing a t-shirt beneath, slowly slipping out of it as he revealed rippling muscle covered in layers of fat, an expanse of new and faded stretchmarks, proof of his body expanding and shrinking as it does, his strong arms flexing as he reaches down to slip out of his pants... left in nothing but black boxer briefs as your eyes goes wide as saucers at the sight of his half-hard bulge already being larger than any monster-sized toy you’ve seen online while shopping for yourself. Fatgum blushed under your intense scrutiny, before you smiled up at him, a genuine, loving smile.
“Y-You’re so...” you couldn’t find the words as you licked your lips again, staring across the expanse of his large body. “You’re so beautiful, Fatgum, so handsome... just... so damn big.” You breathed out, motioning for him to come to you as you slipped off the bed, standing up now as you touched all over his body, admiring the scars, curves, plush fat and muscle as he allowed you to grab and grope however, and wherever you please. “Gorgeous...” you breathed again, and this time Fatgum leaned down, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, the taste of your cum still on his tongue as he devoured you, his arms wrapping around you tightly as he sat you down on the bed, with him still standing his pelvis was at the perfect height for him to just... slip in. “Underwear, off, please.” You managed out, leaning back to toy with your clit as your wet, welcoming pussy called to him. He slipped from his boxer briefs, revealing a monster cock and a worried look on his face as you stared up at him.
“S-Should we even try? I don’t want to hurt you...” Fatgum said softly, a sad dejected tone to his voice. You shook your head slowly, smiling up at him.
“Remember when I told you about my quirk?” Fatgum nodded, briefly remembering when you mentioned it to him. “I can stretch, Taishiro... any part of my body.” He felt as though someone dumped a bucket of cold water on him, his eyes going wide as his brain misfired... you can stretch? He will... he will fit with no issues? He couldn’t believe it, couldn’t believe his luck in running into you, falling for you... and the universe giving him this gift of you two being able to fit each other perfectly. “Now please fuck me.”  
You didn’t have to tell him twice, with a few pumps to his length, he lined himself up with you, still filled with nervous energy as he pressed forward into you and while the stretch was tight and pleasant, and the look on your face was pure, unfiltered bliss... Fatgum could feel the way you gave way to him, feel the way be bottomed out and see the way he made your belly bulge up.
“Oh my god,” he breathed under his breath, reveling in a sensation he had never been able to experience before, the warm, wet tightness of your pussy convulsing around him as his balls rested heavy against your ass was something else... something he could never dream to imagine, fisting his hand or the custom-ordered cock sleeve did not compared to this feeling. Fatgum pulled almost all the way out, just the spongy head of his cock left inside to stretch you as he slammed his hips back up into you, a high-pitched scream of pleasure leaving your throat as you looked up at him, eyelashes already clumping together with tears from the sheer fullness he left you with. Fatgum couldn’t hold himself back, using your hips as leverage as he simultaneously slammed his cock forward and pulled your body to him until he was bullying his cock against your cervix in a mix of pleasure and pain, the overstimulation and his relentless thrusting leaving a creamy ring at the base of his cock, a mixture of your cum, his spit and pre-cum... Fatgum bit hit bottom lip as he groaned, unable to deal in the pleasure your body was bringing him, your sweet saccharine cries as he pummeled into you until your body was shaking with another release, your walls clamping down around his cock as he continued to fuck you through your second orgasm. It wasn’t long after, with how tightly your cunt squeezed around his cock that his hips were stuttering and he was unloading a truly enormous release inside of you, the sticky white seeping out of your hole as he drug his cock in and out of you at a slower pace, until he fully softened in you, his cockhead releasing with a wet click as he nearly fell back onto the floor from the exhaustion and bliss. Fatgum lifting up your limp body, holding you close to him as he led you both to his shower, allowing the water to heat up and steam the bathroom as he stepped into the wide shower, practically a room of its own with large benches built in as he set you down under one of the many streams coming from multiple angles. He held lather a mild, sweet soap on your skin as you started to smell his familiar scent, your body relaxing into his touch as he took care to clean you up, even having you pee in the shower to prevent a UTI, cleaning you up again afterward... he took a moment away from you to wash himself, before turning off the water after a nice forty minutes together beneath the hot streams. He towel-dried your hair, and body, along with his as he walked you both back to his bed, stripping the top comforter that was stained and sticky, the musky scent of sex clinging to it as he went into his closet and pulled out a clean smelling, equally plush duvet. He settled into bed and pulled you close against him, murmuring sweet words into your hair as he held you close, stroking your body and kissing the top of your head. He offered you water, which you drank quickly as he smiled down at you, whispering thank you’s and words of his adoration as you settled against him, your eyes closing as you began to sink into a dreamless sleep, exhausting taking you with it.  
“When you wake up, I’m going to ask you to be my girlfriend officially,” Fatgum whispered softly, stroking the hair out of your face.
“Just marry me,” you yawned, the whisper leaving Fatgum frozen to his spot as he wasn’t sure if you were serious or not, wasn’t even sure if you were fully awake enough to realize what you said... but he vowed that come the first light of the morning he would definitely bring it up again.
It wasn’t hard for him, already picturing your guys’ life together.
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taterztots · 10 months
Bakugou bursting thru the doors of Fat Gum’s agency after his 6 weeks postpartum appointment, removing the baby strapped to his chest to hand over to Fat with a “here, hold your grandkid, I'm going to kill their father” because he just found out he’s pregnant again.
Fat is just so happy to be considered family like that that he completely ignores the second half of the statement.
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