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I think that if Arthur knew how much the druids worshipped Merlin, he would not take it seriously.
Just like how Merlin completely disregards Arthur being king, Arthur would not care in the slightest.
He would be shocked at first, but then he would get used to it. Eventually, he would use it to poke fun at Merlin.
Neither care about the other’s rank, and I think that its the foundation of their friendship.
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little-frog-writes · 2 days
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Prologue / Prototype (1):
Siffrin liked collecting trinkets. From weirdly shaped shells to discarded human treasures, the mer gathered a whole cave full of the delightful and dreary alike. He enjoyed seeing how each piece of his collection fit together and tried to understand how certain trinkets worked (Surface dwellers always had such fascinating gadgets even though Siffrin didn’t understand them half the time). Shiny and sparkly things, especially, took his interest.
Unfortunately, the small mer lived deep down where shiny, sparkling things rarely where… unless they are fish which aren’t as fun to keep around. Siffrin would know… Loop is the pinnacle of no fun!
Besides, the more interesting pieces always rusted away and lacked their shine if they were able to keep their shape from the intense pressure of the Deep Dark. Therefore, Siffrin would often travel out and venture quite far to find things for his collection! The journeys were always well worth the threat of sunburns and cuts from jagged rocks, despite Loop’s protests.
They didn’t understand why Loop didn’t like them going near the surface. Didn’t Loop know that is where all the cool things where? It was boring staying down in the Deep Dark all the time! Where was the spice, the call of adventure, and, most importantly, the shiny sparkles that Siffrin loved? Loop just didn’t get it.
So he maybe sort of sneaked away from Loop’s careful eye every so often to head up to the surface. Ya, Loop would always get worried and angry when Siffrin came back, but it was always worth it for those pretty sparkles! The tiny mer even shared some of his haul with the leviathan which Siffrin knew they liked. Therefore, there really wasn’t any harm done when Siffrin left.
… Exact this time something happened that Siffrin wasn’t expecting.
It hadn’t been that long since Siffrin had snuck away. He was collecting small things here and there, nothing to big, and was honestly just relaxing in the warm waters. They had been to this particular part of the ocean before and nothing had ever disturbed the waters ever since they first starting visiting.
The little sandy sunken island filled with seaweed, boulders, and sand mounds was peaceful. Only small fish and crabs resided in the area and Siffrin long since claimed the space as his private little hideout. Of course, sparkly things were hidden within the area as far as the eye could see and Siffrin would be the one to find them all!
They were focused on their mission to find and collect so when a big shadow covered the space they were searching, Siffrin was confused. He couldn’t sense a storm brewing and this area rarely had clouds come by, therefore what was going on?
His confusion only furthered when he heard the weird clanking sound to follow and his curiosity sparked. It was a strange clanking, not like that of metal hitting a surface but of something soft yet just as sturdy. An unknown! Oh how stars gathered in Siffrin’s eyes!
He turned, swirled, and shifted in the water trying to follow the unique noise until his eyes landed on a weird bump floating where the waterline sat. It looked kind of like a boat, but made of something Siffrin didn’t know of. This structure wasn’t smooth like all the other boats Siffrin had seen and gave off a sort of patchwork feel. Didn’t look that sturdy at all! Like a boat, but not so a not-boat!
The sound was coming from a part of the not-boat that was longer and sticking out into the water. The waves were pushing the piece back to hit the side of the not-boat and Siffrin wanted to take a closer look. Maybe there were shines on this not-boat!
No one would mind if Siffrin took some since it looked like the not-boat was barely holding itself together.
Now, this is an adventure!
It’s still May so I can call this mermay stuff and no one can stop me! There will be a part two later! 🧜🏻
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mochatea-bunny · 2 days
If ur drawing designs is still a thing ummm heres a silly eel boy
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he is vary silly and i loved drawing em even more so cuz the reason im doing this is to procrastinate drawing my three mers that i need to get done and well i drew a mer how ironic
the vary thing i try and run from comes after me XD
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sorry if i got anything wrong and i hope ya like it ^v^
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dateamonster · 4 months
butch mermaid wearing a carabiner*
*tiny lobster that holds onto her mermaid belt with one claw and all her mermaid keys with the other. his name is carabiner.
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lepetitdragonvert · 7 months
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The Ice Ship
Artist : Angela Barrett (b. 1955)
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entry35 · 26 days
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merjay for mermay. decided to go more simplistic with his design (as opposed to how my autism will possess me and cause me to design overly elaborate merfolk based off of real marine species) cause i liked what @mersei47 was doing with him a while back.
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not-so-young mer hang out reading
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tmuse-ac · 11 months
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I've been working on oc stuff all month(and actually a lot of may too) on oc content for Artfight this year (very excited btw)
I decided to take a break with the sudden inspiration to draw mers now... NOW of all times and not May. Thanks art gods, you've done it again. Appreciate chya </3
The two uncolored ones are of my personal mer designs for them (which still bother me and honestly still working on and *have* been working on since May of 2022 so coolio boolio).
Anyway, I don't wanna say I'm showing favoritism... buuuttttt I ab-so-lut-ly LOVE @mocha-illustrates and they are definitely my favorite mer designs right now. I wanna give them kisses and show them love v bad. (please mocha, please give me permission. I ask nice.)
They're underwater and y/n has magic water-breathing powers, or something don't question it :]
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galina · 16 days
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Dreaming of this island still
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semioticapocalypse · 1 month
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Sergio Larrain. Fishermen daughters. Los Horcones, Chile. 1956
Follow my new AI-related project «Collective memories»
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reborrowing · 23 days
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The land-maid giant had been sitting there for a while, staring into the little oasis of ocean she’d placed them in. They felt…very exposed, with nowhere to hide but a few sparse patches of grass. They kept telling themself that it didn’t matter how much light there was or how open the waters were, no hunters could reach them here. There was a long stretch of land between themself and the sea.
The thought was as terrifying it was reassuring.
She lit up as they worked up the courage to peek back out at her from the grass. Her words were muffled, but not so much that they couldn’t understand her. She was bubbling over with questions—what they were, who they were, if they were alright, did they need anything else, were they hungry, what did they even eat, where did they come from, how did they get here…?
They waved and smiled, but kept silent. Bad things happened when sirens spoke. Their voice was dangerous, the magic hard to control, and the land-folk were particularly susceptible to its curses.
This one had saved them from a horrible death drying out in the sun. What sort of thank you would it be to answer her?
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Tiny mer that, giant mer this. Where’s my size shifter mers?
The mermaid who gets caught in a net and after the captain starts being all proud and everything and the mermaid just shrinks and slips through the net’s holes, much to the captain’s disappointment.
A merman who grows big enough for all the other mers to cling on as the group travels. Perhaps he also grows to distract predators or fight off threats to his non-shifter mer friends.
What about the classic trope of someone finding a merperson on the shore and taking them back to their beach house / lighthouse, putting them in their Tub. Maybe the merperson is unconscious for a bit but the lighthouse keeper comes to check on them and notices that they’re gone. Panicking they check around but the floor isn’t wet, then they see a small movement from the bath. Hiding behind a rubber duck is the merperson all tiny, not knowing what else to do but hide. Perhaps the keeper calms them down and calms them down, allowing the mer to grow to the size the keeper originally saw. Perhaps the keeper helps them heal and let’s them go after making a beautiful friendship only to one day meet the merperson again, but this time the roles are reversed. The keeper is saved by the merperson, and having been put on an unknown island. The keeper has no clue how they are gonna make it back but thinks the merperson can help them, the mer nods and grows bigger to make the journey faster, much to the keepers surprise.
Long story short, giant mers and tiny meds are great, but give me the shifters!
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thingsaday · 30 days
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A continuation of this and this
Some plot ramblings for this AU:
I haven't quite decided if I want Lesley to have properly good intentions for the mer or not...
At best, she's a genuinely caring wildlife expert who knows the clump wont survive on their own in the wild. At worst, she's purely there to keep them captive and use the four as entertainment... Most likely her true intentions lie somewhere in-between! >:)
Whatever the case, Red certainly doesn't trust her.
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klodwig · 1 month
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Unknown people broke into the Duke's estate.
A year of searching and preparation, collecting rumors and lost hopes. Kylo broke the aquarium. He has a brief moment to make sure he's not dreaming.
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lepetitdragonvert · 6 months
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La petite sirène / The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
Éditions ipomée - albin michel
Artist :Boris Diodorov
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arand0mloser · 6 months
New TES elf dropped its the Autismer
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