fallensnowfan · 2 hours
No Conflict On My End
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Catch the classic Wano trick? Scattershot chapter but the title gives you the clue; conflict. It was smoother but we've stepped away from the Straw Hats, they aren't in this one. I said this when we finished Bonney's cutaway. If you look at what's left it's Stussy as a springboard to Bakkin/Marco which we haven't checked in on since their first appearance parallel to Egghead. SWORD also has an unfired Chekov's Gun with Drake. Either of those can pull a Kuma and rewrite Wano. Only one person there can do that and it was the girl playing coy in the end.
Last week, it was "If he's gone, who am I to live for?" This week it's this titular line about inner conflict, how it's proof of your humanity. Especially with the Seraphim and building off of CP9 being these vicious government dogs who just need the order to indulge bloodlust right by it. That role doesn't have to be who you are, and if circumstance deals you a bad hand that forces you to go against your nature those conflicted feelings are proof you're not losing yourself to it. The difference to me though is like we said with Stussy maybe needing her own "Okobore" era. I don't think this is really Kiku's story replacing humanity with gender identity...I see it more as a parallel to the implied backstory and growth that allowed you to give it your all freely on one final show with the old gang. Also, don't forget Bakkin was last seen with Marco and that's all tied up in Sphinx Island as one of these wayward villages in need of a humble guardian.
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Oh yeah, and doing this while York introduces a truckload of ambiguity. This is a cool scene. Because we really have to stop and think about what York knows, what Stella knew, and of course these weird gaps when we also now know Vegapunk Prime was with Bonney during the Void Night. As above, so below and all that right? A story about the Void Century on the surface when the micro clash on this island has that big blank night before raising so many questions.
Specifically highlighting the idea VP is a horrible liar and a bad actor. Is there like, anything specific we could pair this with in York's conclusion that would enhance the aroma?
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Hey look! We got Robonosuke and Momonosuke in the same chapter! If you count the cover page we also got both Tsurus which is nice. York's theory is that Robonosuke is set to guard the broadcast. My point is that, alongside Stella telling us his limited version of the Void Century after a string of unreliable narrators we have York offering us this theory in frustration. Specifically highlighting solid reasons to be flummoxed. Vegapunk may have pulled a big brained plan all along, he was dicking around with Robonosuke when we met him. But he also like, weirdly disappeared from that scene too which is one of those little things I try to remember about Egghead. Vegapunk also wasn't really far along at getting Robonosuke online.
This becomes some really good shit though if there is a mystery interloper. Because really it could go both ways. If York's right, they could already be there and ready to make use of it. A trap. If York's wrong, the chaos just gave you a perfect distraction and it's a perfect sign of beating the genius by getting in her head. I still think there's something to the idea that Vegapunk didn't have time overnight to fix this dude. Luffy's G5 heartbeat being a signal or that backhanded way of someone making good on his assumption you just need to know Robonosuke's real name? That works in a night we still haven't filled in. And no matter what this big, bad mofo is about to start wrecking shit. Which is pretty cool.
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Last but not least we have our reactions to the message. One big thing I thought was cool was seeing a lot of Alabasta stuff but not Vivi directly. V cool. Not like these breakout stories anchored around the three ladies are exclusive; Stussy had that great beat introducing her inner conflict during Bonney's and Bonney was incidentally involved in the stuff @ Mariejois. Before we get to our main man here too I'd highlight Shakky potentially carrying over that idea from Nojiko & Miss Goldenweek last week. Practical, grounded women aren't paying much attention and going about their day-to-day.
But then you got Rayleigh. Love this little line of conflict between Vegapunk and Ray. Because like we hinted at last week on a meta level this is kinda fucked up for VP to be just dumping all the Void Century stuff. Or it would be if he wasn't walking that fine line of not really revealing too much. Notice how he's kinda back to talking about his own stuff over the past few months as York puzzles it out. We can forgive Ray for not catching the subtleties though because he's drunk. I like this balance honestly, especially when you have Crocus kinda straddling the two.
One last thought too that just can kinda go anywhere with this message...Robin still has like, four regular Poneglyphs we've seen but not really fleshed out. The other two in Big Mom's stash, the one above the secret passage in the Flower Capitol, and the one Law found on Onigashima. She might already know something important Vega doesn't and her being mysteriously injured last night is a great excuse for not giving them time to touch on it.
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fallensnowfan · 3 hours
Pls this audio is literally them
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fallensnowfan · 5 hours
The usual quick first thoughts about the new chapter. A lot happens this chapter, need more time to think about it all in more depth.
Both Tsurus? In the same chapter? This is a very good day.
Hi Osome & Chuji! Are you working for Otsuru now I wonder? And Urashima?! Perhaps he's had a change of heart, after losing his status as the Yokozuna?
Sengoku is feasting bruh, or stress eating, so many senbei!
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I always get emotional seeing Rayleigh talking to Roger as though he were still here. And woah, Rayleigh and Shakky really zoomed back to Sabaody from Amazon Lily. Hope that means the Kuja Tribe are recovering well, and have a plan to protect themselves.
I really like Rayleigh's sentiment here too. Let the young-uns have their fun, don't take it away by giving everything away!
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I noticed that S-Snake has black hair here. Volume release will correct it to white I imagine, unless she dyed in the second she was falling from the clouds. Which would be fun, though probably unlikely.
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fallensnowfan · 5 hours
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Aro afghan hound, ace akita, aroace airedale
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fallensnowfan · 6 hours
It's him! He has returned!
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fallensnowfan · 18 hours
Ep 1107 screenshots of the blorbo skrunkly ♡
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fallensnowfan · 20 hours
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fallensnowfan · 1 day
i love how in true dad's fashion chilchuck jokes are incredibly unfunny
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like he's VERY good at sarcastic remarks and banter. but jokes? it's clear that he likes to spend his time in the tavern drinking
in my heart i believe that he makes terrible puns too
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fallensnowfan · 1 day
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LGBT (labrador, greyhound, beagle, terrier)
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fallensnowfan · 2 days
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My piece for @opmythologyzine!
Charlotte Linlin as a witch based on Slavic fairytales!
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fallensnowfan · 2 days
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Meow-cille and Nya-lin🌈
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fallensnowfan · 2 days
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fallensnowfan · 3 days
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fallensnowfan · 3 days
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what if we saw shapeshifter versions of izutsumi?
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Explanations under the cut
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#1 is Laios' Izutsumi:
extra detail on her cat parts
more monster-y traits present
outfit mistake
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#2 is Marcille's Izutsumi:
influenced by their time in the Golden Country
a little more chill than the others
softer hair
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#3 is Senshi's Izutsumi:
details of puffed up fur
this izutsumi is skinnier than the others (ribs showing)
^^ senshi must take care of the child
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#4 is Chilchuck's Izutsumi:
rounded ears like marcille's
eyes kinda look like his kids puckpatti and flertom
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fallensnowfan · 3 days
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ngl...kinda worried about this one 🧎
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fallensnowfan · 3 days
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Mario's Paperback Venture:
Trouble at Rougeport!
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fallensnowfan · 4 days
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little cat joins the party!
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