#medusapelagia fanfic
medusapelagia · 26 days
Sea Storm
written for @steddiemicrofic (prompt: Top, wc: 510) and STWG Daily Drabble (prompt: Mermay) rated: T TW: no one
When Eddie asked the wizard of the sea to transform him into a human he thought he knew what he was asking for. In reality, he didn't.
He exchanged his voice for a pair of legs, renounced seeing his uncle Wayne anymore and now he can’t touch the water if he doesn’t want to be turned back in a merman. Still, the man who he did all of this for isn’t considering him.
Yeah, Steve took him to his castle, fed him, but that’s all.
Every time Eddie tries to spend some time with him, someone drags him away. And it would almost be funny if it wasn’t for the fact that Eddie needs a kiss: the sea wizard gave him three days, and two of them are already gone. 
If only Eddie had his voice, he could talk to Steve, telling him it was him who saved him from the storm weeks ago. But he can’t. So he sighs, sitting on a rock, waving at the two boys that are playing on the beach. At Eddie’s side, hidden between the rocks, his crab friend reminds him that making a pact with a sea wizard it's dangerous.
As if Eddie had ever had any other chance.
Steve kneels on the ground and grabs a few colored pieces of glass that shine in his hand when he turns toward Eddie to show him his treasure. 
The sad smile Eddie gives him it’s not enough, so Steve steps closer to Eddie asking him what’s wrong.
At that moment big black clouds appear from nowhere and the waves start to get bigger and bigger. 
Steve turns toward Dustin, who is on top of a big rock, just a moment before a huge wave crashes and drags him away.
Steve yells, running toward the rocks, and jumps in the water, screaming his brother’s name. 
From the shore, Eddie freezes. His eyes wide with terror while the waves get bigger and bigger. He glares at the waves’ white foam and then steps into the water.
“Go back to the shore!” He orders Steve when he gets to him, ignoring his questions about his magically regained voice, “I’ll find the kid. I promise.” He assures him, and then he dives into the water splashing Steve with his red tail. 
Eddie finds Dustin unconscious and brings him back to the surface where Steve is still waiting for them. He takes his brother out of the water and starts to breathe into his mouth until the boy wakes up coughing. 
Once Steve is sure that Dustin is ok, he turns toward Eddie who is hiding behind a rock.
“You talk!” He exclaims, and Eddie nods quietly, “Good. Because you have to explain so many things to me.”
“Aren’t you horrified?” Eddie asks, hiding half of his body behind the rocks.
“Horrified at the person who saved both me and my brother? No. I’m grateful. And maybe even a little bit in love.” Steve declares, stepping in the water before cupping Eddie’s face and kissing him under the rain.
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spaceofentropy · 5 months
Magic AU!!!! ✨
My friend! Hiiiiii! Thanks for the ask! ❤️
This is the thing I'm working on the most at the moment. So far it's 37k words of a world in which Billy has magic powers and some things happened like in canon and a lot of others didn't. Like the fact Neil sold Billy's car before they left California and the piece of junk he buys for Billy in Hawkins is haunted. Or the fact that there are a couple of people hell bent on making friends with the new guy in town. Like one Steve Harrington... 😱
Long snippet? Yeah!
"Sorry to bother you, could you please give a thing to your brother for me?"
"I don't have-"
"Your step brother," Steve amends. "It's for Billy."
God, they're so alike, these two. You so much as forget the step part and they immediately bite your head off, worse than if you accused them of a heinous crime.
Max crosses her arms on her chest and stands her ground, looks him up and down like he's a gnat. Like she hasn't decided yet how to get rid of him, but has a few painful options in mind.
Steve places his folded piece of paper tied with red thread on the top of the nearest box and steps back.
"Just give this to Billy, please. It's nothing bad, I swear. Thanks."
He starts walking away and hears Maxine's steps move from the lawn to the sidewalk, she calls:
"Why should I?"
Sounds like she's insulted by Steve. By his assumption that she will do what he asked her to.
He turns around and walks backwards towards his car, puts a bit of King Steve in his smile as he says:
"Because you're curious to see what it says. What Billy will do."
*eyes fic anxiously* This is gonna be massively long... And with some good ol' cosmic horror here and there because we're worth it!
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15 people, 15 questions
I was tagged by @firefly-party, thank you ���� ❤️
1. Are you named after anyone?
One of my first names is the same as that of a great aunt (my granddad's sister) who died as a child, but that was a coincidence according to my parents. 
2. When was the last time you cried?
At my grandfather's funeral some three weeks ago. I cry super easily, though, it's my standard emotional overwhelm response.
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, one. She just turned 5. ❤️
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Riding, equestrian vaulting and Judo as a kid, and then I had a really intense fitness/gym phase in my 20s. Lately just kid wrangling. 😅
5. Do you use sarcasm?
So much! Sometimes ppl will look at me and be like “really? 😳”
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their sense of humor. 
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both? Both. Both is good?
9. Any talents?
I'm good with words, I think? 😅
Generally, I have an elephant memory for languages and texts. I played the Viola in my school's production of Twelfth Night and had my text down in a week or so. I also still know poems and shit from first grade.
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Laptop. My hobby is just laptop. 
Joking aside: reading, writing, all the artsy stuff (doodling, painting, crafting, knitting, photography … you name it, I've probably tried it)
12. Do you have any pets?
Four cats. 
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And also one elderly cockatiel lady. 
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
English and German 
15. Dream job?
Being paid to write smutty fanfic would be a dream. 🤣
But I actually do like the job I have, for the most part. I'm in internal communications, so I do a lot of text creation and always know the hottest gossip about what's going on in our company.
15 no-pressure tags:
@house-of-the-moving-image, @medusapelagia, @theheadlessphilosopher, @cranberrymoons, @rainbow-nerdss, @t-boyeddie, @rozzieroos, @lexirosewrites, @becomingfoxes, @farahsamboolents, @griefabyss69, @matchingbatbites, @ithinkicouldloveher, @pukner, @penny00dreadful
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dragonflylady77 · 7 months
last sentence tag
rules: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
I did it last week but I found another one so if I already tagged you, I'm sorry. My sentence this time is way shorter than the last one that was like 26 words...
I was tagged by @lorifragolina, @fizzigigsimmer, @robthegoodfellow, @bigdumbbambieyes, @makeadealwithdean, @lazybakerart @disdaidal @lovebillyhargrove (and possibly others)
Maybe following Billy was a mistake.
no pressure tag: @medusapelagia @destroya2005 @spaceofentropy @shieldofiron @thiswasinevitable-rwrb @jad3w1ngs
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lorifragolina · 5 months
My 2023 in Fanfics
Thanks to @medusapelagia who always gives me a chance to enter in tag games :) I already said that I can acceed more easily to tumblr this year so I think I'll more active.
I have a little fics and many months without any post, but I'll try to put down my favourites. I started posting in April.
4. April - Although I participated to @mungroveweek, and I love the works I wrote, I'll choose the Munver short The miseducation of Jason Carver - 3552 - complete. Because who doesn't want to use a little smut?
5. May - I started a Harringrove series of little one shot ficlets about our sweet Californian lovers and I absolutely love it, I have a lot of ideas but no time to put them down... Harringrove series Harringrove droplets - 3 works so far - WIP
6. June - nothing. A lot of work for upcoming events
7. Juy - another smut for @eddiemunsonbingo, I love it because I wrote it at the beach in a single afternoon! Mungrove Jailbird - 1415 - complete
8. August - the entire series Sweet Pie I wrote for @mungrovebingos, I tried to put all the prompt together in a series. It slowly converted in a Metalsandwich. Sweet Pie - 8 parts - complete. BTW my favourite is the Prologue.
9. September - It's difficult to choose between the few ficlets I posted (I like ficlets, but my mind pushes me to infinite word count XD) but I'll choosethe Steddie The last campaing - 999 - complete
10. October -I have just one fic posted in October but it happens to be one of my favs, althogh I think I can revise it and make it better. For @kinktober, prompt Lingerie, Harringrove The glimpse - 2621 - complete.
11. November - I like all the fics I post in November! But finally I choose a sweet little Harringrove A little Sweat - 1347 - complete.
12. December - for December is realy difficult as I participated to a few exchanges and I like all the fics I exchanged with my fellow authors! I'll choose two fics, one from my first real Big Bang published, for @st-rarepairbang, a Bommy (Billy/Tommy) Hot fot teacher - 13453 - Complete; And the fic I wrote for Steddie One-shot Exchange Pretty Big Boy (Pretty woman AU) - 10497 - complete.
I have other two Big Bang ready to go in 2024 and a few project, but I wish I could concentrate more on not-event works! I as usual leave here a few non pressure tag, feel free to complete the list if you see this post! @artaxlivs, @eriquin, @dragonflylady77, @jad3w1ngs, @ihni
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hornedqueenofhell · 6 days
Last sentence tag game
Tagged by: @apomaro-mellow
rules: in a rb or separate post, post the last sentence you wrote in any of your wips (original, fanfic, etc), and tag as many people as there are words.
From a demon Steve fic where Eddie accidentally summons him by saying 'notice me senpai'
“Oh and then he put this on me, pretty sure it's so I can't run away.” He shows Chris the ring.
Tagging: @cheeky-undead @soaringornithopter @sofadofax @medusapelagia @kassifieddocuments2
(I'm not tagging that many people)
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cranberrymoons · 9 months
last sentence tag
rules: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
i was tagged by @spoookysix @wormdebut (and also @satanssugar like a WHILE back and i don't think i ever followed through KLDFJSDF)
“Not discussing the election in a boardroom somewhere, I assume.”
(this does make sense in context, i swear 😭)
no pressure tags (10?) – @stardust-walker @penny00dreadful @sourw0lfs @the-redcrate @vegasol @klausinamarink @theheadlessphilosopher @medusapelagia @hbyrde36 @subbaculture
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medusapelagia · 5 months
I love you
written for @steddiemicrofic
Rating: General Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Prompt: Hole WC: 404
“You have been on my couch for two days, can you tell me what happened? You know I respect your silence, but this is too much.”
Steve shakes his head, still buried under the blankets on Robin’s lumpy couch.
“If you don’t talk to me I can’t help you. Whatever it is I promise you we will fix it.”
“Not this. This is unfixable.” Steve murmurs “I have to emigrate. Leave the Country. Join the Foreign Legion.”
Robin sighs “I’m sure that the situation is not as dramatic as you say, just tell me what happened.”
“I told Eddie that I love him.” Steve whispers.
Robin almost chokes on her spit “You what?!”
“It was a lapsus!” he yells “We were on the phone and when I closed the call I said I love you.”
“Fuck indeed.” Steve confirms “I want to dig a hole and bury myself. Eddie is going to mock me forever and I’m not strong enough to endure it.”
Robin sits on the couch and Steve curls up, giving her some space “Well, it’s not that bad. I mean, when I was six I called my teacher: mum. These things happen!”
“You were six! I’m twenty-four and I said I love you to my housemate!” he whines, feeling the familiar mix of anxiety and panic.
“We can move. Today. I don’t like Chicago. We could move to New York? Rome? Tokyo?”
Steve sighs “I fucked up.”
She shakes her head “You didn’t, but Eddie will not let you get away with it unless we have something more humiliating to use against him!”
“He is fucking perfect, Rob! He makes me laugh and helps him when I get migraines, he never gets angry and…”
“Have you considered the possibility that it wasn’t a lapsus?”
“I was wondering if maybe you… like him?”
“He is a boy!”
Steve stares astonished at Robin then he throws the blankets away and runs back to his place, stopping in front of the door to catch his breath, but the door opens and Eddie is looking at him worriedly “You ok? I haven’t heard from you in two days…”
“I love you.”
“It’s not funny.”
“I do, it wasn’t a lapsus!”
“You sure? I mean…”
Steve kisses him with such passion that Eddie’s head hits the wooden door “I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.” Eddie replies, kissing him back.
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medusapelagia · 7 days
One breath away
My Mermay fic inspired by this incredible SharkBilly made by @safk-art who was so kind to let me write a fic based on her art
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Steve /Billy TW: Monster fucking
Read on AO3
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medusapelagia · 4 months
Love is a battlefield - Harringrove Love Fest 8th Feb
written for @harringrovelovefest
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove Prompt: Love is a Battlefield Tag: angst with happy ending, friends with benefits, feeling realization
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“Fuck!” Billy yells, slamming the car door so hard that the entire car trembles for a moment.
Fuck him! And fuck Harrington!
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? Every time is the same old story! They hang out, they have a great time, they kiss, sometimes they fuck if Steve is home alone, and then it happens: Steve has to say something stupid and Billy has to tell him how stupid that is, and then they fight, and Billy leaves Steve’s house with a heavy heart and a repressed energy that he will unleash punching in the face the first stupid moron that he will see on his way home.
And it will not be Billy’s fault, ok? It will be Steve’s!
How dare him!
Tonight, after they fucked, Steve told him “I love you.” As he meant it.
Fucking moron.
Billy hits the steering wheel so hard that his hand hurts.
“Fuck!” He yells again in the night, and if his face feels wet is due to the humidity and the sweat, no fucking tears, because boys don’t cry.
How could he have done this to him? He trusted Steve! They had a fucking agreement: friends with benefits, no stupid string to keep them together, just some fun in a small and boring city like Hawkins and nothing more. Why did he have to ruin everything? Now Billy could not go back and his heart aches so badly that he thinks is going to be sick.
Fuck Harrington, who told him those stupid words! If he had told them during sex, Billy could have pretended that it was just the lust talking, but no! That stupid rich boy waited for Billy to be vulnerable and raw, entangled in the blankets and ready to fall asleep and he fucking whispered these words in his ear like it was their secret.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Billy tries to take some deep breaths to calm himself, but he is still sitting in his car just in front of Steve’s driveway: he has to turn the car on, leave, and never come back. He nods to himself, knowing that is the right thing to do.
A knock on his window makes him startle and hit the roof of the car; on the other side of the window, there is Steve, still wearing his awful striped pajamas, his eyes red and puffy like he had been crying, which is not possible, is it?
“Bab… Billy.” He whispers, almost revealing their secrets to the woods and the stars that are looking down at them.
Billy freezes like a dare in front of a car headlights, unable to move, and Steve’s hand gets to the door handle; it clicks open and the gentle sound in the middle of the night is almost like a gunshot to Billy’s heart, but Steve doesn’t know it and keeps opening the door until it’s wide open.
“Billy. Come inside. Please. Just for a moment.” Steve’s voice is trembling but the words are clear and reasonable “Come. I’ll offer you a glass of water, nothing more, I promise, but please, get inside.”
“I never made you any promise.” Billy states, staring at the empty road in front of him and stubbornly avoiding Steve’s eyes.
“I know,” Steve whispers, opening and closing his mouth a few times like he wanted to add something else but wasn’t able to.
“I should go.” 
“You should stay.”
It’s a dance they have done so many times before, a boring back and forth that doesn’t take them anywhere.
“I… I promise I’ll let you go. I won’t call. I won’t even say hello at school, but please come inside for a moment.”
Billy finally turns toward Steve, his big doe eyes are so sad and worried and Billy would like to hold him tight and peppers his face with kisses until he starts to giggle like a happy toddler.
God, Steve is so beautiful, even so, broken and sad, he is still the best thing Billy has ever had and the instinct to kiss him is so strong that his knuckles whiten from how hard he is holding the steering wheel.
“Please.” Steve begs and how could Billy resist? He slowly releases the grip from the steering wheel and gets out of the car slowly, as if on the other side of his car there was a ferocious creature and not the boy he fucks.
Steve gets back inside and Billy follows him quietly, keeping the distance.
“Water?” Steve offers, taking a glass and offering it to Billy who begrudgingly takes it while Steve takes a deep breath “Look, I’m sorry, ok? I don’t know why I said that. Oh well, I know why I said it but I thought you were asleep… and I know that you don’t feel the same but it doesn’t have to end just because I caught… feelings.” Steve says, like he was talking about a cold.
“If you are going to dump me can you call me Steve? For once?”
No, he can’t! Because if he will… “Steve…” Billy murmurs and all his defenses suddenly shatter to the ground and he is naked in front of the boy which is both the best thing he has ever had and the most dangerous “I don’t do feelings.” Billy replies, harshly.
“I know. And I’m sorry…”
“I don’t do feelings.” Billy repeats, finally lifting his ice blue eyes to look at Steve in the eyes “So tell me, why my heart aches so badly? Why do I feel that I can’t breathe? Why do I feel that I’m chained to your side?”
“Billy… are you saying… Are you saying what I think you are saying?”
No. He is not. Because it’s just sex.
They fuck. They have fun. They don’t have feelings for each other. Billy doesn’t have…
So why is he running toward Steve, crushing him in a tight embrace? Why is he holding Steve's face, tilting it enough to grant him access, and why is he kissing him with passion?
Why does Billy’s heart beat faster? Why the discomfort he felt is disappearing now that he has a familiar weight in his arms?
“I… I….” Billy tries to articulate, but Steve stops him with a finger on his lips.
“It’s ok. You don’t have to say it back.”
“When it’s time, you will. Now come.” Steve murmurs, dragging the blond-haired boy back to his room, and into his bed where he holds him tight. 
This time there is no confession whispered but a little voice in Billy’s heart tells him that this time is different.
This time Steve is not just a boy that he fucks, is the boy that he loves, and as soon as he will win the fight between his head and his heart he will tell Steve that he loves him too. For the moment he rests, safe between Steve’s arms.
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medusapelagia · 9 months
28 AU-gust: Royalty
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: omegaverse, Omega Steve Harrington, Alpha Eddie Munson WC: 1794
“You are so lucky Steve! You will never have to go through the humiliating process of being presented to society to find your mate! You already have one!”
Steve sighs, he knows that being presented to society is a very stressful thing, but also being destined to a mate you have never seen doesn’t sound so exciting.
The only thing that he knows about his mate is that his name is Eddie that he is the nephew of King Wayne Munson and that his parents were lucky enough to get him engaged with the king's son as soon as he was born.
Something about an eclipse or a premonition or who knows what. 
In any case, he is not going to be presented to society like all his friends. He will be kept hidden until the moment the king makes his appearance.
This means no more walking around the castle, no more threats from the kitchen, and no more time in the garden.
Robin is trying on another dress while Steve thinks that all that he will be able to do in the next few days will be staying in his room and staring from the little window in his chamber.
He is an omega, and omega can’t be trusted among so many alphas. That’s what his father said.
He sighs. 
A week is not so long after all, right?
Three days and he is ready to climb up the wall.
Not only he can’t get out, but he can’t even see the servant and they are giving him his meals on a tray outside of his as if he was in jail!
When his father told him that no one could look at him he wasn’t joking.
He sighs.
Being an omega and being left alone for an entire week it’s almost a punishment. He needs love, and cuddles, and his friends, and at least Robin!
“Steve?” She calls from the garden.
Steve let out a little whimper from his bed, too sad and tired to get up and try to force open the closed window.
“Steve?” She calls again, worriedly, and then she starts to speak with another person “That's his room. Are you sure you can break it?” 
An alpha’s voice full of pride replies “Of course I can. Tell your friend to stay away from the window.”
“Steve! Stay away from the window!” She yells, and then he hears a loud crash and sees a big rock falling next to his bed, followed by a curly dark-haired boy.
“Good morning princess, we came to your rescue!”
Steve’s heart starts to beat faster at the smell of the alpha's scent.
“Alpha?” He calls, trying to get up.
“My beautiful sweet omega.” He gets closer, brushing his hair away from his face “What have they done to you?” His eyes shine red for a moment, and Steve lets out a little whimper.
The dark-haired alpha hugs him even tighter, letting him inhale his scent directly from his bond gland.
“You are ok, omega. I’m going to take such good care of you.” He murmurs, still petting him like a scared dog.
“Is he ok?” Robin asks, getting closer to the window and trying to jump high enough to see inside the room.
“He is ok, but he is going to feel so much better when we take him out of this place.
“Alpha.” He calls again while the alpha picks him up like a baby.
Steve keeps his nose deep In the crook of the alpha’s neck, inhaling his lovely smell.
The alpha looks back at the window.
“Robin, do you think you can hold him if I pass him to you through the window?”
“Why? Is he unconscious? Oh my  god, he is dead and you don’t want to tell me!”
“He is fine! Just, not in his finest shape but he’ll be ok. We just have to find a way to take him away from this fucking prison.”
They think for a moment and then Robin says “I will check who is supposed to bring him food and see if I manage to open the door!” She yells, running away while the young alpha keeps comforting Steve.
“Alpha, alpha.” He keeps calling like a litany, while he feels his body getting hotter and hotter.
He trembles. That’s not possible! He can get his heat right now and with an unknown alpha! His father is going to kill him.
“No one will touch you sweet thing.” The alpha murmurs in his ear, but when finally the door opens it is not Robin who is holding the key, but his father.
“I knew it! You are such a slut! Like all the omegas! You are such a disgrace to our family! An omega male it’s the worst thing that could have ever happened to our family! And now you are ruined! No one will want to mate a slut omega like you!” He screams, filling the air with angry pheromones.
Steve whines, hiding making himself even smaller in the alpha hold.
The young alpha’s eyes are red with fury “You are making him distressed. You left him alone in this room for days! What kind of alpha are you?” He yells at him, ready to fight for the omega that is clenching at him like a little clamp.
“The kind of alpha who doesn’t know how to treat an omega, clearly.”
Everyone turns and King Wayne Munson is glaring at Steve’s father from the corridor.
“My king!” He says getting on his knees “I tried my best to keep him away from any alpha, but this one was relentless.” He lowers his head “I’m sorry if he is not a good match for your nephew anymore. I will dispose of him! He will get punished and I’ll send in some retreat for broken omegas.”
“You will not do such a thing!” The young alpha growls and Steve’s father gets up suddenly.
“We are going to lose everything and you will pay the consequences as well young man!” He threatens him.
“Come here kid, and bring the omega.” The young alpha gets closer to the king and the man gently brushes some hair away from the omega’s face “How are you feeling pup?”
“It hurts.” He complains, feeling his body getting feverish.
“I’m sure it does but Eddie will take good care of you, you just have to hold on a little longer.”
Eddie, the young alpha, snarls at Steve’s father “What about him?” He asks and Steve stares at him. How could he talk like that to their king?
“I’ll take care of him. Now you have an omega to take care of. Does he have a nest?” He asks looking back at Steve’s room. 
“I didn’t see any.”
The king doesn’t seem surprised “ You have to make one for him. I’ll have the servants bringing you some of his blankets. I should have taught you how to make a comfort nest, right?”
The boy nods in agreement and moves to the king’s chambers, the omega still wrapped in his arm,
“We can’t go there.” Steve murmurs “Those are the king’s chambers.” 
“Oh sweet thing, you are too out of it, right?”
Steve doesn’t understand what he means so he keeps silent.
“Let’s make you a nice cozy nest and when you feel better we could talk.”
Steve nods, while his body starts to burn from the inside.
“Alpha…” he calls.
“I know baby… I know… just let it go… I got you.” he whispers in his ear.
Steve’s eyes fill with fear.
Feral. He is going fucking feral.
He tries to escape from Eddie’s grip, he doesn’t want to risk hurting him, but the boy holds him tight.
“Don’t worry, baby. You’ll be fine. I’ll be here with you all the time. I will not let anything happen to you.” he assured him.
“But you… if… if I’m going feral…”
“I’ll deal with it pup. Don’t worry. Just try to relax and let it go.”
Steve shakes his head, trying to clear his mind, but he is not lucid anymore.
“Come on. Let it go. I’m here with you.” and finally Steve surrenders to hormones that are making him crazy.
When Steve wakes up he doesn’t remember what happened, he just has a few flashes of being cuddled, loved, and fucked out of his mind. And now he is lying, naked, in a cozy little nest, and the alpha, his alpha, is singing in his ear.
“Hello there sweet thing, are you feeling any better?”
He nods, sniffing at the nest that now smells so familiar. 
“Did I…. Did I hurt you?” he asks, ashamed, and the other boy smiles.
“I have dealt with worst.”
“I… I’ll always go feral?” he is terrified at the idea.
Eddie hugs him “I don’t know baby. I think that too many emotions triggered your body response and you weren’t ready for it, but I can’t assure you that you will not become feral next time. What can I assure you is that, no matter what, I’ll be at your side.” he replies looking him in the eyes.
Steve blushes and lowers his eyes, and then he looks around him and realizes that they are in the king’s chambers,
He startles but the alpha, Eddie, holds him tight “It’s ok. We can stay here. It’s my room, you know?”
His room? But that means…
Suddenly everything clicks and Steve tilts his head in submission.
“Don’t do that, sweet thing. You are going to be my mate and I’ll treat you like an equal.”
“No buts, baby. Now, can you drink something for me?” He whispers, getting a cup close to Steve’s mouth.
While he drinks and eats Eddie tells him about how he had been searching for him for days because he could feel how miserable he was and that his friend Robin has finally helped him to get into his room. 
“My uncle has dealt with your parents. They will never see you again if you are not the one asking to see them. And our mating ceremony will be private, not public. And who knows, maybe we will be blessed with a pup.” He concludes by kissing Steve’s flat stomach.
“Is this real? Are you really the king's nephew?”
He nods, cradling his head into his hands “I will repeat everything when you will feel more lucid honey. Why don’t you try to sleep a little more, uh?”
Steve nods, getting more comfortable in his mate’s arm.
He can’t believe that he is going to be mated to the king's nephew, but after he broke Steve’s window to save him, he would have probably mated him even if he was a housekeeper.
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medusapelagia · 2 months
In vino veritas
written for @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘Fool’ wc: 454 rated: M cw: mention of drug and alcohol use, implied sexual content, bad decisions, open ending
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The air is hot and damp, and sitting on the roof of the trailer wasn't the best idea ever: even in the middle of the night it's still hot from the sun.
But lying on an old blanket, smoking some weed, and looking at the stars, Eddie can pretend that his life is not the huge mess it is.
His things are packed, just a couple of boxes and his guitar, ready to follow him to Indianapolis and leave that awful town behind him.
"You should celebrate. It's graduation day." Steve says, blowing some white smoke in the air.
There's a party somewhere, but Eddie the Freak wasn't invited, and even if Nancy and Robin tried to convince him, Eddie told them that he needed to pack his things and Steve volunteered to help him.
"What have you done when you graduated?" Eddie asks, grabbing the joint, and for a moment their fingers brush.
"Tommy and I went to Indianapolis, got matching tattoos, and got so drunk that Carol had to drive our sorry asses back in town. She wasn't happy about that." Steve chuckles.
"Matching tattoos? Hagan and you?"
Steve nods and lifts some hair from his neck showing an H 85 on the nape.
"Original." Eddie laughs.
"You have to do something stupid to celebrate. It's tradition." Steve insists.
"I'm smoking weed with you on a roof, I think it's stupid enough."
"Let's fool around," Steve says, turning toward Eddie, his eyes red and shiny.
"Let's fool around." Steve insists, "The two of us. No one has to know it."
"You're high, Harrington."
"And you're too."
"Not enough to propose you to fuck you for fun."
"Oh, you don't think it will be fun fucking me? Maybe you would prefer if I fucked you? I can do that, I'm good at fucking."
"Says who? Nancy Wheeler?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Steve replies with a smirk, and Eddie's joint falls on the blanket, but Steve is quick to pick it up and drag more smoke.
"Are you telling me you're gay, Harrington?" Eddie whispers staring at him, the red cherry of the joint shining in the night.
"Why don't you find out?"
They are both high on a fucking roof, fool around isn't really an option, still, something twitches in Eddie's pants: Steve the Hair Harrington is looking at him with lust.
"That's the weed talking," Eddie says, shaking his head.
"In vino veritas... or something like that."
"That's weed, not wine."
"I think you got what I mean." Steve replies, getting closer, "You're leaving tomorrow anyway. It will make no difference, right?"
Only it will, but Steve is already kissing him and all Eddie can do is kiss him back.
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medusapelagia · 4 months
I'll make you proud
written for @steddiemicrofic
Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Prompt: Edge TW: no one WC: 509
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Steve has trained for this all his life, but when his father gives him the order he hesitates.
The entire throne room is silent when King Harrington declares that they are going into war and that his son will lead the battle.
“You can’t go into battle!” Eddie tries to convince him, yanking him by the arm as soon as they are safely in their room.
“You know I have to, the King gave me an order.” Steve replies, avoiding his husband's stare.
“He doesn’t care if you live or you die!” Eddie protests, his long dark curls around his head like a black halo: he looks so beautiful when he is angry.
A soft coo from the bassinet gets their attention and Eddie runs to pick up the sleepy baby, “If not for me do it for our kid! Don’t leave him an orphan!”
That’s a low blow, Eddie is a war orphan and Steve knows how deeply that affected him, and it breaks his heart knowing that he can’t give him the only thing he ever asked for in all their years of marriage.
Steve kisses the dark crown of his kid’s head and caresses his husband's cheek with his thumb.
“It’s my duty.” Steve replies sternly and Eddie understands that his battle is already lost.
“Will you take care?” He asks, avoiding Steve’s stare.
“I’ll make you proud.” 
“I don’t give a fuck about that!” Eddie yells, turning so abruptly that the baby starts to wail.
Steve moves closer but Eddie turns his back “Don’t. Tomorrow you are not going to be here, why lose your time comforting a kid you are ready to abandon?”
It stings, but Steve doesn’t reply, he gives a little bow and leaves the room he has shared with his husband for years.
Jonathan, their guard, is patrolling outside the room.
“Will you take care of them? For me?”
“Your wish is my command, my lord.” He replies, bowing his head, “But I’m sure you will return victorious in no time.”
Steve smiles at him, glad to spare him from the horror of the war, “Take care of your family too.” He whispers before turning toward the stables where Robin, his squire, is already waiting for him. 
She helps him fasten his armor while she keeps rambling, complaining about the rations she hasn’t even eaten yet  “Nothing like Chrissy’s cooking. I’m sure of it.” 
Steve shakes his head, “You don’t have to come with me.” 
But Robin retorts “Where should I be if not at your side, Steve?”
They look at the soldiers gathered around the stables, most of them are too old or too young to join the war, but the King gave an order.
Steve makes a sincere speech, promising that they will face the enemy together and nobody will be left behind.
When they leave the castle, Steve turns one last time and, even if they are too far, he is sure that the dark figure, looking at them from the edge of the tower, is his husband.
Part 2
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medusapelagia · 2 months
Second Chances Mixtape
I have joined custody of the boys with @maikaartwork… but I missed having a pic of little Steve so I commissioned one!
This is a scene from the second chapter of my fic that I was deeply in love with and Morgan did such a wonderful job that I couldn't wait to share it!
It's so detailed and I love it so much!
Please meet: Eddie, little Steve, and Rocket!
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Read it on AO3
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medusapelagia · 4 months
Separate Ways - NSFW -Ch 1/22
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Here we are... after 9 months my baby is finally here! This is my fic for the @bigbangharringrove! A huge thanks to my incredible artist @lemonhitsu (without whom I would have probably dropped out ages ago and who made this beautiful moodboard) and thank you so much to @bottombillyapologist for being my beta!
Summary: Steve Harrington is a famous model whose live depends on his manager and (more or less) lover, Tommy Hagan. After a bar fight, he meets Officer William Hargrove, recently transferred to the NY Police Department and with a deep personal experience with a violent environment, who can clearly see the signs of domestic violence in Steve's relationship with Tommy. Determined to help the pretty boy escape from his abusive relationship, Billy gets closer and closer to Steve.
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A little snippet under the cut
Steve Harrington is the most booked runway model in the world.   His face and his body are everywhere. On billboards, on magazine covers, and plastered  over ads at bus stops.   Steven Joseph Harrington, twenty-fourth years old, is the richest model in the world.  And he is about to celebrate his achievement with Tommy: Tommy Hagan, his high school friend, was the one that pushed him to pursue a modeling career and now, somehow, he owns his life. He is the one that chooses which campaign Steve is going to do a photo shoot for or which fashion show is worthy of his presence. He is the one that chooses every single thing that Steve eats. He books trainers for him when they travel abroad.   Paris, Milan, London, New York— he doesn’t have to worry about anything. Tommy books the flight— always business class— and the hotels, always luxury suites. All Steve has to do is show up and let Tommy take care of him.   It’s not bad, it's just... sometimes Steve would like to do something different from  walking on the runways or training in the gym. He used to play basketball, but Tommy  completely prohibited him from contact sports: they can't risk someone  elbowing him in the face before a fashion show.   He’s not wrong. But Steve loved team sports. He had a lot of friends, but now he feels like he has no friends left.   But he still has Tommy. And Tommy would never leave him.  
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medusapelagia · 2 months
This is my contribution to the Harringrove Relay Race
Thank you @thatgirlwithasquid for preceding!
Perfectly Misaligned
written for @harringrove-relay-race Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve /Billy TW: violence (Billy slaps Steve), hurt/comfort Word Count: 6859
Now also on AO3
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Going camping seemed like a nice idea, at least at the beginning.
The few happy memories Steve had as a kid were when his father wasn't the world's most famous heart surgeon and instead of traveling around to save lives he used to take him camping for a night or two just after school ended. It was their “boys' time”, as his father used to call it, winking at him while he giggled at the comradery between the two of them. And Steve loved every second of it: from the moment Richard Harrington announced that they were leaving for the weekend, to the moment the man parked his car back in the garage. That's why, as soon as Steve and Billy were released from the hospital, Steve asked Billy to go camping and he agreed on one condition: that they would go camping in California.
And that is exactly when the problems started.Even if Steve was somewhat familiar with camping areas around Hawkins, he never went camping in California so he didn't know where the best areas were and they definitely didn't have time to plan ahead where they would go. The second big problem was that Steve's and Billy's ideas of camping were really different. Steve loved the idea of the two of them alone in the wild, sleeping in a tent under the stars, lighting their own fire, making some s'more together, getting cozy by the fire while stargazing, and maybe sharing some personal stories while cuddling a bit far from curious eyes, while Billy insisted that he wanted to sleep in the campsites with all the amenities the park could offer; picnic tables, showers, water supply, and a cleared area for the tent, but definitely no privacy.
Not wanting to fight, Steve agreed to sleep in the designated area of the park, making small talk with their neighbors. But even though it was fun, it wasn't what Steve was expecting from their trip: he wanted to sleep so close to each other in their sleeping bags that they would awake almost entangled in one another, drink some beers, finally declare his love to Billy and, who knows, maybe even kiss under the stars, but being surrounded by so many people made all his dreams impossible.
The only aspect of their trip that was exactly as Steve imagined was the long hours in the car.
The only moments they have spent alone since they decided to go on this trip together were the ones in the car, but even those moments were far from pleasant for Steve. They rented a car at the airport in San Francisco and Billy hated it from the first moment he saw it, complaining that it wasn’t as good as his Camaro. But Steve didn’t complain, letting Billy put the pedal to the metal and blasting his rock music as loud as the stereo would let him, even if it gave Steve a terrible headache.
The only thing Steve asked, once he saw a picture in the park visitor center, was seeing the Alamere Falls; a beautiful waterfall that fell into the ocean was something you only see once, and after renouncing his dream trip he knew that Billy couldn't refuse him.
That's how they find themselves packing two backpacks with the essentials: maps, sunglasses, hats, jackets, flashlights, a first aid kit, matches, food, and water. Steve tries to pack their tent too, but it is too heavy and, in the end, Billy convinces him that they would not need it.
"What if it starts to rain while we are getting back?" Steve asks, looking at their tent, unsure if he should insist on bringing it with them or not.
"Come on, pretty boy! Look at the sky! Do you see a cloud? No. It's just a little hike! We will be back in no time." 
"It's a thirteen miles trail, Billy!" Steve insists, while the blond guy starts to mock him for being too anxious. Steve is almost ready to remind him that being too unprepared is exactly what almost got him killed in a secret Russian base, but he doesn’t want to remember what happened at the mall and how it was sheer luck the Mind Flayer didn't kill them all, so he sighs and shrugs, ready to leave with Billy. Before walking to the car he turns toward the nice family that has the tent just next to theirs and tells them that they are going hiking to Alamere Falls.
"That sounds nice," Sarah, the young mother, replies while holding little Darla who is desperately trying to get into Steve's arms "Have fun boys!" 
Steve nods and finally walks to the car.
"Took your time, huh Harrington? What was that? Are you flirting with moms now?"
Steve doesn't reply, getting in the car and ready for Billy’s jealousy. As if on cue the other boy starts the car, letting the engine roar as he drives way too fast for a little parking lot in a park. Steve doesn't complain, though, instead his mind goes to  the waterfall he saw in the brochure. He wonders if he should have brought a pair of swim trunks too, but he quickly decides that, if they get in the mood, they can always swim in their underwear. After all, they have shared lockers for years.
They take the wrong turn twice, all Steve's fault in Billy's opinion because he is the one holding the map. Steve raises an eyebrow, not commenting on the fact that the California boy turned left even if Steve told him to turn right so now he is using his hands to show where to go. turn here, hand to the left, turn there, hand to the right.
Steve is already pissed when they get to the parking area, saying that they should go back to camp and maybe even back home, after all this vacation was a disaster from the beginning, but Billy is adamant.
"You want to see the waterfall so we will see the waterfall," Billy declares, closing the discussion by throwing Steve his backpack and putting on his own.
They start walking, Steve's eyes fixed on the map he is holding until Billy snatches it from Steve's hands.
"Stop looking at the stupid map and look around you! The view is beautiful and the colors are so vibrant! Can you hear the waves roar? I bet I can get to the waterfall faster than you!" He winks, but Steve shakes his head.
"I'm not going to take your bait, Hargrove. I ran enough for a lifetime in that fucking Russian base, and now I want to take a walk and enjoy the view, if you want to go faster I'll see you at the waterfall, or at the car if you are so fast that you get around before me." He replies calmly, and Billy's shoulders relax for once.
"I guess I'll keep you company, I don't want you to get lost." 
Steve chuckles a little and follows Billy. "Have you already been here?" He asks, seeing how confident Billy looks.
"California is big, pretty boy, I haven't seen all of it and I have never been here, but this is the only trail I see so it's not hard to follow it."
They walk in silence, avoiding tree roots and low branches, breathing in the warm scent of the earth.
"I missed this," Steve whispers so low that he is surprised when Billy turns toward him and asks him what he is referring to. "Walking around the woods and not feeling anxious, or scared," He replies, getting closer to the other boy. "I used to go camping with my dad as a kid, and when I got older I started bringing my dates to the woods. I'm the one who made Skull Rock a cool place for hooking up, did you know that?" Steve asks and Billy shakes his head "I liked it. The scent of the earth, the brightness of the stars, I really loved those woods, but that was before..."
"The Upside Down?" Billy intervenes, giving words to the thoughts Steve can't express. Steve nods, avoiding the other boy’s stare and looking at the sunlight that shines through the leaves.
"It feels like it took something from me, you know?” He continues, his eyes still fixed on the horizons. “I will never be the person I was before and I'm not talking only about the nightmares, the night terrors or the migraine attacks. I'm talking about the way I look at the world. I loved those stupid woods, and now I fear them because I know what they can hide, and some nights I go on patrol, with a flashlight and a makeshift weapon, just to check that there aren’t any demodogs lingering around. And I would never take a date to Skull Rock anymore, and I miss it. I miss laying my jacket on the ground and sitting on it while watching the stars, pointing at the few that I know and then sharing a kiss, or maybe more if I’m lucky,” Steve chuckles, then he lets out a sigh, “I miss the idea of taking my son camping, lighting a fire together, and falling asleep under the stars while I tell him a story like my father used to do."
Billy's reaches into his pocket to retrieve a cigarette that he lights under Steve's judgemental look, "Your father doesn't sound shitty as mine, but, I didn't see him in the time we were in the hospital." 
As soon as he received the call from the hospital, Richard Harrington made sure that his son and his friends had the best care Hawkins Hospital could provide but he remained in Singapore, where he was working on a new model of artificial heart.
"He is a famous doctor,” Steve explains, getting in front of Billy. “He travels the world to save lives, he doesn’t have time to lose on stupid things like that. I was fine."
Billy snorts, "You almost died, Harrington. They put you in a coma for two days to help your swollen brain and you are still going through the aftermath of that. Do you think I didn't notice that you squint when you have to read a road sign? Or that you have spasms in your hands? Why do you think I insisted on driving?"
Steve stops, staring at the other boy, wondering if it’s clear to everyone how affected he is from the injuries he sustained even if he tries his best to hide it.
"I don't..." he tries to deny in a lower voice, but Billy's brazen voice cuts him off.
"You don't what? Don't try to deny it, Harrington, we both know that it's true! And even if I'm sure things will get better once you buy a fucking pair of glasses and start taking the medicine that you are hiding in your backpack, at the moment you are a fucking mess!" He growls back at him, stepping in front of him and starting a staring contest that Steve is not going to lose.
"And what about you, Hargrove? You got possessed by an interdimensional monster! You killed people! How do you cope with that?" Steve rebukes, feeling raw and exposed to the other’s icy stare, trying to find an escape from those unforgiving eyes.
"How do I cope? I go to therapy, fucking moron!” The California boy replies, stepping even closer so that Steve and Billy are almost chest to chest. “I don't try to pretend that everything is fine and I make the government pay for every fucking thing I need! I already have a little apartment near Brown University waiting for me as soon as the semester starts and I try to accept that there are things that I cannot change but that they do not define me," He barks back. "Those things are things that happened to me and I was a fucking victim! Like Heather and her parents! And when I wake up, feeling that I deserve to die, I call the emergency number my therapist gave me and we talk for hours until I feel better," Billy takes a deep breath, giving his shoulder to Steve. "Things will never be as they were, Harrington. As you said, the Upside Down took something from us, but the only way to keep going is to accept that it's going to be part of us," Billy tells him, staring into the pretty boy’s eyes, then he takes a step back and starts following the little path again. All Steve can do is stare at his back, taking some deep breaths to calm himself before following him on their hike.
That was the longest conversation they have ever had.
It was harsh, and so real. 
For the first time, Steve realizes that he and Billy are fighting the same fight, only in different ways. Steve keeps trying to pretend that everything is fine, that he doesn't need any help, and that the part of him that he lost the night he first hit a Demogorgon didn't change him, while Billy is trying to direct his anger toward the people who should have protected them, or at least warned them about what was coming. He is taking taxpayers' money with no shame because he feels it's his right, and even if he is troubled, maybe even more than Steve, he is not going to let all that happen define him as a person and Steve is impressed. All that Billy ever knew was the fight, and now he is fighting his personal demons. What's braver than that?
Steve follows Billy's lead, his red t-shirt stands out between the green of the leaves and the brown of the ground, while cursing himself for choosing a yellow t-shirt that attracts every kind of insect, especially mosquitos, as all the red bumps on his arms can prove. The more they venture into the woods the more the path becomes smaller and harder, and when Billy almost slips down a cliff, Steve dares to ask Billy if he is really sure that they are on the right path.
"How should I know?" He retorts, glaring at him. "I told you I have never been to this stupid waterfall before!" He reminds him, as Steve stares at him in astonishment.
"But you... you threw away my map!" He yells, feeling the panic getting to him. He didn't pay attention to their direction, and he didn't take notice of landmarks that could help him find their way around, they are going to get lost in the forest and he hasn't brought the tent, and the animals will find them, and all they have is one little pen knife, and maybe he should give it to Billy, he is stronger than him and his hands don't tremble so maybe he might have a possibility to survive and...
"Hey, pretty boy! Look at me."
Someone is talking to Steve but his vision is tunneled and his heart is beating so hard that it feels like it's going to jump out of his chest, and he can't breathe and...
"Steve! Look at me!"
The voice insists and in his blurred vision he sees a pair of ice blue eyes staring back at him with intensity.
"Steve!" The voice calls again, "You have to slow your breathing or you'll pass out!"
How could he slow his breathing if it feels like the forest is closing in on him like a monstrous green mouth that will devour them both and...
Steve's cheek burns while he takes his first big breath. He puts a hand to his face and realizes that he was slapped.
"What the fuck?!" He yells, but Billy is standing in front of him, holding his t-shirt in a tight grip and with a hand in mid-air, ready to slap him again.
"What the fuck?! You gave yourself a panic attack, idiot! I tried to talk you out of it but guess what? The King doesn't listen to anyone! So I slapped you, and it worked! So stop complaining and keep breathing like a fucking normal person!" Billy yells back, finally releasing Steve's t-shirt but leaving the cotton crumpled from the force he was holding it.
"I'm breathing..." Steve replies, meekly, ashamed about what happened.
"Thank god..." The other mutters, keeping his eyes pinned on Steve. "Why the fuck did you do that? You were the one that wanted to see the stupid waterfall, weren't you?"
Steve would like to explain to him that yes, he wanted to see the waterfall, but that he wasn't ready to get lost in the forest, but he knows that Billy will probably make fun of him so he whispers his apologies for the inconvenience of almost blacking out in the middle of nowhere and keeps following Billy, who now seems to be walking slower and is just a couple of steps ahead of him. They walk through a narrow maze of tall shrubs and vines that makes them both shiver because it reminds them too closely about the Upside Down. 
They finally get to a clearing only for their glee to suddenly die when they see that they will have to go down a narrow eroding cliff.
"We can go back..." Steve suggests but Billy shakes his head.
"We are almost there and we are not going to give up right now!" He hisses, almost slipping while he tries to go down the cliff. Steve holds his breath till he sees him safely on the sand.
"Come on, pretty boy! Are you going to make me wait forever?"
With a big sigh, Steve begins his descent, scratching his hands on the sharp rocks, complaining with himself for his stupid idea, and when he finally gets to the shore he finds Billy smoking another cigarette.
"What? It's good for my health!"
"Smoking is definitely not good for your health," Steve snorts.
"My mental health!" Billy insists, dragging some smoke with his plump lips.
When they finally get to the falls they rest a bit, eating Steve's granola bars and drinking some water.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Steve asks, looking in amazement at the energy of the water that falls to the ground with a humid mist that fills the air.
"It is," Billy agrees. After a long moment of silence, he asks "What were you worried about?" Steve stares at him blankly, trying to understand what he is referring to. “In the forest. When you panicked.”
"I didn't panic! I... I got a little anxious," Steve tries to deny, ignoring Billy's scoff. "I was anxious because I was scared we got lost, ok? Going hiking is fun but it can be dangerous too, there are so many things you should keep an eye on."
"Like what? Where do you put your feet?" Billy mocks him but Steve nods.
"Yes. And not just that,” He says, pointing to the beautiful nature around them "In a place like this you must pay attention to the tide, to the ocean... and the animals too! There might be coyotes, bobcats, and mountain lions." 
Billy lifts an eyebrow, "Never knew you were a nature nerd, Harrington." 
Steve doesn't reply. He is not a nature nerd, he is just the kind of person that wants to come prepared, and after all they have lived through with the Upside Down shit, Billy should get it more than anyone else.
"Ready to get back to the car?" Billy asks, his hands on his knees while he gets up like an old man, suffocating a whimper. Steve feels guilty because he forced Billy to join him on this journey while he is still recovering from his injuries too. For a moment he wonders if he should offer to help him, but Billy is too proud and Steve knows that he will get offended, so he gets up quietly, staring at the clouds moving in the sky, wondering if they'll manage to get to the car before the storm starts.
If climbing down wasn't easy, climbing up is even harder. Steve's feet slip on the friable ground and he almost falls back just before getting on the top. Thankfully, Billy grabs his arm and drags him toward safety, but they both fall to the ground in an entangled mess of libs.
"You ok?" Billy asks him, and for a moment the California boy seems almost worried about him.
"I'm fine. Sorry, I slipped," Steve murmurs, hiding his blushing face in the crock of Billy's neck for a moment, breathing in his familiar and comforting scent.
"I noticed. Now get the fuck up. You are squashing me!" Billy protests and Steve quickly gets up, offering him a hand that Billy slaps away before getting up on his own. "A storm is coming, we better get moving."  
Now that the sky is getting darker, following the same path they followed before is harder. Billy keeps saying that they are almost at the car but Steve is sure that he saw that strange red rock at least twice.
"Billy, stop it! We are going in circles!" 
"We are not!" The other protests, continuing to go toward what he says is the right path.
"Listen to me! We have to stop before we get even more lost!" Steve insists, but Billy keeps ignoring him, so he catches up to Billy and grabs his arm. Billy spins around, his eyes shining with fury. "We are fucking lost in the middle of the forest! A storm is coming and we don't have a tent! We need to find shelter and we need to find it now!" Steve hisses.
The blond boy is seething with rage but he can't deny that Steve is right, so he gives him a little nod and frees himself from Steve's grip before turning and starting to look for a place where they could wait for the storm to pass.
"That tree seems big enough." Billy says, pointing toward a big tree a few feet away.
"You don't want to wait for a storm under a tree, trust me," Steve says, looking around. He remembers seeing a little cave somewhere and he really hopes that it's near. Retracing their steps, Steve tries to follow their path backwards, smiling at himself when he finds the same red rock he saw before.
"We are going backwards," Billy protests, but keeps following Steve until they find the little cave.
It is hot and humid inside but there aren't any animals so it's the best place they can be. Steve goes inside and removes his backpack, then he turns toward Billy, "Get inside. I'm going to search for something to use to make a small fire to keep us warm."
Steve doesn't wait for a reply and leaves the blond in the cave while he looks around for anything that might be useful. These are not Hawkins woods but some things are the same, so he tries to avoid poisonous plants and wild animals and gets back with a few branches while the sky begins to rumble.
After a few moments, the storm starts and it rains heavily, while they are safely inside the cave.
"Are you going to start this stupid fire or what?" Billy protests, but Steve shakes his head.
"It's not too cold and there is still light, I want to save the wood for as long as I can because with this rain all the rest of the wood will be soaked and we will not be able to get more," Steve explains to him, while holding his leg to his chest and staring at the rain. It's not too bad, he thinks to himself, they have water, a little bit of food, shelter and even fire if they need it. He also made sure that Sarah, their neighbor, knew where they were going so Steve is not too worried, just a little pissed. Not only is the vacation not as he expected it to be, but thanks to Billy's reckless behavior they are stuck in a stupid cave, waiting for the weather to get better.
"What?" Billy growls. 
Steve turns toward him, his blue eyes shine in the darkness and he looks like a snake ready to bite. "I didn't say anything."
"You are a really expressive guy, Harrington." He replies, taking a cigarette from his pocket and lightening it, and that's the straw that breaks the camel's back. Steve snatches it and throws it outside "What the fuck?!" Billy complains furiously.
"Take another one and I'll throw away the entire packet of cigarettes," Steve threatens him.
"You wouldn't."
"Try me."
They glare at each other in a staring contest that neither wants to lose and in the end, it is Steve that looks away, trying to get to the farthest part of the cave, but it's so small that their legs bump before he finally gets on the opposite side of the cave.
Steve turns toward the opening of the cave, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. Nothing has gone as he wished and he is starting to think that he got everything wrong; that Billy hates him for real, and that he accepted coming with him only out of pity not because he was really willing to spend some time with him.
Stupid, stupid Steve!
How could he believe that someone could have ever fallen in love with him? It wasn't love that got them closer while at the hospital, it was the trauma, and now that Billy is doing far better than Steve they have nothing more in common.
Billy must sense the shift in Steve's attitude because when he calls his name his voice is way kinder than before.
"Steve?" He calls again, getting closer to him.
Steve can't take it anymore and runs out into the rain, trying to escape his feelings, but his bleeding heart aches so badly that he knows there is no cure. He will survive, he is sure of it, but nothing will be the same, not after he made a fool out of himself. Thank god he didn't confess his feelings to Billy. He would have mocked him cruelly for his stupid crush.
Because it was a crush, ok? Just a crush! Nothing more! Not... love.
He slips and falls to the ground, hitting his head on a rock while he gets mud everywhere.
For a moment he remains still, lying in the mud while the rain keeps pouring down on him. He wonders how he got there, crying in the rain, with his face in the mud, but then there are hands helping him up and blue eyes staring back at him.
"Steve! Fuck! Are you ok?!" Billy is kneeling at his side, cradling his face like it is the most precious thing in the world. "Don't move! Let me check your wound." He scolds him, brushing away his hair "You are bleeding a little, but it doesn't look serious. How do you feel? Lightheaded or what?" Steve stares blankly at Billy while the boy gets anxious. "Maybe I'm wrong and it���s worse than it looks. You should see a doctor. Don't worry I'll take care of everything. I can find the car, I know I can, and then I'll drive you to the closest hospital and..."
"I'm fine,” Steve replies, pushing him away. “I just don't understand what you are doing here."
Billy studies his face for a moment, "Maybe you hit your head harder than I thought. We were hiking, Steve, do you remember?"
"Of course, I do, dickhead!" He hisses, punching him in the shoulder. "I'm just confused because I don't understand why you are here, with me, in the rain, while you could have stayed in the cave where it is warm and..."
"Steve! You bolted out of that fucking cave without saying a word! I was fucking worried, ok?!"
"Why?! You hate me! You agreed to go on a trip with me out of pity and..."
One moment Steve is staring at Billy, trying to understand why the boy followed him, and the next thing he knows is there is a hot mouth on his shushing him and taking his breath away.
"Can you shut the fuck up for a moment?" Billy asks, his icy blue eyes still pinned on Steve's chocolate one. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I really thought that I could have guided you to the waterfall and back and I'm so fucking angry with myself that I can't cope with that and I have to give the fault to someone else, and the only other person here it's you and... It wasn't fair, ok? We would be in deep shit if you didn't pack our bags and had brought water, food, and everything we might need. And I'm sorry for criticizing you and trying to get into a fight, ok? I'm sorry." Billy takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment before adding, "Fighting is still the first answer to anything that happens to me and I'm very sorry that you have to deal with all my shit, but when I saw you run into the rain for no reason I worried, ok? I thought you were having an episode or something, and I followed you and now... god... now I really hope I haven't made the biggest mistake of my life because if these feelings are not mutual then I'm not really sure I want to get back to the car," He concludes with a cackle.
"Feelings?" Maybe Steve did hit his head really hard because this can only be a dream, even if it's the saddest dream ever; he is shivering with cold under the rain, has mud on his face and his clothes, and a nasty bump on his forehead.
"I have feelings for you Steve, I always did, since the first time I saw you on that basketball court." Billy tells him, their faces so close to each other that Steve can feel his breath on his skin.
"You do?" Steve asks again, brushing some wet curls away from Billy's beautiful face.
"I do." Billy bites his lips before daring to ask, "Do you?"
"I do," Steve replies with a beaming smile. He leans forward to kiss Billy again, slowly, taking the time to savor Billy's taste on his tongue. Steve sinks his fingers deep into the blond curls, holding him tight like he was worried that he could disappear at any moment.
They are wet, cold, and dirty, but none of that matters when Billy's tongue licks Steve's lips, asking for permission that the pretty boy gladly gives him, opening his mouth and letting Billy explore and taste as long as he likes, shivering in pleasure.
It's their first real kiss and it has nothing to do with the romantic image that Steve had in his mind when he started to plan this trip, but it doesn't matter because that was just a fantasy, while this is real.
One kiss turns into two, three, four. They would have probably kept kissing if it wasn't for the rain, so when Billy suggests getting back to the cave, Steve begrudgingly nods and follows him. Luckily, their backpacks are dry, so the first thing that Billy does is help Steve out of his wet clothes and give him some dry ones, then he cleans the cut on his forehead and covers it with a band-aid, before kissing it better and finally takes some dry clothes for himself too.
They look a little bit silly in their underwear and wind jacket while the t-shirts and the pants are discarded in a corner of the cave. Steve suggests lighting a little fire to keep them warm and try to dry the clothes and the blond boy looks at him astonished while he lights a fire in a few calculated moves.
"You are full of surprises, aren't you, pretty boy?"
Steve feels his cheek blush and tries to hide his face, but Billy is quick and grabs his chin between his fingers. "No hiding from me, baby," He whispers while the flames shimmer in his eyes.
"Sorry..." He murmurs back.His apologies are welcomed with a big smile and a soft peck on the tip of his nose.
"Tell me, little boy scout, how long do you think this storm will last?" Billy asks, getting closer to Steve. He puts an arm around Steve’s shoulders, and the rich boy relaxes against the broad chest.
"Don't know, but I don't think it will last for long, the clouds are moving pretty fast so it should be short. I'm more worried about how we will get to the car with all that mud, but I imagine we will find a way," He replies, getting more comfortable and letting himself be held for the first time in years.
They must doze off because when Steve opens his eyes the sky is dark and full of stars. He frees himself from Billy's arms and slowly goes outside. The trees obscure the view a little, but there are so many stars looking down at him that he can't complain. Maybe he will not be able to point to some famous constellation, but the view is still breathtaking.
"Are you already trying to run away from me?" A sleepy voice asks. When he turns Billy is brushing his eyes, yawning.
"Look," Steve says, pointing at the sky but keeping his eyes pinned on Billy to see the expression of wonders that paint his face.
"That's... incredible," The blond boy whispers. "I used to go to some bonfires when I was younger, to drink a couple of beers and flirt with some girls. I thought I saw a lot of stars on those nights, but I was wrong."
"You were probably too close to the city lights," Steve explains, regretting that the ground is still wet and they can't lie and look at the stars. Another part of his plan gone wrong.
"Do you want to try to go back to the car?" Billy asks, interpreting his sad expression in the wrong way.
"No, it's better if we stay here at least till dawn, it's too dangerous to try to get back by night even if we have the flashlights." 
Billy nods, it's the sensible thing to do, and it has nothing to do with the opportunity to share more kisses away from prying eyes.
When Steve feels that his hunger for kisses has been satisfied he dares to ask "So Brown University, uh?"
"It's far enough and it's a very good university," Billy replies, playing with Steve's hair. "I was ready to move to Antarctica if I needed to." Billy's father... Well, Billy's father is not a good father and Steve can see why he is trying to get away from him. "I'm worried for the shitbird," He adds after a long moment of silence. "But Neil never beat a woman before and I'm pretty sure that Susan is clever enough to get a divorce and take the house, so I guess they will be fine."
Rhode Island. So fucking far from Indiana.
"What about you? Are you going to scoop ice cream all your life?"
"Actually... Robin found us a job. Family Video. Nothing fancy but it pays the bills."
Billy snorts "You live in your parents' house and have no fucking bills to pay! What the hell are you talking about?!"
"Well, my father is trying to teach me a lesson about responsibility and..."
A loud laugh interrupts him “Responsibility? Your father? The one that sends you money and leaves you alone in that enormous house?"
"You don't know him! He is a very famous surgeon and..."
"I don't need to know him, Steve. I know you! And I know he wasn't here when we fought and you got that concussion and I know that he wasn't at your bedside when you woke up from the coma! And you know how I know?! Because I was there!" He yells and Steve tries to make himself smaller and hide from Billy's anger. "Sorry... I'm... I'm sorry. But I don't get why you keep defending him when..."
"He doesn't know," Steve replies, avoiding Billy's stare.
"When I got the concussion Owens' team took care of me so there is no trace that it ever happened and I never told my parents," Steve sighs, staring at the embers of their little fire. "Hopper kept an eye on me, and I was fine, so there was no need to worry them. And this time... I'm nineteen years old, legally an adult, so I signed a document stating that I didn't want them to talk about my conditions with my parents if it wasn't a life or death situation and I'm still here, so it wasn't so bad after all."
Billy groans loudly, and the hug he gives Steve is almost violent.
"I fucking hate this self-sacrificial shit you are up to, you know that, right? No, don't interrupt me. We are not fine Steve, none of us are, and you don't have to deal with all this shit alone." He turns Steve's face toward himself, "Come with me. The apartment is big enough for the two of us."
"And what am I supposed to do, Billy? I'm not a genius like you! I hardly graduated!" He protests, trying to get away from him, but Billy holds him tight.
"You are a fucking war hero, Steve! I’m sure that with some government help we could bend the rules and get you enrolled with a full scholarship in no time! Once there I'll help you with your studies, and if you really hate it there, you could always get back to Hawkins."
Steve raises an eyebrow, “Are you really willing to live with me and help me with my studies?"
Billy smirks, "Well, the idea was to do something more than just help you study, you know?"
Steve bursts out in a loud laugh, "That wasn't subtle, like, at all!" 
He is still giggling when they hear voices in the night calling their name.
"What?" Billy asks, confused, while Steve rushes to get their pants and tries to get dressed as fast as he can.
"I told Sarah where we were going and she told us to get back soon. I think she was worried when she didn't see us back to our tent." For a moment Steve curses himself and his way of trying to be prepared for every emergency. "Billy... What will happen when we get out of this forest? I mean... When we get back to Hawkins?"
Billy grabs him by his arm and yanks him against him, kissing him with passion.
"Does that answer your question?"
Steve would reply that he needs more, just to be sure, but the rescuers are almost there so they split apart and get out of the cave, waving their flashlights.
When the rescuers finally reach them, they blame them for not having a map with them.
“I fucking hate that trail,” one of the park rangers complains, “I wish they’ll close it once and for all. It always gives us a terrible headache.” he says, then he turns toward the boys, “You are lucky you didn’t injure yourself too badly.”  he adds, glaring at them while guiding them back to their car.
The sun is shining when they finally get back to their tent. Sarah is so relieved that she hugs them both tight and scolds them once more before leaving with her family because their vacation just ended.
Billy stares at their tent for a long moment before asking, "Would you like to sleep in a motel? I saw one just a few miles before the park. We can come back tomorrow to pick up our stuff." And if Steve wasn't already in love with Billy that would probably be the moment he falls for him. He nods eagerly and gets back to the car, ready to rest in a real bed after their little adventure in the forest.
The motel is seedy and smells really bad, but Steve doesn't care; all he wants is to get some sleep but all the emotions from the day make it hard to fall asleep.
Billy is resting on the bed next to his with his eyes closed but Steve can tell that he is not sleeping at all.
"Were you serious?”
“ Were you serious when you asked me to come with you?"
Billy turns to Steve, staring into his eyes, "I was. Are you thinking about it?"
Billy gives him a smug smile, "Maybe is enough. We still have a few days of vacation and I'm sure I can transform that maybe into a yes if you will give me the opportunity."
Steve smiles back and in his heart, he already knows that he will agree, but for the moment they rest while holding hands for the first time.
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Please look forward to the amazing work from the next contributor: @callieb
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