#me rn with Wyler
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cosmic-lullaby · 10 months
woke up this morning and thought how
Wednesday dropped piranhas in a pool full of people and enjoys torture and violence
Tyler turns into a blood thirsty monster and has killed at least 6 people
and their first kiss was one of the most goddamn soft and tender things i've ever seen on television
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melodicdownpour · 1 year
Yes tumblr I know I’m gay. And I know I normally would’ve jumped at the sight of a queer ship, but for once I want the straight one.
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shewolf-sinclair · 21 days
where i stand on Wednesday ships in case yalls were curious.
Wenvier/Wavier: Ship it! Tend to prefer fanon over canon (hard to say if its dynamic or plot it’s a bit of both). think that if any ship were gonna happen fr this might be the most realistic. don’t 100% know how I feel about it being canon in that in order for it to happen well a lot has to be done first that hasn’t happened yet. I think it could work because Xavier isn’t at all put off by her demeanor even from the start he loves it. So I think once they work the miscommunication and set clear boundaries they could actually be really cute!
Wyler/Weyler: Ship it! usually canon over fanon. (dynamic not plot) probably will never happen again. Honestly as much as I adore it, I’m not sure I want it to come back. They ran their course kinda. I just need tyler to be redeemed and while I believe that he truly loved wednesday, he really hurt her. and he knows that. if anything they just need to be friends rn. would be okay with it coming back under very specific circumstances. Similar with Wenvier, tyler was never put off by Wednesday. He followed her around like a puppy in awe of her strength and intelligence. And tyler’s truama plays into nicely as well, where he’s never fit anywhere and just needs a companion to be around. And wednesday provides that. He never cared so much about the what as long as he was included. They didn’t have to talk and plans could change. He just needed to be wanted. Wheras wednesday wanted a intelligent companion to offer advice and assistance with out stepping on her toes. Someone who understood her need to be left alone.
Wenclay (wednesday and bianca): ship it! fanon or canon! totally not realistic but I just think they’re super fun. if wednesday was gonna date a girl I’d want it to be bianca (but i love me sone biancaxlucas action too). would love to see it happen someday haha. Can’t even explain this one other than matched wit badass sapphic couple.
Wenclair: Don’t ship it! It’s cute and all just not my thing. I think they’re too good as friends and I don’t wanna jeopardize or change that it any way. I don’t honestly think it would work that well either. I personally think wednesday would need someone similarly macabre or at least similar attitude. However I totally agree that Enid is queer in some fashion.
but please see my post here. i do think it’s important Wednesday takes a break from dating for a bit, it’s just fun to imagine.
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therulerofallpotatos · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Curious what ur fav fics of yours are? 👀🖤🩷
Like ever?Like my five favorite fics of ever? oh boy ok lemme pull up the list
Well immediately I Bit Him so He's Mine is coming to the top of the list which isn't even done yet but is sitting rn at around 40k, is my longest project ever and officially novel length. Between the writing a murder mystery, writing a low fantasy adventure, the gothic/fairytail romance, the hyde wednesday/hyde tyler scenes, the subplots, and the fact that I'm not able nor do i want to rely on psychic visions for information, this is the most involved and exciting project I've probably ever done. Before Wednesday, I hadn't really sat down and written a proper drawn out mystery plot and this is the first where there were no psychic visions either. It's also officially longer than my Absolution novella which is not on this list just because that fic was one of the first I ever wrote and it shows. (though it is special to me because of that)
2. I'll add Wandering in the Dark because it was born of a prompt that my hs senior english teacher gave the class for a project that'd been anticipated (or dreaded depending on who you were) all semester. Basically, we all got to draw a disease (chronic I believe or at least mine was) out of a hat and then just do whatever we wanted writing a story with it. He gave me complete creative freedom. I wrote steter fanfiction which is also why it reads for someone who isn't familiar with teen wolf. I got an A.
3. My Lost Soul (Lead Me to Redemption) was my baby for a long time. It was one of the first pieces I ever wrote in a creative writing class which I then rewrote as sterek fanficiton and evolved into a whole series with Derek, Stiles, and Peter becoming the Hale Pack again. My writing style and quality drastically changes from beginning to end and there's something special about getting to see that firsthand reading this series. I'm sure it would only have continued if I hadn't lost steam for the story.
4. This is not a fair game. I'm not even left my teen wolf list yet.
4. I suppose I'll put Have You Seen Me? because idk I just like it. I like it a lot. I like exploring Tyler immediately after the cave. I like the title and the way the summary is just Tyler's wanted poster. I like how it leads into Wednesday going to Nevermore and I like how they interact with each other and Tyler being an Addams
5. Hold Me Close and it's sister fic Pin Me Down (to be posted) will have to take place as well. I'm counting both because I love them for the same reason. I've been writing officially since 2016 and for at least as long I always knew that I would eventually write my own fuck or die/sex pollen fic and that I'd take the approach of approaching the potential trauma and very present vulnerability present in the premise. Plus, the sex marathon aspect was a good writing challenge to stretch out the sex scene long enough to actually feel like a marathon reading it. Hold Me Close's sex scene was around 3000 words. Pin Me Down's sex scene is 3455 words long.
Honorable mentions for an abandoned multi-chap from high school that I hadn't thought about for years solely because I recently went to a convention where I met a lot of local authors and talked their ears off about writing and the genres we do and our current projects (and I had plenty due to wyler week and the bingo) and this one author recognized my ao3 alias and loved the fic in question. Mark Me an Angel for the hannigram fandom which also is a good example of why you plan a basic plot/direction when you start something.
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Fic Tag Game!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (haven't in a while tho), Wednesday, and I used to write for Hamilton. I also have a single fic for ATLA and Daredevil, and I'm currently writing a few fics for The Phantom of the Opera, HTTYD, Freelancers, and several other fandoms I can't remember ATM (I have that many WIPs LOL)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Valentine's Day Curse (Wednesday)
"send your cutest delivery boy" (special instructions, Tyler's POV) (Wednesday) (which was based on the fic by @cosmic-lullaby!)
wet face towels (Wednesday)
can I have this dance? (Wednesday)
My Halloween Angel (Wednesday)
Do you respond to comments?
I do!! I try to respond to every single one of them, though I'm a little backlogged rn LOL
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think it would have to either be stupid, stupid cartoon (Wednesday. Basically a what if Tyler died, and how would Donovan react?), or The Bonds of Lycanthropy (a Hamilton AU where he turns into a werewolf LOL)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think a lot of my fics end pretty happy, but I think one of the happiest ones is Angels In Hell's Kitchen (Daredevil. About Matt Murdock having a good day for once).
Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no! And I'm praying it stays that way 😅🙏
Do you write smut? What kind?
Nope. And I never will 😅 makes me much too uncomfortable (I never read it either). Both because that's just how I am personally and for religious reasons. But I do love writing wholesome romance!
Do you write cross-overs?
I do! I only posted one tho, and that was literally the first fic I ever wrote 😭 it was a crossover between Newsies and In the Heights, where Jack and Usnavi run away from New York. I do have several crossover WIPs though!! Including but not limited to: a Narnia/The Hobbit crossover, a Narnia/His Dark Materials crossover, a HTTYD/Wings of Fire crossover, and a Daredevil/Batman crossover!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I can't remember, but I think it's possible I have before? When my main site was still Fanfiction.net?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have!! But they aren't done yet 😭 but I'm writing them with @the-old-fashioned-girl! It's the Daredevil/Batman crossover, as well as a Hamilton fic!
What WIP would you like to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh gosh, I don't want to ever think I'll NEVER finish a WIP, don't do that to me! I wanna say I'll finish all of the ones I want to finish eventually!!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh goodness, that's hard... probably Hiccstrid, Raoulstine, Silverparry, and Wyler!
What are your writing strengths?
I'm a pretty fast writer, I think. When I finally sit down and set my mind to it, I can easily get out a thousand+ words!
What are your writing weaknesses?
EDITING MY BELOATHED. And actually sitting down and starting to write...
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it's really cool when done well!! I've done it for Lafayette in some Hamilton fics, and I want to try using Tagalog in another fic someday! I'm also using sign language for my Deaf!Raoul AU!
First fandom you wrote for?
Like, wrote for, or actually posted? Because wrote for in general, it might be Ninjago but I never posted it. But published, Newsies and In The Heights LOL. But the one I posted frequently for first was Hamilton.
Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Dang, that's hard. Possibly Talking To The Moon (Avatar: The Last Airbender)! I like how I tackled both Toph and Sokka in it :DD
No Pressure Tags!!: @rainintheevening, @clawedandcute, @darling-gemini, @chaotic-bumblebee-agenda, @mrgartist, @catkin-morgs-kookaburralover, @wednesdayandherhyde, @thee-antler-queen, @broken-everlark, @incomingalbatross and @muse-write!
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persephoneed · 7 months
ao3 fic tag game!
tagged by @nonamemanga @writerrose1998 @cosmic-lullaby @nouklea @therulerofallpotatos @insomniac1994 - thank you lovelies!! 🫶🏻✨
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 10! I think I used to have 20, but I orphaned a bunch of them
2. Whats your AO3 word count? 78,177
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently, I only write for Wednesday (2022)
4. What are your Top 5 Fics by Kudos?
(Only linking my Wednesday fics. I don’t want to promote my old H*rry P*tter fics so I will name them, but not link them)
i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere
The Progression
even if it’s just pretend
you know that my train could take you home
no one can hurt you now
5. Do you repond to comments? Yes! I didn’t like 8 years ago, but I do now. I have met a lot of my friends through my comment sections, and I also just like to thank people for stopping by and sending me love!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhhhh no one can hurt you now is pretty angsty and bittersweet. I haven’t finished i was so ahead of the curve yet but rn it’s very angsty.
7. Whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Lol probably you know that my train could take you home *wink* *wink*
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, I’ve been very lucky on ao3! I did one time like 10 years ago on fanfic.net and that wasn’t fun. I just sometimes get demands for updates which isn’t “hate” but I would appreciate some patience sometimes…
9. Do you write smut? I dabble on occasion! I definitely don’t feel confident in that department yet so it’s something that I’m still working on.
10. Do you write cross-overs? Not currently, no. I did one time a very long time ago.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, I one time gave someone permission to translate The Progression (I think into Russian?), but I don’t think it ever happened.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? I have not because I’m afraid of being an unreliable co-writer lol
13. What is a WIP you would like to finish but doubt you ever will? I will never finish my HP wips and I have made peace with that
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Wyler babyyyyy
15. What are you writing strengths? I have been told that I’m really good at writing yearning 🤌🏻 And AUs are kinda my thing
16. What are your writing weaknesses? *sigh* I’m a perfectionist so I’m incredibly slow. I will write and rewrite a paragraph to death before I can move onto another one. It’s just not an efficient way to work, and I’m trying to move away from it and let myself write and then edit later. Dialogue tags sometimes bewitch me.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I respect and admire the hell out of anyone who writes anything in a language that is not their native tongue - all of you are rockstars! I only know English so I don’t see myself writing in another language (more than random words here and there anyway) unless I had a ton of assistance.
18. First fandom you wrote for? HP
19. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? i was so ahead of the curve fills me with immense pride, but I’m also overtly fond of even if it’s just pretend. I guess it’s a bit of a toss up. I also wrote (a loooong time ago) a semi smutty bodyswap HP fanfic that is so weird but I still love it haha.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day? I physically cannot allow myself to consider this as a real possibility lololol
Tagging (I’m trying to think of people I haven’t seen participate yet because I think so many already have!) @chaoticstupiddm @wednesdayandherhyde @katwitchwriting @onlyangelxo @leavesdriftinginthewind (if you don’t see yourself here and you haven’t been tagged yet please consider yourself tagged by me!)
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missyourflight · 7 months
some stuff i read and watched in october:
midnight mass: october innit, did a doctor sleep rewatch too (director's cut obvs) - hill house probably fucks me up more emotionally but riley's speech about what happens when you die (synapses version) is like the closest anything's come to expressing my feelings about it so. also did fall of the house of usher which was fun enough but i feel like i'd have got more out of it if i knew more poe whoops
bodies: netflix time travel time loop nonsense i got weirdly sucked into, kyle soller forever etc. stephen graham reminded me i need to watch boiling point
troy: i'm still wallowing in the emily wilson iliad, therefore, troy rewatch. god it's so stupid but i am weirdly fond of it. in 2004 i just thought eric bana was so so handsome. every old man in this is killing it and brad pitt and orlando bloom are unspeakably bad lol. still bananas to me that that one quote gets circulated and attributed to homer when in fact it is by one of the game of thrones dudes
a quiet passion: god terence davies is such a loss. there's a scene in this where emily dickinson is talking about loneliness and she's so Angry about it and i cried so much
the heiress: watched partly for terence and partly for marty and partly for william wyler. i Don't understand how zooms work but there's a shot where olivia de havilland turns back to the house and it's like everything looms and narrows. need to watch more montgomery clift pictures
i know where i'm going!: i can't get to any of the powell and pressburger bfi screenings so i rewatched the red shoes and i watched this for the first time. very romantic imo to get stuck on a scottish island and fall in love with someone who is not your fiance and want them so much you try and sail away from them in the middle of a perilous storm because they keep standing so close to you!!
killers of the flower moon: give lily gladstone everything my god. literally i can't rewatch that one scene in certain women bc it's So much she's SO good
the quick and the dead: we used to make Films you know. 107 minutes. bunch of cowboys in a shootout competition and that's the whole plot. sam raimi inventing new types of zooms. mid-90s russell crowe and absolute baby leo. no notes!
all that jazz: bob fosse you absolute nightmare. i had to go and rewatch the on broadway opening rn just thinking about it. five stars
possession: something fucked up to watch on halloween! very strange and harrowing, loved the tentacle monster obvs
emma donoghue, learned by heart: i do have a soft spot for famed west yorkshire lesbian gentleman jack for reasons of like ancestral queerness, did Not know that anne lister went to boarding school in york and lived in the same building i met my tutor every term. i love york and i love lesbians and i liked this a lot, what a good and ultimately wrenching way into the story. time for a slammerkin reread and also when will sarah waters return to us etc
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therulerofallpotatos · 8 months
Ok so part 3 of my fic rec list has been in my drafts for almost a year and w the year anniversary of Wednesday coming up I figured I'd try to finish it. Thing is i was just going through my ao3 history and adding any fic i enjoyed enough to share and rn my history is wayyyy too long for that. I'll do my own looking for links but I also encourage y'all to just send me suggestions as well. The older the better. Ones you feel were slept on especially. My standard is not v specific. Wyler fics I enjoy enough to share.
Fic Rec 1:
Fic Rec 2:
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Why is Klave soooo boring
I ship Kliktor over it
Aside from there being no accounting for personal taste, it's likely because Dave has barely any personality, barely any presence, and little to really connect to. He exists to further Klaus' development. If he were a woman, people would be crying sexism. We only know him through Klaus' dreamy sigh. Unless you can personally connect to his sexuality crisis and pull a fully-developed character from that, there's little to really latch onto. There's also the benefit of him being one of the few ships that is not in any way, shape, or form incestuous nor can one stretch the definition of incest to consider it so. (well. anyone can stretch anything but i'll be as impressed as I am exasperated and neither will make me take it seriously). Which isn't to say it needs to be incestuous to be interesting (I personally don't care. I really don't care. It's not a factor in whether or not I ship something. If anything, prolonged incest angst as a plot bores me). but it's definitely part of why Klave is so popular.
As for Klaus/Victor. This is the first time i've heard it be called by a ship name that wasn't Vlaus (which I made up on my own because I couldn't find a ship name and I love them). Of course you ship them over it. They're adorable and have so much potential. My thoughts are likely still pretty high up in the vlaus tag considering how much attention that ship gets. (too little. So underappreciated. it's a little sad tbh. If I hadn't been consumed by wyler, i'd likely be writing vlaus fic rn)
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I mean c'mon. I want Klaus to be a bad influence on him. I want Klaus to recognize that Viktor is using drugs like he is and being a good influence on him. Viktor realizing he's trans sooner. Or the opposite end of things. Klaus making Viktor feel so chill about gender that he doesn't notice he's trans until way later the same way I was so chill about sexuality that I didn't notice I wasn't straight for way longer than I should've.
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Tagged by @penelopwgarcia​
First Ship: Considering I’ve watched way too much tv and movies and stories have been my life forever, I am guessing when I say Tenchi Muyo/the pirate lady who I was lowkey just in love with myself but was too 6yo to realize that. My tastes in ships haven’t changed. I’m just more aware now. Official first ship when entering fandom tho was Ereri.
3 ships: I’m too bisexual to be choosing things like this. Ok let’s go.
1. Steter. I spent way too much of my life consumed by those two not to list it. I may not be active in the teen wolf fandom anymore but that doesn’t mean I don’t still ship it.
2. Tomarry/Harrymort. It’s giving unhinged, enemies/lovers, prophesized soulmates, destined to be integral to each others’ lives whether they like it or not, hopelessly devoted/unhealthily obsessed. So basically my type. the blueprint you might say
3. Wednesday/Tyler. Wyler is my current obsession and anyone who knew me at peak steter won’t be surprised at all. Tyler is basically a steter baby who got lost in transit and landed as the son of Chris Argent/Sheriff Stilinski’s hate child in a neighboring universe. Everything about them individually and as a unit calls to me.
Last Song: New Cold War by JAXSON GAMBLE
Last Movie: Addams Family Values. I’ve been binging House so the last movie I actually watched was Addams Family Values because that sweet sweet Thanksgiving scene. Also Debbie Jelynski would adopt Tyler as her grifter protege and I think that’s beautiful.
Currently Reading: Lord of the Flies. I’ve been working my way through a bunch of classics I never got around to reading. Next up is either Frankenstein or Dorian Grey. Or Coraline. I haven’t decided.
Currently Watching: House M.D. Never properly watched it. I’m near done with S1 rn.
Currently Consuming: Egg Sandwich and a coffee
Currently Craving: Rasberries and hot cocoa
Tagging: @realmermaid333, @doohanhunter, @sissytobitch10seconds, and @nonamemanga
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