#master eiji
wigglybunfish · 5 months
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inspired by this post. Immaculate, @aye-of-newt
Best father and son-daughter-stupid-lost-boy duo. that’s her Dad of Steel your honor.
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose
[ID: Blue Eye Samurai fanart of Eiji and Mizu. Eiji is smiling and wearing a shirt that says "I'm not the step father, I'm the father that stepped up." Mizu smiles and does a thumbs-up. End ID]
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velosoraptor94 · 3 months
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Meanwhile, at Master Eiji’s forge…
This is so out of character but it refused to leave my head.
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aye-of-newt · 7 months
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I am so extremely worried about him if you kill master eiji *I* will go on a revenge quest
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cyberbirb-arts · 20 days
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In another universe, Mizu and Master Eiji enjoy a treat at Ringo's diner. 🍨🍺
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ethicalcannibalisms · 2 months
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*slams open door* here have some more silly little contributions
blue eye samurai + text posts pt 3/?
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localtheorycorner · 5 months
Incorrect quotes
Mizu: Before I am a woman, I am a menace to society
Taigen: *Whips his head around* YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU'RE ACTUALLY A WOMAN?!?!
Mizu: Do you have a problem?-
Taigen: OH THANK THE GODS! Now I don't have to have a crisis about being attracted to a man.
Mizu: Wtf-
Young Mizu: But Swordfather, how did you know I was a social outcast?
Master Eiji: Child, if you weren't a social outcast, you would not have had to act like a rat and freeload at my house.
Akemi: *sobbing because of her failed engagement to Taigen*
Ringo: *trying to comfort her* Aw, well I'm sure you can find someone else like him.
Akemi: No, you don't understand. I'll never find someone like him.
Ringo: What was he like?
Akemi: Well, he was nice to me.
Ringo: You could buy a dog...???
Akemi: That's not helping.
Ringo: *Under his breath* At least a dog wouldn't celebrate your engagement at a brothel.
Akemi: What?
Ringo: What?
Taigen: I feel as if I've disappointed you.
Akemi: Oh, don't worry Taigen. You already disappoint me on the daily.
Mizu: Ringo, did you know that atoms don't touch each other? And since we're made out of atoms, I never actually committed murder?
Ringo: Master, you used a sword to stab people. Not your bare hands.
Shindo: Abijah, the man I met was no man. He was a monster.
Mizu: I have something crazy to say-
Fowler: Why tf did his ribs break like a woman then?
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biibini · 4 months
Could you possibly write hcs for Mizu properly introducing reader to her adoptive father for the first time??? I'm curious as to how that would play out :3
modern!mizu x reader meets eiji for the first time
tags: modern mizu, mizu & reader in relationship, meeting the parents trope, meeting the parent?, eiji is mizu’s adopted father, kohama is staged around the pacific northwest, heidi shindo &blood-soaked chiaki mentioned, TW: m*k*o, author needs to eat before she writes
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a/n: ok for some reason i cant edit my drafts on my phone bc of gifs :( ima get thru these asks fr,, hope yall like the show references teehee
when u and modern!mizu first got together, u guys figured u would take it slow
it was mizu’s first relationship out of a toxic one
and u didn’t mind the slow pace
going on dates, hanging out, relaxing together
it was a blast
until one day u guys were out downtown, having a lil cafe date
and one of eiji’s clients recognized mizu as u hopped on the back of her motorcycle, zooming off to get lunch
modern!mizu ends up getting an unexpected phone call from her adopted dad
they keep in touch every few days
but she had just called him yesterday
Mizu was lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone. Her homework lies on her desk, ready to be done.
She groans in frustration and gently throws the phone down.
Ok, enough scrolling. Let’s get shit done-
Her phone starts to vibrate. Mizu flips the phone to spot the contact name “Swordfather”. The contact name is paired with a 0.5 selfie of him winning against Mizu. It continued to vibrate on Mizu's bed.
That’s odd. I just called him yesterday.
“Hey dad, whats up?”, Mizu answer.
“Who’s in the back of your bike?”, he yells into the phone.
“How- who- what are you talking-“
“Mr. Shindo come to me earlier today.” He starts, stern and loud, “He say he saw you with girl behind you on bike.”
Mr. Shindo was a regular at Eiji’s Repair Shop ever since Mizu was young. A man with temper and sass, he only trusted Eiji with his services. But with sass came a lot of gossip. Mizu wouldn’t believe the amount of drama happening the neighborhood if it wasn’t for Mr.Shindo’s loud mouth.
“Ok dad, I know it’s a girl but-“
“And he say he saw you hold hands! And drive off?!”, Eiji yelled with concern.
Mizu never really heard him this loud. There was the occasional disagreement and arguments about the Sunday game or who’s cooking for dinner. It was just banter at the most.
When Mizu told him about Mikio and why she left him & all his problems, he stayed calm and silent. Not many words were said when she admitted everything he did during the relationship. But it was comforting to know that her adopted dad was there, quietly listening to her sobs at the dining table.
“I know it’s not a guy but-“
“Guy, girl I do no care. Who is she?”
Mizu was stunned. Yeah, her dad’s English wasn’t the best but his words hit deep. The only time he pulled out the “I don’t care” in her lifetime was a foul customer.
A man by the name of Chiaki was on his knees close to closing hours, begging on his knees for Eiji to fix his motorcycle in hopes to make it faster. After constant days of his begging and pleading during open & closing, Eiji took it into his shop. After countless days of watching her dad attempt to fix the customer’s bike, Chiaki started criticizing and called him an “decrepit old man unable to fix shit”. Mizu wanted to rock his shit but her dad stopped her before she could.
“I may be old, but I do no care. Leave with your piece of shit you call a bike.”, Eiji said as Chiaki sped off, flipping the bird as he sent off.
"Mizu? You there?, Eiji asks. Mizu snaps back to reality.
"You tired of guys now, ha?"
Mizu scoffed, laughing at the unexpected response. She hears a hearty chuckle through the phone.
"Yeah yeah.", Mizu sighs in relief, "She's my girlfriend. Her name is Y/N.", Mizu answered, a blush blooming on her face.
"Ah good. Next time you come home, bring her. I'll make my barbeque special.", Eiji says lightheartedly.
Mizu's eyes lit up. It had been a while since she visited home. And to be greeted with the smell of her dad's honey BBQ baby back ribs and juicy prime rib? Yeah, she was sold.
"I will. I'll let you know when I'll visit."
"And Mizu?"
"Yes, Dad?"
"She take good care of you?", he asks in a concerned tone.
MIzu smiles, knowing the slow burn of confusion, hatred, and rage he witnessed over the many years. He was present during her silent middle school self, her angsty & stubborn teenage years, and her confused & rage-filled self during her previous relationship.
She looks at the wall where a photobooth strip of you two hung. It was during one of your exploring the city dates when you two found a vintage photo booth. A little dusty but it did the job of capturing you two together.
"Yes. Yes, she does, dad."
later that week, u get a text msg from mizu asking if u are free for the weekend
thinking it was another weekend date, u clear out ur schedule
and then she texts u its ab coming home w her for the weekend and see her dad
this was kinda out of nowhere
it rlly threw u off
it has been a few months now...
so yk what
maybe it is time u say hi
that friday u get on her motorcycle and ride to her hometown
its only an hr out but seeing the change from a college town to a smaller town felt like another world
You feel the motorcycle slow down as you head towards the exit. The wind calms down as you pass by the welcome sign to Kohama. As you go down the exit, you look out. Down below is a winding path to the seaside town. The town hangs next to a cliff. From your point of view, you could spot the deep blue ocean shimmers as Mizu takes you down the road.
She goes at a slower pace, taking in the familiar sights she left behind: the tall pine trees, a long coastline as far as the eye can see, and boulders scattering the beaches every once in a while. She rolls up to a stop sign and lifts her visor up.
"Smells like home."
You mimic her motions, lifting yours as well. The faint scent of sea salt mixed with the cool breeze from the ocean.
With both of you refreshed, Mizu continued along the path towards the middle of town.
u guys roll into her neighborhood
the houses share a similar bungalow-style
only changing in shades of color
however, something caught ur eye
more like ur nose
the smell of sweet barbeque caught ur attention
mizu immediately knew it was her dad cooking it up
meeting modern!mizu’s dad aka swordfather was a lil awkward
when u first arrived, he was busy in the back barbecuing and taking care of the dinner tonight
so u didnt meet him until u fully entered the house
hes busy in the back barbequing
and he does see u but the only thing he knows ab u is that ur dating his daughter
“Dad?”, Mizu calls through the house. You follow her footsteps down the hallway. She then opens the backdoor at the end, the midday shining into the hallway.
The sun blinds you for a second. You see a growing backyard with bushes aligning the fence. Tucked in the corner lied a storage shed surrounded by bikes and a few spare tires. Next to the shed is a grill in use, smoke coming out of the vent.
“I’m here Mizu.” An elderly voice called, his back facing you.
He turns around, a faint pout on his face. His eyes squinting from the harsh midday sun.
“You bring girlfriend?”
Mizu grins at her dad’s comment. She looks back at you and softly grabs your hand, pulling you next to her.
“This is Y/N.”
You smiled, waving at Mizu’s father. You know he’s not a bad guy, just a badass through Mizu’s stories of back home. However, you’re still anxious underneath your pleasing demeanor.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
You look up to meet his gaze. Old, tired eyes stare back. Stern but not mean or cruel. Amiable. You could only wonder how much wisdom he has behind those eyes.
“Nice to meet you. I am Eiji.”
He waves back, awkwardly smiling as he tends to the grill. The interaction had a striking similarity to when you first met Mizu: cordial, dry, and a little awkward.
Like father, like daughter, you suppose.
after introducing urself, mizu lets eiji cook
when ur making sides together in the kitchen, he gets a glimpse of how u guys act together
and he watches u help mizu make the sides like mac & cheese, baked potatoes, biscuits, and stir fried green beans
typically, he would be helping her cook
but seeing u help her mix the macaroni
and mizu helping u cut the green beans
hes a proud man and feels safe knowing mizu is ok
when mizu pops into the bathroom, he checks in on the cooking
You put on the red and blue mitts and carefully place the mac and cheese into the oven. You feel the fiery heat of the oven against your forearms.
“How is cooking going?”
You close the oven and look behind to find Eiji. You nod in response.
“It’s going good! We’re almost done.”, you say as you move to the side. He gets a view of your work with Mizu: a plate of stir fried garlic string beans with crispy fried onions, a stack of baked potatoes along with bowls of toppings portioned by Mizu, Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits, and the max and cheese that’s currently baking.
“Thank you for inviting me over and letting me stay.”, you say politely as you put the mittens away.
He nods back, a small smile forming around his lips.
The conversation falls short. A silence fills the air.
For a little too long.
It’s almost uncomfortable to breath, let alone talk, in the kitchen.
“Ribs are almost done. Please help set tables with me.”
You follow his request and help him with the plates and utensils.
“You know,”, You look up from the dinner table, giving Eiji your attention. “I did not know Mizu would bring girlfriend back.”
He chuckled as he looked back at you. You hear the emphasis on “girl” and laughed along. After hearing about Mizu’s previous relationship during the beginning of your relationship, you started to understand her ways.
And now, you understood why Eiji was awkward earlier in the day. When Mizu first met you, it was anxiousness meeting you. For Eiji, it was out of concern from Mizu’s past.
“Yeah, I’m probably not what you expected.”, you tease.
A hearty laugh comes out of Eiji. You feel the heaviness in the room lifts.
“But I’ll be here for her. I plan to, don’t worry.”, you reassure him. As serious as you sound, it was all true.
He hums in agreement. He puts down the final fork and walks over to the stir-fried green beans. His fingers reach for a string bean and tastes your cooking.
“Mm. You are honest.”, he pauses as he takes another bite. “You also make mean green beans.”
You snort, the compliment catching you off guard.
“Mean green beans?”, you question. You take a bean from the plate.
He nods.
Mean green beans…
while u and eiji are having a moment,
modern!mizu is listening to all of this go down
she tries not to smile when she comes back into the kitchen
but on the inside, she’s relieving hes getting along with u
once u and mizu help set the food on the table, its feasting time
ik for a fact that those baby back ribs are dangerously juicy
practically ripping off the bone
and with that honey bbq sauce???
and not to mention the prime rib??????
perfectly cooked
super tender
u can literally taste thyme, rosemary, and garlic with every juicy bite
(i shouldnt be writing this while im hungry)
u all enjoy a delicious dinner
afterwards, modern!mizu would give u a detailed tour of her childhood home
her fencing trophies lined up in the living room
and hallway
and bedroom
eiji didnt always say it but he was proud
if u couldnt tell already
when u guys went out to the backyard, u spot eiji working on a motorcycle in the shed
its not the biggest shed
but a closer look inside painted a pic of who he was
him on a motorcycle w his friends when he was much younger
a framed pic of a lil mizu on her scooter with him on a motorcycle, both vehicles with matching colors
the grand opening of eiji’s car shop
young mizu at the beach nearby
another of teenage mizu holding her keys and next to a blue 2004 toyota camry
u laughed and pointed it out
eiji chuckling along w u and describing the picture as mizu’s first drive after getting her license at age 16
she looks so much younger but u giggle at the scowl
on the other hand, modern!mizu is kinda embarrassed from her high school self
as crazy and insane and stubborn as she was, it was a big moment for her and for eiji
her girl could finally drive
and she got her first taste of freedom
did she cringe as u stared and laughed at how different she looked? yeah
but at least eiji isnt reminicising alone
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I think Master Eiji and Ringo are the two most supportive characters for Mizu. They genuinely care about Mizu through the entire show, and they never give up on her even though she did something that really disappointed them.
Furthermore, they didn't just save Mizu’s life at some point, they also saved her soul, make her want to become a better person. I believe that this could be seen in episode 7, two of the things Mizu melted into her broken blade are the bell she got for Ringo and Master Eiji’s tongs.
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winnie-illustrator · 19 days
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friedoats · 29 days
Fav bes screencaps
Ep 2 pt 11/24
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wigglybunfish · 4 months
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The Swordmaker and his Meteorite Child.
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velosoraptor94 · 2 months
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What was even in that meteor? I’d love to see what she could do with one of these.
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aye-of-newt · 7 months
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adaf: assigned dumbass at forge
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sad-endings-suck · 4 months
WAIT WAIT SHUT THE FUCK UP HAS RINGO OR AKEMI OR TAIGEN EVER EVEN ADDRESSED MIZU BY HER NAME??!!?? to her face??! NO!? I’m pretty certain only Swordfather actually calls Mizu, “Mizu”… ?!? Everyone else manages to skirt around calling Mizu by her name??
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mahlersgirl · 4 months
do you ever think about master eiji giving mizu the talk
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hugosarchives · 1 month
one thing i absolutely ADORE about blue eye samurai is how it continuously empowers and humanizes its characters with disabilities.
when ringo and master eiji are alone, ringo says something about how people don’t think he can be a great samurai because he doesn’t have hands, and master eiji responds with something along the lines of, “like how i can’t make swords without eyes” while sharpening a blade.
then they start discussing the origin of their disabilities, ringo at birth and master eiji a fire (which also. a Very interesting detail—was it the same fire mizu survived?) but the conversation between them isn’t sensationalized and isn’t played for sympathy. it’s two people talking about the circumstances of their lives.
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