#jjk panda
mostly-artsy · 3 days
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before i go insane and start drawing sashisu again, i need to show my appreciation for the second years
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ninjasmudge · 7 months
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tfw you killed your one and only like 25 minutes ago and now youre being interrogated by teens
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juniperarts · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Yuuta 💍🎂
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gojosbf · 8 months
i can write a 5k essay on why every jjk sorcerer is doomed by narrative and how talking about them makes my head hurt and heart ache and also why gege should sleep with an eye open because the day i catch him it's over
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pseudowho · 8 months
The Chase
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(help me find the Nanami artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
Kento doesn't appreciate your insistence on No-Nut November. At a Curse-user VS Jujutsu Sorcerer event with the students, Kento hunts you down in a slow-burning, cat-and-mouse, smutty thrill ride.
WARNINGS: 18+, Oral sex (F2M), BDSM, use of toys, some subtle knife-play, overstimulation, orgasm denial, PiV sex, Nanami Kento falling off his perch and Inumaki being an absolute menace, Y/N is a Jujutsu High teacher with a badly explained technique
Satoru beamed and clapped at the fighting words of his students, who rustled together and chatted in excitement for their team training day. You smiled fondly at your students (Nobara, Yuuji and Inumaki particularly pumped), but you felt a shiver run down your chest and shoulders.
Kento's eyes bore only into you, and as he pulled the black leather glove tighter to his hand, you felt heat blossom in your belly and pussy. Team game or not, you knew, as a bead of sweat dripped between your cleavage- not unnoticed by Kento, whose wolfish smirk only grew, cock twitching in his black jumpsuit- that you were his prey today, and his alone.
The hunt was on- and you had nobody to blame but yourself.
Kento clipped a suitcase shut, and zipped his satchel with a huff, mentally ticking off his to-do list, before the team training day which he was in no mood for. While you trailed in and out of the bedroom behind him, every time you brushed past his back, or your fingers grazed his to take something from the bed, his skin turned electric. He reached down to his crotch and squeezed his cock with a suppressed growl; he had been half-hard for weeks, all because of you and your stupid game. No-Nut November was a fucking ridiculous concept, and you had a lot to answer for. Silent and stewing, his strong shoulders were rock solid, as he imagined taking you on the bed, in the shower wet and pink as he hammered into you from behind, making you ride him on the sofa until you were floppy and pliable and begging him to cum inside you, and--
"Kento, are you alright? It is a bit hot in here. You look all sweaty." Feigning concern, and reaching up to scratch your nails through the back of his undercut, you knew exactly what was wrong with your fiancé. Kento's head preened backwards, shivering into your nails, and he turned, pressing you against the wall, his usual gentleness barely winning over his insistence, his need.
"We don't need to continue these silly games any longer, do we darling?" he crooned into your neck, voice honey-laced and persuasive, "You're feeling it too. I know. There would be no winners or losers, here." One muscled forearm pressed against the wall above your head, tongue licking slow circles on your decolletage, while the other hand ghosted over your nipple, tweaking softly. Kento's cock ached desperately, pressing against you. His heart dropped as you laughed and kissed him playfully, sliding out from under his towering frame.
"It's the 28th today, Kento. We're nearly there. Just imagine how good we're going to feel on the 1st." Truth be told, you were absolutely desperate, growing more so as his attempts to seduce you had grown more bawdry, more wiley. Abandoning towels completely as he padded around the house after his shower. Spooning you all night so you couldn't escape from his cock, hard and heavy against your lower back. Choosing movies with only the best sex scenes and tracing the outline of your pussy under the blanket.
You wanted to see him unhinged. You wanted him rough, heavy and all at once, his anger and frustration taken out on your quaking body. You wanted to see just how far you could deny him before he snapped and ate you out for hours, just to hear you fall apart above him. You had even wickedly pondered the possibility of denying him on the 1st.
Kento laughed sardonically, still leaning on his forearm against the wall. The cold in his voice sent icy trickles through your clit and nipples, and even the standing hairs on the back of your neck listened as that same cold voice began to speak to you.
"So this is how you want it? You want me begging?" He shifted his weight, and you could tell he was trying to find some relief for his hard cock in his tight jeans. "So it's a team game today, right? Curse-users VS Jujutsu sorcerers, hiding and hunting, using all of your best espionage techniques to get out victorious, right?" You remained quiet, pretending to finish packing, ears intently pricked.
"We aren't, of course, on the same team- why would we be? So all this time, you've been the bad guy, and today we swap."  His voice dropped an octave, and you jumped as his breath ghosted millimetres away from your ear, not even feeling him move towards you. His hand drew roughly round your hip and clasped your pussy hard, making you squeak, "Today, I'm the bad guy. Would you fancy your chances against a Curse-user like me?"
He stepped away, leaving you flushed and thrilled, panting at the threat and promise.
Kento was now taking the suitcase and bags to the door, seemingly unaffected. He called from the hallway.
"Oh and, darling? I think you'd better give me a safe word. Or god knows what I'll do with you once I catch you."
It was late, nearly 10pm, as Kento drew the car smoothly into a bay, pulling up the handbrake. You stepped out into the underground car park of the shopping centre, turned into a vast playground for Sorcerers, for one night only. Kento opened the door for you, declining your offers to help him get bags out of the car. Glancing round, he noted you were the first to arrive, and quickly began stripping to change into his outfit for the night- a heavy black jumpsuit, cuffed above dense back boots, leather gloves pulled taut, dark glasses, and a black mask covering his mouth and nose. You watched him breathlessly, already in your usual mission-wear; you were, after all, on the Jujutsu sorcerers team, not the Curse-user team. You imagined Kento stalking through low lights in that outfit, and felt wetness pool between your legs, making your thighs sticky with arousal. As Kento clipped his watch back on, a pair of grey vans pulled into the parking bays opposite you, and soon enough,  your excitable students poured out, greeting you and Kento with bows and waves.
Yuuji, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, Panda, and Inumaki jostled around the vans for their bags. Satoru, Shoko and Ino came next, Ino running directly to Nanami, and already wearing his jumpsuit.
Nobara, Megumi and Maki clambered back into the vans, and shortly after emerged dressed identically to Kento. You had not known the layout of the teams in advance, and by the confused looks on Yuuji, Inumaki and Panda's faces as they joined you, you felt distinctly outnumbered. Kento, Ino, Maki, Nobara and Megumi cut an intimidating team. Kento looked you up and down with glinting eyes, pulling his blade onto his back, and lowering his mask to smirk at you.
You noticed that Maki had with her one of Yaga's cursed dolls. A blue felt teddy with large, watery looking eyes, held onto her back, peering round at the crowd. You heard Maki explaining to Ino that, whilst her glasses were great for seeing curses, they were not so good for seeing cursed energy, and so she had been lent a cursed doll to act as a sniffer dog for anyone leaking above a certain volume of cursed energy. You weren't sure why this was important.
"OKAY TEAMS!" shouted Satoru, demanding audience, as everyone turned to face him and Shoko.
"We will now lay out your objectives; the game is simple. Predator VS Prey, but only you can decide which of those you will be. Nanamin! Care to take over?"
Kento cleared his throat, and stepped up to Satoru, now nearly matching Satoru's height due to the depth of his boots, but vastly broader, built.
"You all have plenty of experience fighting Curses, but little fighting Curse-users. Fighting another man or woman bears vastly different challenges and consequences. The fights are rarely fair, in number or skill or intellect. You must learn to conceal your cursed energy even more vigorously. Why? To minimise your appearance as a threat so you may release it and strike to your best advantage. To hide when your only task is reconnaissance, or getting out of there alive."
Kento took a deep breath, "A dead sorcerer is not a lesson learned. That sorcerer will learn nothing, ever again. The limit of their skill and knowledge has been reached, then cut short. That sorcerer will never again save a civilian, a friend or a colleague. But whether you view your party as allies or fodder, is up to you." You felt heavy sadness in your chest, knowing as Kento stared into the students, that he saw only Yu Haibara, battered and dead on the cold mortuary slab. Satoru and Shoko were silent and grave, Suguru behind their eyes and grimaces.
Kento let his words hang in the cool night air for a few seconds. "Finally, the shopping centre has been chosen as a base of operations for two reasons. Firstly, to remind you of the value of your surroundings, and we ask you to fight intelligently with little to no collateral damage where possible. The building has been stripped of civilians and security cameras all night for our use. I trust you will all behave responsibly."
The students nodded sagely, carrying deep respect for Kento and his words. Nobara's hand shot into the air. Kento gestured fluidly towards her.
"What's the second reason, Nanami-sensei?" Kento didn't correct her, more willing to be sensei now if it meant working alongside you. Kento stepped aside as Satoru stepped forward.
"It would be obviously unfair for me to participate. But, I will be invigilating the event, and if you perform well tonight, I will treat you all to shopping and breakfast in the morning. Why else would I tell you to bring a normal outfit?" Nobara squeaked with delight, and the students began to hustle together as Satoru encouraged a battle-cry.
While the rest of the team jostled and dissipated to find hiding spots with their ten-minute warnings, you bit the bullet and walked, more confidently than you felt, centimetres away from Kento. His eyes met yours and your breath mingled, each feeling the sexual tension as you slipped something into his pocketed hand. You darted out your tongue to graze against his bottom lip, and his breathing hitched as you whispered to him.
"In case I'm too good at hiding, I thought you may need something else to sniff me out."
You turned and ran up the stairs into the shopping centre, disappearing from sight, Nanami turned on by your skill as your cursed energy disappeared completely. Removing a glove and fingering the item in your pocket, his ears reddened and blood rushed directly to his cock, as he felt the still-damp lace of your underwear against his fingertips. He licked his thumb clean of your taste surreptitiously, and raised his mask once more.
Kento clenched his fists and cracked his neck from side to side, adjusting his aching cock in his jumpsuit. The last to leave the car park, he mounted the stairs in leaps, figure dark and imposing as he slipped into the dimmed lights of the shopping centre above. Hunting you. Wanting you.
You sprinted through the atrium of the shopping centre, quick light footsteps on the white marbled floors. All of the lights above you were significantly dimmed, apart from occasional orange emergency lights, flashing sporadically above fire exits, illuminating your surroundings in brief spats.
A plan formed quickly in your mind, as you slipped into a book shop, hopping over the counter to crouch beneath the tills. Your abilities were good, in some ways exceptional, but you were ill-suited to fight those on the Curse-user team. You considered your chances against all members of the team one at a time; your conclusions were grim, should you face head to head combat. Your skills lay largely in reconnaissance and manipulation, your intelligence for tactical battle-planning vastly outstretching almost all of your peers. Only one member of the team could absolutely match your intelligence, and absolutely exceed your combat prowess; Kento.
You shivered in anticipation. You remember feeling your heart stop, feeling the danger in the air as you ran from Kento, leaving your arousal-damp underwear in his pocket. You grazed a hand over your pussy, covered in nothing but your leather trousers, and felt the outrageous urge to pleasure yourself to Kento, alone and gasping, on the book shop floor.
The thought was cut short as you heard soft rustles against the book store carpet on the other side of the counter. Whatever it was, it didn't weigh much, and it wasn't making much effort to suppress its cursed energy. Your brain ticked- Maki's cursed doll. You stayed calm, your ability to dampen your cursed energy one of your greatest strengths.
It would be a great inconvenience to Maki, you thought slyly, if you destroyed her sniffer-dog. While Maki's own cursed energy was minimal at best, so was her ability to hide it, and so, eyes heavily lidded, you felt Maki approach the book shop, bladed staff in hand. You felt her pause at the door, watching her cursed doll amble uncertainly around the shop, knowing that something nearby had cursed energy, but unable to pin you down.
"You've found something, huh, bear?" Maki walked into the shop. She stood considering her options. "Well, at least we know it's not Itadori-kun. He sticks out like a sore thumb. Another Curse-user would make themselves known to me. So is it Inumaki, Panda, or Y/N-sensei?"
You smiled, proud of Maki. You knew that she and you would have been friends had you attended Jujutsu High at the same time. But, you resolved to make an attempt on the life of her bear, and escape her. You were not here to fight, but to survive.
Your abilities lent themselves best, in the form of telepathic suggestion. In a gentler, more insidious way than Inumaki, you could compel the heart and mind of another in any manner of your choosing. It worked well, most of the time, and served well in keeping you hidden. You were not powerful enough to compel another to violence, or drastic choices.
Maki did not find it unusual when she was compelled to check the darker areas at the back of the store, ignoring her cursed doll, who had now started trying to climb the counter. Reaching over the counter slowly, you whipped the bear into your arms, and, muffling its cries with your foot, savagely ripped off all limbs but one, before shoving it in a dank stationary cupboard.
Its watery blue eyes looked up at you, trembling and whimpering in terror as you pointed a finger in its face, "If you know what's good for you, bear, you'll shut your mouth when Maki calls for you, or I'll deliver you back to Yaga one piece of stuffing at a time." The doll threw its remaining arm over its eyes dramatically, rolling silently against a tape dispenser, quietly weeping. Monstrously satisfied, you locked the cupboard, and slipped effortlessly out of the bookshop.
Immediately at the other end of the atrium, you saw a fight break out- Megumi and Inumaki, you noted. Inumaki's chances were good, but he was a glass cannon, and your confidence in taking out a Curse-user soared as you considered Inumaki your ally. You sprinted towards the fight as Megumi's Nue swept down towards Inumaki, who rolled athletically aside.
I need to get down to the floor, you forced into Megumi's mind as he circled above Inumaki on Nue, I need to get down, and physically incapacitate Inumaki. Not doubting for a moment that his thought was his own, Megumi dismissed Nue at ground level, and, about to beckon his remaining Demon Dog to attack, you leapt at Megumi's back and slammed an elbow into the back of his head. Megumi was in no way prepared, and hit the floor face-first, hard. Inumaki took his chance, unzipping his mouth and speaking directly at Megumi:
"Laugh uncontrollably!" Immediately, Megumi began twisting on the floor in hysterics, blood from his nose dripping into his mouth, wracked with painful laughter as he struggled to get up. In horror, you and Inumaki recalled that Megumi can summon shikigami with his hands alone. Inumaki cried out again:
"Hands down your pants!" Involuntarily, and still wheezing with laughter, Megumi shoved one hand down the front of his pants, and one hand down the back.  Now blushing wildly, sweating, laughing and bloody, Megumi dropped to his knees. You high-fived Inumaki and reached into your pocket, pulling a thick white paint marker out. Leaning down to Megumi and ruffling his hair, you painted a large, white cross over the chest of his jumpsuit. Inumaki dropped blithely off the balcony beside you, hanging by his hands from the railings, only his fingertips now visible.
One down, you thought. Moving to stand, you felt your legs swept abruptly from under you, hitting the floor with a crunch as  Maki loomed over you, staff at your throat.
"I should have known it was you making me search that shop, Y/N-sensei. But where did you put my fucking bear?" You grinned toothily up at Maki, pointing to a Build-a-Bear Workshop on the other side of the hallway. Maki looked away from you at your insistence, and missed Inumaki climbing up the balcony behind her, waggling his tongue before whispering in her ear:
"Have a nice sit down." Maki dropped wordlessly to the floor, legs now completely useless, as you scooted away from her and she swung her staff furiously, cussing at you and Inumaki. Inumaki pulled out his throat medicine, spraying lightly into his mouth while you patted his back in congratulations.
"That was sloppy, Maki, you can do better than that."
Walking away from Maki, who you couldn't yet determine to be truly defeated as much as severely limited, you and Inumaki wordlessly split ways.
Just Ino, Nobara and Kento left. Rounding a corner, you felt a hushed, deep pulse of cursed energy through your chest. Your breath caught. This cursed energy you knew better than you knew your own. It washed over you when he made you cum. It rumbled through you when he made love to you in the dark of the night. And he was making little, if any effort to conceal it from you, confident in his ability to hunt you until his completion.
Stepping into a doorway backlit only by an intermittently flashing orange light, the black figure of Nanami Kento, huge, blade in hand, remained in the doorway for just enough flashes of light for you to see him and feel dreadful arousal sink into your belly. Another flash came, and the doorway was empty.
All of the breath left your body at once.
When Kento first reached the top of the stairs into the shopping centre atrium, he felt multiple residual cursed energies heading away from him, his head filing them away rapidly- Inumaki and Megumi, front right, Maki hard right, Panda hard left, and Yuuji, thrumming with cursed energy like a beacon, hard left.
Ino and Nobara took high perches among the huge white rafters, watching, waiting.
He could not, however, feel you. He was not surprised; you were very good at hiding your cursed energy, but Kento knew you better than anyone. He twiddled your lace underwear between his fingers as he considered his options. You were most likely to be flushed out if you considered an ally to be at risk, and Kento considered you most likely to have followed Yuuji, the newbie, and the one whose poorly controlled cursed energy would most likely disguise your own.
He took a left down a curved hallway in the atrium, carefully avoiding any traces of cursed energy, on his way to Yuuji. Suppressing his arousal, his wish to hunt you down like an animal, he reminded himself he also had a job to do.
Meandering around a series of shops, he felt Yuuji, getting closer and closer, until he pushed through the staff entrance of a brightly lit teddy bear shop. Stuffed toys of all varieties, from the size of his palm to the size of a grizzly bear, lined the stacks and shelves, glassy-eyed and plush. Kento briefly considered leaving some money in the till and choosing you one, before gruffly remembering you were an absolute brat who needed the attitude fucked out of you, not a teddy bear. Twisting his neck again as his arousal peaked, he felt his cock growing and throbbing along his thigh. He sighed in frustration. Best just get on with it,  he mulled.
Reaching into an enormous pile of plush unicorns, Kento lifted Yuuji out by the front of his uniform. Yuuji yelped, and took a half-hearted swing at Kento's face. Kento grunted as knuckles chipped his jaw, and he held Yuuji aloft with the same hand as his blade, slapping Yuuji bodily across the cheek.
"Nanamin!" Yuuji gasped, squirming half-heartedly in his grasp. He looked at Kento, wet-eyed, unable to make the decision to fight him. Kento scowled and barely reduced his full force as he swung Yuuji at the floor, hearing marble floor crack under the carpets. Kento knelt, knees pinning Yuuji's arms to the floor as Yuuji choked down blood, gasping and sputtering.
"I'm disappointed in you, Itadori-kun. Fight me, boy." He slapped Yuuji again, and pressed his blade to Yuuji's throat. "Gone. You're dead. In just seconds, because you hesitated to hurt me, because you think I'm your friend." He spat the last word at Yuuji, who stared up at him, jaw steadfast and eyes trembling.
"Would you kill me, boy, if I turned? If I walked with the real Curse-users one day? I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it, in my darkest moments."
"You would never. I trust you, Nanamin." Nanami sighed, resting back on his haunches, drawing a painty white cross on Yuuji's chest. Kento stood, pulling Yuuji up from the floor, certain he'd at least broken some of Yuuji's ribs. Yuuji grinned a bloody grin up at Kento.
"Go on, Itadori-kun," Kento sighed, disappointed but unsurprised, "get yourself to Shoko. She's probably at the coffee shop on level 2. Get yourself patched up." Kento didn't even have the heart to interrogate him.
As Yuuji hobbled away, he paused in the staff entrance doorway, and turned to Nanami.
"I'd already made my mind up, Nanamin. If any of you turned to the Curse-users, I wouldn't hurt you because I wouldn't blame you. I'd blame myself for not being there enough. For not helping you." Yuuji walked away, leaving Kento in ponderous silence.
Moments later, Kento felt a warm whoosh of released cursed energy, unmistakeably you. He ducked left, concealed behind the shutters, and, gazing out through the slats, he watched as you and Inumaki flawlessly took out Megumi and Maki. His eyes darkened as you ruffled Megumi's hair, touched Inumaki's hands, patted his shoulders.
Jealous of boys, he scoffed at himself. His self-restraint was now wildly out of touch, obsessing over you barely touching him all month, skirting around him at home, acting like this torture was all for a good cause. He growled lowly at the thought of you now, turning away down a corridor, wondering if you were wet for him, wondering if you were afraid of being caught by him. His mouth salivated at the thought of you pinned against a wall in the dark, crying out for mercy and relief as he pounded, deep and long, into your tight, gummy walls.
Kento was fully erect now, and silently thanked his tight boxers for pinning his aching length against his leg, the heavy jumpsuit material hiding his sticky precum, leaking continuously now, sticking to the hairs on his thighs.
Waiting for Inumaki and you to disappear, he forced up the shutter and crouched underneath, walking across the atrium, finger pressed to his lips as Megumi (still laughing) and Maki saw him. Dropping like a cat onto the level below from the balcony,  he landed on his feet and sprinted ahead, directly underneath the direction he imagined you were headed. Finding a fire escape, he headed up the stairs, and, coated in shadow, emerged into the doorway where he saw you.
Cock thick and hot against his leg, he abandoned any pretence of a game. Hungry and quietly seething, he darted from the doorway into the dark, swearing he could smell you on the air.
You knew your only chance of escape at this point was to lead Kento through an assault course which was big enough for you, but not for him. The biggest part of you was desperate to be caught, punished at his hands for your torment, and everything inside you clenched in anticipation as you felt your thighs grow steadily wetter with your arousal. Another, competitive part of you wanted to win, and prove to Kento that you were determined to see November to the end. You knew that if you sincerely told Kento to stop, he would drop his every need, his most vital wish being your safety, your right to say no.
But he knew you better than that- knowing your safe word now, knowing how desperately you ached for him, too, he fully committed to your plan to not go down without a fight. When Nanami Kento takes on a duty, he takes it on seriously. And his duty now? To hunt you down, and use you as a personal cocksleeve.
You had already taken a running slide under a partially raised shutter, and heard Kento curse behind you, too bulky to fit beneath it, and an echoing screech as he yanked it upwards. By this point, you were well on your way into a tiny service lift, standing room for one only, the door closing just too fast for Kento to reach. He roared his frustration and, eyes meeting yours through the wired square of glass, you watched his figure disappear as you blew him a kiss.
All of your tactical abilities had grown wings and gone. You panted, nipples erect, thighs sticky, thrilled by the chase, and trying, failing to plan your next move.
Kento paced like a tiger.
If I have to pull you out of a fucking dumbwaiter, I will. He turned tail to the doors and rolled under the shutters, moving seamlessly back onto his feet and searching for the nearest store-room access point. Finding one, bathed in sickly light, Kento ignored individual stairs and instead leapt them a flight at a time, like a man possessed.
As soon as you made your way out of the lift, you realised you had made a terrible error of judgement. Between the rolling trolleys and stacks of cardboard boxes, you could see only one way out. Above you, you heard rhythmic slams, getting closer, as someone hit each staircase downwards with terrifying force.
You turned tail and ran back into the service lift, hammering your forefinger on the 'up' button repeatedly, screaming and clapping a hand over your mouth as the store room door slammed open and heavy footsteps sprinted towards you, the lift door nearly closed but four thick fingers pushed past the gap and with a grunt of effort turned satisfied sigh, Kento stepped into the space, barely wide enough for a stack of boxes, and now with he and you crammed against each other.
Still clad in black glasses and mask, he glowers at you wordlessly, reaching one finger behind him to press the 'down' button, keeping the lift in place in the dimly lit basement. You stutter up at him, utterly trapped.
"Kento-" you start, and he presses a leather-gloved finger to your lips. Pushing you, looming over to you until you're flush against the back wall of the lift, you moan as he slowly lifts you off the ground with his thigh and knee pressed against the wall, pussy now grinding against his flexing muscles. You shudder at the sudden pressure, unable to stop yourself bucking your sex against his thigh. Before you could plead for relief, he pressed two black gloved fingers into your mouth, firmly caressing your tongue at first, before pushing them deeply to the back of your throat. A satisfied huff came from beneath his mask as you choked and gagged, his second hand coming up to lightly squeeze the front of your throat, feeling for his fingers inside you.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" he breathed, low and dangerous, continuing to fuck your mouth with his fingers, gradually releasing and squeezing your throat in time with your desperate bucking against his thigh. He groaned lowly, savouring your flushed cheeks and the tears of overstimulation running down them.
"Oh darling," he intoned, watching you struggle to get yourself off against his thigh. "Would this help?" He released your mouth and throat abruptly, reached between your legs with both hands and ripped your trousers at the crotch, your pussy now directly on the harsh cloth of his jumpsuited thigh. You let out a momentary cry of protest, and Kento laughed cruelly.
"You make me hunt you like an animal just for a good fuck, and you draw the line at torn clothes? Please. Your pussy's going to need fresh air for a month after what I'm about to do to you."
He hoisted you roughly by the hips and you wrapped your legs around him, and now you could feel the complete outline of his cock, straining and pulsing against the fabric of his jumpsuit.
"Put the effort in, sweetheart," he said as he let go of your thighs, slamming his clothed cock against your bare pussy to hold you against the wall, and you humped furiously against his length, folds open and clit rubbing directly on rough cloth. He gasped beneath his mask, and as you clawed at his back and sucked a droplet of sweat off the side of his throat, he growled, low and threatening.
You felt his hands move together, one to grip your throat again and push your head hard against the wall, and the other to rip open your shirt and tear the fabric of your bra to release your breasts. He tugged at your nipples until you mewled and squirmed against him. He felt your arousal seep through his jumpsuit and underwear, mixing with his precum and making you both wetter. Involuntarily, his hips bucked into you, and you broke, begging and pleading for him to let you cum.
Abruptly, he pulled away from you, leaving you splayed, pussy cold and throbbing, denied the pleasure of your approaching orgasm. Kento turned away from you, shoulders heaving with effort, gripping the base of his cock through his jumpsuit. Head thrown back as he panted, you felt lightheaded with the smell of his sweat and natural scent filling the air around you.
"No...no. You don't get off that easily. And I won't get off that easily, humping like teenagers in a store cupboard. You take pleasure in denial? I'll give you denial."
He turned, spinning you and pressing your face against the cold wall, hand still gloved. You were astounded and appalled by his level of self-control, his own continued self-denial, refusing himself sensory stimuli by remaining gloved, clothed and masked. He rolled his hand into a fist and pressed the small of your back.
"Arch. Now," he ordered. You did as you were told, dropping your belly and pushing your arse out, teasing again against his straining cock. You heard a slow unzipping behind you, and a rustling. You cried out as fabric was crammed into your mouth and, tasting yourself and Kento on your tongue, you guessed he had used your panties to clean himself up before silencing you.
Another noise filled you with alarm- Kento reaching to his back and unsheathing his blade. You felt one finger gently tap the side of your head as he leaned forward to whisper in your ear, "You and I both know you have other ways to get your safe word across, hmm?"
You felt something cool and hard rub slowly between your wet, bare folds, and realised with a moan and a blush that Kento was about to fuck you with the handle of his blade. Rubbing lazy circles around your clit, Kento sighed, watching creamy arousal drip down the handle of his blade. He wanted nothing more than to duck down and lick it clean before plunging his tongue into your velvety walls, for you to ride his face until he had you seeing stars. Denying yourself pleasure had meant denying him pleasure, and you knew as well as he did that all it took for him to cum in his pants was you moaning, breaking and falling apart as he ate you out.
For now, he'd let his rage burn slowly, bright embers on black coal, and remind you just how patient he could really be. It would be all the better to lose control with you when you were fucked out, floppy and incapable of denying him any longer.
"Are you going to cum on my blade, hmm?" he whispered against your ear, quickening his circles around your clit as you nodded and whimpered, occasionally threatening to push his blade's handle inside you, denying you as you pressed yourself back into him. Suddenly, inchingly, he raised the handle to your entrance, sliding it through velvet walls and your slick until it bottomed out at the hilt. You whined, and squealed as he twisted the blade, so the nub at the end of the handle pushed insistently against your cervix and sweet spot.
Thrusting it in and out of you harshly, Kento felt dizzy as you shook and whined, leather glove now coated with your creamy white arousal, smells of sweat and cum mingling in the air, and he was overwhelmed for a moment with untouched pleasure and affection, with how well you were doing for him, and he mumbled into your ear as if he were the one being pleasured blind.
"Oh god, yes, yesssss, keep going. Keep going darling, don't stop now, you're taking it so well for me." He groaned into your ear as it became harder for him to push the handle back into you as your pussy clenched and fluttered as you approached your orgasm, tears streaming down your cheeks, so he sped up, reaching round you with his other hand to pinch your clit harshly.
You came with a shout, bliss overwhelming you, wishing it was his cock your walls were milking, your voice drawing out into pathetic mewling as Kento continued his ministrations. Your vision speckled with white lights and your legs shook, seeking Kento's eyes behind his dark glasses. He raised his eyebrows and looked over his glasses at you, eye-to-eye for the first time since you had left home and through Kento's flinty gaze, was a fleck of playfulness as he toyed with you, a cat with a mouse.
Kento hummed, "Too much, not enough...hard to please, aren't you? Oh, keep going my love, because I won't be satisfied until you're putty in my hands." Precum dripped down his throbbing cock as you came again, crying out weakly, nearly collapsing onto the handle of his blade. Slowing down as you rode the waves of pleasure, Kento pulled the handle out and wiped the tears from your eyes, shushing you. He tugged the panties out of your mouth as you coughed and pocketed them, raising the handle up to your mouth.
"Clean it," he ordered, eyeing you intently as you obediently locked and sucked your own essence of the length of the handle. "Not too much," he urged, sheathing his blade back between his shoulders, "I want to smell you on my hands after I fight."
You turned, back pressed against the wall, and Kento allowed it. He appraised his work, you now trembling and sweating, your arousal evident on the torn leather of your trousers, and you begged him.
"Kento, please...I need you inside me. I'll do anything. Please."
"I'm not sure," he intoned again, "you haven't taken me for quite some time, you see. I feel like we need to stretch you out a little, before I wrap you around my cock."
Still staring at you, eyes settled on your heaving breasts, squashed together by your torn shirt, he removed his gloves, one finger at a time. Reaching into another pocket, you heard the rustle of packaging, and Kento deftly unpackaged a dildo and rabbit duo, and a tiny controller that he rolled musingly between his thick fingers.
Hand around your throat again, warningly, Kento gave a gentle squeeze as he stuffed the dildo up with little warning until it bottomed out in you, rabbit lined up with your clit. You jumped in shock, still sensitive from cumming- but blurted out through your tight throat, "Not as big as you."
Kento chuckled sardonically, "Oh? You remember how big I am?" He yanked you in by your neck until you were nose to nose, "Only, you haven't been very good friends with my cock this past-" he checked his watch, "29 days, have you?" He removed his glasses, tossing them aside, rewarding you again with his impassive gaze. His mood was swinging so wildly, he was giving you whiplash. Kento, for the first time in years, seemed positively unhinged. He slammed a mask-shielded kiss to your mouth, moaning into you, and as you came up for air, he buried his hand deep into your hair, grabbing at the roots and forcing you down to your knees, the tightness of the space bringing you face to face with his clothed, hard cock.
He stared down into your eyes, satisfied with the arrangement as you clutched his thighs, and you felt the vibrator buzz to life while he once again unzipped his jumpsuit agonisingly slowly, stripteasing you as first the hard planes of his chest, then his abdomen, then his neatly trimmed honey-coloured pubes came into view.
Reaching the hand holding the controller down, he reached into his underwear and finally revealed his heavy cock and balls, falling hard onto your face. Your mouth watered as you stared up at him, opening your mouth obediently, and Kento's last thread snapped.
Both hands now buried in your hair, and gripping the controller, Kento rammed his cock immediately to the back of your throat, whimpering with relief at the intense pleasure of your throat gagging around him. A few quick clicks of the controller and the vibrator maxed out, strangled squeaks coming from you at the combined intensity of Kento fucking your face with wild abandon and the buzz of the vibrator on your swollen, hypersensitive clit.
Kento gripped you by the hair, slamming his cock repeatedly into your mouth and throat, grunting and gasping as he felt your tongue raise to cup the underside of his sensitive length, pink head brushing against the wet muscle as he thrust, and thrust, and thrust. His head swirled with pleasure, vision thick and hazy after denying himself and being denied for so long, moaning your name, begging to cum down your throat, begging you to cum with him. Head thrown back, he saw stars.
Rolling his head down to look at you, tears running down your cheeks, and mingling with your own saliva and his precum, he fell apart as he watched you play with your own nipples, your mouth tight around him.
As you came again, throat closing around him, he held you nose to pubes as he came with a bark, a month's worth of pent up seed squirtig down your throat in thick, hot bursts. You swallowed, twitching and jerking as the vibrator overstimulated you and you struggled to swallow Kento's massive load. Kento shook, grip in your hair loosening, cock still pulsing and leaping in your mouth as his orgasm drew-out, moaning your name and sweet nothings to you.
Pulling out of your mouth, cock still impossibly hard, he pulled you up to him, pulling the dildo out of you and throwing it and his mask aside. Your eyes met, thoughts headed in the same direction and he pressed you against the wall, your legs locked around his hips.
Kento sunk his cock between your puffy folds, hammering into you immediately, kissing you properly for the first time. Both addled and desperate, you cried out his name as Kento rammed repeatedly into you, pulling out almost completely before bottoming out again, feeling your cervix jump against your belly every time he hit you deeply.
Hair a mess, sweat mingling on his chest, and eyes ablaze, Kento watched you with total adoration as you melted around him, as pliable and floppy as he'd wanted you, eyes glazed as you shook your head and whined.
"I can't cum again...Kento...hurts..."
He leaned close, huffing into your neck as his cock continued to abuse your hole, used and swollen, denying himself from finishing until you came again. His hand coming to rest at your throat again, and his other at your breasts, he squeezed both harshly. The overstimulation combined with lack of air caused a rush that went straight to your pussy, and you broke, gushing around him as you came again.
Kento came again, all shaking moans and pleas, cockhead squirting against your cervix as you felt warmth seep into your belly, both riding your highs, clinging to each other as if on a sinking ship.
Moments passed, panting in each others' arms, and Kento drew both arms around you, embracing you warmly, nose in your hair. You sunk against his chest in bliss, a moment of emptiness as his cock slipped out, and cum trickled down your thighs.
"You were right," he finally groaned, "it was especially good after so long."
You grinned into his chest, nuzzling it and planting a wet kiss above his heart, "And you were right."
Kento looked down at you, one eyebrow raised quizzically. You nipped his left pec, playful.
"I wouldn't fancy my chances against a Curse-user like you."
Principal Yaga sat with Gojo and Nanami, reading through progress reports for the students, looking with special interest at the Sorcerer VS Curse-user event.
"So, let me get this straight:
Fushiguro would have laughed himself to death if Inumaki hadn't finally released his technique, and Shoko healed him of a minor concussion caused by Nanami-sensei.
Zenin Maki had to be carried back to the van by Ijichi-san, as Inumaki wouldn't release his technique, as he worried Zenin would stab him to death.
Nanami, you broke four of Itadori-kun's ribs, as he refused to fight you. As he was headed to Shoko for treatment, Nobara nailed him to the walls of a lingerie store, but both declined to answer who was in there first. Nobara went to browse the clothing shops.
Ino was found asleep at 2am in a bed store, and once Inumaki had ordered him to tidy up after himself, he was then ordered to go and play by himself in the adjacent toy shop.
Inumaki settled himself down in the book shop, and sellotaped my Curse-doll back together, which he found inside a stationary cupboard, after it had been torn to shreds by Nanami-sensei.
Nanami captured you in the store rooms after a brief combat."
Yaga then glared up at Gojo, eyes narrowed as Gojo sipped coffee innocuously. Yaga continued.
"And Gojo witnessed none of it, as he and Shoko spent the whole night gossiping at the coffee shop on Level 2."
"I figured Nanamin and his girl had things handled."
Yaga scoffed, tucking the papers back inside their folder.
"So who would you both agree to have been MVP of the event?"
Nanami and Gojo looked at each other. Considering, Nanami spoke first.
"I'd say it had to have been Inumaki. Excellent use of his cursed-technique to incapacitate without injuring, taking out 3 of the 5 Curse-user team, with a little support from my wife."
"Actually," Gojo interjected, "I'd have to say it was Panda." Nanami raised an eyebrow in inquiry- he had completely forgotten about Panda.
Gojo continued, "He stayed as still as the grave against the shelves in the Build-a-Bear Factory. Said he hadn't planned to stay there that long, but he found watching Nanamin beat Itadori-kun half to death so intimidating, he stayed there all night. I didn't find him until 7am."
Reader when she runs from Kento after pushing her undies into his pocket:
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Being chased down by horny Nanami?
Haha pussy go BRRRR
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materialgworlas · 2 months
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redbluenight · 6 months
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Itadori, tell everyone... it wasn't so bad!
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zxxee · 7 months
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ayanarts-01 · 2 years
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jujutsu kaisen 0 au where everything is the same but cursed rika still looks like a feral elementary school girl
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apparently-artless · 2 years
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one of the highlights of this film is the students not recognizing their "good-looking" sensei without his blindfold ( ̄▽ ̄)
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queenendless · 2 months
💗 Cafe Time 💗
A/n: Imma count this as an April Fool's prank cause it's kinda nonsense.
AU centric where JJK cast here are chibis, as is everyone else in this world, and you are the sole normal sized human there.
Cute fluffy filled crack nonsense that is short as hell and cause I've wanted to write chibi stuff for a long time.
Itafushi, NobaMaki, and HaiNana crumbs here and there but SatoSugu x GN!Reader in the end.
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The tale of a regular sized normie getting teleported to a Japan where everyone but themselves is chibi sized.
Their resisting negation to cursed energy that in the strongest in the country leads to your immediate discovery and recruitment into a place to stay as well as work by a burly mid aged bearded man with shades.
Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College Cafe.
Your newfound workplace and home. Where you met some regulars that quickly became your favorites.
“L/n-san~!” Dear Yuji lifted the cookie atop him, smothered in whipped cream with a bright smile and a wave reserved for you. “Eat me~! Just kidding~!”
Your pinky finger gently ruffled his salmon haired head. “Your teasing is very much warranted, you precious boi.”
In the parfait cup filled with ice cream, whipped cream and berries, a storm cloud raged atop Megumi's brooding head. “Get me outta here or I will shatter this glass.”
Yuji's face became pale with doom, hissing at you conspiratory. “He ain't kidding.”
You reached down and pulled out said grumpy Megumi who took the shinigami dog shaped candy, bashfully thanked you, and shyly pecked you on the cheek, compelling you to smooch him right on the nose. “Favorite tsundere here.”
You dropped him down on table level for Yuji to smother his boi in a good old bear hug; his infectious smile causing his emo bae to blush and ease into it and smile back.
“Maki-san~! Nibble on me~!” Nobara sung suggested cozied smack dabbed in her macaron.
“You idiot. Why did you have to admit that out loud? Here of all places?” Maki murmured, bashfully blushing, looking away amiss her red bean filled pancake sandwich.
“Maki-san! I love you~!” An unashamed Nobara rushed outta her macaron to tackle Maki into a bean pasted draped hug.
“Here.” You lifted off their pancake cover before handing a decent sized handkerchief to the girls as you passed by, earning winks of thanks from the pair before their stained faces grew messier as they commended a make out session under said hankie.
“Konbu! Tsuna Tsuna! Mentaiko!” The orange topped Toge waves eagerly at you from his perched spot on his own cupcake.
“I see you my boi and I've missed you too.” Your offered finger was taken by the rice ball speaking boi, swinging him to land before Panda lounging in the middle of a smore treat.
“Give me a hand, little buddy, tall buddy.”
“Takana!” Toge's mini hand and your long finger were more than enough to pull the fuzzy cursed doll out, though the chocolate sauce and marshmallows stuck to his fur.
You magically pulled out a wet rag to clean him up, humming at the now pristine baby. “My gift to you, my precious Panda.”
“L/n-san! Lift off please and thank you~!”
You picked up Yu's back collar to place him atop his fruit sandwich for him to slide down the creamy path, bumping right into Nanami. “Sandwich slide, hazah~!”
“Why must you condone this nonsense?” Kento commented through a mouthful of his subway sandwich, lightly bopping Haibara on his noggin as an attempted scolding.
“He's your partner. You tell me.” Your sassiness made the stern Nanami purse his lips at you in defiance but had Haibara chortling to his further annoyance, firmly tugging on his cheeks to gargle those noises, only amusing his partner more, finally doing here and now to kiss him just to keep him quiet.
Haibara's face glowed all smitten like. “Aw I love you too – !”
“Hush you and eat.” Nanami couldn't suppress a grin as he ate his subway with his favorite boi.
“Job well done, fellow yaoi buddy.” Shoko snorted at what she just saw, lounging in her lemon tea sponge cake, raising her small palm for you to give a carefully slow high five indeed.
“Keep your hands to yourself, assassin.” Riko narrowed dagger eyes at the scarred man across the room, cherry atop her head as she floated in a literal ice cream soda float.
“Riko-sama, be cautious, now.” Misato cautioned her, doing her best to stay blended within her fruity spread.
“I think he's retired from that lifestyle now.” You assured the pair, settling their nerves down when you handed them a plush doll with two eyes, eight legs and horns for them to cuddle and ride on.
“Suguru~ They're so pretty~!” Satoru plopped red bean paste sweetness into his mouth as he watched you move to and fro throughout the cafe.
Suguru munched on the cherry that sat atop with him on the cupcake. “Despite the major height difference, I will admit they look docile.”
“In that case – !” Gojo got down on one knee. “Marry us please~!”
Geto nearly choked. “Toru, we're still dating!”
Gojo got up to kiss him fully on the lips. “Well, we've practically been wedded since day one so …”
Geto's eyes crinkled with tender mirth, humming as he kissed back. “Can't argue with that logic.”
Grabbing his hand, the albino of the two floated them both on up high to reach you. “Plus, a poly ship is very sexy~”
The fact that the iconic strongest pair landed on either shoulder to kiss you simultaneously on your cheeks touched your heart.
“Aw, I – MMPH!”
The super human chibi that is Toji threw his bagel like a Frisbee disk right into your mouth. “Oi. You. This donut ain't cuttin’ it for me. Get me some beer, huh?”
“Dad!” Megumi snapped on your behalf.
“He is a beast.” Yuji anxiously sweated at the alarmingly impressive feat.
“I wanna duel him even more now.” Maki, a fellow non-cursed fighter, got fired up after peaking outside to witness his simple yet stellar stunt.
“Eh!? We already called dibs!” Gojo flared up, steam coming outta his ears.
“Hands off, monkey.” Geto emanated pure unfiltered hatred for the brute killer.
All three men had their eyes cast in shadow as literal sparks of agitation flew between them, ruining the cozy vibe of the cafe.
Able to chew and swallow that bagel up, you could speak again. “Knock yourself out, you beast.” Whisking out a jug of booze outta the blue, you knew the superhuman killer could take it, his smug self already chugging it down with one hand.
“Physically gifted,” Yuji and Maki breathed out in amazement.
“As I was gonna say,” you cupped your hands out for GoGe to sit on, your e/c eyes sparkling down at them, “Of course I'll marry you two. Size and all.”
A giggling Satoru and an amused Suguru are over the moon with your acceptance, bringing them close enough for them to smooch your lips in unison.
However later, you got an earful of “Goddamn” from your chibi sized boss at giving someone alcohol at his fine establishment.
But, you could tolerate it.
All these cuties make it all worth it.
Especially your new beaus.
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incorrectjjkquotes · 3 months
Panda: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million yen? Toge to Maki: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house. Maki: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Toge: Good thinking.
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spiteful-sapphic · 2 years
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would die for any of them
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gojosbf · 6 months
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"I've had a pretty good life"
JUJUTSU KAISEN 2 / 呪術廻戦 2.19 | “昏乱” • Right and Wrong part 2
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everth1ne · 9 months
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Shibuya Incident Arc
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lemonm4ge · 5 months
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Jjk drawing request
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