#jennie fluff
writemekpop · 1 year
Typa Girl | Jennie Kim
Summary: You're the type of girl who runs away after a one night stand, but can Jennie make you change your mind?
Genre: FWB Jennie, suggestive, smutty
Word Count: 0.5k
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Jennie was fast asleep.
She was completely naked - the duvet bunched around her waist, exposing her smooth, toned back. Her long dark hair was ruffled from your fingers twisting in it last night. 
The butterfly tattoo on the curve over her lower back peaked out from beneath the duvet. You resisted the urge to press your lips to it. 
It was almost 6AM – which meant it was time to go. Sex was fun, but that meet-the-parents-move-in-together-shit, that was not for you. 
Except Jennie wasn't like the other girls you had dated. She was sincere and savage and not very funny, but it didn't matter because she still made you laugh.
Not to mention, you finished twice last night, almost three times (so, so close). 
And there was her perfect body, with her delicious curves and manicured nails that dug into your skin in the most pleasurable way…
Pull yourself together, Y/n… you thought. You’re no sappy romantic.
You were creeping out of bed - when you heard a rustle.
"Come back to bed," she mumbled, still half-asleep. 
Jennie had just one puffy eye slightly open. Usually she was icy and untouchable, but right now, with her messy hair and slightly red cheeks, she was adorable. 
You felt a pull in your chest you'd never felt before. Something inside you was craving her warm touch, her plump lips, her hands round your waist. 
At the same time, you felt a twinge of fear. You barely knew this girl. If you allowed yourself to trust her, she could break your heart into a million pieces...
Taking a shaky breath, you climbed back into bed beside Jennie. You could take this one day at a time - not thinking about the future.
Jennie wrapped her arms around you and nuzzled into your neck. Slowly, you felt your muscles relaxing as you melted into her touch. 
"I don't... normally do this," you whispered, cheeks warming.  
Jennie pressed her lips to your skin. "Shh, sleep, baby."
Wrapped up in Jennie’s warmth, let your eyelids fall shut. 
(Maybe you could get used to this.)
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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purecantarella · 1 year
A Long Time Coming
not what i really wanted to post for my comeback buT THIS WAS ALREADY HALF WRITTEN SO I THOUGHT JUST RUN WITH IT!! anyway, i hope you all missed me and i will try to get more writing in, i promise. but for now, here yall go!! kim jennie x reader disclaimer/s : none, mostly floof and a touch of angst if you squint
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You think back to your entire life, never once thinking that you'd find yourself in one of the most stereotypical romcom plot trope in the book. Dashing through the airpot, trembling from the cold the rain brought you.
All for her. All for Kim Jennie.
Your entire life was intertwined with hers. Your father had worked closely with her mother during their college years, moving into the same community in New Zealand, both becoming single parents, and above all, had the same wants for their children.
You'd grown up with Jennie, especially with how familiar your parents were with one another. Same daycare, same friend group, same beliefs. It was uncanny how close you two were. You were even aligned to be in the same college, until she announced her intentions to audition for YG Entertainment.
She remembers the argument you two got into.
"You're serious?" You ask as she sits on your bed, trying to reason with you. She could tell from the furrow of your brows and the twitching of your lip just how upset you were. She breathes a sigh, "I just want to follow my own passion, N/n. Not the path our parents paved for us."
You fall back into your desk chair, averting your gaze from your childhood friend, your best friend. Eyes glued to the photo collage she made you during your 15th brithday. Jennie watches your stilled gaze as you stare at your young faces. Standing up to lean over you, placing her hand on yours.
The warmth of her hand sent sparks from your hand to your chest. Brushing the feeling off, you focus on her smile. The brightness radiating from it lighting up every night you slept over, the softness in those cat-like eyes, those soft plush cheeks.
You knew it would be better for her, but damn would you miss her.
"I know it'll be a little different..." She pauses, squeezing your hand gently, "But it'll always be you and me against the world. I could never lose you." The last part only gets past in a breath. Wordlessly, you pull her into a loose embrace. Arms draping around her waist, your head pressed against her chest, "I don't want to lose you either, Jen."
You whisper, silently giving her your blessing to leave as you nuzzle yourself deeper into her. Unbenost to either of you that your father was listening from the door, snacks in hand forgotten.
He watches as Jennie leans down to press her lips to the corner of your hairline, almost missing her saying, "And you'll always have me."
Your father keeps that in mind as you drive her to the airport, watching the tearful goodbye. He keeps it in mind when he watches you fall asleep talking to her. He keeps it in mind when he catches you making out with another woman in your class.
Most of all, he keeps it in mind when Jennie comes back to New Zealand.
"Dad, I was in a meeting. What's up?" You ask, carefully eying your assistant who fends off the angry businessmen. Suddenly, the nerves from the meeting are a distant memory when your father's gruff voice says, "You remember Jennie Kim?"
Your mind goes blank for a minute, previous stress from the meeting fading away as the memories of your first love filling your senses. Each sensation still fresh in your head, on your skin, and in your heart. Your father's words falling on deaf ears.
The last thing you caught before you thank him and tell him you won't be home for dinner is, "She's coming home."
It's been several years since you last saw Jennie, and just around the same time since you two drifted apart. She wasn't your adorable next door neighbor anymore, she was Kim Jennie of Blackpink. While you became a lawyer, choosing a smaller university to stay near home. You were successful and so was she.
But upon hearing her name again, you were a teenager just wanting her to look at you as more than a friend.
Your father and her mother spoke and arranged for a dinner just the four of you when she arrived. You'd planned all your cases around the week she would be in the country in spite of your client's irritability about all of it.
Her arrival date came far sooner than you were emotionally prepared for it. You dressed in your best, picked up flowers, and insisted to your assistant that you could drive to the airport just fine alone.
As you parked, you swallow thickly, placing a hand on your chest in attempts to calm your pounding heart. You take a deep breath and look at the lavish flowers with blue roses, lilac, and hydrangeas before whispering, "She's your best friend, it'll be fine."
Jennie was the same on the plane.
She sorely missed you but it had been years since she saw you. Would you be happy to see her? Would you want to see her? Were you the same? Did you still smile then your cheeks would flush? Do you still scratch at your nails when you got nervous? With how many questions flooded her head, she almost didn’t realize that she was landing.
As she dragged her luggage behind her, she looked around the airport for her mom. A couple minutes to no avail, she pulled her phone out in attempts to call her. A couple rings later, "Jennie! You've touched down, I presume?"
"Yeah-" Before she could say anything more, her mother interjected, "Oh! Then you'll see my surprise for you soon enough!" Jennie's mother exclaimed gleefully. A wave of tiredness washed over her and she sighed, a retort just at the tip of her tongue when someone spoke behind her.
The rapper whipped behind her and her eyes widened to a concerning degree.
There you were. Far more cleaned up than when she last saw you. Your tired eyes and loose fitting and dirty sweater evidently missing. In its place was a casual business suit, hair shiny and healthy, your eyes more alert and discerning. Her serious demeanor shattered at the look of you.
A squeal broke from her lips as she wrapped her arms around your neck. Your ears perked up at the contact, before you wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. Savoring the smell of her vanilla body wash.
Jennie pulled away and looked at you in amazement while you take in every ounce of her. Not much changed, more so she just grew into her features. But regardless, you feel your heart pound harder than when you imagined reuniting with her.
"I uh..." You trail off awkwardly, only raising the flowers up to her. Like a child giving a gift to their first crush. Well, when it came to Jennie it was pretty much the same feeling. She smiles warmly at you before taking the bouquet in your hands, "Thank you, N/n. I love them." Her hand finding purchase on your arm.
A nervous laugh falls from your lips as you say, "The florist I terrorized for an hour will be very happy to hear that you liked them." Jennie looks up at you with an adoring glaze in her eyes. The smile on her face leaves you breathless and you grin like a child, slipping your hand onto the handle of her luggage, briefly brushing with her hand.
Jennie, trying to mask the flush on her cheeks, looks down. She sees how much you've changed from when she last saw you, just a teenager with their whole future ahead of them. It was odd, but comforting. You'd grown up to all that you strived for, she'd read up on some of the cases you've handled when she had down time. It filled her with an inexplicable amount of pride.
But she also couldn't tell if you would still want her around.
But then, her eyes fall down to your nailbeds and smiles, faint white lines. Maybe you weren’t too different from the Y/n she grew up with.
Once you were both hauled into your car, once again she'd felt like you've reached a point in your life where you have it figured out. A shiny and sleek black car that just oozed class and sophistication. It overwhelmed her to an nth degree.
The only thing keeping you grounded in her mind was the picked at nails you had, a sliver of what made her believe you were still the one she looked up to. The one she looked for in every friend she ever had...in every relationship she'd ever had.
You on the other hand, were just praying that your sweat wouldn't seep through your suit jacket. The anxiety of having her eyes on you weighed on you so heavily. The silence didn't help either.
You open your mouth to speak, but it shuts before anything substantial or just about anything came out. From the corner of your eye, you see Jennie smile before finally easing into the seat, gaze still locked on you.
"You really made something of yourself, N/n." She pauses as you shift the gears into drive and pull out of the slot you were in. You laugh gently at her statement, stealing brief glances, "You're one to talk, miss Jennie Kim of one of the world's biggest girl groups."
"Hope that's not all you think of me..." Jennie pouts before crossing her arms playfully, your smile softens as you lean over and pull her arms out of their position. Smoothly taking her hand in yours, in spite of yourself. Your heart catches up with the action but by this point it's too late, her fingers lace comfortably with yours.
You clear your throat and reply, "Of course that's not all I think of you..." I think of you as the first person I've ever had feelings like this for...maybe even the only one. You think to yourself.
Jennie stares at you expectantly, "You're extraordinary on stage, but nothing beats the memory of you and I just kicking back in my room with a cheesy sit-com on our off-brand cellphones on a crappy pirating site." You both laugh before you continue, stopping at a red light and looking over at her. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I see you as I always have..."
Pausing to find the right words to say to her as Jennie waits with bated breathe. Her mind and pulse rushing at a million miles a minute. You smile goofily at her, "I see you as the amazing, smart, gorgeous girl who took a chance on her soft-spoken neighbor."
The air around you both is thick and your eyes unconsciously flick down to her lips. Jennie is shocked and is left frozen. Realizing yourself, you clear your throat and pull a forced and dry laugh. "But that's not of course without the drawback of your hair literally being all over the place, on top of your obsession with keeping everything tidy!"
Jennie is pulled out of her adoration and howls out laughing, "Shut up!"
"I swear, one or two of my jackets being left on the floor leads to a whole fuckin spring cleaning moment!" You retort as the light turns green. The rapper beside you rolls her eyes and scoffs.
"Please, if it were just one jacket as you claim, why could I not walk in your room without accidentally stepping on a clean t-shirt."
The rest of the car ride went without a hitch, falling back into your old conversations, her telling you interesting stories of the idols she socializes with, and you whining about the demanding partners and clients you have.
Before you knew it, you were at the curb of your childhood home.
You and Jennie stepped into your home, a sense of familiarity filled the rapper. She breathed in the scent of lavender and sandalwood, the only candle your father ever lit. 'Added a touch of class' he would always say. Your hand wrapped around her waist, making her jump out of nostalgia.
"Jen, I'm just going to grab your bag. Make yourself at home." You say quickly before ducking out the door again, leaving her with a hot flush on her cheeks. Damn feelings, she thinks to herself.
"Jennie Kim! It's been far too long." Your father calls from the door of your kitchen. She smiles warmly at him before jogging over to him and accepting his embrace. He pulls away, ruffling her hair. "You gotta come around more often, kid."
You grunt as you lift Jennie's luggage to the first step of your staircase. Proud of yourself you turn to see Mama Kim smiling at you, "N/n, dearest!"
"Mama Kim!" You cry happily before enveloping her in a warm and tight embrace. She chuckles and pats your arm affectionately and as you pull away, she slaps it gently. You feign distress before she says to you with playful anger, "I've been in the country for weeks and it takes me running into your dad for me to see you."
You chuckle softly before bowing your head respectfully, "Some partners just keeping my hands full."
Jennie's mother smiles deviously, the idol must've picked it up from her. "Speaking of partners keeping your hands full, ever going to woman up and tell my daughter how you feel?" Your eyes bulge as she says this.
"I swear to God, did dad tell you anything?" You ask, embarrassment pumping through your veins. She simply hums and bumps your shoulder with a childlike pout. "Like you could ever hide anything from me. Remember when I caught you sneaking in after curfew."
You eye the older woman cautiously, her eyes glued to her daughter and your father. A soft expression falls onto her face before she looks up to you. "I know how happy she makes you. You don't buy bouquets like that for someone you don't care for." Mama Kim nods over to the flowers atop Jennie's purse.
You blush thinking back to when you bought the arrangement, being so meticulous and seeking the perfect flowers to give to your childhood best friend whom you haven't seen nor spoken to in 9 years. You clear your throat as Jennie looks over at you both, eyes disappearing as her smile brightened.
"I just want everything to be up to her standard." You whisper as she closely approaches. Her mother, still looking at you mutters, "Is it what she wants though?"
With that Mama Kim walks up to her daughter, giving her a tight squeeze while you walk over to your father who was still leaning up against the door frame of the kitchen. Two bottles of beer in hand, he hands one over to you. "She looks good."
You cringe as you take a sip, "Creepy, dad." But you both laugh, before you look to the two other women in the living room looking at old memorabilia. "You are right though...those YG cameras have nothing on how she looks in real life."
There's a lull, you two sip your alcohol quietly waiting for the oven to ding for dinner. You hear your father chuckle beside you, "And that is one hell of a bouquet, Y/n."
"Shut up, dad." Your dad sputters laughing when the oven dings. You grin to yourself and walk into the kitchen, "Dinner time!"
Dinner was filled with laughter and one too many drinks. All the while you couldn't keep your eyes off Jennie. You knew even when you two were kids that she was gorgeous and that that gummy smile lit up anything and everything. She was an enigma...and she still was.
You both stumbled into your bedroom, tipsy from the evening's drinks. Laughter echoing the hall followed by shushing from one another, given your father was asleep on the couch and her mother in the guest bedroom.
Once Jennie gains her composure, she looks around your room. "Not much changed around here since I was last here, huh?" She asks as you plop down on your bed. You hum softly as she continues to walk around the room, everything was meticulously kept. Even the stack of papers was kept tidy and organized. But something out of the corner of her eye piqued her interest.
"No." The rapper gasps before bolting to your shelf, there sat a Blackpink album beside her solo album. Jennie marvels at them for a second, dust had collected atop both of them but they hadn't lost their sheen. "You big fucking nerd!"
You groan and smile before you lift your head up, mind returning once you saw what she had in her hands. "You have my albums?!" She makes out of her laughter.
You grin sheepishly before sitting up to remove your jacket, "Don't make a big deal of it, Kim. I happen to be very in touch with music, not just yours." Trying to brush her off.
Without saying another word, Jennie returns your mini-collection to the shelf, and jumps onto you. You grunt as she lays flat on top of you. "Did your bed get lumpier or is it just me?"
You laugh breathlessly, "I will throw up if you crush me like this."
There's a silence for a moment, it lingers before she rolls over her eyes meeting yours. Eyes droopier but still so bright, it sends a wave of warmth through your chest. You stroke the back of her hair lovingly, weaving your fingers through her soft locks. "I don't think I've told you just how much I missed you, Jen."
She nods and lays her head flat on your chest, nuzzling deep into your shirt. You continue, "I wanted to reach out, but I never knew what to say or I was scared I'd say the wrong thing."
"You could never say the wrong thing, N/n." Her voice childlike and faint. You knew full well how hard your heart was beating and you just knew that she could hear it too. You press your nose atop her head, savoring the moment before your lips meet the soft skin of her forehead. "I almost did, so many times...I've almost told you that I-"
A soft snore.
You shift your gaze from the ceiling to the woman on your chest, sound asleep. You smile and lay another soft kiss on her forehead, "I love you, Jennie."
After that night, you noticed that Jennie had become more clingy. The morning after while you were cooking breakfast, she was seated on the counter, feeding you freshly cut fruit as you cooked. The next day while you were walking around in the New Zealand heat, she took the time to pat your forehead dry while your arms were interlocked.
Finding new ways to make each other smile and reminiscing on the days when all you had to worry about was a paper due at the end of the week. Now, you had jobs, she had crazy fans, and there was so much pressure on both your backs to do well by your clients and her audience.
"You get me, you just get me." Jennie says before she takes another lick of her ice cream. You two had found a nice shady tree with only a few onlookers in the middle of a serene park. You lay on her lap as she talks about how demanding her company is. Photoshoots, video shoots, promotional appearances, all of it. "Trust me, I know a thing or two about that, the people in my law firm suck." You whine.
Jennie laughs, brushing your baby hairs back with a thoughtful look on her face, "They can't be all bad."
You look up at her, catching her eye, giving her a small wistful smile, "They aren't you."
Jennie's eyes widen before she nervously laughs and crushes what's left of her ice cream on your forehead. You gasp and shoot up pulling the sticky substance from your skin, "You're fucking dead, Kim!" You yell before she squeals and runs around the tree.
Her laughter makes her breathe catch before she leans up against the tree, holding her hand out in defense. "Y/n, I call truce, please?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "You stuck a cone of ice cream on my head."
"I made you a unicorn." She retorts with that damn gummy smile on her face. Before you can catch yourself, your hands press against the rough bark of the tree behind her. The smile on her face falters and you feel a twinge of hesitation in your chest. But before you can take a step back, her hand finds its way to the back of your neck. Brushing the hair away and scratches the skin right below your hairline.
She'd done it since you were kids.
Your gaze falls onto her lips, pink, hints of the strawberry ice cream left on her. You wonder if that's what it would taste like if you'd kissed her, like you dreamed of since you were 15. Jennie gently, oh so gently, pulled you closer. "You know, you should really be careful what you confess when you think someone's asleep."
A dry chuckle falls from your lips, "I knew it," You pause, just looking at her in all her glory. No make-up, no stage lights, no big crowd screaming her name. But she still blew you away. Finally, you finish, "I meant it."
Her smile grows twice as wide and you lean forward, your lips ghosting hers before her phone goes off. You hear her curse under her breath before pulling it out of her pocket, leaving you rather awkward.
Jennie answers in the phone in Korean, her brows crease instantly. She's seemingly arguing with whoever's on the other end before her hand balls into a fist behind your neck. Practically fuming, she nods and hangs up. You'd pulled away a bit to give her room to speak, but she turns her attention back to you before she says, "It was my manager, apparently they'd booked me for something this Friday."
"But your going back on Friday?" You return.
The rapper nods but continues to say, "Yeah, but there's preparation, fittings, video shoots to promote that I'll be in attendance." She breathes a frustrated sigh, before her eyes loose their spark, "I'm flying back tonight..."
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Jennie, packing everything away into her suitcase. Making sure everything was packed. Her mom stopped by to bid her goodbye and that they would have dinner when she was in South Korea again.
"Now or never, N/n." Mama Kim whispered to you while she held you in her embrace. "If I hear from my daughter that you did nothing now, I will hunt you down."
You smile and nod. After that moment in the park, you knew it was about time. Your dad called a cab and you two waited on the curbside, a comfortable yet, as paradoxical as it was, uncomfortable silence. You knew what you wanted to say, you know you should explain, and she does too.
But the words just feel like they'd fall flat.
A car pulls up and Jennie takes her bag to the trunk, thanking the driver before turning back to you. "I'm sorry I had to leave, I know you moved everything around to be able to spend time with me."
"It's no worries...Just maybe don't wait a decade to come back?" You joke to which she slaps your arm gently. She smiles up at you. Your heart is hammering again. You want to say something, you should; but all you do is open your arms to her.
Jennie steps into your warm embrace and nuzzles herself into your neck. Leaving a light kiss as she did.
Your arms around her tighten as her taxi waits on the curb, honking impatiently. She should go, you know it but as the beat of your heart echoes loudly in your ears you need to do it. The urge fills you as you pull away. 
Everything slows, you pull the mask over her lips down slowly. The idea of her rejecting you terrifies you further, hands shaking, heart pounding, blood rushing through your body quickly and you feel warm in spite of the cold winter air flowing around both of you. 
Your foreheads press briefly together as your eyes maintain steady eye contact, as if she were giving you her final permission. With a grin on both your faces, you lean in and your lips press together for the first time. 
A long time waiting, but you can’t help the smile that breaks onto your face as time returns. It was short, but it was everything you'd ever wanted since you were just kids in your bedroom dreaming of the future.
Jennie pulls away with a gummy smile on her face, you mirror the smile on her face as you cup her cheeks lovingly. Your lips littering pecks across her face as she giggles as her hand finds yours.
"I can't believe I'm leaving now." Jennie says, a pout forming on her lips. You chuckle, thumb reaching back to stroke the back of her hand. "Neither can I."
You lean down, pecking her lips again, longer than the first time. "But if you think I'm waiting for the next time you're here for a kiss like that, you're dead wrong."
The rapper giggles again, before another honk pops the bubble around you both. Reluctantly, Jennie pulls away, her hand loosely locked with yours as she gives you a shy smile.
"I'll see you soon then?" She asks, hopeful.
You can't resist the teen-like giddiness running through your body, lifting her hand to your lips. Paying particular attention to her ring finger, your pulse hammering as you look up into her dark brown eyes. "It's a date."
Before she can cancel all her schedules for the coming week, she pulls your hand away and opens the door to the car. Turning back briefly to look at you standing with your hands in your pockets, a goofy smile on your face. "I'll call you before I board."
"And when you land?" You ask.
"And every night after." She replies before slipping into the car.
You smile at her through the car window, cheeks sore from all of it. Even though you know she can't hear you, you say, "I'll be waiting."
Jennie sinks into the seat with a dreamy sigh. The driver of the car looks into the rearview mirror, seeing the wispy look on Jennie's face and you folding out of what he assumes is delight. He smiles before saying, "Must be someone amazing to get you smiling that way, ma'am."
She's taken aback for a moment, but her shock melts into a warm smile, too giddy to push the question away.
"Yeah, but it has been a long time coming."
this was far longer than i had initially wanted BUT i quite like how it came out, the parents were a little janky and i feel like a lot of the parts are OOC but still, as a story i quite liked it HAHAHAH i was typing this on my bed so my back really, really hurts rn i hope you lovelies missed me a bit and i will try to continue to bring you guys the content you deserve. i love you all so much and i'll see you all vv soon!! - r
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ninigummysmile · 1 year
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 - 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞
Summary: The five times Jennie almost said she loves you + when she finally does
Jennie x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 4.161
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Jennie has always been an independent woman, who knows how to get by on her own and who doesn't necessarily need to have a partner to be happy.
When you started dating, you saw more and more of her beautiful interior, sweet as honey and a smiling girl.
It's hard for Jennie to open up to others, to be intimate. She doesn't show affection that easily, which is ironic since she often overflows with love and care for those she cares about.
After a frustrated relationship, in which she already had to hear many things that weren't true, including that her intense way was often irritating, she had to learn to keep her feelings and plug that well of hers so that it wouldn't overflow again and scare someone else. That is until you arrived, you were patient and determined enough to get her to start talking and expressing herself, and now she doesn't know if you already feel the same way as her or if it's too soon, but every time you show her in small ways how much you care, it's hard for her not to say those three words…
You finish checking the meat in the oven and start preparing the mashed potatoes. You know how much your girlfriend loves homemade food, despite the fact that most of the time she wants to order food for delivery claiming that the time you have to spend together she won't leave you cooking.
Her kitchen is spacious and complete, at first you didn't feel good cooking alone in the big space, but now that you're more familiar with it, it's relaxing to be able to cook while listening to music and leaving your thoughts a little aside, focusing only on the task of prepare a meal.
The front door unlocks and you hear the keys lock it again. Footsteps approach the kitchen and you turn to greet your girlfriend.
“Hey, baby. How was today?” you ask a clearly tired Jennie, giving you a brief peck.
“It was exhausting, we're training a lot for the next concerts” you make a move to hug her, but she soon stops you. “I'm sweaty, love. Let me take a shower first, okay?” she gives you another peck and with dragged steps goes upstairs. Not that you mind sweating, she knows that, but you figure dancing and singing all day nonstop to make everything perfect makes the only thing you want when you get home is a nice and long shower.
The oven beeps and you finish preparing the dinner and setting up the table. A few minutes later Jennie appears with a towel over her head and her eyes heavy with sleep, you stifle a chuckle at her cuteness as she practically walks around with her eyes closed in her fluffy pink pajamas.
“Let's eat so you can rest” you put the plate in front of her.
She takes a deep breath and a lazy smile appears on her face. “I really like it when you cook, especially this kind of food”
“I know” you laugh. “This is why you should let me cook more”
You talk about how each other's day went and after your girlfriend's second yawn, you decide that you're going to do the dishes tomorrow and that as soon as you get into bed you'll pass out.
You see her sitting on the end of the bed removing the towel from her head and you think she won't have enough strength to comb her hair. With a styling product in your hands, you stop in front of her and start towel-drying her hair.
You sit behind her and start applying the product by lightly massaging her scalp. At that moment, Jennie feels her body melt against yours and her eyes close in satisfaction, it's in those little moments that she wishes she could live forever.
Brushing and untangling her hair, you feel her calm breathing and limp body and for a moment you think she slept in that position.
When you're done, you place a kiss on her neck. “Ready to sleep?”
“I've been ready for a while” she murmurs and you smile at her short sentences when she’s sleepy.
“Then get under the duvet” you direct her and let her lie down comfortably while you brush your teeth and do your nightly routine.
You lie down on the bed and turn off the lamp, Jennie hugs your torso and you hug her so she can lay her head on your shoulder. Soon you are enveloped by sleep and everything around you becomes distant.
Your girlfriend feels warm inside after a nice dinner, from your fingers combing her hair and from your body fitting hers so well when you go to sleep. She almost said how much she appreciates your gestures, how much she wants more nights like this one, but maybe it wasn't the right time, maybe it was just tiredness taking over. She knows it's not tiredness, she knows that what she feels is real, but she was afraid that you would think that was it.
You finish editing some work documents on your laptop when Jennie walks into the room.
“Hi, how was your meeting, love?” you take the object off your lap and place it on the empty space of the bed.
“Well, nothing new” she places a kiss on your cheek and walks into the bathroom. You realize that maybe the meeting didn't go so well and she needs some time to herself.
The house was silent for the rest of the day, as if no one was inside. You know your girlfriend tends to keep things to herself, but every now and then you make an effort to let her open up when she feels comfortable, not so much that her emotions explode all at once, but enough so that she feels good to talk.
You make prepositions of what might have upset her, it might be a small problem and you don't even need to worry, you also don't want to cross any barriers and meddle in something that is none of your business.
By night, you believe she's doing better because your little conversations seem light and without any apparent problems.
During the week, she didn't seem to care anymore about what was perhaps bothering her, but you know her very well and you know that despite her pretending everything is fine, something isn't right.
You set the bags on the kitchen counter after coming in from the market and go to the bedroom to announce your arrival, pausing in the doorway when you hear sniffles and sobs.
You take a deep breath and knock on the door, not wanting to startle her. “Baby, is everything okay?”
“Yes, I'm coming” her voice full of sadness breaks your heart and you slowly open the door seeing her quickly wipe her face sitting on the floor with her back resting on the bed.
“Hey, what happened?” you kneel beside her.
“I can't take it anymore” she hugs you with her face buried in your neck.
“It's okay, my love. I'm here” you wait for her to calm down, but she doesn't break away and doesn't even look up in shame.
“I'm sorry”
“Why are you apologizing?”
She shrugs.
“You do not need to apologize. Tell me what happened?”
“I thought it would get to a point where I didn't care anymore, but it seems to affect me more than I realize”
“Tell me what I need to do to help you, I will solve it”
“You can’t solve”
She pulls away and lowers her eyes before answering, not daring to look you in the eye because if she does, she feels like she's going to cry again. “It’s these hate comments”
You feel your heart sinking in your chest to see her in this state, you've always been aware of the absurd amount of comments she receives, many of them being disrespectful comments and your blood boils knowing that they come from people hiding behind a screen of cell phone, because if you saw someone say that in front of you, you would not be responsible for your actions.
“Look at me” you ask holding her face and making her look into your eyes. “Nothing they say is true. I know that I can say a thousand nice things to you, but that if you read a mean comment on a bad day, it will stick in your head and erase all the good things I said to you. I know it's hard to ignore and that it's easier to say you don't care than to really not care. But you have me and I'm always open to talk, it doesn't matter if it's about just one bad thing or ten, we're not always going to talk about nice things and I'm willing to listen to you, you don't have to hold everything and think you're disturbing me”
Jennie stares at you without saying anything. If it was her old relationship, her ex would tell her to stop the drama and that these comments only affect her because she looks for them and keeps reading them. She hates comparing you to her ex, but unconsciously her brain does that, because she can't believe that someone like you, who has so much patience with her, who always demonstrates to be willing to solve whatever is needed, who always knows what to say at the right time is with her and that above all understands not only her busy life, but also her deepest feelings.
She wants to say how grateful she is, she wants those words to just slip out of her mouth so she doesn't have to say them so precisely. But that doesn't happen, instead she just lets your words of comfort flow through her mind and nods her head as a sign that she understands what you mean.
“Great” you smile. “I bought popcorn, how about we watch cartoons?”
“I think it would be perfect”
“Then let's go” before getting up and extending your hand for her to accompany you, you place two kisses on her forehead and gently wipe her nose with the sleeve of your shirt.
If it weren't for the countless times your girlfriend has said she misses you over video call, you wouldn't be getting on a plane right now. For the few minutes of the call, you could see the rush and preparation for the third consecutive day of concert, imagining the stress of all the team to fix the last details.
You've quickly packed a small bag for travel, as the concert is taking place in a nearby town, and after dropping your belongings at the hotel, you stop at a coffee shop near the stadium to buy Jennie's favorite sweets.
You send a message to a staff you befriended once while backstage letting her know you're coming and as soon as she spots you, she helps you get past the security guards leading you to where your girlfriend is.
“Decided to come at the last minute?” she asks as she shows the access card to another security guard.
“Yes, I decided to surprise her” she smiles.
“She will like it, we had some problems in rehearsal and stage preparation today and not everyone is in a good mood”
You leave the sweets and a bouquet of flowers on a table behind the stage, and stepping onto the large platform, which overlooks countless seats, you see Jennie at the end of the catwalk, much smaller than she is because of the distance.
You greet your friends who are also part of the group closest to you on the stage and start walking around the huge platform.
She has her back, giving you the opportunity to hug her. “Hi, love” you say in her ear and she gets tense for a few seconds, but then relaxes when she hears your voice.
“What are you doing here?” she asks in surprise, turning her head slightly to check that you're really there.
“Ouch, is this how you receive your girlfriend who came from another city and stayed on the plane for hours just to see you?” you ask jokingly with mock offense.
“You know what I meant!” she pouts and you kiss her.
“Yeah, I know. Since you can't live away from me, saying you missed me so much, I decided to come stay with you” you chuckle as she pats your arm rolling her eyes.
“If you're going to tease me, let's stay in separate rooms at the hotel” you know she doesn't mean it, she turns into your arms with a smile on her lips.
“Right” you laugh and seal her lips. “But I’ll let you know that I brought my camera and I’m going to record everything”
As she finishes rehearsing on stage, you take countless photos. It's not like you've never been to a concert before, but seeing her so happy and comfortable in the place she was born to be, makes you smile for hours until your cheeks hurt.
You go to the dressing room so she can get ready and you hand her the bouquet and a bag of sweets. She radiates happiness and you can't resist pinching her cheeks as she chews on one of the macarons.
Jennie has already received thousands of flowers, but when you give them, the feeling is much more special and her heart skips a beat.
She tries to hide her emotion as she eats and hopes you didn't see her eyes fill with tears. She really missed you, even though you texted or called her every day, she couldn't wait to come home and be with you. She knows it's not easy to take a last minute break from work, find a flight and spend the day doing practically nothing during rehearsals. And yet you did it without a second thought and with a beautiful smile on your face, going on and on about how cool she looks on stage.
She thought about confessing her deepest feelings before going onstage, so that she wouldn't have to look you in your eyes if you didn't return them yet, but the only thing she was able to say was “thanks for coming”.
One of Jennie's hobbies, and one that she hasn't done in a while, is cooking desserts. She always liked to make cakes, pies, waffles and many others simply for the pleasure of making them and many times some of them stayed in the fridge for weeks until you could eat everything.
In an afternoon with nothing to do, you saw a video of stuffed cookies on your cell phone and showed it to her. She soon got excited about making them and you wouldn't expect that she wanted to make them right away.
Searching the cupboards and fridge for ingredients, she places them on the counter and begins reviewing the recipe.
You simply stand beside her, waiting for some instructions on what to do, she soon tells you what you have to do and you get in tune while working.
You ask a few times to try the stuffing, but she denies saying it's not ready yet. Some time later you see her with a spoon in her mouth.
“Hey, you said it wasn’t ready yet!” you accuse her indignantly and she laughs in your face.
“It wasn't ready at that time, now it is” she mocks and starts stuffing the cookies.
“Jennie Kim, if I were you I would be careful how you talk”
“Why? What are you going to-” her sentence is cut off as you take flour in one of your hands and throw it in her face.
Laughing uncontrollably, you lean against the counter and your stomach starts to hurt from laughing so hard. She processes what just happened for a few seconds and you almost swallow flour when she takes her revenge, laughing out loud of your face when you run to the sink to spit the ingredient out of your mouth.
You've never seen her laugh so hard, her laugh is infectious and you start having a fit of giggles as you dirty each other up.
Jennie always thought you were extremely beautiful, with your eyes that always seem to have that unique sparkle and a laugh that could light up the entire planet. Before she can say anything, you've pulled her into a shower while the cookies get cold.
A small sound coming from the back of her throat makes it clear that she is enjoying you shampooing her hair. You repeat the process and apply conditioner, securing her locks in a bun.
When you go to start washing your hair, she takes the shampoo out of your hands and does to you what you did to her. Jennie smiles at how stunning you are, with the water coursing through your body, with your eyes closed feeling her fingers on your head and the orange light of the sunset illuminating you.
Jennie must be the luckiest person in the world to be able to experience paradise while still on Earth. If when she arrives at the gates of paradise and finds anything less than that, she will believe that everything they imagine about this angelic place is a lie and she will want to go back immediately. Why is it possible that a place known as the best place to be, with peace, joy and an indescribable feeling doesn't have you in it?
The summer breeze makes your hair fly in the wind as you walk with your dogs. Each leading one on a leash, you make your way to the park that you always go when the weather is nice for a walk.
You stop at an ice cream parlor and you order your favorite flavor and Jennie chooses a different flavor every time, claiming that her new favorite flavor might be out there and she won't find out if she doesn't try it.
You sit on a bench in the park and you feel Jennie staring at you. “Something wrong, love?” you ask already knowing the answer.
“I didn't like that flavor very much” she confesses and you exchange your ice creams, giving yours to her.
“What flavor is that?” you ask with a little ice cream in your mouth.
“Rainbow” she laughs at your grimace.
“And what should that taste like? It has almost no taste, it feels like I'm drinking water” you laugh.
After she is happy having your her ice cream, you move to a more open space and let go of the leashes, letting the dogs run and play freely. You run, jump and throw the toys for them to fetch while Jennie watches you sitting on a picnic blanket.
You decide that's good for today and it's time to go home. When you go to bend over to put the leashes back on, she bends down at the same time and you bump your foreheads. She was going to pretend she got hurt so she could get a peck on the forehead, but she sees you laughing and starts laughing at your reaction.
In the middle of the park, with two dogs watching their owners and laughing at something so silly, you look like two idiots in love. You two are idiots in love. Who laugh at the dumbest things, who watch their partner with love and a smile on your face, with a look that says it all at the same time.
Jennie will tell you. Not today, not this time. But she's determined to take that step and put all her fears and insecurities aside because if you haven't walked away by now, if you've been with her through her ups and downs, if you've seen her cry, laughed, heard her secrets and goals she wants to achieve in the future, all of them including you, it's because you're going to stay in her life as long as she allows it and that means forever.
With butterflies in her stomach, she intertwines your hands and you walk back home in a comfortable silence, talking only with looks and smiles.
Six: when she says the three words
It wasn't a good day for you at work today. Everything seems to have gone wrong, starting with your alarm clock that didn't go off and you were late, your boss who is almost never at the company but coincidentally was today and noticed you were late, thousands of emails to answer, short deadlines for document delivery and an extremely boring meeting that you barely paid attention to. On the way back home, a car almost hit yours for trying to overtake you at a red light and you almost had to rummage through your bag in the driveway because when you left for work, you just threw the object in your bag and you was frustrated that you couldn't do something as easy as finding the keys.
There are days and days. There are days when few things shake you, it's very difficult for you to get upset, it's easy to forget the problems and carry on as if nothing had happened. And there are days when your sensitivity is at an all-time high and a single hair out of place makes you want to cry with rage.
Despite being tired, you agreed with Jennie that this week you would be the one to do the laundry. If you said you weren't well, she would immediately tell you to lie down and do the chores for you, but you think it's good to do something to distract yourself.
You change and start taking the clean clothes out of the machine to put the dirty ones. You sort the clothes carefully so as not to make the same mistake as your girlfriend who once missed a red sock in the middle of the light clothes and turned everything into pink.
You put the clean ones in the dryer and for a moment you sit on the laundry room floor watching the laundry being done. Jennie frowns when she finds you on the floor and crouches down to your level.
“What are you doing there, doll?”
“Waiting for laundry to do” you mutter. She looks at the machine's dashboard that says the laundry will be clean in an hour.
“Are you going to wait an hour here?” you shrug and she strokes your hair.
“Bad day?”
“Bad day” you confirm.
“Get up” she extends her hand for you to take. “I'm not going to let you sit on the cold floor for an hour because of a bad day. Your back will thank me later”
You get up and she walks you to the kitchen. You stop in front of the counter, where her cell phone is and she puts it on a playlist, you immediately recognize the song. You don't know it, but she made a playlist with all your favorite songs, so when she's far away, she can feel close to you, whether it's the lyrics, the melodies, the memories you have sung through the songs or just because you likes a song is enough for her to like it too.
She places her hands on your waist and you place yours on her neck, lightly caressing the back of her neck. You lean your head on her shoulder and you start swaying lightly to the rhythm of the music. She makes circles on your back, not because you're crying or because it hurts, but to comfort you from the bad day you've had to go through.
You listen to her hum the lyrics and close your eyes to feel this moment as much as possible. You might feel a little better with that small gesture, as if the world doesn't exist, just the two of you dancing in the kitchen, in a parallel reality belonging only to you, where nothing bad can reach you because you're in the arms of your love, in the arms of the person who makes you feel safe, in the arms of someone who cares. And that's enough to make you feel good.
“I love you” Jennie finally says. She doesn't have to say it with her eyes closed or wanting to run away. She says every word. She faithfully clings to those three words that mean the world to you.
And a tear escapes your eyes, a single tear. It's not sadness or anger. It's for being able to hear this and being able to know what it's like to feel loved. To be loved by someone you love too, to be loved by someone who knows and accepts your flaws. Being loved by someone who would kill and die for you is the best thing you could ever feel in your entire life. To be loved by Jennie.
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jigujellee · 1 year
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EMERGENCY CONTACT -> you’re only supposed to call when you want each other, but what happens when she calls you because she needs you? (part 1: lead the way)
jennie x reader smut, fluff, angst - a triple threat >:) word count: 2.7k warnings: swearing, slight stalking moment
a/n: helloooo! happy new year again to everyone :D i know some of you have been waiting for this to drop, so i hope you enjoy it! as usual, it's not proofread so i'm sorry for any mistakes you may come across while reading. i'm also sorry if this is rusty, i've had writer's block for so long and it's only starting to get a little bit better,, but anw i love you all and remember to take care of yourselves!
the sound of wet kisses and quiet whimpers are the only things heard within the walls of jennie’s bedroom.
“fuck y/n, just like that” jennie moans as her hands get tangled in your hair, trying to push you even closer to her dripping wet core. you lap your tongue along the length of her slit causing the raven haired girl to arch her back.
“oh god! i’m so close baby, please don’t stop”
after reaching her orgasm and allowing her to return the favour, the two of you lay together in her bed trying to catch your breaths before jennie starts to giggle.
“what’s so funny miss kim?”
“nothing, it’s just that i’ll always be amazed by the way you fuck me y/n”
you turn over to face her and pull her closer to you, smiling as you two fall asleep together.
you don’t recall explicitly stating the terms and conditions of your “relationship”, for lack of a better word. after the first night you and jennie hooked up, she began calling you up in the late hours of the night saying she needed to “destress from work”, obviously meaning she needed the stress fucked out of her. you eventually started to do the same once midterm season was slowly approaching, and that’s how this whole thing started really. to an outsider, this was a simple friends with benefits situation but you didn’t really call like calling it that. to be quite honest, you didn’t know what to call this; you’re just satisfied with it.
but you felt a change and you didn’t like where it was going.
the last few times you’ve slept with jennie went as they usually do - you two meet up, have dinner, take a stroll somewhere and then eagerly rush to one of your places to have sex. then in the morning, whoever wakes up first makes breakfast (you’ve been to each other’s places enough times to know where everything is) and then one of you leaves until the cycle continues again. it was almost a routine at this point, so you start to question when you notice jennie trying to break it.
your suspicions started when you woke up to her staring at you. not so much in a creepy manner, but more so like she was adoring you as you slept. when your eyes open and they meet hers, a smile slowly grows as her somewhat hoarse voice (from all the screaming yk) manages to let out a soft “good morning.” you look into her eyes momentarily, noticing a glint of something that wasn’t there before but you ignore it. “morning,” you say as you get up and make way for the bathroom, not looking back to notice a sulking jennie.
then you noticed how she snuggles into your neck and places a soft kiss just below your jawline, whispering a “thank you” before drifting off to sleep. jennie has only recently been thanking you for having sex with her, and with you being the slight overthinker that you are, you believe that her “thank you” may have a slightly different meaning; something that she knows she doesn't want to admit yet.
today, you noticed how she begged to stay even after breakfast.
“what’s the rush? i don’t have work today and you don’t have classes”
“come on, we always do this jen, you know time’s up after breakfast”
“well, i wanna change it up today. why don’t we go do something fun?”
“take me on a date,” she casually says, causing you to nearly choke on your almost finished coffee.
“a date? why?”
“it’s just a way for us to bond”
“is bonding in bed not enough?”
“oh come on y/n, it’s just a fun little date”
you sigh in defeat, watching as your opponent hops off the couch in glee to get dressed, but not before planting a kiss on your cheek.
“thank you,” she says, almost lovingly. you say nothing in return and just proceed to your room to get ready for this “date.”
“how much longer?” you yell from outside the dressing room. unfortunately for you, the term “date” to jennie just meant going shopping with her.
“someone’s eager to see me,” the girl smirks as she pulls the curtain back to reveal her in a simple yet elegant black dress.
“help me zip up please?” jennie’s back is towards you and you can’t help but stare hungrily at the bare skin. as you grab the zipper, you slowly pull it up to close the dress but your intrusive thoughts came over you and you begin leaving soft kisses on her back before you could zip it up completely. jennie sighs at the feeling of your lips on her skin. as you move up closer to her neck, you feel her arm wrap around the back of your neck. nibbling softly on the lobe of her ear, you whisper, “why don’t i just unzip this dress and take you right here, right now?” but as much as she wanted it, jennie stops your movements and turns to face you.
“i want a day without sex, y/n”
“huh? why, did you get your period or something?”
“no, i just want to enjoy this day without having to end it with sex like we always do”
your suspicions began to rise again. though you meet up with her every so often for your little fuck buddy system, you two rarely saw each other outside of that simply because of school and work. so for her to be asking for a day to just be with you without the sex makes you wonder why? and for what reason?
still, you decide to go along with it and see where it takes you. you leave the store without the black dress and start walking around the mall by jennie’s side. your left hand was in your pant pocket while you let your right hand swing in the air. when you feel jennie brush her hand against yours, you don’t move your hand for a moment to see if she tries to hold it. and you were right; she slowly tries to interlock your hands together, but you move your hand away and offer to carry her bags instead. this continued for the rest of your time at the mall together, her movements varying from trying to hold your hand or link arms with you, or even trying to snuggle up against you when you bumped into a classmate of yours. anything she tried to initiate, you would shut it down immediately.
on the way to your car, it was silent. you felt something brewing in the air and it didn’t feel good. so as you drive her home, you attempt to lighten the mood.
“damn miss kim, you have so many bags in the back, i can barely see in my rear view mirror”
dead silence.
“i honestly thought you were gonna buy the whole mall back there,” you quickly glance at her to find her staring out the window.
“alright, what’s wrong jennie? why the silent treatment?”
“is sex the only thing you want from me?” she asked, annoyed but her gaze never leaves the window.
“what are you talking about?”
“i know you know. i’m not stupid and neither are you. but is this really all you want out of this? out of us?”
“what ‘us’ are you talking about jen? this is just those things where we casually fuck”
“oh, so it really is just that. i’m just someone you call when you’re horny, that’s it”
“don’t act like you didn't start it!” you raise your voice slightly.
“that’s what it was before i fell in love with you! did you really think that we could pull this off without one of us catching feelings?”
“you seemed like the type, so yes i did”
“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
you pull into the driveway of jennie’s house and shut the engine off. you unbuckle your seatbelt and try to leave the car to go help with her bags, but jennie grabs you by the arm to keep you in your seat.
“i’m gonna ask you again y/n, is sex the only thing you want from me?”
you look at her in the eyes and you watch the tears form in them. this setup was dangerous from the start, but you really tried to keep things casual with her.
“yes. this was supposed to be just sex, and you fucked it up for us”
before you could even say anything else, she unbuckles her own seatbelt and gets out of your car without forgetting to slam the door. she grabs her bags from the trunk and also closes it with a slam. you didn’t even bother to help because you knew she’d reject it, and there was nothing you could do but watch as she angrily marches toward the entrance of her house that you used to be welcome in, until now.
the internet says it takes roughly 21 days to break a habit. for some people, it could be more and for some, it could be less. but for you and jennie, the routine you two shared managed to be broken in just one second with one sentence.
it’s 3:14am, you can’t sleep and you know you’ll wake up with dark circles under your eyes. still, you lay in bed and stare blankly at the ceiling as you wonder what the fuck was wrong with you.
thinking back to when you two first hooked up, there were no rules or terms and conditions to your situation with jennie. nothing was put in place, no one said that you couldn’t fall in love with each other, so why did you penalize her for it? you had no clue. maybe you were just a natural asshole. or were you just scared?
you can’t deny the fact that there were times you entertained the idea of being in a relationship with jennie. but yes, it did scare you - jennie is a well-known model and has an image to uphold, so what would the public think if they found out you, a broke college student, would be dating her? you’ve imagined the kind of comments you’d get from netizens and you wondered what kind of questions paparazzi would throw towards jennie: “jennie! is it true? are you dating an average college student?” “is it because you feel bad?” “do you pity the girl?” “does she want you for the money?”
it haunts you. you couldn’t bear the thought of being the reason jennie’s image gets ruined.
to try and soothe your brain, you pick up your phone to play some lofi music in hopes to fall asleep. your thumb hovers over a song before seeing a name flash on the top of the screen.
miss kim <3 is calling
you let it ring a couple of times before answering,
“y/n, hi i’m so sorry but um,” her voice is shaky, as if she was about to cry or if she was scared. you didn’t like either of those options.
“y/n i think i’m being followed. can you please come get me?”
“send your location, i’ll be there as soon as i can”
seeing that she was only a 10 minute walk away, you sprint to where she is and you find her standing in front of a light post in the park. as you approach her, you notice a figure standing near a bench, and a light suddenly illuminates from what looks like his phone; it seems as if he was checking it as if he wasn’t following jennie just now. he definitely noticed your presence but he waits to see if you’d leave her alone.
you whisper to jennie, “are you alright? did he hurt you?”
“i’m okay, he didn’t touch me. but if you didn’t come, i don’t know what he could’ve done. is he still there?”
your eyes glance up and you see the man still standing in the same spot, still looking at his phone.
“yeah, but i have an idea. i just hope it’ll work”
you wait for a moment and you watch his eyes come up from his phone, glances at you and jennie, and then turns to look in the opposite direction. you take this chance to quickly hide into a bush behind you, and you slowly crawl towards the man near the bench. when you’re close enough, you rustle the bushes to get his attention and you watch him get startled by the sudden movement. to add on, you start barking and growling like a dog which made you feel stupid, but it was convincing enough to make him run the opposite way from jennie.
she walks towards you, or the bush rather, and calls for you - “he’s gone now, you can come out now little guy”
“little guy my ass," you say as you dust yourself off of any dirt. "but i honestly didn’t think that would work. do you really think it was convincing?”
“yup, you were a real bitch back there y/n”
jennie giggles, “but really, thank you. i’m sorry you were the one i called, i just didn’t know who else would come at this time and you’re the first person in my emergency contacts.”
you say nothing. you simply stare at her, admiring her features that make her who she is. you’re glad you’re her emergency contact. not her manager, not her friends, not even her family; it’s you.
you reach out your hand, "why don't you stay the night? and you can stay as long as you need to”
jennie sits at the dinner table, watching as you prepare breakfast for the two of you. you insisted she just sit back and relax after what happened last night.
“i’m fine y/n, i could’ve helped you cook”
“it’s alright, you must be tired and hungry”
you place down her plate that was filled with two pancakes, two sunny side up eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit on the side. you set yours down and take a seat, excited to dig in after hearing your stomach growl.
it’s silent for the most part. you don’t want to bring up last night’s events, and you figured jennie must’ve wanted some peace and quiet.
“so y/n..”
well, so much for peace and quiet. you looked up at her in response.
“can we talk? about us?”
“actually yes, we should”
jennie clenches her knife and fork, bracing herself for the worst that could happen.
“jen, i gotta be honest with you. i was just scared of falling in love with you. you know, you have this image you need to maintain and i just didn’t want to be the reason it gets tarnished. i refused to fall in love because i didn’t want any of us to get hurt in the long run”
she says nothing and just pokes at a blueberry, rolling it around the plate.
“however,” you pause slightly for dramatic effect.
“i realized that it was stupid of me to stop myself from falling. and it was also stupid of me to pretend that you weren’t falling. and i realized that i really love the idea of being your emergency contact”
jennie still says quiet, but now she manages to look at you with hope in her eyes.
“basically what i’m saying is that i want to give us a try. not just for the sex, not just this whole thing we got going on, i want the real deal with you. i know for a fact i won’t be perfect, we definitely won't be perfect. but for you i’m willing to try. because it’s you jen; i choose you.”
a gummy smile makes its way on jennie’s face, the events of the night long forgotten. at last, she feels seen and loved by you, the only person she’s ever wanted to feel loved by and the only person she’s willing to risk her image for.
“alright ash ketchum, let me help you with the dishes”
“damn, way to ruin a moment miss kim” you joke, as you follow your soon-to-be girlfriend to the sink.
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jinlias · 11 months
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there was a bunch of course. jennie liked the idea, she just didn’t like the actual bunch.
you however, adored it. you loved being a the center of attention, adored how every one was always caring for you and trying to impress you.. all in vain of course, jennie was your one and only.
“oh my, let me help you.” chan tried his best to be smooth, but the way he slid his hand to your lower back in an attempt to help you up and into the carriage has jennie sending daggers his way from beside him. she was going to help you, she always did, but then comes he acting high and mighty when everyone knows he is just trying to get under your gown.
you thank him, of course, and expect him to help jennie the same, but she steers clear of his hands and silently thanks him with a bow, easily climbing inside and beside you before slamming the door in his face.
“you can be so mean sometimes.” you chuckle and lace your gloved fingers with hers, leaning your head against her shoulder.
“only with him” she shrugs gently as to not disturb you.
“nothing he ever did could impress me” you make a disgusted face that jennie catches with the corner of her eye, pride displaying on her face in the form of a smirk. “do you know who i would love to impress instead? the ladies of the ton. which is why you and i have to do some fitting, you will be the prettiest one there”
“i think you’re mistaken, darling.” jennie shakes her head and turns to look at you. “no one could ever be as beautiful as you” she presses a peck on the tip of your nose, and as you approached your castle, she can’t help but groan. “i thought it would be just us tonight”
“so did i” you stare out the window with a frown “we may be able to enter through the back”
the offer makes jennie’s shoulders relax and her heart swoon, you loved the spotlight so much you became it. in your absence people wondered how you’re doing, hoping you’re well. she knows as your lover every night like these fills you with joy, when ladies of the bunch come and shower you with gifts, praise and their company. not that jennie wasn’t company enough, but she was glad you had someone outside of your little bubble, even if honest ladies were the minority in the group.
“it’s okay, i know it’s been days since you talked to them” a sad smile spreads through her lips, she never got tired of sharing you, quite the opposite, she also enjoyed everyone loving you, she just had a different reaction, one that is for a later tell.
“i will be fine” you smile and place your hand over hers this time “there’s only one woman i’d love to have dinner with tonight” you peck her lips shortly, and peak out the window to instruct your driver to take the rear entrance. “and i do think you are the prettiest of all” your murmur brings heat to her cheeks, while everyone showers you with praise, you did the same with her, only you went above and beyond every single time.
“dinner” she clears her throat as she gets out of the carriage successfully and offers you her hand. “and then we send everyone to bed. i want it to be only you and me” her sentence finishes as you stop mere inches away from her.
“it can all be arranged” it’s no use to hide your enthusiasm, jennie is clearly displaying hers.
and the deal is sealed with a kiss of true love, a mere peck that has both of your stomachs pooling with zoos of nervous imaginary creatures that always seemed to appear when you were around the other.
you loved all the attention, but you loved jennie more.
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doiefics · 1 year
he could never
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pairing: jennie x gn!reader
prologue: jennie is set to marry a suitable boy but she thinks it's never too late to run away
genre: royalty!au + angst
wordcount: 723
warnings: none
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"You have to marry well." The words found their way out of your mouth for the nth time again, it was almost as if a toy has been winded up with a key.
Regardless, they could never convey what was buried inside your stupid organ, the heart.
Perhaps sometimes, things were better off in this manner.
"Why do you keep on telling me the same thing over and over again?" She voiced, never sounding irriated.
Everything she ever said to you lingered in your memory like a cherry mist.
"Because that is exactly what is going to happen!" You tossed her black pleated hair to her front, resting your arms on her shoulder as she faced the exuberant mirror.
She possessed what everyone desired. Expensive metal, imported perfumes, dresses in every colour of the rainbow, none of those could ever overpower her, for she was the most beautiful soul you had ever come across, and you were sure as hell you would never again.
"How do I look?" She asked, her gentle gaze fixed at the mirror's reflection.
"Beautiful, as always."
"More than beautiful to get his attention." You said as you pointed out the window.
Your speech was uninspired. At this point, you would not dare look her in the eyes.
She observed the boy as she tilted her head toward the window side.
There he stood with the untamed cocoa hair, dressed in linen slacks, added a black waistcoat, and a white puffed-sleeve button-down shirt. He was the son of one of her father's faithful lords, wealthy enough to satisfy her every wish at the blink of an eye.
This was the boy Jennie would marry.
You finally got the chance to look in the direction of the mirror while her arid eyes were still concentrated on the male.
Her appearance was mystical, the deeper you knew it, the more you craved for. A subtle smile that never parted ways with her rosy lips, similar to the natural blush of her cheeks. Her eyes, black, hypnotising, yet deep like the ocean.
In a flash of a moment, she looked at the shiny surface again, two eyes glanced for a moment but you were quick to avert.
Again, you could not dare meet them with hers, the fact that she was a princess was still the last reason though.
"He could never take your place." She moved as she proceeded to stand and you naturally bent down to fix her gown.
"No doubt. He wouldn't ever put on makeup or style your hair." You replied, grinning.
"You know very well what I mean is not that." She went on, hinting.
"I'm not sure what you're getting at." Your response was stern, willinglessly.
Jennie grabbed you by the arm to bring you to her level, her touch was hasty but never harsh.
"This is wrong." You worded.
"Why?" She questioned.
And you had no answer to her ask.
Your heart seemed to be the only organ present when you raised your head to meet hers as if you were trying to catch a butterfly before it flew away with her seductive lips serving as the other half of a broken magnet.
You kissed her. And she kissed you back.
With just one kiss from those lips, all of the uneasiness melted like honey in the royal kitchens.
The scorching yearning was like a flame, but it felt gentle like a cloud cushion.
You pulled back, tucking the little side fringes of her hair behind her ear, oh ever so delicately!
"He could never." Your eyes beamed with joy.
Jennie returned to your lips, this time shorter, as she kissed you through your smile.
"Let's run away." She whispered next to your ear.
"What? How? This- this doesn't suit a princess." You protested.
"Don't tell me it's wrong this time again or I will.." She was stern but not serious.
"Or else, you will?" You teased further.
"Oh, lord! I can't even be mad at you!" She gave herself away in the laughter, putting her arms around your neck. You hugged her back.
"What about him?" You murmured through her embrace.
"Let's see." She turned to take a closer look.
"He could possibly marry one of his lovely horses or his father's wealth." She chuckled.
This was the Jennie who was yours, only yours.
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masterlist please refrain from plagiarising, translating or posting outside of this platform
have a request? prompt fic game is OPEN!
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k-rising · 5 months
Jennie's ideal type
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What she looks in a relationship
mental stimulation
she seeks for a conventional type of relationship, but with some unconventional details
jennie likes to be independent and have time on her own and wants her partner to be okay with that
she likes to date people from the music industry or someone who has a hobby related to arts
long nose
someone who dresses in an eccentirc way or just someone that has their own style in some sense
sleepy/lost look
a person that looks dreamy
someone with a mesmerizing aura that makes others get hypnotized
Date ideas
dining at an upscale restaurant
going shopping
going wine tasting
jennie also likes going to eccentric places like a modern art museum
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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cladestine · 2 years
prompt: reader and jennie sleeping together. reader is awake and contemplates on kissing jennie because she might wake her up. reader leans in only to hesitate centimeters away out of embarrassment. jennie opens her eyes and says, 'Well if you won't do it, I will.'
pairing/genre: jennie x reader with lots of fluff
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Blackpink recently finished their Seoul concert yesterday. There were a lot of people who watched the group. It may be a kid, an athlete, a politician, an idol, or a celebrity—you name it, everyone is there to watch the biggest girl group in the world; and as the girls' photographer, your main duty is to take pictures of the group whether it's from rehearsals, soundchecks, and concert itself. You made sure that you would capture the girls' best angles and their cute moments on and off the stage. To be honest, you don't find it hard because the bond that they have is natural and every angle of the girls' is their best one, so you undeniably always have something beautiful to capture.
You are scrolling through those pictures that you took yesterday on your laptop. You find it funny because most of the pictures were cute candids of the girls. There is a picture of Chaeyoung eating a whole orange; Jennie bringing Kuma to their practice; Lisa annoying the hell out of Jisoo at their rehearsal; Jisoo and Haein doing a wacky pose backstage; Lisa laughing with her idol friends; and a whole lot of pictures that you know the girls and their management would like. When you are filtering the approved and rejected photos that you will send to the management, one photo catches your eye in particular—it is Jennie on one of their sound checks. She is looking at your camera with her genuine smile plastered on her face. You smiled as you remembered the entire story behind the photograph.
*Soundcheck Day 2*
You are taking pictures of the group on their day 2 soundcheck. There were a lot of people in the venue, but since the ticket is just limited being it as for soundcheck, it is not somehow crowded, so you are free to roam around the venue without any fans barging and distracting you from taking pictures. You are thankful for their fans, but you avoid scenarios that would stop you from doing your job, because last time a fan kept on asking you to fill her bag with confetti, you missed a lot of good shots because you got too busy raking the confetti like a damn autumn leaves to put in the fan's basket. As you were taking pictures of the girls, your eye caught Jennie having fun interacting with their fans. Jennie's happiness radiates throughout the whole venue, and you are happy for her because Jennie always tells you that she missed performing and interacting with their fans on stage, so for her to experience it today is enough for you to understand that she is really happy right now. You are watching her through your camera lens with such adoration. Jennie found your camera and said, "I love you." Some might think that it was directed at the fans, but little did they know that those words were solely meant for you. You mouthed back the same words, and Jennie blushed and smiled. Seeing your favorite smile on her, you immediately took a photo of it and winked at Jennie.
You smiled, remembering what happened in the picture. You look at the girl beside you and admire her beauty. You are ready to risk it all for her. You would do anything and everything if that meant that it would result in her happiness. You are willing to lose sight of all the colors in the world if that means that she will always be happy to see the beauty of life. If it costs you a life in order for her to breathe, no questions asked, and you are ready to die for her.
"It will always be a fair trade when your happiness is involved. Even if it cost me my life, I would do it. That's how much I love you. It's always you, Jennie." you whispered in her ear. You are centimeters away from her lips when you get embarrassed and pull away. You blushed because it just sank in to you how much you love Jennie Kim. Once you pulled away, you started scrolling on your laptop once again when you heard her voice.
"Well, if you don't do it, I will," Jennie said. She grumpily woke up and kissed your lips. "Why did you pull away? I was expecting a kiss" she said, after she pecked your lips again. You are confused and embarrassed because it just meant one thing: Jennie was already awake when you were being emotional because of a photo you took of her. "I'm sorry. I don't want to wake you" you shyly said. Jennie smiled at you and kissed you once more. This time it was a passionate one. It is not rushed nor wild. It is more of a reassuring and genuine kiss. You figured that it was kind of how Jennie responded to the words you uttered a while back, and even though you were already a year together, the high and excitement that you were feeling never faltered. You are so lucky that amidst all the people who are trying to catch Jennie's heart. She chose you. Jennie chose you.
"Don't expect me to continue sleeping when you confess how much you love me. To be fair, I feel the same way. I will always choose you, Y/N" Jennie said.
note: i am back. my account was broken for whatever weird reason and i can't post anything on tumblr, i just found out yesterday that it was already fixed so yeah, hello friends!!
also, i just want to thank everyone for 100 followers. celebrate small wins, am i right? i accept requests so if you do have prompt/s in mind or you just want to ask me anything, you can click the link in my bio.
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jenniejjun · 1 year
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PAR: jennie x leitora!fem x taehyung
GÊNERO: smut e fluff
avisos: muita cachorrice, fingering, oral fem (leitora e jennie recebem), não fica claro mas taehyung muito service dom, leitora!sub, a famosa homenagem, nipple play, scissoring, squirting, clit play, muitas declarações de amor porque eles estão em Paris né bem, relação contínua e duradoura (entre três partes)
PS.: gente, eu achei esse smut bem fraquinho em questões de sexo mesmo mas achei o dirty talk dele tão gostosinho. só queria postar esse logo mesmo pra falar que as asks tão abertas e se vocês quiseram mandar algum pedido, é só ir no homenzinho do meu perfil e clicar em mandar ask. ainda não sei como funciona esse negócio mas por enquanto tá tudo aberto, smut, fluff, hard/soft hours e sla kkkkkkk
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Você esperava na cama como a boa namorada que era, Jennie estreava em Cannes essa noite enquanto Taehyung marcava presença em um evento importante da Celine. Muito já havia acontecido naquela semana para que você quebrasse as regras e os desapontasse, eles precisavam de controle em pelo menos uma coisa agora e se você pudesse providenciar isso que fosse.
Mas era difícil com toda aquela expectativa borbulhando dentro de você. Era inútil trocar mensagens, já sabia disso, então se limitava ao que os fãs diziam sobre eles no Twitter. Jennie estava divina, se recordava exatamente de como ela tinha ficado contente quando elogiou a roupa dela junto de Tae. O branco fazia com que parecesse um anjo. Enquanto seu namorado fazia de tudo para parecer o melhor pedaço de mau-caminho possível, era puro sex appeal.
Não faltava muito para chegarem em casa e você já tinha sido tão boa, esperando na cama com o par de lingerie que Jennie havia escolhido e os louboutins favoritos de Taehyung. Precisava de apenas algumas horas para encontrá-los, mas foi impossível impedir a maneira como seus dedos brincavam por si só ansiosos. Passeando desde sua mandíbula até o mamilo esquerdo que endurecia com o tesão.
Você circulou com a unha fina, como Jennie adorava fazer, por cima do bojo e abriu as pernas sentindo o frio do ar gelado do quarto de hotel bater entre suas pernas. Continuou o movimento leve e até então inofensivo, até que a pressão sútil não fosse suficiente fazendo com que um de seus seios pulasse para fora do sutiã com sua ajuda. A protuberância da auréola te fez morder o lábio para conter o sorriso safado.
“Olha só o que nós temos aqui.”, a voz de Jennie se fez presente no cômodo tirando sua atenção. A coreana pairava na entrada do quarto com seus saltos em mãos, a roupa era diferente agora. Muito provavelmente tinha voltado do after há pouco, Taehyung estava encostado do lado dela. “Florzinha…”
Você virou a cabeça para o outro lado para esconder a expressão travessa, e a repentina vergonha. O espelho ao lado da cama lhe dava a visão perfeita de seus olhos puxadinhos avaliando seu corpo, os de Jennie encaravam a forma como você segurava suas coxas, provavelmente imaginando a sensação molhada que deveria carregar ali. Taehyung traçava um caminho invisível de seus cabelos emaranhados e seu mamilo eriçado e descoberto.
“Poxa, amor, achei que tínhamos um trato.”, sussurrou o Kim retirando o paletó. Jennie também retirava seu corpete.
A visão do tronco nu da cantora pareceu ter um impacto em você que já se sentava na cama esperando a aproximação, no entanto, Jennie sorriu selando seus lábios suavemente antes de lhe empurrar. Você franziu o cenho confusa e irritada.
“Já que quis se comportar mal, tem que ser castigada, não acha? O que você acha, querido?”, questionou ela, os braços finos abraçando a cintura já desnuda do rapaz. Taehyung se encontrava desabotoando a calça. Ele assentiu ao mesmo tempo que você negou.
“Acho que a nossa garotinha precisa se lembrar de quem manda aqui.”
“Qual é, vocês dois. Eu nem fiz nada, olha! Nem tinha começado a me tocar!”, você teimou. Um beiço adorável se formava.
“Mas ia começar.”, cortou Taehyung cruelmente. “Agora vai deitar aí e assistir enquanto eu fodo a nossa Jen com a minha língua.”
“E você vai se tocar.”
Incrédula, você assistiu enquanto Jennie se apoiava na parede do quarto e tinha a saia arrancada. Completamente desnuda quando você notou que ela não trajava vestimentas íntimas, a buceta carente brilhando na luz amarelada do local. Um gemido arrastado escapou de forma sensual dos lábios da Kim, as pernas abertas e jogadas pelos ombros do astro.
Jennie jogava a cabeça pra trás aumentando a voz com cada gemido enquanto você via a língua de Taehyung passear com fome pela intimidade molhada, fechou os olhos momentaneamente imaginando como seria se fosse você ali. Como tantas vezes foi, se divertia lembrando das tardes em que revezavam para lamber seu canalzinho apertado.
“Não ‘tô vendo você se tocar, meu amor. Sabe que se não fizer, é pior.”, ameaçou Jennie ofegante. Uma mão nos cabelos bagunçados do Kim entre suas pernas e a outra circulando o seio direito, rodando o mamilo sensível entre os dedos. “Se toca pra mim, vai. Enfia esses dedos nessa sua bucetinha apertada do jeito que eu sei que você fica louca quando eu faço.”
Você gemeu manhosa com a lembrança. Se livrando da peça de sutiã, você se sentou com as pernas abertas para ele sentindo o olhar oscilante de Taehyung sobre si também. De relance, pegou o momento em que a mão do coreano adentrou as próprias calças para se tocar. Sôfrega, você jogou a cabeça para trás lambendo os dedos e os enfiando de uma vez lá dentro.
“Mais forte, gatinha. Senta com vontade.”, a voz de Jennie instigou enquanto você rebolava contra seus próprios dedos. A buceta latejava com o tesão do momento, contorcendo os dedos lá dentro e forçando a fricção de sua palma com o clítoris, você sentia o orgasmo se aproximando. “Porra, você é tão linda. Ela não é linda, Tete?”
No momento, você não tinha os olhos abertos. Não mais, respirava pesado e gemia cada vez mais alto. Agudo e fino enquanto fodia os dedos pra dentro da sua vagina com força, imaginando que eram os dedos de Jennie ali. Levando a outra mão ao seu pescoço, você aplicou somente força suficiente para lhe causar uma leve sensação de tontura. Gemeu mais alto. As costas entrando em contato com o colchão quando de repente, sua estimulação para.
“A mais linda e mais gostosa.”, o Kim se materializou em sua frente, segurando seus pulsos contra o colchão. Você abriu os olhos desnorteada e choramingando. Jennie subia a cama lentamente se sentando em cima de você, a bucetinha molhada e vermelha dela na sua necessitada.
“Eu tava quase lá!”, você reclamou batendo as perninhas no colchão, os pulsos tentando se livrar do aperto do Kim.
“Não reclama, gatinha, ou te prendo nessa cama e te faço gozar até você desmaiar.”, retrucou ele. De cima, Jennie riu se movimentando.
Você gemeu, uma de suas pernas era segurada por ela enquanto se esfregava em você.
“Jeeeeen…”, você arrastou sofrida, levantando os quadris de encontro aos dela. “Por favor.”
Ela assentiu compadecida, os dedinhos entrando em contato com seu clítoris em movimentos circulares. As pernas de Taehyung prendiam seus pulsos para evitar a comoção enquanto as mãos torciam seus mamilos sensíveis, o busto já estava vermelho com a estimulação e os sons finos que saíam de garganta já denunciam o quão perto estava de novo.
“Eu amo tanto vocês, tanto que— Ah, porra, bem aí— parece que eu vou explodir, às vezes.”, disse incoerente. A cabecinha virava de um lado para outro em seguida de que o corpo arquejava da cama simultaneamente. A mãozinha buscava o pau teso do namorado no meio de tanta bagunça.
“Você é tão linda, linda pra cacete, amor.”, um deles murmurou. Talvez, os dois. Você não saberia dizer naquele momento. Tão inerte que quando sentiu o corpo relaxar do orgasmo, quase sucumbiu. Sentia o jatinho quente molhar e respingar em suas coxas e barriga.
“E além disso, é gostosa. Que injusto.”, choramingou Jennie dedilhando a bagunça no colchão. Seu esguicho. Você corou conforme era levantada pelos braços fortes de Tae, suas costas desnudas no peitoral dele. “Não fica com vergonha não, sabe que a gente adora quando você faz isso.”
“Que bom que minha desgraça é a alegria de vocês, pra mim, parece que eu me mijei.”, você resmunga tentando puxar as pernas para si mas antes disso, Taehyung as pega lhe puxando para si novamente. Você tenta protestar, mas seria blasfema negar que não estava pronta para ser usada de novo.
“Se for assim, então, você fica linda se mijando toda.”, brincou ele. A gargalhada de Jennie se misturou ao ambiente conforme ela se deitava ao seu lado, tirando as madeixas de seu cabelo do seu rosto e sorrindo aquele sorrisinho gengival que te deixava boba.
“Eu também amo você.”, ela sussurrou antes de te beijar lentamente. A língua de Taehyung fazendo contato com sua intimidade judiada ao mesmo tempo, você abre a boca surpresa e excitada deixando que a língua dela passeia pela sua sensualmente. “Gostosa.”
Você revira os olhos por conta do tesão, não sem antes brincar ofegante:
“Se acha que isso vai me fazer esquecer o que acabou de falar, mocinho…”, a fala foi interrompida por suspiro. A língua dele fazia um vai e vem gostoso na sua entrada.
Jennie tocou seu queixo, os olhos escuros te encarando profundamente enquanto deixava beijos molhados por toda a expansão de seu rosto. “Podemos te ajudar com isso, então. Relaxa e esquece de tudo agora, princesa. Você sempre disse que queria um ménage à trois em Paris.”
Era verdade, você sempre quis mesmo. Que prestativo da parte deles realizar o seu sonho.
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can you please do a jennie as your wife hc similar to karina's too? thank you <3
Blackpink headcanon: Jennie as your wife
Requests are open
I see that this type of headcanon is very popular, well, that's better: I like writing them. Enjoy!💙
Blackpink Jennie X GN!Reader
SFW Content
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Before Marriage
The day you met Jennie your head was elsewhere
You were thinking about your last relationship which ended few weeks before
Minho, a friend of your, invited to a little party in his house to cheer you up
You knew that he was somehow famous, but you never cared about that side of his life
At the party you met her and she was stunning
The moment you shook her hand, she stared in your eyes
It was just for few seconds, but to you it seemed many hours
Sure, you talked a lot with her that night, but you never expected that the next day Minho would tell that she was attracted to you
So he organized a date between you and her
And when you saw her again, you knew that you wanted her for the rest of your life
In fact you became a couple obviously
But you were scared to ask her hand
She was an idol, a busy person, what if she said no?
But someone (Jisoo) spilled to you that Jennie was hoping that one she could have been your wife
So, after the promotion of the second album - stream Born Pink y'all- you made the propose to her
She cried so much due the joy that your t-shirt was all wet lol
Conjugal Life
You basically live with a 3D girl
Yes, 3D, because of her 3-Dimension personality
One day she is a 5 years old little, the next day a 90 years old granny and the other one she's a fucking goddess
So you must adjust your behavior according to the personality of the day
However there is a common point: you must take care of her lol
You must prepare her tea, you must bring her blankets, you must help her with a lot of things
But you do it all of this happily
Because your reward is unlimited love
Do you prepare her the tea? You receive an hour of cuddles and kisses
Definitely a win-win situation
You also love to bicker lovingly
A lot of teasing
"Y/N, stop treating Rosie and Lisa like your child" "If they are my child, you are their grandma" "YOU LITTLE SHI-"
It's just your way to show affection
Sometimes when you're at work, she calls you only to say that she loves you
Everything that gives you energy
You don't really need to work because she is rich enough to maintain both
But you wanted your economic independence
So she helped you open your activity: a cozy café near your house
NSFW Content
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How can someone so cute and so hot at the same time?
When she show you her gummy smile, your heart melts
But then the smile is replaced by her resting bitch face
And you that she wants only a good fuck
She's definitely a sub who try to rebel
But not on your watch
She always start to be bratty to provoke you
So you need to put her in her place
You push her against the wall and you start to finger her until the pavement is soaked
It's funny watching her legs tremblinh while she begs for mercy
Also, very possessive
This girl makes you a necklace of hickeys
And honestly your neck is not the only body part marked by her
Just in case someone tries to put their eyes on you
Sometimes when she's free and the cafè is not full, she gives you oral pleasure behind the counter
After all that, she gives you an innocent look and says "What's the matter, love?"
A bratty bitch but you love her also for this reason
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writemekpop · 2 years
Taste That Pink Venom | Jennie Kim
Summary: In a heated make out session, you accidentally pull your girlfriend Jennie’s hair. Turns out she likes it, a lot...
Genre: Established relationship AU, suggestive
Word Count: 0.4k
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You pull Jennie into your apartment, kicking the door shut behind you. You push her up against the wall, not even bothering to turn on the light. 
“I’ve been thinking about this all night,” you pant. 
You had just come back from an impossibly long and dull business dinner with your girlfriend. But all you could think about was Jennie… her glossy lips, her floral perfume, the soft swell of her breasts in that body hugging dress she wore.  
You smash your lips against Jennie’s, moaning. She kisses you back eagerly, her manicured nails slipping under your top and drawing circles against your skin. 
Overcome with pleasure, you twist your fingers in Jennie’s silky, dark hair and yank on it. 
A gasp leaves her throat… strangled with pain. 
You let go, shocked at your actions. Why did you just pull your girlfriend’s hair? What were you thinking - hurting the person you love most? 
You fumble for the light switch. Jennie is resting against the wall, her face creased in a frown. 
“Oh my god, babe! I’m so sorry!” You cry. 
Only, Jennie just looks at you - and there’s the strangest glint in her dark eyes. That’s when you notice that her lips are parted, and her cheeks are flushed.
“Baby,” she gasped. “That was… that was...”
You blink. Jennie… liked her hair pulled?
She steps closer to you, takes your hand, and puts it back in her hair. “Do it again.” 
“Really? It sounded like it hurt.” 
 “Do it,” Jennie growls, the sound sending shockwaves straight to your panties.  
Carefully, you curl your fingers into a fist in her shiny curls, gripping tighter and tighter. 
Jennie’s head tilts back, and a slow, sexy grin spreads over her lips. 
You press a kiss to your girlfriend’s exposed neck. “I can’t believe that you, the softest and sweetest girl I know, likes it rough.” 
Jennie throws her head back, laughing. She grasps your hand and pulls you towards the bedroom. “I am full of surprises, baby. Just you wait.”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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purecantarella · 1 year
Everything Is Blue
short fluff piece again!! i'm trying to cover all my bases with the blackpink girls!! i got rlly excited so im hoping to post these all at the same time because i couldn't finish the reaction i had lined up for this week :"") i hope you all enjoy, my lovelies 💓 disclaimer/s : none, pure floof!!
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Kim Jennie wasn’t the type to question her skills and charms, much less the unbridled love and support of her fans. But with all eyes hot on her after the dozens of alleged scandals coming her way as of the last few months, she couldn’t help her confidence from faltering.
The girls weren’t much comfort given that they were wrestling with their own anxieties, she didn’t want to burden them with her issues on top of hers.
Then there was you.
Her loving and devoted girlfriend who was willing to drop everything at the drop of a hat if she so needed you to. The rapper’s heart fluttered at the idea of the comfort you brought her. You had so much pride in her and it overflowed, so much so that there was enough belief in you to flow into her. If only you were there beside her, not in another timezone attending to your father’s business.
As quickly as your name brought her joy, it faded just as fast. In its place was an acute sense of your absence. She sits defeatedly in her make-up chair, the anxious energy now diminished. Jennie gingerly plucked her phone from the counter, eying your smiling face on her phone screen, not a single notification from you to wish her luck. She knew that you were probably asleep but it still didn’t make her feel any better.
“Ten minutes to places, ladies.” A stage manager called from the door before dashing off to head to another artist. The rest of the girls nodded off and began preparing themselves for the first time back on stage together in a year.
Jennie again stood up and faced Lisa who was running the steps back again quickly with Rosé and Jisoo who was warming her throat up. The rapper closed her eyes and breathed a heavy sigh in a useless attempt to recenter herself. ‘What would Y/n tell me to do right about now…?’
A rhythmic knock on the door pulls everyone's attention to it, Jennie’s focus broken once again. She knew it probably wasn't the staff's fault but they were likely set to perform a little later and the rapper felt a bit of frustration at the blow by blow report.
“Oh my God.” Rosé’s Aussie accent reverberated before the room was filled with slow and building laughter. Jennie’s ears perk up as she pulls herself off the make-up chair, cracking an eye open.
The first thing she notices are the large blue roses neatly collected in familiar hands. Then she finally looked up and her heart jump-started again. Her lip trembled as she fought off the smile from breaking when she saw you holding a bouquet of deep blue roses in one hand and a basket of baked pastries in the other.
Oddly enough, Jisoo and Rosé were the first to approach you, wrapping you in half hugs before snatching the bag of warm goodies and handing some over to the staff. Jennie walked up to you speechless. Her eyes glanced down at the flowers in your hand then lovingly in your eyes.
The dam finally broke and her lips upturned into a big, bright, gummy smile. Her hand raised and caressed your cheek gently, her thumb delicately trailing the outline of your jaw.
You smile, leaning into her touch, “Surprised?”
Jennie’s heart swooned as you handed her the roses, ones that bore a striking resemblance to the ones her mother would get her on her birthday. “I know you normally get these once a year, but I knew how much you loved them, and how homesick you’ve been—”
Before you can finish your thought, her lips are on yours in a delicate and loving manner. Soft and quaint. She wasn’t trying to make a show of it, she merely wanted to show you just how much she appreciated you. You pull away reluctantly as another knock at the door reveals a staff member.
“Blackpink, on stage in five minutes.” 
Jennie breathed another shaky breath in an attempt to calm herself. You look back at her and take the bouquet from her hands, placing it on a nearby table. Her hands are in your warm ones in seconds. “You know you’re going to be amazing right? All those blinks are ready to see you girls, and I know you’re going to kill it.” You place a feather-light kiss on her nose before nuzzling against it.
“And I’ll be right here afterwards.” Jennie smiles before leaning up again and kissing you. “Thank you. I needed that reminder.”
You wrap your arms around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly, whispering in her ear, “And I’ll be here to remind you every single day of your life.” You peck her cheek before they’re ushered to the stage by awaiting staff.
Before she’s out the door, Jennie takes one last look at you, as you stick your thumbs up and offer her the dopiest smile you had. The rapper giggles and is filled with a sense of calm as she takes the stage.
And she was magnificent, just like you knew her to be.
so this was written back in august while i was sick and i never got around to finishing it HAHAHAH but i hope you all enjoyed this short fluff piece!! i am on christmas break so i'll try to be more active. i hope you're all taking care of yourselves and i love you all vv much!! see yall soon 💓 - r
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ninigummysmile · 4 months
꧁ 𝑊𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒 - 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 4 ꧂
Jennie x GN!Reader
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 372
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It was a stupid way to break your arm. The lamp in your room burned out and you went up on the stepladder to change it for a new one, like anyone else would. When you were going down, your foot missed a step and you ended up falling on your right arm.
You knew immediately that it had broken, from the noise, the pain and not being able to move the limb normally.
The first thing you did was call your girlfriend, trying to hold back your tears so as not to scare her even more with the situation and wait for her to arrive to take you to the hospital, which didn't take long.
Since then, Jennie has done everything for you and hasn't left your side for too long. She helps you take a shower and wash your hair, insists that you rest, prepares your meals and, as stupid as it sounds, she feeds you in your mouth. You've said many times that it's not necessary, that just cutting the food so you don't have to use the knife is enough, but she pretends not to listen.
“Open your mouth for me, baby” you give her a frustrated and at the same time affectionate look, because you are grateful for her effort.
“You can go do your things, I can eat by myself”
“The train is coming” she swings the spoon and stops it in front of your mouth.
“Okay, sorry” she smiles. “Look, let me do this, okay? I know you like to be independent, even if it means breaking your arm to change a lamp…” you laugh despite yourself. “But just as you like to take care of me, I also want to be able to take care of you. Allowing me to spoil you will not make you dependent on me or that you are not capable of doing things on your own”
You stay silent for a few seconds. “Okay, fine”
“Fine? Great, if you eat everything you’ll get ice cream for dessert!”
You laugh. Maybe you start to rethink and start abusing her goodwill to ask for what you want with the excuse that it's for your own good and to recover faster.
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jigujellee · 2 years
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ATTENTION -> got a secret, can you keep it? [ request: Jennie and Y/N (a backup dancer) relationship is a secret. Jennie found out on one of Y/N's friend that another dancer is having a crush on Y/N. Jennie got jealous and it's up to you what will happen next. Hoping for a fluff ending ]
jennie x reader fluff w very, very minor angst (dw tho) word count: 2.8k warnings: none
a/n: thank you for this request! it was really fun to work on :D i'm not gonna lie tho, i kind of struggled with the ending a bit bc i really just wanted to get it done ljdkhfaf but alas, here she is! this is slightly proofread, so pls don't mind any mistakes but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless <3
you’ve always admired private, lowkey relationships.
as you scroll through pinterest and instagram, you often come across photos of couples who don’t show their faces but they make it very clear that they’re together. the notion of being private but not a secret was something you’ve always wished to try with someone.
and for 4 years, you somehow managed to keep a private and secret relationship from the entire world.
when you first started as a backup dancer for yg’s best selling, record breaking, and globally known girl group otherwise known as blackpink, you knew that a relationship with the any of the members would and should not go any further than a work-friendly relationship. but that idea was thrown right out the window when the jennie kim, blackpink’s main rapper and lead vocalist, had made her move on you the moment you stepped into the dance studio for the first time. she was starstruck by the way your body easily flowed to the music, hitting every beat with such precision and power. what started out as just being coworkers evolved into a lovely friendship, and eventually into a relationship that you never knew was even possible in the first place.
but you were also aware that dating an idol had its drawbacks.
though you weren’t too big on pda, it would’ve still been nice to go up to jennie and give her a hug or a kiss on the cheek during work hours, especially when you knew she was exhausted after practicing non-stop. however, you were aware that your position as their backup dancer and the fact that you’re a girl dating a girl (wow shocker) would cause an uproar amongst the public. knowing this, you restrained yourself and maintained a strictly professional relationship between you and the girls. outside of the yg building, you and jennie are inseparable but once you step foot inside, all interactions with her cease unless there’s something to discuss about work. it’s been nearly 2 years since their last comeback, so you’ve been able to have jennie all to yourself; you’ve travelled together and attended her other schedules with her without causing too much suspicion. but now that the comeback has been confirmed and announced, it was time to return to work and act like jennie was nothing more than your senior.
you weren’t gonna deny that it felt good to be back in the studio again. you’ve always had a passion for dancing and you were glad that you could pursue something you actually enjoyed. not only did it pay well and provided good benefits, but it allowed you to meet the love of your life despite having to keep it a secret from the world.
when you walk into the studio, your eyes are met with mirrors that stretch across all the walls, speakers sitting in the corners beside a computer and sound control system - it all felt so comfortable to you. but when four familiar faces come in just minutes after you do, then that’s when everything really starts to feel like home. you bite back a smile when you make eye contact with your girlfriend, who does the same thing towards you. she always managed to make the simplest outfits look expensive. you couldn’t help but stare at how her white tank top accentuates her abs, and how she managed to make a pair of black jeans look designer. while you did your stretches, your gaze constantly shifts to her every once in a while but your view is soon obstructed when your friend and coworker, dany, shows up in front of you.
“hi y/n! it’s so good to see you again. i haven’t heard from you as much, how are you?”
“hi dany, i’ve been good. i decided to take a bit of a break from social media, just really take the time to wind down and relax” you say as you bend over and stretch to reach your legs. dany just laughs and gently rests her hand on your back.
“you didn’t miss me at all?” dany jokes, or so you thought. but you responded in a jokingly matter anyway.
“not at all, i was actually glad to be away from you” you smile.
“hey, you’re so mean!” she starts playfully hitting you, and you laugh as you try to get away from her until you’re interrupted by the sound of the choreographer clapping their hands together, indicating that it was time to start practicing.
“time to get started everyone!”
“okay, let’s take 10 then we’ll run it from the top”
it’s been a month since you’ve started rehearsing for the girls’ comeback, and you had to admit that you don’t have as much stamina as you used to. when the music stops and the choreographer calls for a 10 minute break, you attempt to catch your breath while desperately trying to find your water bottle from your bag, but it’s nowhere to be found. jennie notices you rummaging through your bag and grabs her own bottle to give to you, but to unfortunately, dany beats her to it.
“you should really bring your own water, y/n. you always finish mine”
“i never ask for yours just in case there’s any poison, but thanks” you joke. dany fake scoffs and acts offended but she’s glad nonetheless. after nearly inhaling all of the water, you felt a drop run down your mouth and you lift your shirt to wipe it off, along with the sweat that was drenching your face. instead of pulling up the collar of your shirt like a normal person would, you grab the hem and lift it up to expose your toned abdomen. dany’s eyes immediately gloss over your lower body and jennie doesn’t miss the way her eyes widen and sparkle at the sight.
“damn y/n, have you been working out these last 2 years? you look so good,” dany compliments. she manages to swiftly slide her hand over your abdomen, causing you to flinch and immediately back away.
“hey, watch it! i’m ticklish there,” you defend. despite your protests, dany chases you around the studio to try and tickle you. you fail to notice a pair of cat eyes that were burning onto you and dany as the two of you ran around like children.
jennie’s chest becomes a bit heavier and she subconsciously tightens her grip on the bottle that was still in her hand. she’s noticed how awfully close dany was sticking to you during practices, and it was becoming hard to watch. she bites the inside of her cheek, almost hard enough to bleed until another backup dancer approaches her.
“jeez, what a bunch of children. imagine being in your late 20s and you still try to get your crush’s attention by chasing them around and trying to tickle them” the dancer says, clicking their tongue and shaking their head almost disapprovingly. but nothing they said registered in jennie’s head until the word “crush” was mentioned.
“crush? what do you mean?”
“oh didn’t you know? dany has liked y/n for some time now. me personally, i think they’d make a pretty cute couple. a very loud couple but still cute, don’t you think?”
jennie’s eyes nearly roll at the thought of you and dany being together. “i don’t think dany is y/n’s type in my opinion”
“well, dany says that y/n is definitely her type so i’m sure she’d find a way to make it work”
the cat eyed girl clenches her jaw. what the hell was she even supposed to say to that? it’s not like she could explicitly defend your relationship since no one knew you were together. but wow, did it bug her to her core. is this what other people were thinking? did other people think that you and dany would be a great couple?
dany still tried to cling onto you and you desperately tried to get away from her, while jennie didn’t want to bother looking in your direction for the remainder of practice. the members, however, immediately noticed the change in jennie’s mood. when another 10 minute break was called, they decided to intervene.
“hey grumpy, what’s with the face? you look like you’re about to murder someone,” rosé says to her bandmate, who’s been trying to tie her shoes for the last 3 minutes or so.
“it’s nothing, i just really wanna finish and go home so i could sleep. i’m getting really tired already” jennie brushes it off. the other three girls all eye each other, knowing she wasn’t telling the truth but they silently agreed to not pry any further and just give her supportive pats and rubs on her back.
while waiting for the choreographer to get back, another backup dancer takes over the sound system and puts on attention by newjeans just to fool around and freestyle a little bit. the studio is suddenly filled with cheers and screams as a number of dancers made their way to the middle of the dance floor. when the chorus comes on, jennie rushes to the center without even thinking and starts dancing. the girls scream loudly as they cheer on their friend, who was literally sulking not even a few minutes ago.
“okaaay, get it jennie!” lisa shouts out. jisoo and rosé pull out their phones to record her and you do the same for you to watch later and laugh about it with jennie. you watched your girlfriend through your phone screen as she danced with so much energy, and when you look up from your phone, her eyes are already on you. jennie’s gaze doesn’t falter from yours as she continued to move to the music, lip syncing along to the lyrics.
one thing’s for sure
i know you’re the one
you got me looking for attention
the smile on your face doesn’t leave until dany makes her way to the centre and takes the spotlight away from jennie. you watched jennie stop dancing and noticed how annoyed she looked.
“watch me y/n!” dany screams over the music as she starts to dance, which caused jennie to slowly back away towards the girls. you put your phone down and just smile as you watched dany dance, who eventually starts making her way towards you and even had the audacity to press her back against you but you push her away while laughing nervously. in the background, jennie watches the whole thing unfold and if she was annoyed before, well now she was fuming. she hates it when other people try to make their move on you or when they're just too close to you for her liking, but what pisses her off the most is knowing that she can’t rightfully claim what’s hers.
practice continued for practically the whole day until late into the night. once it was finally over, the two of you met at jennie’s house and you noticed she was being very quiet for your liking.
“jen, you alright? you haven’t sa-”
“what do you think about dany? be honest with me”
“babe, you don’t need to worry about dany. she’s just really clingy, that’s all”
“you’re not answering my question. is there something you’re not telling me?”
“no no no no, it’s not like that. what do i think about her? well, she’s cool, very talkative for the most part but i think she’s a great dancer and i have a lot to learn from her”
“do you think she likes you?”
“where did you even get that idea, love?”
“people think you two would make a good couple, so it was just a thought i guess”
“that’s only what people think, but it’s not the truth”
“you don’t know that”
“okay, fine, i don’t know that. but what i do know is that even if dany does like me, it doesn’t mean anything,” you say before making your way towards a pouty jennie and wrapping your arms around her slender waist.
“i’ve known you for 6 years and i’ve been with you for 4. i had to watch sleazy photographers, fansites, and sasaengs ogle you up and down whenever you’re up on a stage and i always just want to go up there and claim you as mine. i know it’s hard to keep hiding in the dark babe, but i can guarantee you that i wouldn’t want someone else in your place”
jennie looks up at you with a pout still evident on her face, her eyes somewhat filled with tears but not enough to start falling.
“but wouldn’t things be easier if you were with dany?”
“i don’t need things to be easy, i need it to be you. it always needs to be you”
jennie pulls you for a long and warm embrace, and the two of you stay like that as you gently sway back and forth. jennie’s ear is on your chest and she listens to your heart beating so gently, and a smile slowly creeps onto her face knowing that your heart only beats for her. you both knew it would be difficult once you decided to be together, but with jennie, everything was definitely worth it and you'd do absolutely anything to keep the woman in your arms all to yourself.
you’re back in the studio the following morning, and you can tell jennie is in somewhat of a better mood compared to yesterday, but it changes yet again once dany walks through the door.
“good morning y/n baby!”
“ew, don’t call me that”
“awww, does my baby not like the name?”
you fake gagged and try to laugh it off as you change into a more comfortable pair of shoes for practice. dany rolls her eyes and sits down beside you, resting her head on your shoulder.
“you smell really good y/n”
“i know i do” you dryly reply as you try to tie your shoe. when you finish tying the last knot, you bring your head up and dany takes this chance to try and plant a kiss on your cheek but you push her away immediately.
“dany, what are you doing? we’re at work”
“oh come on y/n, one kiss shouldn’t hurt right?”
jennie gets up from where she’s sitting and makes her way towards you two. the studio suddenly goes quiet as they watch her march from one side to the other, silently wondering what jennie was gonna say next.
“hey dany, how about you learn to respect people’s personal space?and while you're at it, try not to go for people who are happily in a relationship” jennie snides.
“huh? what are you talking about? y/n isn’t in a relationship”
“yes she is”
dany gets bold and challenges jennie, crossing her arms and making her way towards the cat eyed girl but jennie doesn't back down.
“oh yeah? with who?”
“with me,” jennie says sternly as she pushes pass dany and grabs you by the collar to plant a kiss on your lips for everyone to see. when she pulls away, you look at her in shock and you whisper, “jen, what are you doing? we’re gonna get in trouble!”
you back up slightly, waiting for your girlfriend to explain her irrational behaviour but before she could speak, the girls' manager shouts out in joy which gave both you and jennie a confused look on your face.
“ha! i told you! you all owe me $50!,” he shouts as the rest of the staff groan and start fishing money out of their wallets.
“wait, you guys made a bet? on what?”
“on who would be the first one to expose your relationship. everyone thought it’d be you but i had a strong feeling it would be jennie, and i was right!” he exclaims in glee.
“so wait, we’re not in trouble?”
“well you two have been doing a fantastic job at keeping it a secret from the public, so we agreed to let it continue and we’d only intervene if things got out of hand”
“but how did all of you find out in the first place if we never said anything?” jennie asked. the manager and a few staff members pointed at lisa, who puts her hands up in defense.
“okay hey wait a minute, before all of you start pointing fingers i just wanna say for the record, jennie’s not exactly the quietest person when she’s on the phone with y/n”
jennie playfully glares at lisa, but you just stood there smiling. you thought you were being discrete about your relationship with jennie in fear of getting in trouble with the company, but as it turns out, people already knew and supported you in secret. you turn to your girlfriend who was ready to beat lisa up for exposing her, and you can't help but plant a soft kiss on her cheek because you didn’t have to completely hide your relationship anymore. the studio is filled with oohs and awws from everyone around you, causing jennie's cheeks to show a slight tint of pink.
“alright alright, enough chit chat! let’s get back to work everyone, we have a lot of preparations” the manager finally says after receiving his winnings from the bet.
before practice officially began, jennie pulls you in for a kiss once again.
“keep up the good work my favourite dancer”
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
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casino nights
gang au
wolf/vampire au part one
wolf/vampire au part two
you’re even cuter
a keeper
wolf/vampire au finale
jennie college au
mafia au
tri-wizard tournament
harry potter au part two
with you
drunken karaoke confession
gf! jennie
cute sleeper
kissing jennie
van (*M*)
just love
kill this love intro
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fayeforrosie · 2 years
hi!! may i request a jealous jennie x reader fic pls! angst w fluff❤️❤️
Words Not Meant To Be Said
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Jennie x Fem! Reader
After selfishly lashing her anger out on you, saying words that could not be taken back, Jennie realizes that it's up to her to make things right Warnings- Swearing, mention of alcohol Thank you for the request anon! :)
The aftermath of this night had been Jennie's fault. She knew that. She knew she shouldn't have said such things to you, and as soon as her words unconsciously slipped off her tongue, she immediately took a step back, rethinking what she had said as she placed the two of her hands on her head, gripping her hair in regret.
The two of you weren't officially dating, however it was quite obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that something was going on between you and her. She knew it was acceptable for you to contemplate her whereabouts as she arrived at your apartment later than usual, and yet she still felt the need to selfishly take her anger out on you.
"It's not even that late Y/n! I don't know why you're making such a big deal about me coming home at like", she glances at the clock "ten at night!"
"It's not about you being late Jennie! It's about how you said you would be here at eight, and so I waited for you for two hours without a single fucking text! I don't care if you stayed longer at your friends, I care that you tell me the actual time you'll be here, and then fucking follow through!" You angrily step closer to her, shouting even louder than you had been when she first walked through the door.
Jennie furrows her eyebrows and slams the drinks she had brought onto the table, raising her hands in defense.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know I was your fucking girlfriend or something? Am I supposed to change my entire fucking schedule just for you?"
Your tightened shoulders began to relax, furious emotions simmering down to the last drop. Shaking your head disappointingly, you grab your keys off of the counter adjacent to you, strutting out the door without a single mutter being said on your behalf.
Anger wasn't what you had felt at the moment. You didn't want to argue back with her, she said what she said, and there was no changing it on her part. You knew she regretted saying it as soon as your gaze falls upon her softening eyes, her arms reaching out as you walk out the door, repeating the same words over and over.
"Y/n I'm sorry you know I didn't mean it. Y/n come on please. Y/n I'm sorry, really", she had begged, pleading for you to come back.
Ultimately, that is what led you to where you are now, sitting at a local club, three or four shots surrounding your presence that random men or woman had bought you.
You never do this. You were never the person to go clubbing, however with all of the contradicting feelings floating around in your hazardous mind, you assumed this would be the best decision to finally let loose and forget about her.
On the other hand, Jennie didn't know what to do. She tried calling one of her closest friends and ask for their advice on what she should do, yet to her dismay her friend failed to pick up on the other line, leaving Jennie in a puddle of thoughts she was forced to deal with herself.
She brushed her hair back with her fingers, sighing as she looked up at the ceiling, contemplating on what she should do to make it up to you. She had already tried calling and texting you multiple times, nevertheless she received no response, as she expected.
Thinking back, Jennie knew there was so many better ways to handle the situation, but in the heat of the moment, like she would always do, her emotions got the best of her, and to gain privates end, she shouted such hateful words towards you, knowing it was wrong.
Jennie decided it had been enough standing around before she grabs her keys and starts out the door, immediately racing to her car and hoping into the drivers seat.
First, she stopped at one of your closest friends house, Sana, and asked if you had possibly came by, however Sana shook her head and gave her other places to check around the town.
Next, following Sana's orders, Jennie drove to one of your favorite libraries, a place you would always resort to when your day wasn't as pleasant as others. Nonetheless, after searching through the libraries interior, you had yet to be there as well.
Jennie drove to numerous other places, continuing to call your cell in the mean time, and failing to find you in all areas she checked. As she drove by yet another place you enjoyed going to, Jennie heard a ding coming from her phone, immediately picking it up in hopes it was you.
She looked down at the screen, frowning as she realized it was only Sana, however her eyes lighting up as she begins to read the text that had been sent to her.
I just checked Y/n's location on Snapchat and it said that she was at that club by her house. I would go check on her.
After reading what was sent, Jennie places her phone next to her and almost instantly races to the designated direction, not a care in the world that she might have cut in front of a couple cars and sneakily ran a red light.
Finally Jennie arrived at the club, slamming the car door shut and running towards the entrance, ignoring the irritated hollers she would recieve as she pushed herself through the crowd of people. She quickly holds her ID up for the bouncer before she moves inside, uncomfortably loud music and horrific smelling men invading her senses.
She turns her head left and right, desperately searching in every direction for where you could be. As she walks through the mobs of drunken people, a certain laugh she could easily recognize passes by her ears. Her head perks, following the direction of your laugh, shoving her way towards your sound as hurriedly as she could.
Finally her eyes fall upon the back of your head, your gorgeous hair she's admired for so long flowing down your shoulders. She smiles out of relief and makes her way over to you, breathing heavily, her nerves beginning to suddenly rise.
"Y/n I need to talk with y-"
You turn around at the recognition of her voice, only for Jennie to realize a dark haired woman sitting next to you, way too close for her liking. You roll your eyes once your gaze falls on hers, turning back to the woman you had been talking to, moving just a smidge closer, knowing that Jennie doesn't like what she sees.
"Who's this?" Jennie asks defensively, walking towards your figure and standing by your side, a face written of straight jealousy.
"Why do you care? It's not like we're girlfriends, isn't that right?" You tilt your head, reciprocating what the woman had said to you not even a couple hours before.
Jennie knows the reason behind your words, and it felt only worse now that you were confronting her about it. She knew you were upset, and she knew that the two of you had a lot of talking to do, nonetheless, a random attractive lady attached to your side was not what Jennie was expecting you to respond with.
"Y/n, I know your mad, but please can we just talk this out?" Jennie begs, her heart aching with not only regret, but her jealousy burning within. She wanted you away from that woman. She wanted you away from this nasty club, where anyone and everyone wouldn't hesitate to take a chance on you, as proved by the woman not too far from her. It was unfair for Jennie to feel like this, after she had just got done yelling at you for being so invasive, and yet she stood there next to you, wishing she could rip you away from all of the vile men and woman eye-fucking you in every possible direction.
"I'm not talking anything out with you Jennie. You were right, we aren't dating, so we should stop acting like we are." You turn to your side, attention once more engrossed on the woman by your side, Lisa, she said her name was.
"Listen Y/n... I know what I said was wrong, and it's completely my fault, but I mean it when I say that I could not be more sorry for what I said to you. It was wrong and hurtful, and I just beg you to let me take you back home so we can talk it out." Jennie inches towards you, wanting nothing more than that pestering black haired woman to see that you were hers and nobody else's. She wants these people, staring ever-so indiscreetly, to realize that you are taken by someone else... her.
"Jennie", you say to her, your tone sounding as if there was nothing left inside of it, and truth be told, there wasn't. "Why don't you just leave me alone. Go sit somewhere else and find a nice girl to talk with."
"I'm not doing that Y/n! I want you to come with me, plea-". Just before Jennie could finish her sentence, a hand makes it's way to her chest, pushing her back slowly as a figure begins to arise in front of her.
"Why don't you just back off. She said to leave her alone." The woman, Lisa, who had been sitting by your side as she witnessed the entire argument unfold, finally says as she stands in between you and Jennie.
At that, enrage instantly shoots through Jennie's body, her face turning a deep red and her head looking as though smoke could blow out of it at any second, similar to those silly cartoons animated for little kids.
"Who the fuck are you?" Jennie stands tall, stepping closer to the woman with no shame in the slightest. "I don't know who you fucking think you are but-".
"Jennie!" You shout, snagging her attention away from the woman. If you hadn't stopped her at that, who knows what kind of terrible words would pridefully spill off her tongue. "Go sit somewhere else and relax yourself. I don't want you near me right now."
And Jennie did just that, no other choice at hand, and the sting of vexation even now coursing through her veins. She watched as you threw your head back in laughter, hand resting upon the other woman's shoulder as you responded in just the way that woman hoped you would. Her arm was wrapped loosely around your waist, a drink occupying her other as she arrogantly flirted her way through the conversation.
Jennie couldn't stand to watch it, but she knew if she was to go up to you and say something then it would only make the matter worse. Instead, she sat there and watched you, her eyes never leaving your figure. She couldn't leave, not until she knew you were safely back in the comfort of your own home, no stupid little annoying chick chaperoning you.
Jennie sat there for almost an hour until she finally sees you stand up, however the same woman by your side begins to follow you out of the club. Jennie instantaneously rises from her seat, rushing to follow you out of the door and to wherever you planned on going.
Letting her thoughts get the best of her once again, Jennie runs ahead of you and stops in her tracks, turning to face you and the woman.
"What are you doing?" Jennie asks, worry and jealousy evident in her tone.
"What does it look like? I'm going back to my house with her", you say confidently, almost as if this entire situation was merely aimed to get on every last nerve of Jennie's.
"No you aren't Y/n. Please just let me take you home." Jennie's eyes drop to your hand, noticing how its intertwined with the other woman's, holding it unyieldingly.
"Jennie I know you're upset but just-". Your immediately cut by a strong pair of lips being pushed against yours, retracing them back to Jennie's, and you feel her hand slide to your waist, pulling you tighter to her and away from the woman behind you. She continues to kiss you, her hand sneaking down to yours and ripping Lisa's hand right out of your grasp, replacing it with her own.
"Y/n, please, give me a chance to talk to you", Jennie speaks softly, her lips retracting from yours. Lisa begins to back away, feeling out of place, and deciding it would be best for her to go back to where she had been before.
Jennie leans her forehead against yours, eyes brimming with tears as her hold on your waist stays as tight as it has been.
"Let me take you home ok? We can sit down on your couch, I'll make you something yummy to eat and we can go from there."
Your eyes begin to water as well, various different thoughts coursing through your brain on what to think and what you should say. You want to push away from her, but truthfully, you couldn't find yourself to do it.
"I thought I meant nothing to you Jennie. You made it sound like what we had was just a stupid little fling to you", you ease into Jennie's arms and allow your voice to become soft, tired of all the yelling and hatred that has been passed around throughout the night.
"Y/n. You mean everything to mean. Please don't let those stupid stuff that I said to you earlier make you think otherwise-"
"How do I know you mean it Jennie?" Your tears begin to spill against the concrete, voice shattering, lips trembling. Jennie's heart aches for you. She hates seeing you like this. It breaks her more than it breaks you, and even though you don't realize the effect it has on her, she knows deep down that your feelings mean more to her than her own.
"Because I love you Y/n. I've loved you every since this thing that we had started. I never wanted to admit it, not so soon, but if that's what it takes to convince you that I mean it, then that's what I'm going to do." Jennie admits lowly, her voice shaking and her self confidence rapidly dropping.
Words can't describe the amount of emotions soaring through you at the moment. You want to be mad at Jennie, but hearing her admit such a thing, hearing her say what you have wanted to say all along, only causes you to forget everything else that had gone wrong before. You rid the words she had previously said to the back of your mind, something that could be discussed later on, and your hands make there way to the back of Jennie's neck, pulling her towards you in one swift motion as you press your lips to hers.
Almost as if its a custom routine, Jennie holds your body close to hers, instantly kissing you back, feeling as the grip you have on her neck fails to get any looser. Her lips slide in between yours, savoring every last moment before you pull away, lips still inches from hers, whispering the words she been hoping to hear for months passed.
"I love you too."
This was honestly so bad but I wanted to get this request done cuz I have a lot haha, I don't mind though, please keep them coming!! I love you all!!
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