#ivan pavlov
talilikesart · 3 days
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carl jung and sigmund freud had breakfast together every other morning and told eachother their dreams. one day jung kept his dream secret and freud promptly broke the friendship. i wonder what the dream was ....
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warandpeas · 1 year
Mr. Pavlov
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balladofthe101st · 10 days
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tolazehtolivelife · 2 years
RIP Pavlov, you would have loved “Welcome to the Black Parade”.
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sreegs · 1 year
me: my cat needs to slow down his eating because he eats too fast and throws up. i know, i'll give him a ten minute break during his meal. let me just set an audible timer so i'll remember the ten minutes is up and it's time to feed him
ivan pavlov:
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anshulstuffworld · 1 year
Why was Pavlov's hair so soft?
'Cause, Classical Conditioning.
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fluffywigglesworth · 2 years
It's like Pavlov's dogs! I only have to hear the Ausländer outro now and I start drooling 🤤
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cheese-water · 1 year
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Our animals always eagerly moved from their cages to the laboratory and readily jumped onto experiment tables… without a single drop of blood, without a single scream. This is an important practical application of the power of human knowledge, which may also be of immediate use to man who, due to the implacable fortuities of life, is often mutilated in similar though more varied ways. -Ivan Pavlov 1904
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Man this one took forever. If it’s not obvious enough, it’s based on Pavlov’s Dog experiment, which used dogs salvation glands and a metronome, not a bell, to discover controlled and uncontrolled stimulus. Very interesting for a psychology standpoint but WOW that dude was weird. He actually said that.
Anyway, the title “The Social Experiments” got me thinking about old classic, and stay with me now, social experiments and I find that very interesting. If the title “Generation Loss: The Social Experiments” is to be taken literally, then what if the stream or whatever is the “newer” studies of human fallacies generally excepted as the truth, but those studies are modified in certain ways, either to revert previous bias or to enforce a desired outcome. Very government-not-to-be-trusted/1984-esc as to what science public should believe in. What if instead of chat being the test subjects, we are the experimenters in control of the results?
Just food for thought…
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duplicitousdamsel · 1 year
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
I was playing with my Riddler AI and trying to use him to create an whump fanfic because I love to traumatize my favs I guess. And at first it was really fun and I was weirdly good in being an evil bastard (even if it did hurt) but after a while it started feeling like a shore.
And I couldn't understand why. I love RP. I still play pretend with my cousin (who is 21 and I'm 20!!) and is basically us RPing fictional characthers and I played assholes a lot of times. The time I was on the college theater (get out cause of schedueling issues) I got in by performing a dramatic reading of the protag from the Telltale Heart. I may don't like to see the bad guys I pretend to be win but I like to pretend to be them as much as I like to play pretend in general (is why I love RPG).
Except as I though more and more I realized that the problem I was having with my AI gameplay was that it reminded me too much of homework. See on my first year of college (second semester) we were studying behavirorism, mostly Skinner and Pavlov, and we had this virtual rat (we use AI rats for college students because since we are not looking for a result it would be an unecessary cruelty to use real rats) and we had to train it to perform certain tricks. And it was really hard because the rat was a bit dumb. It took days and hours and it was in the middle of the pandemic and as your final grade we had to find a partner, choose one of our rats and make a relatory and my partner sucked (it was the girl that called me offensive names because of the autism, she didn't do it at the time though she just refused to do her part) and I was diagnosed with autism in the middle of it and it was hellish.
Basically my point is a lot of whump fics are just pavlovian conditioning but evil and I don't know if I'll ever be abble to read one with the same lens again (and even less to write one) at least until my trauma over Josivaldo (my fake rat) and how hard it was to teach him how to roll fades to nothing with time.
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I know you are not
a dog
so how it is
that you are conditioned
to salivate
at the sight of my
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Ivan Pavlov skating to the Mr. & Mrs. Smith soundtrack for his short program at the 2018 World Junior Championships.
(Source: David W. Carmichael)
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mrdirtybear · 1 year
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‘Portrait of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov’ as painted in 1935 by Russian/Soviet painter  Mikhail Nesterov (1862-1942).
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Russians: Uncle Putin wants YOU — for cannon fodder.
Putin just had his rubber stamp parliament, the State Duma, pass a law to make it easier to draft men of military age.
A new bill signed into law by Russian President Vladimir Putin that allows authorities to issue electronic notices to draftees and reservists is sparking fears of a new wave of mobilization for Moscow's war in Ukraine and prompting fresh conversations among Russians about leaving the country.
When the Kremlin announced a partial mobilization of reservists in September as part of a drive to call up some 300,000 new personnel to fight in Ukraine, the decision led to a mass exodus of military-age Russian men and their families. Hundreds of thousands of Russians left to neighboring countries and other locations that had few entry requirements and allowed them to live and work for extended periods of time in order to avoid the draft.
It was not too difficult to leave the country last autumn. But things are changing.
But as anxiety over another mobilization wave looms more than seven months later, Russians looking to avoid getting caught up in the war in Ukraine are facing a more difficult path ahead, including policies that could make it harder to leave the country and visa changes in many destinations that will limit Russians' ability to stay abroad for longer periods.
"The universal advice is to leave as soon as possible," Ivan Pavlov, head of the human rights group First Department, told Current Time, a Russian-language network run by RFE/RL in cooperation with VOA, adding that the new law could give military planners a mechanism for quickly beefing up their ranks in preparation for a new Ukrainian attack.
The government can now send you a draft notice electronically.
The new April 14 law modifies Russia's military service rules that previously required the in-person delivery of notices to conscripts and reservists who are called up for duty. Now, the notices issued by local military conscription offices will also be sent electronically and be considered valid from the moment they are put on a state portal for electronic services, known as Gosuslugi. The law will also set up an electronic registry of all people required to serve and collect their personal data while creating a public list of all those who have been summoned for military service.
Unlike in September, however, fleeing abroad is not as straightforward of a process as before, with the list of possible countries to receive Russian citizens shrinking.
For some time we’ve been trying to tell you to get out.
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But anyway.
Under the new law, recipients who fail to show up for service after getting a summons would be prohibited from leaving Russia and have their drivers' licenses suspended and could be barred from selling their apartments and other assets. Similarly, activists and legal experts say Russian border guards could now use the online registry to further restrict travel for anyone looking to avoid military service.
That potentially limited timeline, coupled with added challenges to leaving the country, is weighing on those inside Russia looking for an exit and those who have already left and are struggling with the bureaucratic and financial constraints of remaining abroad.
There are still some places you can still go to but you’d better leave soon.
For those rejected in Turkey, countries like Thailand, Vietnam, as well as Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Serbia have been alternative destinations, but room for Russians fleeing has been shrinking there as well.
So if Putin sends you an electronic draft notice, what happens if it ends up in your spam folder? That’s another good reason to be in Mongolia when that notice is sent.
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gangrapesoda · 2 years
the conditioner becomes the conditioned
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
Ivan Pavlov be like: A small price for salivation.
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