#it arrived today 🎉
spnscripthunt · 29 days
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The Winchesters - 1.01 'Pilot' (Final Shooting Script) donated by Robbie Thompson to our raffle benefitting Undue Medical Debt.
Every dollar donated to Undue Medical Debt wipes out $100 of medical debt: since our campaign opened on April 24 we've raised enough to abolish over $1 million in medical debt nationwide.
To donate to our campaign https://unduemedicaldebt.org/campaign/spnscripthunt/
To enter the raffle (closes June 30) https://sites.google.com/view/nothing-really-ends-does-it/
h/t Thank you Sadie Witkowski + Gabe Garcia for making this happen 💚
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crabbycatboy · 5 months
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i now have 3 of these little bastards :)
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lianchuann · 9 months
other anchors are going to the airport to wait for hori and then there’s me sitting in my messy bed, struggling to review this one subject I am not fond of, and yearning to read tgcf.
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bigjumpervibes · 11 months
Bleach rambles in the notes 🎉 (spoilers)
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thesmpisonfire · 1 month
One year ago, I permanently set my stay here in the fandom as I freaked out that my childhood YouTubers were about to join a global server. One year ago I giggled and laughed so loudly at people's first confusion over "which one is Tazer and which one is Craft". One year ago I first talked to people about Fuga Impossivel because these madlads decided to make it canon first thing and I went insane. One year ago, everyone got to see Felps in all his glory for the first time. One year ago, the Favela didn't exist
And one year ago, we first saw the one legged devil egg we love so much nowadays, one year since Richas managed to dodge being called Neymar or Xereta, one year since Cellbit and Felps let this lil guy die on his first day and one year that Quackity paved his way to being Richas' dad via suicide
Not only today being Richas 1st anniversary, but also the Brazilians arrival 1st anniversary. This has been such a wild roller coaster of a year but I need to thank all of you crazy qsmpblr fandom that embraced my childhood youtubers and loved them just as much, just like yall loved to learn Portuguese and more about Brazilian culture
(Also, yeah im putting the og image. He fucked up but the image on itself still makes me so happy)
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tatatale · 1 month
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As a celebration I've done a couple of things, one is finally the celebration illustration for the end of season 3 and the main comic! The second thing will come in another post.
Thank you all for supporting A L I V E these past four years, and also thank you to those who arrived later. I hope this little story entertained many people!
Oh, and happy birthday, Alive! 🎉🎉🎉
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sthavoc · 2 months
Hi bestie!! Can I please request this It’s Enzo’s birthday party at a club and you’re friends but not like besties and of course you have a huge crush so during the party he tries to spend a lot of time with you and you’re like is this real? but a lot of friends and girls are congratulating him so he steps away.
So when he comes back to you he says “I know what I want as my present” and you’re nervous like ok ? and he goes “I want a kiss” so you smirk playfully and say “oh sure close your eyes” and you kiss his forehead and he looks at you like stop messing with me and you go “oh is this not what your looking for ? Maybe you want this ?” And you kiss idk his cheek and you get closer and closer to his mouth until he says “don’t tease me you’re gonna regret it “ and you’re like “prove it “
And bam. Sparks fly. 🎆🎇
My inspiration was this video honestly he looks so good ! Thank youuuuu
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: for enzo’s birthday there is only one thing he asks and wishes for, a kiss from you.
·˚ ༘ warnings: teasing.
·˚ ༘ note: guys I’m so lateeee but I still can’t believe enzo turned 31. he looks so good in that videooo. where I live it’s still enzo’s birthday so I decided to still post something. I’m so sorry if I have any grammar mistakes, I didn’t have time to proofread.
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Today was Enzo’s birthday. You couldn’t help but feel the excitement pump through your veins as you stood in front of the man, your heart fluttering with joy as well. The devoted attention only made your heart go faster and the thoughts that were rambling all over your brain couldn’t be controlled.
You couldn’t believe that Enzo instead of spending his birthday dancing and hanging out with the rest of his friend group was spending it with you, out of all people. It was surprising because the both of you were not that close as much as the rest of the cast, and even if you weren’t you still couldn’t help but gain the feelings you accumulated.
“espérame tantito chiquita, ya regreso.” Enzo walked away quickly to be able to greet the people who were arriving at the club for his birthday.
He had been going back and forth in greeting, but he would always come back to you. Tons of girls were trying to flirt with him and being touchy but he would find a way to shut them out and come back to you.
You waited stirring your drink patiently with your hand resting above your chin. “No me imagine que fuera a venir demasiada gente.” His voice crashes your thoughts but immediately makes a smile appear on your lips.
“Pues te lo mereces.” The soft smile continues on your lips as you watch him, he as well smiling at you. “¿Te la estás pasando bien?”
“De masiado.” He drinks. “Pero te aseguro que to tan bien como ellos.” He points to the guys.
They were all gathered in a huge circle causing a riot. Their screams of enjoyment filled the area and the voices of singing did as well. They were for sure drunk.
“Hmm. ¿Y que te dieron?” You make a motion with your chin towards the birthday bag that he had placed over the bar table.
“Un perfume, o algo así.” He shrugged squinting his eye for a split second. His next sentence followed after a sip of his drink, something that made you think. “¿Te acordas que me preguntaste algunas veces que quería para mi cumpleaños?”
“¿Ah huh?” You nod not thinking so much about it.
His eyes stared into nothing else but your eyes. “ Ya se lo que quiero”
His look made you a tad nervous, swallowing you replied. “¿Y que es?” but his answer was the cherry on top for your nervousness.
“Un beso tuyo.” He smirked as he noticed your reaction, but you thought, two can play that game. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol.
“¿Un beso?” Your lips reflected his smirk as you stared at him. Was he getting closer? or was it the tension that was growing?
“Sí.” He passes his tongue through his lips wetting them.
You had thought about wanting to kiss Enzo, there was no denying it. But for it to ever happen was never in your thoughts, for you guys never spoke on the daily or for hours.
The bit of alcohol you had in you was giving you the confidence you needed.
“Dale.” You nod followed by a smirk, but thought of something. “Cierra los ojos.”
He did as follows, and obviously what he didn’t see coming was that you got closer to his forehead instead of his lips. This action made his eyes instantly open and made you giggle.
Enzo let out a small sigh as he smiled again, his eyes talked more than his mouth. A look that told you he didn’t want to be messed around with anymore.
“¿Oh eso no es lo que quieres? Quizás, ¿es esto?” You let out with a hint of tease in your voice.
Your lips met his cheek but they slowly began to move towards his lips, staying close to his but not moving.
“Ya no juegues chiquita, lo vas a lamentar.” He whispered with his hot breath hitting you making you swallow.
He was challenging, and that’s what you liked about Enzo. He would prove what he was capable of doing.
“Pruébalo.” You say.
And you didn’t need to tell the man twice. His hand went towards the back of your neck pulling you towards him to cut the space that was left between the both of you. Kissing Enzo felt like a craving you were finally able to eat, a problem you were finally able to solve, and the satisfaction that came after that felt amazing.
He would constantly bite your lip but you didn’t stay behind, as so would you.
But the two of you remembered where the both of you were so you cut the kiss. Your lips couldn’t help to form a soft dumb smile, the plumpness of them was noticeable to Enzo as he passed his finger through your bottom lip, this made him bring you back for another kiss that caught you by surprise.
“Otro regalito que quería.” He whispers making the two of you chuckle.
“Feliz cumpleaños Enzo.” You looked him in the eyes as both of your hands rested on his shoulders.
To Enzo, this was the best gift he had received through the whole night because it came from you and it was you.
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luckykiwiii101 · 5 months
HEY! This isn’t an ask, it’s a success story🤪 I recently manifested that we wouldn’t have school for yesterday and today by simply affirming a few times and telling myself that “I’m so happy we don’t have school cus it’s gonna be HELLA cold outside😮‍💨 and I don’t want to go nowhere in that whether”( the weather app didn’t say it was going to be THAT cold, but I was manifesting for it to be too cold to go to school) and my 3D confirmed just like that🤷🏽‍♀️
Even while I was on my way to school yesterday in that COLD ass weather, I was affirming and feeling calm that I knew there was no school day. Even when I ARRIVED to school, my teachers told me and this other kid that also arrived at the same time that there was a 2 hour delay but I wasn’t settling for THAT so I stayed calm and kept reminding myself over and over that there was NO school while I walked down to breakfast. 1 hr and a half later, my principle called all the teachers and the other few students who came, including me upstairs and told us the situation and ended it off with “there’s no school today, you guys can go home or you can stay here if you want😂”(to the teachers)
So yeah! And then yesterday I manifested that we wouldn’t have school today either bcs it would be too cold and we didn’t 🥳
I’m manifesting the same for tomorrow although I already know it’s done in my imagination🤪 but I’ll manifest that we have school on Friday😌just bcs I want to, cus I’m like that. lol💚anyways that was my success story and I’ll be back for more and will even update u when my 3D conforms in us not having school tomorrow
You’re such a master manifesterrrrr
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cure-typhoon · 5 months
please please please talk more about the beta troll’s friendship 🙏
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You have summoned me in my favorite subject: 🎉🎉🎉🎉 FRIENDSHIP!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Take a sit because this is going to be long, so long i may end up dividing into different posts!
Okey so sadly we don't have a lot of info of the full group dynamic besides some clues and what we know is them literally at their worst thinking they we're going to die in a meteor,after a full one month campaign in the game they had won yet was taken from them being chased by an undefeatable enemy that destroyed their planets and probably their lusus too. And at the end three of them going on a rampage and killing the rest of the team
So not the most reliable info of how their normal dynamic as a friendgroup would be, but tbh it could never be "healthy friendgroup" in a human sense because, well, they live in Alternia.
But even in hell, the flower of friendship can blossom, so lets talk about the fucked up friendship between these kids:
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We know little about how their friendship started, contrary with the Beta Kids that we know because of June's birthday presente for Jade arriving in the past to young Jade with her pesterchum and her probably looking at the clouds in Prospit and seeing there the pesterchum of Rose and Dave following suit
Because the Beta Trolls are a much bigger group and we dont really know if they actually celebrate their wriggling days, as none of the trolls mentioned it but it could also be in part because of Karkat's disdain for the celebration or them maybe not knowing because he is a very private kid after all
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Maybe Kanaya was the first troll that befriended all of them, like Jade was and both of them being the assigned Space player of their group and the first ones to wake in Prospit, but i also doubt that considered she didnt went through the birthday gift shenanigan that young Jade went through
So what most likely happened: The trolls who we're closest to eachother (Equius and Vriska, Eridan and Feferi, Aradia and Tavros, Terezi and Vriska* (not totally sure about that one) and maybe Sollux and Aradia/Feferi) befriended eachother first and meet the rest (Karkat, Nepeta, Gamzee, Kanaya) online and just shared their info between eachother.
I honestly wonder who thought of the idea of all sharing their Trollian between eachother, maybe Feferi? maybe it just happened overtime? but what matters right now is the
So today we will talk about the underrated friendships between the group
Starting with Aradia and Tavros! Both members of Team Charge, i see very few people talk about them as friends even though they were obviously very close considering they we're part of a Flarp campaign together.
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Both seem to match pretty well personality wise, both adventurous and wanting to have fun in the game, Aradia knows that Tavros picked a hard class for himself yet she still encourages him and tries to cheer him on and advice him in the case of Vriska trying to get under his skin.
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When Vriska starts to surrond him, she tries to communicate with her first, but sadly she and terezi where distracted by Doc Scratch, so he gets paralized
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Side note: After Aradia and Terezi, his third option for asking for help is Karkat, which is...interesting, they dont talk a lot but when they do its Tavros trying to get advice/help from him (2 out of 3 convos), so either Karkat and Tavros have more convos besides the ones showed (very likely) or Karkat just having a reputation of helping with issues that he is the first one who comes to Tavros's mind
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also Karkat calling him bro is so fucking funny cdbhd, idk if its sarcasm or if its genuine like with Eridan but he seems worried for a little before going on a rant about how stupid this is, only to come back trying to advice him to do this in private (also he winks at him as GTavrossprite but thats smt for the Tavkat shippers)
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Anyway, back to Aradia, after her death we dont know about their relationship that much, we know that the whole reason that this whole revenge cycle was because Aradia wanted to avenge Tavros
But after her death, we don't know if they talk or if Tavros even knows she is dead, as it was mostly secret that only Sollux, Vriska, Terezi and Equius seem to know,
What we know is that Aradia keeps Tavros close to her heart, as the only reason she didnt straight up kill Vriska is
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Because he was there to see it
And thats all the info we have of their relationship while Aradia was a robot, is more than likely Tavros confronted Vriska (besides creating Bec Noir) because Aradiabot had just exploded and he was blaming her for that too (especulation)
Their post-death/revival shows them having the same relationship pre-aradia's death, after they find eachother in the afterlife
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Theyre big pals :)
Staying with Tavros, another friendship people dont seem to talk a lot about is Kanaya and Tavros, which tbh, we dont have a conversation on screen between them, but we know they talk and Kanaya tries to mediate to help him when Vriska is bullying him
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And also, even after she cut Vriska out because of the whole ''Having a crush on her but finding out she has a crush on Tavros'' (probably because she was sulking) she seems to have a fine relationship with Tavros, as she made a Tinkerbull plushie for him
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To other friendships, Kanaya and Feferi! Another group of trolls with very few coversations, but we can easily tell in those that they cared for eachother
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They have a lot in common, being of the few trolls who woked up in their moons before the game, having a huge responsability as their lusus can either kill or revive their entire civilization, being in a unhappy moiralliagance (with their cases kinda mirroring eachother, with Feferi not wanting to be in any quadrants while Eridan wants to change them, while Kanaya wants to change quadrants while Vriska seems to be fine with where they are) and knowing their lusus were going to die when they were 13
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Feferi and Kanaya seem to have very a similar relationship as Karkat and Eridan, where they advise eachother about their moirals + possible romantic relationships. And their very contrasting personalities helps them balance eachother out
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Feferi is even comfortable enough to invite Kanaya to the horn pile and knowing Kanaya's expressions enough to guess that she is nervous about coming off as meddling with them
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After Feferi gets killed off, Kanaya is already ready to attack, only waiting to see what Eridan is planning to do, attack her first or trying to escape
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If it weren't for Kanaya distracting herself with the matriorb, and Eridan inmediately picking on this opportunity
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To piss her off enough to set her off and attack him first
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So she is an easier target that he can kill her off without a fight
Speaking about this two, next time we will to talk about the complicated (annoying) friendship between these two, why next time? because this post is already getting to fucking long!
Come here for Part 2 -> Here! (when its done this will get updated with a link lol)
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shadowdaddies · 6 months
Hi! I'm relatively new to ACOTAR, only about halfway through ACOWAR. I adore your writing style! Can I please request a fic where Cassian's mate tells him that she's pregnant with his child?
Hi love! Welcome to the chaos that is the maasverse🎉 and thank you so much!
I also have this other request so I went off of this concept:
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Illyrian Baby
Cassian x f!Reader
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Tears brimmed your eyes as you left Madja’s office, the healer having no good news for you today. You’d been seeing her for years now, trying different tonics and monitoring your cycle in hopes of finally conceiving with Cassian. 
Your mate was notably vocal about wanting a family of his own, to be the father he never had for his own children. It made you sick to your stomach, thinking that you might not ever be able to give that to Cassian. The kindest male you’ve ever known, the most deserving to be a great father - how would he stay with you if you couldn’t give him those things?
Trudging through the door to your home, you made a cup of tea and bundled under the blankets of the couch, thankful that Cassian was gone for training at the Illyrian camps and wouldn’t see you like this. 
Days passed of pacing around your home, trying to find the words to tell Cassian that you still weren’t pregnant. The anxiety was making you physically ill - the smell of certain foods making you nauseous, waking up sick some mornings. 
Feyre came over one morning to check on you, her soft voice ringing through the halls as she entered your home. Wiping away the tears - your emotions felt like they were out of control lately - you pulled yourself together and headed downstairs to greet Feyre. 
“I brought soup, and some medicine from Madja,” Feyre called out, before looking up to see you enter the room. The High Lady froze, nostrils flaring and jaw slack as she gaped at you. A sudden burst of laughter escaped her, her hands clapping over her mouth as tears filled her own eyes. You shifted your weight uncomfortably, thinking you must look even more terrible than you thought for Feyre to react like this.
Sensing your confusion, Feyre lowered her hands. Smiling as she shook her head at you, your friend whispered the news that turned your world upside down. “Your scent... You’re pregnant.” 
Tears brimmed your eyes as your emotions threatened to spiral again - and the realization dawned on you. The  turbulent emotions, the aversion to smells, the morning sickness - you were pregnant. Feyre summoned Madja, who came to your home straight away and confirmed the pregnancy. 
With Cassian due to return from Illyria the next day, Feyre informed Rhys that she would stay the night with you, and the two of you spent the evening preparing for Cassian’s return.
When your mate arrived the next day, you stayed upstairs so that he wouldn’t be able to scent the pregnancy. Cassian called out for you as he barreled through the door, eager to be reunited with his mate. “Sweetheart, are you home?” Holding in your excitement from flowing through the bond, you waited for Cassian to find the clues.
Footsteps sounded throughout the downstairs as he found your letter with instructions, sending him on a scavenger hunt through your home. Biting your lip as you laughed at the sound of Cassian’s shouting, knowing he must have put together the hints. 
The sound of a large warrior bounding up the stairs echoed through the house, and Cassian threw the door open, his hands full with the tiny shoes, onesie, and the blanket you’d embroidered “Illyrian Baby” into, much to Feyre’s amusement.
“Are you serious?” Cass whispered, holding out the items in his hands, disbelief on his face as he slowly approached where you were seated on the mattress. 
You nodded at him, a small joyful laugh escaping you. “You’re going to be a daddy.” The General collapsed between your legs, kissing your stomach through your dress as he cried. You ran your hands through his hair, tilting his face to yours as you confirmed again, “we’re going to have a baby, Cassian.” 
You didn’t lift a finger for the rest of the night, Cassian carrying you everywhere as he made dinner for you, checking in every couple minutes to ask what he could do for you. He ran a bath - insisting that he join you, and wash your hair - all the while discussing potential baby names, already planning how you would rearrange your home to accommodate for a child. 
A peaceful smile graced your features as you closed your eyes, and for the first time in too long allowed yourself to relax - enjoying the warm embrace of your mate, the father of your child. You were certain that there would be no child as loved and cherished as yours.
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look-at-the-soul · 8 months
All I ask (Part 1)
Tommy Shelby x reader
@runnning-outof-time thank you so much for requesting this song! It’s one of my absolutely favorites of all times… but guess what? I also wrote this for your 3.5 celebration 🎉 !! Using the prompt Please stay with me tonight and this is also the prequel to the request you did @l1-l4 a while ago 🥰
✨A/N disclosure although I had used this very same song to one of the first stories I posted, my pre-war series they’re totally different
⚠️ Angst
Word count: 3,724 Song: All I ask by Adele
Summary: You find Tommy after the race, he’s injured but that’s not the strange part, you know there’s something bigger, you can see it in his eyes. You had been there for Tommy and as he finally decided to make his feelings official, he asks for a bit patience as something-someone- just changed the course of how things should be.
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“Y/N…” His deep voice caught your attention immediately and when you looked at Tommy, he was already walking directly towards your desk. “Are you coming to the Garrison?”
A soft smile and glint in his eyes was all it took to make your insides turn into jelly.
“Yeah, I’m just finishing the invoices of todays shipment.”
“Alright, I’ll save a spot for you then.” Tommy winked at you. “And after a few drinks… we can talk about us, ey?” He cleared his throat, nervous about it. But excited of finally finding the courage to ask you to be his.
“Us.” You repeated with a bunch of butterflies in your stomach. Tommy had been walking you home every night, offering some of his whiskey and cigarettes during your breaks, brushing his hand with yours deliberately, and this was probably it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. “Of course…don’t keep them waiting.” You pointed at the group giving the two of you glances.
Tommy glanced at the blinders. “What are you doing here? Get the fuck out already.” He barked with his cigarette perched between his lips, then you noticed how his shoulders relaxed a bit as he leaned his palms on your desk. Hovering over you, bordering on being intimidating but not to you, not when you had seen another side of him.
“Our lives are about to change after the races.” There it was the sparkle and excitement in his eyes. “And I’ll finally be able to compensate you for being right here for me.”
You have been helping him for a few weeks with the shipments of rum after closing the shoe shop.
“Tommy you don’t have to do anything, I’m just happy to see your success.” The smile grew genuinely on your lips.
“Nevertheless… you’re part of that.”
He rubbed his thumb on your chin seconds before to pull your face towards him and plant a soft kiss on your cheek before disappearing from the betting shop with the rest of the Blinders. Leaving you with a butterflies revolution inside of you, fluttering not only in your stomach, but in your entire body.
This had been going on for a while now, the subtle touches and looks, the countless winks and smiles that made your knees go weak.
Looking at the empty betting shop you couldn’t help but go back in time to the day when you met Tommy. After arriving back home to help your parents with their shop, to take over his place because he couldn’t work anymore, in your very first day in charge Tommy arrived to get a pair of shoes for his brother.
“Will you pay in cash or should I add this to your account sir?”
The smirk he gave you sent chills all over your body, your poor Mother went pale and rushed towards the counter.
“Mr. Shelby it’s just fine she doesn’t know.”
“Just asked him-”
“Y/N… Mr. Shelby is in charge of our security, his shoes are on the house.”
You gave him a shocked look. “We don’t eat from security mother, my father’s medicines are meant to be paid for.” You stated firmly looking at him defiantly.
Tommy was immediately amused by your bold temper and your sense of loyalty towards your father. Fishing into his pockets he got a few bills.
“No Mr. Shelby, we can’t accept that.”
“Under different circumstances, I’d have this place burned right away. But we only have two options… one is you get your father’s medicines on the house or I burn that place down… or you either accept that I pay for my shoes, therefore you can cover the medicines.” He dragged his piercing eyes from the counter to yours. “So, which will it be, Y/N?”
If only you knew a little about his reputation before that first encounter, you’d have just shut up and let him take the bloody shoes.
But although you had a big mouth and impossible dreams, you also knew when you just stepped on the line so quietly you took the money, with your head down.
“It was lovely meeting you,” Tommy admitted looking at you, then he tipped his peaky cap towards your Mother. “Don’t worry Mrs. Y/LN, the privileges stay the same.”
Flopping into the closest chair she shook her head.
“I’ve told you endless times your boldness will lead you towards trouble! Did you see the razor blade on his cap? He blinds people with that!”
Your hands started shaking just as your heartbeat sped up, realizing how close you were to mess everything up.
“Don’t you even dare to tell your father this happened, he’d get a heart attack.” She scolded you while she counted the money, realizing Mr. Shelby left way more than what the shoes costs. “Go over the betting shop to give back Mr. Shelby the extra money. Go!”
But showing up in the shop went worse, because not only he didn’t accept the money back explaining it was to cover some of the previous shoes he didn’t pay, but he made you place an order for every single blinder in the room with the respective payment of course.
(End of flashback)
You could only dream to finally being asked out properly. How would his hand feel around your waist? Or his lips on yours?
But your daydream was cut by a blonde woman who showed up unannounced, expensive clothes and jewelry on display, her eyes scanning the place.
“I’m looking for Mr. Shelby.”
Getting a strange feeling, you thought something wasn’t right, she didn’t belong there. What could she possibly be looking for?
“Tommy left already.”
Her eyes stopped on you finally, at the mention of his name. And a shiver cursed over you… could this be the woman that everyone talked about? The one who broke his heart and turned him into a heartless man? The traitor…
“Can I help you?” Your words tasted bittersweet on your lips. Of course you didn’t want to help her.
She shook her head, making her short curls move.
On one of the very first days that your unusual relationship with Tommy started, you accidentally over heard a conversation between Tommy and his aunt, Polly she was furious after finding out that he saw her. But Tommy quickly brushed it off saying he was just working on part of his revenge to Campbell.
That it meant nothing.
But you didn’t understand anything as you entered to show him the catalog for the new shoes you would get to sell in the shop, giving him a first sneak peek to choose from.
But with the races coming up, that topic was soon forgotten, until now.
“I’ll call tomorrow, maybe I’ll get better luck because I really need to see him.”
“May I have your name?” You needed to confirm your suspicious.
“Never mind.” She turned her back at you and left without another word.
It took you several minutes to recover from the encounter, something in your gut was trying to warn you about what would happen next.
A lot of women were after Tommy, that wasn’t a secret, but there was something wrong about this one.
Agitated when you arrived at the Garrison, didn’t notice Tommy was calling out your name until his hand wrapped around your shoulders.
“I think I’m heading home.”
“Woah why? Thought we’d get to pre-celebrate.”
But you didn’t feel up for it, not after seeing her.
“Want me to get you a doctor sweetheart?” He examinated your face, looking for a sign.
“No, I just need to be alone.”
“That’s not going to happen.” He stated taking off his coat to place it on your shoulders before guiding you outside.
Your mind was miles away while you walked that you never noticed he took you to his house.
“I’m sure we’ve some soup left.”
“I just want to have some rest.” You insisted.
“Y/N… what’s the matter? You can get some sleep here.”
“This isn’t my home, Tommy.” It’d be wrong.
He took you by the shoulders, to force your gaze meet his. “But it’ll be… very soon.” His piercing blue eyes getting through every layer. “This house, the business, me, the dreams, the success, we’ll share absolutely everything. Would you like that?”
By the way he was holding your face between his hands, you didn’t have another choice but look into his eyes.
“That sounds lovely.” You’ve seen all the hard work he did, always ahead of every challenge, he never backed down of anything. And it would finally pay off after the races.
“We’ll take over the racing licenses, the bets. Pol will be able to get her revenge, and Darby Sabini won’t even know where to look.” His eyes sparkled in excitement, his whole face seemed to be lit up. “We’ll have it all, people will look at us and talk about what we did for years.”
His hopes were contagious, his excitement made you feel proud.
But deep down, you felt worried about Grace’s come back, if she was in his past what bloody business could she still have towards Tommy? She was married now and Tommy used to burn her letters as soon as they arrived.
“Oi, don’t worry… everything will be just fine.” He misunderstood your worry thinking it was about the races, not what was really on your mind. “Once I’m done, I’ll come and look for you, hmm?” His knuckles ran absently on your cheeks and chin in a tender motion. He was even smiling feeling in total control over how events would unfold. “And we’ll go somewhere on our own.”
“You promise?” Your voice cracked, there was an uneasy feeling about the whole thing; the races, the plan, the outcome.
He nodded profusely.
“Stay with Ada and the kids, I’ll take care of everything else.”
It was your turn to nod.
“You don’t seem so sure.” He added feeling the tension take over his shoulders and back.
“Because the risk is huge.” You turned around to take the cigarette case from his coat, in the mean time he took the matches to help you light it. “I don’t want to lose you.”
Blowing the smoke in the opposite direction, you didn’t catch the smirk playing on his lips. He loved this game, taking two steps back and then one forward.
“Stupidity can ruin things up you know?” You added bothered, terrified of Grace coming back into his life.
Tommy chuckled, amused by your attitude.
“I love when it when you’re like this.” He bit his lip, trying to not give onto the temptation with all his willpower.
There was something special about you, about the way you did everything that pulled him towards you, it was inevitable and he couldn’t wait to ask you out formally after the races, he wanted to make it right, take things slow. First he’d ask your father for his blessing and then finally ask you to be his.
Taking a long puff of your cigarette he flicked it over the sink, hands planted firmly at each side of your face but being careful enough to not burn your hair.
“Tomorrow night will be the first night of our lives, you hear me?”
Everything he ever dreamed of, it would finally be materialized after the races… and he’d be able to move out of Small Heath.
You could see it all in his eyes, the promises in his words.
“While I was mapping out the races, I saw a house.” He trailed off getting rid of his suit jacket, placing it over the chair.
“A house?” You asked confused.
But Tommy shook his head, turning around leaning his body against the table. “It was a fucking mansion, actually.”
You studied his features, his tone.
“So I made an offer for it and they accepted.”
“Why would you want a mansion?”
“Because that’s where we’ll live when we get married.” He added and he didn’t even try to hide the wide smile that appeared, golden tooth catching the light.
A hand flew to cover your mouth. “Tommy…”
“And you’ll get loads of space and rooms to decorate whatever you want, and I’ll hire maids for you, a cook…” he offered you his hand and you took it, only for him to pull you towards his body, trapping you between his legs. “What do you think?”
He was always thinking big, and the image of a future with you after all the hard work was making him feel hopeful, excited even about rebuilding his life and having you by his side. All his life he waited for this moment, the instant before everything changed for good. And he was particularly looking forward to share it with you.
Closing your eyes at the sensation of his lips on your neck, you lost track of any coherent thought.
Pushing away the doubts about what Grace could possibly want with him, you gave in into what he making you feel, kissing him back.
He never crossed the line, sure he flirted, made suggestive comments from time to time, touched you when no one was watching, stole a small kiss close to your mouth, but he always respected you.
‘Cause in that moment it didn’t really matter that you weren’t officially a couple, you knew deep down it was all or nothing at all. And for a split second the rational part of your mind, chose to be with him. Even if it was only for one night.
It could all go wrong.
I will leave my heart at the door
I won't say a word
They've all been said before, you know
Or maybe it could just be unfounded fears.
So why don't we just play pretend?
Like we're not scared of what's coming next
Or scared of having nothing left
But either way, tonight you just wanted to feel him.
Look, don't get me wrong
I know there is no tomorrow
“Tommy I need you.” You whispered against his ear, feeling his body tense immediately.
All I ask is
Bitting your lower lip, you dared to look at him, to make sure he understood your statement.
If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
And there it was, the fire in his eyes shining like the clear sky you had only seen so far away from Birmingham. Blue flames dancing, wondering if you actually wanted to take this step.
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?
He didn’t waste anymore time, lips finding yours with the eagerness and passion he had been holding back for a while.
I don't need your honesty
It's already in your eyes
Regardless of what could happen at the races, or what Grace had to say to him, you wanted to lock this moment in your heart for the rest of your life.
No one knows me like you do
Returning the kiss with the same passion, you let him took you by the hips to hook your legs around his waist, carrying you upstairs so easily. You hold onto his neck as if your life depended on it, leaving featherlight kisses all over his jawline and neck, and when he finally reached his bedroom you took your time undoing the buttons of his vest and shirt. Ever so slowly, to make it last as long as possible.
Let this be our lesson in love
Let this be the way we remember us
The uneasy feeling at the top of your stomach settling even more by the minute.
I don't wanna be cruel or vicious
And I ain't asking for forgiveness
Something you couldn’t name was telling you this would be the last night that you’d spend together.
It matters how this ends
You were determined to make the most out of it.
'Cause what if I never love again?
Giving into the desire, you let him undress you.
Hands exploring each other’s bodies, skin mapping like there was no tomorrow, he was determined to give it all to you, but also he wanted to take everything from you; your moans, your pleasure, your reactions to his touch, the way your face contorted from the pleasure.
Fingers exploring every corner like they always belonged there, eyes finding unanswered questions, lips setting skin on fire.
As Tommy reached his peak, you whispered; “Please stay with me tonight.”
You could’ve asked him anything in the world and he would’ve given it to you.
Laying on his side, he passed an arm to wrap it around you. His eyelids closing from the exhaustion. It’s was the happiest he had been in a long time and to be honest he couldn’t find the right words to say, that’s why he chose to press his lips against your hair.
The pub exploded in cheering as Arthur proposed another round for everyone. People chanted happily after the Peaky Blinders took over the licenses just like they had planned.
But Tommy was nowhere to be seen.
Eyes looking at the door every time it was opened, heart hammering against your ribcage, longing to find those blue eyes among the people.
It was pretty late, most of the people were drunk by now, until John got close to you to let you know he heard Tommy was last seen entering the offices. So you didn’t waste another minute at the pub, you needed to see him, make sure he was alright.
Storming into his office without knocking, you ignored the fact that Michael was there.
“Are you sure of that decision?”
Tommy looked at his cousin before he nodded profusely, after the events of the day he was more than sure that he wanted to marry you.
“Oh Tom! What happened?!” You gasped at the ugly cut in his temple, he had dry blood there.
“Just stumbled a little.” He lied with a chuckle, waving at Michael to leave as you walked around the desk to do a quick examination of his injury.
“Stop joking.” You scolded him taking the handkerchief from the pocket of his suit, using some water to soak the fabric and you turned to clean his face gently.
Tommy stared at you intensely, you could feel his gaze on you but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. Not yet.
He winced as you pressed on a particular spot that really hurt him.
“Y/N… I’m alright.” I could be dead, he thought. But decided to not mention it at the moment, another matter had him concerned.
“Can’t you stay away from trouble, can you?” You sighed dropping the handkerchief on his desk.
He noticed the lines of worry all over your face, hair half pinned up the way he simply loved how you styled the curls. You failed at the attempt to smooth your skirt, god this was the sight he wanted to come home to.
Standing up, he pinned you between his body and his desk, palms next to your hips. Lips finding yours desperately, you could feel his hands trembling.
He was fearless, relentless, never backed down… but earlier he had been so close to lose it all, to lose you. And he didn’t want to take a chance.
Breaking apart the kiss, you stared at each other for a moment, and you couldn’t stop the tear that slipped from one of your eyes. Because you knew something had happened, something changed.
“Let’s go home, ey?” He wiped away the tear with the back of his hand, wrapping his arm around your back.
With a heavy heart you closed the door to his office. Feeling time was passing by so fast, it was getting closer to an imminent end.
Tommy took off his coat to pass it over your shoulders as the two of you walked home. A lot of things on his mind, images of the moment where he faced the grave flashing in the back of his head.
But it wasn’t his time yet, he was just about to start turning things over for the business, for his family, and for him as well. Arriving no long after, he started the fire to keep you both warm, in silence he glanced at you noticing how quiet you had been.
It was inevitable, you’d find out one way or another, so he took a deep breath and took your hard to get your attention.
“Y/N I need to tell you something… but first I want you to know that our plans remain the same, this doesn’t affect it directly, or at least I hope we can work things around.”
He was probably asking for too much, but he needed to try. This wasn’t the way he imagined, it wasn’t part of his plans.
Here it was, the moment you wanted to avoid the most.
“I told you that I wanted to make things right, and marry you, and that’s a promise I’m intended to keep but something got in the middle…” his thumb caressing the back of your hand absently, “You know I saw Grace a while ago, before meeting you. After that I never heard of her until today at the races…” your heart had been hammering, ringing in your eyes as you listened to him. You felt underwater. “She’s pregnant-”
As he continued talking, you couldn’t process the rest of his words too shocked to do anything else. He didn’t cheat, that was clear you didn’t knew each other when it happened, but she it hurt to know that woman got something you’d never get with him.
You thought she was trying to get him back, but this, this changed everything.
Because yes, of course you were bossy when you needed to be, you got mad whenever he put himself at unnecessary risk.
“Y/N? Y/N we can make this work I’ll be responsible of that bab-”
You looked up at him with your eyes filled with tears. “No Thomas, there’s no more we.”
You probably did a lot of wrong things… but you’d never take a man away from his child. It didn’t matter how much you love him.
Part 2 Can’t love in the dark
🥹Right in the feels? I know, I know… feel free to vent over how this went in the comments ♥️
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989
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photogirl894 · 1 month
Ahhhhhhh this is so exciting of a request!!! Ok ok ok so—
*drum roll*
Tech (no surprise there), fluff/romance prompt 17, and 22 physical affection!!!!
Again congratulations on all the followers!! That’s so wild!! You deserve them so much, my dear friend.💞
Aw Stitch, I adore you so very much!! 💜 Thank you for always being a sweetheart and a dear friend!
I hope you like this, my dear!!
"The Aquatic Festival"
17. "I am yours and you are mine."
22. Slow dancing
Pairing: Tech x fem reader
The time for the Aquatic Festival on Pabu had finally arrived.
It was a time where a vast amount of exotic fish crossed the ocean and hundreds of them came close to Pabu's shores, so the fishermen and women would go out on their boats and catch tons of fish to feed their families for weeks. To celebrate the fish migration and another successful year of fish harvesting, they had the Aquatic Festival, which consisted of many fun activities for all as well as many food booths where people cooked and prepared their catches in various delicious ways. It was a great way to spend time with family and friends and to just make merry with a wonderful community.
You were hoping a certain someone would ask you to accompany him to the festival. A certain Clone that had arrived on Pabu recently...one that wore goggles and was incredibly smart.
You hoped Tech would ask you to the festival.
He had helped rebuild your home after the devastating tsunami that had happened and you'd gotten to know him pretty well in that time. While he wasn't always the most attentive to social cues or he was a little more blunt in his perspective of things, you still liked that about him. His intelligence intrigued and inspired you quite a lot; you enjoyed listening to him ramble about different things. That and you found him handsome, which some of the other girls on the island didn't fully understand when looking at his other brothers in comparison. Their opinions didn't matter, though. Tech was the one that had caught your eye and that made him all the more attractive in your eyes.
There were times it seemed he was interested in you in return, but then you wondered if perhaps he was just being friendly. He spent time with you even after your home was rebuilt; he came and visited you when he could. That was a good sign, right? You weren't always sure, but he treated you kindly and with respect. That was what mattered.
The morning of the festival, you were just finishing up your morning tea when there was a knock at your door. When you opened it, you found Tech standing there with his hands behind his back, which brought a smile to your face.
After wishing you a good morning, he went on to say, "I do realize I may be too late in asking, since it is today, but...I wanted to..." He could barely look at you; you could tell he was nervous and it was quite endearing, but you waited patiently. "I would like to inquire of you...if you will accompany me to the Aquatic Festival today. I very much enjoy your company and thought it would make for a lovely time for us both if we attended together." Finally, he lifted his eyes to meet yours.
You smiled brightly at him. "I would love that more than anything, Tech," you said kindly.
His body relaxed at your acceptance and he grinned gladly.
"Give me just a few minutes, I'll go get properly dressed," you had told him. You were in your comfortable wear, but you had a special dress you'd picked out for the festival.
Once you were dressed in your flowy, pink and white dress, you emerged from the house and Tech's eyes widened at the sight of you. "You look quite radiant," he complimented you, "but by my calculations, something seems to be missing." Then from behind his back, he pulled out a white blossom from the weeping maya tree that grew at the very top of the island. "I think this would complete your look," he said with a grin. After that, he stepped closer to you and placed the white blossom behind your ear and you felt a blush rise up in your cheeks at his incredibly sweet gesture, not even resisting at all.
The two of you had a grand time at the festival. You spent a lot of the time around his brothers, which you didn't mind. You participated in a lot of the activities, tried many different kinds of fish that had been prepared and Tech even won you a stuffed moon-yo at a shooting game, which he was particularly skilled at. The day went on and you were glad to see Tech beginning to feel more comfortable here on Pabu. Sometimes you'd catch him looking and smiling your way and it made you smile shyly back. He made your heart flutter in ways no other man you'd met in life ever had. Even if nothing else happened after today, you would hold onto the memories of this day for the rest of time.
Soon, evening began to fall and the island was enveloped in the pink, purple and yellow hues of the sunset. Shep, the mayor, announced that the dancing would soon commence. Most of the Bad Batch chose to just watch the dancing, with the exception of Wrecker. He loved all the line dancing and just having fun and he even pulled Omega in for a dance, which made her laugh and smile. He even got you in for a fun swing dance and you had a fun time with him. Then a slower melody began to play and before you could question what was going to happen, Tech approached you and took your hand, wordlessly leading you back to the dance floor without taking his eyes off of you. He gently pulled you back to him, his other arm encircling your waist as you laid your hand on his arm, and the two of you began to sway in tandem in a slow dance.
"Was today to your liking, (Y/N)?" he asked you.
With a nod, you answered, "It really was. More than anything I could've hoped for." You smiled warmly at him. "Thank you, Tech."
He bowed his head, but then his expression softened slightly as his eyes darted down to the ground as if in thought. "Do you know the significance of the weeping maya tree's white blossoms?" he asked you.
Curious, you just shook your head.
"The tree's flowers are normally of a pink variant and the white ones are exceptionally rare...which is what I think about you," he told you. When you blinked in surprise, he went on, "You are an exceptionally rare woman in my eyes and I find myself fortunate to have met you...which is also what the flower symbolizes: good luck and fortune. That is why I gifted it you."
"Tech...that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," you told him, lifting your hand from his arm up to his cheek. Overcome by your feelings for him, you reacted instinctively, tilted your head up and kissed him. Though, the minute you did, you realized what you had done and immediately pulled back, embarrassed.
Though, in reply, he grinned and said, "That was exactly the response I predicted." Then he took your free hand and brought it to his lips, tenderly kissing your knuckles. "(Y/N), I am yours...and, if I have read the signs correctly...you are mine. May I call you as such?"
With joyful tears forming in your eyes, you answered him, nodding your head, "Of course, you may. I've always been yours. I'm just happy I can call you mine now, too."
The two of you stopped dancing and stood in place as Tech pulled you closer and kissed you in the middle of the dance floor, both of you ignoring the glad laughter and cheers of his brothers from the sidelines.
This year's Aquatic Festival had definitely been the best one yet.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's Physical Affection prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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seelestia · 2 years
So…after ripping my heart out with that multi fic…can I request a fluffy one with them celebrating s/O bday? As it was my bday recently I’d love to know what they’d do.
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SUMMARY. a birthday gift from your lover already bests any other gifts that hopes to rival.
CHARACTERS. xiao, venti, kazuha, heizou, zhongli, albedo, gorou, itto, scaramouche, ayato, childe, diluc, thoma, kaeya.
GENRE. fluff, crack-ish, a smidgen of angst (childe + diluc), established relationship.
CW. use of pet names (ayato + kaeya), mentions of food (heizou + itto + gorou), implied desire for marriage (childe + diluc).
THOUGHTS. this was sent in july, so happy belated birthday to you, anon 🎉 since october is my birthday month, so i thought posting this now is fitting! hehe, take this and a bandage as a birthday present from me <3
✰ masterlist.
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A quiet day spent away from his duties and by your side. XIAO knows he cannot throw you a merry celebration, so the only gift he can offer you is his presence. Even if he doesn't admit it, the Yaksha always notices the brief flicker of loneliness in your eyes whenever he leaves to tend to his duties. Yes, he doesn't understand why mortals celebrate these occasions but he knows that today is a special day — your special day — so, fine, he'll do it. Whether it be strolls through Liyue Harbor or a table for two with Almond Tofu on it, Xiao will try for you.
An invitation to spontaneous travels. "Let's let the wind lead, shall we? Hehe," is what VENTI tells you. You pointedly ask him if it's because he doesn't actually have a plan in mind, but he only pokes out his tongue at you playfully. Now, where would you like to go? Somewhere in Mondstadt? Or perhaps, Liyue? He'd love to brag about you to that old blockhead (read: Zhongli). To him, anywhere is fine as long as you're happy! And at the end of the day, Venti will let you rest your head on his lap as he strums a tune on his lyre that he dedicates to you.
Cuddles under the night sky, finding patterns amongst the stars. As the lover of a certain wandering samurai aboard the Crux, your birthday was celebrated flamboyantly with a toast raised to you by Beidou herself. But in KAZUHA's humble opinion, he prefers this more; when the moon is at its peak and only the echoes of the ocean waves remain, when the crew is long asleep except for you and him. Kazuha relishes in your smile that is as peaceful as the moon above as he traces patterns onto your skin. In the back of his mind, he can't help but thank the world for allowing him to cross paths with you.
A game of finding notes leading you to your awaiting partner. Don't be shocked when you wake up to find a mysterious note with a familiar handwriting that is awfully similar to a certain detective's. When you arrive at the location the clues point to after walking around for almost an hour, you are greeted by the cheeky grin on HEIZOU's face. "You've arrived, my assistant! How was the journey here? Exciting? Fun?" But sight of the picnic basket in his hand catches your attention first. He laughs, "What, you don't expect me to prepare a reward for you? I'm not that cruel, y'know," pressing a playful kiss to the corner of your lips. "Katsu Sandwiches made by yours truly!" Heizou tells you this very, very proudly.
A specialized tea set made with you and him in mind. Sitting across from you on a table at Third-Round Knockout with a cup of tea in his hand, ZHONGLI doesn't think he has ever felt so incomplete without such routine. He wonders if you feel the same? But rather than asking, he decides to present you with a gift on this special day. A teacup embedded with pieces of Cor Lapis, a teacup adorned with gems that resemble your eye color, and a teapot inspired by both designs; and by the way your eyes lighten, he assumes it is safe to say that your answer is "yes". Good, he spent some time saving up Mora for this occasion. (Hm, you're laughing, did he make a joke?)
A bouquet of charmed flowers to remind you of him, always. The cold of Dragonspine is a persistent plague that hauls people away, so the Chief Alchemist doesn't expect you to brave the cold merely for him. Yet, ALBEDO also begins to miss seeing the smile on your face before his very eyes. Amidst his longing for you, he crafted you a bouquet of Cecilias using his knowledge on alchemy. But this one isn't like the others, no, this bouquet is made to last longer. Albedo hopes you'd smile every time you look at it — and he hopes you know, that whenever he comes down from his lab to Mondstadt, you will always be his first destination.
Slices of cakes in various flavors. Before you scold him for the excessiveness, just know that he was trying to pick out the perfect flavor for you — but, but his indecisiveness got in the way! This one, that one, GOROU was already dizzy just from seeing the array of selections. He didn't want to disappoint you, so he picked the most fail-safe (and expensive) plan which is to buy a slice of each flavor. Hence, why you looked at him as if he grew two heads when he came home with not one, but many cake boxes in his arms. Can you blame him for being overly considerate, though? At least, the two of you can share!
A (mini) feast hosted by the Arataki Gang in your name. Of course, what better way to celebrate than a merry feast? Especially when it's for the most amazing and coolest person (you share that title with him, he insists) on Teyvat! ITTO's enthusiasm is so beyond the roof he spilled the news about the surprise party the gang planned for you before the date even came ("Well, it's not much of a surprise now," Shinobu shakes her head). But as long as you get to enjoy some Roasted Lavender Melons with Itto and the rest of the gang while they sing their own version of the local birthday song for you, you're more than satisfied.
Anything you asked for that day. What do you expect? Of course, he didn't prepare a gift. Why should he? It is stupid to celebrate such a meaningless date, anyway. And yet, as headstrong as he is, SCARAMOUCHE still relents (something he absolutely blames your annoying puppy eyes for) and allows you only one wish. You want a gift? So, pick one. He'll grant it, but expect a few grumbles here and there. (Why bother preparing a surprise when you can just directly ask the person what they want? You lowlives are so weird.)
A candle-lit dinner with his hand placed on top of yours. If he were to be honest, AYATO has been looking forward to this for a long time. Some ponder whether it's because he gets to take a break from work or to spend some alone time with you — well, who says it can't be both? But there is one thing you have to say; "I can't hold chopsticks without my dominant hand," you whine, gesturing to said hand that is trapped in Ayato's grasp like a cage. He chuckles innocently, "Oh, you offend me, dear. You act as if I can't feed you myself." Somehow, you can't help but feel like Ayato is spoiling you more than usual. Well, it is only a fitting treatment for the star of today, don't you think? Now, let him do the honors of pampering you.
A stuffed toy version of the 11th Harbinger himself. Call him smug, but CHILDE thinks he looks quite cute as a doll. Besides, Teucer also has one named Mr. Cyclops, so wouldn't it be nice to have matching stuffed toys with your future little brother-in-law, no? Hehe. In truth, Ajax hopes this toy would fill in his absence for a while when 'work' summons him. He wants you to remember him for all the smiles he showed you, not for the sins he committed nor the blood he shed — but hey, no more sad stuff on this day! And you know what? Maybe, he'll order a stuffed toy version of you too... Aha, a good present idea for next year! Oh, you heard that? Hehe.
Matching lockets that have his initial and yours etched on them. You don't think you could ever forget; the look in DILUC's eyes, the subtleness of his fingers as he places the locket around your neck. The metal feels cold against your skin, but his hand that reaches up to cup your cheek makes up for it in warmth. "Happy birthday," he utters with a smile so gentle that you melt into him. In the back of his mind, Diluc wishes he could just go down on one knee and present to you the wedding band he has kept on his person for months now. But not now, when there is so much to take care of, when he barely has time to come home these days — for now, these lockets will have to do. Until then, he hopes you can wait for him... Will you?
A day where your loving boyfriend reminds you why he is a retainer. No, no, no work for you on your birthday! Household chores? Let him. Errands? He'll do it! If THOMA is already well-known for how accommodating he is, then double that for today. It's for you, after all! Even his own employer, Ayato chuckles amusedly after saying something along the lines of "lovebirds". Well, in Thoma's humble defense, he is only treating you as how you deserve to be treated. Don't worry, he won't overexert himself... You're so cute when you worry but if it's for you, exhaustion is nothing to him and he means it.
A romantic impromptu dance underneath the moonlight. The streets are quiet at this time of night, but KAEYA's footsteps echo as he performs a formal bow. He flashes you a grin and holds out his hand, "Dance with me, my love?" You hesitate for a moment and the Calvary Captain laughs, "Come on, no one is watching. Considering it's your birthday, it'd be the utmost honor if you accidentally step on my shoes." Flatterer, you want to shake your head at him — but the way Kaeya gazes at you afterwards invites a smile to your lips instead. Somehow, you know that his words are deeper than just mere flattery. You finally place your hand in his and you swear, this impromptu dance has already made you forget any other gifts you received today.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @tsuk4sa-yug1 @hcikazu @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @dearcalis @leon-to-sayaka @coquettemaiden — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, oct 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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outerbankies · 1 year
hi bestie! congrats! could i request — “hey, i think it’s time to go to bed.” ?? thank you❤️
thank you!!! and thanks for sending this prompt! the first one of the 2k celly 🎉🎉🎉
new light: give up — rafe cameron
new light masterlist
summary: a weekend away with all of rafe’s friends gets off to a sleepy start.
warnings: alcohol
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It was a weekend you’d been looking forward to for a while.
Yours and Rafe’s schedules had finally lined up with the rest of his friends from college, and everyone went in on a rental in Nashville for a long weekend. Margot came in from the Outer Banks, and Kelce was just over in Texas so he made the trip over, too. Topper couldn’t get out of his school commitments, and you were already ready to drag Rafe into a million different stores until you could source a good souvenir for him.
The rental house was cute—the owner had really leaned into the Music City theme, and you were charmed by the decor. 
Sawyer and Cody had been first in this morning, and you and Rafe arrived to them already tipsy while they fought over one of several empty bedrooms in the house. Everyone else had trickled in later, Margot and then Kelce, with Graham and Nora rounding out the group soon after. 
Catching up and settling in over drinking games had rolled straight into a pregame, and the general consensus permeating the room was that everyone was ready to get the night started and make plenty of bad decisions.
“We’re out the door by 10, alright?” Cody says sternly. 
Everyone standing around the kitchen island nods dutifully, knowing he’ll make good on his promise of leaving people behind. 
“Yes sir,” Kelce jokes. You smile tiredly at their antics, loving seeing all of the friends you love together in one room, fitting together seamlessly.
Rafe taps your hip from where you’d been leaning over the island, that last shot of ’42 going straight to your head. “C’mon. Let’s go get ready.”
“Lead the way.”
You follow Rafe down to the lower level, to the room you’d both decided was furthest away from the chaos while still having a private bathroom. 
He beelines for his suitcase, where it sits unfolded in the corner, while you make your way to the bed with your makeup bag, hiding a barely stifled yawn once his back is turned. But once you sit down on the bed, you lean back into the headboard, shutting your eyes momentarily.
You crack one eye open, your cheeks heating up when you realize you’ve been caught. “M’sorry. Do you think I can power nap and still get ready in an hour? I have an outfit visualized in my head.” 
“Not a chance in hell. You’re gonna change it four times,” Rafe laughs, pulling his shirt up over his head where he’s kneeling in front of his bag. He turns to you, his eyes softening. “You’re tired, sweetheart, aren’t you?”
“Thought we’d have more downtime today,” you admit. “Not sure why, knowing your friends.” 
Rafe drops the shirt he’d been holding, standing and making his way over to you. 
“Bad move on your part,” he says, crawling up the bed and over your body, kissing you on the forehead before he sits to your side, grabbing your hand in both of his.
You smile, bringing his hand up to your lips, batting your eyelashes with great effort due to your heavy eyelids. “Could you go back upstairs for a RedBull?”
“Baby,” Rafe coos. “I think it’s time to go to bed.”
You blink, perking up in your surprise at his suggestion. “What? It’s the first night, we have to go out.”
“Says who?” Rafe shrugs. 
“Says everyone upstairs who’ll drag me out of here kicking and screaming,” you deadpan. 
“I’ll fight ‘em,” he says seriously.
“Rafe,” you laugh, pushing him with a hand to his chest. “I just have to rally.”
You make no move to do such, and time continues ticking down. You aren’t testing him, because you know you’d get him off your back with a minuscule pout. You didn’t even have to do that, and he was already suggesting you stay back. An outcome for the night you hadn’t even realized you wanted until you sealed yourselves off in your room, the first quiet moment to yourselves all day. 
“Okay,” Rafe says, moving your makeup bag from your lap to the side table next to the bed. “Or, hear me out, you could change out of your jeans and go brush your teeth.”
It’s a sudden thought so enticing, but you know you can’t fold yet. 
“It’s the first night,” you reemphasize, moving the bag back into your lap. “I just have to get going—I’ll order an espresso martini at the first place.”
“No one’s gonna give you shit,” Rafe says, moving the bag out of your reach again. “They’ll understand.”
“Okay, but Margot doesn’t know Nora that well, and I’ll feel bad if—”
“Kelce can handle Margot,” Rafe reminds you stubbornly.
You sigh, engaging in a quick staring contest. You both can’t help but start smiling the minute you lock eyes, and you have the urge to push him again, but you fight it.
“If I didn’t go,” you finally suggest, immediately regretting it when Rafe smiles again like he’s victorious, pink lips pulled up in smug satisfaction as his hand strokes over your knee. “If. Would you make sure they don’t do anything they’ll regret? That goes for all of them, honestly.”
The smug look fades as his eyebrows furrow. “Babe, I’m not going either.”
“Rafe,” you protest. 
“Y/n,” he counters. “I don’t wanna go.”
“You don’t wanna go? Or you don’t wanna leave me?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Not mutually exclusive.”
“I’m not that girlfriend,” you remind him. “You should go.”
“I’m that boyfriend,” he says. “I’m not going.”
“But you haven’t seen your boys in forever,” you protest, your last defense.
Rafe smiles, squeezing your knee. “Trust me, I’ve had enough of them in the last 12 hours.” 
You look at his face a little more, noticing his under eyes are a bit darker than you’d taken notice of, that his voice was dipping into that lower timbre he only got before dawn and after dusk. He hadn’t even had that much to drink today from what you remember, so you know it wasn’t that. It hits you then that he’d probably been pushing himself to go out just for you—what you thought you’d been doing for your friends. The surge of fondness is quickly overtaken by the need to make it right—to make sure he’s really sure.
But Rafe zeroes in on it and kisses your next argument off of your lips, pulling himself back over you and off of the bed. He forgoes the button up he’d been fiddling with earlier, pulling out a pair of sweatpants instead and slipping them up to his hips, tossing a worn t-shirt in your general direction. “Are we done here? I’m gonna go up and break the news.”
You finally feel yourself fully relax into the bed, knowing you’re done half-heartedly arguing and he’s done graciously entertaining it. “They’re gonna call us lame.”
“Oh, we are. I’ll bring us some snacks, too.”
You laugh, beckoning him closer with a finger as you stand again. You lean up to wrap your arms around him, feeling your tired body lose even more steam as he squeezes you tight, your eyes finding his. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he says, surprised like he even needs to say it to you, like there’s ever a stray second where you don’t know that as truth. He presses a kiss into the side of your head, only letting you go after a while. “Get in bed.”
You give him a mock salute, turning to grab your cosmetics bag off of the table again to take into the bathroom with you. Rafe raises his eyebrows. “My skincare is in here. Promise.” 
He points at you accusingly as he swings the door open. “I’m holding you to that.”
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deluxe-rabbitsu · 5 months
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[Cue happy birthday song in epic mode]
Today is a day where I get a tenfold key set and I'm excited, wonder who's going to greet me? I wanted to make a full on illustration like the groovy art I made for glomas but I got lazy and the anime style is so hard to recreate ;;
More thoughts about Yuunise birthday down below! 🎉
So, I'll explain more of the gifts she has received from her friends.
– Birthday girl sash
Her first birthday on twisted wonderland, she was a little awkward as she received congratulations and well wishes from her friends (even though she didn't said anything about her birthday, Grim snitched); one of the first gifts she received was a nice perfume bottle with a beautiful peach scent. Cater's gift!
– Birthday Jacket
Second birthday, she's getting a bit more open about her birthday since by now the word had spread from the last reunion; it reached sweet Kalim's ears and he was the first one to search Yuunise to get her a birthday gift. A nice set of very good quality nail polishes, now Yuunise can have a nice coat of nail polish that doesn't chip away easily.
– Broomquet attire
One of the most beautiful and meaningful gifts she's ever received, by her third birthday she woke up to find a mysterious box on the foot of her bed; opening it revealed a bunch of envelopes that were sent from the first years. They were letters that sent the honest and full feelings of each of her friends...it was obvious to say that the prefect didn't resist the tears.
– Platinum Jacket
Four birthdays had passed and by now she had been totally open of her birthday, even being the first time that she planned a party for herself; a certain little sweetheart was already waiting for his invitation to arrive and when it did, he wasted no time to get his gift ready. A nice arrangement of Yuunise favorite flowers (tulips!) And something that she's had an fixation on, a couple of owl's feathers. She had mentioned in a joking way that if she ever had an owl feather given to her, she was going to smooch the person who's given it. Rook got his smooch without any excuse.
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nattaphum · 8 months
November 30
🔥 Mile, Apo and Bible met at the airport (here)
Mile, Apo, Tong and Bas did a video message for Harper’s Bazaar (link)
December 1
Mile and Apo with the presenter of the Srichand live (link)
MileApo’s promo video for Bento (link)
🔥 Man Suang Tour in Singapore (link, link, link,link,link, link, here, here)
Pond posted a throwback video of him with Mile at Disneyland (link)
Apo went out for a walk with May (link)
December 2
Apo’s selfies at the Decorum SG (link)
Mile went to a guitar shop in Singapore (link, link) and took a photo with the owners (link)
🔥 Mile and Apo at the airport in Singapore (here, link, link, here, here)
🔥 Mileapo through Apovision (here)
🔥 Apo posted a throwback selfie (here)
December 3
🔥 More Mileapo moments from yesterday (here, here, here)
Apo’s IG post on the Singapore trip (link)
Mile’s IG post with the best moments of the Man Suang Tour (link)
May did a best memories video of their trip to Singapore (link)
🔥 Mile went to Club Luminaries, Apo’s friend’s shop (link)
December 4
Apo posted a throwback video of him eating tofu pudding (here)
Apo made an IG post on the Man Suang Tour in Singapore (link)
🔥 Mile and Apo at the airport (here). Mile’s mom is with them (here)
🔥 New photo of Mileapo x Bento (here)
Mile posted pics from their last trip to Saudi Arabia (here)
Apo posted a throwback pic of their last trip to Saudi Arabia (link)
December 5
May posted a pic of Apo and the team in Hong Kong (link)
MileApo’s arrival @ Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Jeddah (here)
Apo’s weibo promo video for Bento (link)
Mos adjusting Mile’s belt (link)
🔥 Apo’s IG live with Mile (here)
🔥 Mile and Apo at the Red Sea International Film festival Day 1 (here, here, here, here, here)
Mile and Apo made a post on the Red Sea International Film festival (link, link)
December 6
🔥 Mile made a post on the first day of RSIFF and Apo commented (here)
Glimpses of Mileapo today (link)
🔥New photos from the first day of RSIFF (here)
Pond’s IG story with Mileapo having lunch (link)
🆕🔥 Mile and Apo at the Red Sea International Film festival Day 2 (here)
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December 9-10: Bento Grand Opening in China (Foshan City, Guangdong)
December 11: Bento Mega Sales with Mileapo
December 31: BOC Countdown party
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