#im jaebum x reader
bambikisss · 2 years
Suits: 2
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-> Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both?
Smut warnings: Spit, bitting, slight bondage, slight breeding kink, marking, etc. Rough to Passionate.
"You joined a dating site to not match with anyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his champagne as he listened to you try to explain why you joined, cutting you off as he leaned closer to you, his mint breath gracing your cheek as he made his way to your ear. "So, you don't want me then, Y/N?"
A/N: She's a long one.
You always found the saying "Cat and Mouse game" to be so confusing.
Who was the cat and who was the mouse? Why didn't the cat just move on?
"Ah, nice to see you again, Ms. L/N." You gripped the doorknob as you turned to face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your desk with some wine you had on your desk now in his hand, a smirk on his lips.
"Do you have a moment?"
Now you understood why.
"I do have a moment, Mr. Lim. What can I do for you?" You felt his eyes melt into your body as you made your way to the alcohol table that you had placed next to the window. He said no words as the dark red wine filled the glass that soon met your lips. His mind flashed back to the dinner that had happened a few days prior; how your lips molded around moaning, how your lips felt in the kiss, how your perfect lipstick smudged all over his neck and your face.
You were the mouse that he so desperately wanted to catch.
"I just wanted to talk some more. I tried to get your number from Mrs. Kim, but she said it was better to come and ask you myself, and judging by how hard it was to get an appointment with you, I assume you're a very busy girl, Ms. L/N." You noted how his voice had dropped and had gotten slightly louder, turning around to now face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your couch, his hand out to take the second wine glass that you were pouring. You handed it to him, letting your fingers glaze his before reaching back for your own to sit at your desk. You both kept your gazes locked onto one another as you both drank the wine, a soft glimmer coming from an eyebrow piercing that Jae had, which gathered your attention.
"So, the CEO of a popular fashion, music, and art brand has a piercing?''
"Ah, so you did some research on me," Jaebeom placed the wine glass down, licking his lips as he made his way over to your desk. You also noticed now that he had a tongue piercing and a nose stud, both looking new. "What's 'next, grills?" You held back a smile as he nodded, mentioning how he was actually going to get some on Friday.
He made you feel comfortable, the lust that was in the air during your first meeting was not there as it was now comfortable and friendly. Jaebeom picked up your nameplate, humming as he read your name. "Beautiful name, Ms. L/N." you thanked him for his compliment before leaning back in your chair, downing the rest of the wine as you had. "So, did you make an appointment to just flirt with me and get my number or do you want to talk business?"
"Do you not want to mix business with pleasure, Ms. L/N?" Jae asked, sitting down before swirling the wine that was left in his glass. "Your company is thinking about dipping into fashion soon, right? I noticed that one of your competitors was complaining about it during a dinner party we had."
"So you all meet up to talk shit about me and my complaining expanding our horizons?" You asked, Jae, chuckling as he leaned back in his chair. "I do not participate in the complaining about you and your team's goal of manifesting destiny. I, however, want to talk about you partnering with me."
You raised an eyebrow as he stood up, sliding over an invitation. "I am hosting a party on Thursday to discuss the future of the company. You should come: you can get a raw, inside look at what my company can offer, along with connecting with many other people as my partners from oversees are also coming."
He let his hand move from the invite to gently hold your chin, moving you to look up at him. He seemed so much farther than your face when he was describing the event to you, it almost shocked you when you noticed how close you two were. He leaned down so that his lips were next to your ear, his thumb now moving to play with your bottom lip. "If you aren't satisfied by the end of the night by the event, I can surely be of service." Your eyes moved up to his, biting your bottom lip as he moved away from you, his lingering cologne around you as he left.
You were trying to figure out what cologne he used when your secretary knocked on the door, making you jump from your daydream.
"Ms. L/N, your next appointment is here." You nodded, getting up to follow her, stopping her when you reached the meeting room. "Clear out my schedule past 4pm on Thursday. I have a party with Jaebeom and his associates to attend." R/N nodded, hiding their smile as you entered the room. They had "passed by" a few times when you and Jaebeom were in the room, giggling at your dreamy expression when he leaned close to you. They walked away as the meeting began, holding in their excited giggle.
You arrived at the large gala hall around 8pm, an hour after the party began. You didn't know the traffic would be so bad that night and to be honest, it rattled you a bit and made you nervous.
It made you wonder if he would still be happy to see you. In the back of your mind, you of course thought he did this to every woman he tried to work with, but a part of you held onto the idea that he didn't do it to anyone else.
You sighed as you made your way inside, being greeted by a large ballroom decorated in gold and red, the table covers being black. There was an open bar along with Jaebeom's company name being projected onto the center of the tables and also on the stage. It was beautiful to you. You checked your dress once more before deciding to look for Jaebeom, your heels clicking as you made your way to join the many other people who were conversing with each other. You recognized a few, talking to them as the lights dimmed and you were told to direct your attention to the stage, Jae in a white suit soon coming on. His piercings and rings glimmered under the stage lights as he spoke to everyone, thanking everyone for coming and for being part of his growing company.
You wouldn't admit it, but you spent more time admiring him than listening to what he was saying. You caught a glimpse of his chain necklace, biting your lip as you wondered how it would feel to tug on it. Your mind wandered deeper and deeper until he met your eyes as he scanned the crowd, a small smirk coming to his face as he noticed how dark your eyes had gotten. "I'm so glad that everyone came. I hope we can make new relationships and support the ones we already have. Thank you." You clapped with everyone as the jazz music picked back up as he left the stage. You smiled as your colleagues turned back to you to pick up where the conversation left off, the conversation halting once more when Jaebeom approached you all.
You watched as he conversed with them, waving goodbye as they walked away to give you too some space. "I'm glad you came, Y/N. Not gonna lie, at first I thought you weren't." He smiled, his hand coming to rest on the bottom of your back. You apologized, mentioning how bad traffic was coming from your penthouse to here. Jae frowned, mentioning how he would keep that in mind. "What did you think of the company and what I said?" He asked, smirking when you tensed up from being caught. "Don't tell me you didn't pay attention. I did that whole thing so that you knew what our company was capable if we end up working together."
"Well, you spoke well and got your points across." you countered, Jae, chuckling as he raised his pierced eyebrow, waiting for you to continue on and to pinpoint something he had said, your conversation being halted when a man came up, a younger woman in tow. Jae moved his hand from your back to shake the man's hands, the old man motioning to the woman he had. "This is my daughter, Heejin. She has been a fan of your company for a while and I thought bringing her tonight to meet with one of my partners was a great opportunity, I hope you don't mind."
You hoped your jealousy wasn't radiating off of you as he gave the woman attention, your eyes not missing her hands moving up his arms to grip his biceps and touch his chest. It was as if you weren't there, you deciding to head to the bar while he entertained the two.
As you sat at the bar, you were joined by one of the colleagues you were talking to earlier. He rested his head on his hand, making small talk with you, which didn't go unnoticed by Jaebeom, who could slowly feel his own jealousy bubble. He watched as your colleague touched your shoulder, his fingers moving to touch your back which was the last straw for him.
He cut the conversation short with his partner and his daughter, letting him know that he would catch them later before making his way over to you, leaning against the bar to the left of you to order a drink. He made eye contact with the other man over your head, smiling as he introduced himself to him. You turned to face Jae, noticing how he winked at you as he held his hand out, his lips forming a smirk as he asked you to talk with him in private to discuss some things. You held back your own smirk, placing your hand gently into his as he grabbed his drink, leading you away from your now confused colleague. He led you to a separate room from the main ballroom, leading you outside to the terrance, still holding your hand. "Do you always whisk away women that you try to partner with from talking with their friends to talk on a random Terrance during their own company party?" you asked, Jae humming as he took a sip of his whisky. "Only the ones I wanna talk to in private without other people interrupting."
You raised an eyebrow at him as he smiled at you, his hand returning to rest on the bottom of your back, pulling you against his chest. "This doesn't seem very professional to me, Mr. Lim." Jae smirked at the tone of your voice, putting his glass down so he can wrap both of his arms around you so you were chest to chest. "I have many female staff; are you going to do this to them as well?" Your eyes were trained on his lip as he leaned down closer to you, his fingers dipping below the opening in your back. "I'll only do this to you, Y/N."
Right before your lips could touch, the doors swung open to show a staff member, you and Jae quickly moving away from one another. Jae cleared his throat as his ears began to heat up, asking what was wrong. His secretary hid his smirk as he mentioned how the party was now dwindling and everyone was making their way home and his car was on the way to take him home. Jae thanked him, shooing him away as he looked at you, hiding his embarrassment. His secretary chuckled, leaving you two alone on the terrace.
You two spoke no words as the cold wind hit you, reminding you that you were outside and had no coat on. You were so wrapped up in Jae and in his arms that you didn't get to feel it. Jae noticed you shiver, moving to remove his coat only to remember he had no shirt on underneath and still had to walk by the many guests to get to his car. He cleared his throat before running a hand through his hair, chuckling awkwardly. "I remembered you mentioning how long it took you to get here from your penthouse." you turned to face him, wrapping your arms around yourself as he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms back around you. "I can, of course, take you home, but my place is closer. You seem so cold, Y/N." He whispered, his hand moving to cup your face, his thumb rubbing your cheek.
You mulled over the options, thinking about it as he stared at you. He wasn't forcing you to stay over at his place, but it would take longer to get home than just going to his. A part of you also wasn't keen on leaving him yet.
"As long as you can keep me warm, I'll come back with you." He nodded, a small smile on his lips, as he hurried to lead you down back to the ballroom where everyone was slowly filing out, everyone still keen on talking with Jae before leaving. You peeled yourself from Jae's side, talking to some staff and colleagues as he talked to some people, occasionally looking back at you to make sure you didn't leave or that anyone wasn't bothering you. You left with him as he made his way outside, helping you get into the backseat of his car before being stopped by the old man with his daughter from earlier. "Tonight was amazing, Mr.Lim, even though at some points you were hard to find." You looked up as the man spoke, making eye contact as his voice hid his annoyance with you taking Jae's attention from him and the daughter he was trying to pin Jae with. Jae noticed the man's tone and his gaze, telling him that he can meet with him later, not saying anything to the daughter as he got in next to you, slamming the door shut.
As you both left the two behind, you felt your noticed how blown up your phone was. You scrolled through and answered emails, Jae raising an eyebrow as he watched you before scoffing. "It's damn near midnight and you're still working?" You raised an eyebrow at his words, showing him the many emails, to which he takes your phone from you. "You can get this back tomorrow. You need a night to just relax"
"Relax? What do you have planned for tonight, Mr. Lim?" you asked, Jae chuckling as he put your phone into his pocket before leaning over, his lips pressed against your ear as his hand rested on your thigh. "I don't think you were satisfied at the party. So, it's my job to satisfy you tonight" You raised an eyebrow at his words, deciding to play along and make him work for it.
You placed your hand over his, moving up your leg to go under the dress to rest on your bare upper thigh, Jae's breath hitching when his fingers touched your underwear, his finger looping underneath the band as he moaned softly. "I still have the pair of panties you left in my jacket from last time, baby. Am I going to start a collection with all the panties you're offering?" he played with the band as he began to kiss your neck and jaw. The drive felt like it was going on forever, Jae removing himself from you when he felt the car slow down.
He pulled back from you, biting his lip as he reached over your lap as he opened the door for you, his hands slowly moving back across your lap as he moved back to open his own door. He helped you out, walking with you up to the elevators, holding your hand as you both went up to the top floor, which was where his penthouse was. It was very minimalistic, the simple colors shocking you. There were pops of color coming from the paintings that were on the walls, along with the cat towers that held four cats. He looked like an everyday man, who just really liked simple art and cats. You laughed softly as a cat tried to jump to a different tower and almost fell, Jae looking up from pouring you water, chuckling. "Enjoying my cats?" He asked, clearly amused as he watched you play with one of them. You nodded, Jae, handing you a glass of water as you both watched the cats. It was a calm moment, despite the teasing in the car just a few moments before.
After a bit, Jae ushered you to the bathroom, letting you know that you could do and use anything you needed. You nodded, turning on the bathtub, putting some bubble solution in and a bath bomb that had some sparkles in it. It was obviously a brand deal gift basket that you had taken the bath items from, laughing internally at the face he probably made when he was given it.
Jae came back in with a towel and a change of clothes for it, noticing you struggling to unite your dress. He softly said "allow me", his fingers moving your hands away as he effortlessly untied the back, his hand moving to touch the open back area, his other hand gently pushing down the dress from your shoulder.
It felt like his fingers were fire; every touch he left on your skin made you feel so alive. You didn't realize you were holding your breath until the dress hit the floor, Jae asking you to step out of it so he could hang it up for you. You nodded, moving out of the dress so he could pick it up, watching as he walked out with the dress, leaving you hot in the bathroom. You sighed, removing your underwear before getting into the bathtub, enjoying the feeling of the warm water soothing your muscles that had become tense from work.
As you laid your head back against the tub, closing your eyes, Jae came back as he leaned against the doorway. He admired how you looked: the bubbles covering your breasts, your eyes closed- you look so relaxed.
"Enjoying the bathtub?" he asked, your eyes opening to meet his before sitting up. "Wanna join me?" Jae smiled at the playfulness in your voice, stripping down before getting into the bathtub so he was right next to you. He sighed as his own muscles relaxed, your hands moving to touch his chest, making him chuckle darkly. "Feeling touchy, baby?"
You didn't bother to say anything, kissing him softly as your hand moved all over his chest. He pulled you closer, pulling you so you were now straddling him, the kiss becoming more intense. Jae chuckled as you ground down onto him, biting your bottom lip as his hips moved to meet yours. You pulled him back into a messy and now needy kiss, Jae now moaning into the kiss as his own hips moved to meet yours.
In a way, it reminded you of two people who were desperate for one another. Like they were at a club and dancing with one another and ended up grinding against one another as they craved the touch of one another but didn't want to leave the loud club. In reality, you were now grinding against Jaebeom in the bathtub, moaning and whining for him like crazy.
Jae listened to you whine and beg for him for a bit longer before he halted your hips, his hands coming down to roughly grip your ass as he pressed himself against you. He looked up at you, his lips hovering over yours as he tried to calm down. He had been thinking of how he wanted to have sex with you since the first time at the restaurant. He wanted to do it a specific way and yet, he was blanking. He let you kiss down his cheek to his jaw and neck, leaving behind many bite marks that he knew he was going to have to get hide tomorrow. He whispered your name until you moved back so he could see your face, Jae now rolling his own hips to meet yours. "Get your ass up here and ride this dick because I can't fucking take it anymore."
You nodded, not hesitating to sink down onto him as he quickly reconnected your lips, moving his hips fast to meet yours as he kept you in the kiss, Jae moaning loudly as his hands gripped your ass to help you move, the water around you splashing around and some spilling over the edge. You whined as he moved down your neck to mark it, your moans now echoing around the bathroom as the water around you both began to spill over and cover you two. "Jaebeom, fuck, goddam you're so big"
"Yeah, can you handle this big cock?" Jae grunted, tossing his head back as you clenched around him before he kisses you again, moaning once more when you tug on his hair. "Gotta stretch you out so you can handle my goddam cock."
You dug your nails into his shoulder, trying to bounce back against his own movements, halting when his rolled to the back of his head. His nails dug into your hips, his chest rising and falling as his head rested on the side of the tub.
He looked so beautiful to you. His wet and now messy hair covered his eyes, his pierced tongue licking his lips as his face showed how in bliss he was. His neck was marked with hickies left by you, adorning his neck and upper chest, along with crescents from your nails digging into his shoulders.
You loved how he said your name as he sat up, his tongue moving to lick your jaw, his hips moving once more as he now went deeper and harder. You wanted to know more about him, you wanted to know him more than just the CEO who was obsessed with you.
"What are your cats names?" You moaned out, Jae pausing momentarily before he chuckled, looking at you as he moved faster, biting and kissing along your collarbone. "My cats? Cake, Pudding, Nora, Pringle, and Kimchi"
Jae was slightly amused by your sudden question about his cats, finding it cute. He picked up the pace as he felt you tighten around him, Jae looking at you as you leaned back. "Are you gonna cum, baby? Are you going to make a mess on me?" He asked, moaning louder as you nodded, his fingers moving down to play with your clit before watching you cum, holding you down onto him as he came with you. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, resting his head on your chest as you both tried to calm down.
You ran your hands through his hair as you kissed his forehead, your skin tingling as you both hold one another. It felt oddly romantic.
As your tried to move away so you could sit next to him, his grip on you tightened, making you look down at him. He looked up at you, his cheeks dusted with a slight blush as he kissed your skin. "Stay with me..like this. Let me hold you baby." You felt your heart skip a beat as Jae kissed around your body, the now lukewarm water not bothering you both as you both held each other in the bathtub.
After a while, Jae let you escape his grasp to dry off and put on the T-shirt Jae had brought for you, Jae putting on boxers before kissing your shoulder, rubbing your back. He seemed so loving at that moment, which made you smile and blush softly. "Do you want something to eat, baby?"
"It depends on what you have. And why do you call me baby so often?'' Jae paused looking through his fridge, turning to look back at you. "Do you want me to stop?"
The atmosphere of the whole place shifted at his question. The once lust-filled atmosphere is now comfortable. It felt like how your own home felt: like you had gotten home after a long hard day and you fell back against your plush sheets.
It felt like home.
Jae felt like home.
You stared more at the man who was holding ramen and some mandu in the other hand. The man with a simple black t-shirt on and plaid pants. The man who wanted to hold you after sex.
The man you wanted.
"No, you can keep calling me baby."
Sleeping in other places has always been a struggle for you.
When you traveled for events, you always stayed in the same hotel because of the familiarity. You barely ever slept in other people's homes because you could never sleep well.
This was time was, of course, not an exception.
You stayed on your side facing the large window that showed the city all lit up by the moon, Jaebeom's chest against your back as his arm was draped over your waist. While you thought it was cute he wanted to hold you and keep you close, he ran hot.
You tried to move away from him, but Jaebeom either moved closer to you or pulled you back against him. You couldn't move any farther away because you both were now near the edge of the bed. You sighed, trying to carefully remove his arm from you, listening to Jaebeom's soft snores to make sure you didn't wake him.
"Am I smothering you?" You paused mid-holding his arm over your waist, turning back to face Jaebeom who was now slowly opening his eyes. You put his hand down, Jae wrapping it back around you before pulling you close, his breath now hitting your ear as his fingers gently drummed against your stomach. "Can't sleep?'' You nodded, noticing his tired voice as he spoke. He hummed, thinking before saying "Want some water? You feel hot."
"I'm hot because you run hot" you murmured, Jae, chuckling deeply before getting up, going to get you wanted from the kitchen, leaving you in the suddenly cold sheets. You sat up slightly, running your hand threw your hair as he returned with a glass for you. You thanked him, Jaebeom crawling in behind you to rest his hands on your thighs as you drank, his thumbs rubbing your skin gently as he waited for you to finish. When you were done, he took the glass from you, placing it on his nightstand before kissing your cheek. "Better?" you nodded, laying your head back on his shoulder as Jaebeom slowly pulled his hands up your body, slowly massaging your body as he kissed your neck. You glanced at the time, the numbers making you sigh. Jae sighed as well, mumbling softly "it's late, and we both have work tomorrow." He continued kissing your neck though, despite his words.
You sighed dreamily, your hands resting over his as you slowly moved with him so your shirt was slowly pulled up, Jae looking down at the newly exposed skin. He leaned down to kiss your waist and your lower back, fully tossing off your shirt to rest on the floor before kissing up your spine. "For someone who was just complaining about being too hot, you seem eager to get all hot and sweaty," Jae kissed your bare shoulder before tossing off his own shirt, turning your head to now face him, kissing you softly as his hand slowly made his way down into your pants, rubbing you over your underwear. Jae smiled as you moaned into the kiss, Jae pulling back to see your face as he slipped his hand into your underwear, his finger drawing shaped on your clit as he cupped your breast, squeezing it as he moved his fingers faster. You looked so beautiful in the moonlight to him, so pretty like a picture. He rolled his hips into your ass, kissing you again as his fingers moved faster before slipping a finger in.
"So warm, so wet." He murmured, your own hand slipping into his own pants to stroke him slowly, making it his turn to moan into the kiss, his hips moving to meet your hand. He whined as your thumb went over the tip, Jae inserting another finger into you as his thumb played with your clip. He took his time driving you crazy, whispering how beautiful you looked and how good you felt on his fingers before slowly driving you to the edge, kissing you as you both came, sighing into the kiss. Jae slowly removed his fingers from you, licking them clean as you did the same on your hand, staring at one another. Jae took a minute to watch you before kissing you passionately, moving so you were on your back as he continued to kiss you, tearing off his pants along with yours before wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around him.
"Ready for round 2?" he asked through his heavy breaths, you nodding as he slowly pushed in before smirking at you. When you asked him what he was smiling at, he shrugged. "You said you were having trouble sleeping. So, I'm going to fuck you to sleep." He placed a quick kiss on your lips before picking you up, kissing you again.
The next morning, you woke up to Jaebeom kissing your shoulder, the shower on, and a sweet smell filling your senses.
"The shower is ready for you and I'm making breakfast." he murmured, helping you sit up before returning to the kitchen to finish cooking, leaving you to go shower and get ready for the day. You took a quick shower, noticing a pair of belted pants and a simple white shirt sitting on the bathroom counter. You put them on before going to join Jaebeom, who was wearing an outfit similar to you (a black t-shirt and white pants).
"Ah, I know you have to go to the office so I made you some breakfast and some lunch to go with it," Jae didn't look at you as he slid over the packaged containers, his ears heating up as he bit cleared his throat. You found it cute how he was acting, thanking him before you noticed your phone charged on the counter, filled with messages from your staff asking where you were and if they needed to send a car to come and get you. You assured them that you were ok and were on your way, clearing your throat as Jae grabbed his own work items and car keys. "I'll drop you off at work if you want. I have to go to that side of town for a meeting anyways." You thanked him, following him to his car before getting into the passenger seat, Jae reaching over to put your seatbelt on for you before heading off to your office.
He rested his hand on your thigh, drumming along to the music on the radio as he drove. You noticed the marks from last night were covered, asking him about it, which made him chuckle. "I got some concealer delivered this morning and figured out how to cover it. Did I do a good job?"
You jokingly said no, Jae chuckling as he squeezed your thigh. You smiled at his laugh, your mind going back to last night. He seemed so gentle with you and so loving with you.
It wasn't hard for you to realize that you had caught some feelings for the man who was driving right now, which made you wonder if he felt the same way.
When he pulled into the office, you both didn't move at first. The drive had felt so fast compared to the drive to his apartment. You cleared your throat before reaching down to pick up the food, Jae turning off the car before picking up the food before you could.
When you asked him what he was doing, he shrugged as he exited the car. "I'm going to be a gentleman and help you take these into your office as you already have to carry your purse."
He said it in a way that let you know that if you told him not to, he would listen. You didn't want to let go of him though, agreeing before closing the car door behind him. He walked with you to your office, ignoring the looks of your many staff members at seeing you two together. You were happy to reach the seclusion of your office, Jae placing the containers down onto the desk before checking his watch. "Alright, I gotta go. I have a meeting with a stylist." You thanked him, hugging him before walking him to the door, only for Jae to stop you from opening the door, leaning over to poke his cheek. When you raised an eyebrow, he chuckled. "Cheek kiss?" You chuckled at his roundabout way of asking for a goodbye kiss, kissing his cheek softly before telling him to hurry to his meet, Jae nodding before leaving. You bit your bottom lip before going back to your desk, opening one of the breakfast containers to see rice, eggs, and sausage. You smiled, sitting down to eat as your secretary came in, an obvious smile on their face.
"You have a meeting at 11 with our skin care team. I'll leave you alone to enjoy your breakfast from Mr. Lim." You didn't say anything as they walked out, only smiling at the taste of the food, before glancing at a text from your phone.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: Enjoy the food, beautiful. If you want, I can cook dinner for you too.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: Swing by my place tonight. You know where it is ;)
Y/N: You do know that I'll be expecting something delicious for taking me from going straight home, right?
CEO Lim Jaebeom: I'm a pretty good chef if I do say so, myself.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: I'll let you judge that tonight over steaks and wine. If it's not up to par, you know I'll go the distance to satisfy you.
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multifanhoe99 · 8 months
Kinktober Day 3- Lingerie
This is gonna be self-indulgent as hell and I am not sorry but also I hope you enjoy it!
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Pairing: non-idol!JB x afab!Reader
Warnings: Pet names (Daddy, Princess, Baby), mentions of panty stealing, mentions of masturbation, oral (fem. receiving), PIV intercourse, creampie (fem. receiving), no condom (be safe out there y'all), spanking, hair pulling
=Please let me know if I missed any.=
~18+ MDNI ~
It was not often that you wanted to buy fancy things. Even less often the fancy stuff you happen to buy turns out to be something sexy to wear for your husband. This time you couldn't help it. One day in your boredom you decided to do some online shopping and found a gorgeous lacey emerald green set that you knew would look amazing against your skin tone. Even better it was on sale! One night's bored purchase is another night's fun. Honestly, you had almost completely forgotten you bought it until it came in the mail today. It was a pleasant surprise, a gift from your past self and you couldn't help but be thrilled. Just then you got another idea. You were going to make an event of it. You had the day off to relax anyway why not make it worthwhile. With that determination in mind, you went to take a shower to get ready for what you had planned. After your shower, you applied some light makeup and fixed your hair into neat french braids that finished off as low pigtails. He liked your hair like that for very obvious reasons. Then you put on the new lingerie set you bought. On top of it, you put on the dress you know he loves seeing you in the most. It's a long red sundress with flowers on it and a slit that goes up the middle rather than down the side. Once you were all dolled up and ready you decided to head to the kitchen to fix up his favorite meal and to set the table like they would in a restaurant.
When you were finally done you sent a quick text to your husband, -I have a surprise for you when you get home! I hope you like it I love you. See you soon!- You knew he should be on his way home by now and the notification would come up on the dash screen of his car. A few minutes later you get his reply, - I can't wait! I am almost home. I love you too!- It was exciting waiting in anticipation for him to come home. Not even five minutes later while you were putting the finishing touches on the meal you heard the front door open and close. You went out to greet him, "Hello my love how was work?"
"Ah, you know same old-," he pauses when he finally looks up from taking off his shoes to switch to his house slippers, "Wow, what's the special occasion that my beautiful wife feels the need to make my knees weak."
"There is no special occasion I just felt like pampering my handsome husband because he's been working extra hard lately," you replied moving closer to give him a kiss. He instantly returned the kiss and placed his hands on your hips. Before the kiss could get any more heated you pulled away, "Dinner is ready in the kitchen. I made your favorite."
"Have I ever told you that I love you," he asks following you into the kitchen/dining room.
"Only every single day Jae," you respond with a giggle at his affection. No matter how long you two have been together Im Jaebum gives you butterflies like it's still the very first date. Upon seeing the spread you had laid out on the table he came up to hug you from behind and whispered in your ear, "So you did all of this just because I have been working extra hard? I feel like you are planning something, Princess."
"What I can't just want to do something nice for you," you ask trying not to give your true intentions away.
"Okay, I will believe you for now. Let's eat then," he says giving you one more kiss on the head before going to sit down. You both enjoy your meal together and he helps you clean up. When everything was cleaned and put away you went up to JB and wrapped your arms around his neck. He placed his hands back on your hips. You lean closer to whisper in his ear again, "There is more to your surprise. Join me in the bedroom will you?"
"See I knew you were up to something," he says with a smile but follows you to the bedroom anyway. You sit him down on the edge of the bed and tell him to close his eyes. Once you are sure he isn't peeking you remove the dress you were wearing and throw it into the hamper in the corner of the room. You let him know that he can open his eyes and when he does you don't fail to notice the way his eyes darken when they look at you. His expression shifts from one of pure admiration to something darker and full of lust. You can hear it in the timber of his voice when he says, "Come here princess let daddy get a closer look at you."
You can't help but do what he asks this was your plan after all and you couldn't be more glad that it worked. As you step closer he places his hands on your thighs. It is gentle at first and then he moves up higher. Wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you closer so he can see as he moves his hands up to your ass and giving it a firm squeeze. Then he lands a sharp spank on your left cheek and soothes it by rubbing his hand softly over the spot. "Look at you, baby. You look so good for me all wrapped in lace like this. I will try not to ruin it while I am busy fucking you into oblivion," he growls from his position below you. From that same position, he lifts you up with no issues and tosses you gently onto the bed so that you're lying on your back.
He takes his sweet time kissing and nipping at your inner thighs. He makes his way so slowly to the place you need him most. You can feel how wet you are just from this and he hasn't even properly started yet. You know that he is doing this on purpose and are sure this was his own plan ever since he became suspicious of you planning something. He was moving so slowly and so gently and you knew that he could see how much it affected you from the ever-growing wet patch on your new panties. "Da-daddy please don't tease me anymore I c-can't take it. I need you please," you beg gasping when he nips just a little bit harder at your most sensitive parts.
"That's it, baby beg for me. Beg for me to use this pretty little pussy however I want," he replies finally giving you some type of relief by rubbing a thumb up and down your covered folds. He continued that for a little while longer and then gave in at the sound of your desperate moans. He pulled the panties down your legs and once they were fully off he shoved them into the pocket of his slacks. You already struggled to think and he was only getting started. It only got worse when he finally gave your pussy the attention you wanted him to. He licked a long stripe up your glistening folds humming in satisfaction at your taste.
"What do you think princess should I take my time eating you out until you cum again and again on my face or would you just like me to get you ready enough to take my cock," he asks. It was getting hard to form words. The combination of his tongue and his two fingers that joined shortly after his question was blurring your mind with pleasure. He stops all movement to say, "Come on baby use your words. Already so fucked dumb and I have barely even done anything yet. What do you want you can say it."
"I w- I want to-to-to- wanna get ready for daddy's cock," you say barely able to string the sentence together. Jaebum had a way of doing that to you and you loved it. You loved being able to give yourself over to the pleasure he brought you and he loved it too. Hearing your answer JB dove in like a man starved. After so many years he knew your body like nobody else and he knew exactly what to do to bring you over the edge. His mouth licking your sensitive clit and his middle and ring fingers plunging deep into you. Every time you'd touch yourself when he wasn't around you could never get your fingers to go as deep as his. He brought you ecstasy like nothing else. You could feel yourself getting closer.
"Daddy I am so close please can I cum I really wanna cum on your face please please, please," you begged almost crying.
"Cum baby cum all over my face and then again one more time on my cock after," he said temporarily removing his mouth from your clit and then going right back. When he replaces his mouth you feel yourself let go coming all over his face and fingers. It feels so good but you know you aren't done yet. He wastes no time moving away to remove his own clothes and then flipping you over. He pulls your hips up and once he has the right position he slides right in. He gives you enough time to adjust to him and as soon as he's sure you're okay he sets a fast pace. At first, his hands are on your hips giving your ass harsh slaps every so often that make you yelp and moan at the painful pleasure. Then his hands move to your hair each hand taking one of the pigtails and then pulling back making your back arch and he is able to hit a new deeper angle. He can feel you tightening around him and he knows you're close again which is good because so is he. He leans down into your ear, "That's it, baby just a little more, and then let's cum together yeah?"
He keeps up this pace and it is only a matter of time before you're falling off the edge cumming all over his cock and he follows seconds after. Cum spurting out in thick ropes into you. It takes a moment for you both to calm down but when you finally do he goes to the bathroom to get a warm rag to clean you up. "That was amazing and you should online shop more often if this is what it leads to," he jokes.
"Yeah I will get right on that," you respond with a laugh. He helps you clean up, take your make-up off, and let your hair down. You both fall asleep in each other's arms after exchanging a sincere 'I love you' and you couldn't be happier to end your day with him.
A/N: HOLY COW!!! I am so sorry for being so late on this one but like I said it was really self-indulgent and I definitely got super carried away. Luckily day 3 is done and day 4 will be out later today so as a bonus for this one being late you technically get two in one day! HOORAY!
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yiensaintlaurent · 2 years
00 | the other side - mark tuan
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pairing: mark tuan x reader
genre: angst, smut, idol! got7, idol! reader
warnings: cursing, explicit sex, takes place in present time with minor flashbacks
summary: mark knew it was game over the minute he saw you. despite being apart from each other for so long, no amount of practice in front of the mirror would've prepared him for the way his heart dropped the moment he saw you walk in. he'd forgotten about the hold you had on him, you; the love of his life, the one that got away.
character preface
mark tuan :
age: 29
birthday: september 4, 1993
currently living in arcadia, la county, california, u.s.a
age: 25
birthday: september 15, 1997
currently living in seoul, south korea
originally from new york city; part time in los angeles
all got7 member info is in present time.
let me know if i should post ch. 01 :)
slight or recurring mentions of other idols, groups, familiar names.
despite it taking place in present time, with real time events, this story the plot and scenarios are 100% made up
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onewmin · 11 months
snow on the beach | jaebeom | knj | 18+
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Parings: Lim Jaebeom x fem!reader x Kim Namjoon
Summary: You reminisce on the memories about the most important men in your life after being caught in between them, your feelings put at stake.
Warnings: AU, SMUT (do not engage in my works if you’re a minor), non-graphic description of sex, mentions of oral (f receiving), friends to friends with benefits to friends to lovers (?), mentions of cheating, profanity, the reader doesn’t know what she feels (very elena gilbert of hers), a very cheesy thing in the end (pls I’m a sucker for such stupid clichés) and a cliffhanger of course; typos, a slight of angst
Author’s note: hope you enjoy this… whatever this is lmao. Let me know what you think!!
Pics are taken from Pinterest, if you know their owners, pls let me know!!
Disclaimer: My works are not for minors to read. All the appearances of real people are taken for inspiration purposes only. I do not own anything, except for my writing.
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A summer breeze blew through your hair, hugging your shoulders with its warmth. There’s something about beaches, something that has always drawn you to this place. Is it the ocean, the small waves of which washed over your feet in the early hours of the days; is it the sand, that was always collected in your shoes after you walked around? You don’t really know, to be honest. You just know that you love being on the beach, whether it’s winter or summer, whether you’re alone of with someone else.
Five years ago, Jaebeom took you to the beach to teach you how to swim. Back then, you’d been friends for over a year, and shared the benefits for several months. The beach was secluded, isolated almost; so after his successful lessons, the two of you ended up making out on the sand. You remember sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around him, hands in his hair, tugging. You remember his grips on your waist, fingers putting hair behind your ears, slow kisses with sweet nothings whispered in between them. None of you had ever opened up to the other party of the mess, coming clear with the mutual feelings the two of you had developed. He never spoke of, and neither did you. You two just continued making love and acting like a couple until some months later you met Namjoon.
“Joon asked me to be his girlfriend”, you said to Jaebeom, when the two of you were smoking outside the bar.
“What did you answer?”
You shrugged your shoulders and threw the cigarette in the bin. “Figured I’d talk to you first”.
Jaebeom peered right through you, and then took the second cigarette from the pack. “No need to. He’s a great guy. You should go for it”.
Deep inside your head, you were hoping he’d snap, take your hand and pull you in his arms, whispering about you being his girl, like he did when you’d have sex. But he never did. And so the two of you were only friends again.
You grew to love Kim Namjoon quite quickly; he was always tender with you, gentle touches left on your cheeks whenever the two of you kissed. He fell for you first, having spent months dancing around you, trying to approach you the best way possible. He’d bring you flowers, take you on long bike rides and meet you after work. You’d go on simple dates, like movies or walks, but you were mesmerized by every little thing he did for you. However, Jaebeom wasn’t the bad guy in the story either: he was still you close friend. And prior to Namjoon, he had also done everything to make you fall for him.
But Jaebeom never acknowledged that. Namjoon did.
For your first anniversary the two of you rode your bikes to the beach to have a picnic, while watching the sunset. There were plenty of people there too, but you only saw Joon, and his ever glowing love reflected in him holding your hand and smiling brightly at everything you said.
And while the time was passing, Jaebeom had gotten in and out multiple relationships, you and Namjoon stood strong, facing every challenge together. Him and Jaebeom grew to be friends too, and you never touched upon you and him being an item before Joon. Because, no matter how friendly they’d been to each other, Kim Namjoon was overly possessive whenever he saw you and Jaebeom together.
Something seems off, he’d think to himself, judging you male best friend silently, but I can’t grasp what. You had to reassure him a thousand times that there was nothing between the two of you, — at least, not anymore — and he’d cool down, coming back to that sweet persona of his.
And the time has passed almost invisibly, marking your fifth anniversary as lovers and second one as an engaged couple. Things were going pretty great, horrendously sweet the two of you are, your friends would say.
Jaebeom, on the other hand, four months prior to your anniversary, had broken up with his long-term girlfriend — probably, the first one in years that he had very serious intentions about. He called you in the middle of the night, his speech slurring, for you to find him in the alley, drunkenly unconscious. Having carried him to your car, you heard him mumbling to himself, lying in the backseat, while you were driving him home.
“Jaebeom, you’re heavy son of a bitch”, you huffed, after putting him in his bed, and taking his clothes off. You didn’t feel the wave of embarrassment seeing him in his boxers only; you only felt a tsunami of irritation growing inside of you.
“Stay”, he grabbed your wrist when you had put the blanket over his body.
“Jaebeom, you know I can’t stay”, your annoyance turned into softness the moment you heard his weak voice.
“I can’t sleep without you”, he looked you right in the eyes, “I think… I think about you a-all the time”, he stuttered.
“Oh god, you’re too drunk”, you replied and released yourself from his grip. He was obviously imagining his ex-girlfriend brought him home. That’s what you kept on telling yourself even when you heard him murmur your name when leaving.
The two of you never spoke of that. Not until two months ago.
Your friends would tell you about the most bizarre experiences of them finding out their partners were cheating: catching them red-handed was the most outdated one. Nevertheless, no matter how ‘boring’ it was, that what happened to you. Namjoon and the girl from his work, in your bed, in the bed the two of you have shared for the past three years.
“It’s not what you think!” Followed you as you flew out of the apartment, only to jump in your car and drive, drive, drive until you couldn’t feel your hands, which were gripping the wheel tightly. You stopped near the beach.
Sitting on the sand, you shivered from the cold spring wind as a harbinger of the heavy rain that followed shortly after you arrived. The raindrops fell on the water, creating ripples on its surface; and you didn’t know what really soaked the sand — the rain or your tears.
Soaked to the core, you tried to warm yourself in the car, bone-shaking sobs ripping your heart apart with every breath you took. You stayed in the car, in the parking lot of the supermarket outside the city, and fell asleep in the driver’s seat, head resting on your hands on the steering wheel.
You drove to Jaebeom’s house in the morning, just to cry more, being safe in his arms. He made you stay in his house even for longer, as you felt sick the next day, your beach experience being the fault. Namjoon was banned from visiting.
“She doesn’t want to see you”, you woke up to hear the words coming from the hall of Jaebeom’s house.
“Is that what she said?” You knew Namjoon’s voice all too well not to recognize him. “Or this are your words?”
“She’s my fiancée, not yours, Jaebeom”.
“Is she still?” Jaebeom chuckled. “Don’t remember her being ecstatic about your wedding since she caught you fucking someone else”.
1:0, Jaebeom won that round. Namjoon left but kept on bombarding your phone, texting and calling all the time. What could he possibly tell you? That it was a mistake? That him sleeping with his colleague was… What? What possible excuse could he ever given to make you forgive what he had done?
The anger has turned into resentment; you could no longer think of Namjoon without feeling sick to your stomach. Your engagement ring was in your bag, a lingering memory of the moments you were the happiest.
“Have you ever thought about it?” You and Jaebeom were sitting on the couch, watching TV in his house. You’ve just gotten better, but he insisted you stayed a little bit longer. You didn’t mind.
“About what?”
“About…” He hummed. “About us”.
He took a deep breath. “Like, if we… If you and me… Shit”. He ran his hand through the hair. “If I, uh…”. Jaebeom stopped for a moment again. “If I asked you to be my girlfriend back then, would you be mine?”
Gawking at him, you opened and closed your mouth, being unable to produce a sound or a thought. Just like that? Five years have passed!
“What are you… What are you talking about?” Your words came out as a whisper.
He moved closer to you, having taken your hands in his. “I-I just… I just want to know”. His brown eyes scanned you, pupils dilating every time his gaze stopped at your lips.
“It’s been too long for me to even remember-“
“I couldn’t forget”. His words firm, unlike the soft caressing of your hands by his fingers. “Because no matter how much time passed, I find myself still… Still drawn to you”. Your chest suddenly was heavy and the heartbeat was the only sound you could hear. “Don’t you ever think of… us?”
Your verbal answer came out as silence, but you quickly found yourself pulling him in for a kiss. Starting slowly, it escalated into a heavy one, tongues sloppily meeting in between moans. You never dreamt to be in his arms ever again, nevertheless, you were.
The couch was no longer enough as the two of you crawled to his bed, entangled in the sheets. His touches were the same, same as you remembered them: simply perfect for you. His head buried between your thighs, exploring your most sensitive spot once again, even more skillfully and satisfyingly this time.
And as you were riding him, head thrown back, both of you lost in pleasure, your personal Edem inside his bedroom. The way he tugged on your hair, gently and tenderly, when talking you from behind, open-mouthed kisses left on your back and shoulders. Every year spent suppressing your desire for each other turned into an erupting volcano; and there was no possibility to stop the disaster from happening.
You regretted it in the morning. You regretted it until Jaebeom woke up and grinned at you, lips touching your forehead in a soothing kiss, as if he’d felt the pain you were feeling. The said pain was relieved by the kiss, and then by another, turned into making out, turned into him slowly thrusting into you. For several hours you couldn’t even remember Namjoon’s name — as if the mere touch of Jaebeom’s erased your fiancé from your head.
However, not from your heart. No matter how good it was, no matter the suppressed feelings for Jaebeom coming back, you still had feelings for Namjoon as well. Torn apart, you were unable to leave Jaebeom, ‘cause doing it felt like leaving him forever. It seemed if you stepped out of his house, you’d lose him forever. But if you stayed? If you stayed, wouldn’t you lose Namjoon?
Did he think about that when cheating on you?
So you drove to the beach instead. Summer is in its full bloom, people walking around, swimming, laughing. Not many of them, but enough for you not to feel lonely. And as the weather seems perfect, you close your eyes to trust your faith to the only place you ever felt safe at.
“If it snows today, now, on the beach”, you speak to the ocean through your thoughts, eyes squeezed, “I’ll drive home to the man I love”. As if you knew. As if you had a clear vision of your future. As if you one whom to love.
And as you stand there, eyes still closed, several minutes pass. When you hear people’s voices suddenly getting louder, you lift your head to look at the sky. Opal colored just five minutes ago, now it was grey, clouds covering the sun.
Could it really snow on the beach in the middle of the summer?
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kgyeomiex · 5 months
Distraction (M)
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“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking towards me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
JYP has announced a new girl group in the company and you happened to be one of the members. The moment you signed in, that was the moment you were hoping to just focus on music and your career, but something gets in the way. A massive love triangle is what causes a bumpy road for you and your future.
Previous Parts:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 //
Part 9 is here~
Regardless of what you say, you will always get distracted by these boys. Jaebum and Mark tend to show up out of nowhere when you try your hardest to focus on your music...
A normal person would stand by their group and show their devotion and full attention to the music however in your case it’s different...
“Y/N, I was hoping I would bump into you,” Mark says, smiling right at you.
Right now, your brain was telling you to get away and focus on the big day but for some reason, your feet weren't moving.
“M-mark, what’s up?” Why did you just stutter... Great not only is your body ignoring your command, but now you can’t even speak to the boy.
“I don’t know if you’re busy, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get lunch with me... Just me,” Mark wanted to go eat with you? How on earth can you say no to that?
Even though you knew you should reject his kind gesture you just spoke without really thinking about your answer.
“Sure,” as soon as you said that you realized what you said, and you tried your hardest to smile instead of showing your shocked face.
“Perfect... I just need to return this to Yugyeom but if you’d like you can meet me in the front,” Mark suggests, and instead of saying anything you nodded your head and continued to smile.
Okay clearly speaking wasn’t helping you out... Instead, it was making things more complicated for you.
“Great, I’ll see you soon,” Mark smiles and takes off.
Instead of even moving you stood there frozen trying to figure out what your plan was... Just a second ago you were talking about devoting all your attention to your career and not on boys. Crazy how your mindset was so quick to change...
Okay... Look at the situation this way. Mark and you were probably just going to eat and then from there split off in your directions.
Hopefully after spending some time with Mark, you can then focus on your music and less on boys....
Yeah... That sounds like a good idea. Will it work? To be honest I have no idea, but a girl can hope and dream.
“Jackson did what?” You couldn't help but laugh as Mark was trying to explain how Jackson ended up kissing Jaebum on the lips.
“It was by accident though... Just know that in interviews they will make you do unexpected things like where you have to pass papers around to other members by only using your lips...” You’ve always seen other idols do that and to be honest you always wanted to try it but at the same time no...
“Have you had an incident where you accidentally kissed one of your members?” You asked Mark as you reached in for your drink. He silently thought to himself and then looked at you.
“Okay maybe once or twice... But the whole purpose of the game is to prevent the paper from falling... The paper that these people write is horrible material and always ends up falling at the end,” you smiled, and then a question popped into your head.
“So, Mark tells me, who’s a better kisser?” You asked Mark teasing him and he laughed.
“It’s not like that,” the two of you suddenly began to laugh.
“Even if I did accidentally kiss one of the boys, I didn’t enjoy any of them,” Mark defended himself and you just smiled.
Sitting in front of Mark and having lunch with him wasn’t bad. The two of you were just spending time with one another and laughing, you know what friends do.
“Hey Y/N... I know this is random, but I have a question,” Mark says, and before you could answer you grabbed a napkin and wiped your mouth before replying.
“What’s up?” You asked as soon as you finished chewing.
“I know I probably shouldn't ask a question like this, but I can’t help but be curious...” At first, you were confused. What kind of question was Mark planning to ask you but then you had an idea... It’s probably going to involve what happened back at the studio when you were being put on the spot in front of everyone.
“Ask away,” you had an idea of what this question was going to be, and even though you weren’t ready to answer you had to face it eventually.
“Do Jaebum and you possibly have a secret relationship?” Mark asks, looking directly at you.
Well, that was straightforward... There is nothing to hide because Jaebum and you aren’t even dating or anything. When you told the boys back at the studio that you don’t have a relationship with Jaebum or Mark you were serious about it.
The answer would be beyond different if the boys were to ask what your feelings towards them but since they didn’t you are fine.
“No Jaebum and I are just friends,” you said as you looked into Mark’s eyes, so he knew you were telling the truth.
“That’s good to hear,” you were about to ask him why but then suddenly a memory replayed in your head...
For a second you almost forgot that Mark confessed he liked you... You looked down at your plate of food and tried your hardest to contain your smile.
Eventually, silence appeared and the two of you were now sitting there eating not saying a single word to one another...
So were you two planning to stay quiet now...
The both of you stopped talking and just smiled.
Things were starting to become complicated... After talking to Sana and hearing her advice you looked at Mark and then back at your food. You came to JYP to live your dreams, not look for boys...
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You remember reading an article where DAY6 had 6 members in the beginning, but someone was kicked out after JYP found out he had a girlfriend.
If you continue to allow your feelings to get in the way you will get kicked out of the company before you can live your dreams.
“What do your plans consist of tomorrow?” Marks asks and you suddenly begin to move your food around not wanting to eat.
“Um well, tomorrow we will have our debut showcase. Then we have photoshoots and interviews so tomorrow will be a very busy day.” In the past couple of days, you have had a chance to spend time with the boys which led you to catch feelings for them... But after today you were going to be busy.
Maybe being busy was going to be a good thing. You weren’t going to have the urge to want to spend time with Jaebum and Mark... Maybe you’ll even get over this crush of yours.
“So will I not be able to see you?” Mark suddenly asks and at that moment the both of you make eye contact.
“I’m not sure....”
Comments like this made it hard to forget why you liked him.
“Well... I enjoyed this lunch, but I think it’s time for me to head back and practice until my feet fall off,” you said dramatically, and Mark smiled.
“Don’t overwork yourself, you do have a busy day head,”
You got up from your seat, grabbed your tray, and left while you could...
Comments like this make it hard for you to just “forget” you have a crush on Mark. He was sweet and considerate.
But sometimes you must sacrifice something for something else... When you look at things it's either you choose your dreams or some boy...
Dance practice was going well; however, you would be lying if you were to say you were distracted even if it was the slightest. What was worse about all of this was that you couldn’t talk to your members about it.
You were trying everything you could to ignore your thinking about Mark and focus on what was important... Tomorrow and your busy schedule.
“Okay everyone let’s take 5,” your leader says as she tries to catch her breath.
You all agreed. You walked over to a wall and instantly sat down.
“Y/N!” You looked over and noticed your bandmate Daeun sitting beside you.
“You know although we live together and practice, I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in forever,” it was true but so much has been going on. . .
“I know. But I mean with this debut coming up we’ve all been tired and busy,” you said, and she nodded her head.
She grabs her water bottle and looks at you.
“I know it’s none of my business but lately I noticed you’ve been looking pretty distracted, is everything alright?” You looked at her and began to contemplate with yourself.
Should you open up to Daeun about your situation or keep it to yourself?
You didn’t mean to keep secrets to any of your bandmates, but to be fair you weren’t close to them. Also, this included something that could involve a scandal if you don’t play your cards right and this can affect everyone.
You wouldn’t know how Daeun would feel if you told her about both Mark and Jaebum and how you may like them. . .
“I have been distracted, but it’s nothing concerning. . . Just worried about failing and disappointing everyone around me,” you decided to keep it vague and simple with your explanation.
“Well, girl you have nothing to worry about. Honestly, one thing I always tell myself and I will share with you is that there is no need to stress about the small things. Life has a way of figuring things out, everything happens for a reason.” Daeun says and you nod your head.
“But what if. . .You know something you want to do can affect others around you . . .”
After blurting that out, Daeun looked slightly concerned but instead of asking me what was up, she shrugged.
“Well, only you know what’s best for you. Sometimes you must be selfish and take the risk to make yourself happy before others.” You were surprised to hear advice like this from Daeun, but she was right.
Min-Seo suddenly called everyone back up and we continued to practice. . . After speaking to Daeun, you felt a little less distracted. . .
Everything happens for a reason, right?
You weren’t expecting any of this to take place. You were stuck in a weird position.
When you auditioned to become an idol and even got ACCEPTED you were so happy words could not describe the feeling you felt. You felt speechless, you felt like this was either a mistake or they were probably confusing you with someone else or you felt like you were dreaming...
You remember before your auditions you slept so little to make sure that your routine for your audition went well.
Now here you are about to debut but now you are distracting yourself.
Instead, you are here suddenly getting swayed by boys in this company.
It wouldn’t be much of an issue if JYP didn’t have the dating ban... But if you want to continue being an idol you have to literally push off your feelings and maybe even stop talking to them.
You have worked way too hard to get where you are now. On top of that, you began to recall all the stressful moments you had to endure while training. The harsh criticism you would receive, the whiplash attitude your coaches would give, and the overwhelming feeling you had to deal with...
Honestly, training was probably one of the hardest times you have ever experienced. Back in the dorm, you remember calling your mom and breaking down. You remember the number of times you considered quitting and going to a new root, but you didn’t allow yourself to quit.
Instead, you put on your big girl pants and knew you were going to debut sooner or later.
You worked too hard to suddenly throw all of this away.
Usually, dilemmas like this were a no-brainer but as you began to think.... What if you never feel this way with anyone else you ever meet?
You knew that this was probably just an excuse to avoid letting go of the person you were starting to like...
Were you really going to throw away something you worked so hard for over a guy?
Thinking of Mark was not helping... And weirdly enough you caught yourself even thinking about Jaebum.
You got back on your feet and shook your head.
Now it’s time to focus on what’s important.
After rehearsing the rest of the members were ready to call it a night to head back to the dorm and relax before the big day. However, due to all the distractions you have been experiencing, you decided to stay back to rehearse for an hour or two to make sure you got everything set for tomorrow.
After practicing the main track dance, you felt yourself out of breath. You sat on the floor and looked at yourself in the mirror.
“You got this!” you told yourself trying to tell yourself words of encouragement.
You can’t keep distracting yourself with the thought of these beautiful men. You worked way too hard to be where you are now... How are you going to let that escape through your fingers with just one minor mistake?
You got up and you heard your phone make a noise.
You walked over to your phone and picked it up.
To be honest you were expecting it to be one of your members telling you to head home and rest up for the big day but no...
The person who was texting you at 11 pm was Jaebum.
I heard you were still in the company, so I decided to come by and take you home :)
This text brought mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to receive a text from one of the boys themselves because, to be honest, you enjoyed having a conversation with them. HOWEVER, this is the type of distraction you were trying to avoid.
You brushed your fingers through your hair removing the hair from your face and took a deep breath.
Okay. . . What if you agree for Jaebum to walk you back to the dorm for one last time? That way once you debut you can forget about your friendship with the boys and look at the bigger picture. YEAH!
You texted Jaebum agreeing to his gesture and then put our phone to the side.
Let’s just practice one more time before you call it quits.
As you were dancing the last chorus you suddenly noticed a shadow creeping up by the dance studio door. You were going to stop to look back, but you couldn’t afford distraction. You assumed it was Jaebum so instead of looking back you continued to dance and lip sync not trying to miss a beat.
As you were on the floor doing a dance move, you noticed Jaebum walking in and then looked away looking at yourself in the mirror instead.
Look at the bigger picture.
You continued to perform as if you were standing on stage in front of a big crowd, but you were tempted to look over and look at Jaebum.
Fortunately, the song was coming to an end.
As you were finishing the last set of dance moves, you posed as the music came to an end and you could hear Jaebum cheering.
You looked over and smiled.
You wanted to say something, but you needed to catch your breath.
Jaebum noticed how tired you were after that last dance, and he noticed your water bottle close by the dance studio window. He grabbed the water bottle, walked over to you and you looked at him.
“Thank you,” you grabbed onto the water bottle and then took a sip before you continued to talk to Jaebum.
After taking a sip, you looked at him.
“What brings you to the studio, shouldn’t you be home?” You asked him and he shrugged.
“We finished early with recordings, and I was told that you were still in the dance studio so I came to make an appearance.” you couldn’t lie you felt your heart warm up a little at the thought of Jaebum staying here to see you.
No.... You don’t like him. . . You think.
As you walked over to your bag you said “You didn’t have to stay, you could have gone home and rested. I’m sure you had a busy day,”
Jaebum shrugged and smiled.
“Waiting for you was no problem. . . I was hoping I had a chance to see you today,” as those words came out of Jaebum's mouth you looked over at him and couldn’t help but smile.
Comments like this are not helping whatsoever.
Sometimes you get curious and wonder if Jaebum was interested in you as a woman but then again maybe it’s better if you don’t know the answer to that.
Your brain and your feelings are in a complete battle. What the hell are you supposed to do?
You realized you were so lost in your thoughts you haven’t responded to Jaebum.
“Ah so you just wanted me to bug you more, well your wish is my command,” you teased Jaebum, and he laughed.
You couldn’t risk being flirtatious with Jaebum. You don’t know what kind of outcome comes with and right about now you didn’t want to put yourself in any kind of predicament. Now that you were trying your hardest to stay on the right path you knew you just had to friend-zone the man.
“What can I say, life becomes a little bit more exciting when I am with you,” Jaebum blurts out, and after hearing that you instantly avoid eye contact.
Oh no... He is making it harder and harder to not like.
“Sometimes I wonder if becoming an idol is worth all this trouble,” you confessed to Jaebum as you two strolled along the street side by side. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean the restriction we have when becoming an idol. We have to put up this facade to keep fans happy. We have to give them this illusion that we are perfect and happy all the time when in reality we are human like the rest of them. . .” You weren’t even an idol yet, but you already started to feel like the fame life was going to be harder than most people realize. 
Right now, you seemed conflicted just because tomorrow was the big day. Although you haven’t been friends with Jaebum and Mark for that long, it’s felt like so much has been going on and you haven’t been keeping your eyes on the prize. 
“I know what you mean, I think it’s normal for anyone to have that kind of thought. But in the end, you always think and look at the bigger picture. What do you want?”Jaebum asks you and you look at him. 
“I really want to make sure tomorrow is a complete success. I didn’t go through blood sweat and tears getting criticized left and right just not to debut at the end. You know?”After getting advice from different people, you suddenly decided to make a decision. 
It was now time to put your foot down. Although the past couple of days you have enjoyed the presence of both Jaebum and Mark, you knew it had to come to an end. 
Well, you didn’t have to cut them off completely, but boundaries had to be made and you knew that you had to avoid ever letting things get deeper for example your feelings for each of them.
You opened your eyes, and you looked up at the ceiling.
For some reason, it felt like you didn’t sleep at all. The moment you got home you had a hard time falling asleep. You were so nervous yet excited about your showcase today. . .
The day had officially arrived. You were finally going to debut and make a name for yourself.
You sat up and felt a mix of emotions.
Today is going to be a good day. You weren’t going to let anything get in your way.
Just as you were planning to get up from the bed you suddenly heard a knock on the door. Min-See opens the door and peeks her head through the door.
“Y/N are you awake?” she must have heard your alarm but hasn’t seen you step out of your room.
“I’m awake,” you told her, and she smiled.
You could see how worried she appeared to be. You couldn’t blame her; the feeling was mutual. Although to be fair you all should be confident for today’s showcase, especially with the amount of practice you guys had.
Day’s like today you couldn’t afford any kind of distraction. You walked over to your mirror and took one look at yourself. Right about now it was time for a pep talk.
Today is the big day. After all the rejections, all the struggles, and all of the hard work you put in, today was the day you were going to finally show what you have been working hard on. Today was the day you could finally show your mom that all those tears you shed during the process were worth it at the end of the day.
However, it seemed like in the back of your head you had a slight fear appearing making you think about the what if. What if your debut isn’t as successful as you were hoping? What if people don’t find interest in your group? What if this love triangle you seem to be in becomes far harder than it has been?
You could feel your mind filled with so many different thoughts, but you were trying your hardest to keep yourself together. This is fear talking.
Today was a big day for your group and you and you weren’t going to let anyone take that away from you.
As you were in the dressing room getting your makeup done, you were thinking about the lyrics to your own song and the choreography over and over. Today was the day you couldn’t afford any kind of mistake.
The makeup artist instructs you to close your eyes and begins to apply eyeshadow. Suddenly you hear the door open and the staff in your room saying hello to whoever came through the doors. Without thinking twice, you opened your eyes and there you see Mark walking in with a basket in his hand.
Seeing Mark gave you mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to see the fact that Mark cleared his busy schedule just to come down here and wish you luck. . . Like, let’s be honest what kind of guy does that? And then the other side of you isn’t very happy to see Mark just because you knew he could be a big distraction... Can you see the dilemma?
“Mark?” Your makeup artist pulled away from doing your makeup and smiled.
“I’ll give you a few minutes to talk to your friend,”
You thanked your makeup artist and then continued to look at Mark.
“Surprise,” he says as he approaches you with the basket in his hand.
“Surprise is right. . . What brings you down here?” You asked him and just as Mark was about to speak up, he was cut off when someone else walked through the door.
Another person you weren’t expecting to see was right there in front of you. Of course... Jaebum also made an appearance.
What the hell do you do now?
To Be Continued...
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cloudykaii · 2 years
Two ideas involving got7 8th. One, maybe something like 8th gets pretty sick and is taken care of by the other members. It's cliche but I have a massive soft spot for that kind of stuff. And also, just something talking about got7's dynamic with her members. It'd be interesting to read about.
Yugyeom was the most worried, believe it or not. The others told him that it was just a small cold. A little cough and you were fine, but he just had a bad feeling about it all. They all had someone- a family or at least friends that were kind of close by, but all you had was them, and he didn’t like the idea of you having to fend for yourself while they hung out. 
His instincts turned out to be proven right when he was flipping channels and got a call from the hospital. He had no idea that he was even on your list as an emergency contact, but it was a good thing he was. The first thing he did was rush there, calling the others. Due to restrictions, they couldn’t all rush to the hospital, so the others all settled for setting up your place for someone to stay with you for a while. 
“I told you, I’m fine!” you could be heard grumbling as you opened your front door. Jackson almost laughed as he heard the little argument you were having. The sight of them all in your living room only made you huff. “This is so dramatic, I’m fine.”
“You told us you were fine before and then had a fever so high you passed out and laid there until your neighbor got worried you weren’t answering her calls and called an ambulance,” Mark deadpanned. 
Jinyoung nodded. “Forgive us for just wanting to make sure you’re alright, we know that makes us the worst kind of criminal and hope you’ll find it in your heart somewhere to forgive us,” he smarted off as he grabbed your hand to help you sit down. You looked pale and absolutely worn out, but thankfully they all knew your diagnosis and could help. 
You wanted to argue some more but all the exertion was making the sight of them swim in front of you so you just nodded and let your body slump into the chair. “Fine.”
BamBam moved to check your temp again before holding out your prescribed medication and a glass of water. “Don’t give me that look, that pout only works on Jackson and Mark,” he raised an eyebrow. “You’re not getting out of this, now take them.” They all just cared and wanted to make sure you were alright. They love you, even if every step reminded them of trying to take care of a sick child..
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marvelous-llama · 10 months
GOT7 recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
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pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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The Mafia by @inyournightmares97
The Inevitability of You by @yehet-me-up
Soulmate series by @fantastic-bby (Mark, Jaebeom, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Bambam, Yugyeom)
Firework by @inyournightmares97
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one shots
Trust Issues by @jeonronwoo
Mark x gn!reader (wc - 1.7k) established relationship - angst, hurt/comfort
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Suits by @bambikisss
Jaebeom x fem!reader (wc - 2.1k + 5.7k) strangers to lovers, CEO!reader, CEO!Jaebeom - fluff, smut, romance Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both? part 1, part 2
Through His Eyes by @prettywordsyouleft
Jaebeom x fem!reader - angst, romance, fluff, smut Losing your sight after your accident was traumatic, and Jaebum’s guilt of knowing it should have been him instead creates an intricate bond between you both, as you overcome adversity and try to find your way in life again.
Reconciliation by @prettywordsyouleft
Jaebeom x fem!reader exes to lovers, business AU - angst, fluff, smut, romance You had allowed yourself to be undervalued for too long, as a business partner and lover of Im Jaebum and so you left him for good. When you crossed paths again, not all was how you imagined it to be. Could you reconcile after all the pain?
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nights like this by @babecoups
Jackson x fem!reader (wc - 2.8k) brother´s best friend, idiots to lovers - angst, smut, fluff You have the worst luck when it comes to relationships, but sometimes the right guy for you is the one you shouldn’t have feelings for in the first place.
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Jackson x fem!reader (wc - 1.8k) established relationship - fluff, smut Jackson returns home after traveling. To his surprise, you're waiting for him
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Jinyoung x fem!reader (wc - 5.5k) enemies to lovers - angst, smut, fluff? Being locked up until tomorrow morning with your biggest rival in the Archery team might not be all bad after all...
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Jinyoung x fem!reader (wc - 3.6k) friends to lovers, knight!Jinyoung, princess!reader - fluff, smut, angst Your best friend sneaks into your castle and keeps you company before he goes off to war, leading to feelings being revealed.
Making a Move by @milfgyuu
Jinyoung x fem!reader (wc - 2.7k) roommates, friends to lovers - humour, smut, fluff
Destined by @prettywordsyouleft
Jinyoung x fem!reader soulmates - angst, fluff, smut You craved meeting your soulmate, but you wished more than anything he could be your best friend, Mark. When Mark finally meets his soulmate, you get the chance to find yours and he’s not at all what you expected.
enough by @ahgaseda
Jinyoung x fem!reader mafia, exes to lovers - angst, smut to survive as a single woman in the big city, you resort to letting rich men pay for your company, but never anticipated that your first client would be the boy you once loved, Jinyoung.
The Trial Period by @prettywordsyouleft
Jinyoung x fem!reader enemies to lovers - angst, fluff, romance, suggestive When the perfect studio space comes up, you leap at the chance to take it. Except, so has Park Jinyoung, someone you have hated for the past three years. Given three months to share the space before deciding who will claim it, can you push Jinyoung out by the end of your trial period, or will you find that the tactics you both use leads to something unexpected?
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Open Tab by @milfgyuu
Youngjae x fem!reader (wc - 5.1k) strangers to lovers - angst, fluff, smut, hurt/comfort A connection is made with a handsome bartender who offers you comfort, a slice of cheesecake, and so much more on your ruined evening.
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Youngjae x fem!reader (wc - 15k) strangers to lovers, mutual pining - fluff It took Choi Youngjae seven weddings to fall in love with you.
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I Think I Love You by @milfgyuu
Bambam x fem!reader (wc - 2.1k) coworkers/friends to lovers - fluff, crack Bambam rescues you from the company party and makes a rooftop confession to you under the stars. It’s kind of magical.
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one shots
oh my god, they were roommates by @babybirdgyeom
Yugyeom x reader (wc - 2.5k) roommates to lovers, mutual pining - fluff One night you couldn’t resist your roommate Yugyeom anymore and finally gave in.
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mxillusion · 2 years
Anywhere with you.
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➝ pairing: im jaebum x reader  
➝ words count: 600+
➝ genre/warnings: suggestive; sexual content, teasing, grinding, …
➝ summary: Late-night visits in your lover's studio turn into something more... again.
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Carefully you walked into his studio, ensuring you wouldn't disturb him with whatever he was currently doing. Deep, low beats spread across the room, indicating he was still working on something. 
Placing the take-away cupcake box on the side table next to your boyfriend, you caught his full attention. He raised his head, smiling at you. 
"There she is!"
You grinned at him, only to be pulled onto his lap the next beat. "I've missed you," he muttered into your ear, the tip of his nose hidden in your soft hair. 
"Missed you too." Your arms wrapped around his neck, tugging him even closer. "What are you working on? I like what I'm hearing!"
Chuckling, he raised a brow at you. "Oh, do you? I just finished these. Might use them for my next EP. We'll see." Jaebum moved your hair over one shoulder, offering himself access on the other side to place delicate kisses on it. 
Relishing the sudden physical contact, you hummed delightedly. "What are you doing, babe?" you asked, giggling. "I brought you cupcakes. Don't you want one?"
"Maybe later," he purred, his plush lips brushing the bare skin on your shoulder blade. "I found something much more delicious here." One of his palms ran up your inner thigh, settling down on a precarious spot. 
"But they'll get all mushy if we won't eat them now." Slightly toying with him, you wanted to see where this would take you. Usually, you wouldn't dare to object, yet you were in the mood to do so anyway. At least a little.
Groaning in frustration, the grip on your thigh strengthened while his other hand slipped underneath your arm to rest on your belly. His fingers played with the hem of your shirt, fingertips dancing over your exposed skin every now and then, causing you goosebumps. 
"Don't wanna wait," he sighed, his lips kissing all the way up your neck, making you moan and close your eyes. Tugging your lower lip between your teeth, your hands found his hair so fingers could rank through his obsidian-colored hair. 
"You remember last time you were here with me?" 
Playback of those memories initiated in your head, turning your cheeks crimson. "I do," you breathed, recalling every single detail of this moment. Last week you decided to visit him spontaneously, having pretty specific ideas on what to do with him. Being on a shopping trip beforehand, you wanted to surprise him with brand new lingerie purchased only for him. Unable to wait for him to come home later that night, you figured you'd show him right here, right now. And he loved it.
"You visiting me is always so... compelling." 
You grew impatient at this point, shifting your weight only to reposition yourself by straddling him shortly after. "You don't say," you whispered, placing your hands on his shoulders to gently let them run down his upper body. 
That's when his lips found yours, capturing them eagerly. Your addicting traces along his body made him lose his mind. Every single time. 
Jaebum grabbed your hips, squeezing them in order to raise his crotch so you could feel how much he needed you at this point. You started grinding your hips down on him, causing him to deeply moan against your lips. 
"You're driving me crazy, babe." 
Still holding on to your waist, he stood up in one quick movement, helping you wrap your legs around his mid to walk you to the side table. He placed you next to the cupcake box, pressing his body close to yours. Hands and lips everywhere, he was almost devouring you. 
Just like he did last time...
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
You needed to know
Post Date: 24th October 2022 Content: Fluff - GOT7 Jackson x Reader WC: 1.6K TW?: Friends to lovers Request?: Yes Masterlist                                    Prompt list
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“Awh come on, Jackson. It’s not going to be that bad,” Mark whines playfully to his friend who’s slumped in his chair, arms crossed with his phone in his face.
Jackson sighs, peering around the phone to look at Mark, “I’m not going, that’s the end of it,” he bites lowly, frustrated with himself for feeling so petty about it when he really doesn’t have to, “Bam’s going to be there ain’t he?”.
Mark rolls his eyes, “Of course he is, but that’s because he’s a good friend of Y/N’s, as well as us. I know you like her, come on!”. 
“I’m definitely not going, I don’t want to get my heart broken when she asks Bam to dance with her, to be her boyfriend. That should be me, not him,” Jackson protests but Mark doesn’t want to hear it, putting his hand up to his friend.
“I’m sure she doesn’t like him that way, you’re coming, even if it’s for an hour,” Mark puts his foot down, smiling as Jackson lets out a defeated groan, not wanting to believe that you ain’t interested in Bambam but he wants to be there for you, for your birthday.
You were first Mark’s friend, meeting each other at a fan signing event and just clicked straight away, and you haven’t missed a day where you weren’t texting or hanging out, he really is your best friend for life.
You were also grateful when he introduced you to the rest of the group, and almost instantly, you fall in love with Jackson. Though you don’t say or do anything with it because you didn’t want to hurt Mark, who's yours and Jackson’s best friend. 
However you loved all of them, finding yourself hanging out with Bambam and Yugyeom purely for how chaotic they were, but finding yourself hanging out with Mark, Jinyoung and Jaebum when you needed to chill out. Jackson was the one you’d hang out with when you needed cheering up, he just cheered you up the second he smiles at you when he makes jokes about you when he does the most simple of things.  
Your birthday comes around so quickly that you didn’t even remember what you were on with being busy with work and everything else, the boys reminding you first thing in the morning through the group chat. All of them scream happy birthday through voice messages and spamming birthday memes as you chuckle to yourself, remembering about your birthday party on the night that you hoped Jackson will turn up out of everyone. 
That also comes around quicker than expected, the hours flowing by as you're doing the final touches to your make-up, walking out of your apartment to meet them at their choice of venue for you.
It was only going to be a small party with a few close friends as well as your family but you prefer it that way as you walk in, getting greeted and congratulated by family and friends who offer to get you something to drink.
You scope the room for Jackson but he was nowhere to be seen, only a few of the boys in the corner, all grasping onto their gifts for you. Noticing you, they wave, inviting you over, singing as you do so.
“Here’s the birthday girl!” Jinyoung announces, reaching to give you a small hug as the others follow suit.
“You want these gifts now or want us to put them somewhere?” Jaebum asks, Mark also waiting for your answer as you laugh at the way they hold them up excitedly.
“Over on the table will be fine, thank you,” you smile, turning to Bambam as the other three walk off, “He’s not coming, is he?” you pout as he shrugs, “I don’t know”.
You were a little hurt by the lack of Jackson’s presence, but you didn’t want to lose hope in him, wanting to believe that he wouldn’t miss your birthday, he’s never like that. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jackson was preparing a huge surprise for you, needing help from Yugyeom to carry in your present, knowing how much you love puppies, he couldn’t resist getting you one for your birthday. 
Mark manages to convince the DJ to turn down his music, letting him have the mic as he had an “important” announcement to make, something completely random to everyone else at the party.
“Hey guys, could we have a moment to let the birthday girl stand in the middle of the floor, there is a blindfold for you that Jaebum has, please put that on,” he announces, the floor clearing as Jaebum hands you said blindfold, assisting in helping you get it on.
For the seconds to follow, the venue falls silent, everyone waiting patiently for the surprise as Jackson and Yugyeom walk in, a big box in their hands as they carry it towards you, putting it at your feet before opening the lid.
“If we could do a huge countdown when I signal too, Y/N can take the blindfold off,” Mark continues as the room starts to chant the countdown, your nerves getting the best of you as you giggle to yourself, hands swinging down by your side.
Jaebum stays close to take off your blindfold on the count of 1 and as your eyes open, you’re greeted by Jackson standing there with the biggest grin on his face that you’ve ever seen.
“You came!” you excitedly scream, jumping up and down, going to give him a hug until a small bark comes from below you, your eyes shooting wide open with glee when you’re greeted with the cutest labrador puppy you’ve ever seen.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” Jackson smiles, kneeling down with you as you greet the puppy, picking it up with tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, shooting him a thank you.
Giving you a moment to enjoy your birthday present, Mark winks at Jackson who hesitantly waves at him to signal ‘no’ but Mark smirks, giving him a thumbs up to reassure him he’ll be okay.
Jackson mouths ‘Not yet’ to his friend, wanting to let you enjoy your party, worried that you’ll reject him on the spot.
The party continues and your family take the dog back to your apartment, which Jackson has decorated perfectly for your new addition, leaving you behind with the seven boys who dig into their cake, gossiping and laughing as you join them.
“Thank you guys, this has been the best birthday ever,” you say with a huge grin, the frosting of the cake collecting at the corner of your mouth as Jackson wipes it off with his thumb without thinking.
There are hearts in his eyes as he looks at you, just wanting to tell you there and there how much he loves you but again, the fear of being shut down by you would hurt him more than just holding it in. 
“I’ll be back in a moment,” you say, waving to them to say goodbye to your family who has come back briefly to say goodbye and in hopes, you have a great rest of the day.
Mark pulls Jackson aside, holding his shoulder as he forces him to look at him, “The boys and I are going to head off, take Y/N’s presents to her flat before going back to ours, you should tell her”.
Jackson shakes his head in protest, wanting to argue with his friend but Mark gives him a glare, “Do it brother, I promise you. It’ll make her day”,
Jackson once again sighs in defeat, looking over his shoulder at you smiling with your family, you were so perfect to him, he didn’t want to ruin your friendship but maybe Mark was right, maybe there’s a chance after all. 
Doing as he said they would, Mark and the others make their way home, also saying their goodbyes to you as you turn to see Jackson leaning against the door, the last person to leave.
“Let me walk you home, they’ll sort out your stuff,” Jackson reassures, smiling as you nod, walking out of the venue with him, enjoying his company.
“Thank you for the puppy,” you blush, fingers intertwining as he lets out a small giggle, shrugging at you.
“It’s okay, I’m glad you love him already. What are you going to name him?” Jackson asks excitedly, really not expecting what you were going to reply with.
Noticing how excited he was getting, you couldn’t help but laugh, finding him absolutely adorable, dramatically putting your finger to your chin as you hum to yourself to think hard, but you’ve already made up your mind.
“I’m going to name him Jackie,” you announce confidently, meeting Jackson’s surprised gaze, unable to hold it together, he clutches his chest, high-pitch-screaming.
“He’s a puppy, he’s cute like you so-” you attempt to add to your sentence, but you’re silenced when his lips connect to yours, pulling you close to him.
At first, you can’t help but freeze up from it, but slowly, you melt into it, wrapping your arms around his neck, indulging in the kiss before he slowly pulls away, cheeks as red as one of your lipsticks. 
“I’m sorry, I-” Jackson tries to apologise but you get him back for silencing you by pulling him back for another kiss, giggling into it as he smiles against your lips.
“Happy birthday,” he says once more as you gently rub the tip of your nose against his, utterly in love with him, and never wanting the day to end if this is how it’s going to be.
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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Trading Secrets
Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Summary: After ending your year long engagement with Jaebum, your older brother Jackson made it his mission to be your personal hype man. However, while playing matchmaker, he unintentionally overlooks your own feelings.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Jackson's Younger Sis AU, rich kid au, themes of classism, mentions of bad exes, fluff, some angst, typos, etc.
A/N: I have been in a rut, so I've decided to literally speed run the requests I can do rn. I HAVENT CHECKED FOR TYPOS ILL COME BACK SOON ENOUGH maybe. this request has been here forever im so sorry it took so long T_T Also obviously this is fiction ok miss me with that BS TY
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Meeting Yugyeom marked the end of an era, the end of my year long heartbreak, the closing chapter of the mopey life I lived up until that point.
He was the beginning of my sunshine, the reason I could walk with a skip in my step, it was the beginning of me feeling like myself again.
I met him at a gala, but not how you would expect. He wasn't one of our family friend's guest, in fact, he had nothing to do with Choi Youngjae's family at all, except maybe the fact he was their employee for that night. Yugyeom was a server for the party the day I met him.
I was in an emotional fit when he saw me at the gardens and he immediately felt awkward since he went outside to take a break from the stuffy atmosphere inside.
For a moment, he kept his silence, up until he decided it would be downright rude to just stand there within a few feet from me and not say anything.
"Did one of the snobby kids in the party fight you, or something?" Yugyeom tries with a lighthearted voice, hoping it would be better than asking if I was okay, when I clearly was not.
I jolted at the sudden sound of his voice, and managed a look at him. Since I was pathetic and prone to self-deprecation during this time, I simply agreed and casually stated, "yeah, my ex-fiancé was there with his next bride-to-be. It felt like I was the butt of everyone's joke, so yeah, I'd say it was a fight."
Yugyeom was not expecting that. But he did know about the dude who was flaunting his fiancé. How could he not when he was so bigheaded about her dress for tonight and the assests her father had. So, Yugyeom placed his pockets in his hands and asked, "was it that moron in the Im family? What's his face, Jaehyun? Jaeyoon, Jae-"
"Jaebum," I say, sniffling, "how'd you know?"
Yugyeom scoffs, "how could I not. He's a prick, even he knows it. Honestly, you're better off. The dude can't tip for his life. How is someone so rich yet so stingy."
I chuckle, shaking my head at the thought, "he wasn't always like that."
"Oh, baby," Yugyeom says out of instinct, it meant nothing to either person in the conversation, "don't defend him. He's not worth it."
It was at this moment, Yugyeom and I finally look at each other. Even with bloodshot eyes and a semi-runny nose, he decided in his head the view was beautiful. He suddenly felt even more annoyed by the idea of Im Jaebum.
"Thanks," I say, wiping my nose, "you gave me enough confidence to walk back in all the way to my car."
Yugyeom knits his brows, "what? Where you planning on camping here for the night?"
I chuckle, "I'm friends with the Choi's. It wouldn't be the first time I slept in their garden, although this time, intentional."
We both share a laugh. Yugyeom felt compelled to make the atmosphere ever more relaxed than it already was, and so he said, "I'll trade you a couple secrets, since you told me some."
Both a brow and a corner of my lips quirked up upon hearing this, "which part of the conversation did I tell you any secret?"
"The part where you talked about your ex and the fact you got shitfaced enough to sleep on grass."
"Hold on," I raise a finger, "I never said I was shitfaced, nor did I sleep on the g-"
"Whatever," Yugyeom laughs, "I got you rich kids all figured out."
Instantly, I feel standoffish and borderline provoked by this, but I keep it cool and only cross my arms as I throw him a face, "do you now."
"Yep," he pops the P, "you're the really rich type that doesn't even notice the fact that I accidentally stole caviar from the last party the Choi's had."
"Wait, wait," I feel my jaw drop, "how do you accidentally steal-"
"I was fixing my hair in the kitchen," Yugyeom immediately explains, "I had a jar of wax and I placed it on the counter top. I fix my hair, throw the jar back in my bag, except when I got to my gig, it was a fucking jar of caviar and not my hair wax."
I break into a laugh. Yugyeom watches my expression and matches my giggles. I shake my head and wave a hand, "wait, I have so many questions."
Yugyeom's watch beeps. He turns to his wrist and stops it, "well, they're gonna have to wait cause my break just ended."
"Oh, right... it was nice-"
"Do you want to get drinks with me after this?"
I am so stunned by his confidence that I nearly forget that he asked me a question. It takes him smiling at me, urging a response by saying, "any second now," as he did a small hop in his place. I break into another chuckle, feeling the need to wipe my nose, suddenly realizing I had just been crying before talking to him. Contrary to the voice I had in my head saying it was a bad idea, I quickly nodded my head and smiled back, "sure. I... I don't have anything better to do anyway."
That small voice in my head was wrong, getting drinks with Yugyeom after that party was the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time.
He and I would hang out every weekend, and he would take me to underground art shows, rap battles, and even dances showcases where he would perform.
I would learn when he wasn't hustling for extra money, he was dancing, either professionally as a backup dancer, a teacher, or in competitions.
Slowly he was seeping deeper and deeper into my world. The causal greetings I would give him if he wound up being a waiter at another party I was invited to would turn into shy smiles from across the room. The casual hangouts we had on weekends blossomed into much awaited dates that ended with kisses and promises of meeting next week.
Still, as much as my heart thumped at the sight of him, we were taking it slow and labels were sort of up in the air. I mean, goodness, he was close enough to me that he became friends with my brother. He was close enough with me that my brother trusted Yugyeom enough to drive me home when he was too drunk to do so.
So during one party on my older brother's yacht, said older brother Jackson put me in quite a tough spot, especially considering he personally invited Yugyeom after hanging out with him enough.
It seems in all of this time Jackson has seen me with Yugyeom, he didn't notice that I was practically making googly eyes at him, cause what did he do? He sets me up with Bambam.
Bam. Bam.
"Hi, Bambam," I chuckle, awkwardly reciprocating the hug initiated. Bambam was dressed to the nines, like he always was, glasses, leather shoes, gold watch, and all.
Jackson was watching from afar, arm around Yugyeom as he squealed and shook his friend, "I have a good feeling about this."
Yugyeom could only watch with disdain.
"That bastard Jaebum really did a number on her, but I think, since she's been talking about going out on dates lately, she might be ready to date again."
Yugyeom grinds his teeth, "she's been talking about going dates?"
Jackson turns to Yugyeom, the hand that was not around his friend was holding a drink, "yeah. She told me she was thinking about dating again, and I said I knew exactly the person she'd be into."
Yugyeom scoffs, "and Bambam is that?"
Jackson takes a swig of his drink, "duhhh! He's around her age, and he went to the same school she did. He's also in charge of the same department she handles in our company, so yeah. Match made in heaven, don't you think, Gyeom?"
Yugyeom, who was annoyed by the fact Jackson totally looked over him initially, suddenly felt like he was put in his place. He was none of those things. He didn't even finish going to university. He watched as Bambam nodded his head causally, making the neatly pressed clothes on his body move just a bit at the action. Then he looked at his ripped jeans and worn out combat boots, then suddenly he was acutely aware of how out of place he really was in all this.
The Wang siblings were gracious enough to make him delude himself into thinking he had a shot at getting the girl he liked.
He didn't know if it was the yacht ride or the realization that make him feel like barfing.
Yugyeom weighs the chances he has to get to shore if he just jumps off here and now.
"I'm going to the bathroom," he tells Jackson. Jackson nods and pulls away, moving on to mingle with the rest of his guests.
Yugyeom makes his way to the tiny bathroom and looks at his reflection for a solid minute. He splashes water on his face and wipes it off with bottom of his old band t-shirt.
He is surprised by whom he meets once he exits the room.
"Hey," I chirp. The smile on my face deflates when Yugyeom returns a gloomy gaze.
I find myself frowning, "are you okay? Are you seasick?"
"No..." he shakes his head. He can't help but feel tingly at the concern, and so he involuntarily chuckles in endearment, "I'm fine."
"Well, you don't look fine," I counter, offering a wide-eyed look. Suddenly, as he shifts in his place to lean against the wall, I realize something, "is this because of Bambam?"
Yugyeom, in all his casual confidence, tenses, nonverbally answering me.
"Hey," I sigh, catching his hand in mine. Yugyeom feels his entire being burn at the slightest of contact. I knit my brows, "Jackson's just trying to help me."
Yugyeom can't meet my gaze, "I know..." he offers a half-hearted smile, "he's right... you should end up with someone like Bambam."
Yugyeom straightens himself up and tightens his hold on my hand. He looks down on me and sighs, "You're out of my atmosphere. Come on, we met at a party where I was a waiter. We're worlds apart."
I look at him with an incredulous expression, "the air pressure up there must have finally gotten to your head, huh," I mock, ripping my hand away from him to cross my arms.
He is unamused.
I sigh, "Gyeomie, do you honestly think if I cared about that, I would have my heart race when I'm around you like I always do."
"Well-" he cuts himself off once he realizes exactly what I said, "your heart races when I'm around."
I shudder out, "unfortunately yes, and you don't seem to want to take responsibility."
Yugyeom is at a loss for words. He opens his mouth and raises his hand, "I do. I do. I so do."
"Alright then," I hold back a smile, "I've told you a secret, now you tell me one."
Yugyeom perks up at that and immediately leans down as he places his hands on my shoulders. He peppers the side of my face, down to my neck with kisses, causing me to curl up at the sensation and giggle at the ticklish feeling. He pushes hair behind my ear then whispers, "I really, really, really want you to be my girlfriend."
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bambikisss · 2 years
Suits: 1
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-> Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both?
Smut warnings: Spit, bitting, slight bondage, slight breeding kink, marking, etc. Rough to Passionate.
"You joined a dating site to not match with anyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his champagne as he listened to you try to explain why you joined, cutting you off as he leaned closer to you, his mint breath gracing your cheek as he made his way to your ear. "So, you don't want me then, Y/N?"
R/N: Random Name.
Love, to some, is a luxury.
Love takes time, energy, and attention. All things that you could afford to give away to anything else but work.
"Ms. L/N, come on. The investors are on line 4 and are desperate to talk to you. Are you sure you can't arrive to this meeting late?" You shook your head as your secretary followed behind you, her own heels trying hard to keep up with your own as you continued to make your way to the meeting you had put off for about a month. You could afford to reschedule this meeting as you had rain-checked them three times already. You turned around to face your secretary, smiling softly as you fixed your outfit. "You've worked for me for far too long to not know how to tell whether or not the investment is good. I'm trusting you to figure it out. Don't disappoint me, R/N. Also, make sure no one contacts me while I'm in this meeting and for two hours after as I can tell I am going to need lunch after this."
You were the CEO of a top entertainment company. You had some of the top stars in the industry underneath you, along with a sub-skin care brand, a clothing line, and you started to dip into cosmetics. You had your foot basically on everyone's necks in every industry you joined.
"Good Afternoon, gentlemen.'' You smiled as you entered the room, shaking hands with the men who were around the room before one ushered over a man wearing a dark blue suit. "This is our CEO: Nam Jikhoon." You shook his hand, ushering for him to take a seat as you thanked him for waiting through the many rain checks. He waved it off before turning and sliding over his business card. "I think it's time we talk business, don't you think Ms. L/N?"
"He wants 20 percent of the company."
You leaned back as your secretary stared back at you in disbelief. "He brought nothing to the table other than his film company. It may be one of the best, it isn't on top." You sipped your wine as your secretary handed you the file she had on the company, shaking her head. "I can't belive he wasted your time three times for something that could've been a quick no over the phone."
"Be nice, R/N. This job is all about getting connections and maintaining them. You need to learn that if you ever want to have your own company. Now, I wish to eat lunch in silence." You winked at her as she left the room, returning your attention to your wine and salad.
You were mid-way through your salad when your phone began to ring, annoying you as you wanted to be left alone while you ate. Your annoyance left your body when you heard the voice. "Good Afternoon, Ms. Y/N. I assume you're having a busy day by the tone of your voice."
"Not anymore, Mrs. Lee. Have you found anyone who matched with me?" While you were busy with your job, you wanted to make an attempt at finding love.
So, you joined a match-making service for the elite: all the top rich people making up the 1 percent. You had a few people vying for you after rumors spread that you were a black card member (top member), but you didn't like any of them.
"Besides Mr. Jikhoon, who you rejected not only on the app, but in person today during your meeting?"
You scoffed as you drank some wine, swirling the wine as you remembered his poor attempt at trying to ask you out on a date with his entourage by his side. You also remembered his face falling after you rejected him in front of all of his entourage.
"Besides him, there is the only other black card holder who joined this morning." You perked up, sitting up as that had gotten your attention. To have a black card, you had to have large enough earnings and have a specific set of guidelines. Basically, you have to be filthy rich.
"I guess I caught your interest. I will set up a dinner for the two of you to meet tonight, so clear your schedule and wear your best." You nodded, placing the now empty wine glass down, and called your secretary back into the office. "Clear my schedule after 4. I have a date."
The date was at a very exclusive restaurant in Seoul, which only allowed certain people in. Call it posh, but it was for the security of the rich people who they let in from the media.
You fixed your dress as you stood in the elevator, going to the top floor. You had to admit, for the first time in a while that you felt nervous. You bit your bottom lip as the elevator reached the floor, opening to show a velvet and romantic-themed dining room, tables spaced out to various areas filled with top stars and politicians. You followed the waitress to a secluded corner, ignoring the eyes of people who watched you. You didn't care whether it was from envy or from who you were being led to sit with, choosing to focus on the man who was making your heart race.
When you reached the table, you mentally thanked Mrs.Lee for her pick. At the table sat a man wearing a red suit with a sheer shirt underneath. His hair was a bit messy but in a neat way that you wanted to run your hands through his hair. As you sat down, you noticed the man's eyes slowly rake up your body to make eye contact with him. He took a sip of his drink as the jazz in the background slowly became white noise as you both made eye contact. It felt electric. You both couldn't rip your eyes from one another, finding not only comfort but lust in each other.
"So this is the famous other black card holder? Pretty." His voice was deep and gravelly as eyed you, making you feel like you wanted to hide in your chair. "Same here. You look amazing Mr-" "Lim. Let's just keep this first meeting to a last-name basis."
Okay, that's fine.
"Alright, Mr. Lim. You look amazing."
"So do you, Ms. L/N. Mrs.Lee worked her magic."
You wondered how his small compliment made your heart race and your cheeks become hot. He had such an effect on you, yet, you both had just met.
That seemed to be the feeling all throughout the date. Small compliments from the other that made you both blush and made the lust that you both tried to hide come to the surface slowly. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, even when his hand held yours, then trailed up your arm to your shoulder, and then to cup your cheek. You cursed softly as goosebumps appeared in his wake, a smirk coming to his lips at it. When you did the same to him, his eyes darkened instead. He bit your thumb before he cursed lowly, leaning back to quickly place a wad of cash onto the table before ushering you to the private bathrooms as he couldn't sit through a car ride; he had to have you right then and there and if it took having sex in a bathroom at an expensive restaurant, then so be it.
He kissed you as he locked the door behind you both, your lips fitting together as he took off your gloves, then removed your dress. He kissed around your neck feverishly, biting you when you began to remove his own suit, making you whine. As you finally got all of his clothes off, his lips left your body to pin you to the wall again, picking you up to wrap your legs around him.
"So sweet baby, letting me take you to the bathroom like this," He whispered into your ear, biting your neck again as he pushed into you. He gave you no warning as he began moving his hips, moaning against your neck as you clenched around him. You ran your hands through his hair, whining as he moved faster.
You had one-night stands before, most ending with an unsatisfying climax, but with the man who was currently cursing and moaning as if his life depended on it, you were sure it was going to have a satisfying end. He tossed his head back to finally meet your gaze, his tongue moving out to wet his dry lips as he panted, his fingers digging into your thighs. "You're so tight, baby. Clutching me like I'm gonna leave you before you cum all over my cock," He hissed as his jaw tightened, kissing you once more, his hips rolling to hers, making you both groan into the kiss.
As he picked up the pace once more, you let your head fall back as he leans down to wrap his lips around your nipple, moaning as you tightened once more, finally cuming as he picked you up, fucking you into the air. He gave you a moment to calm down before dropping to his knees, placing you onto his shoulders as his tongue shoved into you, cleaning you hungrily, making you dig your nails into his shoulders and tug on his hair, the man's eyes looking up at you as he cleaned you before tossing his head back, roughly spitting back onto you before going back in. "Taste so fucking good. Why the fuck do you taste so fucking good, goddam," he asked roughly, kissing up your body before turning you around to face the wall, pushing back into you before kissing your shoulder, moving his hips roughly, snapping into you every time you cursed, which was every time you moaned, which was good for the both for you.
Mr. Lim kept you coming.
Multiple times.
He fucked you around the expensive bathroom, not giving a shit if anyone heard you two or came in on you both. He had to have you constantly screaming on his cock, and then on his face. By the time he had come once, you had come almost six times.
As you calmed down, he held you against his chest as he leaned you both against the sink. He ushered for you to look up at the mirror, chuckling at both of your disheveled appearances and slightly foggy mirror. He leaned forward to draw a cat on it, chuckling as you did the same with a bunny. You found the moment adorable, despite how you both were just fucking like rabbits.
He kissed your shoulder before gathering your clothes, placing them on the counter next to you before putting on his own, you both turned around when your phone rang. You opened your purse to see your driver calling you, asking if you were ready to leave as the restaurant was about to close. You nodded, telling him that you were on your way out now before hanging up.
"Gonna leave me, Cinderella?" Mr.Lim asked, wrapping his arms around you to kiss your cheek, making you lean back into him. You nodded, smiling as he put on your gloves, pulling them up your arm carefully before he handed you a card with his number on it, the front being his business card. You decided to look it up later, patting his suit pocket before walking out of the steamy bathroom, leaving the man speechless and now more interested in you.
As you got into the backseat, you looked at the card the man had given you, smirking at his name.
"Nice to meet you, Lim Jaebeom"
Jae arrived at his own car a few moments after you had left, sighing as he told his driver to take him home. He was honestly tired, tossing his head back to rest on the seat as his mind flashed back to you. You, your body, the beautiful sounds you made- his mind replayed the whole interaction in his mind.
As he felt himself smirk, he reached into his pocket to try and find a piece of gum, only to be met with your panties that you had slipped in there at some point during the makeout session. He bit his lip, asking his driver to drive faster, needing to go home fast to deal with his problem that was now becoming painful.
"Alright, Ms. L/N. Today you have one meeting with the CEO of a popular fashion, music, and art brand. He should be sitting in your office waiting for you." You sighed as you thanked your secretary, tired as you wanted to just kick your heels off and relax before the next company meeting that you had to fly out for.
"Ah, nice to see you again, Ms. L/N." You gripped the doorknob as you turned to face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your desk with some wine you had on your desk now in his hand, a smirk on his lips.
"Do you have a moment?"
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casedoina · 2 years
Masterlist 2
Jack Frost
Frozen Love: Jack Frost x Reader
Dance Academy
Not Again: Benjamin Tickle x Reader
Tempting Fate: Ethan Karamakov x Reader
You Can Call Me Hero Anytime: Jimin Park x Reader
Perks of Being a Superhero: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Room 109: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
In The AM: Jaebum Im x Reader
Morning Burns: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Dance With the Devil: Balem Abrasax x Reader
Mama Mia: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Korean Teacher: Eunwoo Cha x Reader
Mystery Girl: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Growl For Me: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Jungkook is Typing: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Josh Matthews imagine
Jealousy: Ash x Reader
You're My MJ: Peter Parker(ASM) x Reader
Crush: Steven Stone x Reader
He Forgets: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Not What It Looks Like: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Strawberries and Cream: Jungkook Jeon x Reader
Yeonjun Choi Imagine
Your Shitty Ex: Colby Brock x Reader
Fighting For...: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Indeed: Kyoya Ootori x Reader
Bounty Hunter: Bellamy Blake x Raeder
Just a Lost Puppy: Minho x Reader
A Dangerous Game
The War
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thewriterofkpop · 3 years
GOT7 members with a Reader who is stressed out due to work
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Credits to the owner of the GIF
He knew how busy you could get with your work, especially because you were the manager of a shop in the centre of Seoul.
You worked in a medical house and even though he didn’t expect it, you had a lot of things to do there.
And this busy work life stressed you out.
You came home daily, nervous, and went out of the house even worse.
Both of you couldn’t talk that much anymore since you were so busy.
But one day, when he saw that you skipped a meal and couldn’t even rest at the weekend he decided to approach you.
He knew he was kind of too late when he saw that you actually had a breakdown in your room.
,,Y/N, you are working too much...can I somehow help you…?’’ he asked, hugged you and patted your back.
You just sobbed in his arms and shook your head in his chest.
,,There is nothing you can do, except from finding me new workers, they all fell sick and now I have to run that shop by myself! Everyone is stressed out and I am too, it’s...lately, it’s been so hard...and I don’t know what to do...there is so much work!’’ you sobbed into his chest.
,,It’s okay, let it out, tell me everything, Y/N, it’s not healthy to have everything to yourself,’’ he whispered.
You looked up to your boyfriend and nodded.
,,I will make you relax and find a way for you,’’ he whispered and helped you to get up.
He gave you a warm tea and a big blanket before he searched on the internet for a solution, your head against his shoulder to rest for a bit.
,,Thank you,’’ you whispered before you closed your eyes for a little nap while he smiled to himself.  
You slapped your hands on your face as you regretted your choice.
Well, Mark, your boyfriend always told you that beginning to work in a big company was a mistake, back then he told you to begin working in a small company ,,They take care of their workers more than a global company does,’’ he had warned you.
But you didn’t want to listen to him, you wanted to move back with him, away from Korea and stay by his side, but apparently, you thought too highly of you.
The papers of your movement were in your way, the papers were piling up and personal problems were sucking your energy.
Even worse was that you barely had time for him even though you moved back to the states with him…
By now you were sobbing harder in his room and suddenly threw your pen on the floor.
,,AISH!’’ you hissed and wanted to smack your head against your desk when you felt something soft.
,,Ow!!’’ you heard Mark who looked at you with a concerned face, he just put his hand on your desk in order to make you not hurt yourself.
,,Wanna talk?’’ he asked you in a calm voice.
You nodded ,,But first you need an ice bag, my dumb head is pretty heavy filled with stuff, it may hurt,’’ you choked on your tears and got up.
However he pulled you towards him and hugged you ,,No need, I can handle your head,’’ he laughed and patted your head.
,,You work too much,’’he whispered and pulled you towards your shared bedroom.
,,First of all,’’ he began, ,,forget the papers and let me do it, secondly you don’t get paid for the work you do at home, if you can’t finish it at work, it’s their problem for handing you too much,’’ he told you.
You nodded and nuzzled your head against his chest.
,,Rest with me, Y/N’’ he whispered and felt you relaxing between his arms…
,,I can’t understand how you can be so stressed out if you work for your boyfriend,’’ someone told you, making you think about their words for a long, long, long time.
Of course you were stressed, the reason was that you worked with him. You wanted to make him proud, things had to be perfect and not because he demanded it from you but because you wanted to show him that you were a worthy girlfriend.
Jackson never made you feel as if you weren’t worthy but you were always scared that he would realize that you were just not at great as he was, that he deserved better.
Besides, it wasn’t just the work, but also your personal life.
You guys were moving in together in a house with his parents, of course, you would live separately but you still had to finish the design of the house, you still had to cook, clean and do other chores.
You still had to take care of things.
This was all...stressing you out…
You felt lonely, and so, one evening when you were alone you began to cry to yourself, or so you thought.
,,Y/N…’’ Jackson mumbled and laid on top of you, hugging you strongly.
,,I...I can’t breathe,’’ you gasped and began to laugh as he tickled you.
,,Why are you crying?’’ he asked as he moved to lay next to you.
Facing you he stroked your hair and observed you.
,,Nothing, just stressed out…’’ and so, you told him everything.
Jackson hugged you and nodded, he could understand your fears and problems ,,I will try to help you with the chores, you don’t have to do everything alone, I like cleaning too!’’ he laughed.
Then his nose touched yours ,,You make me proud, you do your work so well, you’re even better than me, be a little more proud of yourself,’’ he whispered.
,,I KNEW THAT THIS MORNING WOULD BE SHITTY!’’ you screamed from the bathroom, capturing the attention of your boyfriend, who was in the kitchen.
A glance at the clock made him understand that you were stressed out.
,,Y/N, can I somehow help you?’’ he asked you and entered the bathroom.
But you just sat there, crying.
Your hair was messy, your blouse was wrinkled and he knew that you still didn’t have your coffee.
,,If you can finish a project that usually takes a year in five hours, yes! Or maybe explain to the others why they have to come in today too and not just me! Or it would help me if the shitty water would turn on!’’ you hissed.
He knew that work was stressing you out.
,,I will try my best, can you breathe for me?’’ he asked you and took a brush to brush your hair.
You tried your best to stay calm and breathe in and out.
,,Mh, Park Jinyoung, you are good at this,’’ you finally confessed when you saw that he actually tied your hair together.
,,I know, now, give me the jacket and go drink your coffee and eat the breakfast I made, I will iron your blouse,’’ he said and opened the buttons.
,,I can’t, my bus will come in -’’
,,I will drive you,’’ he said and kissed your cheek.
And so with a nod, you did what he said while he ironed your stuff.
,,As a woman, I must have failed today, huh?’’ you asked him while you stuffed your food in your mouth.
,,Just today, tomorrow you will be the same again,’’ he teased you and gave you a hickey on your neck before he gave you your blouse.
Your boyfriend patted your back as you cried.
You were stressed out and couldn’t handle it anymore.
,,I still need to clean, I need to tidy up, I need to prepare my lesson for tomorrow and I still have some exams to look over, and as if this wasn’t enough already, I still need to finish my workout ahh…’’ you sobbed..
He nodded ,,I will clean and tidy up the stuff while you do your workout, then you will tell me how to help you prepare your lesson and afterwards, you will go through the exams while I massage your shoulders, okay?’’ he asked you.
With a teary face you looked at him ,,Will you really help me, Youngjae-ah?’’
,,Of course!’’ he laughed ,,Coco, you will help us too, right?’’ he asked his dog, who began to lick your leg.
,,You need to learn that stressing yourself out won’t help you, instead it will hold you back, you just need to ask me for help and I will be here, Y/N’’ he assured you.
You were so thankful to him, even though he had enough to do on his own he was still willing to help you.
,,I love you so much,’’ you whispered and kissed him, ready to begin what you had to finish tonight.
,,Did you have to work overtime again?’’ he asked you as you came back home. 
Even he was home earlier than you.
But working in a boutique wasn’t always easy.
Some VIP Customers came late and of course, you had to stay there too.
You nodded and took off your shoes.
You were hungry, stressed out and annoyed.
But you still had to work for the ad that had to be ready yesterday, and so you simply had no time.
Or so you thought - because your boyfriend BamBam would never let you go like that - not without having a good meal.
,,Eat first, the ad can wait,’’ he said and dragged you to the table.
,,BamBam, I need to finish this or -’’
,,I understand, but if you don’t eat you won’t be able to make a good ad, so, first fill your belly with some food and then you can go and keep working,’’ he said, and it was clear that he didn’t accept a no as an answer.
But in the end, you were glad ,,What would I do without you?’’ you sighed.
,,Probably sit in front of your desk being hungry and whining even more,’’ he laughed and indeed you could picture yourself like that, he just knew you too well...
Both of you were very busy with work and to be honest, at first, he didn’t notice that you were stressed out.
He was also used to stress, so the hard schedule didn’t affect him that much.
But since you changed company and things worked a lot different there, you were totally devastated.
At some point, you thought about giving up.
But luckily Yugyeom noticed before you could really give up so, while you were writing your resignation letter, he stopped you.
,,Why are you doing this? You just changed!’’ he said.
,,It’s so hard...I am not fit for this!’’ you whined.
,,Y/N, if this really is hard on you, I will support you, but I believe that you will overcome this. Every beginning is hard, why don’t you try to talk to a coworker to get some help?’’ he asked you, stroking your head.
,,What if I embarrass myself?’’ you whispered and looked at him with teary eyes.
,,You won’t,’’ he chuckled and kissed you.
,,Everyone was like this, come, let’s get a warm shower so that you can relax,’’ he smirked and lead you to the bathroom.
And after all, he was right...you just needed some more time.
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dearlyjinie · 4 years
got7 reaction to their s/o not letting them kiss prank
pairing: got7 x gender neutral reader
a/n: since their comeback is today, i thought it be nice to make this huhue.  
warning: slight nsfw, calling jinyoungs lips “lip smackers”, spelling
it would be a casual night home or smth
and you two are chilling on the couch watching anime
he’s laying on ur lap, ur hands in his hair and its all nice
but now ur bored bc the episode you were on was a filler and it was sooo boring but ur bf insisted on watching it anyway  
he could tell that u were annoyed by looking at ur pressed expression
so reached up to your face and tries to lower it down to give you a soft kiss
put u were faster and placed ur palm on his lips and turned ur head the other way
he looks at you a little confused
but soon notices the small smile that played on ur lips
“oh thats how it is huh”
“that’s how what?”
he gets off your lap and you see the mischief in his eyes and make a run for it
jae is running around the entire apartment, jumping over furniture as you keep throwing pillows at him to slow him down
after a while u manage to think ur alone and take a moment to catch ur breath
when out of know where jaebum tackles u to the floor
he grabs ur face and sucks on ur cheeks like a frecking suction cup
he stays like that still u stop fighting him and lets u go
ur right cheek is red, it looks like u had a sucker fish stuck to u
he looks at u proud with what he had accomplished and goes “YOU’LL NEVER ESCAPE MY KISSES HAHA” and naruto runs out of the room
Jaebum after kissing you:
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mark will kiss u no matter what
he gives no fucks what so ever if he wants to kiss he will
no matter how much you try dodge it he will still win against you
unless you clearly tell him you dont want to be kisses he will definitely not do it bc he respects you and knows what mean no
he will not do anything without ur consent even if its something small as a kiss,( and thats the same with the rest of boys too)
but if u guys are just playfully doing it to annoy him
he will pin u down and pepper ur face with kisses till u accept his love
so when you woke up one morning wrapped around his arms
you thought it was a great morning to play a prank on him
hes making small conversation and u see how hes trying to give u a kiss
but every time he does u back away
and he just pulls u back in his embrace like i said hes determined
super whiney
“y/nnnnnnn let me love u stop being like” he says nuzzling his face in ur neck
he leaves small kisses there too
he tries once more but now u pressed ur upper and lower lip together shaking ur head furiously backing away as mark kept pulling u closer and tickling ur sides which made u lose ur guard
he finally kissed u
“Ur breath stinks get off me stinky” you tell as he tries to kiss you after waking up “it’s ok baby it’ll just add extra flavor to the kiss”
he says while continuing to kiss u
this salty motherfucker
if u miss his kiss just once and knows ur doing it intentionally you best believe u wont get kisses from the man for a week or so
and he is persistent
But so are you bc U WANT THAT KISS
It literally becomes a competition between the two of  you to see if you can kiss him and how long can he can stay without kissing you
4 days apparently
every chance you get you try to kiss him
You thought u might die bc u didn’t get kisses by those beautiful lips smackers
u even try to hang a mistletoe under ur door and when he comes home from work u point to it and perk ur lips at him ready for a kiss
He looks at it and then at you and back at it and says
“sorry am a atheist” AKSHJABDKj
He’s cooking? No problem ur right behind him wrapping your arms around his waist going in for the kill, ur not even doing the usual and try to grab his big tiddies, u just want a kiss
but he brings a piece of meat/vegetable to ur face for u to taste instead. “Can u check if it’s good” >:(
He’s in the shower? You get get in there too but he just pulls you in and in the end ur clothes get all soaked bc he’s evil and pretends to give u a kiss but instead he just pulls u under the water and then starts to laugh  
that’s when you strike and give him a phat smooch on the lips
After the kiss he keeps holding on to you even though you tell to let you go he says no and starts striping you as he kisses you again
u can tell whats happening next *wink wonk*
Moral of the story don’t ignore his kisses if you don’t wanna suffer, but you (me) like to suffer
the day u dodge his kiss you better prepare urself to hear about till the day u die!!
he fucking hold grudges and WILL NOT LET IT GO!
he tries to kiss you on the cheek on night before bed
when u dodge he’s offended but also sad and confused like wtf just happened here
since its also a night time routine for you guys to kiss before going to bed
Thinks he’s going crazy bc u love when he kisses u so tries again, but you dodge again
He’s squinting his eyes pissed off tongue inside his cheek already planning to tell his great great grandkids about the betrayal of their great great grandma
U break bc you see how sad/annoyed he looks so u try to kiss but this time he’s tries to resist
and pretends to go back to sleep, leaving u high and dry in the dark
it doesn’t last long since he gives up and let’s u kiss him
you spend the entire night peppering his face with kisses and telling him it was a prank
He smiles and says “ur lucky I’m not gonna tell our great great grandkids about this”
then gives you one last peck before finally going to sleep
but ur still there sitting in the middle of the dark room confused
bc did he just propose?  
he will pretend like he’s not hurt but he’s hurt
and will go to coco and very loudly complain to coco telling him that his other parent doesn’t want dads kisses so he’ll just have to give them to coco
Coco leaves youngjae and comes to u instead lmaooo
will ignore you by playing video games
will get restless bc he wants his kisses
he likes being affectionate with you and the fact that u aren’t accepting his kisses hurt him even if it’s a joke
You’ll end up kissing while he’s in the middle of a game
like u just walk into his gaming room kiss him and then leave, well you try too
dude  just sits there frozen for a sec
he was in the middle of a call with some other gamers and just stops everything hes doing when he feels ur soft lips on his cheek
He will grab ur arm and will shower u with kisses till he’s satisfied
you can hear his friends (bambam) telling u guys to get a room
you’ll most probably end up doing this as a prank for tiktok
Both of you love doing these type of couples pranks and you had seen  video that morning of another couple doing this on their s/o so u wanted to try it too
it was supposed to be cute and harmless right?
You set up ur phone and open tiktok once he arrives home
bc he always kisses you when he comes home and press record when once ur siting together
but today he came home a bit early and wanted to surprise you so he quietly came in and that’s when ur sneaky bf saw you hide ur phone and open tiktok just smirks knowing that u were up to something but what?
He walks in like usual saying hi to his cats and he walks up to you giving you a hug
you find out later when u look at the footage again
bf pranks me by ruining my prank :(
He sees you waiting for your kiss and just smirks bc he finally understood what’s going on
he too had watched that video on tiktok and wanted to do it to you
so he now it was his turn to prank u muahahah
He doesn’t kiss you the entire day
ur following him like a lost puppy trying to get a kiss
Ur video goes from ignoring bf kisses to trying to get ur bf to kiss you
He ends up cracking when he sees you staring at him looking all sad and he asks why
even though he knows exactly why but he likes it when ur whiney and beg
You climb up his lap tell him that he didn’t kiss u today not even once and he just melts bc of how cute you are and finally kisses you
He spends the entire night kissing you to make up for all the lost kisses.
ahh he’s so cute
he confesses in the morning ur just like >:o
Sir is ready to cry
Literally the biggest baby will try to act like u dodging his kiss didn’t affect him but oh it definitely did
Tries to find reasons to why you dodged his kiss
Thinks it’s bc he’s sweaty since he just came from practice so that’s why
“yeah thats the reason imma go wash up” he says thinking that you didn't hear him but you did and you try your best to hide ur laughter
when he tries to kiss you after showing you u still ignore him
real life 🥺 emoji
Will follow you all over the house to get a kiss or to kiss
Which ever you will give he is be happy
Is begging to be kissed and says he will die if doesn't get any
Cause of death:  kiss deprivation
Thinks ur mad at him so tries to butter you up by doing all sorts of cute things to make you feel better, turns out that you weren’t mad (he asked)
so he tries to kiss u again but you turned your head and he hit the couch instead
Starts to pout like the big baby he is but then sees you giggling
And it’s clicks dom yugy mode activate
Mans kabedon’s you on the couch, ur not in charge anymore
“you’ve been ignoring my kisses all day long bc of a stupid prank huh, well we’ll who’s laughing after I’m finished with you” he says after throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to ur room.
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allyreactions · 3 years
My Everything | GOT7 Scenario { Im Jaebum }
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- MASTERLIST ( fully updated ) REQUESTS : OPEN
! please read my guidelines before requesting !
boyfriend headcanons are CLOSED
♡ pairings ;  husband! Jaebum x fem! reader 
♡ genre ; fluffy fluff, lightly suggestive, some body worship, sick reader, non-idol au
♡ word count ; 1.1k+
║ A/N : tbh I’m in my JB feels now 
                                  ~ Admin Ally
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You closed the door and immediately dumped your belongings onto the floor. After kicking off your heels, you flopped onto couch and smooshed a pillow on your face. As if that was gonna help.
Waking up with a headache was no shock to you, as it happened often, so you assumed that you would be able to bear the dull ache. However, as your workday progressed, so did your migraine. That dull ache turned into full on pounding, making it difficult to focus on your tasks. Not to mention that the pain caused some nausea that made it nearly impossible to eat your lunch. Since you had only a couple hours left, you decided to push through.
“Babe, are you okay?” Jaebum said as he knelt down next to you on the couch. “You don’t look so good.”
You groaned in response. Your husband gently rubbed your shoulder in attempts to comfort you.
“Y/N, tell me what’s wrong. What can I do for you?” he was clearly concerned.
Jaebum was always the sweetest, even when you weren’t married. He was always by your side, always there to comfort you when you needed it most. Jaebum’s been your rock for as long as you could remember.
“My head is feels like it’s gonna explode.” The pillow muffled the sound of your voice.
 By now the pain in your head was making it difficult to think straight. It was hard to distract your mind when all you could think about was your pulsating brain and how badly you wished this agony would end.
You heard your husband sigh as he stood up and walked away. Based on the sound of his footsteps, it seemed like he was walking towards the kitchen. But you couldn’t see of course, so this was just a guess. The sound of pills rattling around in a bottle could be heard echoing from the kitchen, followed by running water from the sink.
Jaebum removed the pillow that was resting on your face. The sudden bright light that was streaming in from the curtains burned your dilated pupils. You squinted your eyes and peered up at your husband holding out a glass of water for you.
“Take some medicine, it’ll make you feel better.” Jaebum said as he poured a couple pills from the bottle into your hand.
You did as you were told and took the medicine along with some sips of water. Then Jaebum took your hand and helped you stand up, which in theory shouldn’t hurt, but for some reason it made your head throb. You clutched the side of your head and leaned into your husband for balance as the ache grew heavier.
“Let’s get you a hot shower, hm?” Jaebum said.
You nodded in agreement.
He always hated seeing you in pain. What husband wouldn’t? Over the years, he had figured out a method to help relax you and at least lessen the pain from your headaches. It began with some medicine, followed by a hot shower, and finally a nap. This wasn’t full proof, but at least he knew how to assist you when you were miserable.
With his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you steady. Together you walked slowly, careful not to cause anymore intense throbbing. Once you reached the bathroom at the end of the hall, Jaebum turned the nozzle to warm up the water before gently undressing you.
The hot water was soothing as you let it run down your back, relaxing your muscles. Jaebum was right there next to you, doing all the work. He lathered up a loofah with some lavender bath wash and washed your body. He dropped down and gently rubbed the loofah up and down your legs. Which thank god he did, because you would probably pass out from the throbbing pain if you bent over to wash your legs. Though you still couldn’t shake the excruciating pain in your head, you couldn’t deny how good it felt to have Jaebum’s soapy hands stroking your thighs.  
After Jaebum rinsed the suds from your body, he tenderly massaged your shoulders to release the tension in your shoulders. You head instinctually fell back out of pleasure and enjoyed the touch of your husband. Jaebum laughed and a small smirk spread across his face as he watched you relish the sensation.
Jaebum shut off the water and grabbed the two towels he had laid out for the both of you. He wrapped his towel around his waist before drying you off. Which again, if anything could help ease your pain, it was the touch of your husband. And Jaebum knew that. He softly patted the towel over every inch of your body until you were completely dry.
“Do you feel any better, baby? Cause you sure looked like you did in the shower.” Jaebum chuckled.
The man just washed and dried your naked body, and this comment is what made you blush. It didn’t matter how many years you’ve been together; Jaebum’s flirtatious comments still get you flustered.
“Yeah, I feel a little better.” You replied as you walked over to the counter and applied some moisturizer to your face.
You gently rubbed your temples, relaxing your facial muscles. You took deep breaths and tried to release any built-up tension in your eyebrows. Just then, Jaebum snaked his arms around you and placed a few tender kisses on your collarbone. His bare chest up against your back sent waves of pleasure down your spine.
“How about we climb into bed for a nap? You need to get some rest, baby.” Jaebum cooed.
You agreed and he took your hand, leading you into the bedroom. As you sorted through your drawer for a pair of comfortable panties; Jaebum pulled out one his hoodies that you would constantly steal, along with a tshirt and some boxers for himself.
“Let’s put this on,” Jaebum said as he gestured you to raise your arms. “You must be freezing.”
And you were, which was evident by your hard nipples.
Jaebum helped you put on the oversized hoodie and pulled up the hood over your still damp hair. Before dressing himself, he softly kissed your forehead.
“I don’t deserve him.” You thought to yourself as you slipped on your underwear.
You laid down in bed while Jaebum drew the curtains before joining you in bed. He pulled the covers up, tucking the both of you in. The fuzziness of the blanket felt warm and cozy against your bare legs. Jaebum wrapped his arms around you for what felt like the millionth time that day. You snuggled up to your husband, resting your head on his chest. The pounding in your head seemed to match the pounding of his heart.
This man is your everything, and he is yours. 
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appleteez · 4 years
Twisted Deal
Pairing: Jaebum x reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Word count: 1902
A/N: Yaay first GOT7 fic ! Never thought that would happen. As much as I always loved GOT7, I was never into them like crazy. But I guess it was meant to happen at some point. So enjoy ! And lemme know what you think :D (Don’t hesitate to reblog with your thoughts too 😌✨)
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           In the K-pop world, or at least in the GOT7 fanbase and my group’s fanbase, people knew about my friendship with Jaebum. We haven’t particularly known each other for a while but at least a year or so. Since the first time I bumped into him in the hallways of the JYP building, we directly clicked. The plus was that we’re both producer and thanks to that we spent even more time together. I grew to learn that he had a crush on my leader, and I admitted to him that I had a crush on Yugyeom. So not only did we have similar interests, but we had an interest coming out of our relation. Thanks to me he could get closer to my leader and thanks to him I could get closer to Yugyeom.           So someone explain to me, why do we always end up in the same bed? I’m not talking about two friends innocently sleeping together. I’m talking about two friends actually having sex every now and then, knowing damn well we have feelings for other people. Not only that, but on people that are close to the other person. Well, that’s our twisted deal. Yes we have sex together, rule number one, never say the other’s name. Our deal is to satisfy each other’s need while acting in a twisted fantasy where I call out Yugyeom’s name instead of his, and he calls out my leader’s name instead of mine. I know, pretty fucking twisted and weird.
“Fuck..” He says out of breath as he slowly gets his length out of me, making me feel empty right away. “That was good.” I just chuckle in response and sit up as he gets rid of the latex around his member. “Here.” He gives me my underwear that he had thrown on the side just moments earlier.           Rule number two, never casually stay naked around the other after sex, or else it’s too intimate. Yeah, yeah I know sex is intimate too, but it’s a different type of intimacy. We’re not cuddling naked together is the gist of this. After putting back my underwear and bra on, my eyes travel to Jaebum’s back. Only wearing a pair of sweats, he was browsing the floor of my room to find his shirt. To be honest, I’m sitting on it but the view was just too good. He turns around looking confused, but ends up flashing me smile the second his eyes meet mine.
“I can’t find my shirt.”
“Really?” I say smiling back at him.
“Oh well~” He says throwing himself next to me. “I can sleep over right?” I don’t think my answer really matters as he’s already getting himself cozy in my bed.
“Sure~” ---            Rule number three, and the last rule, do not catch feelings for the other. Which I guess makes sense as we like another person. But.. I didn’t know that it was a rule I was going to struggle with. I still had a crush on Yugyeom. I still hung out with him sometimes and enjoyed his presence. Jaebum did the same with my leader, but at the end of the day. I was mostly looking forward to be in bed with Jaebum. Wether it was for sex, or just sleeping together after it.
“You think you might have feelings for Jaebum? That’s great go for it ! Fuck the dating ban.” She winks at me.
“I— but, he likes you.”
“Y/N, there’s no way he actually feels the same towards me. It might be a simple crush that he held on to for too long. Like you with Yugyeom. We all see how you guys are around the other. It’s different, you have your own world together. It’s not something me nor Yugyeom can get into. It’s too intimate.”
“Let him know and see how it goes. If he rejects you and stops spending time with you, it’ll make him realize what he’s losing. Plus I have absolutely no interest in him.”
“You’re too cool.”
“Believe me, you’re cooler Y/N.” She smiles at me. After training for a few, she finally leaves to get food as I sit in the middle of the dance room. I suddenly hear the door open and a small click, meaning whoever came in locked the door. I turn around and stand up as I see it’s only Jaebum.
“Hey.” I say a small smile on my lips.
“Hey.” He says in a breath walking towards me, directly wrapping his arms around my waist, his lips directly attacking my neck.
“Jae? What—“
“I need you.”
“You what now?” I say putting my arms on his chest trying to push him but he grabs me harder pressing hard kisses in the crook of my neck, sounding out of breath.
“Now please..” He pushes me against the nearest wall wanting to get the friction he’s been obviously dying for as I feel his very much hard member press against me directly.
“Jae..Jaebum!” I end up rising my voice lightly. He separates his lips from my skin and looks at me through hooded eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m just super horny.”
“You are..? Ok then I guess? Don’t you want to go back to my room, or at least my studio?”
“Come on, this is fine. I locked the door.” He gives me a smile and I just crack. I nod slightly and he chuckles. “That’s my girl~” He slowly connects his lips to mine and I just can’t help myself from moaning lightly. His hands on my waist, his breath on me, my hands now playing with his short hair in the back of his head. Everything seemed more sensual to me. As if, now that I knew, I had feelings for him, my senses became a thousand times stronger. His hands start to travel up under my shirt. Soon enough he gets rid of it and is quick to get rid of his too.
          He takes my face into his hands to lock his lips with mine. Once his torso comes in contact with mine, the heat of skin against skin makes me shiver and almost lose control of my legs.
“Fuck..” I simply say against his lips.
“Something wrong?” He says slightly out of breath still against my lips.
“No I—, I can’t wait please~” I plead him and he smiles, making his eyes form into little crescents that makes my heart melt. Without saying a word, his hands start to work my pants down to my ankle. I look at him surprised as he also gets down to his knees. “Jaeb—“ Without a warning, he takes one of my legs up onto his shoulder and his tongue lightly licks my clothed core.
          My breath can barely make it out of my throat. He pushes the cloth to the side and attached his lips onto my burning bud. My head yanks back against the wall, my right hand directly flying to his black locks. He keeps going for a bit, sucking, licking, circling, until my eyes are almost at the back of my skull and his name is about to slip out of my lips. At this point Yugyeom is the last person I’m thinking of. I feel a knot form in the pit of my stomach when he stops. He gets up quickly his hands fidgeting with his own pants.
“Take your panties off now.” I do as he asked, and he makes quick works of his pants. He takes my leg up again and starts to align himself with me. His hand at the base of his length, lightly shaking. Is he nervous?
“You don’t have a condom?” I say as I start feeling his tip touch my folds.
“Do we really need one? You’re on the pill, and..” He pushes himself slowly inside of me making me see stars directly, being able to feel him raw for the first time. “I know you’re not gonna fuck anyone but me anytime soon~” He brings up his hand to my chin to lift my head up. “You already look so fucked out of your mind.”
“You feel so good.” Those words came out a bit more shaky than I wanted to. The feeling of him inside of me like that for the first time made me lose any sense of reason. “Please just fuck me.” He smiles at me and starts to thrust up while sucking harshly on my neck. This time harder than he’s ever done before. He was doing it with the intention to mark me this time.
         Just like earlier, everything seems too much. I’m too aware of his touch and the sensation he’s giving me. His hand under my knee supporting my leg up, his lips licking up the sensitive skin by my ear, his hot breath with that, his pelvis hitting my clit every time he thrusts up, and his other hand on my hip.
“Why are you silent babe.” He ends up saying in between labored breaths. I whine back knowing damn well that if something came out of me it would be his name. I couldn’t think straight and looking at his face my heart was sinking hard. His eyes looking down at our connection, his upper lips slightly moving every time he did a harder thrust, his nose slightly scrunched up and some beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
“Fuck..” Rule number one, rule number one, rule num— “Jaebum harder~” I end up saying in a long whine. He directly looks up shocked by what just came out of my mouth slightly slowing down his hips. I fucked up.
“Say that again.” He says bringing his lips closer to mine.
“No, no.. Y/N, say exactly what you said.”
“Jaebum harder~” I say shyly.
“God..” He starts to thrust again a bit faster. “My name sounds so pretty coming out of your lips Y/N.” He smiles at me and I feel his hands grip harder at my skin as he starts to thrust harder and harder. My moan finally fill the room mixed in with his low grunts. The feeling in the pit of my stomach forming again. “Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good~” This, this is exactly after this sentence that I completely lost it.
“Jaebum, fuck !” My eyes goes to the back of my head for the first time. My hands grabs his arms and I dig my fingernails into his skin shamelessly. All I can see is pitch black decorated with white dots as my core pulsates deliciously around him making him directly come deep inside of me. A string of swears, grunts and my name comes out of his mouth as he slowly rides our highs out. His head resting in my neck as he lets my leg to the floor slowly. He comes out of me slightly shaking due to the extreme orgasm we just had. Exactly as if we did share the exact same ecstasy just now. As we both try to catch our breath, I suddenly hear him chuckle lightly.
“Now, I kinda wish we went back to your place.”
“Why?” He looks up and takes my face into one of his hand to place a soft kiss on my lips.
“To cuddle with you naked and tell you how much I like you.”
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