#got7 x you
mykoreanlove · 4 months
Jackson on Kinjaz
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Your phone was blowing up constantly.
„Oh my god, did you see this?????“, your friend asked.
With shaking hands you clicked on the link.
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„I used to be critical on myself in my mind in a negative way. Not healthy. At all. I would call myself names and put myself down in my mind. I drank the most disgusting shakes for my body health but up here? I was rotting.“
„Yeah, yeah. I remember videos of that nasty shake. What did you put in there - chicken?“
„Gotta get my protein, man. But you know I would constantly feel guilty for what I have done or what I might do.“
„Like what?“
„Like. Okay, like did I practice enough? Is magic man good enough? What if I let everybody down? How will I cope? How will I live?
All these voices.. these fucking nagging voices were with me 24/7.“
„Damn that sounds tough. What did you do?“
„I thought it was impossible to fix because I tried so hard and nothing changed me. Or if it did, it would only last a couple of weeks and I’d be back to feeling like shit and talking down on myself.
Jackson, you moron, how could you do this? Did you really think you could make it? You don’t deserve this success. You don’t deserve to be happy.“
„Jackson, bro. I feel for you. Really.“
„Look, I’m just being honest. I would naturally think of punishments coming my way. I’d imagine injuring myself or loosing all my fans or money. I’d think of the most horrific shit late at night when I should be peacefully sleeping.
I would try to change my thoughts to change my feeling. I would rationalize my way out for hours to only find myself entering a new cave.“
„Like a merry go round.“
„Exactly, I was stuck. Same shit, different day. My gut always had this underlying feeling of tension.
I tried my best to give myself relief but like I said, I could not find Relief for longer than a week. Maybe a month at best.“
„Is that why you turned to alcohol? Because I remember you chugging down a bottle of Hennessy and thought to myself that’s not normal.“
„Oh, of course I started drinking more. I needed more. What used to make me pass out back then is like a cute little cocktail to me now.“
„Damn, that really is a lot to handle. Did you try other things, as well?“
„Look, I tried everything in the book. You name it, I tried it. Worked out. Meditated. Drank. Had sex. Nothing could give me what I craved so badly. Nothing. Until I found her.“
You swallowed hard.
You had no idea that he would share all this with the public. You were very well aware of his struggles but hearing him talk about them upset you. It broke your heart imagining him like that, all dim and broken.
Also, it made you nervous.
You had no idea that he would introduce you into the world like this.
You had no idea that he would reveal your relationship to his homies on a podcast.
Yet, you were intrigued.
„Her as in …?“
„You see, love is a funny thing, right? I didn’t plan to fall in love, nor did I want to but I kind of did. I found the one, man. I found the love of my life and I was lucky enough to have her love me back. Do you know how rare that is?“
„Yeah, it is for you. I remember our last interview and how we wanted to get you on tinder and shit.“
„Exactly! I used to be on my own for years. Years, man. I gave up on love completely, thinking this was meant for others but certainly not me. And then she came into my life. Like an angel that was coming down to help me. Save me even.“
„Your savior, huh?“
„I swear to god her love saved me. It saved me from drugs, it saved me from self destruction and first and foremost it saved me from myself. I gotta be honest man, if I hadn’t met y/n I wouldn’t even be here anymore.“
„Wow. That’s, that’s a pretty heavy revelation. I’m glad you’re doing better now.“
„Oh, I am. Management is probably going to kick my ass later but I don’t care. Let me loose fans, let me loose money. I don’t give a shit. If you support me now, you support the real Jackson Wang. And that’s me right now - happily coupled to the most beautiful soul on this planet. If you can’t handle that - my bad.“
„Okay guys, it’s over. China‘s most wanted bachelor is officially off the market. WHOOOO!!“
„Yeah, the king has finally found its queen.“
„So, what is she like?“
You paused the interview and took a deep breath. Jackson was very vocal of his feelings for you, but hearing it like that felt different. The biggest smile was plastered on his face as he was talking about you.
You as in his queen.
You as in future Miss Wang.
Hundreds of butterflies announced themselves in your stomach, making you giddy and joyful.
„Oh man, she is the best. Like, she is so breathtakingly beautiful. Inside and out. We have the best conversations. I feel like she is my best friend. Truly, no one gets me like she does. It’s just.. it’s effortlessly easy. We laugh a lot, we talk a lot, we share everything with each other. I’m just so grateful, man.“
„Yeah, I can see that. You’re grinning from ear to ear. Make sure to invite me to your wedding.“
„Like you invited me to your birthday?“
„Okayyyyy, let’s wrap it up. Guys, that’s it for today. Thank you Jackson, really appreciate you brother.“
You stopped the video, giggling at your petty boyfriend.
„Remind me to have a word with you once you’re back, yeah?“, you texted him.
It didn’t take him a second to instantly call you.
„Did you see it? Already? Damn babygirl, you’re quick“, he teased.
„You could have warned me, Wang!“
„I didn’t plan to say all that but I couldn’t help myself. It just.. it just came out of me. I really meant it though.“
He knew exactly what you were implying.
„Oh, I’m gonna make you Miss Wang for sure. Rule my kingdom with me? Please?“
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iamyoursinblog · 7 months
Halloween party
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  2.9 k
You liked the fact that everyone in your company dressed up in Halloween costumes. It was funny, especially the party that was held after work.
You were spinning in front of the mirror, trying to figure out if your costume was too provocative. Although you didn't have a plan B anyway. No matter what happens, you giggled quickly leaving the house. You tried not to pay attention to how everyone around you reacted to you while you got to work. You sighed with relief when you pulled into the underground parking lot. You laughed when you saw several people in cosplay costumes. This will be fun, you thought as you got out of the car.
Every year everyone tried to surprise with their costume, and light accessories grew into full-fledged cosplays. You examined your mistress costume from head to toe in the mirror, checking the riding crop in your hand. Why is it only now that you started to feel like your latex dress is too short?
“Holly fuck!” you laughed at the reaction of your assistant who was waiting for you when the elevator doors opened on your floor. “Did you forget that today is Halloween, so you came in your everyday role?” he raised an eyebrow at you.
You smacked him on the shoulder. “Shut up,” you rolled your eyes. “You think that’s too much?” You asked when you entered the office.
“Too sexy, too tight, too short, too high heels, too dominant... Just right!” He smiled widely at you. “Oh...” He stopped in the doorway turning in your direction. “It’s okay though... this will be fun,” he chuckled quietly before leaving the office.
You were glad that you didn't have much work to do today and you could enjoy the time just hanging out with your friends at work. You didn’t even notice how the day flew by until you found yourself in the middle of a party. You continued to scan the room to make sure everything was going well. After all, this year you were in charge of the party.
“Jackson is here,” your assistant said as he approached you.
"Who? WHAT?" You stared at him with wide eyes. Just now you remembered that Jackson Wang was invited to the party because he was the face of your brand. How could you forget about this? You looked sharply at the assistant when you remembered his behavior in the morning “Oh you...” You swung your riding crop at him, but he ran away before you could reach him.
“You seem to know how to use it,” a deep voice made you freeze in place. You slowly turned towards Jackson, who was looking at you with a smile.
“I... it’s just part of the costume,” you quickly replied, hiding the riding crop behind your back. “Glad you were able to come to the party. Let me show you to the table,” you showed him the way. Damn how could you forget that Jackson was coming. Oh, this is definitely a bad choice of costume, you thought about your too vulgar appearance.
You tried to hide all evening, watching the Jackson table from afar. You stamped your foot angrily, realizing that no one had approached his table for the last half an hour. You quickly made your way to his table when you saw that all the drinks were empty.
“Oh wow!” one of the guys whistled when you approached the table. “And why haven’t we been served by such a sexy kitty before?” said the second guy at the Jackson table.
“Shut up idiot! You make me look bad!” Jackson slapped one of the guys on the shoulder as everyone laughed. Jackson smiled at you, and you barely restrained yourself from laughing at his drunken state.
“Do you want something?” You asked looking only at Jackson, and not paying attention to the behavior of others.
“Do I want something...” Jackson grinned, looking you up and down as if you were dessert. You could practically feel his gaze on your skin.
You pointed at him with your riding crop making him look into your eyes “I’m not trying to seduce you.” You said and everyone at his table laughed out loud. Jackson lowered his head, trying to hide his embarrassment, while the others laughed at him. You ran the leather edge of the crop along his neck, lifting his chin. “Would you like me to seduce you?” you grinned, Jackson's lips parted slightly making him look so innocent, making you want to really seduce him. Jackson's gaze changed, causing everything inside you to shrink into a tight knot. Oh boy... You barely restrained yourself from moaning at the look he was looking at you. You couldn’t even understand what kind of look it was, and why it turned you on so much. “Anyway...” You quickly changed your tone to jokingly laughing with everyone when your fantasy went too far. It seems that you have gotten used to the role of the dominant too much. “I was asking about drinks,” you said, smiling widely. You quickly moved away from the table, heading to the bar to order Jackson drinks.
You took a few sips of cold water, trying to calm the heat in your body. And what was that, you thought. You turned around and were surprised to see that Jackson was still looking at you.
“It seems your suit worked as it should, lady,” your assistant said, appearing out of nowhere.
“Looks like you're up for a beating,” you snorted, slapping him on the shoulder. “How could you not remind me that Jackson will be at the party!” you practically growled, “This is definitely not the way I should have greeted him!!!” You patted his shoulder again.
“That’s exactly why I didn’t say it,” he laughed. “Because that’s exactly the way you should greet him,” he said, turning your head towards Jackson, who continued to look at you. You quickly took your assistant’s hand and headed to the end of the hall. “If you suddenly want Jackson to think that I'm your boyfriend, you failed from the very beginning. He knows I'm gay"
“How does he know about this?” you looked at him in surprise
“I'm dating one of his friends,” your assistant said, hugging you. “And by the way, I think Jackson likes you. Not just today because of your sexy looks, but from the very beginning. He's always looked at you that way, you just didn't pay attention because you focused on work,” he chuckled before leaving you alone.
It doesn't matter, you thought, reminding yourself that Jackson was an idol. It would be too foolish to take it too seriously.
You breathed a sigh of relief when the party ended and everyone left. You looked around the empty hall and smiled contentedly, enjoying your work. You walked down to the parking lot before heading to your car. Maybe you should keep this, you thought, looking at the riding crop in your hand. You definitely enjoyed this role. You smiled widely at the thought. You raised your head and stopped when you saw Jackson leaning against your car in the empty parking lot.
“Yes,” Jackson said, and your skin broke out in goosebumps from his deep voice.
"What?" you barely restrained yourself from retreating back from his imperious aura
“Will you give me a ride?” a smile barely touched the corners of his lips.
“Yes, of course,” you quickly unlocked the car, still confused by his presence. You got into the car, starting the engine. “Where should I take you?” You asked, heading towards the dressage area from the parking lot.
“To your home,” he said calmly
You slammed on the brakes and turned your head in his direction. But he looked completely calm, looking forward, without a shadow of the fact that he was joking now. You gripped the steering wheel knowing exactly what that meant. You hesitated whether you should refuse or just go home. You drove again, turning towards your house. You spent the entire journey in silence. But unlike Jackson, who looked relaxed, you were going crazy with your thoughts.
In the same silence you entered your house. “I’ll get you a drink,” you said, practically running towards the kitchen.
OMG!!!! You tried to calm down. You wanted to scream. What is the next? You rested your hands on the table. As it will be? This was your first time in such a situation and you absolutely didn’t know what to do. It was clear for what purpose you came here, but now that you were in the house... the reality scared you, although it also excited you just as much. Just go with the flow, you told yourself. Come what may! You took out a whiskey glass and filled it for Jackson. Maybe you should have a drink too? Although it’s better to be sober, you thought, returning the bottle to its place. You took a few deep breaths, trying to look calm before heading to the living room.
“You seem to like whiskey,” you said as you walked into the living room.
You froze with your mouth open as you entered the living room. Your hand dropped helplessly, pouring whiskey onto the floor. The glass slipped from your fingers, falling to the floor with a thud, just like your heart. You stared almost breathlessly at Jackson, who was slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
“Yes,” Jackson said throwing his shirt onto the sofa. “I would like you to seduce me.” You took a step back, leaning against the wall. You couldn’t trust your legs, which had turned into cotton wool.
“OMG,” you whispered, barely breathing when Jackson unzipped his pants. All this time he did not take his eyes off you. Continuing to calmly undress while standing in the middle of your living room. How can he be so calm when you are on the verge of madness, you thought.
Jackson took a step towards you and you wanted to take a step back, but you had already hit the wall. Jackson grinned, resting his hand on the wall next to your head. “Although I don’t mind being the one to seduce you at all,” Jackson ran his fingers along your neck, moving down to your breast along the edge of your dress.
“Oh my...” you exhaled again as your skin broke out in goosebumps.
Jackson laughed getting closer to your face “I don’t mind you called me that too” Jackson wrapped his arm around your waist pulling your body towards him.
You pressed your lips to him without waiting for his next step. He chuckled as he pushed you against the wall. It was not a kiss, but pure madness. It even seemed to you that you could pass out from overexcitation. Jackson turned you, pushing you to the edge of the table, forcing you to sit on it. Jackson knelt down, slowly running his fingers up your legs, spreading your thighs wide. “Now let me please you, my Mistress” he kept his gaze on you, leaving kisses on your thighs. A shudder went through your body when Jackson pressed his nose into your crotch, deeply inhaling your scent. His teeth lightly squeezed your clitoris through your panties, making you moan.
You wanted more, but Jackson was in no hurry, continuing to drive you crazy with his gentle caresses, “Apparently you want to be punished?” you gripped his hair, lifting his face up as he once again returned his kisses to your thighs.
“You can use this however you want,” Jackson said sticking out his tongue. You practically growled at his provocation. You grinned pushing him in the chest, forcing him to lie on the floor in front of you. You took off your panties, throwing them to the side.
  “As you wish,” you sent him a lecherous smile before sitting on his face. You moaned as he ran his tongue through your wet folds. You moved your hips causing his nose to rub your clit, increasing the pleasure of his tongue. You were so close, you began to move faster on his face, trembling with pleasure. Jackson's fingers squeezed your hips, helping you move faster. You fell forward, resting your hands on the floor as you came, breathing heavily with pleasure.
“Fuck that was so sexy,” Jackson growled, running his tongue along your crotch, making you tremble. Before you knew it, your back was on your table in a moment. “You taste so good I want to eat you all up,” you moaned loudly as Jackson dug in mouth into your pussy, pushing his tongue into your hole.
“Stop,” you gripped his hair.
His quiet laugh made my insides clench into knots with excitement. “Baby,” he raised his head, meeting your gaze. “You ask me to stop, but you press my face against your crotch,” he ran the tip of his tongue over your clitoris. “So, who should I listen to...” Jackson ran his fingers over your lips, pushing into your mouth, “your mouth or your body?” Jackson asked before sliding his tongue into your pussy again.
“Ooohhh god...” your back arched in pleasure. You blushed completely as he pressed your knees to your shoulders, spreading them wide, making you look so slutty. "What are you doing?" you moaned as Jackson continued to lick your entire crotch.
“You’re so open to my tongue, it’s hard to resist.”
You moaned loudly as he slid his tongue into your pussy again, stretching your folds with his fingers. “Please...” you practically whimpered in pleasure.
“What are you asking for, baby?” Jackson grinned, pushing two fingers of each hand into you. “Although whatever you ask, you are completely ready for it. Just look how greedily your pussy squeezes my fingers"
“Fuck,” you practically suffocated from the feeling of being full. You tried to pull away, to run away... but he didn’t give you even a hint of salvation... you swallowed loudly when Jackson threw his boxers aside. His big dick swayed as if welcoming you. Everything inside you was burning with the desire to feel him inside. You hissed when Jackson pulled out his fingers, pushing the head of his dick into your hole. You were just going crazy... You had never been so wet before. “Jackson” you moaned when he spanked him with his dick against your clit, sending an electric charge through your body. “Please... Please, Jackson.”
“Mmmm...baby you need to tell me exactly what you're asking for.” Jackson continued to tease you, moving his cock along your crotch, only slightly pressing the head on your hole.
“I want you to push your dick into my pussy!” you gripped his hair, pulling him closer to you. “And fucked me until you ran out of strength!”
“You asked for it yourself, then don’t complain!” Jackson growled with a grin. He pushed into you hard the entire length, making you scream from a mixture of pain and pleasure. You couldn’t even take the next breath from his hard thrusts. Less than 15 minutes and you were already barely restraining yourself with all your strength not to cum. Crazy, you weren’t even sure if it was just a phrase in your head or if you said it out loud.
“You're taking my dick so hard. Are you really ready to cum, and we haven’t even started yet?”
. . .
You opened your eyes as the sun completely filled your bedroom. And how did you end up here? Although... It seems you've also lost your voice... You couldn't count how many times Jackson made you cum... And even after that, he didn't stop until you lost consciousness... Although you weren't even sure if it made you cum... This is Jackson stop. You clearly overestimated your strength... and even more so underestimated Jackson. You trembled when, moving, you felt something inside you move. Only now did you realize that you were in Jackson’s arms, and his dick was still inside you. “fuck...” you chuckled at how hoarse your voice was.
“Mmm, baby, you're awake...” Jackson muttered sleepily, leaving a kiss on your shoulder.
“Why is your dick still inside?” you moaned, with every movement you made, his dick moved inside, becoming harder every second. You whimpered, the trembling in you causing pain in every muscle... You tried to pull away from him so that his dick would slip out of you.
“You asked me to fuck you until my strength runs out, but I still have too much of it...” Jackson again pressed your back to his chest, pushing his entire length back into you.
“Time out... Mercy... I beg for mercy!.. I still need to be able to walk, although now I can’t even move my little finger,” you whimpered with each of his slow and gentle thrusts.
“It’s not fair... I still have so many desires that I want to show you,” he frowned, sinking his teeth into your neck as you finally managed to roll onto your stomach, allowing his cock to slide completely out of you.
“If one of these desires is not my death, then let me sleep... until tomorrow, for example?” you trembled as he licked the spot where his teeth had been moments ago.
“How about one hour? I think this is the most I can give you." Jackson moaned, continuing to lick you.
“You are definitely crazy!”
"Congratulations!" Jackson laughed, hugging you. “From now on, you are the happy owner of this crazy!”
More Jackson Wang
Autograph (fluff) 개새끼 (gaesaekki) (smut, agnst)
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sweetestofchaos · 10 months
Got7's Reaction to...Getting Caught In The Rain With You
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Backstory: While out and about you get caught in a sun shower with him.
Warnings: SFW, nothing but cute fluff.
Pairings: Got7 x Reader
a/n: this new tumblr shit sucks, so there are no gifs with this. sorry 😪
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He is mildly annoyed but the moment he hears your laughter he is pulling you farther into the rain and swinging you around. It turns into a wet tee shirt contest where you both win. He pulls you by his side and hurries to the car where he knows for a fact there is a jacket for himself and you to throw on. He doesn’t care that his seats are getting soaked, the smile on your face is worth it and he makes sure to drive with the heat on, so that you don’t end up sick.
“Well that was unexpected…I still think I won.”
He feels dumb for not remembering that it was supposed to rain, but he’s having a good laugh as the two of you run hand in hand, trying to find somewhere to wait it out. One store offers you both some towels and he helps dry your hair and face while you do the same to him. He’s smiling like an idiot and draping the towel around your shoulders to keep warm.
“Let’s get your dry first, yeah?”
A little rain isn’t going to hurt either of you. He would wait in the store with you and the moment the rain let up, he would peck your lips and say that he would be right back. He would run out in the rain and hurry to the car before he jumped in and drove up to the store front. Before you could even think of stepping out in the rain, Jackson would be out of the car with his jacket held high over his head. He would walk you to the car, protect your hair from getting wet and open the car door for you as well.
“Your chariot awaits!”
He might be an actor but Jinyoung will never be caught in the rain, willingly. He came prepared, a simple umbrella tucked away in the pocket of his coat, so the moment it starts to pour, he is pulling you under the awning of a store. He pulls the umbrella from his pocket, shakes it out and wraps his arm around your waist with a smile on his face.
“Let’s get home before it gets worse.”
He wouldn’t be upset just really, really surprised. How did he miss the warning for rain? Did he not double check the weather? Like a true gentleman, he would quickly take off his jacket and hold it over both of your heads as you ran across the parking lot to get into the car. The two of you would be shouting and laughing the whole way as you end up running in puddles and still getting a little wet.
“Yah! Are you okay? Did your shoes get ruined?!”
The pure disrespect he would feel towards Mother Nature. How dare she cry all over his Balenciaga sneakers! They are brand new! Fresh out the box! Best believe, he is grumbling the whole time the two of you run to take shelter in the closest store which just happens to be a café. You tell him to find a seat while you ask for towels and place an order for drinks and some light food. When you return to his side, Bam is pouting and you can’t help but tease him. He sucks his teeth and takes the towel you offer as you sit across from him.
“Man, this isn’t funny! We’re soaked!”
It is what it is. He takes it in stride and somehow the day turns into a music video. He’s dancing in the rain, pushing his hair out of his face and moon walking in puddles. You are recording the whole thing, your laughter caught in 4k as he comes running at you, only to peck your lips and pull you in close before he starts to sway side to side.
“Put the camera down and dance with me!”
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blizzardfluffykpop · 7 months
Summary: After a long day at work, you get to spend the rest of the day relaxing with Bambam and your four cats. 
Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 1,262
Bambam X Reader
Requested: I wonder if you can go a lil BamBam fluff :DD Like not over the top fluff but like domestic home fluff? Like reader comes home to a cozy house of BamBam and cats?? Idk, do what you feel is right! Love youuuuuu 💜
[A/n: I did name ½ of the cats. But seriously they can have any name you wish. (One is named King like Bam’s real cat but not an imitation). I don’t write about Got7 too much anymore, if that. I still love them but not enough to write about them. Anyways, the reason I took this is because I’ve known and been friends with this person in real life for many years. On top of having inspiration for it. And today she starts her new job, and I wish her lots of luck. Anyways, love ya too! Hope this is to your cup of tea!]
You’ve waited for the weekend to come since the dawn of Monday, wanting to be back in Bambam’s arms. But with you both working different schedules, it was hard to be home together. As you clock out, you can’t help but feel giddy. You race out of the building, barely saying goodbye to anyone before hopping in your car. Your phone rings as if he knew, “Hey, Baby, are you on your way?” You grin, “Yeah, I’ll be home in ten. Do you want anything while I’m out?” He hums and says, “No, just you. I ordered your favorite, by the way.” You thank him and say your goodbyes, and after checking the coast that the was clear, you barrel out of the parking lot, looking forward to a long weekend of cuddling and relaxing. 
You can’t help but smile as you see your shared home. Back before you bought a house together, he always felt like home. And now that you’re living together, it felt surreal, no matter how many times you return. You call into the house as you set your keys down, “Babe, I’m home~” He calls back, “In the living room!” You smile and reach the living room and see a precious site. Curled up on his lap are two of the four cats you share. You quickly snap a photo, and then he catches sight of you, “I’m so happy you’re home. I’ve missed you all week.” “I’ve missed you too, Bam.” 
That’s when the other two unoccupied cats hear that you are home. You hear their loud meows before you see them. You smile softly as the one comes up and walks between your legs, and you pick it up and kiss it while the other leads you to your shared bedroom. The cats hop onto your bed as you change into your pajamas, waiting for you to finish cleaning up. They follow you back to the living room, where you settle beside Bambam. 
He smiles, wraps his arm around your shoulders, and pulls you into his side. Your workday starts to weigh on you as you rest your head against his shoulders. He asks, “You want to tell me about your day?” You shake your head no, and he kisses your forehead, “You don’t have to. I’m glad you’re home.” The two kitties who followed you hop onto your lap, and Bam chuckles, “Seems like they’re glad, too.” You sigh, “This is nice. It’s good to be home.” He nods and lets you have your moments of rest and peace.
Once you unwind from your long day at work, you start scratching the fuzzy gray cat behind the ears, and she instantly starts purring. The other wakes up from the noise and gives you a look, and you let out a light laugh before using your other hand to scratch their neck. The cats on Bam’s lap stretch out and look up to find your home. The one nuzzles into Bam’s chest and asks for pets, which he willingly gives him. While the other, with its outstretched paws, starts making biscuits on both of your legs. Which makes you both laugh as you sit there basking in the moment. The doorbell rings. Bam scoots his cat onto your lap, which causes the one that was lying on his chest to hop off and head to the kitchen to get his food. You both laugh, and he pulls his arm out from behind you and gets up. Once he’s off the couch, the other curls up against your leg where Bambam was sitting. 
You smile at the three cats and wait for Bam to return, “Whatcha get?” He grins as he reminds you, “Your favorite.” You give him a small smile, “I thought it’d be a good way to cheer you up.” You agree, and he pulls the coffee table closer to you. He goes to the kitchen, pulls out the utensils, and two drinks for you two. He returns, opens your cans, and hands you your meal so you don’t risk the three cats moving away. But alas, they do, smelling that it’s mealtime. “Did you give them their cans of food?” He nods, “Yeah, but the two here,” gesturing to the ones on your lap, “Didn’t want to eat until you returned.” “And what about Lamb Chop?” He laughs, “She already ate. That’s why she’s so content lying against us.” You laugh, and she moves into your lap after the two who smell pasta hop down to eat their fishy dinners in the kitchen. She rolls over as Bam sits back down and lays across the two of you, “The baby… Always getting what she wants.” He laughs, “Always. How’s our little lamb chop?” She purrs as the two of you rub her belly before digging into your food. 
She hops down as you two finish eating. Bam gets up and takes your trash, “Thanks, Bambi.” He smiles, “No problem, Thumper.” You both laugh and after, he throws away the garbage. The two of you go and wash up after your meal. He grabs your hand in his, stopping you in your tracks, “Do you want to watch TV or head to bed?” You think about it before deciding, “Sleep sounds really good right now.” He smiles, brings you into his chest, and holds you, “Okay.” You nuzzle your face into his chest as you sigh. He runs his fingers through your hair and helps you calm down even further. He waits for you to part from the embrace before he asks, “Ready?” You nod, and he leads you both to your bed and lifts the comforter up for you to get under. You give him a light smile as he gets under the covers on his side before tucking you in and wrapping himself around you. 
You hear scratching at the door, “Did you let them in?” He groans, “That’s what I forgot!” He clambers out of bed, unraveling himself before opening their mini door. One of them huffs at him, and he sasses, “King, we’ve talked about this. You get huffy with me. You won’t get any treats.” King huffs at him again, and Bam grumbles as he defeatedly makes his way back to bed. You roll over to face him as he climbs back in and gets under the blanket, “You, okay? Did the big bad kitty-cat give you attitude?” He pouts and nods his head. You ruffle his hair and kiss his cheek, “Aw, it’s okay, Bammie. He’ll purr, and you’ll forget all about it.” He nods, and lo and behold, King makes his way between you two and rubs up against him. “All is forgiven, little man. You’ll get your treat in the morning as usual.” You look towards King, then at Bam, then at King, and back at Bam before he gets it. And gently moves King from in between you two and kisses your nose, “Is someone jealous?” You pout, “Bam…” Which causes him to grin, “Your pout is so cute, baby.” And kisses your lips, “I love you, now let’s get some sleep.” You whisper back, “I love you too.” He turns off the overhead light with a command and turns on the lower light so you can rest at ease. He rolls you over, and you both laugh as he drags you into his arms. Your cats find their places around you two to sleep. And for the next two days, you can relax and spend them merrily with him and your four fur babies.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 4 months
Surprise Sign |Jinyoung|
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I smiled looking at myself in the mirror at the concert venue. The stadium was already loud from the group of people fan girling about their biases or plans to do after the concert. I finally walked out of the bathroom and slowly walked to my seat. I'm supposed to be surprising my boyfriend of many years Park Jinyoung. We haven't seen each other in months because of his touring. He begged me to go with him but as much as I wanted to I couldn't. Here I was now standing in my seat close to the stage. Only Jackson knew I was coming to the concert to make sure I was able to get front-seat tickets. I smiled thinking of his reaction along with the rest of the group. I looked around and saw everyone go to their seats as the concert started. I proudly held up my sign that said 'I Don't Have To Go To Heaven To Find A Angel Park Jinyoung Is In Front Of Me' which people around me complimented my sign while laughing. I watched the lights go on and shine on the members as they went on stage. I watched in amazement at the boys' performance. Each step was calculated and they were all in sync with each other. Their voices were steady even though they were dancing. I lifted the sign up as Jackson looked over at me during lullaby winking which made the girls around me scream.
During the concert Jackson looked my way trying to get his fellow members to catch the memo eventually Jaebeom looked over and spotted me. I grinned waving the sign at him which made him smile holding back from laughing which confused Youngjae who looked at him confused as Jaebeom whispered in his ear. Youngjae looked at me laughing lightly which made Mark confused. Let's just say each member one by one noticed my presence and the sign I held up. It was Bambam who laughed the loudest after they finished singing Call My Name that caught Jinyoung's attention. He looked around confused until he finally ended up seeing me. He walked closer thinking he was hallucinating. He had been more nervous once he started the tour since you usually were there to hug him and give him little kisses before he had to leave for award shows. The girls around me started jumping around and screaming his name. But his eyes were trained on me he seemed like he wanted to cry but instead, he made a comment as if I was just a normal fan.
"Who here thinks I'm an angel?" He said through the mic as everyone screamed.
"Hey! He dressed up like a killer doll how is that angelic?!" Jackson said pointing his finger at Jinyoung to interact with the crowd. "I think I'm more of an angel"
"You dressed like the devil that one time" Jaebeom pointed out.
"The only person here would be me in my opinion," Yugyeom said. "If we're talking about Halloween costumes"
"You were an invisible cloak," Youngjae said. "I think I'm the winner don't you think" Yongjae said pointing his mic at the crowd who screamed yes.
"I feel offended," Jackson said dramatically.
I laughed at the whole thing and saw Jinyoung stealing some glances my way. After the concert was over I lingered around waiting for Jackson to come get me from the stands. Once the coast was clear Jackson ran out quickly and grabbed my hand as we ran backstage. The boys all gave me a hug and told me how shocked they were to see me since it was all the way across the world.
"He's here," Youngjae said as Jinyoung ran up to hug me. He wasn't that much of a PDA guy but he didn't care all he cared about was seeing you in the flesh.
"You're supposed to tell me this stuff, not Jackson," He said hiding his face in my neck which made me laugh a little.
"I couldn't tell you since it was a surprise" I smiled.
He pulled me closer and rocked back and forth. He nuzzled his face in my neck and ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled feeling him relax with every minute ticking by.
"You don't know how much I missed you" He mumbled giving a light kiss on my neck.
"I missed you too," I said his grip on me still tight.
"How did you manage to get here?" He asked pulling away from the hug.
"I'm on break so I decided to come see you perform"
"Are you staying around for long?" He asked.
"Hopefully I'll have enough money"
"I'll pay for it you can stay backstage and everything"
"I'd feel bad though" I sighed.
"Love, you and I both know I can afford you being here, hell it might be free if I ask the managers" At this point, Jinyoung was pleading with me to stay and it started working.
"I-" I sighed. "Are you sure?"
"Fine" I smiled and as soon as that word left my mouth I was picked up and spun in the air. "Jinyoung put me down" I laughed.
"Thank god your staying" He smiled. "I don't think I'd last another month"
"Well I'm here now"
"And your not leaving my side ever" He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and he placed his hand on my cheek with the other.
"Wouldn't dream of it" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I love you," He said gently kissing me on the lips. I smiled into the kiss returning the gesture.
"I love you too" I pulled away resting my head on his chest as gently rubbed my back.
There was a knock on the door and we both looked over. The door creaked open and Youngjae popped in.
"Hey love birds, sorry to interrupt but Jinyoung has to come with me" Jinyoung looked at him confused. "Team meaning"
"Alright, I'm coming" Jinyoung turned to me. "Don't leave okay?"
"Alright" I smiled and watched him leave he winked and closed the door behind him.
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skz-jeha · 2 years
I want to spend everyday with you
Warning: Fluff, Soft! Jackson
Pairing: Jackson Wang x GN! Reader
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Description: If anyone asked Jackson what Y/N is to him, he would say the moon. If anyone asked Y/N what Jackson was to them, they would say the sun. For all who cared, these two were inseparable. True to word, they couldn’t spend a day without each other, much to the annoyance of the GOT7 guys.
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It is a calm Saturday afternoon. Everyone lazing around the GOT7 dorm room. Scattered around the room were the talented idol boys. Some sat on the floor, some on the couch, and others on the scattered bean bags.
The boys chatted about whatever while Jackson had an arm around Y/N's waist. The two lovebirds were snuggled together in their little bubble. Utterly oblivious to the knowing smiles of their friends.
BamBam and JayB used to tease Jackson relentlessly before he got together with Y/N, always off staring into space, daydreaming about the person who caught his attention and stole his heart.
Now imagine seven boys, all living together, all single, and only one of them is in a relationship. That someone is constantly praising their partner. It gets pretty annoying for the rest of the group.
iGOT7 gave the couple the nickname Sun & Moon because it seemed that the two revolved around each other.
iGOT7 adore Y/N. They are happy that Jackson found someone that loves and cares for him and has his best interest in mind. Of course, there was a backlash when Jackson and Y/N's relationship was announced. However, that soon changed when the fandom saw your interactions with the boys. How you always make sure they did not overwork themselves and took care of their health.
Many edits and videos have been made of you and Jackson as a cute and loving couple. The boy's favorite is the videos of Jackson looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
Honestly, the boys had no problem with your relationship or how lovestruck Jackson is. It gave them all an excuse to tease the rapper, especially the Maknaes, who relentlessly teased Jackson for months after they first met you at the studio.
You walked in with baggy jeans, a t-shirt that the boys knew for a fact was Jackson's, and a bag of takeout in hand. A bright smile graced your face as you set down the food on the table and hopped into your boyfriend's arms. Said boyfriend, who was frowning and sulking just a second ago.
The boys all saw how you affected Jackson's mood, making him happier. They also picked up on how he looked more relaxed and at ease when around you. They all made a vow to slap Jackson if he ever hurt you.
You are close friends with Mark and JayB. One time, while drunk, Mark asked you what you thought of Jackson, and you said he was your Sun.
Confused, JayB asked what you meant. Smiling drunkenly, you said Jackson brightens up your life, and then you promptly passed out. The two boys made sure to get you into bed safe and sound.
The both of them told Jackson about your conversation, and Jackson smiled and said that you were his moon, a stable pillar that he could rely on when life gets hard.
After that little love confession, the boys noticed that wherever one went, the other was soon to follow. BamBam made sure to point out whenever you were being extra cuddly with the other, causing both of you to embarrassingly get awkward, which prompted the rest of the boys to jokingly scold BamBam.
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kgyeomiex · 2 years
Three Empty Words (M)
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“It’s so hard to pretend to be friends with someone special, when every time you look at that person, all you see is everything want to have.”
Summary: Have a best friend who sticks with you through thick and thin is impossible to find. The moment you met Jackson, you know he was going to be your best friend for life. Jackson always knew how to make sure you were happy and healthy and always seemed to turn a negative situation into a positive one. However, you would be lying to yourself if you were to say you didn’t have any type of feelings for Jackson… But Jackson is just your best friend… You knew best to push those feelings away and just move on.
Previous Parts:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // 
Part 7~ 
More Parts:
Part 8
After having time to yourself, you realized that the way you felt about Jackson was not just missing as a best friend... Now that you are thinking about it you had way more feelings towards Jackson than you ever expected.
You claimed that Jackson was nothing but a best friend but deep down inside you saw him as a man... And as hard as it might be to admit it but you think you might be in love with Jackson... It took you a while to figure this out but... Now that you think about it, everything just makes sense.
Why did it take so long for you to notice?
You had to lose Jackson in order to figure out that you’ve been in love with Jackson this whole time... It’s crazy but true.
What do you even do now? You’re still in a relationship with Yoongi and well it seems like he’s happy in his relationship.
You seem to have bad timing with everything and probably one of the worst lucks. It is what it is.
This might be a very stupid decision you were planning to make but you made up your mind.
You’re planning to stay with Yoongi until he gives you other motives that he’s not being loyal...
You looked at the time and even though it was too early to go to sleep, you decided you should just sleep and call it a day. You were in one of those moods that you didn’t want to be around anyone.
Jackson’s Point of View
I tried my hardest to ignore the fact that I was worried about Y/N. If I am being honest after seeing the whole incident back in the theater and speaking to her, I couldn’t help but think of her.
If I am being honest I have no idea why we stopped talking in the first place. I mean I understand that we kind of just drifted apart the moment she began to get closer to Yoongi. But we never talked about it...
Are we supposed to end our friendship that way?
Irene and I walked out of the theater and she looked at me.
“Are you alright?” I realized that I've been busy thinking about this whole situation about Y/N and I. I’ve been awfully quiet to Irene.
“Yeah. I’m just letting the movie sink in with me,” I said smiling and she giggled.
“What did you think?”
“It wasn’t bad, but we could have done something way more fun than this,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows.
“Let’s find out and see,” I grabbed her hand and we walked off.
As much as I wish I could go back to being best friends with Y/N I don’t think it would be possible. The only way I can ever have her as a best friend again is once I know I don’t feel anything for her.
Your Point of View
It was midnight and you were trying your hardest to fall asleep. You already had a shitty day if we are being honest. Right now you had no one you could just call to talk about how you’re feeling and that’s sad...
You didn’t have your best friend... NOT EVEN your own boyfriend.
Yoongi apparently is with his “cousin.” This whole cousin situation isn’t sitting right with you... You knew damn well he is probably cheating but instead of cutting him off, there is a side of you that wasn’t to give him the benefit of the doubt.
If you lose him then you won’t have anyone...
Sure you have friends but they were friends that you only spoke to when you all were at parties not on a personal level.
You grabbed your phone and was planning to maybe call Yoongi but as you were about to click his name something made you stop.
Forget it...
You don’t know if it was the fact that you were in your feelings you ended up clicking on Jackson’s name instead.
Without realizing it you were suddenly calling him... You began to panic and was planning to hang up but the phone began to ring... Shit...
You brought the phone to your ear and suddenly the phone stopped ringing. You were hoping to hear his answer machine instead of having him pick it up. What the hell are you supposed to tell him when he answers... Obviously, he’s going to ask why the hell are you calling him...
So many thoughts were occurring in your head and before you knew it you heard his voice.
To be honest you were even surprised to see that Jackson still had your phone number. To be honest you thought he probably deleted it the moment you two seemed to drift apart...
Can we talk?
Although you probably aren't thinking clearly, you were tired of feeling upset and having unanswered questions. After seeing him at the theater you knew the only way you could really accept that Jackson doesn’t want you in his life is from hearing it come out of his mouth.
Um... can we meet around 8?
You heard a female laugh in the back and you remembered he was probably still with his girlfriend.
The two of you hung up and you sighed...
It was 8... You didn’t even have to say where to meet because you two had a special “Talking” spot.
You walked over to the bench that was near the docs in front of the ocean. You sat down and tried to collect your thoughts before you saw Jackson.
One side of you was hoping that the two of you could go back to being best friends and go back to spending time like you used to... But you knew that seemed rather impossible when you realized you have feelings for the boy.
Regardless of your feelings, you weren’t planning to bring it up, especially since you are with Yoongi and Jackson is with Irene. You have no choice but to suck up the situation and just hope you can at least have your best friend back.
The longer you felt the time the more anxious you suddenly felt. You couldn’t help but start picking at your nails.
“Y/N,” you looked up and saw Jackson there before you.
Shit, he is actually here... Now that the two of you have no choice but to address the situation. You two looked at each other but you quickly looked away.
“Um.... sit,” you said sitting on one edge of the bench and he sat on the other.
“It’s been a while,” Jackson blurted out and you nodded your head...
“Yeah... How have you been?” You weren’t sure how you were planning to approach the situation. You could feel how awkward the tension was between the two of you. This has never happened between the two of you before so it was weird...
Moments like this make you wish you could go back in time and change everything... but unfortunately you can’t do such a thing.
“I’ve been great.... and you?” Jackson asks, catching you slightly off guard.
To be honest you were surprised to even have Jackson ask how you are... To be honest you always thought that after Jackson cut you off, he stopped caring.
“I’ve been fine,” you couldn’t tell Jackson you were doing great because that was a lie...
Then pure silence...
Okay now is your chance to talk now... You wanted to understand what went wrong. You focused all your attention on Jackson and took a deep breath before you dared to ask him.
“I asked you to come here today because... there is something I’ve been wanting to ask you...” Jackson just stood quiet and looked at you.
You didn’t know what to ask him exactly. Do you hate me? Why do you want nothing to do with me? What did I do wrong? Where did everything go wrong? There were so many ways to ask the question...
“Are you mad at me?” You asked him and waited for him to respond.
You were hoping for Jackson to say more but all that comes out of his mouth is “no.”
How are you supposed to feel now? You still haven’t gotten the answer that you are looking for.
One side of you was planning to just let everything go and move on with your life but the other side wasn’t going to allow that. If Jackson isn’t planning to tell you what happened between the both of you, then now it’s your chance to tell him how you felt and let him be.
“Jackson I am about to sound ridiculous and right about now I don’t seem to care. I don’t understand what the hell happened. You and I were in such a good place. You were my best friend, you were someone I could rely on and someone I could always count on and then suddenly you disappeared. The moment Yoongi came into my life you suddenly got up and left. Why? Did I give you the right to walk into my life for you to leave whenever you feel like it? I am a person who happens to have feelings too. I think it’s only right that you tell me why you suddenly cut me out of your life. Jackson... I thought you and I were much closer than that but I guessed wrong...”
You stopped talking and felt tears stream down your cheeks, but you quickly wiped them out.
You were hoping to make Jackson speak this way but again he was just quiet.
Now you felt even more stupid...
“I see,” these were the only words Jackson managed to speak out... DID HE JUST SAY HE SEES?!
You wanted to get up and scream at him but what was the point?
You spoke your mind out and tried to talk to him but it seems like Jackson doesn’t seem to even care about how you’re feeling and whether to fix the friendship or not. Did your friendship with him mean nothing?
There was so much you wanted to say but you avoided it.
“Well now that I know where you stand... And I got that out of my chest. I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. Our friendship was pointless... Unfortunately, I guess I invested In this friendship a lot more than you have so I just hope you take care of yourself and... Yeah,”
You didn’t know what else to say. You wanted to scream at Jackson and just yell at him for being such a shitty person. How can you invest so much time in a person and then they suddenly want to cut you off just because they can? Absolutely no explanation, they just cut you off and now you have to wonder what you did wrong.
You began to walk away until you hear Jackson say your name.
You looked at him and you suddenly developed a little hope that he was about to explain himself to you... But boy did you speak way too soon.
“I cared a lot more than you think,”
Jackson just says those exact words, and turns. around and walks with his hands in his pockets.
He cared... Past tense...
This was it... Jackson was now just another stranger in your life with a lot of memories...
“Hey babe, sorry I didn’t come sooner. I was caught up at my mother’s house,” Yoongi says as he pulls you into a hug and as you smell him, he has a woman's perfume scent to him.
Did Yoongi just say, mother? Didn’t he say he was going to spend time with his cousin? Maybe he made a mistake and meant to say cousin’s house...
“Oh how is your mother?” you continued to engage in the conversation waiting to see if maybe he would have corrected himself from his mistake.
“Good. It was nice to catch up on some mother and son bond,” Yoongi doesn’t even bother trying to correct himself.
Just from hearing this the first thought that appeared in your head was that Yoongi was lying to you... The only reason why a guy would lie to you about his whereabouts is more likely because they could have been with another woman...
You had this gut feeling that Yoongi could be cheating... But you wanted proof. You were the type to make assumptions but what if you were wrong and there was a perfectly good excuse for why he lied. . . It’s very unlikely but you just had hope that he wasn’t cheating.
You felt Yoongi looking at you. As you looked at him you were wondering if he noticed how puffy your eyes were from crying. . . But nope.
“I missed you,” he says as he continues to have his arms wrapped around you.
“Me too,”
Jackson’s Point of View
I would be lying if I were to say that I was no longer conflicted about my situation with Y/N. I thought by talking to her we would have closure but now I am questioning whether what I did was even the right decision.
Am I being selfish for just suddenly cutting her off without an explanation?
Yes, she’s with Yoongi. . . But if I would have come clean right then and there and told her how I felt. . . Could that have changed anything?
I had so many questions but they were all unanswered.
I felt my phone vibrating and I pulled it out from my pocket and see Irene’s name appear. After the night I had I didn’t want to talk to anyone but I knew I couldn’t ignore Irene.
I picked up the phone and answered the call.
“Hey, beautiful,”
“I was starting to wonder where you were,” Irene says and I suddenly felt guilty.
Why am I still feeling kind of upset? I just ended things with Y/N. I should be happy right now, especially with the fact that I have someone like Irene in my life. Why do I feel like something is missing?
“Sorry, I met up with a friend of mine to return his things. It was short notice but he’s leaving town soon so it was the only time I got to see him,” I didn’t mean to necessarily lie to her like this, but it was pointless to explain anything to her.
I wouldn’t want Irene to feel worried about someone who is no longer in my life. . . Right?
Your Point of View
After getting the verification that Jackson wanted nothing to do with you, it helped you conclude that you had no choice but to accept that you no longer had a best friend.
To avoid feeling upset about the situation, you decided to keep yourself busy.
Yoongi had work to do, which didn’t bother you. If anything it allowed you to run a few errands and try to work on a few things.
Before running errands you wanted to clean your room, rearrange a few furniture around, and hide any pictures you had out with Jackson.
You weren’t planning to throw the pictures away, if anything you were just planning to put them away, away from where you won’t see them.
There was a wall you had in your room that was filled with a bunch of random pictures whether it was mixed with you with friends or you with family. You had all kinds of pictures with different people all around, but most of the pictures you had were with Jackson.
You two were always together and almost inseparable but look how that changed.
Any picture that had Jackson included, you removed from the wall.
If Jackson wants to throw this friendship away without telling you why then you have to accept the fact and move on.
Your phone suddenly rings. You looked down and saw that an old friend of yours was suddenly calling you.
You picked up the phone and brought it to your ear.
It’s been so long since you’ve spoken to her. The last thing you heard from her was the fact that she left to go to school internationally. . . And that was about 2 years ago.
“Y/N! Oh, I am so glad you haven’t changed your number, or I would have been mad,” you smiled. Seems like she hasn’t changed.
“Wow, it’s been so long. How have you been?”
“Girl I have so much to tell you about, which is why we need to hang out!”
You stopped what you were doing and was confused.
“Wait. . . You’re in Korea?” You asked her.
“Of course! Let’s go to our usual. BRING JACKSON!” When she said Jackson’s name you went from almost forgetting what happened to suddenly remembering all over again.
“He won’t be coming,”
“What wh- you know what bring your cute butt over here and we will catch up. I’m sure you have a lot to tell me too,”
You both exchanged byes and you began to get ready...
Although you knew the topic of Jackson was going to be brought up sooner or later, you were still excited to see her. You were hoping that when you meet up with her she can make you feel better... Because for some reason you suddenly felt like no one wanted anything to do with you...
To be continued 
*Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if people forgot about this story because it’s been A WHILE I KNOW IM SORRY*
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Risk It All| Mark Tuan
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Mafia!Mark x Reader, parents au! Word count: 5.612 Genre: angst, action. Warning: mention of crimes and violence, language. If you don't feel comfortable DON’T READ IT! Author: Maari Note: It’s been soooo long that I wrote for GOT7 and I’m very proud of this one🥺 i suggest to read while listening to risk it all by the vamps Request: Can i request maybe got7 mark mafia left you and your daughter because he knows they will use his family as a bait. You always go to the headquarter to convince haechan to come back to you daughter and your lives but he pushed you away. Until both of you being kidnapped and happy ending and he said sorry to both of you and hugged you both closely.
⩔ GOT7 Masterlist  
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It was a desperate night.
Y/N didn't know why little Gracie didn't sleep well, her 9-month-old daughter was restless that morning and there was no way to deny the reason for that, because she knew.
Gracie was used to sleeping lying on her father's belly, she loved the warmth of his arms and many times she calmed down just like that, not even with her mother. But that night her father wasn’t there.
In fact, he had been gone all day and as much as Y/N was distressed, she didn't have much to do. Mark never carried his phone when had to work, it was too dangerous, he'd always said, and she wouldn't be able to contact whoever was with him.
All she could do was wait and hope that everything was fine, still with a sinking heart.
She rocked her daughter in her arms as sang a song, hoping to make her sleep, she looked at the clock beside her bed and it read 3AM. She was tired, exhausted, not because she took care of her daughter but because she hated it when Mark left.
When Gracie finally fell asleep, completely surrendered to sleep, Y/N heard the house door slam and without a second thought, walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
She should have been relieved to see her husband there, but when she saw that he was looking forward to it, she was even more worried.
"Honey." she spoke softly and Mark turned to face her, his eyes red and his face visibly in pain.
He had cried.
Y/N saw Mark swallow hard, run a hand through his dark hair and run down the stairs without answering, she followed of course. She followed him to their room and when she got there, she saw Mark angrily pull the suitcase under the bed.
She was confused by her husband's haste and the sudden need to pack. Would they travel?
"What are you doing? Where we going?" she asked as watched him cry silently, going to the wardrobe and taking out the pieces in a random way to throw them in the suitcase without any care.
"I have to go." he replied quietly, not meeting her eyes.
Y/N kept her eyes on him, waiting for a complete answer, which didn't come.
She watched him open the drawer and take out his gun, checked it was loaded, and tucked it into the waistband of his pants under the shirt.
"Leaving. I'm leaving." he spoke louder but his voice was not steady as usual, it was shaky and desperate.
Y/N felt her heart break completely, the cry already stuck in her throat.
It wasn't as if she'd ever thought about that moment, but since the birth of their daughter, he'd promised that things would be different.
"Then that's it? Are you just going to abandon your family with just two sentences?” she asked, hurt and held her daughter even tighter in her arms. "I think I deserve a better explanation than 'I'm leaving' in the middle of the night."
Y/N wanted to scream, shake her husband so he would talk but she knew if she did that it would scare Gracie and she didn't want that, she had taken so long to get her daughter to sleep and she didn't want to wake her up.
Mark stopped with his hands on top of the suitcase and took a deep breath, looked at Y/N and she raised her eyebrow, questioning him once more in silence. She hated being too hard on him, but there were times when she needed to be.
He approached cautiously and placed his hand on her arm, covered by the leather glove he wore, she didn't like it. She wanted to feel the texture of his palm against her arm to make sure everything was okay, that it would be okay.
"I love you both." he spoke, a softer tone and she bit her lip to keep from giving in too soon. “And it's because I love you so much that I need to get out of here as soon as possible to protect you. I already asked BamBam to come pick you up in the morning, he will keep both of you safe until I… sort out some problems.”
Y/N frowned. She'd never demanded any explanation about Mark's business because first, she didn't want to know and second, the less she knew the better. But knowing he was doing what his job demanded didn't make it any better.
In fact, she felt a shiver down her spine and it was from fear. Fear for her daughter, fear for her husband and for her.
If BamBam was involved, it meant Yugyeom and Jungkook were too. The whole group.
"I don’t want you to go." she admitted, feeling her eyes water and Mark looked at her in pain.
"Angel." his hand came up to her face and caressed the skin that was now wet from the tears that insisted on falling. “I would never forgive myself if they used you two to lure me. My family will not be made of bait.”
It was a promise, Y/N could hear the certainty in Mark's voice and she knew she would never be able to convince him otherwise.
“When will this end?” she asked, referring to the whole world he involved them in.
Mark moved closer to kiss her forehead and his lips lingered longer, making her close her eyes with what would probably be their last skin contact yet.
“I will come back to you, I promise."
Y/N was stubborn.
She had waited a week for Mark to sort out what he had to and she was very grateful to BamBam for the help he was giving but living locked up, or safe as he said, in a fortress with armed security and escape tunnels that were presented to her on the first day wasn’t what she had planned for her life and neither for Gracie's.
So, after 7 days, she decided that she would act. She was tired of seeing her family torn apart. Had she used her influence to force the keep's servants to do what she wanted? Probably, but it was the only weapon she had to find out where her husband was hiding and find a way to go there and convince him to come home, to return to his family.
Maybe she was too naive to think any of them wouldn’t tell BamBam that she'd left the keep without his permission or protection, but she wasn't going to back down now.
"Mark made me promise that I'd keep you two safe, Y/N." BamBam argued and she huffed.
“I'm sorry BamBam, but I didn't leave my house when I was pregnant to live with Mark to see my family separated by business that Gracie and I have absolutely nothing to do with!” she spoke louder, making the tall boy shut up. “Can't you see how Gracie misses her father?” she asked, seeing him falter. “There's nothing you can do to stop me, lock me in a room and I'll get out of there, and I'll go after Mark. Someone needs to convince him to come back, hiding is ridiculous and won't change a thing.”
Well, she'd been trying to find out where her husband was, following BamBam for the past few days in a taxi. She was almost there, she knew it.
BamBam took a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips.
“You will only leave here if you are escorted by Jungkook, he is the best hitman. If you go to Mark, you will need protection.”
Y/N smiled slightly, she could see that BamBam agreed with her.
"Deal." she replied, picking up her bag from the bed and getting ready to leave her room, but he stopped her.
"Where are you going?"
“See my husband.” she spoke in an obvious tone. "You can let Jungkook know that I'll be in the garage waiting."
Y/N left the room without a response from BamBam. She was certain that if there was anyone who could convince Mark to come back, it was her. And she wouldn't give up so easily.
On the way, she stopped in the room where Gracie was with the housekeeper of the fortress, said goodbye to her daughter with a long hug and asked the woman to take care of her daughter until she returned. She wouldn't take Gracie because she knew Mark wouldn't accept it and agreed, putting her daughter in danger was the last thing she wanted.
She waited for Jungkook and saw him smile in amusement as approached her, it was as if he knew she would act like that. 
He directed her to the black 4x4 truck and she got in feeling her hands sweat, was anxious because she would finally see her husband again.
She then remembered the first time this had happened, how she had met him.
One of her friends was going out with Yugyeom and invited her to go to a nightclub, it was Friday and the place was full. It was poorly lit but that didn't stop her from noticing how handsome he was. At the time Mark had blonde hair and didn't even have tattoos, when she thought of that night a silly smile played on her lips every time. He was so young compared to the present day, much quieter, but the serious way he was accompanied by such a delicious laugh captivated her that very night.
Well of course the friend had introduced Y/N because she was single and about to start college, it should have been just one night. A fun night for both of them that didn't end until the morning, but Mark had been so kind and considerate, he'd made sure to save her number and hang out with her more often.
At that time, she didn't know what so much mystery meant but it didn't matter because she fell in love so fast that she ended up sleeping with him every other time they went out. But the intimacy they created went far beyond the nights of pleasure. Mark talked about silly dreams, about how he missed his family in California and how his life would have been different if he hadn't crossed the world.
He shared secrets with her, and she did exactly the same.
That's when she found out she was pregnant, midway through her college semester. All she did was run up to him and tell him, expecting a completely negative reaction from him, it was the exact opposite.
Mark was thrilled, ecstatic, assured that he would give her a home and take care of the baby together. She then moved into his house ready to spend the rest of her life by his side, and with them she ended up discovering what Mark really did.
He'd introduced himself as a businessman, and business involved cars. At first she'd assumed he'd been involved in racing, it was illegal of course but nothing out of the ordinary, nothing no teenager hadn't fantasized about.
However, Mark received large amounts of money in just one night and she started to find it suspicious. It was then that the couple's first fight happened, when Y/N demanded that he tell everything, without hiding anything or else she would leave and he would never know what his daughter would be like.
He gave in and told. Mark also participated in races, but he worked for a powerful man in the city, taking the risk of taking goods across the border with other cities or else sometimes crossing the country. He only had one goal, never to get caught, and he was very good at it. But that also left him at the mercy of his boss.
Yes, Mark was part of a mob.
It came as a shock to her, obviously, but that didn't change things because she loved Mark and had promised to be on his side. She understood that the boy had been alone too long in a foreign country and that had led him to do things that he had no control over later.
When Mark took her to live with him, she made it clear that she too would live in the shadows like him and she accepted, dropped out of college and didn't contact any friends who could find out where she was. Because she was sure she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and the baby growing in her womb. He never changed who he was with her, he was still the same attentive and kind boy, although over time he got more serious.
He was still the same Mark.
She thought about the day he would get out of this life, even though she knew there was only one way.
"I'll come in with you so he doesn't freak out so much." Jungkook warned before they got out of the car.
Y/N agreed, of course, and looked around. She didn't know if all the mafias had strongholds like that but she imagined that there was the “headquarters”.
A building with a huge garage, from a distance it looked like a factory like all the others in the city.
She squeezed her bag even tighter as they approached the entrance, Jungkook went ahead and greeted everyone who was there, while she watched the parked cars that were supposed to be used for work. They went to the second floor and he knocked three times on the last door in the hallway, hearing a ‘come in' the boy looked at Y/N as if asking if she was okay, who nodded in agreement.
He opened the door and made room for her to go first, cautiously doing so and surveying the room.
A simple room without any decoration, well lit and with a huge window that had an outside staircase, strategic for those who wanted to escape from there faster than going through the garage.
It was a cold environment, it could never be considered a home and she much less would imagine Mark spending time there alone.
"What do you do here?" she looked to the side and saw her husband standing there.
She took a deep breath, she had missed his voice so much and even though it was carrying a serious tone, she smiled at the sound of it.
“I came to see my husband.” she replied firmly.
"Jungkook, I told you-" Mark took a step forward, looking at the boy behind Y/N.
He was angry, of course.
"It wasn't his fault." she interrupted him, causing him to stare at her. "I didn't give anyone a choice, I was determined to come even if it was alone."
"You wouldn't dare." he chuckled humorlessly and she raised an eyebrow, cocking her head as if she questioned him.
Mark didn't say anything, scratching the back of his head and Y/N kept silent.
"I'll stay outside, you must have a lot to talk about." Jungkook warned before leaving, slamming the door shortly after.
And they really did.
"You need to get out of here." Mark went to her and gently took her arm, anticipating what her husband would do, she placed a hand on his chest to make him stop.
"I won't go without you." she spoke decisively, feeling his heart beat too fast against her palm.
He sighed.
"You don’t understand." he shook his head in disbelief.
"Because don't you explain to me!" she spoke louder, showing all her frustration. Mark looked at her guiltily. “It's been almost 3 weeks since you left home. I want my husband back.”
“I can't, Y/N! Please don’t insist." he practically pleaded and she laughed, without humor.
"You want me to live in BamBam's house forever?" she could no longer control the tone of her voice that rose with every word. “Is that your plan? Leave me and Gracie locked up until she turns 40?”
“Damn it, Y/N!” he dropped her, pulled away and ran his hands through his hair, visibly frustrated.
He wasn't the only one in that room feeling that way.
“This here.” He lifted his arm, exposing the tattoo on his biceps. “It's my curse. I will have to carry this with me for the rest of my life, not because it is marked on my skin but in who I am!”
She glared at the word truth with resentment. It was the tattoo Mark had gotten together with Yugyeom, BamBam and Jungkook to symbolize joining the mafia.
And it didn't matter if he covered it up or simply took it off, it would never erase how much his life had changed since then.
She wanted to say that she loved every bit of him, every wrong choice that made him who he was, and Mark knew it. However she was so hurt that she couldn't.
Was it too much to ask to have a normal life with her family?
“Go away, Y/N, please. It's too dangerous for you to stay here, if anyone sees you…” He closed his eyes for a moment and she understood everything.
She bit her lip to hold back the urge to cry and nodded, resting her hand on the doorknob as she took one last look at him.
The exchange of looks between the two meant it all, they didn't need words. She knew he was doing this to protect her and protect Gracie, she could see how hard it was for him to tell her to go.
But it wasn't easy for her either.
Y/N opened the door and in a surge of courage and anger, spoke before slamming the door.
“Oh and if you think I'm going to stop seeing my husband because a bunch of mobsters are pissed off, you’re wrong. I will come every day until you return to your family.”
Y/N had meant it when she'd told Mark that she would come every day to see him.
She went, with Jungkook escorting her as BamBam had said, but there she was. Every day in the early afternoon, when the Mafia headquarters was practically empty.
For the first few days, Mark locked the bedroom door in a failed attempt to get her to leave. Of course she didn't give up so easily, she sat on the floor in front of the door and started talking about Gracie, after the third attempt, Mark gave up and opened the door for her.
He was about to give in, she could see that, although she didn't stay more than 20 minutes there because she couldn't push her luck and because Jungkook had more to do, she knew her husband like the back of her hand. He was considering going home, he was finally listening to her.
But that day was being unusual.
Jungkook was on a "mission" and hadn't arrived in time to escort her, BamBam's fortress seemed agitated and he himself had left early and hadn't even had time to talk to Y/N.
And Gracie looked as agitated as everyone else, the daughter kept running around the garden and Y/N was starting to get really tired because the housekeeper wasn't free to help look at the girl.
So, seeing that her daughter was probably just as tired of being there as she was, she decided to go with Gracie to the mall downtown. As BamBam's driver wasn’t there, she decided to take a taxi.
Gracie looked happier seeing the scenery outside the taxi window and Y/N was feeling a different kind of butterflies in her stomach, she guessed it was the false sense of freedom and nostalgia hit her.
She would give anything to live this moment with Mark. Just the 3 of them, as it should be.
She took a deep breath as the car pulled up in front of the mall, took the amount and paid the driver, then got out and helped Gracie out of the car.
She held her daughter in her arms, arranging her bags on the shoulder, and took a step into the mall, but didn't quite make it.
“Y/N!” she heard Mark's voice calling to her in the distance and turned around, thinking she was hallucinating.
But seeing the figure of her husband approaching in a hurry, she knew it was real.
"Daddy!" Gracie screamed, fidgeting tirelessly on her mother's lap in a clear sign that she wanted to go to him.
Mark approached and took his daughter from Y/N's lap, the two collided in a strong hug, he closed his eyes and smiled. Y/N didn't want to cry at the scene but she was thrilled, though confused that her husband was there.
“My love, I missed you so much!” Mark spoke to his daughter and gave her a kiss on the cheek afterwards.
When he opened his eyes, Y/N was still staring at him and he adjusted Gracie into his arms.
"What do you do here?" she asked suspiciously.
Mark wasn't going to walk around the mall like she'd intended.
“I saw that you left the fortress so I thought-”
"Wait." Y/N raised a hand to stop him. "How do you know that?"
“How do you think?” he asked, looking at her suggestively. “I have access to the security cameras at BamBam's fortress.
Y/N opened her mouth, surprised and somewhat offended.
“Are you watching us?” she asked in disbelief.
“It was the only way.” he replied, shrugging his shoulders and she laughed bitterly.
Y/N took Gracie from Mark's lap, the daughter left without understanding, and turned her back on her husband and walked back to the mall entrance.
"I can’t believe that!"
“Y/N.” she felt him start to walk behind her.
"No, Mark." she stopped where she was, turning to look at him completely hurt. "Do you have time to watch your family on camera but no time to go home?" she questioned and started to walk again but Mark held her arm, preventing her.
"I needed to see you guys without putting your lives at risk, don't you understand?"
"No!" she spoke louder, feeling like crying. “I don't know why you're doing these things. You don't tell me!”
Mark was one step away from giving it all up, from giving in, Y/N could see it in his eyes and all she wanted was a decent explanation whatever it was, they could handle it together.
They were weaker apart, together they could overcome the world. That's always how it felt.
Mark opened his mouth to reply but a loud screeching of fast tires against the asphalt caught their attention. A black van quickly approached the sidewalk where they were and before it even came to a complete stop, 3 covered men got out of it. And armed.
Mark's first reaction was to put himself in front of the family, protecting them while Y/N got behind him and hugged Gracie even tighter.
“Get in the car, now!” one of them did and Mark put his hand to his waist.
"Don't even think about it, smart-ass." the second spoke and approached Y/N, putting the gun to her head. "Or else it's not in the van you're going to."
Y/N swallowed hard, with teary eyes controlling the urge to cry.
Mark raised his hands up in surrender and one of them dragged him towards the van, another did the same with Y/N ​​who just followed in silence and brought Gracie's head closer in an attempt to make her not see the scene.
But when they got into the van, being dumped there, the three had their heads covered by a black cloth and none of them could see where they were going, they just felt the car start quickly.
Y/N squeezed Gracie more and more against her body in an attempt to calm her down, in vain of course. She didn't know where they were going or how much time had passed, but when the van came to an abrupt stop, she felt strong and not at all careful hands drag her out of the vehicle.
Her rational side overrode whatever fear she was feeling at that moment, all she knew was that she needed to obey and be quiet, any attempt to try to get out of there would be dangerous for everyone, especially Gracie.
She thought of her daughter first, needed to keep her safe.
They walked for a while and suddenly she was thrown to the floor, ended up hitting her left shoulder on the floor and locked her jaw with the impact and pain then she awkwardly arranged herself on the floor with her daughter still on her lap and they took the cloth from her head, she looked at the guy in front of her, he was smiling evilly and she shivered, lowering her head and saw that they had done the same thing to Mark who was lying next to her. The men left the room, closing the door with a thud so loud it startled Gracie, who started crying instantly.
Y/N took the cloth off her head and hugged her daughter tightly, stroking her hair.
“It's okay, baby. Mom is here.” she was trying to be strong enough that her daughter wasn't more afraid than she probably was, but she was just as desperate as Gracie.
Her hands were shaking and she felt her blood run cold. She wasn't enjoying this at all.
Y/N saw Mark approach and looked at him, the exchange of looks was intense and both came to the same conclusion silently. They would protect their daughter, no matter what.
He reached out to hold his daughter and Y/N relented, handing her to him.
Mark hugged her and started talking to her as he got up, Y/N took her hand to her shoulder and felt a twinge, she looked down to face and saw that the bone seemed out of place, that explained the pain she was feeling but it was completely irrelevant at the moment.
She looked at Mark and he was rocking from side to side with his cheek against Gracie's cheek to calm her down. Y/N would have smiled at the scene if circumstances were different.
In a short time, which seemed like an eternity to both of them, Gracie fell asleep in Mark's arms. He sat on the floor next to his wife, careful not to wake his daughter, and looked at Y/N with a guilty eye.
"How are you?" he asked quietly, trying to analyze her up and down and stopped his eyes on her hand that was on her shoulder.
“I think I shifted.” replied, swallowing hard once more.
"Pardon me." he spoke suddenly and she frowned. “I put you at risk. What I feared most happened and it's my fault."
Y/N didn't know what to say, so she turned her body around until she was facing him and placed a hand on his cheek.
“None of that matters now, Mark. We just need to get out of here.”
"I tried to leave." he admitted and she stared at him confused. “I told them I wanted to go out, take care of my family and my future, since Gracie was born I realized that I don't belong in this life anymore.” he smiled sadly. “But more dangerous people ended up finding out and Yugyeom warned me that you two were in danger, he heard that the guys were planning to use my family as bait to get me to start working for rivals, they had already found out where we lived, it was just only a matter of time until…” Mark couldn't finish and Y/N wiped the tears that flowed.
"It's okay, Mark."
“No, Y/N. If I hadn't followed you, they would never have appeared.”
"Hey, look at me." she asked kindly and he did. “It makes no difference whose fault it is, if it's yours, mine. We'll get out of here, the three of us. Together."
Mark smiled and nodded, Y/N came over to touch their foreheads and closed her eyes for a moment.
She didn't know where that lucidity, that strength was coming from, but completely believed what she had said.
And more than ever, she'd been happy to know that Mark was thinking of a different future for the family they'd built, that he no longer wanted to be a part of that dangerous life.
Even though the way he'd done it all had been a little messed up, all he thought about was her and Gracie's safety. He'd sacrificed himself so they were protected and she couldn't see anything but a gesture of love.
When she moved away, laid her head on Mark's shoulder and felt him put an arm around her waist, she took the opportunity to gently hug Gracie without waking her up and they stayed there like that while they both thought of a way out of that situation.
She was sure Mark would do anything to get them out of there safely, even if it meant his own sacrifice and she couldn't think of anything to change that, but the only thing she knew was that she would fight. For him and for Gracie.
Y/N knew that at some point people would miss her and her daughter, someone on the street from the mall must have seen what had happened in broad daylight, that's when she remembered that the bags weren't with her anymore since she walked in in the van.
If they fell on the street, it was their chance that BamBam, Yugyeom or even Jungkook would understand what had happened.
She clung to that sliver of hope, hoping that Mark's friends would get to them in time.
Suddenly, a loud noise echoed outside and Mark stiffened, silently the two looked at the door as if they could see through it what was happening.
When voices were heard, he stood up and Y/N did the same, now facing him as if waiting for an answer. Mark held Gracie up to her and when she held her daughter who was still sound asleep, he faced her.
Has the time come then?
"Stay behind me." he asked very quietly and she agreed, doing as he said. "No matter what happens, don't try to come after me."
Wait, what?
Y/N wanted to ask what he meant by that but a bang against the door made her jump and Gracie started to wake up, she brought her daughter closer as she heard footsteps.
Feeling her heart practically jump out of her mouth, the door was opened and a light got in her way of watching the figure that was standing, all she saw was a gun.
"You two never learn, do you." she knew that voice… Y/N squinted and could see BamBam's thin silhouette.
She sighed at the playful smile and relief washed over her.
"I never thought I'd be so happy to look at that face of yours." Mark spoke and Y/N laughed. She couldn't disagree.
“You can thank me later.” The friend replied and Mark approached to shake his hand, in clear thanks.
“Thank us, right?” Yugyeom's voice came out of nowhere. “Or did you forget that I was the one who took down the guy who was hanging you?”
"He wasn't hanging me." BamBam defended himself.
"No, he was choking you so hard your face was turning as purple as the suit you're wearing." Jungkook appeared, only his head showing between Yugyeom and BamBam's figure.
“Two ingrates.” BamBam complained.
"Can we go out?" Mark questioned and the three looked at each other.
"We just need to… clean up the mess." Yugyeom replied and Y/N felt all eyes on her.
All right, she understood what they meant and stood where she was, waiting.
The 3 left and Mark turned to face his wife.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice softer now.
Y/N smiled weakly and nodded.
“Ready to go home.” she replied and Mark raised his hand to stroke Gracie's sleeping head.
"I meant your shoulder."
She didn't even remember it anymore, maybe the adrenaline of being kidnapped had made her forget about the pain.
"I've been through worse." she shrugged and felt his hand caress her cheek slowly, she had missed the texture of his skin so much. “Being apart from you, for example.”
Mark smiled, showing all his perfect teeth.
"This will not happen again." he assured and she looked at him suspiciously.
"Aren't you going to live in the mafia headquarters?"
“And not even watching me and Gracie through BamBam’s cameras?”
"No." he answered with certainty and she smiled. “I'm sorry about everything. If I left, it was to protect you two. I would lose everything, I would risk everything for you. You are the most important things in my life and I can't live without you two anymore, I missed every detail.”
"I know, babe."
And she knew, she understood his motives. Because if she were in his shoes, she would do the same thing.
Mark then moved closer, wrapping them both in a hug tight and long-awaited by both. Even if it wasn't enough and in the wrong place, it wasn't where he wanted to be with his wife in his arms, it wasn't where he wanted to see his daughter sleep.
However, everything he needed most was there.
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writerpetals · 7 months
view from 4-B: ride | 🔞
; optional male lead smut |  ☁️
w; exhibitionism, voyeurism, pillow humping, breath play
part of the view from 4-b au | i honestly can't remember what i called all this drabbles years go when i wrote them for this au LOL so if the names are different i just came up with it... but i hope to post all parts soon and get the halloween drabble posted before the 31st hehe
You teasing him didn’t stop after the night you shared together. In fact, it only encouraged you to continue your game of performing sinful acts with your curtains wide open, displaying your body to him to have him aching in his jeans. Except now, he’s more than aware of the temptation and he knows just how much you enjoy him watching you.
You know he enjoys it, too, even if it is beyond frustrating and each time he wants to rush to your apartment to give you exactly what you ask for. Each time you strip for him before your showers makes him need you more, and each time you get yourself off in front of the window makes him bite his lip so hard he develops a bruise. 
Yet, the end is always worth it. The teasing. The getting him riled up to take it out on you. Like now, with a pillow between your legs as you grind your slit against the soft fabric. Your eyes are shut, but you know he’s watching. After having just gotten done with his nightly workout, his eyes always look for you in the apartment across from his as an invitation to release the stresses that pile up each day.
He doesn’t even need to knock five minutes later. He knows where you hide the key and he’s comfortable enough to barge in while you wait on him. A small smirk forms on your lips as he stomps through your apartment over to you, grabbing you by the hips and without warning, crashing his lips into yours.
The curtains remain open for anyone to see. Neither of you care by now and you will let anyone that wants to watch see him push you against the bed as a wicked smile creeps over his face.
“I’ve been needing you so much today, baby.” He never fails in his sweet talk, even if the words drip with sin due to the lust that consumes him. He towers over your naked body, and you invite him in by parting your thighs. “But you know, there’s one thing I have been needing the most, lately.”
“What’s that?” you question in a breathy release, feeling his hands travel up your body to cup your breasts.
“You never did ride me like I wanted you to.” 
Your plan of teasing him with a pillow between your legs seemed to work. You thought he had forgotten what started the whole thing, as well as his wish of wanting to feel your body against his as you grind against him. 
“What do you say, baby?”
A shiver courses down your spine at the way his eyes darken a moment before he lifts his thin, white tank above his head. A second later his gray sweats follow to pool around his ankles, leaving you with the perfect view of his cock straining against his briefs and God, he’s so hard and ready for you, you think you’re going to combust.
He doesn’t give you much time to reply, instantly meeting your lips with his own as his fingers toy with your hardened nipples. You moan against his mouth and push your hips toward him when he finds himself between your thighs. You feel just how erect he is pushing against your slit, arousal coating the fabric of his boxers and he groans against your neck as his kisses lower.
You’re already beyond worked up and frustrated, and you don’t think twice about pushing against his shoulders until he falls on the bed next to you. Without hesitation, you place a knee on either side to straddle him, and he’s quick to push his boxers lower as his cock springs free. You’re dripping with anticipation while feeling the tip caress your slit, juices coating his flesh to give him a small preview of how ready you are for him thanks to teasing him beforehand. 
“C’mon, baby,” he encourages, hands on your hips, “sink down onto my cock and ride me.”
An invitation has never sounded so sinful, doing exactly that as he grips himself with one hand and the head of his cock presses to your dripping entrance. A moment later you’re easing yourself down onto him, allowing him to fill you up as his cock sinks deep into your clenched walls. 
“Fuck,” you whimper, allowing yourself a moment to adjust to his size before beginning to rock your hips against him, just like he’s watched you so many nights do to your own pillow.
His grip on your hips tightens, head falling back against your bed and your hands press to his stomach to balance yourself. You feel the way his muscles tighten beneath your fingertips, even more so when you squeeze yourself around him while your hips rise and he eases out of you. Then you lower yourself onto him again, loving the way he groans your name so deeply you feel it in the pit of your stomach. 
You’re confident until the moment his hand rises, fingertips skimming over your chest until he forms a grip around your throat. You nearly gasp, but his fingers press to the sides of your neck, sending a wave of electricity through you as he takes control of your body. 
“Faster, baby,” he encourages in a raspy, needy voice, and squeezes a bit tighter, giving you a few pumps of his hips below that nearly have you stalling. Your breasts bounce and your nails leave marks against his skin as you comply, riding him harder, faster, getting lost in the moment and lost in him as he controls you with a simple grip around your throat. 
Outside, anyone in the apartment building across from yours can see if they wish. See your hips rolling against him. See him holding onto you, guiding you. See his fingers around your neck. See your faces twisting in pleasure, but only he can hear how you whimper his name and how your breaths become so uneven and deep. 
By the time your head falls back and your jaw slacks, he is thrusting from between your thighs after dropping his hand from your throat. His cock enters you deep, deeper than you can handle and you’re trembling on top of him in no time. He’s ruthless in the way he pumps into you from below, noticing your hips slowing and you can barely keep up, but he loves watching you struggle to keep control. 
Before you know it, your body is doubled over and his arms are wrapped around your back. He holds you close with your face in the crook of his neck as he fucks you from below. You quiver and cry out his name, becoming too overwhelmed and the only thing you can hear is him telling you how good you feel wrapped around him. 
“Come for me, baby,” he groans against your ear, before his teeth tug at your lobe and you whimper his name in return. “I know you’re getting close. I can feel you getting tighter around my cock.” 
The warmth is bubbling between your legs, and the words he speaks offer no help to your sanity. His deep, raspy voice in your ear as he instructs you fuels the fire lighting inside of you and it doesn’t take much more before you’re overwhelmed with bliss. His thrusts quicken, becoming wild and without mercy as you reach your peak. His cock slams into from between your thighs and your voice goes completely broken while moaning his name. Nails dig into his skin as you try to hold onto a portion of reality but the pleasure that takes hold of you has you seeing stars as you tremble in his arms.
His thrust slow, loving how you become that much wetter after coming, dripping over his cock and he groans as he pushes himself back into you. He loves feeling the way your walls contract around him in post-bliss and the warmth that surrounds him in every thrust. You try to gain your strength and your breath, and he isn’t shy about peppering your face with kisses until you do so.
Finally, you manage to push yourself off of him, hands pressing to his chest as your hips begin moving once again. He is beyond ready for release and you plan to give it to him as you grind your body against his. His eyes shut tight and his lips part, allowing you to hear the soft noises he releases. Until your pace picks up, and his breaths grow rapid and sharp once he feels you begin to ride him just how he imagined after watching you so many nights. 
He grips you tighter, fingers pressing to your hips and it encourages you to keep going. The way he bites his lip lets you know he’s growing close, and the noises he makes sends a surge of warmth through your body. He’s so close as you rock your hips against him, so ready for release you can feel him pulsing inside of you, and before he can react, you’re easing yourself off of him to grip his cock in your palm.
He releases a deep, drawn out groan as the strings of white coat your fingers, painting his stomach of little drops of cum as you work him in your fist. He curses and groans and you don’t stop until he hisses in overwhelming pleasure. When you release him, his eyes flutter open long enough to see your hand rising to your lips and your tongue lick every drop of his release from your flesh. He exhales deeply at the sight, before a smirk grows on his face and he groans in satisfaction. 
The two of you get cleaned up together and then dressed before your curtains are finally drawn. He kisses your lips after slipping his tank-top over his head and you tie the knot around your robe as you lead him to the door.  Another kiss against your lips says goodnight, and a bite of your lip lets him know you’re already thinking of the next time he will be barging in after you invite him with a simple show behind open curtains. 
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pennyluna · 1 month
SECRET FRIENDS - Min Yoongi- One Shot
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader 18+🔞 (FT.. Jungkook, Mingyu, Hobi, Jimin, Yugyeom)
Wordcount: 2.164 ❤️
Genre: Same friend group Au - Secret friends Au - Secret siatuationship Au
Warning: This story contains strong language and VERY Spicy/sexual content. Be aware before reading.
After a couple of weeks of thinking, I decided to bring my best friend Cassie into my secret circle of friends, it had felt weird not tell her about it before, only the secret wasn't only mine but today I received a message from Jungkook, inviting me to a little weekend away in the countryside  , he felt bad that I was keeping a secret from my  best friend so he said II could bring her along. 
So here we are dropping our stuff in one of the bedrooms. My friend is a little mad at me because I didn't give her a heads up on who she was going to be meeting and because she is embarrassed she was wearing her Mingyu Tshirt when she actually shook Mingyu's hand. In my defence, I did not see it under her jean jacket and Mingyu did find it funny. 
Hobi is preparing the food shopping list so he can go with Jimin and Yugyeom to the supermarket, we are in a pretty small town so not many people would pay much attention to them.  
Mingyu and Jungkook were thinking about drinks but decided to make a tik tok video of a new dance while making Cassie record it. I knew they were going to get along and I am glad they are. 
I met Jungkook a while back while I was volunteering at an animal shelter, we clicked talking about animals, we became friends and soon he introduced me to some of his friends a few of them aren't here because of their busy schedule... There is one in particular that I am waiting for.. I haven't seen him in a while and I know he is going to be here but I can't wait.  Min Yoongi and I talked often when we were at the same gatherings, we had some things in common and he would make sure I felt comfortable and included, one conversation lead to another until one day we were celebrating Jungkook's birthday and after some drinks we ended up sleeping together. I felt incredibly guilty at the thought of ruining this new found friendship so I avoided Yoongi until we met again at a different gathering and we ended up slept together again, we decided to just keep it at that even though I caught feelings. 
"Yoongi Hyun is almost here!" Jungkook yells from the kitchen bar, looking at me with a smirk.  He knows about us, against his own will like he likes to say. He walked in on us doing the deed once when he thought Yoongi was alone in his room. Yoongi had to buy him a full box of banana milk as bribe for his silence and another one as payment for his trauma.
"Staaaup" I mouth at him while he laughs at my sudden blush.
I hear voices outside and I recognize his, he is greeting the boys that are on their way to the super market... I stay on the couch acting as nonchalant as possible but my heart is racing and I am sure it skips a couple of beats as soon as I feel him bend over the couch to level to my ear and whisper  "Hello beautiful.. its been a while!" I can smell his scent and feel his breath on my skin. I don't turn to look at him because I am sure our lips would connect and I have missed him so much, I don't think I would be able to stop at just a kiss.
We had dinner and drink outside and now we are playing games, Cassie and the boys are getting along and she is smiling so much, I am worried her chicks will fall! We watch Jimin dance like a chicken as a dare for loosing at the latest game, Jungkook keeps winning and we are all obviously teaming up to make him loose at least once. Yoongi and I keep stealing glances at each other and my stomach keeps fluttering every time he smiles at me and I worry that the longer we keep seeing each other the more painful it will be for me when it ends. When he told me that he was coming this weekend, he also said we had to talk and I feel it is about ending it. 
MYG<3 : should we retire soon?
Me: I don't want to leave Cassie alone.
MYG<3 : She will be fine.
MYG<3 : I want to be alone with you.
Fuck. He wants to have that talk now. I take a break from replying to his messages. I am not ready but better now than later I guess. I tell Cassie that I will go inside for a while to make a phone call to my parents, those usually last long so she wont get worry if I'm gone for a while. 
Me: Okay, lets.
MYG<3 : You go first.
I waited for Yoongi on the second floor, once we were in his room we made small talk, its unbearable and I am feeling awkward so I decide to kick start the more serious conversation.
"So we should talk..." I start but he cuts my sentence with a kiss. I push him back a little putting my hands on his chest to keep the distance. He frowns at me with an inquisitive look.
"What's wrong?" he says placing a hand on my chick while tilting his head.
I think about pushing for the serious conversation but then think about how this will probably be the last time we are this close together, about how I might regret not enjoying him like this one last time and before I can change my mind I close the distance between us and our mouths clash. I expect him to stop me but instead he deepens the kiss and that's all I need to know before I start walking backwards to the bed maintaining eye contact and unbuttoning my jeans and letting them fall to the floor. Yoongi takes his clothes and walks to help me out of my hoodie leaving me in my underwear and biting his lips once he noticed I hadn't been wearing a bra!
He pushes me into the bed and gets on top of me, kissing me deeply and moving his hands freely around my body. I can feel his hard cock when he presses his crotch against mine. His mouth moves around my face and then  my neck, following a trail towards my breast and I cant seem to control my breathing or my racing heart. My head is cloudy, run by pure deep lust, the same one I can see in his eyes when we make eye contact while my nipple is in his mouth. His long fingers are now at my clit, rubbing it with passion and a moan escapes my mouth, he flips me around and pulls my butt up and removes my underwear. He starts making his way to my core starting from the back, delivering wet kisses to my butt and going lower until i feel his long tongue stroking around my entrance and then caressing my clit. My legs shake the more he plays around with my clit, I can feel the orgasm building and once his finger enter me, I cant hold it in anymore and let go. He lick me all over and then I feel his absence, looking towards him I notice the condom on his hand. My mouth waters at the view of his perfectly erected member and I get off the bed and drop to me knees, looking into his eyes I don't wait for him to oppose to this and guide his cock into my mouth, sucking hard and moving my tongue around the tip, earning me a grunt from him, I look up and notice he is hanging his head backwards, then my eyes fall to his free hand and I notice his closed fist... I know what that means, he is itching to hold my head and fuck my mouth, so I grab it and place it at the back of my head, letting him know that its okay to do just what he wants. I feel him thrust forward and I relax my throat to give him full access. I can hear his moans and grunts when I breathe and try my best to swallow around his cock until he stops me abruptly, gets me up and on the bed again, spreading my legs and putting the condom on before he enters me.  We always had great chemistry in bed, our sex was always hot and dirty but tonight there is also something else and its fucking good.  I can feel him inside of me getting frantic,  we have been going at it for a while and after several of my orgasms I can feel his trusts going faster and his cock throbbing inside of me, I know he is close. he kisses me through my latest orgasm and I feel the shock of it starting from my toes, the eye contact sealing it and after my high he pumps a couple more times inside of me before his glorious release. He give me a chaste kiss and then drops next to me. 
"Fuuuck..." he says while breathing heavily
I stay quiet for a while, afraid that if I speak the bubble will break and we will be forced to have that conversation, all while I only want to enjoy this moment.
He kisses my shoulder softly a couple of times and then clears his throat before speaking "I want to tell you something and I need you to listen to me" -FUCK, here we go and I'm not ready-
I hum in response and prepare myself for the worst.
"(Y/N)  you know I care about you and that we have been doing this for a while now..." His voice seems calm but somehow my heart keeps raising and my mind is imagining the worst "I can't do this anymore, the whole secret thing is hard and It is stressing me out.. so maybe we shouldㅡ " he pauses when I move to sit up.
"Right.." I exhale trying to slow downs my breathing "We should just stop this" I walk to my clothes
"What?" he shoots up and grabs my arm, his dark hair slightly wet by the sweat is now attached to his forehead and he looks gorgeous while standing there looking at me in confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I understand, you want to end it. This secret is a problem and we need to end it before it becomes something bigger"  I say slowly and carefully.. his confused expression is starting to freak me out, he is looking at me like I just grew a second head and I become even more confused once he laughs drily.
"I never said I wanted to end it. I want us to continue seeing each other. Iㅡ" 
"Us hooking up sgain is only going to make it harder later one" I say
"Stop. Stop talking." he says, placing a hand to his chest and moving his hair from his forehead "If you would only listen to me, you would know that I don't want to fucking end it. I want you in my life and I thought about us being friends but  the idea of us being anything short that boyfriend and girlfriend kills me and I came here to ask you but... you don't want to?" He looks at me, his face pained and I start tearing up. 
This whole time I thought he wanted to end us, meanwhile he just wanted us to become something more. I can see him trying to find an answer on my face and when I find myself unable to speak, I throw myself at him, kissing him passionately, stopping to whisper in between sobs  "I do want us. I want us to be together. I want to be your girlfriend." and starting a second round of what we had just finished.
Its the morning after and I woke up in between his arms, Yoongi and I spent most of the night having sex, intense and meaningful sex until we fell asleep. 
I am in the ensuite shower when he joins me and we go for another rounds, I am incredibly happy and he seems to be in the same state. Every now and then he tells me how happy he is I said yes and how much more relaxed he feels now that we are on the same page. 
We get dressed in between kisses, trying our best to not fall in the bed again because we need energy so we walk holding hands to the kitchen to get some breakfast and we can hear everyone is awake. We had decided to let our friends know about us because it was a good start not having to hide our relationship from them. 
"FUCKING FINALLY" Jungkook yells with a big smile when he sees us entering the Livingroom.
A/N: I hope you guys like this story. Sorry I haven't published in a while, I have been dealing with some personal stuff and with the publishing of my upcoming book so my priorities have been different lately. I will keep writing, I dont have set times but I will work on publishing at least twice a month. Loye you all and please stay healthy and safe.
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mykoreanlove · 2 months
on being real
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“I don’t want to date you anymore, Jackson.”
The silver fork he was holding in his left hand fell onto the marble floor, crashing the silence caused by your announcement. Jackson was visibly irritated, big frowns on his face.
“You… what? Why?”
For days you had been practicing this moment, imagining how you would explain your reasons and set him free. And even though you went over this moment hundreds of times, you were not prepared for the gravel pit of anxiety in your stomach. You didn’t do this because you didn’t want him, no. Your feelings were as strong as ever, but Jackson never opened up, he never let you take a look behind his porcelain façade. You decided to no longer waste your time with someone that only portrayed his good sides.
“I don’t feel like knowing you, Jackson. You only show me your good sides, you never share your problems with me. I just…”, you stumbled to find the right words.
“Say it, y/n”, he urged you with a serious tone.
“I feel like I’m dating a fake.”
Ouch, the pit grew bigger.
Jackson hid his face behind his hands, shielding himself from you. You didn’t think it would affect him that much, but his silent sobs gave him away.
“I’m sorry, Jackson.”
It didn’t take long for him to change into his real self, which you finally saw for the first time after months of dating. His eyes, always sparkly but never serene, turned dead, drained from life and love. You silently gasped, surprised to see the abyss behind the veil.
Jackson broke out in laughter as he wiped away his tears.
“Dating a fake, huh?”
Tears started to form in your eyes, seeing him like that broke your heart.
“What do you want to know, y/n? How broken I really am? You think you’re going to love that?”, he spat sarcastically.
You couldn’t answer, you didn’t dare to. Jackson took another sip of his drink, grimacing in pain.
“Shall we talk about my crippling depression, then? You want to know what that’s like? To lie awake every night wondering if this is the life I want, the one that I deserve? Shall we talk about the accompanying anxiety which is clouding my mind 24/7? Am I doing enough? Am I true to myself? Is this really who I am? Shall we talk about my sweaty hands and rapid heartbeat? Me wondering if I’m about to drop dead any minute? Is that it?”
He paused and observed you, not understanding the reason behind your tears.
“Or shall we talk about my health problems? Did you notice how badly I’m griding my teeth? Should I tell you that my jaw is tense as fuck and my teeth are overly sensitive? That drinking and eating anything but warm liquor is making me wince in pain? You think I’m this skinny because I’m on a diet? No, y/n, far from it. Should I tell you how frustrated I am because I have tried literally anything, and no one can help me? You wanna know what that’s like? To be helpless in your own body? To be betrayed by your own fucking body?”
Your eyes wandered to the glass in his hands, finally understanding why he was always drinking so much. Jackson started pacing through the room while bearing his darkest secrets.
“Or shall we talk about the people I’m seeing for help? Because I’ve seen them all, y/n. I searched through whole fucking Asia, and everybody is saying the same shit. It’s all in your head, Jackson. Do you know how fucked up that is? Neither antidepressants nor the shit for my teeth is helping me and you wanna know why? Because apparently, it’s in my head. My body is hurting because my soul is hurting. Isn’t that hilarious?”
Jackson spilled some of his liquor, trying to make a point.
“Or let’s not forget about my love life, y/n. You wanna know what that’s like? You wanna know how much energy it took to portray myself as normal? I wanted you to think of me as strong and healthy and full of life but now you’re breaking up with me because that was, what, fake? I did all of this so you would never realize how broken, fragile, and weak I am. But I guess that wasn’t the right way to go about it either.”
Another layer of sadness washed over his face, tinting his brown eyes in even deeper despair. Jackson took a seat on the couch and hid behind his hands again, wondering why he told you all of this if you were already over him.
He flinched in surprise as he felt your arms around him, hugging him tightly. For once he just gave in and hugged you back, crying silently in your embrace.
“Thank you for telling me, Jacky”, you whispered sweetly into his ear. “This is exactly what I wanted.”
He looked at you surprised, so you explained yourself.
“I fell in love with you because you were a real one. Standing in your truth and being true to who you are. That’s how I have always perceived you, anyways. But then when we started dating, and I never got to know that side of yours. You were too perfect, in a way. And I don’t want perfect. I want real, Jacky.”
His thumb brushed along your cheek, tracing down to your jaw.
“How could you possibly want that?”, his hoarse voice croaked.
You chuckled in response.
“I’m not perfect, Jackson. And I don’t want to be. Don’t you think I get depressed from time to time? We can cry together then. And yes, the thing with your teeth sucks. But I will love you even if you get new ones. And besides that, my teeth don’t hurt but my head does. Often, I get insufferable migraines and have to lie in a pitch-black room, I flinch at light like Dracula himself. Do you think I like that? No, but we all have something. You make it sound like you have to be perfect to be loved. But you don’t.”
The newfound spark in his eyes was noticeable, if only for a quick moment.
“I agree with the people you’ve been seeing, though. Your soul is hurting, Jackson. And that’s okay.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, looking at him hopeful.
“You don’t have to heal on your own though. I’d like to help… if you let me?”
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
개새끼 (gaesaekki)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1,2 k
Jackson grabbed your hand as he pulled you into the bathroom. “Do you think I didn’t notice the way you look at me when you think no one sees” Jackson chuckled, making you freeze with your mouth open. “Especially your boyfriend”
"Are you crazy?" your face turn pale. “Yes, I am!” Jackson chuckled, nodding his head as he took a step towards you. “I'm going crazy every time when I see you fucking me with your eyes!” Jackson closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, "I'm going crazy because I want to fuck my best friend's girlfriend" Jackson bared his teeth at your shocked gaze, Jackson took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, his cock twitching in pants as your cheeks turned red. "One more step and I'll scream!" you said as you leaned back against the wall. “I promise that you will. My cock will make you scream with pleasure” Jackson chuckled. “I'm dating Jinyoung! Madman!!! Do you even know what you’re doing right now?!” you growled “I'm going to be a scumbag for my best friend?” he asked, and his smile widened. “But if Jinyoung doesn’t find out about this, then it won’t hurt him, right?” Jackson laughed as you pushed him hard. “Yeah, okay,” Jackson shook his head, laughing softly. “You can keep playing the shy girl who doesn’t want to fuck me.” Jackson pressed your hands against the wall above your head. “You can swear and tell me to stop…” Jackson moved closer to your "I know you want it as much as I do, my naughty little slut" Jackson pressed you against the wall with his body, pressing his hard cock into your lower abdomen. He almost laughed when you exhaled loudly, and your skin was covered with goosebumps. Jackson ran his tongue down your neck, and you trembled in his captivity. "You can keep pretending you don't dream about my cock sliding into your wet pussy, making moans escape your sweet lips," Jackson moaned biting your ear, rubbing his cock against your belly. You forcefully pushed him away when you couldn't hold the soft moan that escaped your lips. "Jerk!" you growled as you took a step towards the exit. Jackson growled as he grabbed your hand. He pressed you with your stomach onto the surface near the sink. "Liar!" he growled. "I'll let you go and never cross the line again if you're not horny right now" he unbuttoned your jeans, sliding his hand into your panties. "Jackson!" you almost suffocated as his fingers slid into your wet pussy. “Just look at that flowing pussy,” laughed Jackson. “It needs me so much!” Jackson pulled your jeans down your legs as he squatted down. He stretched your folds as he ran his tongue over your crotch. He pushed his tongue into your hole, making you moan. His tongue circled your clit, making your thighs tremble. “Shit…fuck me.” Jackson froze as a silent plea escaped your lips. He wasn't even entirely sure if it was in his head or for real. He stood up, meeting your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. “Repeat it,” he growled. He wanted to be sure it wasn't his fantasy. “Now!” You looked down, muttering under your breath. He wrapped your hair around his fist, pulling your head back, pressing your back against his chest. "I said… repeat!" he ordered while glaring at you in the mirror. “Fuck me!” you said. "Say it!" Jackson squeezed your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin. “Say you want my cock to fuck your wet pussy. Tell me that you dreamed about it every time you undressed me with your eyes, sitting in the arms of your boyfriend! Tell me that riding Jinyoung's cock, I was in your mind too!" He growled low as he got rid of his pants. “Jackson” you breathed out his name as he thrust his cock into your pussy. "Yes exactly." He fucked you hard, making his name fly from your lips with every thrust. He growled out of you as you turned your head away again as he tried to kiss you. "Do not play with me!" Jackson growled as he pushed you hard against the wall.
“Don't even think, Jackson!” you held out your hand to stop him. “I can fuck you but not kiss you. Is that what you want to say?" he raised an eyebrow at you. “It belongs only to him!” you said. Your words were spoken with such seriousness that it made him take a step back. Your words made his blood boil with anger. He grabbed your shirt and threw you to the floor before lunging at you. He put you on your knees in front of him, thrusting hard into your pussy. He fucked you ruthlessly, taking out his anger at you for your words that hit him like a slap, reminding him of what a bastard he became with every thrust into your pussy. “Just look how much you like my cock, my little slut!” he left a hard slap on your ass as your pussy squeezed his cock. He was on the verge of orgasm, just like you. You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling your moan when you finished. He fell on you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder, cumming inside you. “Remember it well how good you felt on my cock” Jackson chuckled. You pushed him away before getting off the floor. You quickly put on your jeans while he lay on the floor laughing at you. “First you ask me to fuck you, and now you pretend that you didn’t just moan while my cock was deep in you” You froze in front of the door at his words. He chuckled as he saw your jaw tighten. “Will you moan like that when Jinyoung will fuck you tonight?” he asked, getting up from the floor. “I hope my name doesn't accidentally slip off your lips while Jinyoung's cock slides into your tight pussy,” Jackson laughed. You walked out of the bathroom without looking at him.
. . . One week later. . . .
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He was surprised to see a drunken Jinyoung sitting on the kitchen floor next to an almost empty bottle of whiskey. “What the fuck…” Jinyoung groaned, running his hand over his face in complete desperation, throwing the phone on the floor. "What's happened?" asked Jackson, coming closer. “Hyung… I don't understand… I don't understand anything…” Jinyoung shook his head meeting Jackson's gaze. Jackson recoiled as he saw Jinyoung's eyes filled with tears. “Why is she..” Jinyoung covered his face with his hands sobbing. “Jinyoung…” Jackson's voice was no more than a whisper. He was completely shocked by Jinyoung's condition… Did you really tell Jinyoung everything. “She just left me, sending a message that she cheated on me. Hyung…” Jinyoung could barely speak while sobbing. Jackson practically fell to the floor at his words. “Jinyoung… I…” “Hyung, I love her more than life, I don't care even if it's true…” Jinyoung shook his head. “A week ago, she pulled away from me when I tried to hug her after a dorm party. Then I heard her crying in the bathroom for half the night… And in the morning, she just packed her things and left before I even woke up." Jinyoung looked at Jackson. "Hyung, but can this really be true? I love her so much.. .” The pain in Jinyoung's voice made Jackson's heart shatter into a million pieces…
What did he done?..
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kpopimaginings · 1 year
Family Man - Jackson Wang
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A/N: I got a request about Jackson getting married and having a family and it gave me an excuse to write this little scenario.
Jackson was, and had always been, an incredibly hard worker, this was something you knew when you agreed to date him. There were times you'd be left home alone while he worked, and when you had then got engaged you didn't expect this to change. However, as your relationship had grown more and more serious you were being invited to more work events with him. After you married, you were essentially a full-time wife. Jackson had urged you to quit your job in favour of travelling the word with him. What you hadn't expected was for him to announce he was taking a hiatus from music when you found out you were expecting your daughter, Ellie.
Very quickly his world came to revolve around the tiny human the two of you had made together. He couldn't stop himself writing music and did manage to come up with a whole new albums worth of material inspired by his girls, but he kept his work close to home. By the time he was ready to tour again, your baby was a walking, talking toddler and the two of you were going along with him.
You had your doubts at first, thinking that touring with his family was going to be difficult or distracting, but Jackson made it work. You would normally take Ellie exploring, letting her see the world and learn new things, until one day, Jackson approached you with a different plan.
So, that evening you found yourself side of stage with Ellie in your arms, a pair of large yellow headphones to block the sound. With a good luck kiss from each of you, Jackson took to the stage.
There was something strange about seeing him perform again. You hadn't watched him since finding out you were pregnant, so being there again, with your daughter in your arms felt really special. You had worried she would be bored or wouldn't react well, but she was thoroughly engrossed in watching her father perform.
At a break in the set list, Jackson grabbed his handheld mic and addressed the audience. "Now, you guys won't know this, but tonight is a really special show for me, as there is someone here I'd like to introduce you to."
He quickly ran to the side of the stage to where you were. "Can I take her?" he asked you.
"If she wants you to," you replied. You knew full well that Jackson's Instagram was full of the two of you, so it's not like she was a secret.
"You wanna come with Daddy, angel?" he asked, holding his arms out. She very happily leaned towards him and you passed her over.
"Everyone," he said back into his mic. "This is my very special guest tonight, Ellie Wang. Ellie, do you want to say hi?"
He held the mic in front of her and she leant in towards it. "Hi!" she said happily with a little wave.
You heard some cheers and coos from the audience.
"Good girl," Jackson said, placing a kiss on her cheek. "This is the first time Ellie has been to one of my shows, so I'm super excited to have her here. Are you having fun?" he added looking back to her.
"Yeah, I'm with Mummy," she told the mic in front of her, sounding delighted by the whole thing.
"Do you wanna go back to her?" he asked, but she shook her head before burying her face in his shoulder.
He chuckled and continued to talk to the crowd while bouncing her, asking if they followed him on Instagram and telling little stories behind some of his photos.
"Ok," he said eventually, "Daddy needs to sing again, so it's time to go back to Mummy. Can you say goodbye to all my friends here?"
This time there were no words from her, but she did continue to wave until they reached you again.
Jackson had the biggest grin on his face as he passed Ellie back you. "I love you, girls."
"We love you too, now get back out there," you told him, before urging your daughter to clap for him as he went back.
As if you weren't already proud enough of your husband, watching the way he so seamlessly slid from dad, to husband, to performer, you knew that this was going to work. He could be 'Jackson Wang from China' and your family man.
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fullsunised · 5 months
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❝ 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚, 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙡𝙮 ❞
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chapter two. masterlist. chapter four.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ; @vangoes @replayenthusiast @scinclaitnoir @bloomyroses @prettyjae
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; brev I'm going back to uni 😔 I wanna stay home longer 😔😔😔😔😔. warnings still apply gang.
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ye-xiu · 2 years
no u know what bts has some good music but the reason they are seen as entirely ‘original’ artists is bc their fans don’t listen to other kpop bc if they did, they could see how bts is based on bigbang, bap and similar groups back then like block b or b2st (y’all see a pattern here?) as they were the popular bg counter model to SM’s vocal groups and then once kpop moved into more radio-appropriate edm territory hybe chased that too with bts down to a t. you can like someone’s music and you can still allow and admit to seeing their influences.
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bambikisss · 2 years
XOX, Cupid { PART 1 }
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-> In which you and Jackson decide to show expose your relationship during a duet performance in head in the clouds with Jackson.
A/N: This will be a two-part imagine, your stage name is Cupid btw
SMUT WARNINGS: Unprotected sexy time, slight spit play, ass slapping (heh)
"Headling our Head In the Cloud's concert is Cupid!"
Social media buzzed when the 88 Rising's Twitter news came out. You had been on a slight hiatus due to an injury but you had just gotten the green light to perform again.
What better stage than this one?
You laid back on your bed as the positive comments flooded your screen as you scrolled, a smile coming onto your face. Your fans were always so loving and sometimes when you felt sad you would go on Instagram live just to talk to them.
Before you could click on a video posted by a fan of their reaction to the announcement, Jackson called to facetime you, making you jump and almost drop the phone.
He always seemed to scare you when he called you.
You accepted his facetime call, placing your hand on your heart as you yelled at him for scaring you, your boyfriend of 4 years laughing from the other side. "I'm sorry baby. Should I text you a warning everytime before I call you?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he watched you pout, rolling your eyes before smiling back at him. "I heard about you headlining Head in the Clouds. Congratulations baby." You placed the phone down onto the nightstand as you fell back against the bed again, sighing against the cold sheets. "I'm actually a bit nervous. I just want to perform well, you know? This is the first time I'll be seen performing since my injury." Even though you had only rolled your ankle, it seemed like everyone in the world thought that you had died. To make matters worst, you had then caught covid so your return was pushed back. You often wondered if the fans would still be as loud as when you had your last concert, or if they would be as happy to see you as you were to see them. It was all you could think about when you rehearsed or even just laid in your bed. Jackson would sometimes help, though, even though he was often someone far away from you. He'd facetime call you frequently and watch your dance rehearsals, providing pointers and feedback as if he was an audience member. You trusted him to tell you when your performance looked sloppy. He was your right-hand man- your lover.
Speaking of your lover, he was silent making you sit up, laughing softly as he had his eyes trained on your legs that were in perfect view of the camera. He had always had a thing for your legs, especially your thighs as you had a small pink heart tattoo on both of them that he loved to kiss and bite while he teased you. He thought you were a goddess that came down to earth just to drive him crazy. You cleared your throat, flipping yourself so you were facing him, your head resting on your hands as you raised an eyebrow to your man, who rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks heating up from being caught checking your legs out. "I was listening I swear," he promised, holding his hands up in defense. You laughed, telling him it was alright and that you loved it when he only looked at you. He mirrored you on his hotel bed, a smile on his lips as he admired you, the two of you just staring at one another in silence before you broke the comfortable silence as you remembered something. "My stylist sent over one of my performance outfits and I have to try it on. Do you wanna see?" His eyes lit up, ushering for you to go and quickly change into it. He was excited to not only see more of your beautiful body but to see you get excited when you put it on.
You ripped open the package marked with the number one, gasping as the soft pink outfit fell from the bag. You placed it onto the bed, forgetting Jackson was still on the phone with you as you stripped down to nothing but your underwear, giggling when you heard Jackson sigh dreamily from staring at your backside. You put the dress on, turning to face Jackson as you looked up into the mirror you had on your dresser near the bed, your eyes widening as you jumped up and down, giggling happily. When you asked for Jackson's input, he smiled before looking you up and down carefully again, making your cheeks feel hot under his gaze. "I love it but I'd wear some safety shorts with it if you have choreography in your first set." You nodded, shaking your hips as you watched the skirt move, understanding what he meant. "I mean, or you can just leave the dress for when I see you during the festival and we can put it to good use later that night." You raised an eyebrow as you met Jackson's gaze, his eyes trained on your legs. You knew there was no point in redirecting his eyes, your hands teasingly pulling up the sides of the skirt, Jackson's breath hitching as he watched more skin slowly get more exposed before his manager knocked on his bedroom door, halting you from moving up anymore making him groan. "I'll let you go deal with that, baby" you smiled, leaning down to blow a kiss to your boyfriend, making him roll his eyes before blowing a kiss back, waving as he said goodbye before ending the call.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You sighed as you retied your shoes, sighing as the hot California sun beat down on you and your dancer. You had been through all three sets and even had gone through all of the outfit changes but your performance manager thought it didn't look good enough. Besides Jackson's opinions, you trusted his as well. You stood up, sighing as you fixed your mic pack before walking back with your dancers to the performance starting point, breathing heavily. "Wait!" You turned to see Jackson running with a water bottle in his hand to you, making you smile. Your performance manager sighed as he called a water break, letting your dancers walk off to grab their own waters as you kissed Jackson's cheek as a thank you for saving you from dancing for the tenth time. He kept his arm around you as you drank, walking with you around the stage as he critiqued your past performances in the rehearsal, nodding along. "I do have one more critic about the outfits though," you turned to face him, Jackson's hands moving to your waist as he pulled you close, his lips moving to hover over your ear as he spoke. "That first pink looks too good for a performance." You raised an eyebrow, your hands resting on his shoulders as you asked what he meant, being met with a dark chuckle. "I wanna fuck you in that dress, baby." Your eyes widened as you stepped back to hit his chest, Jackson winking as he laughed, walking back with you to the main stage to meet with your dancers, his eyes staring at your body as you walked up to meet them. You handed him the water bottle, ushering him off the stage as your introduction music started back up, showing that rehearsals were back on.
You did make sure the last run-through to apply Jackson's comments, being met with a hug and kiss from him as soon as you got off of the stage, his hand dangerously close to your ass as he kissed your cheek, leading you back to your dressing room, which was down the hall from his. As you reached for your door to change, he stopped you. He would usually push you into the as soon as you clicked the door open to watch you change and maybe eat you out, but he had to do his own rehearsal so he held back. He held up a black card, handing it to you as he smiled at you, winking before he walked off with his dancers, leaving you not only confused but slightly horny as you were looking forward to being eaten due to the looks he gave you when he watched you perform and the way his voice had deepened. You looked down at the card, noticing it was a keycard holder with a small note on it. "I've taken the pleasure of booking our hotel room for us. The minute I come in that room, we're eating dinner, then I'm eating you out baby. Have fun while I'm gone and relax~"
You smiled as you gathered your things and went to the hotel, taking a shower and then changed into a robe. You had just sat down to do your makeup when he arrived. He smiled as he leaned down to kiss your cheek, groaning at the scent of the body wash you used. His hands moved up and down your arms as his lips moved down your cheek to your neck, his gaze moving to the mirror as he watched you throw your head back as he sucked and kissed on your sweet spot, his gaze darkening as he gripped your arms, your soft groan becoming music to his ears as he kissed back to your cheek, pulling himself away as he walked to grab his suit and underwear, winking at you as he made his way into the bathroom. You giggled softly, enjoying the lingering scent that Jackson left on the robe as you finished your hair and makeup, then changed into Jackson's favorite black dress, smiling as you put your robe back on. You finished putting the finishing touches on your look when Jackson emerged from the bathroom, his black suit making you want to rip it off of him and just let him have his way with you all night, but you held back. Jackson walked over to help the room service men bring in the dinner he ordered, tipping them extra to place a "do not disturb" sign on the door before closing the door. You stood up to go through the food items he ordered, turning when Jackson cleared his throat. He had connected his phone to the room's speaker and played some romantic music as he dimmed the lights slightly, his gaze moving over your body. You mirrored his smile, your eyes filled with love as he made his way over to you, his hand moving to cup your cheek, kissing you with so much love. No matter how much lust was in the room, he always made sure to show you how much he loved you. He would have you dress up at your shared home to just eat dinner with you or take you out to restaurants, reserving a private room so it would just be you two and shower you with gifts and roses. He would do little things too, like writing songs just for you, singing them to you whenever you felt sad, or just making breakfast for you before he left for the studio. It was his main goal to show you how much he loved you and in return, you gave him all of you.
"So, are you really going to enjoy our dinner in a bathrobe?" Jackson asked, kissing the bridge of your nose as you giggled, pushing him back slightly so he could watch you slowly remove the robe to show the dress. His eyes widened as he stared at the dress he had bought you and deemed it his favorite dress for you to wear, which you both only reserved for special nights.
"For my magic man," you smiled softly, Jackson holding your hand as he pulled you close, kissing you softly as his hands moved down your body slowly, his forehead moving to rest against yours. "For my Cupid."He whispered, his lips moving to kiss yours again as his hands made contact with your ass, moving to squeeze it in his hands as the kiss turned sloppy, Jackson and you obviously forgetting about the dinner that was hot and ready for the two of you. His lips moved down to kiss and bite along your neck as he picked you up, taking you over to the large bed, your back hitting the sheets as he left marks moving along your neck. You arched up to meet his chest, your hands moving into his hair as you licked your lips, gasping as he bit down on your neck, his name escaping your lips breathlessly. "Yes baby, say my name just like that." he groaned, biting down again as you breathlessly said his name, closing your eyes as he quickly pressed his lips against yours again, your tongues moving together. You both reached for each other's clothes, craving to touch one another as you both carelessly ripped off the clothing, tossing it to land on the floor as you both continued to moan and groan into each other's mouths. He bit your bottom lip, ushering you to move up to the headboard as he followed behind you. As your upper back rested against the headboard, Jackson's lips pounced back onto yours, much slower and loving this time as one of his hands moved to carefully separate your legs apart, his finger moving up and down your wet slit making Jackson groan and you sigh into the kiss. "Love my baby so much. Let's me do whatever I want to her because I love her." it sounded like he wasn't speaking to you, kissing down your body as his finger gathered your wetness. He was so drunk off of you, only having one thing on his mind in the moment. "Gonna make my baby cum so hard for me. Gonna make her feel so loved because I love her. Because she's my cupid. My baby," he groaned against your thigh, kissing your pink heart tattoo before bitting and licking slowly as he moved down your leg, placing your legs onto his shoulders as he laid down on his stomach, his tongue immediately diving into you. He groaned at your taste as he licked and sucked, your back arching as you moaned loudly, your hands moving to grab his hair, your hips trying to move against his tongue but his hand pressed you down, your lover moving faster as the lewd sounds of him licking your pussy filled the room. He looked up at you to meet your eyes, his free hand moving to gently grip your jaw to make you look down at him as he began to fuck you with his tongue, his grip on your cheek getting tighter if you tried to look away. He loved having you watch him when he did anything to your body, rutting his hips into the sheets as he watched every eye roll, every groan, every curse word leave your beautiful body.
"Fuck baby. Hold on," Jackson moved to switch the two of you, having you get onto his face as his hands gripped your hips to have you immediately ride and move against his tongue. You gripped the headboard as you moved with his instruction, tossing your head back and then forward as you met his eyes again. "Fuck baby, don't stop, please, so fuking close" you moaned incoherently, babbling as you felt yourself approach your much-wanted organism, Jackson moving faster as he told you to cum on him, his hands moving to slap and grip your ass, ushering you to cum all over his lips and bottom half of his face. You were glad your hotel room wasn't around anyone else as you screamed his name, your hips and legs shaking around his head as you came, your hands gripping his hair to keep him against you as you rode out your organism, whining as he picked you up, carefully laying you down against the pillows as he kissed around your body, waiting for you to calm down. You felt like you could fall asleep happy and satisfied until you saw Jackson rest both of his hands on the headboard above you, watching as your chest rose and fell, your eyes training to look first at the wet lower half of his face, then trailed down to look at his hard cock, which was covered in precum. Noticing that you've calmed down, he leaned down to connect your lips with his, letting you taste yourself on his lips and tongue, one hand moving to pump himself a few times before he angled himself to push into you, using your wetness to wet his dick.
"You taste that, princess? Guess who made this mess on my fucking face with her good fucking pussy?" he asked, not waiting for an answer as he pushed the tip in, smirking as you wiggled around, begging for him to move in you, only for him to press you down, keeping you still. "Guess who's going to make another mess on my fat dick? You are." He shook his head as he moved both hands back up to the headboard, looking down at you as he motioned for you to open your mouth, Jackson gathering spit in his mouth before spitting down into your mouth and then telling you to close your mouth. "Naughty girl."
He pushed in before you could say anything else, your back arching as he fully sheathed himself in you, groaning as you tightened around him. You dug your nails into his back as he moved his hips pounding into you, groaning as you moaned loudly, opening your legs more so he could move in deeper. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your nails digging down his back as the sound of your moans and the sound of him pounding into you filled the room. Jackson watched you as he rolled his hips, grabbing your breasts as he watched you become breathless, leaning down to lick and suck on the neglected nipple, switching to the other one as you moaned, one hand moving to his hair as he pulled out, flipping you over to have you move to your hands and knees. He came closer, his hand moving to put your hair into a ponytail, Jackson rubbing his dick up and down your slit before pushing back in roughly, Jackson throwing his head back as he groaned, kissing along your back as you moved your ass backward to meet his hips, your hands moving to grip the sheets as he looked down to watch, spitting onto your ass cheek before she slapped it. "There we go, baby. Ride my dick for my cum. Throw it back, baby." His hands gripped harder on your hair, your moans becoming louder as you leaned your body down so your ass was up, your eyes meeting Jackson's as you turned your head back to make eye contact with him, your face contouring as you felt your end rushing closer, Jackson reading your face as he pulled you up with your hair so your back met his chest, his hand moving to your throat as he licked and kissed your neck. "Cum, princess, cum all over my fat fucking dick so I can fill you up with mine,"he groaned into your ear, one of his hands sneaking down to play with your clit as you came, your nails digging into his lower back as you toss your head back, his lips moving to bite and suck on your more exposed neck. He held your limp body as he moved faster, letting your body fall forward to rest against the pillows as his hips moved faster, his eyes trained on your ass as he began mumbling to himself, obviously near his own organism as he groaned. "Gonna fill up my baby so good. Let me fill you up and show you how much I love you," he licked his lips, his hips studdering as he came, his hands coming into contact to smack and grip your ass.
He rest his hands on your ass, catching his breath as he looked down at you, kissing along your shoulders and down your back, massaging you as he ran his hands up and down your body, kissing your cheek. You rolled over as he pulled out, your arms wrapping around his neck as you brought him down for a kiss, running your hands through his hair as he calmed down, laying his body down next to yours. "How you feeling, baby?" you asked him, gigging as you flipped over to kiss his cheek repeatedly, Jackson smiling as his fingers moved up and down your spine. "Amazing. I missed that baby." he whispered, kissing you softly before he got out of the bed, moving to go grab a towel to clean you up, then handed you one of his shirts to put on as he put on his underwear. He held out his hand to her, leading you to the table as he uncovered the food, which thankfully wasn't too cold. He handed you the sushi as he went to heat up the rest of the food, you eating happily. He joined you soon after, holding your hand as he ate, smiling softly. "I'm excited to see you perform tomorrow. You actually go on after me, so I'll make sure to stand on standby to watch my cupid tear up the stage." You winked at him, Jackson moving his chair closer to yours as he took one of the sushi off your plate. "I just hope everything goes well tomorrow. This is my first time performing again." you felt some worry fill you up again as he rubbed your arm, offering some kind words. "I know it's scary but think about everyone who is ready to see you. Think of all of those fans who waited so long to see you perform and now they can," He kissed your hand as he pulled you close to his body, letting you rest on his shoulder. "If anything, think about me. I'll be cheering you on," he chuckled, kissing your forehead. You nodded as you relished in his body warmth, feeling all of the anxiety fade away.
"We have a major problem!"
You turned around with your dancer, anxiety shooting through your body as your manager rushed over to you, Jackson following.
"Your duet partner that was supposed to sing with you during the third and final set isn't coming."
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