#im back bitches
officialabortive · 8 months
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Whenever Katsuki takes an extra long shift, leaving home at witching hours, he'll end up needing to be babied a bit once he comes dragging himself back through the door at sun fall.
He needs you to help slide off his gauntlets, placing them gently on to the hard wood floors as his head slumps to the side. Slowly pull him along down the hall and around the corner, guiding him to the bathroom where you turn on the shower to the temperature you know he likes and fetch him some clean clothes. Patting the spot on the mattress just adjacent to you when he waddles out of the well steamed bathroom, signaling to come sit. Take his towel from where it's draped over his lowly hung arms to help dry his dripping hair from where you sit behind him. Sooth him after a long day by repeatedly running your fingers across his scalp alongside the heavy cloth. Get him to slide up to the head of the bed once your done with the drying process, where his head automatically flops on your shoulder. His entire body limp as a ragdoll as you delicately massage his arms because of how sore they are after such extensive use earlier in the day. His eyes progressively drooping more, to the point only a sliver of his eyes can be seen from under heavy eyelids.
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d3monicas · 1 year
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fun for the whole family! 
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obamerzslop · 7 months
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Caine loves Katy Perry! A little too much..
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riverbutghost · 20 days
I’m back with the thought of how Simon would fuck his enemy (but they had a history) oml.
You cursed at yourself for being so stupid. So stupid and miserable.
There he stood, with an AR-15 in his hands.
A little gasp of shock left your mouth as the freaking Ghost took a step to stand in front of you. Your hands shook. His chest heaved slowly.
“Don’t come any closer.”
Your little voice squeaked, your heartbeat increasing when a little growl escaped his lips.
You tried to pull the trigger, you really did. At least that was what you were going to say to yourself.
You didn’t want to kill him.
“Don’t, Simon. Please-“
And hearing his name made him pounce.
Face planted on the wall, ass red and bruised from his hands, you were trying not to moan.
His hips were slapping to yours rapidly, almost like a machine as he was mumbling incoherent words. He pulled back with a grunt.
His hand went to your chin, gently rubbing it as he turned you around to face him.
You jumped up immediately, it was almost like a dejavu as he gripped your legs and you wrapped them around him.
You couldn’t even speak, this wasn’t like a dejavu. He was fucking you like you were going to die. Maybe he would kill you after this-
His hand came down to your clit and rubbed, erasing your thoughts in a second .
“Uh huh, fuckin’ missed this.”
He was mumbling in his deep voice.
Simon held your weight as he took a step back from the wall.
Simon’s eyes were darker, like a predator on his way to his prey.
You started jumping, itching to get a little friction. He let out a groan.
“Ride that dick, yeah?”
You let out a loud moan at his growl. His hand slapped your ass.
“Go ahead luv, ride that dick like you did before.”
Your pussy tightened around him, making him growl and took the lead again. His head fell down to your collarbone.
And you two came the next minute.
Silence filled the room after you both breathed quickly. His head didn’t left his place as he mumbled in a more controlled voice.
“Be quick. Get out of here.”
Gulping down your shame, you watched him as he pulled out his cock and put you down. He zipped up and buckled his pants.
One last look at you and he was out.
But he did hear the whimper of pain and agony that you let out.
Wrote this literally a second ago, so ignore the typos or other spelling mistakes:)
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cringespace · 17 days
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beskarfrog · 6 months
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i'd like to think that there was a universe where it all worked out for us in the end, but that's not this one
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ilovemadzz · 8 months
One thing is, you didn’t play about what YOU bought and put in the fridge. Especially when it’s just yours and your the one who bought it.
You saw how Ony sat on the couch on his phone, sitting there in a man spread pose. Regardless of how good he looked, you were too busy focused on where df ur apple juice was.
“Ony, where is my apple juice.”
“Ion know.”
“bro, we the only two people in this house fuck you mean, ‘you don’t know’?”
“I already said i don’t know, i didn’t drink it ma.”
“Nigga don’t lie, don’t piss me off.”
“it’s just apple juice, i’ll buy you more if it’s that deep.”
he looked up from his phone, staring at you with a deadpanned face.
Before you could say anything, you felt something tugging on your leg, making you quickly look down to see your 3 year old son with juice residue on his lips.
You pressed your lips together, remembering how you gave him the last of your apple juice with his snack from earlier.
You looked back at Ony to see him squinting his eyes at you.
“Are u fo real y/n?”
“sorry pa, was too quick to assume!”
You laughed playfully as you picked up your son and walked away into the room for his nap, as ony completely faced palmed himself out of stress.
@mindiminmin @laaailuh @anikaluv @spooky-chee @laylasbunbunny @asensitivecookie @missusmorales @blkshoyo @sxributr @spiderruna @helovesthisgorillagripper @iheartalotofthings @444morales @spideylovezzz @janaeby @lovelytayy
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cynfandoom · 5 months
Guess who's back with more funny panels from C.A.S ... ME!🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🥳🥳
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fenixforensics · 2 months
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Reviving from my slump to draw Lucerys-
Actually it was less of a slump and more of a starting a physically exhausting job and just not being able to do anything after a day at work.
BUT im back and bring lucerys art with a vague idea of Lucerys looking unaware/disinterested despite the crown of (dragon) fangs which the whole idea was to reference Vhagars bite-
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the-enby-jedi · 4 days
sims 4 clone wars teehee
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My Obi-Wan sim looks like shit I know but in my defense base game facial hair sucks
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airlocksandaviaries · 4 months
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stedefxckingbonnet · 5 months
hello hello! i don’t think i’ve seen anything like this yet, so may i request izzy x gn!reader who’s a bit insecure?
maybe they struggle with body image or something and izzy is basically like “how are they so blind??” but he struggles to express it because he’s never had to be so soft for anyone?
of course, ignore it if you’re not comfortable with it! :)
Hi, everyone!!
So, it's been a while. And I mean, a while. Longer than I wanted to step away from writing, and I never really wanted to step away from it in the first place but some stuff happened and yada yada. But I'm truly, truly hoping to be back and writing again to some capacity, I have truly missed writing for Izzy and for you all and I feel as though the world needs Izzy Hands content now more than ever! I truly do hope to be back.
I hope you don't mind that I put my own spin onto this, anon! You provided the lovely central plot and idea, and I simply provided an atmosphere and story to go with. Body image/insecurity is something I struggle with too, no matter how many times people tell me that I am beautiful, and I tried to channel that in this one. I am also not trying to send the message that other people's validation is what can make a person feel better about themself! I am more so trying to convey that the one(s) we love can often show us things about ourselves that we didn't know were there or didn't see before, and that they help us to love and appreciate these things about ourselves, and ourselves in general. You all who are reading this are so, so wonderful and beautiful and extraordinary even if you have a hard time believing it, and maybe your comfort character can help you to believe it a bit more in this little fic♡
Anyhow, please, request! Don't hesitate! My messages are also always open for anyone who needs anything but also just to say hi or talk about anything really. Thank you all for your everlasting support, patience, and kindness especially through my sort of absence ♡ Also, please, if I have used your gif or you know who created it, please credit yourself or them! I am not always good at figuring that sort of stuff out, but I want to give credit where credit is due. Have a wonderful day (or night), everyone!
What I See | Izzy Hands x Reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, slight swearing, struggles with body image and insecurity, very direct izzy (in a good, affectionate way but may be inaccurate ish? but i believe it isn't)
Word Count: 2525
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"I just don't understand it!" the first mate angrily threw his hands up in the air. "I just don't understand why Bonnet is dragging us to one of those stupid...fancy people gatherings."
You couldn't help but laugh at such a sight, seeing Izzy Hands so distraught, though his usual cloud of anguish didn't seem to surround him. This was different, something you couldn't exactly place, but it was endearing nonetheless. "A ball, you mean?" your lips curled into a playful smile.
"I don't care what it's called," Izzy grumbled. "All I know is that I don't want to be there."
"It could be fun!" you suggested, your smile growing larger.
"Has Bonnet brainwashed you somehow?" Izzy rolled his eyes, but for just a moment, maybe, you could have sworn you saw a smile on the first mate's visage.
"If worse comes to worse, there'll be plenty of alcohol to drink," you laughed, softly squeezing Izzy's shoulder. Subtle touches like these between the two of you were second nature, almost instinctual, yet you were certain Izzy didn't make much of it and plainly saw them as something friendly. You almost sighed at such a thought.
And perhaps you had your own motives for wanting to drag Israel Hands along to such an event. Perhaps it gave you an excuse to hold him close to you without him suspecting a single thing, just that it was all custom meant to be followed in such a setting. You thought maybe, just maybe, it would be the opportune night to spend some more time with Izzy, just the two of you in the moonlight, dancing and chatting the night away, cheek to cheek...
"Fancy people alcohol," Izzy groaned in response, snapping you out of your daydream, to which luckily, he didn't notice you had slipped into in the first place.
"It's better than nothing," you rolled your eyes playfully. "Now, come on. Bonnet's got some fabrics for us to borrow, he says. I've come to fetch you," you now smiled teasingly.
"Oh, joy!" Izzy exclaimed sarcastically, yet he still followed your lead.
The only reason he was even remotely tolerating the night ahead was to be able to find himself closer to you, away from the chaos of The Revenge and all else it had to offer. Spending a night with you wouldn't be dreadful in the slightest for Izzy, and had you not been attending at all, he wouldn't even hesitate to let Ed and Stede go off to this awful event by themselves. But even Stede knew that your presence was enough to get Izzy to agree to such a thing, and really, what could be more convincing than you?
Before Izzy could comprehend it, your figure was wrapped in an ethereal ensemble. You studied yourself in the mirror, a frown naturally falling upon your face, though it quickly faltered as he came into view.
By the sea gods, you looked astonishing. Izzy already knew you would be the most bewitching of the ball, and that perhaps he would have to compete with other awful suitors of high society to even just get a moment alone with you. He almost became troubled at the thought, but your unmatched beauty was enough to distract him from such a notion. You had taken his breath away and this wasn't exactly a feeling he was used to, though it wasn't one that he disliked. No, not at all. In fact, he could get used to this, and he wanted to. Even though his own reflection stood right before him, he couldn't take his eyes off of you. He never could have fathomed until he met you that someone could be so breathtaking, so...alluring.
But all you were thinking about is how your clothing seemed to accentuate all of the wrong features, in your eyes.
'And the color—it washes me out, doesn't it?' you thought to yourself, almost fighting back tears.
Finally, Izzy spoke, though he immediately regret doing so. "Will you be comfortable?" He almost began to scold himself. 'That's all you have to say? This attractive person is standing right beside you and that's all you can manage to say?'
"Oh, yes. I've got plenty of moving room," you assured him, doing your best to step out of your own head for a moment. You even tried to shoot him a convincing smile. "I'll be just fine."
Finally, your eyes wandered over to his image, instead of focusing either at your own reflection or onto the ground. You felt your face becoming warm as you caught a glimpse of the man before you—how he was transformed, yet, still the Izzy Hands you knew and loved. Only elevated, and even more enchanting than usual. Your jaw almost dropped to the ground.
"What? I look fucking dumb, don't I?" Izzy laughed annoyedly.
"No! No, Izzy, you look..."
Before you could finish your statement, Stede rushed in. "You two ready to go? Oh, look at the two of you! You look divine!"
You looked over at Izzy, sending a supportive, yet spirited smile his way. Izzy couldn't help but return the sentiment as the two of you were ushered off of the ship and into another realm unbeknownst to the both of you.
Some of the sweetest melodies you had ever heard began to surround you as you stepped into the ornately decorated room. You could hardly believe how much space there was in just one part of this residence, and that it was dedicated for dancing and other sorts of happenings similar to these. Before you knew it, for just a moment, you succumbed to your wonder of what having a life like this would entail, though you were quickly reminded of your distaste towards it when you saw a woman weeping and being chased out of the room by a man screaming extreme obscenities toward her. You and Izzy slowly looked toward one another in disbelief, the both of you fighting off laughter.
"It's not too late to get out of here," Izzy whispered.
You rolled your eyes with that same familiar grin this action always seemed to come with. "We're hardly even here."
Defeated, Izzy sighed and slumped against a wall, though quickly coming off it as soon as he spotted Stede glaring daggers at him from across the room. Another sigh escaped his lips, and you burst into a fit of laughter, unable to contain yourself. As annoyed as Izzy was at what just happened, your laughter was an antidote, and he was certainly taking it in.
Though, his newfound smile quickly faltered when he noticed a handsome stranger eyeing you from a few feet away. But you didn't even notice that someone else had noticed you—you only cared if the man in front of you had, and he seemed to be occupied by something else.
"Iz?" you asked in confusion. "What is it?"
Without another word, Izzy motioned his head to the side, to which you finally noticed the attention of another that you had captured.
"And?" you shook your head, unsure of what Izzy had been insinuating.
"He wants to dance with you," Izzy pointed out, rolling his eyes without realizing. "And you should have some fun. Don't let me hold you back."
You opened your mouth to speak in protest, but quickly closed it once again. How would you admit, in the midst of a stuffy room with a plethora of people you don't know who are all dancing and speaking at the top of their lungs, that all you had looked forward to this evening was to sharing a dance with Izzy Hands and no one else? That it was the only reason you even considered forcing yourself into an outfit that made you feel bad about yourself, even worse than you already do, and surrounding yourself with a million strangers whilst doing it? The thought alone sounded like a nightmare, but with Izzy by your side, it sounded like a dream come true. But Izzy was pushing you toward this stranger before you could comprehend it, and then you watched Izzy's figure disappear slowly into the distance as you were whisked away.
"I've never seen you here before," the stranger pointed out. "And if I had, I think I'd remember a beautiful person such as yourself."
These words made your insides twist. Your companion spoke with sincerity, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe it. 'He's just being polite,' you told yourself, brushing it off.
"It's been a few years," you lied, not wanting to blow your cover, or especially Stede's cover, as you were sure he wasn't exactly welcomed back into an environment such as this. "I don't usually speak to many."
"Well, isn't it my lucky day then?" he laughed. "No one here even compares to you. You are something special. What did you say your name was?"
But before the perhaps unlucky stranger knew it, you were nowhere to be found. You kept running until your environs became darker, and the moon was your only source of light. You leaned against the railing of a balcony, your vision blurred by tears. You flinched upon feeling a hand on your shoulder, but quickly relaxed once you noticed out of your periphery that it was none other than Izzy's touch.
"Did he offend you? I swear, I'll have his head before he can even fucking think of using it again—"
"No, no. He didn't. It's fine, really," you shrugged, blinking back tears to the best of your ability. But even the darkness of the night failed to hide your misery. Izzy softened upon noticing your state.
"What is it?" he asked, concern dripping from his voice as he looked at you intently. You stared at your hands gripping the railing, but you quickly tore your eyes away from that sight and stared out into the night.
"I—This is why I didn't want to come tonight!" you exclaimed.
"You—but you were so—"
"Excited? Yeah, right," you laughed sadly, shaking your head.
"What is it?" Izzy repeated, worry written all over his face. "Are you sure I don't need to behead anyone?"
Another laugh escaped you. "No, Izzy. He—he said I was beautiful. That's not a crime."
"He wasn't wrong," Izzy shrugged, a small smile making its way onto his face. With this, you couldn't help but meet Izzy's eyes, and you couldn't help but return a smile. Though quickly, it vanished, and your original demeanor overtook you once again.
"He was though," you protested. "This is why I don't like coming to these things. Squeezing myself into these clothes."
"I know these clothes are a bit ridiculous," Izzy laughed. "But yet you still manage to be so...beautiful."
Your heart began to do pirouettes inside your chest. For once in your life, part of you believed such a statement could be directed toward yourself. But Izzy could see the plagued expression on your face.
"You don't believe me?"
You shook your head as you finally allowed tears to fall down your face and drip onto your chest. Izzy frowned and took a few steps closer to you so as to gently wipe away your tears with his thumb, though his hand lingered for a moment longer, caressing your cheek as he was about to speak.
"You could be covered in dirt and I'd still find you beautiful," Izzy assured you. "You know, when I first saw you, I knew even then that you were. And you become more so every single day. You are the most enchanting person I've ever crossed paths with and laid my eyes upon. And there's so many things about the world I find are awful to have to experience and look at, but not you. You're the opposite of everything that's wrong with the world."
Sobs escaped your chest as you fell into Izzy's arms, to which he instinctively caught you, engulfing you carefully in his arms. He softly wrapped his fingers in your hair as he held you. 'I am holding the world in my arms right now,' he thought to himself, and thank the sea gods your face was buried into the crook of his neck and you couldn't see the grin that conquered his lips.
As for you, you never believed it when anyone else said these sorts of things to you. You found it impossible to believe these things about yourself; there were even days where you'd purposefully avoid any sort of reflective surface just to ensure that you don't break down. Sometimes, you couldn't even bear to look at yourself. But hearing Izzy declaring all of this to you—for the first time, perhaps you would actually be able to believe it.
Your silence made beads of sweat form atop Izzy's temple, but he didn't dare let you go to wipe them away. You clung onto him tighter, which only thawed Izzy's heart even more. He couldn't believe all that he just said, even though it was all true, and your lack of a response made his heart race even more.
"You are beautiful," Izzy repeated as he melted into your embrace, and embraced the shared silence. Something about it was comforting in a way he had never experienced before. If he could, he would exist in this moment forever.
Finally, you slowly pulled away, though your hands still clung onto the first mate's arms, and your faces were a short distance away from one another. At the same time, the two of you leaned in to close said distance between the two of you, and all bits of yearning, desire, love, and desperation poured out into this moment. Even without Izzy's words, he had already managed to make you feel lovely in every way even just by him being around. He was the one person who managed to help you see what was so amazing about yourself. You quickly melted into the sudden collision of your lips and he kissed you with a fervor that you had been craving from him for as long as you could remember. You smiled against his lips, and once air became scarce, the two of you simultaneously sought it. Once you both pulled apart for air, a collective joyous laugh filled both of your ears.
"I only wanted to come to this stupid thing because you'd be here," you admitted, and you were sure your cheeks were as red as the roses in the garden that surrounded you.
Izzy couldn't help but smile. "I wasn't going to come until Bonnet mentioned you would be. I meant what I said, you know. You are beautiful, and I'm sorry, but you're fucking dumb if you don't see that."
You threw your head back as you laughed before meeting Izzy's gaze once again. "You are so beautiful," Izzy repeated once again, all teasing aside to show his sincerity. You reached for his hand and squeezed it tenderly as the two of you looked out into nighttime, but all Izzy could focus on was how even more ravishing you looked as the moon illuminated your face.
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twinnedpeaks · 1 year
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WANDERLUST, or the skill of camouflage, by salem m. s.
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qingxin-dream · 11 months
“Crack of Thunder”
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summary | after watching people fling themselves at you as you travel through teyvat, wanderer reaches his breaking point. (art credits: @/xiaojiaju on twitter)
warnings | profanity, hella jealous, possessive, toxic, scars, wanderer backstory, reader calls wanderer “ren”
genre | angst, thriller/action
word count | 2.6k
pairing | wanderer/scaramouche x reader
Warmth. Comfort. It blankets you like a sweet dream, paralyzing you under its marvelous web of desire. The clouds descend on you like a thick fog, enshrouding you in a safe haven of your own making. You happily entangle myself in its grasp, until a cool drop hits your nose. Then another and another.
“Get up,” a deep baritone voice cuts through your delightful subconscious, causing you to groan and rub your eyes. He scoffs, “It’s about to rain.”
You recoil from the brightness of the sky, even as it is dull and darkened by a sheet of storm gray clouds. His eyes linger on you as you sat up slowly. Your eyes barely begin to adjust to your surroundings—a dead campfire, two sleeping bags, and rolling meadows empty and dampened by the looming storm—your companion snaps his fingers.
“Alright, alright, I’m up,” you grumble, hurriedly packing your things into the adventure bag. “Good morning to you too.”
You can hear the gentle jingle of the ornaments on the ribbons of his hat as he shakes his head in disapproval. “You should know by now I’m not going to wake you with eggs and bacon and a forehead kiss or whatever you humans do.”
“I would pay good money to see that.” You chuckle, flashing a smirk his way. It was never too early in the morning to pester your traveling companion, especially when he makes it so tantalizingly easy.
“You would,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes as if expected such a sarcastic response from you.
Your companion is a man of many names, a well-traveled individual who has roamed Teyvat for hundreds of years. Though now he typically introduces himself as the Wanderer to others, to you he is simply Ren.
When he first met you through the Vahumana darshan of the Akademiya, you were told he was the Hat Guy. You vividly remember him tilting his head up at you, the intricate baby blue embroidery of a lotus catching your eye on the underside of his hat. He was definitely a foreigner, and you knew he had a reputation for being both elusive and sardonic.
Before he could even introduce himself properly, you had let ‘Ren’ slip from your lips, noting the symbolic patterns on his clothing. The eccentric raised an amused eyebrow at you. He was impressed you were vaguely familiar with his native tongue, and somehow the name stuck.
It was a condition of mutual tolerance. At least, that’s what he told you. However, once you both warmed up to each other over time after working on a few departmental projects, the layers quickly unfurled and the rest is history.
He convinced you to join him on a sabbatical of sorts through a few nations for a comprehensive study, which is exactly how you ended up here. Though he often blames it on his mentor, a little girl you’ve met only once with soft white hair and brilliant green eyes. You gave him an incredulous look when Ren had explained his relation to her, and the Dendro Archon simply smiled knowingly at you as she sent you both off.
Admittedly, the trip has been less academic than anticipated. Every time you remind him of the work at hand, he immediately shuts you down. Ren is your senior after all, so you keep your lips sealed.
“(Y/N),” the firm edge to his words catches your attention amid your scattered thoughts.
“Did you say something?” you mindlessly reply. A moment passes before your eyes flick to his and you realize he’s giving you a deadpan expression.
“If I had known you were going to be this absentminded the whole trip, I would have left you in Sumeru,” Ren sighs. You stop in your tracks, knitting your eyebrows together in shame and looking anywhere but at him.
Your wrist is snatched without hesitation, launching you directly into his chest. “Hey!” you yelp, desperately reaching out to his shoulders to hopefully catch your balance at the last second.
The wind picks up, rustling through the foliage ominously. Impatience flickers within Ren’s violet irises at the sudden flash of lightning and is echoed by the roll of thunder that followed.
“You have a habit of just grabbing me whenever you feel like it, you know that? What the hell did I do?”
Ren clicks his tongue. “You certainly have had no problem letting any other man touch you during this excursion.”
Your cheeks flare a bright warm hue in complete disbelief at the audacity of his claim. Yanking your wrist from his hand, you ball your fists at your sides. “Excuse me?”
Ren opens his mouth, more than ready to lash out at you as if it’s a grudge he’s been harboring for awhile. He catches himself, narrowing his gaze. Your insolence surely knows no bounds.
“Don’t feign ignorance,” he retorts, the ribbons of his hat swirling ominously behind him in the wind of the incoming storm. You could tell he was on the verge of snapping. “Must you always be so preoccupied with trivial insects?”
You scoff at him indignantly. “What have you been doing since we left Sumeru, huh? Not the assignment we were given! You have no right to judge me, and what do you even care?”
The accents of Ren’s dark and sheer bodysuit begin to glow with Anemo energy. The wind picks up, and you have a feeling it’s not from the storm overhead. He was practically glaring daggers at you, taking you by the wrist and walking away furiously.
Stumbling forward and nearly tripping repeatedly, you struggle to keep up with his quickening pace deeper into the wetlands. Your surroundings dulled from the thickening of the clouds above, now swirling dangerously. You wouldn’t have been able to make out anything in front of you if it weren’t for the luminescent rings of Anemo on his wrists.
“W-where are we going?” you cry out, but the breeze threatens to drown out your voice as it rips through the trees. “Shit, I’m sorry, okay?”
“Brace yourself,” he growls and without warning, he scoops you right off of your feet. Ren’s hat dissipated into a gorgeous blue lotus on his back, framing his face like a ethereal angel. But his words were anything but heavenly.
In an instant, Ren darted through the maze of trees like it was nothing. His electric irises pulsed a soft royal purple, as if he could see the obstacles ahead ten seconds in advance and violently weaved through the forest with you helplessly in his embrace.
You felt your mouth open to scream, but by the time you realized what was happening, you weren’t sure if you had screamed at all. “R-Ren! S-stop! You’re going to kill us!”
His gaze ahead didn’t falter once, focusing ahead like some sort of wild predator. You notice his voice is deeper and more agitated, yet it did retain his signature sarcasm. “What? Don’t you trust me? I wouldn’t think you’d travel across the entirety of Teyvat with someone you don’t trust in the first place.”
“Please!” You desperately climb on him, wrapping your arms around his neck like your life depended on it. Knowing him, it very well might. “Put me down! This is insane!”
Ren grunts in amusement. “I like you better when you beg, (Y/N). Do it again.”
Suddenly, he grips you tightly, coming to an abrupt halt. The wind is no longer deafening your ears; rather, it is the thousands of gallons of water rushing over the cliff face into oblivion below. You peer over his shoulder and shriek at how high you are suspended over certain death.
He can feel how rapid your little human heartbeat is pounding against his hollow chest and smirks mischievously. “It would be a shame if I lost my grip on you. The mist is quite slippery.”
“D-don’t you dare, Ren!” You yell, though it is more out of primal fear than a place of power. He’s right though, the pads of your fingers are losing their grasp on his skin.
“You think you can bark orders at me when you so clearly have no idea what you do to me?” He growls, looking down at you with disdain. “…How dare you.”
Just when you felt like you couldn’t breath any faster like a frightened rabbit, the air was ripped from your lungs as the puppet let you fall through his arms. Tears are swept from your eyes in the wind, lost in the suffocating mist of the waterfall. The last thing you see is the expression of pity etched on his beautiful face.
Ren handles the gravity of your fall with surprising grace, catching you inches above the lake’s surface. The utter magnitude of the maneuver sent shockwaves across the water, continuing to move at intense speeds hovering just above the water as he traverses it.
Imploring you once more, his voice is sharp and dangerous, threatening you to disobey. “You know what I am. What I am designed for. What I am capable of.”
You feel yourself becoming dizzy as Ren shoots up vertically out of nowhere, swirling erratically and ensnaring you both in a raging water spout. He notices your hold on him weakening, his temper throttled by the sight of your eyes beginning to roll in the back of your head.
“Hey,” he commands your attention, but consciousness is eluding you. The gust softens into a warm breeze through your hair, attempting to rustle you awake. “I’m not done with you. I didn’t say you could pass out.”
A groan rumbles in your throat and you lazily raise your head to face him. Frankly, you wish you could strangle him for toying with you like this, but you’re at his mercy. You need him, there’s no denying it. “P-please… down…”
“Not before you answer me,” Ren’s tone is still firm, but nevertheless has an edge to that betrays the vulnerability he feels right now. “Why do you flock to others? What is the point in even… keeping me around?”
The question clicks vividly in your mind, like the forbidden key to Pandora’s box.
You distinctly remember the day the Wanderer let his guard down, using the innate power of his divine gaze to show you his story just like he did for Haypasia.
You had seen how he fumbled through human existence as a lowly puppet by the name of Kabukimono, learning the meaning of camaraderie but also the fickle, cruel nature of humanity. The puppet’s innocence had been stripped of him and without a heart, the feelings of betrayal and vengeance festered in the void of his chest like wildfire.
You had watched with sorrow as Kunikuzushi had turned his back on the world, smiting the blade smithing arts as revenge for the loss of those he held dear.
You felt every ounce of pain he did after he was taken in by the Fatui as Scaramouche, the Balladeer—experimented and corrupted in the depths of the Abyss.
You witnessed his ascension to godhood and his downfall. It plays through your head like a horrific flashback, how he desperately sought to erase his existence. He had shared every sickening thought and every visceral emotion. Every damned bit of it.
The weight of the realization is soul-crushing for him. He works tirelessly to maintain this stoic façade, fortifying his walls with endless insults and distancing himself constantly so he doesn’t have to face you.
In a twisted sense, he takes pride in knowing you’ve seen the darkest parts of his past. It serves as a clear warning to never betray him. Ren can destroy anyone and anything that has the gall to keep him from you. That’s not a threat, but a promise he gave you from the very beginning.
You were just too foolish to read between the lines.
Yet, Ren, the puppet, the Wanderer, is starved for the sublime satisfaction in preoccupying every ounce of your sacred attention. But he is chained by his egotism, for he should never need to stoop so low as begging for you.
The sound of his displeasure thrusts you back into reality, your heart fluttering like that of a hummingbird’s wing. You still haven’t answered him.
“I won’t hesitate to crush the next idiot who thinks they have any right to you,” Ren grits through his teeth, his words stinging you venomously. His grip tightens on you, the possessiveness practically striking through his fingertips like an electric current.
After taking a deep, measured breath, he decides to descend to the ground, carefully setting you on your feet. Immediately, you stumble forward and grab the bark of a nearby tree. The feeling of the grass beneath your feet is foreign after speeding through the air, giving you a sort of whiplash.
Once your eyes and bearings adjust, you see the cloth of his black belt fall to the floor. It’s starting to sprinkle and thunder bellows. The purple mauve of Ren’s disheveled hair darkens under the rain, sticking to his pale cheeks.
“W-what the hell are you doing?” you stutter out nervously, your lungs trying to recover from the acrobatics he performed with you.
“Shut it,” he demands. “Look.”
He reaches to unzip his bodysuit, making quick work of it, and shrugs off the white robe. The cloth falls over his hips, as does the top half of his bodysuit, revealing his toned chest. Ren approaches you intently, rain droplets beading down his muscles. You simply can’t help it as your eyes drink in his sculpted figure, memorizing every riveting contour.
Your eyes settle on a certain imperfection. It stretches up to his defined collarbone and all the way down to his upper abdomen. On his left, there resides an indistinguishable pattern of shattered lines racing in every which direction outward.
The cracks of a desolate cavity where a human heart would be, where a Gnosis should be, but instead is bathed in oblivion.
“Look at me, (Y/N),” Ren repeats, although this time with desperation. Your heart wrenches. You are compelled to reach out to his shoulder, but you find yourself distressed with how fragile he may truly be. He looks as if he is terrified of losing you.
“I have no heart. I have no soul. I have no human flesh,” he continues, his hair hiding his eyes. He digs his nails into the skin of his wretched imperfection. “The price for my sins… shouldn’t afford me an impossibility like you. Someone who eases my existence.”
“Ren,” you interject, finally putting your foot down amid all this nonsense. You don’t care that he’s a puppet. You don’t care that he committed atrocities. To hell with it. Let the rain pour, let it soak and wash away the filth of it all. “Why would it be impossible for you to deserve kindness?”
Your words hang in the air. His glistening periwinkle eyes peer at you through the damp strands of his bangs as he raised his head, evidently taken aback by your response.
For some reason, a faint smile curls up on the corner of your lips. You slip your fingers over his, clutching them over his chest. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The puppet lets out a dry chuckle, leaning in closer to you. There’s this indescribable, profound relief on his face in the way his eyebrows scrunch together. It’s almost as if he’s in both disbelief and deep reverence of you.
“You have no idea how many centuries I’ve waited for you,” the Wanderer whispers, trailing his thumb down your jaw before finally capturing your lips with his own.
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thanks for reading! reblogs are appreciated! my masterlist
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eyeofthechasm · 8 days
again and again. (Act 2->3 transition)
Ok this one has. Lots of warnings.
Cw for: blood, emotional numbness (still don’t rlly know. kinda????), suicide (not written but HEAVILY implied), self deprecation/self hate
> LOOP 33
Your body jolts.
You’re. back.
You’re leaned over the sink, hands on either side of the cool porcelain, staring down into the drain.
Again again again again again!
You did everything right, didn’t you? You got through the House without any road-bumps, helped Mira remember her carrot method, beat the King, talked to the Head Housemaiden, EVERYTHING.
You stare at your reflection. You look so tired. You are tired. You’ve memorized every detail of your face. Every wrinkle under your eyes, every stray hair, the way your choker sits juust off center.
Your expression is blank.
You wish you could be like this more.
Oh, how simple that would be, not having to force your expressions all the time. But no! You can’t! You can’t, because then your friends will get worried! About you! And then you’ll have to start all over again because stars blinding forbid you show anything other than normalcy. Than your laid back, carefree attitude they rely on to keep themselves together.
You’re being far too rude.
They care too much.
Too much for someone as rude and pathetic and incapable as-
The sink. cracks. under your hands. You watch as your blood runs down the cracked porcelain, catching in the newly formed grooves and gaps, staining the darkless surface an ugly shade of lightless.
Oh. You. must’ve been gripping that much harder than you . thought you were.
Oh well. At least it’s at the very start. Not a big deal.
You yank a dagger from your hip hand-
> LOOP 34
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corpsekitsune · 2 years
Raph dating headcanons
Reader is g/n || requests are CLOSED
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*gently slaps raph’s shell* this boy is a straight up GENTLEMAN
He’s so soft towards you.
It does kinda tick you off cause he’s afraid of hurting you.
You’re so tiny and fragile.
He loves you so much!
When you lay down to watch movies you sit in his lap or lay on his chest, his hates horror movies so much.
He nearly cried once.
Watching you play video games is quite fun, he doesn’t know why but he finds it calming to listen to you press buttons.
He really likes when you give him gifts
Unrelated but I have headcanon that he prefers dark chocolate
If you go on walks with him be prepared to pet every single animal you see.
Dogs love him they’ll randomly run at him at the park and he has to hide when their owners see him.
He always carrying you everywhere. You just hop on his back and sit up there. If your afraid of heights he gets it.
Also please play animal crossing and stardew valley with him. Please he wants to show you his farm it’s so pretty.
Also he’s really good at DDR like scary good.
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